Sensitive tooth enamel causes. Increased sensitivity after filling. Why do teeth become sensitive?

Statistics show that every second person suffers from severe tooth pain when eating hot or cold food. In medicine, this disease is called hyperesthesia. It can be an independent disease or a symptom. People suffering from hyperesthesia often ask the question: “How to relieve tooth sensitivity?” Modern medicine offers many ways to get rid of such an unpleasant phenomenon. In addition, there are also effective traditional methods. So, today we will talk about tooth sensitivity (how to relieve it, reviews, causes, ways to prevent the disease).

Causes of tooth sensitivity

  • Damage to enamel and the occurrence of carious defects.
  • Presence of wedge-shaped damage in the area of ​​the tooth neck.
  • Periodontitis. Exposure of necks and
  • Frequent use of pastes. The composition of such products includes abrasive fillers (silicon compounds) and chemical substances, which contribute to the destruction of calcium.
  • Presence (demineralization of enamel).
  • Regular consumption of foods high in acid. Acid-containing fruits contribute to the leaching of calcium from the enamel. This, in turn, leads to the fact that hard shell teeth become porous. It begins to respond to temperature and mechanical stimuli.
  • Increased tooth sensitivity may be associated with the procedure professional cleaning. The enamel, covered with hard deposits, becomes very thin. After professional cleaning, plaque is removed, and the necks of the teeth remain unprotected and are highly exposed to mechanical and chemical irritants.

Types of tooth sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity (how to relieve discomfort and also prevent them reappearance- we will consider further) is a disease that is caused in every person for various reasons. That is why, before prescribing medications for the treatment of such an ailment, the dentist determines the type of hyperesthesia.

Let's look at the signs by which tooth sensitivity is classified.

1. By origin:

  • Caused by pathologically increased abrasion of tooth enamel.
  • Not associated with damage to hard tissues.

2. By degree of distribution:

  • Organic form. to chemical and mechanical irritants appears in the area of ​​one or more teeth. The occurrence of such a disease occurs in the presence of carious and non-carious cavities, after filling or bleaching.
  • Generalized form. Increased sensitivity to any irritants manifests itself in the area of ​​most teeth. The occurrence and progression of hyperesthesia in this case is associated with such defects as multiple caries and pathological abrasion.

Symptoms and diagnosis

In order to understand how to relieve tooth sensitivity quickly and effectively, you need to know the main symptoms of this disease.

The main sign indicating the presence of hyperesthesia is sharp pain. It occurs when a tooth interacts with any irritants. Often pain can occur even when cold or hot air enters the oral cavity. With increased tooth sensitivity, every meal is accompanied by unpleasant sensations. Hyperesthesia not only causes suffering to a person, but also interferes with dental intervention. Thus, any action of the doctor may be accompanied by acute or aching pain at the patient.

The presence of hyperesthesia is diagnosed during an examination by a dentist. As a rule, the doctor can immediately determine the cause and extent of the disease. If during the examination it was not possible to find out why the patient is bothered by toothache while eating, then an x-ray examination is performed.

Traditional methods of treating hyperesthesia

After diagnosis, the dentist may suggest that the patient undergo a remineralization course. During this procedure, the enamel is saturated with calcium, so it is less exposed to chemical and mechanical irritants. During therapy, drugs are used that promote recovery mineral composition enamels. Fluoride-based products may also be used. This procedure in dentistry is called fluoridation. It includes the use of drugs with a high content of substances that enhance the remineralizing functions of fluoride ions.

Filling, like other dental procedures, can cause tooth sensitivity. Caries destroys hard tissue and negatively affects nerve endings. That is why it is necessary to treat the defect immediately. This will help avoid the risk of developing serious diseases and tooth loss.

In some cases, after filling, the patient may experience a painful reaction to temperature, chemical and mechanical stimuli. This is due to the fact that during treatment, the integrity of not only the tooth tissues, but also the nerve endings is damaged. As a rule, pain disappears a few days after filling.

If sensitivity does not go away within a few days, you should consult a doctor. Depending on the causes and nature of the pain, the dentist may prescribe the following procedures:

  • channel cleaning;
  • pulp removal;
  • therapy with special pastes and rinses that help reduce tooth sensitivity.

Whitening is a dental procedure that changes the color of enamel. This method allows you to achieve the effect " Hollywood smile", however, it is not completely safe. The chemicals contained in whitening products greatly irritate the nerve endings and thin the enamel. This is why very often patients complain of increased tooth sensitivity after the procedure.

So, how to get rid of pain after whitening?

1. The first day after the procedure, the teeth are very sensitive. At this time, you should avoid drinking too hot or cold drinks, sour and sweet foods.

2. Brush your teeth soft brush, which does not destroy weak porous enamel after bleaching.

3. Use special means(gels, pastes, rinses) that contain fluoride. This substance closes the pores in hard tissues formed during whitening and promotes enamel regeneration.

Toothpastes and rinses to reduce sensitivity

People suffering from hyperesthesia often have a question: “How to relieve tooth sensitivity at home?” Modern manufacturers offer a wide selection of products that are effective in combating this disease. Special toothpastes and rinses, when used regularly, help to quickly get rid of pain during use food and consumption of cold and hot drinks. These products include the following substances: potassium chloride, amino fluoride, strontium acetate, hydroxyapatite, plant extracts and antiseptics. They help reduce the sensitivity of the nerves in the dentin canals and saturate the teeth with useful minerals.

The use of special pastes and rinses that reduce the level of sensitivity helps to quickly cure hyperesthesia, especially if it is caused by the whitening procedure. These products should be used 2 times a day for a month.

Other medicines for desensitization

Let's look at the most popular and effective medications in the fight against hyperesthesia.

1. Gel “Fluocal”. Part this drug included active compounds fluorine They contribute to the formation of a mineral layer on the enamel. This helps not only to reduce the sensitivity of teeth to various irritants, but also to prevent the occurrence of caries. It is recommended to use the gel once every six months.

2. Film “Dipelen Denta F”. Self-adhesive film consists of two layers. The internal one attaches directly to the enamel and provides therapeutic effect. The outer layer protects the film and teeth from saliva during therapy. This remedy is one of the most effective in the fight against hyperesthesia. This is due to the fact that fluoride contained in the inner layer of the film affects the teeth for a long time (from 6 to 8 hours).

3. GS TOOTH MOUSSE ointment. This ointment contains a large amount of calcium and phosphorus. It is applied to the teeth and forms a special film that protects the enamel from the negative effects of acids and closes the dentinal canals.

Traditional methods of combating hyperesthesia

Modern medicine knows many herbal tinctures and decoctions that quickly and effectively combat hyperesthesia. So, how to relieve tooth sensitivity using folk remedies? Let's look at the most popular recipes.

  • Regular rinsing helps reduce tooth sensitivity. oral cavity oil tea tree.
  • A decoction of snakeweed is an effective remedy in the fight against hyperesthesia. In addition, this medicine strengthens the gums and eliminates bad breath.
  • Burdock decoction will allow you to quickly remove toothache.
  • Tincture of chamomile and lemon balm has a calming effect and reduces the sensitivity of nerve endings.
  • A decoction of eggplant peel powder helps strengthen enamel.
  • Boiled milk reduces tooth sensitivity. It should be drunk regularly in small sips.
  • Sesame oil helps to quickly relieve toothache caused by various irritants.

Often after dental procedures appears acute reaction to temperature and chemical stimuli. Moderate, subsiding pain that lasts no more than 2 weeks is considered normal. However strong sensitivity teeth after filling indicates a violation of treatment technology and the development of complications.

The scientific name for excessive sensitivity is hyperesthesia. This disease is characterized by thinning of the enamel. As a result irritants penetrate into dentin ( inner layer), and from there, along microscopic dentinal tubules, they reach the pulp (neurovascular bundle).

Pain appears on:

  • temperature stimuli: cold, hot;
  • chemical factors: spicy, salty, sour, sweet.

Moderate pain that subsides after the filling is installed is normal.

Additional Information! Direct thinning of the enamel is not enough for the development of hyperesthesia. The pathology is characterized by a change in the structure of dentin, a violation of the speed of fluid movement along the dentinal tubules.

Causes of sensitivity after filling

The main causes of hyperesthesia are damage to dental tissue and disruption of the adherence of the gums to the crown. Special variety diseases – increased sensitivity after filling.

Unpleasant sensations appear due to:

  • mechanical intervention: the impact of the drill violates the integrity of tissues, in recovery period minor pain is noted;
  • use of orthophosphoric acid: the preparation is used to treat the cavity for drying, degreasing and better adhesion of the material to the walls of the tooth.

Important! Minor pain after installation of a filling is considered normal. They should decrease daily, lasting from a couple of days to 2 weeks.

If the pain does not subside, it is a symptom of complications.

To reduce sensitivity, doctors treat the enamel with a special protective compound.

When hyperesthesia after filling persists for more than 14 days, and the discomfort intensifies, the cause is disturbances in:


Tooth sensitivity after filling can be relieved in three ways:

  1. In the clinic. The doctor will carry out calcium enrichment, or gel.
  2. Drugs. The patient is prescribed a desensitizing paste and fluoride-based rinses.
  3. Folk remedies. In addition to the main therapy, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with decoctions of chamomile, eucalyptus, oak bark, and sage.

Metal fillings have the highest expansion coefficient.

Additional Information! Fluoridation, use of medications and folk remedies They will only help in case of normal post-filling pain. If discomfort occurs as a result of dentist mistakes, the tooth will have to be re-treated.


Preventive measures can reduce or prevent sensitivity:

    • enriching the diet with foods with vitamin A: carrots, blueberries, liver, eggs;
    • exclusion of acids and carbonated drinks;
    • avoiding food that is too hot or cold;
    • cleaning with a soft bristle brush;
    • daily use of fluoride paste;
    • reduction of chewing load;
    • abolition of alcohol- and acid-containing mouth rinses.

Ideally, the tooth should not be disturbed afterwards. However, minor pain for two weeks is considered normal. Most often, sensitivity appears when installing metal and composite fillings - they have the highest expansion coefficient.

Hyperesthesia, which is what hypersensitivity of teeth is called in medicine, is not such a rare phenomenon: it affects about 40% of the population. If your teeth are irritated by almost everything besides the touch of a toothbrush: sour, sweet, salty, cold air and hot drinks, and literally immediately a sharp toothache appears - this indicates increased sensitivity of the tooth enamel.

But you can’t constantly deny yourself everything and eat only warm, unleavened cereals, so the problem needs to be solved somehow. Can I do this myself and if so, how?

Before answering this question, you should understand the structure of the tooth. On top it is covered with enamel, under which there is tissue (dentin) resembling bone, inside it there are thin tubules containing liquid.

These threads form a kind of system connecting the enamel with nerve cells located in the pulp of the tooth. Inside the dentinal tubules, in addition to fluid, there are nerve endings, which give a painful reaction for all kinds of irritants: sweets, cold and sour drinks, hard toothbrush, etc.

Tooth sensitivity can be caused by various reasons. Hyperesthesia requires immediate treatment , otherwise there is high risk development of other oral diseases.

The causes of hyperesthesia may be the following:

  • thinning of dentin or enamel;
  • violation of the integrity of nerve processes;
  • erosion;
  • mechanical damage to teeth.

Quite often the development of hyperesthesia occurs against the background of dental diseases carious and non-carious origin, as well as mechanical injuries and periodontal pathologies.

Hyperesthesia due to dental caries

Non-carious lesions are of the following types:

Enamel whitening at home or in the dentist's office, carried out unprofessionally, can lead to the loss of important microelements from the enamel, which causes its increased permeability and dentin sensitivity.

And if to this is added congenital weakness hard dental tissues, then very soon you risk encountering a problem such as very increased sensitivity of the teeth.

Professional cleaning of the oral cavity should only be performed by a highly qualified specialist, since increased sensitivity of the teeth can lead to unprofessional actions of a dentist.

Violation of the integrity of the enamel layer when using dental instruments, as well as excessive efforts when polishing teeth in the neck area also contributes to increased sensitivity and destruction of the structure of dental tissues.

Carious tooth lesions by themselves do not cause hyperesthesia. In case of caries, pain is not associated with increased tooth sensitivity caused by loss of minerals.

Nature pain syndrome in this case is determined by gradual destruction of the enamel layer cariogenic microbes. However, violation of the etching rules and socket filling techniques can provoke an increased reaction of the tooth to external stimuli.

Hyperesthesia is also caused various damages dental tissues that appeared as a result of injury: cracks, splits, chips and breaks of pieces of the crown.

What to do if your teeth become sensitive: home treatments

You can reduce tooth sensitivity with the help of medical procedures or yourself at home using traditional medicine.

Common chamomile, which can be purchased at any pharmacy, has strong antimicrobial and soothing properties. Simply brew the herb with boiling water and leave for a while. To carry out the procedure you will need 1 sachet.

Oak bark. Is an excellent remedy to reduce tooth sensitivity. You need to take 2 tbsp. l. oak bark, pour boiling water and evaporate over low heat until the amount of water is reduced by half. The result is a thick and rich decoction that can be used to treat hyperesthesia.

These decoctions are used as mouth rinse. They should be used immediately after oral hygiene procedures, 2 times a day: morning and evening. After some time, you will feel that the sensitivity of your teeth has decreased, and they themselves have become stronger.

Snake Highlander. A decoction based on this plant helps get rid of pain and also helps eliminate bad breath. To do this you need to take 5 grams. chopped knotweed root and pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes.

Melissa and chamomile. Place the collection of dry herbs in a thermos and pour boiled water, leave for 1 hour. Can be used as a rinse after brushing your teeth.

Eggplant peel decoction will help strengthen tooth enamel. It is necessary to take freshly peeled fruit peel, brew it with boiling water and leave it in a dark place.

Sesame oil will relieve you of pain, regardless of the nature of its origin. A few drops of this product are applied to a gauze swab and applied to the diseased tooth.

You can also use the following tips to reduce tooth sensitivity:

And, naturally, any healing therapy, the purpose of which is to reduce tooth sensitivity, necessarily involves the use of preventive measures.

Prevention of hyperesthesia

Prevention of the development of hyperesthesia is largely determined by the organization of the person himself and his desire to maintain dental health. Frequent use of whitening toothpaste is not recommended, as the harmful chemicals it contains negatively affect the lining of the tooth and cause its thinning.

To perform oral hygiene, you must use a paste that contains fluoride. You can also use special rinses, especially those containing calcium. However, it must be said that the effectiveness of these toothpastes is much lower than professional means, which are used in a dental office.

This is especially important if you need to relieve the symptoms of hyperesthesia and completely restore weakened tooth enamel that has lost a large amount of minerals. After all, a thin layer of enamel opens the way to the development of caries.

There are several types of semi-professional and quite effective means, which can be purchased freely. Drugs that make teeth less sensitive: Elmex-gel and mineral-rich R.O.C.S. gel. Medical Minerals. You can learn more about the use of these drugs by reading the instructions supplied with them.

Avoid consuming foods and drinks that contain harsh substances, such as acids. Their regular impact on the oral cavity can cause rapid thinning of tooth enamel, which, in turn, will lead to pain.

Not worth it chew hard foods and objects, endangering the health of your teeth. In addition, following some rules will help to avoid the development of hyperesthesia:

  • do not use aggressive methods of exposure to dental tissue, such as using lemon juice, or brushing with soda or salt to whiten the enamel;
  • don't forget about daily hygiene procedures oral cavity;
  • eat more products containing fluoride and calcium, this will help reduce the risk of hyperesthesia;
  • To brush your teeth, use only high-quality toothpaste and a toothbrush, which must be replaced when fibers appear;
  • after eating food containing acid, do not forget to rinse your mouth with warm water;
  • Visit your dentist regularly for checkups.

Preventing tooth sensitivity is much easier than getting rid of it.

Dental methods for treating tooth sensitivity

A visit to a doctor will help you get rid of such an unpleasant phenomenon as hyperesthesia. Dentists have a wide variety of means and methods to prevent dental hypersensitivity:

To prevent and treat the possible consequences of advanced hyperesthesia, it is recommended at the first sensation of discomfort in the oral cavity. contact a specialist.

With an exacerbation of tooth sensitivity, the microflora of the oral cavity changes, which can lead to the appearance of pathogenic plaque and the development of caries, followed by increased hyperesthesia, the occurrence of hyperplasia or gum recession, as well as the onset of other diseases.

Toothache is always unpleasant and frightening. It is clear that if a tooth hurts, it means inside goes strong inflammatory process. But it happens that when they external health. A person feels a sharp toothache when eating hot, cold, sour or salty food. It is usually said that the patient has increased tooth sensitivity. People eat food every day and similar factor can greatly poison their lives. We will discuss what to do in this case below.

Let's talk in more detail about the symptoms of the disease. Teeth may react severe pain on the following factors:

  • For foods with a high acid content.
  • For hot and cold temperature foods.
  • For alcoholic products.
  • For other drinks with a high acid content.
  • In a very cold wind.
  • In icy air.
  • When cleaning your mouth.
  • When rinsing teeth with special solutions.

It happens that a person feels the sensitivity of the teeth even when clenching them slightly.

What do patients usually say when visiting the dentist? Some say they can't drink cold things. Others say that their teeth “don’t feel good” while brushing. However, patients always agree on one point: the pain goes away after eliminating the irritating factor.

Symptoms can also constantly bother you, or they can suddenly go away. This is a state of remission. In this case, the patient may be bothered by one tooth, or the entire oral cavity may ache. Often patients cannot tell which tooth hurts, since the pain radiates to neighboring non-sick teeth

Teeth as an organ

This kind of tooth sensitivity is scientifically called hyperesthesia. Her teeth suffer because of their special structure, which we’ll talk about now. A tooth consists of the following main elements:

  • Pulp (also known as nerve).
  • Dental cement or dentin.
  • Root canal.
  • Enamel.

The basis of the tooth is dentin. The crown of the tooth is built from this substance. On top, dentin is covered with enamel, which protects dentin from irritating factors. Dentin contains the pulp or nerve. Due to it, the tooth is saturated and nourished. If, then the nutrition of the tooth stops. Such a tooth is considered dead.


Teeth may be sensitive for the following reasons:

  1. Violation physiological structure. If the tooth enamel is destroyed, then irritating factors will reach the dentin. And this, of course, will lead to severe pain.
  2. Demineralization of enamel or white spots on the tooth.
  3. Periodontitis, which results in exposure of the tooth root.
  4. Carious defects.
  5. Wedge-shaped damage to the neck of the tooth.
  6. Bruxism. This special habit. As a result of this action tooth enamel erased.

In addition, tooth sensitivity can be caused by some side causes:

  • Eating foods that contain high acid content. Such food washes calcium out of the enamel. As a result, the basic protection of the tooth suffers, and pores appear on the enamel.
  • Eating solid foods.
  • Excessive use of teeth whitening pastes, which contain special abrasive fillers and other chemicals that, in addition to cleaning, damage the enamel.
  • Professional cleaning. Under hard deposits there is always thinned enamel. Professional equipment and tools remove this plaque and leave the weak necks of the teeth exposed. As a result, sensitivity increases due to the slightest irritants.
  • Poor nutrition. A poor diet does not allow the body to obtain the required amount of microelements. As a result, calcium is pulled out of the teeth. The consumption of carbonated, sweet and sour foods especially destroys the hardened layer of teeth.
  • Using hard toothbrushes.
  • Smoking. Tobacco smoke contains a huge amount of poison, which negatively affects the condition of teeth.
  • Hereditary, genetic factor.
  • Pregnancy, which takes away the missing calcium for fetal development.
  • Hormonal imbalance.

If tooth sensitivity begins to bother you after a visit to dental clinic and the treatment performed, then most likely, poor quality work was done with the patient.

Sensitivity classification

Hyperesthesia has the following classification:

By origin

  1. Due to loss of hard tissue.
    Occurs as a result of tooth preparation for installation of crowns or other dental inlays. Appears mainly at the site of the carious cavity. May be a consequence of numerous. Such sensitivity often accompanies increased wear of dental tissue.
  2. Not associated with loss of cementum, enamel or dentin.
    Basically, such sensitivity occurs due to exposure of the roots during periodontal disease. Often appears in the neck area. Besides, painful sensations may arise due to other functional disruptions in the body.

According to the degree of sensation

  • First degree. The tooth reacts to temperature stimuli. According to the instruments, the electrical excitability of dentin is 8 microamps.
  • Second degree. The tooth reacts to temperature and chemical factors. Electrical excitability: 5 microamps.
  • Third degree. The tooth reacts to almost any irritant. Electrical excitability threshold: 3.5 microamps.

By prevalence

  • Sensitivity in the area of ​​one tooth or a small group. In this case, the teeth are affected by one carious cavity. They may have wedge-shaped defects. This sensitivity usually appears after preparation.
  • Sensitivity in the area of ​​a significant number of teeth. Hyperesthesia can affect both the teeth of one jaw and two jaws at once. Occurs after periodontal disease, multiple caries, progressive erosion and abnormal abrasion of dental tissue.

How to treat tooth sensitivity

Complete recovery is impossible without a dentist. The doctor will carefully examine the oral cavity and assess its condition. The plan for further recovery will depend on the severity of the disease.

If the cause of sensitivity is trauma, then one therapeutic treatment will be sufficient. Chips and cracks are restored using a special light-curing composite. Such materials give good results and completely restore the crown.

In case of caries it is also used therapeutic treatment. Only the dentist prescribes additional oral hygiene.

If tooth sensitivity occurs due to diseases of other organs, then another specialist treats this disease. The dentist will find that there are no problems in his part of the oral cavity and will refer you to another doctor. If hyperesthesia is a consequence of a detected disease, then after treatment the sensitivity will cease to bother you.

Treatment of bruxism

It is much more difficult to cure than a violation of the integrity of the crown. The same applies to malocclusion.

An orthodontist and a psychologist are involved in the treatment of bruxism. The last doctor finds out the cause of the bruxism, and the orthodontist installs special mouth guards that will protect the teeth from grinding at night. In addition, treatment is carried out to restore the enamel structure.


The enamel is restored well using the method. It is carried out this way:

  1. Placement of cotton swabs to isolate teeth from the flow of saliva.
  2. Bringing the surface to a dry state.
  3. Apply calcium gluconate solution or remodent to the surface for 7-8 minutes. This is done 3 times.
  4. Next, a sodium fluoride solution is applied to the teeth.

Remineralization preparations block the dentin tubules and clog the dentin tubules. As a result, the deposited microelements strengthen the dentin tissue.

Remineralization is also carried out from the inside. For these purposes, the patient is prescribed daily calcium gluconate.

To maximize the effect, a person with sensitivity should not drink fruit juices. sour foods, cold and hot food. Improvement usually occurs after seven procedures. You can completely get rid of painful sensitivity after 15 procedures.

The therapeutic effect lasts for a year. After this time, the procedures can be repeated.

Iontophoresis and gels

Another method is iontophoresis. Its essence is as follows: in dental tissue using charges galvanic current special medications are administered. Then they put on mouth guards, which not only protect the teeth and significantly reduce their sensitivity.

Teeth sensitivity is also reduced using special dental gels and varnishes. They stick to the surface conscientiously and thereby protect teeth from sensitivity.

Clinics also use Diplen film, which is glued to the surface of the teeth. The film contains medicinal ingredients that effectively reduce sensitivity.

Therapeutic and prophylactic pastes, which include bischofite, also help with hyperesthesia. The component suppresses and stops the growth of microorganisms. A similar paste is applied to therapeutic dressings for periodontal disease. Bishofite also acts on dentinal tubules. As a result, the paste clogs them, and tooth irritation does not occur.

Often, tooth sensitivity occurs after whitening. Now we’ll tell you how to make your life easier.

  • The first day is the hardest. Under strict ban at this time there should be sweets, sour foods, hot and cold.
  • Use only a soft brush to remove food debris.
  • Use only pastes with calcium and fluoride. Fluoride closes the formed pores and regenerates the enamel.

How to reduce tooth sensitivity at home

Traditional recipes will help to slightly reduce tooth sensitivity:

  1. Sesame oil. The product is applied to a piece of gauze and applied to the painful tooth.
  2. Chamomile and lemon balm decoction. Rinse the mouth with the product.
  3. Decoction of eggplant peel. Used for rinsing. The decoction has a strengthening effect on the enamel surface.
  4. Tea tree oil. Rinsing reduces tooth sensitivity.
  5. Sage. Helps in many ways dental diseases. Boil a tablespoon of herbs and a glass of water. Then leave to infuse for 30 minutes. Next, rinse your mouth with the decoction.

Now you know how to reduce tooth sensitivity at home.

During pregnancy

During 9 months of joyful anticipation, a woman’s body undergoes significant changes and endures a colossal load. Teeth also suffer from this. Even those women who have not previously experienced sensitivity begin to feel their teeth. This is due to ongoing hormonal imbalances. As a result, periodontal infection begins and, consequently, tooth pain.

Blood flow becomes much stronger during pregnancy. As a result, the gums become swollen and become very sensitive to contact. If a woman does not take care of maintaining dental health during this period, she will suffer from more complex problems in the future. For pregnant women it is recommended:

  • Completely eliminate irritating factors.
  • Use traditional methods.
  • Don't indulge in sweets.
  • Schedule a visit to the dentist.

It must be remembered that during this period the doctor will not be able to do full complex health activities, since not all drugs can be used on pregnant women. A woman can only hope for help from harmless folk recipes.


In order not to ruin your life with increased tooth sensitivity, you should follow the tips described below:

  • Eat right. In addition to a large number of microelements, the body needs an increased calcium content. It must be scooped from cheese, milk or cottage cheese. If you cannot regularly consume calcium-containing foods, then take medications with this trace element. After drinking juices with a high content of acid and color, rinse your mouth with water or mouthwash. Do not drink or eat cold and hot food at the same time. Sudden changes temperatures only worsen the condition of the enamel.
  • Brush your teeth properly. Do not brush your teeth with strong pressure movements. You need to move the brush from the base to the top. The chewing surface should be brushed in a circular motion. When cleaning, do not forget about dental floss and toothpicks.
  • Be sure to choose good pasta and the right toothbrush. Her bristles should be of medium hardness. If you already have problems, then it is better to use soft bristles. Do not constantly use strong whitening pastes. If you have slight sensitivity, clean your teeth with a toothpaste labeled “for sensitive teeth.”

Visit doctor

Many people believe that tooth sensitivity is not a reason to go to the dentist. These are wrong thoughts. Home remedies will alleviate the condition, but you still need to visit a doctor. The dentist will see you under the following circumstances:

  • The teeth feel any pressure strongly.
  • One tooth has severe sensitivity.
  • Many teeth are sensitive.
  • After using the desensitizing paste, the sensitivity does not go away.
  • If you examine the oral cavity, you can see tooth decay.
  • The sensitive tooth is surrounded by gum, the color of which is different from the healthy one.

It is clear that tooth sensitivity is not easy unpleasant phenomenon. He needs to be treated. You shouldn’t ruin your life with a nagging toothache.

The special term “hyperesthesia” means increased sensitivity of teeth to external irritants. Some dentists call this phenomenon the “pathology of civilization.” Pain appears when eating food with a strong taste, consuming sweets, when hot or cold food or liquid gets into the mouth. Even the touch of a toothbrush or contact with frosty air can cause discomfort. This problem is becoming more and more urgent. Already 40% of the world's population has experienced a similar phenomenon. Sensitive to various reasons There may be one of the teeth, several crowns, located randomly.

One of the most common factors causing a painful tooth reaction without visible external damage is considered to be thinned enamel. This process may be the result of age-related changes - especially in those over 60. But now the number of patients with a similar pathology has increased among young people and middle-aged people.

This precedent is associated with:

  • Poor nutrition: Consumption of refined foods or fast food leads to a lack of minerals in the body.
  • Eating alternately hot or cold foods- You can’t drink ice cream with hot tea.
  • Smoking, drinking alcoholic drinks - bad habits disrupt tissue cell restoration and metabolic processes.
  • Increased load on the plane of the teeth due to the absence of adjacent crowns. Prosthetics need to be done on time!
  • Improper dental care: intensive daily whitening at home with soda, frequent use of toothpastes with aggressive additives, hard brushes.
  • Harmful working conditions: for example, in the laboratory with concentrated acids.
  • Heredity, possible pathologies during fetal formation, endocrine diseases.
  • Manifestations of bruxism. Constant friction occurs and the enamel gradually wears away. At similar symptoms a visit to a psychologist is indicated. During therapy, the dentist can make a special mouthguard that protects the teeth from additional damage.

Tasty popular drinks also affect enamel because they contain citric or phosphoric acid. Dehydration has a detrimental effect on all organs: protective salivation decreases, tissue nutrition becomes insufficient.

The recommendation of physiologists is the mandatory consumption of 1.5 to 2.5 liters of purified water for an adult. The hard coating of a tooth cannot be restored on its own, so everyone must take care of the safety of the resources that nature has endowed humanity with.


Hyperesthesia due to caries, after treatment and filling

Carious lesions do not increase the sensitivity of all teeth and do not mean demineralization of tooth enamel on all crowns. The resulting cavities cause increased sensitivity in only a few unhealthy teeth. In this case, the enamel is damaged due to bacterial attack or mechanical damage.

Constantly eating solid foods or filing a tooth before dentures will cause increased sensitivity. Hyperesthesia is typical for cases when necrosis of part of the hard tissue occurs with progressive caries.

On initial stage There is no pain yet in destructive processes, but the tooth becomes sensitive to the temperature of the food consumed and strong tastes: sweet or sour. The affected organ reacts to stimuli, sometimes together with its neighbors. Sensitivity changes when a stain appears on the crown or when the enamel is locally damaged.

Appearance mechanism pain is simple: under the collapsing hard coating there is dentin, penetrated by a system of branched tubules filled with a physiological liquid composition. Inside them are multiple nerve endings. When the enamel becomes too thin or erodes, pressure changes or cavities are exposed, and the person feels pain.

If the caries lesion is extensive or the spread of enamel erosion is diagnosed, then the bulk of the teeth begin to react painfully to external factors.

When the cause of sensitivity is pre-treatment

Sometimes hyperesthesia appears after tooth filling. This phenomenon is considered normal during the first two days after complex interventions. But if you experience prolonged discomfort, you should consult a dentist. The seal is in effect physiological characteristics may cause unexpected shrinkage - then the composition will need to be replaced or the tooth will be depulped.

It is also possible to have an internal crack: with simple visual inspection This defect is difficult to detect, so dentists often use cold techniques.

Teeth become sensitive: home treatment methods

If the patient has visited the doctor and found out that there are no caries or other disorders, the symptom of which is pain, then strengthen the enamel and remove pathogenic microflora can be done by means that have long been used by traditional healers.

  1. Relieves unpleasant sensations, disinfects vulnerable surfaces with a decoction or infusion of ordinary field chamomile. Dry raw materials can be bought at a pharmacy and prepared during the flowering period. Packaged versions have appeared on sale that can be used to make tea or as a rinse.
  2. To reduce tooth sensitivity, use natural antiseptic- oak bark. Two tablespoons of raw material poured with boiling water (up to 0.5 l) are kept on low heat until the water has evaporated by half. The thick decoction should be kept in the mouth for a few seconds, then repeat the session.
  3. An infusion of snakeweed will eliminate pathogenic bacteria. Take 10 g of dry base per half liter of boiling water. Leave in a warm place for a quarter of an hour.

You can choose multi-component herbal preparations:

  1. Melissa, burdock and chamomile in equal parts should boil for 2-4 minutes. Proportions - level tablespoon per 0.5 liter;
  2. Sage, calendula (you can add oregano). Such herbs are often sold in packaged form; to brew them, simply place them in boiling water and leave for half an hour.

These decoctions are used for rinsing, but there are other ways to reduce tooth sensitivity: for example, it is popular to use tampons soaked in essential oils sesame, tea tree. The latter option is also suitable for rinsing: in a glass of slightly warmed water, just stir 2-3 drops of natural oil.

Considered healing cucumber juice: freshly squeezed liquid is taken into the mouth and rinsed the teeth for several minutes. Horsetail juice will come in handy; this juice is combined with honey. Don't forget about turnip juice - sore gums have been treated this way for many centuries.

Warm milk is delicious and healthy drink. But you shouldn’t swallow it right away; you need to hold the product in your mouth for a while.


You can thoroughly chew small propolis granules three times a day, or stick a piece healing substance at night to the disturbing area. The active ingredients are believed to strengthen the enamel.

Dentists urge you to take good care of your teeth. If deep cleaning or whitening is needed, a consultation with a dentist is important. He will recommend measures that can be performed at home, and will recommend laser or ultrasound procedures. Professional electromechanical teeth cleaning is possible to remove deposits that destroy the hard coating. But after such an intervention, grinding or polishing of the tooth surface will be required, which can be traumatic for the thin enamel layer, saturated with mineralization and fluoride compounds.

Choosing a toothbrush

If you are sensitive, you should not choose a brush with hard bristles. It is better to take a soft elastic version of one of the famous manufacturers. Such bristles penetrate into the interdental space and do not injure the thin layer of enamel. You need to try to make predominantly vertical movements, paying equal attention to cleansing the right and left sides of the dentition. Gum massage plus natural teeth cleaning will be provided by chewing carrots, apples, cabbage leaves, celery. It is better to exclude citrus juices that irritate the enamel.

Adequate nutrition

Changing your diet would also be a smart step. It is necessary to include dairy products, eggs, dietary meat and fatty varieties sea ​​fish. The body needs to be saturated with vitamins A, C, D, E, minerals, polyunsaturated fats. You can purchase high-quality dietary supplements that will help normalize metabolic processes.

To reduce discomfort, doctors recommend purchasing special elixirs and rinses. It is advisable to use toothpastes that contain potassium chlorides, strontium chlorides, sodium fluoride, quotes. The consistency should be soft, without abrasive particles; gels are perfect. You should not use whitening options, but additionally use dental floss and toothpicks.

Hyperesthesia can develop at any age, so representatives of different generations should not forget about preventive examinations. The prognosis of treatment directly depends on the stage at which the pathology is detected.

Prevention of hyperesthesia

Prevention of hyperesthesia involves careful oral hygiene. Adequate selection of toothpaste and avoidance of amateur whitening methods will help maintain the integrity of the enamel layer.

Eating a balanced diet will also help you stay healthy. Dentists remind that a person needs vitamin-mineral complexes and polyunsaturated fatty acids. It is worth reducing the amount of sweets consumed as much as possible. And after each dessert it makes sense to rinse your mouth.

As preventive measures Regular visits to dental offices, as well as careful attention to health, are considered. Dental problems, including thinning of the enamel layer, may be the result of another serious disease, causing disruption metabolism.

Brushing your teeth should be done with medium pressure, without unnecessary effort. Strong horizontal swing is not recommended. To accurately determine the stiffness of the bristles, resourceful dentists offer a simple test. You can take a medium-ripe tomato and, imitating movements with a toothbrush, evaluate the effect: the skin should remain unharmed, and the fibers of the hygiene item should be undamaged.

It is advisable to periodically drink mineral water with an optimal fluoride content - especially if the local water contains a minimal amount of this ingredient.

Dental methods for treating tooth sensitivity

Upon examination, a doctor may detect almost imperceptible incipient caries or the first signs of periodontitis. Then, after completing the course of treatment, the teeth will regain their former strength. Doctors also remind that an attack is provoked by general hypothermia of the body. You should not go outside without a hat if the thermometer shows less than +5 oC.

If abrasion of the enamel occurs due to malocclusion, then methods modern dentistry will be able to help the patient.

Many experts remind that increased sensitivity of teeth is a consequence of problems that need to be eliminated early stages. Effective treatment can be prescribed only after establishing the cause.

Many dentists recommend physical therapy sessions. Electrophoresis on salt (calcium glycerophosphate) is effective: electrodes with a solution are applied directly to the tooth crown, and a weak, dosed electrical discharge allows the ions to reintegrate into the layers of the natural coating. It is popular to use special gels, coating with dental varnish - synthetic resin with pleasant smell, compaction of the top layer of enamel by using compresses of fluoride and calcium salts.


If dental hypersensitivity has become unbearable, then special procedures are recommended:

  • Fluoridation. Simple - multi-layer application of a fluoride composition to the tooth. It remains on the surface without penetrating deep into the pores. To complete such a procedure, at least three or four sessions will be required. Deep - consistent coating with an enamel-sealing liquid: silicone trays filled with the drug are held on the teeth for up to 20 minutes. Microparticles of calcium fluoride enter the deep layers of enamel. Such fluoridation will require 8-10 repetitions.
  • Remineralization using preparations containing phosphate and calcium compounds.
  • Enamel implantation is the application of an innovative, biocompatible tooth coating. The newest composition is similar to real enamel in all respects.
  • Filling the carious area with topical mixtures that can support and strengthen healthy crown tissues.
  • If there is destruction of the enamel, then the tooth will be saved by building it up with special composites.

The doctor may prescribe medications to restore metabolic processes or give a referral for examination to a specialized specialist - for example, an endocrinologist.

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