Geranium oil at home. How to use geranium oil for hair. This oil is especially attractive for women

Our grandmothers and mothers line their window sills with pelargonium, believing that it is not only beautiful, but also useful, as it purifies the air.

And they are right: it has a lot of healing qualities, but they manifest themselves even better in such a remedy as geranium essential oil, obtained from the leaves and flowers of the plant. It is not for nothing that it is valued by Eastern healers, who believe that it restores peace of mind, and by other healers familiar with the healing qualities of this ether.

Description of geranium essential oil

In industrial conditions, this ether, the properties of which are used in medicine and cosmetology, is obtained by steam distillation. It is usually extracted from three types of pelargonium - lemon (more fragrant, giving off lemon), rough and pink. A kilogram of leaves and flowers of the plant gives approximately 1 ml of ether.

The output is a viscous and oily, yellow or greenish-yellow liquid, exuding a fresh and at the same time warm, slightly tart aroma with notes of mint, lemon and rose.

Geranium essential oil is stored indoors, in a dark, tightly screwed bottle. It can be stored for five years.

What does geranium essential oil consist of?

Geranium oil is rich in valuable substances:

  • Geraniol.
  • Chlorophyll and vitamin E.
  • Flavonoids and alkaloids.

  • Tannins.
  • Monoterpenes and tannins.
  • Coumarins and other substances.

In total, etherol contains over 100 valuable components, the amount of which depends on the varietal characteristics and places of growth.

Properties and uses of geranium oil

Properties of pelargonium ether

Having such a rich composition, etherol has the following properties:

  • Painkillers.
  • Antifungal.
  • Antimicrobial.
  • Diuretic.
  • Antiseptic.

Geranium oil strengthens and tones blood vessels, prevents the formation of tumors, removes toxins, improves function lymphatic system and internal organs, restores hormonal levels and strengthens the body's defenses.

The healing properties of etherol are used in the treatment of many ailments, including cosmetic problems:

  • With weakened immunity.
  • At colds and otitis media.
  • In case of violation menstrual cycle.
  • For hypertension.
  • For diseases of the liver, heart, blood vessels, joints and kidneys.
  • To improve hematopoietic function and metabolism.
  • For pediculosis and helminth infection.
  • For headaches.
  • For infertility.
  • For healing wounds of any origin.
  • For climacteric syndromes.
  • For the treatment of fungal diseases.
  • For Alzheimer's disease.
  • For the treatment of skin diseases and cellulite.
  • For increased oily hair.
  • For periodontal disease and other diseases.

Geranium ether copes with chronic fatigue, anxiety, sleep disorders, nervousness and depression.

The properties of geranium have long been noted traditional healers and are used to get rid of many ailments.



To relieve inflammation and pain mix 10 drops of geranium oil with olive (peach, almond) oil, moisten cotton wool turundas in it and insert into ear canal for 15 min.

Runny nose

For a runny nose and nasal congestion, do this:

  • Combine olive oil (50 drops) with mint (2 drops), eucalyptus, geranium, rosemary and pine (5 drops each).
  • We wet our fingers in the oil mixture and massage the wings of the nose, and then drop 3 drops into each nostril.

The nose will clear, congestion and swelling of the mucous membrane will disappear.

If your throat hurts, gargle it after eating with a mixture of 3 drops of geranium ether and 1 tbsp. warm water, and take 1 drop with 1 tsp. honey, washed down with a glass of tea with lemon juice.


Taking oil internally

Dilute 4 drops of essential oil and 1 tsp in 0.5 cups of warm water. honey Let's drink this remedy three times a day before meals, each time preparing a new portion. We accept it together with my husband.

Doing a massage

Mix the oils:

  • 1 tbsp. olive oil;
  • 2 drops of ylang-ylang;
  • 4 drops of geranium;

  • 1 drops of sage;
  • 3 drops of rose;
  • 2 drops of bergamot.

Gently massage the lower abdomen using an oil mixture: only women need massage.

Wounds, ulcers, burns, eczema

Wounds, eczema and ulcers

Apply to sore spot a couple of drops of geranium essential oil and cover with a bandage. We repeat the procedure twice a day until healing.


To ensure rapid tissue regeneration after burns, we do the following:

  • Mix geranium oil (5 drops) and olive oil (10 ml), which can be replaced with peach, apricot or almond oil.
  • After moistening the tampon with this mixture, apply it for 10 minutes. to the affected area of ​​skin.

Geranium essential oil disinfects damaged areas and promotes rapid healing.

Oral diseases

Periodontal disease

Let's use effective recipes:

  • Morning rinsing with boiled water and geranium ether (5 drops per 1 tbsp.) will help relieve inflammation of the gums.
  • During the day, wipe the gums a couple of times with gauze soaked in a mixture of 6 drops of essential oil with 25 drops of olive oil.

You can also lubricate inflamed gums with pure oil: it will relieve inflammation and soothe.

Other diseases

  • Fungus of nails or feet. Twice a day we immerse our feet in a basin with warm water, in which a handful is diluted sea ​​salt and 3 drops of geranium oil.
  • Haemorrhoids. Apply gauze soaked in a mixture of 5 ml of wheat oil and 1 drop of geranium ether to the sore spot. The product will relieve pain and inflammation.
  • Worms and pinworms. Mix a couple of drops of essential oil with 1 tbsp. honey and take it twice a day after meals. The medicine is suitable for treatment and prevention helminthic infestation in children and adults.
  • Hormonal imbalance. Every day we apply a drop of oil to axillary lymph nodes. It improves estrogen production.

What if I tortured you headache, lubricate the back of the head and temporal areas with a mixture of 1 drop of geranium ether and 3 drops of olive (peach, almond). The pain will soon subside.

Geranium oil in cosmetology

Geranium essential oil for healthy skin

Since geranium etherol has a regenerating, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial property, it is often used to improve skin health.

Lotion for problem skin

  • Dilute in 0.5 tbsp. distilled water 10 ml alcohol or vodka.
  • Mix orange, geranium and chamomile oils (three drops of each).
  • We wipe problem areas several times a day.

The skin will calm down and stop inflaming. We store the lotion in a dark glass bottle.

Daily cream

To prepare a nourishing cream for daily use, especially relevant in winter and spring, we do the following:

  • Mix 15 ml of nut oil, avocado and jojoba.
  • Add a couple of drops of jasmine, geranium and vanilla ether.
  • Add 4 drops each of orange and rosewood oils.
  • Mix the ingredients into a homogeneous mass.

Apply nourishing cream to the skin every morning. We store it in the refrigerator.

Anti-crow's feet remedy

Get rid of fine wrinkles A mixture of oils will help in the eye area:

  • Mix half a glass of olive (almond, peach, apricot or jojoba) oil with verbena, rosemary and geranium ether (3 drops of each).
  • Before going to bed, gently beat the butter into delicate skin around the eyes, and soon it will be transformed.

If the skin of your hands is peeling and red, make a half-hour mask for them from a mixture of 1 tbsp. warm sour cream, geranium, orange ether and myrrh oil (5 drops each). We apply it to both hands and elbows, then rinse with warm water. The skin of your hands and elbows will soon become soft and smooth again.

  • Dandruff. Rub a little geranium oil into the scalp and wash off after 15 minutes. warm water.
  • Hair loss. Each time you wash, add 5 drops of essential oil to the shampoo.

Geranium oil for breast support

Every woman dreams of elastic, high breasts, but not everyone manages to keep them in this condition. Breasts sag due to poor posture, after childbirth and feeding a baby, and sudden weight loss. To improve its shape, we use geranium essential oil: it moisturizes and nourishes the delicate skin of the breast, accelerates blood flow and strengthens muscles.

The breast lift product is made and used as follows:

  • Mix 50 ml of almond oil with geranium and ylang-ylang etherol (10 drops each).
  • Gently rub the mixture into the skin of your chest before going to bed.

We make sure that the oils do not get on the nipples.

Contraindications to the use of geranium oil

Although geranium essential oil has many benefits, it is not suitable for everyone.

Contraindications to the use of geranium oil

Geranium essential oil is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • If the child is under 6 years old.
  • During pregnancy, as the oil helps increase estrogen production.
  • During breastfeeding: Geranium essential oil reduces milk production.
  • Using oral contraceptives: together with them, the oil will significantly disrupt hormonal levels.
  • In case of individual intolerance to the components of the product.

In other cases, you should not use geranium ether for more than a month, and you should definitely stop treatment if heartburn and allergy symptoms appear.

Geranium oil price

10 ml of geranium essential oil costs approximately:

In Barnaul – from 83 to 483 rubles;

In Krasnodar – from 73 to 340 rubles;

In Krasnoyarsk – from 83 to 280 rubles;

In Moscow – from 61 to 1552 rubles;

In online stores – from 62 to 1900 rubles.

The better the quality of the raw materials, the more expensive the oil.

Methods for making geranium oil at home

To prepare 1 ml of geranium oil with your own hands, you will need about 0.9-1 kg of greenery and flowers collected during the flowering period of the plant. Geranium oil made at home is suitable for both treating diseases and for cosmetic use.

Preparation of geranium oil by steam method

  • Wash, dry and chop the leaves and flowers.
  • Place the raw material in a glass jar and fill it with water so that it is submerged.
  • We make a hole in the lid of the jar, insert a thin tube and seal it tightly.
  • We lower the outer end of the tube into a small dark bottle, which must be placed in a glass half filled with ice.
  • We close the jar with a lid with a tube in a water bath. As the contents of the jar heat up, droplets of etherol will appear in the bottle.

This method is inconvenient because to obtain a tiny amount of oil you will need a lot of raw materials: for example, to produce a standard 10 ml of product, you will need 10 kg of raw materials. It is unlikely that anyone will have such a number of plants. Therefore, to obtain homemade butter It is better to use infusion for geraniums.

Obtaining geranium essential oil by infusion

  • Grind 200 grams of flowers and leaves of the plant, preferably rough geranium: it produces more ether.
  • Fill the raw material with 250 ml of vodka or alcohol.
  • Close the container tightly and place it in a sunny window for a couple of weeks.
  • Pour in 50 ml of olive, almond or peach oil and keep in the same place for another two weeks.

The output is a yellowish oil of medium concentration, exuding the aroma of grass and roses. This oil is suitable for any healing purposes, aromatherapy and cooking. cosmetics.

Thus, you can not only buy geranium essential oil in pharmacies, but also prepare it yourself by growing several pelargonium bushes. The main thing is to do an allergy test before use by dropping a little product on the skin and monitoring the reaction: if there is no itching or redness, it will not harm the body.

Geranium flowers decorate interiors, and in past centuries - the outfits and hairstyles of girls. The plant was not only a “decorator”, but also a “house doctor”, since the beauty of the flowers concealed medicinal properties. Geranium curbed epidemics of influenza and dysentery and helped to recover faster. IN traditional medicine The plant was endowed with the ability to treat fractures and even eliminate cancerous tumors.

History of geranium oil

The plant that we used to call geranium, according to the botanical classification, is pelargonium, and this species has more than 200 varieties.

Geranium came to Europe in the 17th century as an ornamental plant from South Africa. Essential oil began to be extracted in the mid-19th century in the south of France, and then in the French colonies: Reunion Island, Madagascar, Algeria, Morocco. After World War II, geranium began to be actively grown in Egypt, China and the southern republics of the USSR.

Pelargonium is a botanical classification of the common geranium

Chemical composition and benefits for the skin and body of geranium essential oil

Geranium essential oil is extracted from plants of the Pelargonium genus: Pelargonium graveolens or Pelargonium roseum. The resulting esters differ markedly in aroma depending on where the plants grow. The perfumery and medical-biological properties of the oil are determined by the presence of more than 120 components in its composition. The most important of them are terpene alcohols, substances with biologically active properties. Other components provide the oil with a characteristic geranium scent with hints of rose and mint.

The oil has a beautiful pale green color and the aroma can also be described as “green”.

Patricia Davis

"Aromatherapy from A to Z"

How to select and store geranium oil

The ether is adulterated by adding synthetic terpene alcohols. Therefore, when choosing an oil, you should pay attention to reviews in thematic communities and manufacturer certificates.

Precautions and contraindications

Pelargonium oil is non-toxic and generally safe for the skin in diluted amounts. However, for some people with sensitive skin it may cause irritation such as redness, rashes and itching. Before use, you need to do an allergy test: dilute 1-2 drops of ether in 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, for example, olive or coconut, then apply a little of the resulting mixture to a cotton pad and anoint the skin. inside forearms. If your skin does not become irritated within 24-48 hours, the oil is suitable for you.

Geranium essential oil should not be used on infants. For children after one year, the oil is diluted twice as much as in recipes for adults. Since geranium affects the production of hormones, its squeeze is not used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. At serious illnesses Consult your doctor before use.

You can take geranium oil internally if this is indicated by the manufacturer in the instructions. The ether is taken orally, 1 teaspoon mixed with honey, jam, 1-4 times a day. For 100 ml of honey you need to add 4-5 drops of geranium ether. Wash it down with fermented milk products.

The course of using geranium in aromatherapy is 4 weeks, then take a break.

Combination with other essential oils

The following plant esters are suitable for combination with geranium oil:

  • orange;
  • basilica;
  • bergamot;
  • grapefruit;
  • Angelica officinale;
  • jasmine;
  • cedar;
  • lavender;
  • noble laurel;
  • lime;
  • carrots;
  • neroli;
  • petitgrain;
  • roses;
  • rosemary;
  • sandalwood;
  • citronella;
  • clary sage.

Application in medicine

Almost all health conditions are related to inflammation in one way or another. Geranium components can block inflammatory processes. Geraniol, in particular, increases the production of anti-inflammatory substances. Geranium influences microglial cells that secrete pro-inflammatory agents, which prevents the formation of neurogenerative diseases. This means that the components of geranium oil delay such terrible conditions as Alzheimer's disease. Researchers have found that geranium lowers blood sugar levels in people at risk of developing diabetes. Pelargonium also relieves headaches and post-traumatic pain.

Effect on sleep, symptoms of neurasthenia, overexcitation

The soothing scent of geranium oil wards off anxiety, depression, fatigue and “cleanses” an overly cluttered mind. Pelargonium helps to focus and sharpen cognitive functions. To focus and increase concentration, just inhale the aroma of oil rubbed in your palms or add 1-2 drops to a diffuser. To relax, massage the temples, back and sides of the neck.

By rubbing a drop of oil in your palms and inhaling the aroma, you can feel relaxed and want to sleep

Geranium also has sedative properties. Diffusing oil in a diffuser in the bedroom can help you fall asleep and improve your sleep quality.

Relation to blood pressure

Improving blood circulation and supporting low level excitability, geranium prevents high blood pressure.

The main treatment for hypertension is prescribed by a doctor, and geranium ether will complement the therapy.

To keep the pressure normal, 3-4 drops of geranium ether are mixed with a tablespoon coconut oil, and then apply to the chest, neck and wrists.

Mixture for hypertension:

  • 3 drops of lemon balm essential oil;
  • 3 drops of rosewood essential oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l. base vegetable oil.

Apply a teaspoon of mixture to the area chest, occipital area, inhaling the aroma.

Anti-headache mixture:

  • 10 drops of chamomile essential oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l. base oil.

Drop the mixture onto your fingers and rub the back of your head, neck, and temples.

Effect on the endocrine system

Research has recognized the ability of geranium to balance the hormonal composition of the blood, reduce the level of stress hormones, thereby improving mood and coping with anxiety. To do this, add 3-4 drops of oil to a container with hot water and put it in the room.

To normalize hormonal levels and increase the level of estrogen in the blood, you need to apply one drop of geranium essential oil to the lymph nodes in the armpits.

Normalization of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, gall bladder

Geranium oil soothes indigestion and normalizes the movement of gases, relieves cramps and bloating. Geranium normalizes stomach function. The ester also has diuretic properties, which helps the digestive process and stops the formation of excess gas in the intestines, removes excess acids and bile secreted by the liver.

Essential oil blend for Crohn's disease:

  • 33 drops of geranium;
  • 33 drops of incense gum;
  • 33 drops of marjoram;
  • 16 drops of verbena;
  • 16 drops of oregano.

Take orally 2 drops of the mixture on a quarter of a piece of refined sugar or in a coffee spoon of olive oil 3 times a day before each meal. Between 3-week courses you should take a break of one week. Also apply 6 drops of the mixture topically to the lower abdomen and lower back 2 times a day.

Fighting viruses and colds

Geranium has antibacterial and antifungal properties. Pelargonium relieves symptoms of bronchitis, sinusitis and nasal infections because it is a powerful antiviral drug. When applied to the nose or neck in the throat area, the oil has a soothing effect and reduces soreness. To combat viruses and colds, use ether spraying in a diffuser twice a day, as well as rubbing the throat and area under the nostrils.

Anti-cold mixture:

  • 10 drops of geranium essential oil;
  • 10 drops of lavender essential oil;
  • 8 drops lemon essential oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l. base oil.

Rub the mixture all over your body, neck and face. Apply at least 1 time per day.

Essential oil mixture for nasal congestion:

  • 5 drops of geranium;
  • 5 drops of pine;
  • 5 drops rosemary;
  • 5 drops eucalyptus;
  • 2 drops peppermint.

The mixture is used for inhalation, instillation and massage of the wings and sinuses of the nose.

Ear Pain Relief

Mixture for instillation: 7 drops per 2–3 tsp. St. John's wort oil. Place 3-4 drops into each hole once every 1.5-2 hours.

Help with allergies

The components of geranium oil are able to block cells that cause allergic reactions in the body. Rubbing a drop of ether between your palms and inhaling the oil vapor can relieve itching and allergic rhinitis.

Essential Oil Blend for Hay Fever:

  • 7 drops of lavender;
  • 7 drops eucalyptus;
  • 4 drops of geranium;
  • 4 drops of lemon.

Soak the wick or swab of a nasal inhaler-mouthpiece with the mixture and inhale until symptoms relieve.

Oil in gynecology

Geranium, like sage and thyme, helps balance estrogen and progesterone levels in the body, which helps ease the treatment of conditions such as infertility and PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), as well as PMS symptoms(premenstrual syndrome) and menopause.

Serious gynecological disorders must be treated by a gynecologist. Geranium oil is used additionally.

Basic recipe:

  1. In 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil add 7 drops of geranium ether.
  2. Massage the lower abdomen, sacrum and lower back.

Geranium oil massage of the lower abdomen can support sexual health

A mixture of essential oils for the treatment of gynecological diseases:

  • 2 drops of geranium;
  • 2 drops of cinnamon;
  • 4 drops of sandalwood;
  • 4 drops of orange;
  • 4 drops of lemon balm;
  • 6 drops of lavender.

Mode of application:

  1. Connect the components.
  2. Add 7 drops of the mixture to 2 tbsp. l. transport oil.
  3. Massage your stomach and lower back.

Blend for pain during menstruation:

  • 3 drops of sage essential oil;
  • 1 drops of geranium essential oil;
  • 2 tsp. avocado oils.

1-2 days before the start of the menstrual cycle, start massaging the mixture on your stomach once a day.

A mixture of essential oils during PMS:

  • 12 drops of tangerine;
  • 10 drops of lavender;
  • 3 drops of geranium;
  • 1 drop of rose.

Combine the oils in a container with a volume of about 5 ml. Shake before use.

Effect on skin damage

Geranium oil compresses tissues and blood vessels and stops bleeding, improves the blood clotting process, prevents the penetration of toxins and bacteria into damaged tissues, as a result of which wounds heal faster.

Mixture for burns, bruises, cuts:

  • 2 tsp. basic is small.

Mode of application:

  1. Soak a tampon with the mixture.
  2. Apply to the damaged area for 5-10 minutes.

Mixture for chapped lips:

  • 5 drops of geranium essential oil;
  • 5 drops calendula macerate.

Add one drop of the mixture to lip balm or a teaspoon of carrier oil (jojoba, coconut, almond) and treat lips.

Soothing mixture after sunbathing:

  • 10 drops of lavender essential oil;
  • 5 drops of chamomile essential oil;
  • 1 drop of bergamot essential oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sesame oil;
  • 4 tbsp. l. base oil.

Relief from hemorrhoids

The anticoagulant properties of geranium composition are useful for the treatment of hemorrhoids, especially bleeding ones.

Mixture for hemorrhoids:

  • 2 drops of geranium essential oil;
  • 1 tsp. chilled base oil.

Mix the components and apply to the affected area.

Use for fungus and skin infections

In addition to healing, pelargonium protects open wounds from bacteria that cause infections. The antiseptic effect is directed against any microbes and fungi that lead to complications at the site of the wound or incision.

Blend of essential oils against skin fungus:

  • 5 drops of geranium;
  • 2 drops of laurel;
  • 3 drops palmarosa;
  • 2 drops of thyme.

Apply 2-3 drops of the mixture to problem areas up to three times a day.

For herpes

Studies have shown that geranium reduces nerve pain, including from herpes zoster caused by the herpes virus. The oil is applied to painful areas of the skin. In addition, its antiviral property helps to quickly calm the activity of the herpes virus and remove external manifestations.

Mixture for herpes simplex:

  • 6 drops of geranium essential oil;
  • 10 drops of lavender essential oil;
  • 2 drops of thyme essential oil;
  • 8 drops lemon essential oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l. base oil.

Store the resulting product in a glass bottle. Apply a drop of the mixture onto the rash.

Mixture for healing herpetic rashes:

  • 5 drops of geranium essential oil;
  • 3 drops of lemon essential oil;
  • 6 drops of chamomile essential oil;
  • 8 drops essential oil tea tree;
  • 5 drops of lavender essential oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l. base oil.

After combining the components, apply the product with a cotton swab to the herpes blisters.

Shingles Pain Blend:

  • 3 drops of bergamot essential oil;
  • 2 drops of geranium essential oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l. transport oil.

Make a neat oil application on the affected area, cover with a clean cloth until absorbed.

Pelargonium in cosmetology

Pelargonium oil smooths out scars, cleanses the skin acne, lightens age spots, affecting the uniform distribution of melanin. Suitable for aging, dry and sensitive skin, perfectly moisturizes and tightens. By adding a drop or two to your daily moisturizer, you'll soon notice your skin looking and feeling healthier.

Enrichment of cosmetics

To improve cosmetics, you need 4-6 drops of geranium oil per 5 ml (about 1 teaspoon) of base.

Improvement of facial skin

The astringent effect of geranium oil allows skin tissue to tighten and contract, which significantly reduces the appearance of wrinkles. Aging slows down, skin looks younger.

Geranium essential oil helps smooth out wrinkles

Daily care mixture:

  • 1 drop of geranium essential oil;
  • 1 drop of vanilla essential oil;
  • 1 drop of jasmine essential oil*;
  • 1 drop of orange essential oil;
  • 2 tsp. base oil.

For the recipe, you take already diluted jasmine absolute in base oil, this mixture can be from 3 to 10%.

Three drops of the resulting product are added to a portion of the cosmetic product for daily care.

Anti-wrinkle mixture:

  • 8 drops of neroli essential oil;
  • 5 drops of lavender essential oil;
  • 5 drops fennel essential oil;
  • 3 drops of chamomile essential oil;
  • 1 drop of carrot essential oil;
  • 15 drops of evening primrose oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l. base oil.

Blend for mature skin:

  • 4 drops of chamomile essential oil;
  • 5 drops of carrot essential oil;
  • 8 drops of geranium essential oil;
  • 8 drops of lavender essential oil;
  • 1 drop of patchouli essential oil;
  • 2 drops of sandalwood essential oil;
  • 1 tsp. carrier oil.

Mode of application:

  1. Mix the ingredients in a glass container.
  2. Add 3-4 drops of the mixture to a facial oil, such as jojoba or almond.

Strengthening hair and adding shine to it

  1. Apply 1-2 drops of geranium ether to the comb.
  2. Comb your hair for 5 minutes.

Aromatherapy combing will give your hair shine and aroma.

Hair strengthening mixture:

  • 1 tbsp. l. chamomile;
  • 1 tbsp. l. marsh cudweed;
  • 3 drops of lavender essential oil;
  • 2 drops of geranium essential oil;
  • 1 drop of lemon essential oil;
  • 200 ml water.

Mode of application:

  1. Pour boiling water over the herbs and leave for 2 hours.
  2. Add ethers to the infusion.
  3. Apply to hair after shampooing for 15 minutes.
  4. Rinse with water.

Hair shine mixture:

  • 2 drops of lavender essential oil;
  • 2 drops of geranium essential oil;
  • 2 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil;
  • 2 drops of patchouli essential oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l. base oil.

Use the mixture as a hair mask for 20–30 minutes, then rinse your hair with shampoo.

Help for problem skin

The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects of pelargonium ether help prevent bacterial growth, allowing acne to heal faster.

Geranium essential oil prevents the growth of bacteria, resulting in a reduction in acne

Blend for acne skin:

  • 2 drops of geranium essential oil;
  • 2 drops of clove essential oil;
  • 2 drops of chamomile essential oil;
  • 2 tsp. base oil.

Wipe problem areas of the skin with the composition morning and evening.

Anti-acne mixture:

  • 4 drops of lavender essential oil;
  • 4 drops of tea tree essential oil;
  • 4 drops of geranium essential oil;
  • 4 drops lemongrass essential oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l. almond oil.

Mode of application:

  1. Mix ethers with transport oil in a glass container with a lid.
  2. Apply directly to acne after cleansing and toning the skin.

Anti-rosacea mixture:

  • 5 drops of cypress essential oil;
  • 5 drops of neroli essential oil;
  • 5 drops of geranium essential oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l. coconut oil

Mode of application:

  1. Apply with light massage movements to the area of ​​rosacea.
  2. Leave for a while to allow the oils to absorb.
  3. Do not wipe off excess with a napkin.

Skin care for men

Aftershave tonic for oily and problem skin:

  • 200 ml orange blossom water;
  • 100 ml witch hazel water;
  • 3 drops of grapefruit essential oil;
  • 2 drops manuka essential oil.

Mode of application:

  1. Shake all ingredients in a glass bottle.
  2. Lubricate shaved skin.

Blend with geranium oil soothes skin after shaving


Geranium oil activates the process of renewal of damaged tissues. Geranium relieves inflammation, muscle fatigue, and relieves joint pain.

Massage with geranium oil promotes muscle relaxation and relieves joint pain

Massage and rubbing: 5–10 drops per 10 ml of base (2 teaspoons).

Mixture to disperse lymph:

  • 2 drops of immortelle essential oil;
  • 2 drops of cedar essential oil;
  • 3 drops of cajuput essential oil;
  • 5 drops of geranium essential oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sesame oil.

Help with weight loss

Daily abdominal massage with geranium ether will tighten the skin, reduce fat, and improve digestion.

Abdominal massage with geranium ether helps reduce volume in this area

Skin tightening mixture:

  • 15 drops of lavender essential oil;
  • 15 drops of grapefruit essential oil;
  • 15 drops of frankincense essential oil;
  • 15 drops of geranium essential oil;
  • 1 glass of olive oil;
  • ⅛ cup oil solution vitamin E;
  • ¼ cup grated beeswax;
  • 1 cup rose water.

Mode of application:

  1. Melt all ingredients in a water bath except ethers and floral water.
  2. After cooling, thoroughly grind the mixture in a blender.
  3. Add rose water little by little and continue mixing until emulsified.
  4. Add essential oils and whisk vigorously to distribute evenly.
  5. Store in a glass container in the refrigerator.
  6. Pouring the mixture into your palm, actively massage your hips, buttocks, and sides.

Massage mixture for weight loss:

  • 40 drops of grapefruit essential oil;
  • 30 drops of lemon essential oil;
  • 30 drops of geranium essential oil;
  • 30 drops of rose essential oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l. liquid coconut oil.

Massage the mixture onto clean skin.

A massage mixture with the addition of geranium oil promotes weight loss and cellulite reduction

Blend of essential oils against cellulite:

  • 20 drops of rosemary;
  • 20 drops of fennel;
  • 15 drops of juniper;
  • 15 drops of grapefruit;
  • 5 drops of geranium.

Mode of application:

  1. Combine the oils in a glass container with a pipette or dropper.
  2. When combining the components, you should get approximately 5 ml of the mixture (1 teaspoon).
  3. With this mixture, massage the areas of skin affected by cellulite after rubbing them with a dry brush.
  4. Can be used for taking a bath.

For massage: add 10 drops of the mixture to 4 teaspoons of oil grape seed or almond.

Rubbing with a brush before the shower: place 1-2 drops of the mixture on a dry brush.

A few drops of a mixture with geranium ether will enhance the effect of rubbing the skin with a brush against cellulite.

For a bath: add 4-6 drops to 1 teaspoon of milk and dilute in a bath of water.


The scent of geranium is calming and relaxing, and can also help manage strong emotions such as anger and fear. One or two drops of ether on the pulse points of the body reduce anxiety and tension when difficult tasks lie ahead. Pelargonium increases mental activity, invigorates, restores the psyche after overwork, nervous exhaustion. The properties of geranium are similar to an antidepressant: this plant helps to cope with obsessive thoughts, self-criticism, and inferiority complex. Returns strength and energy after unpleasant communication.

As an aromatherapy, apply geranium oil to the areas where the pulsating blood vessels are closest to the surface of the skin

Aromatherapy: 3–5 drops per 15 m².

Aroma medallion: 1 drop.

An aroma medallion with a drop of geranium ether will help relieve anxiety and tension

Geranium in the bathroom, bathhouse, sauna

Baths: 4–6 drops for a lying bath, 2–3 drops for a sitz bath.

Relaxation Blend:

  • 2 drops of lavender essential oil;
  • 3 drops of geranium essential oil;
  • 1 drop of rosewood essential oil;
  • ½ cup cream.

Dilute the esters in cream and add to a bath filled with water.

Calming Blend:

  • 15 drops of bergamot essential oil;
  • 10 drops of nutmeg essential oil;
  • 5 drops of geranium essential oil.

Add 7-10 drops of the mixture to a bath of water.

Bath mixture with geranium oil promotes calm after a hard day

Mixture for sauna and bath:

  • 10 drops of sandalwood essential oil;
  • 5 drops of lemon essential oil;
  • 2 drops of geranium essential oil.

This mixture can be used in several ways:

  • add two to three drops of the mixture to base oil for rubbing the skin;
  • applied to the body before going to the steam room;
  • drip the mixture into a ladle of water and pour over the hot stones in the bathhouse.

A bath mixture with geranium oil will help you cope with strong emotions and relax

Magic properties

It is believed that geranium is protected by the planet of love - Venus. In the old days, French girls pinned geranium flowers on their chests or carried petals in a bag to attract good fortune and love. Geranium also protects mature women and fuels the magic of their sexuality after 45 years. Also, the aroma of geranium attracts money and prosperity to the house, protects against the evil eye and damage.

Application ideas

Many housewives know that geraniums in pots on the windowsill will protect against insects flying into the house. Also, the aroma of pelargonium essential oil will cope with similar tasks: it will repel mosquitoes and refresh closed spaces in pantries and cabinets.

Flavoring: for pleasant smell drop oil onto cotton balls and leave in the closet.

Mosquito repellent essential oil mixture:

  • 20 drops lemon eucalyptus;
  • 10 drops of lemongrass;
  • 10 drops of palmarosa;
  • 10 drops of geranium;
  • 10 drops of mint.

Mode of application:

  1. Combine ingredients in a glass bottle.
  2. Add 5 drops of the mixture per 15m2 to the aroma lamp.

A mixture for an aroma lamp with geranium ether will provide a pleasant protection against mosquitoes

Flower ether in cooking

The aromas of some flowers complement sweet dishes and baked goods, and pelargonium oil is added to dishes.

Syrup for fruit salad:

  • 1 drop of geranium essential oil;
  • 1 drop of ylang-ylang essential oil;
  • 200 ml sugar syrup.

Mix and add to fruit salad.

Syrup with geranium oil will add a pleasant twist to a fruit salad.

How to make geranium oil at home

You will need:

  • 1 tbsp. crushed geranium leaves;
  • 1/2 tbsp. medical alcohol;
  • 1/2 tbsp. olive oil;
  • glass container with a tight lid.


  1. Pour medical alcohol over the leaves.
  2. Close the container tightly and leave it in sunny place for half a month.
  3. After a month, add olive oil.
  4. Strain the mixture after 2 weeks. The oil is ready.

The oil prepared in this way is used in recipes for external use.

Video: aromatherapist Alexandra Kozhevnikova talks about geranium oil


For most residents of European countries, geranium is an indoor or garden plant that harmoniously complements the interior of a room or summer cottage. However, in addition to its exquisite appearance, such a flower is distinguished by its abundance useful microelements and minerals contained in the structure of the stem and petals.

Using the distillation method, geranium oil is produced, the use and healing properties of which are indispensable in medicine, cosmetology and pharmacology.

The effect of geranium oil on the human body

The demand for an extract of a yellow-greenish hue with a rich aroma, reminiscent of the smell of a blooming rose, is determined by the richness of the composition of the leafy and flowering parts. In the structure of pelargonium (the name of geranium in South America) present high concentration aldehydes and phenols, terpenes and saturated fatty acids, natural alcohols and nerols, linalools and cadinenes.

Geranium oil:

Tones muscles and skin covering.
Moisturizes the upper layer of the epidermis.
Corrects problem areas on the body.
Eliminates skin defects.
Relieves pimples, acne, blackheads.
Rejuvenates the skin, smoothing out wrinkles and stopping the aging process in the body.
Protects against exposure to ultraviolet rays.
“Fights” cellulite.
Reduces pain.
Constricts blood vessels, improving the capacity of blood arteries.
Removes harmful substances, toxins, waste and excess fluid from the body.
It is a popular anthelmintic.
Prevents the occurrence of inflammatory processes at the site of a wound or skin damage.
Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
Heals cracks and cuts on the surface of the skin.
Reduces blood sugar levels.
Normalizes hormonal balance in organism.
“Calms” the nervous system.
Restores brain activity and performance.
Increases the body's endurance, delaying the onset of fatigue and tiredness.
Normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
It is an effective antidepressant, widely used for psychiatric purposes.
Brings to life and “reanimates” a person who is in a state of stress.
Awakens sexual desire in girls.

Geranium oil was highly appreciated by female representatives, whose health benefits pelargonium has special influence. Regular use cosmetic procedures using a similar extract allows you to reduce pain during the menstrual cycle, normalize nervous condition during menopause, and restore hormonal balance in the body.

Contraindications to the use of geranium oil are the early stages of pregnancy and lactation, before reaching the age of 6 years and in case of taking contraceptive drugs, if the patient has diabetes mellitus and other disorders of the structural composition of blood

Application features and dosage options for geranium oil

Pelargonium oil can be completely or partially cured fungal diseases, eczema, acne, herpes and eliminate other defects on the skin. The main thing is to use the geranium “elixir” correctly, observing the necessary proportions:

To create a relaxing, romantic and calming atmosphere in the room, just add 3-4 drops of geranium extract to the aroma lamp.
In the inhalation procedure, it is customary to use 2-3 drops of pelargonium oil.
In the case of using geranium ether for prophylaxis bronchial diseases It is recommended to gargle with warm liquid to which 2 drops of extract have previously been added.
To soak textile rags and gauze used for applying compresses, 3 drops of a consistency made from pelargonium is enough.

To eliminate inflammation in the mouth and ear area, 1 drop of geranium oil is enough.
It is customary to add 4-6 drops of pelargonium extract to purchased cosmetics, increasing the spectrum beneficial effects drug on skin, hair, nail plates, eyelashes and eyebrows.
In its pure form, 1-2 drops of herbal consistency are used exclusively for healing abrasions, wounds, cracks and cuts on the skin.
After 3 weeks of regular application of pelargonium oil to the body, it is recommended to stop the course for an identical period of time, so as not to provoke the appearance of allergic reaction on air.
The aromatic extract tones and gives strength, so there is no need to use compresses and masks made with geranium oil before bed.
To enhance the effect, it is preferable to mix pelargonium ether with basic consistencies - olive or castor oil.
If you want to “charge” a personal aromatic pendant with positive energy, then lubricate the talisman with 1 drop of geranium extract.

Excessive use of pelargonium extract can cause an allergic reaction to the essential oil in a person - the appearance of rashes, blisters and redness on the skin.

Pelargonium is often added to aromatic lamp systems to create the desired atmosphere in the home. Also, vapors of this consistency help get rid of mosquitoes, midges and moths. Geranium has a rich aroma - a good reason for insects rushing to change their location.

Recipes for homemade masks based on geranium oil

The widespread use of geranium extract in cosmetology is explained by the visually noticeable effect of the course of treatment for problem skin. In a short period of time, patients see significant changes. To save on purchasing nourishing and restorative masks in a specialized center, such compresses can be made independently at home.

Effective recipes for applications based on pelargonium concentrate.

For irritated and tired skin

Ingredients: 2 teaspoons jojoba oil; 2 drops of geranium extract; 2 times less.

Procedure: mix the ingredients thoroughly; moisten a textile or gauze piece generously in the resulting mass; apply like a mask; rinse under running water after 30–40 minutes; use no more than 1-2 times within 7 days.

For inflamed areas on the body

Ingredients: 2 drops of cajuput oil; identical volume; 1 drop of pelargonium extract; same quantity .

Procedure: Mix the above ingredients; moisten a cotton swab generously in the resulting consistency; Apply with massaging movements to problem areas; rinse off with cucumber lotion after 20–30 minutes.

For sagging and aging skin

Procedure: heat in a water bath; mix thoroughly and beat the consistency; apply with a cotton swab for 15–25 minutes; rinse under running water.

To improve well-being and restore strength


3 drops aromatic;
the same amount of geranium oil.

Procedure: add to a warm bath; enjoy the water ceremony for 25-30 minutes.

Geranium extract combines optimally with esters of sandalwood, jasmine and bergamot, and orange, rosemary and lavender. Consistency is mainly used as an additional ingredient to the basic aromatic structures.

Geranium extract has a rich and bright aroma, therefore, in comparison with other essential oils, it is taken in reduced dosages

Pelargonium oil is an amazing aromatic ester with which you can naturally slow down the aging process of the skin by accelerating the regeneration of the cellular structure of the epidermis. Geranium extract – “elixir” eternal youth", which should be present in every girl's cosmetic bag.

January 12, 2014

Geranium is an easy-to-care plant with beautiful bright colors and rounded leaves, which can be found in many homes and offices. Its characteristic unobtrusive, slightly tart aroma can be recognized immediately. Pelargonium serves not only as interior decoration. By the behavior of the leaves, you can learn in advance about weather changes. If the leaves straighten, it will rain. In folk medicine, the plant is known as “ear-nose-throat”, because it perfectly treats the organs of smell, hearing, as well as diseases of the larynx and oral mucosa. The ancient Greeks considered geranium a panacea, attributing miraculous properties to it.

Chemical composition and beneficial properties of oil

Pelargonium essential oil is obtained by steam distillation various parts plants. Everything goes into use, from inflorescences to stems. From 1 kg of raw materials only 1 ml of product is obtained.

Geranium is a native of Morocco; the plant came to European countries only in the 17th century. Today, more than 200 varieties of the crop are known. However, only 2 varieties are suitable for the production of essential oil: lemon and rose geranium.

The oil can range in color from yellow to light green, depending on which parts of the plant were used to make the product. Features of the oil are:

  • a sharp, characteristic odor that cannot be confused with any other;
  • high turnover;
  • transparency;
  • excellent solubility in other oils (vegetable, essential).

Richest chemical composition There are more than a hundred geranium oils useful components(nerol, terpineol, pectin, a complex of vitamins and microelements, alcohols, phytoestrogens, aldehydes, formic and tiglinic acids, etc.).

Pelargonium oil is widely used in cosmetology and folk medicine for internal and external use. This remedy is good for ear inflammation and is used to treat the nasal and oral cavities. In addition, the oil is capable of:

  • effectively eliminate spasms of the walls of blood vessels, reduce venous lumens;
  • normalize heart function;
  • bring blood pressure readings to normal;
  • eliminate pain syndrome;
  • disinfect wounds;
  • stop bleeding.

External use of geranium oil helps:

  • get rid of herpes, eczema;
  • remove lice;
  • accelerate the healing of burns of varying severity;
  • relieve pain in joint diseases, etc.

Geranium essential oil is also used in aromatherapy. Its aroma improves psychological well-being, helps cope with prolonged depression, strengthen frayed nerves, improve performance, and increase concentration. A lit aroma lamp with a few drops of geranium oil will help you forget about chronic fatigue syndrome.

For women during menopause (after 45 years), the oil will help normalize hormonal levels, restore the brightness of sensations during sexual intercourse, and get rid of figureiness.

Geranium oil is widely used for the production of finished pharmaceuticals, branded perfumes and cosmetics. It can also be used for treatment at home

Features of external use of geranium oil in cosmetology

External use of geranium oil solves many cosmetology issues. It has the advantage of being non-toxic and non-irritating when applied to the skin. In the mass production of face and body care products, it is included in soaps, foams, gels, creams, and tonics. In perfumery, geranium oil is used to enrich men's and women's eau de toilettes and perfumes; the aroma is often included in the main composition. The pure scent of geranium is ideal for a mature, self-confident woman.

For hair

Unlike other essential oils (tea tree, peach, etc.), pelargonium essential oil can be used to restore hair for several days in a row. This product is suitable for those who want to get rid of seborrhea and excessively oily hair.

For thin, depleted, split, overly dry and brittle hair, you can make a course of 8-10 masks, with an interval of 2-3 days. To prepare the mask, you need to apply pure, undiluted geranium oil (1 tsp) to unwashed hair, from roots to ends, and insulate it on top with a towel. After 15–20 minutes, wash off the product with regular shampoo.

For those who are not used to spending a lot of time on self-care, pelargonium essential oil can be added to hair balm and applied after each hair wash for 10 minutes. The optimal dosage is 2–3 drops of oil per handful of balm. The mixture is washed off with warm water. As a result, after only 3-4 procedures, the hair sparkles with strength and health, volume and pleasant shine returns to it, and split ends look much better.

For face and body

It’s quite simple to prepare an anti-aging cream at home that effectively fights wrinkles and aging facial skin. To do this, take a jar of any nourishing or moisturizing cream, and immediately before application add essential oil (at the rate of 1 drop per 15 ml of cream). The resulting product is capable of:

  • reduce sebum secretion, get rid of unpleasant sebaceous shine;
  • remove areas of inflammation on the skin;
  • accelerate cell regeneration;
  • smooth the skin, refresh it.

Pure oil applied directly to the pimple with a cotton swab will help you quickly forget about such a nuisance and make your face clean and healthy. In a similar way you can get rid of herpes.

Geranium oil is considered universal because it is suitable for all skin types, regardless of the patient’s age

Benefits for the face

The funds are used when necessary:

  • restore exhausted, weakened skin, remove dull color;
  • rejuvenate, smooth and tighten the skin of the face and body;
  • remove excess fat.

The product has a miraculous effect on combination skin:

  • in areas prone to dryness and flaking, the oil will nourish the cells, saturating them with moisture;
  • in areas with increased sebum production, geranium stabilizes its formation;
  • inflammation, pimples, redness will quickly disappear.

As a result, the skin changes from combination type to normal.

Based on the product, you can prepare a moisturizing mask, indispensable during the cold season. To do this take:

  • 2 tsp. olive oil;
  • 1 drop of rose essential oil;
  • 1 drop of geranium oil.

All components are thoroughly mixed and then applied to cleansed skin of the face and neck. After 8–10 minutes, the residue is carefully removed with a paper towel.

For pronounced wrinkles, use an oil-honey mask, which is prepared from:

  • 1 tsp. sea ​​buckthorn oil;
  • 0.5 tsp. natural honey(any consistency);
  • 0.5 tsp. aloe vera juice;
  • 4 drops of geranium oil.

The ingredients are mixed together, then applied to cleansed facial skin. If desired, the mask can also be applied to the décolleté area. Wash off with warm water after 25–30 minutes, then apply moisturizer with light patting movements. A positive result becomes noticeable after 3-4 sessions.

Cuperosis - unpleasant phenomenon when unattractive red veins of blood vessels appear on the face. If earlier this disease was considered “age-related” (in people over 45–50 years old, with high blood pressure), now spider veins can be seen in young people. You can cope with this phenomenon by improving blood circulation, as well as restoring the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and capillaries. Geranium essential oil is perfect for this.

When applied pointwise in its pure form, the product:

  • has a calming effect;
  • can eliminate skin irritation;
  • relieves redness of the skin;
  • visually reduces blood vessels, narrowing their walls (without causing thrombus formation);
  • has a slight whitening effect;
  • evens out the complexion, making it fresh and clean.

Features of using body products

For the body, geranium oil is indispensable for:

  • getting rid of cellulite (or preventing it);
  • restoration of frostbitten or burned skin areas;
  • treatment of open wounds, cuts, deep scratches (all damage heals, scars can be forgotten).

When treating wounds, it is necessary to apply pure, undiluted oil to the damaged areas of the skin and rub it in gently in a circular motion.

It is best to start with 1 drop; the dosage is selected individually, depending on the size of the cut. Instead of applying directly, you can make compresses, for which the oil is diluted with purified water in a ratio of 1:10. A clean cotton cloth or gauze is generously moistened in the resulting emulsion and then applied to the wounds.

An extraordinary recipe with geranium oil is intended for visual breast enlargement. Daily light massage with pure oil (1-2 drops, rubbed between the palms and applied to the skin of the body) will help give the bust volume and pleasant elasticity in just a month.

Hands are one of the parts of the body most susceptible to adverse factors. It is the condition of the hands that reveals the true age. Oil massage will help prolong the youthfulness of the skin on the hands, eliminate roughness and dryness, get rid of cracks, as well as rough skin on the elbows. To do this, mix:

  • 5 drops of geranium essential oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l. 20% or homemade sour cream.

Apply the resulting mixture in a thick, even layer to your hands, from fingertips to elbows, hold for 30 minutes, then wash off with warm water without soap.

At home, you can prepare body milk that is not inferior in its properties to an expensive branded product. It will require:

  • a package (12 capsules) of vitamin E in an oil solution;
  • 2 tsp. melted beeswax;
  • 120 ml cosmetic oil;
  • 0.5 tbsp. mineral water with gas;
  • a couple of drops of essential oils of geranium, patchouli, ylang-ylang, orange or lemon, bergamot, etc.

All ingredients are mixed together in a non-metallic container. Apply the product to slightly damp, cleansed skin (can be done after a shower). The shelf life of the milk is short, only 14 days, but as a result, the skin of the whole body will be radiant, toned, elastic and moisturized.

Subtleties of using pelargonium oil to treat various diseases

Pelargonium essential oil is widely used in the treatment and prevention of many diseases. Only the application regimens and dosage of the product differ.

Benefits for women's health

In gynecology, the product helps solve many problems, it:

  • able to cope with female infertility;
  • eliminate inflammation of internal organs;
  • relieve menopausal disorders;
  • improve the condition of the body with pronounced premenstrual syndrome;
  • normalize the functioning of the reproductive system.
  • 0.2 l of any base oil (vaseline, etc.);
  • 3 drops of rose petal oil;
  • 3 drops of sage oil;
  • 4 drops of pelargonium oil;
  • a couple of drops of bergamot and ylang-ylang oils.

The resulting aromatic mixture is applied with light circular movements (clockwise and counterclockwise). The minimum course is 10 sessions. In addition to this, you can drink clean water with the addition of 1 tsp. natural honey and 3 drops of geranium essential oil. This drink should be taken before meals.

A solution for douching is also prepared based on geranium oil, at the rate of 4 drops of oil per glass of liquid.

Internal and external use for medicinal purposes

Gargling solutions based on geranium oil help solve dental problems (relieve gum inflammation, relieve pain, etc.). To prepare the solution, the optimal dosage is 2 drops per glass of liquid.

Taken internally in teas and infusions, pelargonium essential oil helps:

  • normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system, normalize pulse and blood pressure;
  • improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • reduce blood sugar levels.

The product is considered one of the best “female medicines” because it has a beneficial effect on the condition of the reproductive system and female genital organs. The oil helps balance hormonal imbalances after childbirth or during menopause.

In vascular therapy, geranium helps get rid of varicose veins and prevents the formation of blood clots and hemorrhoids. To combat dilated veins, prepare a mixture of:

  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil (take deodorized or raw-pressed);
  • 4 drops of pelargonium essential oil.

The resulting product is applied to swollen, dilated, blue veins, and gently massage with light movements, moving against the direction of blood flow.

For bladder stones, use tea with 1 teaspoon of honey and 2 drops of geranium oil. The drink also helps remove excess fluid from the body and relieves swelling.

Poor nutrition and irregular meals are a sure way to gastritis. The original recipe will help you forget about it:

  • 0.5 glasses of beer (light varieties);
  • 2 drops of geranium oil.

The ingredients are mixed together, taken once a day after meals, the minimum course is 10–14 days.


Each type of essential oil has a list of complementary, or successfully combined, aromas. You can combine the following scents with pelargonium essential oil:

  • refined verbena;
  • fragrant eucalyptus;
  • fresh lemon;
  • soft sage;
  • spicy basil;
  • fragrant chamomile;
  • spicy pine;
  • tart sandalwood, etc.

Geranium aroma can set you in an optimistic mood, relieve tension, remove inner fear, and also get rid of severe fatigue and the consequences of stress. This ideal remedy for aromatherapy sessions with deep depression or lack of interest in life.

A cycle of several aromatherapy procedures with geranium oil helps:

  • find inner harmony with yourself;
  • restore an adequate perception of current events, take a sober look at life;
  • increase vital activity;
  • give physical strength, increase endurance;
  • get rid of complexes that interfere with full-fledged activity;
  • open up as individuals.

For an aromatherapy session, just drop 2-3 drops of geranium oil into a special lamp. This will be enough to fill a room of up to 25 m² with a delicate aroma. To relieve a severe headache (migraine attack), mix 1 drop of pelargonium oil and 2-3 drops of any other oil (olive, etc.), then the mixture is gently rubbed into the occipital and temporal areas. In terms of effectiveness, this method of treatment is in no way inferior to ingestion of modern painkillers.

For people suffering from insomnia, it is enough to put 1-2 drops of geranium oil on a handkerchief and then place it next to the bed

To clean and disinfect the air in the house, which is important during flu periods, prepare a solution from:

  • 4 drops of geranium essential oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l. medical 70% alcohol;
  • 0.5 cups of purified cold water.

The solution is poured into a spray bottle and sprayed throughout the day in small portions throughout all rooms, including the bathroom and hallway.

If after a hard day at work you want to rest and relax properly, you can treat yourself to a fragrant and skin-friendly bath. To prepare it, add to warm water:

  • 20 g 20% ​​cream;
  • 2 tbsp. l. natural honey;
  • 8-10 drops of pelargonium essential oil.

The duration of such a session is 15–20 minutes.


Geranium essential oil, like others natural products, has a narrow range of contraindications. These include:

  • bearing a child (first 6 months);
  • period of use of hormonal contraceptives;
  • reduced blood sugar;
  • taken orally on an empty stomach in its pure form.

The product should not be used for more than 21 days in a row; it is necessary to take breaks in treatment. In addition, the product is prohibited from use for children under 6 years of age.

When applied to the skin, the product does not cause a strong allergic reaction, and cases of individual intolerance are extremely rare. The product can be taken internally by mixing with water, herbal infusions, teas or natural honey.

During breastfeeding, women should exercise caution when using geranium oil in cosmetics and medicinal purposes. Despite the abundance useful qualities, the product can reduce breast milk production.

When taken internally for a long time, pelargonium oil can cause by-effect- heartburn.

An ordinary geranium - a flower loved by our mothers and grandmothers - can bring considerable benefits to the body. The essential oil of this plant can be used internally and externally to treat colds, inflammation, recovery women's health, with menopause and infertility. External use of the oil helps to cope with acne and rosacea; it will be useful for restoring dry hair, getting rid of cellulite and other problems with the skin of the body. Aromatherapy with pelargonium oil helps restore strength and eliminate fatigue.

In the article we consider geranium oil - its beneficial properties and methods of use. You will learn what effect the plant extract has on the skin and hair, what diseases it helps treat, and whether it can be taken orally during pregnancy. We will tell you how to make oil at home.

What is geranium

Geranium, or pelargonium, is a plant that decorates home window sills and garden beds and has practical applications.

From the stems, leaves, and inflorescences of 2 types of geranium - pink and lemon - as a result of steam distillation, a yellowish-green extract with a rich aroma is obtained. It is used in medicine and cosmetology.

Chemical composition of geranium oil

Depending on the raw material, the chemical composition of geranium oil varies slightly, but the extract always contains up to a hundred biologically active ingredients, including:

  • geraniol;
  • linalool;
  • citronellol;
  • nerol;
  • a-terpineol.

Geranium oil – properties and uses

Geranium essential oil has wide range therapeutic and health effects. It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, so its use is justified for diseases respiratory tract, colds and runny nose.

In addition, geranium oil is used:

  • to eliminate spasms during headaches and migraines, normalize the condition during menstruation;
  • restoration of heart function at risk of tachycardia and coronary disease;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • treatment of fungus, herpes, eczema;
  • rapid healing of wounds and burns;
  • relieving pain symptoms from rheumatism, arthritis;
  • treatment of hemorrhoids;
  • for toothaches;
  • for convulsions and neuralgic pathologies.

A pleasant aroma with notes of rose eliminates feelings of anxiety, relieves depression and improves mood. As a result of stimulation of neuropsychic activity, performance increases, nervousness, irritability and fatigue go away, therefore geranium ether is especially recommended for older people to maintain mental and physical activity.

Sexologists prescribe geranium oil to couples over the age of 45 to increase libido and normalize sex life.

Herbalists are convinced that geranium oil helps with infertility, although official medicine this does not confirm.

Geranium extract is used in sports as a supplement before strength training to concentrate attention and achieve high sports results.

Geranium oil in cosmetology

The beneficial properties of geranium oil have determined its use in cosmetology for skin and hair care.

Geranium oil for face

The essential oil will relieve inflammation and replenish vitamin deficiencies, moisturize the skin and remove flaking, prevent skin diseases and acne, and eliminate wrinkles.

Plant extract is suitable for any skin type, but it is especially useful for oily skin with the first signs of aging.

How to use:

  • For acne, apply the oil directly to the inflamed areas with a cotton swab.
  • For rejuvenation, mix three tablespoons of olive oil with 2 drops of geranium and rose. To achieve the best lifting effect, apply the mixture for 20 minutes every day and then rinse with warm water.
  • For dry skin, mix 2 drops each of geranium, juniper and rose oils with the pulp of half an avocado. Apply the mask for 20 minutes and then wash with warm water.

The easiest way is to add geranium oil to your usual cosmetic products - creams, lotions, serums (1 drop per 15 ml of base product). But cosmetologists recommend preparing home remedies for the face - masks, tonics, lotions, so that the flower ether works most effectively.

Antibacterial mask recipe


  1. Geranium oil – 15 drops.
  2. Green clay – 20 g.
  3. Calendula tincture – 20 drops.

How to cook: Mix clay with oil and alcohol tincture until smooth. Prepare a chamomile infusion if you want to wash off the mask not with water, but with a nutritious decoction (steam 2 tablespoons of the dry plant in a glass of boiling water). Use this infusion as a heat compress.

How to use: Steam your face with a warm chamomile compress. Distribute the prepared mixture in a thin layer over problem areas of the skin. Leave for 20 minutes. Rinse with cool chamomile infusion.

Result: The mask normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, prevents the appearance of acne and comedones, smoothes the skin and eliminates redness.

Geranium oil for hair

Geranium ether nourishes hair follicles and accelerates hair growth. It normalizes the production of subcutaneous sebum and moisturizes the scalp, preventing the appearance of dandruff. It is also used in the treatment of pediculosis.

Strengthening Conditioner Recipe


  1. Geranium oil – 10 drops.
  2. Water – 150 ml.
  3. Apple cider vinegar – 2 tbsp.

How to cook: Mix the ingredients until smooth.

How to use: Using a spray bottle, spray the conditioner over the surface of your hair and leave for 5-10 minutes. Rinse with shampoo enriched with geranium oil.

Result: The procedure will restore natural pH and strengthen hair follicles, preventing hair loss.

If you don’t have time to prepare a hair mask, then carry out the aroma combing procedure every day. Apply 2-3 drops of geranium extract to a wide-toothed comb and comb your hair for 5-10 minutes. Regular therapeutic combing will improve blood circulation and restore dry and damaged hair.

Geranium oil inside

Geranium oil can be taken orally. The choice of recipe depends on the problem.

For example, you can:

  • for headaches, mix geranium oil with olive or sunflower oil in a ratio of 1:3 and apply the mixture to the temples, the back of the head, or lubricate the palms and feet with it;
  • for otitis, insert cotton swabs soaked in a mixture of geranium and olive oil (1:2) into the ears for 20-30 minutes;
  • for gum diseases, apply cotton pads soaked in geranium and olive oils (1:4).

More often, geranium oil is taken orally as part of olive or vegetable oil to:

  • remove kidney stones;
  • reduce blood sugar;
  • eliminate diarrhea;
  • remove worms;
  • relieve pain from stomach ulcers.

But in all cases internal use extract requires consultation with a doctor.

Geranium oil against ticks and mosquitoes

The aroma of geranium oil is not tolerated by many insects, so it is used to protect against ticks and mosquitoes.

Apply a few drops of geranium oil before going outside, while relaxing in nature or before going to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries. Sprinkle the aroma of geranium in your rooms (5-6 drops per liter of water) so that insects do not bother you.

For mosquito and midge bites, to relieve redness, apply pure geranium oil using cotton swab to the site of irritation.

Aromatherapy with geranium oil

Geranium oil is popular in aromatherapy procedures, as well as during therapeutic massage.

To aromatize rooms, add 3 drops to the aroma lamp, and no more than two drops to the aroma pendant. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes.

During the massage, use a mixture of 5 drops of geranium ether with 15 g of base oil.

Geranium oil during pregnancy

Geranium oil increases the amount of estrogen in the blood, and changes in hormonal levels can negatively affect the health of the expectant mother.

Therefore, you should be careful when using plant extract, especially if there are contraindications. External use of diluted oil in small dosages is acceptable.

In the third trimester for recovery emotional state You can carry out aromatherapy - one drop tucked into an aroma lamp is enough to improve your mood and relax.

Aromatic baths with geranium oil are not recommended during pregnancy. You should also be careful with its use during breastfeeding, as pelargonium extract reduces milk production.

Allergy to geranium oil

Although geranium oil is not toxic, your immune system may react negatively to its scent or composition. To test, take a few breaths from a bottle of undiluted oil. If headache or nausea does not appear during the day, then use the extract for baths and aromatherapy.

Do another test before applying to skin, hair or ingestion. Apply a few drops of pelargonium oil to the crook of your elbow and monitor the condition of your skin throughout the day. If irritation, redness and peeling do not appear, then geranium oil can be enriched with finished cosmetics or added to home remedies.

Contraindications and restrictions

Pelargonium oil is contraindicated:

  • children under 6 years old;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • with individual intolerance.

Where can I buy

You can buy geranium essential oil in pharmacy chains, and average price in a pharmacy it costs 80-140 rubles per 10 ml. Thus, geranium ether “Oleos” costs 133 rubles, and cosmetic geranium oil “Beauty Laboratory” costs 126 rubles.

However, you can also find products that cost an order of magnitude more. For example, Zeytun essential oil in a 10 ml bottle is sold for 1,890 rubles.

How to make geranium oil at home

To have absolute confidence in the naturalness of the product, it is better to make it yourself.

Homemade Geranium Oil Recipe

You will need:

  • geranium leaves and flowers – 4 tbsp;
  • refined sunflower oil– 1 glass.

How to cook:

  1. Grind the leaves and inflorescences of the plant to make 2 tbsp. spoons.
  2. Place them in a glass container, fill with vegetable oil, and then seal tightly.
  3. Place in a dark and cool place for 5 days.
  4. Then move it to the sun for a month and a half.
  5. Strain the mixture.
  6. Store the oil in the refrigerator (in a dark glass bottle with a tight lid).


Olga, 24 years old

Geranium oil turned out to be an ideal option for treating acne that appeared once a month about a week before my period. I started making masks with geranium and clay for prevention, and the problem went away.

Svetlana Ivanovna, 48 years old

I always take geranium oil with me if I go to the country with my family. It protects against mosquitoes and midges better than any commercial mosquito repellents. It is enough to apply a couple of drops on your wrist, and relaxing gatherings on the veranda are guaranteed. It's a pity that the grandson is still too young.

What to remember

  1. Natural geranium extract is used for cosmetic and medicinal purposes. It has an antibacterial and wound-healing effect, relieves swelling and eliminates pain, rejuvenates the skin and strengthens the hair.
  2. Individual intolerance, childhood, pregnancy and lactation are contraindications that do not allow the use of pelargonium oil.
  3. An affordable price will allow you to buy geranium oil at any pharmacy. You can also prepare it yourself using a simple recipe.

The properties and uses of geranium oil have been known since antiquity. Bushes of the plant were planted near the house to protect its inhabitants from evil spirits. French girls wore geranium flowers on the bodice of their dresses, believing that this would help them find feminine happiness.

In Tibet, geranium oil was used to treat eye diseases, in particular cataracts. He is loved and appreciated in the East because of his strength and ability to maintain mental balance.

How is oil obtained?

During the flowering period, a low-growing perennial bush is strewn with small pink flowers. To extract fragrant ether, stems and leaves are used. Geranium essential oil has an attractive, sweet and warm aroma.

If you do not have special knowledge and a trained nose, you will easily confuse it with rose oil. They differ in their therapeutic qualities. Geranium is often called the "poor man's rose" and serves as an alternative to the more expensive rose oil.

The ether has a fresh, soft, rich and mood-enhancing aroma. It contains over 67 elements that determine its beneficial properties. The transparent oil is almost colorless, although there is a faint tint of green.

Characteristics of ether

Geranium oil is a key element in aromatherapy. It is used as a whole body therapy to improve physical, mental and emotional health.

Place a few drops of geranium in a diffuser or on a napkin; as the vapor evaporates, it sends messages to the limbic system that allow you to better control your emotions and consciousness. By inhaling geranium oil, you can improve your heart rhythm, normalize your breathing rate, blood pressure and strengthen your immune defense.

Influencing the nervous system, it eliminates depressed and depressed states and causeless anxiety, and dramatically improves emotional mood. The aroma of geranium oil increases endurance and activates attention. Children calm down and become less whiny. With its help it is easy to achieve beautiful and glowing skin.

Geranium oil regulates hormones, improving a woman’s well-being during menopause and PMS. The positive effect of geranium oil has been noted in gynecological pathologies. Promotes the removal of stagnant fluid, thereby improving the symptoms of migraines, reduces swelling and the appearance of cellulite.

Energetically helps a person restore trusting relationships between people. Removes invisible barriers in communication, promotes control over emotions.

Useful properties and main areas of application of geranium oil

  • Relieves stress.
  • Reduces depression.
  • Minimizes inflammation.
  • Improves blood circulation.
  • Facilitates the symptoms of menopause.
  • Improves the condition of gums and teeth.
  • Reduces blood pressure
  • Improves skin.

The use of geranium oil is due to its properties:


This oil has a tonic, antiseptic and hemostatic effect. It works well in case of fatigue and in the process of restoring the body after illnesses.

The wonderful healing properties of geranium oil are applicable to many skin diseases. Helps heal bruises, burns, injuries, fungal infections, mycosis and eczema. Use with caution to treat injuries and bruises.

Ether stops the growth of bacteria on the skin and wound. Apply 2 drops of ether to the affected area and cover with gauze. You will need to do this procedure twice a day until the cut or wound heals.

For mycosis, prepare a foot bath with sea salt and 2 drops of geranium ether. You can achieve results faster if you perform the manipulation twice a day.


Geranium oil accelerates the elimination of fluids and promotes the accelerated elimination of toxins.

This makes it effective means for infections urinary tract, sore throat, mouth ulcers and yeast infections. Kidneys excrete faster heavy metals, toxic chemicals, sugar, sodium, excess bile.

Astringent and hemostatic

The essential oil causes the gums, muscles, intestines, skin, tissues and blood vessels to contract. With its use, it is easier to keep the abdominal muscles toned and the skin of the body in an elastic state. Another remarkable quality is to reduce skin sagging and the formation of wrinkles, thereby delaying the effects of rapid aging.

Geranium oil stops bleeding. Capillaries and blood vessels narrow, stopping blood flow in the wound. The coagulation process proceeds faster, this promotes healing and prevents the penetration of toxins into the blood through skin damage.

It is a natural phlebotonic that helps with symptoms of hemorrhoids, excessive menstrual bleeding and enlarged veins. There is an effective recipe for hemorrhoids: 1 drop of geranium oil per 5 ml of wheat oil. Soak a gauze pad and apply it several times a day, especially in case of pain, to the inflamed area.

Massage oil has a good effect: 5 drops of geranium ether and 1 tablespoon of jojoba. Knead and rub the skin, paying special attention to the muscles.


Geranium simultaneously relieves pain and spasms. This removes nervous tension in the muscles, increasing wellness for neuralgia and rheumatoid arthritis.

For this property, the oil is used in the treatment of chronic anxiety and nervousness.


Geranium oil tones the body as a whole, forcing internal organs to work properly. Affects the functioning of the glands that produce various hormones, enzymes, acids and bile.

This leads to the strengthening and functionality of all systems in the human body. In addition, it improves muscle and skin tone, which seriously improves your overall well-being.

If you feel that your strength is exhausted, and there is still a lot of work to do, the tonic aroma of geranium is your salvation. Place a few drops of ether applied to cotton wool or natural fabric on the table closer to the heat source (lamp). Take slow, deep breaths from time to time.

If you need a "shake-up" and increased activity, combine 10 ml of soybean oil and 5 drops of geranium oil. Do a self-massage or ask loved one work through back surface neck, forehead and solar plexus clockwise.

In a relaxed state, lie on the floor for about 5 minutes and you will feel fresh, able to work with renewed energy. It is especially useful when you do not have time for proper sleep.


The special properties of geranium oil can expel from the intestines small worms. This is very useful for children to carry out preventive actions. Add 2 drops of essential oil to a spoon with milk or honey and take it.

Helping patients with Alzheimer's disease is geranium ester, which helps induce microglial cells that secrete anti-inflammatory agents and relieve inflammation in nerve fibers.

The process prevents the formation of neurodegenerative diseases and reduces the risk of conditions that contribute to memory loss.

Application in cosmetology

The main use of geranium oil in cosmetology is skin care in the face, eyelids, neck, chest and body.

The essential oil nourishes dry skin, relieves itchy scalps and smoothes fine lines and wrinkles.

For skin

Geranium and ylang ylang ether can improve the condition of the skin on the décolleté and “tighten” the breasts; take 10 drops per 20 ml of almond or jojoba oil. Apply to clean and dry skin. Leave until absorbed. Regular nutrition with this mixture will ensure elastic and toned breast skin.

The oil exhibits an excellent cytophylactic effect, that is, it promotes cell health, stimulates the utilization of dead cells and the regeneration of new ones.

Helps in the growth of young body cells, which can absorb nutrients more efficiently.

A unique property for the skin can truly do incredible things and bring tangible benefits.

Many people are looking miracle cures, spend time and money looking for products that would help get rid of scars, stretch marks, marks from surgical intervention, acne and cuts.

All this can be avoided and results can be achieved much easier if you use geranium essential oil. With its help, scars and other spots disappear. It improves blood circulation in the lower layers of the skin and promotes the even distribution of melanin.

Freshener and flavor

The fragrant ether will provide you with a fragrance in the literal sense of the word. The fact is that when applied, the oil is released along with sweat through the glands. The antibacterial property helps eliminate body odor and geranium ether acts as a natural deodorant.

To do this, add 5 drops of geranium oil to a spray bottle and add 5 tablespoons of water. The result is a natural and sophisticated scent that can be used every day. Your body will be enveloped in the scent of roses.

Many people use geranium essential oil as a room freshener because it has a delightful scent. (more details on how to make a freshener from essential oil)

For face

If you regularly use geranium oil on your face, you can achieve amazing results. Irritation, dryness and peeling disappear. The skin becomes surprisingly soft and elastic to the touch. Small wrinkles are smoothed out, the surface is leveled, and facial contours become more expressive.

Those with oily skin will find benefits for themselves, with its help it is possible to control sebum production, reduce the visibility of pores and tighten them. For acne, the antibacterial power of flower oil softens inflammatory reactions, heals the epidermis and prevents subsequent irritation.

For hair

Try geranium oil for hair. It can quickly strengthen the hair follicle and restore shine and softness to the curls. Apply 2 drops of ether to the comb and comb your hair. A rush of blood to the skin and additional nutrition with ether will improve the condition of the curls.

Firming mask recipe: mix rosemary and geranium oils 5 drops each, add 6 drops of cedar ether and 10 ml of any carrier oil of your choice. Apply to hair, massage gently and keep on head for half an hour. Wash off with shampoo.

It is possible to restore the natural pH of the hair and strengthen the hair follicles with a homemade conditioner. After its impact, you will get soft, elastic and healthy hair.

Hair conditioner recipe: Mix 10 drops of geranium oil, 150 ml of water, 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Apply the liquid to the entire surface of the hair with a spray bottle and leave for 5 minutes. Rinse off.

Features and contraindications

  • Pregnant and nursing mothers should avoid geranium oil.
  • Contraindicated for infants and children under 6 years of age.
  • Geranium essential oil can only be applied to the skin in diluted form.
  • At hypersensitivity do not apply.

Geranium essential oil can change your mood, calm or invigorate. Try using it on your skin and feel its “tightening” effect. Refresh your home, fill it with the fragrance of a delicate, modest flower, ready to “compete” with the aroma of the rose itself.

Our grandmothers and mothers line their window sills with pelargonium, believing that it is not only beautiful, but also useful, as it purifies the air.

And they are right: it has a lot of healing qualities, but they manifest themselves even better in such a remedy as geranium essential oil, obtained from the leaves and flowers of the plant. It is not for nothing that it is valued by Eastern healers, who believe that it restores peace of mind, and by other healers familiar with the healing qualities of this ether.

Description and composition of geranium oil

Description of geranium essential oil

In industrial conditions, this ether, the properties of which are used in medicine and cosmetology, is obtained by steam distillation. It is usually extracted from three types of pelargonium - lemon (more fragrant, giving off lemon), rough and pink. A kilogram of leaves and flowers of the plant gives approximately 1 ml of ether.

The output is a viscous and oily, yellow or greenish-yellow liquid, exuding a fresh and at the same time warm, slightly tart aroma with notes of mint, lemon and rose.

Geranium essential oil is stored indoors, in a dark, tightly screwed bottle. It can be stored for five years.

What does geranium essential oil consist of?

Geranium oil is rich in valuable substances:

  • Geraniol.
  • Chlorophyll and vitamin E.
  • Flavonoids and alkaloids.
  • Tannins.
  • Monoterpenes and tannins.
  • Coumarins and other substances.

In total, etherol contains over 100 valuable components, the amount of which depends on the varietal characteristics and places of growth.

Description and composition of geranium oil

Properties and uses of geranium oil

Properties of pelargonium ether

Having such a rich composition, etherol has the following properties:

Geranium oil strengthens and tones blood vessels, prevents the formation of tumors, removes toxins, improves the functioning of the lymphatic system and internal organs, restores hormonal levels and strengthens the body's defenses.

Applications of geranium oil

The healing properties of etherol are used in the treatment of many ailments, including cosmetic problems:

  • With weakened immunity.
  • For colds and otitis media.
  • For menstrual irregularities.
  • For hypertension.
  • For diseases of the liver, heart, blood vessels, joints and kidneys.
  • To improve hematopoietic function and metabolism.
  • For pediculosis and helminth infection.
  • For headaches.
  • For infertility.
  • For healing wounds of any origin.
  • For climacteric syndromes.
  • For the treatment of fungal diseases.
  • For Alzheimer's disease.
  • For the treatment of skin diseases and cellulite.
  • For increased oily hair.
  • For periodontal disease and other diseases.

Geranium ether copes with chronic fatigue, anxiety, sleep disorders, nervousness and depression.

Applications of geranium oil

Recipes with geranium essential oil in the treatment of diseases

The properties of geranium have long been noted by traditional healers and are used to get rid of many ailments.



To relieve inflammation and pain, mix 10 drops of geranium oil with olive (peach, almond) oil, soak cotton wool pads in it and insert into the ear canal for 15 minutes.

Runny nose

For a runny nose and nasal congestion, do this:

  • Combine olive oil (50 drops) with mint (2 drops), eucalyptus, geranium, rosemary and pine (5 drops each).
  • We wet our fingers in the oil mixture and massage the wings of the nose, and then drop 3 drops into each nostril.

The nose will clear, congestion and swelling of the mucous membrane will disappear.

If your throat hurts, gargle it after eating with a mixture of 3 drops of geranium ether and 1 tbsp. warm water, and take 1 drop with 1 tsp. honey, washed down with a glass of tea with lemon juice.


Taking oil internally

Dilute 4 drops of essential oil and 1 tsp in 0.5 cups of warm water. honey We drink this remedy three times a day before meals, each time preparing a new portion. We accept it together with my husband.

Doing a massage

Mix the oils:

  • 1 tbsp. olive oil;
  • 2 drops of ylang-ylang;
  • 4 drops of geranium;
  • 1 drops of sage;
  • 3 drops of rose;
  • 2 drops of bergamot.

Gently massage the lower abdomen using an oil mixture: only women need massage.

Recipes with geranium essential oil in the treatment of diseases

Wounds, ulcers, burns, eczema

Wounds, eczema and ulcers

Apply a couple of drops of geranium essential oil to the sore spot and cover with a bandage. We repeat the procedure twice a day until healing.


To ensure rapid tissue regeneration after burns, we do the following:

  • Mix geranium oil (5 drops) and olive oil (10 ml), which can be replaced with peach, apricot or almond oil.
  • After moistening the tampon with this mixture, apply it for 10 minutes. to the affected area of ​​skin.

Geranium essential oil disinfects damaged areas and promotes rapid healing.

Oral diseases

Periodontal disease

Let's use effective recipes:

  • Morning rinsing with boiled water and geranium ether (5 drops per 1 tbsp.) will help relieve inflammation of the gums.
  • During the day, wipe the gums a couple of times with gauze soaked in a mixture of 6 drops of essential oil with 25 drops of olive oil.

You can also lubricate inflamed gums with pure oil: it will relieve inflammation and soothe.

Other diseases

  • Fungus of nails or feet. Twice a day we immerse our feet in a bowl of warm water, in which a handful of sea salt and 3 drops of geranium oil are diluted.
  • Haemorrhoids. Apply gauze soaked in a mixture of 5 ml of wheat oil and 1 drop of geranium ether to the sore spot. The product will relieve pain and inflammation.
  • Worms and pinworms. Mix a couple of drops of essential oil with 1 tbsp. honey and take it twice a day after meals. The medicine is suitable for the treatment and prevention of helminthic infestation in children and adults.
  • Hormonal imbalance. Every day we apply a drop of oil to the axillary lymph nodes. It improves estrogen production.

And if you have a headache, lubricate the back of your head and temporal areas with a mixture of 1 drop of geranium ether and 3 drops of olive (peach, almond). The pain will soon subside.

Recipes with geranium essential oil

Geranium oil in cosmetology

Geranium essential oil for healthy skin

Since geranium etherol has regenerating, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, it is often used to improve skin health.

Lotion for problem skin

  • Dilute in 0.5 tbsp. distilled water 10 ml alcohol or vodka.
  • Mix orange, geranium and chamomile oils (three drops of each).
  • We wipe problem areas several times a day.

The skin will calm down and stop inflaming. We store the lotion in a dark glass bottle.

Daily cream

To prepare a nourishing cream for daily use, especially relevant in winter and spring, do the following:

  • Mix 15 ml of nut oil, avocado and jojoba.
  • Add a couple of drops of jasmine, geranium and vanilla ether.
  • Add 4 drops each of orange and rosewood oils.
  • Mix the ingredients into a homogeneous mass.

Apply nourishing cream to the skin every morning. We store it in the refrigerator.

Anti-crow's feet remedy

A mixture of oils will help get rid of fine wrinkles in the eye area:

  • Mix half a glass of olive (almond, peach, apricot or jojoba) oil with verbena, rosemary and geranium ether (3 drops of each).
  • Before going to bed, gently massage the oil into the delicate skin around the eyes, and soon it will be transformed.

If the skin of your hands is peeling and red, make a half-hour mask for them from a mixture of 1 tbsp. warm sour cream, geranium, orange ether and myrrh oil (5 drops each). We apply it to both hands and elbows, then rinse with warm water. The skin of your hands and elbows will soon become soft and smooth again.

Geranium oil for hair

  • Dandruff. Rub a little geranium oil into the scalp and wash off after 15 minutes. warm water.
  • Hair loss. Each time you wash, add 5 drops of essential oil to the shampoo.

Geranium oil for hair

Geranium oil for breast support

Every woman dreams of elastic, high breasts, but not everyone manages to keep them in this condition. Breasts sag due to poor posture, after childbirth and feeding a baby, and sudden weight loss. To improve its shape, we use geranium essential oil: it moisturizes and nourishes the delicate skin of the breast, accelerates blood flow and strengthens muscles.

The breast lift product is made and used as follows:

  • Mix 50 ml of almond oil with geranium and ylang-ylang etherol (10 drops each).
  • Gently rub the mixture into the skin of your chest before going to bed.

We make sure that the oils do not get on the nipples.

Contraindications to the use of geranium oil

Although geranium essential oil has many benefits, it is not suitable for everyone.

Contraindications to the use of geranium oil

Geranium essential oil is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • If the child is under 6 years old.
  • During pregnancy, as the oil helps increase estrogen production.
  • During breastfeeding: Geranium essential oil reduces milk production.
  • When using oral contraceptives: in combination with them, the oil will significantly disrupt hormonal levels.
  • In case of individual intolerance to the components of the product.

In other cases, you should not use geranium ether for more than a month, and you should definitely stop treatment if heartburn and allergy symptoms appear.

Geranium oil price

10 ml of geranium essential oil costs approximately:

In Barnaul – from 83 to 483 rubles;

In Krasnodar – from 73 to 340 rubles;

In Krasnoyarsk – from 83 to 280 rubles;

In Moscow – from 61 to 1552 rubles;

In online stores – from 62 to 1900 rubles.

The better the quality of the raw materials, the more expensive the oil.

Geranium essential oil

Methods for making geranium oil at home

To prepare 1 ml of geranium oil with your own hands, you will need about 0.9-1 kg of greenery and flowers collected during the flowering period of the plant. Geranium oil made at home is suitable for both treating diseases and for cosmetic use.

Preparation of geranium oil by steam method

  • Wash, dry and chop the leaves and flowers.
  • Place the raw material in a glass jar and fill it with water so that it is submerged.
  • We make a hole in the lid of the jar, insert a thin tube and seal it tightly.
  • We lower the outer end of the tube into a small dark bottle, which must be placed in a glass half filled with ice.
  • We close the jar with a lid with a tube in a water bath. As the contents of the jar heat up, droplets of etherol will appear in the bottle.

This method is inconvenient because to obtain a tiny amount of oil you will need a lot of raw materials: for example, to produce a standard 10 ml of product, you will need 10 kg of raw materials. It is unlikely that anyone will have such a number of plants. Therefore, to obtain homemade geranium oil, it is better to use infusion.

Obtaining geranium essential oil by infusion

  • Grind 200 grams of flowers and leaves of the plant, preferably rough geranium: it produces more ether.
  • Fill the raw material with 250 ml of vodka or alcohol.
  • Close the container tightly and place it in a sunny window for a couple of weeks.
  • Pour in 50 ml of olive, almond or peach oil and keep in the same place for another two weeks.

The output is a yellowish oil of medium concentration, exuding the aroma of grass and roses. This oil is suitable for any healing purposes, aromatherapy and the preparation of cosmetics.

Thus, you can not only buy geranium essential oil in pharmacies, but also prepare it yourself by growing several pelargonium bushes. The main thing is to do an allergy test before use by dropping a little product on the skin and monitoring the reaction: if there is no itching or redness, it will not harm the body.

Geranium is a perennial herbaceous plant. It is absolutely unpretentious and can be grown at home. Almost all types of this plant, both wild and indoor, have beneficial properties.

Geranium is considered a very ancient plant. It has a rich geographical history, so it has several names. Its second name is pelargonium. South Africa is considered the birthplace of the flower. At the end of the 17th century, it came to the European continent as an ornamental plant. In Russia, homemade pelargonium began to be used for medicinal purposes only in the mid-19th century. It was then that the healing abilities of this flower became known.

Today, geraniums decorate almost every windowsill. In addition to being used as decoration, this indoor plant is used in alternative medicine and cosmetology. A number of beneficial properties allow this miraculous plant to be used for the treatment and prevention of a number of diseases.

Chemical composition

The healing properties of geranium are caused by its richest natural composition. The abundance of vitamins and beneficial microelements makes it suitable for use for medicinal purposes. In geranium healing effect possess all parts of the plant - flowers, leaves and roots.

The chemical composition of the plant includes:

  • vitamins - carotene, ascorbic acid (E),
  • macro- and microelements - nickel, zinc, manganese, iron, copper;
  • flavonoids;
  • tannins and mucous substances;
  • essential oils;
  • phytoncides;
  • alkaloids;
  • pectins;
  • fructose and glucose.

The composition of geranium roots is rich in phenols, and the upper part of the green part is rich in sucrose, starch, phenolic compounds and hemicellulose. The leaves contain flavonoids, pigments, essential oils, vitamins and phenolcarboxylic acids.

Medicinal properties

Geranium has amazing properties. This flower has a complex effect on the body, which has a beneficial effect on the general condition of a person.

Among the medicinal properties are:

  • antiseptic;
  • bactericidal;
  • pain reliever;
  • wound healing;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antivirus;
  • hemostatic;
  • decongestant;
  • diuretic;
  • antidiabetic;
  • anticancer effect.

Due to its antibacterial and antiseptic properties, geranium can be used to treat infectious and viral diseases.

Decoctions and infusions based on geranium can strengthen the body's protective functions, developing resistance to harmful bacteria, fungi and viruses.

The flower kills pathogenic microflora, including staphylococci and other bacteria. Due to the abundance of healing properties, the plant can be recommended to be taken for various diseases in the form of decoctions, oils and tea.

What are the benefits of geranium oil?

Geranium essential oil has absorbed the best properties of this flower. For example, the presence of natural elements such as phytoestrogens allows the use essential product for the treatment of certain female diseases. It helps normalize hormonal levels, helps with infertility, and also regulates the menstrual cycle.

Among the medicinal properties of geranium oil are:

  • elimination of swelling;
  • improving blood circulation and lymph outflow;
  • eliminating dry skin;
  • acceleration of regeneration of damaged tissues;
  • relieving irritation and inflammatory reactions on the skin;
  • decreased sebum production;
  • preventing the appearance of dandruff and hair fragility, as well as stimulating hair growth.

The oil can be used both externally and internally. The oil is also added to baths, aroma lamps and used for massage treatments.

Geranium oil - excellent remedy for improvement psycho-emotional state. It is recommended for use during periods of neurosis, depression, as well as mental and physical exhaustion.

Geranium oil is also used for cold and hot inhalations. It perfectly eliminates inflammation in the nose, throat and ears. It also helps with toothache and headaches.


Geranium has found wide application in various fields. The abundance of beneficial properties has made it possible to use this plant in the following industries:

  • in cosmetology,
  • alternative medicine,
  • pharmacology,
  • aromatherapy,
  • perfume industry,
  • cooking.

In cooking, fragrant geranium is used as a spice. Most often it is used to give baked goods and dessert dishes a pleasant and original aroma. Dried leaves are combined with the scents of rose, lemon or mint.

In the cosmetology industry, geranium is used in the production of various skin and hair care products. Geranium extract is used in sports nutrition.

Based on this, special preparations are produced to increase concentration and endurance during training.

The perfume industry uses rose geranium oil to create various fragrances. The geranium note is present in the scents of such brands as Giorgio Armani, Trussardi, Salvatore Ferragamo, Prada, Montale, Roberto Cavalli, Hugo Boss, Gianni Versace, etc.

Traditional medicine is replete with various recipes using home and meadow geraniums. Homemade flowers are used to treat and prevent a number of diseases. Let's look at what folk recipes based on it exist below.


Alternative medicine has revealed the beneficial properties of geranium for a long time. The plant was used as an external and internal remedy to treat certain diseases.

Traditional recipes with geranium help with:

  • diseases of the ENT organs;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • respiratory viral diseases;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • internal bleeding;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • gout;
  • toothache;
  • skin diseases, etc.

To this day, this amazing flower is used to prepare medicinal raw materials, and also simply useful to keep a plant in the house. For example, p for insomnia and sleep disorders It is recommended to place the flowerpot with the plant in the bedroom. Leave it in the room until sleep returns to normal.

Geranium juice and oil

To eliminate the symptoms of a runny nose You will need juice from geranium leaves. Grind the fresh leaves and squeeze the juice out of them using gauze. Place the resulting juice in each nostril. We perform this therapy 3-54 times a day. This remedy helps to cope with nasal congestion and quickly get rid of a runny nose.

For elimination internal bleeding You need to grind fresh leaves of fragrant geranium and squeeze the juice out of them. Throughout the day you need to drink 30 drops of juice every two hours.

For nosebleeds squeeze the juice from the fresh leaves of the plant and dip a cotton swab into it. We insert the tampon into the nasal sinuses and take it out after half an hour.

Infusions and decoctions

Cough, sore throat, tuberculosis: Take 20 g of crushed meadow geranium leaves and pour a glass of boiling water over them. Cover the container with a lid and leave to infuse for 8 hours. Strain the prepared broth and gargle with it 3-4 times a day.

Can be made from geranium remedy for the treatment of eczema. A small amount of fresh leaves must be crushed and poured with 250 ml of hot water. Place the container with the raw materials in a water bath and cook over low heat for 5-10 minutes. Allow the broth to cool on its own, then strain it. The prepared decoction must be used in the form of lotions and applied to the affected areas. This procedure must be done 2-3 times a day.

During angina attacks Geranium infusion will help. For it, take five tablespoons of crushed dry leaves and pour one liter of boiling water over them. Cover the container with a lid and let it brew for two hours. Next, filter and use 100 ml of infusion when unpleasant symptoms occur.

For conjunctivitis: take 1 tbsp. l. crushed leaves of the plant and pour them with one glass of boiling water. Let it brew, then strain. We wash the eyes with the resulting decoction. We repeat this procedure 2-3 times a day.

For rectal cancer a recipe for a special decoction based on geranium, Art. l. meadow pelargonium, 1 tsp. water pepper and 1 tsp. viburnum flowers. Prepare the mixture according to the recipe:

  • Grind all the ingredients and pour in a liter of boiling water.
  • Cover the container with a lid and let it brew for 15-20 minutes.
  • After this, filter the infusion and add 1 tsp to it. tinctures of burnet herb.
  • Mix the product and pour it into the rectum using a baby bulb (after the enema).

The procedure must be done once a day before bedtime. Important: treatment cancer diseases cannot replace taking anticancer drugs and chemotherapy, if prescribed.

For hemorrhoids A decoction of the leaves of the plant will also help. You need to pour 50 g of crushed geranium leaves into 250 ml. Boil in a water bath for 15 minutes, then filter. Apply gauze soaked in the broth to the hemorrhoids for 5 minutes. This therapy must be carried out twice a day.

There is also a special infusion after chemotherapy. To prepare it you will need a special variety of plant - Robert's geranium. The decoction is prepared as follows:

  • Take one spoonful of the plant (namely Robert's geranium).
  • Brew in a glass of boiling water.
  • Let it brew for 30-40 minutes.
  • We drink the prepared infusion throughout the day in an amount of 200 ml (take small sips).
  • The course of therapy is two months.

Geranium contains some beneficial compounds that inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

For cancer The following recipe will come in handy: pour 1 tbsp. l. dried meadow geranium in a cold glass boiled water. Let it sit overnight. We take the finished infusion in small doses throughout the day. The course of treatment is two months.

In case of kidney stone disease pour 300 ml of water into an enamel container. When the water boils, pour 15 g of dried blood-red geranium into the pan. Then boil it over low heat for 7-10 minutes. After this, cool and strain. We accept decoction 2 tbsp. l. five times a day. The decoction helps dissolve the stones.

Geranium leaves and roots

Geranium leaves can be used as cold remedies. Take freshly picked geranium leaves and wrap them around thumbs legs Wrap a bandage around the top and put on socks. It is recommended to carry out the procedure at night.

With increased blood pressure you need to tear off the sheet and apply it to your wrist, securing it with a pharmaceutical bandage. After half an hour, remove.

For epilepsy attacks you will need the root of the plant. It should also be prepared for use in a certain way:

  • It is crushed and 1 tbsp. l of the resulting raw material is poured with 250-300 ml of hot water.
  • The container is placed in a water bath.
  • Boil over low heat for 10 minutes.
  • The broth is filtered.
  • Use 2 tbsp. l. 2-3 times a day.

To relieve ear pain A freshly picked geranium leaf will help; you need to lightly knead it and put it in the ear canal. This method will reduce pain and relieve inflammation.

To relieve toothache The geranium leaf is chewed a little and applied to the sore tooth or sore gum for 20 minutes.


Fragrant geranium has found wide application in cosmetology. The plant extract is included in some cosmetic products. Special masks for hair skin are prepared at home.

Geranium has amazing properties:

  • strengthens the hair structure and prevents hair loss;
  • rejuvenates the skin and saturates it with beneficial compounds;
  • improves skin tone and improves its color;
  • reduces sebum production, eliminates acne and skin rashes;
  • eliminates the peeling process, etc.

Fragrant geranium is used to treat acne, purulent diseases skin, with inflammatory reactions and rashes. Both geranium itself and its oil are used for cosmetic purposes.

Geranium oil has an antioxidant, regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect and is used to treat eczema, wounds, burns and even frostbite.

To prepare refreshing toner for dry and mature skin you will need 1 tbsp. l. vodka, 1 glass of flower water and 2 tbsp. l. medicinal chamomile, drops of rose essential oil and 4 drops of geranium oil. Mix all ingredients and pour into an airtight container. We wipe our face with the prepared tonic every morning and evening.

Geranium is also used to make nourishing mask for normal skin. This is done in the following sequence:

  • Beat the egg white.
  • Pour it into the container.
  • Add 2 tbsp. l. white clay.
  • Add a few drops of cornflower blue water and geranium essential oil.
  • Mix the ingredients until smooth.
  • Apply to skin for 15 minutes. Then wash it off.

Anti-inflammatory mask is prepared as follows. Mix two drops each of geranium, lavender, cajuput and cedar oil. Apply the resulting consistency to problem areas. After 20 minutes, blot the unabsorbed oil with a paper napkin. For 40 minutes we try to avoid direct sunlight on the skin.

For flaky skin A mask will help. Mix 2 tbsp in a glass container. l avocado oil, 3 drops of geranium extract and 4 drops of juniper extract. Mix all ingredients and heat slightly in a water bath (about 36 degrees). Next, soak the cotton wool in an oil consistency and apply it to the face. After 15 minutes, remove the cotton wool and wash.

To prepare facial scrub you will need:

  • 50 g moisturizing soap,
  • half a glass of oatmeal,
  • 50 g almonds, crushed in a coffee grinder,
  • a glass of crushed fragrant geranium leaves.

Grate the soap and mix it with the rest of the ingredients. Bring the mixture to a homogeneous consistency. Place on gauze ready mixture, we connect the ends and tie them in a knot, forming a bag. Lightly moisten the resulting lump in water and massage the face with it for three minutes. Then rinse your face.

Cosmetic ice for wrinkles With the addition of geranium leaves it is easy to prepare at home. We chop the leaves and squeeze the juice out of them using gauze. Mix the resulting juice with water in equal proportions. Pour the solution into ice cube trays. We place them in the freezer. Wipe cosmetic ice face morning and evening.

Cleanses the face well steam bath. Take five dry leaves of meadow pelargonium and pour a liter of boiling water over them. Let it brew for 3-4 minutes. Pour the broth into a bowl, bend slightly over it and cover with a towel. Keep your face above the steam for about 10 minutes. Then we wipe it with cosmetic ice so that the pores close.


Despite the abundance of beneficial properties, indoor and meadow geraniums have a number of contraindications. Failure to follow the rules of administration can cause serious harm to the body in the form of various side effects.

Main contraindications:

  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • Stomach ulcer;
  • Intestinal atony;
  • Tendency to thrombophlebitis;
  • Thrombosis and the presence of other circulatory pathologies;
  • Reduced stomach acidity;
  • Chronic gastritis;
  • Constipation;
  • Individual intolerance to components.
  • Tendency to allergic reactions.

Internal use of medications based on this plant is prohibited for children under 15 years of age, as well as for elderly people.

Procurement of raw materials and storage

It is better to harvest geranium roots in early autumn or spring. They are collected, cleaned of dirt, washed well and then dried. You can dry the raw materials either in the oven (at a temperature of 50 degrees) or in a special dryer. It should be stored in cardboard containers or sealed plastic packaging.

All parts of geranium are used for medicinal purposes: roots, stems, leaves and flowers.

The leaves are harvested at the beginning of the plant's flowering. If the flower is not indoors, then it is better to pick it in dry, sunny weather. It is recommended to dry the raw materials in a dark, well-ventilated area. Or, you can also use a special dryer at 40 degrees.

To store leaves, it is better to choose rag bags, such as linen. In such conditions, the plant will be able to retain all its healing properties for a whole year.

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