Geriatrician: what does this doctor treat. What kind of doctor is a geriatrician? Geriatrics - prevention and treatment of diseases of old age

A geriatrician is a specialist whose field of activity includes providing medical care elderly and old people. It consists of diagnosing, treating and preventing diseases, taking into account the characteristics of old age. Each disease manifests itself differently depending on the age of the patient. Moreover, the majority medicines well suited for young and middle-aged people, but children and old people can get a lot side effects from them. Therefore, for older people, it is best to contact a geriatrician with a problem, who will develop the most appropriate examination plan and treatment tactics for the patient, taking into account all age-related changes.


Geriatrics, as a medical specialty, is aimed at solving the following issues:

Strengthening the health of older people, taking into account the specifics of age, as well as increasing their life expectancy; caring for the disabled and people with...

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Geriatrician A B C D E F G H I J J K L M N O P R S T U V X C H W E S Z

Who is a Geriatrician

What is the competence of a Geriatrician?

- Heart failure;
- Ischemic cardiopathy;

- Neurological pathologies;
- Senile dementia;
- Disease...

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People who have lived to an old age often ask the question of what kind of geriatrician this is, because at their next appointment with a therapist they can receive a referral to this particular specialist. Geriatrics studies the natural processes of physiological aging human body.

Age-related changes in the tissues and organs of an aging patient in some cases are not subject to standard methods therapies that are used everywhere in medical organizations. In this regard, a narrow direction in medicine was created that studies, predicts and alleviates the condition of aging diseases, and also seeks opportunities to prolong an active life in sound mind for as long as possible. The doctor who deals with this issue is called a geriatrician. His patients are people aged 65 years and older.

His patients are people aged 65 years and older. Typically, a geriatrician receives and monitors his patients in specialized clinics. Very important in the profession...

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Who is a geriatrician?

Where can you find a geriatrician? Usually you will not find this specialist in a regular district clinic. They are located in special centers for the study of gerontology (the science of the aging processes of organs and humans as a whole), as well as in private clinics.

When should you contact a geriatrician?

Most often, a person (no matter whether man or woman) by the age of fifty has about four to five chronic diseases. Over the next ten years, the number of chronic diseases will almost double. As a result, things like this arise...

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Geriatrician - description, doctor's advice:

Who is a Geriatrician -

(Geri- + Greek iatros doctor) - a specialist doctor (usually a therapist) who provides medical care to elderly and old age.

What is the competence of a Geriatrician?

A geriatrician is a doctor for an elderly person.

The competence of a geriatrician includes:
- strengthening the health and increasing the life expectancy of older people;
- improving the quality of life of chronically ill and disabled people, increasing their ability to self-care, providing targeted medical and social assistance.

What diseases does a Geriatrician treat?

- Cardiovascular pathology in elderly patients;
- Heart failure;
- Ischemic cardiopathy;
- Peripheral arteriopathy;
- Neurological pathologies;
- Senile dementia;
- Parkinson's disease;

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About a hundred years ago, scientists actively began to study the aging processes of organisms. Realizing that these changes are multifaceted and natural, we first identified a separate science, gerontology, as general direction. Then it separated into a medical unit dealing with diseases in old age. Few people know what kind of geriatrician a doctor is. However, the number of people living to old age is becoming more and more every day, which means that the relevance of training such specialists is increasing.

What kind of geriatrician is a doctor?

A doctor who deals with the prevention of diseases, their treatment, and rehabilitation of elderly patients is called a geriatrician. What does such a specialist treat? The list of diseases is quite extensive. The geriatrician tries to build preventive and therapeutic measures aging patient in such a way as to prolong his active, independent lifestyle. A person’s age is not a verdict, but it can determine...

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When should you apply? Tests that need to be taken Diagnostic methods used in the work What diseases does it treat? Adviсe

The years go by and, unfortunately, each of us is not getting any younger. With our ecology, sedentary life, poor nutrition Due to the eternal lack of time for one’s health, the body ages quite quickly. And wasting the body’s resources is fraught with exacerbation of many chronic diseases. What to do in such a situation? Who should I contact? This is why there is a geriatrician.

Who is a geriatrician?

A geriatrician is a specialist, usually of therapeutic specialization, who studies, diagnoses and develops treatment regimens for diseases of older people. Who are these “older” people? After all, it happens now that even at the age of 20 a person has a dozen chronic diseases and feels like he is 50. Therefore, in geriatrics it is accepted that old man is a man or woman over 60 years of age.

Where can I find...

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Who is a geriatrician?

A geriatrician is a therapeutic physician who studies, diagnoses and develops treatment regimens for diseases in older people. It is considered to be an elderly person, men and women over the age of 60 years. Geriatrician from the word geri- plus the Greek iatros doctor. You can find a doctor in this specialty in a district clinic, as well as in special centers for the study of gerontology, the science of the aging process of the human body, as well as in private clinics.

Competence of a geriatrician

A geriatrician deals with:

Analyzes all existing human diseases and builds a treatment plan based on this data. Carries out a set of measures for long-term functional maintenance of physical normal condition an elderly person. Develops balanced physical activity and nutritional recommendations. Strengthen the health of older people and thereby increase the duration of quality life. Improves...

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Vrachuk -> Doctors -> What illnesses and diseases does a geriatrician treat?

What does a geriatrician treat?

Do you know who deals with the diseases of elderly and old people? IN government institutions In healthcare, these issues are dealt with by therapists, and we are used to this.

In fact, it is more correct to entrust issues related to diseases of the elderly to geriatricians.

Geriatrician is a specialist in aging. He knows what to expect from old age and how to mitigate these processes.

In developed countries, each clinic has a geriatrician on its staff. And it is right.

During aging, the body undergoes a number of changes and conditions that are not typical for young and middle ages. In the CIS countries, this issue is dealt with by therapists whose heads are overloaded with information about the diseases of young people.

Processes such as Alzheimer's disease and dementia often accompany aging. Patients should be managed by a geriatrician. In fact, this is what a therapist does, at best...

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Alicia Arbaje, therapist, geriatrician, specialist at the Department of Geriatric Medicine Medical Center Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, Associate Professor, answers questions from the editor-in-chief of the Medicus Amicus newspaper, MD, Prof. Nikolai Yabluchansky

When I was studying at the Faculty of Medicine, one venerable university professor, sincerely respected by the students, greeted me in an unusual way, repeating at every meeting one phrase: “How are you dying, young man?” I understand that Nature cannot be deceived, with each passing day there is one less day left to live, and the professor’s greeting in an unobtrusive form read a proposal to treat life with care. Gerontology, as the science of aging, today also believes that a person cannot live longer than Nature allotted to him, and if so, what is the role of the geriatrician in modern medical practice?

Geriatrics focuses on advocacy healthy image life, prevention and treatment of diseases, as well as...

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Geriatrician (gerontologist)

A geriatrician is an “age doctor”, a specialist in the treatment of elderly and senile patients.

From Greek geron (genus case – gerontos) - old man.

Features of the profession

Geriatricians are also called gerontologists, although this is not entirely accurate.

Gerontology is a medical and biological science that studies the problems of aging of living organisms, which, of course, includes humans.
Gerontologists are scientists who study the aging process from different angles: biological, medical, social, psychological.
Gerontology is trying to delay old age, looking for opportunities to extend a person’s active age.

Geriatrics is a branch of gerontology that deals with the medical side of aging: the diagnosis of diseases, their treatment and prevention.

A geriatrician provides medical (therapeutic) care to elderly and elderly people.
Its goal is to help an aging person maintain...

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Geriatrics is the name of science, one of the sections clinical medicine, the study of which is based on the diagnosis and treatment of diseases in people during aging. This also includes their prevention, dissemination, possible manifestations, nature.


Geriatrics is divided into several geriatric areas:

Orthopedics; psychiatry; cardiology; neurology.

Geriatrics studies the relationship between sclerotic arterial hypertension, the functioning of the pancreas in the aging body. This branch of medicine studies the functioning of the musculoskeletal system of older people, development paths oncological diseases and much more. Geriatrics includes such a section as pharmacotherapy. She studies the effectiveness of medications on the body of an elderly person. Many medications can cause harm in old age. This occurs due to weakening of the kidneys, difficulties in removing drugs from...

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Epileptologist is a specialist in the diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy and rehabilitation of epileptic patients.

An epidemiologist is a medical specialist who has received training in the epidemiology of infectious diseases, carrying out epidemiological analysis, planning anti-epidemic measures, and epidemiological surveys of foci of infectious diseases.

Endoscopist is a medical specialist in visual examination of body cavities and channels using optical instruments equipped with a lighting device (endoscope).

An endocrinologist is a medical specialist trained in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases of the endocrine system.

An endodontist is a dentist who specializes in the treatment and retreatment of tooth root canals. To become a specialist in this field, you need to obtain an additional 3-year education at a medical university.

An embryologist is a doctor who has modern auxiliary...

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What does a geriatrician do?

Doctors say there is no way to avoid aging, but it is possible to slow down the process. The problem with aging for many people is the inability to accept their age. Some older people feel great and behave active image life, others, on the contrary, acquire many illnesses and do not leave the house at all. There is a saying: “You are only as old as you feel!” A geriatrician can help you understand the problems of age-related changes and adapt to them.

A geriatrician is a doctor who specializes in treating people 65 years of age and older. Just as pediatricians address the unique needs of children, geriatricians address the unique needs of older adults. Geriatricians practice individual approach to their patients and have all the necessary skills to care for the elderly.

As a rule, a geriatrician has a specialist education in internal medicine, and...

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The years go by and, unfortunately, each of us is not getting any younger. Given our ecology, sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, and eternal lack of time for our health, the body ages quite quickly. And wasting the body’s resources is fraught with exacerbation of many chronic diseases. What to do in such a situation? Who should I contact? This is why there is a geriatrician.

Who is a geriatrician?

A geriatrician is a specialist, usually of therapeutic specialization, who studies, diagnoses and develops treatment regimens for diseases of older people. Who are these “older” people? After all, it now happens that even at the age of 20 a person has a dozen chronic diseases and feels like he is 50. Therefore, in geriatrics it is accepted that an elderly person is a man or woman over the age of 60.

Where can you find a geriatrician? Usually you will not find this specialist in a regular district clinic. They are located in special centers for the study of gerontology (the science of the aging processes of organs and humans as a whole), as well as in private clinics.

When should you contact a geriatrician?

Most often, a person (no matter whether a man or a woman) has about four to five chronic diseases by the age of fifty. Over the next ten years, the number of chronic diseases will almost double. As a result, so-called “senile” diseases arise in the form of deterioration or loss of hearing, deterioration or loss of vision, and mental dementia. To maintain your health in its original form for as long as possible, you need to consult a geriatrician in for preventive purposes already starting from 55-60 years old. It is also worth paying attention to the signs of such common diseases of older people as myocardial infarction, coronary disease heart and stroke. And at the first symptoms, call a geriatrician.

What tests should be taken when visiting a geriatrician?

Most often, at the first appointment, the geriatrician himself prescribes a list of laboratory tests, based on existing diseases and an analysis of the medical history, but to facilitate the process, you can come to the appointment fully armed.

What tests should you take when visiting a geriatrician?

  • general blood test (to determine the presence chronic inflammation, blood diseases);
  • blood glucose test (for timely detection of diabetes mellitus);
  • a general urine test to determine the presence of chronic or acute diseases genitourinary system);
  • expanded biochemical analysis blood (to assess the functioning of the liver and kidneys, as well as mineral composition blood);
  • blood test for thyroid hormones;

It is also advisable to see a gynecologist (for women) and a urologist (for men) before your appointment and measure your blood pressure and pulse.

When you re-visit, the geriatrician may prescribe the following: laboratory research How:

  • blood test for female or male sex hormones (to identify problems reproductive system, relief of menopause symptoms);
  • blood test for tumor markers (to detect the presence of malignant neoplasms);
  • cholesterol analysis (for timely determination of disorders and prescribing a diet);
  • blood coagulogram (for prescribing blood thinning drugs if necessary);
  • other narrowly focused laboratory tests.

What diagnostic methods does a geriatrician use?

During the appointment, the geriatrician carefully examines the person’s medical history, notes the presence of certain chronic and acute diseases, and indicates the drugs taken, their names and doses. Pays attention to the marks of highly specialized specialists and, if necessary, refers for further examination. During the examination, the geriatrician examines the condition of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, the conjunctiva of the eyes, the color and integrity of the skin. Next, he listens to the respiratory organs using a phonendoscope, checks basic reflexes, measures blood pressure and pulse, and records the patient’s complaints.

What other diagnostic methods does a geriatrician use?

If additional examination is necessary, a geriatrician may refer to:

  • cardiogram (to check heart rate and clarifying diagnoses of diseases of the cardiovascular system);
  • Ultrasound (to determine abnormalities internal organs, as well as detection of benign or malignant neoplasms);
  • X-ray (to determine the condition of the musculoskeletal system, respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract);
  • angiography (to detect cerebral circulatory disorders);
  • endoscopy (to identify gastrointestinal problems);
  • CT – computed tomography– (to identify disorders in organs and tissues);
  • MRI – magnetic resonance imaging (for diagnosing disorders in organs and tissues, as well as identifying neoplasms);
  • biopsy (to remove a piece of tissue or fluid from a neoplasm for subsequent histological examination).

What does a geriatrician do?

Let's take a situation: a person lives, eats, sleeps, goes to work, and then illness comes. Naturally, this person immediately turns to a specialist, who prescribes him an impressive number of medications, each of which has an equally impressive number of side effects. A person begins to take everything as directed and realizes that the liver can no longer cope with such a load, and then hypertension makes itself felt. He goes to the therapist, who, in turn, prescribes him more pills, but when he reads the annotation for them, it turns out that they cannot be taken for another chronic disease. It turns out to be some kind of vicious circle. It is precisely in such situations that a geriatrician comes to the rescue. He analyzes all existing human diseases and builds a treatment plan based on this data. It turns out that you should only go to a geriatrician when you have illnesses? Not really. The responsibility of this doctor also includes a set of measures to maintain the normal physical condition of an elderly patient for as long as possible, developing a balanced physical activity, nutritional recommendations and much more. These specialists also have a close connection with medical and social assistance for people with disabilities and people with disabilities.

What diseases does a geriatrician treat?

Geriatrics covers enough wide range diseases. There are such narrow specializations as: geriatric psychiatry, geriatric nephrology, geriatric cardiology, geriatric neurology, geriatric oncology and many others. So what diseases does a geriatrician treat?

  • cordially- vascular diseases(cardiac ischemia, heart failure, arteriopathy of various nature and others);
  • neurological diseases (stroke, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, dementia and others);
  • mental disorders (depression, anxiety, dementia, schizophrenia and others);
  • metabolic disorders and diseases endocrine organs (diabetes, thyrotoxicosis, lipidosis and others);
  • diseases genitourinary area(impotence, prostate adenoma, renal failure, senile urinary incontinence and others):
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (virticulosis, constipation, hemorrhoids, rectal fissures and others);
  • diseases of the respiratory system (asthma, chronic bronchitis and other);
  • violations in the area musculoskeletal system(arthritis, arthrosis, prolapse of spinal discs, neuropathies and others);
  • oncological diseases (conditions after undergoing oncological operations, chemotherapy and more).

Every person wants to live long and at the same time have a minimum of diseases. In order to do this, you need to follow the advice of a geriatrician. No matter how trite it sounds, you need to lead the healthiest lifestyle possible. So:

  • give up bad habits. Smoking reduces the resource of the lungs and heart by 5 years, and drinking alcohol harms not only the liver, but also the brain, kidneys, heart, and pancreas;
  • give up fat and spicy food. Such food leads to a set overweight, deposition of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels, increased cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • Drink enough fluids and fiber. This will help avoid problems with the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, and help you forget about constipation;
  • keep a daily routine. Healthy deep sleep has a positive effect not only on the physical, but also on mental condition person;
  • fight with overweight. Excess weight provokes cardiovascular diseases and diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • lead an active lifestyle. Moderate exercise stress will help get rid of blood stagnation in the pelvis, tone the muscles, and also have a positive effect on the body as a whole, because as they say “in healthy body, healthy mind";
  • avoid severe stress. And if it has overtaken you, then use natural sedatives (valerian, motherwort);
  • take vitamins and mineral complexes in the winter season, and in the summer eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. This will help you make the most of Natural resources to improve your own immunity;
  • Try to take a vacation every year. The ideal option would be a trip to the seaside, out of town;
  • go once a year full examination. This will help avoid the emergence of new diseases and exacerbation of old chronic ones;
  • smile more often, because laughter prolongs life!

A geriatrician (gerontologist) is a doctor who diagnoses, treats, and prevents diseases of patients over sixty years of age, and also monitors them while living in nursing homes.

It should be emphasized that the professions of a geriatrician and a gerontologist differ from each other - a gerontologist studies the aging process from different angles: biological, medical, social, psychological, and a geriatrician deals only with its medical component.

Since old age is a philosophical concept, in medical practice there is an age classification of patients:

  • Young people - up to 45 years old.
  • Mature patients – from 45 to 59.
  • Elderly people – from 60 to 74.
  • Old people - from 75 to 89.
  • Long-livers – 90+.

A geriatrician deals with patients aged three last groups. The main goal of the geriatrician is to prolong active longevity patients. To do this he:

  • Collects a life history, determines chronic diseases corresponding to the patient’s age. By the age of 50, regardless of gender differences, everyone has at least four chronic diseases.
  • Refers patients to specialist doctors and coordinates the treatment process.
  • Selects lifelong medications, develops an individual diet and daily routine.
  • Monitors clinical examination and frequency of sanatorium-resort treatment.

A geriatrician treats many pathologies, but the main ones are ischemic heart disease, hypertension, atherosclerosis, osteoporosis, gout, arthritis, arthrosis, diseases of the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system. Sometimes the work of a geriatrician involves participation in decisions about organ transplantation or the use of stem cells.

The doctor may specialize in geriatric cardiology, endocrinology, or neurology.

Places of work

The position of geriatrician is in medical organizations gerontological profile, hospitals, research institutes, in every nursing home. Quite often, a specialist conducts outpatient visits in hospitals.

History of the profession

For the first time, doctors from the time of Hippocrates spoke clearly and clearly about what old age is. It was then that the gradation was carried out human life by age and divided into four groups:

  1. Childhood (up to 14 years old).
  2. Maturity (15-42 years).
  3. Old age (43-63 years).
  4. Longevity (63 years and older).

The ancient Roman scientist Galen substantiated the concept preventive direction associated with daily routine and nutrition and was the first to name loneliness main reason premature aging. The famous Avicenna echoed him. The Middle Ages gave gerontology the Salermo School of doctors, who for the first time combined the principles of behavior and nutrition of the elderly in a special book.

In the 16th century, F. Bacon proposed dividing science into teachings about nature and about man and his potential age-related capabilities. The year 1769 was marked by the publication of the famous Macrobiotics by Hufeland. She opened new period studying age problems - observation and systematization clinical symptoms aging. Starting from the 19th century, gerontological centers and societies of gerontologists were opened in the West, and only from that moment on did the term “geriatrics”, proposed by I. Nasher (by analogy with pediatrics), come into use.

In Russia, I. Fischer has been dealing with aging problems since the mid-18th century. The 19th century brought to gerontology, together with S. Botkin, a new direction based on the pathophysiological approach to old age. Then, I. Mechnikov introduces the concept of premature aging and its prevention, which is the basis of modern domestic geriatrics.

In 1958, the Research Institute of Geriatrics opened in the Soviet Union, and since then the geriatric school in our country has been moving along three fundamental directions:

  • Experimental.
  • Clinical.
  • Social.

I.I. Mechnikov - founder modern science about aging in Russia.

Responsibilities of a geriatrician

The main responsibilities of a geriatrician are:

  • Consulting, management and treatment of older patients.
  • Conducting medical examinations and monitoring clinical groups.
  • Issuing preferential prescriptions.
  • Organization and supervision of hospital care at home for centenarians.
  • Promoting a healthy lifestyle among older people.
  • Maintaining medical documentation, registration of referrals to ITU.

A geriatrician works closely with psychologists, psychotherapists, endocrinologists, ophthalmologists and cardiologists.

Requirements for a geriatrician

The basic requirements for a geriatrician are as follows:

  • Higher medical education, a valid certificate in Geriatrics or Internal Medicine.
  • Skills in working with patients under compulsory medical insurance and voluntary medical insurance.
  • Ability to communicate with patients' relatives.
  • Personal qualities: compassion, patience, goodwill.

The life expectancy of the population is increasing, and with it the need for geriatricians.

How to become a geriatrician

To become a geriatrician, you need:

  1. Graduate from a university with a degree in General Medicine or Pediatrics.
  2. Receive an accreditation sheet along with your diploma by passing tests, an exam and an interview with a special commission consisting of doctors of science and professors. This will give the right to work independently on an outpatient or outpatient basis.
  3. It is mandatory to work for a year in a clinic or outpatient clinic, and then enter residency (2 years) in the specialty “Geriatrics”.

In the process of work, doctors are awarded qualification points confirming accreditation: for performing complex manipulations, participating in scientific and practical conferences and seminars, for publishing scientific articles, books, and defending a dissertation. Every 5 years these points are summed up and assessed by the accreditation commission. If you score a sufficient number of points, you can continue working in your specialty for the next five years. If there are not enough points, the doctor is deprived of the right to treat. .

The growth of professionalism, level of knowledge and experience of the doctor is usually reflected qualification category. All categories are assigned by a qualification commission in the presence of the doctor himself, based on his written research work containing a description of skills and knowledge.

Assignment deadlines:

  • more than 3 years of experience – second category;
  • more than 7 years – first;
  • more than 10 years – highest.

A doctor has the right not to qualify, but for career growth this will be a minus.

Also career and professional growth promotes scientific activity– writing candidate and doctoral dissertations, publications in medical journals, speaking at conferences and congresses.

Salary of geriatricians

The range of income is wide: geriatricians earn from 11,000 to 120,000 rubles per month. Geriatricians are considered the most in demand in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Krasnodar region. We found the minimum salary for a geriatrician in one of the hospitals in the Stavropol region - 11,200 rubles per month, the maximum salary was found in the Moscow boarding house for labor veterans No. 31 - 120,000 rubles per month.

The average salary of a geriatrician is 22,000 rubles per month.

Where to get training

Besides higher education There are a number of short-term training programs on the market, typically lasting from a week to a year.

Modern scientific and technical academy and a number of its courses in the direction of "".

The Medical University of Innovation and Development invites you to take distance courses in retraining or advanced training in the direction of "" to receive a diploma or state certificate. Training lasts from 16 to 2700 hours, depending on the program and your level of training.

Interregional Academy of Additional vocational education(MADPO) trains in the "" specialization and issues diplomas and certificates.

Geriatrician is a specialist whose field of activity includes providing medical care to elderly and elderly people. It consists of diagnosing, treating and preventing diseases, taking into account the characteristics of old age. Each disease manifests itself differently depending on the age of the patient. In addition, most medications are well suited for young and middle-aged people, but children and the elderly can get many side effects from them. Therefore, it is best for older people to address the problem to a geriatrician, who will develop the most appropriate examination plan and treatment tactics for the patient, taking into account all age-related changes.

What is the competence of a Geriatrician?

Geriatrics, as a medical specialty, is aimed at solving the following issues:

  • strengthening the health of older people, taking into account the specifics of age, as well as increasing their life expectancy;
  • caring for disabled people and people with chronic diseases in the segment of improving their lifestyle, independence, and, if necessary, resolving issues related to their receipt of appropriate assistance.

Diseases the treatment of which is within the competence of a geriatrician

Every person throughout his life life path usually faces various diseases and injuries. And this, unfortunately, does not go unnoticed for the body. Later, under the influence of age-related changes, they may begin to express themselves in new ways. In addition, various genetic mutations inevitably arise in the human body throughout his life, which are the cause of chronic diseases. With age, their number increases. There are many diseases that are caused by the aging process.

Classifying them, we can give an approximate list:

  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • neurological pathologies;
  • psychiatric disorders (for example, senile dementia, depression, anxiety);
  • age-related metabolic disorders;
  • diabetes;
  • pathologies of the genitourinary system;
  • pathologies of the digestive tract;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • musculoskeletal problems;
  • oncological diseases;
  • endocrine age-related changes;
  • sexual age-related disorders.

Who and what does a geriatrician treat?

A geriatrician provides a full range of medical care to older people. However, despite everything, old age can be very different. Some people, up to 70 years of age or longer, maintain mental acuity and good physical condition, continuing an active lifestyle, while others already at 50 have a full range of illnesses and have no desire to work and enjoy life. When does old age set in and who can be considered a geriatrician’s potential patient?

To avoid confusion, there is the following age classification:

  • Young - up to 45 years old.
  • Mature - 45-59 years old.
  • Elderly - 60-74 years old.
  • Old people - 75-89 years old.
  • Long-livers - 90 years and more.

Hence, Geriatric patients are people over 60 years of age.

When is it necessary to contact a geriatrician?

There are a number of serious, and sometimes emergency conditions in geriatrics, which are life-threatening and require immediate intervention.

Myocardial infarction


  • long-term strong pain behind the sternum in the area of ​​the heart, radiating to the arm, neck, back, shoulder blades, not going away after nitroglycerin;
  • pale skin, cold sweat;
  • fainting.

This classic condition does not always occur. Sometimes a person simply feels discomfort in the chest and interruptions in heart rate. In some in rare cases a heart attack is accompanied by difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, and abdominal pain. IN similar cases even the patient himself may deny the connection between the malaise and a heart attack.

Head of the OMP N.V. Mityusheva

IN this review we will consider what is within the competence of a geriatrician, what diseases are included in the work of a geriatrician.

Elderly people playing important role in the family, raising grandchildren and sharing with them their rich life experience.

Dementia and geriatrics

Brain cells are not restored. As they wear out, the brain gradually shrinks to a condition called cerebral atrophy. Many older people have difficulty remembering recent events while maintaining clarity of thought. In old age this is absolutely normal phenomenon, although in some cases its development leads to a serious decrease mental abilities. This disease is called dementia.

Dementia can develop at any age, but most often it occurs in older people whose brains lose the ability to process all the information received daily. Memory weakens, it becomes more difficult to speak, and other brain functions deteriorate.

Dementia is by no means always an integral feature of old age, they note good doctors geriatricians. Many people stay alive even in bad times. physical condition. There are several factors that influence the development of dementia. Heredity probably plays an important role here. Brain disorders caused by excessive alcohol consumption, stroke and stress conditions, the effects of which have not yet been sufficiently studied, can have serious consequences.

In addition, the manifestation of signs of deterioration in brain activity may depend on the environment, indicate qualified geriatricians. If an elderly person, who felt quite normal at home, is admitted to the hospital due to some kind of ailment, he can be completely disoriented because his brain cannot process a large number of new information. Sometimes some forms of dementia lead to the development of incontinence, and this is where geriatric care is needed.

Incontinence and geriatrics

In addition to dementia, the appearance of incontinence can be associated with other reasons. This disease may be a consequence of disruption of the part of the nervous system responsible for the functioning of Bladder or intestines, as well as the result of diseases of the bladder itself or other internal organs.

Osteoporosis and geriatrics

In older people, bones become thinner and more fragile. For them, a fall is much more likely than for young people to result in a fracture. This is also due to the deteriorating coordination of movements with old age. Older women are especially at risk for developing osteoporosis because after menopause they stop producing estrogen hormones, which means their bones are even more fragile.

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