Gynecological massage. How is gynecological massage done? Indications, contraindications and who performs gynecological massage. Gynecological massage as an important component of women's health

Gynecological massage is a fairly ancient procedure that has not lost its relevance even now. Even in old manuscripts dating back more than 100 years ago, there was information about massage, the technique of performing it and general recommendations. What's happened gynecological massage, and what is it for? During the procedure, the woman’s reproductive organ is affected: the uterus, fallopian tubes and neck. Massage of the uterus is carried out in order to relieve a woman from gynecological problems and help you experience the joy of motherhood.

For a long time, the procedure was forgotten, and only in the last few years they remembered it and began to successfully apply it in practice. A huge number of women diagnosed with infertility after a course of massage successfully conceived, carried to term and gave birth healthy babies. Most representatives of the fair half got rid of a number of other problems in the female area, for which medications did not help.

the main objective

The purpose of the gynecological procedure is to improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, increase the tone of the uterus, and eliminate adhesions. Often the procedure is prescribed in order to give the uterus normal location, improve general state women's intimate organs and restore the functioning of the reproductive system.

During the procedure, blood circulation improves not only locally, but throughout the body. This allows you to eliminate inflammatory processes, congestion, improve nutrition internal organs.

After the procedure, the muscles of the pelvic organs are strengthened. This helps to get rid of many problems with the urinary and genital organs, eliminate urine leakage, make sensations more vivid during intimate intercourse, etc.

When is the procedure indicated?

Any disease of functional or organic character is eliminated faster if you influence it comprehensively using medicines and some procedures. This also applies to gynecological massage, which will help bring the genitals into working condition, i.e., increase their functionality and save a woman from many unpleasant moments that worsen the quality of life.

Gynecological massage is indicated for:

  1. Chronic inflammatory phenomena in the uterus or neighboring organs, resulting in pain in the sacrum, coccyx, uterus or ovaries during the premenstrual period. Female body at the same time, it may react with painful symptoms during or before menstruation. As a result chronic inflammation The position of the uterus may shift, which is accompanied by pain, a feeling of heaviness, etc.
  2. Pathological conditions, congenital or arising after abortions, inflammatory phenomena in the female reproductive organ, difficult childbirth. Gynecological massage is included in complex therapy with amenorrhea and the consequences of this unpleasant illness- for infertility.
  3. Uterine fibrosis and salpingitis, which are caused by prolonged congestion (they are often caused by hormonal imbalances, inflammatory processes, etc.). Due to mechanical and reflex effects on blood vessels and muscles pelvic organs congestion is eliminated, blood circulation and lymph flow improves.
  4. Disturbances in the functioning of the genital organs as a result of an abortion or pathological childbirth. Uterine massage is prescribed 4 weeks after termination of pregnancy and 12 weeks after difficult childbirth. The purpose of the procedure is to maintain normal generative and menstrual function, prevent the appearance of congestion, fibrosis, fibromatosis and varicose veins veins in these organs.
  5. Prolapse of the uterus, its increased mobility. In this case, gynecological massage is carried out together with procedures such as colon massage and a special set of exercises. They help strengthen the pelvic and abdominal muscles.
  6. Frigidity of an acquired nature, which can develop after artificial termination of pregnancy, difficult childbirth, inflammatory process, anorgasmia, etc. Using this procedure and medicines the problem can be solved efficiently.
  7. Painful menstruation, menstrual irregularities.

This medical procedure necessary for absolutely all representatives of the fair half. For those who have gynecological diseases, massage will help get rid of them and return normal functioning authorities genitourinary system. Women who want to have healthy genitals should undergo massage as a preventive measure. If, in addition to massage, physiotherapy, acupressure, uterine appendages hormones begin to be produced more actively.

When should you not massage?

Like any other procedure, gynecological effects on the genitals may be contraindicated for some women. In particular, the procedure is contraindicated for:

  • presence of menstruation;
  • elevated body temperature;
  • acute and subacute inflammation in the pelvic organs;
  • chronic diseases of the genital organs, the cause of which may be a hidden infection;
  • tumors in the uterus or appendages;
  • tuberculosis of intimate organs;
  • if gonococci are present in the excretory secretion;
  • trichomonas colpitis or urethritis;
  • presence of pus in tissues or secretions;
  • diseases of the genital organs and intestinal pathologies;
  • congenital abnormal position of the uterus;
  • pregnancy or lactation;
  • after childbirth or abortion for 1-3 months;
  • emergence discomfort during or after the procedure.

Before prescribing a massage, the doctor will examine the internal organs, order a test for the presence or absence of infection, and collect an anamnesis. Then, based on the examination, the specialist will schedule a massage course and a medication regimen (if necessary).

Execution technique

The gynecological massage procedure is performed by an obstetrician-gynecologist in medical institution, since it relates to therapeutic manipulations. How is a gynecological massage performed on a woman? To carry out the procedure, the patient sits on the gynecological chair in the same way as during the examination (less commonly, manipulations can be carried out with the patient in the knee-elbow position).

The woman should make herself as comfortable as possible in order to relax the vaginal and abdominal muscles as much as possible during the manipulation. Before the session begins, the specialist will show the patient how to breathe correctly to avoid discomfort.

You need to prepare for the procedure in advance not only mentally, but also physically. In particular, you should exclude food and liquid intake 2.5-3 hours before the session, empty your bowels and bladder. You definitely need to wash your genitals and get rid of excess hair.

During the procedure, the doctor massages the uterus with both hands. With one hand, the specialist acts on the organ and its appendages from the inside, and with the other he carries out manipulations through the peritoneum. Urethra and the clitoral area are not affected during the procedure. Several procedures are prescribed to move or straighten the uterus.

In general, the entire massage lasts from 4 minutes (initially) to 25 minutes. The procedure time is increased gradually to avoid any unpleasant sensations. Massage is performed daily or every other day, depending on some individual health factors of the patient. The course of treatment lasts 1-2 months, with a break during the onset of menstruation.

Today there are several techniques of gynecological massage. During each procedure, the specialist records the condition women's health, changes and possible improvements. If health deteriorates, another technique is selected, or the procedure is cancelled.

Doing it at home

Typically, gynecological manipulation is performed in a hospital setting, but given the delicacy of the procedure and individual characteristics character of some women, it can be performed at home. It will be more difficult to do this from a professional point of view, but over time you can learn to influence organs no worse than a doctor.

Before you perform a genital massage yourself, you must undergo gynecological examination and take tests to exclude the presence of diseases, infections and other abnormalities that are contraindications for performing manipulations. Next, you need to prepare for the procedure at home according to all the rules (empty your bladder and bowels, wash yourself), choose convenient time and a place for manipulation.

The massage is performed with clean hands, treated antiseptic solution and protected with latex to prevent infection from occurring in the organs. The genitals are also treated after washing with a suitable antiseptic. To raise your hips up, you can place a pillow or any other means at hand under your back.

The procedure begins with relaxation. To do this, you should do breathing exercises and relax the abdominal muscles. Then you need to insert the index and middle finger(nails must be cut) and carefully, massage movements the walls of the organ should be stretched. This should be done gently, gradually, preparing and relaxing the vagina.

The uterus and fallopian tubes are kneaded with light circular movements, with slight pressure during manipulation, this way the ovaries are massaged. At the same time, use the fingers of your other hand to stretch the abdominal muscles: smoothly, with slight pressure.

During the procedure, a woman should not experience discomfort or pain. If this happens, you need to abandon the manipulation and consult a doctor. There may be inflammatory processes in organs or diseases.

After completing the procedure, lie on your stomach for a few minutes to restore blood circulation. If you need to raise a prolapsed uterus, you can night sleep carry out on the stomach. During treatment and prophylactic procedures, you should avoid sexual intercourse.

All women can perform a massage at home, but for a high-quality procedure, before starting the session, you should consult a doctor who will instruct you on the correct execution and select the right technique. Perhaps it is better to conduct 1 session under the supervision of a specialist, and subsequent sessions independently at home. The procedure will help get rid of many gynecological problems, but it must be combined with taking some vitamins and medications. Massage is effective in relation to infertility, but in to a greater extent how to prevent it. To treat such a problem, more A complex approach, depending on the cause of the violation.

In the modern field of gynecology, many types of disease treatment are successfully practiced - surgical interventions, hormone therapy, physical and laser therapy, antibiotics and immunomodulators, current treatment. In addition, the closer to nature the material used, the more effectively it eliminates the disease.

Gynecological massage belongs to a number of these techniques and is successfully used in the treatment of various diseases. The physiological effect on the organs has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole.

Indications for gynecological massage

The female genital organs, like other parts of the body, consist of muscle and connective tissue. In case of weak contractility of the uterine muscles, scars on the ovaries, deformation of the ligaments, abnormal position of the uterus (bending anteriorly, posteriorly, bending, prolapse, displacement to the right or left), congestive processes in the pelvis, gynecological massage can be successfully used.

The above phenomena are a kind of catalyst for the development of inflammatory processes, infertility and miscarriage. But all these violations can be eliminated with the help physiological effects. Gynecological massage of the uterine body helps restore the menstrual cycle if it malfunctions, and is also used for amenorrhea - absence of menstruation.

This procedure, performed by an experienced specialist, improves blood circulation in the pelvis, eliminates retroflexion (bending) of the uterus and normalizes its mobility, allowing the organ to accept correct position. In addition, with the help of such an event you can get rid of adhesions that prevent sperm from entering. Intestinal motility also improves, the overall tone of the body increases, and sexual sensations intensify.

Gynecological massage for infertility, miscarriage and other diseases

In the treatment complex female infertility. The procedure is indispensable for adhesions and bending of the uterus. The causes of infertility are often precisely adhesions, bends, congestion in the genital area, and circulatory disorders. The technique will effectively eliminate these pathologies without surgical intervention, will prepare a woman for pregnancy and childbirth.

It is worth noting that women often turn to a doctor for a referral for such procedures after IVF, abortion, laparoscopy and other types of interventions. When prescribed in a timely manner and correctly carried out, this method eliminates the risk negative consequences, reduces the time of infertility treatment, restores damaged systems and prepares a woman for successful conception and further pregnancy.

In case of primary miscarriage. IN in this case the method allows you to strengthen muscles and ligaments, increase their strength and elasticity, return the uterus to normal position when bent or adhesions.

After surgery or abortion. In this case, massage is done to free the ovaries from scars, eliminate adhesions, adhesions, and strengthen muscles and ligaments.

For inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, which provoke menstrual irregularities, the development of adhesions, bending of the uterus, and other diseases and disorders. Therapy includes not only massage, but also anti-inflammatory treatment (PCI method), and also prescribes immunomodulators and physical therapy.

Retroflexion of the uterus. In some cases, the cause of infertility is the bending of the organ backwards or downwards. Displacement can occur while the child is in the womb (congenital) or be acquired. IN the latter case it develops against the background of an inflammatory disease, disruption of the ovaries, and the occurrence of adhesions.

The physiological effect in this situation is often replaced by surgical intervention or dissection of adhesions using laparoscopy. It is worth noting that the latter option does not guarantee full recovery, because adhesions often return again.

Amenorrhea. When palpating, the specialist irritates nerve endings pelvis, which speeds up the onset of menstruation. At the same time, blood circulation in this area improves.

At adhesive process. Massage breaks up adhesions, restores the normal position of the uterus, and improves blood circulation in the genitals. These phenomena lead to miscarriage and infertility. They can occur after laparoscopy, laparotomy, removal of the appendix, abortion, surgery on the kidneys, ovaries, appendages, etc.

This pathology occurs in 93% of cases after the above measures. In addition, the development of adhesions can be triggered by endometriosis, a sexually transmitted infection, and pelvic inflammatory disease.

Massage for weak pelvic floor muscles and uterine prolapse. These pathologies can lead to bleeding. The doctor may, in addition, prescribe a special set of physical exercises that will strengthen the muscles.

How is professional gynecological massage performed?

The optimal place for the procedure is a gynecological chair with an adjustable tilt and footrests. Only an experienced specialist should perform a massage, because it is necessary to be familiar with the technique, be able to respond to the patient’s reactions, and select the duration of the effect. The woman should lie on the edge of the chair, spread her legs and rest them on the footrests.

You need to lie calmly, relaxed, and if there is severe pain or deterioration in health, immediately tell your doctor about it. With retroflexion, pain may occur during palpation. Sometimes the heart rate increases as blood can rush to the heart.

The doctor performs manipulations with both hands: one on the side of the vagina, the other on the outside, on the stomach. It is worth noting that the best option This type of treatment will involve manipulations in a medical facility.

The doctor’s main task is to palpate the uterus from all sides, achieve painlessness, break up adhesions and scars, and massage the ovaries.

In some cases, it takes quite a long time to get the desired effect. But the result will live up to expectations and exceed the inconveniences, for example, a woman will be able to get pregnant, feel better, metabolism will be normalized, and sensitivity during sex will improve.

The course is selected individually for each patient. The duration of one session varies from 3 to 20 minutes, depending on the preparedness and condition of the cervix and other organs. During a retroflexion massage course, a woman should sleep and rest on her stomach.

When is gynecological massage contraindicated?

The following conditions are contraindications and restrictions:

  • Availability infectious disease, venereal infection, tuberculosis, STIs;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Menses;
  • Neoplasms in the uterus or its appendages;
  • Congenital retroflexion;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Erosion;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Lactation period;
  • Massage cannot be performed for two months after an abortion, childbirth, or genital surgery;
  • Some intestinal diseases;
  • Thrombophlebitis of the pelvic veins.

Gynecological massage performed at home

The procedure can be performed at home on the bed. A pillow or bolster is placed under the lower back to elevate the hips. Palpation should be soft, gentle and careful. You need to relax and breathe deeply.

Material from S Class Wiki

Gynecological massage is a technique of manual manipulation of a woman’s genital organs, used to improve blood flow and lymph flow in and out of these organs.


Gynecological massage is used for the following pathologies:

  • chronic inflammation of the genital organs in women, which rarely worsens;
  • low mobility of the uterus, its incorrect position, displacement, bends;
  • chronic miscarriage;
  • acquired or congenital anatomically defective uterus;
  • functional disorders of the ovaries and uterus;
  • sexual dysfunctions in women;
  • painful uterus;
  • complications (adhesions, infiltrates) due to various gynecological interventions (abortions, miscarriages, childbirth, operations in the pelvic area);
  • disturbances in the menstrual cycle (amenorrhea).


Gynecological massage has the following relative contraindications:

  • large varicose veins in the vagina;
  • menstruation;
  • chronic inflammatory diseases of the genital organs in women;
  • hydrosalpinx (dropsy) fallopian tube), retention cysts in the ovaries.

Gynecological massage is absolutely contraindicated for:

  • uterine as well as ectopic pregnancy;
  • acute, subacute inflammatory diseases of organs in the pelvis;
  • tuberculosis of the female genital organs;
  • tumors of the pelvic organs;
  • thrombophlebitis of the pelvic veins.

Gynecological massage technique

Gynecological massage is carried out on a massage table or on a gynecological chair. Typically, the patient assumes a supine position, the same as for gynecological examination. If possible, the intestines as well as the bladder should be emptied.
The manipulation is carried out using two hands: with the fingers of the first one palpates the vagina, and the second on the abdominal press. Initially, the mobility of the uterus and its position are assessed, and pathologically altered areas are determined. In case of severe pain, you need to inform a specialist. After performing a gynecological massage, you need to remain at rest for twenty minutes. The duration of the procedure initially ranges from three to five minutes and gradually increases throughout the course. The doctor determines the duration and number of gynecological massage sessions individually (diagnosis is the main criterion). On average, ten to twenty sessions are needed, and for hypofunction of the ovaries and underdevelopment of the uterus - up to sixty. As a rule, procedures are carried out every day or every other day for one to two months, less often - more long period, and short cyclical courses.

The effectiveness of gynecological massage

Gynecological massage causes significant changes in lymph and blood circulation in the uterus, tissues of the pelvic area, neighboring organs, and even completely in abdominal cavity. Under manual influence, endothelial surface receptors are irritated, tone increases vascular system, incl. abdominal and pelvic cavity. Blood begins to circulate better.
By increasing blood circulation in the tissues with the help of gynecological massage, the lymph flow is simultaneously accelerated, which causes rapid absorption of escudative fluid, which accumulates in the tissues and organs in the pelvis. Inflammatory infiltrates At the same time, they become softer, adhesions, especially dense ones, become smaller and resolve. Due to the importance of lymph flow in eliminating residual inflammatory phenomena, gynecological massage is carried out from the periphery to the center, in the direction of lymph flow along lymphatic vessels to the lymph nodes.
Gynecological massage has not only a direct, but also an indirect effect on the uterine muscles. During the massage of the latter, a massage of the abdominal wall is simultaneously performed, as a result, its striated muscles are strengthened, the tone of the intestinal muscles increases and the peristalsis of this organ increases. This, at a reflex level, causes tonic contractions of the muscles of the uterus and intestines, which is important because in patients who suffer gynecological diseases, there are usually also intestinal dysfunctions. When using gynecological massage, the muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the uterus, muscles in the pelvic floor, its fascia and connective tissue plates are strengthened. In this case, massage can have a dual character.
The usual application of force with two hands when performing a massage has a tonic effect on the ligamentous apparatus, and massage with jerks or with great force has a paralyzing effect. It should also be taken into account that stroking and light kneading during gynecological massage soften the tissues, and shocks in the form of shocks cause them to tense and contract. In this regard, when massaging the uterus, its ligamentous apparatus, in the case of tissue hypotension, infantilism of the uterus, its incorrect position (not due to inflammation), congestion, it is necessary to in strict order take into account the potential reaction depending on the applied force. Gynecological massage has an indirect effect (through normalization of blood circulation and increased metabolism) on the condition of the ovaries, secretory and menstrual function uterine organ. Massage has a beneficial effect on the vulva and skin abdomen: hyperemia of the skin occurs, a local increase in temperature, keratinized old cells of the epidermis are eliminated, skin respiration improves, sebaceous tissues open, and sweat glands. In general, gynecological massage increases the tone of the entire pelvic and abdominal cavity. In addition, the general condition of the patients is normalized, irritability decreases, pain disappears, performance increases, the functions of the bladder, intestines and the woman’s sleep are normalized, and her appetite improves. There is also a change

In treatment gynecological pathologies Many methods are used: drug therapy, surgery, unconventional methods. One of the ways to treat diseases of the female genital organs is cervical massage.

Definition and indications

Uterine massage is a medical procedure during which certain manipulations are performed with this organ. These actions are aimed at improving the condition female organs and treatment of certain pathologies:

  1. Changes in the duration and irregularity of the menstrual cycle.
  2. Amenorrhea (lack of menstruation).
  3. Bend or displacement of the uterus.
  4. Inflammatory processes in the organs of the reproductive system.
  5. Infertility.
  6. Pathological changes in the body after childbirth or abortion.
  7. Presence of scars on the uterus.
  8. Fibrosis (caused by congestion in the pelvic organs).

The procedure is also prescribed for back pain, which is a symptom of gynecological diseases.

With the help of uterine massage, you can achieve significant improvements in the body, because during treatment:

  • Hormonal balance is normalized.
  • Adhesions are eliminated.
  • The muscles of the pelvic organs are strengthened.
  • The abnormal position of the uterus is corrected.
  • The organs are being prepared for childbirth.
  • The tone increases.
  • Inflammatory processes are eliminated.
  • Blood circulation improves.

The course also allows for improvements in intimate life, heightening sensations during intimate contacts.


For some diseases and conditions of the body, this method treatment is prohibited:

  • Cervical erosion.
  • Presence of sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Enterocolitis.
  • Acute inflammation of the reproductive system.
  • Postoperative period.
  • Availability oncological diseases uterus or appendages.

Also, massage is not performed during menstruation and at elevated body temperatures.


It is better to take the course from a specialist who has sufficient experience.

  1. The massage is performed in a gynecological chair (the woman assumes a position as during an examination). For some diseases, the procedure can be performed in the knee-elbow position.
  2. It is carried out two hours after eating food.
  3. Immediately before the massage, the intestines and bladder are emptied.
  4. The genitals should be treated with an antiseptic (most often this is done by a specialist).
  5. The doctor explains to the patient the need to relax and breathe correctly.
  6. Massage should not be stressful pain.
  7. The doctor performs the procedure with both hands: several fingers of one hand are in the uterus, the other massages the patient’s abdomen.
  8. In girls who are not sexually active, manipulations are carried out through the rectum.
  9. Massage of the uterus on a fist is carried out for advanced pathologies and only by a specialist. It involves inserting a clenched fist into the vagina (this allows you to more thoroughly massage the organ).

Initially, the session lasts from 5 to 10 minutes, then the duration increases. Typically, the course includes 10 sessions, a break during menstruation and the next 10 sessions throughout the month. In some cases, 3–4 months of treatment may be required. During the course, you should take precautions, since uterine massage can lead to the development of ectopic pregnancy.

At home

  • Before the procedure, you should empty your bladder and bowels (do a mild enema).
  • Wash your genitals thoroughly.
  • Lie on your back and bend your knees. Place a pillow or a rolled towel under your lower back.
  • It is recommended to use disposable gloves.
  • During the session it is very important to relax and breathe correctly.
  • For massage, the index and middle fingers are inserted into the vagina, then its walls are gently kneaded. With your other hand you need to massage your abdominal muscles. If desired, you can use lubricant (if inserting your fingers causes discomfort).
  • A woman should not experience sharp pain or severe discomfort.
  • The procedure lasts from 3 to 7 minutes. After this, you should lie quietly for 15 minutes.

Before you independently perform a course of procedures at home, you must consult a specialist.

Gynecological massage is performed to treat a whole range of diseases. It is especially effective for infertility, as many women claim that they became pregnant after a course of this procedure.

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Gynecological massageeffective method treatment large quantity"female" diseases. What is important, it is also the most physiological method, without the use of drugs and the risk of allergies. Our clinic actively practices this type therapy, given its demonstrative results and safety.

How it works?

This type of massage has all the positive aspects, like any other massage - blood circulation improves, muscles relax, the immune system. This, in turn, triggers a whole cascade of useful processes - the cells are saturated with oxygen, rejuvenated, adhesions and scars begin to dissolve, chronic inflammatory processes recede... This massage is unique in that, even if you want to, you cannot independently improve blood flow and “stretch” the muscles of the uterus you can. Moreover, during the procedure, a slight displacement of the uterus occurs, which can help correct acquired anomalies in its position (curved uterus, etc.).

Indications for gynecological massage

  1. Chronic inflammatory diseases female genital organs (uterus and its appendages). This is especially true for those who often experience pain in the lower abdomen in the appendage area or in the sacrum. You will feel the effect after several procedures.
  2. Salpingitis and fibrosis (often resulting from “untreated” inflammatory processes).
  3. Amenorrhea and infertility.
  4. Previous abortions and miscarriages.
  5. Frigidity (acquired, not congenital)

In many cases, gynecological massage of the uterus should be used in combination with medication (and even hardware) treatments, in which case the effect is mutually reinforcing and the disease disappears without a trace.

In our clinic you have the opportunity to combine all stages of treatment - medication, physiotherapy and other techniques. The SM Clinic gynecologists will tell you in detail about the most preferable treatment methods for you after the examination, and then our receptionist will advise you on the price for the entire course of procedures.


No matter how physiological and good the method is, it also has certain contraindications:

  • acute inflammatory processes of the female genital organs (external or internal);
  • time of menstruation;
  • the presence of neoplasms of the uterus and its appendages;
  • elevated temperature(37 and above);
  • increase in ESR more than 20 mm/h;
  • pregnancy (or suspicion of it);
  • tuberculosis of the genital organs;
  • congenital abnormalities of the uterus;
  • lactation;
  • sharp pains problems that arise during massage;
  • within 2 months after childbirth, abortion or miscarriage.

How is gynecological massage done?

At SM-Clinic the procedure is as follows. The woman is in one of 2 positions (depending on the purpose of treatment) - either classically on a gynecological chair, or on a couch in a knee-elbow position. The gynecologist works with two hands - one on the side of the vagina, and the other pressing on the front abdominal wall. In this case, the uterus and appendages are gently squeezed between the doctor’s hands and gently massaged. Massage should not cause pain. If you feel pain, be sure to tell your doctor. For her part, the woman’s task is to relax her stomach as much as possible. By straining your abs, you interfere with the procedure. We have experienced gynecologists who will clearly explain to you how to breathe correctly during the procedure to avoid discomfort.

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