The main drugs in the treatment of influenza are antiviral drugs. Prevention of ARVI: drugs of choice

Let's look at the recipes and reviews from readers of the newspaper “Vestnik “ZOZH”.

Castor oil and fir oil are simple but effective folk remedies for the prevention of colds and flu.
To prevent catching colds, it is enough to lubricate your nasal passages every morning castor oil. (HLS 2012, No. 2 p. 39).
For the same purpose, during epidemics it is used fir oil, but they lubricate the nose not from the inside, but from the outside - before going outside you need 1-2 drops fir oil apply to the wings of the nose. Repeat before going to bed.
The woman had a granddaughter, thanks to this method she did not miss a single day in kindergarten for 5 years. (HLS 2012, No. 16 p. 31).

Lemon oil.
Pass 1 lemon with peel through a meat grinder, add 100 g butter and 2 tbsp. l. honey, grind. Use lemon oil for prevention during epidemics of influenza and acute respiratory infections, using it like regular butter, spreading it on bread. Keep refrigerated. (recipe from Healthy Lifestyle 2012, No. 3 p. 33).

Garlic oil is a popular and effective folk remedy for preventing colds and flu in adults.
Crush 3 cloves of garlic, mix with 1 tbsp. spoon butter. Spread this mixture on bread and garnish with a parsley leaf. Eat this sandwich with warm milk. If you do this once a week, no cold will be scary (HLS 2000, No. 2 p. 12).

Preventive measures against colds and flu at home.
If you come home from a crowded place during an epidemic of influenza and acute respiratory infections, in order to avoid getting sick, you need to take the following measures:
1. Eat 2-3 cloves of garlic or a small onion.
2. Cut strips from the onion and insert them into the nostrils for 30-40 minutes.
3. Disinfect the air in the apartment using a homemade “aromatherapy device”: drop essential oil (lavender, fir, pine, eucalyptus) onto a damp cloth or paper napkin, place these napkins on radiators in the apartment, at the workplace and at the head of the bed.
4. Place a bowl with grated garlic and finely chopped onion next to you, from time to time bring it to your nose and take 5-6 breaths over their surface (recipe from Healthy Lifestyle 2007, No. 24, p. 19).

Horseradish with honey is a simple folk remedy for preventing colds in adults: 200 g horseradish(sold in stores) mix with 200 g of honey. Take 1 teaspoon at night. (HLS 2003, No. 21 p. 26).

Onion drink.
Grate 3 onions on a fine grater, pour 300 g of warm gruel over it boiled water. Let it brew for 7 hours in a tightly closed jar. Strain. Drink half a glass 3 times a day half an hour before meals. You can add honey to the drink to taste - this will increase it beneficial features and makes it taste good. This drink in the fall is the first remedy for preventing colds and flu. (HLS 2012, No. 21 p. 31).

Pine drink to prevent colds.
Fill a 5-liter enamel pan up to half with chopped pine, fir, and cedar needles. Fill the pan cold water, not reaching 3-4 cm to the edge. Leave for 12-24 hours at room temperature, then bring to a boil, simmer over low heat for 5 minutes and leave again for 12-24 hours. Strain, pour into liter bottles or jars, without adding about 100 ml. Add 1 lemon, minced in a meat grinder, to each container. You will get 3-4 liters of drink. Keep refrigerated. Drink instead of tea at any time of the day in this way: pour half a mug of drink, top up hot water, drink with sugar or jam.
A man drinks this drink in winter and has not been sick for 5 years, despite his age. (HLS 2010, No. 2 p. 8,).

Prevention of flu and colds with folk remedies - lemon with garlic and honey.

The woman was cooking for herself such a prophylactic agent: 5 lemons, 1 head of garlic, crushed in a meat grinder, added 100 g of honey. I took 1 tsp. 3 times a day. This recipe saved her from colds and flu - she never sneezed once during the winter. (HLS 2007, No. 2 p. 18,).

If chewing lemons with garlic is unpleasant, these same ingredients can be used in liquid form: grind 1 lemon and 1 head of garlic in a meat grinder or grate them, pour in 0.5 liters of cold boiled water. Let it sit in the room for a day, then put it in the refrigerator. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals, 2 times a year, in winter and autumn. (HLS 2005, No. 7 p. 23).

Garlic for colds.
A woman under 50 years old was constantly ill with acute respiratory infections. This continued until she began using garlic for prevention. And now he has been living without a cold for 20 years. He simply cuts a small clove of garlic from a clove of garlic and places it between the gum and cheek, and from time to time rolls it with his tongue to a new place so that it does not burn. Change the garlic periodically. (HLS 2009, No. 23 p. 30).

Based on garlic, you can prepare a composition that not only serves to prevent colds, but also cleanses blood vessels from cholesterol, improves heart function and reduces blood pressure. Mince 1 kg of garlic, 1 kg of lemons with peel, add 1 kg of honey, mix. Take 1 tbsp. l. in the morning on an empty stomach. (HLS 2008, No. 22 p. 30).
In fact, this recipe is more often used in other proportions - 10 lemons, 10 heads of garlic, 1 kg of honey.

Garlic pendant.
Take a plastic Kinder Surprise egg. Make holes in the upper part and put grated garlic in the lower part. Hang it around your neck like a pendant. Garlic kills bacteria before they enter the nasopharynx. A woman has been wearing such a pendant for 4 years now and has not suffered from any colds. (HLS 2004, No. 24 p. 25).

Prevention of flu and colds with folk remedies - soap.

To avoid catching colds and flu during an epidemic, you need to lubricate your sinuses laundry soap. This folk remedy will also help to quickly cure a runny nose. (HLS 2009, No. 24 p. 33).

Baby soap will also help. A 15 year old woman had chronic runny nose. She read an article by Academician N.F. Gamaley and began to treat her runny nose with soap. The disease was cured unexpectedly simply. Toilet soap highest quality(the woman used baby soap) you need to lather and rub in the foam clean hands V nasal septum within a minute. Sneezing, nose blowing, tears will begin, this is normal, it goes away quickly, but breathing immediately returns. At first, do the procedure as your nose gets stuffy, then 2-3 times a day. And finally, as a preventive measure during contact with patients with influenza and acute respiratory infections. (HLS 2004, No. 22 p. 24).

Every day, when washing my face, my grandmother washed the inside of her nose with soap foam; she is now 92 years old; she has not had any colds for the last 40 years. (HLS 2000, No. 13 p. 20).

The cold helped get rid of chronic colds.
The man was sick frequent bronchitis, pneumonia, every fall I was in the hospital, asthma appeared. They tried different treatments folk remedies: herbs, massage, honey, lard, vitamins. Nothing helped. The man found out that some doctor in their city treats diseases with cold. He failed to get to the reception, but he saw how in the yard medical center Children, lightly dressed and coughing despite the fact that it was November, are doing the work. Then the man decided to treat his chronic cold myself. I started doing winter fishing - I went to the reservoir all weekend from early morning, sometimes going completely sick. His wife and son also came to him by bus for lunch, brought tea and sandwiches, and spent the rest of the day outdoors. My son was 9 years old, and he also often suffered from colds. As a result of winter forays, none of them ever got sick during the winter. And in the spring, the man abandoned his inhaler and completely forgot about his illness. (Healthy lifestyle recipe 2007, No. 24, p. 10).

Anti-cold formula.
In the 70s, research was carried out in the cities of Siberia to determine the formula for anti-cold. This formula was found; over 3 years in the test group, not a single person fell ill with influenza or acute respiratory infections. What is it?
For two months during the off-season (October-November, February-March), the experiment participants took 20 drops of Eleutherococcus extract and pharmaceutical plaster on the tip of a knife as a preventive measure for colds and flu.
Eleutherococcus is a natural anthropogen that can increase the body's resistance. It also helps lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels and prevents cancer.
Gypsum (calcium sulfate) is found in many mineral waters. Calcium sulfate is especially necessary for the body under different painful conditions. For infectious diseases, the need for it is up to 10 mg per day, for oncology up to 35 mg, and for a healthy person 1 mg per day is enough.
In addition to these two remedies for the prevention of colds and flu, it is advisable to drink green tea with currant, sea buckthorn or wild strawberry leaves for the same two months.
(HLS 2006, No. 21 p. 12).

Garlic caviar for the prevention of colds and flu in adults.
Grate 1 head of garlic on a fine grater, add 1 tsp. ginger powder, allspice, cinnamon, nutmeg. Grind all this into a homogeneous mass. Every morning before breakfast, eat 1 tsp. This mixture can be spread on bread.
The woman began to eat this mixture constantly and has not suffered from any colds for 4 years. (HLS 2004, No. 14 p. 9).

How to avoid colds and grow hair.
A woman started making a pepper mask against hair loss: she took 50 g of moonshine, added 1 pod of red pepper and let it sit for a week. Once a week I made a hair mask from this tincture - rubbed it into the scalp, put a plastic bag and a warm scarf on my head. I walked like this for about an hour, then washed my hair. My hair stopped falling out, became thicker, and I haven’t had a cold for 5 years now. (HLS 2004, No. 15 p. 27).

The seasons of autumn and winter are annually marked by the scale of diseases among the population. Everyone is at risk age categories from children to the elderly.

ARVIs are considered common diseases of these seasons, since infection occurs most in a simple way: by airborne droplets.

Mass infection, according to statistics, affects a person twice a year, so it’s worth thinking about preventive measures and means to reduce the possibility of illness and protect your body.

Acute respiratory viral infection is transmitted from infected person by airborne transmission (coughing, sneezing, shaking hands).

Preventive protection is of great importance regardless of the season and weather.

Protection is divided into two types:

  • specific - aimed at protection immune system. Is this mass vaccination or individual vaccination? Vaccine injections are given in kindergartens, educational institutions, at work or optionally in a medical facility;
  • nonspecific - independent fight against viral infections. For example, preventive hardening and taking vitamin complexes. All these measures are aimed at strengthening general condition the body, improving its life support and ability to resist viral infections.

The main idea of ​​infection prevention methods is to try to avoid contact with virus carriers as much as possible by:

  • wearing a protective cotton-gauze bandage;
  • Isolation of the sick person for the period of infection until complete recovery.

For prevention, it is necessary to carry out complex measures; they should be carried out under control and in the appropriate order. The best approach is to select individual methods hardening the body, selecting anti-epidemic drugs and following the recommendations of specialists.

Prevention in children

Prevention for children is very important and relevant. Basic principles of protection against disease:

  • avoiding contact with viral carriers;
  • increasing the protective properties of the body.

Children are easier and more likely to become infected with ARVI. They cannot be completely protected from the disease, but they can be less likely to become infected by following simple basic principles.

According to pediatrician Komarovsky, the following actions are taken to reduce the risk of becoming infected:

  • If the patient is at home, you need to ventilate the room more often. Minimize communication healthy child with the patient, before full recovery the last one.
  • carry out cleaning with chlorine cleaners, maintain optimal humidity in the room (from 40%) and a temperature of about 20 degrees;
  • “mask” mode - in the midst of infection, purchase gauze bandages and wear them, change them periodically, so the risk of getting sick will not be high;
  • Be sure to keep children’s hands clean, wash them more often, especially before eating and after a walk;
  • If possible, take frequent walks fresh air, if the weather is bad, then ventilate the premises;
  • taking preventive medications and medications (for example, Broncho-Vaxom, Imudon, Ribomunil);
  • vaccination;

Routes of entry of the virus into humans

ARVI is transmitted by airborne droplets and enters healthy person through the respiratory and digestive system.

Methods of transmission and transmission of the virus:

  • local, local transmission of the virus - handshakes, hugs with a sick person;
  • airborne transmission - direct conversation, being in the same room with sick people, coughing and sneezing near healthy people.

Preventive medications for adults and children

Medicines for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections are aimed at strengthening the body, its immune system and the ability to resist viruses.

The most common drugs for the prevention of ARVI:

  1. Nazaval Plus - nasal drops based on wild garlic extract, wild garlic and bear onion. May be available in spray form. Suitable for both children and adults. Use during periods of illness. average cost from 300 rubles.
  2. Ingavirin - tablets and capsules, basic active substance- imidazolylethanamide. Intended for the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and group A viruses. Release of dosages for adults and children, average price from 390 rubles.
  3. Tsitovir - syrup for children, capsules for adults. Increases the protective functions of the body, the main substance is thymogen. Average cost from 240 rubles.
  4. Arbidol - release form - tablets and capsules, for both adults and children. Antiviral agent, the main active ingredient is umifenovir. average price from 167 rubles.
  5. Rimantadine (remantadine) - tablets. Used in for preventive purposes and for the treatment of ARVI and influenza. The active substance is rimantadine hydrochloride. Average price from 74 rubles.
  6. Kagocel - tablets, the active ingredient is kagocel. Antiviral, activates the production of interferon to fight viruses. For use by adults and children over six years of age. The price varies from 240 rubles.

Vaccination against ARVI

Vaccination is carried out once during periods of spread of the disease and its exacerbation.

Drugs are considered effective vaccines preventive action for protection against respiratory diseases.

Modern vaccination is divided into three generations:

  • first - live (whole virion);
  • second - split (split);
  • third - subunit.

The injection is given once and is aimed at preventing ARVI. In case of illness, a vaccinated person has advantages over an unvaccinated person; he tolerates the disease more easily (not heat, mild symptoms and rapid progression of the disease, without relapse).

Contraindications to the vaccine are allergic reactions, pathologies of the immune system, the presence of an acute disease or the course of inflammatory process, recently previous illness, weakened condition after surgery.

What age is it possible to use vaccines?

Vaccination can be carried out both for children from six months old and for older people. Initially, vaccination should be carried out for people who belong to the first risk group (schoolchildren and preschoolers, students, medical workers, people over sixty years of age, immunocompromised and HIV-infected).

Reminder on the prevention of ARVI:

How to behave at work during exacerbation of illnesses

Before work, take antiviral medications, use cotton-gauze bandages, use only your own dishes at lunch, observe hand hygiene after using the toilet and shaking hands, ventilate the premises, reduce contact with sick people. If you get sick yourself, take sick leave.

How to behave if you are sick at home

Be sure to isolate the patient in a separate room (not a walk-through room), frequently ventilate the house/apartment and do wet cleaning. Maintain hygiene and do not eat food from the patient’s dishes.

How to behave on public transport

If going out requires traveling on public transport, be sure to wear a blindfold. If possible, try to sit by the window, where there is more air flow, and not at the end of the vehicle, in a crowd. After leaving, do not forget to wipe your hands with bactericidal wipes.

Do not sit next to potentially sick people.

How to behave in the company of friends and relatives who are sick with ARVI

Try to limit direct contact - kissing, hugging, shaking hands. Gather in ventilated areas and maintain personal hygiene. Use moisturizing nasal sprays to protect against viruses.

Prevention of ARVI in preschool educational institutions (kindergarten)

During increased degree diseases, it is necessary to increase the number of walks in the fresh air, constantly ventilate the premises and do wet cleaning with special bactericidal agents.

Do not visit crowded places large quantity of people.

Monitor your child's hygiene! You need to teach him to use napkins or disposable towels, keep his hands clean, and not chew other people's toys.

When vaccinated, agree to the injection. Take special antiviral drugs if the risk of getting sick is high. Start giving your child vitamins or diversify the diet with vegetables and fruits.

Prevention of ARVI at school

Use cotton gauze dressings and disposable wipes whenever possible.

Participate in vaccinations and take vitamins and antiviral medications.

If possible, reduce the time you spend around people. Follow the diet and dress your child according to the weather.


The main method of prevention is vaccination and management healthy image life.

They are based on personal protection and limiting contact with infected people.

Influenza is a very common acute infectious disease that affects Airways person. The source of the flu is a virus that mutates every year, which only complicates the treatment process. Let's take a closer look at what to take to prevent flu and colds, and what medications are best to deal with this.

There are a number medicines that provide protection against influenza

Most susceptible to influenza the following groups of people:

  1. People with weakened immune systems.
  2. Small children.
  3. Women during pregnancy.
  4. Aged people.
  5. Patients who already suffer from severe chronic diseases (hepatitis, asthma, diabetes, Chronical bronchitis, tuberculosis, etc.).

Means for the prevention of colds and flu, first of all, should be aimed at protecting the body’s strength, that is, stimulating the immune system, since people with a weakened immune system are most susceptible to this viral disease.

Doctors note that the best drugs to drink to prevent flu and colds are those that are immunomodulatory or antiviral. They will create a kind of protective barrier in the body and prevent viruses, especially the sources of influenza, from entering it.

Today the following are the most effective tablets for the prevention of flu and colds:

  1. Algirem.
  2. Anaferon.
  3. Arbidol.
  4. Immunal.
  5. Reaferon.
  6. Remintadine.
  7. Fitogor.

In addition, drops can also be used to prevent flu and colds. The best of them can be called Pinosol, Grippferon and Carmolis.

Let's take a closer look at preventive medications for flu and colds, their features and effectiveness.

Algirem drug

Tablets for the prevention of flu and colds Algirem were developed according to unique method, thanks to which it was possible to make an effective antiviral drug based on rimantadine.

Algirem- This effective remedy for the prevention of influenza and colds, which has a pronounced antiviral effect. Moreover, the drug has a strong antitoxic effect, so it rarely causes side effects.

It is important to note that when taking Algirem, a high circulation of its active substance is observed in the body, due to which the dosage of the drug can be reduced.

There are almost never any side effects after taking Algirem

Algirem can be used for both adults and children. It is noteworthy that taking such tablets is indicated for the prevention of colds, as well as in the early stages after infection with the virus. In this state, Algirem will contribute to more quick recovery person.

This drug will be especially effective when the person’s bronchi are not yet affected, that is, with a short cold.

According to studies, it has been proven that during epidemics of influenza and ARVI, Algirem promotes rapid protection of the body, thanks to which a person manages to avoid infection.

Moreover, due to their good tolerability, such tablets can be prescribed even to young children.


Anaferon- This the best remedy for the prevention of flu and colds in children. According to the instructions for use of this drug, it can be used for the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and inflammatory diseases nasopharynx in children of different ages.

Thanks to the expressed therapeutic effect, Anaferon in as soon as possible will be able to activate the human immune system and make him less vulnerable to the flu. This has been proven by numerous studies.

It is important to know that Anaferon can be taken after infection with the flu. In this state, it will alleviate the course of the disease, relieve acute symptoms and also reduce the likelihood of dangerous complications developing in the child. Moreover, Anaferon will relieve the manifestations of intoxication in the body, and therefore will make the entire process of the disease easier.

Unfortunately, Anaferoni has many contraindications, so it can only be taken after a medical prescription. This is especially true for the treatment of children. Otherwise (if you take the drug if there are contraindications), the medicine can only worsen the patient’s condition.

As the results of recent studies show, those children who took Anaferon for preventive purposes were seven times less likely to suffer from influenza during the entire period of the epidemic. This indicates that Anaferon is truly the best preventative against flu and colds, or, according to at least, it is one of the most effective.


Arbidol, just like Aneferon, is a potent antiviral and immunomodulatory medicine that can be used to prevent influenza and ARVI. Moreover, Arbiol is also indicated for complications from influenza - pneumonia, bronchitis and inflammation of the sinuses.

Arbidol has a pronounced antioxidant effect. It normalizes the functioning of the human immune system and reduces the likelihood of developing complications from chronic colds.

Arbidol has a pronounced antioxidant effect

Prevention of flu and colds using Arbidol has been proven by studies that have revealed that this drug suppresses the virus in the body's cells and prevents it from progressing. Thus, even if a person becomes infected with the virus, the latter will not be able to develop further, since it will be suppressed by immune cells, which are activated by Arbidol.


A drug Immunal based on plant components. It contains biological active substances, which are aimed at stimulating the functioning of the human immune system.

According to research data, those children who took Immunal were more than three times less likely to get the flu in kindergartens, even during outbreaks of epidemics. Also, when taking Immunal prophylactically after infection, the risk of complications is reduced several times.

As for the peculiarities of transferring Immunal, the person’s positive well-being was noted during its administration. Side effects did not occur frequently.


A drug Reaferon can be used to prevent influenza. It causes the production of a person's own interferon, thus stimulating his defenses.

Reaferon suppresses the development of viruses

It should be noted that Reaferon is quite potent drug, so you can take it only after a specialist has prescribed it.
Thanks to positive data and high efficiency, Reaferon is approved for use for the prevention of influenza and ARVI during outbreaks of seasonal epidemics.


A drug Remantadine has unique property suppress the development of influenza viruses. It also brings the work back to normal. blood vessels and protects the body from viruses type A and B.

It is important to know that after just two days of taking Remantadine, a person who has a cold feels improvement - his temperature drops and the temperature goes away. headache.

Especially effective use Remantadine is considered when taken together with No-shpa.


Compared with synthetic drugs, medicine Fitogor is safer because it is herbal based. It contains components such as sage, calendula, mint and lemon balm.

At correct intake, Fitogor improves metabolism, strengthens human immunity and suppresses the activity of viruses. At the same time, it is effective against both influenza viruses and common acute respiratory infections.


It is important to note that the above-described drugs should be taken with extreme caution in the following cases:

  1. When the child’s age is less than three years (you need to look in the instructions at what exact age the drug can be given to the child).
  2. Availability acute diseases digestive system and stomach, including (ulcers, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, etc.).
  3. All kinds of disorders in the nervous system of an adult or child.
  4. Chronic liver diseases, as well as renal failure.
  5. Oncological pathologies.
  6. The period after a recent surgical intervention.
  7. Diabetes mellitus (do not take medications with sugar).
  8. Liver failure.

Not all medications are approved for children under 3 years of age - be careful!

When the question arises, “what to drink to prevent flu and colds,” first of all, you should pay attention to all of the above drugs, since they are the most effective prophylactic agents, which can really protect a person from infection with the influenza virus.

Nasal drops for flu prevention

The following are the most effective nasal drops that can be used to prevent the cold virus:

  • Grippferon– these are nasal drops of the new dosage form, which have an immunostimulating effect. It has been proven that the use of Grippferon on initial stages the course of influenza contributes speedy recovery patient, eliminating symptoms and eliminating the risk of complications from the respiratory system.

At preventive use Grippferon significantly reduces the likelihood of contracting a cold. This is especially noticeable in kindergartens, where epidemics of viral colds often break out.

You should know that Grippferon does not have toxic effects and rarely ever calls side effects, so it can be used even by infants from the first year of life.

It has been proven that Capmolis makes the body more resistant to the influenza virus and reduces the risk of infection by more than half. Particularly good prevention results are observed when these drops are used for several weeks.

  • Pinosol- it's medicinal nasal remedy, which is also based on plant materials. It can be used for children and adults as a therapeutic and preventive medicine.

It is important to know that after a number of observations, no serious complications were identified after using Pinosol. All patients tolerated it very well.

General rules for flu prevention

Taking into account all theses of preventing influenza and colds, the following recommendations should be followed to reduce the likelihood of infecting the body with this virus:

  1. Take vitamins to prevent flu and colds. They can be in tablet or liquid form. Typically, vitamins against flu and colds are sold in the form of complex preparations, which include the main useful material and minerals. It is recommended to drink them during the off-season, when the body is weakened and requires additional support.
  2. Practice hardening to strengthen the immune system.
  3. Avoid stress and nervous overstrain, which help reduce the body's defenses.
  4. Completely stop smoking and drinking alcohol, because apart from harming your health and lowering your immunity, they will not lead to anything else.
  5. Do not self-medicate if you suspect you have the flu, because an advanced virus is much more difficult to treat. Thus, at the first manifestations of a cold, you should consult a doctor.
  6. Do not contact people with colds without a mask.
  7. Maintain personal hygiene carefully.
  8. Take preventive immunomodulatory drugs.
  9. Eat properly. The diet should be well balanced and rich in nutrients.
  10. Get vaccinated against the cold virus.
  11. Exercise.

Remember that exercise strengthens the immune system!

The influenza virus can cause life-threatening dangerous complications(in young children and older people it can be fatal), so do not neglect the rules for preventing its development. Only by following all the recommendations can you protect yourself from of this disease, thereby preventing the virus from infecting the body.

It is much easier to avoid the flu than to treat it in a long and difficult way. Therefore, it is imperative to take care of flu prevention. Many people think that preventing the flu means simply not communicating with a sick person and wearing an antiviral mask. But that's not true. There are three types of flu prevention. Want to know which ones?

Adverse reactions of the body, which doctors usually warn about before vaccination, may include flu-like symptoms. These are muscle pain or headache, fever - no higher than 37.5 degrees, redness or slight swelling at the injection site. All these symptoms are quite mild and usually disappear within a day or two. According to statistics, only 1 in a million people experience severe side effects after getting a flu vaccine, so don’t be afraid to get vaccinated.

If you want the vaccine not to cause any health problems for you, you should notify your doctor about any illnesses you have suffered in the month before vaccination. And also about allergies to any drugs, especially to protein chicken egg, on the basis of which most vaccines are made. The vaccine should not be given to people who:

  • Have you ever been allergic to chicken egg white, a component of the vaccine?
  • Have been or are currently suffering from a cold or chronic diseases in the acute stage
  • Had allergies to vaccinations in other years
  • Patients with elevated temperature and pain of any origin
  • Children under six months
  • Pregnant women in the first trimester

Whatever it is, protective properties vaccinations are significantly higher than those possible risks that may arise from its administration. For example, the number of influenza hospitalizations and complications is significantly reduced, as well as the number of deaths due to the flu.

Maintaining personal hygiene rules

Prevention of influenza also involves maintaining personal hygiene. It is very important to wash your hands frequently, sanitize furniture in your home as often as possible, and stay away from people who have the flu. IN as a last resort– wear a medical mask. But just change it every three hours, otherwise viruses and bacteria will attack you even more, having accumulated on this mask.

How is influenza transmitted?

The flu spreads from person to person through airborne droplets, that is, through sneezing, coughing, and also by shaking hands. When you sneeze and cough, droplets of saliva scatter within a radius of two meters and infect everything around. The influenza virus enters the human body through the respiratory tract and settles on the mucous membranes of the throat and nasal passages. Then it invades the body’s cells and forces them to produce similar viruses, and the cell itself dies.

At this time, the human body is saturated with toxins - waste products of viruses. This causes a person’s whole body to ache, headaches, and muscles of the whole body. The person becomes irritable and has increased weakness, he may not get enough sleep, and his temperature rises significantly. These are all flu-like symptoms that go away within one to two weeks. If you are concerned about the prevention of influenza, then it is important for you to know that a patient with influenza is most contagious during the first three days, and children are most contagious two to three times longer - from seven to 10 days.

How long does the influenza virus live?

For those concerned about flu prevention, it is useful to know that the virus lives on surfaces that are not disinfected for two to eight hours. And then he dies. But the temperature required for its death is quite high - up to 100 degrees, that is, the boiling point. Therefore, it is advisable to wash the patient’s things and your own during the flu period in a very hot water. Bactericidal agents are well suited for killing the virus - alcohol, iodine, soap (alkaline). Hydrogen peroxide is also very good.

Now many pharmacies and supermarkets sell bactericidal products for treating hands and surfaces. They are very good to take with you to places where it is not always possible to wash your hands. For example, on business trips. And the flu virus will be defeated by your simplest efforts.

So, to avoid complications due to the flu and the flu itself, it is very important not to sit idle. Preventing the flu can significantly reduce your risk of getting sick and save time that you would otherwise spend on treatment.

It is important to know!

Flu, it would seem, is common and not so terrible disease. But we can’t even imagine all the consequences that occur in the body after the flu. For example, how does the flu affect brain function and nervous system? Why do kidneys and liver work worse after suffering from the flu? What and how changes in the body after the flu?

For most of us, winter is the most awaited time. Many are waiting for her to enjoy traditional activities - skiing and sledding. But not everyone shares this point of view. There are also those who are not very happy about the coming of winter. After all, this is the most favorable time to catch the flu virus and other colds. Fortunately, people have long learned to resist diseases and fight them effectively.

If you don't want to feel it for yourself unpleasant symptoms flu, you should not wait to become infected. Long before the arrival of winter, start spending preventive actions, which will help boost your immunity and prevent viruses from putting you to bed.

Most patients who have a cold have a cough, runny nose, headaches and others. characteristic symptoms This disease occurs due to weakened immunity. When the body’s own defenses are not enough, nothing can stop the infection from carrying out its active work V human body and call various viral diseases. To protect yourself from flu and colds, experts advise taking the following medications.

List of drugs

To protect themselves from the dangers of viruses and bacteria, many people have to be very careful when choosing medications. But this problem can be easily solved if you seek advice from doctors who are well familiar with the modern range of medications for the prevention of influenza and colds, and their effects on the body.

This medicine is intended for surgical treatment Acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections and other colds, as well as their warnings. It can also be included in complex therapy individual infectious diseases- for example, rubella, chickenpox and others.

As active component The drug contains Amizon. Instructions for use contain instructions that this product should not be given to children under 6 years of age.

In most cases, one package, which contains 20 tablets, is enough to complete a full course. This medicine against flu and colds is popular not only because affordable price, but also a wide spectrum of action.

The drug Arbidol

To prevent flu and colds, you can take such an effective remedy as Arbidol. This medicine is effective with deal with influenza A and B viruses, and acute respiratory viral infection . It is ideal as a means of prevention. They can treat not only colds, but also complications arising from them. Quite often doctors include Arbidol in the composition complex treatment diseases such as recurrent herpes, chronic bronchitis and pneumonia. The drug can be prescribed for treatment children over 2 years of age.

Medicine Remantadine

The drug can become an alternative to the above-mentioned drugs both for treatment and for prevention ARI, ARVI, flu and colds. It can be given to children, but only to those who have reached age 7 years.

So that the product has maximum therapeutic effect, it should be taken according to the following scheme:

  • on the first day - 2 capsules 3 times a day;
  • on the second and third days - 2 capsules 2 times a day;
  • on the fourth and fifth days - 2 pills once a day.

For preventive purposes, the drug is taken in a course of 10 days. In this case, the dosage of the medicine will be one tablet per day.

Drug Anaferon

For prevention of flu and colds You can use drugs from the homeopathic group. One of the well-known medications of this class is Anaferon. It is often included in the complex treatment of diseases such as ARVI and influenza.

It can be given to children aged from 6 months. Take Anaferon during the first two hours with an interval of 30 minutes between doses. During this period, the dosage is determined as 1 tablet 3 times a day. Subsequently, the dosage regimen is not changed and is maintained until complete recovery. If the remedy was chosen for preventive purposes, then it must be taken 1 tablet 1 time per day for 1-3 months.

Treatment and prevention of acute respiratory infections and influenza

Every parent is happy when he sees his child cheerful and joyful. But babies’ immunity is not strong enough, so sometimes they get sick.

It is best not to wait for illness and to help the body in advance so that it can give a worthy rebuff to viruses. Therefore, the main recommendation that pediatricians give to parents is to carry out activities that will help increase the child’s immunity.

It is for this purpose that doctors often prescribe drugs to children. Grippferon And . They ideally cope with the task of preventing acute respiratory infections in children. For newborns up to 6 months, the medicine is instilled into the nose twice a day, one drop.

If you need to strengthen the immunity of a child over 6 months of age, then in this case you can use the drug. Before use, the pills must be dissolved in a spoon. warm water. In addition to the above medicines there are quite a few others effective medicines that are able to protect children's body from flu and colds. But you must not forget that self-medication may not always lead to positive results. Therefore, in order not to risk the health of your child, be sure to ask your doctor about the correct use of the drug you have chosen.

Medicine Viferon: suppositories and ointments

Belongs to the group of modern antiviral drugs, which, when used, have an immunomodulatory effect on the body. It is often prescribed to newborns and premature babies. The drug is very effective as a means of preventing acute respiratory infections, other infectious and inflammatory diseases, influenza, as well as complications caused by bacterial infections.

Viferon in the form of suppositories is used rectally for a course of 5 days. In this case, the child needs to administer each suppository at intervals of 12 hours. It is advisable to start treatment with this drug when the first symptoms of the disease appear.

Viferon in ointment form is suitable for use as a means of preventing colds and flu for children over 1 year old. They lubricate the nasal mucosa three to four times a day using a cotton swab.

Medicine Anaferon for children

Parents of children under 1 year of age find themselves in a rather difficult situation. It is not so easy for them to choose safe and effective medicines for the prevention of colds, acute respiratory infections and flu. However, there are medications that can satisfy them. One of them is the drug Anaferon, which can be used for the treatment and prevention of diseases in children starting from 1 month.

This is one of the popular antiviral drugs that has an immunomodulatory effect on the children's body. It is perfect as a medicine for the surgical treatment of colds, acute respiratory infections and flu, as well as a prophylactic agent.

In pharmacies, Anaferon is offered in the form of tablets, which must be dissolved in boiled water before taking. For older children, Anaferon tablets can be given at pure form, but they should not swallow them, but dissolve them.

Oxolinic ointment

Doctors are well familiar with this drug and its therapeutic effect. That's why they've been prescribing it for young children for many years. This ointment is highly safe for health and is therefore suitable for the prevention of acute respiratory infections, colds and flu in newborns. However, you can start using it only for children who are over 2 months.

Before use, prepare cotton swab, apply the medicine to it, and then use it to treat the baby’s nasal mucosa. The drug can be used only for prevention. It is not suitable for the surgical treatment of colds and flu.

Drug Aflubin

The medicine belongs to the group of homeopathic medicines that, when used, quickly relieve symptoms of colds and flu. This universal remedy, which can be used at any age. But you should always read the instructions before use, and then strictly follow the dosages indicated in it.

Due to the fact that the medicine does not have a very pleasant taste, children may not like it. Therefore, before use, it can be diluted with tea or water.

Aflubin is a medicine that has wide range actions. When taken, it has antipyretic, detoxification, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects. It is recommended to start taking Aflubin at the first appearance of cold symptoms.

Interferon drug

In pharmacies this drug is offered in the form of ampoules. It is practically no different from the above-mentioned means for the prevention of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and colds in children. Therefore, it can be used from birth.

For better absorption, it must be introduced into the child’s body in the form of a solution. To do this, you need to take the ampoule, open it, and then pour the contents into a glass containing 2 ml of chilled boiled water. The resulting mixture must be injected into the baby's nose.


Flu and colds are the most common and at the same time unpleasant diseases, which will be encountered in equally Both adults and children are at risk. Majority known methods Unfortunately, they do not allow you to avoid infection with these diseases. Therefore, many of us turn to doctors for advice, and they prescribe well-proven medications.

Today you can find a lot of such drugs in pharmacies, and among them there are those that can be used for acute respiratory infections in both adults and children. However, you should always read the instructions before use, since some medications may have age restrictions.

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