The eyes are yellowish with red veins. Yellow eyes. Eye diseases characterized by yellowing of the whites

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Yellow skin color

This is a yellowing of the skin and mucous membranes, which is especially noticeable on the eye sclera, the lower surface of the tongue (if the tongue is raised to upper sky), as well as on the palms. This is where jaundice appears first. Yellowing of the skin is also accompanied by darkening of the urine—beer-colored urine; this symptom appears first.

Yellowing of the skin is most often a sign of high levels of bilirubin in the blood. Sometimes the skin turns yellow when increased content carotene in the blood, which happens when you abuse carrot or orange diets.

Bilirubin is a blood pigment that is a breakdown product of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin, in turn, is an iron-containing protein that performs a transport function for oxygen and carbon dioxide and is found in erythrocytes - red blood cells.

There is false jaundice, when only the skin (not mucous membranes) is stained, due to the accumulation of carotenes in it due to excessive consumption of carrots, oranges, pumpkin, and medications (acryquin, picric acid).

Types of jaundice:

Depending on the level at which the process of removing bilirubin from the body suffers, there are 3 types of jaundice:

Hemolytic jaundice occurs with the accelerated breakdown of hemoglobin, when so much bilirubin is formed that the liver does not have time to convert indirect bilirubin into direct bilirubin. Therefore, in this type of jaundice, indirect bilirubin is increased.

Hepatic jaundice is caused by liver damage due to any reasons: viral hepatitis, drug or toxic liver damage, cirrhosis of the liver, alcohol damage, leptospirosis, pseudotuberculosis, etc. In this case, the content in the blood most often increases direct bilirubin, which is explained by its reabsorption into the bloodstream due to the inability of liver cells to process it.

Cholestatic jaundice. It is a consequence of impaired bile movement due to blockage of the bile ducts. This can occur when the bile ducts or gallbladder are blocked by a stone or tumor. With cholestatic jaundice also in to a greater extent direct bilirubin increases, which is associated with its excessive accumulation in bile ducts and reabsorption into the blood.

What diseases cause yellow skin color:

Diseases of the biliary tract:
- stones of the gallbladder and biliary tract.

In case of poisoning with drugs, alcohol, poisons, with extensive burns, hemorrhages.

Which doctors should you contact if yellow skin color occurs:

Are you worried about yellow skin color? Do you want to know more detailed information or do you need an inspection? You can make an appointment with a doctor– clinic Eurolab always at your service! The best doctors they will examine you and study you external signs and will help you identify the disease by symptoms, advise you and provide necessary help. you also can call a doctor at home. Clinic Eurolab open for you around the clock.

How to contact the clinic:
Phone number of our clinic in Kyiv: (+38 044) 206-20-00 (multi-channel). The clinic secretary will select a convenient day and time for you to visit the doctor. Our coordinates and directions are indicated. Look in more detail about all the clinic’s services on it.

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Do you have yellow skin color? It is necessary to take a very careful approach to your overall health. People don't pay enough attention symptoms of diseases and do not realize that these diseases can be life-threatening. There are many diseases that at first do not manifest themselves in our body, but in the end it turns out that, unfortunately, it is too late to treat them. Each disease has its own specific symptoms, characteristic external manifestations- so called symptoms of the disease. Identifying symptoms is the first step in diagnosing diseases in general. To do this, you just need to do it several times a year. be examined by a doctor to not only prevent terrible disease, but also to maintain a healthy spirit in the body and the organism as a whole.

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Yellow whites of the eyes may indicate liver disease, infection, viral hepatitis, malignant neoplasms or conjunctiva. Yellowing of the whites of the eyes can also be caused by problems with the gallbladder and biliary tract.

Yellowing of the whites of the eyes due to liver disease

When the whites of the eyes acquire a yellow tint, it makes sense to be wary. Such changes may indicate liver disease. Since in the human body, namely in red blood cells, there is bilirubin - an enzyme during the breakdown of which, the formation of yellow spots. Bilirubin is produced in the liver, so when the whites of the eyes turn yellow, it is assumed that this organ is affected by the disease.

Yellow whites of the eyes can also signal liver problems such as hepatitis, a serious disease characteristic feature which is yellowing skin, as well as the whites of the eyes. With jaundice, the tissues of the entire body turn yellow due to the pigment yellow color, formed during the breakdown of bilirubin. During this process, a substance harmful to the body is released that negatively affects nervous system.

Eye diseases characterized by yellowing of the whites

The whites of the eyes may take on a yellow tint due to the presence of neoplasms of the conjunctiva, such as melanoma. This disease is very serious, difficult to diagnose and difficult to treat. This disease is a type of cancer, and treatment must be carried out by appropriate specialists; independent actions in treatment are not allowed.

The whites of the eyes can take on a yellow tint if the visual organs themselves are diseased. Such ailments include pinguecula (the appearance of a yellow wen) and pterygium (overgrowth of the conjunctiva). These diseases may be associated with disruption of lipid metabolism.

Sometimes the whites of the eyes become yellowish when overworked and tired. Lack of sleep, dry indoor air and long work at the computer can also be the reasons for this phenomenon.

Recommendations in such cases are fresh air and special soothing eye lotions. Such yellowness of the whites of the eyes is easily removable, but in serious cases, with various diseases liver and other pathologies, the yellowing of proteins does not go away until the underlying disease is eliminated.

The fact that the whites of the eyes have changed color in itself does not bother the patient too much. Yellow eyes- the symptom (sign) is peculiar, well-known and very dangerous, but who is ready to immediately run to the doctor for such a ridiculous reason, take time off from work, take some tests? The Russian man refers to the bad environment and continues to use high doses alcoholic beverages (alcohol), even when your eyes have already turned yellow!

Yellowing of the sclera of the eyes occurs due to disruptions in internal processes both in the eyes themselves and in other organs. It may also be due to metabolic disorders. It is almost impossible to independently find out where a significant portion of unsplit bilirubin came from in the blood, tissues and organs.

Possible diseases

People with yellow eyes are primarily suspected of developing liver disease. There are other reasons not related to fatal dangerous diseases and pathologies. Seeing a doctor will help you gain confidence in your health or get the necessary appointments on time. The first steps in studying the patient’s condition: examination, questioning, blood tests, stool tests.

Liver diseases

BY THE WAY! Yellow bilirubin is toxic substance. Its long-term presence in the body in an undigested form is especially dangerous for the nervous system.

There are several types of hepatitis (“hepato” - liver, “itis” - inflammation):

  1. Hemolytic variety. The destruction of a large number of red blood cells in the blood leads to an increase in enzyme levels. Bile pigment is distributed in the skin and sclera of the eyes and causes them to turn yellow. The causes of such hepatitis can be hereditary, immune, infectious (malaria, leptospirosis) or toxic (bites of poisonous creatures). Alcohol syndrome very similar in manifestations to both viral and toxic hepatitis. Hemolytic anemias (babesiosis, etc.) are also characterized by yellow eyes and staining of the mucous membranes.
  2. Liver variety. Violations of physiology and anatomical changes in the liver itself can cause hepatosymptoms. As a rule, the reason lies in blockage of the bile ducts (cholestasis) and poor flow of bile from the liver. In addition to yellow eyes, the patient will experience pain, nausea, and dizziness.

Are hepatitis, cirrhosis and jaundice curable?

Everything lends itself medical control. Treatment of the disease is necessary in any case, otherwise treatable hepatitis can lead to an irreversible process of destruction - cirrhosis.


Gospel disease, or jaundice, develops according to the same principle: the free enzyme is not absorbed by the liver cells and is distributed in the tissues and mucous membranes. Yellowing of the skin occurs and the whites of the eyes become brightly colored. This symptom can occur for various reasons:

  • Erythrocyte hemoglobinopathies (autoimmune hemolytic diseases) are associated with excessive destruction of red blood cells, and the level of hemoglobin (oxygen-carrying protein) decreases sharply, which is obvious in a blood test. A decrease in the number of lymphocytes in the blood will also indicate to the doctor the pathology;
  • When the main component of bile is produced in excess, suprahepatic jaundice is formed;
  • If liver cells cannot bind enzyme molecules, the doctor is dealing with hepatocellular jaundice. Testing for direct bilirubin is one of the necessary laboratory tests;
  • The mechanical reason for the formation of yellow eyes and skin is an imbalance between the secretion of bile from the liver through the duct and the absorption of the residues back from the intestines.

At different types jaundice, yellowing of the skin and sclera of the eyes is accompanied by pain, malaise, enlargement of organs, and changes in biochemical parameters. Only a doctor can compare the indicators of direct and indirect bilirubin, hemoglobin, leukocyte level, all bodily symptoms and establish an accurate diagnosis.

BY THE WAY! If the mucous membranes are not affected by staining, then the disease is called false - it is just an accumulation of carotene in the skin. Pseudojaundice is not common, but can be easily corrected.

Eye diseases

Any body tissue can accumulate pigments obtained from food or external environment. Removing pigment from the mucous membranes of the eye is also difficult because the eye can be weakened by illness, stress or a bad habit. For example, smoking almost always leads to the appearance of a lung yellowish tint to the white of the eye. The presence of eye diseases such as conjunctivitis (and subsequent subconjunctival hemorrhage) enhances the effects of smoking.

Gilbert's disease

Hereditary pathologies of liver cells consist in the fact that not all functions work correctly, so an accumulation of the enzyme occurs (in indirect form) blood and plasma. When the concentration reaches its limit, it is redistributed into the most vulnerable and permeable tissues - the sclera and the mucous membrane of the eye. The effect of yellowing of the eyes increases with stress, fasting, infections and bad habits. There is a whole group of well-studied hereditary diseases, in addition to Gilbert's disease. For these pathologies, the patient is advised to undergo periodic examinations and lifelong medication.

Sometimes yellowish spots (nevi, allergic), compactions (age-related) and neoplasms appear on the protein. The affected eye must be shown to an ophthalmologist and a referral for research is obtained.

Blood diseases

Hemolysis (destruction of red blood cells) is normally compensated by liver cells. If for some reason the liver does not have time to cope with the “waste” of hemolysis, the blood plasma, and then other tissues, becomes characteristic shade. Yellowing of the eyeball is typical for a number of hereditary diseases blood:

  • Erythrocyte membranopathy;
  • Erythrocyte enzymopathy;
  • Hemoglobinopathy;
  • Hemolytic anemia.
  • Malaria;
  • Babesiosis;
  • Helminthiases;
  • Poisoning with poisons (phenol, heavy metals, chloroform, etc.).

Other reasons

If the biliary tract is disrupted, yellowing of the whites of the eyes becomes obvious. Gallbladder and the pancreas must be checked first. Due to stress, poor quality food and lack of sleep, brownish-yellow circles may appear around the eyes. A yellowish tint to the sclera occurs during pregnancy. In non-borns, jaundice is usually considered a normal variant.

The white of the eye, due to its natural sensitivity, helps to detect serious illnesses. Under the supervision of a doctor, a woman’s health, beauty, pregnancy and maintaining youth are much better. The fair half is more sensitive to health. Men more often refer to environmental reasons yellowing of your eyes, neglecting a visit to the clinic.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnosis of the causes of yellow eyes is based on the results of a patient interview and clinical examination. Combinations clinical examination, conversations and laboratory method allow the doctor to choose the optimal way to find answers to the patient’s query, why did the whites of the eyes turn yellow?

Laboratory tests are the most important diagnostic method. Analyzes of feces, urine and blood, even general ones, allow us to create a complete picture of the processes occurring in the body of the owner of yellowed eyes.


The patient should show the ophthalmologist eyeballs with a yellow tint. If not found eye diseases, the doctor will redirect the patient to a therapist, gastroeterologist, infectious disease specialist or oncologist. In almost all cases, hepatoprotectors are prescribed, and other recommendations depend on the diagnosis.

“Jaundice,” that is, the appearance of a yellow color on the skin or mucous membranes, is not an independent disease. This is a symptom, that is, the result of an emerging pathology. Yellowing of the white of the eye itself is often not painful. In this case, it is often ignored. The patient does not consider it necessary to seek advice about the causes of his condition, since the change in color is not perceived as a dangerous problem. But sometimes yellowing of the eyes is combined with quite unpleasant symptoms: skin itching, bitter taste in the mouth, headache, nausea, weakness, insomnia.

However, even in the absence of painful manifestations, such a condition should in no case be neglected. Sometimes a yellowish tint to the white of the eye can be explained natural causes. But in such cases, the shade remains permanently, throughout life. And, most definitely, we are talking about a light shade, and not definitely yellow. In cases where the whites of the eyes have recently turned yellow, it is important to pay close attention to this change. “Jaundice” is a signal indicating the emergence of a serious problem or disease.


If we talk about the symptom of yellowing of the eyes, then this condition can look different: the color varies from yellowish to bright yellow. Sometimes not the entire white part of the eye turns yellow. The patient notices the appearance or even “growths” of the corresponding color. Due to the fact that yellowing of the eyes may indicate the most various diseases, the reasons for the color change are also different. The most common cause of jaundice is high level bilirubin (from the Latin bilis - bile and ruber - red) is one of the main components of bile.

Bilirubin is a pigment and is yellow in color. It is formed during the breakdown of proteins, for example, hemoglobin, released during the breakdown of red blood cells. The end products of hemoglobin breakdown (including bilirubin) during normal functioning the body must enter the bile and be excreted naturally. If the process of removing bilirubin is disrupted or its amount is excessively increased, this leads to the coloring of the eyes in the color of this pigment: the proteins acquire a yellow tint. In this case, not only the whites of the eyes can turn yellow, but also other tissue structures of the body.

Read also about yellow eye color.

A change in eye color may indicate either a pathology leading to excessive destruction of red blood cells, or problems in neutralizing and removing bilirubin from the body. Thus, the most common causes of “jaundice” are the following processes:

  • Increased destruction of red blood cells(for example, in case of poisoning or blood diseases);
  • Liver diseases leading to the inability to neutralize bilirubin;
  • Gallbladder diseases, that is, insufficient or impossible excretion of bilirubin.

Another reason for the yellow color appearing on proteins may be a change in lipid metabolism in the body. This leads to the formation of yellowish wen in the eye area. Extremely dangerous pathology, causing yellowness of the white of the eye are various types of malignant neoplasms of the conjunctiva.

The causes of “jaundice” are sometimes infections, manifestations of subconjunctival hemorrhages, and even bad habits.

Possible diseases

Yellowing of the eyes is a symptom, not a disease itself. There are a huge number of ailments that cause such discoloration. They can be divided into separate groups:

  • Liver diseases;
  • Blood diseases;
  • Problems arising in the biliary tract;
  • Metabolic disorders in the body;
  • Diseases of the pancreas;
  • Diseases of the organs of vision.

Read also about why the white of the eye is yellow.

TO pathological problems in the liver, leading to “jaundice”, include the following diseases: hepatitis, cirrhosis and liver cancer, Zieve syndrome, echinococcosis, amoebiasis and sarcoidosis of the liver. When problems arise in the functioning of the liver, the binding of indirect bilirubin from the blood is disrupted due to damage to liver cells. Upon reaching high concentration bilirubin, it penetrates the sclera of the eyes and is deposited in them.

Blood diseases leading to the development of “jaundice”: malaria, erythrocyte membranopathies, enzymopathies, hemoglobinopathies, autoimmune hemolytic anemia, babesiosis, poisoning with hemolytic poisons.

When blood diseases occur, significant destruction of erythrocytes (red blood cells) occurs. This causes an increase in hemoglobin concentration.

Hemoglobin breaks down to form a large number of bilirubin, which the liver is unable to neutralize.

In diseases of the biliary tract, accumulation of significant amount bilirubin. This is due to the fact that the flow of bile from the liver into duodenum is violated. Most known cause Yellowing of the whites of the eyes in these cases is cholelithiasis. However, “jaundice” can also be caused by primary sclerosing cholangitis, opisthorchiasis, as well as oncological diseases. Violations metabolic processes, which can cause yellowing of proteins, can be divided into three types:

  • Violation of metal metabolism;
  • Bilirubin metabolism disorder;
  • Protein metabolism disorder.

Such pathological processes lead to the development of a number of diseases, such as amyloidosis, hemochromatosis, Wilson-Konovalov disease, Gilbert's disease and others, accompanied by yellowing of the eyes.

There are also diseases of the organs of vision, which are accompanied by the appearance of yellow color in the whites of the eyes.

These are melanomas and malignant conjunctivitis. Yellowness in the form of individual spots is caused by such ophthalmological diseases like pterygium and pinguecula.

Pterygium manifests itself as a consequence of conjunctivitis. The pinguecula becomes the result of lipid metabolism and the appearance of yellow wen on the protein.

Why in a newborn yellow squirrels eye read in .

Diagnostic methods

Diagnosis of the causes of yellowness in the whites of the eyes includes a significant number of methods. This is due to the fact that there are many reasons for the manifestation of such a symptom. To establish an accurate diagnosis, use:

  • Clinical methods;
  • Radiation studies;
  • Laboratory research.

The doctor turns to basic diagnostic methods, such as finding out the maximum full history development of the disease and the patient. Radiation methods research suggests application computed tomography internal organs and ultrasound examination. When determining the cause of “jaundice”, important method are different kinds laboratory tests:

  • General blood analysis;
  • Blood chemistry;
  • Toxicological blood test;
  • Stool analysis;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • Immunological and genetic tests.

It is assumed that there is a need to obtain data on the condition of the liver, pancreas and biliary tract.

Yellow eyes often become a symptom of a pathology developing in the body. In cases where yellowing of the whites does not cause discomfort to a person, it is simply ignored. It is considered necessary to contact a specialist only when discomfort: the patient is worried headache, nausea, bitter taste in the mouth, itchy skin, general malaise.

There are people for whom a yellowish tint to the eyes is considered normal. This color lasts for life. However, if yellowness has recently appeared, you should immediately consult a doctor. This may be a signal of the development of serious pathologies.

Causes of yellowness

The reasons for the yellowness of the whites of the eyes can be completely different. Their color can vary from yellowish to yellow, and this also indicates various diseases. The cause of yellow sclera of the eyes may be increased bilirubin, which is the main component of bile.

This one of the first signs of jaundice, which in combination with icteric skin color indicates liver disease or some other infectious process. Another reason for yellowing of proteins may be a violation of lipid metabolism in the body.

Cause of yellow eyes could be everyday activities: working at a computer, lack of sleep, dry air in the room. In such cases, the sclera becomes red and the pupils become cloudy and dilated. IN in some cases Does dryness lead to inflammation? and the white may turn yellow. But all this can be easily corrected by spending more time on fresh air and making soothing lotions.

Symptoms of diseases

Yellowing of the sclera is a symptom, not a disease itself. The following diseases can cause yellow eyes:

Most common cause yellowing eyeballs become liver disease. Hepatitis develops due to alcohol intoxication or when specific viruses enter the body. Often the liver can react to certain medications. Some antibiotics can cause liver toxicity, antiviral drugs, cytostatics, as well as drugs used in the treatment of tuberculosis.

Often the cause of yellow sclera of the eyes can be increased bilirubin levels. If tests confirm increased bilirubin, then it can be said that the person has hepatitis A, that is, jaundice.

Depending on the level of this enzyme in the body, the following types of jaundice are distinguished:

  • hemolytic - occurs with the rapid breakdown of hemoglobin;
  • cholestatic - develops due to blockage of the bile ducts with stones;
  • hepatic - the liver is not able to process bilirubin and it returns back into the blood.

Jaundice of newborns requires special consideration. In the first days of a child's life, his skin and sclera may have a yellowish tint. This is due to the fact that in utero the baby’s blood is highly saturated with red blood cells. When the baby is born, they begin to fall apart. Doctors call this condition neonatal jaundice. Normally, it goes away a few days after birth.

An increase in the level of hemoglobin, which, when broken down, forms more bilirubin than the liver can process, leads to blood diseases. They, in turn, can cause yellowing of the whites of the eyes.

In many cases, the yellowed white may be symptom of cholelithiasis.

Melanomas and malignant conjunctivitis also cause yellowing of the whites of the eyes and pupils. Yellow spots can be caused by diseases such as pterygium and pinguecula, which are a consequence of conjunctivitis.

Diagnostic methods

To determine why the eyes begin to turn yellow, you need to conduct a diagnosis, which includes several methods. The most common of them are laboratory and radiation studies.

To determine the exact cause yellow squirrels eye doctor prescribes full range of research to obtain real data on the condition of the liver, biliary tract, and pancreas. For more full picture appoint ultrasound examinations and tomography of internal organs. But first of all, the patient must undergo mandatory laboratory tests:

  • general and biochemical analysis blood;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • stool analysis;
  • toxicological, immunological and genetic tests.

Only having the results of all examinations in hand will the doctor be able to make the correct diagnosis.

Prevention measures

A person most often thinks about his health when he sees specific symptoms of a disease. Bad habits and improper lifestyle often cause serious damage to the biliary system, pancreas and liver dysfunction.

Yellowing of the sclera indicates many dangerous processes in the body, which important to prevent in the early stages.

To prevent illness it is important:

  • remove everything from your diet harmful products, nutrition should be balanced;
  • walk more in the fresh air;
  • spend less time at the computer, avoid not only redness, but even the appearance of red streaks, which may indicate excessive strain on the blood vessels of the eyes;
  • sleep at least 8 hours a day;
  • It is recommended to take multivitamin complexes to maintain immunity;
  • can be used eye drops or soothing lotions if there is redness or yellowing of the whites of the eyes.

Yellow eye syndrome is a symptom of many diseases. Therefore, if such a symptom appears, you cannot ignore it. It must be remembered that the doctor can make an accurate diagnosis only after conducting a series of necessary tests and examinations. Based on these, treatment is prescribed. It depends on which organ is affected and how much.

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