Tobrex eye drops: instructions for use. Tobrex eye drops: indications for use, instructions

What properties does the drug “Tobrex” have? Reviews about this drug will be presented below. We will also tell you about what indications and contraindications this remedy has, how it should be used correctly, whether it has side effects, etc.

Description, packaging and composition of the drug

What are Tobrex eye drops? Reviews from experts say that they go on sale in the form of a transparent, colorless or yellowish-tinged solution in special dropper bottles with dosing capabilities (5 milliliters each). Each bottle is placed in a cardboard package that has a blue pattern.

What does the drug "Tobrex" contain? Reviews from experts note that this solution contains the following: active substance, like tobramycin. As auxiliary components the drug contains purified water, boric acid, tilaxopol, sodium sulfate and sodium hydroxide.

Pharmacological action of the drug

How do Tobrex drops work? Reviews from experts indicate that the drug in question is an antibiotic that acts on a wide range of pathogens. It belongs to the group of aminoglycosides.

At low concentrations, the drug exhibits a bacteriostatic effect (stops protein synthesis and inhibits the 30S ribosomal subunit).

In high concentrations, the drug can change permeability cell membranes, thereby causing cytolysis. Thus, it exhibits a pronounced bactericidal effect.

Properties of the drug

In terms of its spectrum of action, the active substance of the drug is very similar to Gentamicin. However, it is more active against gentamicin-resistant strains. In this regard, the remedy in question is quite often used when neomycin-containing drops are ineffective.

Tobramycin fights well against various infections. However, it is ineffective against some strains of streptococci that belong to group D.


Is Tobrex (eye drops) absorbed? Feedback from experts informs us that when local application There is no absorption of this drug into the systemic circulation.

Indications for use

In what cases can Tobrex drops be prescribed to children? Reviews from pediatricians say that this drug is very often used to treat infectious and inflammatory lesions of the eyes and surrounding tissues.

Thus, the indications for the use of the mentioned drug are the following diseases:

Besides, this drug can be prescribed for barley (meibomitis), as well as for the prevention of complications that arise before and after ophthalmological interventions.

Contraindications for use

What are the contraindications for Tobrex? Reviews from doctors say that this remedy cannot be used only in case of individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Tobrex (eye drops), instructions

Patient reviews of this drug are mixed. To avoid side effects and overdoses before use this tool We recommend that you read the instructions or consult a doctor.

So how should you use Tobrex? The instructions and reviews from experts say that it must be instilled one drop four or five times a day.

It should be especially noted that in addition to the medicine “Tobrex”, you can also find drops such as “Tobrex 2X” in pharmacies. These agents differ only in the frequency of administration. It is recommended to instill the drug “Tobrex 2X” one drop two or three times a day.

The differences between the mentioned products in the frequency of use are due to the fact that the second medication has a thicker consistency. This feature allows the active substance of the drug to remain in the drug longer; therefore, the frequency of its use is reduced without compromising the therapeutic effect.

The course of treatment with the drug in question should be seven to ten days.

If necessary, Tobrex eye drops can be instilled every 60 minutes. However, after eliminating the symptoms, you should return to the above-mentioned regimen.

For the best therapeutic effect At night, you should additionally use Tobrex ointment.


If the drug in question is used incorrectly, as well as if it is accidentally ingested, any symptoms of poisoning almost never appear. Although experts say that in some cases, signs of an overdose of this medicine can be very similar to its side effects. In such a situation, it is recommended to rinse your eyes thoroughly with warm water.

Adverse reactions

Which side effects can the medication Tobrex (eye drops) cause this? Reviews from experts say that in 1.5% of cases, patients experience allergic reactions, which are manifested by itching, redness of the conjunctiva and lacrimation.

In 1% of cases, patients experience redness and swelling of the eyelids, swelling of the conjunctiva, as well as general discomfort in the eye area.

In 0.5% of cases, patients were diagnosed with chemosis (that is, swelling of the conjunctiva), keratitis (inflammation of the cornea), as well as blepharitis (inflammation of the edges of the eyelids), isolated ulcerations and pain in the eyes.

With long-term therapy, fungal superinfection may occur.

Drug interactions

The simultaneous use of Tobrex with the following drugs should be avoided:

  • "Furosemide" or (an ototoxic effect is noted).
  • "Carboplatin", "Capreomycin", "Cefepime", "Teicoplanin" and "Cefotaxime" (nephro- and ototoxic effects are noted).
  • Vancomycin (nephro-, oto- and neurotoxic effects are observed).
  • “Amphotericin”, “Cefaperazone”, “Cifamandol”, “Cefuroxime” (nephrotoxic effect appears).

It should also be noted that the drug in question cannot be used simultaneously with drugs that contain tetracycline (due to the content of tyloxapol in Tobrex drops).

special instructions

An unreasonable increase in the frequency and duration of drug use can lead to the appearance of bacteria that are insensitive to the substances of the drug, including fungal infection eye. If signs of superinfection occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.


Is it possible to prescribe Tobrex for children? Feedback from experts informs us that this product is actively used in pediatric practice. It is used for children aged one year and older.

Is Tobrex prescribed for newborns? Manufacturer reviews indicate that this product is safe and effective for infants suffering from conjunctivitis. As a rule, such patients are prescribed to use the drug five times a week.

Lactation and pregnancy

The small amount of data on the use of Tobrex eye drops by pregnant women does not allow specialists to draw objective conclusions about the toxicity of the drug. In this regard, you should refrain from using it during pregnancy.

In addition, there are absolutely no studies that confirm the drug reaches breast milk. However, a risk to a breastfeeding baby cannot be ruled out. In this regard, lactation should be stopped during treatment.

Analogues and price of the drug

The preparations “Tobrex 2X”, “Tobrimed” and “Tobrosopt” are complete analogues of the product in question (in composition and release form). In Russia, the price of this product varies between 150-220 rubles. You can buy it at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.

Tobrex eye drops for children have proven themselves in treatment bacterial lesions eye. It affects large group pathogenic microorganisms.

This medicine can be used to treat newborns from the first days of life. In this article we will introduce you to detailed instructions Tobrex eye drops for children, we present average prices and reviews from parents.

Composition, description and release form

The drug is clear, colorless or slightly yellowish solution. The medicinal component of Tobrex drops is antibiotic tobramycin (at a concentration of 0.3%).

Excipients - boric acid, anhydrous sodium sulfate, sulfuric acid or sodium hydroxide, benzalkonium chloride and distilled water.

The medicine is available in a 5 ml plastic bottle, with a dispenser for eye drops. The bottle is closed with a plastic screw cap.

The drug has instructions for use. The bottle and instructions are included in cardboard box.


According to the instructions, Tobrex eye drops for children are prescribed for eye damage from bacteria that cause a number of diseases:

The medicine is also prescribed infants with obstruction (blockage) of the lacrimal canal.

It is prescribed after operations performed on the eyes, to prevent the development of a bacterial environment.


The medicine is contraindicated in children who have been diagnosed hypersensitivity or individual intolerance the main or one of the auxiliary components of the drug.

A pediatrician or ophthalmologist will most likely not prescribe Tobrex if a sick child is prescribed a course of antibiotics from the same group as tobramycin.

How and after what time it works

The main component of the drug is the antibiotic tobramycin.. This substance affects a large group of bacteria, including staphylococci and streptococci, diphtheria bacteria and E. coli.

In small doses, tobramycin stops bacterial reproduction and growth. But if you stop taking the medicine, bacteria will continue to multiply.

Large doses of antibiotics lead to the complete death of pathogenic bacteria.

The effect of the drug begins immediately after its use, but a noticeable effect in mild cases will be noticeable after a few hours, in severe cases - on the third or fourth day.

Dosage for different ages and permissible frequency of procedures

The literature does not provide statistical data on negative impact Tobrex for children's health. It can be used by people of any age.

If the infectious process proceeds easily and without complications, then the drug is dripped into the eyes every 4 hours.

Newborns and infants It is enough to drop 1 drop of medicine, for older children - 1-2 drops.

IN active phase illness the doctor can prescribe application of drops once every 60 minutes. As it fades infectious process the intervals between procedures are gradually increased to 4 hours.

Course of treatment for diseases of minor and moderate severity equals 7 days.

How to use children's medicine

The drug is dripped into the conjunctival sac, slightly pulling the lower eyelid.

If the drug has been in a cool place, it is advisable to warm it to room temperature, especially if the treatment is prescribed for breastfeeding or small child. Then the drops will irritate the inflamed eye less.

The medicine should be given when the child's head is thrown back up or is he lying in horizontal position.

special instructions

At long-term treatment(few weeks) a complication is the development of a fungus on the tissues of the eye. If a fungus appears, the doctor cancels treatment with Tobrex and prescribes other drugs.

If your child uses contact lenses, you need to remember that the drug cannot be dripped directly onto them. Contact lenses must be removed and then use the drops.

You can put them on again only after 15-20 minutes. Contact lenses can be worn if wearing does not cause discomfort during illness.

Children whose vision becomes blurred after using drops, you cannot perform any actions that require good reactions and increased concentration. In this case, you need to wait until vision clarity is restored.

The bottle must not be stored open, it must be capped after each use.

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You can learn about what drugs to treat pharyngitis in children from. Find out more!

Interaction with other drugs

When treating eyes with Tobrex possible enhancement local reactions And side effects if children are simultaneously taking other antibiotics (streptomycin, kanamycin, netilmicin, sisomycin, amikacin or isepamycin).

All of them belong to the group of aminoglycoside antibiotics, as does tobramycin, which is part of the drops. Attending physicians never do not prescribe these medications together.


In case of an overdose of Tobrex, punctate keratitis of the upper layer of the cornea, skin erythema, excessive lacrimation, and discomfort in the eye area may appear.

Punctate keratitis- one of frequent complications when exposed to large doses antibiotic. In case of an overdose, small pinpoint defects of the cornea may appear, which will be expressed by additional redness and swelling, and increased irritability of the eye. As a result, vision loss may occur.

Erythema- redness of the eyelid and skin around the eyes. This complication can also occur after an overdose.

This redness is not considered dangerous; it usually disappears within a few hours after the drug stops working.

Erythema is often accompanied by swelling of the lower and upper eyelid and their pain.

Tearing during overdose occurs frequently, but it also stops if the drug is used at long intervals.

The listed complications are often accompanied by itching, so parents need to make sure that the child does not scratch his eyes and cause additional infection.

Side effects

Side effects of the drug may occur unpleasant symptoms and at the usual dosage prescribed by an ophthalmologist or pediatrician. They are often caused by individual intolerance to one of the components of the drug.

Usually appear in the form of local reactions. This may include redness, itching, swelling of the eyelids or skin around the eyes, enlarged blood vessels in the eyes and redness of the sclera (conjunctival hyperemia), lacrimation, a feeling of “mote” and a burning sensation.

In case of complete intolerance to the components of Tobrex Severe allergic reactions may also occur, including skin rashes and swelling, nausea, kidney problems and convulsions.

Allergic reactions to this drug are rare.

Average prices in Russia

Prices for Tobrex children's drops do not vary much. The cost of the medicine in pharmacy chains is determined by the supplier. Average prices in Russian cities:

  • Moscow – 171-195 rubles;
  • St. Petersburg - 191-199 rubles;
  • Krasnodar – from 166 to 198 rubles;
  • Krasnoyarsk, Abakan, Novosibirsk - from 175.6 to 197.5 rubles;
  • Khabarovsk - from 185 to 201 rubles.

The average price in Russia is 190 rubles. Bulk prices pharmaceutical companies (American, Spanish, Belgian manufacturers) are almost the same.

If you order a medicine from a pharmacy via the Internet, its cost may be 10-12 rubles lower than the retail price.

Storage and release conditions, shelf life

The medicine should not be frozen, the recommended storage temperature is defined in a wide range - from plus 8 to plus 30 degrees Celsius. You can store it in both a light and dark place.

The shelf life of the medicine is three years. After opening (breaking the seal of the bottle), the medicine is stored for no more than 4 weeks, then it should be thrown away.

Tobrex eye drops for children are available with a doctor's prescription, but many private pharmacies sell it without requiring a prescription.

There is data on effective use Tobrex as nasal drops for children suffering from rhinitis. Eye drops Tobrex – antibacterial drug wide range actions for use in ophthalmology.

The systemic effect of Tobramycin in eye drops is very insignificant. But if Tobrex is prescribed simultaneously with aminoglycoside antibiotics, then systemic side effects may increase (hearing loss, toxic effects on kidneys and hematopoiesis).

Take a bottle of drops and shake several times; 3. Holding the bottle vertically and without touching the tip to the mucous membrane and eyelid, drop the medicine into the lower conjunctival sac, gently pressing the bottom of the bottle with your index finger; 7.

If you need to drip Tobrex into both eyes, then repeat the procedure for the second eye; 10. When using drops, it is not recommended to wear soft lenses. If you still use lenses, they must be removed before instillation and put on no earlier than 15 minutes after instillation.

Tobrex for children

IN acute cases you can drip 1-2 drops every hour until the inflammation subsides and reduces, and then switch to the frequency of instillations described above. Another positive thing is that the effect occurs quickly, without requiring long-term treatment.

Against the background of viral conjunctivitis, it can also join bacterial infection– such conjunctivitis can be treated with Tobrex in combination with other medicines. Most of the reviews come from parents of babies, including newborns. Mothers note, in addition to the effectiveness of the drug, the absence irritating effect drops on the child's eye. In one of the reviews, the mother of the child warns parents not to repeat her mistake - not to interrupt treatment after improvement, because... the inflammation resumed again and I had to start all over again.

You can add your comments and feedback to this article, subject to the Discussion Rules. Available in the form of a transparent, colorless or straw-colored solution in Drop Tanner dropper bottles of 5 ml with the possibility of dosing. Absorption into the systemic circulation is practically absent if the drug is applied topically. This feature allows the active substance to stay longer in conjunctival sac and, therefore, reduce the frequency of drug administration without compromising the therapeutic effect.

Tobrex for a runny nose

Also, the simultaneous use of Tobrex with drugs containing tetracycline (due to the content of tyloxapol in the former) should not be allowed. In Russia, Tobrex is available without a prescription, in Ukraine only by prescription. Tobrex 2x, Tobrosopt and Tobrimed are complete analogues of Tobrex in release form and composition.

Reviews for Tobrex

There are no studies confirming that tobramycin passes into breast milk, but a risk to a breast-feeding baby cannot be ruled out. Numerous reviews of Tobrex eye drops indicate fast therapeutic action. Russian price Tobrex eye drops, as well as the price of the ointment of the same name, does not differ from that in Ukraine.

At the university he headed the Council of the Student Scientific Society. Advanced training in 2010 - in the specialty "Oncology" and in 2011 - in the specialty "Mammology, visual forms of oncology". Work experience: Worked in a general medical network for 3 years as a surgeon (Vitebsk Emergency Hospital, Liozno Central District Hospital) and part-time as a district oncologist and traumatologist. Worked as a pharmaceutical representative for a year at the Rubicon company.

Tobrex for newborns

Information about medications on the site is for reference and general information, collected from publicly available sources and cannot serve as a basis for making a decision on the use of medications in the course of treatment. Before using the drug Tobrex, be sure to consult with your doctor.

And you also need to let the child scream for 5 minutes a day, when natural tension occurs and the film will burst. Publications on "" and advice in the child's development calendar by week should not be considered as medical recommendations on pregnancy management, diagnosis and treatment. The drug is used in the treatment of infectious inflammatory diseases eyes, can be used in patients of different age groups, including in newborns (children).

Tobrex is used for diseases:

Tobrex should not be used in case of increased individual sensitivity to any of the components of the drug. Some patients may experience eye irritation, redness and swelling of the mucous membrane, in in rare cases Eye pain and corneal ulceration may occur. The use of Vitabact eye drops according to the instructions does not cause an overdose.

This information is not a guide to action, only for informational purposes. For all appointments, please contact your physician. Self-medication can be dangerous to your health!

Due to the risk of developing superinfection, Tobrex is not recommended for long-term use or without following the recommended treatment regimen. Use with caution during pregnancy, when prescribing the drug during lactation breast-feeding It is recommended to stop temporarily. My eyes were red and the pharmacy recommended these drops. On the first day of using the drops there was pleasant relief.

The difference between Tobrex and Tobrex 2x in the frequency of use is due to the thicker consistency of the latter drug. For treatment allergic conjunctivitis others also apply medications, Tobrex is ineffective in these cases. The interaction of Tobrex with other antibiotics is described above (see Interaction). A child should not use Tobrex on his own without a doctor’s prescription!

The drug Tobrex, which is available in the form of eye drops and ointments, is intended for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the eyelids, conjunctiva, cornea and other structures eyeball.

Means refers to group of antibiotics, therefore, it can only be used after consultation with an ophthalmologist. Due to the low toxicity of Tobrex safe for newborns and pregnant women. The review describes its composition, action, methods and rules of use.

Composition and action of the product

As an active ingredient, Tobrex eye drops contain tobramycin, an antibiotic from the aminoglycoside group. The substance is capable of killing pathogenic microorganisms. In addition to tobramycin, the drops contain auxiliary components:

  • boric acid;
  • sodium sulfate;
  • tilaxopol;
  • benzalkonium chloride;
  • sodium hydroxide;
  • purified water.

The eye ointment also contains tobramycin. Liquid paraffin, chlorobutanol and petroleum jelly give it a light, uniform structure and a creamy white hue. The concentration of the active substance (tobramycin) in the ointment and drops is the same - 3 milligrams per 1 gram.

Most inflammatory eye diseases are caused by bacteria entering the eye tissue.

Doctors are not always able to find out which microorganism provoked the development of a particular disease. Therefore, ophthalmologists prefer to prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics to patients. Tobrex is one of these drugs. He kills almost all bacteria which can cause conjunctivitis, stye, blepharitis, keratitis and iridocyclitis. After the death of infectious agents, inflammatory processes subside, and the patient recovers.

Indications for use

Tobrex is used to treat inflammatory diseases of the eyes and their appendages (eyelids, lacrimal ducts or lacrimal sac). The medicine has exclusively antibacterial activity, so it is do not use for viral or fungal conjunctivitis, keratitis and iridocyclitis. In these cases, the patient needs completely different medications. Therefore, Tobrex, like other antibiotics, should be prescribed by a doctor. Using the medicine yourself, you can harm yourself and worsen the course of the disease.

Indications for the use of drops and ointments:

  • blepharitis (acute or chronic inflammation edges of the eyelids);
  • bacterial conjunctivitis ( inflammatory lesion conjunctiva);
  • keratitis (inflammation of the cornea caused by pathogenic bacteria);
  • iridocyclitis (damage to the iris and ciliary body, which are located inside the eyeball);
  • bacterial blepharoconjunctivitis, keratoconjunctivitis, dacryocystitis, canaliculitis.

Manufacturers, prices, release forms

Tobrex is produced by the Belgian pharmaceutical company Alcon. A drug Available in the form of eye drops and ointment. Instructions for use are always included with the packaging. The medicine can be bought at any pharmacy without a prescription.

Release forms and prices:

  • 0.3% Tobrex and Tobrex 2X eye drops are colorless clear liquid. Available in sterile dropper bottles with a volume of 5 ml. Both products have the same composition, but different viscosity. Tobrex 2X is thicker in consistency. After instillation, it remains on the conjunctiva longer, so it needs to be instilled less frequently. average cost drops in both forms - 200 rubles.
  • Eye ointment. It has a slightly whitish or creamy white color and a light, loose consistency. Available in aluminum tubes of 3.5 g. One gram of the drug contains 3 mg of active substance. The price of Tobrex ointment is 190 rubles.

Application of Tobrex

Continue the course of treatment with Tobrex drops or ointment for 7-10 days. If you or your child do not feel better during this period, consult your doctor to select a different antibiotic.


Drops can be used as monotherapy or combined with other medications prescribed by your doctor. When buying medicine, check its expiration date. After opening, place the bottle in the refrigerator. Every time before putting drops in your eyes, warm them up in your hand.

Storage of the medicine in open form is possible for no longer than 1 month.

  • For children and adults, take 1 drop of Tobrex 4-5 times a day.
  • Tobrex 2X has a thicker consistency, so use it 2-3 times a day.

When instilling medicine into the eye, make sure that the bottle does not come into contact with the eyelids, eyelashes or conjunctiva.

Failure to comply with this rule leads to infection of the droplets, which may lead to undesirable consequences(re-development of infection).

For purulent rhinitis or sinusitis, the medicine can be dripped into the nose. For infants with otitis media, it can be instilled into the ears. In both of these cases, drops are used 3-4 times a day.

The drug is widely used to treat children, including newborns.


Place the eye ointment behind the lower eyelid, first pulling it down. Because the thick substance causes blurred vision, do the procedure before bed. By applying the ointment in this way, you will ensure that it will work all night.

Contraindications and side effects

Tobrex should not be used by people who are allergic to its components.

It should only be given to newborns if absolutely necessary. Children under 3 years of age, pregnant and breastfeeding women can use Tobrex only with the permission of a doctor. Treatment must be carried out extremely carefully, strictly observing the dosage. Although the medicine does not enter the bloodstream and does not have systemic effects, Extra precaution certainly won't hurt.

After instilling the drops, it will not be superfluous to gently press for 1-2 minutes. cotton swab and finger internal corner eyes.

This will help prevent the medication from getting into the tear ducts And nasal cavity, from where it can enter the blood.

In 1-1.5% of cases, the use of Tobrex leads to the development allergic reactions. A person's eyes turn red, itching, lacrimation, and swelling of the conjunctiva appear. The patient’s eyelids, conjunctiva, and cornea may also become inflamed. With long-term antibiotic therapy, a fungal infection may occur. You can avoid this complication by taking prophylactic antifungal medications.

A possible side effect is a burning sensation in the eyes.

Interaction with other drugs

Medicine It is not recommended to use together with antibiotics from the tetracycline group. The drug should not be used together with amphotericin B, cefuroxime, furosemide, ethacrynic acid, cefataxime, carboplatin, capreomycin and some other drugs.

If you are taking any medication, be sure to tell your ophthalmologist. This will help avoid side effects and complications.

Reviews about the drug

Review by Tatyana Ivanovna Krivoruchko, pediatrician of the highest category:

"I'm like pediatrician, dacryocystitis, conjunctivitis, otitis and sinusitis are regularly treated. I know from experience that children need to be prescribed immediately local antibiotics wide spectrum of action. I have been prescribing Tobrex for several years now and am quite pleased with the results. The medicine is effective in treating purulent inflammation and practically does not cause complications. Despite the fact that Tobrex is positioned as an ophthalmic drug, I sometimes recommend putting it in children’s noses for bacterial rhinitis.”

Review from Svetlana, mother of 2-year-old Sasha:

“I always thought that antibiotics are prescribed to newborns only in extreme situations. Imagine my surprise when, before giving birth, the doctors gave me a list of everything I needed! Among the diapers and hats it contained Tobramycin. I decided to clarify everything with a gynecologist. The doctor explained to me that now the drug is used instead of Albucid for prevention eye infections in newborns. This scared me a little, but my daughter’s eyes still started dripping. Everything went great. No complications. Now my baby is completely healthy.”

Review from 52-year-old Victor, who underwent cataract surgery:

“Three years ago I noticed that I began to see poorly in my right eye. I went to the clinic, where they diagnosed cataracts. For a long time I dripped special drops, but my vision continued to deteriorate. As a result, doctors advised surgery. My treating ophthalmologist prescribed Tobrex and recommended taking it before and after surgery. As it turned out, the drug helps avoid the development infectious complications. The operation went well, as did postoperative period. The drops are completely harmless and easy to use.”


On the pharmaceutical market you can find structural analogues of Tobrex - products that also contain tobramycin. These include Tobrimed, Tobracin, Dilaterol and Tobrosopt. These drugs have the same composition and release forms. You can safely use any of them instead of Tobrex.

Products with similar effects:

  • Levomycetin. Cheap antibiotic, which is significantly inferior in quality to Tobrex. It is more toxic and does not kill, but only suppresses harmful bacteria. Available in the form of a 0.25% solution. A 5 ml bottle costs 15 rubles.
  • . Antibacterial agent from the group of fluoroquinolones. Available in the form of eye drops and ointment. Approved for use for newborns. The average cost of both forms of release is 190 rubles.

Analogue of Tobrex - Floxal.

  • Tsipromed. Contains ciprofloxacin as an active ingredient. Used for treatment ophthalmological diseases, otitis, purulent rhinitis. A 5 ml bottle costs an average of 150 rubles.
  • Vigamox. Another antimicrobial drug from the group of fluoroquinolones (not antibiotics). Contains moxifloxacin as an active ingredient. Available in the form of a 0.5% solution in 5 ml bottles. The average cost of a medicine is 230 rubles.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the drug Tobradex. In addition to torbramin, it contains dexamethasone, a hormone from the group of corticosteroids. The medicine has not only an antibacterial, but also a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. Do not under any circumstances confuse Tobrex with Tobradex. The latter is prohibited for children under one year of age, and its use has whole line features.

Tobrex is effective and safe antibiotic, which is used to treat ophthalmological and otorhinolaryngological diseases. It is prescribed for purulent conjunctivitis, blepharitis, dacryocystitis, otitis media and rhinitis. The product is approved for pregnant women and newborns. Tobrex can only be used after consultation with an ophthalmologist.

Alina Lopushnyak,
intern ophthalmologist

To treat eye diseases, pharmacies offer many medications in the form of drops and ointments, but not all of them are suitable for children, especially for newborns. Tobrex is a broad-spectrum eye drop that pediatricians often prescribe to young patients.

In contact with

What is Tobrex

The drops are an antibiotic belonging to the aminoglycoside category. Therapeutic effect is that the active substance - tobramycin - inhibits the function of protein synthesis by bacteria and disrupts the integrity of their cell membranes. As a result pathogenic microorganisms die, and the patient recovers.

Tobrex eye drops

The main active ingredient is tobramycin. Auxiliary components:

  • white Vaseline;
  • liquid paraffin;
  • anhydrous chlorobutanol.

When is the drug effective?

Tobrex during therapy eye diseases caused by a number of microorganisms, shows high efficiency.

However, it does not help if the disease occurs as a result of infection with chlamydia, anaerobic microorganisms or viruses. Tobrex - eye drops that act not for all types of pathogens.

Thus, they are useless to use if the disease is caused by the proliferation of enterococci.

The pharmacological agent acts locally and does not penetrate into circulatory system, upon entering the body, it is completely excreted in the urine, remaining in its original state.

  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
  • gram-negative facultative anaerobic bacteria;
  • rod-shaped gram-chemoorganotrophic bacteria;
  • staphylococcus;
  • coli.

The concentration of the active ingredient in the solution is extremely low and is only 3 mg of tobramycin per 1 ml medicinal solution. This allows the use of a pharmaceutical agent for the treatment of children, starting from the first days of life. For the smallest children, the pediatrician selects the dosage so as to prevent harmful effects medicines on the body.

Indications for use

In pediatrics, Tobrex is prescribed from the first months. It is necessary to treat ophthalmic infections in children under one year of age under the supervision of a specialist. The likelihood of adverse reactions occurring is extremely high, and it is important that the baby can receive timely medical care, if needed.

The medication is indicated for use if one of the following diseases affecting the organs of vision is diagnosed:

  • dacryocystitis – inflammation of the lacrimal sac caused by blockage of one or both tear ducts;
  • bacterial conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva that develops as a result of infection.

indications for use

Indications for use in young children:

  • keratitis – inflammation of the cornea resulting from infection or injury;
  • blepharitis – damage to the ciliary edges of the eyelids;
  • keratoconjunctivitis is a disease that affects both the cornea and conjunctiva;
  • purulent lesion sebaceous gland or hair follicle of the eyelash (condition with barley);
  • endophthalmitis – abscess inflammation of the eyeball structure, leading to the accumulation of exudate in the vitreous body.

After surgical intervention drops are prescribed for preventive purposes.

The medication has contraindications:

  • intolerance to one or more components;
  • increased sensitivity.

Adverse reactions

If any of the symptoms listed below occur, the drug is discontinued and another treatment is selected. WITH special attention It is necessary to monitor the condition of the patient under 1 year of age.

Dangerous symptoms:

  • hearing impairment;
  • pain or burning in the eyes;
  • dysfunction of the urinary system;
  • temporary visual impairment;
  • ulcers on the cornea;
  • convulsions;
  • eyelid hyperemia;
  • nausea;
  • chemosis of the conjunctiva.

the drug has side effects

Important! Before prescribing, the pediatrician takes into account what other medications the child is being treated with, since the drops are incompatible with some of them.

How to treat children

Instructions for children are different dosage and frequency of application of drops.

For a patient who is already 1 year old, the solution is dripped 5 times a day, 1 drop. As the instructions indicate, for children under 1 year of age the medicine is used according to a similar scheme.

Indications for treatment are the same as for older people. The maximum course duration is 7 days.

Despite the fact that the annotation for the drug indicates insufficient experience with the use of Tobrex drops for newborns, pediatricians often prescribe it to patients from the first days of life.

You can instill up to 5 drops per day. The drug is warmed to room temperature (just keep it in a warm room for a while) and instilled under the lower eyelid.

Important! Tobrex 2X and Tobrex solutions differ in consistency and composition, therefore they are used according to different schemes.

Complications do not arise if therapy is carried out correctly and there is no individual intolerance. In case of overdose, the following symptoms are possible:

  • hearing impairment;
  • renal dysfunction:
  • flaccid paresis or paralysis of the respiratory muscles.

The first suspicious signs should be a reason to immediately consult a doctor. Self-medication is unacceptable in all cases.

Treatment of conjunctivitis

Since the solution only affects bacteria, but not viruses, they are prescribed for conjunctivitis, caused by pathogenic microorganisms. When the disease is viral in nature, the doctor prescribes another remedy.

Drops for conjunctivitis for children are effective in the composition complex therapy, if to viral conjunctivitis an infection of bacterial origin was added.

For this reason, you should not try to eliminate conjunctival inflammation until the cause has been determined. In addition, the doctor will select the optimal dosage, taking into account the form and nature of the disease.

Features of the drug Tobrex 2X

The pharmacological preparation is a solution for instillation into the eyes. Pediatricians mainly prescribe it to patients older than one year.

The difference from the drug Tobrex is that thicker consistency resembling glue. For this reason, it is recommended to instill the drug no more than 2 times a day.

In rare cases, pediatricians prescribe Tobrex 2X to patients under 1 year of age, but there must be serious indications for this.

Make a choice between Tobrex 2X and more liquid agent Only a doctor can, and he also determines the dosage. Rashly actions of parents can result in visual impairment in the baby.

What can be replaced

You should not choose cheaper analogues for children without taking into account the doctor’s prescription. All drugs with similar indications can be divided into 2 groups. The first includes structural analogues - drugs in which the main active ingredient is tobramycin. The second group is formed by drops with other active substances having similar or identical pharmacological indications with the drug Tobrex.


Basic active ingredient- tobramycin.

A drug effective for barley, keratitis, blepharitis, conjunctivitis and others infectious diseases eyes caused by bacteria. Only a medical specialist knows at what age this or that medicine can be given.

If the doctor insists that the baby needs to be treated with this particular remedy, you should follow the recommendation, but under no circumstances should you “prescribe” the solution yourself.

They are also contraindicated for pregnant women, breastfeeding women and persons who have an individual intolerance to any of the components.

The medication is a 3% clear solution, absolutely colorless or with a yellowish tint. Excipients:

  • purified water;
  • sodium hydroxide;
  • anhydrous sodium sulfate;
  • sulfuric acid solution;
  • boric acid;
  • benzalkonium chloride;
  • sodium chloride;
  • tyloxapol.

Attention! The instructions clearly state that Tobropt should not be given to patients under 18 years of age, but pediatricians sometimes prescribe it.


Structural analogue original product, has almost the same composition, is often prescribed by ophthalmologists as part of the treatment of infections caused by pathogenic microbes. Works the same way as Tobrex.

The dosage is calculated individually and does not depend on age. The medication is prescribed to children over 12 months and adults. If inflammatory process flows into mild form, it is usually recommended to drip 1 or 2 drops in 4 hours.

For severe infection, instill 2 drops once an hour. Tobrosopt is cheaper than Tobrex, and this is its main advantage. Some patients exhibit adverse reactions: itching, redness of the skin, hyperemia, local swelling.

Video: Tobrex eye drops

In the first months of life, about 50% of babies suffer from conjunctivitis, so the issue of choosing an effective and harmless drug for eye treatment remains relevant. Parents whose child is sick should not self-medicate, but immediately come to an appointment with an ophthalmologist. An eye medication will help you quickly cope with your illness.

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