The wound festers after tooth extraction. Gums fester after wisdom tooth removal: how to treat

1. Pronounced symptom

The problem area sometimes appears in the place where the root extraction operation was performed. The result may be suppuration after tooth extraction. Appears like this unpleasant phenomenon due to the fact that the remaining cavity is a wound, and if an infection gets into it, an inflammatory process will begin to occur at the local level.

Locally expressed inflammatory process on the walls of the socket

The agents that cause this reaction are unwanted microorganisms.

They can get into the wound:

  • from insufficiently processed instruments used during the procedure;
  • with food debris entering the mouth during the wound healing period.

Pus in the hole after tooth extraction may appear for other reasons.


  • after the procedure, a fragment remained inside the structures that held the chewing element;
  • reduction of the protective reaction in the human system at the time of the procedure;
  • if the area where the extracted tooth was festered, there may have been some inflammatory process due to tooth decay and gum disease.

2. Recovery period, the wound festered after tooth extraction

Difficult extraction of the inner part of the chewing element can cause such conditions due to severe traumatic damage, so that the gums then fester after tooth extraction.

Failure to follow these tips on how to behave in recovery period cause the unpleasant fact that the hole has festered after tooth extraction. Because of this, the formed clot falls out, thereby disrupting defense mechanism of natural origin.

By vigorously rinsing your mouth, you wash away this biomaterial, the cavity opens and infectious agents freely enter it different types. Because of this, after tooth extraction, the hole festers.

But the fact that the clot fell out may not be your fault.

This is also facilitated by:

  • low level of blood clotting;
  • weakened body strength;
  • pus in the gums after tooth extraction appears due to an imbalance in the functioning of certain organs and systems.
Infection in the gum, enlargement of the edges of the cavity, pus inside

3. Use of drugs if there is suppuration of the gums after tooth extraction treatment

All manifestations are serious, and you need to start treatment as early as possible if there is pus after tooth extraction, so as not to wait for the most negative consequences on the system as a whole. The first thing to do is visit a doctor. He will diagnose the cause and determine what to do if the gums fester after tooth extraction.

What may be the symptoms in those variants of the postoperative period during which the gums fester after removal?

  • local and general increase in temperature;
  • an increase in the volume of soft tissue in the root extraction area and severe pain;
  • change in color of the edges of the hole, at the same time appear discomfort in the mouth;
  • unilateral headache.

It may be necessary to remove the remaining fragment, or maybe you just need to do a few cleanings of the cavity if after removing the tooth there is pus coming out of the hole.

The first thing to do when you have a tooth removed and your gums are festering is to go to the doctor so that the hospital can do a control X-ray and have the hole treated urgently. In addition, in each case, if the hole has festered after tooth extraction, he will tell the patient what to do. This will be treatment with solutions that destroy microbes inside, with the addition of anti-inflammatory agents. Sometimes therapy includes formulations to stop the viability of unwanted microorganisms using tablets.

If you had to pull out a bad tooth, a hole should remain in its place, closed with a dense blood clot. This formation prevents bacteria from entering the wound and reduces the risk of infection. It happens that bacteria do penetrate into the hole, and an inflammatory process occurs with the formation of purulent masses.

Causes of suppuration

If pus appears after removing a problematic tooth, this is a serious complication that should be treated immediately. Therefore, at the first signs of inflammation, you need to visit the dentist.


  • Increasing swelling of the soft tissues around the avulsed tooth.
  • Purulent discharge.
  • Unpleasant odor in the mouth.
  • Severe pain that does not go away even after taking analgesics.
  • Increased body temperature.

Actions after tooth extraction

Everything is normal unpleasant symptoms pass in three days. With complex wisdom tooth removal, swelling and pain disappear after two weeks. If the pain intensifies, soft tissue swelling grows, or the temperature rises, you should immediately consult a doctor!

Inflammation of the socket

Pus in the hole after the removal of a diseased tooth may appear due to infection. This complication is called alveolitis. In appearance, the wound looks empty with white walls.

The wound can become inflamed due to the loss of a blood plug and the ingress of food debris and pathogenic bacteria. This condition is called dry socket.

You cannot cure such diseases on your own. The dentist must clean the wound and cover it with a special medicine. Then antibiotic therapy and treatment of the oral cavity are prescribed antiseptics. Neglected alveolitis and dry socket can lead to dangerous consequences for human health.

Most often, inflammation of the socket occurs after the removal of wisdom teeth. Due to the inconvenient location in the row, it is difficult to perform hygiene procedures and rinsing. Bacteria accumulate and multiply.

Bone fragments

In case of complicated tooth extraction, fragments of the root or bone tissue may remain in the wound. Usually, the dentist immediately checks the socket for the presence of fragments. But if some still remain, inflammation occurs.

If after a complex tooth extraction the gums fester, what should you do? In such cases, you cannot do without the help of a doctor. The hole must be cleaned. Anti-inflammatory drugs and mouth rinsing with Furacilin and Miramistin are prescribed.

Wisdom tooth removal

Pus in the socket after a complex wisdom tooth removal can form due to the penetration of bacteria. Wisdom teeth cause a lot of trouble when they begin to emerge. Often the dentist decides to remove such units. The reason may be incorrect placement of the wisdom tooth, destruction of the crown due to caries, or inconvenient location in the row. Sometimes the tooth is completely hidden in the gum and the doctor has to saw it and remove it in parts. Remains big wound, which is sutured. This type of injury takes a long time to heal.

If a wisdom tooth was pulled out while there was purulent inflammation, the temperature remains for some time. But if it does not go away, but rather rises, do not delay visiting the doctor.

After a wisdom tooth is pulled out, exposure may occur. bone tissue around the hole. This happens when the seams come apart. To prevent infection from entering the wound, you need to urgently go to the dentist.


Sometimes the fragments remaining in the hole become overgrown with a capsule and turn into a cyst with purulent contents. Such a formation can remain in the wound for a long time and not manifest itself in any way. But for some reason, the cyst may open and inflammation may develop. Fistula tracts are formed through which its contents flow out. The consequences can be sepsis, abscess, osteomyelitis, phlegmon.

Treating a cyst surgical removal. Then a course of antibiotics is prescribed (Lincamycin, Doxycycline).


If a patient has inflamed gums, microbes can enter a fresh wound and cause inflammation with purulent discharge. There is swelling and redness of the gums, discharge of pus when pressed, and an increase in temperature.
Therapy consists of cleaning the gum pockets from secretions, treating antiseptic drugs, using Metrogil-denta ointment. Inflammation is relieved with antibiotics.

The gums around wisdom teeth are often affected by gingivitis, as it is difficult to clean the hard-to-reach units well. Gum pockets with purulent inflammation form.


After the removal of a tooth affected by chronic periodontitis (purulent sacs at the apex of the roots), an infection may remain in the socket. The wound is thoroughly washed with an antiseptic. The formation of pus, the appearance of swelling, and acute pain cannot be ruled out.

After treating the hole and removing the pus, antibiotic treatment is prescribed.


After tooth extraction, osteomyelitis (inflammation of the jaw bone) may develop and pus may accumulate in the gums. Inflammation is caused by staphylococci and streptococci that enter the wound cavity. There is a sharp increase in swelling of the soft tissues, abscesses and fistulas form, and the patient experiences severe throbbing pain. Near standing teeth become mobile, pus is released from under their base. The patient has difficulty eating, opening his mouth, the temperature can rise to 40˚, and salivation increases.

Osteomyelitis after wisdom teeth removal is especially dangerous. They pass very close blood vessels which may contain pus.

Treatment should be started as soon as possible. The dentist makes internal and external incisions and installs drainage to drain purulent masses. Antibiotic therapy is carried out.

Complications after the disease can be destruction of the mandibular cartilage, thinning of bone tissue, pathological fractures of the jaw and its subsequent deformation.


If the suppuration was not cured in time under the hole, in the gum, a hidden abscess forms. The patient's health sharply worsens, the temperature rises to 39˚, swelling and pain increase, and there may be nausea or vomiting.

Treatment is carried out by a dental surgeon by draining the festering gums. Next, the patient takes anti-inflammatory drugs and regularly rinses the mouth with antiseptic solutions.


This is a diffuse inflammatory process that forms when inflammation of the socket is advanced. Pus can spread to the facial muscles, neck, head and even to internal organs. This disease poses a serious threat to the patient's health. Sepsis or blood poisoning may develop. Death cannot be ruled out!
Treatment is carried out only in a hospital.

Odontogenic sinusitis

When removing teeth upper jaw, possible violation of the integrity of the walls maxillary sinus. The cause may be ingrowth of roots into the sinus cavity, the presence of cysts at the apex of the root, or trauma during removal. If perforation occurs, the dentist performs urgent treatment to close the through hole. But if you don't accept necessary measures In time, sinus infection may occur with the subsequent development of sinusitis and the formation of purulent masses. May get into the nose liquid food and water. Air bubbles may appear from the hole.

Symptoms of the disease: nagging pain in the nose area, headaches, purulent runny nose, elevated temperature, which is difficult to knock down.

This complication should be treated by an otolaryngologist.

What not to do

  1. Can't do warm compresses, this will lead to increased suppuration.
  2. Do not self-medicate. Therapy is prescribed only by a doctor. Uncontrolled use of antibiotics can cause the body to become addicted, and they will become ineffective.
  3. You should not take aspirin if you have had a gum incision. The drug increases bleeding.
  4. If it does not get better within 24 hours, you need to visit the doctor again.

To avoid suppuration after tooth extraction, you should strictly follow the doctor’s instructions. At the first symptoms of inflammation, you should contact your dentist. Do not self-medicate, a simple technique medicines won't be able to help you. The necessary therapeutic measures can only be carried out by a specialist.

Any surgical intervention has a traumatic effect on the tissues of the body, and tooth extraction is no exception. Like any other operation, tooth extraction can lead to a variety of complications, which are most often inflammatory in nature. Suppuration often occurs. If you notice a hole in the area pus after tooth extraction. this means that your wound has become infected, so you should contact your dentist as soon as possible.

The main causes of wound suppuration

Suppuration begins as a result of infection entering the wound cavity. This can happen for many reasons, but in most cases, inflammatory processes develop in patients who neglected the doctor’s recommendations regarding post-operative care for the oral cavity and did not observe the necessary precautions.

After a tooth is removed, a blood clot forms in the wound, which prevents infection from entering the resulting cavity. And very often it is the absence of this clot that leads to the wound becoming inflamed, and then pus appears after tooth extraction.

Sometimes the cause of suppuration may be the incorrect tooth extraction technique chosen by the dentist, or the doctor introduces an infection by using an unsterile instrument. To avoid such incidents, it is recommended to contact only dental clinics that have a reliable reputation, where it is guaranteed that only experienced and qualified specialists will receive treatment, and great attention is paid to patient safety.

Sometimes the gums begin to fester due to the fact that the patient has a general decrease in immunity, and inflammation is caused by microorganisms that are a natural component of the microflora of the oral cavity.

Inflammation can also be caused by neglect of hygiene rules. After the operation, the doctor must tell the patient how to care for the oral cavity in the postoperative period, and if these recommendations are strictly followed, the risk of wound infection is noticeably reduced.

Sometimes the cause of suppuration can be a foreign object that was accidentally left by a doctor in the wound cavity. It could be an undetected tooth fragment or a fragment of a cotton swab. Unfortunately, such incidents are not that rare.

The risk of suppuration increases when a wisdom tooth is removed. This is due to the fact that the operation itself in most cases is quite traumatic in nature, as well as the fact that the eighth molars are located in hard to reach place, and it is not so easy to provide proper postoperative care for the tooth socket.

Symptoms of wound suppuration

The first symptoms of the inflammatory process are swelling, which does not go away for several days, then pain appears, which intensifies as the condition of the wound worsens, then the patient may observe purulent discharge from the hole, and a characteristic bad breath also appears.

If you notice pus after tooth extraction, you should contact your doctor as soon as possible.

Complications during suppuration

If inflammation is not treated in time, a disease such as osteomyelitis, that is, suppuration of bone tissue, may develop. Its symptoms are heat, severe pain, general malaise, weakness. This serious illness, which is treated only in inpatient settings. Osteomyelitis can lead to blood poisoning and therefore, if the inflammatory process develops after tooth extraction, you should not self-medicate, effective and effective treatment Only a doctor can prescribe it.

What you can do on your own before visiting the dentist

If you find pus after tooth extraction, you can use local treatment, that is, rinse with various disinfecting and anti-inflammatory solutions.

For these purposes you can use:

  • Furacilin tablet solution,
  • A decoction of sage, oak bark, calendula, calamus root, chamomile,
  • Oil can be used tea tree, dropping two or three drops into a glass of water,
  • You can use chlorhexidine or miramistin.

However, even if you feel a significant improvement in your condition after rinsing, you should not postpone your visit to the doctor. Only a specialist can help determine exactly why pus appeared after tooth extraction and prescribe the correct treatment. What is the treatment for stomatitis at home in adults? read the article.

In dental practice, surgical intervention to remove a tooth (extraction from the dental alveoli) is a common, but complex and traumatic manipulation. A tooth is removed when its treatment is impossible, or the treatment tactics cannot provide the desired effect.

Surgical intervention is carried out according to medical indications: significant destruction of dental tissue ( deep caries), inflammatory processes of the root areas in the dental cavity, damage to the roots of the tooth and other dental diseases.

With a high-quality operation, complete healing of the gums after tooth extraction occurs after 2-3 weeks. Swelling and redness of the gums should go away on their own within a week. Restoring bone tissue will take longer - 2-3 months. However, sometimes complications can arise after tooth extraction - pus forms in the socket, and the gums become inflamed. It is important to correctly and timely identify the cause of complications, to know primary symptoms, basic rules for the treatment and prevention of postoperative consequences.

However, even with a well-performed operation, complications can arise. Most often this is due to the weakening of the patient’s immunity. Even with exceptionally sterile instruments and compliance with postoperative wound treatment technology, if the body’s defenses are not able to withstand the bacterial environment of the oral cavity, inflammation of the socket occurs and the gums begin to fester.

One should also take into account the fact that tooth extraction is associated in most cases with purulent complications of caries (pulpitis, periodontitis, periostitis). Aggressive bacteria (staphylococci, streptococci) expand the affected area and can cause inflammation of the socket.

Attention! Tooth extraction surgery should not be performed during


And bacterial diseases oral cavity, nose and pharynx, during exacerbation chronic diseases, intestinal infection.

Another reason for the inflammatory process and suppuration of the wound after surgery may be non-compliance with the rules of oral hygiene.

After completion of the operation, a qualified dentist always gives recommendations on how to care for your gums and teeth. It is in the patient's best interests to strictly follow these recommendations.

Violation of surgical technique, mechanical damage the walls of the socket can also provoke an inflammatory process in place extracted tooth. Open wound formed after tooth extraction is exposed to the pathogenic environment of the oral cavity and without proper treatment becomes infected - purulent formations. At the first symptoms of alveolitis (inflammation of the tooth socket), you must immediately contact your dentist for help.

Alveolitis (pictured on the right) after tooth extraction provokes the release of purulent exudate in the socket

What symptoms accompany it?

In addition to the fact that the gums fester and become inflamed, complications that arise after tooth extraction surgery are manifested by the following symptoms:

  • emergence and growth pain syndrome(strong pulling and throbbing pain in the gum area), while painful sensations do not go away on their own, last for several days;
  • appearance unpleasant odor from the mouth, purulent exudate is released from the injured area of ​​the gum, there is pain and swelling of the socket, swelling of the face;
  • redness of the socket, appearance of cyanosis due to venous stagnation;
  • deterioration of health, general weakness, fatigue, lethargy, intense headache;
  • increased body temperature to 38 degrees or higher, chills, muscle pain;
  • difficulty swallowing and chewing food.

The development of the inflammatory process is signaled by such body reactions as shooting pain in the jaw area, gradually spreading to the temple area and along the trigeminal nerve. If there is one of listed symptoms You should consult a doctor immediately.

What can and should be done?

The main principle of treatment possible consequences after tooth extraction is timeliness. At the very first symptoms of inflammation and suppuration, you must seek qualified dental care. The sooner treatment is started, the greater the chances of recovery. Otherwise, serious consequences may arise, therapy will become complex and financially costly.

Conservative treatment tactics include taking antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It is important to carry out antiseptic procedures.

It is not recommended to clean the socket from clots of pus on your own; only a dentist should do this. After thoroughly cleaning the hole, you can fill it with medicine.

Antibiotics, when left in the area of ​​inflammation for a long time, cope well with purulent discharge from the gums and sockets. Drugs with high penetrating ability include Sumamed, Azitral, Carithromycin ( macrolide antibiotics), lincosamides, aminoglycosides, fluoroquinolones.

Antiseptic drugs are prescribed for mouth rinsing:

  • Chlorhexidine;
  • Miramistin;
  • Furacilin;
  • Cortisol;
  • Hexoral;
  • Stomatidin et al.

Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are effective to relieve inflammation: Meloxicam, Voltaren, Nurofen, Ketonal, Ibuprofen, Nimesulide, etc.

Finlepsin is often prescribed for the treatment of alveolitis, which effectively relieves neurological pain and normalizes mental condition patient, improves mood.

You can rinse at home oral cavity using oak bark infusion, tea tree oil, sage infusion, chamomile, calendula, calamus root.

If the gums are purulent, the pus can be removed surgically:

Prevention of postoperative complications

Prevention of suppuration and other consequences possible after extraction is based on creating conditions for the formation of a durable blood clot.

To prevent the development of inflammation and the formation of ulcers, it is necessary to perform a series of preventive measures:

  • carefully treat the wound, remove bone debris and tooth fragments from it;
  • when a tooth is removed due to purulent complication caries, the granuloma should be removed and early mouth rinsing should not be done to prevent the blood clot from being washed out;
  • in order to prevent the disintegration of a blood clot under the influence of infection due to chronic diseases, provide antibiotic therapy with intramuscular injection, alternating them with injections around the wound.

This is what a wound should look like after extraction.

Why is it dangerous?

In the absence of timely and adequate treatment, pus and inflammation in the socket can lead to the development serious pathologies. This is due to the expansion of the zone of influence of the resulting infection. As a result, there may be respiratory failure and pulmonary edema.

If after tooth extraction the gums begin to fester, but nothing is done for treatment, the process may spread to other teeth and soft tissues, and osteomyelitis may develop.

Thus, in order to avoid dire consequences after extraction, you must strictly follow all the dentist’s recommendations. If the first signs of an inflammatory process in the socket occur, as evidenced by the formation of pus, you should not self-medicate, you should contact dental clinic and carry out therapy under the supervision of a physician.

Pus after tooth extraction is alarming symptom, which is a dangerous deviation from the norm. Ideally, after removal, holes remain that stop bleeding heavily after just a few minutes. The wound may bleed little by little for several more days. After about two days, a blood clot emerges from the hole, which initially protected the open wound from infection. Pain in the area of ​​the extracted tooth can haunt the patient from three days up to two weeks, depending on the complexity of the operation.

If the dentist removed the tooth correctly, then the occurrence of purulent processes may be caused by the patient himself. However, pus appears in the socket even when the removal was carried out professionally in all respects, and the patient strictly followed all the instructions.

To understand why suppuration begins after tooth extraction, it is necessary to briefly dwell on the features of this procedure, signs of suppuration, and possible prerequisites that contribute to the formation of an abscess at the site of the removed diseased tooth.

General rules for tooth extraction

The likelihood of a purulent process increases due to the fact that a person is forced to eat regularly, and without chewing this is impossible. Because of this, there is a high probability of mechanical damage to the hole and infection.

If immediately after surgery the gums become inflamed and very painful, this is normal and is not a cause for alarm. But if the hole festers after a few hours, you should immediately contact your dentist.

Eliminate it yourself purulent process in the gums is almost impossible. Through inept actions, the patient can only cause harm to himself.

To avoid pathological inflammation gums after tooth extraction, you must follow these rules:

  1. Make an appointment only with doctors who specialize in such surgical operations. You should not use the services of a dentist with a dubious reputation.
  2. Do not rinse your mouth for 24 hours after surgery. This leads to the clot leaving the socket prematurely, opening the way for infection.
  3. For the first two days you need to refrain from eating solid food. You can eat porridge, purees, grated foods and broths.
  4. When brushing your teeth, you must refrain from contacting the brush with the gum in the place where the tooth was removed.
  5. To prevent infection and suppuration of the hole, regularly irrigate the oral cavity with antiseptic drugs.

If pus has formed in the hole after the removal of a diseased tooth, you need to pay attention to this phenomenon, and not think that this is a trifle. Pus in the gums can be a sign of complications and the development of a dangerous disease.

Only certified specialists with appropriate certificates and extensive practice are allowed to remove teeth. This is justified by the fact that this procedure is a surgical operation during which the soft tissue of the gums, bones of the upper or lower jaw, blood vessels and nerve endings are affected.

Symptoms of the problem

All people who have had their teeth removed know that after this operation the soft tissues swell, and sometimes a slight swelling forms on the cheek. Even with difficult removal under sterile conditions, after a few hours the swelling subsides and the pain gradually subsides.

For complications infectious nature patients experience the following symptoms:

  • swelling of the soft tissues progresses, it affects the face, seriously changing its outline;
  • purulent discharge occurs, which increases in volume, despite rinsing and the use of antiseptic drugs;
  • there is an unpleasant odor from the mouth from rotting tissue around the wound left after the operation;
  • body temperature rises, reaching high values(39-40 degrees);
  • intensifying throbbing pain, which is very difficult to relieve even with potent drugs.

Facial swelling is a clear symptom of a problem

Many patients do not know what to do when the gums fester after tooth extraction. In all cases, there is only one recommendation - to immediately contact the surgeon who performed the operation.

The appearance of pus in the gums could be caused by the following conditions: of various nature. Every disease requires specific treatment. Let us dwell on the main reasons why, after a tooth is pulled out, the gums or periosteum fester.

In the video, the dentist talks about the main complications that arise after tooth extraction:

Getting into the hole of infection

This is the most common reason the fact that some time after dental surgery an abscess forms on the gum. Doctor spends with a sore tooth various manipulations, during which the integrity of adjacent soft tissues is violated. If pathogenic microorganisms enter the wound, it can fester within a few hours after the end of the operation.

The infection enters the soft tissue in the following ways:

  • with poorly processed tools;
  • through the surgeon's dirty hands;
  • with leftover food;
  • when drinking unboiled water;
  • when the patient tries to touch the wound with his finger.

In most cases, the development of alveolitis is preceded by the loss of blood clots from the sockets remaining from extracted teeth. Most often, purulent inflammation occurs after wisdom teeth are pulled out. Access to such wounds is difficult; food debris accumulates in the corners of the oral cavity and saliva saturated with bacteria settles.

There must be a blood clot in the socket of the extracted tooth.

Treatment of alveolitis is carried out in a clinical setting. The doctor opens the wound, cleans it of rot and closes it with special medicines. After this, antibiotic therapy and treatment of the oral cavity with antiseptic agents are prescribed. Advanced alveolitis can lead to dangerous consequences for human health.

Damage to the maxillary sinus

The tooth being removed may have long and strong roots that grow into the walls of the maxillary sinus. In case of improper preparation for the operation (lack of x-ray) perforation of the maxillary sinus may occur. When the roots are extracted, part of the bone tissue with the mucous membrane comes out. Signs of such an injury are food getting into the nasal passages and air escaping from the wound. The patient has difficulty breathing, fever and copious discharge from the nose.

Damage to the maxillary sinus can cause serious complications

Food that gets into the maxillary sinus rots, extensive inflammation occurs, spreading to the periosteum, nasal cavity and central ear. In the most severe cases the rotting contents of the maxillary sinus cause damage to the eyes and brain.

If such symptoms are detected, you should immediately consult your doctor. He will seal the walls of the maxillary sinus and send the patient to an otolaryngologist. The ENT specialist will take measures to remove the purulent mass from the sinuses and prescribe procedures to restore the integrity of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages. If necessary, a course of antibiotics will be prescribed.

Shrapnel getting into the wound

Old teeth with the nerves removed are very fragile. They crumble when pressed with forceps and when rocked. You need to be especially careful when removing such units. When their roots are removed, fragments of various sizes may form.

A tooth fragment in the socket causes pus to appear

As a rule, it is when the roots become suppurated that acute pain and inflammation occur, which is the reason for the operation. It is the fragments of infected bone tissue that cause the formation of secondary inflammation and the release of pus.

You can be sure that if the blood clot in the socket is intact, but it has festered, fragments of bone tissue remain in the gum. In modern clinics, such a mistake is excluded from the very beginning, since an image is taken before the tooth is removed and after this procedure. But this is not practiced in most hospitals due to lack of equipment.

Treatment of suppuration caused by root fragments is carried out by a specialist. The cavity is opened, cleaned and treated with antiseptic drugs. Subsequently, the patient is prescribed antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Cyst formation

A cyst in the socket can form for many reasons. Most often, dentists have to deal with formations, the prerequisites for the appearance of which are dental fragments remaining in the gums. Thanks to immune system such a fragment gradually becomes overgrown with soft tissue and a cyst is formed. For a number of reasons, the capsule is opened, its contents penetrate into the soft tissues, causing pathological changes in them.

Cyst after an extracted tooth

Rupture of the cyst is accompanied by the formation of an extensive tumor and rapidly increasing pain. Fistulas appear in the gums, through which purulent masses flow. It is impossible to get rid of such a complication on your own. In a dental clinic, the gums are opened and the cyst is removed. The patient subsequently undergoes a course of antibiotics

Complications from periodontitis

The most difficult operations for dentists are to remove teeth affected by chronic periodontitis. This disease is the formation of purulent sacs at the apex of the roots. Long time such formations may not bother a person. But if the tooth has festered due to general or local hypothermia, strong blow or related infectious disease, then it is recommended to get rid of it urgently.

A complication of the operation is inflammation of the periosteum due to purulent capsules remaining on it. The patient feels acute throbbing pain, his temperature rises and his health worsens. To prevent the infection from spreading to neighboring organs, urgent surgery is performed. The doctor opens the gum and removes the damaged bone tissue. After this, the wound is disinfected and sutured. A drain is worn for some time to drain the fluid. The patient is prescribed antibiotics and painkillers.

What not to do during suppuration

Most people try to delay a visit to the dentist by self-medicating and using traditional medicine. As practice shows, such actions only aggravate the situation.

If purulent discharge from the gums is detected, the following is strictly contraindicated:

  • warm up sore spot- this leads to accelerated reproduction of pathogenic organisms and increased suppuration;
  • open the abscess yourself using improvised means;
  • take painkillers and antibiotics unless prescribed by a doctor;
  • apply lard, garlic and other products to the wound, as they can cause a burn.

In the video, Elena Malysheva talks about what can and cannot be done after tooth extraction:

Only a dentist can provide qualified assistance, since self-medication of this problem can be fatal.

If you had to pull out a bad tooth, a hole should remain in its place, closed with a dense blood clot. This formation prevents bacteria from entering the wound and reduces the risk of infection. It happens that bacteria do penetrate into the hole, and an inflammatory process occurs with the formation of purulent masses.

Causes of suppuration

  • Loss of blood clot.
  • Inflammation of the gums.
  • Low immunity.


  • Purulent discharge.
  • Unpleasant odor in the mouth.
  • Increased body temperature.

Actions after tooth extraction

Inflammation of the socket

The wound can become inflamed due to the loss of a blood plug and the ingress of food debris and pathogenic bacteria into it. This condition is called dry socket.

Bone fragments

Wisdom tooth removal





Odontogenic sinusitis

What not to do

Complications after tooth extraction

After tooth extraction, you will probably receive recommendations from your doctor regarding what procedures should be performed to speed up the healing of the gums. In cases where the removal was difficult and the gum had to be cut, the recovery period for the hole will be longer. As a rule, you will have to rinse your mouth with a variety of herbal infusions to relieve inflammation and eliminate pathogenic bacteria.

However, tooth extraction can sometimes be accompanied by unpleasant complications., for example, alveolitis. Alveolitis is accompanied by inflammation of the gums and accumulation of purulent discharge in the socket of the extracted tooth. As a rule, you can notice that the gums are festering after tooth extraction within a few days.

Of course alveolitis should not be left untreated. If left to its own devices, it can cause tissue decomposition in the empty socket and lead to osteomyelitis in the jaw bones. Later this can lead to dangerous inflammatory processes. IN as a last resort, possible blood poisoning and painful death within a few days.

Causes of complications

Gum inflammation can occur for the following reasons:

  • patient's negligence post-operative care behind the oral cavity;
  • decreased immunity due to a lack of immunomodulators and vitamins in the body;
  • entry of harmful bacteria into an open wound;
  • incorrect selection of anesthesia for tooth extraction;
  • damage to the gums during surgery.

Some redness and swelling of the gums will be normal. However, if similar discomfort lasts more than 5 days, and is also accompanied by noticeable pain, high fever, discharge of pus, bleeding and bad breath - time to sound the alarm. Under no circumstances should you expect the problem to resolve on its own.. You should immediately consult a dentist.

As a rule, alveolitis can often be found after the removal of molar teeth from the lower jaw. This is due to its more complex structure for surgery. It is more difficult to extract tooth roots from the lower jaw, especially if they are deformed. Also, an infection that gets into the wound under the influence of gravity can quickly penetrate into the soft tissue and cause purulent inflammation. The most problematic in this regard is pus after wisdom tooth removal.

Gum healing after surgery

Speed recovery processes after surgery depends on a number of factors:

  1. Physiological characteristics of the patient.
  2. The professionalism of the doctor who performed the operation.
  3. Location of the tooth to be removed.
  4. Other complications that arose during the operation.

Tooth extraction can be accompanied by various difficulties. There are cases when the coronal part of the tooth is already completely missing, or it is destroyed during the operation. In such cases, the dentist resorts to cutting the gums. Naturally, this leads to a longer healing process.

After the tooth is removed, the hole fills with blood within a few minutes (or up to half an hour if vasoconstricting drugs were used during the operation) and a blood clot appears in it. The clot cannot be removed from the wound, since it serves as a barrier to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms. If it is eliminated, the risk of developing inflammatory processes in the gums and soft tissues of the oral cavity increases significantly.

Over the course of 2-3 days, the clot changes its color, gradually becoming lighter and forming a kind of fibrin framework, which is the main material for the formation of a blood clot. The thrombus continues to protect the socket from infection and also prevents bleeding from the gums. In order for wound healing to proceed normally, you should leave it alone and not expose the wound to irritation.

After about 4-5 days, the open wound in the socket is covered with granulation tissue, and the blood clot is absorbed into the mucous membrane of the gum, which marks its almost complete healing and the beginning of the process of formation of new bone tissue, which will last several weeks. Until this point, you can observe a change in the color of the gums to a lighter and yellowish color. In the absence of other negative symptoms, this will be normal occurrence associated with the release of fibrin from the blood.

Complete healing of all soft tissues in the socket usually completes in 2-3 weeks. However, under the protracted gum, the active process of growth of young bone tissue continues. As a rule, after 2-3 months, the depression at the site of tooth extraction completely disappears and is filled with bone and soft tissue.

Also, one of the normal consequences of tooth extraction will be swelling of the gums.. Any surgical intervention causes damage to body tissues, which causes an influx of fluid to the damaged areas. Healing will be especially long and associated with swelling and increased body temperature when the operation was complicated and the gums suffered even more.

In the case of a standard procedure, the swelling goes away already on the third day, and if there was a need to resort to cutting the gums, the swelling can last up to 6-7 days.

Possible complications after surgery

Suppuration after tooth extraction could be a sign various postoperative complications. These include:

  1. Alveolitis. In addition to redness and swelling of the socket, as a rule, there is acute pain, bleeding and accumulation of purulent discharge. Alveolitis may also be accompanied by poor health in the form of fever, tremors, migraines and a feeling of general weakness.
  2. Cyst. Fibrous formation filled with liquid. On early stages the cyst may resolve after drug treatment. At later times, it was removed through surgery. In some cases, the cyst may resolve on its own.
  3. Flux. Inflammation of the periosteal tissues in the area of ​​the damaged gum. As a rule, the infection penetrates there after the extracted tooth is inserted into the socket. Flux is usually accompanied by acute pain, swelling and edema, as well as high fever. Flux may not be so easy to diagnose, so X-ray data will not be superfluous.

As you might guess, in the vast majority of cases, such complications arise due to infection of the hole pathogenic bacteria. To avoid this, you need to take good care of your mouth. Brushing your teeth should be done carefully so as not to damage the healing gum.

It should also be remembered that after a tooth is extracted, some bacteria still remain in the socket, which is called primary infection. Therefore, even in the case when the dentist removed the tooth with all the roots and granulomas, the infection cannot be completely eliminated. However, its spread can and should be stopped, which directly depends on the patient’s immunity and the preventive measures taken by him.

Besides this also there is a possibility of secondary infection when the infection enters the gum from the outside. The main causes of external wound infection are:

  • absence of a protective thrombus in the socket, which, when normal conditions will have to form and protect it from infection;
  • penetration of infected bodies deep into the wound: particles of teeth and bones, tartar and other things;
  • failure to follow the doctor’s instructions for caring for damaged gums.

It should be remembered that when reduced immunity even uncomplicated tooth extraction has an increased chance of leading to infection of the socket with alveolitis. The consequences of this can be seen in the photo of pus in the hole after tooth extraction.

Independent measures

If after the operation the hole begins to fester or exhibit the above-described symptoms of infection, then you need to see a dentist as soon as possible. Before visiting the dentist, you can take a number of independent preventive measures. However, it is important to understand that not all means are acceptable for use in a given situation.

First of all, you should remember that Do not use hydrogen peroxide and baking soda solution to rinse your mouth. In addition to the beneficial antiseptic effect, these drugs pose a danger in that they can eliminate a blood clot that performs a protective function. Subsequently, the gums will be completely defenseless against infection.

To relieve inflammation and speed up wound healing, you can use a number of proven folk ways. These include a solution of calendula, a decoction of chamomile and St. John's wort, boiled sage and others.

However, when using natural antiseptics It is worth remembering important rules:

  • Do not wash out a blood clot from a wound, just hold the solution in your mouth for a few minutes and spit it out;
  • Also Do not pick out the remains of a blood clot from the socket, especially using cotton swab or a toothpick;
  • It is advisable to apply the solution several times within an hour until signs of improvement appear.

When acute pain, the use of analgesics is acceptable. However, they should not be used several hours before going to the dentist. It is important to remember that remedies to relieve pain and inflammation have only a temporary effect and do not eliminate the cause of the infection itself. A visit to the dentist is mandatory.

Symptoms of wound suppuration

Complications during suppuration

However, even if you feel a significant improvement in your condition after rinsing, you should not postpone your visit to the doctor. Only a specialist can help determine exactly why pus appeared after tooth extraction and prescribe the correct treatment. What is the treatment for stomatitis at home in adults, read the article.

Causes of pathology

A tooth abscess most often develops due to untreated dental diseases. These include gingivitis, pulpitis, caries. Among other causes of this disease, doctors note the following:

  • mechanical injuries;
  • bloodstream infections;
  • damage to the oral mucosa;
  • boils;
  • infection during injections.

The listed factors can cause damage to the integrity of tooth enamel and tissues. As a result, pathogenic microflora gains access to the pulp, and an inflammatory process occurs. It is accompanied by severe pain. When the pulp dies, the discomfort goes away. If not, a tooth abscess develops, destroying new tissue and spreading far beyond its boundaries.

Symptoms of the disease

The main sign of the onset of the pathological process is It's a dull pain. It intensifies when you press on the tooth. After some time, the gums around it swell and a small seal forms. The patient's condition is rapidly deteriorating. Lymph nodes enlarge, temperature rises, appetite decreases. A bitter taste and a characteristic putrid odor appear in the mouth.

An abscess can open spontaneously, without the help of doctors. In this case, the painful syndrome disappears and the swelling decreases. Spontaneous opening of an abscess is dangerous to human health. In this case, the likelihood of new exacerbations of the pathological process increases.

Types of tooth abscess

When classifying a disease, it is customary to take into account the area of ​​localization of the infectious focus and the nature of the inflammatory process. Therefore, two types of disease can be defined: periapical and periodontal tooth abscess. The symptoms of each form of the disease are presented below.

A periapical abscess is accompanied by the spread of infection to the soft tissues. In this pathological process, the pulp is damaged through alveolar bone. Contact with cold or hot food on the damaged area causes severe pain, reminiscent of an electric shock.

Periodontal abscess is characterized by dull ache, purulent discharge. When pressing on the affected tooth, the discomfort intensifies. The inflammatory process is usually accompanied by malaise. Patients complain of fever, severe chills and bad breath. If you open the abscess before the infection penetrates into the pulp, the tooth can be saved.

Abscess after wisdom tooth removal

The disease can affect absolutely any part of the jaw, but most often it affects the chewing teeth and wisdom teeth. The latter are destroyed very quickly. In this case, the development of the disease is preceded by caries and lack of oral hygiene. The wisdom tooth begins to gradually decay, the doctor decides to remove it. After surgery, an abscess may develop in traumatized areas of the mouth. purulent etiology. An unhealed wound is a favorable environment for bacterial activity. Therefore, suppuration quickly forms in its place. With absence timely treatment it spreads to neighboring tissues.

Symptoms of an abscess after wisdom tooth removal can be bothersome day and night. Typically, patients complain of painful discomfort and fever. The main reason for the development of the disease is considered to be the patient’s negligent attitude to the doctor’s recommendations. If you run pathological process, even strong antibiotics will not help. Treatment of an abscess after wisdom tooth removal consists of two stages. Initially, the doctor must open the suppuration and clear the cavity of secretions. Then the patient is prescribed anti-inflammatory therapy.

Treatment of abscess with antibiotics

After diagnosis, the patient is prescribed antibiotic therapy. Its main purpose is to get rid of infection. Also, such therapy is aimed at preserving the natural tooth and preventing complications. What medications are used to treat tooth abscess?

  1. "Amoxicillin." The drug is intended for the treatment of bacterial infections. The medicine doesn't kill pathogenic microflora, but stops its reproduction.
  2. "Metronidazole". This remedy is used to treat infectious processes caused by anaerobic bacteria.
  3. "Clindamycin." The drug is prescribed to patients with allergies to penicillin antibiotics. It inhibits the growth of bacteria, thereby eliminating the infection.
  4. "Penicillin". This medication is most often prescribed to patients diagnosed with tooth abscess. Antibiotics similar pharmacological action used in conjunction with beta-lactamase inhibitors.

The above medications should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor. If their use turns out to be unjustified, the infection begins to spread quickly. Saving a tooth is very difficult. Therefore, patients have to resort to surgery.

Tooth extraction after an abscess

Surgical intervention is primarily aimed at removing the source of inflammation. To do this, a drainage procedure is prescribed, after which a filling is performed or the crown is restored. The essence of drainage is that the dentist cleans out the formed pus through a drilled tooth and disinfects the cavity with a special solution. Advanced cases often cannot be cured with this procedure. Therefore, therapy begins with tooth extraction, after which drainage is carried out through the alveoli.

If there is so much pus that it cannot be cleared out at once, a small incision is made in the damaged area and a drain is installed. Through it, the contents of the inflammation gradually come out. For better healing wounds, patients are prescribed a course of physiotherapy or rinsing.

Possible complications

Like any other infectious ailments, a tooth abscess can cause unpleasant complications. If the patient ignores the symptoms and does not seek help from a doctor, the root of the affected molar begins to gradually die. Discomfort and pain may subside, but pathogenic microorganisms continue to develop, spreading to adjacent tissues and jaw bone. The infection, along with the bloodstream, quickly spreads throughout the body, causing complications in important internal organ systems. The most dangerous consequences are brain abscess and meningitis.

Measures to prevent the disease

A tooth abscess most often develops against the background of untreated caries. To prevent this disease, it is necessary to promptly treat dental pathologies and regularly visit a dentist to identify them. On the other hand, no one has canceled the basic rules for oral care. Dentists recommend brushing your teeth twice a day and using a special mouthwash. To avoid infection in the oral cavity after therapy, you should contact only trusted medical institutions. Be healthy!

Causes of suppuration

  • Violation of the rules of oral hygiene.
  • Root fragments remaining in the hole.
  • Loss of blood clot.
  • Presence of teeth damaged by caries.
  • Inflammation of the gums.
  • Getting tartar into the hole.
  • Low immunity.
  • Difficult wisdom tooth removal.
  • Non-sterile medical instruments used by a doctor.
  • Violation of the dentist's instructions after tooth extraction.

If pus appears after removing a problematic tooth, this is a serious complication that should be treated immediately. Therefore, at the first signs of inflammation, you need to visit the dentist.


  • Increasing swelling of the soft tissues around the avulsed tooth.
  • Purulent discharge.
  • Unpleasant odor in the mouth.
  • Severe pain that does not go away even after taking analgesics.
  • Increased body temperature.

Actions after tooth extraction

  1. Strictly follow the doctor's instructions.
  2. Do not rinse your mouth on the first day after removal to prevent the blood clot from falling out.
  3. Follow the rules for oral care.
  4. Do not eat for two hours after removal.
  5. Regularly treat the oral cavity with antiseptic solutions.
  6. To relieve pain, take analgesics (Ketanov).

Normally, all unpleasant symptoms disappear after three days. With complex wisdom tooth removal, swelling and pain disappear after two weeks. If the pain intensifies, soft tissue swelling grows, or the temperature rises, you should immediately consult a doctor!

Inflammation of the socket

Pus in the hole after the removal of a diseased tooth may appear due to infection. This complication is called alveolitis. In appearance, the wound looks empty with white walls.

The wound can become inflamed due to the loss of a blood plug and the ingress of food debris and pathogenic bacteria into it. This condition is called dry socket.

You cannot cure such diseases on your own. The dentist must clean the wound and cover it with a special medicine. Then antibiotic therapy and treatment of the oral cavity with antiseptic agents are prescribed. Neglected alveolitis and dry socket can lead to dangerous consequences for human health.

Most often, inflammation of the socket occurs after the removal of wisdom teeth. Due to the inconvenient location in the row, it is difficult to perform hygiene procedures and rinsing. Bacteria accumulate and multiply.

Bone fragments

In case of complicated tooth extraction, fragments of the root or bone tissue may remain in the wound. Usually, the dentist immediately checks the socket for the presence of fragments. But if some still remain, inflammation occurs.

If after a complex tooth extraction the gums fester, what should you do? In such cases, you cannot do without the help of a doctor. The hole must be cleaned. Anti-inflammatory drugs and mouth rinsing with Furacilin and Miramistin are prescribed.

Wisdom tooth removal

Pus in the socket after a complex wisdom tooth removal can form due to the penetration of bacteria. Wisdom teeth cause a lot of trouble when they begin to emerge. Often the dentist decides to remove such units. The reason may be incorrect placement of the wisdom tooth, destruction of the crown due to caries, or inconvenient location in the row. Sometimes the tooth is completely hidden in the gum and the doctor has to saw it and remove it in parts. A large wound remains, which is sutured. This type of injury takes a long time to heal.

If a wisdom tooth was pulled out in the presence of purulent inflammation, the temperature persists for some time. But if it does not go away, but rather rises, do not delay visiting the doctor.

After a wisdom tooth is pulled out, the bone tissue around the socket may become exposed. This happens when the seams come apart. To prevent infection from entering the wound, you need to urgently go to the dentist.


Sometimes the fragments remaining in the hole become overgrown with a capsule and turn into a cyst with purulent contents. Such a formation can remain in the wound for a long time and not manifest itself in any way. But for some reason, the cyst may open and inflammation may develop. Fistula tracts are formed through which its contents flow out. The consequences can be sepsis, abscess, osteomyelitis, phlegmon.

The cyst is treated by surgical removal. Then a course of antibiotics is prescribed (Lincamycin, Doxycycline).


If a patient has inflamed gums, microbes can enter a fresh wound and cause inflammation with purulent discharge. There is swelling and redness of the gums, discharge of pus when pressed, and an increase in temperature.
Therapy consists of cleaning the gum pockets from secretions, treating with antiseptic drugs, and using Metrogil-denta ointment. Inflammation is relieved with antibiotics.

The gums around wisdom teeth are often affected by gingivitis, as it is difficult to clean the hard-to-reach units well. Gum pockets with purulent inflammation form.


After the removal of a tooth affected by chronic periodontitis (purulent sacs at the apex of the roots), an infection may remain in the socket. The wound is thoroughly washed with an antiseptic. The formation of pus, the appearance of swelling, and acute pain cannot be ruled out.

After treating the hole and removing the pus, antibiotic treatment is prescribed.


After tooth extraction, osteomyelitis (inflammation of the jaw bone) may develop and pus may accumulate in the gums. Inflammation is caused by staphylococci and streptococci that enter the wound cavity. There is a sharp increase in swelling of the soft tissues, abscesses and fistulas form, and the patient experiences severe throbbing pain. Nearby teeth become mobile, and pus is released from under their base. The patient has difficulty eating, opening his mouth, the temperature can rise to 40˚, and salivation increases.

Osteomyelitis after wisdom teeth removal is especially dangerous. Blood vessels pass very close into them and pus can get into them.

Treatment should be started as soon as possible. The dentist makes internal and external incisions and installs drainage to drain purulent masses. Antibiotic therapy is carried out.

Complications after the disease can be destruction of the mandibular cartilage, thinning of bone tissue, pathological fractures of the jaw and its subsequent deformation.


If the suppuration was not cured in time under the hole, in the gum, a hidden abscess forms. The patient's health sharply worsens, the temperature rises to 39˚, swelling and pain increase, and there may be nausea or vomiting.

Treatment is carried out by a dental surgeon by draining the festering gums. Next, the patient takes anti-inflammatory drugs and regularly rinses the mouth with antiseptic solutions.


This is a diffuse inflammatory process that forms when inflammation of the socket is advanced. Pus can spread to the facial muscles, neck, head and even internal organs. This disease poses a serious threat to the patient's health. Sepsis or blood poisoning may develop. Death cannot be ruled out!
Treatment is carried out only in a hospital.

Odontogenic sinusitis

When teeth are removed from the upper jaw, the integrity of the walls of the maxillary sinus may be damaged. The cause may be ingrowth of roots into the sinus cavity, the presence of cysts at the apex of the root, or trauma during removal. If perforation occurs, the dentist carries out urgent treatment to close the through hole. But if the necessary measures are not taken in time, sinus infection may occur, followed by the development of sinusitis and the formation of purulent masses. Liquid food and water may enter the nose. Air bubbles may appear from the hole.

Symptoms of the disease: nagging pain in the nose, headaches, purulent runny nose, fever, which is difficult to bring down.

This complication should be treated by an otolaryngologist.

What not to do

  1. Do not apply warm compresses, as this will lead to increased suppuration.
  2. Do not self-medicate. Therapy is prescribed only by a doctor. Uncontrolled use of antibiotics can cause the body to become addicted, and they will become ineffective.
  3. You should not take aspirin if you have had a gum incision. The drug increases bleeding.
  4. If it does not get better within 24 hours, you need to visit the doctor again.

To avoid suppuration after tooth extraction, you should strictly follow the doctor’s instructions. At the first symptoms of inflammation, you should contact your dentist. You should not self-medicate; simply taking medications will not help you. The necessary therapeutic measures can only be carried out by a specialist.

Any surgical intervention has a traumatic effect on the tissues of the body, and tooth extraction is no exception. Like any other operation, tooth extraction can lead to a variety of complications, which are most often inflammatory in nature. Suppuration often occurs. If you notice pus in the socket area after tooth extraction. this means that your wound has become infected, so you should contact your dentist as soon as possible.

The main causes of wound suppuration

Suppuration begins as a result of infection entering the wound cavity. This can happen for many reasons, but in most cases, inflammatory processes develop in patients who neglected the doctor’s recommendations regarding postoperative oral care and did not follow the necessary precautions.

After a tooth is removed, a blood clot forms in the wound, which prevents infection from entering the resulting cavity. And very often it is the absence of this clot that leads to the wound becoming inflamed, and then pus appears after tooth extraction.

Sometimes the cause of suppuration may be the incorrect tooth extraction technique chosen by the dentist, or the doctor introduces an infection by using an unsterile instrument. To avoid such incidents, it is recommended to contact only dental clinics that have a reliable reputation, where it is guaranteed that only experienced and qualified specialists will receive treatment, and great attention is paid to patient safety.

Sometimes the gums begin to fester due to the fact that the patient has a general decrease in immunity, and inflammation is caused by microorganisms that are a natural component of the microflora of the oral cavity.

Inflammation can also be caused by neglect of hygiene rules. After the operation, the doctor must tell the patient how to care for the oral cavity in the postoperative period, and if these recommendations are strictly followed, the risk of wound infection is noticeably reduced.

Sometimes the cause of suppuration can be a foreign object that was accidentally left by a doctor in the wound cavity. It could be an undetected tooth fragment or a fragment of a cotton swab. Unfortunately, such incidents are not that rare.

The risk of suppuration increases when a wisdom tooth is removed. This is due to the fact that the operation itself in most cases is quite traumatic in nature, as well as the fact that the eighth molars are located in a hard-to-reach place, and it is not so easy to provide proper postoperative care for the tooth socket.

Symptoms of wound suppuration

The first symptoms of the inflammatory process are swelling, which does not go away for several days, then pain appears, which intensifies as the condition of the wound worsens, then the patient may observe purulent discharge from the hole, and a characteristic bad breath also appears.

If you notice pus after tooth extraction, you should contact your doctor as soon as possible.

Complications during suppuration

If inflammation is not treated in time, a disease such as osteomyelitis, that is, suppuration of bone tissue, may develop. Its symptoms are high fever, severe pain, general malaise, and weakness. This is a serious disease that can only be treated in a hospital setting. Osteomyelitis can lead to blood poisoning and therefore, if the inflammatory process develops after tooth extraction, you should not self-medicate; only a doctor can prescribe effective and efficient treatment.

What you can do on your own before visiting the dentist

If you find pus after tooth extraction, then you can apply local treatment, that is, rinse with various disinfecting and anti-inflammatory solutions.

For these purposes you can use:

  • Furacilin tablet solution,
  • A decoction of sage, oak bark, calendula, calamus root, chamomile,
  • You can use tea tree oil by adding two or three drops to a glass of water.
  • You can use chlorhexidine or miramistin.

However, even if you feel a significant improvement in your condition after rinsing, you should not postpone your visit to the doctor. Only a specialist can help determine exactly why pus appeared after tooth extraction and prescribe the correct treatment. What is the treatment for stomatitis at home in adults? read the article.

Removal of an inflamed tooth is a full-scale surgical operation that involves severe consequences. Sometimes they become critical and lead to the development of new diseases.

Expert opinion

Biryukov Andrey Anatolievich

doctor implantologist orthopedic surgeon Graduated from Crimean Medical University. Institute in 1991. Specialization: therapeutic, surgical and orthopedic dentistry including implantology and implant prosthetics.

Ask a question to an expert

I believe that you can still save a lot on visits to the dentist. Of course I'm talking about dental care. After all, if you carefully look after them, then treatment may indeed not come to the point - it won’t be necessary. Microcracks and small caries on teeth can be removed with regular toothpaste. How? The so-called filling paste. For myself, I highlight Denta Seal. Try it too.

Main reasons

Pus after tooth extraction occurs in the following cases:

  1. Incorrectly selected surgical procedure. The tooth cannot be removed, but only adjusted.
  2. The second reason - infectious lesion gums as a result of poor-quality medical instruments.

If you find pus in the mouth, you should immediately contact your dentist

Inflammation occurs when the patient ignores the hygiene standards prescribed by the doctor. This isolated cases that occurred through the fault of the patient.

Possible complications

If the inflammation progresses and continues to affect the gums, then in the future this may result in osteomyelitis, bone suppuration. The diseases are scary because soft tissues in the oral cavity and enamel are destroyed.

A strong fever appears, sleep patterns are disturbed, and there is no desire to consume food. These symptoms are accompanied by a state of overwork, insomnia, and complete impotence. Purulent lesion gums leads to death, as inflammation reaches the brain.

When the first symptoms appear, you need to seek help from a medical facility. After the diagnosis, the dentist will prescribe surgical treatment, including drug therapy. If drug therapy is ineffective, then there will be a need for surgery to clean the wound from pus.

Treatment of gums after tooth extraction

The therapeutic course of medications lasts until the healing of the hole in which the tooth was previously located. Medicines have an antiseptic effect, they disinfect the area of ​​inflammation and eliminate the culprits of suppuration.

Drug therapy is divided into internal and external. Internal therapy includes taking medications with certain properties. External medications – rinses and ointments.

The following drugs are used as drug therapy:

  • Antibiotics. Specialists eliminate the infectious and viral basis for the development of pus-like microorganisms caused by incompetent manipulations. The patient is prescribed Cefazolin, Ceftriaxone, Doxycycline, Tetracycline hydrochloride. It is important to remember that self-medication is strictly prohibited, as incorrectly selected medical drug may make the situation worse.
  • The second method is rinsing. Furacilin is suitable as a rinse aid. It is necessary to grind the medicine (to a powder state), and then mix it with water. Rinse every time after eating.
  • Chlorhexidine solution is another pharmacological version of the mouthwash. Release form: powder. The mixture must be diluted with warm boiled water and rinsed with mouth for 10 minutes.

As combination therapy the patient is prescribed Amoxiclav (for any age category), Amoxicillin and Lincomycin.

After drug therapy the patient's condition improves, in some cases the inflammatory process recedes. However, remnants of the infection remain in the wound, provoking the development of the disease. To avoid complications, you need to consult a dentist or surgeon.

Traditional therapy

Facilities traditional therapy always work. Tinctures and decoctions prepared on a natural basis guarantee relief of pain and reduction of the inflammatory process.

Rinsing your mouth after every meal - important measure prevention

TO effective methods traditional therapies include:

  • calendula tincture. The chopped herb should be brewed in a small container, covered with a lid and wrapped warm blanket or a blanket. Leave for exactly one hour. After preparation, rinse your mouth with the broth 3-4 times a day;
  • chamomile decoction. This grass is natural antiseptic with a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. There are two varieties: chamomile and chamomile. You will need prefabricated grass. Preparation is similar to calendula tincture, but the decoction should be infused for 5-6 hours. Rinse three times a day after meals.

If you had to pull out a bad tooth, a hole should remain in its place, closed with a dense blood clot. This formation prevents bacteria from entering the wound and reduces the risk of infection. It happens that bacteria do penetrate into the hole, and an inflammatory process occurs with the formation of purulent masses.

Causes of suppuration


  • Purulent discharge.
  • Unpleasant odor in the mouth.
  • Increased body temperature.

Actions after tooth extraction

The wound can become inflamed due to the loss of a blood plug and the ingress of food debris and pathogenic bacteria into it. This condition is called dry socket.

Bone fragments

Wisdom tooth removal






What not to do

Any surgical intervention has a traumatic effect on the tissues of the body, and tooth extraction is no exception. Like any other operation, tooth extraction can lead to a variety of complications, which are most often inflammatory in nature. Suppuration often occurs. If you notice pus in the socket area after tooth extraction. this means that your wound has become infected, so you should contact your dentist as soon as possible.

Symptoms of wound suppuration

Complications during suppuration

However, even if you feel a significant improvement in your condition after rinsing, you should not postpone your visit to the doctor. Only a specialist can help determine exactly why pus appeared after tooth extraction and prescribe the correct treatment. What is the treatment for stomatitis at home in adults? read the article.

Comments (11)

Read also:

Tooth extraction is the least desirable procedure for a dentist. But often only it can save from the destruction of neighboring teeth and gum problems. Often, tooth extraction is the result of an inattentive and irresponsible attitude towards one’s health, that is, the neglect of the problem. And as a result, after removal complications appear in the form of pus. What to do in such situations? What to do?

Causes of suppuration after tooth extraction

Some symptoms after tooth extraction are considered normal and do not require medical intervention. But the pus that appears is not the case. This is exactly what it is characteristic feature complications, so you should definitely consult a doctor. Pus is a sign of infection. If this is not treated, the consequences can be disastrous. Most often, pus appears as an infection that has penetrated into the tooth socket during or after surgery.

Often people themselves are to blame for inflammation of the sockets because they ignore the recommendations of dentists and do not follow basic rules that must be followed for several days. Here they are:

  1. Do not rinse your mouth for 2-3 days after surgery to avoid the protective blood clot falling out of the tooth socket. It protects the socket and helps in wound healing.
  2. Do not eat very cold or hot food.
  3. Limit hot water procedures and physical activity.
  4. Maintain oral hygiene, do not touch the tooth socket with your tongue, and especially not with foreign objects.

Doctors can often be the culprits in the appearance of pus after tooth extraction.

This happens when the technique of tooth extraction is violated or when working with unsterile instruments. This cannot happen if the clinic where the client goes has a high reputation. Qualified specialists work strictly in compliance with the standards of sterilization and hygiene; for them it is a matter of honor to carry out all services at a high level professional level. This also applies to tooth extraction.

A good dental surgeon always inspects the wound, that is, identifies the remaining pieces of the tooth, cleans the hole from dead tissue and granulomas.

When deletion various reasons was difficult, there are cases when a small fragment of the tooth, in particular the root, remains in the tooth socket. This is when pus may form in the socket.

There are cases when the appearance of pus after tooth extraction is not the fault of either the doctor or the patient. This happens when the overall and local immunity patient. Natural flora the oral cavity can cause inflammation.

What to do if pus appears in the socket?

First of all, you need to contact the surgeon who performed the removal. One of the most dangerous complications suppuration - osteomyelitis, that is, inflammation of bone tissue. It needs to be treated in a hospital using antibiotic therapy and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Before going to the dentist with a problem, you can take the following measures:

  1. Rinse your mouth with furatsilin or miramistin, herbal decoction sage or oak bark. You can rinse several times a day. The liquid must not be hot!
  2. You can take pain relief pills if necessary. These are ketanov, nimesil, baralgin, solpodein.

If you feel better after rinsing, there is no need to postpone your visit to the dentist. Perhaps a piece of the tooth still remains in the hole, it will fester. Only a doctor can accurately determine the reason that caused the socket to suppurate. He will prescribe treatment to prevent the development of complications.

In order to avoid such problems with your teeth, monitor them regularly, care for them and sanitize them. It is quite possible to live to old age with your natural teeth if you take proper care of them from childhood and do not let problems arise.

The main causes of wound suppuration

Suppuration begins as a result of infection entering the wound cavity. This can happen for many reasons, but in most cases, inflammatory processes develop in patients who neglected the doctor’s recommendations regarding postoperative oral care and did not follow the necessary precautions.

After a tooth is removed, a blood clot forms in the wound, which prevents infection from entering the resulting cavity. And very often it is the absence of this clot that leads to the wound becoming inflamed, and then pus appears after tooth extraction.

Sometimes the cause of suppuration may be the incorrect tooth extraction technique chosen by the dentist, or the doctor introduces an infection by using an unsterile instrument. To avoid such incidents, it is recommended to contact only dental clinics that have a reliable reputation, where it is guaranteed that only experienced and qualified specialists will receive treatment, and great attention is paid to patient safety.

Sometimes the gums begin to fester due to the fact that the patient has a general decrease in immunity, and inflammation is caused by microorganisms that are a natural component of the microflora of the oral cavity.

Inflammation can also be caused by neglect of hygiene rules. After the operation, the doctor must tell the patient how to care for the oral cavity in the postoperative period, and if these recommendations are strictly followed, the risk of wound infection is noticeably reduced.

Sometimes the cause of suppuration can be a foreign object that was accidentally left by a doctor in the wound cavity. It could be an undetected tooth fragment or a fragment of a cotton swab. Unfortunately, such incidents are not that rare.

The risk of suppuration increases when a wisdom tooth is removed. This is due to the fact that the operation itself in most cases is quite traumatic in nature, as well as the fact that the eighth molars are located in a hard-to-reach place, and it is not so easy to provide proper postoperative care for the tooth socket.

Symptoms of wound suppuration

The first symptoms of the inflammatory process are swelling, which does not go away for several days, then pain appears, which intensifies as the condition of the wound worsens, then the patient may observe purulent discharge from the hole, and a characteristic bad breath also appears.

If you notice pus after tooth extraction, you should contact your doctor as soon as possible.

Complications during suppuration

If inflammation is not treated in time, a disease such as osteomyelitis, that is, suppuration of bone tissue, may develop. Its symptoms are high fever, severe pain, general malaise, and weakness. This is a serious disease that can only be treated in a hospital setting. Osteomyelitis can lead to blood poisoning and therefore, if the inflammatory process develops after tooth extraction, you should not self-medicate; only a doctor can prescribe effective and efficient treatment.

What you can do on your own before visiting the dentist

If you find pus after tooth extraction, then you can apply local treatment, that is, rinse with various disinfecting and anti-inflammatory solutions.

For these purposes you can use:

  • Furacilin tablet solution,
  • A decoction of sage, oak bark, calendula, calamus root, chamomile,
  • You can use tea tree oil by adding two or three drops to a glass of water.
  • You can use chlorhexidine or miramistin.

However, even if you feel a significant improvement in your condition after rinsing, you should not postpone your visit to the doctor. Only a specialist can help determine exactly why pus appeared after tooth extraction and prescribe the correct treatment. What is the treatment for stomatitis at home in adults, read the article.

1. Pronounced symptom

The problem area sometimes appears in the place where the root extraction operation was performed. The result may be suppuration after tooth extraction. Such an unpleasant phenomenon appears due to the fact that the remaining cavity is a wound, and if an infection gets into it, an inflammatory process will begin to occur at the local level.

Locally expressed inflammatory process on the walls of the socket

The agents that cause this reaction are unwanted microorganisms.

They can get into the wound:

  • from insufficiently processed instruments used during the procedure;
  • with food debris entering the mouth during the wound healing period.

Pus in the hole after tooth extraction may appear for other reasons.


  • after the procedure, a fragment remained inside the structures that held the chewing element;
  • reduction of the protective reaction in the human system at the time of the procedure;
  • if the area where the extracted tooth was festered, perhaps before its extraction there was an inflammatory process due to tooth decay and gum disease.

2. Recovery period, the wound festered after tooth extraction

Difficult extraction of the inner part of the chewing element can cause such conditions due to severe traumatic damage, so that the gums then fester after tooth extraction.

Failure to follow these tips on how to behave during the recovery period causes the unpleasant fact that the hole has festered after tooth extraction. Because of this, the formed clot falls out, thereby disrupting the protective mechanism of natural origin.

By vigorously rinsing your mouth, you wash away this biomaterial, the cavity opens and infectious agents of various types freely enter it. Because of this, after tooth extraction, the hole festers.

But the fact that the clot fell out may not be your fault.

This is also facilitated by:

  • low level of blood clotting;
  • weakened body strength;
  • pus in the gums after tooth extraction appears due to an imbalance in the functioning of certain organs and systems.
Infection in the gum, enlargement of the edges of the cavity, pus inside

3. Use of drugs if there is suppuration of the gums after tooth extraction treatment

All manifestations are serious, and if there is pus after tooth extraction, treatment should be started as early as possible so as not to wait for the most negative consequences on the system as a whole. The first thing to do is visit a doctor. He will diagnose the cause and determine what to do if the gums fester after tooth extraction.

What may be the symptoms in those variants of the postoperative period during which the gums fester after removal?

  • local and general increase in temperature;
  • an increase in the volume of soft tissue in the root extraction area and severe pain;
  • change in color of the edges of the hole, at the same time unpleasant sensations appear in the mouth;
  • unilateral headache.

It may be necessary to remove the remaining fragment, or maybe you just need to do a few cleanings of the cavity if after removing the tooth there is pus coming out of the hole.

The first thing to do when you have a tooth removed and your gums are festering is to go to the doctor so that the hospital can do a control X-ray and have the hole treated urgently. In addition, in each case, if the hole has festered after tooth extraction, he will tell the patient what to do. This will be treatment with solutions that destroy microbes inside, with the addition of anti-inflammatory agents. Sometimes therapy includes formulations to stop the viability of unwanted microorganisms using tablets.

Causes of suppuration

If pus appears after removing a problematic tooth, this is a serious complication that should be treated immediately. Therefore, at the first signs of inflammation, you need to visit the dentist.


  • Increasing swelling of the soft tissues around the avulsed tooth.
  • Purulent discharge.
  • Unpleasant odor in the mouth.
  • Severe pain that does not go away even after taking analgesics.
  • Increased body temperature.

Actions after tooth extraction

Normally, all unpleasant symptoms disappear after three days. With complex wisdom tooth removal, swelling and pain disappear after two weeks. If the pain intensifies, soft tissue swelling grows, or the temperature rises, you should immediately consult a doctor!

Pus in the hole after the removal of a diseased tooth may appear due to infection. This complication is called alveolitis. In appearance, the wound looks empty with white walls.

The wound can become inflamed due to the loss of a blood plug and the ingress of food debris and pathogenic bacteria into it. This condition is called dry socket.

You cannot cure such diseases on your own. The dentist must clean the wound and cover it with a special medicine. Then antibiotic therapy and treatment of the oral cavity with antiseptic agents are prescribed. Neglected alveolitis and dry socket can lead to dangerous consequences for human health.

Most often, inflammation of the socket occurs after the removal of wisdom teeth. Due to the inconvenient location in the row, it is difficult to perform hygiene procedures and rinsing. Bacteria accumulate and multiply.

Bone fragments

In case of complicated tooth extraction, fragments of the root or bone tissue may remain in the wound. Usually, the dentist immediately checks the socket for the presence of fragments. But if some still remain, inflammation occurs.

If after a complex tooth extraction the gums fester, what should you do? In such cases, you cannot do without the help of a doctor. The hole must be cleaned. Anti-inflammatory drugs and mouth rinsing with Furacilin and Miramistin are prescribed.

Wisdom tooth removal

Pus in the socket after a complex wisdom tooth removal can form due to the penetration of bacteria. Wisdom teeth cause a lot of trouble when they begin to emerge. Often the dentist decides to remove such units. The reason may be incorrect placement of the wisdom tooth, destruction of the crown due to caries, or inconvenient location in the row. Sometimes the tooth is completely hidden in the gum and the doctor has to saw it and remove it in parts. A large wound remains, which is sutured. This type of injury takes a long time to heal.

If a wisdom tooth was pulled out in the presence of purulent inflammation, the temperature persists for some time. But if it does not go away, but rather rises, do not delay visiting the doctor.

After a wisdom tooth is pulled out, the bone tissue around the socket may become exposed. This happens when the seams come apart. To prevent infection from entering the wound, you need to urgently go to the dentist.


Sometimes the fragments remaining in the hole become overgrown with a capsule and turn into a cyst with purulent contents. Such a formation can remain in the wound for a long time and not manifest itself in any way. But for some reason, the cyst may open and inflammation may develop. Fistula tracts are formed through which its contents flow out. The consequences can be sepsis, abscess, osteomyelitis, phlegmon.

The cyst is treated by surgical removal. Then a course of antibiotics is prescribed (Lincamycin, Doxycycline).


If a patient has inflamed gums, microbes can enter a fresh wound and cause inflammation with purulent discharge. There is swelling and redness of the gums, discharge of pus when pressed, and an increase in temperature.
Therapy consists of cleaning the gum pockets from secretions, treating with antiseptic drugs, and using Metrogil-denta ointment. Inflammation is relieved with antibiotics.

The gums around wisdom teeth are often affected by gingivitis, as it is difficult to clean the hard-to-reach units well. Gum pockets with purulent inflammation form.


After the removal of a tooth affected by chronic periodontitis (purulent sacs at the apex of the roots), an infection may remain in the socket. The wound is thoroughly washed with an antiseptic. The formation of pus, the appearance of swelling, and acute pain cannot be ruled out.

After treating the hole and removing the pus, antibiotic treatment is prescribed.


After tooth extraction, osteomyelitis (inflammation of the jaw bone) may develop and pus may accumulate in the gums. Inflammation is caused by staphylococci and streptococci that enter the wound cavity. There is a sharp increase in swelling of the soft tissues, abscesses and fistulas form, and the patient experiences severe throbbing pain. Nearby teeth become mobile, and pus is released from under their base. The patient has difficulty eating, opening his mouth, the temperature can rise to 40˚, and salivation increases.

Osteomyelitis after wisdom teeth removal is especially dangerous. Blood vessels pass very close into them and pus can get into them.

Treatment should be started as soon as possible. The dentist makes internal and external incisions and installs drainage to drain purulent masses. Antibiotic therapy is carried out.

Complications after the disease can be destruction of the mandibular cartilage, thinning of bone tissue, pathological fractures of the jaw and its subsequent deformation.

If the suppuration was not cured in time under the hole, in the gum, a hidden abscess forms. The patient's health sharply worsens, the temperature rises to 39˚, swelling and pain increase, and there may be nausea or vomiting.

Treatment is carried out by a dental surgeon by draining the festering gums. Next, the patient takes anti-inflammatory drugs and regularly rinses the mouth with antiseptic solutions.


This is a diffuse inflammatory process that forms when inflammation of the socket is advanced. Pus can spread to the facial muscles, neck, head and even internal organs. This disease poses a serious threat to the patient's health. Sepsis or blood poisoning may develop. Death cannot be ruled out!
Treatment is carried out only in a hospital.

When teeth are removed from the upper jaw, the integrity of the walls of the maxillary sinus may be damaged. The cause may be ingrowth of roots into the sinus cavity, the presence of cysts at the apex of the root, or trauma during removal. If perforation occurs, the dentist carries out urgent treatment to close the through hole. But if the necessary measures are not taken in time, sinus infection may occur, followed by the development of sinusitis and the formation of purulent masses. Liquid food and water may enter the nose. Air bubbles may appear from the hole.

Symptoms of the disease: nagging pain in the nose, headaches, purulent runny nose, fever, which is difficult to bring down.

This complication should be treated by an otolaryngologist.

What not to do

  1. Do not apply warm compresses, as this will lead to increased suppuration.
  2. Do not self-medicate. Therapy is prescribed only by a doctor. Uncontrolled use of antibiotics can cause the body to become addicted, and they will become ineffective.
  3. You should not take aspirin if you have had a gum incision. The drug increases bleeding.
  4. If it does not get better within 24 hours, you need to visit the doctor again.

To avoid suppuration after tooth extraction, you should strictly follow the doctor’s instructions. At the first symptoms of inflammation, you should contact your dentist. You should not self-medicate; simply taking medications will not help you. The necessary therapeutic measures can only be carried out by a specialist.

Festering as a complication of extraction

In specialized dental clinics, extraction operations are performed in strict compliance with surgical technology, using sterile medical instruments according to GOST.

However, even with a well-performed operation, complications can arise. Most often this is due to weakened immunity patient. Even with exceptionally sterile instruments and compliance with postoperative wound treatment technology, if the body’s defenses are not able to withstand the bacterial environment of the oral cavity, inflammation of the socket occurs and the gums begin to fester.

One should also take into account the fact that tooth extraction is associated in most cases with purulent complications of caries (pulpitis, periodontitis, periostitis). Aggressive bacteria (staphylococci, streptococci) expand the affected area and can cause inflammation of the socket.

Another reason for the inflammatory process and suppuration of the wound after surgery may be non-compliance with the rules of oral hygiene.

After completion of the operation, a qualified dentist always gives recommendations on how to care for your gums and teeth. It is in the patient's best interests to strictly follow these recommendations.

Violation of the surgical technique and mechanical damage to the walls of the socket can also provoke an inflammatory process at the site of the extracted tooth. An open wound formed after tooth extraction is exposed to the pathogenic environment of the oral cavity and without proper treatment becomes infected - purulent formations form in the hole. At the first symptoms of alveolitis (inflammation of the tooth socket), you must immediately contact your dentist for help.

What symptoms accompany it?

In addition to the fact that the gums fester and become inflamed, complications that arise after tooth extraction surgery are manifested by the following symptoms:

  • the appearance and increase of pain (severe nagging and throbbing pain in the gum area), while the pain does not go away on its own and lasts for several days;
  • the appearance of bad breath, purulent exudate is released from the injured area of ​​the gum, there is pain and swelling of the socket, swelling of the face;
  • redness of the socket, appearance of cyanosis due to venous stagnation;
  • deterioration of health, general weakness, fatigue, lethargy, intense headache;
  • increased body temperature to 38 degrees or higher, chills, muscle pain;
  • difficulty swallowing and chewing food.

The development of the inflammatory process is signaled by such body reactions as shooting pain in the jaw area, gradually spreading to the temple area and along the trigeminal nerve. If you have any of the listed symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

What can and should be done?

The main principle of treating possible consequences after tooth extraction is timeliness. At the very first symptoms inflammation and suppuration, you must seek qualified dental care. The sooner treatment is started, the greater the chances of recovery. Otherwise, serious consequences may arise, therapy will become complex and financially costly.

Conservative treatment tactics include taking antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It is important to carry out antiseptic procedures.

It is not recommended to clean the socket from clots of pus on your own; only a dentist should do this. After thoroughly cleaning the hole, you can fill it with medicine.

Antibiotics, when left in the area of ​​inflammation for a long time, cope well with purulent discharge from the gums and sockets. Drugs with high penetrating ability include Sumamed, Azitral, Carithromycin (macrolide antibiotics), lincosamides, aminoglycosides, and fluoroquinolones.

Antiseptic drugs are prescribed for mouth rinsing:

  • Chlorhexidine;
  • Miramistin;
  • Furacilin;
  • Cortisol;
  • Hexoral;
  • Stomatidin et al.

Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are effective to relieve inflammation: Meloxicam, Voltaren, Nurofen, Ketonal, Ibuprofen, Nimesulide, etc.

Often, in the treatment of alveolitis, Finlepsin is prescribed, which effectively relieves neurological pain, normalizes the patient’s mental state, and improves mood.

At home, you can rinse your mouth using an infusion of oak bark, tea tree oil, sage infusion, chamomile, calendula, and calamus root.

If the gums are purulent, the pus can be removed surgically:

Prevention of postoperative complications

Prevention of suppuration and other consequences possible after extraction is based on creating conditions for the formation of a durable blood clot in the socket.

To prevent the development of inflammation and the formation of ulcers, it is necessary to take a number of preventive measures:

  • carefully treat the wound, remove bone debris and tooth fragments from it;
  • when a tooth is removed due to a purulent complication of caries, the granuloma should be removed and early mouth rinsing should not be done to prevent the blood clot from being washed out;
  • in order to prevent the disintegration of a blood clot under the influence of infection due to chronic diseases, provide antibiotic therapy with intramuscular administration, alternating them with injections around the wound.

Why is it dangerous?

In the absence of timely and adequate treatment, pus and inflammation in the socket can lead to the development of serious pathologies. This is due to the expansion of the zone of influence of the resulting infection. As a result, respiratory failure and pulmonary edema may occur.

If after tooth extraction the gums begin to fester, but nothing is done for treatment, the process may spread to other teeth and soft tissues, and osteomyelitis may develop.

Thus, in order to avoid dire consequences after extraction, you must strictly follow all the dentist’s recommendations. If the first signs of an inflammatory process in the socket occur, as evidenced by the formation of pus, you should not self-medicate, you should go to a dental clinic and carry out therapy under the supervision of a doctor.

Exposing the necks of the teeth

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