Get rid of intramuscular hematoma using folk remedies. What to do if a black eye does not go away. Fresh plant leaves

A hematoma is an accumulation of liquid or already coagulated blood in soft tissues, which occurs when blood vessels rupture due to bruises, blows and other injuries. They can be small and extensive, and hematomas can also put pressure on the surrounding tissues and nearby organs. Their location can be different: in the thickness of the muscles, under the skin, in the brain, in the walls internal organs And so on. Hematomas that form inside the skull are especially dangerous, as they can severely compress the brain, leading to serious consequences, and, in some cases, to the death of the patient.

Cause of hematomas

Most often, the cause of hematomas is various injuries: compression, bruises, blows, pinching, etc. In some cases, non-traumatic vascular injury is possible. Hematomas of internal organs can develop due to various pathologies, for example, with Mallory-Weiss syndrome. This syndrome characterized by the occurrence of damage to the esophagus or upper sections stomach, which occurs with vomiting, which can be caused by overeating or drinking alcohol in large quantities.

Provoking factors for the formation of hematomas include: increased fragility of the walls of blood vessels, impaired permeability, problems with blood clotting and chronic diseases.

Hematomas for no reason

The most common reasons hematomas without trauma are:

  1. Age-related skin changes. Over time, in older people, the walls of blood vessels lose elasticity, which is why even the slightest imperceptible bruises can cause noticeable bruises.
  2. Hormonal changes. Hematomas without visible reasons often observed in menopausal women.
  3. Taking aspirin. This drug is used as prophylactic from strokes and heart attacks. With prolonged use, it affects the elasticity of blood vessels and the permeability of capillary walls.
  4. Lack of vitamins, especially P and ascorbic acid.

Normally, human blood vessels are protected from damage connective tissue, but for some reason their elasticity may decrease, making the body more susceptible to bruises and shock.

It is worth knowing that spontaneous formation of hematomas can be a sign of serious pathology. The following diseases can cause such a reaction:

  • Hemophilia. With this disease, normal blood clotting is disrupted;
  • Vasopathy. The disease is characterized by vascular damage and can be caused by infections, allergies, immunological or toxic agents;
  • Thrombocytopenia. It is expressed in a decrease in the platelet count in the blood.

Therefore, if bruises frequently occur for no apparent reason, you should visit a specialist.

Treatment of bruises and hematomas at home

Treatment of hematoma on the leg

The principles of treating hematomas on the leg depend on accompanying symptoms, nature and size of the bruise. In most cases it is enough conservative therapy, but sometimes it may be necessary surgical intervention. It can be used if the hematoma is very extensive, grows quickly, hardens or swells, and also if, in addition to it, the patient experiences severe pain in the damaged area and elevated temperature. Such signs may indicate development purulent process or tissue infection. In this situation, you should immediately contact a surgeon.

Small hematomas on the legs that do not grow and do not hurt much can be treated with special ointments or dimexide solution.

On the face

Hematomas on the face are not only painful, but also cause aesthetic discomfort. To remove it faster, you need to apply something cold to the affected area immediately after the injury. It is best to use ice wrapped in a towel for this purpose. At the same time, it is important to apply it as early as possible, but you should not overdo it so as not to freeze the facial tissues. The cold should be kept on the affected area for about half an hour for the first time, then after a few minutes you can apply it again for a few minutes.

For more quick disposal For bruises on the face, you can use the following remedies:

  • bodyagi solution. A couple of spoons of this powder are diluted with water and a cake is formed, which is applied to the affected area until it dries;
  • wormwood compress. For this, wormwood leaves are ground to form a paste and applied to the hematoma. After the compress has dried, you can repeat the procedure;
  • onion compress. It is made similarly to wormwood from fresh green onions;
  • plantain. It can be applied either in the form of a whole leaf or in the form of a compress of crushed pulp.

Treatment of hematoma during pregnancy

Injuries while expecting a child can lead to the formation of retrochorial hematomas. Treatment of ordinary bruises during pregnancy should be carried out under the supervision of a gynecologist observing the pregnant woman. Depending on the situation, he prescribes necessary examination. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the woman is prescribed proper nutrition, bed rest and complete peace. Treatment of retrochorial hematomas during pregnancy can be carried out in a hospital setting. At the same time, to monitor the development of the disease, a woman needs to periodically donate blood. Therapy for such hematomas includes taking antispasmodics, vitamins and minerals.

How to quickly remove a hematoma at home

To quickly remove a hematoma, you must begin to act immediately after the injury. A cold object or ice wrapped in cloth should be applied to the damaged area. Keep the cold for about 20 minutes, after which they take a break and apply ice again. When exposed to cold, blood vessels narrow and less fluid leaks into surrounding tissue. Thus, the severity and size of the hematoma decreases. Special ointments and gels will help in quickly treating a bruise.

Hematoma: treatment with folk remedies

Folk remedies for bruises, hematomas and contusions

Folk remedies that help against bruises, hematomas and bruises include the following:

  1. Linen patch. For it, you need to grind a clean flax rag to a powder, then mix it with sunflower oil in a ratio of 1 to 4 and apply it to the damaged area.
  2. Viper fat. It needs to be smeared and rubbed into the affected area with light movements.
  3. Rubbing camphor oil areas of hematoma and bruises.
  4. Cabbage leaves. They are recommended to be applied to bruises and contusions several times a day.
  5. Local hot baths. They can only be carried out some time after the injury. To prepare the bath you need to dilute Epsom salt At the rate of 70 g per glass of water, the injured limb should be immersed in the resulting water.
  6. Potato wedges. Fresh potatoes cut into several parts and applied to the sore spot, the procedure can be repeated several times a day.
  7. Rub a mixture of aloe juice and honey into the affected area.

Folk remedy for hematomas in children

Hematomas and bruises appear quite often in children. If they occur, the extent of damage must be determined. If the pain is not very severe, there are no signs of damage to bones and joints, and the affected area is not too extensive, then you can treat the hematoma at home. Otherwise, you should visit a doctor.

To treat minor abrasions and bruises in children, you can use special ointments or folk remedies. Among the latter, the following can be distinguished:

  1. Treatment with clay. The clay must first be soaked, and after a few minutes, wrapped in thick cloth and applied to the hematoma, covering it with plastic wrap on top. It is recommended to keep this compress for a couple of hours. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day.
  2. Extract grape seed and pine bark. These products are sold in pharmacies.
  3. Salt compresses. To prepare them, 10-15 g of salt are mixed with 100 ml of water, a bandage is moistened in the resulting solution and applied to sore spot, covering with a thick scarf on top. Keep this compress for at least a quarter of an hour.
  4. An ointment made from hop cones. To prepare it, you need to grind 50 g of hops and mix the resulting powder with 200 g natural fat. This ointment is applied to damaged areas. It will help cope with hematomas, abrasions and bruises, relieve tissue swelling and reduce pain in the affected area.

Hematoma is an accumulation of blood in a limited cavity of the human body. The formation of hematomas is associated with rupture of blood vessels, in which blood collects at the site of injury and is surrounded by a sheath of connective tissue.

The cause of hematomas is usually open and closed injuries to organs and tissues and vascular diseases, which increase their permeability. It is not difficult to determine the presence of a hematoma, since a blue, black or purple bruise appears at the site of the injury.

Hematomas after bruises usually resolve on their own or after applying special creams and ointments. Extensive superficial bruises and hematomas of internal organs often require medical intervention.

Ointment for hematoma

Modern pharmacology offers an extensive arsenal of means to combat hematomas. A variety of ointments and creams have an anti-inflammatory and decongestant effect, relieve pain at the site of injury, accelerate blood resorption and restore damaged capillaries.

The most popular and at the same time inexpensive means to combat bruises are heparin ointment and gel " Troxevasin" These drugs have long been used in medicine as a means to treat venous circulation and quickly get rid of hematomas. Troxerutin – active ingredient"Troxevasina" - strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and heparin in the composition of heparin ointment dissolves clotted blood, which contributes to the rapid disappearance of bruising.

Gel "Lioton"– an effective remedy for resolving bruises, reducing swelling and dissolving hematomas. "Lioton" has a disinfectant effect, so it can be applied even to an open wound surface. The gel prevents the formation of scars and accelerates the restoration of normal skin, which is especially important when treating hematomas on the face and open areas of the body.

Has a powerful absorbing and healing effect gel "Badyaga". It is created on the basis of the freshwater sponge badyagi - a product that contains a whole complex of healing organic substances. Badyaga gel is great for treating bruises and hematomas if applied immediately after an injury.

Balm “Rescuer” consists of natural ingredients: fir oil, essential oils, rowan and calendula extracts. It heals wounds and bruises much faster than other drugs of a similar composition.

Symptoms of hematoma

A superficial hematoma is easy to notice, because swelling and bruising form at the site of the bruise. Deep tissue hematoma often occurs after surgery and is accompanied by redness and swelling.

The following symptoms are characteristic of a hematoma: a local increase in body temperature, which can be noticed by placing your hand on the damaged area. Feels when touched sharp pain, sometimes there is a restriction in the mobility of the muscles located in this area of ​​the body.

Poses a serious threat to the health and even life of the patient intracranial hematomas and hematomas of internal organs. Indirect signs such hematomas may worsen general condition patient, severe pain and a feeling of tightness. Determine the presence of such damage when visual inspection is impossible, therefore, ultrasound and computed tomography methods are used for diagnosis.

Treatment of hematoma

For superficial bruises, it is enough to apply a cold compress immediately after the injury, and then use an ointment or gel for bruises and hematomas. Your doctor may prescribe analgesics to reduce pain and prescribe physiotherapeutic procedures to speed up the process of tissue restoration.

How to treat extensive intramuscular hematomas? In this case, the clotted blood is removed by puncture, after which a pressure bandage is applied to the injured area. Ointment for the treatment of hematomas will significantly speed up the healing process.

Epidural and subdural hematomas, hematomas of the liver, intestines and other internal organs require emergency surgical intervention in a hospital setting.

Degrees of hematoma

Subcutaneous and intramuscular hematomas vary in severity.

Light hematomas form within 24 hours after injury and are accompanied by mild pain and the appearance of a slight bruise. In most cases, they resolve spontaneously or after the use of external agents.

Moderate hematomas form 3–5 hours after the injury and are characterized by moderate pain. With a moderate hematoma, limb mobility is limited.

A severe hematoma occurs within one or two hours after injury and is characterized by severe pain and immobility of the injured limb.

Moderate and severe hematomas require contacting a traumatologist to prescribe symptomatic treatment.

Hematoma (popularly it will be with bruising) are closed or open injuries to tissues or even organs where blood and fluid accumulate due to rupture or damage to numerous vessels.

When receiving a blow, a bruise occurs on the skin and has the following signs: a change in the color of the skin itself (red-blue, green-yellow), pain of a different nature, which depends on the force of the blow, swelling, swelling, and muscle hematoma can be expressed by loss of sensitivity and functionality .

Degrees of severity.

Easy. It is fully formed within 24 hours and has mild pain. Functionality and movement are not impaired, sometimes it can resolve on its own.

Average. Formation occurs up to 5 hours, is accompanied by moderate pain, and has noticeable swelling. Sometimes the functionality of the limbs may be slightly impaired.

Heavy. Complete formation occurs in 1-2 hours, there is specific pain and noticeable swelling. It is better to contact a traumatologist immediately.

Treatment of soft tissue hematoma at home

1). Requires rest and minimal movements. This is necessary so that there is no pressure on the vessels, and this can prevent inflammation. A bruise on an arm or leg will heal faster if you do not put any stress on it for the first 48 hours.

2). The injury site requires a cold compress. Cold slows down blood circulation. But any cold can also damage tissue, so the duration should not exceed 15 minutes. It is recommended to wet a household towel cold water, roll ice cubes in it and place on the bruise for up to 10 minutes. From 5 to 8 such repetitions are allowed per day.

Anyone knows that cold has contracting properties, which means that blood will not be able to accumulate inside the skin and will reduce swelling by a lot. Also, if you apply cold immediately, you will reduce the total area of ​​the bruise.

3). Warm compress after 48 hours. This compress improves blood circulation after dilation of many vessels, which ensures the flow of important elements. But never use heat immediately, preferably only after 48 hours. Also, at first, avoid alcohol and massage the sore spot.

A chest hematoma requires immediate immobility. Lift your chest slightly and immediately secure it with a bandage. The duration of the cold compress should not exceed 5 minutes. Next, rest for 5 minutes and again perform a similar alternation up to 3-4 times.


Garden cabbage will ensure the fastest resorption. A sheet of suitable size is placed in hot water for 5 minutes, then rolled out with a kitchen rolling pin and, after waiting for the required cooling, it is immediately applied to the hematoma on the chest. The total one-time duration should last about an hour.


Potato starch is diluted with boiled water. When warm water and starch form a fairly thick mixture, then place it on the surface of the hematoma, using the middle layer of the mixture. The total duration depends on the severity, but generally it is 25-55 minutes. Repetition is allowed up to 3 times per day.

St. John's wort.

Take just exactly 8 grams of herb healing St. John's wort and pour clean boiling water over it. Let stand for about 10 minutes on the lowest heat. After cooling, soak ordinary gauze and place on the bruise for up to 2 hours.


Salt, in a volume of 1 tsp, must be diluted in warm water (hot water is not allowed). Soak a special suitable cotton swab in it and immediately apply it to the bruise on the chest.


Bodyagi powder is diluted with water until it becomes thick, reminiscent of homemade sour cream. Next, thoroughly soak the cloth or gauze in it and place it on the hematoma. Be sure to cover the top with plastic and do not remove for up to 2 hours.


Prepare an ointment yourself that will reliably provide the necessary resorption. Grind 10 grams of healing calendula flowers thoroughly and mix thoroughly with pork fat, in a volume of 50 grams. This ointment is very common in the treatment of hematoma of the female breast.

1). It is advisable, if possible, to avoid different movements and maintain complete rest of the knee.

2). Immediately apply a cold cloth or ice for 10-15 minutes.

3). If the wound is open, then prevent dirt from getting in.

4). Secure your knee with a tight bandage. It will be much better if it is an elastic special bandage. But in its absence, dense fabric will do. Any bandage should protrude a couple of centimeters from the resulting bruise.

5). Call a doctor to determine the severity.


The garden king of house plants is cut with special incisions for the release of juice and applied to the entire surface of the hematoma. In a similar way, you can use a fresh leaf of garden cabbage.

Oil and vinegar.

Mix vegetable oil in equal parts, plain water and vinegar. Soak a suitable cloth or gauze well enough and place it on the site of the impact. Cover with cellophane and any warm item for 4 hours. The next compress is done after 12 hours.


It is sold in almost any pharmacy. Warm water and its powder is mixed and immediately placed on the sore knee. When the mixture used is completely dry, just wash it off and that’s it.


Picked leaves of street wormwood by any suitable method crushed (you can use a meat grinder) and applied to a bandage, gauze or cloth. Apply medicinal mixture from wormwood for 1 hour, and after 1 hour repeat. And so on until maximum recovery of the knee. The recipe is not allowed for open lesions and personal allergies to any type of wormwood.

Sugar together with onions.

This combination minimizes inflammation. A medium-sized baked onion is ground together with 200 grams of sugar. The area of ​​the knee injury is lubricated with the mixture and covered with a waterproof cloth. The main thing is to keep your knee still and calm.

Honey and alcohol.

Natural honey and alcohol must be mixed in equal proportions and used as a compress to insulate the knee. Frequent movements are also not allowed here.

Bay leaf.

You will need exactly half a pack of leaves, which are filled with a mug of oil, which must not be refined. Infuse everything for a whole decade, choosing the most dark place in the house. Allows you to treat old hematoma on the knee by naturally rubbing it into the skin itself.

As in the cases described above, the first step is to ensure a cold position to prevent swelling and spread of the hematoma. Ice wrapped in any fabric is perfect. Do not forget that using ice without tissue causes frostbite to the tissues themselves.


Crush the whole leaf and immediately place it under the eye. This mixture does not allow further spread.


Just dilute high-quality purchased vodka with ordinary water. Pour all contents into different shapes and freeze in the freezer. Constantly wipe the affected area resulting in cubes.

Important information!!! Perform cooling only in the very first days. This will not help further, but on the contrary, it will harm.


The purchased powder is diluted in 1 tbsp. l water. A kind of mush should form. Fold the gauze or bandage and put the mixture there and simply apply it to the affected area. The procedure takes 15 minutes, followed by 30 rest. The applied layer of ointment is washed off with water.


Select an onion that is approximately small in size and chop it completely. Add exactly 1 tbsp. l salt and wait 15 minutes. Then wrap the pulp in gauze and place it with extreme care on the hematoma under the eye.

Helpful information!!! If you alternate onion recipe with a bodyagi recipe, the deliverance will be much more effective.


A very simple recipe that allows you to quickly provide full recovery skin. Place 10 grams of salt in 100 ml of water and start stirring constantly until all the salt is completely dissolved. Then wet a suitable cloth and apply it to your bruised eye.


Many people have this growing in their house. healing plant, which has absorbable properties. Cut the aloe leaf and grind it, if possible add half a spoon of celandine juice. Add 1 tbsp to mixed herbs. l of water and remove where the heat is retained. After 30 minutes, apply to the black eye and remove after 1 hour.


Pass the beets through a kitchen grater and add the same amount of natural honey to this mixture. Using a thick layer, cover all the shadowing. After several proposed and described procedures, even the darkest hematoma will become significantly lighter.

Cold methods.

Even modern doctors recommend this method. The best choice is a variety of pieces of ice, which are placed in any dry and suitable tissue, with further placement at the site where the insidious hematoma has formed. The duration does not exceed 10 minutes with a 2-hour break required.

Warming up.

Allowed only after 2 days. Any warm influence at this time ensures expansion and circulation of the blood. In the old days, for example, they used an ordinary heating pad, heated salt, which was wrapped in a warm thing, or they filled a bottle with hot water.


Sold in many pharmacies, already properly purified clay. You will also need cotton fabric on which clay is applied, and polyethylene or cellophane on top of it. Always apply for 2 hours, twice throughout the entire day.


Laundry soap is passed through a kitchen grater, followed by the addition of egg yolk. When a homogeneous mass is formed, lubricate the damage every 30 minutes.


Simple butter, is also capable of providing the expected assistance. Effectively lubricate the entire affected area every next 30 minutes.


Healing ability indoor flower, is capable of performing many healing miracles. Select a leaf (preferably at least 3 years old) and cut it lengthwise. Cover the entire hematoma with your open pulp, and after complete drying, replace it with a new leaf.


Exactly 40 grams of seeds should be boiled over reduced heat for no more than 15 minutes. After cooling on its own, you are allowed to make lotions about 5 rubles a day.

Removal of any hematoma folk ways and methods take time. But they are easily accessible to anyone and everyone. Modern medicine developed a lot various means, but they are not available to every person. In any case, it is extremely important to obtain a doctor's approval for any prescription you personally choose.


1. Description of the disease. HEMATOMA - limited accumulation of blood in tissues due to bleeding; at the same time, a cavity filled with blood is formed in them. The occurrence of hematomas is facilitated by pathologically altered vessels, for example, in atherosclerosis. Hematomas can form under the skin, periosteum, in muscles, mucous membranes, in internal organs, etc. Small superficial hematomas caused by soft tissue contusion are a painful swelling with bruising, commonly called a bruise. Their occurrence can often be prevented by correctly providing first aid for a bruise. With timely treatment, these hematomas usually disappear without a trace. In the case of extensive hematomas, such as intermuscular hematomas, the patient is subject to medical supervision and treatment.

Causes of hematoma: hematomas occur when blood vessels rupture, more often due to a blow, tissue bruise, or a blood clotting disorder; other injuries can also cause a hematoma when it is difficult for blood to escape out.

Signs of a hematoma: a swelling appears, separated from the surrounding tissues, which relatively quickly increases in size. The swelling fluctuates and at first has no signs of inflammation. Subsequently (on the 3-5th day), reactive inflammation develops in the tissues: a cushion and swelling of the tissues forms along the periphery of the hematoma, slight pain and an increase in local temperature appear.

When microbes penetrate the hematoma, the swelling becomes hot and sharply painful, and the overall body temperature rises.

Classification of hematomas: depending on the location (subserous, subdural, intramuscular, etc.), relationship to the lumen of the blood vessel (pulsating, non-pulsating), and the state of the blood that has been shed (coagulated, infected, suppurating). The main symptoms of a hematoma located in the subcutaneous tissue and muscles are: pain, the presence of limited swelling, impaired function of the corresponding muscles, a change in skin color from lilac-red to yellow-green, and often an increase in local temperature. With a hematoma of internal organs, symptoms of compression of the latter come to the fore.

Bruises: the site of the bruise begins to be blue/gray, and closer to recovery the bruise begins to “bloom” - acquires yellow, green and pink shades.

Near the brain: intracerebral traumatic hematoma. There is currently no clear definition of the concept of “traumatic intracerebral hematoma” due to the ongoing evolution of views on the pathogenesis of the process (synonyms are traumatic intracerebral hemorrhage [TIH], hemorrhagic brain contusion). Diagnosis is usually made on the basis of a computed tomography (CT) scan of the brain, which reveals a lesion increased density in the brain parenchyma of a patient with TBI (many authors do not include in this concept lesions smaller than 1 cm in maximum dimension). Foci of hemorrhage are most often detected in the areas of the brain that are most affected by acceleration/deceleration - the poles and basal surfaces of the frontal, temporal and occipital lobe. Typically, TCE causes less mass effect than would be expected for a given volume. TVC tends to progressively increase over several days after injury, as revealed by serial follow-up CT scans. In some cases, hemorrhage develops delayed, in which case it is called late TBC. A CT scan performed several months after the injury reveals minimal changes in the brain (or no changes at all).

Acute traumatic subdural hematoma is an accumulation of blood in the space between the inner layer of the dura mater and the arachnoid membrane of the brain. Patients with acute traumatic subdural hematoma typically exhibit significantly greater primary brain damage than patients with epidural hematoma, so treatment outcomes for this group of patients are significantly poorer. There is also a chronic subdural hematoma, which usually occurs in older people ( average age- 63 years old). Less than 50% of them have a history of traumatic brain injury. In 20-25% of cases, chronic subdural hematoma is bilateral.

Epidural hematoma is a local accumulation of blood in the space between the inner surface of the skull and the outer layer of the dura mater (epidural space).

2. Treatment of hematoma. In case of bruises it is vital important organs(brain, liver, etc.) you must immediately consult a doctor, because in addition to other injuries, hematomas can occur, which are very life-threatening.

Treatment of small hematomas is conservative: immediately after a bruise - local cold and a pressure bandage (to prevent the development of a hematoma) and analgesics (to reduce unpleasant pain), and a few days after the injury - physiotherapeutic procedures (to speed up resorption). In the future, for small hematomas, heat and massage are prescribed (no earlier than after 5-6 days); for large hematomas, emptying punctures are made (with a needle, trocar) or the hematoma is opened and treated as open wound. Suppurating hematomas must be opened.

For large hematomas, evacuation is indicated liquid blood by puncture followed by application of a pressure bandage. If bleeding resumes, opening the hematoma, ligating the bleeding vessel, or applying a vascular suture is indicated. When hematomas suppurate, its opening and drainage is indicated. For uncomplicated hematomas, the prognosis is usually favorable.

Near the brain: intracerebral traumatic hematoma. Treatment in most cases is conservative: support of vital functions; correction intracranial pressure in order to maintain it below 25 mmHg. (mannitol, ventricular drainage, barbiturates, hyperventilation). If dislocation and wedging occur (or there is a clear threat of their development), surgical intervention is indicated.

Acute traumatic subdural hematoma. In most cases, acute subdural hematoma requires emergency surgery - craniotomy, removal of the hematoma. Absolute reading before surgery - a hematoma more than 1 cm thick, according to computed tomography. In the postoperative period, intensive therapy is required to support vital functions and control the level of intracranial pressure (should be less than 25 mm Hg) - mannitol, ventricular drainage, barbiturates, hyperventilation. Epidural hematoma. In most cases, urgent surgery is indicated.

3. Recipes and methods used in traditional medicine with hematomas.

Recipe 1: An excellent remedy for bruises and hemorrhages is a linen plaster: take a clean linen cloth and crush it into powder or dust, then mix this powder with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:4 and it can be used.

Recipe 2: For bruises, rub in, and for wounds, apply viper fat to the sore spot.

Recipe 3: For joint bruises, sprains and dislocations (after reduction), it is recommended to drink a decoction of arnica flowers after removing the ice or rub the sore spot with camphor alcohol.

Recipe 4: One of the best means treatment of bruises is considered to be bodyaga: 2 tablespoons of bodyaga, crushed into powder, diluted in 4 tablespoons boiled water and immediately apply a bandage with this mixture to the site of the injury. The bodyaga will begin to act after a certain amount of moisture has evaporated and will protect against bruising.

Recipe 9: When an old bruise hurts, you need to tie potato slices to it or boil 0.5 kg. ripe white beans until fully cooked, knead thoroughly and apply to the sore spot. Bandage the top with a cotton cloth and leave the bandage overnight - the pain will go away.

Recipe 10: Aloe with honey is applied to impact marks.

Recipe 11: A water infusion of grapevine ash is drunk for bruises.

Before starting any prescriptions, be sure to consult with your doctor.

A hematoma is a formation that forms as a result of trauma and damage to soft tissues and is characterized by the accumulation of blood in a limited space. It can form under the skin, in muscle tissue, under the periosteum, in the mucous membrane. Immediately after the blood vessels rupture, the blood remains liquid, but after some time it coagulates, which provokes progression inflammatory process in surrounding tissues.

As a rule, a hematoma occurs at the site of a bruise - this is external mechanical damage. Accompanied by severe pain, swelling and early or late formation of a bruise (hematoma).

Read in this article

What is a bruise

A bruise is bleeding into the superficial layers of the skin. Appears due to rupture of blood vessels upon impact. Usually the cause is a fall or domestic injury. In people with blood diseases (few platelets or clotting factors), fragile blood vessels, bruises occur with slight pressure on the skin or even spontaneously (for example, after sleep).

How long does a bruise last?

A small bruise will disappear in 10-12 days. Large and deep lesions can take at least 2-3 weeks to resolve. If there are complications - suppuration, formation of an abscess or phlegmon (extensive inflammation subcutaneous tissue), then this condition will not disappear on its own. Required surgery. You should also see a doctor if long time there is pain, swelling and limitation of movement.

Degrees of hematomas

Most often, hematomas are treated at home, but this is not always unjustified. It all depends on the degree of injury, how much blood has “spread” in the soft tissues.

Mild degree

Their formation ends one day after injury. Characteristic of hematomas mild degree severity will be mild pain at the site of the injury and minor bruising.

Treatment of such bruises occurs at home. They either go away on their own or under the influence of simple external medications.

Moderate severity

It forms within a maximum of 5 hours and is characterized by severe bruising and mild pain. If the bruise occurs on a limb, it will most often be limited in movement.

It is best to treat such hematomas under the supervision of doctors, but it is quite acceptable to do it independently.

But even if the pain does not bother you, the hematoma is not extensive, but there is immobility of the limb, then a visit to the doctor cannot be avoided.

Severe hematomas

Bruising appears after 40 - 90 minutes, severe pain and complete immobility of the limb are noted (if the injury occurred in this particular part of the body).

Such damage involves seeking qualified medical help with a full examination, prescribing a full therapeutic course, and in some cases, surgical intervention helps to cope with the problem and restore the functionality of the damaged organ.

Effective remedies from the pharmacy for bruises and bruises

Before starting treatment of bruises and hematomas, the victim is given first aid:

  • You need to make sure that there is no damage to the musculoskeletal system. This is easy to do: just move your fingers, joints, bend over/unbend. Whenever acute pain or the inability to move, you must urgently contact a medical facility.
  • It is advisable to apply cold to the site of the bruise - ice, meat from the freezer, a cold compress. This will help reduce the intensity of pain and prevent the formation of a hematoma (at least it will be less pronounced). One nuance needs to be taken into account: cold is applied to the site of injury for a maximum of 15 minutes, then you need to remove it for 20 minutes and repeat the procedure again.
  • On the second day after the injury, a hematoma is “imposed” on the site of formation. iodine grid. If the movements of the bruised area are not limited and there is no pain, then you can do a massage.

From pharmaceuticals The following will help speed up recovery after injury and hematoma formation:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Ibuprofen and Paracetamol in tablet form. They are taken from the first minutes of injury, 1 - 2 tablets every 4 hours. These drugs have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect at the same time.
  • Enzymatic agents - Wobenzym or Phlogenzyme. They are intended for oral administration and help quickly restore joint mobility, relieve swelling, and reduce the severity of hematoma.
  • Preparations Viprosal or Apizartron with bee or snake venom in the composition. They perfectly warm the deep layers of soft tissues and promote the resorption of blood accumulations.
  • Capsicam is an ointment with a vasodilating effect. Its use causes minimal spread of the bruise and reduces pain.

The most effective means for the treatment of hematomas and bruises are those that are applied topically.

Ointments for bruises

You can find a lot of products in pharmacies local application, but some of them are the most popular:

The components of this gel are dimexide, heparin, panthenol. They penetrate deeply into the skin and have the following effects:

  • anti-inflammatory,
  • absorbable,
  • painkiller,
  • decongestant,
  • recovering from injury,
  • improve blood circulation.

After use, the gel immediately relieves pain and cools. For the treatment of superficial bruises, 2-3 days are enough; extensive lesions usually disappear in 1.5-2 weeks. It is advisable to use Dolobene for deep hematomas. Apply to skin that does not have a wound surface three times a day. Price for 50 g – 380 rubles, 125 hryvnia.

Traumeel S

This homeopathic remedy. Accelerates wound healing, resolves hematomas, relieves pain and inflammation, normalizes skin functions. It is recommended to apply 5-6 times a day on the first day after injury, and as the condition improves, switch to 2-3 times a day. The advantage of this drug is the minimum of side effects. Price for 50 g – 516 rubles, 220 hryvnia.

Plaster for bruises and contusions

The use of a patch for bruises and contusions (Nanoplast Forte) helps quickly:

  • relieve pain and muscle spasms;
  • reduce the inflammatory response of tissues;
  • get rid of bruising;
  • eliminate swelling.

The skin is exposed to magnetic and thermal radiation from the applied rare earth element powder. The patch is applied to the area of ​​the hematoma for 12 hours. In mild cases, 3 days are enough, for deep lesions - at least six. For a package with 3 patches you need to pay 170 rubles.

Compress and lotions for bruises and contusions

To get rid of bruises and contusions, apply compresses and lotions with the following solutions:

  • strong tea leaves;
  • alcohol diluted half with water, or vodka;
  • salt - 2 tablespoons per glass of warm water.

Any of these liquids should be moistened with a bandage of 8 layers of gauze or other cotton cloth, squeezed out, and applied to the injury site. Either compress paper (baking parchment) or thick cellophane is placed on top of the compress. An elastic bandage is used for fixation, but in an emergency you can use nylon tights. All these methods will help if you don’t have medications on hand.

Banana for bruises is used as a temporary measure to help relieve swelling. The peel is applied to the area of ​​injury. Her inner part has an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect.

To enhance the effect, immediately after the blow it is applied chilled (it is enough to keep it in the freezer for 15 minutes), from the second day you can use the usual one. It is fixed to the place of the bruise or contusion cling film or an elastic bandage for 30 minutes. Such dressings need to be repeated 3-4 times a day.

Medicines for bruises and hematomas

To get rid of bruises and hematomas, if they are extensive, multiple, accompanied by swelling and pain, a traumatologist may recommend medications: absorbable injections (L-lysine escinate and Traumeel) and tablets (Eskuzan, Detralex, Troxevasin, Phlebodia and others). Iodine is sometimes indicated for topical use.

Absorbable injections

Severe swelling and pain syndrome removed with a drug for resorption in injections - L-lysine escinate. It has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, reduces capillary permeability, and quickly reduces tissue swelling. One of the advantages of this remedy is stimulation of the immune system, which helps restore damage and prevent suppuration. Contraindicated in case of bleeding and severe kidney and liver diseases.

The second remedy is used only in complex treatment. Injections of Traumeel solution help relieve pain, improve the flow of blood and interstitial fluid, and accelerate the resorption of hematomas. Not recommended for individual intolerance, diseases of the blood and immune system, viral infections.


For oral administration, tablets that act on blood vessels (venotonics) are used. They reduce swelling, strengthen capillaries, relieve pain and local inflammatory reaction. They are also taken as preventive courses for frequent appearance bruising due to fragility vascular wall. The most effective include:

  • Aescusan,
  • Detralex,
  • Troxevasin,
  • Phlebodia,
  • Cyclo-3-fort.

Although most of their components are herbal extracts, any medicine prescribed only after examination.

Vitamins Ascorutin are also indicated to strengthen blood vessels. them with for preventive purposes It is recommended to take a tablet 2 times a day for a month.

Does iodine help?

Iodine helps with bruises due to local irritation of skin receptors. It causes:

  • expansion of capillaries;
  • acceleration of blood circulation;
  • reduction of inflammation;
  • elimination of edema and stagnation in tissues;
  • resorption of seals.

A mesh of iodine is applied to the affected part of the skin; it is best to do this procedure at night. Repeat lubrication no more than once a day. It is recommended to use on the body and limbs, avoiding application to the elbows and knees, and the face, as burns are possible there.

What to put on a child's bruise

To relieve pain and swelling of the skin and speed up resorption, you can anoint your child’s bruise with ointments with medicinal herbs:

  • with arnica (gel, balm), calendula;
  • Boro plus;
  • Rescuer;
  • Traumeel S.

At night, an iodine mesh can be applied to the bruise area from the age of 1 year. It must be remembered that a child’s skin is more sensitive, and its absorption capacity is much higher than that of adults. Therefore, ointments and gels should be applied in a very thin layer and no more than 2 times a day.

Children's ointment for bruises and bruises

The safety and effectiveness of children's ointment for bruises and bruises - Bepanten - has been proven. It contains dexpanthenol. This substance has vitamin activity, as well as wound-healing, anti-inflammatory effects. The drug is especially effective for small abrasions. Prescribed from birth. If there is a risk of infection, Bepanten plus is used.

IN home medicine cabinet Parents should also have a remedy such as calendula ointment. It helps with cuts, falls, and hematomas in children. Ointments are applied from 1 to 4-5 times a day, depending on the degree of injury.

What will help with subcutaneous bruising

Help for subcutaneous bruises: cold in the first hours after injury, compresses, ointments, iodine. Depending on the location of the hematoma (nose, lips, eyelid above and below the eye, limbs, body), there are features of the use of drugs and procedures.

How to get rid of a hematoma on the leg, back, neck

To get rid of a hematoma on an arm, leg, neck or back, you need:

  • After injury, immediately apply cold (hold for about 20-30 minutes with breaks), repeat periodically in the first 6-12 hours.
  • Apply a tight bandage to the limb (for no more than 3 hours, there should be no pain or change in the color of the surrounding skin).
  • Apply a compress of vodka, calendula tincture or salt half diluted with water (10 g per 100 ml of water).
  • Lubricate with Heparin, Troxevasin ointment or Dolobene at least 5-6 times in the first 2 days, and then 2-3 times a day until completely absorbed.
  • At night, apply a mesh of iodine or undiluted tincture of arnica and calendula.

In the first two days, restriction is recommended physical activity, especially if there is severe pain and swelling. In this case, it is important that when resting, the affected part is in an elevated position if possible (for example, a pillow or a cushion from a blanket is placed under the leg). It is also important to exclude during the first day any exposure to heat - hot shower, alcoholic drinks, warming up.

From the third day, there must be movement in the affected area, as this will speed up the resorption of the bruise. Warming up also helps. At home, this could be a canvas bag of salt, heated in the oven until pleasantly warm (not hot), or a heating pad.

Watch the video on how to remove a bruise at home:

How to remove a black eye from a blow

To help remove a black eye from a blow:

  • Ice, tablespoons chilled in the freezer, frozen water and half-and-half vodka in the first 6 hours, rubbing should be done as often as possible throughout the day.
  • A compress of strong tea leaves, frozen tea bags or cut aloe leaf.
  • Application of ointments (not earlier than 6 hours from the injury) - Bruise Off, Heparin, Rescuer, Boro Plus.
  • Grated mask cabbage leaf and finely chopped parsley, they are mixed with cold sour cream to a paste, you need to keep it for 20 minutes.
  • Warming up from the third day. A bag of heated salt or a boiled egg is suitable for this (there should be a feeling of pleasant warmth; hot compresses can increase swelling).

The sleeping pillow must be high to ensure blood flow away from the face.

How to remove a bruise above the eye

You can remove a bruise above the eye using:

  • Cold in the first hours after injury - any ice or even food from the freezer, wrapped in a cotton towel or napkin.
  • A compress of cabbage leaves, smeared with tincture of calendula or arnica, semi-alcoholic or vodka.
  • Lubricating with gels - Heparin, Lyoton, Troxevasin, Dolobene.
  • Applying banana peel ( inside) or finely grated raw potatoes for 20 minutes.

To disguise bruises on the face, products with a tinting effect (Express Bruise, Bruise Off) and concealers with a dense texture are suitable.

How to remove bruises from injections

In order to remove bruises from injections, an iodine mesh is used. It is recommended to do it at night. During the day, the skin is additionally lubricated with preparations - Indovazin, Rescuer, Dolobene, Venitan Forte. Compresses made from arnica or comfrey tincture and Vishnevsky ointment will also help.

How to treat a bruise on the eyelid, lips, or remove it from the nose

In order to remove a bruise from the nose, lips, or quickly cure a hematoma on the eyelid, you need to:

  • Use ice in the first hours.
  • Apply a compress: a gauze cloth is soaked in the juice of aloe or Kalanchoe, cabbage, or potatoes.
  • Make a mask from cold cottage cheese, mashed with salt (a quarter of a teaspoon is needed for 50 g).
  • Apply ointment - Trombless plus, Heparin, Zinc.

What to do if a black eye does not go away

If the bruise under the eye does not go away for a long time, you need to use:

Method or means

What to do

Absorbable agents

Rub in Rescuer, Gepatrombin S, Lyoton gel.

Face massage

It must first be lubricated with a preparation for bruises or a balm with arnica or comfrey.

Gel with bodyaga

Rub, but be careful not to get it into your eye.

Contrast compresses

Moisten a napkin in hot water and apply all over the face, then in ice, alternate several times. You can also use tablespoons (heated and cooled) for this purpose and massage the infraorbital area with them.


Electrophoresis, phonophoresis, magnetic therapy, darsonvalization.

Prolonged resorption of bruises is a sign of venous and lymphatic stagnation. To find out its cause, you need to contact a traumatologist, and in the presence of osteochondrosis cervical region spine (headaches, difficulty moving the neck) - see a neurologist.

Why did a lump form at the site of the bruise?

A lump at the site of a bruise is formed due to the accumulation of blood under the skin. If it is small and there is no infection, it usually resolves with proper treatment(cold, ointments, then warming, iodine mesh). If swelling, redness, severe pain, increased local temperature or fever increases, immediate contact with a traumatologist or surgeon is required, as these signs occur during suppuration.

Folk remedies to quickly treat a bruise, remove a hematoma, bruise

If severe consequences no bruise is noted, and the hematoma is not widespread, then you can use folk remedies:

  • Mix dry red wine and vinegar in equal quantities, add salt (maximum 1 teaspoon). A gauze napkin or textile rag is moistened in the resulting product and applied to the injured area. The compress should be kept until it dries, then the procedure is repeated. If you treat a contusion and bruise in this way during the first 24 hours after injury, then health restoration will proceed quickly.
  • 2 hours after the injury and the formation of a hematoma, the injured area should be wiped camphor alcohol and apply a pressure bandage. Similar method Treatment is only advisable if the bruise is minor and there is no severe pain.

Applying a pressure bandage
  • Mix brewer's yeast with water in such an amount to obtain a paste-like mass. It is laid out on a gauze napkin and applied to the bruised area for a couple of hours. You need to do at least 2 such procedures a day - and already on the third day the discomfort will disappear, and the bruise will become less pronounced.
  • Leaves white cabbage and grated raw potatoes applied to the site of the bruise - the skin temperature decreases, the bruise and swelling become smaller in size. Apply the indicated vegetables for 20 - 40 minutes.

Bruises with hematomas are not always a banal injury that can either be treated at home or go away on its own. Before starting treatment, you need to find out the extent of the damage. If health care is not required, then it is enough to carry out a couple of procedures with folk remedies - and your health will be restored. If acute pain occurs, any independent measures are contraindicated.

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