Kagocel: cheaper analogues (list), which drug is better. What is better – “Kagocel” or “Arbidol”? Characteristics of drugs and a list of cheap analogues

It is believed that the sooner treatment for influenza or ARVI begins, the more successful it will be. In addition to tea with grandma's raspberry jam, modern methods therapy and prevention of the spread of influenza include pharmacological drugs. Which drug to choose: antiviral, immunomodulatory or analgesic cold symptoms? The treatment strategy, of course, should be determined by the doctor, but it doesn’t hurt to know information about antiviral drugs. Therefore, let's compare Ingavirin and Kagocel in a short review - two popular domestic products that can be bought in our pharmacies.

There are contraindications, consult a specialist

Ingavirin and Kagocel - comparison

The pharmacological group to which the drugs belong includes antiviral agents. Both drugs are produced in Russia; there are no analogues in other countries. Kagocel (Nearmedic Plus) comes in the form of 12 mg tablets, and Ingavirin (Valenta Pharmaceuticals) comes in the form of capsules of 30, 60 and 90 mg.

Both drugs contain excipients, which include standard fillers, stabilizers, dyes (for capsules), thickeners and preservatives for dosage forms.

Active substance Ingavirina has several names: vitaglutam, dicarbamine, pentanedioic acid imidazolylethanamide. It is synthesized on the basis of the biogenic amine histamine, which plays an important role in our body. Histamine is involved in many immune and circulatory systems(contraction of bronchial muscles, increased secretion gastric juice and vascular permeability, lowering pressure, stimulating the immune response). Russian scientists combined histamine with glutaric (pentanedioic) acid, resulting in a new chemical compound, which has a virucidal effect.

Don't be surprised if you come across a drug called Dicarbamine and you will see the same active ingredient as in Ingavirin. Indeed, dicarbamine/vitaglutam has another biological effect at the body level - the ability to stimulate the entry into the bloodstream of mature neutrophils (a type of white blood cell that participates in a nonspecific immune response). This explains its use after a course of chemotherapy, when the patient’s immune system is severely damaged and cannot adequately fight infections.

The difference between Kagocel and Ingavirin is that it carries active ingredient, relating not to the animal world, but to the plant world. The substance kagocel (the drug is named the same as the active substance) is synthesized on the basis gossypola– yellow pigment of cotton plant. In nature, gossypol provides the plant with protection from pests, having high antimicrobial and antiviral properties.

In the 30s of the last century, the contraceptive properties of gossypol were discovered. It turned out that cottonseed oil, when consumed as food, leads to a decrease in fertility. Later, scientists around the world, intensively studying gossypol and its chemical derivatives, established the antiviral and antitumor activity of the substance.

To create the drug Kagocel, scientists combined gossypol with cellulose-glycolic acid (carboxymethylcellulose), while it lost its gonadotoxicity, but remained an active immunotropic agent.

Kagocel or Ingavirin - which is more effective?

The answer to the question of which is more effective, Kagocel or Ingavirin, directly depends on the effect of the drug on the body. Kagocel potentiates the production of interferons by the human immune system - special molecules that have direct antiviral activity and stimulate the cellular immune response in the body. In other words, Kagocel launches natural process, not preventing the infectious disease, but reducing the severity of its course.

This mode of action of the drug does not depend on the type of virus and its resistance, which is the advantage of such immunomodulatory agents as Kagocel. However, it is very important to take this type of medicine as soon as possible after the onset of symptoms.

The difference between Ingavirin and Kagocel in terms of the type of action is that, in addition to immunomodulatory activity, it also has a direct virucidal effect. Ingavirin is active against adeno- and rhinoviruses, parainfluenza and influenza A, B. It damages the nucleoprotein of the virus, which is necessary for its reproduction.

Indications and contraindications

Getting acquainted with the instructions for the drugs Ingavirin and Kagocel, a comparison of the range of their prescriptions tells us about their similarity. Indications for Ingavirin are determined by the breadth of the list of viruses against which it is active (see above). Kagocel in effect nonspecific mechanism The action is also effective against various viruses. In addition to the prevention and treatment of ARVI and influenza, it is also prescribed for.

Increased sensitivity to the components of the drug, breastfeeding and pregnancy are contraindications for taking Ingavirin and Kagocel. Ingavirin should not be taken during childhood and up to 18 years of age, Kagocel is also not recommended for children and is prohibited for children under 3 years of age. Due to the fact that Kagocel, among other excipients, contains lactose, its use is not recommended for lactase deficiency, hypolactasia, and glucose-galactose malabsorption.

Despite the fact that Kagocel can be used with other antiviral drugs, it is better not to use Kagocel and Ingavirin at the same time. Firstly, the immunomodulatory effect is characteristic of both of them, and secondly, Ingavirin is not recommended to be taken with other cold remedies.

You can often come across the opinion that it is better not to take Kagocel or Ingavirin, since they have not undergone randomized studies abroad. Is it really that important? On the one hand, if a domestic medicine does not have such a certificate, this does not mean that it is not effective. This is the share of many Russian and Soviet drugs.

On the other hand, one might wonder why developers are not trying to enter the global market. As for the drug Kagocel, for example, the recommendation for its use in children over 3 years of age raises caution. Detailed studies of the metabolism of kagocel in the body have not been carried out, so there remains a slight possibility of its chemical breakdown to gonadotoxic gossypol.

What is more affordable - Kagocel or Ingavirin?

All other things being equal, let's also compare Ingavirin or Kagocel, which is better to buy? Kagocel (10 tablets) costs from 220 to 234 rubles, and an adult needs 2 packages (18-20 tablets) for a course of taking it. In total it turns out to be about 450 rubles. A package of Ingavirin 90 mg, which contains 7 capsules per course of treatment, is in the same price range of 398-447 rubles.

Voting and reviews

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    There was no treatment with Kagocel, but ingavirin did not help. It was after treatment that they stopped buying antiviral drugs altogether because they lost faith in their effectiveness.

    What scares me more is that ingavirin contains the same substance that is used to treat cancer in dicarbamine, and the most surprising thing is that the dosage differs insignificantly: 100 and 90 for adults. Here we really don’t know how the immune system will react. You can lose it very quickly.

    Ingavirin is a very controversial drug, since it does not affect the disease itself, but the immune system, it is very difficult to predict how the body will react to this effect, but the consequences can be very unpredictable, so I do not treat myself with such drugs.

    For prevention, the doctor advised me to take Ingavirin, so no internet advice, just a consultation with a specialist. I took Ingavirin one capsule a day for seven days during the epidemic, I didn’t get sick, everything was ok. and I treat myself with it if I get sick during calmer periods, it helps me cope with the disease faster.

    I probably tried everything possible, because I used to be sick all the time. A small draft - and you're done, runny nose, cough, a complete bouquet, in short. In general, she mercilessly experimented on her body, stuffing it with all kinds of pills. By own experience I can say that Ingavirin is the only thing that helps you get back on your feet within an adequate period of time (2-3 days if slight cold, 4-5 days, if something more serious). I was treated with it 2 times, both times the effect lived up to expectations, so I won’t even try to experiment with other medications anymore.

    I’m glad for you that it helped, but it didn’t work for me, although I took it twice, once a rash appeared on my body, and the second time I was treated with antibiotics.

    I never listen to anyone, only my doctor. That’s why I took Ingavirin when he prescribed it to me. I got sick literally a month ago, called a doctor, and he prescribed these capsules for me. Ingavirin 90. And you know, it really made my illness easier; I didn’t even expect that one capsule a day could work wonders.

    Immunomodulating drugs are addictive even faster than antibiotics, so I don’t advise you to get carried away, this way you can hook your immunity to antiviral drugs. And this threatens that your own body will no longer cope with common cold, and will demand a magic pill. So it is not known whether treatment with such drugs as ingavirin is more beneficial or harmful.

    Comparison with antibiotics is incorrect. They work differently. Another thing is that uncontrolled use of both is fraught.

    It's cheaper, I wouldn't say. Ingavirin is not suitable as an independent medicine; it should be taken only together with the main treatment, and all because it does not cure anything. Another money scam.

    I like Ingavirin better, it’s more convenient to take and one package is enough for the entire course! and its effect is noticeably lighter already in the first day, then the temperature gradually begins to subside and becomes much better. V Lately I'm thinking of starting to drink it for prevention

    You don’t even have to start, Ingavirin is a waste of money and nothing more. When I was treated with it, I didn’t feel any relief, I started studying the instructions thoroughly, and you know what I read there?))) That it’s impossible to trace significant concentrations in the blood, then the question involuntarily arises, how does it heal then?

    This year there was such a hype around antiviral drugs, it was even difficult to buy. My husband brought it back from the pharmacy as a shortage, with a sense of accomplishment. But when I started taking it, I didn’t feel any relief. The snot just stopped flowing, so it didn’t bother me much anyway. And the rate that had been there for five days still didn’t go away, so my husband had to run to the pharmacy again for vitamins and paracetamol. If I had known that everything would turn out this way, I wouldn’t have bought it, I just threw away five hundred rubles and that’s it.

    Five hundred rubles is no problem, the trouble is that most of these remedies are absolute dummies, and you only have to choose what to treat yourself, because doctors in this case are also not a guarantor. They promise to soon clear the market of such products, but how long will it take, who knows?!

    If the market is “cleansed” of existing antiviral drugs, then there will be nothing left, because medicine has not yet learned how to effectively combat ARVI. From bacterial infections there are dozens of the most different antibiotics, which successfully treat them by acting directly on bacteria. With viruses, such numbers are not yet effective. In the 21st century, the most effective and universal recommendation is to drink more fluids, such and such innovations in medicine. Almost the entire fight against the virus falls on the immune system, and to help the immune system there are only the means that we currently have. That is why they act so ambiguously, since the characteristics and potential of the immune system are different for everyone. Here, everyone must decide for themselves which drug to choose or which therapist to choose so that they don’t slip just anything.

    Before Ingavirin started being sold in pharmacies, I always bought Kagocel, but now I can say for sure that it is not as effective as Ingavirin, which puts you on your feet after just 3 days, although the course of treatment is a little longer. Kagocel periodically made me feel nauseous, but Ingavirin was tolerated just fine! None side effects, only positive results.

    You were just lucky, but my body categorically did not accept ingavirin, a small red rash appeared with severe itching, so I didn’t cure my cold, but made it even worse. No more antivirals. You need to be treated the old fashioned way, more effectively and cheaper.

    It’s strange, of course, but as far as I know, antiviral drugs do not cure colds. Symptoms are forgotten, that’s true, but they are not cured. That’s why I never buy antiviral drugs; they’re expensive and ineffective.

    In general, I have a hard time understanding why taking antiviral medications during a cold. It would be nice if they treated, but they only relieve symptoms. Can only be taken by persons over 18 years of age. Are we really so weak that an adult cannot bear the symptoms of acute respiratory infections? This is what concerns Ingavirin. I simply never encountered Kagocel. I personally do not see any benefit from such drugs.

    Recent studies have proven that Kagocel should not be taken by men, as it affects reproductive function.

    I can’t say anything about Kagocel, I just haven’t tried to treat myself with it. But after trying to be cured with ingavirin, I’m unlikely to want to try something antiviral. For me personally, Ingavirin is wasted money, but most importantly, lost time, additional days feeling unwell. It’s a shame, it’s annoying, but ok, I will no longer trust advertisements for health workers and television. It is necessary to be treated using proven methods.

    “Advertising for healthcare workers” is a strong word. If you decipher it, this is apparently what many smart patients do - they come to the pharmacy and ask for “something for the flu.” And it doesn’t occur to you to first make sure that it’s the flu, and not a sore throat or some kind of herpes in general. And then the medicine turns out to be bad. In general, I only see advertising on the Internet - I have to, I don’t watch TV. I take the pills that the doctor prescribes. Therefore, they all act as expected, yes, it’s a pity for the time spent waiting in line at the clinic, but then I make up for it with a quick recovery.

    Advertising on television can still be forgiven, it is official advertising, a sane person will not receive treatment based on it. But advertising of drugs by doctors is already serious. It was the doctor who prescribed Ingavirin to me. What kind of quick recovery are we talking about? Didn't have any effect. Moreover, this year, if you ask anyone what was prescribed for ARVI, ingavirin comes first. And I haven’t yet met anyone who helped real life. Only rave reviews on the Internet.

    God, you read reviews here about the medications that the doctor prescribed for you, and you begin to doubt the adequacy of the doctor. It turns out that I was prescribed a terrible chemistry that does not treat ARVI at all, and they also received money for it? Tough! When will we start making Medicines and not bullshit?

    In general, almost all drugs contain terrible chemistry. This has been the case for many hundreds of years.
    “Everything is poison, everything is medicine; both are determined by the dose” (Paracelsus)

    Firstly, Ingavirin was released during the swine flu epidemic without proper medical research. Secondly, its active substance does not have proven antiviral activity, but is used in another drug as a hematoprotector for cancer. I wouldn’t risk drinking it during ARVI, and I don’t advise you to either

    About research - you are in vain. There were studies, and they were considered quite sufficient to register and release this drug. And later they were held additional research. Including safety and effectiveness as an antiviral. And the active substance was not used for oncological diseases, but for stimulation immune defense after chemotherapy. As with ARVI, one of the tasks is to support immunity. Why are you so careless with the facts? They actually wrote a mini-thriller.

    Egor St, finally at least someone has argued the position with this hysteria about oncology treatment. In fact, this drug works for the flu, but I’m only writing about my experience

The pharmaceutical industry has so saturated the market with them that to the common man It's getting more and more difficult to figure this out. The most common prescriptions by doctors are Kagocel and Arbidol. Let's figure out what is the difference between the antiviral drugs Arbidol and Kagocel.

The principle of action of drugs against the virus

Studying the mechanism of action of each drug against the virus on human body will allow you to understand which one to give priority to.

Kagocel is an immunomodulatory drug that blocks the spread of viruses. Its adoption prevents the virus from entering the virus cells. The active ingredients of Kagocel - a copolymer of carboxymethylcellulose and gossypol - when entering the body, stimulate the production of endogenous interferon, which is responsible for the formation of the body's antipode to the virus. Prescribed for the prevention and treatment of herpes viruses in adults, influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections in children over 3 years of age.

The drug is over-the-counter, and is recognized by the World Health Association as a family drug, as it can be taken by all family members, regardless of age.

Available in tablet form.

Arbidol contains:

  • active substance umifenovir, potato starch;
  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • povidone-K30, calcium stearate;
  • croscarmellose sodium.

The drug blocks hemagglutinin, thereby preventing the multiplication of the virus and suppressing its effect. Indicated when symptoms appear viral infections respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, acute respiratory rotavirus infection. Available in the form of tablets, capsules, suspensions.

The effectiveness of Kagocel and Arbidol

The medication is prescribed based on the medical history. Arbidol is best taken to prevent viral infections. Kagocel is taken to treat the disease, since it not only neutralizes the virus, but also actively fights it. The drug shows good effectiveness in the first days of the disease. Although both drugs do not require a prescription when purchasing, it is still better to consult with one.

It is a mistaken belief that taking several medical supplies the same spectrum of action at the same time, you can cope with the disease much more effectively. Taking Arbidol and Katsegol together is contraindicated, since having a similar composition, you can get an overdose. In turn, diarrhea and allergic reactions cannot be ruled out as a side effect.

Kagocel and pregnancy

Using logic, we can say that since Kagocel is more likely a drug for treatment, and Arbidol for prevention, when choosing a drug for the treatment of a sick person viral disease Only Arbidol is indicated for a pregnant woman. How dangerous are Kagocel tablets, let's say in the affirmative - dangerous. Taking Arbidol can be prescribed in critical cases manifestations of infection. The drug has not been tested in pregnant women; side effects in this case are unknown.

Use by children

For children with a cold, taking Arbidol is recommended. Pharmacists have developed a special form for children. Available in blisters with a dosage of fifty milligrams. Children under six years old are advised to take one tablet per day, from six to twelve years old - 2 tablets per day, over twelve years old - 3 tablets per day. Appointments are made for children aged two years and older. The drug is over-the-counter, but this does not mean that it can be taken unsupervised. Consultation with a doctor is required.

Should you pay attention to reviews?

Modern technologies allow you to access the Internet for any reason or discuss this or that topic with friends. The same applies to opinions about medications. Of course, if you doubt the safety of Arbidol or its benefits, it is unlikely that you will be able to ignore the reviews. However, it should be understood that reviews cannot characterize the drug. Before purchasing a medicine, you must refer to the instructions; only there you will be able to obtain reliable information.

From all that has been said, it follows that the decision to purchase any over-the-counter drug at a pharmacy should not be spontaneous. Only a pediatric infectious disease specialist can decide whether to prescribe this or that medicine to a child to treat a viral infection.

What is better Kagocel or Arbidol for a child and an adult?

As soon as a patient with a viral cold is faced with the question: “Which is better Kagocel or Arbidol?” for selection the right medicine, you must immediately pay attention to the instructions. A complete and careful reading of all the characteristics of both medications will allow you to compare your own health status with the indications for use of the medication in advance. The safest way is to contact a specialist who, from his experience medical practice He will immediately tell you which product is best.

It is also necessary to know what dosages are prescribed for adults and children for treatment, and which for prevention purposes. What is the duration of the course of treatment, are there any side effects, will the active substance of a particular drug affect the liver, stomach and others internal organs. In many ways, answers to such questions can be found not only from the doctor, but also among reviews real people who have already used Kagocel or Arbidol.

Comparison of overview information about Kagocel and Arbidol

The components in Kagocel differ from what is contained in Arbidol. People with allergies need to take a closer look at the ingredients from which the products are made. antiviral group. Possible adverse reactions in the form of allergic irritation, if any of the components in the composition of the medicine serves as a reagent for this in the body.

Table 1. Short review two medications

Induces interferon, which destroys viruses of any form.

It does not serve as an antipyretic, although it provokes this effect, forcing the body to work. The process is as follows: special proteins are produced that eliminate heat.

Composition of active substances

Umifenovir (50, 100 mg)

povidone and crospovidone;

colloidal silicon dioxide;

MCC (microcrystalline cellulose);

subvidone-K30 and primellose (for tablets);

In the capsule shell:

benzoates (propyl parahydroxides, methyl parahydroxides);

Color – cream, brown, brownish-gray.

Appearance – there are inclusions, biconvex.

Adult form – capsules, tablets.

Children's form - tablets.

Inside the capsule there is white powder and yellowish-cream granules.

Contour plate with cells for tablets.

Blisters for tablets:

adult form – 5, 10 pcs.;

children's form – 50 mg.

A pack contains 1, 2 or 4 blisters.


Russia, NEARMEDIC PLUS LLC, Hemofarm LLC, Nearmedic Pharma LLC.

Russia, JSC Pharmstandard-Tomskkhimpharm.

If children experience the first symptoms of their poor health, similar to a flu-like illness, then a reasonable question should be asked: “Which is better Kagocel or Arbidol for a child?” In this case, pediatricians more often prescribe the latter option, because it is approved for use by young patients from 3 years of age and is practically safe for them in all respects. Still, it is necessary to identify general properties both medications, in the treatment of both adults and children:

Both drugs are:

Having a therapeutic effect on the same groups of diseases.

Developing strong immunity.

Stimulating proteins, which, in turn, cause a decrease in high temperature.

The tablets are identical (except for the appearance of the tablets).

Have not completed clinical trials.

What is the difference between antiviral drugs

What is the difference between Kagocel and Arbidol, the instructions will also tell you about this. In the main composition, the main component is different, and among the minor inclusions there are also differences. For example, among the additional substances in Kagocel there is no croscarmellose sodium, but in Arbidol this substance is present. Side effects also differentiate the two substances.

Table 2. Distinctive features

Release form: tablets only

In addition to tablets, capsules are also available in release form.

Contains Kagocel

Contains umifenovir

Admission for children from 6 years old

Admission for children from 3 years old

The course of treatment includes 2 packages

One package is enough to treat a standard disease

Allergies may occur as a side effect

A noticeable effect occurs within a week

The effect of the drug appears after 5-6 days

What is it prescribed for and when should you not take Arbidol and Kagocel

In cases where you need to find out: “Which is better Kagocel or Arbidol?” regarding indications for use or prohibitions on use in in some cases, you should always consult your doctor or read the instructions carefully. During pregnancy, pregnant women can feel safe taking Arbidol. But Kagocel is contraindicated for them due to the high risks of allergic conditions.

Table 3. When you can and when you can’t take Arbidol and Kagocel

As the main treatment:

prevention of influenza conditions;

initial symptoms of influenza-viral colds;

herpes different classifications in adults.

Included complex treatment:

pneumonic conditions (pneumonia);

Children under 6 years of age and mothers carrying a child should not be prescribed. Also, allergy sufferers with exacerbations are not allowed to take it.

Children under 3 years of age are not prescribed treatment with Arbidol.

Individual intolerance to components.

Instructions on how to take antiviral medications correctly

Instructions for use of Kagocel and Arbidol are slightly different. Their joint reception It is not permissible, according to experts, because there is a risk of getting an overdose that is dangerous for the body. Prolonged allergic reactions, diarrhea, dizziness, nausea and vomiting may occur. Therapists give this warning because similar composition the drugs in question. Therefore, you will have to choose one thing when you have a cold.

Capsules – 2-4 pcs. three or four times a day.

Tablets – 2 pcs. (100 mg each) or 4 pcs. (50 mg each) 2-3 times a day.

When a child is aged 2-6 years – 1 tablet per day.

For children aged 6-12 years – 2 tablets 2 times a day.

If the age is over 12 years - 3 tablets per day.

viruses are cured in 4 days;

prevention – 7 days.

Use internally with a small amount of warm water.

When is the effect noticeable?

How long does the effect last?

88% - after 7 days;

90% - through the intestines;

10% - through the kidneys;

12-12.5% ​​- in a day.

After an hour, half is excreted from the body in urine and feces.

40% - with bile and kidneys;

90% - in a day.

Observed in the following organs:

Observed in blood plasma

What are the prices on the market?

When looking for answers to the question: “Which is better Kagocel or Arbidol?” price, you should pay attention to the following criteria:

The form of the drug is capsules or tablets.

Manufacturer - products from the same manufacturer are not always found in pharmacies.

The number of units in the cells of the blend greatly influences the cost.

Children's medication options - how much will they cost.

The general course of treatment - for example, you always need to buy 2 packages of Kagocel, and one package of Arbidol.

Table 5. Price level for antiviral medications - Kagoceld and Arbidol

Form, quantity per package

Average price, rub.

For 1 course – 18 tablets

For 1 course – 20 tablets

Children's form – 10 tablets

Capsulated form – 10 pcs.

It should be noted that both drugs have not completed clinical trials. They were partially tested in Russia and China, but at the international level the WHO organization does not recognize the drugs as medicines pharmaceutical forms. Whereas in Russian Federation they are listed in the group of pharmaceutical antiviral medicinal drugs. Today, Russian doctors recognize Kagocel as remedy, and Arbidol is more like a preventative, against the risks of diseases due to infections of a viral nature.

Several reviews from users

I read reviews about this and that drug and noticed that they often began to scare allergic reactions after the reception. I myself am a young doctor, I have been working in therapy for 4 years. I can say with confidence that often both Kagocel and Arbidol cause such “side effects” only in case of an overdose. If patients adhere to the instructions, then everything goes fine. So there is only one conclusion - you shouldn’t exaggerate.

About 10 months ago I was seriously ill with the flu. Now I’ve decided to prepare for the new cold and am taking Kagocel. I like that you don’t have to take the course for a long time – just take it for 4 days. I asked a doctor I know and said that prevention with such a medicine is considered adequate. Side effects didn't watch. The remedy is effective! I remember from last year.

Sergey Pavlov, Ekaterinburg

Recently, my daughter (7 years old) caught some kind of virus somewhere and was treated for a long time. Arbidol was prescribed as additional remedy. After 2 days, my daughter began to recover, and after a few more days, her body practically recovered. I read the instructions and realized that this remedy can generally be given to a child without waiting for the onset of the flu. Schools and kindergartens are now places increased risk for such diseases. That’s why I recommend Arbidol to all mothers – it’s an effective and safe product!

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Which is better Kagocel or Arbidol

Everyone is very well aware of such symptoms as sneezing, chills, nasal congestion - this is a cold and most often we deal with it in the fall and winter. Those who are concerned about their health and want to prevent the disease resort to taking antiviral drugs. The same medications are used to treat ARVI. Let's figure out what is better, "Kagocel" or "Arbidol"?


It's cold and damp outside, which means each of us is in danger of catching a cold. Most dangerous for human health is the period of transition from warm to cold time. Immunity drops significantly, the body is exposed to external factors. Before you have time to look back or think, you find yourself on a hospital bed.

It is very important to quickly eliminate not only the symptoms themselves, but also the cause of acute respiratory virus or the flu. When we go to a specialist doctor, we receive a prescription with a list of drugs and among them there will definitely be an antiviral drug. Despite the fact that in our time there is a debate: “Arbidol” or “Kagocel” which is better, “Arbidol” is popular.

This drug can affect the cause of the disease. It helps our body cope very well with the symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections and promotes quick recovery. If you ask the question: which is better, “Arbidol” or “Kagocel”, reviews from doctors say that “Arbidol” does not fill the body with toxins if you follow the instructions for its use.

Under what conditions should Arbidol be taken?

It is not necessary to study all the instructions by heart. Let's try to select from it the most important points for using Arbidol. One of important points The annotation contains a list of indications for use. It is recommended to take this medicine for the following diseases:

  • Acute respiratory viral infection.
  • Flu.
  • Pneumonia.
  • TORSO.
  • Chronical bronchitis.

"Arbidol" can be used to increase immunity after surgery. It is also often prescribed in combination for the treatment of rotavirus infection.

As for contraindications, there are almost none, the exception being individual intolerance to the drug. The development of the drug was approached so responsibly that there were almost no side effects from taking it. In isolated cases, patients experienced allergic reactions.

Arbidol should not be used to treat children under three years of age. The drug is dosed differently, it all depends on the purpose for which you will take it: for treatment, for prevention, or in combination.

Comparative analysis of Arbidol with other drugs

Very often, pharmacists hear the question: which is better - Arbidol or Ingavirin? It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. Both agents are antiviral. But, their main difference is the active substance that the drugs contain. Arbidol has umifenovir, and Ingavirin has vitaglutam.

Particular attention should be paid to contraindications. It is strictly forbidden for pregnant women to take Ingavirin. There are also restrictions on taking this medicine for age categories. It should not be taken by children under 18 years of age. This drug can only be sold with a doctor's prescription.

Now let's try to figure out another drug - Ergoferon. This drug can affect our body as:

  • antiviral;
  • anti-inflammatory agent;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • antihistamine.

The list of diseases that Ergoferon can treat is wider. With its help you can cope with the following ailments:

It is important to know that only a doctor can dose the drug individually for each person. This drug may be taken together with other medications that have antiviral effect.

What is Kagocel?

To make sure that “Arbidol” or “Kagocel” is better, let’s look at the second drug. It is no less popular than the above. It is considered an inducer that produces interferon. They called it that because of its active substance. Kagocel should be used for the following diseases:

  • influenza, respiratory disease in children over three years of age and adults;
  • herpes.
  • pregnant women;
  • nursing women;
  • children under three years old;
  • if there is a lactose deficiency.

Its the same as the previous one medicine, can be taken together with other antiviral drugs. It can be taken with antibiotics. "Kagocel" is sold without a doctor's prescription, but a preliminary consultation is still needed. It is very important for a quick recovery to begin treatment no later than the fourth day after the first symptoms appear.

Kagocel's analogs

Considering the prices of drugs, not everyone can afford them. In such cases, it would be good to know cheap analogues. Your attending physician will be able to select it for you, taking into account your age and the disease itself. Analogues of "Kagocel" are: "Amiksin", "Amizon", "Arbidol", "Tamiflu", "Remantadine", "Tsitovir".

Each of these means has its own characteristics in application. To a person who doesn't have medical education, it is very difficult to make a choice on your own. What to choose to treat your body, and what is better, “Kagocel” or “Arbidol” for children? We cannot decide this ourselves. Only a specialist doctor can prescribe a medicine, as well as determine a disease. Only by adhering to the prescribed prescription, it is possible to decide “Arbidol” or “Kagocel” - which is better for the child in a given situation. It is important to understand that each of these medications is effective in its own way and is used individually.

Each of us must remember that it is better not to treat an already manifested illness, but to do preventive procedures. It must be remembered that those drugs that belong to the group of antiviral drugs can be used not only for treatment, but also to develop immunity to ARVI and other forms of influenza, healthy person. Do not forget that the treatment of any ailment begins with a visit to the doctor.

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What is better – “Kagocel” or “Arbidol”? Characteristics of drugs and a list of cheap analogues

Sneezing, nasal congestion, bad feeling, chills Familiar symptoms, right? Most often we encounter colds in the autumn-winter period. The most vigilant people try to prevent illness by taking antiviral drugs. The same medications are used to treat ARVI. What is better - “Kagocel” or “Arbidol”? Let's figure it out.

"Arbidol" is a popular antiviral agent

Cold season can be considered open. It's raining outside and the temperature has dropped sharply. It is this transition period that is dangerous for human health. Weakening of the immune system, exposure to external factors - and now you are on sick leave.

You need to quickly deal with not only the symptoms, but also the cause of an acute respiratory illness or flu. In this case, doctors prescribe antiviral pharmacological agents. Arbidol is considered a popular medicine today.

"Arbidol" acts directly on the root of the problem. It helps the body cope with symptoms and also speeds up the healing process. As shown medical practice, the described drug does not entail intoxication of the body if taken in recommended doses.

There is no need to say that you should first study the annotation. Let's extract from the instructions the main points of using Arbidol. Let's start with a list of indications. This drug is recommended for use for diseases such as:

  • ARVI;
  • flu;
  • TORSO;
  • pneumonia;
  • chronic bronchitis;
  • immunodeficiency states of the secondary form.

Doctors may prescribe it to maintain immunity after surgical intervention. Arbidol is often included in the complex treatment of rotavirus infection.

There are practically no contraindications to the use of the described remedy, with the exception of individual intolerance. Arbidol was developed by pharmacists so scrupulously that even no side effects are observed. But in some cases allergic reactions may occur.

Arbidol should not be given to children under three years of age. As for the dosage, it must be calculated based on the purpose of taking the drug, namely:

  • for prevention;
  • to treat an illness;
  • for complex treatment of the disease.

Let's conduct a comparative analysis

Which is better - Arbidol or Ingavirin? Doctors and pharmacists hear this question almost every day. The initial formulation of the question is incorrect. It is impossible to answer unequivocally which drug is good and which is not. Both of these drugs belong to the group of antiviral drugs.

The main difference between these two drugs is the active substance. "Arbidol" works with the help of umifenovir, and "Ingavirin" with vitaglutam.

Special attention should be paid to the list of contraindications. Ingavirin should not be taken during pregnancy. Yes, and there are age restrictions. This remedy is best used for treatment by people over 18 years of age.

According to the annotation, "Ingavirin" is released in pharmacy points on prescription. If you want to treat a cold with this particular remedy, then you will have to go to see a doctor.

Another burning question: which is better - Arbidol or Ergoferon? General information We have already learned about Arbidol. Let's take a closer look at the characteristics of Ergoferon. This medicine has the following effects on the body:

  • antiviral;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • antihistamine.

And the list of ailments that Ergoferon can treat is much wider. According to the annotation, the described drug has proven itself with positive side in the treatment of the following pathological conditions:

  • influenza class A and B;
  • ARVI;
  • herpesvirus pathologies;
  • intestinal infections;
  • meningitis of various forms;
  • bacterial complications;
  • whooping cough;
  • pneumonia;
  • tick-borne encephalitis.

"Kagocel": we synthesize interferon

"Kagocel" is another popular pharmacological agent belonging to the antiviral and immunomodulatory group. It is also called an inducer of interferon production. This drug received this name because of the active substance.

The annotation states that the described drug is used to treat the following ailments:

  • during pregnancy;
  • during breastfeeding;
  • children under three years of age;
  • with lactose deficiency.

Clinical and laboratory research confirmed that Kagocel can be taken along with other drugs that have antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. Concurrent use of antibiotics is also allowed.

Despite the fact that the described pharmacological drug released freely, please consult a doctor first. And yet, the effectiveness of Kagocel will be better if treatment of the disease begins no later than the fourth day after the onset of characteristic symptoms.

Let's select a similar drug

Despite the reasonable price category, not everyone can afford to buy Kagocel. In this case, you can look for cheaper analogues. List of such pharmacological agents can be compiled by a doctor taking into account the diagnosis, age category And physiological characteristics patient.

In general, the following drugs are analogues of Kagocel:

All these means have their own characteristics. Choosing the right medicine is a difficult and overwhelming task for a person who does not understand medicine and pharmaceuticals. If you want to choose an analogue of Kagocel, consult a doctor for help.

What is better - "Kagocel" or "Ingavirin"? The answer is obvious: they cannot be compared. Each drug is effective in its own way and will work differently in individual cases.

To protect yourself from viral illnesses, it is best to preventive actions. Antiviral drugs can be taken by a healthy person to develop lasting immunity to ARVI and influenza viruses. Remember that it all starts with a consultation with a doctor. Be healthy!

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Kagocel or Arbidol?

Every year, during the period of mass respiratory diseases, people purchase antiviral drugs from pharmacies. The effectiveness of many of them still remains unproven. The larger the assortment, the more difficult it is to choose the best one. Antiviral drugs include arbidol and kagocel, perhaps the most popular domestic drugs (largely thanks to a wide advertising campaign).

Which remedy is more effective: arbidol or kagocel?

All the drugs listed below have contraindications and side effects, use only as directed by a doctor

Arbidol and Kagocel

To begin with, the reader should know that, according to the Russian-language segment of Wikipedia, these drugs are not used in countries Western Europe and the USA and are not included in the lists medicines World Health Organization. Clinical trials of Kagocel were conducted only in Russia and are not internationally recognized. According to the English-language Wikipedia, clinical trials of Arbidol were carried out only in Russia and China.

Although they are both used for viral infections, their mechanism of action is different.


Inhibits the surface protein of the virus, hemagglutinin, thereby preventing the virus from settling on the cell and penetrating inside. The active substance serves as an analogue of endogenous human interferon, the production of which increases gradually. Thus, arbidol compensates for the lack of interferon at the beginning of a viral infection.

It is used for acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, pneumonia, and intestinal infections of viral etiology. You should start taking it from the first days of the disease. Clinical effects: reducing the severity of manifestations and severity of the course, preventing complications, accelerating recovery.


An antiviral agent with immunostimulating activity. Indications: prevention and treatment of ARVI, influenza, herpetic infection. Causes the formation of interferon, which has a high antiviral effect. Treatment begins no later than 4 days, and prophylaxis - from the beginning of contact with the pathogen according to the scheme specified in the instructions. Unlike arbidol, the effectiveness of Kagocel is not affected by liver function. Conducted studies confirm the acceleration of the disappearance of intoxication symptoms and the normalization of temperature.

Kagocel or arbidol which is better is difficult to say, since they have similar therapeutic effect, despite belonging to different groups antiviral agents. In addition, taking them together enhances the severity of the therapeutic effect.

How to replace arbidol and kagocel?

There are no structural analogues of these drugs. There are a number of remedies that have a similar effect.

Remantadine. Cheap analogue kagotsela. Widely known since the 70s of the last century. Indicated for influenza A virus. It has no effect on the herpes virus. Inferior to Kagocel in antiviral action.

Amiksin. It is a synthetic interferon inducer. Mild immunomodulatory effect, direct antiviral effect. For influenza it is used only in medicinal purposes. The effect depends on the condition of the liver.

Autumn and winter often spoil your mood not only with bad weather, but also with an epidemic of flu or colds. Therefore, antiviral drugs are especially popular at this time. But which one will be the best? How to choose a remedy for prevention or treatment? And how do they differ from each other?

One of the main qualities of the influenza virus is variability. He is capable of mutating several times per season. Because of this, it is almost impossible to create an antiviral agent that would act only on the virus, and on all its varieties.

The action of modern antiviral agents, such as Arbidol, Oscillococcinum or Kagocel, is aimed at the body's immune system. Under the influence of the substances that make up them, the human immune system is activated, produces protective substances faster, and therefore copes faster with the invading virus.

In addition, such a quick response from the body helps reduce complications that are so dangerous for the flu. Despite the general result, the mechanism of action of the drugs will be different.


Homeopathic medicine, the main component of which is extract of the liver and heart of the Barbary duck. This component was proposed back in 1900 by the French homeopath Joseph Roy after a series of studies of the blood of people infected with the infection.

At the core of efficiency homeopathic remedies lies the information-energy theory. According to it, substances that are large doses can cause symptoms similar to flu or cold symptoms, and in minor cases, on the contrary, they force the body to fight the virus.

Oscillococcinum can be used for both prevention and treatment. Only the regimens and dosages of the drug differ, which are much higher when symptoms have already appeared. You can take the drug both for the flu and for any other acute respiratory diseases.


Unlike Oscillococcinum, Kagocel is allopathic traditional drugs and is part of the group of interferon inducers. Once in the body, the drug activates the production of interferon. The same one that usually forms on the third day of a cold, provided that you are sick with a fever.

Interferons have no effect on the influenza virus itself, but they prevent it from penetrating healthy cells. The protection mechanism works as follows:

  • The interferon molecule is small in size and is able to freely pass through cell membranes.
  • Inside, interferon attaches to the cell's protein synthesis apparatus and changes its configuration.
  • The cell becomes unsuitable for creating new viral particles and therefore the virus does not reproduce.

The advantage of interferon is that it is nonspecific, that is, it is produced in response to the penetration of any virus.

As for pathogens that have already entered the body, they are destroyed by other components of the immune system - antibodies.


The active ingredient of the drug, umifenovir, is an inhibitor of the fusion of the virus envelope and the body cell membrane.

In order for the virus to multiply, it must penetrate inside the cell, integrate into its genetic apparatus and force the cell to produce new viral particles. On the surface of the influenza virus there are special proteins - hemagglutinins, which help it pass through the cell membrane.

How does Arbidol work:

  • Once in the blood, it attaches to hemagglutinins on the surface of the virus and blocks them.
  • The virus loses the ability to get inside the cell, and therefore the ability to reproduce new viral particles.
  • The drug additionally stimulates the production of interferon.
  • Increases the level of lymphocytes in the blood.
  • Stimulates the protective function of macrophages.

Arbidol, Kagocel and Oscillococcinum can be used not only to treat influenza or colds, but also for prevention during epidemics.

Similarities and differences

Despite the fact that the indications for all drugs will be common, the differences between Arbidol, Kagocel and Oscillococcinum are still much greater. First of all:

  • Oscillococcinum is a homeopathic medicine.
  • The main mechanism of action of Kagocel is the acceleration of interferon production, while for Arbidol this is just an additional property.
  • The production of interferon when taking Kagocel reaches a maximum within 48 hours and persists for up to 4–5 days.
  • With Arbidol, this effect lasts only 48 hours, although it occurs faster - just 16 hours after use.
  • Kagocel and Arbidol are contraindicated during pregnancy, but Oscillococcinum strict ban No.
  • Kagocel is contraindicated in childhood and adolescence.
  • Arbidol can be used by children from two years of age.
  • Oscillococcinum is approved for use in children of any age. If the baby cannot yet absorb the granules, then they can be dissolved in water.

But what better than Arbidol or Oscillococcinum? Or maybe Kagocel? In each specific situation The answer to this question will vary. Certainly, homeopathic medicine considered safer and works well for almost everyone. However, its use requires adherence to a strict scheme, and sometimes this is only possible if you are sitting at home.

Kagocel or Arbidol are much easier to take. However, these drugs have their limitations both according to age and individual characteristics. Therefore, when choosing a remedy for the treatment and prevention of influenza, be sure to read the instructions, and, if possible, consult a specialist.

Every person’s body is constantly attacked by all kinds of microorganisms and viruses. As long as our shield - the immune system - copes with the invaders, we are healthy. However, we are exposed to too many factors that weaken the immune system, and periodic disruptions in its functioning are almost inevitable.

While humanity has learned to cope with bacteria through the use of antibiotics, drugs that kill viruses have not yet been invented. Is it possible to help immune system in the fight against viral infection? It turns out that it is possible. For this purpose, there are immunomodulatory and antiviral drugs. For example, the well-known and long-used Amiksin.

Coming to the pharmacy for antiviral agent, a person is sometimes faced with the problem of choice: what is better - “Amiksin”, or, for example, “Kagocel”? The indications seem to be the same, the reviews are positive, and the price is cheaper (“Amiksin” - 900-960 rubles per course or “Kagocel” - 400-440 rubles per course). Each of us wants to get the maximum by spending the minimum. Indeed, let's figure out what criteria to choose a medicine by and whether price can influence this choice.

Despite the presence detailed instructions to drugs and the ability of each of us to analyze information, making a diagnosis, as well as choosing and prescribing a drug, it is still better to entrust the doctor.

"Amiksin" or "Kagocel": spectrum of activity and mechanism of action

We open the instructions and look at the cases in which each remedy is used: influenza, ARVI and herpes are on both lists. But as for cytomegaly viruses, hepatitis A, B and C, as well as viral lesions brain and other situations requiring immunocorrection (chlamydia, tuberculosis), then Amiksin has advantages here.

These drugs are often called analogues for their similar mechanism of action. Indeed, they both enhance the production of interferons, which are active antiviral proteins. At the same time, “Kagocel” stimulates the production of only late interferon (a mixture of α and β interferons), and “Amiksin”:

  • Induces the formation of interferons of all types (α, β, γ, λ).
  • It also affects other parts of the immune system (antibody production, helper-suppressor balance).
  • Inhibits the reproduction of viruses.

As you can see, Amiksin has slightly more application points.

"Kagocel" - from 3 years of age for the treatment and prevention of influenza and ARVI and from 18 years of age for the treatment of herpes. "Amiksin" - from 7 years of age for the treatment of influenza and ARVI, for all other indications - from 18 years of age. That is, in pediatric practice, Kagocel is preferable.

With the exception of age restrictions, contraindications for the drugs are similar: pregnancy, lactation, individual intolerance plus lactase deficiency, lactose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption (for Kagocel).

Table: comparative characteristics of drugs

In order to make it more convenient to navigate which is better in a particular situation - “Kagocel” or “Amiksin”, their characteristics are given in the table:




For children over 7 years old:

  • Treatment of ARVI and influenza.

In adults:

  • Herpetic infection.
  • Cytomegalovirus infection.
  • Viral hepatitis A, B and C.
  • Chlamydia.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Allergic and viral encephalomyelitis.

In children over 3 years of age:

  • Prevention and treatment of ARVI and influenza.

In adults:

  • Treatment and prevention of ARVI and influenza.
  • Treatment of herpes.

Active substance

Mechanism of action

  • Enhances the formation of interferons of all types (α, β, γ, λ).
  • Stimulates bone marrow stem cells.
  • Enhances antibody synthesis.
  • Normalizes the ratio of T-suppressors and T-helpers.
  • Inhibits the production of viral proteins in infected cells what depresses
  • virus reproduction.

Causes the formation of interferons α and β.

Spectrum of action

Causative agents of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, a group of herpes viruses, hepatitis viruses A, B, C.

Causative agents of ARVI and influenza, herpes virus.

Taking medications and the body's reaction rate

This is a very important point, because for modern man with a predominantly active rhythm of life, the less often you need to take pills, the better. This way there is less chance of forgetting, missing, breaking the dosage regimen and ultimately not getting the desired effect.

Not every one of us, running out of the house in the morning, remembers to take a package of the drug with us. Not to mention the children. Therefore, when choosing a medicine, pay attention to the mode of its administration:

  • "Kagocel": three times a day.
  • "Amiksin": once a day.

After taking the first dose of Kagocel, the peak concentration of interferon in the blood serum occurs after 48 hours. And after taking the first dose of Amiksin, the body’s reaction is observed after 24 hours.

So, we made a comparison: which is better – “Amiksin” or “Kagocel”, taking into account the characteristics of the drugs and the instructions for using the drugs. What do we have in the end? If we are talking about the treatment of children over 3 years old, then the question of what will be better for them (“Kagocel” or “Amiksin”) does not arise at all, since “Amiksin” is not used in patients of this age category.

In cases where it is required urgent treatment children over 7 years old and adults, and also required effective prevention acute respiratory viral infections and influenza in adults, it is more rational to use Amiksin.

IN in this case a higher price corresponds to greater efficiency, wider spectrum of action and faster onset of effect.

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All kinds of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections can develop in different time of the year. But during the off-season and cold weather, their number increases several times. Many users are sure that the treatment and prevention of such ailments seems to be a rather controversial activity. They say that you can strengthen the body as a whole, and this will reduce the likelihood of developing the disease and help speed up recovery. But the developers modern medicines We are confident that some medications actually have antiviral activity and can help in the fight against all kinds of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza. And today we will consider arguments clarifying which drug is worth paying attention to - Kagocel or better, Arbidol or Ingavirin, which is better?

Which is better Kagocel or Arbidol?

Both Kagocel and Arbidol are fairly common antiviral medications. Both drugs are intended for the treatment and prevention of various acute respiratory viral infections, as well as influenza. What is the difference between them?

Such medicines contain different active ingredients. Thus, Kagocel is a source of the component of the same name, kagocel, which is capable of activating the production of interferons in the body. This substance triggers the synthesis of so-called “late” interferons, which are characterized by high antiviral activity.

Arbidol contains the active ingredient umfenovir. This substance is capable of exerting a specific inhibitory effect on influenza viruses (represented by viruses A and B), as well as other viruses that provoke the development of ARVI. This effect is achieved by blocking the fusion of the lipid membrane of viral particles and cell membranes human body. In addition, Arbidol is able to activate the production of interferon and stimulate the cellular and humoral response of the immune system.

Kagocel can be used for the treatment and prevention of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections in adult and pediatric patients (from three years of age). It can also be prescribed to adults if necessary to treat a herpetic infection.

Arbidol has much more wide list indications. It is used in the treatment or prevention of influenza caused by viruses A and B, and other acute respiratory viral infections. In addition, this medication can be prescribed for the correction of acute intestinal infections (caused by rotaviruses) in childhood. Arbidol is also prescribed as a remedy nonspecific prevention and treatment of severe acute respiratory syndrome in patients of different ages. This medication may be effective in complex therapy bronchitis, pneumonia, and recurrent herpes. In some situations it is used as a warning postoperative complications infectious type. IN pediatric practice Arbidol is used in the treatment of children over two years old (special children's Arbidol is used).

Both Arbidol and Kagocel cannot be used in the presence of individual intolerance, while carrying a child or while breastfeeding. Kagocel is also contraindicated in patients with lactase deficiency, lactose intolerance and glucose-galactose malabsorption.

If you choose between Arbidol and Kagocel, then you should focus primarily on the recommendations of your doctor. Arbidol has a more antiviral effect, and Kagocel activates the body’s immune response (this medicine gives maximum possible effect, if taken in the first hours of the development of the disease).

Arbidol or Ingavirin?

Ingavirin is another popular antiviral medicine, it contains such an active component as pentanedioic acid imidazolylethanamide, the second name of such a substance is vitaglutam.

The instructions for this product indicate that Ingavirin has antiviral, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties. There is evidence that its active component is active in relation to:

Influenza viruses type A and B;


Parainfluenza virus;

Respiratory syncytial virus.

Preclinical studies have also shown that the drug can cope with coronaviruses, metapneumoviruses, and enteroviruses.

The antiviral activity of Ingavirin is explained by the stimulation of factors natural immunity suppressed by viral proteins. The medicine activates the production of interferon.

The active component of Ingavirin helps to quickly destroy viruses, promotes faster recovery and reduces the likelihood of complications.

Ingavirin has fewer indications for use than Arbidol. This medicine can be used in the treatment and prevention of influenza types A and B, as well as other acute respiratory viral infections in adults. In pediatric practice, it is used only for children over the age of thirteen, and only for the treatment of influenza and ARVI (not for prevention).

The drug cannot be used in case of individual intolerance, during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In addition, it is not prescribed to patients with lactase deficiency, lactose intolerance and glucose-galactose malabsorption.

There is evidence that Ingavirin is characterized by greater immunomodulatory and antiviral activity than Arbidol. But at the same time, Arbidol is successfully used in pediatric practice (for treatment and prevention), starting from the age of two.

Your doctor will help you choose the most appropriate medicine for the treatment and prevention of influenza and ARVI.

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