How platelet counts in the blood increase: effective correction methods. Folk remedies and diet for raising platelets in the blood How to increase platelets

No one can feel completely protected from minor household injuries. After all, it is impossible to avoid abrasions, cuts and scratches. And a tiny wound may not heal for a long time and bleed.

This is the first signal that you need to see a doctor for tests. Most likely, the patient has a blood clotting disorder. And only serious laboratory and instrumental research will reveal pathological changes in the human body and prevent significant blood loss with minor injury.

If the tests are positive: after confirming low coagulation - thrombocytopenia, the attending physician will suggest drug therapy to increase the level of platelets in the blood at home.

Various techniques can be used traditional treatment in the form of a collection of herbs and products that quickly increase platelets in the blood. It is important to completely review your diet and daily routine. This does not mean that you need to immediately sit down strict diet. But in principle, this has not harmed anyone yet.

Decreased platelet levels in blood plasma

What foods can increase the number of platelets in the blood?

Diet menu is a fundamental component of normalization blood cells in plasma. To quickly raise this level, it is important to reconsider your lifestyle, right down to your diet. You need to eat foods that can raise your platelet count to a high level.

The answer to the question of how to quickly increase platelets in the blood with the help of products is simple. To increase the level of blood cells in the blood, it is recommended:

  • beef kidneys and liver;
  • pomegranate, melon and banana;
  • from cereals: buckwheat and rice;
  • legumes: beans and beans;
  • eggs;
  • beet;
  • flax oil;
  • all types of sea fish;
  • hazelnut;
  • green tea and more.

Junk foods interfere with the production of blood cells, lowering the platelet count.

Diet menu is a guarantee of normalization of blood cells in the blood plasma

What foods are best to exclude from the diet so that platelets do not drop even lower? After all, they reduce the concentration of blood cells in the body:

  • orange, lemon, grapefruit and other citrus fruits;
  • onion and garlic;
  • olive oil;
  • chocolates and other products containing chocolate;
  • ginger;
  • raspberries;
  • blueberry;
  • alcohol.

It is worth noting that to increase the low value of blood cells using folk methods, you can act purely on early stages. Later it is irrational.

Medicines that increase platelet levels in the blood

Popular medications for increasing low platelets are:

  • Prednisolone and Dexamethasone are hormone-based medications that increase platelet levels in the blood. This therapy allows you to restore the concentration of blood cells in the plasma after long-term chemotherapy by stimulating the functioning of the bone marrow.
  • Etamsylate or Dicinone is used as additional remedy treatment. This drug cannot raise platelets in the blood, but it improves the ability to clot.

  • Sodecor – collection medicinal herbs to increase platelets in the blood. Recommended for low blood cell levels at home, but with mandatory consultation with a specialist.
  • Vikasol is a medicine that involves complex preventive treatment bleeding.
  • Derinat – synthetic drug based nucleic acids salmon
  • Thrombopoietin is a powerful pharmaceutical drug that promotes the production of blood cells.

To prevent a sharply increasing number of cancer cells, chemotherapy is used. This method will stop leveling up pathological cells. But at the same time it will be observed reduced quantity platelets. How to raise platelets in this case? This requires long-term and serious drug therapy, including injections. And if you increase the level of platelets in the blood to the required level It didn’t work out - resort to blood transfusion.

Important! Be careful! You should not look for the answer to the question of how to increase the level of platelets in the blood on your own, attribute drugs to yourself and use them. Medicines to improve blood clotting and quickly raise blood cells in the blood should be prescribed by a specialist after instrumental studies and analyses. There must be indications for the use of the drug, otherwise it will not be possible to increase platelets. And it is possible that the problem will get worse.


If there are not enough vitamins with food intake, then it may be necessary to purchase multivitamin complexes. You can purchase ascorutin, which contains vitamins C and P. The latter reduce the fragility and permeability of capillaries and strengthen the walls blood vessels. And thanks ascorbic acid iron is rapidly absorbed.

Read also: – drugs and prescriptions traditional medicine

How to increase platelets in blood plasma using folk remedies?

You can also increase the level of blood cells in the body using folk remedies. Popular ones include:

  • nettle, the juice of which is mixed with milk in a one to one ratio. The course of treatment involves a seven-day period with use three times a day. After this, give the body a rest and stop taking the product for a week.

Nettle juice and infusion will raise platelets in the blood
  • infusions of the following herbs have performed well: yarrow, nettle, strawberry, rose hips and verbena. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over any of the herbs and leave to brew for a while. The resulting composition is enough for a week's course of treatment. You can use the infusion for at least a whole year until the level of platelets in the blood rises to the desired level

Pay special attention to the instructions. It necessarily describes contraindications and recommendations for pregnant women and nursing mothers.

  • fix the situation with low platelets will help beet juice. To do this, grate the beets and let the juice brew. If desired, add a little sugar for taste. Drink beet juice on an empty stomach for two weeks. If blood cells have not increased, repeat the course of treatment after a month.
  • pay attention to the sesame seeds. You can eat it on an empty stomach, one tablespoon at a time. And adding to the salad, you will not only improve it taste qualities, but you will also make it more useful.

How to increase platelets in the blood quickly and effectively during pregnancy?

A pregnant woman needs to constantly monitor her blood counts. Therefore, she is often sent for a blood clotting test. All because increased level platelets in in this case not as bad as downgraded. This indicator in the first trimester of pregnancy can cause a miscarriage, and in the last - the inability to stop heavy bleeding.

The main cause of low platelet volume in pregnant women is considered to be early gestosis. It involves the removal of fluid from the blood after the placental substance has been produced.

Diagnosis of this pathological condition is possible by external signs:

  • severe swelling of a woman;
  • kidneys may hurt;
  • increased arterial pressure, which was uncharacteristic for expectant mother;
  • seizures of eclampsia, which, without the provision of specialized medical care may cause death due to cerebral hemorrhage.

In order not to resort to extreme methods and severe consequences low blood cell levels, pregnant women should adhere to the following rules:

  1. After the first signs of the disease appear, you should not delay examination by your doctor. Timely identification of the root cause of the pathology will eliminate the problem with minimal losses.
  2. It is important to completely avoid pharmaceutical drugs that can adversely affect plasma platelet volume.
  3. Pay special attention to your diet. It's best to go to diet menu, filled fresh fruit, berries, vegetables and protein foods.
  4. Therapeutic treatment may be needed. But exclusively with vitamins B12 and corticosteroid drugs based on hormones.
  5. Pregnant women are prescribed folic acid as prescribed by a doctor.
  6. If indicated, it may be necessary to inject interferon.
  7. If the situation has worsened too much and previous treatment methods have failed, the last hope is a platelet transfusion.

Important! A dangerously low concentration of blood cells in the blood of pregnant women can only be detected after analysis. After which the nature of therapy, its seriousness and necessity will be determined.

  1. Remove from diet fatty foods. Add fresh fruits, berries and vegetables.
  2. When choosing products in the supermarket, exclude those that contain flavoring additives.
  3. Minimize the consumption of blood thinning products: raspberries, olive oil, ginger and others.
  4. Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages and cigarettes.
  5. Try to drink less coffee and caffeinated products.
  6. Recommended products with high content vitamin K. They help normalize coagulation and have an anti-inflammatory effect. These are spinach, broccoli, seaweed, liver and eggs.
  7. Thanks to the introduction of omega-3 fats into the diet, the immune system is strengthened and an anti-inflammatory effect is observed. To foods high in of this substance include: all types of fish, seaweed, flax oil, Walnut and eggs. This will reduce the risk of heart pathologies and normalize general composition blood plasma. Omega-3 fats should not be used in pharmaceutical form. Liquefaction may occur, and this is fraught with consequences for thrombocytopenia.

If treatment methods for thrombocytopenia have not brought results, it is necessary surgery which involves removing the spleen. Practice shows that this forced measure comes after a year of useless treatment and several exacerbations. In this case, the effectiveness of recovery occurs in 50-80 percent of cases.

Preventive actions

  • Normalize drinking regime. Drink 8 glasses of water per day. It doesn't matter whether it's warm or cold.
  • Proper rest is an important component of treatment. An adult should not sleep less than seven hours. And if there is a low blood cell volume, this time increases to nine hours.

Full sleep and rest will keep the body in good shape
  • Moderate is required physical exercise, which will intensify over time. Cardio training is a good opportunity to get in shape for any cardiovascular diseases. The main thing is to follow the recommendations of your doctor and not to overdo it, so as not to provoke bleeding. It's difficult to stop him.
  • IN preventive measures take a vitamin C complex special attention to vitamin K. It is responsible for the ability of blood to clot normally.
  • Don't forget about foods high in omega-3 and other fatty acids.

If you lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right, you can avoid many health problems and their further aggravation.

A low level of platelets in a person's blood can lead to not only simple bruises or bruises, but also dangerous, life-threatening bleeding - which is why it is extremely important to know how to increase platelets in the blood quickly.

You can increase the level with the help of food, folk remedies and medicines. The main function of platelets is to form a thrombus (clot) when a vessel is damaged and prevent the flow of blood.

Diet is the basis for normalizing these blood platelets in the blood. If you detect a low level of platelets, you must first of all reconsider your diet and start actively eating foods that increase platelets in the blood, and, accordingly, blood clotting.

This process is positively influenced by the use of:

  • liver, kidneys, beef;
  • pomegranate, melon and bananas;
  • buckwheat, rice and legumes;
  • beets;
  • walnuts and hazelnuts;
  • dill and parsley;
  • linseed oil;
  • green tea;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • sesame

How to raise blood platelet levels with basic nutritional changes? It's simple, follow these rules:

Harmful foods block the production of platelets, reducing their number over time.

However, it is worth noting that it is possible to increase platelets in the blood with folk remedies only in the early stages of the disease. If the platelet count is critically low, medical intervention cannot be avoided.


Of course, before you accept independent decision about the use of any vitamin complexes, it is necessary to find out the reason for the decrease in platelets in the blood. After all, for example, a lack of a vitamin such as B 12 may be one of these reasons. And then it is precisely its lack that will need to be filled.

Increasing the level of platelets in the blood without taking various vitamin complexes, i.e. naturally, is extremely difficult and time-consuming. A complex approach(diet and vitamins) will bear fruit much faster.

In first place in terms of speed and quality of absorption is vitamin C. Since it is soluble in water and can be instantly absorbed into the body, this vitamin quickly strengthens the immune system and normalizes platelet production.

Which one vitamin complex choose, the doctor will advise (according to the cause of your disease, stage of progression and individual characteristics organism). In pharmacies, vitamins are sold in a large assortment and without a prescription.

Medicines to increase platelets

The most common medications in this area are:

  • Prednisolone and Dexamethasonehormonal drugs, often prescribed to patients to raise blood platelets after chemotherapy, stimulating bone marrow function.
  • Etamsylate (or Dicynone)– a hemostatic drug that improves blood clotting, but not platelet count.
  • Codecornatural collection from infusions various herbs, which has the most beneficial effect on platelet count.
  • Vikasolmedicine, used in comprehensive prevention bleeding.
  • Derinat– peculiar synthetic medicine from salmon nucleic acids.
  • Thrombopoietinpotent remedy, stimulating the formation of platelets in the liver.

Stop cancer cells through chemotherapy significantly reduces the number of platelets in the blood - therefore, after such procedures, serious medical intervention, from a long course of drugs to platelet transfusions.

How to increase during pregnancy

During the period of bearing a child, a woman regularly undergoes a blood test for clotting. After all, in the first half of pregnancy there is a risk of miscarriage, in the second - premature birth, and during childbirth - heavy bleeding.

The cause of a low number of platelets in the blood is often early gestosis. In the case of such a disease in a pregnant woman, the placenta produces substances that increase vascular permeability, i.e., fluid gradually leaves the blood.

Externally, platelet deficiency manifests itself as follows:

  • severe swelling;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • an attack of eclampsia with convulsions or cerebral hemorrhage (as the most severe consequence).

How to increase platelets in the blood during pregnancy?

  • eliminate the underlying pathology (the cause of low levels of blood platelets);
  • discontinue medications that cause side effect for blood;
  • take care of a diet with sufficient vitamins and protein, excluding foods that can cause allergies (preservatives, dietary supplements, etc.);
  • corticosteroid hormones and immunoglobulin, Interferon, Vitamin B12 in injections and folic acid in tablets are prescribed medicinally; for hemorrhages - epsilon-aminocaproic acid orally and locally;
  • in case of blood diseases, an operation is often performed to remove the spleen and give a platelet transfusion.
The criticality of the drop in platelet levels relative to the norm is determined by the doctor. It is he who decides which treatment method to prefer and what can be done.

Many people in the question of how to increase platelets in the blood were saved by even the most common one, recommended from the point of view vitamin composition, diet. Monitor your health and respond to all changes in it in a timely manner!

The reasons may be various factors such as chemotherapy, Dengue fever, pregnancy, food allergy And so on.

If tests reveal thrombocytopenia, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Under the supervision of a specialist, you can increase the amount of these important elements by using natural remedies. .

How to increase the level of platelets in the blood - diagnosis of thrombocytopenia

If a person has a disease such as, they have low blood pressure, they are susceptible to various kinds of diseases, from the most minor to the life-threatening.

U of this disease there are some peculiarities.

In order to diagnose it, you should follow these steps:

1 Visit a doctor.
2 Find symptoms reduced level platelets. They may be:
3 Frequent nosebleeds.
4 Prolonged bleeding even with minor cuts, scratches, operations, etc.
5 Blood on the gums or in the mouth (especially after brushing your teeth daily).
6 Blood in stool or urine.
7 Especially heavy bleeding during menstruation.
8 Bruises for no reason or small red spots on skin, so called petechiae.
9 Find out the reason reduced content platelets. Such reasons may be:
10 Hereditary (genetic) diseases.
11 Certain diseases (for example, leukemia, etc.) or bone marrow defects.
12 Poorly functioning or enlarged spleen.
13 A side effect from a treatment or medication you are currently taking (eg, etc.)
14 Autoimmune diseases (lupus, AIDS, arthritis, etc.).
15 Bacterial infection in the blood
16 Childbirth and pregnancy (in such situations, thrombocytopenia is not pronounced).
17 - enough rare disease when dead platelets form a large number of clots all over circulatory system.

Find out how to lower platelets from the article below:

at home using folk remedies

Modern medicine has not yet come up with medications to increase platelets in the blood.

If the reader has encountered a similar problem and is interested in how to increase the level of platelets in the blood, then excellent option there will be a variety traditional methods, which will increase blood clotting.

Given Chemical substance activates the creation of platelets.

Additionally, with iron-containing products you can use special vitamin supplements, however, they should only be used with the approval of the attending hematologist.

How and how to quickly increase platelets in the blood using folk remedies - nettle

One of the most effective means Here are examples of two effective recipes.

Ingredients for one serving of medicine:

  • 50ml. milk
  • 5 ml nettle juice.

Mix both components thoroughly. Use the resulting drug three times a day before meals. Sometimes you can replace milk with water, especially if you are lactose intolerant.


  • 10 g dry nettle;
  • 250 g hot water.

Pour over the nettles hot water, cook for about three minutes. Ready mixture pour into a bowl and let it sit for thirty minutes.

Take the medicine three times a day, one hundred and twenty-five milliliters.

How to increase platelets in the blood with folk remedies - sesame oil

Great way cure thrombocytopenia - Sesame oil. Full course increasing platelets with this remedy is that it is necessary to consume it in quantities of more than two liters.

You should drink it half an hour before meals three times a day, a tablespoon. At similar treatment Taking other medications is not advisable.

What foods increase platelets in the blood?

Increased blood clotting can be achieved in a natural way by eating foods rich in iron.

Remember that the body can normally absorb up to 100 mg of iron throughout the day.

We present to your attention products that increase platelets in the blood, indicating the iron content in 100g.

  • Dry mushrooms - 30-35.
  • Pig liver - 18-20.
  • Molasses - 5-19.
  • Wheat bran - 18-20.
  • Brewer's yeast - 18-21.
  • Sea kale, seaweed - 16-20.
  • Pumpkin seeds - 14-20.
  • Cocoa - 12-14.
  • Beef liver - 9-11.
  • Chicken liver - 8.5.
  • Buckwheat porridge - 7-8.
  • Yolks - 6-8.
  • Calf heart - 6-7.
  • Language - 5-6.
  • Soy products - 5-6.
  • Mushrooms - 5-6.

Platelets are blood cells on which not only depends normal functioning human body, but also life. Their deficiency can cause hematomas. With a greatly reduced level of such cells, the risk of developing heavy blood loss, as a result of which it is not excluded death even with minor skin trauma.

To prevent such problems, it is necessary to have an idea of ​​​​how to increase platelets in the blood.

Acceptable standards

With absence pathological abnormalities platelet count varies between 150-400 g/l. When the indicator decreases below the average level, we can already talk about the development of thrombocytopenia. With this condition, the ability to clot blood is lost, which provokes heavy bleeding.

However, minor deviations from the norm are still allowed. They can be observed in the fair half of the population during pregnancy or the menstrual cycle.

Tests and diagnostic methods

To monitor your platelet levels, you need to have a blood test done at least once a year. To determine the exact number of platelet platelets, blood is drawn from a patient's finger or vein. The method can be chosen by the person himself, based on the capabilities of the laboratory.

To obtain the most reliable information, it is recommended to adhere to some rules:

  • donate biomaterial better in the morning on empty stomach;
  • Avoid excessive overeating the day before the procedure;
  • exclude physical activity.

In addition, it is not allowed to drink alcohol the day before, as well as overheat or hypothermia.

Reasons for low values

  • blood diseases;
  • long-term drug therapy for pathologies caused by viruses or infections, as well as colds;
  • poisoning with toxins, drugs;
  • poor nutrition, which negatively affects the functioning of the body as a whole, including the circulatory system;
  • bone marrow damage leading to low level production of blood cells;
  • carrying out chemotherapy;
  • autoimmune diseases.

Representatives of the fair sex may also experience a decrease in platelet counts during pregnancy.

Moreover, this state does not depend on the influence of any factors. In most cases low platelets diagnosed in the third trimester.

Enhancement Methods

To increase the platelet count, the doctor, if necessary, prescribes an appointment medicines. If there is a slight decrease in the indicator, then a vitamin-mineral complex or special dietary nutrition will be sufficient.


Traditional treatment, which involves taking certain groups of medications, is used in case of critical deviation from the norm. Among the most common and frequently used means by which platelets can be raised are the following:

  1. Etamzilat. Available in the form of a solution intended for intravenous administration. The drug has a stimulating effect, which helps increase the production of platelet cells bone marrow. The effectiveness will be noticeable 5-15 minutes after the solution is administered.
  2. Prednisolone is a steroid hormone that is sold in tablet form. An increase in platelets is observed within seven days.
  3. Immunoglobulin. The composition includes substances that help stimulate the immune system. After completing the course of treatment, the level of the cells in question increases to 75 percent compared to the initial levels.
  4. Vikasol. Prescribed to prevent the development of internal bleeding.
  5. Codecor - herbal preparation, normalizing the process of hematopoiesis.

All medications should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor. You should not self-medicate with medications, since the result of incorrect actions can provoke dangerous complications.

Traditional medicine

To quickly increase platelets in the blood, you can use folk remedies.

For treatment at home, the following drugs will be most effective:

  1. Nettle decoction. It is considered one of the best for stopping bleeding. In addition, the plant helps cleanse the blood and normalize its composition. To get the most positive result, you need to drink 200 milliliters of decoction daily.
  2. Lemon and honey. Good for strengthening blood vessels. For administration, the components are mixed in equal proportions. To strengthen healing effect, it is recommended to add linseed or sesame oil to the composition.
  3. Oak bark. To prepare medicinal infusion, you need to fill a tablespoon of raw material with 200 milliliters boiled water and let it brew. The decoction is used as a rinse, which is effective for bleeding gums, which also indicates a decrease in platelet cells in the blood.
  4. Pomegranate juice. For effective treatment it is recommended to use only natural product. Before use, it is usually diluted with water in a 2:1 ratio. If you have stomach problems, it is better not to drink juice on an empty stomach.
  5. Chokeberry. Helps increase blood viscosity. To increase platelet levels, you need to eat about 50 berries per day for 20 days.

Despite the effectiveness natural ingredients, treatment with traditional medicine should only be carried out with the permission of the attending physician. It is important to take into account contraindications, general state body, associated pathologies, etc.

Special food

No less important role A properly formulated diet also plays a role in increasing the number of these cells. It must include foods rich in iron:

  • pumpkin seeds;
  • carrot;
  • buckwheat;
  • liver;
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • strawberry;
  • potato;
  • beet;
  • bananas and other foods that increase the number of platelet cells.

For the purpose of treatment and prevention of low indicators, the following must be excluded from use:

  • ginger;
  • citrus;
  • blueberries and raspberries
  • alcohol;
  • olive oil;
  • chocolate products.

The menu is designed to include a maximum healthy products, which contain everything important vitamins and microelements. There should be no food that thins the blood.

Increased platelets during pregnancy

During pregnancy, women will in any case experience changes in their platelet count. At rapid decline indicator, therapeutic measures must be carried out immediately, since the pathology is dangerous to the health of not only the mother, but also her unborn baby.

Treatment measures will include:

  • taking glucocorticosteroid drugs (for example, Prednisolone);
  • administration of immunoglobulin not only during pregnancy, but also during labor activity and after it;
  • carrying out blood transfusion (in case of a serious pathological condition).

In the case when conservative treatment doesn't bring positive results, decide to remove the spleen.

Excess after chemotherapy actions

After chemotherapy, there is usually a slow increase in platelet levels. This treatment method aggressively affects not only cancerous cells, but also formed blood cells.

To prevent the development of thrombocytopenia, in this case the following treatment is necessary:

  • 10-day course of recombinant thrombopoietin;
  • reception medications, which stimulate the formation of new platelets;
  • blood transfusion;
  • use folic acid;
  • immunoglobulins;
  • a special diet in which spicy foods and alcoholic drinks, most of the diet should consist of foods with increased content vitamin A.

Possible consequences of deviations

A low platelet count may indicate various pathological conditions, which, if left untreated, increase the risk of developing more serious complications, often ending in death.

Common and life-threatening consequences of a lack of platelets in the blood include:

  • development internal bleeding;
  • severe blood loss when receiving even minor cuts;
  • acute cerebral hemorrhage;
  • damage retina as a result of increased blood pressure.

If you suspect a low platelet count, you should immediately contact a specialist. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, treatment begins immediately.


To prevent platelet lows, it is first important to adhere to healthy image life. To do this, you need to follow some rules:

  • eliminate the use alcoholic products and smoking, because they lead to serious damage to the bone marrow, resulting in an automatic decrease in the production of platelet cells;
  • exercise regularly, but it is not recommended to put excessive stress on the body;
  • carry out hardening measures to stimulate the body's protective functions;
  • pay sufficient attention to sleep and rest.

In addition, it is important that the body is provided with the necessary amount of fluid. For good body functioning, experts recommend drinking at least two liters of pure drinking water per day.

A decrease in platelet count is serious pathological condition which can lead to life-threatening complications. To prevent this from happening, it is strongly recommended to undergo regular examinations. This will allow platelet-related problems to be identified at an early stage.

Once the diagnosis is confirmed, it is important to start treatment on time. If the deviations are minor, then prevention using traditional medicine will be effective.

In more severe cases drug therapy is prescribed. You should not self-medicate. Any remedy must be discussed with your doctor.

Abnormalities in blood test results are the first signal of possible violations in the functioning of the body or development serious illnesses. A low platelet level is especially dangerous because the blood loses its ability to clot quickly in the event of injury. Even minor damage tissues can lead to heavy bleeding. In this case, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment and tell you how to increase platelets in the blood quickly.

Causes of thrombocytopenia

A low level of platelets in the blood of an adult may be a consequence of the development of a serious illness or be temporary. For example, recent treatment viral infections may have a blood thinning effect. After discontinuation of the drugs, the level of lamellar blood cells returns to normal and treatment is not required. However, there is also serious illnesses, causing a decrease in platelet levels.

  • Damage to the bone marrow disrupts the production of blood cells.
  • Blood diseases.
  • The number of platelets in the blood decreases after chemotherapy; in this case, complex treatment. The patient should be careful and avoid injury and the slightest bleeding in every possible way.
  • Long-term treatment of colds, infectious or viral diseases.
  • Autoimmune systemic diseases (rheumatoid arthritis etc.).
  • Poisoning with toxic substances, heavy metals or medications.
  • Poor nutrition or starvation can have Negative influence on all functions of the body, including hematopoietic.

During pregnancy, women may experience a shortage of platelets without visible reasons. Usually the decrease in indicator is not critical and occurs in the 3rd trimester. How to raise platelets in the blood of women in interesting position will tell you female doctor. In this case, platelet deficiency cannot be treated with medication, but is regulated by special nutrition for the expectant mother. Natural childbirth in case of thrombocytopenia, they are not contraindicated and pass normally. A C-section or other surgical intervention if the platelet count is low, it may pose a threat.

Therapeutic diet

When patients wonder how to increase platelet levels in the blood, they often hear about dietary adjustments. This is truly the simplest and most harmless way to treat thrombocytopenia. However, it should be remembered therapeutic diet has an increasing effect on platelet count only in initial stage diseases when deviations are not critical.

In serious cases, special nutrition will not be enough and medications are used for treatment.

First of all, in order to increase the level of platelets in the blood, it is recommended to exclude foods that negatively affect the process of hematopoiesis and thin the blood (ginger, olive oil, etc.). Alcohol and any dishes and cocktails containing it are completely excluded. Also prohibited are high-calorie foods, fried and deep-fried foods, street fast food, etc.

The main product that increases the number of platelets and other blood cells is meat. It is better to give preference to beef, that is, red meat, but do not forget about turkey, chicken and rabbit meat. During treatment, doctors recommend that vegetarians deviate from the principles and include a sufficient amount of meat and other animal foods in their diet to maintain health. Patients who are fasting should also stop limiting themselves to animal foods.

The patient's diet to increase platelet levels should include:

  • Meat, offal
  • Sea fish, seafood
  • Chicken and quail eggs
  • Buckwheat and rice cereals
  • Legumes (beans, peas, lentils, etc.)
  • Nuts, especially walnuts and hazelnuts
  • Pumpkin, beets, melons, pomegranate seeds
  • Fresh herbs (parsley, dill, etc.)
  • Green tea
  • Mineral water without gas (at least 1.8 liters)

Doctors recommend supplementing treatment proper nutrition and include healthy foods in your diet plant foods, especially foods rich in iron and vitamins A, B12 and C. Intake should be increased as much as possible fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as fresh juices and smoothies made from them. However, packaged juices and nectars are strictly prohibited. It is also not recommended to use semi-finished products and ready-made industrial sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup, dumplings, etc.). Only fresh food can increase the platelet count, while semi-finished products rich in food and flavor additives have a depressing effect on the body's systems.

Drug treatment

Traditional therapy using special drugs used for significant deviations from the norm. For small fluctuations in platelet count, doctors usually recommend special diet or gentle means for plant based. Often, before increasing the platelet count with medication, the patient is prescribed a course of vitamins to stimulate basic body functions. Frequently used means:

  • "Dicynon" (Etamsylate) is a solution for intravenous administration. Homeopathic remedy has a stimulating effect on the production of cells in the bone marrow. The positive effect of treatment is noticeable within 5-15 minutes after administration of the drug. The solution is sold at a low price and is available in pharmacies; it has a number of contraindications.
  • Prednisolone is available in tablets and is a steroid hormone. The platelet count will begin to increase within a week. The drug is available in an affordable price category.
  • "Immunoglobulin" in ampoules contains substances that stimulate immune system body, including the production of blood cells. After a course of using the drug, a blood test shows the platelet level increased to 75% of the initial level. The medicine has a high price and a wide range of contraindications.

The ways to raise platelets after chemotherapy are somewhat different from usual treatment. IN in some cases the indicator drops to the level of 20 × 10 9 / l (the norm for adults is 180–350 × 10 9 / l) and patients are prescribed a platelet transfusion. Certain medications are also used to treat low platelet levels after consultation with an oncologist.


The effectiveness of many time-tested grandma's funds today they confirm Scientific research. You can increase the number of platelets in the blood with the help of herbal tinctures and decoctions. The main condition is the absence of alcohol or alcohol-containing ingredients in the recipe; they are strictly contraindicated.

The herbal hemostatic collection has proven itself well: 1 part chamomile flowers, 2 parts shepherd's purse, 2 parts leaves peppermint pour 250 ml cold water. The mixture is put on fire and boiled after boiling for 15 minutes. The cooled decoction is taken orally, 100 ml twice a day.

Nettle increases platelet count, use nettle juice fresh plant or prepare decoctions from dry leaves. It is useful to add rose hips, verbena, yarrow, leaves and fruits of strawberries to tea. Flaxseed and sesame oil are also used for treatment.

A drop in platelet count is a serious pathological condition that cannot be ignored. At in serious condition and a serious deviation from the norm, the patient faces internal and external bleeding, and even death. Drug treatment, influence of folk remedies and special food allow you to normalize low platelet counts and avoid negative consequences thrombocytopenia.

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