How does a child become conceived? Fertilization - what it is and how the process occurs. Artificial insemination. Movement of male reproductive cells

The female body is an integral system that contains all the necessary resources for the successful bearing of a child. Finding out in detail how the process of conceiving a child occurs day by day, and how many days it lasts, will be useful for those who are planning a pregnancy in the near future, and for those who want to avoid it. The sacrament of conception takes place in the same way, only its beginning directly depends on the individual characteristics of the woman.

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Ovulation day

Ovulation refers to the process of the release of a formed egg from the ovaries, it is completely ready for the start of fertilization. A female cell can maintain its readiness to conceive only in a period of time from 12 to 36 hours. It is for this reason that the most comfortable time for conception is the middle of the menstrual cycle, then the act of fertilization should take place. If this does not happen within 36 hours after the cell matures, then the mature egg dies and is released with blood during the next menstruation.

The fertilization process itself can take 3 hours due to internal barriers in the female body. Successful fertilization is possible only when 10 million live sperm have penetrated into the uterus. The female body works at this moment in order to ensure a comfortable temperature for conception - 37 degrees.

Basically, only one mature cell is fertilized. In practice, there are quite rare cases when during the ovulation process several eggs are produced at once; if they are fertilized, then the woman can give birth to twins or triplets. At the moment of division of a fertilized cell into 2 different ones they begin.

At the moment of the process of conception and fertilization, the nucleus of the female cell and the sperm form a single whole, which is called a zygote. A day later, it begins active division. The first cells obtained from it were called blastomeres. They also divide, gradually decreasing in size, but the size of the zygote remains at the same level.

On the 3rd day, the developing embryo contains from 6 to 8 growing blastomeres. These particles may affect the development of twins, at this moment the embryo already has its own individual genome.

On the 4th day, there are from 10 to 16 developing cells in the embryo. At this moment, compaction of the growing embryo begins. At this stage of conception, it penetrates the uterus and tubes that are ready for bearing it, there is always a certain risk of getting an ectopic pregnancy. This day is significant for the embryo with important changes: the growing fertilized egg takes the shape of a blackberry, this means the beginning of the period of embryogenesis, the formation internal organs and systems of the little man.

The developing embryo is free and not attached to anything until the 7th day of pregnancy, when it is securely attached to the uterus.

On what day after conception does embryo implantation occur?

The developing fetus enters the uterus prepared for its gestation on the 5th day after the act of conception has occurred. It begins to be attracted to its wall, after this fixation it is covered on all sides with a nutrient membrane, and the outer blastocyst connects with blood vessels and uterine tissue. Attachment of the fetus occurs on the 6th-7th day after conception.

From the moment the growing embryo enters the uterus until it is firmly fixed inside, up to 3 days pass. The process of implantation of the fertilized egg takes up to 40 hours. After the fertilized egg attaches to the uterus, the level of pregnancy hormone in a woman’s blood increases, which signals its possible occurrence. During the implantation period there may be slight bleeding, which may be mistakenly recognized as the onset of menstruation.

How can you find out in the early stages whether the desired pregnancy has occurred or not? What should you pay attention to during this period?

Symptoms of pregnancy in the first days appear in each woman individually, for some they are weaker, and for others they are pronounced. When the following, very first signs appear after conception, pregnancy can be confirmed:

  • a few days after conception has occurred, colorless discharge may be observed, they have a uniform consistency, without any unpleasant odor. By 12-13 weeks of gestation, they become more liquid in consistency.

It is important during this period to take a closer look at the discharge: are there any bloody streaks in it, an unpleasant yellow-green hue or a cheesy consistency, because this can be a clear signal of the presence of various diseases;

  • the chest is slowly filling up, gains increased sensitivity. Its unusual soreness may be a clear signal of pregnancy;
  • at conception there may be feelings of malaise or depression. This condition can accompany a woman immediately after pregnancy. Some women mistake these unexpected signs for... Headache, increased fatigue, rapid irritability, a constant feeling of weakness, sudden mood swings that accompany a woman for more than one day are signs of hormonal changes in the body during pregnancy;
  • from the moment of fertilization of a woman may accompany occasional vomiting until the end of the first three months of embryonic development. This does not happen to all pregnant women; everything here is determined by the balance between the hormone progesterone and the new functions of the restructuring body.

If any strange changes appear in the body and the slightest suspicion of pregnancy, women rush to check it with the help. But is this correct or should we wait for the results to be more accurate?

When is the best time to take a pregnancy test after conception?

The test will show reliable information if it is performed a week after the upcoming menstruation is missed. It is at this moment that there will be enough “pregnancy hormone” in the urine to confirm pregnancy. This hormone begins to be actively produced only after the growing embryo attaches to the walls of the uterus. And the presence of this hormone in the blood can be determined only a few days before the expected menstruation. It is detected in urine even later.

There are now commercially available tests that can detect pregnancy even before a delay. But even here no one guarantees the absolute accuracy of the result.

To accurately determine the onset of pregnancy in the early stages, you need to do a special blood test that will reflect the content of the hormone beta-hCG. A regular pharmacy test cannot guarantee such reliability.

Conceiving and bearing a fetus is enough complex processes the birth and development of new life, which are accompanied by characteristic features. Carrying a long-awaited child is a crucial moment in the life of every woman, when it is necessary to approach it with all seriousness, especially when it comes to the health of the expectant mother.

It is advisable to identify your weak sides those in need of support, take the course, abandon the previous bad habits and prepare for an important event in the life of every couple in love - the birth of a baby.

The detailed process of conception will be shown in the video:

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“Children are nature’s desire to prolong the race”

So wrote Kahlil Ghibran in his work The Prophet. Nature wants us to have children. However, it does not need unhealthy or weak ones, and therefore there is a long path of selection of the strongest genes, with a greater likelihood of survival.

One of the Eastern philosophies says that the soul of a child chooses its own parents. The more physically healthy and psychologically calm the parents are, the more likely it is that the souls of children will compete in choosing such parents and, through natural selection, the healthiest and most psychologically adjusted child will develop in such a parental union. From an ordinary point of view, and not from the point of view of philosophical ideas, the healthier the parents and the more psychologically prepared and harmonious in their union, the greater the chance of the child being born healthy.


There are two extreme opposites in choosing a spouse. On the one hand, this is the philosophy of the East with a marriage of convenience, on the other, the romantic idea of ​​falling in love. On the one hand, this is conscious approval by elders of future relationships between young people, on the other hand, emotionally intense love. As you might expect, the balance is somewhere in the middle.

I don't want to change religious or ethical rules, but I do believe that choosing a spouse is an important decision that should not be made by one person or subject to the whims of our emotional states.

On the following pages you will find a list of questions that should be answered by a future married couple who has decided to have a child.


The reasons that people have sexual relationships are numerous. Sexual intercourse gives each partner a feeling of pleasure and relaxation. Most people enjoy sex, but there are others who often use sex for other purposes to gain respect and confidence.

Most women in certain time wondering if they want to get pregnant. The decision will be positive when the woman reaches a certain age and development and it is clear that she is ready to become a mother.

More than 750,000 babies are born every year in the UK, and 5 times that number in the United States.

However, it is estimated that two out of every five pregnancies are not carried to term. Most conceptions are not even noticed. The fertilized egg does not enter the uterus or dies due to gene defects in both the sperm and the egg. The fertilized egg is then released quietly, usually during the next menstrual cycle. The problem of conception, however, is not associated only with these reasons. Many couples cannot conceive a child because there is no interaction between the male and female reproductive organs. letok. Infertility can also be caused by the ovaries not producing eggs, or by a lack of sperm, or by non-viable sperm.

What advice can you give and how should you treat those women who cannot get pregnant?

Approximately 30,000 women in the UK, with or without a spouse, visit specialists each year due to infertility problems. At the same time, it can be assumed that only one third of women who cannot get pregnant consult a doctor. Thus, if you take data from any year, you can calculate that in the United Kingdom 90 thousand women cannot get pregnant.

At the beginning of this decade in medical institutions it was found that only in 15% of women suffering from infertility, conventional treatment methods lead to positive results. It is likely that this figure could double due to advances in science. In addition, it has been found that various alternative techniques can also lead to good results. Holistic medicine uses traditional and alternative treatment. Holistic medicine is believed to double the chances of a couple wanting to have a child.

The problem of infertility, like other problems, should be studied and solved; find a way Treatment methods are necessary on three levels of human existence: body, mind and spirit, and at the same time remember that the causes of infertility can be in both a woman and a man.


The average length of the menstrual cycle is 28 days. Of course, there are different deviations: for some women this cycle can last up to 40 days, while for others it is only three weeks. Typically, the egg is ready for fertilization about 14 days before your next period. For women who have a regular menstrual cycle, it is easy to calculate this period. Others determine it using a urine test or vaginal discharge. Such tests can be purchased at any pharmacies in the city. Another way is to measure body temperature. Typically the temperature rises by half a degree. That is, measure and record your temperature. Record the results in a temperature map and find out when this rise occurs (see example).

Partners should remember that an egg is not released every month or during every period. They should not be discouraged when tests do not show the desired results for several months.

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Whatever differences or opposing views a married couple may have, these issues should be discussed by themselves or with their friends and family. If they have not come to any mutual resolution, then I suggest seeking help from a marriage counselor or, in the case of religious differences, a spiritual director.


All followers of Eastern philosophies categorically state that taking drugs, drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco, which affect the nervous system, can change energy levels. These levels travel through meridians, or energy channels, and any change in them can affect pregnancy.

Toxic substances specifically reduce the qi energy in the human kidneys. This place is believed to be the body's energy storehouse and its main supplier during conception and pregnancy. Each person has his own special likes and dislikes, intolerances and even allergic reactions. All this should be provided for before conceiving a child (see chapter Chinese and Oriental Medicine).

For conception to occur successfully, two factors are needed: healthy sperm and a healthy egg. Their meeting is the key successful conception. Nutrition for both partners is also of utmost importance. Toxins that affect both sperm and eggs include tobacco, alcohol, drugs and medications (including birth control pills).


It is known that tobacco is capable of changing the structure of cells. Many studies have confirmed that mothers who smoke are more likely to give birth to babies prematurely and with low birth weight. If you smoke, your child is exposed to tobacco components and this happens at different stages pregnancy or conception. Smoking father about to have a baby, in to a greater extent causes different abnormalities in her unborn child than a smoking mother, since changes in his sperm may occur. Sperm may lose their motility.

A woman should not smoke at least one month before trying to get pregnant, and a man should not smoke for at least 10 days.


In 1984, I published a study that described fetal alcohol syndrome as causing death or detrimental effects on the fetus. This syndrome is often underdiagnosed, but it can be caused by even small amounts of alcohol. Throughout this book I will touch on the topic of alcohol. If you are planning to become pregnant or are already in the early stages of pregnancy, I advise you to avoid alcohol. As for your partner, explain to him that alcohol also has a negative effect on sperm motility.

Don't use alcoholic drinks By at least within 10 days before expected conception.


Medicines are harmful in any case, but especially during pregnancy. Very few medications prescribed by doctors are safe enough for mother and fetus. Moreover, there are very few examples proving positive influence medications during conception. Changes at the genetic level are possible, in addition, sometimes the mother cannot feed her child. Medicines, like tobacco and alcohol, negatively affect sperm motility in men.

Unless absolutely necessary, do not take medications for at least a month before conception.


If you have established the ovulation period and the days of expected fertilization, I would recommend that you follow the following diet during these days.

See the 3-Day Detox Diet and the 7-Day Semi-Fast Diet in Chapter 7. Follow these diets for at least one week before your period starts and continue for 10 days before your next period. You can follow the Hai diet (see chapter 7), it will help keep the body free of alkalis and toxins.

Vitamins and additional microelements

It is fundamentally important that the diet can provide each partner with the entire set of vitamins and microelements. There is no specific nutritional advice for men and they should only eat healthy foods. On the other hand, women need additional nutritional elements for at least one month before conception.

Folic acid (400 mg per day) has been found to reduce the incidence of neural tube disorders (problems with the formation of the spinal column).

Take multivitamins and mineral complexes to avoid problems with individual deficiencies that we may not be aware of.

Consult a dietitian to help you establish a healthy eating routine after detox diets and fasting diets.

Get a thorough examination from your doctor.

Consult a homeopath to determine your constitutional type (see section Homeopathy).


The Conception Vessel, or Governing Vessel, is a term often found in Chinese medicine and refers to the flow of energy passing through the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, pancreas gland, and uterus. More complete information will be given in the future (see chapter The Conception Vessel). If a woman who wants to become pregnant has diseases of the uterus, she should consult a Tibetan or Chinese medicine doctor who practices acupuncture in combination with herbal medicine. The weakness of any of these organs indicates the weakness of the energy current. This may mean that a woman has low energy flow and is predisposed to diabetes and hypothyroidism (low energy levels). thyroid gland) during pregnancy.


It should be noted that the art of sexual courtship is of great importance for successful conception. Orgasm in a man is expressed by successful ejaculation (ejaculation), but improper sexual intercourse technique leads to premature ejaculation. Female orgasm manifests itself as increased blood flow to the genitals before orgasm occurs. This is a sign that everything is ready to receive sperm. During orgasm, the blood disperses and congestion in these organs is eliminated, which allows sperm to travel their path faster and easier.

The uterus is normal and the uterus is bent posteriorly

The uterus is in normal position.

Almost vertical position uterus.

Therefore, it is advisable when trying to conceive a child that both spouses experience orgasm.

An orgasm experienced by both spouses is not the main condition for successful conception, but it undoubtedly helps this process. Orgasm is a moment of physical, psychological and spiritual bliss. Therefore, if both spouses bring these feelings to each other at the moment of the birth of a new life, then it is better to start from the spiritual, energetic level.

From a practical point of view, position during sexual intercourse also plays an important role. Humans (and some fish) are the only living creatures that copulate while facing each other. Almost all animal copulation processes occur when the female is on all fours and the male is behind. Since the human body has a vertical position, nature had to help him in such a way that the sperm could successfully find its way to the egg. Of all the females, only the female can experience orgasm. This is nature’s plan: to tire, exhaust a woman and force her to lie motionless for some time. At this time, the uterus rises to horizontal position, and thus spermatozoa are easily
reach the egg. But if a woman gets up immediately after intercourse, then the sperm needs to overcome the force of gravity.

A very common condition is called inverted uterus (retroversion). In this position, the body of the uterus is tilted or directed towards the spine. The cervix and external os can automatically move into the front of the vagina. During sexual intercourse, sperm is ejected from the penis at a speed of 136 km/h. If the sperm lands directly on the cervix, this is the best way for sperm to travel from the cervical os to the egg. If the uterus is deviated and the cervix is ​​pushed forward, then the sperm, erupting, falls on back arch and then must find a path to the cervix, and thus the length of the path increases. Surprisingly, during a woman’s orgasm, the cervix “immerses” in the sperm, thus helping its progress.

A thorough examination by a specialist is possible! give a clear picture of the position of the cervix. If a woman knows in which direction her cervix deviates, then she should maintain a certain position throughout intercourse so that the cervix moves away from the vaginal wall.


Patient O. addressed my father, who is now deceased. This was 15 years ago. She was from Cameroon. There she rented various tests in order to determine the cause of her infertility. She also underwent examinations in Switzerland and London, all to no avail.

She eventually turned to a doctor who specializes in alternative treatments. How surprised she was when my father, after conducting a full examination, prescribed her homeopathic remedy and advised me to lie on my right side during sexual intercourse. Now I am watching this woman and her family with four children. All of them were conceived in the right lateral position.


The advice given in this part of the book is appropriate only after a year of regular sexual intercourse without the use of contraception. Approximately 30% of infertility cases are associated with sperm deficiency. Sperm are produced in the testicles and enter the seminal fluid, which is produced in another part of the testicles and prostate gland. This fluid helps nourish motile sperm, which carry male genes. In addition, there are other pathological problems such as testicular swelling, hormonal imbalance, and sometimes even infection can cause decreased sperm production and motility.

The first thing required for treatment in case of infertility of a married couple is to do a sperm analysis and make sure that it is normal. These tests are safe and can be performed quickly. The man himself collects sperm for analysis. He may also have a blood test to check hormonal balance if the sperm count is low and sperm motility is reduced. If the results are incorrect for any reason, then you can adhere to the following recommendations.

Having solved the problem of infertility in men, you should pay attention to the causes of infertility in women.

Donate sperm for analysis after three days of abstinence from sexual intercourse

Avoid wearing tight shorts and pants.

Take 2 g of Korean, Chinese or Tibetan ginseng twice a day.

Believe it or not, six oysters, lean red meat and crab can help. The main element they contain is zinc. And zinc promotes sperm motility and production. Alternatively, you can take 5mg of zinc per 30cm of your height before bed.

The following elements can be taken daily with food in divided doses per 30 cm of height: beta-carotene (3000 IU), vitamin C (1 g) and vitamin E (100 IU).

Relieve stress (see section Stress). Adrenaline reduces sperm production.

Try reflexology. Gentle pressure should be applied to the area of ​​the feet, where the points of the testicles, adrenal glands and pituitary gland are represented.

Extend lovemaking before ejaculation.

Seek advice and treatment from an alternative health practitioner if you are unable to conceive after one year.


As with men, women should not worry about infertility before they have been sexually active for a year, provided they have not used contraception. But if you are over 38 and want to get pregnant, then you should contact medical care after six months. Women have the same problem as men - the production of a viable egg.

Girls are born with a limited number of eggs in each ovary. By the time the first menstruation begins, chemical changes begin to occur in a girl's body. They trigger the process of egg maturation. Due to a special chemical "displacement" mechanism, usually only one egg matures each month in both ovaries, and it travels down the fallopian tube (oviduct). There are many reasons to explain the process of non-ripening of the egg: nutrition, infections, stress, hormonal

changes and pathology of the ovaries. Problems also arise from a practical point of view. Once the egg enters the fallopian tube, it must travel a huge distance that can be compared to walking from Lodon to Munich. The peristaltic wave-like movements of the tube help push the egg towards the uterus. In most cases, fertilization occurs in the tube, so the sperm needs to be very mobile in order to travel such a long way to the egg. Infections can scar the fallopian tubes, and diseases such as endometriosis can interfere with the movement of sperm and eggs. Now it is clear that there are many problems associated with the structure of the genital organs, which create a barrier between the germ cells.


If general state the couple's health was checked and nothing was found; significant deviations, the doctor may order additional testing. The wife has diseases such as diabetes and disorders:

functioning of the thyroid gland may change the overall picture, and in this case it is necessary to carry out full analysis blood to check hormone levels in the body.

If the analysis does not confirm any abnormalities, then blood is taken for it at certain points in the cycle. The content of the following hormones is checked:

Estrogen and progesterone

Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)

Luteinizing hormone (LH)

Prolactin hormone

Estrogen and progesterone are very necessary in the process of preparing the uterus for the attachment of a fertilized egg. The role of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is that it helps the egg to fully develop and mature in the ovary, and the role of luteinizing hormone is to release the egg from the ovary and release it into the fallopian tube. Prolactin is formed to prepare the female breast for the process of lactation (milk production). Excessive levels of prolactin, usually caused by a benign tumor in the pituitary gland, can interfere with pregnancy. This is why pregnancies are almost rare during lactation and breastfeeding.

If you have identified problems at the hormonal level, you should not be treated without the recommendation of specialists involved in both traditional methods of treatment and non-traditional doctors.

The gynecologist must know and monitor any changes in hormonal problems.

You may also benefit from herbal medicine, homeopathy or nutritional therapy (see Chapter 9). It is possible for a doctor to prescribe natural estrogens and progesterones.

Visualization (the process of creating a visual image) and meditation can also help you.

If you have a stressful, restless condition, consult a medical consultant.


One of the most common causes of infertility is adhesive process fallopian tubes. Therefore, the doctor may first prescribe laparoscopy (examination of organs using an endoscope). This operation usually requires general anesthesia. A small incision is made under the navel and a thin, flexible probe is inserted through it. This allows the surgeon to examine the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and surrounding structures. A special dye is injected through the cervix, and then the surgeon observes the flow of this dye from the open ends of the fallopian tubes. This process is called hysterosalpinography. If blocked tubes are found, they can be treated with surgery, as can polycystic ovarian disease, a condition in which there are many fluid-filled cystic structures on the surface of the ovary. This disease is usually associated with hormonal imbalances.

Ideally, before undergoing this invasive procedure, I would recommend seeing a doctor who specializes in alternative treatments. If you do not get tested, it will be difficult to diagnose tubal obstruction. The only factor contributing to the diagnosis is the infectious diseases that the woman has suffered. In addition, doctors who can recognize the cause of the disease from the pulse claim that they can help in this case. The obstruction of the pipes can be confirmed using another method - Kirlian photography.

Tibetan and Chinese herbs prescribed by a medical specialist can help you.

Take Silica 30 dilution twice daily for two weeks only*.

Create an image using visualization method little man with a pick-hoe passing through the fallopian “tunnel”*.

* There is an urgent need to consult an osteopathic doctor.

* Polarity therapy and the Alexander technique can affect the position of the tubes and relieve obstructions.


You should not rush to conclusions, but patiently wait for the results of any analysis. If a married couple cannot have a child, then they should seek help from a doctor who uses traditional methods of treatment. These methods have some success, while all holistic medicine methods automatically improve the overall condition of the person or the area of ​​the body that needs to be treated or medicinally, or surgery.

Any structural difficulties, such as scar changes in the tubes or other adhesions, resolve as a result surgical intervention. Behind Lately Scientific techniques are increasingly being developed, and therefore they contribute to more successful unblocking of the microscopic lumens of the fallopian tubes. Hormonal imbalance can also be corrected with chemicals and medications such as clomiphene that promote fertilization. But these drugs usually have side effects, although they give a relatively favorable outcome. Most women are unhappy with such medications. I see them as a last chance, and not as the first step in treatment. In any case, to reduce unwanted side effects, you can use the recommendations of unconventional methods.

If you are going to take medications prescribed by a traditional doctor, also consult a naturopathic doctor who can give you advice on how to avoid side effects.


If none of the treatment methods leads to positive results, experts in this case consider it possible to use special technique artificial insemination. This is how the term “test tube baby” came about. With this method, a child develops from an egg implanted in the uterus, which was artificially fertilized in a test tube. To do this, a mature egg is taken from a woman’s ovary using a special laparoscopic procedure. It is performed after medication is injected into the ovary to produce eggs. The mature eggs are then fertilized with the sperm of the spouse or donor in a laboratory setting. After this, the fertilized eggs are placed in the uterus and nature begins its process. At this time, the uterus is prepared for implantation using a specially prescribed program of taking hormonal medications.

There is another method called “gamete transfer into the fallopian tube.” In this case, the egg is also extracted from the ovary. It is then placed into the fallopian tube with donor sperm. If fertilization occurs here, the fertilized egg moves naturally through the fallopian tube to the uterus for implantation.

The results of such methods of fertilization are not the same in different clinics. A positive result occurs only in 20% of cases. One in seven pregnancies is carried to term and the baby is born alive. I hope these numbers will increase as fertilization techniques improve. It should also be noted that there is always a risk when performing any procedure.

Before deciding on artificial insemination, consult a doctor who uses alternative methods of treatment.

Before performing invasive procedures, read the Operations and Surgery chapter.


If you decide to have a baby, you should know that there are many psychological factors that you will encounter. For both men and women, the decision to have a child and a family is an age-related phenomenon. We are no longer the children of our parents, but we ourselves become the parents of our child. We will all have to face increased responsibility, reduced freedom, loss of choice and financial problems. We must also understand all the responsibilities and obligations not only towards our child, but also towards our spouse.

Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH), which control the process of ovulation, are produced by a small nut-sized gland located next to the pituitary gland. It is therefore anatomically possible that the emotional centers surrounding this gland produce chemical substances, which can block the production and release of FSH and LH. Feelings of unhappiness due to a dysfunctional relationship or marriage can continually affect this gland and interfere with its normal functioning. Stress in men can also cause different problems. Therefore, feeling happy in your married life can affect your blood chemistry and increase your chances of successful conception and pregnancy.

What force exists that gives life to any special cell? Hindus believe that the soul chooses its future parents or, more scientifically, that the life force enters the fertilized egg. I often see couples where one or both spouses are angry or unhappy with each other. Sometimes I ask myself this question: “Do I want to be the child of such parents?” I think it is very important when a soul comes into a family with a favorable environment and relationships. I always encourage peace and harmony in a family in which spouses cannot have children. Too many families break up because the spouses are dissatisfied with each other. If you think that the child brings happiness to the house and everything will be fine with you, then this is the correct judgment, which is necessary in order to be happy.

If negative relationships arise between spouses, you should seek advice from a specialist.

Don't try to get pregnant if you are surrounded by negative energy.

Start learning meditation techniques and do it every day.


All philosophical trends in medicine that present the concept of energy inevitably give a description of the channel, or meridian. The Chinese call it the “vessel of conception.”

This is an energy line that runs through the thyroid and pancreas to the uterus.

I believe that pregnancy transfers energy to the uterus, thereby reducing the vital force needed to properly maintain the thyroid and pancreas.

iron This is how the conception vessel receives energy from the person closest to you. Parents primarily transfer energy to their children from their conception vessels. This energy is transferred to both lovers and best friends. Weak relationships between loved ones, spouses and parents lead to weakening of the fertilization vessels. And if the conception vessel is not supplied or filled with energy along its entire path from the very beginning, then the pregnancy will deplete the parental meridian, leading to problems with subsequent conceptions.

It is important that your relationship with your spouse if you want to get pregnant is strong and favorable.

Clarify any misunderstandings that have arisen between you, resolve any disagreements, and ask your parents, especially your mother, to help resolve issues related to pregnancy.


Whether this is a "life force" or a state of consciousness that can enter the fetus at the last stage are all philosophical questions.

In any case, it would be prudent to meet certain conditions if both spouses want to have a child:

Do not consume alcoholic beverages or medications.

There must be a mutual desire to have a child.

To love each other.

These are the three conditions that, according to Eastern philosophy, the human soul can fulfill. To this you can add the beliefs and beliefs of the religion to which you belong.

Talk to your spirit guide.

Those who do not have such a teacher should find a specialist in Ayurveda and Tibetan medicine to find out all the medical aspects for correcting spiritual training.

Eastern philosophy relies more on the state of mind of a woman during pregnancy. Many techniques are used, including acupuncture, to remove energy blockages that in turn interfere with the fertilization process. Western philosophy, due to its dependence on science, has lost touch with the spiritual aspect of fertilization.

Mr. Bennett, a philosopher and student of Gurdjieff, discussed the existence of spiritual genetics. He defended the idea that existing energy immeasurable in space and moves with a person. At the moment of fertilization, this energy passes along with the physical and genetic material into the embryo.


After all, why not turn to astrology? If the Sun and Moon can move huge masses of water for miles, as sea tides around the world prove, why shouldn't the small influence of Pluto and Jupiter cause changes in the microscopic amounts of fluid in the egg and sperm? It's worth checking to see if your astrological charts align and when is the best time to have a baby. Interestingly, the time from conception to childbirth is similar to the time of revolution of the planets in the sky. It may be better for you to schedule at the time of conception rather than during labor.

Nature has arranged it so that a woman’s body is ready for fertilization approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle, when a mature egg is released from one of the ovaries—that is, ovulation occurs. An ovulated egg remains viable for only 12-36 hours: if fertilization does not occur during this time, the egg dies and is released with the next menstrual bleeding. Sometimes, extremely rarely, during ovulation not one, but two or even three eggs are ovulated - if they are fertilized, a woman can give birth to twins or triplets. A different situation arises when one egg ovulates, which, having already been fertilized, is divided into two or three equal parts - in this case, twins are born.
A few hours before ovulation, the oviduct funnel is prepared in order to “catch” the egg and thereby prevent its disappearance in the abdominal cavity. The soft villi of the funnel constantly slide over the surface of the ovary, the walls of the oviduct begin to contract rhythmically, which helps it catch the egg. The fallopian tube, where the follicle is located, is wide open due to the hormone estrogen (its concentration is higher where the follicle is) and increased blood supply. There is no follicle in the other tube, so the blood supply is less abundant, that is, the tube is physiologically closed.
The capture and movement of the egg and sperm through the fallopian tube is achieved by muscle contractions, the movement of cilia and fluid flow (Hafez, 1973). The interaction of these three mechanisms occurs at the level of two main regulatory systems: endocrine and nervous. This mechanism is facilitated by the hormone prostaglandin contained in sperm. Female orgasm can enhance the effect as it causes uterine contractions.
Simultaneously with ovulation, many “auxiliary” biochemical processes occur that promote fertilization: the secretion of mucus in the cervix changes - the mucus thins and the cervical canal, unlike normal days, becomes passable for sperm; a woman’s mood changes, libido increases, blood supply to the genitals and erogenous zones increases.
In the fallopian tube, the egg finds a comfortable environment in which its development continues, while it moves along the mucous membrane inner surface fallopian tube, moving to the ampullary section, where it should meet sperm.

During sexual intercourse, the process of ejaculation releases approximately 500 million sperm into the back of the vagina near the cervix. To carry out fertilization, sperm need to travel a path of about 20 cm (cervix - about 2 cm, uterine cavity - about 5 cm, fallopian tube - about 12 cm) to the ampullary section of the fallopian tube, where fertilization normally occurs. Most sperm travel this route within a few hours, as they encounter numerous obstacles.

The vaginal environment is detrimental to sperm. Although seminal fluid partially neutralizes the slightly acidic vaginal environment (pH about 6.0) and partially suppresses the action of the woman’s immune system against sperm; as a rule, most sperm are not able to reach the cervix and die in the vagina. According to the WHO criteria used in the postcoital test, the death of all sperm remaining in the vagina 2 hours after coitus is normal.
From the vagina, sperm move towards the cervix. The direction of movement of the sperm is determined by sensing acidity (pH) environment, in the direction of decreasing acidity. While the pH of the vagina is around 6.0, the pH of the cervix is ​​around 7.2. The cervical canal, which connects the vagina and the uterine cavity, is also an obstacle to sperm due to mucus, which is a hydrogel of glycoproteins and forms a mucus plug with a porous structure. The pore size and viscosity of mucus depends on hormonal levels, in turn determined by the phase of the menstrual cycle. By the time of ovulation, the pore size increases, the viscosity of the mucus decreases, which makes it easier for sperm to overcome this “barrier.” The flow of mucus directed outwards of the canal and more pronounced along the periphery contributes to the “filtration” of full-fledged sperm.
For subsequent successful fertilization, at least 10 million sperm must penetrate from the vagina into the uterus. After passing through the cervix, the sperm find themselves in the uterus itself, the environment of which has an activating effect on the sperm: their motility increases significantly, and “capacitation” occurs.

From the uterus, sperm are sent to fallopian tubes, the direction to which and inside which spermatozoa are determined by the flow of fluid. It has been shown that sperm have negative rheotaxis, that is, the desire to move against the flow. The flow of fluid in the fallopian tube is created by the cilia of the epithelium, as well as peristaltic contractions of the muscular wall of the tube. Most sperm cannot reach the end of the fallopian tube - the so-called “funnel” or “ampull”, where fertilization occurs, being unable to overcome numerous obstacles in the form of epithelial cilia. Of the several million sperm that enter the uterus, only a few thousand reach the ampullary part of the fallopian tube. In the uterus and fallopian tubes, sperm can remain viable for up to 5 days.

During swimming, the characteristics of sperm gradually change - the influence of substances on the cervix, uterus and fallopian tubes is affected. Spermatozoa acquire the ability to fertilize. If there is still no egg in the fallopian tube, then the sperm “bathe” in a wide part of the oviduct and are able to wait for an egg for up to 3-5 days.
Sperm are most mobile at a body temperature of 37 degrees - the female body “helps” them with this: after ovulation, under the influence of progesterone secreted by the corpus luteum formed at the site of the ovulated follicle, the woman’s body temperature is slightly increased. Estrogen, also produced by the corpus luteum, prepares the uterine mucosa for the attachment of a fertilized egg and stimulates the development of the muscular layer of the uterus and mammary glands.


In the ampullary (widest) part of the fallopian tube, the egg is surrounded by sperm, one of which must perform the final task - fertilize the egg. A new obstacle stands in his way: a rather dense protective membrane of the egg.

The head of the sperm contains an acrosome - a specific organelle that contains special enzymes that promote the dissolution of the egg shell and the penetration of the genetic material of the sperm inside.
So that one of the sperm (the winner) can penetrate the cytoplasm. 400-500 sperm will literally “lay down their heads” so that the winner - the 501st in a row, who will be in right time and in the very weak point membrane of the egg, was able to overcome it.
Thus, during natural conception, the number of living sperm in close proximity to the egg plays an important role. The statement that one sperm is enough to conceive a child is not entirely accurate. In natural conditions, the “statistical factor” is the main one! Millions of actively motile sperm are needed, without which conception is impossible, but only one of them fertilizes the egg.

Once the first sperm manages to break through the membrane and invade the cytoplasm of the egg, the chemistry of the membranes immediately changes to thus exclude the entry of other sperm, even if they have almost penetrated the egg - more than one set of chromosomes will have disastrous consequences for the egg. The sperm that remain outside the egg, where their entrance has been so strictly cut off, swarm around the egg for several more days and then eventually die. It is believed that these sperm create the necessary chemical environment that helps the fertilized cell on its way through the fallopian tube. Thus, it is not the one who wins active sperm: the winner is only that random member of the “first cohort” who turns out to be next after hundreds of faster and more active ones who (literally) laid down their heads to clear his path.

Immediately after conception

After the head of the winning sperm penetrates the egg, the nuclei of the egg and sperm merge into one, with 46 parts of a set of chromosomes - a completely new combination of the ancestral heritage, which contains the blueprint for the new person. The fertilized egg is called a “zygote” (from the Greek “to combine, join together.”
Approximately 24-30 hours after fertilization, the zygote begins, and after 48 hours, completes its first division. The resulting two equal cells are called blastomeres (from the Greek blastos - sprout and meros - part). The blastomeres do not grow and with each subsequent division (up to the formation of the blastula) they are reduced by half, while the size of the zygote remains the same.
The doubling of zygote cells occurs every 12-16 hours. The fragmentation of blastomeres apparently occurs asynchronously and unevenly: some of them turn out to be somewhat lighter and larger than others, which are darker. This difference persists in subsequent divisions.

3rd day after fertilization.The embryo consists of 6-8 blastomeres, each of which is totipotent, i.e. each of them can give rise to an entire organism. Until the stage of 8 blastomeres, the cells of the embryo form a loose, unformed group. Damage to the embryo that occurs at the 8 blastomere stage is easily compensated; at the same time, it is possible to divide the embryo into 2 or more parts, giving rise to identical twins.

At the end of the second - beginning of the third day of development, the embryo’s own genome is “turned on” for the first time (i.e., the genome formed by the fusion of the sperm nucleus and the egg nucleus), whereas until this moment the embryo developed as if “by inertia”, exclusively on maternal “reserves” "accumulated in the egg during its growth and development in the ovary. What genome was formed during fertilization and how successfully and timely this switching occurs directly depends further development embryo. It is at the stage of 4-8 blastomeres that many embryos stop developing (the so-called “in vitro development block”) - their genome contains significant errors inherited from parental gametes or arising during their fusion.

4th day after fertilization.On the 4th day of development, the human embryo usually consists of 10-16 cells, intercellular contacts gradually become denser and the surface of the embryo is smoothed out (compactization process) - the morula stage begins (from the Latin morulae - mulberry). It is at this stage that the embryo moves from the fallopian tube into the uterine cavity. By the end of 4 days of development, a cavity gradually forms inside the morula - the process of cavitation begins.
The movement of the zygote along the fallopian tube occurs unevenly. Sometimes quickly - in a few hours, sometimes slowly - within 2.5-3 days. Slow progress of the fertilized egg or its retention in the fallopian tube can cause an ectopic pregnancy.

The morula continues its journey along the fallopian tube, repeating the path of the sperm, but in the opposite direction. In this state, it enters the uterine cavity.

5-7th day after fertilization.From the moment the cavity inside the morula reaches 50% of its volume, the embryo is called a blastocyst. Normally, the formation of a blastocyst is allowed from the end of the 4th to the middle of the 6th day of development, more often this occurs on the 5th day. The blastocyst consists of two populations of cells - the trophoblast (single-layer epithelium surrounding the cavity) and the inner cell mass (a dense clump of cells). The trophoblast is responsible for implantation - the introduction of the embryo into the uterine epithelium (endometrium). Trophoblast cells will subsequently give rise to all the extraembryonic membranes of the developing fetus, and from the inner cell mass all the tissues and organs of the unborn child will be formed. The larger the blastocyst cavity and the better developed the internal cell mass and trophoblast, the greater the potential for implantation the embryo has.
Having reached the uterine cavity on days 4-6 after ovulation and conception (according to the “mathematics” of doctors, this is the third week of pregnancy 1 ), the blastocyst remains in it for one to two days in a “suspended state,” that is, not yet attached to the wall of the uterus. At this time, the fertilized egg, being foreign to the mother’s body, secretes special substances that suppress the defenses of her body. Temporary endocrine gland- the corpus luteum, which formed at the site of the former follicle in the ovary from which the egg was ovulated, produces, the maximum level of which is observed on days 5-7 after ovulation. Progesterone, in addition to affecting the uterine mucosa, preparing it for implantation of the fertilized egg, also suppresses contractility muscles of the uterus, that is, it calms its reaction to a foreign body, relaxes the uterus, increasing the chance of implantation of the fertilized egg. While the fertilized egg is not attached to the uterus, the source of its nutrition is the intrauterine fluid secreted by endometrial cells under the influence high level progesterone.
The introduction of the blastocyst into the uterine mucosa begins on the 6th day after ovulation (5-6 days after fertilization); 4 at this point the blastocyst has 100–120 cells. Implantation usually occurs near a large spiral artery. Most often these are the upper parts of the uterus and its back wall, which, during the growth of the uterus and the enlargement of its cavity, stretches significantly less than the anterior wall. In addition, the posterior wall of the uterus is naturally thicker, saturated with a large number of vessels and is located deep in the pelvis, which means the developing embryo is more protected.

When a fertilized egg comes into contact with its wall, at the point of contact the underlying section of the falling membrane melts and the egg sinks deep into the latter - implantation (nidation) of the egg into the uterus occurs. The products released when the falling shell melts - protein substances and glycogen - are used to nourish the developing embryo. When the decidua melts, the integrity of the capillaries located in it is disrupted. The blood they contain flows around the growing epithelium of the villi.

The tissue defect formed at the site of egg implantation is closed by a fibrinous plug. This process of egg encapsulation ends with the restoration of the shed membrane over the site of egg insertion. The edges of the shell adjacent to the egg embedded in its thickness grow, rise above it and, heading towards each other, merge into a continuous layer covering the egg in the form of a capsule. Thus, the egg appears to be walled up on all sides in a lush compact layer of the falling shell.
Implantation (nidation) - the introduction of the embryo into the wall of the uterus - lasts about 40 hours. During implantation, the fertilized egg is completely immersed in the tissue of the uterine mucosa. There are two stages of implantation: adhesion (sticking) and invasion (penetration). In the first stage, the trophoblast attaches to the uterine mucosa; in the second, it destroys a section of the uterine mucosa. In this case, the forming trophoblast villi (chorion), penetrating into the uterus, successively destroy its epithelium, then the underlying connective tissue and vessel walls, and the trophoblast comes into direct contact with the blood of the maternal vessels. An implantation fossa is formed, in which areas of hemorrhage appear around the embryo. It is at this time that a woman can feel the very first symptom of conception - implantation bleeding.
From the mother's blood, the fetus receives not only all the nutrients, but also the oxygen necessary for breathing. At the same time, the formation of cells in the mucous membrane of the uterus increases connective tissue and after the embryo is completely immersed in the implantation fossa, the hole, the mucosal defect is covered with regenerating epithelium.
The formation of outgrowths (villi) is noted on the trophoblast, which during this period are called the primary chorion and which begin to release the “pregnancy hormone” - choreonic gonadotropin - into the mother’s bloodstream.
entering the woman’s bloodstream, it supports the function of the corpus luteum in one of the ovaries for the constant production of progesterone until the placenta takes on such a role. There is a close direct relationship between these two hormones: if implantation goes poorly (most often due to a defective fertilized egg), then the amount of hCG will be insufficient and the function of the corpus luteum will begin to fade, which will lead to a lack of progesterone to support pregnancy.
HCG is also an immunosuppressive substance, that is, one that suppresses the mother's defenses, preventing her from rejecting the attached fertilized egg.
The operation of all pregnancy tests, including Early Pregnance Test, is based on this principle. However, the test for early pregnancy MediSmart of Switzerland, due to its high specificity specifically for hCG and the low threshold level for determining this hormone, allows you to determine the onset of pregnancy not 13-14 days after ovulation, as most conventional tests do, but on 7-8 days, that is, 7 days before expected menstruation.
Thus, in the first 2 weeks of pregnancy the following events occur:
fertilization of the egg and the formation of a single stem cell - the zygote;
division of the zygote into blastomeres and its movement through the fallopian tube into the uterus;
transformation of the zygote into a morula and search for a place of attachment to the uterine mucosa (pre-implantation development);
blastocyst implantation (first critical period pregnancy) and decidual transformation of the endometrium;
placentation (formation of primary and secondary chorionic villi) and blastogenesis (differentiation of germ layers) is the second critical period of pregnancy.
The developing placenta lacks protective functions, and therefore exposure to unfavorable factors and hormonal disorders most often cause one reaction - cessation of development of the fertilized egg and spontaneous miscarriage.

Fertilization of an egg - a process from A to Z in time

Called the heroic story of one sperm. Yes, this is indeed a whole story for the microscopic world.

Conception is the greatest mystery, in which there is still something unsolved - all the mechanisms have not been fully studied.

  1. Processes preceding fertilization
    • Ovulation
    • Transport of the egg into the tube
  • Fusion of gametes
  • Genome formation

Processes preceding fertilization

The meeting of gametes (female and male) is preceded by many events:

  • Maturation of the oocyte (future mature egg) and sperm - sperm.
  • - the process in which the female reproductive cell leaves the ovarian follicle (the place where maturation occurred).
  • Ejaculation is the release of reproductive organs male cells with seminal fluid into the woman’s reproductive tract and overcoming a path that entails great losses.
  • Capation (activation) of sperm.

Movement of male reproductive cells

During sexual intercourse, approximately 300 million sperm enter the vagina. All but one, the most active and resilient tailed “lucky” one, will die on the way to the egg. The losses are colossal, but nature dictated this:

  • Almost immediately after intercourse, millions of sperm flow out along with semen fluid.
  • Millions die in the acidic environment of the vagina.
  • Losses will occur during the passage of the cervical canal of the cervix under the influence of cervical mucus.
  • Some sperm will get stuck in the folds of the cervical mucosa (they will become a reserve group that will strive for the oocyte if the first group does not meet the egg).

Fertilization of the egg is possible only after ovulation. If sexual intercourse occurs before the release of the egg, then the stuck sperm can wait until ovulation in the woman’s body. Their lifespan varies from 24 to 168 hours (up to 7 days). That is, you can get pregnant if you have intercourse before and after ovulation. Using this information you can future baby.

Contact with the slightly alkaline environment of the mucus of the cervical canal leads to an increase in motor activity sperm. After which they move faster.

Muscle contractions help sperm move inside the uterus. However, by mistaking sperm for foreign bodies, thousands of sperm are destroyed. The surviving sperm move into the fallopian tubes. One half goes into the empty fallopian tube, the other goes into the fallopian tube containing the unfertilized egg.

Moving through the tube, sperm move against the flow of liquid and some become entangled among the villi of the mucous membrane. IN upper sections in the reproductive tract, under the influence of biochemical substances, reactions are triggered, due to which sperm are deposited. The membrane covering the head of the sperm changes. Sperm acquire the ability to fertilize and become hyperactive.


Two weeks before menstruation, regardless of the length of the cycle,. If the cycle is 27–28 days, then exit from the follicle occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle. The duration of menstrual cycles in women varies and can reach 45 days or more. Therefore, when calculating the day of ovulation, it is more correct to focus on the expected start of new periods and count 14 days from this date.

Ovulation happens like a small explosion. The follicle, filled with fluid in which the oocyte “ripened,” bursts. And the egg, along with the follicular contents, ends up in the abdominal cavity. But at the same time she “does not get lost.”

Transport of the egg into the tube

The ovary is covered with fimbriae of the fallopian tube, which, thanks to the ciliated epithelium on the inner surface, guide the egg - point it in the right direction - to the entrance. The cilia of the epithelium are activated under the influence of hormones - estrogens, secreted by the ovary after ovulation. Their movements are coordinated and unidirectional. At this stage, the egg is surrounded by cumulus cells, forming the corona radiata. During fertilization of the egg, the sperm will have to overcome this layer to reach the outer layer of the female reproductive cell.

Fusion of gametes

Fertilization of the egg occurs in the ampulla of the fallopian tube, located closer to the ovary. Only a few dozen sperm reach this place. They overcome the corona radiata and reach the zona pellucida, the outer layer of the egg. Then they attach to specialized receptors on its surface and begin to secrete proteolytic enzymes, which allow them to “dissolve” the protein shell and pass through the protective layer. Beneath the protective membrane is the inner membrane of the egg, and only a thin layer of fluid separates the sperm from it.

Having overcome the last obstacle, the sperm, which was the first to reach the inner membrane, attaches to it. Within a few minutes, the membranes of the sperm and egg fuse. The egg “receives” the sperm inside. This event entails a chain of biochemical reactions, causing change in the shell. Sperm can no longer attach to it. The fertilized egg then secretes substances that repel other sperm and becomes impenetrable to them.

Formation of the genome during fertilization

The father's tightly packed genetic material unfolds inside the egg. A shell is formed around it - the pronucleus or the precursor of the nucleus. Inside the pronucleus, the genetic material is rearranged into 23 chromosomes. The maternal genetic material completes its formation under the influence of the process of fertilization of the egg.

Microtubules - web-like threads bring both nuclear precursors closer to each other after their gentle formation. Two sets of chromosomes combine to form a unique genetic code, which determines hundreds of characteristics of the body (skin color, nose shape, etc.). – completed. Ahead is the path through the fallopian tube to the uterus, and the further development of the embryo for 9 months, childbirth.

Consists of several concepts that characterize the possibility of conception. Therefore, we present the time characteristics in the table.

Table 1.

Timing of egg fertilization

Time of egg release - ovulation

Two weeks before the expected start of menstruation.
Time during which an egg can be fertilized

12–24 hours after ovulation, this time is also called “”. After this she dies

Time may be reduced depending on the woman’s age, bad habits and other factors

Time from ejaculation to fertilization of the egg

1–2 hours if intercourse occurred after ovulation. The specified time range is necessary for the sperm to overcome a path of 17–20 cm with a mass of obstacles

Up to 7 days, if sexual intercourse occurred before ovulation. Sperm with the Y chromosome are faster and live 1–2 days, with the X chromosome they are slower, but their life expectancy is 7 days

Fertilization of an egg does not always equal pregnancy. Because in order for pregnancy to begin,...

The successful development of the embryo depends on the formed genome. An embryo with an incorrect set of chromosomes most often dies before or after implantation and is released along with menstrual flow. And the woman doesn’t even know that she “was pregnant” for a short period of time. For her it was just a delay.

fertilization- penetration of sperm into the egg

egg division after fertilization and its movement through the fallopian tubes

In order for it to come ovulation, an immature egg (follicle) in one of the ovaries matures under the influence of follicle-stimulating hormone, which is secreted by the pituitary gland. As the follicle matures, luteinizing hormone is produced. Under its influence, the follicle ruptures, releasing the egg. This is ovulation, which usually occurs in the middle of every normal period. menstrual cycle. After ovulation, the egg enters one of the fallopian tubes and from there into the uterus. Typically, an egg is capable of fertilization within twelve hours. If fertilization does not occur during this time, she dies and is hatched during menses along with menstrual flow.

For conception to occur, sperm must already be in the fallopian tubes. time when the egg is capable of fertilization. The sperm, being in the woman’s genital tract after ejaculation, usually does not die for another 48-72 hours. So about four days monthly, most favorable for conception.

For conception to occur, the sperm must penetrate the membranes of the egg. A large number of sperm are involved in the dissolution of the outer shell, but only one can connect with the egg. The egg and sperm combine to form one cell (zygote), which divides into two, then four, and so on. Each cell of the embryo contains the chromosomes of the mother and father, which form the individual genetic code of the child.

After conception The developing embryo passes through the fallopian tubes into the uterus. The cells continue to divide and form a ball called a morula. After about four days, fluid accumulates in the center of the morula and creates a cavity. This structure is called a blastocyst. After a few days, projections called chorionic villi form on the blastocyst. They penetrate the wall of the uterus and become attached to it. This process is called implantation. Implantation occurs approximately twenty days after the last menses. In it time after conception first signspregnancy usually absent.

When planning to conceive, it is necessary to consider that:

    During one menstrual cycle, a woman can mature several eggs.

Ovulation may not occur in the middle of the cycle. In young girls and in cases of violation menstrual cycle, the ovaries often work irregularly, and therefore ovulation may occur earlier or later. The time of ovulation may depend on the emotional and mental state of the woman, which affects hormonal balance.

Various diseases affect a woman's ability to conceive and the possibility of implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus.

It's very common lately asymptomatic gynecological diseases , including sexually transmitted diseases and tumors. Even pathological vaginal discharge This is not always the case with such diseases. Without analyzes It is difficult to distinguish them from normal discharge. With a hidden course, there are no female diseases stomach ache, bleeding, menstrual irregularities and other symptoms. Therefore, every woman needs a preventive examination by a gynecologist at least twice a year.

Favorable days for conceiving a child

Conception- First step pregnancy. Sometimes, in order for conception to occur faster, preparation is necessary. Choose favorable days for conception better according conception calendar. Male reproductive cells are able to remain active in a woman’s body for several days. If there is no ovulation during this period, then conception will not occur and they will die. The most favorable time for conceiving children- This day ovulation.

Since the lifespan of an egg is about 12 hours, sexual intercourse days before ovulation is more preferable for conceiving a child, how after ovulation, since it takes sperm about a day to enter the fallopian tube. Define day ovulation and calculate favorable days for conception possible by graphics basal temperature , but this method is complicated and inaccurate. You can also do it yourself in the middle of the menstrual cycle. tests for ovulation and contact a gynecologist who, using analysis discharge, Ultrasound, hormone tests will determine the day of ovulation with an accuracy of 1-2 days. Some women subjectively feel ovulation - they feel pain in the lower abdomen, swelling and tenderness of the mammary glands, nausea, and note the release of ovulatory viscous mucus from the genital tract on the day of ovulation. Sometimes there is discharge during ovulation bloody. Ovulation may occur on different days for different women. Therefore, after determining the days of ovulation for three menstrual cycles, a woman can create an individual conception calendar.

Conception calendar for ovulation in the middle of the menstrual cycle

Poses for conception

It is recommended to abstain from sexual intercourse for 3-5 days before ovulation to allow sperm to mature. For conception, it is better if a woman lies on her back during intercourse. After it’s finished, you can put a pillow under your buttocks and raise your legs. This pose need to save for some time. In this case, the cervix will be immersed in the sperm located in the posterior fornix of the vagina. Also facilitate the penetration of sperm into cervical canal And conception helps knee-elbow pose during or after sexual intercourse. Most young women who are recently sexually active do not experience orgasm during intercourse. Having an orgasm does not affect conception.

Days before and after conception

IN days before conception child And after conception, drinking alcohol by spouses should be excluded, since alcohol has a damaging effect on female and male reproductive cells. It is also necessary to avoid other harmful factors - smoking, drugs household chemicals, x-ray examination, medicines. If the spouses are not healthy, it is better to postpone conception until recovery. In case of long-term use of medications and chronic diseases You should consult your doctor about their possible effect on conception And pregnancy.

In the days after conception first before missed period signspregnancy usually absent.

Best time to conceive a child

The biggest advantage of conception at any time year is the very fact of pregnancy, especially if it is long-awaited.

Conception in summer

When conceiving in the summer, first trimester pregnancy occurs in summer-autumn, childbirth - in the spring months. The advantages of this time for conception include good natural vitaminization of the body, the opportunity to spend more time in the fresh air, and a favorable epidemiological situation for acute respiratory infections in the first trimester of pregnancy. But childbirth and the formation of lactation occur in the most hypovitamin season of the year, it is necessary to ensure a sufficient supply of the necessary nutrients into the female body.

Conception in autumn

The first trimester of pregnancy occurs in autumn-winter, childbirth - in the summer months. At the same time, there is good natural vitaminization of a woman’s body during the period of conception, before childbirth and during the period of lactation.

But the first trimester falls during an epidemiologically unfavorable season - outbreaks of influenza, acute respiratory infections. In the first trimester, the fetus is especially vulnerable to infectious influences. This must be taken into account if a woman is inclined to colds.

Part of the last trimester of pregnancy will take place in hot summer conditions. This should be taken into account by women who do not tolerate heat well and need a lot of fluid. The heat complicates the fight against late toxicosis of pregnancy, worsens the well-being of the expectant mother, and it is difficult to maintain a drinking regime at high temperatures.

Conception in winter

The first trimester of pregnancy occurs in winter-spring, childbirth - in autumn. The advantage of conceiving at this time is good natural vitaminization in the last trimester of pregnancy, during childbirth and during the period of lactation.

But the first trimester of pregnancy occurs at the peak of epidemic troubles in terms of influenza and acute respiratory infections. Moreover, at this time, as mentioned earlier, the embryo is most sensitive to the effects of infection.

Conception in spring

The first trimester of pregnancy occurs in spring-summer, childbirth - in winter. The disadvantages include the peak of hypovitaminization of the parent organisms at the time of conception and early dates pregnancy, unfavorable epidemic situation in terms of acute respiratory infections and influenza during conception in the first half of spring.

Conceiving a child - boy or girl.

It is believed that compliance with certain rules before conception guarantees conceiving a child certain gender. Statistics do not confirm the effectiveness of any of the “folk” methods of planning the sex of a child, positive results subject to these rules are random.

All of the “folk” methods listed below for planning the gender of a child have no scientific justification, however, with strong faith in them, they may be effective. You should be especially careful when following the described diets, since none of them is complete in terms of nutrients, which can adversely affect the health of the mother and child.

Traditional methods conceiving a boy or girl

To conceive a boy It is necessary to plan conception in odd-numbered months in even-numbered years of life, or in even-numbered months in odd-numbered years. It is believed that it is necessary to have sex at night, when there is a month in the sky, and not full moon, and there is no precipitation. The bedroom should be cool, the window should be open, you should lie with your head facing north, you should put some “masculine” attribute under the pillow - a toy gun, a car. Couples where the husband is more sexually active than the wife are more likely to conceive a boy. During sexual intercourse, a man should achieve orgasm earlier than a woman, and after sex, future parents are advised not to sleep for a long time. Before sexual intercourse, the husband should wash his testicles cold water, which will increase sperm activity. Before the big night, a woman should eat meat and meat for at least three weeks. fish products, potatoes, mushrooms, drink tea, coffee, forgetting about milk and dairy products, as well as bread and egg yolks. All dishes must be salted.

To conceive a girl The year and month of pregnancy can be even or odd. The day should be rainy, the moon phase should be full moon. In these cases, you need to have sex in the evening, in a room painted pink, lie with your head facing south, and put a pink ribbon under the pillow. The window should be closed and the air in the room should be scented. Girls are guaranteed to couples where the wife is more sexually active than the husband. Following a dairy diet helps in conceiving a girl; fish, bread, carrots, cucumbers, greens are allowed, the consumption of dried fruits and meat is limited, carbonated water, salt and spices are excluded. The girl's future father should warm his genitals with warm underwear to reduce the activity of male reproductive cells.

One of the frequently discussed methods of planning the gender of a child has the sonorous name “blood renewal”. It is believed that in men, blood is renewed every 4 years, and in women - every 3 years. If a person has had some kind of surgery or blood loss during his life, then the countdown begins not from the day of birth, but from the date of this blood loss. Thus, the age or time since the last blood loss is divided by 4 in men, and by 3 in women (with Rh negative blood For the mother, the opposite is true - for men the denominator will be 3, and for women - 4). Whoever has a larger balance (mom or dad) has a “younger” strong blood, therefore, the child will be of the same gender. The method has not received any scientific justification.

Conceiving a boy or girl from a scientific point of view

According to statistics, for every 100 girls, an average of 106 boys are born. Even more male embryos are formed, but male embryos, like boys in their first year of life, die more often. Dangerous games, male professions, wars, bad habits, often lead to the death of adult men. By reproductive age, the sex ratio becomes approximately 1 to 1.

The sex cells of a man and a woman each contain one sex chromosome and 22 somatic (non-sex) chromosomes - the sperm and egg contain 23 chromosomes. When a sperm and an egg merge during the process of fertilization, the individual genotype of a girl (46 XX) or a boy (46 XY) is formed. Sex is determined by the combination of two sex chromosomes: girls have the combination XX, and boys have XY. In a woman, all eggs contain one X chromosome (other sex chromosomes in female body does not exist). There are two types of sperm in men: those with an X chromosome and those with a Y chromosome. If the egg is fertilized by an X sperm, a girl will be born, if Y, a boy will be born. Thus, the sex of the child depends on the male reproductive cell! Therefore, the father’s claims against his wife regarding the sex of the newborn child are completely unfounded. For the same reason, all methods of planning the sex of a child related to to the expectant mother. A woman can pass on only the X chromosome to her child, and the second chromosome - X or Y, which will determine whether the child is born a boy or a girl, the child’s father reports.

Some methods of planning the sex of a child are based on scientifically proven facts. They are difficult to use for women with irregular cycle, in which it is difficult to determine the exact day of ovulation. U healthy women With a regular menstrual cycle, the date of ovulation may also shift.

    Planning the sex of the child based on the date of ovulation.

To increase the likelihood conception of a boy, it is necessary that sexual intercourse occurs during ovulation time. The method is based on the differences between X and Y sperm. The X chromosome is much larger in size than the Y chromosome. X sperm are slower, but more viable. Fertilization of an egg by a sperm is possible after its release from the ovary - after ovulation. If sexual intercourse took place several days before ovulation, then the likelihood of conceiving a girl, because, most likely, only hardy X-spermatozoa remain in the woman’s genital tract, which will receive the honorable mission of fertilization. If future parents manage to abstain from sex for at least a week before the day of ovulation, and sexual intercourse occurs on the day of ovulation, then the likelihood of conceiving a boy increases, since the extremely mobile Y-sperm will be the first to reach the egg, ahead of the X-sperm. 2-3 days before ovulation, the environment in the vagina is more acidic, which contributes to the rapid death of Y-sperm. During ovulation, the pH of the environment becomes slightly alkaline, which promotes the survival of Y sperm.

    Dependence of the child's gender on the sexual activity of the parents.

With frequent sexual intercourse (daily or every other day), boys are more often born because there is a higher probability of fertilization with fast Y-sperm. With low sexual activity, the likelihood of having a girl increases; X-sperm remain viable until ovulation in the woman’s genital tract (up to 5 days after intercourse).

    Practical advice.

A woman needs to determine the time of ovulation over several menstrual cycles using a basal temperature chart, an ovulation test, or using a daily ultrasound - from approximately the 10th day of the menstrual cycle until the release of the egg from the ovary. Ultrasound clearly shows the maturing (dominant) follicle containing the egg. It disappears after ovulation, and in its place a corpus luteum forms. Some women subjectively feel ovulation, for example, they feel pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, and note the release of ovulatory mucus from the genital tract on the day of ovulation - such mucus is viscous and quite abundant. When planning to conceive a daughter, sexual intercourse should be 2-3 days before the calculated date of ovulation, if you want to conceive a son, you should abstain from sex at least 2-3 days before ovulation, and sexual intercourse should occur during ovulation.

    Separation of spermatozoa into X and Y using special procedures.

Sperm are separated using laser technology. After performing one of these procedures, the egg is fertilized in a test tube with a selected sperm, an embryo of the desired sex is obtained and it is introduced into the uterine cavity (in vitro fertilization).

Even this scientifically proven method of planning the gender of a child does not provide a 100% guarantee. Possible genetic changes when using artificial sperm sorting procedures have not been fully studied. In the future, perhaps sperm separation will help solve the problem of prevention hereditary diseases related to gender.

None of the methods of planning the gender of a child provides a 100% guarantee. Appearance in the family healthy child any gender, boy or girl - a happy event.

Artificial insemination

Intrauterine insemination sperm of the husband or donor is performed when immunological incompatibility of a married couple is established or when the fertilizing ability of the husband's sperm is reduced. On a favorable day of the menstrual cycle for pregnancy, pre-processed sperm is injected into the woman’s uterus. The effectiveness of intrauterine insemination in the treatment of infertility is quite high. It is advisable to repeat the procedure for 4 cycles.

In Vitro Fertilization outside the uterus with subsequent transfer of embryos into the mother's uterus (IVF) is carried out in case of persistent obstruction of the fallopian tubes. Those stages of development of the egg and embryo that normally take place in the fallopian tube in the first 2-3 days after fertilization, with IVF, occur in artificial conditions- “in vitro.” The IVF method consists of several stages:

    diagnosis of the form and causes of infertility

Prescribing a woman drugs that stimulate the growth of several follicles in the egg - induction of superovulation

assessment of ovarian response to induction using ultrasound and hormonal studies

determining the moment when follicle puncture should be performed using ultrasound examinations and determining the concentration of hormones

puncture of follicles, extraction of eggs from them, placing them in a special environment

collection and preparation of spermatozoa

connection of eggs and sperm, insemination of eggs in vitro and placing them in an incubator for 24-42 hours

transfer of embryos from a test tube to the mother's uterus

prescription of drugs that support implantation and development of embryos in the uterus

pregnancy diagnosis

management of pregnancy and childbirth

The effectiveness of IVF currently averages 30%. This is a high percentage, considering that the probability of conception in a healthy man and woman is in the same menstrual cycle about 30%. Due to high efficiency IVF today this method is used for almost all forms of infertility. With IVF, preimplantation diagnosis of hereditary diseases is possible. The frequency of genetic diseases in children born through IVF does not exceed that in children conceived in the usual way.

Surrogacy. The egg obtained from the woman is fertilized with her husband's sperm. The resulting embryo is transferred into the uterus of another woman, the so-called surrogate or biological mother. The surrogate mother carries the child and after birth gives it to the owner of the eggs - the genetic mother.

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