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Questions and answers on: antibiotics for ovarian cysts

2015-07-14 15:23:31

Margot asks:

Good afternoon I have a long history of problems. It all started with the removal of an ovarian cyst (the doctors thought it was appendicitis, but during the operation it turned out that it was not. It was the first day of menstruation). After that, 2 years later I had an abortion. I understand, but that's how it happened. Half a year ago there was a cyst rupture - not big, and everything resolved on its own. I didn't know this - I'm just very severe pain were - I went to the doctors - they did an ultrasound 2-3 times. After 1.5 weeks everything was fine. They prescribed only Nimesil to relieve pain and it seems there is an antibiotic there. But I doubt the competence of doctors. The result of such failures (only 5 years) was overweight- with a height of 170 - 86 kilograms. I still managed to lose 7 kilos. But exercise and diet don't help. At all! Tell me what to do in this situation. Who should I contact, what questions should I ask? I weigh 78-79 kilograms. Previously - 65 maximum. In desperation. Margot.

Answers Renchkovskaya Natalya Vasilievna:

Hello Margot. First of all, contact an endocrinologist-nutritionist. Take a hormonal panel, both gynecological and c-peptide, TSH. Schedule balanced diet, not a diet to eat, get energy, but not feed the fat cell. It also regulates the menstrual cycle, improves liver and intestinal function. With uv. Natalya Vasilievna.

2014-12-17 14:42:31

Larisa asks:

Hello. 7 days ago we had a laparoscopic operation to remove the gallbladder and paraovarian ovarian cyst. On the 4th day, the drainage from the liver was removed. On the 6th day, according to gynecology, the temperature was in the range of 37.2-37.6 Upon discharge, the doctor said that the blood tests were normal. I have been taking the antibiotic cyprinol for two days. the temperature was normal. Now, against the background of the antibiotic, it has begun to rise again. What could this be connected with?

Answers Bulik Ivan Ivanovich:

Larisa, good afternoon! You need to contact the surgeon who operated. And it is better to ask him all questions about your condition. Good luck to you!

2014-04-15 11:22:39

Natalya asks:

Good afternoon I am 36 years old, according to the results of my ultrasound: uterine fibroids 2.38*1.46 in combination with adenomyosis. Multifollicular right ovary, the doctor prescribed the Mirena coil. I passed all the tests necessary to install Mirena. A smear for flora, a smear for cytology, blood for HIV and syphilis, according to the doctor, everything is fine. I also submitted it to the laboratory. Hemotest PCR smear – Mycoplasma homin.; Mik.genitalium; Chlamyd.trahom.; Herpes 1,2 and VI types; Cytomegal; Biovars Urealytik.; Ureplasma urealytic - everything is negative. Serology: Ureaplaz.urealitic Ig G.; Mycoplasma hominis Ig G; Chlamydia trachomatis Ig M - the result is less than the norm, but Chlamydia trachomatis Ig G 0.9 ++ (at the norm, 1.1 antigens were detected) The doctor says the chronic form should be treated with an antibiotic, she prescribed Ecomed 250, 1 drop. 6 days and that's it! As far as I know chronic form Chlamydia trachomatis is treated with two antibiotics at once and the course is not 6 days, but 3 weeks. + immune drugs, vitamins, longidase, hepatoprotectors. The fact is that for several years I have been bothered by vaginal itching, I often want to scratch, but when taking smears nothing is found. Simultaneously with gynecological due to the disease, problems with the bones began, the wrist aches, the fingers are frozen, on the leg thumb a lump has grown and appeared heel spur. Over the past few years, I began to often get sick with viral diseases, during this winter I took 3 courses of antibiotics, the last of which was Vilprafen 500 - 3 per day - 7 days. I took antibiotics in February 2014. from the same group of macrolides for a duration of 7 days and I did not feel any better, the itching still persists, probably the course was insufficient, or maybe there is no need to treat and reduce Chlamydia titers at all? I have never been treated for Chlamydia trachomatis, I only learned about it based on these tests. I also know that untreated Chlamydia trachomatis causes changes in bones and joints. From earlier past diseases: Erosion of the w/m, Flat condyloma, Vaginal cervicitis, Ovulus in the w/m, ovarian cysts, endometriosis (according to ultrasound results). Menstruation was always very painful on the first day, I relieve pain with Baralgin.
Please give recommendations regarding antibiotics, should I take them based on the tests and my illness? What antibiotics and duration of use. Thank you.

Answers Klochko Elvira Dmitrievna:

Re-test the blood for chlamydia and see if the indicator increases, and if it does not increase, then do not treat at all. And if it grows and goes from doubtful to positive, then treat it with 2 antibiotics.

2013-10-27 08:19:13

Nina asks:

Hello! Help, please, in July 2013 there was a frozen pregnancy.. the reasons were never found.. histological result: gravid glands of the endometrium, chorionic villi, decidual tissue with leukocyte infiltration.. What does it mean? my doctor couldn’t explain it properly.. A month after the cleansing, my period came exactly on time.. on the 28th day.. on the 7th day of the cycle I went for an ultrasound, they found an ovarian cyst.. they sent me to day hospital.. they prescribed treatment.. the cyst resolved quickly.. the doctor said not to get pregnant after treating the cyst for 3 months.. and after 3 months start taking multivitamins and duphaston.. I drank the vitamins, didn’t take duphaston.. they stopped using protection and bam in February there was a delay of 3 days .. although previously the cycle was always 28 days .. there were no glitches .. on the 3rd day my period started .. in March the same thing was delayed 5 days ... and in April the delay was 10 days .. well, I thought I was still pregnant .. I’m doing it test, 2nd strip ghost... after 2 days I repeat the test - already one strip... on the 10th day my period started... I ran to the doctor.. ultrasound showed that the follicle was maturing, but did not burst, diagnosis hormonal disbalance.. they prescribed Jess for 3 months... for the 3rd month before the end of the treatment I had an ultrasound.. they said that the ovaries and uterus were good, everything was fine.. the doctor told me to stop taking the pill and take Duphaston on the 16-25th day of the cycle.. Correct is treatment prescribed? Hello! I did a culture test with sensitivity to antibiotics in the vagina as prescribed by the gynecologist.. I’m planning a pregnancy.. they found Staphylococcus saprophyticus 10 to 5 CFU/ml.. they prescribed treatment (they told me to treat it together with my husband) antibiotic amoxiclav, neopenotran forte, internal Vagilac.. was it prescribed correctly? treatment? does it need to be treated at all when planning a pregnancy? Thanks for the answer!

Answers Korchinskaya Ivanna Ivanovna:

Your doctor’s tactics are correct, time will tell how the situation will develop in the future, so far I don’t see anything critical. According to statistics, 10% of all pregnancies end in miscarriages, unfortunately. Try to get pregnant under the supervision of a gynecologist, especially since the so-called rebound effect should be observed and it should be easier to get pregnant. I wish you success!

Answers Kolotilkina Tatyana Olegovna:

Hello Nina. Regarding sowing. You need to get treatment. Whether the antibiotics were chosen correctly can only be judged by the results of your tank. sowing

2013-09-29 16:05:56

Olga asks:

Hello! I am 39 years old. Ultrasound revealed ovarian cysts and a cyst in the parametrium. In addition to physiotherapy and antibiotics, the doctor prescribed 10 intramuscular magnesium injections. If there is no improvement after a course of treatment, the issue of surgical intervention will be decided. Please tell me, is it really possible to reduce cysts with the help of magnesium? In advance Thanks a lot for answer!

2012-11-16 21:11:13

Nadezhda asks:

Good afternoon In February 2012, I had a frozen pregnancy at 5 weeks. In 2010, I was diagnosed with chlamydia, my husband did not take tests, both were treated. and did not take any tests after treatment. Before planning, I took all the tests, everything was clear. We are planning to go again in October. tested for chlamydia: AT to lgA-negative, lgM-negative, IgG- detected titer 1/20. I go to my doctor, she says that this is precisely the reason for the frozen state, and prescribes the strongest antibiotics for 21 days, the total cost of treatment is about 4000 rubles. My husband tests it in another laboratory - the one where the doctor is. His IgG is negative! (The result is 20, but there the norm is: less than 50 is negative.) I call the laboratory where I tested it the first time, and they convince me that it’s just cell memory, that I’m not sick. I tell my doctor this, she asks me to retest it in her laboratory for clarification. I take the test - the result is 125 (positive starts from 60.) The doctor asks me to urgently give my husband a smear for chlamydia - and again he is negative! I consulted with another doctor - he said to retake the test in 2 weeks in both laboratories to make sure that the indicator is growing. So it turns out that a reading of 125 when the norm is 60 (and this is already positive) is not yet confirmation that I am sick? I am worried about painful PMS, constantly appearing and disappearing ovarian cysts (I had a resection for cysts in 2008). The doctor believes that it is all from chlamydia. What do you recommend? I still have not started treatment, although the doctor insists and categorically forbids me to get pregnant.

Answers Palyga Igor Evgenievich:

Nadezhda, as I understand it, you live in Russia. Maybe Russian gynecologists have their own treatment strategy, but in Ukraine the treatment of stick infections is regulated by the decree of the Ministry of Health No. 906, which absolutely states that Ig G indicates contact with an infection in the past and cannot be treated! This is cell memory, as you were told in the laboratory. Any number (20 or 125) does not require therapy. The growth of a cyst has nothing to do with chlamydia. You hormonal imbalance, which causes painful PMS and cyst growth. It is necessary to donate blood for hormones - FSH, LH, prolactin, which are donated on the 3-5th day of m.c. and progesterone, which is given on the 21st day of m.c. In case of deviations, hormone therapy or, according to at least, drops plant origin Tazalok.

2012-03-07 08:03:55

Ksyusha asks:

Hello. I'm 23 years old now.
In the spring of 2009, I was diagnosed with thrush. I was treated with pills, then in the summer I had inflammation of the ovaries. treated different antibiotics and vitamins (I don’t remember exactly what), in the fall I had severe pyelonephritis and, accordingly, cystitis and thrush. 4 months later there was an ovarian cyst, they did a laparoscopy. At the same time, all year I felt thrush only with pyelonephritis. and then in the spring I started having cystitis mixed with thrush every 2-3 months. Warm baths and cyston used to help. now no longer. severe pain, itching and very, very strong burning sensation. In January 2011 I was diagnosed with bacterial vaginitis. Vagisan, gynekitis and genoflor were prescribed, but again after 2 months everything returned, and in the summer it continued like this, again there was cystitis, etc. I took it to private clinic tests for viruses found mycoplasma and ureoplasma. antibiotics were prescribed. Still, nothing helped. In the fall, I was sent to take tests again at a hospital that deals specifically with infections. got caught with my boyfriend. As a result, we were found to have chlamydia and trichomonas. two at once. although the guy didn’t care at all. They prescribed 10 days of metronidazole and he took antibiotic tablets, and I took sulbactomax intramuscularly. The doctor forgot to prescribe fluconazole for me and my tongue got blisters. I rinsed my mouth with fucis for 2 weeks - nothing helped. And immediately from the second day of metronidazole, something began to bother the guy, a tugging in the groin area and pain in the liver area. and it still continues. whatever he didn’t drink or do anymore. The doctor regularly changes treatment methods. they no longer find infections, but recently they found an intestinal infection.
a month after metronidazole, I again had thrush, since nothing was prescribed for my microflora. Then my stool became bad. I rarely go to the toilet and have constant problems - my stomach bloats regularly. We have been treated by a gastroenterologist twice already with expensive pills and diets. I eat well, I try to follow a diet - soups, cereals, fish, etc. We make our own yoghurts, drink all sorts of supplements such as yoghurt, etc. Nothing has bothered me downstairs since November. I thought everything was cured, I was happy. and judging by the reviews of the hospital where we were treated in the fall, infections were found in everyone there, and it’s not a fact that we had them at all. In January, I took tests in the laboratory and they found mycoplasma and ureoplasma in my blood, but the doctor says that this is normal.
and then a week ago everything came back again. severe burning in the vagina, itching. it usually starts a day after sex. The doctor prescribed me fluconazole and clotrimazole for 7 days. Today is day 7. I still feel bad. I don’t even know what to treat for or who to go to anymore, whether I have thrush or something else. and what worries young man. Last year, due to my pain and treatment, we didn’t have sex for 7 months. And this year, as I understand it, it will be the same = (maybe you can recommend a doctor or clinic, or a method of treatment.

Answers Gunkov Sergey Vasilievich:

Dear Ksenia. Please draw the attention of the attending physician to the need to study the state of immunity; we believe the solution to the problem lies in restoring the body’s resistance.

2011-09-12 08:19:06

Marina asks:

Hello. Please tell me if copious white discharge (not thrush, no clots) is the norm for a right ovarian cyst? And slight itching groin area. There were no casual contacts, I recently received strong antibiotics in case of poisoning.

A tumor that forms on the “female” organ is called an ovarian cyst. It is difficult to detect on your own due to the lack of symptoms early stages. It is possible to detect the presence of a formation only through an ultrasound examination. Cysts vary in composition and size. There is no point in starting the disease. There is no point in hoping that the cyst will resolve on its own. Timely help A specialist will help you get rid of the disease without consequences and complications.

Causes of cysts of the left and right ovaries

Even with modern level development of medicine, it is not able to determine the exact causes of the formation. There are a number of conditions under which the probability of occurrence of this disease increases significantly. But it cannot be said that they are the root cause. This is for example:

There are several types of cysts, so the reasons that can cause them vary:

Types of cysts and their symptoms

  • For endometriotic: problems with immune system, pituitary gland, other hormone production disorders, consequences of surgery.
  • For serous cystoma: hormonal imbalance, inflammatory processes, infections developing in the reproductive system, previous pelvic surgeries.
  • For follicular cyst: the presumable reason is hormonal changes in the body.
  • For cyst corpus luteum: disorders associated with sex hormones, inflammation of the appendages.
    • Dermoid. Benign tumor. Has an oval or oblong shape, can reach 15 cm in diameter. The contents are heterogeneous: muscle, nervous, adipose tissue and others organic compounds. Symptoms on initial stages do not appear. In later cases, difficult defecation was noted.
    • Endometrioid. It has dense thick walls. It is filled with blood residues and therefore has a brown color. Sizes can vary from 0.7 to 10 cm. Symptoms: problems with conception, with increasing size – pain (increases during menstruation).

    • Serous cystomas. Such benign tumor can reach a diameter of 30 cm. Composition - clear liquid. Symptoms: temperature, pain (its nature is varied), pressure on bladder.
    • Follicular. They are more common in girls during puberty. The diameter does not exceed 7-8 cm. It has thin smooth walls. Symptoms: bleeding, pain.
    • Corpus luteum cysts. After the follicle ruptures, a corpus luteum remains, from the tissues of which a cyst is formed. Symptoms of a luteal cyst: no characteristic ones, in in rare cases– pain in the appendage area, a feeling of discomfort in the lower abdomen.
    • Vapor-varial. At risk are mature women aged 20 to 40 years. The increase occurs slowly, the size is 8-10 cm. It develops from the ovarian appendages. Symptoms: pain in the lower abdomen, urge to urinate (false), increased abdominal size, menstrual irregularities.

    • Hemorrhagic is a functional type of cyst. Complicated by the presence of blood in the ovarian tissues. Symptoms: painful sensations pulling in the lower abdomen.
    • Cystadenomas. They are dangerous because they can develop into a malignant tumor. Without treatment, the tumor reaches impressive sizes. Filled with mucus. Symptoms: pain in the appendage area.

Non-surgical methods for treating ovarian cysts

What to do if you have an ovarian cyst: treatment without surgery using alternative ways possible, but specialist advice is required. If the diagnosis is timely and the size of the tumor is small, the specialist may prescribe drug therapy. There are also traditional methods getting rid of the disease. But you shouldn’t get carried away with self-medication.

Conservative - drug treatment

What to choose if the doctor has diagnosed an ovarian cyst: either treatment without surgery or surgical intervention? In case of dermoid, endometrioid, mucinous or parovarian nature, surgery is prescribed in most cases. In other cases, a physician may be appointed the following drugs:

  1. “Jess”, “Klaira”, “Rigevidon”. Hormonal contraceptives. Intended for contraception, but are also used to combat cysts. Normalize the menstrual cycle, reduce the size of the cyst.
  2. Duphaston. Active component is a progesterone derivative. Acts directly on cysts, reducing existing ones and preventing the growth of new ones. Treatment of follicular ovarian cyst is carried out with this drug.
  3. In acute cases of the disease, Ibuprofen is prescribed (if inflammation is present, an antibiotic is prescribed). It reduces painful sensations. Neutralizes inflammation.

Use of homeopathic medicines

Homeopathic remedies are able not only to cope with cysts, but also to fight diseases thyroid gland, diseases of the ovaries. Specific doses are prescribed by the doctor and depend on the stage and type of tumor. The following drugs from this group are used to treat this disease:

  1. Berberis. If the course of the disease is complicated by stabbing pain, it is prescribed this drug.
  2. Apis. Can be used during pregnancy. Helps well with. Normalizes the functioning of the ovaries.
  3. Aurum Iodine. Indicated for use in the presence of such concomitant diseases as well as atherosclerosis.

Folk remedies

Traditional methods are used to treat functional type cysts. Such recipes can completely replace drug therapy or be used in conjunction with it. The following are known traditional methods ovarian cyst treatment:

  1. Soda. In the morning, dilute 1 tsp. in a glass of water, drink it. Take daily for a month.
  2. Walnut. Make a decoction: 4 tbsp. partitions walnut pour three glasses of boiling water and leave on the stove for 20 minutes. Use 0.5 cups 3 times a day. This product copes well with hormonal imbalances.
  3. From herbs therapeutic effect have hog queen, celandine, burdock, aloe. Juice is made from the last two and taken orally. The rest are used in the form of decoctions and tinctures.

Video: 10 ways to treat ovarian cysts with herbs

Some plants have pronounced medicinal properties. Herbal therapy in some cases becomes more effective and safer drug therapy. In the video below you can find information about what an ovarian cyst is: its treatment without surgery, its use folk recipes, duration and dosage. Detailed instructions will help you prepare mixtures at home correctly.

Ovarian cyst – enough unpleasant phenomenon in the form of a bubble with liquid that needs to be disposed of quickly. To do this, doctors resort to drug treatment. It is prescribed when the cyst has arisen from a normal corpus luteum (functional cyst). To treat it, special cyst pills are used.

Cyst tablets: which ones to choose?

Tablets for the treatment of cysts

To get rid of a functional ovarian cyst, several types of medications are used. Each drug is selected only after examination by a gynecologist and identification individual characteristics patients. These include:

  • hormonal pills for cysts;
  • antibiotics and vitamins;
  • painkillers and antidepressants.

Cyst pills: hormonal therapy

Hormonal tablets for the treatment of cysts are usually progesterone derivatives. With its help, you can cure a cyst with tablets quite quickly.

This hormone regulates the second half of menstruation. With the use of such drugs, the growth of the tumor slows down. After growth stops, the cyst begins to gradually shrink until it disappears. Duphaston is used very often.

Birth control pills can be used as hormonal drugs. They are able to slow down the growth of an existing cyst by suppressing estrogen in a woman’s body. If there is no estrogen, there is no ovulation. Therefore, there is no menstruation. Therefore, the cyst stops growing.

Exactly oral contraceptives can prevent the appearance of a new formation along with the one that is already being treated. As a rule, mono- or biphasic drugs are used:


Logesta, etc.

Only the gynecologist decides which drug is suitable for a particular patient.

In application contraception There are other benefits too. For example, preventing accidental pregnancy during treatment. But this is only if taken regularly according to the regimen.


In some cases, a cyst forms against the background of some inflammatory process in the genitourinary system. That is, it is necessary to eliminate the cause in parallel with the treatment of the tumor. In this case, the tablets are supplemented with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial or antifungal drugs, as well as standard antibiotics.

However, you cannot assign yourself medicines on one's own. Some tablets do not combine with each other, we must not forget about this. Let the doctor prescribe the drugs, but the patient’s task is simply to take everything in the indicated dosage.


Since every disease will necessarily reduce immunity, in the process of treating a cyst with tablets it is necessary to support it. At the same time, intensifying defense mechanisms, supplemented with vitamins, can help in recovery. And also to prevent the emergence of new problems or complications. For this, vitamin therapy is prescribed, which necessarily includes:

  • folic;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • vitamin E

It is better to supplement tablets for cysts with vitamins.

The process of treating a cyst is relatively long and includes several components, in particular, balanced diet, up to 3 months, or, in case of ineffectiveness, .

Conservative treatment

Includes, after a course of which, upon recovery, is prescribed physiotherapeutic and sanatorium-resort treatment.

Drug treatment

Treatment medicinal substances must be comprehensive and consist from six groups of drugs, which a woman takes for at least 3 months. If such conditions are not met, then the effectiveness of drug treatment will be low.

Hormonal pills

Their action is aimed at supplying the body with hormones, produced by the ovaries, since at the time of treatment of the cyst the ovaries stop producing them.

The drugs include:

  1. Ethinyl estradiol or estrogen (trade names: Linoral, Primogin M, Oradiol, Kolpolin, Ginoral, Ostral, Etinoral, Microfollin, Fonidil, Linestoral).
    All drugs in this group have the same dosage regimen:
    • Treatment begins on the 5th day of the menstrual cycle, 1 tablet (0.05 g) orally, 1 time per day, on an empty stomach, with a small amount of liquid.
    • The drug is continued until the 20th day of the menstrual cycle, then a pause of 13 days is taken and the drug is resumed according to the above scheme.
    • The course of treatment with the drug is 2 - 3 months.
  2. Progestin or progesterone(trade names: Progestin, Utrozhestan, Crinon, Prajisan, Endometrin).
    Drugs in this group have the same treatment plan:
    • Taking tablets begins on the 16th day of the menstrual cycle, take 1 tablet (0.01 g) orally daily at the same time of day, on an empty stomach for 10 days, then take a break of 20 days and resume taking it.
    • The duration of treatment with this group of drugs is 3 months.
  3. Hormonal products that contain both progesterone and estrogen(trade names: Zhanin, Novinet, Logest, Yarina, Trikvilar, Femoned).
    Reception scheme this group of drugs:
    • Treatment begins on the 5th day of the menstrual cycle, take 1 tablet 1 time per day every day for 21 days, then take a break for one week and resume taking it.
    • Tablets should be taken at the same time of day, on an empty stomach, with a minimum amount of liquid.
    • The course of treatment is 2 - 3 months.

Hypoglycemic drugs

Reduce blood glucose levels. They are used to treat ovarian cysts as a second line of drugs. The action is aimed at normalizing the processes of ovulation (the release of an egg from the follicle).

The drugs are presented two substances:

  1. Pioglitazone Take 4 mg (1 tablet) 1 time per day, in the morning, before meals. The course of treatment is 2 - 3 months.
  2. Metformin(trade names: Glucofaz, Siafot, Metformin, Formetin) is prescribed 500 - 1000 mg (1 - 2 tablets) in the morning, before meals, 1 time per day. The duration of taking the drug is 3 months.

This group of drugs is taken under compulsory controlling blood sugar levels.

Antiandrogen drugs

Their action is aimed at ovarian suspension, which leads to slower growth and the absence of new cysts.

  1. Spironolactone(trade names Aldactone, Veroshpilakton, Urakton, Veroshpiron, Spirix, Spirolon)
    • Prescribed orally on an empty stomach, 1 tablet of 100 mg 1 time per day.
    • The course of treatment is 3 months.
  2. Cyproterone(trade name: Androcura) is taken orally, in the morning, before meals, 1 tablet (100 mg). Reception scheme drug:
    • 1 tablet is taken on the 1st day of the menstrual cycle, the last one is drunk on the 21st day of the menstrual cycle.
    • The course of treatment with the drug is 3 months.

NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)

Aimed at reduction in the size of the cyst cavity and pain relief.

  1. Ibuprofen(trade names: Ibubrom, Ibufen, Faspik, Ibusan, Nurofen, Advil)
    • Prescribed orally after meals, 200 mg (1 tablet) 2 times a day.
    • The course of treatment is 8 - 12 days.
  2. Diclofenac(trade names: Dikloberl, Voltaren, Diklak, Diclobene, Doloran, Ortofen).
    • Taken orally after meals, 1 tablet (100 mg) 1 time per day.
    • Duration of treatment is 5 - 7 days.
  3. Meloxicam(trade names: Revmoxicam, Movix, Lem, Movalis, Meblek).
    • Take 15 mg orally (1 tablet) after meals, 2 times a day.
    • The course of treatment is 7 - 14 days.
  4. Nimisulide(trade names: Nimid, Nimulid, Nise).
    • Orally, 1 tablet (100 mg) 1 time per day.
    • The course of treatment is 5 - 7 days.


Drugs are used with severe pain syndrome.

  1. Mebeverine(trade names: Meverin, Duspatalin, Trimedat)
    • Take 1 tablet (200 mg) orally 2 times a day for pain.
  2. Drotaverine(trade names: Spazmol, No-shpa, Spazmonet).
    • Prescribed 1 - 2 tablets for pain 2 - 3 times a day.
    • The maximum daily amount of the drug should not exceed 10 tablets.

Calming (sedative) drugs

  1. Mebicar - 1 - 2 tablets on an empty stomach 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 3 months.
  2. Miaser -¼ tablet orally at night, daily, for 3 to 4 months.
  3. Afobozol - 1 tablet orally 3 times a day. The duration of taking the drug is 4 months.

Vitamins and minerals

Appointed to strengthen the body, A folic acid and vitamin E in additional quantities reduce the size of cysts and normalize ovarian function.

  • Trade names: Aerovit, Jungle, Vitabex, Multitabs. Take 1 tablet orally 1 time per day for 2 - 3 months.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

Physiotherapy includes:

  • Balneotherapy- treatment with mineral waters.
    Reception mineral water carried out 2 times a day (morning and evening), 200 ml each, drink warm water in small sips.
  • Ozocerite treatment- treatment with ozokerite.
    Ozokerite is a mixture of paraffin, oils, resins and black or phenol Brown, viscous, waxy consistency. Treatment is carried out by application to the lower abdomen and lower back. The session lasts 40 - 50 minutes. Tampons with ozokerite are also used in the vagina, the session lasts 30 minutes. Number of sessions - 15 - 18.
  • Pileidotherapy- treatment with mud.
    Healing mud applied in the form of applications to the lumbar region and lower abdomen. The course of treatment is 10 - 12 sessions.
  • Galvanic mud treatment- treatment with mud using electric current.
    Electrodes are placed on the mud application, through which water is supplied. electricity low frequency and amplitude. The procedure lasts 30 minutes. The course of treatment is 10 - 12 sessions.
  • Inductothermy- treatment with magnetic field.
    Under the influence of a magnetic field in the area affected by an ovarian cyst, a decrease in pain and inflammation is observed by improving the microcirculation of the organ and metabolism in it.
  • Hirudotherapy- treatment with leeches.
    Leeches are applied to the projection of the affected ovary. It is recommended to use no more than 3 - 4 leeches per session. The procedure lasts 40 minutes. Number of sessions 10 - 14.

Treatment takes place in the physiotherapy department of the hospital.

Spa treatment

Suitable for women with this disease sanatoriums that have:

  • high mountain, warm climate;
  • availability of mineral water;
  • the presence of medicinal mud;
  • the presence of a coniferous forest zone.

The most suitable are sanatoriums Southern coast of Crimea, Caucasus.

Surgical treatment

To the species surgical interventions include:

  1. Puncture ovarian cysts.
    The operation is performed in a small operating room, under local anesthesia . Using a transvaginal sensor equipped with a special puncture needle, a puncture and aspiration (suction) of the contents from the cyst cavity are performed.
  2. ovarian cysts.
    Operation in progress under local anesthesia in an operating room. Three punctures are made on the anterior surface of the abdominal wall and necessary tools. The cyst is cut out using an electrocoagulator (an instrument that contains an electrode to which a high-frequency current is applied).
  3. Laparotomy.
    The operation is performed in the operating room under general anesthesia . An incision is made on the anterior abdominal wall 10 - 20 cm long, in surgical wound The ovary is removed and the cyst is cut out using a scalpel.

Treatment with folk remedies

includes the use of decoctions, alcohol tinctures, herbal baths, vaginal tampons, douching and compresses.

Herbal decoctions

  • Burdock leaves chop with a knife, add 200 - 300 grams to boiling water, at least 3 liters. Simmer over low heat for about 30 minutes, let it brew and then strain. Take half a glass 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 2 - 3 months.

Alcohol tinctures

  • Acacia flowers grind and add 4 tablespoons to 0.5 liters of vodka. Leave the mixture for 1 week dark place. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 2 - 3 months.
  • Pine nuts Grind in a blender, pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture into 0.5 liters of vodka. Leave in a dark place for 5 - 7 days. Take 1 tablespoon daily before meals 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 2 - 3 months.

Herbal baths

  • Chamomile, calendula, sage, oak bark, bearberry and dandelion leaves mix in equal proportions, brew, let it brew and strain. Pour the brewed mixture into a bath with warm water. The procedure lasts 30 minutes. The course of treatment is 10 days.
  • Licorice root, elecampane, blueberry leaves, yarrow, wormwood, shepherd's purse mix in equal proportions, brew a decoction and pour into a bathtub filled with warm water. The course of treatment is 10 days.

Tampons in the vagina

  • Cacao butter cool and insert into the vagina at night, the procedure is repeated daily for 10 days.
  • Average onion Peel, select the core and soak for several days in honey. After this, wrap the onion core in gauze, shape it into a tampon, and insert it into the vagina overnight. The procedure is repeated every other day. The course of treatment is 10 days.


  • Shredded celandine pour boiling water over it, let it brew for 1 - 2 hours, squeeze and strain the resulting liquid into a jar. Douching is carried out 2 times a day, 100 - 200 ml. The course of treatment is 10 days.


  • Finely chop 200 - 300 g wormwood, knead with your hands until the juice is released, apply the resulting mixture to the lower abdomen, put polyethylene or tracing paper on top, wrap everything in a woolen scarf and leave overnight. Perform the procedure every other day. The course of treatment is 10 - 12 compresses.


To ease the course of the disease, it is very important to eat properly and follow a meal schedule.

  • Meals are fractional, in small portions, up to 5 - 6 times a day.
  • Chew food thoroughly; one meal should take at least 30 minutes.
  • The diet should contain the following products: milk, dairy products, bakery products, buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, corn, wheat cereals, fresh and vegetable stew, low-fat varieties meat and fish, poultry, a small amount of sweets, tea.
  • It is prohibited to consume salted, smoked, dried and spicy foods, sparkling water, alcohol, coffee.

This article is informational character for those individuals who are interested in the treatment of ovarian cysts.
The selection of the type of treatment, drugs, and dosage regimens is carried out by gynecologist.

Ovarian cyst is a common disease of the fair sex. It is a benign formation, the place of formation of which is the gonads. The danger of developing a tumor lies in its asymptomatic And frequent development complications. The most dangerous of them are cancer and infertility.

What causes

There are several reasons for the appearance of cysts. The main one is hormonal imbalance. Among the factors that lead to the occurrence of the disease are:

  • development of diabetes mellitus;
  • early onset of menstruation, from the age of 9 years, which indicates a clear violation hormonal levels;
  • a history of abortions that negatively affect the production of hormones;
  • metabolic pathologies;
  • pathological changes in the process of follicle maturation;
  • various diseases of the female genital organs.

Types of education

Direction therapeutic effects is largely determined by the type of tumor. After all, the success of recovery depends on whether the medicine helps or not. Cysts are identified:

  • Functional.

They are divided into two subtypes: follicular and luteal. The specificity of their occurrence is that they can regress on their own over some time. main reason their development is a violation of the ovulation stage, when the formed follicle degenerates into a cyst, and a change in the process of resorption of the corpus luteum (its location becomes the site of the appearance of the tumor).

  • Endometrioid.

The reason for their appearance is the growth of the endometrium in the tissue of the reproductive gland.

  • Dermoid.

They are thick-walled formations that are filled with other tissues, such as hair or fat cells. They are characterized by slow and constant growth.

  • True cysts (cystadenomas).

They belong to benign formations.

Of these varieties, almost all are treated with surgery. In addition, surgical intervention is mandatory in the presence of complications such as rupture or necrosis.

Signs of cyst development

Due to the fact that the disease does not have clear signs, in most cases women miss First stage cyst formation. Typically, a woman receives news of the diagnosis after a scheduled visit to a gynecologist. As a result, lack of treatment causes undesirable consequences.

Symptoms of ovarian cyst formation include:

  • the presence of painful sensations during movements, often in the process intimacy(caused by twisting of the cyst stalk or compression of the formation);
  • the appearance of a feeling of tension in the abdominal wall;
  • in case of prolonged course: the appearance of nausea, vomiting, fever, changes in heart rate towards strengthening.

Diagnostic procedures

First of all, timely diagnosis is aimed at preventive visits to the gynecologist at least twice a year. If the diagnosis was made earlier, then a visit to the doctor should occur every three months. A test is performed to exclude pregnancy.

Important diagnostic measure to identify an ovarian cyst is ultrasonography. Carrying it out allows you to determine the size of the formation and the location of its growth. In addition, the doctor may refer you for a tomography examination and procedure.

This will eliminate the malignant nature of the formation and determine treatment tactics. Complications of the cyst will require puncture of the posterior vaginal vault. This will help to detect abdominal cavity the presence of any fluid, including blood.

Possible complications

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to detect the disease before complications develop. The most common ones include:

  • miscarriage without treatment during pregnancy;
  • development into a malignant formation;
  • cyst rupture and further development peritonitis or sepsis;

The occurrence of these conditions requires immediate medical attention.

Directions of therapeutic influence

Treatment of ovarian cysts is associated with eliminating its root cause – hormonal imbalance. Assign hormonal drugs, providing beneficial effect on the functioning of the appendages. Depending on the specifics of the disease, the doctor prescribes drugs from one of the following groups:


They belong to the sex hormones, of which the main representative is progesterone. These drugs for the treatment of ovarian cysts normalize the performance of the organ’s functions and reduce the likelihood of the formation of formations.

Utrozhestan is most often prescribed. This contraceptive allows you to normalize menstruation and reduce the size of already formed formations. Utrozhestan is also a preventive measure against the degeneration of follicles into cysts. A special place in the group is occupied by drugs - antigonadotropins. They have a suppressive effect on the pituitary gland on the female reproductive glands. These include: Danoval, Danazol.

It should be noted that treatment hormonal pills is of an individual nature. A particular patient is prescribed exactly the medicine that will be most optimal in the treatment process, for example, Yarina or Logest. The use of Norkolut has been shown to be effective in the treatment of ovarian cysts.

The effect of the drug is to increase the secretion of the uterine mucosa, reducing the tone of its muscle layer. In addition, it normalizes the activity of the pituitary gland, disruption of which affects the process of cyst formation. Any pharmacy will offer the prescribed remedy in a different price range.

Oral contraceptives

Their use is based on the effect of drugs on the size of the cyst that has arisen and the process of formation of new tumors. Birth control pills, belonging to this group and widely used in the treatment of the disease are Diane-35, Logest.

Regulon is also effective for ovarian cysts, and is therefore often prescribed by a doctor. If you have problems with nails and hair, your doctor may prescribe the use of a product called Qlaira. It should be noted that the choice of drug is determined by the gynecologist based on the woman’s examination data.

Hormonal treatment of ovarian cysts, video

In addition to the two main groups, the list of additionally prescribed substances includes:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs to help cope with inflammatory processes and speed up the woman’s recovery (often, in addition to the cyst, other diseases of the female genital area are detected);
  • immunocorrective drugs that are prescribed if noted low level immunity;
  • sedatives;
  • multivitamin preparations that help strengthen defenses to cope with emerging pathology;
  • enzymes (longidase for ovarian cysts is a widely used drug in this group);
  • antibiotics that are prescribed in the presence of pathogenic microorganisms (the most effective in the complicated course of the disease is Ceftriaxone due to the parenteral route of administration and rapid absorption by the body);

Treatment for which cyst pills are prescribed refers to conservative methods. At the same time, the peculiarity of drug effects on female body is that it is assigned for a certain period of time. Usually it is no more than 4 menstrual cycles. It does not matter which drug is prescribed: Janine, Qlaira, Danazol or Yarina.

If there is no effect of the therapy, it is prescribed surgery. This is due to the fact that cysts can degenerate into a malignant formation.

The doctor’s main goal is to prevent the development of complications and maintain the functioning of the appendages.

A diagnosis of an ovarian cyst is not a death sentence. Timely diagnosis And correct scheme therapy to help cope with the disease before it develops negative consequences. The decision on how to treat the disease with medication is made by the doctor based on data from various tests. In this case, a woman is usually given the opportunity to choose a drug in the price range that is most attractive to her. After all, treating any disease requires significant material costs.

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