Polio drops how many times do they drip? Polio vaccination: analyzing the routine vaccination schedule

One of the most dangerous diseases for children is polio. The danger lies not so much in the disease itself as in its inevitable consequences, which 90% of those who have recovered from the disease face. The main complication is paralysis and it does not go away either after a year or after 10 years.

Nowadays, the only way to protect yourself from the disease is to get vaccinated. From this comes the only cause of the disease in the civilized world - the irresponsibility of people regarding this very vaccination. Even in the most distant tribes of Africa, vaccination is carried out by volunteer organizations and people do not refuse, they constantly see horrible consequences diseases.

How the vaccine works

The polio vaccine comes in two forms – inactivated (drops) and live. In the CIS countries, the most common is the live vaccine.

What is the principle of action of the vaccine? How does she help protect my mother’s treasure from the terrible polio?

First you need to understand why it is necessary to vaccinate immunity with two different vaccines. The vaccine that was used before (inactivated) contains a killed virus. In the past, this was enough to develop immunity, but now the polio virus has become more aggressive, and such vaccinations are not enough to provide effective protection.

Fortunately, the developments of modern medical scientists were able to curb the so-called “wild” virus and create a truly safe and effective polio vaccine.

Our blood contains immune cells that, when they encounter a pathogen, cause an immune reaction. Just one contact with a pathogen is enough for a person to receive immunity - the body’s adequate resistance to this pathogen. This explains the need to vaccinate a child. The vaccine contains a greatly weakened pathogen, active just enough to safely develop immunity and not cause complications.

How children are vaccinated against polio

As mentioned earlier, there are two types of polio vaccination - they differ not only in their composition and activity of the pathogen, but also in the method of administration.

Both types of vaccines are now actively used - both oral and subcutaneous. The first is introduced into the oral cavity, but not as a medicine, but as drops on the tonsils or lymphoid tissue throats. It is very important that the doctor administering the vaccine knows these two points of contact with the drug. Why is it important?

Because if the drug gets on the tongue and subsequently into the stomach, the drug is not absorbed. Under the influence of the enzyme and gastric juice, the vaccine is neutralized and all meaning is lost.

The second type of vaccine is intradermal. It is injected appropriately into the thickness of the child's skin according to age. Up to one and a half years of age, the vaccination is done under the shoulder blade, after that - in the thigh.

Vaccination schedule

Like any other, the polio vaccine is given according to the schedule established and accepted by WHO. This is important to know for both doctors and parents.

The first vaccination should be done in 3 months and an inactivated vaccine is used for it. This is fundamentally important, since a weakened (live) vaccine can cause a strong immune reaction that is absolutely unnecessary for the baby.

The same inactivated vaccine is used to vaccinate a child aged 4.5 months.

The next vaccination is done in 6 months and a “live” vaccine is already used for it - the child’s immunity, strengthened by previous vaccinations, is able to adequately respond to a stronger vaccine and not get sick.

Next comes a “wave” of revaccinations - this is the period after the body adapts to the pathogen and develops primary post-vaccination immunity. For polio vaccination, this “wave” begins at age 18 months. It is carried out with a “live” vaccine, like all subsequent ones. After this, 2 more revaccinations are carried out - at 20 months and 14 years.

Why? Because safe dose less than what is necessary to maintain stable immunity. In other words, with 2–3 vaccinations it is impossible to ensure stable protection of the body for long years. Therefore, it was decided to vaccinate children gradually. The main thing you should know about the polio vaccine is when you can do it, when you can’t, and what vaccine is used at what age. This issue should be monitored by both the pediatrician and parents.

Contraindications to vaccination

Any vaccination should be approached responsibly. Indeed, in most cases, when it comes to vaccination against polio, side effects arise due to neglect of contraindications and post-vaccination recommendations.

  • the child has immunodeficiency or HIV;
  • presence of HIV/AIDS in close relatives;
  • the child is in contact with a pregnant woman;
  • if a woman is pregnant or planning a pregnancy;
  • if vaccination is planned for a breastfeeding mother;
  • acute reaction to a previous vaccination;
  • allergy to vaccine components;
  • acute infectious diseases (vaccination is carried out only after full recovery).

Ignoring contraindications to polio vaccination can have the most disastrous consequences, including death.

Reaction to vaccination

Parents often ask what reaction to a vaccine is normal. Of course, it is very important to know the answer, because after vaccination against polio, complications may arise and they must be distinguished in time from a natural reaction.

There are criteria that define a reaction as normal:

  • slight increase in temperature;
  • restlessness before bed in the first couple of days;
  • loss of appetite;
  • prone to allergies.

These symptoms are normal only in the first couple of days after vaccination. It is also important to remember that for some time after vaccination the child is a carrier of the virus. Albeit a very weakened one, but still a virus. Therefore, contact with people with HIV or pregnant women must be excluded. For the same reason, you should not have contact with other children.

Vaccination against polio is the only way to prevent the development of dangerous viral infection. The vaccine was developed more than 60 years ago by American and Soviet doctors, which helped prevent the development of a pandemic. Immunization is carried out in childhood, helps to reliably protect the body from polio. But how relevant is vaccination in our time? Is the vaccine safe for child's body? When should you get vaccinated? It is necessary to consider in more detail the issues that concern parents before immunization.

What is polio?

Poliomyelitis is a dangerous viral infection caused by Poliovirus hominis. The disease is transmitted by contact through household items and secretions. Virus particles enter the human body through the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx or intestines, then spread through the bloodstream to the spinal cord and brain. Mostly young children (no older than 5 years) are susceptible to polio.

The incubation period is 1-2 weeks, rarely – 1 month. Then symptoms develop that resemble a common cold or light form intestinal infection:

  • Slight increase in temperature;
  • Weakness, increased fatigue;
  • Runny nose;
  • Impaired urination;
  • Increased sweating;
  • Soreness and redness of the pharynx;
  • Diarrhea due to decreased appetite.

When viral particles penetrate the membranes of the brain, serous meningitis develops. The disease leads to fever, muscle and head pain, skin rashes, and vomiting. Characteristic symptom meningitis - tension in the neck muscles. If the patient is unable to bring the chin to the sternum, then it is necessary urgent consultation with a specialist.

Important! About 25% of children who have suffered a viral infection become disabled. In 5% of cases, the disease leads to the death of the patient due to paralysis of the respiratory muscles.

In the absence of timely treatment, the disease progresses, pain in the back and legs appears, and the act of swallowing is impaired. Duration infectious process usually does not exceed 7 days, then recovery occurs. However, polio can lead to disability of the patient due to paralysis (complete or partial).

Why are polio vaccinations given?

Polio vaccination is given to people regardless of age. Indeed, in the absence of immunity, a person can easily become infected with an infection and contribute to its further spread: the patient releases the virus into environment for 1-2 months from the moment the first symptoms appear. After which the pathogen quickly spreads through water and food. Doctors do not exclude the possibility of the polio pathogen being transmitted by insects.

Therefore, they try to get vaccinated against polio as early as possible, starting from 3 months of age. Immunization is carried out in all countries of the world, which helps to minimize the occurrence of an epidemic.

Vaccine classification

During immunization, polio vaccines are used:

  • Oral live polio vaccine (OPV). Produced exclusively in Russia on the basis of weakened live viral particles. The drug is available in the form of drops for oral use. This polio vaccine reliably protects the body from all existing strains of the virus;
  • Inactivated polio vaccine (IPV: Imovax polio, Poliorix). The drug is created on the basis of killed viral particles that are injected. The polio vaccine is safe for humans and causes virtually no adverse reactions. However, the vaccine is less effective than OPV, so certain groups of patients may develop polio.

Combination drugs are widely used for immunization, which help protect the body from polio and other infections. The following vaccines are used in Russia: Infanrix Hexa, Pentaxim, Tetracok.

How does the vaccine work?

The polio vaccine involves injecting weakened or dead virus particles. Our body is capable of producing special immune bodies, which are carried through the bloodstream to all organs and tissues. When meeting infectious agents, leukocytes cause an immune reaction - the production of specific antibodies. To obtain lasting immunity, one encounter with the virus is enough.

Important! When using OPV, the child will release viral particles into the environment, so it can be dangerous for unvaccinated children.

The introduction of weakened viral particles leads to a pronounced immune response of the body, however, it minimizes the risk of developing an infection. At the end of the 20th century, administration of IPV was sufficient to create lifelong immunity. However, over time, virus strains have become more virulent, so only polio vaccinations with OPV can reliably protect against infection. Important! To create lifelong immunity, 6 vaccinations are required.

Is the polio vaccine safe for children?

Vaccination against polio using inactivated drugs is absolutely safe for a child. After all, killed virus particles are not able to provoke the development of infection. However, polio vaccination using OPV can lead to the development of vaccine-associated polio in in rare cases when the immunization schedule is disrupted. Children with pathologies of the digestive organs and severe immunodeficiency are at risk of developing complications. If a child has suffered vaccine-associated poliomyelitis, then further vaccination should be carried out exclusively with the introduction of an inactivated vaccine.

Important! By law, parents have the right to refuse vaccinations using weakened viruses.

The following vaccination regimen will help to almost completely eliminate the development of a severe complication: the first polio vaccination should be given with the IPV vaccine, followed by OPV. This will lead to the formation of immunity in the child before live particles of the virus enter his body.

When is vaccination carried out?

To form reliable immunity, a child needs two-stage preventive measures: vaccinations and revaccinations. IN infancy Children receive 3 polio vaccinations, but over time the amount of antibodies in the bloodstream decreases. Therefore, repeated administration of the vaccine or revaccination is indicated.

Vaccination against polio - combination immunization schedule:

  • Introduction of IPV to children at 3 and 4.5 months;
  • Taking OPV at 1.5 years, 20 months, 14 years.

Using this regimen allows you to minimize the risk of developing allergies and complications.

Important! Here is a classic child immunization schedule. However, it may vary depending on the health status of the children.

When using exclusively an oral drug, the child is vaccinated at 3; 4.5; 6 months, revaccination at 1.5 years, 20 months and 14 years. Vaccination against polio using IPV is carried out in 3; 4.5; 6 months, revaccination – at 1.5 years and 6 years.

How are children vaccinated?

OPV is produced in the form of pink drops that have a bitter-salty taste. The drug is administered with a disposable syringe without a needle or via an oral dropper. In young children, the vaccine must be applied to the root of the tongue, where the lymphoid tissue is located. At older ages, the drug is dripped onto the tonsils. This helps to avoid profuse salivation, accidental ingestion of the vaccine, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of immunization.

The dose of the drug is determined by the concentration of OPV, 2 or 4 drops. After vaccination, children should not be given water or food for 60 minutes.

Important! The polio vaccine can cause regurgitation in the child, then the manipulations should be repeated. If, when the vaccine is re-administered, the baby burps again, then vaccination is carried out 1.5 months later.

When vaccinated with IPV, the drug is administered intradermally. For children under 18 months, the injection is placed under the shoulder blade, for older children - in the thigh area.

Possible adverse reactions

The vaccine is usually well tolerated. After the administration of OPV, there may be a slight increase in body temperature and increased bowel movements in children early age. Symptoms usually develop 5-14 days after immunization and go away on their own within 1-2 days.

When using an inactivated vaccine, the following adverse reactions are possible:

  • Swelling and redness of the injection site;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Development of anxiety, irritability;
  • Decreased appetite.

Parents should be alert to the following symptoms:

  • Apathy of the child, development of adynamia;
  • The occurrence of seizures;
  • Breathing problems, shortness of breath;
  • Development of urticaria, which is accompanied by severe itching;
  • Swelling of the limbs and face;
  • A sharp increase in body temperature up to 39 0 C.

If such symptoms appear, you must call an ambulance.

Contraindications to immunization

The use of oral vaccine is prohibited in the following cases:

  • A history of congenital immunodeficiency;
  • Planning pregnancy and the period of bearing a child by a woman who is in contact with the child;
  • History of various neurological reactions to vaccination;
  • Acute infectious diseases;
  • Lactation period;
  • Immunodeficiency in a child's family member;
  • Development of neoplasms;
  • Allergy to Polymyxin B, Streptomycin, Neomycin;
  • Carrying out immunosuppressive therapy;
  • Exacerbation chronic pathologies for the period of immunization;
  • Diseases of non-infectious origin.

Administration of the IPV vaccine is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Pregnancy and lactation period;
  • Hypersensitivity to Streptomycin and Neomycin;
  • History of allergy to this vaccine;
  • Presence of oncological pathologies;
  • Acute forms of diseases during the period of immunization.

Poliomyelitis is a serious viral disease that can lead to disability of the patient. The only reliable method of protection against infection is the polio vaccine. The vaccine is usually well tolerated and does not pose a threat to the child's health. However, in rare cases, the introduction of weakened viruses can lead to the development of vaccine-associated infection.

Types of vaccines


  • Acute infections.
  • High temperature.
  • Skin rash.

OPV is not given if the child has:

  • Immunodeficiency.
  • HIV infection.
  • Acute illness.
  • Oncopathology.

Advantages and disadvantages

Adverse reactions

  • Nausea.
  • Abnormal stool.
  • Increased body temperature.

Possible complications

Komarovsky's opinion

Vaccination of children against polio: reaction, indications and contraindications

Poliomyelitis – dangerous disease caused by viral infections. The danger of the disease is that it affects children’s central nervous and endocrine system, and gastrointestinal tract. Vaccination of children against polio is carried out to combat poliovirus and increase children's immunity to this virus.

How many times and when are children from one to 14 years old vaccinated against polio?

There are two types of polio vaccination: oral and inactivated. In most countries, preference is given to oral administration of the vaccine, since this method is more convenient, and it also reduces the risk of trauma to the child’s psyche. It is known that almost all children have a negative attitude and are very afraid of any injections.

Many parents are concerned about the question of whether to vaccinate their child against polio if the baby lives in Russia, and here, as we know, this disease is not common. Pediatricians answer this question unanimously; they assure parents that vaccination against poliovirus must be carried out. According to them, the danger is not only that a carrier of poliovirus may come to the country, because a child with a weakened immune system can become infected from children who have just been vaccinated, and it is almost impossible to find out about this.

To protect children from contracting this dangerous virus, you need to know exactly how many polio vaccinations a child needs to get, and the local pediatrician should inform parents about this. There are six such vaccinations in total. The first vaccination is carried out at 3 months, then at four and a half, six, one year, twenty months and 14 years. Thus, children under one year of age should be vaccinated against polio three times.

As a rule, the local pediatrician himself notifies parents when the baby needs to be vaccinated. However, it is advisable that parents themselves know how many times their children are vaccinated against polio and when exactly, and based on this knowledge they independently monitor the polio vaccination schedule.

Is a child contagious after receiving a polio vaccine?

Is a child contagious after a polio vaccination? Many parents want to know the answer to this question. In fact, after vaccination, the child’s body will release vaccine strains into the environment for some time. However, in order for these strains to become virulent, that is, infectious, certain conditions are required for this. To do this, when they enter the intestines of the vaccinated person, they must confuse, and this only happens in children with immunodeficiency. This is why most children who have been vaccinated against polio are not contagious, since children with immunodeficiencies are not vaccinated.

How to prepare a child for polio vaccination: recommendations from pediatricians

Knowing when children are vaccinated against polio, parents should create the most favorable conditions for vaccination. Certain actions will help avoid many complications associated with vaccination.

1. You should know that only an absolutely healthy child can be vaccinated. If parents have doubts about the health of their baby, it is better to temporarily write a refusal to vaccinate and do it a little later.

2. To make sure that the baby is absolutely healthy at the time of vaccination, you can do a general blood and urine test.

3. If a child suffers from allergic reactions and is being vaccinated for the first time, parents must first visit an allergist’s office. A specialist will determine the allergen, and this will avoid complications from vaccination.

4. A few days before vaccination, the baby can be given antihistamines as prescribed by the pediatrician. They will reduce the likelihood of allergic reactions to the vaccine.

In order for polio vaccination to go smoothly and not cause serious complications, it is important not only to properly prepare for it, but also to familiarize yourself with the rules of conduct after vaccination. First of all, parents should remember that the baby should not be fed or given water for an hour after vaccination. For 40 days, it is important to avoid injecting any medications into the child’s body.

For the first few days after vaccination, it is important to exclude the child from contact with other children and strangers. During this period, it is better to avoid walking and bathing your baby. Such actions will minimize the risk of developing colds and other infectious diseases, because the child’s body is especially weakened during this period. One or two days after vaccination, you should not overfeed your child; it is important to give him more fluids.

Reactions in a child who has been vaccinated against polio: fever, increased bowel movements, and others

The polio vaccine is considered the easiest, because it almost never gives side effects. However, like any other such procedure, it has an impact on the child’s immune system. After the vaccine is administered, the baby’s body develops protection against polio, therefore, the immunity weakens and other infections can penetrate.

Each child's reaction to the polio vaccine can be completely different. It depends on the health of the baby, his immune system, the behavior of the parents after vaccination, as well as the combination of polio vaccination with other vaccines. As a rule, there is no reaction at all from the child’s body. There are general conditions children's body, which cannot be called complications; they are rather normal manifestations of vaccination.

After oral polio vaccination, children may sometimes experience an increase in bowel movements. This side effect of the polio vaccine in children usually goes away within 1-2 days.

A child’s temperature may also rise to 37.5 degrees after polio vaccination. Such indicators can last up to 14 days and, according to pediatricians, this is the norm and not a deviation.

There are some reactions after an inactivated vaccine:

  • in 5–7% of children, swelling of redness appears at the site of vaccine administration, but not more than 8 cm in diameter;
  • the first two days after vaccination, children may experience a slight increase in body temperature;
  • increased excitability and nervousness of the child;
  • nausea, single vomiting.

Side effects and complications after polio vaccination in children

Sometimes more serious complications from polio in children develop; they are extremely rare, but nevertheless, such situations are known in pediatrics. Parents should know when they should immediately seek medical help:

1. The child was vaccinated against polio, and during the vaccination he developed shortness of breath and difficulty breathing.

2. Severe swelling of the face, limbs and eyes.

3. Temperature rise above 39 degrees.

4. The appearance of seizures in the baby.

5. Formation of a rash on the baby’s skin, body itching.

6. Development of lethargy and lack of movement.

In addition to the indications, there are also contraindications to the polio vaccine in children. Among them, experts include:

  • allergic reactions to previous polio vaccination;
  • the presence of organic diseases of the nervous system;
  • congenital combined immunodeficiencies;
  • presence of acute illness - elevated temperature body, pain syndrome, skin manifestations;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathologies.

Whether a child should be vaccinated against polio is up to parents to decide, but adults should consider all the consequences of refusing vaccination. In this case, all responsibility for the risks of developing the disease falls on the parents.

How much polio do you need?


According to our national calendar, up to the age of 3 years, a child must receive 5 doses against polio. But the calendar is designed for a specific vaccination scheme, namely a mixed one: 2 first doses of IPV, and the 3rd and all subsequent revaccinations - OPV. But you have the right to choose the vaccines you want to vaccinate your child with, including you can choose a polio vaccination regimen using only IPV. And this scheme is somewhat different from mixed IPV + OPV, here you need to be guided not by the national calendar, but by the instructions for IPV vaccines, and it says that the first revaccination against polio is done a year after the 3rd vaccination of the primary series, and the second - after 5 years after the first revaccination.

The difference in vaccination schedules is explained by the difference in the effectiveness of the IPV and OPV vaccines. There is no need for an additional 5th OPV vaccine.

Vaccination against polio

The polio virus can still lead to epidemics in some countries today. A vaccine was created several decades ago, but vaccinations did not completely eradicate the infection. To achieve this, immunization of the population in each country must be at least 95%, which is unrealistic, especially in developing countries with low living standards.

When is the polio vaccine given? Who should be vaccinated? How safe is it and what complications await a child after vaccination? In what case can an unscheduled vaccination be done?

Why are polio vaccinations given?

Poliomyelitis is one of the most ancient human diseases, which can affect even disability; in 1% of cases, the virus penetrates the central nervous system and leads to destructive irreversible cell damage.

Who should be immunized against polio? Everyone gets vaccinated, it doesn’t matter at what age the vaccination is given. If a person is not vaccinated, he is in a group high risk infections and further dissemination infections.

At what age is the first polio vaccine given? They try to do it as early as possible. The first injection is given to a child at the age of 3 months. Why so early?

  1. The polio virus is spread throughout the globe.
  2. Immediately after birth, the child retains the mother’s immunity for a very short time, but it is unstable, only five days.
  3. A sick person releases the virus into the environment throughout the entire period of illness, during full recovery and for a long time after it. Vaccination prevents others from becoming infected.
  4. The virus spreads easily through sewage water and food.
  5. The virus can be transmitted by insects.
  6. The disease occurs more often in children than in adults due to the lack of immunity.

Long incubation period and the many complications after infection have led to the fact that in all countries, vaccination against polio is the only effective measure to prevent the disease.

Polio vaccination schedule

The polio immunization schedule was developed many years ago and has seen few changes over the past decades.

  1. The first time a child is vaccinated against polio is at the age of three months.
  2. After 45 days, the next vaccine is administered.
  3. At six months the child receives the third vaccination. And if before this time they use non-living inactivated vaccine, then during this period it is allowed to be vaccinated with OPV (this is a live vaccine in the form of drops that is administered orally).
  4. Revaccination against polio is prescribed at one and a half years, the next at 20 months, then at 14 years.

When a child graduates from school, he must be fully vaccinated against this dangerous viral disease. With this polio vaccination schedule, every baby is protected from the first months of life.

Unscheduled polio vaccination

But there are other situations when a person is additionally vaccinated or unscheduled vaccinations against polio.

  1. If there is no information about whether the child has been vaccinated, he is considered unvaccinated. In this case, a child under three years of age is given the vaccine three times at an interval of one month and revaccinated twice. If the age is from three to six years, then the child is vaccinated three times and revaccinated once. And up to 17 years of age, a full course of vaccination is carried out.
  2. Unscheduled vaccination against polio is done if a person has arrived from a country with unfavorable epidemic indicators or is going there. Vaccination with OPV vaccine is given once. Travelers are recommended to get vaccinated 4 weeks before departure so that the body can provide a full immune response in a timely manner.
  3. Another reason for unscheduled vaccination is an outbreak of a certain type of virus, if the person was vaccinated with a monovaccine against a different strain of polio.

In total, a person normally receives a polio vaccine about six times in their lifetime. How does the body react and what consequences can a person feel from being vaccinated against this viral disease?

Side effects of the polio vaccine

What kind of reaction can a child have to the polio vaccine? Apart from allergic reactions to the components of the drug, as a rule, there are no other reactions to the vaccine. Children and adults tolerate vaccination well.

But unlike the body’s reaction, complications from vaccination do occur. Although they happen rarely, such situations are still possible.

  1. Intestinal dysfunction or stool disorder. It happens when young children are vaccinated against polio. The child may experience loose stools for several days. If the condition persists for more than three to four days and the baby is not eating well, does not sleep and is restless, you must inform the doctor about this. It is important to distinguish whether this complication was due to the vaccine or whether the child became infected intestinal infection before drug administration.
  2. To the most unpleasant side effects The polio vaccine includes VAPP or vaccine-associated polio. In rare cases, it can be caused by the live OPV vaccine. This complication may appear from 4 to 13 days after vaccination. Various manifestations diseases are observed in one case per million, and the paralytic form develops in one case per million. In this case, a person develops all the symptoms of polio: fever rises, paralysis appears, pain in the back and muscles occurs, decreased tendon reflexes, weakness, headaches.

How to deal with complications and reactions to the polio vaccine?

  1. A common allergic reaction in the form of urticaria to the administration of a vaccine can be eliminated by prescribing antiallergic drugs.
  2. More serious complications from vaccination, such as intestinal dysfunction or urticaria throughout the body, require observation and more effective treatment in a hospital.
  3. If VAPP occurs, then the treatment is the same as for the development of ordinary natural polio, in order to avoid irreversible consequences therapy should be carried out under the supervision of doctors in an infectious diseases hospital.

When is the best time to reschedule the vaccine?

Unfortunately, doctors at the clinic do not always have a free minute to fully examine the baby, make all the necessary notes and correctly instruct the mother about behavior before and after vaccination. It's a shame, because some of the problems could have been avoided. Often, the child’s parents have to figure out on their own what to do correctly before and after vaccination. So, let's describe common mistakes, which can be bypassed.

  1. Fever after polio vaccination is, in most cases, not a reaction to the vaccine, but a coincidence of circumstances when a child became infected with ARVI before or immediately after vaccination. To prevent this from happening, do not visit crowded places before and after vaccination for several days.
  2. It is best to take a blood and urine test the day before vaccination to avoid administering the drug during the onset of the disease - the tests can determine the presence of infection. But you need to go to the doctor to get the form without your child, so as not to meet sick children.
  3. It is not recommended to introduce new foods into the diet before or after immunization. Exotic and allergenic products, unhealthy foods (sweet foods, chips, carbonated colored drinks), which often lead to allergic rashes on the body, and an additional irritant - vaccination, will contribute to this.
  4. An examination by a doctor before vaccination is mandatory; an experienced pediatrician will already be able to determine at this stage whether the child can now be vaccinated or not.
  5. Most frequently asked question- Is it possible to go for a walk after being vaccinated against polio? Doctors do not limit children to this; walks on fresh air are necessary and useful even after the introduction of the vaccine, the main thing is that loved ones do not run with the baby to the shops, go with him, for example, to the pool or other similar places large cluster of people.
  6. Swimming after vaccination is not prohibited and, on the contrary, evening exercise is necessary for the child, because this often calms children down. Here you need to remember one rule - do not overdo it, 10–15 minutes is enough.

There is nothing special in behavior before and after vaccination, so it is important for parents to be patient and not forget simple but effective recommendations.

Contraindications to polio vaccination

Even after suffering from polio, you need to be vaccinated against it, since a person could only have had one of them. three types viral infection. In addition to the simple reluctance of the adult or the child’s parents to immunize, there is also a certain list of contraindications. In what cases should a vaccine really not be administered, and when can it only be postponed for a while?

TO real contraindications The following conditions apply to polio vaccination.

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. A complication of a previous vaccination, if after the administration of the drug various neurological manifestations developed.
  3. Any acute infectious disease or chronic in the acute stage.
  4. Immunodeficiency states.
  5. Intolerance antibacterial drugs included in the vaccine (neomycin, streptomycin).

Is it possible to get the polio vaccine if you have a runny nose? It is necessary to understand the cause of rhinitis. If this is a symptom of ARVI - no, vaccination is temporarily postponed until complete recovery. If your runny nose is allergic or a reaction to changing weather- You can get vaccinated.

Types of polio vaccines

There are two main types of polio vaccines: IPV ( injection form) and OPV (oral in the form of droplets). Previously, oral polio vaccine (OPV) was preferred. Is this polio vaccine dangerous? - it has the following features:

  • this is a weakened live virus that under normal conditions does not cause disease;
  • The OPV vaccine contains antibiotics, they prevent bacteria from developing;
  • it is in the form of droplets, it is swallowed (administered through the mouth);
  • The vaccine is trivalent, that is, it protects against all strains of polio;
  • in one case out of 75 thousand immunized people, OPV vaccination can cause a paralytic form of polio;
  • in response to an oral vaccine, not only humoral immunity(with the help of the immune system), but also tissue.

IPV is a vaccine with an inactivated virus, that is, killed by formaldehyde. It does not lead to the development of vaccine-associated polio.

In addition, vaccinations can be single-component, that is, against one type of virus, or three-component, thanks to which they are vaccinated against all three strains of the disease at once. To make the task a little easier for doctors last years Manufacturers regularly supplement vaccines with many components. You can simultaneously vaccinate your child against diphtheria, tetanus, polio, whooping cough and other equally dangerous infections.

What polio vaccines are available now? - the names of the drugs are as follows:

  • “Oral polio vaccine”;
  • "Imovax Polio";
  • "Poliorix";
  • "Infanrix IPV" - imported analogue DPT;
  • "Tetrakok", which also contains protection against diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough;
  • “Pentaxim”, unlike the previous one, is also supplemented with a substance that protects against diseases caused by the Haemophilus bacterium influenzae type b - HIB (meningitis, pneumonia, otitis media, septicemia, etc.).

Which polio vaccine is best? There is no ideal vaccine for everyone; each one is selected based on the situation and the body’s reaction. The clinic provides free vaccinations with domestic vaccines. Other drugs are administered according to the wishes and capabilities of the parents. If parents are really interested in the health of the child, they should consult in advance with the attending physician or infectious disease specialist about possible options and which vaccines have fewer complications.

To summarize, we note that polio is terrible disease, the occurrence of which can only be prevented by timely vaccination. Vaccination against this viral infection is generally easily tolerated even by young children. In addition, currently used for vaccination modern vaccines IPV, which excludes the possibility of such a dangerous complication as VAPP - vaccine-associated polio.

Polio vaccination: consequences, possible adverse reactions, how many vaccinations are given before a year, live vaccine, Komarovsky, contraindications

Not long ago, polio was serious problem throughout the world, causing epidemics with frequent deaths. Start of vaccination against the virus that causes this disease, helped reduce the incidence, which is why doctors call the polio vaccination one of the most important in childhood.

Why is polio dangerous?

Most often, the disease appears in children under five years of age. One of the forms of polio is the paralytic form. When it occurs, the virus that causes this infection attacks spinal cord child, which is manifested by the appearance of paralysis. Most often, children are paralyzed in their legs, less often in their upper limbs.

In severe cases of infection as a result of exposure to the respiratory center, it is possible fatal outcome. This disease can only be treated symptomatically, and in many cases the child does not recover completely, but remains paralyzed for the rest of his life.

It is also dangerous for children that they carry the polio virus. With it, a person does not develop clinical symptoms illness, but the virus is released from the body and can infect other people.

Types of vaccines

The drugs used to vaccinate against polio are available in two versions:

  1. Inactivated polio vaccine (IPV). This drug does not contain a live virus, so it is safer and practically does not cause side effects. The use of this vaccine is possible even in situations of decreased immunity in a child. The drug is injected intramuscularly into the area under the shoulder blade, into the thigh muscle or into the shoulder. This vaccine is called IPV for short.
  2. Live polio vaccine (oral - OPV). It includes several types of weakened live viruses. Due to the method of administration of this drug (by mouth), this vaccine is called oral and is abbreviated as OPV. This vaccine is presented in the form of a pink liquid with a salty-bitter taste. It is applied in a dose of 2-4 drops to the child’s tonsils so that the drug reaches the lymphoid tissue. It is more difficult to calculate the dosage of such a vaccine, so its effectiveness is lower than that of the inactivated version. In addition, the live virus can be released from the child’s intestines in feces, posing a danger to unvaccinated children.

For some features of polio vaccines, see the following video.

The inactivated vaccine is offered in the form of Imovax polio (France) and Poliorix (Belgium).

The polio vaccine can also be included in combination vaccine preparations, including:


  • Acute infections.
  • High temperature.
  • Exacerbations of chronic pathologies.
  • Skin rash.
  • Individual intolerance, including reactions to streptomycin and neomycin (they are used to produce the drug).

OPV is not given if the child has:

  • Immunodeficiency.
  • HIV infection.
  • Acute illness.
  • Oncopathology.
  • A disease that is treated with immunosuppressants.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main positive properties of the polio vaccine are:

  • The polio vaccine has been noted to have high efficiency. The introduction of IPV stimulates stable immunity to the disease in 90% of vaccinated children after two doses and in 99% of children after three vaccinations. The use of OPV causes the formation of immunity in 95% of babies after three doses.
  • The incidence of adverse reactions after polio vaccination is very low.
  • Among domestic drugs there are only live vaccines. All inactivated drugs are purchased abroad.
  • Although rare, a live vaccine can cause a disease called vaccine-associated polio.

Adverse reactions

Most common adverse reactions after the introduction of IPV, changes in the injection site appear in 5-7% of children. It may be lumps, redness, or soreness. There is no need to treat such changes, as they go away on their own in one to two days.

Also, among the side effects of such a drug, in 1-4% of cases, general reactions are noted - increased body temperature, lethargy, muscle pain and general weakness. It is extremely rare that an inactivated vaccine causes allergic reactions.

The incidence of side effects due to the use of OPV is slightly higher than from the administration of the inactivated virus vaccine. Among them are:

  • Nausea.
  • Abnormal stool.
  • Allergic skin rashes.
  • Increased body temperature.

Possible complications

When used for vaccination with live viruses, in one in 750 thousand cases, weakened vaccine viruses can cause paralysis, causing a form of polio called vaccine-associated polio.

Its appearance is possible after the first administration of a live vaccine, and the second or third vaccination can cause this disease only in children with immunodeficiency. Also, one of the predisposing factors for the appearance of this pathology is called congenital pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

Is there a fever after vaccination?

Polio vaccination extremely rarely causes reactions in the body, but some babies may develop a fever 1-2 days after the IPV injection or 5-14 days after the OPV vaccine. As a rule, it rises to low-grade levels and rarely exceeds +37.5ºС. Fever is not a vaccination complication.

How many vaccinations are given against polio?

In total, six vaccinations are administered in childhood to protect against polio. Three of them are vaccinations with pauses of 45 days, and after them three revaccinations are performed. Vaccination is not strictly tied to age, but requires compliance with the timing of administration with certain breaks between vaccinations.

The first polio vaccine is most often given at 3 months using an inactivated vaccine, and then it is repeated at 4.5 months, again using IPV. The third vaccination is carried out at 6 months, at which time the child is already given an oral vaccine.

OPV is used for revaccinations. The first revaccination is carried out a year after the third vaccination, so most often babies are revaccinated at 18 months. After two months, the revaccination is repeated, so it is usually done at 20 months. The age for the third revaccination is 14 years.

Komarovsky's opinion

The famous doctor emphasizes that the polio virus seriously affects the children’s nervous system with frequent development paralysis. Komarovsky is confident in exceptional reliability preventive vaccinations. A popular pediatrician claims that their use significantly reduces both the incidence of polio and the severity of the disease.

Komarovsky reminds parents that most doctors have not encountered polio in their practice, which reduces the likelihood timely diagnosis diseases. And even if the diagnosis is made correctly, the treatment options for this pathology are not very great. Therefore, Komarovsky advocates vaccinations against polio, especially since there are practically no contraindications to them, and general reactions of the body are extremely rare.

To learn whether your child should be vaccinated, see Dr. Komarovsky’s program.

  • Before vaccinating a child, it is important to make sure that he is healthy and there are no contraindications to the vaccine. For this, the child must be examined by a pediatrician.
  • Bring a toy or other thing with you to the clinic that can distract your baby from the unpleasant procedure.
  • Do not introduce new foods to your child’s diet for several days before vaccination, as well as for a week after it.
  • Try not to interrupt your vaccination schedule, as this will reduce the body's defense against infection.

Warning for the unvaccinated

Children who have not been vaccinated against polio, with a decrease in immunity, can become infected from vaccinated children, since after the OPV vaccine is introduced into the child's body, the child excretes weakened viruses in feces for up to one month after the day of vaccination.

To prevent infection from vaccinated children, it is important to practice good hygiene, since the main route of transmission of the virus is fecal-oral.

The danger of the disease lies in the infection by the pathogen nerve cells spinal cord of a child, which is accompanied by paralysis and subsequent disability. The only reliable method to avoid infection is the polio vaccine. There are currently no other methods for preventing the development of the disease.

It is known that polio vaccination has a similar principle of action to all standard vaccinations. A greatly weakened or killed virus that causes the disease is introduced into the human body, it begins to multiply, causing the immune system to produce antibodies. After a certain time, the bacteria will be eliminated from the body, but will continue to provide “passive” immunization. There are currently two types of polio vaccines:

  1. OPV – oral live polio vaccine;
  2. IPV is an inactivated injection vaccine.

Anti-polio drops

The polio vaccine in drops is also called “live.” The composition includes all three types of weakened disease virus. The method of administration of the drug is oral; the liquid is pink in color with a bitter-salty taste. The doctor applies 3-4 drops to the child’s tonsils so that the drug penetrates the lymphoid tissue. The dosage must be calculated by a physician; due to incorrect determination of the amount of the drug, its effectiveness is reduced. With this vaccination option, some of the bacteria can get into the child’s stool (become infectious), which will cause infection in unvaccinated children.

Inactivated polio vaccine

This type of vaccination is considered safer because it does not contain a live virus and there is almost zero chance of side effects. The use of IPV is allowed even if the child’s immunity is reduced. The drug is administered intramuscularly under the shoulder blade, shoulder or thigh muscle. In Russia, as a rule, one of the following drugs is used:

  1. Imovax Polio. The Belgian vaccine consists of three types of polio virus. The effect of the drug is very mild and can be used at any age, for children with low body weight. Use together with other vaccines is allowed.
  2. Poliorix. French drug, the method of exposure is similar to the vaccine described above.

Vaccination against polio is recommended for everyone; it should be carried out as early as infancy. Parents can refuse vaccination, but this carries a risk of developing the disease. In Russia, doctors advise vaccination together with DTP (whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus), except in cases where the child’s schedule was compiled individually. Carrying out these vaccinations together will develop lasting immunity in your baby from these diseases. Two can be used for vaccination different drugs, for example, Imovax and Infanrix, or a combined version - Pentaxim.

Polio vaccination schedule

WHO has developed a special schedule for developing stable immunity in children to the disease. Vaccination against polio using the example of IPV type in the Russian Federation has the following scheme:

Revaccination against polio

After the first three vaccinations against the disease, it is necessary to do a revaccination, which is done according to the following schedule:

In Russia, OPV and IPV drugs are allowed for vaccination. As a rule, in the first year the baby is vaccinated against polio using an inactivated virus. This type of drug is more expensive than oral drops, so the injection is performed only the first time. In the future, parents can buy OPV, and the child will be given 3-4 drops of the product in the mouth.

When administering the virus orally, it is important that the liquid gets to the root of the tongue, where there is an accumulation of lymphoid tissue. For older children, they try to apply drops to the tonsils. These places have a minimum number of taste buds, so there is a higher chance that the child will swallow the vaccine in full. To apply the drug, doctors usually use a syringe without a needle or a dropper. You can give food after vaccination no earlier than 1 hour later.

  • There is slight swelling and pain at the injection site;
  • stool disorder lasts up to 2 days, goes away on its own;
  • temperature rise to 38.5 °C for 1-2 days;
  • redness at the injection site up to 8 cm in diameter;
  • single vomiting, nausea;
  • nervousness, increased excitability.

Contraindications to vaccination

  • a person has HIV, severely weakened immunity;
  • pregnancy of the baby’s mother or any other woman in his environment;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • period of pregnancy planning;
  • immunosuppressive therapy is being carried out, neoplasms have appeared;
  • available negative reaction the body when vaccinated in the past;
  • have recently had acute infectious diseases;
  • there is an exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • there is an allergy to neomycin, polymyxin B, streptomycin.

There are much fewer prohibitions for conducting TRP. The following contraindications are considered truly dangerous for this type of vaccination:

  • immunodeficiency states;
  • pregnancy;
  • acute infectious disease;
  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • complications after a previous vaccination.

Possible complications after polio vaccination

As a rule, vaccination is well tolerated by children (especially IVP), but the development of side effects is possible depending on the correct preparation of the child for the procedure, the type of drug, and the health of the patient. You should immediately contact the nearest hospital if the following symptoms appear:

  • severe adynamia, lethargy;
  • heavy breathing, shortness of breath;
  • convulsive reactions;
  • development of urticaria, severe itching;
  • significant increase in temperature (over 39 °C);
  • severe swelling of the face and/or limbs.

We did everything necessary vaccinations immediately after the birth of the child. We were told that a new polio vaccine was being introduced. There were no consequences, the baby calmly endured all the necessary procedures. The first time we received an injection, then we used drops, we fully comply with the calendar of procedures, and now all that remains is revaccination.

We did not vaccinate the child because OPV scared us because the virus in this vaccine was “live”, and IPV was much more expensive. Now the child has been sent to kindergarten, and they are being re-vaccinated there. Because of this, you will have to “walk” for 60 days so as not to catch the disease from other children. I’m starting to regret that I didn’t vaccinate the baby right away when they offered it at the maternity hospital.

Our whole family listened to Komarovsky during pregnancy, and after the birth of the child we made a vaccination regimen according to his recommendation: 1 - IPV, the next 2 - OPV. The use of both types of vaccinations guarantees maximum immunity from the disease and stops the circulation of the pathogen inside the baby’s body.

Polio vaccination for children: can it be done and when?

Hello dear readers. We continue the topic mandatory vaccinations kids up to one year old. Directly in this article we will consider a vaccine aimed at combating polioviruses. You will learn what polio vaccine is, what these vaccines are. We will figure out why it is necessary to vaccinate your baby against polio and when to do it, we will also talk about contraindications and possible complications after this procedure.

What is polio

In order to understand the importance of vaccination against this disease, you need to understand what it is. Poliomyelitis is a serious viral disease that has high speed distribution. The mode of transmission is airborne, oral or fecal. You can become infected with this virus by communicating with a carrier, by using contaminated water, food, or simply through contact with things used by an infected person.

It is important to know that poliovirus is persistent. Even without a carrier, it retains its viability up to four months. The highest susceptibility is in children under seven years of age, especially in children with weakened immune systems. This is why it is important to vaccinate toddlers during infancy.

The breeding area for polioviruses is the intestines and mucous membranes oral cavity. Then the viruses begin to attack the spinal cord, in particular the gray matter. This disease can result in paralysis or even death.

This disease has been known to history since ancient times. Before the invention of the vaccine, many people died from this disease, especially young children.

To date, 2 types of vaccines have been developed, which are widely used.

There are 4 types of childhood polio:

  1. In-hardware. It is observed in 72% of patients with polio. It is asymptomatic, although it affects the intestines and tonsils. As a rule, the diagnosis is made only using laboratory methods.
  2. Abortive. Characteristic of 24% of cases. It has characteristic symptoms, which is not immediately identified as signs of polio:
  • hyperthermia;
  • lethargy, headache;
  • disturbance of appetite, digestion;
  • sore throat, tonsil hypertrophy, dry cough.

The illness may last for several days. Then the baby recovers. The fact that he suffered from polio can only be understood with the help of laboratory tests for the production of specific antibodies.

  1. Meningeal. Occurs only in 4% of cases of infection. In this case, poleoviruses penetrate the membranes of the brain, causing inflammatory process. The characteristic signs of meningitis are:
  • hyperthermia, severe headaches;
  • negative reaction to light, touch, sounds;
  • maybe spontaneous severe vomiting, lack of appetite.

The duration of the disease is up to 10 days, and then the baby recovers. Laboratory tests also detect antibodies.

  1. Paralytic. This type of polio is extremely rare, occurring only in a percentage of cases, which averages 1 in 1000 cases. The virus affects the neurons responsible for movement (in the spinal cord), causing pathological deformations that affect the development of paralysis, and muscle strength in the limbs is often not observed.

Signs of paralysis can appear both in the first few hours and several days after infection.

The baby loses the ability to perform even basic movements of the limbs, swallow saliva and food. It all depends on the degree of damage to brain neurons.

The acute process can last up to three weeks. However, after it comes time for the body to recover, which can last up to a year.

The consequences that polio caused can only be assessed after 12 - monthly period after the onset of the disease. These can be minor consequences, for example, limping, and the most significant - complete paralysis.

Vaccine for this disease

There are two types of vaccinations aimed at developing immunity against polio: inactivated and oral. Let's take a closer look at their features:

  1. Oral:
  • contains weakened microorganisms;
  • The method of administering the vaccine is orally;
  • suitable for secondary and further vaccinations of healthy children, for revaccination of babies at high risk of contracting polio;
  • vaccination with this type is allowed only after the initial use of an inactivated drug;
  • An average of 14 cases are recorded per year on the territory of the Russian Federation flaccid paralysis after of this type vaccinations.
  1. Inactivated:
  • contains a killed virus;
  • method of administration - intramuscular and subcutaneous;
  • used for vaccination of children of the first year of life and people with weak immunity;
  • the drug is administered at three, four and a half months and six months, revaccination occurs at one and a half years, 20 months and 14 years;
  • This type of vaccine causes complications in very rare cases; the percentage of consequences attributed to the inactivated vaccine is only 0.01% among all cases.

In addition, each type of vaccine has a number of contraindications, so it is important to report suspected pathological processes in your baby’s body so that the doctor can make the right decision whether your little one can be vaccinated or not.

Is it possible to get the polio vaccine?

Many mothers are skeptical about all vaccinations. It is not surprising that the question of the need for vaccination against polio arises. To understand how important it is to vaccinate your baby against this pathology, we will look at what reasons cause the urgent need for the introduction of such a vaccine:

  1. The virus that causes polio is widespread, so it is very important to vaccinate your baby as early as possible.
  2. The toddler has a rather weak and vulnerable immunity to the effects of infections of various types. Unfortunately, mother's antibodies supplied with milk protect the baby only for a short period of time (less than a week).
  3. The virus spreads quickly through water and food, and can be carried by insects.
  4. A person who is sick is contagious to others for a long period: while he is sick, recovering and recovering from the disease. And accordingly, epidemic outbreaks may begin, especially among young children.
  5. A baby with a weakened immune system who has not been vaccinated can easily become infected from a toddler who has already been vaccinated against polioviruses.
  6. The polio vaccine is the only way prevention of this disease.
  7. This vaccination causes virtually no complications or adverse reactions.
  8. Thanks to mass vaccination, it is possible to contain the epidemic outbreak of polio.

All the pros and cons

Naturally, all parents worry about the health of their child. It is no coincidence that you can hear a lot of gossip and debate about the need for vaccination, in particular against polio. Let's look at what arguments are given by supporters of vaccination and what are opponents.

  1. The introduction of the IPV vaccine contributes to the persistent development of immunity against polio infection in 90% and 99% of children (after taking two and three doses, respectively). When vaccinated with OPV, after three doses, immunity is formed in 95% of toddlers.
  2. Has a low level of side effects.
  1. Domestic vaccines contain live cultures. Drugs with inactivated contents are purchased abroad.
  2. In extremely rare cases, the development of polio (vaccine-associated) is possible.

My son was vaccinated against polio on time. Since they coincided with the DPT vaccine, the symptoms that appeared were related specifically to the consequences of this vaccine. Personally, I am not aware of any cases where the polio vaccine caused serious complications.

Preparing for vaccination

It is important to properly prepare your baby for vaccination in order to protect him as much as possible from possible consequences.

  1. Be sure to visit the doctor the day before the vaccination so that he can confirm that the child is absolutely healthy.
  2. Must be passed clinical tests urine and blood. If you suspect the presence of any chronic disease, it is better to tell the doctor about this. In general, you should notify your pediatrician of all your suspicions.
  3. If your baby has allergic reactions to any substances or products, you should also inform your doctor about this. If there is a known tendency towards allergies in the family, it is necessary to consult an allergist and immunologist.
  4. Before vaccination, there is no need to overfeed the baby; it is also necessary to keep the child hungry for an hour after vaccination.
  5. You cannot introduce new foods into the diet of a baby or a nursing woman two weeks before and after vaccination.

Vaccination schedule

When thinking about vaccination, a mother should know how many vaccinations aimed at preventing polio infection a child will have to undergo before the age of one:

  1. At 3 months.
  2. 45 days after the first vaccination.
  3. The third vaccination is carried out at six months of age.
  4. The baby is revaccinated at one and a half years, 20 months and 14 years.

It is also worth knowing about unscheduled vaccination, that is, the child may receive additional vaccinations against polio. The most common reason- This is the beginning of the epidemic.


Using different types vaccines, there are different conditions that act as contraindications. let's consider individual cases for oral and inactivated polio vaccine.

Contraindications when using IPV:

  1. State of acute infection.
  2. Skin rashes.
  3. Chronic pathologies in the acute phase.
  4. Hyperthermia.
  5. Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
  6. Severe allergic reaction to previous polio vaccination, in particular to the following components of the vaccine: neomycin, streptomycin, polymyxin B.

Contraindications when using OPV:

  1. The presence of a disease, the treatment of which boils down to the use of immunosuppressants.
  2. Immunodeficiency.
  3. Oncological disease.
  4. HIV infection.
  5. The disease is in the acute phase.

Possible consequences

After administration of an inactivated vaccine, the following side effects are possible:

  1. Edema, hyperemia, painful sensations at the injection site. Normally, everything should go away within two days.
  2. Hypertrophy of lymph nodes.
  3. A skin rash characterized by severe itching.
  4. Quincke's edema.
  5. Anaphylactic shock.
  6. Hyperthermia.
  7. Great sensitivity in the joints.

As a rule, such reactions occur due to the administration of the drug to a recently ill child or a child who has a very weak immune system.

When administering an oral vaccine, side effects are much more common, especially the following:

  1. Indigestion.
  2. Nausea.
  3. Hyperthermia.
  4. Excessive allergic rashes on the surface of the body.

One in 750 thousand vaccinated people experiences paralysis due to the development of vaccine-associated polio. More often this disease Children with immunodeficiency or with congenital pathologies of the digestive system are susceptible.

After reading this article, parents may begin to worry more about both the risk of contracting polio and the possible consequences after vaccination. When deciding whether or not to vaccinate your little one, remember that all the possible complications that vaccination can cause are insignificant compared to infection with polio. In addition, the consequences are extremely rare. In any case, the final decision should be made by the baby’s parents, but do not forget to carefully weigh everything before and think about the future of your little one.

Polio (from the Greek polios - “gray”, referring to the gray matter of the brain and spinal cord; from the Greek myelos - “spinal cord”) is a severe infectious disease that is caused by polio viruses of types 1, 2, 3. It is characterized by damage to the nervous system (mainly the gray matter of the spinal cord), which leads to paralysis, as well as inflammatory changes in the intestinal mucosa and nasopharynx, occurring under the “mask” of an acute respiratory infection or intestinal infection.

Epidemic outbreaks are most often associated with polio virus type 1. Epidemics of polio have occurred throughout human history. In the 50s of the 20th century, two American scientists, Sabin and Salk, were the first to create vaccines against this disease. The first researcher proposed a product containing weakened live polio viruses in this capacity, the second one developed a vaccine from killed viruses of the disease. Thanks to vaccination, dangerous disease managed to win.

However, in some regions of the world, so-called wild polio viruses still circulate in nature, and unvaccinated people can get sick. The disease is transmitted from person to person by talking, sneezing, or through contaminated objects, food, or water. The source of infection is a sick person. Due to its high contagiousness, the infection spreads quickly, but a polio outbreak is suspected when the first case of paralysis is noted. The incubation period of the disease (from the moment of infection to the appearance of the first symptoms) lasts 7-14 days (can range from 3 to 35 days). Viruses enter the body through the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx or intestines, multiply there, then penetrate the blood and reach the nerve cells of the brain, but most often the spinal cord, and destroy them. This determines the appearance of paralysis.

Forms of polio in children

Virus carriage

If the virus does not spread beyond the nasopharynx and intestines, then the disease does not manifest itself clinically in the infected person. However, the infected person himself is a source of infection for others.

Non-paralytic forms

This is a relatively favorable variant of the course of the disease. If the virus manages to penetrate the blood, the disease proceeds as follows: acute respiratory infections(with fever, malaise, runny nose, sore and red throat, loss of appetite) or acute intestinal infection(with frequent, loose stools). Another form is emergence serous meningitis(lesions of the membranes of the brain). Fever, headache, vomiting, tension in the neck muscles appear, as a result of which it is impossible to bring the chin closer to the chest (symptoms indicating the involvement of the meninges in the inflammatory process), twitching and muscle pain.

Paralytic form

This is the most severe manifestation of polio. The disease in this case begins acutely, with high fever, malaise, refusal to eat, in half of the cases symptoms of damage to the upper respiratory tract(cough, runny nose) and intestines ( loose stool), and after 1-3 days symptoms of damage to the nervous system appear (headache, pain in the limbs, back). Patients are drowsy, reluctant to change body position due to pain, and experience muscle twitching. This is the pre-paralysis period, which lasts 1-6 days. Then the temperature drops and paralysis develops. This happens very quickly, within 1-3 days or even several hours. One limb may be paralyzed, but much more often both arms and legs are immobilized. Damage to the respiratory muscles is also possible, which leads to breathing problems. In rare cases, paralysis of the facial muscles occurs. The paralytic period lasts up to 2 weeks, and then gradually begins recovery period, which lasts up to 1 year. In most cases, complete recovery does not occur, the limb remains shortened, atrophy (disorder of tissue nutrition) and muscle changes persist. It is worth noting that paralysis occurs in only 1% of those infected.

Diagnosis of polio in children

The diagnosis of poliomyelitis is established on the basis of characteristic external manifestations illness and epidemiological prerequisites: for example, in the presence of infected or sick people in the patient’s environment, as well as in the summer. The fact is that on hot days people (and especially children) swim a lot, and you can become infected with the virus by swallowing water from an open reservoir. In addition, data allows diagnosing polio laboratory research(for example, isolation of the virus from the nasopharyngeal mucus, feces and blood of the patient, examination cerebrospinal fluid). But these studies are expensive and are not carried out in every hospital, much less in every clinic. To carry out such analyses, a network of centers has been created laboratory diagnostics polio, where material from the patient is delivered for study.

Vaccination against polio for a child

Considering that polio is a viral infection and there is no specific therapy that specifically targets these viruses, the only effective means of preventing the disease is vaccination.

Two drugs are used for vaccination against polio: oral (from Latin oris mouth, pertaining to the mouth) live polio vaccine (OPV), containing weakened modified live polio viruses, the solution of which is dripped into the mouth, and inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) ), containing killed wild polio viruses, which is administered by injection. Both vaccines contain 3 types of polio virus. That is, they protect against all existing “variations” of this infection. True, IPV is not yet produced in our country. But there is a foreign vaccine IMOVAX POLIO, which can be used for grafting. In addition, IPV is part of the vaccine TETRACOK (combination vaccine for the prevention of diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio). Both of these drugs are used commercially at the request of parents. Polio vaccines can be administered simultaneously with immunoglobulin and any other vaccines except BCG.

Since January 1, 2008, the first and second vaccinations against polio are carried out with an inactivated vaccine (IPV). The third vaccination is carried out with live vaccines to prevent polio (6 months).

Polio vaccination schedule

First vaccination with inactivated polio vaccine - 3 months.

The second vaccination is carried out with an inactivated polio vaccine - 4.5 months.

The third vaccination is carried out with live vaccines to prevent polio - 6 months.

First revaccination - 18 months.

Second revaccination - 20 months.

Third revaccination - 14 years.

List of vaccines registered in the Russian Federation for the prevention of polio

Vaccine name

Vaccine purpose

Type of vaccine

Manufacturer country

Oral polio vaccine types 1,2,3

Imovax polio

Vaccine to prevent polio



Vaccine for the prevention of polio, inactivated


Infanrix Penta

Vaccine for the prevention of whooping cough (acellular), diphtheria, tetanus, hepatitis B, polio (inactivated)


Infanrix Hexa

Vaccine for the prevention of whooping cough (acellular), diphtheria, tetanus, hepatitis B, polio (inactivated), invasive infection caused by Haemophilus influenzae type b (meningitis, septicemia, pneumonia, epiglotitis, etc.).



Vaccine for the prevention of diphtheria and tetanus, adsorbed, whooping cough (acellular), polio (inactivated)



Adsorbed vaccine for the prevention of diphtheria and tetanus, whooping cough (acellular), polio, invasive infection caused by Haemophilus influenzae type b (meningitis, septicemia, pneumonia, epiglotitis, etc.).


Oral polio vaccine - liquid substance pink in color, bitter-salty taste.

Method of administration: instillation into the mouth, for children - onto the lymphoid tissue of the pharynx, for older children - onto the surface of the palatine tonsils, where immunity begins to form. There are no taste buds in these places, and the child will not feel the unpleasant taste of the vaccine. Otherwise there will be profuse drooling, the baby swallows the drug, it gets into the stomach with saliva and is destroyed there. The vaccine will be ineffective. OPV is instilled from a disposable plastic dropper or using a disposable syringe (without a needle). Dose depends on the concentration of the drug: 4 drops or 2 drops. If the baby burps after receiving the vaccine, the procedure is repeated. After repeated regurgitation, the vaccine is no longer administered, and the next dose is given after a month and a half. Within an hour after the administration of OPV, you should not feed or water the child.

Body reaction

After OPV administration, vaccine reactions (local or general) are usually absent. In extremely rare cases, it is possible that low-grade fever(up to 37.5 degrees C) 5-14 days after vaccination. In young children, frequent bowel movements are occasionally observed, which persist for 1-2 days after vaccination and go away without treatment. These reactions are not complications. If stool abnormalities are pronounced (there is mucus, greens, streaks of blood in the stool, etc.) and continue for a long time, this may be a manifestation of an intestinal infection, which coincidentally coincided with vaccination.

How does vaccination work?

The oral live polio vaccine is stored in the intestines for a long time (up to 1 month) and, like all live vaccines, forms in the body of the vaccinated person an immunity almost identical to that which occurs after suffering the infection itself. In this case, antibodies (protective proteins) are synthesized in the blood and on the intestinal mucosa (so-called secretory immunity), which do not allow the “wild” virus to enter the body. In addition, specific protective cells are formed that are able to recognize polio viruses in the body and destroy them. Another property is also important: while the vaccine virus lives in the intestines, it does not allow the “wild” polio virus to enter there. Therefore, in regions where there is polio, newborn children are vaccinated with a live vaccine right in the maternity hospital to protect the baby in the first month of life from infection. This type of vaccination does not create long-term immunity, which is why it is called “zero”. And the first vaccination dose is administered to the child at 2 months and they continue to be vaccinated according to the full schedule. The live polio vaccine has one more thing unexpected property– it stimulates the synthesis of interferon (an antiviral substance) in the body. Therefore, indirectly, such a vaccination can protect against influenza and other viral respiratory infections.

Complications from live polio vaccine

The only serious, but fortunately very rare complication of OPV vaccination is vaccine-associated polio (VAP) ) . This disease can develop during the first, less often during the second, and extremely rarely during the third administration of a live vaccine, in cases where it was vaccinated to a child with congenital immunodeficiency or to an AIDS patient in the stage of immunodeficiency. Congenital malformations of the gastrointestinal tract also predispose to the occurrence of VAP. In other cases, this complication does not develop. Persons who have had vaccine-associated polio should continue to be vaccinated, but only with inactivated polio vaccine (IPV).

Inactivated polio vaccine Available in liquid form, packaged in syringe doses of 0.5 ml.

Method of administration: injection. Children under 18 months. - subcutaneously into the subscapular region (possibly into the shoulder) or intramuscularly into the thigh, for older children - into the shoulder. No restrictions on eating or drinking times are required.

Body reaction

After the introduction of IPV, 5-7% of vaccinated people may have local vaccine reactions (which is not a complication of vaccination) in the form of swelling and redness not exceeding 8 cm in diameter. In 1-4% of cases, general vaccine reactions are observed in the form of a short-term low rise in temperature and restlessness of the child on the first or second day after vaccination.

How does vaccination work?

When inactivated polio vaccine is administered, the vaccinated person develops antibodies in the blood. However, they practically do not form on the intestinal mucosa. Protective cells capable of recognizing and destroying polio viruses along with the pathogen in the body are not synthesized, as is the case with OPV vaccination. This is a significant disadvantage of IPV. However, when using an inactivated vaccine, vaccine-associated poliomyelitis never occurs and it can be safely administered to children with immunodeficiency.


A side effect of IPV can, in very rare cases, be an allergic rash.

ATTENTION! Persons who have had polio must continue vaccination in the future, since recurrent disease may be caused by another type of virus.

Unvaccinated people, be careful!

People who have not been vaccinated against polio (regardless of age) and who also suffer from immunodeficiency can become infected by a vaccinated child and develop vaccine-associated polio (VAP). Cases have been described in which vaccinated children infected parents with AIDS in the stage of immunodeficiency, as well as relatives with primary immunodeficiency or those receiving medications that suppress the immune system (during treatment oncological diseases). To prevent similar situations It is recommended to vaccinate the child inactivated polio vaccine , and also wash your hands after washing the baby and do not kiss the vaccinated person on the lips. Vaccination against polio, like any other vaccination, if done on time and according to the rules, will help the fragile baby resist a serious and dangerous disease. This means it will make the child stronger, strengthen his body and relieve parents from many problems and trials that the family of a seriously ill child usually has to endure.

Paralysis (from the Greek paralysis to relax) is a disorder motor functions as complete absence voluntary movements, due to disruption of the transmission of nerve signals to the corresponding muscles.

Immunoglobulin is a drug made from the blood of a person who has been ill or vaccinated against a particular infection and has developed antibodies- protective proteins against infectious agents.

Article “Vaccinations: on the issue of safety” (No. 4, 2004)

Keep a vaccination calendar using ours, write down the real dates of your child’s vaccinations, and receive notifications about upcoming vaccinations by email!

Water or food has no harmful effect on the virus. Then polio could be treated with food and water, that would be great! This is done in case of vomiting or regurgitation. The child drank, but he vomited or burped, then the vaccine is a waste.

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Vaccination against polio

Not long ago, polio was a serious problem worldwide, causing epidemics with frequent deaths. The beginning of vaccination against the virus that causes this disease has helped reduce the incidence of the disease, which is why doctors call vaccination against polio one of the most important in childhood.

Why is polio dangerous?

Most often, the disease appears in children under five years of age. One of the forms of polio is the paralytic form. With it, the virus that causes this infection attacks the child’s spinal cord, which is manifested by the appearance of paralysis. Most often, children are paralyzed in their legs, less often in their upper limbs.

In severe cases of infection, death can occur as a result of the impact on the respiratory center. This disease can only be treated symptomatically, and in many cases the child does not recover completely, but remains paralyzed for the rest of his life.

It is also dangerous for children that they carry the polio virus. With it, a person does not develop clinical symptoms of the disease, but the virus is released from the body and can infect other people.

Types of vaccines

The drugs used to vaccinate against polio are available in two versions:

  1. Inactivated polio vaccine (IPV). This drug does not contain a live virus, so it is safer and practically does not cause side effects. The use of this vaccine is possible even in situations of decreased immunity in a child. The drug is injected intramuscularly into the area under the shoulder blade, into the thigh muscle or into the shoulder. This vaccine is called IPV for short.
  2. Live polio vaccine (oral - OPV). It includes several types of weakened live viruses. Due to the method of administration of this drug (by mouth), this vaccine is called oral and is abbreviated as OPV. This vaccine is presented in the form of a pink liquid with a salty-bitter taste. It is applied in a dose of 2-4 drops to the child’s tonsils so that the drug reaches the lymphoid tissue. It is more difficult to calculate the dosage of such a vaccine, so its effectiveness is lower than that of the inactivated version. In addition, the live virus can be released from the child’s intestines in feces, posing a danger to unvaccinated children.

For some features of polio vaccines, see the following video.

The inactivated vaccine is offered in the form of Imovax polio (France) and Poliorix (Belgium).

The polio vaccine can also be included in combination vaccine preparations, including:


  • Acute infections.
  • High temperature.
  • Exacerbations of chronic pathologies.
  • Skin rash.
  • Individual intolerance, including reactions to streptomycin and neomycin (they are used to produce the drug).

OPV is not given if the child has:

  • Immunodeficiency.
  • HIV infection.
  • Acute illness.
  • Oncopathology.
  • A disease that is treated with immunosuppressants.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main positive properties of the polio vaccine are:

  • The polio vaccine is highly effective. The introduction of IPV stimulates stable immunity to the disease in 90% of vaccinated children after two doses and in 99% of children after three vaccinations. The use of OPV causes the formation of immunity in 95% of babies after three doses.
  • The incidence of adverse reactions after polio vaccination is very low.
  • Among domestic drugs there are only live vaccines. All inactivated drugs are purchased abroad.
  • Although rare, a live vaccine can cause a disease called vaccine-associated polio.

Adverse reactions

The most common adverse reactions to IPV administration, occurring in 5-7% of children, are changes in the injection site. It may be lumps, redness, or soreness. There is no need to treat such changes, as they go away on their own in one to two days.

Also, among the side effects of such a drug, in 1-4% of cases, general reactions are noted - increased body temperature, lethargy, muscle pain and general weakness. It is extremely rare that an inactivated vaccine causes allergic reactions.

The incidence of side effects due to the use of OPV is slightly higher than from the administration of the inactivated virus vaccine. Among them are:

  • Nausea.
  • Abnormal stool.
  • Allergic skin rashes.
  • Increased body temperature.

Possible complications

When used for vaccination with live viruses, in one in 750 thousand cases, weakened vaccine viruses can cause paralysis, causing a form of polio called vaccine-associated polio.

Its appearance is possible after the first administration of a live vaccine, and the second or third vaccination can cause this disease only in children with immunodeficiency. Also, one of the predisposing factors for the appearance of this pathology is called congenital pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

Is there a fever after vaccination?

Polio vaccination extremely rarely causes reactions in the body, but some babies may develop a fever 1-2 days after the IPV injection or 5-14 days after the OPV vaccine. As a rule, it rises to low-grade levels and rarely exceeds +37.5ºС. Fever is not a vaccination complication.

How many vaccinations are given against polio?

In total, six vaccinations are administered in childhood to protect against polio. Three of them are vaccinations with pauses of 45 days, and after them three revaccinations are performed. Vaccination is not strictly tied to age, but requires compliance with the timing of administration with certain breaks between vaccinations.

The first polio vaccine is most often given at 3 months using an inactivated vaccine, and then it is repeated at 4.5 months, again using IPV. The third vaccination is carried out at 6 months, at which time the child is already given an oral vaccine.

OPV is used for revaccinations. The first revaccination is carried out a year after the third vaccination, so most often babies are revaccinated at 18 months. After two months, the revaccination is repeated, so it is usually done at 20 months. The age for the third revaccination is 14 years.

Komarovsky's opinion

The famous doctor emphasizes that the polio virus seriously affects the children's nervous system with the frequent development of paralysis. Komarovsky is confident in the exceptional reliability of preventive vaccinations. A popular pediatrician claims that their use significantly reduces both the incidence of polio and the severity of the disease.

Komarovsky reminds parents that most doctors have not encountered polio in their practice, which reduces the likelihood of timely diagnosis of the disease. And even if the diagnosis is made correctly, the treatment options for this pathology are not very great. Therefore, Komarovsky advocates vaccinations against polio, especially since there are practically no contraindications to them, and general reactions of the body are extremely rare.

To learn whether your child should be vaccinated, see Dr. Komarovsky’s program.

  • Before vaccinating a child, it is important to make sure that he is healthy and there are no contraindications to the vaccine. For this, the child must be examined by a pediatrician.
  • Bring a toy or other thing with you to the clinic that can distract your baby from the unpleasant procedure.
  • Do not introduce new foods to your child’s diet for several days before vaccination, as well as for a week after it.
  • Try not to interrupt your vaccination schedule, as this will reduce the body's defense against infection.

Warning for the unvaccinated

Children who have not been vaccinated against polio, with a decrease in immunity, can become infected from vaccinated children, since after the OPV vaccine is introduced into the child's body, the child excretes weakened viruses in feces for up to one month after the day of vaccination.

To prevent infection from vaccinated children, it is important to practice good hygiene, since the main route of transmission of the virus is fecal-oral.

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Vaccination of children against polio: reaction, indications and contraindications

Poliomyelitis is a dangerous disease caused by viral infections. The danger of the disease is that it affects children's central nervous and endocrine systems, as well as the gastrointestinal tract. Vaccination of children against polio is carried out to combat poliovirus and increase children's immunity to this virus.

How many times and when are children from one to 14 years old vaccinated against polio?

There are two types of polio vaccination: oral and inactivated. In most countries, preference is given to oral administration of the vaccine, since this method is more convenient, and it also reduces the risk of trauma to the child’s psyche. It is known that almost all children have a negative attitude and are very afraid of any injections.

Many parents are concerned about the question of whether to vaccinate their child against polio if the baby lives in Russia, and here, as we know, this disease is not common. Pediatricians answer this question unanimously; they assure parents that vaccination against poliovirus must be carried out. According to them, the danger is not only that a carrier of poliovirus may come to the country, because a child with a weakened immune system can become infected from children who have just been vaccinated, and it is almost impossible to find out about this.

To protect children from becoming infected with this dangerous virus, you need to know exactly how many polio vaccinations a child needs to receive, and the local pediatrician should inform parents about this. There are six such vaccinations in total. The first vaccination is carried out at 3 months, then at four and a half, six, one year, twenty months and 14 years. Thus, children under one year of age should be vaccinated against polio three times.

As a rule, the local pediatrician himself notifies parents when the baby needs to be vaccinated. However, it is advisable that parents themselves know how many times their children are vaccinated against polio and when exactly, and based on this knowledge they independently monitor the polio vaccination schedule.

Is a child contagious after receiving a polio vaccine?

Is a child contagious after a polio vaccination? Many parents want to know the answer to this question. In fact, after vaccination, the child’s body will release vaccine strains into the environment for some time. However, in order for these strains to become virulent, that is, infectious, certain conditions are required for this. To do this, when they enter the intestines of the vaccinated person, they must confuse, and this only happens in children with immunodeficiency. This is why most children who have been vaccinated against polio are not contagious, since children with immunodeficiencies are not vaccinated.

How to prepare a child for polio vaccination: recommendations from pediatricians

Knowing when children are vaccinated against polio, parents should create the most favorable conditions for vaccination. Certain actions will help avoid many complications associated with vaccination.

1. You should know that only an absolutely healthy child can be vaccinated. If parents have doubts about the health of their baby, it is better to temporarily write a refusal to vaccinate and do it a little later.

2. To make sure that the baby is absolutely healthy at the time of vaccination, you can do a general blood and urine test.

3. If a child suffers from allergic reactions and is being vaccinated for the first time, parents must first visit an allergist’s office. A specialist will determine the allergen, and this will avoid complications from vaccination.

4. A few days before vaccination, the baby can be given antihistamines as prescribed by the pediatrician. They will reduce the likelihood of allergic reactions to the vaccine.

In order for polio vaccination to go smoothly and not cause serious complications, it is important not only to properly prepare for it, but also to familiarize yourself with the rules of conduct after vaccination. First of all, parents should remember that the baby should not be fed or given water for an hour after vaccination. For 40 days, it is important to avoid injecting any medications into the child’s body.

For the first few days after vaccination, it is important to exclude the child from contact with other children and strangers. During this period, it is better to avoid walking and bathing your baby. Such actions will minimize the risk of developing colds and other infectious diseases, because the child’s body is especially weakened during this period. One or two days after vaccination, you should not overfeed your child; it is important to give him more fluids.

Reactions in a child who has been vaccinated against polio: fever, increased bowel movements, and others

The polio vaccine is considered the easiest, because it almost never produces side effects. However, like any other such procedure, it has an impact on the child’s immune system. After the vaccine is administered, the baby’s body develops protection against polio, therefore, the immunity weakens and other infections can penetrate.

Each child's reaction to the polio vaccine can be completely different. It depends on the health of the baby, his immune system, the behavior of the parents after vaccination, as well as the combination of polio vaccination with other vaccines. As a rule, there is no reaction at all from the child’s body. There are general conditions of the child’s body that cannot be called complications; these are rather normal manifestations of vaccination.

After oral polio vaccination, children may sometimes experience an increase in bowel movements. This side effect of the polio vaccine in children usually goes away within 1-2 days.

A child’s temperature may also rise to 37.5 degrees after polio vaccination. Such indicators can last up to 14 days and, according to pediatricians, this is the norm and not a deviation.

There are some reactions after an inactivated vaccine:

  • in 5–7% of children, swelling of redness appears at the site of vaccine administration, but not more than 8 cm in diameter;
  • the first two days after vaccination, children may experience a slight increase in body temperature;
  • increased excitability and nervousness of the child;
  • nausea, single vomiting.

Side effects and complications after polio vaccination in children

Sometimes more serious complications from polio in children develop; they are extremely rare, but nevertheless, such situations are known in pediatrics. Parents should know when they should immediately seek medical help:

1. The child was vaccinated against polio, and during the vaccination he developed shortness of breath and difficulty breathing.

2. Severe swelling of the face, limbs and eyes.

3. Temperature rise above 39 degrees.

4. The appearance of seizures in the baby.

5. Formation of a rash on the baby’s skin, body itching.

6. Development of lethargy and lack of movement.

In addition to the indications, there are also contraindications to the polio vaccine in children. Among them, experts include:

  • allergic reactions to previous polio vaccination;
  • the presence of organic diseases of the nervous system;
  • congenital combined immunodeficiencies;
  • the presence of an acute illness - elevated body temperature, pain, skin manifestations;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathologies.

Whether a child should be vaccinated against polio is up to parents to decide, but adults should consider all the consequences of refusing vaccination. In this case, all responsibility for the risks of developing the disease falls on the parents.

Vaccination against polio

The polio virus can still lead to epidemics in some countries today. A vaccine was created several decades ago, but vaccinations did not completely eradicate the infection. To achieve this, immunization of the population in each country must be at least 95%, which is unrealistic, especially in developing countries with low living standards.

When is the polio vaccine given? Who should be vaccinated? How safe is it and what complications await a child after vaccination? In what case can an unscheduled vaccination be done?

Why are polio vaccinations given?

Poliomyelitis is one of the most ancient human diseases, which can affect even disability; in 1% of cases, the virus penetrates the central nervous system and leads to destructive irreversible cell damage.

Who should be immunized against polio? Everyone gets vaccinated, it doesn’t matter at what age the vaccination is given. If a person is not vaccinated, he is at high risk of infection and further spread of the infection.

At what age is the first polio vaccine given? They try to do it as early as possible. The first injection is given to a child at the age of 3 months. Why so early?

  1. The polio virus is spread throughout the globe.
  2. Immediately after birth, the child retains the mother’s immunity for a very short time, but it is unstable, only five days.
  3. A sick person releases the virus into the environment throughout the entire period of illness, during full recovery and for a long time after it. Vaccination prevents others from becoming infected.
  4. The virus spreads easily through sewage water and food.
  5. The virus can be transmitted by insects.
  6. The disease occurs more often in children than in adults due to the lack of immunity.

The long incubation period and many complications after infection have led to the fact that in all countries, vaccination against polio is the only effective measure to prevent the disease.

Polio vaccination schedule

The polio immunization schedule was developed many years ago and has seen few changes over the past decades.

  1. The first time a child is vaccinated against polio is at the age of three months.
  2. After 45 days, the next vaccine is administered.
  3. At six months the child receives the third vaccination. And if a non-live inactivated vaccine is used before this time, then during this period it is allowed to be vaccinated with OPV (this is a live vaccine in the form of drops that is administered orally).
  4. Revaccination against polio is prescribed at one and a half years, the next at 20 months, then at 14 years.

When a child graduates from school, he must be fully vaccinated against this dangerous viral disease. With this polio vaccination schedule, every baby is protected from the first months of life.

Unscheduled polio vaccination

But there are other situations when a person is additionally vaccinated or unscheduled vaccinations against polio.

  1. If there is no information about whether the child has been vaccinated, he is considered unvaccinated. In this case, a child under three years of age is given the vaccine three times at an interval of one month and revaccinated twice. If the age is from three to six years, then the child is vaccinated three times and revaccinated once. And up to 17 years of age, a full course of vaccination is carried out.
  2. Unscheduled vaccination against polio is done if a person has arrived from a country with unfavorable epidemic indicators or is going there. Vaccination with OPV vaccine is given once. Travelers are recommended to get vaccinated 4 weeks before departure so that the body can provide a full immune response in a timely manner.
  3. Another reason for unscheduled vaccination is an outbreak of a certain type of virus, if the person was vaccinated with a monovaccine against a different strain of polio.

In total, a person normally receives a polio vaccine about six times in their lifetime. How does the body react and what consequences can a person feel from being vaccinated against this viral disease?

Side effects of the polio vaccine

What kind of reaction can a child have to the polio vaccine? Apart from allergic reactions to the components of the drug, as a rule, there are no other reactions to the vaccine. Children and adults tolerate vaccination well.

But unlike the body’s reaction, complications from vaccination do occur. Although they happen rarely, such situations are still possible.

  1. Intestinal dysfunction or stool disorder. It happens when young children are vaccinated against polio. The child may experience loose stools for several days. If the condition persists for more than three to four days and the baby is not eating well, does not sleep and is restless, you must inform the doctor about this. It is important to distinguish whether this complication was due to the vaccine or whether the child contracted an intestinal infection before the administration of the drug.
  2. The most unpleasant side effects of the polio vaccine include VAPP, or vaccine-associated polio. In rare cases, it can be caused by the live OPV vaccine. This complication may appear from 4 to 13 days after vaccination. Various manifestations of the disease are observed in one case per million, and the paralytic form develops in one case per million. In this case, a person develops all the symptoms of polio: fever rises, paralysis appears, pain in the back and muscles occurs, decreased tendon reflexes, weakness, headaches.

How to deal with complications and reactions to the polio vaccine?

  1. A common allergic reaction in the form of urticaria to the administration of a vaccine can be eliminated by prescribing antiallergic drugs.
  2. More serious complications from vaccination, such as intestinal dysfunction or urticaria throughout the body, require observation and more effective treatment in a hospital.
  3. If VAPP occurs, then the treatment is the same as for the development of ordinary natural polio; in order to avoid irreversible consequences, therapy should be carried out under the supervision of doctors in an infectious diseases hospital.

When is the best time to reschedule the vaccine?

Unfortunately, doctors at the clinic do not always have a free minute to fully examine the baby, make all the necessary notes and correctly instruct the mother about behavior before and after vaccination. It's a shame, because some of the problems could have been avoided. Often, the child’s parents have to figure out on their own what to do correctly before and after vaccination. So, we will describe common errors that can be circumvented.

  1. Fever after polio vaccination is, in most cases, not a reaction to the vaccine, but a coincidence of circumstances when a child became infected with ARVI before or immediately after vaccination. To prevent this from happening, do not visit crowded places before and after vaccination for several days.
  2. It is best to take a blood and urine test the day before vaccination to avoid administering the drug during the onset of the disease - the tests can determine the presence of infection. But you need to go to the doctor to get the form without your child, so as not to meet sick children.
  3. It is not recommended to introduce new foods into the diet before or after immunization. Exotic and allergenic foods, unhealthy foods (sweet foods, chips, carbonated colored drinks), which often lead to allergic rashes on the body, are especially prohibited, and an additional irritant - vaccination, will contribute to this.
  4. An examination by a doctor before vaccination is mandatory; an experienced pediatrician will already be able to determine at this stage whether the child can now be vaccinated or not.
  5. The most common question is: is it possible to go for a walk after being vaccinated against polio? Doctors do not restrict children in this regard; walks in the fresh air are necessary and useful even after the introduction of the vaccine; the main thing is that loved ones do not run with the baby to the shops, or go with him, for example, to the pool or other similar places with large crowds of people.
  6. Swimming after vaccination is not prohibited and, on the contrary, evening exercise is necessary for the child, because this often calms children down. Here you need to remember one rule - do not overdo it, 10–15 minutes is enough.

There is nothing special in behavior before and after vaccination, so it is important for parents to be patient and not forget simple but effective recommendations.

Contraindications to polio vaccination

Even after suffering from polio, it is necessary to be vaccinated against it, since a person could only have had one of three types of viral infection. In addition to the simple reluctance of the adult or the child’s parents to immunize, there is also a certain list of contraindications. In what cases should a vaccine really not be administered, and when can it only be postponed for a while?

Real contraindications for polio vaccination include the following conditions.

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. A complication of a previous vaccination, if after the administration of the drug various neurological manifestations developed.
  3. Any acute infectious disease or chronic in the acute stage.
  4. Immunodeficiency states.
  5. Intolerance to antibacterial drugs included in the vaccine (neomycin, streptomycin).

Is it possible to get the polio vaccine if you have a runny nose? It is necessary to understand the cause of rhinitis. If this is a symptom of ARVI - no, vaccination is temporarily postponed until complete recovery. If your runny nose is allergic or a reaction to changing weather conditions, you can get vaccinated.

Types of polio vaccines

There are two main types of polio vaccines: IPV (injection form) and OPV (oral droplets). Previously, oral polio vaccine (OPV) was preferred. Is this polio vaccine dangerous? - it has the following features:

  • this is a weakened live virus that under normal conditions does not cause disease;
  • The OPV vaccine contains antibiotics, they prevent bacteria from developing;
  • it is in the form of droplets, it is swallowed (administered through the mouth);
  • The vaccine is trivalent, that is, it protects against all strains of polio;
  • in one case out of 75 thousand immunized people, OPV vaccination can cause a paralytic form of polio;
  • in response to an oral vaccine, not only humoral immunity is produced (with the help of the immune system), but also tissue immunity.

IPV is a vaccine with an inactivated virus, that is, killed by formaldehyde. It does not lead to the development of vaccine-associated polio.

In addition, vaccinations can be single-component, that is, against one type of virus, or three-component, thanks to which they are vaccinated against all three strains of the disease at once. To make the task a little easier for doctors, in recent years, manufacturing companies have regularly supplemented vaccines with many components. You can simultaneously vaccinate your child against diphtheria, tetanus, polio, whooping cough and other equally dangerous infections.

What polio vaccines are available now? - the names of the drugs are as follows:

  • “Oral polio vaccine”;
  • "Imovax Polio";
  • "Poliorix";
  • "Infanrix IPV" is an imported analogue of DPT;
  • "Tetrakok", which also contains protection against diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough;
  • “Pentaxim”, unlike the previous one, is also supplemented with a substance that protects against diseases caused by the bacterium Haemophilus influenzae type b - HIB (meningitis, pneumonia, otitis media, septicemia, etc.).

Which polio vaccine is best? There is no ideal vaccine for everyone; each one is selected based on the situation and the body’s reaction. The clinic provides free vaccinations with domestic vaccines. Other drugs are administered according to the wishes and capabilities of the parents. If parents are really interested in the child’s health, they should consult in advance with the attending physician or infectious disease specialist about possible options and which vaccines have fewer complications.

To summarize, we note that polio is a terrible disease, the occurrence of which can only be prevented by timely vaccination. Vaccination against this viral infection is generally easily tolerated even by young children. In addition, modern IPV vaccines are currently used for vaccination, which eliminate the possibility of such a serious complication as VAPP - vaccine-associated polio.

Good evening. Tell me what to do. The eldest child at school was vaccinated with DPT and live polio, but at home the twin children have not yet been vaccinated.

Tell me, if a nurse was giving polio vaccinations in her doorway, and the heat outside is 40 degrees, will this affect the composition of the vaccine?

Good afternoon Due to the lack of a vaccine, the child could not receive a third vaccination. At the moment, three months have passed since the second polio test was done and a month ago the pneumococcal test was done. Is it possible to do a third vaccination with such a long interval?

Measles, rubella, mumps vaccination

Is a child contagious after polio vaccination?

How much polio do you need?

Is it possible to get vaccinated?


According to our national calendar, up to the age of 3 years, a child must receive 5 doses against polio. But the calendar is designed for a specific vaccination scheme, namely a mixed one: 2 first doses of IPV, and the 3rd and all subsequent revaccinations - OPV. But you have the right to choose the vaccines you want to vaccinate your child with, including you can choose a polio vaccination regimen using only IPV. And this scheme is somewhat different from mixed IPV + OPV, here you need to be guided not by the national calendar, but by the instructions for IPV vaccines, and it says that the first revaccination against polio is done a year after the 3rd vaccination of the primary series, and the second - after 5 years after the first revaccination.

The difference in vaccination schedules is explained by the difference in the effectiveness of the IPV and OPV vaccines. There is no need for an additional 5th OPV vaccine.

Thank you very much! This is the information I needed! So I'll wait for the 4th Pentax. The paid doctor told us so.

we do pentaxim 4 times + additional 5th time polio. As the doctor explained to me, in Europe they vaccinate with polymelite 4 times, but here we have 5.

5 times. 3 times vaccination and 2 times revaccination. And the third revaccination is when the child is of school age.

Polio is indeed revaccinated 5 times in Russia, we also did Pentaxim 4 times, we need to do it 5 times, I read the WHO regulations on vaccination against polio in the world, somewhere they do it 3 times6 somewhere 4 times6 in our country 5 times, so I don’t started doing

The 5th time they give a live vaccine so that there is maximum immunity, so this combination is drops_infavrix (without polio in the composition)

will you make 5 pentaxims? But why do you need 4 whooping cough-tetanus? A little?

for polio 2 revaccinations and one DTP. View the vaccination calendar

oooh, there's so much stuff there! that is, we will make 3 polio, if in April we make 4 pentaxim with polio, then we just need to instill these polio drops once. Right?

Yes, that's probably true. We did Infanrix + Imovax, and revaccination with Infanrix + OPV and just OPV :)

Polio vaccination and garden. How many pieces should be made by the age of 3 (before entering kindergarten)?

Girls, the situation is like this. Polium vaccinations began after 2 years, according to indications. Our pediatrician said that two vaccines are enough for us, because we started late, and now we are almost 3 years old, we go through a medical examination for the garden and the allergist does not give us access to the garden with the words - “there must be 5 vaccinations of polio for the garden, regardless of what time they started vaccinating!”... how is that? and the pediatrician now answered this - well, the allergist knows better, she’s our chief in charge of vaccinations... but why didn’t anyone say anything before and what do you mean we won’t let you into the garden!? And I tell them, okay, we will get vaccinated and go to the garden, after each vaccination, as expected, we will sit at home on caratine so as not to infect anyone, just let them into the garden! and it’s also strange, only the live vaccine is contagious (drops in the mouth) we’ve already been given them, there are only 3 injections left (that’s if you count 5)… how will we infect someone and how will we not let them into the garden!? Girls, who is familiar with the situation, tell me, is the allergist right? The pediatrician said today, I don’t understand, why do you need 5 pieces? I would only do 2.

They have no right not to take you to kindergarten without vaccinations! Stand up for your rights, go to the manager

We got 3 vaccinations a little late and went to the kindergarten, the fourth was done when we went to the kindergarten, we just sat at home for a day or two (I don’t remember) after the vaccination. only 4 turns out. We are almost 3 years old and so far everyone has been vaccinated according to plan. The 5th is probably being done even later.

But they also scared us that they wouldn’t let us into the garden without vaccination, like they wouldn’t sign a medical card, although they didn’t have the right. Everyone signed.

oh, I’m confused, it turns out there are 4 polio vaccinations before the state. They did the kindergarten, and then they did the ADT in the kindergarten. It was precisely because of the DTP that they did not want to sign a medical card for us.

Moreover, when we went to a private garden for the 4th vaccination against polio, I warned them in the garden that we would come after the vaccination and that we would not be able to eat. We were even allowed to come on the day of vaccination.

We have our own schedule

I’m writing a refusal in writing and that’s it.

Without words they signed a card to the garden

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