Cervical coagulation: should you be afraid? Coagulation of the cervix: types of procedures, their advantages and disadvantages, indications and possible complications


Cervical erosion was and remains the most common pathology, which is diagnosed even in nulliparous girls. Treatment of erosion requires close attention, since not only the condition of the cervical epithelium itself, but also the woman’s ability to bear children depends on the quality of the procedures performed.

What is chemical coagulation?

Chemical coagulation is performed using the drugs Solkovagin or Vagotil, from a mixture of which a special solution is prepared for cauterizing erosion. For precise application of products, colposcopy is used - it is with the help of this procedure that one can target the affected tissues of the cervix.

During the procedure, tissues are exposed chemical burn, which provokes repair mechanisms in tissues and as a result, new healthy epithelium appears. The drug penetrates 2.5 mm deep into the epithelium, which is enough to damage the pathological layer and restore a new one. Rejection of dead tissue takes several days, but recovery from chemical coagulation is longer.

Indications for the procedure

The chemical coagulation procedure is performed in almost any state medical institution. This is primarily due to the low cost of materials and ease of implementation, so cauterization can be performed in the same clinics where the woman is observed. Chemofixation is prescribed for the following indications:

  1. erosive lesions of the cervical mucosa;
  2. cervical cysts;
  3. putrefactive lesions of the vaginal epithelium;
  4. infections that cannot be treated with medications;
  5. cervical abnormalities detected by colposcopy.

Contraindications to the procedure

Chemical effects on affected tissue may not be as harmless as it seems. Therefore, for some categories of patients, doctors do not advise choosing the method of chemical coagulation. In particular, contraindications to cauterization of erosion are:

  1. acute cervicitis;
  2. carcinoma;
  3. vaginitis;
  4. pregnancy;
  5. inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.

Some of these contraindications are relative. For example, after delivery and the recovery period, doctors advise the woman to return to the issue of chemical coagulation. But carcinoma is absolute contraindication- V in this case Doctors build a treatment plan differently.

Stages of cauterization

Before prescribing a chemical coagulation procedure, doctors conduct a series of tests - blood test, urine test, vaginal smear for microflora, papillomavirus test. If there are no contraindications to cauterization, the time for the procedure is set, and anti-inflammatory therapy can be administered if necessary.

During coagulation, the mucus that naturally forms there is removed from the vagina, and then the surface of the cervix is ​​treated with acetic acid to visualize the sites of epithelial damage. Then part of the pathologically altered epithelium is treated with a swab soaked in the drug. After a few minutes, the treatment is repeated again. After the second treatment, the remaining substance is removed with a clean swab.

A scab of dead cells quickly forms on the surface of the cervix, which protects healthy tissue from the penetration of microbes. During the process of regeneration of the epithelium, the resulting scab will fall off, and healthy tissue will remain underneath it. This process takes approximately 9-10 days, after which the dead tissue comes out of the vagina. It will take about a month for the affected area to completely heal. During this entire time, doctors monitor the healing process of erosion. Women are scheduled for a follow-up visit ten days after the procedure, two weeks and one and a half months later.

Despite the fact that most medical websites declare the possibility of sexual activity during the healing of erosion, in practice doctors insist on limiting intimacy at least in the first three weeks, when the scab comes off and stable epithelization of tissue begins.

Painfulness of the procedure

Doctors declare minimal pain during the procedure. Most women do not experience significant discomfort during coagulation, and describe their sensations as pulling, but tolerable. Because of this, women are not given anesthesia.

For the sake of fairness, we note that some of the women who underwent cauterization of erosion noted severe pain, similar to labor pains. Doctors believe this is due to low pain threshold and a negative attitude towards coagulation, so such patients can be given anesthesia if they wish.

Time costs

If we talk about treating erosion, this may take several weeks along with a series of tests. And the key treatment procedure – chemical coagulation – does not last long. Between several applications, only two to three minutes pass, which are necessary for the substance to be absorbed and react with the tissue. In total, the procedure may take from 20 to 30 minutes.

Due to the fact that there may be painful sensations, doctors recommend that the woman stay in the facility for another 15-20 minutes, after which she can go home.

Complications after the procedure

For most women, the procedure does not cause complications, but in a small percentage of cases, doctors diagnose the following side effects:

  1. partial epithelization of tissue, which is associated with insufficient treatment of the damaged area of ​​the cervix;
  2. inflammatory changes in the place where cauterization occurred;
  3. cauterization with chemicals is fraught with possible complications with conception in the future, so doctors do not recommend this procedure for nulliparous women, but insist on more gentle methods of treating cervical erosion;
  4. the use of chemically aggressive agents threatens to reach not only the affected areas of the epithelium, but also healthy ones, so this can cause the formation of scars on healthy tissue;

What happens after the procedure?

After the chemical coagulation procedure, the cervix remains under the influence of a substance that causes epithelial damage. It will remain in effect for some time. A crust will very soon form on the cervix itself, which after a week will come out of the vagina on its own, as it is rejected by the healthy tissue that is forming underneath it.

All these changes go almost unnoticed for a woman, but doctors advise wearing sanitary pads, since natural discharge will form at the site of the burn, and sometimes mixed with blood. Doctors warn women about such consequences, so there is no need to be afraid of this.

There are no special requirements for a woman’s behavior at this moment, but some of them are dictated common sense regarding hygiene. During the recovery period, you should not engage in heavy physical labor, visit saunas, steam baths, swim in a pool or open water. Doctors recommend abstaining from sexual activity for three weeks.


The cauterization procedure may have different prices depending on the amount of erosion. Therefore, for two women with the same problem, the cost of treatment may differ significantly. In Moscow clinics, the procedure costs an average of 2,500 rubles, and in clinics in St. Petersburg - about 2,300. In the regions of Russia price policy does not differ sharply, but it is always possible to find both cheaper and more expensive centers providing this service.

Medical Center City, region Cost, rub.
ABC of health Moscow 1400-2000
On Clinic Moscow about 5000
Family clinic Moscow 2450
SM Clinic Saint Petersburg 1800
Ameda Clinic Saint Petersburg 2000
Family doctor Saint Petersburg 1000
Am Medica Kazan 700-850
Alliance 2000 Rostov 800
Stork Nizhny Novgorod 1000
Panacea Volgograd 980
Philosophy of beauty Permian 3000

Coagulation of cervical erosion is effective means, however, when carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to take into account all its features and choose the most optimal, low-traumatic treatment method.

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Minimally invasive technologies are used to treat many diseases in gynecology. They cause less surgical trauma compared to standard surgical interventions, which means they promote faster tissue healing. Similar methods include coagulation of the cervix. What it is, when and how the procedure is performed - these are the main questions that are worth paying attention to.

General information

Coagulation is understood as an effect on tissue in which cauterization occurs, i.e., the folding of protein molecules in the tissue layer that has been damaged. This allows not only to remove the superficial pathological focus, but also to stop bleeding from small vessels. This manipulation has become widespread in gynecological practice precisely due to its relative simplicity and minimal risk complications.

Indications and restrictions

Like any medical procedure, coagulation of the cervix has certain indications. It is not performed for all diseases of the specified localization, but it covers quite wide range pathology. As a rule, it includes benign and precancerous diseases of the exocervix:

  • Erosion.
  • Ectopia.
  • Endometriosis.
  • Cysts (Nabothian, retention).
  • Cervical polyps.
  • Leukoplakia.
  • Erythroplakia.
  • Tissue hypertrophy.
  • Cervical neoplasia.
  • Chronic inflammation.
  • Cicatricial deformity of the cervix.

But there are also conditions that limit the use of coagulation in gynecology. These include carcinoma (cancer) of the cervix, pregnancy, acute infections(colpitis, cervicitis) and inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs. In these cases, the procedure is not only impractical, but also carries a high risk of adverse consequences. Therefore, the attending physician must take into account all the features gynecological pathology and the condition of the woman herself.


Before coagulation is carried out, it is necessary to carefully prepare for it. A woman must pass full examination, confirming the need for surgery and the absence of contraindications to it. Character should be found out pathological process and its prevalence. This can be done using diagnostic tools:

  1. General blood and urine tests.
  2. Blood biochemistry (antibodies to infections, indicators of inflammation).
  3. Vaginal smear (microscopy, oncocytology, culture, PCR).
  4. Colposcopy.
  5. Ultrasound of the pelvis.

This is a required step preoperative preparation which every woman goes through. In addition, an anesthetic test may be required, since coagulation will be performed under local anesthesia. The doctor will also answer all questions related to the procedure.

Coagulation of the cervix, like any operation, requires proper preparation. Its outcome may directly depend on this.


The procedure is performed by experienced gynecologists. Given the minimal invasiveness, even outpatient settings, and there is no need for hospitalization. But general rules applicable to surgical interventions, must be observed (aseptic and antiseptic). Tissues are cauterized using various energies and substances, so coagulation can be of the following types:

  • Electric.
  • Radio wave.
  • Laser.
  • Chemical.
  • Cold (freezing).

Each method has certain features that are taken into account by the doctor at the stage of diagnosing the pathology and developing a treatment program. But there are also similar points: the procedure is performed on a gynecological chair on days 3–7 menstrual cycle, under local anesthesia, using special instruments and equipment. It doesn't last long: about 10 minutes.


For electrical or, as it is also called, diathermocoagulation, equipment with two electrodes is used. One (flat) is placed under the patient’s sacrum, and the other (active) is placed by the doctor and manipulates the cervix. The latter is heated to the boiling point of water, which allows you to remove pathological tissue. A burn surface forms in the neck area and becomes covered with a crust. Over the course of 12 days, the damaged epithelium is rejected, and complete regeneration lasts at least 8 weeks.

Radio wave

Waves high frequency can also be converted into thermal energy. The method using a “radio knife” is based on this. The active electrode cuts tissue without practically touching it. The vessels are immediately coagulated, and the underlying healthy tissue is not damaged. Radio wave coagulation of the cervix allows you to avoid scar changes and achieve Get well soon. Complete tissue restoration occurs in 1–1.5 months.


For chemical coagulation, substances are used that, when they come into contact with the mucous membrane, cause a burn, followed by the formation of a scab. These include organic (oxalic, acetic) or inorganic (nitric) acids. They act superficially - only on the cylindrical epithelium - and cannot penetrate into the deeper layers. The method is widely available, because it does not require the presence of special equipment. Chemical coagulation does not cause bleeding, but cannot be used for extensive lesions, scar deformities, endometriosis or dysplastic processes in the cervix.


This method involves the use of laser energy. The high temperature at the end of the emitter allows you to excise pathological tissues by simply evaporating them (vaporization). Laser coagulation of the cervix is ​​convenient because the doctor can adjust the depth of penetration and power of the beam. This allows you to avoid damaging healthy areas. A rehabilitation period lasts about 3–4 weeks.


Coagulation of tissue by freezing - cryodestruction - is also used in the treatment of diseases of the cervical localization. Liquid nitrogen is used as a refrigerant. It is delivered to the pathological site via a cryoprobe. As a result, instant crystallization of water molecules occurs in pathological cells, which is why they die (necrotize). The dead areas are completely rejected, and healthy epithelium grows in their place. But this may take up to 2–3 months. Cryodestruction is not used for cicatricial deformities of the cervix, endometriosis, severe dysplasia, or sexually transmitted infections.

Coagulation of the cervix is ​​performed using various methods. Each of them has certain characteristics.


The duration of the rehabilitation period depends on the method used. After coagulation, a woman should refrain from sexual intercourse, avoid carrying heavy objects, taking a bath, visiting a sauna, or doing certain activities. physical exercise(on the abdominal muscles). Bloody vaginal discharge is possible for 1–3 weeks. If they become abundant, purulent, or other symptoms appear, for example, pain in the lower abdomen and fever, then the development of an infection is suspected. Despite the high safety of minimally invasive treatment, sometimes there are other complications after coagulation:

  1. Bleeding.
  2. Cervical canal stenosis.
  3. Cervical insufficiency.
  4. Endometriosis.

Some of them will lead to adverse consequences during pregnancy and childbirth, so it is necessary to carry out this in a timely manner. preventive measures. Appearance warning signs in the postoperative period should be a serious signal to consult a doctor. Only a specialist can competently and most effectively eliminate violations.

Normally, the cervix is ​​tightly closed and has a special mucus that prevents pathogenic microbes from penetrating directly into its cavity. Pathologies, including erosion, affecting this organ, in most cases are asymptomatic and are detected only during examinations. Conservative methods Treatments in the form of suppositories, ointments or tablets are not always successful. Therefore, when fighting cervical diseases, they are often prescribed as an option. complementary therapy. Most effective method The only treatment available today is cauterization (coagulation).

Cervical diseases - causes

Cervical diseases occur at any age due to negative impact various factors:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • traumatic operations (during abortion or during childbirth);
  • infectious and inflammatory processes.

Under the influence of these reasons, healthy cells die, a wound surface is formed, which bleeds a little.

Cervical diseases interfere with the onset of healthy pregnancy, since the process of penetration of infectious agents into the uterine cavity is facilitated. In some cases, with long-term existence of pathology and the absence of adequate treatment, malignancy occurs (degeneration of benign cells into malignant ones).

What is cervical coagulation?

Coagulation of the cervix is ​​a special minimally invasive intervention in which all actions are aimed at education blood clot, stopping bleeding or destroying pathological formations on inner surface organ. It is carried out different ways, each of which has its own merits. In modern gynecological practice the following are used:

  • electrocoagulation;
  • radio wave vaporization;
  • cryocoagulation;
  • chemical coagulation;
  • laser vaporization.

Which specific method will be used? to a greater extent depends on the equipment of the clinic, the patient’s wishes and existing contraindications.

Advantages and disadvantages of coagulation

Benefits of coagulation:

  1. Basically, only affected tissues are removed, and healthy ones remain untouched, with the exception of diathermocoagulation.
  2. Complicated phase of scarring, inherent in ordinary surgical interventions, during coagulation it is practically absent, accordingly, the neck is not injured so much. This is especially important for young women who have not yet given birth.
  3. The additional sterilizing effect of coagulation prevents the penetration and proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms in the wound.
  4. Healing occurs very quickly.
  5. Bloody issues after the intervention are practically absent.

Disadvantages of the method:

  • most often the high cost of procedures;
  • low prevalence of coagulation in small towns due to lack of equipment and specialists with the necessary knowledge and experience;
  • individual characteristics of a woman’s body, for example, a high pain threshold;
  • protracted recovery period (occurs extremely rarely, for example, with electrocoagulation).

Indications and contraindications, precautions before intervention

There are certain indications for the procedure, which include not only cervical erosion, but also a number of others serious pathologies. These include:

  • endometriosis of the cervical canal;
  • hypertrophy of cervical tissue, that is, an increase in its volume due to prolapse or prolapse of the uterus;
  • polyps, papillomas and other benign formations;
  • uterine or cervical cysts.

However, in gynecology, coagulation is not always used. Sometimes this is not due to a lack of necessary equipment or specialists, and with special contraindications To similar treatment. These include:

  • poor blood clotting;
  • mental disorders;
  • pregnancy;
  • the presence of pacemakers or other foreign bodies in the body;
  • bleeding;
  • inflammatory processes localized in the pelvis or the external genital area.

To a large extent, contraindications are temporary, and with proper preparation and restoration of indicators, coagulation can be used in the fight against gynecological pathologies.

Preparation for the procedure

Before deciding on a specific treatment method, the doctor to whom the woman turned for help must carry out a number of examinations:

  • gynecological examination using special mirrors;
  • cytological examination of a smear (for the presence of atypical cells or other negative changes in the sample);
  • general and ;
  • coagulogram (blood clotting rate is determined);
  • tests for urological diseases and sexually transmitted infections.

A complete examination is necessary, since it allows us to identify not only gynecological diseases, but also the most probable cause his appearance. The method and volume of intervention strictly depends on the severity, stage of the disease and concomitant pathologies, mainly in the gynecological area.

Methodology for performing various types of coagulation

The procedure technique depends on the type of coagulation. In general, all methods are based on the precise impact on the affected area with a specific agent - a factor that destroys pathological cells. This role is played by cold, electrical impulse, radio wave, laser, chemical substance.

Diathermocoagulation (electrocoagulation), or electric cauterization

Electrocoagulation is a special method, the mechanism of action of which is based on the effect of electrical impulses on tissue. Diathermocoagulation is performed under anesthesia, as the process is quite painful. If the lesion is extensive or if there are special indications, general anesthesia is recommended.

The technique of the operation comes down to several points:

  1. The first ball (needle) electrode is brought to the neck, the second is placed under the lumbar region. The affected area is treated with saline solution.
  2. After turning on the device, heat is generated, with the help of which the damaged areas of the mucous membrane melt. Moreover, not only altered tissues are affected, but also healthy ones. This is necessary to prevent the spread of erosion. The procedure takes no more than 40 minutes.

The manipulation is carried out in the absence of bleeding (usually 4 days after the end of menstruation). Diathermocoagulation is used only for the treatment of pathologies in women who have given birth. This is due to the fact that after the wound surface has healed, a scar remains on the cervix.

Argon plasma destruction - new method non-contact elimination of pathologically altered tissues, the essence of which is the evaporation of cells using energy electromagnetic field, created by a torch of argon plasma.

Radio wave coagulation

Radio wave coagulation is based on the action of special high-frequency radio waves. The gynecologist directs the electromagnetic beam directly to the pathological focus and precisely affects the affected area. Under its action, the tissues heat up, and the changed areas of the epithelium evaporate.

The radio wave method is completely harmless, because it does not require incisions or sutures. Scarring does not occur after such a procedure. And the high temperature of the acting wave helps to avoid infection pathogenic microflora. The procedure is carried out from 8 to 10 days of the menstrual cycle.

Radio wave method for treating cervical erosion - video

Laser vaporization

The essence laser coagulation lies in the fact that the laser specifically affects damaged tissue, as a result of which the light energy of the beam is converted into heat. In a split second, the affected area is heated to high temperatures, which helps burn out the pathologically altered cells and eliminate the problem. The laser action area is quite small, so the processes of regeneration and recovery after the procedure occur much faster than when using other methods. The depth of exposure is usually no more than 5 mm, and when the pathological process spreads to the vaginal tissue, it decreases to 1.5 mm.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. For a small affected area, coagulation without anesthesia is allowed - it all depends on the patient’s sensitivity to pain. Its essence is:

  • removing mucus from the cervical canal;
  • marking the affected area;
  • vaporization (cauterization with strong heating) of tissues under the control of a colposcope with a laser device;
  • conization (if indicated) - removal of a small amount of tissue from the vaginal part of the cervix for histological examination.

It is important that during laser coagulation the glands and ducts in the cervix are destroyed. This is necessary to reduce the likelihood of recurrence of erosion or the occurrence of another disease.

Is laser coagulation worth it - video

Chemical coagulation

The chemical method is one of the first in the treatment of cervical pathologies. Currently, the method is used quite rarely. Its essence consists in applying a special mixture of drugs (Solkovagina and Vagotila) to the pathologically changed area under the control of a colposcope. Solkovagin and Vagotil help destroy the superficial layer of epithelium, which is rejected after two days. The procedure is recommended to be carried out on days 7–10 of the cycle.


One of the common methods of influencing pathologically changed layers of the cervix is ​​cryocoagulation (the use of very low temperatures). The procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. A speculum and a device with a metal tip are inserted into the vagina.
  2. Liquid nitrogen is applied to the affected area for 3-5 minutes.
  3. Upon completion of the procedure, the tip is carefully removed.

When exposed to cold, cells die and are rejected. It is important that the tip completely covers the area of ​​erosion. Otherwise, complications may occur or there will be no effect from treatment.

Most often, anesthesia is not used. The method is used to treat small erosions. The procedure is carried out on days 6–9 of the menstrual cycle. After the wound has healed, a scar may sometimes remain on the surface, which is caused by excessively deep freezing of the tissue.

Postoperative rehabilitation. Possible consequences and complications

After coagulation of the cervix, complications occur quite rarely. For get well soon it is necessary to adhere to the doctor’s recommendations, then the process of tissue restoration will be quick and painless.

On the first day after the procedure, abdominal pain, mainly of a pulling nature, and scanty bleeding may appear. Similar manifestations considered normal, but heavy discharge you should consult a gynecologist.

Relapses occur extremely rarely and depend largely on individual characteristics body. Since the cervix is ​​not subjected to serious impact or deformation during coagulation, this will not be a contraindication to pregnancy in the future. After the procedure, conception can occur in almost a month. Gynecological examination for absence or presence pathological changes carried out in six months.

IN postoperative period cervical tissue is being restored, which means it is worth limiting physical activity. It is advisable to avoid conflicts or stressful situations, do not swim in pools, reservoirs, do not take hot bath and do not use the sauna. These recommendations must be followed for a month. After this time, the woman can return to her usual lifestyle.

Cervical erosion is one of the most common female gynecological diseases. Sometimes it flows without bright severe symptoms and is detected only when undergoing inspection using gynecological speculum. Erosion is treated by cauterization. For this purpose, various methods of influencing the source of inflammation can be used, but in any case, the recovery period after the procedure has its own distinctive features. Let's consider the most typical of them - discharge after cauterization of cervical erosion. After all, it is precisely according to appearance and the intensity of secretion after treatment, the dynamics of recovery can be assessed.

Erosion therapy methods

It should be noted that before carrying out the cauterization procedure, the gynecologist prescribes tests to detect inflammation and infections. And also, if the doctor determines an altered structure of the cervical epithelium, then tissue sampling may be prescribed for further research. This procedure is called a biopsy. It is carried out quickly - from 10 to 30 minutes, and the period after its recovery is not long. However, at first a woman may feel weak and there may be certain symptoms whose character needs to be monitored.

Let's consider the main methods of treating erosion and the degree of tissue injury when using each of them.


This is the most popular option for removing erosion. It is easy to implement and does not require significant financial costs. In this case, the eroded areas are affected electric shock. This procedure is not only quite painful, but also increases the risk of bleeding, and in the future threatens the appearance of scars on the cervix. The rehabilitation period can last a long time - up to 3 months.


Effect on erosion liquid nitrogen ultra-low temperature. It is used in cases where the depth of erosion is not too great. Pain and blood are not typical during the operation. Recovery period quite short.

Laser coagulation

A non-contact laser cauterization method that allows targeted action on affected areas. Women who have undergone a similar procedure note that they did not feel any particular discomfort during the manipulation, and rehabilitation after it was easy and without problems. Possible unpleasant consequences in the form of scars and bleeding occur after laser cauterization extremely rarely.

Chemical coagulation

Cauterization of cervical erosion using special drugs containing acids. Used for small affected areas. If the procedure was carried out strictly in accordance with the rules, then the woman does not feel significant pain, and rehabilitation proceeds in the shortest possible time.

Radio wave cauterization

Treatment of cervical erosion with radio waves allows minimal trauma to nearby tissues. The procedure itself is painless and safe for nulliparous women. After radio wave treatment with a special device “Surgitron”, no scars or adhesions remain.

Surgical method

Surgical removal of the affected areas is an option for the most difficult cases, when there is a high probability of malignant degeneration of the cells lining the epithelium of the cervix. At this method therapy, secretion will naturally be the most intense and prolonged, and the sensations after the procedure will be the most painful. The most common surgical method- conization. always have a more intense character.

What kind of discharge should there be after cauterization of erosion?

Before deciding which secretions can be considered normal after a woman has had erosion cauterized, it should be noted that the nature and abundance of secretion is directly affected by the area of ​​the lesion and its depth, as well as the consequences of using one or another method of influencing inflamed areas.

Bloody discharge after cauterization of cervical erosion

Secretion mixed with blood - discharge after cauterization of erosion, which the patient usually encounters in the first days after the procedure. If a surgical method was used, then there are abundant bleeding.

A small amount of blood may be present after diathermocoagulation therapy.

How many days can such secretion prevail? Cauterized erosion will stop bleeding in an average week. Wherein blood is flowing only the first 1-2 days, and this is normal, and then they are replaced by translucent ones pink discharge. The presence of pinkish discharge is considered normal in the first 10-12 days from the moment of manipulation.

After cauterization of erosion with radio waves, as well as the use of other gentle methods of influence (laser coagulation and cryodestruction), blood discharge, as a rule, is not observed at all. Sometimes a woman has it for several days.

In the first week after the procedure, pain may be observed in the lower abdomen. In essence, they are close to pain during menstruation.

After 10-20 days, many patients experience resumption of bleeding. If this phenomenon lasts no more than 2 hours, and the blood loss is insignificant, then there is no need to worry. Blood may be released due to the rejection of a dried crust on the wound. If the blood loss is intense and does not stop for more than 2 hours, then it is important to call ambulance- we are already talking about uterine bleeding.

Watery discharge

As the cauterized area heals, the color of the secretion gradually tends to the natural color of the leucorrhoea. They become slimy and translucent. At the same time, it has a peculiar smell.

If the erosion has affected an area of ​​insignificant size and depth, then a watery secretion may be present from the very first days and not have traces of blood in its mass. This picture is often observed after radio wave coagulation. A large number of liquid mucous secretion is a sign of the tissue healing process. Watery discharge sometimes lasts up to 3 weeks.

After diathermocoagulation, the mucous fluid has a particularly bad smell. Women are sometimes frightened by this phenomenon, but it is very natural. If the smell does not disappear during the first week and, on the contrary, becomes more pronounced, then perhaps we are talking about an infection. Medical consultation is required.

Brown discharge

This is spotting, which normally should go away no later than after 7 days. At this stage, single inclusions of dark color can be seen in the total mass of physiological secretion. You shouldn’t be afraid of this - the scab formed after cauterization is gradually torn away.

Yellow discharge after cauterization

If a woman develops yellowish discharge with an unpleasant odor during the rehabilitation period, this may be a sign of an infection (staphylococcus, gardenellosis, trichomoniasis, chlamydia), the onset of inflammatory process in any organ of the reproductive system or mechanical disruption of the integrity of the healing wound.

Their number may increase day by day. In this situation, you should not postpone your visit to the gynecologist.

What does it mean if there is no discharge after cauterization of erosion? Only that there is nothing to worry about. The body tolerated external intervention well, recovery is easy and without complications, and there are no pathological consequences. This development of events is possible with insignificant amounts of erosion.

How to behave after cauterization?

  1. Limiting physical activity during the first time after manipulation will significantly reduce the risk of bleeding. Sports, active walking, lifting heavy objects - all this should be excluded until your doctor allows you to do so.
  2. Avoid visiting a sauna, bathhouse, steam room, solarium, or taking a bath - this will also help minimize the risk of bleeding.
  3. Do not visit the pool or swim in open water. They can become a source of infection.
  4. Period full recovery does not occupy the mucous membrane less than a month, which is why sexual relations should be stopped during this period. The duration of abstinence depends on the area, depth of the lesion, the dynamics of recovery, as well as on the treatment method that was used.
  5. Transvaginal surgery is not permitted ultrasound examination until the wound surface heals.
  6. Avoid douching to eliminate a specific odor or speed up recovery. This manipulation can interfere with the healing process of the scab and can cause bleeding.
  7. Maintain careful hygiene of the genitals, change daily wipes as often as possible so as not to create favorable conditions for reproduction pathogenic flora.
  8. Avoid tight synthetic underwear.
  9. Do not use sanitary tampons until your doctor approves it. While the discharge is intense, use pads.

As you can see, after cauterization of erosion, the discharge can be quite varied. Find out for yourself how they fit into the script natural recovery after this medical procedure, it is quite difficult. Therefore, not only treatment, but also the rehabilitation period should take place under the strict supervision of the attending physician. Taking a responsible attitude towards your health will help prevent dangerous consequences.

Cauterization, a method of treating cervical erosion, has several varieties. Not long ago a new, painless and safe method: radio wave coagulation cervix.

Cervical erosion and methods of its treatment

- a defect in the epithelium covering the vaginal part of the cervix. The causes of this pathology are varied.

For treatment, various methods of cauterization of cervical erosion are used:

  • radio wave coagulation (RWH, RVT);
  • electrocoagulation of the cervix (DEC, or diathermoelectrocoagulation);
  • laser coagulation of the cervix (laser vaporization or laser coagulation);
  • cryocoagulation (cryotherapy);
  • argon plasma ablation;
  • chemical destruction (treatment with Solkovagin and other drugs).

The most effective method treatment is radio wave therapy, which copes well with the problem and can be used at any age, regardless of whether the woman has given birth or not.

What is radio wave surgery?

Radio wave treatment of the cervix is ​​carried out using the Surgitron or Fotek apparatus. The device (“radio knife”) generates high-frequency radio waves. A beam of these waves directed at pathologically altered cells causes their evaporation. The depth of penetration of radio waves is adjustable, which minimizes trauma to healthy tissue. The method does not leave scars and is the best modern alternative to laser and electrical treatment of cervical erosion.

A small device that makes a sound similar to the sound of a drill in a dentist's office should not frighten patients. His the main objective– quickly, effectively and painlessly cleanse the mucous membrane of cells that cause the pathological process.

Before the manipulation, it is necessary to undergo an examination and take tests. Only when the results are known will the doctor be able to prescribe treatment.

Advantages of radio wave cauterization:

  • The procedure is carried out once.
  • A gentle effect on a specific area of ​​the mucosa, which allows only pathogenic cells to be destroyed.
  • Healing of the cervix occurs quickly, without scarring.
  • Powerful antimicrobial effect.
  • Can be performed on both parous and nulliparous women.
  • Tissue for biopsy is taken during the procedure.
  • There are no relapses.

Many women after surgery can carry and give birth to a child without any special consequences. If there are pronounced changes in the cervix, delivery by cesarean section is indicated.

Preparation: what tests need to be taken

Before performing radio wave coagulation you need to pass:

  • culture of vaginal microflora;
  • PCR for infectious diseases;
  • HPV (human papillomavirus) test;
  • coagulogram;

In addition, a colposcopy is performed (to determine the size of the erosion and the type of treatment) and, in some cases, a biopsy (as prescribed by a doctor).

Having received the research results, the doctor prescribes medications for the patient to sanitize the vagina before the procedure, prescribes antibiotics for oral administration and suppositories used after radio wave treatment of the cervix.

How does the procedure work?

Radio wave destruction of the cervix takes from two to seven minutes. The speed of the procedure depends on the size of the erosion and whether a tissue biopsy is needed or not.

  1. The woman is placed on a gynecological chair. Install the expander. The cervical mucosa is lubricated with an anesthetic drug (lidocaine). Under the control of a colposcope, the cervix is ​​cauterized using the Surgitron apparatus. There may be discomfort and aching pain lower abdomen. But they go away after treatment is completed.
  2. After cauterization, the patient spends another 5-10 minutes in the chair. After making sure that her condition is normal (she is not dizzy or nauseous), she can leave the room.

Under outpatient observation The patient stays with the doctor for the next two months. Such measures are necessary so that the specialist is confident in proper treatment, timely healing and prevention of possible postoperative complications.

Healing process

Within a month after treatment of cervical erosion with Surgitron, vaginal discharge is observed - this is natural process. In the first five days, the discharge may be bloody, bloody, or watery.

It is important to know:

  • If they appear painful sensations, unpleasant smell of discharge and coloring it green or yellowish color, you need to contact a gynecologist. There may have been an infection.
  • If bleeding occurs after the procedure, you should also be examined by a gynecologist.
  • If the scarring process goes well, it is necessary to apply vaginal suppositories, promoting healing of the mucous membrane and relieving inflammation.
  • A follow-up examination is carried out a month later. If there are no deviations, the assigned restrictions are removed. To make sure full recovery, the patient is invited back in another month.

When leaving the gynecologist's office, do not forget that there are things that are prohibited from doing in the next two weeks (recovery period).

  • Lifting weights over 3 kilograms.
  • Intense physical activity.
  • Intimacy.
  • Visiting the sauna, swimming pool, taking a bath.
  • The use of tampons and douches.

In each specific case, the duration of the bans and their number vary, based on the patient’s condition, the size of the post-coagulation scab and the speed of healing.

Comparative indicators of various methods of treating erosion

There are other modern surgical techniques treatment of cervical erosion. It is worth comparing the indicators to ensure their effectiveness.

Argon plasma coagulation of the cervixIt is carried out using a non-contact method using a high frequency electromagnetic field, which is transmitted using argon plasma. Local heating and coagulation of tissue occurs.
  • It is possible to be exposed to a plasma flow without introducing various infections.
  • Can be used in nulliparous women.
  • Painless, safe method.
  • The specialist can easily adjust the flow depth.
  • Does not leave scars on the mucous membrane.
High price
DiathermocoagulationConducted by electric currentLow price
  • Used only in women who have given birth.
  • Long-term healing of the mucous membrane.
  • A coagulated scar can have disastrous consequences (endometriosis, infertility, decreased cervical elasticity).
  • The uterine scar can again cause erosion.
Radio wave coagulationCarried out by high frequency radio waves with adjustable penetration depth.
  • The structure of the uterine muscles is preserved after the procedure.
  • No scar is formed.
  • The method is available for nulliparous women.
Quite a high price. Not available in all clinics due to the need for expensive equipment.

Women should not neglect their health. Timely coagulation of cervical erosion reduces the risk of benign and malignant neoplasms. If you miss the moment and do not get treatment, the consequences can be disastrous.

Treatment of cervical erosion with radio waves is currently an effective and relatively affordable method. Thanks to high temperature that occurs during cauterization, the walls are sealed blood vessels. The patient is not at risk of bleeding or infection during the procedure.

After radio wave treatment of cervical erosion using the Surgitron device, there are no scars left, which reduce the chances of young women to conceive and bear a child normally. The muscles remain as elastic as before cauterization. The cervix recovers faster after treatment using this method (in a month to a month and a half).

Surgitron is a device that will help remove papillomas, condylomas, nevi, polyps formed on the mucous membrane, and cure cervical erosion forever. Radiocoagulation is performed in short time, painless. After radio wave treatment of cervical erosion, patients do not need to stay in the hospital for a long time.

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