Treatment of necrotizing tonsillitis, its causes, symptoms and diagnosis. Causes of the disease. Treatment of purulent-necrotic tonsillitis

8460 03/16/2019 5 min.

Ulcerative-necrotic tonsillitis, or ulcerative film sore throat of Simanovsky-Plaut-Vincent - non-communicable disease larynx, caused by pathogenic microorganisms. The microorganisms that provoke it - spirochete and spindle-shaped rod - are often constant companions even healthy person and live on the mucous membranes of the lips, cheeks and throat, without showing their existence in any way. But under certain circumstances they become more active, the form of their life activity changes, and as a result, necrotizing tonsillitis occurs. We will talk about the reasons for such negative changes, the first signs of the disease, its symptoms and methods of treatment in this article.

Necrotizing tonsillitis is often accompanied unpleasant smell rot from the mouth and stomatitis. Upon examination, the otolaryngologist discovers an increased size loose tonsil, covered with a white coating with a grayish or yellowish tint. If you touch it with a spatula, it easily separates from the tonsil tissue, leaving behind slight bleeding and a depression with jagged edges. Laboratory analysis of plaque (culture on nutrient medium, antigen test, polymer analysis chain reaction) and the discrepancy between general and local symptoms, namely the patient’s working condition with severe tissue damage. General analysis blood shows increased content leukocytes and increased ESR.

Local therapy includes a number of measures aimed at the gradual cleansing of damaged tissues from purulent and mucous plaque, their healing and restoration.

Comprehensive measures must include:

What catarrhal tonsillitis looks like can be seen in the photo in this

Regime and diet

Depending on the stage of tonsillitis, the patient may be asked to be treated on an outpatient basis, observing all preventive precautions (separate dishes, maximum isolation from others, bed rest) or in an infectious diseases hospital.

You will have to pay a lot of attention to your diet.

It should completely exclude food that can cause irritation of the mucous membranes: too hot or cold, or too hard. The patient is advised to give up hot, salty, spicy foods, replacing them with soft, ground ones.

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The diet must be saturated with animal protein:

  • poultry meat (chicken, turkey, rabbit, veal, beef);
  • kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese and dishes made from it;
  • liver and other offal;
  • hard cheese;
  • eggs (except for soft-boiled ones - they may contain pathogenic bacteria).

We must not forget about drinking regime. The patient will benefit from drinking plenty of fluids, consisting of compotes and fruit drinks rich in vitamins B and C, rosehip decoction, freshly squeezed juices, tea with lemon. Fruits and vegetables are perfect for replenishing the body's vitamin reserves. vegetable purees, citrus fruits (especially oranges and grapefruits).

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Provided that all doctor's orders are followed, the prognosis is favorable. The disease can be defeated within 7-20 days, and, as a rule, it does not reach necrosis. For the prevention of ulcerative necrotizing tonsillitis must be adhered to proper nutrition at the stage of recovery after viral infection infectious diseases, if necessary, take general strengthening and immunostimulating drugs, and promptly sanitize the oral cavity.

Necrotizing tonsillitis is an acute tonsillar disease caused by saprophytes oral cavity(spindle rod and spirochete).

This pathology develops in people with weakened and depleted immunity when radiation sickness, hypovitaminosis, leukemia and other diseases.

Often pathological changes occur only in one tonsil, but sometimes bilateral ulcerative-necrotizing tonsillitis occurs.

If the treatment of this pathology is not timely and competent, then it will begin to progress in pathological process the mucous membrane of the cheeks and gums, velopharyngeal arches will be involved (as it looks like in the photo below). Necrotizing tonsillitis is not contagious, but this disease can be epidemiological.

As a rule, the prognosis of the disease is favorable. With quick and correct therapy, the patient recovers completely within 8-14 days from the start of treatment.

Clinical manifestations

Necrotizing tonsillitis can be primary or secondary. In addition to saprophytes, the tonsils are affected by staphylococcal and streptococcal infections.

The factors causing the primary form of the disease may lie in oropharyngeal pyorrhea and the presence of dental caries, as shown in the photo.

Secondary necrotizing tonsillitis is diagnosed together with various infectious diseases:

  1. diphtheria;
  2. scarlet fever;
  3. leukemia;
  4. tularemia and so on.

At first, the progression of necrotizing tonsillitis is unnoticeable. The only minor symptom is discomfort that occurs during swallowing. But when staphylococcal and streptococcal infection acute pain occurs.

Thus, the patient celebrates the presence of a foreign element in the pharynx. In addition, an unpleasant odor emanates from the patient’s mouth.

When performing pharyngoscopy on the tonsils, you can see gray-yellow coating. In the process of separating the exudate, necrotic bleeding ulcers are opened, having a gray-yellow bottom with torn edges, as shown in the photo.

Regardless of characteristic changes of a local nature, the patient’s temperature is often normal and the low-grade level is not exceeded. But the ulcerative-necrotic type of sore throat almost always begins with chills and increased hyperthermia. Other manifestations of the disease include:

  • acute intoxication;
  • hyperemia of the diseased tonsil;
  • leukocytosis (moderate);
  • increased salivation;
  • increase (this symptom is visible visually, which is confirmed by the photo).

Diagnosis and treatment

The diagnosis of ulcerative-necrotic type of sore throat is established by an ENT specialist, based on Clinical signs and results laboratory tests biomaterials taken from the surface of the diseased tonsil. Mucus or pus taken from the surface of the lacuna is subjected to laboratory tests:

  1. PCR analysis, which allows you to determine the type of bacteria based on DNA fragments.
  2. A rapid antigen test is used to detect beta-hemolytic streptococcus.
  3. Sowing on a nutrient medium to determine the infection and its sensitivity to antibiotics.

When conducting differential diagnosis diseases such as malignant tumor, tuberculosis, lacunar tonsillitis, diphtheria of the pharynx and syphilitic ulcer.

Treatment of necrotizing tonsillitis is carried out in a hospital setting under the supervision of an ENT specialist. Local therapy for necrotic pathologies includes the use of the following agents:

  • Potassium permanganate;
  • Hydrogen peroxide;
  • Sodium chloride;
  • Furacilin;
  • Novarselon solution in glycerin;
  • Silver nitrate.

It is worth noting that affected tonsils must be treated regularly, that is, daily.

If the required therapeutic effect is not achieved, then antibiotics belonging to the penicillin group are prescribed, which are administered by injection.

Necrotizing form of tonsillitis and others infectious varieties This pathology is treated with antibiotics. In particular, penicillins, macrolides and cephalosporins are prescribed.

For example, the following have proven their effectiveness medicines like Cephalexin, Cephaloridin and Cefazolin - drugs belonging to the cephalosporin group. Effective penicillins include Phenoxymethylpenicillin, Amoxicillin and Benzylpenicillin. And patients who are allergic to B-lactams are prescribed adalides (macrolides).

In comparison with penicillins, drugs belonging to the macrolide group do not have mass adverse reactions. So, azalides do not have toxic effects on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and central nervous system. This is what makes it possible to use these antibacterial agents in the process of treating pathologies of a necrotic nature.

To the very effective antibiotics for necrotizing tonsillitis, macrolides include Clarithromycin, Erythromycin, Azithromycin, Leukomycin and Midecamycin. Compared to penicillins and cephalosporins, macrolides have a number of advantages:

  1. Medicines are available in a convenient dosage form.
  2. They have a strong bactericidal effect.
  3. They have low toxicity.
  4. Accumulate in lymphoid tissues tonsils in large quantities.
  5. Do not affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. They have an immunostimulating effect.

It is important to know that the course of antibacterial treatment must be completed to the end. After all, premature cessation of therapy may result in the development of complications, and bacteria will become resistant to the drug.

Since in order to cure the disease it is necessary to activate the body’s defenses, patients who have been diagnosed should adhere to a certain diet rich in microelements and vitamins. Moreover, dishes should be eaten warm, semi-liquid or soft.

So, optimal products, saturated with proteins, when the tonsils are damaged, are cheese, meat, cottage cheese, liver, etc. In addition, during illness it is advisable to avoid spicy, cold and hot foods.

The patient must also comply bed rest and drink plenty of fluids, which will eliminate the manifestations of acute intoxication. Moreover, it is useful to drink herbal infusions, decoctions and liquids that contain vitamin C (rosehip decoction, lemon juice, Holosas, cranberry juice), and they help a lot with sore throats.

During the course of the disease, the patient should be isolated and his contact with others should be minimized. At the same time, he needs to allocate separate personal hygiene items and dishes.

In addition, the room where the patient stays must be well ventilated. At the same time, the room should be wet cleaned daily.

To prevent a sore throat from developing, you need to monitor your oral hygiene, immunity, be systematically examined by a dentist, and undergo timely treatment for other diseases. In addition, in order for the body’s protective functions to work properly, it is necessary to healthy image life and proper nutrition.

In the video in this article, a specialist reveals treatment methods severe cases tonsillitis.

Nowadays, every second person suffers from tonsillitis. Among the sick there are not only adults, but also children. In medicine today there are many types of disease. Let's consider a type of disease such as necrotizing tonsillitis. The synonymous term for the disease is Simanovsky-Vincent tonsillitis. This is a disease that occurs in the form of necrosis (death) of the tonsil tissue. which appears on the soft palate and pharynx.

Symptoms of the development of necrotizing tonsillitis

Signs of the disease:

Low temperature body, but it can remain normal;

No neck pain;

Feeling when swallowing foreign body;

Bad smell from mouth;

Excessive salivation.

Symptoms of ulcerative necrotizing tonsillitis

All symptoms of other types of tonsillitis do not correspond to necrotizing ulcerative. With this disease, the body temperature does not rise sharply and there is no weakness in the body. If the temperature rises, this indicates the appearance of inflammation in the body.

Necrotizing ulcerative sore throat is not accompanied by a sore throat. But there is a feeling that something is blocking your throat. Also characteristic feature illness may cause bad breath. Lymph nodes with angina are usually enlarged only on the side of the tonsil that is inflamed. Also, with this type of sore throat, you can notice the formation of a gray or greenish coating on the affected tonsil. If you remove the plaque, you can see the resulting ulcer, which may bleed, but not much.

If you notice any symptoms of the disease in yourself, then you need to urgently consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis and start timely treatment. If the necrotizing form of the disease is not treated or treated like a regular sore throat, you can develop complications. After all, ordinary gargling cannot cure this disease.

Diagnosis of necrotizing tonsillitis

A pharyngoscope (physical examination of the throat) for a sore throat on one of the tonsils can reveal pathological changes:

Gray or yellowish coatings;

Ulcers, after plaque, which form a free space with uneven edges.

Regional lymph nodes grow from diseased tonsils; there is moderate pain on palpation. Necrotizing tonsillitis lasts about one to three weeks.

For diagnostic procedure bacteriological examination is used.

Features of the treatment of necrotizing tonsillitis

Treatment is carried out in a hospital for infectious diseases. It consists of taking antibiotics, vitamins, and staying in bed. Immune therapy is carried out using special drugs like Immunal or Anaferon

The following are used as local therapy:

Treating the ulcer with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution;

rinsing the oral cavity with Furacilin solution;

Lubricating the affected areas with tincture of iodine;

Intramuscular injection Penicillin in case of serious illness.

Causes and prevention of necrotizing tonsillitis

This type of sore throat is caused by a combination of bacteria - oral spirochetes and spindle rods. They are always activated in the body, where low-virulent mucous folds are influenced by certain factors and acquire the properties of pathogenic microorganisms.

The following factors contribute to the development of necrotizing tonsillitis:

Deposition of infectious diseases;

The presence of bacteria on the gums, the presence of caries;

Reduced reactivity.

Necrotizing tonsillitis can also be a consequence of agranulocytes, acute leukemia, scarlet fever, diphtheria, tularemia and other infectious diseases and blood diseases.

Causes of necrotizing ulcerative tonsillitis

More often ulcerative form The disease begins in a person with reduced immunity or a lack of vitamins in the body. The cause may also be a spindle-shaped rod, which is present in the body of any healthy person. The disease can be observed in older people and those who have cardiovascular disorders. vascular system. Also, a sore throat can form after treatment and complications of other infectious and chronic diseases. If immunity decreases, then microbes that are safe for a healthy body begin to actively attack the immune system. The cause of ulcerative necrotizing tonsillitis can also be diseases of the gums, teeth, and if you do not take care of the oral cavity.

Prevention of necrotizing tonsillitis

Measures to prevent the disease are divided into

  • are common
  • and individual.

In case of necrotizing tonsillitis, the patient should be placed in a separate room, which is often ventilated and wet cleaning must be performed. Limit the patient's contact with other people, especially children, because they are more susceptible to sore throat.

Great importance for the prevention of necrotic sore throat is hardening of the body, correct mode work and rest, elimination of various hazards such as dust, smoke (including tobacco products), dry air, alcohol, etc.

Tonsillitis or tonsillitis refers to an inflammatory process that affects the tonsils. Due to infection, they swell and turn red. Because of this, the patient experiences unpleasant painful sensations in the form of pain when speaking and swallowing. Tonsillitis has many different forms, one of which is necrotizing tonsillitis. In medicine, it is usually called Simanovsky-Plaut-Vincent angina. To understand how to treat a disease, you need to know the cause of its manifestation and symptoms.

Spindle-shaped rods of Vincent-Plaut and spirochetes are common microflora in the oral cavity. They are usually classified as a group of opportunistic microbes. Whenever favorable conditions they begin to grow and actively multiply, resulting in inflammatory process.

Necrotizing tonsillitis can manifest itself for several reasons in the form of:

  • physical exhaustion;
  • weakened immune function during long-term illness;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • nutritional dystrophies;
  • teeth affected by carious formations;
  • the presence of a chronic disease in the oropharynx.

Simanovsky's angina occurs as a result of penetration various infections. These include:

  • viral damage in the form of adenoviruses, parainfluenza, influenza;
  • bacterial damage in the form of staphylococci and streptococci;
  • fungal infection in the form of Candida fungus.

It is worth noting that ulcerative membranous tonsillitis is a contagious disease and can be transmitted by airborne droplets, through poorly washed vegetables and fruits, and poorly processed cutlery.

Even ordinary overwork or stress can cause illness.

Symptoms of necrotizing tonsillitis

Ulcerative sore throat does not have such clear symptoms, so patients often confuse the disease with other infectious lesions.
Ulcerative membranous tonsillitis is characterized by:

  • a slight increase in temperature;
  • enlarged cervical lymph nodes;
  • palpable feeling of weakness;
  • emergence painful feeling in the throat when swallowing and talking;
  • the occurrence of abscesses and whitish plaque on the tonsils;
  • redness of the throat.

Necrotizing ulcerative tonsillitis usually affects one side of the tonsils. But the inflammatory process can spread to the palatine arches, soft palate, and mucous membrane of the cheeks. Usually this type of disease is combined with stomatitis.

One of the tonsils increases significantly in size, while being hyperemic and covered with a grayish-yellow tint. An unpleasant odor emanates from the patient's mouth. foul odor. Plaque can be easily removed with a spatula. But after this, uneven edges remain, a loose bottom, and the walls begin to bleed.

Ulcerative membranous tonsillitis is different in that even with severe course in a patient general state doesn't get worse. Symptoms of this disease usually disappear within two to three weeks.

If a coccal infection occurs, the symptoms change. There is severe intoxication of the body, a sharp pain in the throat appears. The likelihood of complications increases. In such situations, the patient is hospitalized in a hospital.

The incubation period for the disease lasts from twelve hours to three days. The first signs are similar to colds. Therefore, patients often get confused and begin to carry out correct treatment.

Symptoms are mild, but complications may occur in the form of:

  • gum decay;
  • perforation of the hard palate;
  • extensive necrosis of the tonsils;
  • bleeding;
  • sepsis.

Ulcerative membranous tonsillitis has a long course and lasts up to two to three weeks. If the disease has a long course, is characterized by the occurrence of a strong pain in the throat and an unpleasant odor from the mouth, then it is customary to talk about the addition of a pyogenic infection.

As a result, the patient begins to develop ulcers in the tonsils. Gradually, the ulcers acquire a crater-like shape and extend beyond the tonsils. If the treatment process is started untimely or incorrectly, then this process leads to perforation of the palate and the development of bleeding.

Diagnosis of necrotizing tonsillitis

Simanovsky's angina has a normal course, but has a number of distinctive features. Therefore, it will not be difficult for the doctor to make a diagnosis. But in order to prescribe the correct treatment, you need to undergo an examination, which includes:

  1. clarification of complaints and accompanying symptoms diseases;
  2. examination of the oral cavity. A specialist will be able to assess the condition of the tonsils. Ulcerative membranous tonsillitis is characterized not only by redness and swelling of the tonsils, but also by the formation of a characteristic plaque;
  3. donating blood for analysis to determine the level of leukocytes and ESR;
  4. taking a smear for bacterial culture to determine the pathogen and its susceptibility to antibacterial agents;
  5. conducting an antigen test for beta-hemolytic streptococcus;
  6. carrying out PCR diagnostics to determine pathogenic microflora by DNA.

Also, the doctor must conduct a differential diagnosis to distinguish the disease from a tuberculous ulcer, syphilitic lesion, diphtheria, scarlet fever, malignant processes, lacunar tonsillitis, agranulocytosis and leukemia.

Treatment process for necrotizing tonsillitis

Ulcerative membranous tonsillitis requires the use of antibiotics. Drugs such as Amoxicillin or Phenoxymethylpenicillin are often prescribed. penicillin series, Cephalixin or Cefazolin from the cephalosporin group, Azithromycin or Erythromycin from the macrolide group. Duration treatment course ranges from five to ten days.

The treatment process also includes local therapy, which includes:

  • treatment of tonsils with antiseptic solutions in the form of Miramistin, Hydrogen Peroxide, Lugol or Chlorophyllipt. It is worth carrying out the procedure as often as possible, since it is necessary to remove pus;
  • gargling. This procedure should be done every one to two hours. For such purposes, you can use Furacillin, sea ​​salt, infusions of chamomile or sage;
  • Irrigation of the throat and tonsils with antiseptic medications. You can use Lugol, Hexoral, Tantum Verde. Miramistin is prescribed to small children under three years of age;
  • lubricating the tonsils with iodine solution. This procedure is most often performed on children who do not know how to gargle. Since when ulcerative sore throat Temperature readings do not rise above 38 degrees, then taking antipyretics is not recommended. It is better to wipe with water, vinegar or alcohol solutions.

To recovery process passed faster, the patient should adhere to special rules:

  1. observe bed rest. Although with ulcerative-necrotic sore throat the patient’s condition does not suffer much, it is still necessary to provide the patient with rest. If the increase in temperature is insignificant, then warming compresses can be applied;
  2. follow a specialized diet. Since the disease is caused bacterial infection, then it is necessary to exclude all sweets and sugar from the diet. Food should be soft, but at the same time healthy. You can eat vegetable purees, fruit salads, broths with meat and chicken broth, boiled meat and fish. You should exclude soda and alcohol from drinks. You can consume berry fruit drinks, dried fruit compotes, juices and tea. If the patient has no appetite, then you can replenish your strength with warm milk and honey. You need to eat in small portions, but often;
  3. carry out room ventilation, air humidification and wet cleaning.

After recovery, attention should be paid to strengthening immune function. To do this you need:

  • accept vitamin complexes, eat fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs;
  • carry out hardening procedures daily;
  • walk in the fresh air as often as possible;
  • carry out wet cleaning of the room every day or every other day;
  • play sports, do exercises;
  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap before eating and after going outside.

When the first signs appear, you should consult a doctor to rule out other symptoms. serious illnesses. This will help avoid adverse consequences.

Sore throat is perhaps one of the most common diseases that are usually classified as colds. Treatment methods for sore throat are familiar to everyone, however, not everyone knows that there are several types of tonsillitis, and to be precise, they are divided into 8 main types.

Most of them are the most common acute respiratory or bacterial diseases that respond well to treatment. However, this does not always happen; among the 8 types of sore throats, there are also so-called atypical forms. These include necrotizing tonsillitis.

Otherwise, it is called Simanovsky-Plaut-Vincent angina; the causative agents are two spirochete bacteria and a spindle-shaped bacillus. These bacteria are conditionally pathogenic and are present on the mucous membranes and skin, even in healthy people. Why, then, do people suffer from necrotizing tonsillitis? Let's try to figure it out.

Article outline

Causes of necrotizing tonsillitis

In general, necrotic, according to therapists, is the lot of patients with weakened immune systems, exhausted, as well as those who suffer from leukemia and vitamin deficiency. However, it is possible that the disease can also occur in a relatively healthy person under conditions of stress and hypothermia; even a strong immune system is unable to fight the disease.

Most often, necrotizing tonsillitis is localized only on one tonsil; bilateral damage with necrotizing tonsillitis is very rare. Initially, the disease develops only on the tonsils, however, then the mucous membranes of the cheeks and gums, velopharyngeal arches and other parts of the nasopharynx are involved in the process.

In general, necrotizing tonsillitis is considered not contagious. However by airborne droplets The disease is still transmitted, but this requires long-term contact with a sick person, due to the instability of disease carriers.

It is worth noting that necrotizing tonsillitis can be primary and secondary form. In the first case, the disease is usually caused by carious lesions of the teeth, as well as pyorrhea in the nasopharyngeal cavity. Secondary similar to sore throat occurs in a number of diseases, such as tularemia, scarlet fever, diphtheria and other infectious diseases.


Begins necrotic form Tonsillitis is usually unnoticeable. At first, the patient simply complains of slight pain when swallowing. Then the following symptoms appear:

  • Bad, putrid smell from mouth.
  • During pharyngoscopy, the diagnostician discovers a grayish-yellow coating on the tonsils, which can be easily removed.
  • When plaque is removed, bleeding ulcers of a necrotic nature appear on the mucous membrane. They usually have a greyish-yellow bottom and jagged edges. It is these ulcers that are the main symptom of necrotizing tonsillitis.

It is worth noting that despite all the acute clinical manifestations, necrotizing tonsillitis always occurs without fever, or at least as a last resort it may be in the subfebrile range. In addition, necrotizing tonsillitis may also appear with the following symptoms:

  • Swelling of the tonsil, which is affected by the disease.
  • Increased salivation begins due to the fact that patients usually have severe irritation of the mucous membrane near the tonsils.
  • Increase lymph nodes. In particular, this applies to those located under the jaw and on the neck, near the tonsils.
  • Analyzes always show moderate leukocytosis. Well, of course, such a sore throat cannot do without the usual symptoms of general intoxication of the body, such as weakness, headache and joint pain, nausea, etc.

Diagnosis and treatment

Even if you think the symptoms speak for themselves, an experienced specialist should make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. The fact is that the main part of the treatment of necrotizing tonsillitis is taking antimicrobials, and only a doctor can make the right prescription.

In addition to antibiotic treatment, it is also important local therapy. If the diagnosis, necrotizing tonsillitis, has already been made, they usually use following methods treatment:

  • First of all, the affected tonsil must be urgently cleared of plaque in order to prevent the infection from spreading to neighboring tissues. You can remove plaque yourself, but it’s better if it’s done by a specialist.
  • Ulcers freed from plaque should be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide, and you should certainly gargle with antiseptic solutions.
  • Food should be taken in warm and liquid form, such as soups or broths. In general, try to keep your diet rich in vitamins and microelements - this will speed up the healing process.

Be prepared for the fact that necrotizing tonsillitis will most likely have to be treated in a hospital setting, in the infectious diseases department. This, of course, is unpleasant, but inevitable - the disease is very insidious and can cause unpredictable complications. Therefore, if your health is important to you, follow all the doctor’s recommendations and the disease will pass without consequences for the body.


The video talks about how to quickly cure a cold, flu or acute respiratory viral infection. Opinion of an experienced doctor.

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