Honey anti-cellulite massage. Honey massage – a universal procedure for face and body

One of the most famous SPA procedures is honey massage. Everyone knows that real quality honey is one of the most powerful folk remedies for healing the body. It is used against cellulite in conjunction with coffee, sea ​​salt and essential oils in body scrubs and anti-cellulite wraps.

Honey contains a lot of biologically active substances. In the old days they were used to treat many diseases.

Massage using honey was used in ancient Tibet and Ancient India, V South-East Asia and in Ancient Rus'.

Massage techniques and the benefits of honey that underlie this popular method of combating “ orange peel» affect general condition body: accelerate metabolic processes, rises muscle tone, the skin is evened out and smoothed, a feeling of lightness and cleansing appears.

The standard honey massage course is two weeks. But the massage day must be alternated with a break day, so in total you will need to do 7 honey massage sessions.

6 important tips for proper anti-cellulite honey massage

Apply the honey mass to your palms and begin to make massaging and patting movements on the areas affected by cellulite. Part of the honey thus goes onto your body, and part remains on your palms. The honey will gradually be absorbed into the skin, so be prepared for your palms to start sticking to the areas you pat.

Next, you continue the same movements, but increase their intensity: press your palms tightly and forcefully against your body and then sharply tear them off. From the point of view of physical activity, this is a very energy-intensive procedure, but you should be consoled by the thought that at the same time you are pumping up your arm muscles, which has never hurt anyone. Depending on the sensitivity of your skin, you may experience redness and pain. Bruises may remain after the session. But gradually the skin will get used to it.

If you do everything correctly, then after a while the pores in the treated area should begin to open. They produce a greasy white (yellowish or off-white) mass that remains on the palms. As it accumulates on your palms, it must be washed off.

The massage procedure itself should continue until this “slag mass” ceases to be released. But if you feel uncomfortable, this is also a signal to terminate the session.

Then you can go to the shower and thoroughly wash off all the honey.

After a shower, you need to use a moisturizing emulsion, cream or lotion.

The advantages of this anti-cellulite procedure are that it can be done at home.

Honey for massage should be natural. It is more convenient to use clear honey rather than hardened honey. But the latter can simply be melted. After all natural honey does not lose its properties when sugaring.

The average amount of honey required for massaging the buttocks and thighs is two spoons. If you want to capture the stomach and side folds of the back, add another one. Average time is 15-20 minutes.

To enhance the effect, you can add essential oil to honey at the rate of 5 drops per spoon of honey. You can take one essential oil or a mixture of several options to suit your taste. Just keep in mind that just like honey, essential oils– a very allergic component.

This massage can only be done if you do not have allergies - redness, itching, irritation.
The mixture of honey and essential oils must be used immediately after preparation; it cannot be stored.

From point of view general health body, massage must cover the entire body, otherwise blood will flow only to certain areas, which is unsafe if you have problems with blood pressure or heart.

If your main goal is to fight cellulite, you can do a regular massage for the whole body: warming up for all muscles. And then move on to massage problem areas.

It cannot be said that natural honey is cheap remedy, but in any case, such SPA procedures at home will cost significantly less than salon procedures.

After a honey massage, it is best to wrap yourself in a terry robe and brew yourself herbal tea(possibly with honey) and sit or lie quietly listening to soothing music with a pleasant reading in your hands. Or you can just fall asleep.
By the way, the honey massage technique is also practiced in salons.

Cellulite (gynoid lipodystrophy) is pathological changes in the subcutaneous fat layer, which lead to disruption of microcirculation and lymph outflow. It is expressed in the loss of skin elasticity, the formation of dents when pressed, and the formation of subcutaneous tubercles. Tissue fibrosis gives the “orange peel” effect.

The most common locations for cellulite are:

  • hips;
  • buttocks;
  • stomach.

Sometimes it covers the back and arms.

A radical lifestyle change will help you completely get rid of this phenomenon:

  • changing the food system;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • regular exercise.

A honey massage will help significantly reduce the appearance of uneven skin, restore muscle tone and restore elasticity to the skin. It improves the outflow of stagnant fluid from the fat layer and accelerates the breakdown of fat cells, and also removes metabolic products, which prevents the formation of new foci of stagnation. Honey also has the ability to penetrate deeply into tissues, absorb and remove waste and toxins.

This massage can be done both in a beauty salon and at home.

Please note that there are areas that cannot be massaged:

  • groin area;
  • inner thighs;
  • areas under the knees.

In these places there are large concentrations of lymph nodes and vessels.

Any intense mechanical impact on The lymph nodes leads to a sharp increase in pressure and disruption of microcirculation inside. The ducts may become damaged and lymph fluid will get into the tissues, causing severe swelling.


Before the session, it is advisable to take a shower using a soft scrub or rub problem areas with a hot towel. This will help prepare the skin and open the pores.

Each session should begin and end with light stroking movements to improve blood circulation in the capillaries.

You will need no more than two tablespoons of honey at a time. Its consistency should be liquid and viscous; if it is sugared, heat it up. The variety does not matter for this procedure. If desired, you can add a few drops of essential oil, such as citrus, to the honey.

Execution technique

Honey anti-cellulite massage is considered therapeutic; it differs significantly from the usual classic one - there are no stroking or tapping movements.

1. Dry palms of the hands are smeared with a thin layer of honey, applied to the surface of the body and torn off. There are two options:

  • palms are lifted sharply vertically upward. In this case, there may appear painful sensations and even bruises and bruises. The efficiency of this technique is higher, but also painful sensations noticeably more pronounced;
  • smooth soft movements are made, the palm comes off the surface gradually - first Bottom part, then the middle and after that the fingers.

Both techniques can be combined, alternating the nature of movements, the pace can be accelerated and slowed down.

You should not apply too much effort, otherwise your hands will get tired very quickly, and it will be more difficult to continue the massage, and the effectiveness will noticeably decrease.

At first, the honey will seem to be absorbed into the skin, but after a few minutes you will see a gray-white mass on the surface that will stick to your hands. This color is obtained by beating honey with air. It also contains particles of dead cells of the epidermis (its stratum corneum), and along with them pathogenic microorganisms, fats and proteins. This will cause the skin to become red and warm.

Normal sensations during the procedure are burning and slight pain, which gradually decrease, and the massage begins to bring pleasure.

2. You should not massage the entire problem area at once. It is better to limit yourself to an area equal to the surface area of ​​​​both palms, and then move on to another. After about 10 minutes, your hands will stop sticking to your body, the honey mass will remain completely on your palms. The skin in the area where the massage was performed should be dry and non-sticky. You need to wash your hands, apply a new portion of honey and continue working on the next area.

Never reuse used honey as it has already absorbed toxins, sebum and dead skin cells.

If the problem areas are large enough, one session will take at least 60 minutes.

3. After finishing the session, take a warm shower or wipe the body with a cloth dampened warm water, then wipe dry with a towel. Apply moisturizer or oil.

After the first procedure, severe bruising and hemorrhage may occur. This is normal and happens if the body is not used to physical activity. Also, in the first stages, it may seem that the size of the tubercles in problem areas has increased; you should not pay attention to this; by the end of the course, the skin will smooth out.

Video - Honey massage for cellulite, how to do it correctly?

Video - Honey massage for cellulite

Video - How to get rid of cellulite in the shortest possible time

Course duration

For achievement visible result Regularity is important. The procedure is carried out every other day for two weeks. This is the minimum duration of the course, but the longer it is, the more noticeable the result will be. This type of massage should not be performed every day; you need to give the body a rest.

After the course, you need to take a break for two weeks and repeat if necessary. It is also recommended to do preventive massage twice a month to maintain skin tone.


Since this procedure has a rather aggressive effect on the body, it has a number of contraindications.

Temporary contraindicationsAbsolute contraindications
Allergy. IN in rare cases contact of honey with skin can cause allergic reaction. If after the procedure a rash appears, irritation or redness does not subside for a long time, you should take antihistamines and suspend the course. Repeat after a few days if negative reaction won't happen anymore, continueOncological diseases, presence of tumors
Period of acute respiratory infectionsThrombosis
Vessels located close to the skin. Due to the active flow of blood to the treated area, the load on the vessels increasesThrombophlebitis
Availability of any inflammatory processes in organismTendency to hemorrhage
State of hypertensive or hypotensive crisisMental illnesses. Since bioactive points are stimulated during the procedure, an inadequate reaction may occur.
Availability skin diseases and areas with damaged skin
Pregnancy and lactation

Anti-cellulite honey massage helps restore skin elasticity and firmness, significantly reduces subcutaneous fat capsules and makes the body texture even and smooth.

Massage is rightfully considered one of the simplest, most accessible and effective ways to improve well-being and provide health of the whole body.

And if you connect effectiveness of massage and the unique healing abilities of honey, the benefits from such a procedure will be simply colossal.

After 5-10 sessions, the rejuvenating, toning and healing effect of the procedure will exceed all expectations.

Honey is rightfully considered absolutely a unique product . In its biochemical composition, honey is very close to human blood plasma, and the enzymes secreted by bees ensure the possibility of complete absorption of the product by the human body.

Rich in vitamins makes honey ideal product nutrition and opens up wide possibilities for its external use. The antibacterial properties of honey have been known for centuries: for the speedy healing of wounds, this bee product was recommended to be taken orally and also applied to damaged areas of the skin.

In addition to a noticeable wound-healing effect, honey has pronounced general strengthening properties: for whatever reasons, deterioration in health occurs, eating bee products helps strengthen a weakened body.

For external use honey has pronounced sorbent properties, effectively helping to get rid of subcutaneous tissue toxins, as well as from excess interstitial fluid. This not only allows you to deduce toxic substances from the body, but also provides a pronounced anti-aging and anti-cellulite effect.

When conducting a course of sessions honey massage provides strengthening immune system, performance improvement of cardio-vascular system, Gastrointestinal tract, healing of cracks in the intestines, normalization of pressure, relief of the condition of patients with problems of the musculoskeletal system.

Honey massage sessions help normalize metabolism, get rid of osteochondrosis and joint problems, and also significantly improve the condition of the skin.

Under influence honey film Pores are cleansed and blood supply to the skin is activated. Thanks to this, any creams and masks applied to the skin after a massage easily penetrate upper layer epidermis.

Indications and contraindications

Today I received a honey massage wide popularity as one of the most effective procedures in anti-cellulite programs, as well as an important component of mature skin care.

Applying honey to the skin allows you to get a pronounced rejuvenating effect, as well as speed up the resorption of scars and scars.

IN medical purposes honey massage applied for complex treatment:

  • diseases internal organs;
  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • nervous disorders, physical and emotional exhaustion;
  • arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis and spinal diseases.

Almost always, honey massage gives a noticeable improvement in well-being after just a few procedures. However, it is important to remember that in case of oncology, severe hypertension and problems with blood vessels, tuberculosis, any skin lesions and disorders of the kidneys and liver, any massage is prohibited in principle.

You should not lie down on the massage table during acute viral infections which are accompanied by an increase in temperature.

Attention! Individual contraindications to honey massage may include an allergy to honey, as well as the presence of densely growing hair in the massage area.

Honey for massage: how to choose the right product?

You can expect a positive effect only if it is applied to the skin natural fresh honey(preferably linden or floral). We are definitely not talking about jarred honey from supermarkets.

Perfect option— if beekeeping products are purchased directly from apiary owners.

Acceptable use partially candied honey: before starting the massage, you can melt it in a water bath to a liquid consistency. But at the same time, the honey itself should not be heated to a temperature of more than 40 degrees.

What can be added to honey to enhance the healing effect?


Honey massage was one of the obligatory health treatments for family members ancient Chinese emperors. Take advantage old recipe it is possible today.

Part massage mixture in addition to honey, it also included other beekeeping products (propolis and wax). More often to improve the effect From massage, cosmetologists recommend additionally enriching honey with essential oils.

To enhance anti-cellulite effects It is recommended to use essential oils (hereinafter referred to as EOs) of any citrus fruit; lavender, geranium, juniper and mint oils will provide a pronounced calming effect. The use of eucalyptus EO will help with the healing of scars on the skin.

At 2 tbsp. l. liquid honey can add one of the following songs:

  • 1 drop each of geranium and juniper essential oils and 2 drops of orange, lemon or grapefruit essential oil;
  • 2 drops each of eucalyptus, lavender and orange essential oils;
  • 1 drop each of juniper, orange, lemon and lavender oils;
  • 3 drops each of orange and lemon EO;
  • 2 drops each of mint, lavender and lemon esters.

Maximum flow massage mixture – 5 tbsp. l. for a massage of one area.

Basic rules for honey massage

The best place There will be a warm but not hot room for the procedure. A full honey massage after a bath or sauna, or immediately after taking a shower, cannot be done. The skin must be clean and dry for the procedure.

What should you do before applying honey?

The first stage of the procedure will be a light warming massage, including kneading and stroking the entire body. Not recommended use oil mixtures when performing a warming massage, as this will worsen the possibility of honey penetrating the skin.

An alternative manual massage can be the use of any simulators that enhance blood circulation. It usually takes up to 10 minutes to warm up the body. Next, a thin layer of honey is applied to the massage therapist’s palms and the surface of the patient’s skin in the massage area, and the massage begins.

First, honey is rubbed into the skin circular massage movements. This effect is possible before the honey begins to solidify.

After the honey mass is partially absorbed and thickens, the massage technique changes: the massage therapist works using the method stick-unstick hands, changing the intensity of your movements.

The palms can be pulled back sharply or more gently; if necessary, individual areas of the body are worked not with the entire palm, but with its edge, fingers, and fingertips. The next stage is alternating adhesion one palm and both palms at the same time.

There can be many possible techniques; it is important to choose them based on the characteristics of a particular patient and his pain threshold. As a rule, it takes about a quarter of an hour to work on one zone. If the patient experiences severe discomfort, the procedure may complete earlier.

Attention! Honey massage is not performed in groin areas, on inside hips and shoulders.

Shower after massage

Most often, by the end of the procedure, the honey separated from the patient’s body acquires a grayish tint. This indicates that during the massage the body was excreted through the skin. toxins removed. Of course, you should never rub them back into the skin: these substances are toxic to the body.

Simple drying with a towel doesn't allow completely remove any remaining massage mass. The honey particles remaining on the skin should be thoroughly washed off under a warm shower, and the procedure should be completed by rubbing a special massage cream into clean skin. This can be an anti-cellulite product (if we are talking about the area of ​​the hips, abdomen and buttocks), or a high-quality nourishing cream based on bee products.

Do I need to drink after the procedure?

The first thing to do after the procedure is completely completed is to drink at least 1 glass warm boiled water, and later treat yourself to a couple of cups of quality green tea.

One of the properties of honey is the ability to bind liquid and accelerate its removal from the body. Accordingly, if there is no excess fluid in the body, then after the honey massage additional hydration will be necessary.

In addition, massage procedures accelerate metabolic processes in the body, and a sufficient amount of fluid intake will strengthen cleansing effect of the session.

Duration of massage and number of sessions

Honey massage can include both complex impact for the entire body, as well as for the treatment of individual problem areas (anti-cellulite procedures usually involve treatment of the buttocks, thighs, and abdomen). The latter option is less preferable - activation of blood circulation in a separate area of ​​the body will cause a slowdown in blood flow in other parts of the body.

As a result– after a course of such sessions, metabolic disorders, problems with internal organs, etc. are possible. A complex honey massage of the whole body also provides an anti-cellulite effect, but at the same time has a beneficial effect on the body.

One complex massage session lasts from 1 to 2 hours. It is optimal if the procedures are performed every other day, and the entire course consists of 9-17 massages. If desired, massage treatments can alternate with wraps of problem areas.

After a couple of months you can take a second course, or for preventive purposes attend honey massage sessions 3-4 times a month.

Combination amazing properties honey and unique massage options can work wonders. Huge benefit The whole body benefits from such procedures: the functioning of internal organs is improved, swelling and pronounced cellulite are reduced, the condition of the skin improves and work returns to normal. nervous system. After each session, there is a feeling of lightness, flight and a great desire to simply enjoy life.

How to get rid of cellulite in the blink of an eye short term at home, watch the video:

Hello, dear readers of the site “ Healing power resin." Not long ago I had an article. Well, everything is clear about eating honey and everyone has probably known about its benefits for a long time.

Today I would like to tell you about another option for using honey. We will talk about honey massage. In this article I will tell you what it is and how to do it correctly.

Honey massage - what is it and what is it for?

Honey massage is a body massage using honey. This method, as a method of rejuvenation and more, was used in ancient Egypt. Later, these procedures spread to many other countries and continents.

Why is massage using honey so good, why is it needed and what are its advantages? First of all, you need to note accessibility! Honey masks, massage and wraps can be done at home, and you do not need to visit specialized salons.

Secondly, honey massage has an anti-cellulite and firming effect. And this effect is quite persistent. For women who cannot afford to spend a lot of money on cosmetic procedures, but who are used to taking care of themselves and want to look good - this is generally one of the best options.

In addition, performing such a massage yourself has its undeniable advantages. For example, you will keep the intensity under control massage movements and in case of discomfort or pain, you can easily switch from massaging one part of the body to another.

Mastering the simple technique of honey massage is not at all difficult and can be done by any woman. It’s just important not to focus on one area of ​​the body, even if you think that all of your cellulite has accumulated on one particular thigh.

If you massage one place like a man possessed, this can lead to an imbalance in metabolic rate and neuromuscular activity.

As a result, there may be an exacerbation of existing chronic diseases or attacks of tachycardia or increased blood pressure.

Few people know about this, but honey massage, in addition to its excellent cosmetic effect, also has therapeutic effect. Through the pores of the skin, honey is absorbed by the human body and has a beneficial effect on it.

How to do a honey massage: technique, what is possible, what is not

So, first of all, let's figure out what we need? And we don’t need that much, just 2 things:

  1. good, natural and most importantly liquid honey
  2. almond or olive oil

Before starting the procedure, it is advisable to warm up the muscles. You can squat, do simple exercises, bend over, etc. And only after the muscles have warmed up can you apply honey.

The technique is simple. The main techniques of honey self-massage are rubbing and light pressure. I will describe the entire procedure step by step, there will be 6 such steps in total.

  1. Take honey in your palms and warm it in them. Then, using rubbing movements, massage the desired area of ​​the body. Take your time, let the honey absorb into the skin a little
  2. When honey stops sliding easily over the skin, the time will come for the most effective, but not very pleasant. Press your hands tightly against your body, and then suddenly tear them off. In a similar way, you need to work out each problem area of ​​​​the body.
  3. As soon as the honey is absorbed a little and ceases to be sticky, while turning into a gray paste, change the massage technique. The next stage is stroking, smoothing movements and quick pats
  4. At the end, you need to lightly work the massaged areas with the edge of your palm.
  5. Next, you need to wash off what was previously called honey and perform a light self-massage with almond or olive oil. There is a rule: all oils are applied only to moisturized skin!
  6. Wrap yourself in a towel, make yourself green tea, which it is advisable to drink with raspberry jam or honey

All! As you can see, there is nothing extremely complicated. By performing these simple manipulations only 2 times a week, you will notice the result after just a few sessions.

After a course of such honey massages, the skin becomes soft and smooth, and is noticeably tightened. In addition to the cosmetic effect, metabolism and blood circulation improve.

Yes, I forgot to say. After the first sessions, there may be some slight bruising on your skin. There is no need to be afraid of this, they will pass very quickly!

What not to do during a honey massage - contraindications and restrictions

Even during such a seemingly harmless procedure, there are restrictions and contraindications. So, try to remember what is not allowed?

Honey should not be used:

  • to the groin area
  • breast
  • axillary area
  • area under the knees

Why can’t honey be applied to these areas? The point is that this is where it is located. a large number of lymph nodes


Before you start a honey massage, be sure to check if you have any contraindications. These include:

  • pregnancy
  • allergy to honey
  • skin irritation
  • tuberculosis
  • diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system
  • phlebeurysm
  • (hypertension).

ABOUT miraculous power honey has been known for a long time. Most of us use it as sweet, tasty and healthy treat. But the scope of its application, as is known, is not limited to this. Take cosmetology, for example. Women who care for their hands, face and body often use honey in homemade creams and masks, as part of cleansing scrubs and peels. But today we will talk about honey massage, its benefits, indications and contraindications, and how you can massage with honey at home.

The massage technique did not appear now, but came to us from ancient times. It is now extremely difficult to say exactly who and when first invented honey massage. This healing technique has long been used for cosmetic and medical purposes. Ancient Egypt, China and Tibet, India, sunny Greece.

From the “Tale of Bygone Years” by the chronicler Nestor, you can learn how our Slavic ancestors performed massage. Most often, this happened in the bathhouse, where the bath attendants, who were steamed and sore from the heat, gave a good “spanking” with a broom and rubbed their overworked muscles, dispersing the blood throughout the body. In harsh climates, such a massage was a unique way of hardening and strengthening the immune system.

And to treat bone pain and injuries, in addition to kneading muscles and rubbing joints, various fats, ointments, and potions made from roots and herbs were often used for rubbing. Not without honey and other beekeeping products, with healing properties which our ancestors were well acquainted with.

Skillful use of special massage techniques enhanced by impact beneficial properties honey, helped with many ailments and literally put a person back on his feet, restoring functions musculoskeletal system And normal work internal organs. And all this is due to the property of honey to penetrate deeply into the tissues of the body, saturate them with oxygen and better nourish them, improve blood circulation and blood supply to cells, relieve swelling, enhance metabolism and accelerate tissue regeneration.

Read also: How to properly do honey massage at home

Honey massage intensively cleanses the skin, so this procedure can be partially classified as active peeling. The skin becomes elastic, elastic and silky, subcutaneous compactions and fat capsules are smoothed out, and the appearance of cellulite is reduced. And all the harmful substances accumulated in the body, as a result of the deep penetration of honey into the tissues and its ability to absorb toxins, are brought to the surface of the body in the form of dirty grayish flakes.

Massage, by increasing blood flow, promotes better “breathing” of the skin. And honey, better than any other product, “nourishes the skin.” In any case, this was noted by ancient healers. Honey massage, affecting the skin and muscles, indirectly affects the improvement of the functioning of internal organs, helps with treatment, and corrects the figure. Experts say that after each such procedure, body volume is reduced by several centimeters. And this circumstance often attracts those who want to lose a little weight and gain good condition your skin.

This massage is recommended for the treatment of prolonged pneumonia, bronchitis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, with sleep disorders, neurasthenia and depressive states. After completing this course, you can forget about stress and fatigue for a while and strengthen your immune system. If you believe the healers of the Ancient East, then all diseases enter the body through the skin and also leave it. And honey massage is effective and at the same time very nice way improve your well-being and relax.

Technique for performing honey massage at home

Nothing stops us from going to the SPA salon and taking care of our health and appearance, for example, improve the condition of the skin by doing a massage with honey. But you can do it differently. A honey massage done at home will cost several times less, but the effect will be no less impressive. Naturally, if this procedure is performed correctly and preferably by a professional. However, anyone can master the technique of honey massage.

Before starting the procedure, you need to stretch and warm up with light massage movements the part of the body from which the massage will begin. Honey massage is performed with simple and uncomplicated movements. Apply a little honey to your palms and, lightly patting problem areas (buttocks, legs, thighs, stomach), leave it on the surface of the skin, gradually filling the pores and allowing it to be absorbed.

Read also: Honey facial massage for beauty and healthy skin

Then we press our palms to the area being massaged, as if trying to glue them to the skin, and periodically lift our hands from its surface with a sharp massage movement. All pressing and pulling actions must be done with a certain force and pressure on the surface of the body, especially on the buttocks and legs, gradually increasing the pace and intensity of hand movements.

The essence of a massage with honey comes down to the following: problem areas need to be thoroughly “spanked”, alternately gluing hands lubricated with honey to the skin, then sharply tearing them off. This method is often used for weight loss. If everything is done correctly, after a while a gray-whitish thick mass appears on the skin. Plaque on the hands and redness of the skin are criteria that the massage is being performed correctly.

The gruel accumulates on your hands and needs to be washed off your hands from time to time with warm water. After drying your hands, you can continue the procedure again. Part of the product is absorbed into the body, which after completing the massage should be wiped with a napkin (or waffle towel) soaked in warm water(or take a shower). Finally, the skin should be moisturized with cream.

If possible, after the massage you can drink a cup of green tea with honey to replenish the lack of fluid in the body, some of which may be lost during the intensive removal of toxins from the body during a honey massage.

For problem areas, massage is carried out for 15-20 minutes per separate area. If you do a honey massage of the whole body, it will take about an hour. If the client feels discomfort or excessive pain, you can reduce the effort and pace of massage movements or stop the massage completely.

To get a good result, you cannot limit yourself to a couple of procedures. A longer course of honey massage will be required - 5-7 sessions every other day (experts say that this is the schedule that allows you to achieve the desired effect). If massage sessions are carried out with a break of more than 3 days, the effectiveness of the massage is noticeably reduced.

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