Is it possible to get a sore throat again? — myLor. Treatment of recurrent sore throats

Treatment of sore throat in children is most often carried out at home. Hospitalization in infectious diseases department It is performed in case of severe general condition of the child (impaired consciousness, convulsions, etc.), as well as in necrotic and complicated forms of tonsillitis.

To treat a sore throat at home, you need the following components:

  • therapeutic regimen and nutrition;
  • antibiotics;
  • gargling with antiseptics;
  • symptomatic therapy;
  • during the recovery period - vitamin therapy.

Treatment regimen and child nutrition

The child must comply bed rest for at least 5 days from the onset of illness. The regime is gradually being expanded. This limitation is due to the fact that early activity of the patient can lead to the development of acute rheumatic fever with subsequent formation of heart disease.

In the child’s room, you need to do a wet cleaning every day and ventilate it (in the absence of the patient), and then wait for the air in it to warm up. It is better if the air is humidified using special devices or simply containers with water. The child must be in clean clothes and in a clean bed. It is better to limit contact with other family members, since sore throat can be infected by airborne droplets. The child should have his own dishes and towel at least during his illness.

The patient's diet should be sufficiently high in calories from carbohydrates and proteins. Fatty foods better to limit. Do not eat sweets, chocolate, canned food, salty or spicy foods. They cause an increase in sore throat.

If a child refuses to eat because of pain, you can skip meals and take additional measures to treat acute sore throat.

In the first days of the child’s illness, it is better to feed pureed food, jelly, and puree soup. The patient needs to drink more, especially with fever. Compote, rosehip decoction, fruit drinks from unsweetened berries, water with lemon are useful.


The drugs of choice are the so-called inhibitor-protected penicillins. It is known that many microbes have adapted to antibiotics by secreting a special enzyme - beta-lactamase. This enzyme inhibits the destructive effect of the antibiotic on the cell wall of the microbe. Therefore, special components began to be added to antibacterial drugs that block this enzyme - beta-lactamase inhibitors. The result was, in particular, inhibitor-protected penicillins. These include, for example, flemoklav, augmentin, ampicillin/sulbactam.

If necessary intramuscular injection Antibiotics can treat a sore throat with cephalosporins. In addition, macrolides of the latest generations (clacid, sumamed) can be prescribed for the treatment of angina in children.

The course of antibiotics is 10 days (for azithromycin - 5 days). Even despite the normalization of temperature and improvement in general condition, this course must be completed completely. Cessation of treatment leads to the formation of a focus of chronic infection in the tonsils - a source of repeated sore throats. In addition, untreated tonsillitis in children can be complicated by acute rheumatic fever or nephritis (inflammation of the kidneys).

Gargling for a sore throat

Gargling is done several times a day using a warm solution. The purpose of this procedure is to cleanse the tonsils of pus, relieve pain, have an anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect.

Can be used for rinsing in children saline solution with the addition of soda, furatsilin solution. Chlorhexidine and dioxidine are used in children to a limited extent, since they can cause a toxic effect if swallowed.

It is useful to treat the throat by gargling with a decoction of chamomile, calendula, and coltsfoot.

After gargling, you can use various aerosols with an antiseptic effect (cametone, inhalipt and others), taking into account age restrictions.

Symptomatic therapy

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, in particular ibuprofen, are used in the treatment of sore throats. In addition, paracetamol is often prescribed for fever. These medications reduce pain, relieve inflammation, eliminate fever and related symptoms (headache, muscle pain). There is no need to abuse these drugs, as they sometimes cause serious side effects.

Additionally, the doctor may prescribe antihistamines to suppress allergization of the body, for example, suprastin, claritin and others.

Taking into account age restrictions In children, lozenges with an antiseptic effect can be used. They have a moderate disinfecting effect and also relieve sore throat. Therefore, you can try to give them to a child if he refuses to eat due to pain.

Any warming procedures and steam inhalations Contraindicated for angina.

During the recovery period, multivitamins are prescribed.

There is an opinion that recurring mias can only be dealt with through surgery. How true is it?

Consults the candidate medical sciences, chief physician medical center"Guta Clinic" in Moscow, otorhinolaryngologist-surgeon Oleg Aleksandrovich Merkulov.

– Is surgery really the only cure for sore throats?

– I would not say so unequivocally. Because in some cases surgery is necessary measure, which solves the problem once and for all. In others, it is only one of the possible ones, since there are many simpler and gentler methods.

The last statement refers to a mild, or compensated, form of chronic a. With it, the structure of the palatine tonsils changes, local immunity is partially disrupted, but this form of the disease does not cause any special problems. Although sometimes you may experience discomfort in your throat. Many people describe this condition as “something that hurts or makes it difficult to swallow.” Another nuance is that colds and other viral diseases are more common.

In this situation, conservative treatment methods help well. There are a lot of them now: various washes, rinses, medications, physiotherapy. Your doctor will determine which one is right for you.

– All reflexology methods, and manual treatment including, based on the fact that the human body is something single and integral. And the impact on one organ necessarily affects others. It is believed that certain manipulations on the spine can improve the condition of the entire respiratory system. And, of course, the functions of the palatine tonsils.

This point of view has a right to exist, but only as one of alternative options treatment. He can be considered as additional method, but by no means the main one. Still, the palm in the fight against cancer remains with conservative and operational approaches.

– In what cases is surgery preferred?

It promotes the development of dermatoses and worsens the course of existing diseases, in particular a. Very often, especially in women, it leads to serious damage to the joints: dermatomyositis, systemic lupus erythematosus. Chronic can provoke eye diseases. For example, something known to everyone often arises thanks to him.

Sometimes neuroendocrine disorders occur against its background: weight loss, problems with appetite, thirst, decreased sexual potency. You can continue for quite a long time, the essence remains the same. Chronic – serious problem which requires a solution.

The most correct thing in this case is to have an operation. Tonsillectomy, or removal of the tonsils, helps get rid of the source of infection and radically change the situation.

But in fairness, it must be said that the operation is justified only when it is carried out strictly according to indications.

- What does it mean?

– As a rule, it is possible to determine the complex form of chronic disease at the first glance at sore throat. But the decision to operate must be made on the basis comprehensive research. It includes consultation, visual inspection doctor and a number laboratory tests. This is a general blood test, an analysis for the presence of antistreptolysin O, a study rheumatoid factor blood and C-reactive protein.

If all visible to the eye the changes are confirmed by the data of the tests performed, which means there are indications for surgery. If the tests do not reveal any pathology,

This means you can be content with conservative methods.

You need to be especially careful when diagnosing and deciding on surgery with children. They have tonsils have a slightly enlarged, modified shape, and this is quite normal. Therefore, you can be deceived and make the wrong diagnosis.

And surgery in childhood is generally undesirable. Since the palatine tonsils are very important immunoprotective organs. And it is not recommended to remove them at this age, so as not to expose the immune system to unnecessary stress.

– But what about the widespread opinion that if a child is often sick, then in childhood he needs to have his tonsils removed?

– The situation with adenoids is completely special. In some cases, cutting them out is simply necessary, but that's a separate conversation.

With the tonsils, or, scientifically, the palatine tonsils, everything is different. If earlier they really advised to get rid of them, now views on this problem have changed. Children can undergo surgery only after puberty, for girls it is 12–16 years old, for boys it is 14–18. And, of course, as in the case of adults, only according to indications.

– There is an opinion that if a person has chronic and, then it is better to have surgery. Regardless of what form the disease takes?

– There is indeed data to support this opinion. It has been proven that chronic tics can provoke the appearance cross allergies or aggravate an existing disease. This happens because an infection constantly lives in the body, which at some point begins to negatively affect the immune system. He is already constantly under tension, and now there is an additional burden. It can’t stand it and fails – the asthma worsens or a new allergic reaction appears.

But surgery is not necessary here. If chronic mild, then it’s enough just to keep the situation under control. Get tested regularly and undergo seasonal preventive treatment courses. The operation in this case is considered as a possible, but not necessary measure. It can be carried out with a view to the future, so that there are no exacerbations in the future.

The algorithm of action is simple - if such a problem exists, it must be solved without delay.

– And if you still have to have an operation, what should you know about it?

– It is carried out in the postmenstrual period; it is not advisable to do it before and during menstrual periods. The operation itself lasts 3–40 minutes and is performed under general anesthesia. After it, you need to spend 2-3 days in a hospital.

Painful sensations persist for another three days; by the 4th–5th day the condition improves.

– Are there any contraindications? I read that surgery cannot be performed in acute cases. renal failure, severe forms a.

– There are no direct contraindications, there are only general rules. As with any other surgical treatment, it is undesirable to perform the operation during an exacerbation of the disease. First you need to normalize the condition, achieve a stable situation, and then perform the operation. This applies to all chronic diseases, including kidney failure and...

The situation is the same with infectious diseases - acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, etc. Even a trivial one is a good reason to postpone treatment.

There is no point in taking risks if a woman is carrying a child. Either perform the operation before pregnancy or after the breastfeeding period ends.

– How should you behave after the operation? Are any examinations or lifestyle restrictions required?

– After some time – when exactly, the doctor will prescribe – you need to conduct a follow-up examination. But this is a purely formal measure,

because after the operation all problems disappear and never return. And, as practice shows, people simply forget the way to the doctor.


Our life gives us a fast rhythm: we run, try to do everything, but sometimes we don’t notice something important. As a rule, we remember about our health at the last moment, when we start coughing and wrap ourselves in a warm blanket in the evenings. A cold that creeps up unnoticed unsettles you and ruins all your plans.

This is due to weakened immunity - the body becomes vulnerable to various types of bacteria and microbes. To enhance immunity and maintain it in “ in great shape“There are specially developed drugs - immunomodulators.

If antibiotics destroy not only pathogenic, but also beneficial bacteria in our body, the newest immunomodulators act differently. They stimulate the production of their own interferons, and the body itself begins to actively fight the disease. The hated cold recedes, and you begin to “feel like a person.” It is important that the use of these drugs significantly reduces the risk of possible complications. Modern immunomodulators do not cause side effects, have no contraindications for use and can be combined with any medications.

With their help, you can not only cure, but also prevent the disease. For this purpose, they need to be taken only once a day during periods of epidemics or simply in slushy, “cold” weather, when the body is very susceptible to infection.

The unprotected body of a child is especially susceptible to all kinds of viruses. It is known that by mid-autumn a weakening of the immune system occurs - and the child “does not get out” of the disease until spring: they have just managed to cure it, and the child has already “dragged” ARVI from school. The illness knocks the child out of his usual schedule of classes, and parents are forced to take a long work leave, while it’s “busy time” at work.

This is due to a persistent infection, which causes a sore throat; getting rid of it is not so easy. Moreover, if it has led to enlargement of the tonsils and appears again at the slightest hypothermia. Today we will understand the types of sore throat and decide what needs to be done with people who constantly suffer from sore throat and cannot cope with this scourge. We will also look into traditional methods of treatment that can help cope with the disease quickly enough and alleviate general state sick.

Causes of the disease and its symptoms

Sore throat as an independent disease was identified in adults quite a long time ago, back in antiquity. Today, the description of the disease and its nature has changed somewhat and this disease is understood as acute infection, which is associated with a bunch of unpleasant symptoms:

  • A sore throat.
  • Soreness.
  • Difficulty swallowing.
  • Plaque on the walls of the throat.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes and tonsils.
  • Fever.
  • General malaise.

The complications caused can be related to the throat, ear and nose, as well as to the heart, kidneys, and liver. That is why doctors so zealously draw the attention of adults to the fact that the first thing to do if you find yourself with a sore throat is to go to the hospital.

The most common causative agent of sore throat is streptococcus; it is almost always present in 9 out of 10 cases of infectious sore throat. The remaining one case involves a less commonly encountered staphylococcus. Even less often, but it still happens, a symbiosis of these two diseases occurs. The source for the future patient may be a carrier of infection. Moreover, he himself may not even know that he is infecting other people. Often, even when it is identified, a person can say: “I’m not sick, I have nothing to do with it.” However, he should be excluded from the team until the infection completely disappears from his body.

Infection among adults usually occurs through airborne droplets; you can become infected simply in transport or on the street by standing next to the wrong person. Therefore, you should always pay attention to who you are with and take the recommended precautions. It is also important to understand that the perception of infection varies from person to person: strong immunity may not get sick, but a weak person or a child has every chance of becoming infected. Infectivity is also affected by a host of other factors, such as hypothermia, overwork and others. The first place a sore throat tends to go is the tonsils. They perform the function of local protection, overcoming the disease can manage in the throat completely. Therefore, you should always focus on your immunity, drink vitamins and eat foods rich in them. This is especially true for those adults who worry about their bodies and feel unprotected. Depending on the nature of the disease, several types are distinguished:

Catarrhal tonsillitis is characterized by the fact that inflammation settles on the mucous membranes of the throat located next to the tonsils or directly on them. Follicular tonsillitis looks like a specific suppuration on the tonsils and the formation of those same follicles. Lacunar tonsillitis is a complex of the previous two: here inflammatory process covers a large area, involves the tonsils themselves, and suppuration occurs deeper, in the lacunae of the tonsils. Very severe cases necrosis occurs and there is nothing to do about it. Certain tissues in the tonsil area begin to be rejected and simply fall off, and then in their place a defective cavity with uneven edges forms.

Recurrent sore throat

Now it's time to talk about such a thing as repeated tonsillitis. Most often, after a person has suffered for several months on his own, he decides to go to the doctor and say: “I have been sick for several months, what should I do?” Such a question in medical practice occurs quite often, and in order not to ask it, it is enough to immediately go to the hospital and be treated correctly. But, if time has already been lost, then nothing can be done, you need to figure out what to do in this case.

Frequent sore throats can manifest themselves quite widely. They become chronic due to an infection called tonsillitis. In adults, constant sore throats are evidence that natural immunity is in a deplorable state and the body is in danger and something needs to be done about it. Often the body still tries to resist, specific protective inflammatory processes arise, but more often than not they are really not enough, and sore throat develops into a chronic form.

When chronic tonsillitis is detected in adults, it is necessary to act based on specific cases and characteristics. The doctor usually pays attention to the following factors before starting to do anything:

  • The time of the first sore throat and the time of the last relapse.
  • Patient's age.
  • Various accompanying illnesses of such kind.
  • The nature of the relapse.

Today, streptococcus bears a large degree of blame for recurrent sore throats. It provokes chronic tonsillitis, which is extremely difficult to cope with later. Statistics say that about 50% of all relapses of sore throat in people occur precisely because of this dangerous infection. Usually doctors in common illnesses make a diagnosis based only on their personal clinical experience. At the same time, a high-quality anamnesis is not always carried out and all information is collected. For such doctors, a patient who says “I’m sick” is simply an object that needs to be cured somehow, just as quickly as possible. As a rule, it is prescribed antiviral therapy, which would help in the case of ordinary sore throat, in its first version. But frequent sore throats can be treated differently. Here the doctor needs to decide what is appropriate to do and what is not.

Incorrect treatment can lead to a worsening of the condition or significantly slow it down. Strong antibiotics of the wrong category can significantly reduce the natural ability of the mucous membrane to protect itself, thereby the body will stop locally producing bactericin, a natural antibiotic with which the body itself copes with infection.

Therefore, the prescription of antibiotics must be very scrupulous and take into account the unique flora of the organism that needs treatment. In order not to make a mistake, the doctor is obliged to refer the patient for a bacteriological culture, which can identify the antibiotic to which the infection has no immunity and which will not harm the microflora of the throat. If a doctor prescribes you medications at his own discretion, without tests, then you should think about his competence. For recurrent sore throat, the main active ingredient of the drugs should be cephalosporins, antibiotic substances more natural to the body. But penicillins should be excluded, since they can be harmful oral cavity and destroy the protective function local immunity. This is precisely why the harmful irrational use of strong drugs is dangerous.

In case of recurrent sore throat, it is also important to take antiseptic action on the negative flora of the throat. With the help of various gargles, you can clean all, even the narrowest, nooks and crannies of the throat. So, furatsilin or a solution of potassium permanganate can help to quickly cope with the infection, as they will rinse out all the suppuration and deposits both on the tonsils and in the form of plaque on the walls of the throat. Also, rinsing can reduce the pain of a sore throat. A sore throat appears due to an inflammatory process that greatly irritates the epithelium. Herbal decoctions with a calming effect can calm down the inflammation a little and the pain will subside. Even in the short term, the effect is enough to have a more or less normal snack.

In any case, only a good doctor can cure a sore throat that haunts you and constantly returns; you won’t be able to achieve this on your own.

Antiviral drugs - inexpensive and effective means (list of the best)

Streptococcal sore throat: the essence of the disease and its treatment

What herbs help with sore throat?

I cannot treat a sore throat without rinsing. I definitely brew chamomile for these purposes. Plus, Tonsilotren lozenges are a must. With their help, sore throat is easier. quickly the sore throat goes away, inflammation and redness. This therapy helps me.

I have had problems with my throat for as long as I can remember. I had a sore throat several times. A good ENT specialist recommended taking Tonsilotren as a preventive measure in the autumn-winter period. This is the second year I have followed his advice. I can say with confidence that such prevention is beneficial. My throat never hurt!

Why a sore throat does not go away, determine the cause

Sore throat is considered to be an infectious disease, because it is caused by various viruses and bacteria. On average, the duration of the disease is from five to ten days, depending on the form of its manifestation. But what to do when a sore throat does not go away?

Sore throat and lymph nodes

Sore throat is an independent disease. And it is characterized by several symptoms.

  • Strong painful sensations in the throat. At the same time, they intensify during conversation and swallowing food.
  • Redness of the tonsils and nearby tissues.
  • The appearance of pustules and plaque.
  • A sharp rise in temperature to forty degrees.
  • Deterioration of general condition.
  • The occurrence of weakness and body aches.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes and their pain.

When a sore throat occurs, inflammation of the lymph nodes is inevitable. When germs enter the oral cavity, they immediately settle on the tonsils. But further development of the process depends on immune function. If it is weakened, then the inflammatory process begins to spread to the nearest The lymph nodes. They are located directly next to the pharynx under the lower jaw.

Lymph nodes with angina are greatly enlarged in size, and when they are palpated, severe pain is felt.

Elimination of inflammation of the lymph nodes with angina

With a sore throat, first one lymph node begins to become inflamed, and then the infection spreads to the other side. To reduce inflammation of the lymph nodes, it is necessary to eliminate the infection. Therefore, treatment includes several important recommendations.

  1. Determination of the form of sore throat. There are several types of it: bacterial, viral and fungal. If tonsillitis is bacterial in nature, then the patient must take antibiotics wide range actions. The duration of treatment is from five to ten days. For viral sore throat it is recommended to use antivirals. They need to be taken for up to seven days. If the sore throat has a fungal form, then antifungal medications will help cure the disease. Whatever form of tonsillitis occurs, you need to see a doctor. Self-medication can become life-threatening for the patient.
  2. Elimination of symptoms. To relieve pain in the throat, swelling of the tonsils and lymph nodes, it is necessary to carry out local therapy. It includes:

Gargling six to ten times a day. For the procedure, solutions of furatsilin, soda and salt, and herbal decoctions are used.

the use of absorbable tablets that have antiseptic properties. These include Faringosept, Lizobakt, Grammidin.

throat irrigation antiseptics in the form of Miramistin, Hexoral, Tantum Verde.

If the patient experiences an increase in temperature, chills, fever and headaches, then painkillers and antipyretics should be taken. These include Paracetamol, Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Ibuklin.

  • Compliance with the regime. To avoid adverse consequences and recover quickly, you must adhere to a special regime. It includes:

    bed rest for five days;

    use large quantity liquids;

    balanced diet rich in vitamins;

    eating soft foods that do not irritate the throat.

  • Warming up the lymph nodes during a sore throat and touching them is strictly prohibited. acute period diseases. This method of treatment will be not only ineffective, but also dangerous. When warming up, blood circulation improves, as a result of which the infection can enter the blood and spread throughout the body.

    Why does a sore throat not go away for a long time?

    Many patients complain about why a sore throat does not go away. This process can be influenced by several reasons. They include.

    • Pathogen immunity to antibiotics. This situation often observed when taking drugs that belong to the penicillin group. The patient may feel worsening.
    • Incorrect diagnosis. Very often, a sore throat is mistaken for chronic tonsillitis. The disease can also be confused in form. If antibiotic treatment was carried out for fungal or viral sore throat, then they will be useless.
    • Violation of antibiotic use. Many patients, when improvements occur, stop taking the antibiotic on the second or third day. This process leads to bacterial resistance and greater proliferation. Then, against the background of this, the patient develops a recurrent sore throat. Complications may occur.
    • Failure to follow doctor's recommendations. The treatment process includes not only taking antibiotics, but also local treatment of the throat. If the patient neglects the recommendations, the improvements will not be noticeable.

    It is worth noting that if treatment is ineffective, then the patient:

    • the temperature will not subside;
    • painful sensations in the throat will not disappear;
    • the lymph nodes will be greatly enlarged;
    • the condition will noticeably worsen.

    Incorrect diagnosis and treatment of the disease

    If a sore throat does not go away after antibiotics and an increase in symptoms is observed, then you need to visit a doctor and be examined again.

    Patients often confuse chronic tonsillitis with tonsillitis. If repeated relapses occur after a sore throat, this indicates chronic course diseases. In terms of symptoms, these two diseases are similar, but chronic tonsillitis is much milder, and the symptoms are not so pronounced. It is worth noting that when chronic form the throat is not so red, and the lymph nodes do not increase in size much.

    When treated with antibiotics, it occurs fast recovery, but chronic tonsillitis requires additional treatment.

    • Strengthening immune function with vitamin complexes or immunostimulants.
    • Washing the lacunae of the tonsils. In this case, the procedure is recommended to be carried out even after recovery in order to avoid relapses.
    • Elimination of those causes that cause exacerbation of the disease.

    The question then arises, why does an error occur during diagnosis? There are three main reasons.

    1. Similarity of symptoms of chronic and acute course of the disease.
    2. Insufficient information from the patient about accompanying symptoms.
    3. The doctor’s reluctance to understand the problem more globally.

    It also happens that a person diagnoses himself and prescribes antibiotics. And he does it in vain. Self-treatment leads to complications. Against the background of a sore throat, not only chronic tonsillitis can appear, but also heart and kidney defects.

    If the patient stops taking antibiotics on the third day, then there is no point in taking them again. Then you need to visit a specialist again and take an oral swab to test for the pathogen and its resistance to antibiotics. After the examination, the doctor will prescribe another drug. The main recommendation is to take the medicine for at least seven days. Antibiotics must be used according to instructions.

    Also, the duration of a sore throat depends on compliance with the regimen. Patients believe that once the temperature returns to normal, they can go to work or go outside. But doing this is strictly prohibited. Any improvement may be replaced by a worsening of the condition. The same can be said about drinking liquid. It should be drunk not only during high temperatures, but throughout recovery period. At a temperature, water helps prevent dehydration, and during rehabilitation, remove all harmful substances and microbes from the body.

    Necessary prevention of sore throat

    Once the patient has recovered, several important rules must be followed to avoid relapses.

    1. Compliance hygiene measures. It is necessary to constantly wash your hands and face with soap. If a person often suffers from a sore throat, then it is worth purchasing a special antibacterial agent.
    2. Avoid contact with infected people. Sore throat has two main modes of transmission:

    airborne droplets during talking, coughing and sneezing;

    contact and household through toys, dishes, clothes and even touch.

  • Strengthening immune function. Regardless of the patient’s age, hardening procedures must be carried out. This may include cold and hot shower, walking barefoot on wet rugs, wiping. In the summer, doctors recommend walking barefoot on grass, sand and stones.

    Also, medications containing vitamins and minerals influence the strengthening of function. They need to be taken in courses, taking a break in the summer.

  • Maintaining healthy image life. Adults should give up such a bad habit as smoking. You also need to engage in active recreation and sports.
  • Balanced diet. It is worth giving up fast foods and semi-finished products. This food is considered harmful. Preference should be given to cereals, vegetables, fruits, dairy and fermented milk products, as well as fish and meat.
  • Daily walks outside.
  • There is no need to treat a sore throat on your own. The treatment process must take place under the strict supervision of a doctor.

    Why does a sore throat not go away after antibiotics and what should the patient do?

    Sore throat after antibiotics occurs again (or does not go away at all) in several cases:

    1. The causative agent of the disease is resistant to the antibiotic. This is a normal situation when taking drugs of the penicillin group, more rare for cephalosporins and macrolides. In this case, the sore throat does not go away after antibiotics at all, and the patient does not feel relief;
    2. The diagnosis was made incorrectly and an exacerbation was mistaken for a sore throat chronic tonsillitis. Sometimes patients even call tonsillitis itself with plugs in the tonsils a sore throat;
    3. Again, an error in diagnosing the disease and an attempt to treat fungal or viral tonsillitis or pharyngitis with antibiotics. Antibiotics do not act on fungi or viruses, and such a “sore throat” will not go away with their use;
    4. Violation of the rules for the use of antibiotics. For example, if the patient stopped taking them on the third day of treatment, when he felt better, a re-exacerbation of the disease or the development of chronic tonsillitis is likely. In this case, recurrent sore throat after antibiotics may develop after several weeks or months, only in rare cases- in a few days;
    5. Re-infection soon after treatment. A very rare, almost exceptional case.

    It is important to understand that if, with a sore throat, the temperature simply does not subside after antibiotics, but the patient’s general condition returns to normal, this is not a cause for concern. The temperature in many cases remains high not so much because of the activity of the pathogen, but because of the presence in the tissues and blood of a large number of bacterial cell residues and toxins. It is normal if the temperature during use effective antibiotics remains elevated for a week, but it should drop to subfebrile values ​​(37-38°C), and the general condition of the patient should normalize. If antibiotics do not help with a sore throat, the patient will not get better.

    A patient with tonsillitis has a normal body temperature 1-2 days after starting antibiotics.

    The patient feels a noticeable improvement in his condition after 2-3 days. You should not expect that a sore throat will go away within 3-4 hours after taking the medicine.

    In general, if all the rules of antibiotic therapy for angina are followed, situations should not arise when antibiotics do not help. These cases occur due to the fact that the doctor prescribes the drug without identifying the pathogen and its resistance to various drugs, or due to errors in diagnosis, or when the rules for taking the drug are violated.

    Staphylococcus is a bacterium that is very often resistant to many antibiotics, including penicillins.

    How to determine the specific reason why a sore throat does not go away after antibiotics or occurs again, and what to do in a particular case?

    Pathogen resistance to antibiotics

    In this case, both situations are possible:

    1. The disease does not go away after antibiotic therapy;
    2. The disease passes, but soon a re-exacerbation of tonsillitis develops. The primary or previous exacerbation ends, since this is normal for sore throat (it cannot be chronic), and the next one develops against the background of weakened immunity, random reinfection and other reasons.

    But in general, the insensitivity of the angina pathogen to the antibiotic is manifested precisely by the absence of any effect from taking the drug.

    Staphylococcus surrounded by metabolic products. Among them are enzymes that break down and deactivate penicillins.

    Note Most often, antibiotics of the penicillin group (pure amoxicillin, ampicillin, phenoxymethylpenicillin, penicillin and bicillin in injections) do not help with angina - up to 25% of cases in different countries, less often - cephalosporins (cefadroxil, cephalexin) - in about 8% of cases - or both of these groups simultaneously (about 5% of cases), and very rarely - macrolides (erythromycin, azithromycin, josamycin). There are no known cases of resistance to inhibitor-protected drugs (Augmentin, Amoxiclav, Sultamicillin), so if a sore throat is treated with them and the treatment does not have an effect, there is an error in diagnosis or a violation of the rules for taking the drug.

    Reasons for pathogen resistance to antibiotics:

    1. The initial resistance of the strain of bacteria that infected the patient;
    2. Violation of antibiotic therapy rules: local use systemic drugs(for example, putting antibiotics in the nose for a runny nose, gargling with them);
    3. The use of medications with which this patient’s sore throat has already been treated before and the treatment did not produce results.

    The last case, by the way, is a flagrant violation of the rules of antibiotic therapy, which doctors sometimes allow. There are known situations when a doctor, in the old fashioned way, prescribes penicillin injections to a patient with a sore throat, not paying attention to the fact that the same patient’s disease has already been treated several times with such injections, which in a particular case do not help.

    First of all, by the absence of changes in the patient’s condition, sometimes by its deterioration. IN medical practice It is generally accepted that if no noticeable changes occur within 48 hours after the start of use, the antibiotic should be changed or the diagnosis should be rechecked.

    Benzylpenicillin sodium salt is an outdated antibiotic, which is ineffective in every fourth case.

    What should the patient do?

    Visit a doctor. If he doesn’t change the antibiotic, doesn’t take a throat swab for analysis to determine the sensitivity of bacteria to drugs, but simply says that you need to wait - go to another doctor. After changing the drug and adjusting the treatment, the patient must strictly adhere to the doctor’s instructions for taking the drug.

    Error in diagnosis and treatment of chronic tonsillitis

    This situation is characterized by repeated exacerbations of the disease after antibiotic therapy. Symptomatically and clinically, they resemble sore throats, but a specialist can distinguish them by individual signs. Exacerbations of chronic tonsillitis are usually milder and faster sore throat, and therefore, regardless of antibacterial therapy, the patient quickly feels relief.

    Also, sometimes patients consider chronic tonsillitis itself to be a sore throat. In this case, a picture is also likely when antibiotics have no effect on the course of the disease and on appearance tonsils

    Typical appearance of tonsils in chronic tonsillitis. The stones are clearly visible.

    It is important to understand that chronic tonsillitis can also be treated with antibiotics. But in addition, it is important to wash the lacunae of the tonsils, strengthen the immune system, and eliminate factors that contribute to the exacerbation of the disease.

    Washing tonsil lacunae in the clinic

    Causes of diagnostic errors:

    1. The similarity of the manifestations of exacerbation of tonsillitis and tonsillitis;
    2. The patient’s refusal to tell the doctor his medical history, or the doctor’s reluctance to deal with this issue.

    As a rule, if repeated sore throat after antibiotic therapy occurs constantly and at short intervals - a week, two weeks, a month - we are talking about chronic tonsillitis. Normally, this disease does not occur more often than once a year. In addition, if a patient constantly has yellow plugs on his tonsils (which are often confused with festering follicles in follicular tonsillitis), and the tonsils themselves are always enlarged, this also indicates a chronic disease.

    Plugs in the tonsils that turn into hard formations.

    What should the patient do?

    If the treatment of chronic tonsillitis with an antibiotic was prescribed by a doctor who confused the disease with a sore throat, you should find another doctor. Otherwise, there is a risk of treating the disease for several years, and in the end you will still have to undergo surgery and lose your tonsils. Such cases do occur.

    If the patient himself diagnosed himself with a “sore throat” and decided to take antibiotics for it, stop playing doctor and turn to a good specialist. Otherwise, you can not only lose your tonsils, but also develop severe heart defects and chronic kidney disease.

    Antibiotic treatment of viral and fungal diseases

    This is one of the most common reasons why antibiotics do not help with sore throat. Many patients at home diagnose themselves with the disease and believe that if their throat hurts and their temperature rises, it is a sore throat and it needs to be treated with antibiotics. However, in many cases similar symptoms Viral tonsillitis and pharyngitis manifest themselves, for which antibiotics will not work.

    Throat affected by Coxsackie virus

    Also, many patients look into the throat, see white spots in the throat and decide that this is for sure purulent sore throat, although we may be talking about fungal pharyngitis here. Antibiotics will not only not help with this, but may even worsen the situation.

    In many cases, only a doctor can distinguish viral and fungal diseases of the throat from a sore throat. Moreover, sometimes it is difficult even for a specialist to differentiate by external signs, for example, catarrhal tonsillitis from viral pharyngitis, or tonsillomycosis from lacunar tonsillitis. IN general case distinctive features here are:

    1. Runny nose - it does not develop with a sore throat; with a viral disease it is normal. But there are exceptions;
    2. Spread of white spots beyond the tonsils - onto the palate, palatine arches, base of the tongue. In this case, we are talking specifically about a fungal infection of the pharynx, since with angina, pus is localized only on the tonsils.

    In addition, if a sore throat does not go away after antibiotics such as Augmentin, Amoxiclav, Flemoklav Solutab, erythromycin or azithromycin (not to mention expensive drugs last generation- Vilprafen, Timentin), we are talking about a viral or fungal disease. These antibacterial drugs for sore throat almost always work.

    A fungus of the genus Candida, which only flourishes when taking antibiotics.

    What should the patient do?

    Stop self-diagnosis and self-medication and consult a doctor. If the disease is viral, symptomatic treatment is prescribed; if it is fungal, it is taken antifungal agents. If a doctor prescribed an antibiotic, after two days of unsuccessful use of antibiotics, he must clarify the diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment. If this does not happen, you should see another doctor.

    Incorrect use of antibiotics

    In many cases, gross violations of the rules of antibiotic therapy are also the cause of repeated exacerbations or the fact that a sore throat does not go away after antibiotics at all. For example:

    • Stop taking antibiotics earlier than prescribed by your doctor. The minimum treatment period is 7 days, normal is 10-15. Azithromycin alone can be taken for 5 days, and sometimes for 3 days, but in the latter case the incidence of repeated exacerbations of the disease is high;
    • Replacement of systemic antibiotics with local ones. Some patients believe that if they suck on lozenges or tablets with antibiotics during a sore throat, the result will be similar to taking these drugs systemically. In fact, when dissolving tablets or gargling with antibiotics, there is no effect on the infection, and the disease will definitely not go away with such treatment;
    • Irregular use of antibiotics, or taking them in violation of instructions. For example, azithromycin, when taken simultaneously with food, is absorbed into the blood much worse and may not have an effect on the disease; bicillins should only be administered intramuscularly. Due to ignorance of these features, medications may not work as they should.

    This situation is most typical for adult patients who are not properly treated, but buy an antibiotic as directed by a doctor and drink it when they accidentally remember it.

    Just from memory. If the patient does not remember the last time he took the drug, in what quantity, and what the doctor said about taking it, most likely there were violations of the rules of administration.

    A container that reminds the owner of the time to take the pill.

    What should the patient do?

    Take the drug according to the instructions. If the situation does not improve, or the disease recurs, you need to go to the doctor for re-diagnosis (perhaps we are already talking about chronic tonsillitis) and adjustment of treatment.

    Re-infection with sore throat

    This situation is almost hypothetical. After successful treatment of a sore throat, the body retains a fairly strong immunity, the number of immune system cells in the tonsils and antibodies in the blood remains high for a long time, and repeated exposure of the pathogen to the tonsils will not cause disease. In addition, the causative agent of sore throat itself needs to be picked up somewhere else. Exceptions are situations when the patient has an immunodeficiency, or constantly works with patients (for example, doctors, internship students).

    Macrophages are cells of the immune system that specifically hunt and eat bacteria.

    This situation is quite typical: after taking antibiotics, the sore throat quickly ended, the patient recovered, and he had no signs of chronic tonsillitis. After some time, a typical sore throat developed. Again, this is what we are talking about here, and not about viral infections of the throat - they can develop after a successfully treated sore throat.

    What should the patient do?

    Treat sore throat again. Be sure to consult a doctor, since repeated use of antibiotics can provoke the development of fungal disease. And in general, this situation is non-standard and the doctor must make sure that the recurrent illness is a sore throat.

    Any problems in the treatment of sore throat should be addressed to a specialist.

    • Repeated sore throat after antibiotics, or simply a lack of effect from the use of these drugs, is a consequence of violation of the rules of antibiotic therapy;
    • Only a doctor can determine why antibiotics do not help completely get rid of the disease;
    • If a sore throat does not go away after antibiotics, this is a signal that everything possible must be done to cure the disease. In this case, the patient must see a doctor. Otherwise, the disease may become chronic or complications may develop.

    Read further:

    Flemoxin does not help with sore throat in two cases: Sore throat is caused by a pathogen resistant to amoxicillin - active substance Flemoxin. .

    On the 9th day of purulent tonsillitis, pus should not be present on the tonsils. Normally, the ulcers disappear already on the 4-5th day of illness, and the sore throat itself goes away.

    A rash after taking antibiotics for a sore throat is not a common occurrence, but it is not exceptionally rare either. If you or your child have a rash after a sore throat and a.

    Hello, I have a sore throat, I took 5 injections of ampicillin, a million each, it seemed to go away, but after 5 days it happened again, but another tonsil became inflamed and festered. I drank ampicillin for 4 days and the amosin pus receded, but now it has returned. They told me I didn’t complete the treatment and the pills I took didn’t seem to be too strong. And it’s also inflamed and seems like it will fester back. Tell me, maybe I should take ampicillin for 10 days to finish healing everything for sure

    Hello. Whether ampicillin will help you specifically can only be said based on the results of a bacteriological study. Chances are that if you haven't completed your previous treatment, this antibiotic won't really help. You need to go to the hospital to see an ENT specialist for an appropriate test.

    I'm in no hurry to take an antibiotic. If you have a sore throat initial stage It’s enough for me to take Tonsilotren for the goal. At the first symptoms of a sore throat, it helps well in the fall. I became convinced of this when I was treating my throat.

    Good afternoon. I had a purulent sore throat. The doctor prescribed an antibiotic. I injected Ampicillin for 7 days. After 4 days, I again had pus on my tonsils. I called the doctor. She advised Azithromycin. I took 3 tablets. 3 days have passed and I have a sore throat again .And it seems like something is wrong with my throat again. What should I do? I don’t have much time to go to the doctors. I just got a job.

    Hello. After two strong antibiotics you may well develop fungal infection throat. It is unlikely that the causative agent of your sore throat is resistant to antibiotics of two completely different classes, although this is theoretically possible. You need to take a throat swab for microflora analysis. Based on its results, the doctor will be able to say for sure, firstly, whether you have completed treatment for your sore throat, secondly, what kind of problem you have now, and thirdly, what you need to treat now.

    Hello, upon examination my daughter was told she has a sore throat and was prescribed treatment with Desefin, Ibufen, Lugol, and Streptricide. The temperature has been falling and rising for more than two weeks. I don’t want to go to the doctor, they don’t really know

    Hello. You need to find good doctor. Otherwise the problem cannot be solved. The doctor must refer the child for testing necessary tests, accurately diagnose the diagnosis and, most importantly, explain how this or that remedy that he prescribes works.

    Hello! A diagnosis of sore throat, white plaque on the tonsils, inflamed cervical lymph nodes, an 18-year-old child was made, Flemoxin Solutab was prescribed (drank for 2 days), after examination by an ENT specialist - Flemoklav Solutab, temperature for the first 2 days up to 39, in the subsequent days.3. There are no visible improvements. Constant nausea. What to do? What tests should I take to determine an accurate diagnosis or resistance to the penicillin group? Is it possible to change the antibiotic? On what day should improvement occur?

    To determine the resistance of the pathogen, you need to take a test bacterial analysis throat swab. According to the treatment protocol, if no improvement is observed within 3 days after starting antibiotics, the drug is changed. But only a doctor can change the antibiotic in order to choose a safe one. Moreover, in your situation, this can be done only after receiving the culture results.

    Good afternoon. A child is 2.9 years old, diagnosed with tonsillitis for the second time in a month and a half and treated with amoxiclav, I have a question about taking amoxiclav according to the regimen of 250 mg 4 times a day, on the third day the tonsils increased even more, accompanied by a runny nose and sputum coming out, which means amoxiclav does not help ? There is no temperature, the doctor suggested that last time we did not complete the treatment of tonsillitis and prescribed Amoxil again. He also gave instructions on taking a throat smear for staphyloc and bl, taking it on the 3rd day of taking antib, is there any reason to take a smear now?

    Hello. A runny nose and repeated tonsillitis are indications of a viral infection. Amoxiclav cannot be used with it. It makes sense to take a smear and consult another doctor with its results (and even before receiving them).

    Hello, I have lacunar tonsillitis It was purulent, I was in the hospital with Ceftriaxone intravenously, and I received Azithromycin for 5 days. I have thrombocytopenic purpura and am 9 weeks pregnant. Therefore, I refused penicillin intramuscularly. Now a week has passed, 2 spots of pustules have appeared, sore throat, dryness. I rinse with furatsilin and don’t know what to do...

    Hello. You know, anything is possible. Perhaps the process has begun to become chronic, perhaps fungal infection joined. You need to get tested and have the disease diagnosed by a doctor. The doctor will tell you whether you can have penicillin injections.

    Hello, I fell ill with a sore throat, the doctor prescribed flemoklab.solutab on the second day after taking it, the condition worsened, ulcers appeared on the tonsils, went to the doctor, she said to continue taking an antibiotic, can flemoklub Solutab provoke fungal sore throat I’m still being treated for more than a month; the doctor didn’t send me for a throat smear on time, but now the whole clinic is telling me that after taking so many medications and antibiotics, the smear won’t show you anything, and I don’t even know what to do anymore; the temperature stays at 37.37.2

    Hello. Flemoklav can provoke fungal tonsillitis. There is no point in taking antibiotics for more than a month; a standard sore throat does not last that long. Consult a doctor from another clinic; perhaps you really need to take a smear and examine the microflora.

    Hello, the gynecologist prescribed Unidox, on the sixth day I got a sore throat and appeared white coating on the tonsils, could this be a sore throat?

    Hello. In your case, it could be either a sore throat or fungal pharyngitis. What exactly you have can only be said by a doctor who directly examines your throat.

    Hello. I had a sore throat and the temperature rose to 38 degrees in the morning, it seemed to have returned to normal, but the weakness and sweating remained, I went the next day because white specks appeared on the megdalina, to the ENT, the ENT specialist sent me to an infectious disease specialist, prescribed the antibiotic amsef, loprax tablets, rinse with chamomile sage infusion ....for 5 days, immediately on the second day of taking it, the pain stopped, and on the third, the megdalinas became clear, 5 days passed, I thought that everything was cured, I just rinsed for two days, at night the temperature returned, I see white specks appearing again on the megdalinas, I go again and go to The doctor prescribes ciftriaxone injections for four days and rinse, ingalipt…. They pierced me at home for four days, my throat doesn’t hurt, but there are still little white specks on the megdalini, the food is again attributed to the tablets Tsedoksin, I took cephalexin, I’m taking it for the third day and I rinse with chlorophyllipt and soak the tablets and still there are 3-4 dots on the skin megdalini, and on the throat such red pukhirtsy on one there is a white mark, the megdalini are no longer swollen and not red, only there are red sores on them (a little) and a couple of specks, but it still somehow feels like a lump in the throat. By the way, they didn’t take a smear, the diagnosis is an exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis , although how could it become chronic if I had a sore throat three years ago, then I was treated for a week and a half because for the first days the doctor prescribed only a rinse, then an antibiotic, and everything got better! Today I’ve been undergoing treatment for two weeks already, doctor, please tell me what to do, what to do, I’m very afraid of complications that can jump to the heart, liver and kidneys! THANK YOU in advance!

    You have now been successfully treated with antibiotics and the likelihood of complications is low. Now it is difficult to say whether you really have chronic tonsillitis or not. This disease may more than a year do not make itself felt, and then manifest itself as an exacerbation, similar to a sore throat - like yours. It will be possible to accurately determine whether you have chronic tonsillitis in a week or two, when all the symptoms of exacerbation have ended. If plugs remain on the tonsils, and a smear shows the presence of infection, you will need to be additionally treated for chronic tonsillitis in order to avoid the development of exacerbations in the future.

    For now, get well and don’t be afraid: you and the doctors have already done everything that needed to be done.

    Or could it be that I have a herpetic sore throat? By the way, two days before the first symptoms, herpes appeared on my face, and during my school years the herpes on my lips was not a herpetic one! But such a sore throat cannot be cured with antibiotics!?

    Hello, in general, I have a big problem, in general my throat doesn’t hurt, for 3-4 years I had something similar to a sore throat, but I didn’t pay attention, they say it will go away on its own, I gargled with baking soda and salt, the symptoms disappeared. But at the same time they started unpleasant feeling in the urethra, tests showed that everything was clean. 3 years passed, and everyone who kissed me, ate with shared utensils, spoons and forks) began to get a sore throat, everyone had symptoms like I had 3 years ago. I have it on back wall There are purulent lumps in the throat, and they continue down the larynx. I took Antibiotics, by the way, I felt much better, but again I thought about it, and ate with my own dishes, did the purulent pimples return? Please tell me what needs to be done to solve this problem once and for all?

    Hello. Neither for sore throat, nor for chronic tonsillitis " purulent pimples"in the larynx they are not similar. Based on your description, I cannot say what kind of illness you have. This means I cannot recommend treatment. The only thing I can recommend to you is to see a doctor. Only he will be able to diagnose the disease and determine how it can be treated. Until you find out the nature of the disease and determine how you can destroy its causative agent, you will not solve the problem once and for all.

    Hello. My son is 2 years old. Recently I had a sore throat with a high fever and was injected with ceftriaxone. A week later, my son began to squint when swallowing food. We looked at the throat, it is red and everything is covered with pimply patches, but there is no temperature and the child is active. The doctor prescribed clarithromycin. But I have a suspicion that it is not a sore throat, but fungi. Because in 2 months we injected antibiotics 2 times.

    Hello. At all pain syndrome with fungal pathologies it does not always manifest itself. But if it really is a fungus, then antibiotics may even worsen the child’s condition. If you doubt the correctness of your doctor's instructions, see another specialist. Just be sure to show the child, and do not consult in words. In your case, only an examination and special tests will help accurately diagnose the disease.

    I had a purulent sore throat for half a day and my temperature was 38-39. On the second day the attack went away. I quit the antibiotic early and have had a sore throat for the 12th day and pus drains out of the tonsils for 3 days. How dangerous is this?

    Perhaps your sore throat develops into chronic tonsillitis. Normally, by 6-7 days the ulcers resolve and pus from the tonsils no longer leaks. If this happens on day 12, foci of infection have formed there. In the future, there will be formed here purulent plugs, which will determine bad smell from mouth. With such plugs, it is highly likely that you will experience sore throat-like relapses every few months; they can cause complications from the heart, kidneys and joints. It is also possible that abscesses may develop and the tonsils may need to be removed. How dangerous it is is up to you to decide.

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    An example of this discovery is the observation below with a severe relapsing course of the disease, the clinical core of which was neurotrophic disorders.

    Svetlana B., 14 years old, was hospitalized in November due to focal hair loss, headaches, dizziness, absence of menstruation, periodic pain in the joints of the arms and legs, and sore throat. I was sick with measles, whooping cough, chicken pox. Co school age- frequent sore throats. Hair loss on my head began in August after a severe sore throat. It was preceded by increased headaches and the appearance of superficial pain in the scalp.

    Objectively: carious teeth, chronic tonsillitis with purulent contents. Moderate muffled heart sounds. Arterial pressure 110/80 mmHg Art. On the scalp in the occipital and parietal region on the right, areas of baldness the size of a one- and three-kopeck coin were found. The examination revealed moderately expressed neuroendocrine disorders, reminiscent of Itsenko-Cushing syndrome. Blood without obvious abnormalities.

    A slight increase in the ASH titer (500 units) was explained by the presence of chronic tonsillitis. After 2 months, the patient was discharged with improvement in her general condition.

    Until the fall I felt satisfactory. The patches of baldness have almost disappeared. After hypothermia, the patient again developed itching of the scalp, pain in the parietal region, and within 10-12 days total baldness occurred. Only eyelashes and single hairs of the pubic area have been preserved. It has been suggested that rheumatic nature diseases. But since this time, no obvious changes in the heart were detected in the clinic, and biochemical and serological studies did not indicate the activity of the rheumatic process, the patient was discharged with a diagnosis of diencephalic syndrome with total baldness without indicating its etiology, chronic decompensated tonsillitis. A tonsillectomy was recommended, which was soon performed.

    Dynamic observation of the patient after 3-6 years revealed that the girl’s hair completely fell out and partially grew back twice more. When examined in March, the patient, along with signs of neuroendocrine disorders, was diagnosed with vegetative-vascular crises, indicating a deepening of brain pathology. The hair on my head and body completely fell out. During the study in March and then in June, obvious changes were found in the heart muscle with prolongation of atrioventricular conduction (PQ - 0.20 s) and diffuse changes in the myocardium with signs of hypoxia, the formation of insufficiency mitral valve.

    Over the winter, after antirheumatic treatment combined with local physiotherapeutic procedures, the hair on my head grew back.

    Diagnosis: rheumatism, active phase, activity 1st degree, diencephalitis with neurotrophic, neuroendocrine disorders and mild vegetative-vascular crises, endomyocarditis, mitral valve insufficiency, polyarthralgia, prolonged course, tonsillitis.

    It should be noted that the assumption about the rheumatic nature of the disease was not confirmed until the formation of valvular heart disease. Repeated treatment sore throat helped to avoid rheumatism.

    Sore throat or tonsillitis is an infectious disease that occurs in an acute form, which manifests itself in general intoxication of the body, fever, and inflammation in the tissues of the tonsils. Most often, the disease has a streptococcal etiology, requiring antibacterial treatment, since the lack of proper therapy can develop many complications, including disruption of the heart and kidneys.

    When diagnosed, streptococci and staphylococci are detected in 90% of cases; much less often, sore throat is fungal or viral in nature. Sore throat is transmitted by airborne droplets and through household items; the main source of infection is a person with acute form tonsillitis and directly a carrier of pathogenic bacteria.

    The risk of contracting the disease increases with a number of negative factors against the background of reduced immunity: frequent hypothermia, tonsil injuries, recent infectious diseases, overwork.

    The main place of reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms is the palatine tonsils, less often the lateral ridges located on the back wall of the pharynx. After overcoming the local protection of the tonsils, pathogenic microorganisms begin to actively multiply, releasing substances that provoke inflammation. Often, the pathogen and their waste products spread to nearby tissues, such as lymph nodes, which also become inflamed. With proper treatment, the inflammatory process is limited to this, but still the pathogen can cause damage to the surrounding tissues of the tonsils (sepsis, abscess) and internal organs(liver, kidneys, heart, blood vessels, central nervous system).

    Since in most cases it is caused by streptococci, treatment involves the prescription of antibacterial drugs that successfully help cope with the disease. But sometimes a condition arises when, after treatment with antibiotics, the patient feels only a temporary improvement. What is the reason and what should the patient do?

    Tonsillitis may not go away when treated with antibiotics and may develop again in the following cases:

    1. Pathogenic microorganisms turned out to be resistant to the prescribed antibiotic. This condition often occurs while taking antibiotics. penicillin series, much less often a reaction occurs to macrolides and cephalosporins. In such cases, tonsillitis does not go away while taking antibiotics, and the patient does not feel any relief.
    2. Incorrect diagnosis. Very often, during an exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis, the doctor makes a diagnosis of sore throat or the symptoms are mistakenly accepted as another disease, which leads to the prescription of the wrong drugs.
    3. Error in diagnosis and lack of diagnosis. Often the patient himself or the doctor mistakenly make a diagnosis without conducting the necessary tests, prescribing antibiotics for viral or fungal sore throat, which is not advisable. With this treatment, the sore throat will manifest itself in full, and sometimes the condition may worsen.
    4. Incorrect use of antibiotics. Many patients mistakenly perceive the normalization of their general condition as the end of the disease, so they stop taking antibacterial drugs for 3-4 days, which is strictly prohibited. Such a violation of the rules for taking medications can lead to the development of chronic tonsillitis and other more severe complications.
    5. Re-infection with tonsillitis after recovery. This condition occurs quite rarely, but does not exclude this manifestation.

    It is very important to monitor your condition when treating with antibiotics, if there is no improvement within several days, signs of intoxication are observed, heat and sore throat, this indicates improper treatment. There is no need to worry if after 2-3 days the general condition returns to normal, but the temperature remains elevated. This manifestation is characterized not by the activity of the pathogen, but by a high content of toxic substances and bacteria in the blood and tissues. The norm is the presence elevated temperature while taking antibiotics for a week, but not more than 37-37.5 degrees, the patient’s condition should be normalized.

    With properly selected treatment, situations where there is no positive dynamics of recovery should not arise. The lack of improvement in the patient's condition indicates incorrectly prescribed treatment, an error in diagnosis, or a violation of medication.

    Antibiotic resistance of microorganisms

    If pathogenic microorganisms are resistant to the prescribed drug, the following situations may arise:

    • upon complete completion of antibacterial therapy, the disease continues to manifest itself;
    • The sore throat goes away, but after a while it develops again in an acute form.

    You can notice the fact that the drug is not effective after a few days of taking antibiotics; in this case, the patient does not feel any improvement, the temperature remains within 38-39 degrees.

    According to statistics, pathogen resistance occurs in 25% of cases to penicillins (Ampicillin, Amoxicillin), in 8% to cephalosporins (Cefalexin, Cefadroxil), in 5% to macrolides (Azithromycin, Erythromycin).

    The main causes of resistance include:

    • usage antibacterial drug, which was used previously, but the treatment did not give a positive result;
    • improper use of local antibacterial therapy (irrigation of the throat and nasal drops with antibacterial agents for a runny nose);
    • initial resistance of bacteria to the assigned drug group.

    Cases often arise when a doctor violates the rules for prescribing a drug, not paying attention to the early unsuccessful treatment this type of medicine.

    If the bacteria are resistant, the patient’s condition does not improve or worsens. Practice shows that if there is no positive dynamics within 48 hours, the drug should be considered ineffective for the treatment of sore throat. In this case, you need to consult a doctor to replace the drug with another one.

    It is worth changing your doctor if, when you contact him again, he prolongs treatment with this drug or prescribes a new one without prescription additional tests. After changing the medication, the patient must strictly adhere to the recommendations and complete the repeat course to the end.

    Error in diagnosis and treatment

    If the disease is incorrectly diagnosed and treated with antibiotics, a re-exacerbation of sore throat may occur. The signs may be clinically similar to the manifestation of tonsillitis, and only a doctor will be able to distinguish recurrent development based on some signs. With an exacerbation of tonsillitis, symptoms usually develop faster and easier, so even in the absence of antibacterial therapy, the patient’s condition improves.

    In cases where chronic tonsillitis is perceived as a sore throat, the use of antibiotics does not in any way affect the symptoms of the disease and external changes in the tonsils.

    But it is worth considering that the chronic form of the disease also requires antibacterial therapy, but additional local treatment(irrigating the throat with sprays, gargling, using lozenges) and strengthening the immune defense.

    Reasons for misdiagnosis of the disease include:

    • incomplete information from the patient about the medical history;
    • the doctor’s reluctance to clarify the form and type of the disease, prescribing standard treatment for streptococcal sore throat;
    • similar development of sore throat and exacerbation of tonsillitis.

    The repeated development of sore throat after antibiotic therapy at short intervals indicates the presence of chronic tonsillitis. Also this diagnosis confirmed by the constant presence of yellow plugs on the tonsils and their enlargement. Normally, the disease can occur no more than once a year.

    If the doctor mistakenly prescribed antibiotic treatment for an exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis, you need to change the doctor, since incorrect therapy will lead to constant exacerbations of the disease over several years, and as a result, the patient may require surgery to remove the tonsils.

    It is important to know that self-prescription of antibiotics can lead not only to the loss of tonsils, but also to the development serious complications on internal organs.

    Antibacterial treatment of fungal and viral tonsillitis

    One of the most common reasons for lack of recovery is the prescription of an antibiotic for the development of viral or fungal tonsillitis. This happens when you independently diagnose the disease and prescribe treatment, considering that high fever and sore throat are direct and main signs of sore throat. But these signs may also indicate other diseases (pharyngitis, ARVI), including viral and fungal tonsillitis, which are not amenable to antibacterial treatment.

    Also, tonsillitis is mistakenly diagnosed when there is purulent plaque on the tonsils, which may indicate the presence of fungal pharyngitis. In this case, antibiotics will not only have no effect positive influence, but can also worsen the course of the disease. Therefore, when the first symptoms appear, it is necessary to contact a specialist who, based on the existing signs and test results, will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

    Only a doctor can determine the type of sore throat or distinguish tonsillitis from another disease, since sometimes it is difficult even for a specialist to distinguish diseases by symptoms alone. Distinctive Features catarrhal tonsillitis from viral () or lacunar tonsillitis are:

    • the presence of a runny nose indicates the development viral disease, with sore throat this symptom absent (except in some cases);
    • with sore throat, purulent plaque is located only on the tonsils; with the development of other forms or diseases, pus can extend beyond the tonsils and spread to the tongue, palatine arches and palate, which indicates a fungal disease;
    • with sore throat, redness is observed only on the tonsils; redness of the larynx indicates a viral course of the disease.

    The absence of positive dynamics indicates incorrect treatment, in which case you need to consult a doctor for re-diagnosis. If a viral or fungal sore throat is detected, the doctor prescribes antiviral or antifungal drugs.

    Violation of taking antibacterial drugs

    In most cases, if the rules for taking antibiotics are violated, repeated exacerbations of the disease or an initial lack of improvement may occur.

    Such conditions may occur in the following situations:

    1. Violation of the rules of use or irregular use of the medicine. For example, some medications require separate intake from food, since it interferes with the absorption of the drug components into the blood. Bicillins should only be administered intramuscularly; violation of the specifics of use may reduce the effectiveness of the drug.
    2. Use of local drugs instead of systemic ones. Some believe that in order to get rid of the disease, it is enough to irrigate the throat and use absorbable bedding, but such measures only help to superficially destroy the pathogen, without having a deep effect and without destroying the pathogen.
    3. Stop taking the drug immediately after improvement occurs. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the dosage and duration of the course of antibacterial therapy. On average, the course lasts about 10 days, depending on the prescribed drug, treatment can be carried out for 5 days.

    This situation is most often observed in adult patients who take the drug only when they remember, without observing the time interval. If the patient constantly forgets to take the medicine, it is necessary to set a reminder or alarm, since it is very important to take the antibiotic at the same time.

    Recurrence of the disease

    Re-infection occurs quite rarely, but such cases have been recorded. After proper treatment And successful completion diseases pathogenic bacteria can re-enter the body and begin to reproduce. After treatment, antibodies remain in the blood for a long time, and immune cells remain in the tonsils, this ensures resistance to re-development. An exception may be a decrease in the body's immune defenses and frequent contacts with sick people (interns, doctors), which can trigger the re-development of the disease, which also requires the prescription of antibiotics.

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