Sores periodically appear on the head, how to cure them. The best remedies for dandruff crusts on the head of an adult, medicinal, hardware, folk methods. Lichen planus red

In 85% of cases, the basis for the appearance of a skin defect is a disease of an internal organ. Sores on the head and skin under the hair are no exception. Almost half of all cases where the scalp becomes covered with scabs and small lumps are associated with operational problems gastrointestinal tract and intestinal systems. This means that in order to eliminate the cause and get rid of cosmetic defect will have to do comprehensive work together with professional doctors.

Defects on the scalp are easily detected by visual inspection. They may appear as red spots or small lumps just under the hair, appearing small rash or large skin scales.

Regardless of the cause, sores of any kind can be accompanied by burning and severe itching, irritation and even pain, hypersensitivity to touch.

In the most advanced cases, bleeding and separation of purulent contents may be observed.

The discomfort caused by these phenomena makes you scratch the sore spots. This cannot be done, it only gets worse and, if left untreated, the consequences can be very negative, including hair loss.

Where do sores on the head come from?

The reasons usually lie in the condition immune system man and his own psycho-emotional state. Severe stress almost instantly provokes a deterioration in the condition of the scalp, if there is a predisposition. Small ulcers and rashes can act as the first signs of more serious ones internal diseases which definitely need to be treated.

Possible reasons can be:

  • allergic reactions. In children under the age of 1 year, crusts on the head are a manifestation atopic dermatitis, which usually goes away without external intervention, you just need to systematically comb out the crusts. In adults, the appearance of dry sores on the head may be a consequence of food allergies;
  • chronic skin diseases. These include psoriasis, eczema;
  • infection. In case of mechanical damage to the skin, the possibility of infection through a microscopic wound cannot be excluded;
  • pityriasis versicolor. Transmitted by everyday means, children are most susceptible to infection infancy. In this case, sores can be located on all parts of the body;
  • viral diseases such as chickenpox and shingles;
  • seborrhea. Occurs as a result of a malfunction sebaceous glands;
  • fungal diseases - red, pink and ringworm;
  • dermatophytitis. Represents extremely contagious disease, in which the area of ​​the sore has clear boundaries, within which hair gradually begins to fall out.

How can you cure headaches?

There is no one remedy that can help different people, therapeutic measures are appointed to individually. In order to correctly determine the type of skin defect and the cause of the disease, as well as to receive adequate prescriptions, you need to visit an experienced dermatologist or trichologist. You may need to do tests for allergic reactions. You can treat using a wide variety of procedures:

  • mesotherapy;
  • laser treatment;
  • hirudotherapy;
  • biocomplex procedures.

Individually selected special vitamin complexes, as well as preparations for external use that help relieve itching and stop the appearance of new lesions. If all the doctor’s recommendations are followed, the treatment proceeds absolutely without any problems and the sores disappear completely, as a rule, within a month.

The first symptom of development skin disease serves severe itching, burning and irritation in the scalp area. During a visual inspection, a specialist can detect the problem immediately, based on the following signs:

  • Lumps and red spots covered with scabs.
  • A small rash is very similar to an allergic one.
  • Excessive formation of small scales (dandruff).

Important! The clinical picture is as follows: severe discomfort and irritation in the scalp area, burning and itching in the evening and at night, small wounds that resemble weeping, bleeding foci of inflammation, sometimes containing pus.

The development of the disease occurs rapidly, and if no measures are taken, the situation becomes much more complicated: a disruption in the functioning of the follicle occurs, and this in turn leads to hair loss. Partial or complete baldness may occur.

Reasons for their appearance

Reasons for appearance minor wounds, rashes and various sores in the area of ​​the human scalp can be very diverse. The main ones include the following:


Severe itching in the area of ​​the scalp forces a person to constantly scratch the skin, microtraumas appear through which fungi or pathogenic microbes get directly under the skin.

In this section we will tell you how to treat sores on the head.
Manifestations such as dandruff, scabs, rashes and wounds on the head are only a consequence of a malfunction of the body. In order to completely eliminate these manifestations, you need to identify the cause, and for this you should definitely visit a trichologist or dermatologist.

After a visual examination and tests (if necessary), the doctor will be able to prescribe an individual complex treatment.

Shampoos and ointments

On initial stage diseases can be treated using pharmacy shampoos and ointments, which are based on the following components:

  1. Antifungal:
    • zinc pyrithione;
    • clotrimazole;
    • selenium disulfate;
    • ketoconazole.
  2. Activating the process of cellular renewal:
    • ichthyol;
    • tar.

Effective shampoos

Important! Medicinal shampoos must be used strictly according to instructions or individual recommendations doctor Despite the visual improvement of the situation, you must complete the full course of treatment prescribed by a specialist, otherwise the disease may return.

With complex treatment, the visual result is visible after 7-10 days. Discomfort (itching and burning) goes away much earlier, after the first procedures (shampoo, ointments).

The full course of treatment with shampoos and ointments averages 20-30 days. Then you must definitely take a break so that you do not get used to certain active components.

If, after following all the recommendations, improvement has not occurred after 5-7 days from the start of treatment, you should definitely consult a doctor for advice. In this case, you may need to change medications and pick up other ointments and shampoos.

Dandruff that appears is not as harmless as it might seem at first glance. It is better to immediately pay attention to your health, identify and eliminate the cause of seborrhea, than wait for complications in the form of severe itching, rashes, wounds and sores on the head.

Stress, fatigue, poor nutrition and improper care behind the hair, can provoke the appearance of seborrhea. To prevent the situation from becoming more complicated with more severe consequences, you must immediately, when a problem is discovered, seek help from qualified specialists and begin comprehensive treatment.

Sores on the head can be a symptom of the most various diseases. History and specific symptoms help make the diagnosis.

Why do they appear?

It is not always possible to immediately answer the question of why head wounds occur. Possible causes may be the following diseases:

  • Seborrhea.
  • Dermatitis.
  • Psoriasis.
  • Demodecosis.
  • Fungal skin lesions.
  • Pediculosis.
  • Microsporia.

Itching is also often localized on the scalp, which can be caused by stress, mental illness, liver pathology and others internal organs. In children and adults, itching can lead to scratching and subsequent infection.


Peculiarities clinical picture help determine the cause of wounds on the scalp.

Sores have appeared

The formation of ulcers on the scalp can be associated with several diseases:

  1. Demodecosis. This pathology is caused by Demodex mites. At the site of tick penetration, a painful lump which can ulcerate and become infected. These rashes can occur with or without itching.
  2. Pediculosis. A common disease caused by lice. The cause of infection is contact with lice carriers. Sores may appear on the scalp, which are often accompanied by itching.
  3. Scratching. These changes in the skin can be quite unfavorable. Ulcers can fester and cause septic complications. If you have an itchy scalp, you should not scratch the skin; it is better to take an anti-itch pill. If a person has already scratched his head to the point of ulceration, then he needs to consult a dermatologist.
  4. Scabies is another disease that is caused by a mite. Scabies is manifested by the formation of subcutaneous passages, itching, and scratching. Paired red rashes often form on the skin.

Do not ignore these diseases; consult a dermatologist in time for full treatment.

Skin itches and flakes

Peeling skin with itching may be a sign of the following conditions:

  1. Seborrhea - this disease is caused by a special fungus and is manifested by flaking of the skin, itching and even baldness. This disease is fought with the help of special care products and tablets.
  2. Dermatitis is a common allergic skin lesion that can occur anywhere on the skin. It manifests itself as redness, peeling, formation of ulcers and itching. Factors causing the disease are food products, medicines.
  3. Psoriasis is autoimmune disease with a genetic development mechanism. It manifests itself as foci of peeling skin, which can also occur on the head. Requires combination therapy.


Dandruff is the name given to excessive flaking of the scalp, which causes the hair to become covered with white scales of the epidermis. Risk factors:

  • Seborrhea.
  • Fungal skin infection.

The risk of dandruff increases when these factors combine. If this symptom combined with peeling or ulcers, it is easier for a doctor to make a diagnosis.

Weeping sores

Weeping occurs with some forms of seborrheic dermatitis. This unpleasant symptom promotes secondary suppuration of ulcers, and therefore septic complications.

These consequences can only be prevented if the disease is treated in a timely manner.

Another process accompanied by wetting is fungal infection skin with candida infection. This problem indicates a serious weakening of the immune system.

If on the body

Some diseases can occur only on the scalp, while others can affect the human body. The latter include:

  • Psoriasis.
  • Dermatitis.
  • Demodecosis.
  • Scabies.

Common forms of the disease require serious treatment and sometimes hospitalization.

Features in children

There are a number of features among the causes of head wounds in children:

  1. Scratching is more common because the child is unable to tolerate the itching.
  2. There is a high risk of the spread of pediculosis and tick-borne infections in children's groups.
  3. Dermatitis most often recurs in childhood.
  4. Except local symptoms, signs of general intoxication also appear.

Localization Features

All of the above conditions can, with equal frequency, occur on different parts of the head: forehead, temporal areas, crown or back of the head. Unfortunately, it is impossible to determine the cause by the location of the wound.

Treatment of wounds in hair

Head ulcers can be treated in several ways depending on the cause. Drug treatment includes:

  • Antifungal agents for established fungal infections.
  • Hormones and antihistamines for the treatment of dermatitis.
  • Special medicines against mites for demodicosis and scabies.
  • Benzyl benzoate and its analogues for head lice.
  • Psoriasis is treated with cytostatics and antiseptics are used to prevent secondary infection.

How to treat at home?

At home, before consulting a doctor, you can use several recipes that reduce itching and prevent infection of ulcers:

  1. Mix in equal proportions olive oil And tomato juice. The mixture is applied to the affected areas of the head 2 times a day, after 20 minutes it is washed off with warm water.
  2. Salicylic acid tablets are crushed into powder and added to regular shampoo.
  3. St. John's wort, chamomile and string are mixed in equal quantities and used as the basis for a decoction. I use it to rinse my hair after every shower.
  4. Applesauce is used as a compress on the head, the paste is rubbed in for 3 minutes. Do not rinse the product off your head for half an hour. Apply twice daily.
  5. Dandelion infusion with alcohol can be used as antiseptic. On open wounds Apply after diluting twice with water.

If it itches a lot

To prevent scratching, use antihistamines:

  • Loratadine.
  • Cetirizine.
  • Chloropyramine.

The drugs are used in doses prescribed by the doctor.

What to do if it doesn't work?

If head wounds do not go away for a long time, then you should consult a dermatologist. He will assess the condition, correct the diagnosis and prescribe additional medications.

Sores on the head, like dandruff, can occur in anyone, be it an adult or a child. The causes of scalp health problems are different, so the approach to organizing treatment is also not uniform. In order to effectively cure the disease, it is necessary to approach the problem comprehensively, enlisting the support of a specialized specialist.

If your head itches, you should immediately visual inspection area where discomfort appeared. The presence of dandruff is indicated by the presence of small whitish scales on the hair - the result of peeling of the skin. In case of formation of sores on initial stage their development is present characteristic symptom in the form of crusty reddish spots, in the place of which the skin becomes slightly thicker. It is possible to supplement the picture surrounding the site of inflammation with a small rash.

Particular attention should be paid to sores on the head small child. Due to severe itching, children often cannot control themselves and scratch intensely. skin covering. The result of such actions is the appearance of microtraumas that require longer and more complex treatment. In the absence of timely treatment, it is possible that the condition may worsen, even to the point of hair loss.

Is there a connection between the appearance of dandruff and sores?

When your head itches severely and visible signs dandruff, people familiar with the problem naturally fear that this is one of the symptoms of difficult to treat and extremely unpleasant sores. It should be noted right away that dandruff and sores on the head are not always companions.

Basically, wounds on the scalp become a consequence of the development of oily seborrhea, the cause of which is a disruption of the sebaceous glands. There are a number of other factors that provoke sores. They must be taken into account so that the prescribed treatment gives the required result.

What causes the painful condition?

Dandruff along with sores in an adult or child does not appear on the head spontaneously, but as a result of the following reasons:

  • Thermal or mechanical damage. We are talking about combing your hair too roughly and overusing hair dryers. Temperature changes can also negatively affect the condition of the skin, so in cold weather it is advisable not to refuse to wear a hat.
  • Negative changes in psycho-emotional state. Sores in both children and adults are often accompanied by severe stress, prolonged hypothermia or a lingering cold.
  • Development of seborrhea. If such a reason is present, the attending physician must prescribe a test to confirm skin damage by the yeast-like fungus Candida.
  • Skin disease in the form of psoriasis, allergic or atopic dermatitis.
  • Damage to the scalp with pityriasis versicolor. Children are especially susceptible to the disease.
  • Depletion of vitamin reserves in the body. If sores occur on the scalp, you should pay attention to the quality daily diet. It is important that the diet is complete and balanced, rich in vitamins.
  • Development of dermatophytosis. As a rule, the pathogenic microorganism infects children or animals, which become carriers of the infection.

In addition to the above reasons, sores appear on a child’s head if the skin is affected by ringworm, scabies mites, or acne. IN the latter case negative state due to malfunction endocrine system and the resulting hormonal imbalance.

Atopic dermatitis as the main cause of sores is most likely if crusts form on the head of a child who has not reached one year old. IN similar situations complex treatment not prescribed. For young children, it is enough to just comb out the crusty formations that appear. In other situations, you have to take consistent steps for recovery, choosing individually prescribed therapy.

What to do and how to treat it?

If your head itches and sores appear, you should immediately consult a doctor (trichologist or dermatologist) to receive professional advice and develop a treatment plan. The main point of therapy is the use of special shampoos and products for treating the scalp.

1. Shampoos and ointments against dandruff and seborrhea.

The main component is a detergent that can effectively remove (exfoliate) dead skin particles. Additionally, additives are added to the composition to slow down the formation of new scales. It is important to purchase such a product after consultation with your doctor due to the variation in composition. For example, you can buy a shampoo based on zinc pyriotine or choose an analogue with the addition of selenium disulfate, ketoconazole, or clotrimazole.

The choice often depends on the hair type and the type of seborrhea. So, for oily curls, priority is given to products based on tar and ichthyol, and the already mentioned zinc pyriotin is suitable for owners of dry or normal-type strands. To use medicated shampoos not accompanied discomfort, the list of components is supplemented with fragrances, so the smell of most specialized products is quite pleasant.

Today, anti-dandruff shampoos are offered in a fairly large assortment. You can buy them both in cosmetic departments of stores and in pharmacies. The most popular were:

  • Sulsena. For dandruff on the head, it directly affects the cause of seborrhea, contributing to its complete elimination. You can use shampoo to prevent illness.
  • Sebozol. The basis is ketoconazole, intended to destroy fungal flora.
  • Nizoral. This antifungal shampoo helps to quickly cope with itching and is equally effective for both seborrhea and various forms depriving.

If your head itches, treatment of dandruff and wounds is often lengthy; in addition to shampoos, ointments are included in the treatment regimen. Maximum result provide:

  • Salicylic ointment (especially indicated for oily seborrhea).
  • Esdepalletrin - helps with itching, dandruff, and tick bites.
  • Wilkinson's ointment. This tool not used to treat children due to severe toxicity.
  • Crotamiton. There is a cream and emulsion on sale that can only be used by adults.
  • Spregal in the form of a spray.

Usually positive result can be obtained within the first week of therapy.

2. Improvement general condition body.

As noted, for effective elimination Seborrhea or other forms of dandruff require comprehensive treatment. Therefore, local treatments are supplemented with the following measures:

  • Taking antihistamines.
  • Internal cleansing using sorbents.
  • Ultraviolet irradiation.

For scalp diseases, it is advisable to do additional physical therapy. The following procedures are most effective:

  • Mesotherapy, during which nutritional complexes and medications are injected under the scalp.
  • Action by laser beam. The result is a strong antiseptic effect, activation of regeneration in tissues. At the same time, metabolic reactions and blood flow increase.
  • Hirudoreflexotherapy. We are talking about contact of the affected area of ​​the scalp with a leech. As a result, both local and general immunity, are localized inflammatory processes, toxins are removed from the body.

It is recommended to do biocomplex procedures. Their positive influence and quick results are due to the combination of exposure to the skin components, the use of a special steam capsule and massage. The effect becomes especially pronounced if there is severe itching and peeling of the sores. The duration of one session does not exceed half an hour. Full complex treatment, which is necessarily prescribed by a doctor, involves a minimum of 5-day therapy. IN severe cases this period is extended to two weeks. As a rule, a delay in recovery indicates the presence of additional internal pathologies in the body.

Therapy of sores and seborrhea is a process that cannot be organized independently without appropriate medical training. It is extremely important to treat the disease professionally so that the measures taken have an impact on the real reason illness, otherwise only visible manifestations will be eliminated and after a certain period of time the pathology will again make itself felt.

In many cases, scalp scabs disappear on their own or as a result of using pharmaceuticals. In most cases, they are not a sign of a serious illness. If you cannot determine the cause of scabs on your scalp, or if your scalp condition worsens or becomes infected, be sure to consult a doctor.

What are the most common causes of scalp problems? Let's figure it out.

Contact dermatitis

Contact dermatitis is an allergic reaction of the skin to something you touch. Health and beauty products such as shampoo, hair dye, or jewelry may cause allergic reaction. Some materials, such as latex, may also cause adverse reaction. It can also be caused by contact with leaves of poison ivy or poison oak. You may have a bad reaction if toxic substances such as battery acid or bleach will get on your scalp.

Seborrheic dermatitis (dandruff)

Seborrheic dermatitis is a skin disease that can also manifest itself on the scalp. Symptoms of this disease include itching, flaking and the appearance of scabs and scabs on the skin. The affected areas become crusty, usually white or yellow.

The cause of this disease is not clear, but it has nothing to do with cleanliness. You can wash your hair every day, but dandruff will still be present. Even newborns can have it ( seborrheic dermatitis). This disease is not contagious and is not usually a sign of poor health. Unfortunately, eliminating dandruff and scalp scabs can take a long time. In some cases, seborrheic dermatitis can be a lifelong problem with symptoms that come and go.

Psoriasis of the scalp

Seborrheic eczema

Lichen planus

Red lichen planus is a condition in which red or purple bumps appear on the skin. When it appears on the scalp, it is called Lichen Planopilaris. Damage to the scalp can lead to permanent scarring and hair loss (alopecia).

This disease can affect anyone, but it usually appears in middle-aged people. Lichen planus can sometimes be diagnosed by appearance. A skin biopsy can confirm the diagnosis. Sometimes this condition goes away on its own, but it can also be present in a person for many years.

Ringworm of the scalp

Head lice (pediculosis)

If someone in your family has lice, everyone who has been in close physical contact with them should be tested. Lice can be treated with specially formulated products sold in pharmacies.

A bit more good news– lice do not live long after they have fallen or been removed from the head. They begin to die if they have nothing to eat for two days.


Eosinophilic folliculitis

Talk to your doctor

Due to the fact that there are many reasons for the appearance of scabs on the head, it is extremely important to as soon as possible understand the real root cause of your problem. If you have questions about your scalp condition or would like to begin treatment, talk to your doctor.

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