There are red spots on the feet. Small red dots on the legs - how to treat, causes of appearance

Almost all types of diseases not only of the skin, but also internal organs contribute to the appearance of certain signs on the body in the form of rashes or spots. Many spots do not bring a person a feeling of discomfort and are only visible visually.

However, there are some types of plaques that manifest themselves as unpleasant itching and burning sensations. For any type of skin defect, you must seek help from specialists to prescribe proper treatment.

Types, symptoms and causes of red spots on the legs

Most often, the appearance of this kind of plaque on the legs means the presence of a disease skin. However, there are some types of allergic reactions that can also manifest themselves in this way. Each type of spot has its own symptoms and causes of formation; the type of disease can only be determined through a thorough examination

It should be noted: what exists a large number of various diseases that can manifest themselves in the form of plaques on the legs. Plaques can also be various types With various types symptoms.

Dry spot

Very often, crimson-colored plaques with a dry surface appear on the legs, which also tends to peel. However, most often this type of formation passes through certain time.


  • Allergies to body care products
  • Allergy to contact with things that contain synthetics
  • Enduring severe stressful situations.
  • For dehydration of skin cells

When such formations appear, no symptoms may occur. But most often a person feels itching and irritation of the skin.

Rough spots

When red, rough plaques form on the legs, a person may feel discomfort. In cases where plaques do not go away on their own within a short time, it is necessary to seek advice from a hospital, since this type of manifestation may characterize a disease of the internal organs, most often the digestive system.

Reasons for appearance:

  • Allergic reaction
  • Manifestation of mild stage dermatitis
  • Fungal infection of the skin
  • Digestive system disease
  • Vein disease.


  • Unpleasant sensation upon contact with clothing
  • Burning
  • Swelling of the skin where plaques appear.

Good to know! The appearance of any formations that are not normal and may cause discomfort may be a signal from the body about the presence of a more complex type of skin disease.

Small red spots

Small red formations may be a consequence improper care foot care, as well as the use of low-quality skin care products.

Also, very often this type of deficiency can occur due to the use of junk food, alcohol, long-term treatment antibiotics. In some people, these types of manifestations appear when there are insufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals in the body.

Reasons for appearance:

  • Lack of the required amount of vitamins in the body
  • Excessive amounts of one type of vitamin in the body
  • Long periods of exposure to direct sun rays
  • Food allergies
  • Allergic reactions to insect bites
  • Consequences long-term use medications.

Symptoms include severe itching of the affected area, and in some cases, swelling of the skin may occur.

Red and white spots

Most often, these types of plaques form on the feet and toes. This indicates damage to the epidermis by pathogenic fungi.

When such plaques appear, it is necessary to use antibacterial agent for outdoor use and treat shoes with special disinfectant solutions, because most often the cause of the spread is shoes.


  • Shoes made from non-natural material
  • Visit public places with high humidity
  • Sweaty feet
  • Improper adherence to personal hygiene rules.
  • Tight shoes

Note! Most often, the most common symptoms are a feeling of itching and slight flaking of the skin. This type of plaque can be a harbinger of the following types of disease: pityriasis rosea, leucoderma.

Very often the appearance of such formations is adverse reaction body taking medications. Also, the cause of this manifestation may be skin contact with chemicals that can leave such marks.

Let's celebrate! Most often, a person does not observe any severe symptoms and the plaques go away on their own after a certain time. To quickly eliminate this defect, it is recommended to drink vitamin complexes, which will help epidermal cells recover.

Spots on the feet

If red areas appear on the soles of your feet, you should immediately contact medical institution. Most often, this manifests itself in various types of diseases associated with damage to the epidermis by pathogenic fungi and the development of complications.


  • Foot deformity
  • Fungal infections
  • Mycosis
  • Increased sweating, which contributed to the development of microbes on the skin.


  • Rapid increase in the number of lesions
  • The skin where the spots appear has become dry and rough
  • Peeling of the upper layer of the epidermis is observed
  • Burning
  • Painful sensations when pressed.

Good to know! The appearance of changes on the skin of the foot indicates possible viral diseases body and requires increased attention. If such spots occur, treatment should not be delayed, otherwise the process of eliminating skin damage may take longer. long time.

Spots on fingers

The appearance of plaques on the fingers very often causes discomfort, especially if a person wears shoes for a long time. This means that the epidermis is affected by toe fungus.

Reasons for appearance:


Symptoms of the disease:

  • Appearance of cracks
  • Skin peeling
  • Contact with water may cause pain
  • Violation of the nail plates
  • Discomfort when walking

Note! This type of plaque tends to increase in size and gradually transfer to the healthy skin of the feet. If treatment is not done in a timely manner, the surface layer of the epidermis becomes rough and crusty.

Diabetes spots

The appearance of this kind of plaque most often depends on how high the level of sugar in a person’s blood is. Most often, this indicates the onset of skin diseases associated with the causes of metabolic and digestive failure.

Reasons for education:

  • Elevated blood sugar
  • Metabolic disease
  • Vascular disorders
  • Skin damage


  • Peeling skin
  • Painful sensations
  • Occurrence of wounds
  • Discharge of clear fluid

Let's celebrate! If there is any change in skin color due to diabetes, you should visit your doctor. Since this type of disease very often causes complications that are difficult to treat.

Varicose veins spots

With the development of varicose veins, the appearance of red plaques on the legs is very often observed. One of the reasons for this change is not timely treatment a disease that reaches a complex stage.


  • Blood clots in veins
  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Presence of skin damage
  • Development of skin infections.


  • Swelling of the skin
  • The appearance of blisters at the site of the lesion
  • Painful sensations
  • Increased skin density

Good to know! The appearance of plaques is most often a harbinger of weakened vessel walls, which tend to become damaged. And very often it can indicate the possible occurrence of complications that lead to death.

The red spot hurts

In cases where the stain that appears causes painful sensations, this means the presence of diseases that are caused by damage to epidermal cells by viral bacteria. This type of disease is difficult to cure on your own.

Viruses are capable of destroying all layers of the skin and promoting the appearance of new formations. When untimely treatment possible appearance of wounds and purulent discharge.


  • Swelling of the skin
  • The appearance of microcracks
  • Formation of blisters that later turn into spots
  • Burning
  • Painful sensations.

Let's celebrate! The appearance of such formations may indicate a chronic degree of dermatitis, which can progress and increase in size.

Red spots itchy

The appearance of red plaques on the legs most often means the development of dermatitis; the formations have small seals that itch very much, especially when in contact with liquid. It tends to increase in cold weather.

If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner, the disease progresses to chronic stage which cannot be treated. During periods of exacerbation, it is recommended to use hormonal ointments and products with antibacterial effect.

Spots on a child

The appearance of plaques in children means the development of dermatitis various degrees gravity. They most often appear in the form of small inflammatory formations, which after a certain time turn into wounds.

The disease has symptoms that manifest themselves as redness of the skin, cracking, pimples and swelling of the skin.

Red spots on the feet are a symptom of mycosis - a common fungal disease. They may be accompanied by itching, burning, and unpleasant smell. Fungi get into swimming pools and showers, through personal hygiene items. The cause of mycosis may be increased sweating feet, wearing uncomfortable, tight shoes. The disease can be asymptomatic for several years without any particular discomfort for the person.

Sometimes red spots on the feet are pigmented in nature and indicate venous insufficiency. In this case, complaints of boring pain appear. To make sure that venous insufficiency has developed, you need to place your feet vertically; small spots will appear on them. They disappear if the feet are in horizontal position. If you have venous insufficiency, you should immediately consult a doctor. Red round rashes can be a symptom of thrombocytopenic purpura, in which blood clots and local bleeding appear simultaneously. The spots may vary in size, and the general condition of the body may worsen.

Red spots may not appear due to viral diseases (measles, rubella, chickenpox). However, in this case, the rashes will be scattered throughout the body, the general condition will worsen, and the body temperature will rise. A rash on the calves of the legs may appear with syphilis in the secondary period, which lasts longer than 5 years. The spots in this case will be bright and can spread almost throughout the body.

Other causes of red spots on the feet

One of possible reasons The appearance of red spots is deformation of the feet. It can develop in children and... As your body weight increases, the load on your feet is distributed unevenly, which can result in spots appearing.

Spots on the feet can be a manifestation of an allergic reaction if the allergen has come into contact with these particular areas of the body. In this case, the skin rash is most often accompanied by itching and burning, and the body temperature does not rise. Sometimes the skin becomes covered with blisters filled with fluid. And in some cases it peels off and becomes dry.

Red spots on the feet can be the result of mechanical or chemical exposure. Some chemicals can be harmful to the skin and cause breakouts. One or more spots on the feet may appear as a result of wearing uncomfortable shoes.

Red spots on the lower legs can appear for a variety of reasons. Regardless of nature, they require attention. It is important to quickly collect a complete history, conduct diagnostics and make an accurate diagnosis. Self-medication without contacting a specialist causes a blurred clinical picture and errors in therapy.

Stain classification

Itchy rash on ankle

The spot is characterized by a change in the color and structure of the skin in a certain area. There are two groups of spots depending on the characteristics of the changed area:

Vascular formations. They are distinguished by a red, purple, brown, yellow or blue tint. Vascular formations are divided into:

  • spots associated with temporary expansion of the lumen of blood vessels (allergic, caused by a burn, infectious process);
  • the result of constant disruption of the structure of blood vessels (spider veins);
  • hemorrhagic spots, a consequence of blood leaking from small vessels.

Pigment formations. Caused by changes in the amount of coloring pigment in the skin, both an increase and a decrease in its level. With insufficient melanin content, whitened areas of the skin appear; with excess production, areas that are darker than the rest of the skin appear. The area may be round or have vague outlines. The following types of age spots are distinguished:

  • moles – characterized by a dark or reddish color;
  • melasma - appears during pregnancy or certain pathologies of internal organs;
  • freckles – typical for people with fair skin and can be located on different parts of the body;
  • lentigo - spots of a dark shade, characteristic of the elderly and children under 10 years of age.

Sometimes secondary hyperpigmentation appears as a result of hair removal, depilation, laser exposure, or lack of vitamins in the body.

Main provoking factors

Red spots on legs

There may be several reasons for the development of such anomalies:

  • Infectious process. A red spot on the lower leg in this case is a sign of an infection, for example, erysipelas. The development of pathology provokes the proliferation of streptococci. The skin begins to itch, a feverish state develops, and signs of intoxication are observed: headache, general weakness, apathy, swelling). The skin is hot, and pressing is accompanied by severe pain. This indicates the spread of pathology.
  • Allergy. Irritation can be either widespread or localized. Allergic reactions are usually triggered by food and cosmetics. Sometimes allergies to synthetic fabrics occur. In addition to discoloration and itching, the affected area swells and peels.
  • Mycosis (fungal infection). It most often affects the feet, but in advanced cases it spreads to the legs. The disease is characterized by a rash with clear localization and peeling. The affected area may itch. General health the patient rarely changes. A type of pathological process is pityriasis rosea. Its peculiarity is that there is no risk of infection for other people. Pityriasis rosea develops when the immune system is weakened.
  • Psoriasis. Location: areas of the extensor surfaces of large joints (for example, in the knee area). Other areas of the body, the facial area, are affected, and general health worsens.
  • Eczema. Occurs in both acute and chronic form. The rash occurs in the form of spots, blisters, papules. The affected skin becomes dry or has weeping areas. In advanced cases, the integrity of the skin is compromised, especially in places where it is subject to friction.
  • Atopic dermatitis. Pathological process of a chronic nature. The reason for its appearance is the special sensitivity of a person to the influence of certain factors.
  • Varicose veins. Spots appear due to impaired blood supply to tissues. There may be numbness, swelling of the lower extremities, and deterioration in general condition. If you have varicose veins, you should immediately consult a specialist.

Red spots on the lower leg occur in diabetes mellitus as a result of metabolic disorders and permeability of the walls of small vessels. If the disease is not treated on time, there is a risk of developing complications that are dangerous to health and life in general.

Changes in metabolic processes are characteristic of hemosiderosis.

The first sign of the disease is a small dot with a dark (brown) tint.

Then other rashes may appear. The pathological process is caused by excessive accumulation of the dye hemosiderin. This occurs due to impaired functioning of the liver and hematopoietic system.

Other provoking reasons

Excessive red spots on the legs

If spots appear and disappear, perhaps this is a consequence of vegetative pathologies nervous system. It is responsible for the narrowing and expansion of the lumens of blood vessels. Such disruptions in the body can be associated with emotional fatigue, physical activity, anxiety, and high ambient temperatures.

Changes in skin color can be caused by the development of measles or rubella. With measles, small spots appear first. Then they merge, forming more extensive formations. There is no clear localization for measles; the spots spread throughout the body.

The development of rubella most often occurs in children under 5 years of age. The spots do not tend to merge and appear as a small rash.

Depending on the type of infection, an antibacterial or antiviral drug is prescribed.

Sometimes an adult turns to a specialist with complaints about the appearance of multiple spots throughout the body, including on the lower extremities. There are no other manifestations general. The cause may be syphilis, such rashes are characterized by a pink or red tint.


Doctor examining leg to make a diagnosis

If red spots appear on the lower legs, they do not itch or hurt, you should not self-medicate and try to restore the previous skin color with the help of traditional medicine. It is necessary to make an appointment with a doctor to rule out serious illnesses.

You can contact a dermatologist or therapist. Typically, a specialist prescribes the following diagnostic procedures:

  • general blood and urine examination;
  • blood chemistry;
  • determination of blood sugar levels;
  • bacterial culture;
  • ultrasonography.

A thorough external examination and laboratory diagnostic data will allow you to determine the diagnosis and treatment regimen.

Features of treatment

Effective ointments for rashes on legs

If an infectious process is detected, treatment with antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal drugs is necessary, depending on the type of pathogenic microflora.

If pityriasis rosea is detected, it is necessary to take care of strengthening the immune system and quality nutrition. At the same time, it is important to limit the consumption of foods that can provoke unwanted skin reactions.

If an allergy is detected, the irritating agent must be identified. The use of cosmetics with fragrances should be avoided and contact with household chemicals should be limited.

If allergic reactions develop, antihistamines and enterosorbents are prescribed.

Dysfunction autonomic system does not require specific treatment. Contrast baths and physical activity will come to the rescue. Stressful situations and overwork should be avoided.

Eczema and psoriasis require an integrated approach to therapy. It includes the use of local remedies and physiotherapy. For psoriasis, the use of biological agents is indicated. Their action is aimed at stimulating the function of T-lymphocytes, which relieves inflammation and other symptoms of the disease. For eczema, hormonal medications are prescribed.

For varicose veins, angioprotectors, antiplatelet agents, and drugs that improve microcirculation of venous blood are prescribed.

If drug therapy does not produce results, surgical intervention is required.

Regardless of the cause of the pathology, the choice of medications is the competence of a specialist. You should not choose antibiotics yourself. They can lubricate clinical picture and delay the healing process.

If a red spot appears on your lower leg, it itches, begins to grow and peel, the redness increases, you should definitely visit a doctor and not self-medicate.

This is especially important if the skin is hard and rough, and the lower leg begins to hurt and swell. The sooner the cause is identified and treatment is prescribed, the faster a complete recovery will occur.

Typically, such deviations worry women very much, while men are less worried about this. But even such manifestations can be dangerous and cause quite significant damage to the body, especially without timely treatment and diagnosis.

Quite often people notice small red dots on their legs. Such rashes usually raise many questions, and very often full diagnostics it is impossible to say why such a pathology arose.

These manifestations are divided into two groups:

  • the first is caused by diseases of the body;
  • The second reason is external influences.

2 Possible diseases

Diseases that cause such symptoms belong to the first group, among them:

  • pityriasis rosea;
  • vasculitis;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus (vascular form);
  • eczema;
  • syphilis;
  • chronic allergic or autoimmune processes.

External causes that can cause such disorders belong to the second group of reasons:

  1. Bites of various blood-sucking insects, poison and toxins that are in their saliva.
  2. Allergic processes that arise as a result of the influence of a certain substance to which an allergic reaction develops.
  3. Frequent or too strong exposure to ultraviolet radiation, which negatively affects the skin and vascular wall, causing a red spot(s) to appear on the skin.
  4. Aggressive influence chemical substances, which, seeping through the skin, cause harm to the vascular wall.

If a rash was noticed, but after some time it went away on its own, in any case, you should consult a doctor and correct diagnosis, since when various diseases the spots may pass, but the risk of complications and recurrence of the disease remains. This may be dangerous to human health.

Quite often, syphilis can manifest itself in this way, which without timely treatment and diagnosis can lead to death.

This is often how various inflammatory skin diseases manifest themselves, such as psoriasis or eczema. After diagnosis, long-term, timely treatment is necessary, without which the development of the disease will continue.

Small red dots on the legs below the knees are often caused by various autoimmune processes, which include systemic lupus erythematosus, vasculitis, and rheumatism.

If an autoimmune process is suspected, the patient will face not only long-term treatment, but also a complete lifestyle change to stabilize the condition. Without this, negative symptoms will intensify until they cause irreversible damage to the body, which can be fatal.

It is even possible to take immunosuppressants that can reduce the strength of the autoimmune process and help patients more easily tolerate the course of the disease.

To solve problems with the second group, it is important to isolate the allergen, aggressive substance or uncomfortable clothing that will cause bruising when worn.

A fungal infection such as pityriasis rosea causes similar points on the legs, but the patient in this case is contagious to others. For proper treatment and prevention, antifungal drugs are needed, which can almost completely get rid of pityriasis rosea. Only for the duration of treatment is it necessary to completely isolate the patient from society, including from the family.

In women, the causes of red spots on the legs include: minor damage skin that occurs, for example, when shaving your legs. After several uses, the razor is no longer so sharp; serrations appear on it, which do not cut the hair, but tear it off, causing various damages, microcracks. Small red spots appear that will go away a few days after shaving. Timely replacement of blades easily solves this problem.

One of the reasons may be varicose veins veins The first symptoms of this disease are redness of the legs below the knee. Since varicose veins are quite dangerous disease, it is very important to consult a doctor in a timely manner. This disease is especially dangerous for those who stand on their feet for a long time.

Atopic dermatitis can cause red patches that become enlarged, flaky, and itchy. Such dermatitis can develop as a result of the action of various allergic, nervous and other groups of pathogens.

The same symptoms will appear with psoriasis, only over time the spots will begin to become covered with a white coating. Psoriasis is a chronic non-infectious inflammatory disease. A person who is sick with it cannot infect others. This disease has been treated for a long time; no cases of complete recovery have been identified, but there is always the opportunity to stabilize and maintain the condition at a certain level.

Quite often, psoriasis can develop in people who come into contact with various chemical irritants. Psoriasis can be a consequence of a strong autoimmune process in the body.

The disease usually appears in young people aged 15-25 years. At this time, the first symptoms appear.

Now you know what red dots on your legs can mean. Very often, when red spots appear on the legs, people begin to take antiallergic drugs (antihistamines), which is extremely dangerous to do without consulting a doctor. Self-treatment may cause the appearance unpleasant symptoms or blur the clinical picture, after which the doctor will not be able to make a correct diagnosis. Timely diagnosis and proper therapy can help completely get rid of the disease or stabilize the patient's condition.

The skin is the body’s first line of defense from unfavorable external stimuli; it also reflects internal ill-being.

The appearance of areas on the skin that differ in color and structure, which, moreover, can become covered with blisters, peel and itch, does not go unnoticed. Stains may be different sizessmall rash and skin defects of large diameters. If they also itch, they cause significant discomfort. To quickly get rid of this, it is necessary to find out the origin of the spots and carry out treatment.

Nervous Shocks, stress, physical overload, exposure to high temperatures (bath) can manifest as reddish-pink itchy blistering rashes (cholinergic urticaria). A very rare form of urticaria, it is even less common in the lower part of the body. In addition to a tendency to allergies, a person must have intolerance to acetylcholine, an endogenous substance that is intensely released in any person during nervous and physical stress.

The cause of the appearance of itchy red spots on the lower extremities may be a violation of arterial or venous circulation in this area ( varicose veins).

Such rashes are typical for diabetics ( initial stage angiopathy), they can also occur in people with liver disease.

The cause of a red spot on the leg may be erysipelas However, such spots do not itch. In this place, pain and burning are more likely to be felt, but sensations are an individual matter.

Pityriasis rosea– pink spots unknown etiology, as a rule, they do not itch much.

Autoimmune diseases may be accompanied by patchy rashes (idiopathic urticaria). The history of such patients almost always includes allergies.

Spots on the skin of the legs may appear after depilation and other mechanical influences on the skin, such as tight clothing or shoes.

Pigment spots that itch require medical diagnostics, either the itching is not related to pigmentation, or the pigment spot has signs of degeneration, if it, moreover, grows in size, bleeds, and has a multi-colored color.

In a child, spots on the legs most often have an allergic etiology, or are caused by infections - enterovirus, chickenpox, measles, rubella. True, the rashes are located not only on the legs, but throughout the body and the rash, as a rule, is noticed first on the face.

A rash on the legs and buttocks of a child may be one of the symptoms of infectious meningitis.

A child can also have lichen and other dermatomycoses. Emotional outbursts nervous tension It can also result in itchy rashes on the child’s limbs. Much less often, however, spots may appear in childhood due to any other reasons described above.

The pathogenesis of the appearance of allergic spots is considered as the formation of a detailed immune response to irritants upon direct contact of a skin area with it (allergic contact dermatitis) or when an allergen gets inside (food, drug allergy). In the first case, the main pathogenetic links are the reaction of lymphocytes and macrophages, which accumulate in areas of inflammation; in the second, the main role belongs to antibodies synthesized in response to the appearance of antigens. In any case, immune effector cells responsible for protective functions leave the bloodstream and, accumulating on the surface of the skin, cause vasodilation, hyperemia and severe itching.

In the pathogenesis of rashes due to systemic pathologies, for example, liver dysfunction, the main links are insufficient purification of the blood from toxins. Availability of common chronic diseases, nervous and physical overload, hormonal changes have a detrimental effect on work immune system. In each specific case, the pathogenesis of rashes is individual.

The appearance of vascular spots can be triggered by temporary dilation of blood vessels - a sensitization reaction to an irritant, infection. Systemic chronic diseases cause constant expansion vessels - so-called spider veins (hemangiomas) appear.

As a result of rupture of blood vessels, hemorrhagic spots are formed, in other words, bruises of various sizes - from pinpoint hemorrhages (petechiae) to hematomas of very impressive sizes.

The statistics of diseases that may be accompanied by the appearance of itchy spots on the skin of the lower extremities is very extensive. Probably every person has encountered this phenomenon at least once in his life. According to the World Health Organization allergic history is currently present in a third of the world's population, the number of allergy sufferers is growing and it is expected that in a couple of decades every second person will suffer from allergies.

The prevalence of fungal infections is estimated in various sources from 10 to 20% and also tends to increase, like others skin diseases, which can also appear on the skin of the lower extremities.

Lichen planus is a fairly common pathology. Female adults of any age are most susceptible.

Gibert's disease (pityriasis rosea) is a fairly common pathology in people over 20 years of age; after 40 years of age it is very rare. People who have suffered from acute respiratory viral infections mainly fall ill, so a viral etiological hypothesis is being considered.

Varicose veins of the legs are very widespread, its symptoms (according to various sources) are present to a greater or lesser extent in almost 70% of women and more than 50% of men in developed countries.

Liver diseases, diabetes mellitus, autoimmune diseases also very common skin rashes sometimes they are the first signs of their presence.


Rashes on the legs can be caused by various reasons and, accordingly, their appearance and the accompanying symptoms also differ.

The first signs of an allergy that attract attention are itching and the appearance of spots. Sometimes single spots appear, sometimes the entire surface of the skin is covered. It’s hard not to notice if the spots that suddenly appear on your arms and legs are itchy. A pinkish-red, raised, unevenly distributed rash is allergic urticaria. It is accompanied by severe itching, swelling, appears instantly and, when the allergen is eliminated, can disappear quite quickly without treatment. But in severe cases the rashes merge, forming an itchy, continuous affected area. The skin over it becomes dry and thin, cracks when scratched, and acquires a bluish-purple color. The patient may experience shortness of breath, a decrease in blood pressure, fever, or fever. Such patients require mandatory medical examination and are sometimes hospitalized.

Allergic contact dermatitis also manifests itself as rashes that are local in nature. In places of contact with the allergen, the red spots on the legs itch, then begin to get wet and crack. Later spot dries out and peels off.

Allergic skin reactions also appear in the form of dry, crusty spots ranging from pink to bright crimson. Itching can be moderate, and when it comes into contact with clothing, it may intensify.

Rough spots on the legs also itch with atopic dermatitis. However, with this pathology, the legs are not the main location; when the rash appears on the legs, it is already present almost everywhere on the body.

Insect bites are accompanied by severe itching, and in allergy sufferers a large, swollen red spot appears at the site of the bite.

Red spots on the legs itch and peel off due to dermatomycosis. First signs fungal infection smooth skin - a very itchy red spot. It grows quite quickly and becomes lighter in the center and begins to peel off, has a clear border (trichopytosis).

Caused by fungi and can be located on smooth skin, microsporia is a pink, flaky, rather big spot rounded in shape with a clear roll-like edging of a darker color.

It is extremely rare that pityriasis versicolor or versicolor versicolor can be localized on the legs. Yellowish round spots, covered with pityriasis scales, eventually merge into large formations with scalloped edges; their color can range from creamy beige to olive brown. On a tanned body they look lighter, on a pale body - vice versa. This form of mycosis is characterized by slight itching.

Lichen planus is a cluster of purple nodules that coalesce into a large shiny spot irregular shape, slightly protruding above the surface of the skin. On the lower extremities it is usually localized on the inner skin of the thighs and the frontal skin of the lower leg. Blisters may form on the spots (pemphigoid form), and they may peel off (erythematous). This lichen manifests itself in quite a variety of ways; it can be suspected if a large spot on the leg itches. However, the final verdict is up to the doctor.

The disease is characterized by severe itching, especially the warty form. In the atrophic form, the pearly white spots on the legs itch. The rash may be localized in different places, not only on the skin, but also on the mucous membranes.

If a red round spot on your leg itches, it can be a symptom of both lichen and diabetes. Especially if it occurs at the site of a wound or scratch that does not heal for a long time. Additional symptoms motivating people to get tested are constant thirst, nocturia ( frequent urination at night), poor epithelization of skin injuries.

Diabetic dermopathy is common in people suffering from this disease. The spots are located on the front of the lower leg, symmetrically on both legs. The color is brownish-red, the diameter at first does not exceed a centimeter. Over time, the size of the spots increases, and areas of dark atrophied skin cover an increasingly larger area. Itching is moderate. They are more common in older male diabetics.

Diabetic men are more likely to experience the skin manifestation of the disease, Darier's granuloma annulare, although not all experts agree that this disease is caused only by diabetes. The rashes look like small dense pinkish nodules with raised edges. They tend to merge, forming ring-shaped patterns on the body. Subjective symptoms are usually not too disturbing, however, there may be minor pain. Diabetics can be bothered by skin itching even without rashes, so when a granuloma appears, complaints of itching arise. This skin pathology can appear not only in diabetics; allergy sufferers are also at risk (among them there are more children aged 3-10 years and adult women). Sometimes Darier's granuloma annulare occurs after sulfonamide therapy. Favorite places for rashes on the legs and arms are the feet and hands, and can also be located on the body.

Depigmented areas of the skin (vitiligo) are usually not accompanied by itching, however, diabetics who are prone to the appearance of these skin defects may experience the feeling that white spots on the legs are itching.

Yellow spots localized on the back of the knees - diabetic xanthoma, blistering spots on the skin of the feet and fingers - diabetic blister (a rare manifestation of diabetes, appears suddenly and also goes away on its own).

Vascular insufficiency often manifests itself in the legs. Red spots initially in the form spider veins appear in the knee area and on the skin of the lower leg, the spots itch, not too much and not always. Additionally there are nagging pain and a feeling of heaviness in the legs. If the trophism of arterial vessels is impaired, the skin around the spots has pale look, its surface is cold, sensitivity to pain and contrast temperature is reduced. More pronounced itching is characteristic of venous insufficiency, and the skin becomes dark shade, swollen, covered with brownish-purple spots.

When brown spots on the legs itch, this may be a manifestation of liver pathologies. In this case, the itching is not caused by spots that have appeared, but by stagnation of bile or bilirubin, which is eliminated through the skin when the liver cannot cope with its utilization. Itching accompanies many liver diseases and is one of their first signs. As well as skin manifestations. It can be constant and in the form of attacks. The skin of the extremities is a favorite place for itching and rashes.

Xanthomatous rash - yellowish round small spots that itch on the legs, arms, and maybe all over the body.

Spots formed in cases of persistent vasodilation (telangiectasia) are also one of the symptoms of liver disease. True, in this case they usually appear on the legs last.

Minor hemorrhages (hepatic purpura) and multiple rashes on the skin and mucous membranes are also characteristic of liver pathologies. They do not disappear when pressed. There are also quite large hemorrhages. Patients often experience bleeding from the nose and other natural orifices.

Spots on the legs may be symptoms of psoriasis. The itching can be severe and almost unnoticeable, depending on the form of the disease. Such spots are located on the extensor areas, for example, the knees. If in this place dry spot your leg itches, this could be the beginning of vulgar psoriasis. The spot is raised above the level of healthy skin, and the area surrounding it is inflamed. The spot itself in the center is covered with grayish or whitish dry scales. Tend to grow and merge with similar formations. Usually such rashes occur in other places, for example, elbows-knees or palms-soles.

Atypical types of psoriatic plaques are large shiny bright red spots located on the inner thighs and other skin folds, signs of the inverse form of the disease.

Localized on the thighs guttate psoriasis, more often appearing in children and young people after a sore throat. The lower legs, ankles and instep of the foot are favorite areas for warty psoriatic rashes. Round papules merge into plaques that encircle these areas of the legs. The same “bracelets” can usually be found on the wrists.

Large round and rough itchy spots on the legs may have herpetic etiology. Such spots are prone to recurrence, since it is not yet possible to completely destroy the herpes virus that has entered the body with modern medicines. Without treatment, the spots become very itchy; when scratched, they crack, become wet and become crusty.

When red spots on your stomach and legs are itchy, they may be a sign of scabies. True, scabies spots are located in addition to the abdomen only on the upper and internal parts hips Scabies mites do not live on the lower legs, nor on the back. Between the entrance and exit spots of the tick, its thin, light passages can be seen.

White and pinkish-white spots that do not protrude above the surface of the skin of the legs can be caused by hypomelanosis, vitiligo, and developing leukoderma. These types of spots do not itch, and if they are accompanied by itching, it has nothing to do with them. Spots of secondary syphilis do not cause any discomfort; they are located throughout the body, their number gradually increasing.

Erysipelas can begin with the appearance of one or several rather large red spots, including on the legs (quite common localization). True, they do not itch, but hurt; in these places there is a burning sensation and swelling of the skin. A characteristic symptom is high temperature.

Pityriasis rosea (Giber's disease) can appear anywhere, including on the legs; it almost never itches, but there may be itching in areas of contact with clothing. The main thing comes first pink spot(maternal plaque), over time it is surrounded by smaller satellite spots. The spots rise above the healthy skin surface. There can be many such rashes. After about ten days, the center of the spots turns yellow or brown and begins to peel off. The slightly protruding border of the spot remains pink. The peak incidence occurs in the cold season: winter-spring. In addition to rashes, there may be signs of general malaise that precede the appearance of spots. The origin is unknown, the nature of the disease is assumed to be viral.

Cholinergic urticaria manifests itself as an itchy, blistering, thick rash on any part of the body, however, it is extremely rare on the lower body and legs. This is usually preceded by stressful situations, significant physical and nervous strain: competitions, exams, etc., exposure to high temperatures. It appears quickly from five minutes to an hour after exposure to an irritating factor. Additional symptoms are hyperthermia, hypersalivation, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting.

Spots on the legs may also appear after the depilation procedure, and if such spots itch, this may be a symptom of infection.

The appearance of spots on the legs signals the presence of trouble, often very serious. Therefore, if the number of spots increases, they itch, merge and grow, you should urgently consult a doctor.

Diagnosis of itchy spots on the legs

Consult a doctor to identify the cause of this skin defect, preferably in acute stage disease, when its symptoms are most distinct. Self-medication can bring imaginary relief, erase and distort the clinical picture, which can result in an erroneous diagnosis.

After examining and interviewing the patient, based on the suspected causes of the rash, the doctor will prescribe laboratory tests. You will definitely need to do a clinical and biochemical blood test, as well as a glucose test; general analysis urine. If infection is suspected, culture analysis of scrapings from the spots. A biopsy of the affected areas of the skin and its microscopic examination, dermatoscopy. Allergic contact dermatitis for nickel intolerance is determined by the dimethylglyoxime test. By using immunological tests blood can identify allergens. Cholinergic urticaria is diagnosed using a provocative test with an acetylcholine analogue.

Other instrumental diagnostics will be carried out as necessary: ​​angiography of the vessels of the extremities, ultrasound examination of the vessels, liver, thyroid gland. After conducting examinations, differential diagnostics are carried out based on their data and a final diagnosis is established. Allergic dermatitis, psoriasis must be differentiated from fungal skin lesions and infections. For example, vascular benign tumors– hemangiomas also appear on the skin as red spots, and they can be of different sizes. Such a spot on the leg does not hurt, does not itch, and, in addition, cosmetic defect, does not pose any health hazard.

If the pink spot on the leg does not itch, it may turn out to be either pityriasis rosea or syphilis, a serious infectious disease that affects all organs of the human body.

Chronic systemic pathologies, manifested by skin defects, are also quite common, so when red spots appear on the legs, their number increases and itching, a thorough diagnosis is necessary. Exactly at acute period The easiest way to diagnose a disease is its origin. Self-medication based on assumptions can have harmful consequences. It can cause false improvement, confuse symptoms and complicate installation correct diagnosis and therefore slow down the healing process.

Treatment for itchy spots on legs

Since rashes are a symptom of various diseases, then therapeutic measures carried out to relieve the underlying disease and alleviate the patient’s condition - eliminating itching and healing the surface of the skin.

In case of allergies, it is mandatory to identify and eliminate the allergen and adhere to a hypoallergenic diet. Enterosgel is included in the treatment regimen as a detoxifying agent to cleanse the blood and intestines of toxic substances and allergens. The active component of the drug, polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate, has the ability to absorb and bind metabolites of incomplete metabolic reactions, toxins, opportunistic and pathogenic microbes, eliminating them with feces from the body. At the same time, without interfering with the vital activity of beneficial microorganisms in the intestines. As a result of the detoxifying effect of Enterosgel, the activity of immune cells is stabilized. The sorbent does not enter the general bloodstream. Contraindicated only in acute intestinal obstruction. Approved for use by pregnant and lactating women, in pediatric practice. A side effect may be constipation. Take orally with enough water to swallow, no less than 90 minutes before taking medicine or food or two hours after. Dosage: 5 g (teaspoon) twice a day for children under three years of age; the same single dose given only three times a day between the ages of three and five years; from five to 14 years – 10 g (dessert spoon) three times a day; patients over 14 years of age - dose 15 g (tablespoon) three times a day.

Sometimes this is enough. If necessary, drug therapy is used. Single spots that appear at points of contact with the irritant are treated using local non-hormonal ointments, For example, Fenistil gel. The active ingredient dimethindene maleate easily penetrates the skin, has an antiallergic effect by blocking H1-histamine receptors, reduces irritation, inflammation and itching, and begins to act a few minutes after application. Has a cooling and local anesthetic effect. Do not apply to large affected areas; after application, avoid exposure to sunlight. It is not teratogenic and can be used on small areas of the skin by pregnant and lactating women. Patients over two years old can use it two to four times a day; those under two years old can only use it as prescribed by a doctor. For extensive lesions, it is used in combination with the oral form of the drug - drops or capsules. Drops can be given to children with one month old, up to a year prescribed single dosage from three to ten drops, taken three times a day. Children from one to three years old take 10-15 drops three times a day; from three to 12 years – 15-20; older – 20-40. Can be divided daily dose in two doses, and the evening dose can be twice as high as the morning dose. Capsules are taken by patients aged 12 years and older. The standard dosage is to take one capsule daily, swallow it whole and wash it down with water. The drug is contraindicated in patients with bronchial asthma and performing work that requires extreme attention.

Atopic dermatitis in children from three months of age and adults is treated with cream Elidel. Anti-inflammatory effect active substance(pimecrolimus) is based on the release of pro-inflammatory mediators and cytokines from T lymphocytes and mast cells. By inhibiting the activity of calcinervin, it suppresses the activity of immunocytes of the skin. It does not provoke the development of atrophic processes, the effect is comparable in intensity to clobetasol derivatives. Can be used in long courses.

The cream is easily rubbed twice a day into damaged areas of the skin. It is used at the first signs of atopic dermatitis; when used for a year, it prevents relapses.

Cholinergic rashes are a reaction to an endogenous substance (acetylcholine) formed in the patient’s body under the influence of certain factors. Therefore, antihistamines are not effective in this case; mainly, local drugs with belladonna extract or with atropine. They are applied to spots once or twice a day. Belladonna extract has a pronounced anticholinergic effect. The active ingredients of the extract - alkaloids atropine, scopolamine, hyoscyamine - bind M and H cholinergic receptors, thereby reducing their sensitization to acetylcholine, and also blocking cholinergic nerve impulses.

Combined treatment gives a good effect - local remedies for allergies + oral antihistamines. It is preferable to use second-generation drugs internally that do not have the sedative properties of drugs belonging to the first generation, for example, Loratadine. Effective for allergic urticaria and dermatitis caused by various allergens, including - medicines and bites of blood-sucking insects. It is fast-acting; within half an hour after starting the treatment, the rashes stop itching and inflammatory manifestations decrease. Take from 12 years of age or from the moment your body weight exceeds 30 kg - one tablet once a day. At the age of 2-11 years, children whose body weight does not exceed 30 kg are recommended to take half a tablet. Side effects (vomiting or dry mouth) are very rare.

In cases of ineffectiveness of antihistamines, hormonal drugs of local and systemic action are prescribed. They are taken only as prescribed by a doctor and used in short courses, since they have many impressive side effects, then, after the patient’s condition has improved, they are “followed up” with antihistamines, anti-inflammatory or folk remedies.

For spots caused by liver pathologies, diabetes mellitus Treatment of the underlying disease is prescribed in combination with detoxifying (Enterosgel) and antiallergic drugs.

Dermatomycoses are treated with fungicidal ointments, tablets or combinations thereof, dermatitis caused by viruses or bacteria, respectively, antiviral and antibacterial drugs. The success of treatment depends entirely on correct and timely diagnosis.

The treatment regimen includes vitamins and vitamin complexes, with an emphasis on ascorbic acid and B vitamins. Such products help restore the body’s defenses and increase its own resistance.

Physiotherapeutic treatment is widely used for skin pathologies. In acute phases of dermatosis, it is contraindicated, however, during the recovery period it helps heal wounds and renew skin cells. To improve the functional state of the skin surface, the d’Arsonval method is used - exposure to pulsed high-frequency currents, drug electrophoresis, PUVA therapy.

Traditional treatment

Traditional medicine recipes in some cases can help get rid of spots on the legs, reduce symptoms of inflammation and itching. They can be used during the recovery period, after consulting with a doctor, to speed up the epithelization process.

When spots have just appeared, you can cleanse the body at home. For stains allergic origin This may help, and it won’t hurt for other types of stains either. Cleaning at home can be done in the following ways:

  • put cleansing enema and fast the next day, especially if this day is a day off;
  • take activated carbon at the rate of: one tablet per 10 kg of body weight (for five days non-infectious nature usually pass);
  • take Enterosgel.

Allergic spots on the skin can be smeared with sauerkraut brine. It quickly relieves itching, and several treatments with brine lotions should also remove stains.

For allergies, herbal treatment is widely used: lotions are made with infusion of string, chamomile, and celery root. Baths are made with the same plants.

In general, for allergies, celery is taken not only externally, but also internally. You can apply finely chopped fresh leaves apply this plant to stains or make an ointment by taking equal proportions of crushed celery leaves and butter.

Fungal skin infections can also be treated using medicinal plants. The skin of the feet is usually affected, so baths are recommended for fungus:

  • with celandine: take 8 tablespoons of dry crushed herb per three liters of boiling water and boil for three to five minutes, let cool until warm state, do not dilute, keep your feet in the broth;
  • with natural ground coffee: brew 10 tablespoons of coffee with two liters of boiling water, keep your feet in the broth that has cooled to a warm state (not strained) for half an hour, do not wipe, put on simple socks and go to bed; In the morning, wash off any remaining coffee.

Fungus ointment: 100g birch tar, raw egg(homemade), a tablespoon of cream with homemade milk, mix the ingredients, put in a glass jar, store in the refrigerator, covered. Apply the ointment to steamed legs before going to bed, wrap the top with a bandage, every day for two months. Earlier treatment do not finish, even if your legs are clear of lesions.

You can make applications with sea buckthorn oil. Keep them on the skin for at least half an hour, and also take half a teaspoon of oil in the morning on an empty stomach.

If the affected areas of the body are deprived of water, twice a day for three minutes, pour hot water, then after three days there will be a noticeable improvement, and after half a month the lichen planus will disappear.

Pityriasis rosea goes away on its own within a month, although there is a ring-shaped form that becomes chronic and stays on the body for several years. ethnoscience suggests helping the body shorten recovery time by using a tincture of celandine in alcohol or salicylic alcohol, rubbing the rashes twice a day. You can also prepare a water infusion by mixing talc, zinc oxide, glycerin and water in equal proportions in a glass jar.


Spots on the legs, and of various origins, are quite successfully treated with homeopathic medicines, including vitiligo and other skin manifestations, the causes of which are controversial in official medical circles. Homeopathic treatment is not aimed at suppressing rashes, but at identifying and eliminating problems with internal organs that cannot cope with their functions, so the skin takes on the role of natural drainage organs (kidneys, liver, intestines). Homeopaths view dermatoses and dermatitis as the body’s desire to eliminate the problem through the skin, to bring it outside away from vital internal organs. The homeopathic doctor tries to understand the trigger mechanism of this problem, and the prescription of the drug most often occurs according to the constitutional type of the patient.

Almost the entire arsenal of homeopathic pharmacy is used to treat skin pathologies, since each patient has his own mental and physical characteristics.

For example, the homeopathic medicine Ammonium carbonicum or ammonium carbonate can be prescribed for treatment different types urticaria, as well as skin depigmentation in impressionable patients with frequent mood swings and dictatorial habits.

The drug Conium or spotted hemlock is prescribed to patients prone to depression, timid and unsociable, prone to endocrine pathologies and neoplasms. They often have rashes winter time, may suffer from vitiligo.

Ignacy (beans of St. Ignace) is indicated for emotional and temperamental patients who have a strong will, are prone to empathy and are always ready to help. Helps with cholinergic urticaria caused by stressful situation, skin pigmentation disorders.

Sulfur (sulfur color) and Sulfur Yodatum (an alloy of sulfur and iodine) are the main drugs used in the treatment of itchy skin spots, especially effective for chronic dermatoses.

Rhus toxicodendron (poison sumac) is prescribed to patients with cold allergies when rashes appear on red and swollen skin. Local medications may be prescribed in the form of homeopathic ointment or oil.

Calcarea carbonica (lime carbonate) is prescribed to overweight and loose patients, children with milk intolerance.

Dermatological problems can be easily eliminated with homeopathic manganese preparations. For skin manifestations of dysfunction digestive organs, cholestasis and to stimulate intestinal functions, Manganum Sulfuricum (manganese sulfate) is prescribed. Manganum Aceticum (manganese acetate) is prescribed for psoriasis and dry eczema, accompanied by severe itching. Manganum Carbonicum (manganese carbonate) – for psoriatic rashes, pityriasis versicolor.

Complex homeopathic preparations can be used in allopathic treatment regimens; they practically do not cause unwanted effects, which is especially valuable for patients with dermatological problems. Pregnant and lactating women take such drugs only as prescribed by a doctor.

For example, Lymphomyosot– a homotoxic multicomponent medicine that activates lymphatic drainage, detoxifies the body and reduces symptoms of inflammation: itching, redness, exudation, swelling. Adjustable functional disorders organs and cells, including the immune system. Release form: oral drops and solution in injection ampoules. Not recommended for persons sensitized to the components of the drug. Patients with increased thyroid function should exercise caution when dosing the drug.

Drop a single dose of medication into 10 ml of water according to age and drink, holding it in the mouth for as long as possible, three times a day before meals half an hour or after it at an hourly interval.

A single dose for infants is one or two drops, at the age of 1-2 full years - three, 3-5 years - five, 6-11 years - seven. After reaching 12 years of age, 10 drops are added. During the acute phases of the disease, a single dose can be taken every quarter of an hour, the maximum daily intake– tenfold. After the exacerbation is relieved, they switch to standard treatment.

Patients with hyperthyroidism are dosed with the drug, taking 1/2 of the age-appropriate portion, bringing it to the age norm by increasing it by one drop daily.

At severe forms diseases, an injection solution is used. It is allowed to be used by patients from the age of six. One-time injection – one ampoule twice or thrice during the week. Injections are carried out by any means: intramuscularly, intramuscularly, subcutaneously, intravenously, acupuncture injections are allowed.

It is permissible to dilute the contents of the ampoule in a quarter glass of water and drink this solution throughout the day, observing equal intervals between doses and keeping it in the mouth.

Multicomponent homeopathic remedy Galium-Heel has a detoxifying and immunomodulatory effect at the cellular level. Activates drainage processes in parenchymal tissues of vital internal organs. No side effects were recorded. The only contraindication is individual sensitization.

Used from birth: children of the first two years of life are dosed with five drops; from two to five full years - eight drops; for patients six and older – ten. In an acute condition, a single dose can be taken at intervals of a quarter or half an hour for 1-2 days, but not more than 20 times.

Galium-Heel can be used as monotherapy or alternated with Lymphomyosot every other day.

As a detoxifying agent that normalizes metabolism, it can be included in the treatment regimen Coenzyme compositum. It is used in severe cases of any origin and location. The drug is available in ampoules for any type of injection: intradermal, subcutaneous, intramuscular and intravenous jet, acupuncture injection is allowed. For cupping acute symptoms You can administer a single age dose daily for three days, then switch to twice a week.

Trophic disorders that begin with the appearance of red itchy spots can eventually lead to trophic ulcers, development of gangrene and limb amputation.

Systemic diseases that signal themselves by rashes develop without treatment and can significantly reduce the patient’s quality of life. Severe decompensated forms of chronic diseases require long-term treatment and can significantly reduce life expectancy.

Therefore, the appearance of spots on the legs should not be ignored; in order to carry out competent and effective treatment, first of all, a thorough examination is necessary.


Measures to prevent the occurrence of itchy spots on the legs and on the skin of other parts of the body are not complicated and depend on the body’s predisposition to react to certain substances which it is desirable to eliminate from everyday life.

Infection with fungus, herpes, and bacterial infections can also be prevented by wearing rubber slippers in public places (swimming pools, showers), not trying on other people's shoes and clothes, and so on.

If a stain appears, do not scratch it, as it can cause an infection. In the case of a known cause, you can take measures: eliminate the cause and swallow enterosgel or activated carbon, make lotions with a series, take an antihistamine.

If the cause of the appearance of the spot is not obvious, it is better, without delay or self-medication, to be examined using modern diagnostic methods. Then choose treatment, allopathic or homeopathic - the choice is yours.

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