Review: Cycloferon for children - mild protection against viral attacks. Instructions for use

Table of contents:

Composition of Cycloferon

The drug in question is produced in three forms: tablets for oral administration, solution for injection and liniment for external use.

Cycloferon tablets

The main active ingredient is meglumine acridone acetate, 150 mg per tablet. Excipients:

  • povidone;
  • calcium stearate;
  • hypromellose;
  • polysorbate;
  • propylene glycol;
  • methacrylic acid.

The tablets have a yellow tint, biconvex shape, are covered with an enteric coating, which makes them easier to take.

Solution for injections Cycloferon

The main active ingredient (meglumine acridone acetate) is contained in an amount of 125 mg per 1 ml. Of the excipients, only water for injection can be isolated up to a volume of 1 ml (ampoule). A solution of this medicinal product transparent, but yellow in color. Sold in blister packs and cardboard boxes; ampoules can be made of clear or brown glass.

Liniment Cycloferon

The main active ingredient is meglumine acridone acetate in an amount of 50 mg per 1 ml of external agent. The following are used as auxiliary substances in liniment:

  • benzalkonium chloride;
  • propylene glycol.

Liniment is a yellow clear liquid, it has a rather specific smell. Available in tubes of 5 and 30 ml.

How Cycloferon works (pharmacological capabilities of the drug)

The drug in question has two pronounced effects at once: and antiviral. In addition, Cycloferon also has mild antitumor, anti-inflammatory and antiproliferative effects. Cycloferon in any of its pharmacological forms activates bone marrow stem cells and ensures the formation of granulocytes. If we omit pharmacological terms, we can highlight the following possibilities of the drug in question:

Indications for use of Cycloferon

The drug in question in tablet form is prescribed as one of the components complex therapy in adults with the following diseases:

  • acute respiratory diseases;
  • chronic fungal infections and bacterial etiology, which provoked secondary immunodeficiency;
  • neuroinfections: , serous, ;
  • acute intestinal infections of viral origin.

In childhood, Cycloferon tablets are prescribed for diagnosed:

  • hepatitis C and B, occurring in acute or chronic form;
  • HIV infections;

Cycloferon solution for injection is indicated for use in adults with the following pathologies:

  • different types and severity of the current;
  • neuroinfections;
  • HIV infection;
  • diseases of chlamydial etiology;
  • joint diseases, including deforming osteoarthritis;
  • systemic connective tissue diseases;
  • secondary immunodeficiency that developed against the background of acute/chronic infections of fungal or bacterial etiology.

In childhood, Cycloferon injection is prescribed only if three pathologies are diagnosed - hepatitis, HIV infection and herpetic infection.

Liniment Cycloferon is used only as one of the components of complex therapy for:

  • nonspecific;
  • specific;
  • bacterial vaginitis;
  • infections of herpetic origin.

Contraindications to the use of Cycloferon

It is strictly forbidden to use the drug in question for the treatment of women who are pregnant or in the period of lactation. In addition, there are more specific contraindications for a particular pharmacological form:

  • Tablets, solution for injection, are prohibited from being used as part of therapy when diagnosing decompensated cirrhosis of the liver;
  • tablets, liniment and solution for injection are contraindicated in case of existing hypersensitivity to the components of Cycloferon.

The drug in question is strictly contraindicated for use in childhood (restrictions apply up to 4 years) and up to 18 years. Moreover, injection solution and tablets are contraindicated only up to the indicated early age, and liniment is prohibited from being used until the patient reaches adulthood.

Note:Cycloferon should be used with extreme caution for erosions, and duodenum, and a strong history. If the doctor has prescribed treatment with injection solution and tablets for a patient with diagnosed dysfunction thyroid gland, then therapy should be carried out only after agreement with the endocrinologist and under his supervision.

How to take Cycloferon for adults and children

In general, any pharmacological form of the drug in question is dosed in individually– it all depends on what disease is diagnosed and what age the patient is.

Tablets for adults

The drug should be taken once a day 20-30 minutes before the main meal. Tablets cannot be crushed, but should be taken with a sufficient amount clean water. Dosage and duration of treatment:

  1. . 2-4 tablets according to the scheme: 1/2/4/6/8/11/14/17/20/23 days of illness. This scheme is basic and quite applicable for most pathologies. herpetic etiology. On full course treatment will require 20-40 tablets. Treatment with Cycloferon is prescribed only in case of exacerbation of chronic herpetic infection.
  2. . 4 tablets according to the basic regimen, then 4 tablets once every 3-5 days (depending on the severity of the disease). The duration of the course of treatment is about three and a half months, you will need 100-150 tablets.
  3. Neuroinfections. 4 tablets according to the basic regimen, then 4 tablets once every 5 days. The course of treatment averages 75 days.
  4. And. 2-4 tablets once a day. A course of treatment will require a maximum of 20 tablets. If the flu is severe from the first days, then single dose can be increased to 6 tablets.
  5. Intestinal infections. 2 tablets per dose according to the basic regimen until the eighth day, from the 11th day the dose increases and is 4 tablets.
  6. Immunodeficiencies. 2 tablets according to the basic regimen.
  7. . 4 tablets according to the basic regimen, then in the same dosage, but once every 5 days for 75 days. After 2-3 months, this course of treatment is repeated.

Tablets in childhood

Cycloferon is prescribed to children once a day, 20-30 minutes before meals. The following daily dosage should be adhered to:

  • age 4-6 years – one tablet per dose;
  • age 7-11 years – two tablets per dose;
  • Age from 12 years – three tablets per dose.

The treatment regimen for the drug in question depends only on the pathology:

  1. Herpetic infection. Prescribed on the 1/2/4/6/8/11/14 day of treatment and strictly in an age-specific dose. The doctor will select further treatment tactics on an individual basis depending on the patient’s health condition.
  2. Viral hepatitis B and C. The dose according to age is given twice every other day, then three doses are administered every 48 hours, and if the dynamics are positive - 5 doses every 72 hours.
  3. Flu and acute respiratory infections. The dose is in accordance with the age of the child, which is taken on the 1st/2/4/6/8th day of therapy, then another five-time dose of the drug every 72 hours.
  4. HIV infection. Age dose for 1/2/4/6/8/11/14/17/20 days of treatment. Next, Cycloferon is taken as maintenance therapy once every 3-5 days for 5 months.
  5. Intestinal infections. In a daily age dose, once on 1/2/4/6/8/11 day of treatment.

Cycloferon solution for injection

The solution is administered intramuscularly or intravenously once a day according to the basic scheme: on 1/2/4/6/8/11/14/17/20/23/26/29 day of treatment. Single dosage depends only on the pathology:

  1. Neuroinfections. Prescribe 12 injections at a dose of 200-500 mg, which are included in the complex treatment. The total dose should not exceed 6 grams, especially severe cases Repeated treatment is allowed.
  2. Diseases musculoskeletal system . Two courses of 5 injections are given with an interval of two weeks, a single dose is 250 mg.
  3. Hepatitis. A single dose is 250-500 mg, ten injections are prescribed, then a break is taken for two weeks and the course of therapy is repeated.
  4. Immunodeficiency conditions. A course of 10 injections is administered intramuscularly, a single dose is 250 mg, repeated courses are prescribed extremely rarely.
  5. HIV infection. A single dose is 500 mg, 10 injections are given intramuscularly according to the basic scheme. Then maintenance treatment is carried out - 500 mg once every 5 days for 2.5 months. A month after the end of the first course, therapy is repeated.
  6. . Four courses of 5 injections every two weeks, a single dose is 250 mg.
  7. . There are 10 injections per course, a single dose is 250 mg, treatment is carried out according to the basic regimen. A second course of treatment can be prescribed only 10 days after the end of the first. Doctors recommend combining the use of Cycloferon and antibacterial drugs when treating chlamydial infections.

The dose of the solution of the drug in question in the case of treating a child is calculated strictly individually - 6-10 mg/kg of the patient’s weight. The drug is administered intramuscularly or intravenously once a day. Cycloferon is used in injections for treatment as follows:

  1. Herpetic infection. The dose previously calculated for the child’s weight is administered on the 1/2/4/6/8/11/14/17/20/23 day of treatment. Next, the drug is used to consolidate the effect, one injection is given every 5 days. The duration of the course of treatment is determined only by the attending physician.
  2. Hepatitis. The calculated dose is administered to the child on the 1/2/4/6/8/10/12/14/16/18/20/22/24/26/28 day of treatment. If the infection is prolonged, then a second course of treatment is carried out two weeks after the end of the first course.
  3. HIV infection. The course of treatment is carried out according to the same scheme as for hepatitis. Next, maintenance therapy is carried out according to the following scheme: 1 injection every 5 days for 3 months.


Cycloferon for local application used in treatment various pathologies only in adult patients:

Note:described treatment regimens with Cycloferon in different pharmacological forms are basic, but may vary at the discretion of the attending physician.

General characteristics. Compound:

Active substance- meglumine acridone acetate in terms of acridoneacetic acid - 150 mg; excipients: povidone - 7.93 mg, calcium stearate - 3.07 mg, hypromellose - 2.73 mg, polysorbate 80 - 0.27 mg, methacrylic acid and ethyl acrylate copolymer - 23.21 mg, propylene glycol - 1.79 mg .

Description: biconvex yellow tablets, enteric-coated.

Pharmacological properties:

Pharmacodynamics. Cycloferon is a low-molecular-weight interferon inducer, which determines a wide range of its biological activity (antiviral, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, etc.). Cycloferon is effective against viruses and other pathogens of acute respiratory diseases. has direct antiviral effect, suppressing virus reproduction by early stages(1-5th day) infectious process, reducing the infectivity of viral progeny, leading to the formation of defective viral particles. Increases the body's nonspecific resistance to viral and bacterial infections.

Pharmacokinetics. When taking a daily dose, the maximum concentration in the blood plasma is reached after 2-3 hours, gradually decreases by the 8th hour, and after 24 hours Cycloferon is detected in trace amounts. The half-life of the drug is 4-5 hours, so the use of the drug Cycloferon in recommended doses does not create conditions for accumulation in the body.

Indications for use:

In adults in complex therapy: influenza and acute respiratory diseases; herpetic infection.

In children in complex therapy, starting from four years of age in complex therapy: influenza and acute respiratory diseases; Herpetic infection.

Important! Get to know the treatment

Directions for use and dosage:

Orally, once a day, 30 minutes before meals, without chewing, with 1/2 glass of water, in age-specific dosages: children 4-6 years old: 150 mg (1 tablet) per dose; children 7-11 years old: 300-450 mg (2-3 tablets) per dose; adults and children over 12 years old: 450-600 (3-4 tablets) per dose.

It is advisable to repeat the course 2-3 weeks after the end of the first course.

In adults:

1. When treating influenza and acute respiratory diseases, the drug is taken on days 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 (course of treatment - 20 tablets). Treatment should begin at the first symptoms of the disease. In case of severe influenza, six tablets are taken on the first day. If necessary, additional symptomatic therapy is carried out (antipyretics, analgesics, expectorants).

2. For herpes infection, the drug is taken on days 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20 and 23 (course of treatment: 40 tablets). Treatment is most effective when the first symptoms of the disease appear.

In children from four years of age:

1. For influenza and acute respiratory diseases, the drug is taken in age-specific doses on days 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23. The course of treatment ranges from 5 to 10 doses, depending on the severity of the condition and severity clinical symptoms.

2. For herpes infection, the drug is taken on the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 11th, 14th day of treatment. The course of treatment may vary depending on the severity of the condition and the severity of clinical symptoms.

3. For emergency nonspecific prevention influenza and acute respiratory diseases (in direct contact with patients with influenza or acute respiratory infections of another etiology, during an influenza epidemic): on the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th day. Next, take a break of 72 hours (three days) and continue the course on the 11th, 14th, 17th, 20th, 23rd day. General course ranges from 5 to 10 receptions.

Features of application:

Cycloferon has no effect on the ability to drive vehicles. For diseases of the thyroid gland, consultation is necessary endocrinologist. If the next dose of the drug is missed, you should continue the course according to the started regimen as soon as possible, without taking into account the time interval and doubling the dosage. With absence therapeutic effect you need to consult a doctor.

Side effects:

Allergic reactions.

Interaction with other drugs:

Cycloferon is compatible with all drugs used in the treatment of these diseases (interferons, chemotherapy, symptomatic drugs, etc.). Enhances the effect of interferons and nucleoside analogues. Reduces side effects chemotherapy, interferon therapy.


Pregnancy, lactation period, childhood up to 4 years (due to imperfect swallowing), individual intolerance to the components of the drug, decompensated.


There is no information about an overdose of the drug.

Storage conditions:

List B. In a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C. Keep out of the reach of children. Shelf life: 2 years. Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Vacation conditions:

Over the counter


Enteric-coated tablets, 150 mg. 10 tablets in a blister pack. 1 or 5 blister packs along with instructions for use in a cardboard box.

The choice of a drug must be approached with special responsibility. It should be borne in mind that not all medications can be used to treat children. For example, Aspirin for ARVI can only be used for adult patients. Usage of this medicine prohibited in childhood.

Pick up effective remedy from ARVI can be treated by a specialist, taking into account age and general condition patient.

One of the most effective medications is Cycloferon. This tool can be used for treatment and prevention viral diseases in adults and children over 4 years of age.

Composition and pharmacological action

The main active ingredients of the drug are meglumine and acridoneacetic acid. The product also contains excipients - povidone, K-methylglucamine, propylene glycol, hypromellose, polysorbate, calcium stearate, methylcellulose. The medicine is produced in following forms: tablets, injection solution, cycloferon liniment (5%).

Cycloferon has immunomodulatory, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative, antitumor effects.

This remedy activates the production of its own interferon (a protein released in the body when pathogenic substances penetrate). Getting into the body, medicinal substance quickly penetrates into organs and tissues containing lymphoid cells - liver, spleen, lungs, intestinal mucosa.

According to the instructions, you need to take this medication once a day, 30 minutes before meals, with a sufficient amount of clean water.

Cycloferon for ARVI and others colds is accepted as follows:

  • on the 1st day - 2-4 tablets once;
  • on the 2nd, 4th, 6th day - 2 tablets once.

In severe cases of the disease, the initial dose of the medicine can be increased to 6 tablets.

This will alleviate the course of the disease, shorten the duration of the febrile state, reduce symptoms of intoxication of the body, improve expectoration, reduce painful sensations and minimize the likelihood of severe complications.

During a period of increased epidemiological danger with for preventive purposes take 2 tablets of Cycloferon on the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th day. Then the medicine is taken once every three days for 2 weeks.

In childhood, the drug is taken as follows:

  • children 4-6 years old - 1 tablet per day;
  • children 6-11 years old - 2 tablets per day;
  • children over 12 years old - 3 tablets per day.

If necessary, the specialist may prescribe a second course of treatment with the drug after 2-4 weeks.

Cycloferon can be used in combination with other medications that are used in the treatment of these diseases, including chemotherapy and interferons.


This medicine is not recommended for use in the following cases:

  • individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • severe liver pathologies (cirrhosis);
  • pregnancy period and breastfeeding(at this time it is allowed to use the medicine in the form of liniment);
  • children under 4 years of age;
  • pathologies of the thyroid gland and organs digestive tract(gastritis, ulcer, pancreatitis and others).

Lack of timely treatment for colds can lead to serious complications - bronchitis, otitis media, pneumonia. Only a doctor can draw up an adequate treatment program, taking into account the general condition of the patient. You should not self-medicate or use Cycloferon uncontrolled for ARVI. Reviews from colleagues, friends, acquaintances should not become a reason to independent use medications. Consultation with a qualified specialist is required!

Self-medication can be harmful to your health.
You should consult your doctor and read the instructions before use.

Cycloferon: instructions for use


active substance: meglumine acridone acetate in terms of acridone acetic acid 150 mg; excipients: povidone, calcium stearate, hypromellose, polysorbate 80, methacrylic acid and ethyl acrylate copolymer (1:1), propylene glycol.


biconvex tablets yellow color, covered with an enteric coating.

pharmachologic effect

Cycloferon is a low-molecular-weight interferon inductor, which determines a wide range of its biological activity (antiviral, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, etc.).

Cycloferon is effective against viruses - herpes - influenza - and - other pathogens - acute respiratory diseases. It has a direct antiviral effect, suppressing virus reproduction in the early stages (1-5 days) of the infectious process, reducing the infectivity of viral offspring, leading to the formation of defective viral particles. Increases the body's nonspecific resistance to viral and bacterial infections.


When taking a daily dose, the maximum concentration in the blood plasma is reached after 2-3 hours, gradually decreases by the 8th hour, and after 24 hours Cycloferon is detected in trace amounts. The half-life of the drug is 4-5 hours, so using it in recommended doses does not create conditions for accumulation in the body. It is excreted unchanged by the kidneys.

In patients with impaired renal and liver function, as well as in elderly patients, no change in dosage regimen is required.

Indications for use

adults in complex therapy:

Flu and acute respiratory diseases;

Herpetic infection.

In children starting from four years in complex therapy:

Influenza and acute respiratory diseases;

Herpetic infection.

In children over four years of age for the prevention of influenza and acute respiratory diseases.


Pregnancy, breastfeeding, children under 4 years of age (due to imperfect swallowing), individual intolerance to the components of the drug, decompensated cirrhosis of the liver.

Directions for use and doses

Orally once a day 30 minutes before meals, without chewing, with a glass of water, in age-specific dosages:

children 4-6 years old: 150 mg (1 tablet) per dose; children 7-11 years old: 300-450 mg (2-3 tablets) per dose; adults and children over 12 years of age: 450-600 mg (3-4 tablets) per dose.

It is advisable to repeat the course 2-3 weeks after the end of the first.

In adults:

1. When treating influenza and acute respiratory diseases, the drug is taken on days 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 (course of treatment - 20 tablets). Treatment should begin at the first symptoms of the disease. At severe course For the flu, take six tablets the first time. If necessary, additional symptomatic therapy is carried out (antipyretics, analgesics, expectorants). I

2. For herpes infection, the drug is taken on days 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 2, 14, 17, 20, 23 (course j of treatment - 40 tablets). Treatment is most effective when the first symptoms of the disease appear.

In children from four years of age:

1. For influenza and acute respiratory diseases, the drug is taken in age-appropriate doses of 1, 2,"

4, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23 days. The course of treatment ranges from 5 to 10 doses, depending on the severity of the condition and the severity of clinical symptoms.

1. For herpes infection, the drug is taken on days 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 2, and 14 of treatment. The course of treatment may vary depending on the severity of the condition and the severity of clinical symptoms.

2. For emergency nonspecific prevention of influenza and acute respiratory diseases (in direct contact with patients with influenza or acute respiratory infections of another etiology, during an influenza epidemic), the drug is taken on the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th day. Then take a break of 72 hours (three days) and continue the course for 11,! 4, 17,20, 23 days. The general course is from 5 to 10 doses.

If the next dose of the drug is missed, then you should, at the first opportunity, without taking into account the time interval and doubling the dosage, continue the course according to the started regimen.

Side effect

Allergic reactions.


To date, no cases of overdose have been identified.

Precautionary measures

For diseases of the digestive system in the acute stage (erosion, gastric and/or duodenal ulcers, gastritis and duodenitis) and a history of allergic reactions before taking the drug, be sure to consult your doctor.

Currently, pharmaceuticals offer a wide selection of drugs for prevention and treatment viral infections. Immunostimulating drugs are becoming increasingly popular among doctors. Cycloferon is often prescribed for the treatment of acute respiratory infections and influenza in children. Many parents are interested in how it works on children's body and is it safe for children and teenagers to take?

Composition, release form and effect of the drug

Cycloferon is an immunomodulatory drug. Besides stimulation immune system, it is capable of exerting anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral and antitumor effects on the body. This effect is achieved thanks to the salt of acridone acetic acid - meglumine acridone acetate, which is the basis of the drug.

Penetrating into the body, acridoneacetic acid stimulates the production of all types human interferons who actively fight various diseases. The drug stimulates the body's defense reactions and activates stem cells bone marrow, suppresses autoimmune reactions, reduces the activity of viruses and prevents their reproduction.

What distinguishes Cycloferon from other immunostimulants is that it does not contain artificially synthesized interferons, but helps to enhance own strength body. Associated with this is his high efficiency and relative safety. The drug is produced in 3 dosage forms: tablets, injection solutions, ointment.

Indications for use of the product

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The drug has wide range actions. Cycloferon promotes the activation of only those protective cells that the body needs at the time of a particular disease. It is used in complex treatment various pathologies. Cycloferon is used for the prevention and treatment of the following diseases:

  • flu;
  • ARVI;
  • cytomegalovirus (we recommend reading:);
  • hepatitis;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • rheumatic pathologies;
  • intestinal infections;
  • papillomatous infections;
  • chlamydia;
  • herpes;
  • chickenpox;

Cycloferon is used to treat various diseases viral etiology, so doctors often recommend the drug for chicken pox
  • tumors;
  • meningitis;
  • tick-borne encephalitis (more details in the article:);
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • surgical abscesses.

Instructions for use for children

There is no pediatric form of the drug. It is suitable for treating patients over 4 years of age. Only the dosage and application regimen differ. Despite its good tolerability and high effectiveness, the drug is used only as prescribed by a doctor. Violation of the dosage and treatment regimen impairs the effectiveness of the drug. The ointment is not prescribed for people under 18 years of age.

Dosage of Cycloferon tablets

Tablets of 150 mg are taken 30 minutes before meals, washed down clean water. Cycloferon should not be chewed. Daily dose drink at one time.

The regimen depends on the disease and is prescribed by a pediatrician. If a child misses one dose of the drug, do not take a double dose of the drug the next time. Approximate algorithms and dosages are described in the table.

DiseaseAge, yearsDaily dose, 150 mg tabletsDosage regimen, day of illness
Treatment of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections4-6 1 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23rd
7-11 2-3
Over 123-4
Herpetic infections4-6 1 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14
7-11 2-3
Over 123-4
Hepatitis4-6 1 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 17, 20...etc. up to 6 months
7-11 2-3
Over 123-4
Disease Prevention4-6 1 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23
7-11 2
Over 123
HIV4-6 1 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20. Then take every 3-5 days for up to 5 months.
7-11 2-3
Over 123-4
Intestinal infections4-6 1 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11
7-11 2
Over 123

Use of the drug in injections

The advantage of Cycloferon in injections is that it is administered without gastrointestinal tract, and is completely absorbed by the body. The solution is injected into a muscle or vein. The injection is given once a day.

Depending on the severity of the disease, an injection of the drug may be prescribed.

The dose for a child is calculated based on body weight - 6-10 mg per 1 kg. Cycloferon injections for the treatment of children are used according to the following regimens:

  • Hepatitis. 10-15 injections (1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28 days). At chronic disease the medicine is administered 3 times a week for 3 months.
  • Herpes. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor depending on the severity of the diagnosis. Injections are given daily for the first two days, the next three doses are given every other day, 6-10 injections are administered every 3 days. To secure therapeutic effect subsequent use of the drug is possible at intervals of 5 days.
  • For HIV, the duration of treatment is from 3 to 6 months. There are several drug administration regimens. Cycloferon is used according to the algorithm for the treatment of hepatitis or an injection is given once every 5 days (see also:).

Sometimes medicinal solution used for diseases of the upper respiratory tract as inhalations. To do this, use a nebulizer device. The liquid for the procedure is prepared by mixing 1-2 ampoules of Cycloferon with 4 ml of saline solution. The course of treatment consists of 10 sessions. After inhalation, it is not recommended to go outside for 60 minutes.

Contraindications and possible side effects

The drug is not an antibiotic, so it is widely used in pediatrics. However, you should not use the medicine without a doctor's prescription.

Cycloferon is not used in the treatment of newborns and infants, since there are no clinical researches effects of the drug for this group of children.

Cycloferon is not prescribed to children under 4 years of age. The drug is contraindicated in patients who have been diagnosed serious disease liver. You should not take the medicine if you are hypersensitive to one of the components. For gastrointestinal problems and pathologies endocrine system the drug is taken under constant medical supervision.

Cycloferon usually does not cause adverse reactions in patients. However, children may experience allergic reactions: rash, itchy skin, Quincke's edema. When negative reactions If you take the medication, you should stop taking it and consult a doctor. A specialist will find out the reason side effects and prescribe another therapy.

Drug analogues

Does not currently exist medicines, active substance which is meglumine acridone acetate or acridone acetic acid. If an allergy to a drug occurs, the child is prescribed something similar in its own way. therapeutic effect medicine.

Analogues of Cycloferon conventionally include the following drugs:

  • Children's Anaferon – antiviral agent in the form of lozenges. Has an immunomodulatory effect. It is used for the treatment and prevention of influenza and ARVI, as well as in complex therapy for herpetic infections, enteroviruses, rotaviruses, tick-borne encephalitis. Allowed for children from 1 month.
  • Kagocel – immunomodulatory, antiviral and antimicrobial drug(more details in the article:). Prescribed for colds. Recommended for patients aged 3 years and older.
  • Arbidol (more details in the article:). Does not apply to immunomodulators. Available in the form of tablets and suspension. Used in the treatment of acute respiratory infections, influenza, pneumonia, bronchitis for patients over 2 years of age.
  • Ergoferon – combined antiviral drug(more details in the article:). Contains antibodies that activate histamines, interferon gamma, and CD4 receptors. Recommended for the treatment of influenza, adenoviral and coronavirus infections, herpes simplex, chicken pox, intestinal infections caused by rotavirus. It can be given to children from 6 months.
  • Polyoxidonium (we recommend reading:

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