Sensation of a sweet smell in the nose. The smell of rotten meat in the nose. About the reasons for the appearance

An unpleasant smell from the nose brings a lot of inconvenience not only to the person who is faced with such a problem, but also to those around him. Its appearance indicates the presence of a disease in the body, so such manifestations cannot be ignored. Fetidity occurs when the immune system ceases to fight the effects of numerous microorganisms, which immediately begin to multiply rapidly. As a result, the mucous membrane becomes inflamed and bone tissue, pus appears in the nose, which is the cause of the terrible smell.

Sometimes there is a disorder of smell, a heavy aroma is felt only by himself. Odor from the nose may appear after the formation of dry crusts in the nasal passages, as well as during infectious diseases of a bacterial nature.

Doctors identify several types of unpleasant symptoms. The patient can smell:

  • pus – is felt constantly, usually occurs during infections;
  • burning – felt periodically;
  • rot - depends on various factors, therefore it is stable or episodic in nature.

The foul odor is not, in some cases it periodically disappears and appears in certain time days.

Important! To clarify the cause of the disease and the prescription, consult an ENT doctor.

Causes of the disease

Doctors identify the main reasons unpleasant odor from the nose:

  • nasopharyngeal diseases;
  • diseases in which the smell of rotten meat from the nose is the main sign of recognition of the disease;
  • foreign body in the nasal passage - often found in children;
  • diseases of organs and systems - possibly with diabetes, endocrine disorders, renal failure;
  • spicy and chronic rhinitis, during inflammation, pus collects in the nasal and maxillary sinuses, so there is an unpleasant odor from;
  • allergy;
  • Bacterial infections are the most common culprit behind the smell of pus in the nose.

For diseases of the upper respiratory tract The patient may experience a disorder of smell - parosmia. The disease is characterized by the fact that the patient feels a heavy aroma of rot and acetone. Symptoms of parosmia appear with sinusitis, influenza, traumatic brain injury, mental disorders. The main causes of odor in the nose and damage to the olfactory functions are caused by infectious diseases sinuses during ozena. Illness in initial stages captures the mucous membrane, later bone and cartilage tissue. Unfortunately, the exact causes of bad nose and the occurrence of this disease have not yet been identified. However, doctors name the factors that lead to ozen:

  1. Underdevelopment of subordinate clauses and frontal sinuses nose
  2. Excessively wide nasal passages.
  3. Heredity – atrophic rhinitis may cause the development of the disease in one of the parents.
  4. Degeneration of the nasal mucosa.
There are other reasons for the smell of acetone in the nose:
  • strong physical activity, especially with poor nutrition. In this case, the release of ammonia occurs due to the breakdown of fatty deposits;
  • unfavorable environmental conditions, including poor conditions, non-compliance with sanitary rules.

An unpleasant odor usually occurs at the age of 7-8 years, more often in girls. There is constant congestion in the nasal passages, purulent discharge. Children complain of headaches fatigue, decreased tone, drowsiness. The symptoms are similar to, so parents begin to intensively treat it, which leads to complications of the disease.

Important! When the stage is advanced, it spreads to the larynx.

IN adolescence purulent discharge is usually absent, but dry formations appear in the form of crusts, which cover the mucous membrane and cause an odor from the child’s nose. The causes of pus in the nasopharynx are caused by various factors, so you should definitely visit a doctor to determine correct diagnosis and prescribing adequate treatment.

During the examination, the patient is prescribed:

  • CT scan of the nasal cavities;
  • endoscopic examination of the nasopharynx;
  • bacterial culture from the nasal mucosa

Treatment methods: drug therapy and more

After the examination, the patient is recommended conservative or surgery unpleasant smell in the nose.

Conservative therapy is aimed at fighting infection and eliminating dry crusts.

Drug treatment includes:

  • rinsing the nasal passages with hydrogen peroxide solutions and physical agents;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • laying turundles with a proteolytic effect;
  • prescription of streptomycin, xanthinol nicotinate;
  • physiotherapy: electrophoresis, diathermy (heating the nasal mucosa with electric current).

If the causes of unpleasant odor in the nose lie in systemic diseases, first of all, treatment is aimed at eliminating the underlying disease.


In advanced forms of the disease without surgical intervention, in most cases, it is impossible to get by. Surgery is also necessary in cases where the unpleasant symptom is caused by a displacement of the nasal septum.

Traditional treatment

Alternative medicine offers its treatment methods with foul odor from the nose. It should be remembered that folk remedies are only an addition to the main method of therapy.

  1. Herbal mixture of wormwood, sage and mint. Steam 5 tbsp in 1 liter of boiling water. l. crushed herbs, infuse in a thermal container for about two hours. Ready mixture take 200 ml 3 times a day.
  2. Bulb onions. Grind a medium-sized head on a fine grater, add ¼ tbsp to the mixture. boiled water and ½ des. l. honey Leave the mixture to infuse for 30 minutes, filter. Instill the resulting liquid into the nasal passages: 2-3 drops 5-6 rubles/day.
  3. Rinse the nose with an extract of aloe with water, a solution with sea salt.

If you experience an unpleasant odor from your nose, you should immediately consult a doctor to determine the exact cause of the symptom. Otherwise, it can lead to serious consequences.

The symptom - bad breath and nasal passages - indicates various ailments that develop in humans not only in the respiratory tract, but also in other organic systems.

How to get rid of a stench that bothers you and causes trouble for others?

Why does there be an unpleasant smell in the nose?

The nose has cavities - nasal passages, covered with mucous membrane. The flora of the mucous membrane consists of bacteria various types– beneficial, opportunistic and pathogenic. As soon as the natural balance of microflora is disturbed, the number beneficial bacteria decreases and begins to actively reproduce pathogenic flora, most of which is putrefactive bacteria. In the nasal passages they are provided ideal conditions– warm and humid.

The patient very quickly begins to notice a putrid aroma - the receptors responsible for the sense of smell are located in the nose - but is often unable to understand why this happens. After all, not only diseases of the upper respiratory system may cause unpleasant odor from the nose. Sometimes other organs have to be treated.

Possible causes of stench may be the following:

  1. Ozena, or atrophic rhinitis. The exact reason why the functions of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages are first disrupted, and then the glands responsible for the protective functions of the nose atrophy, has not been established. These include congenital anatomical pathologies - underdevelopment of the frontal sinuses or widening of the wings of the nose; diseases that caused a sharp decline immunity; hormonal and endocrine disorders; infectious diseases– for example, syphilis; haphazard use vasoconstrictor drops... First appears incessant transparent discharge from the nose, possibly with an unpleasant odor, then they thicken, purulent crusts form, the vessels in the nose become fragile, the mucous membrane gradually atrophies and then necrosis. If you don't apply for it in time medical care, bone and cartilage tissues begin to break down.
  2. When a bacterial infection develops in the body, an unpleasant odor may appear in the nose when inhaling or exhaling - on a short time. The source of the smell should be sought in the nasopharynx area.
  3. If you make a sudden movement - bend or turn - the stench overwhelms you for a few seconds. Most likely, the source of the “aroma” is hidden in the stomach and rises when the posture changes. But maybe that’s how it makes itself known chronic sinusitis, in which there is a small amount of pus in the maxillary sinuses, which does not manifest itself in a calm state.
  4. Often, with a runny nose, an unpleasant odor occurs in the nose - the nasal mucosa swells, the discharge thickens, and becomes purulent. These are not the only symptoms of the condition - usually the patient experiences general weakness, malaise, and fever at this time. The syndrome of purulent discharge indicates the onset of sinusitis, so it’s time to stop self-medicating at this stage and consult a doctor - it will only get worse.
  5. With parosmia, a disease characterized by a violation of the sense of smell, which develops due to problems - anatomical and physiological - of the upper respiratory tract, only the patient himself feels an unpleasant odor. He voices to the doctor complaints about the appearance of strong chemical aromas - often acetone, and it can be quite difficult to explain to the patient that it is not the organs of the nasopharynx that need to be treated, but parts of the nervous system.

Dry mucous membranes, bad breath and nasal passages are symptoms of many diseases localized in the nasopharynx: syphilis, diphtheria, pharyngitis, tracheitis. Without eliminating the underlying problem, it is impossible to get rid of the smell.

They cause some diseases and conditions in which a person has to be. Poor ecology, household disorder - damp or damp rooms, dust and chemical reagents, dispersed in the air in the workshop - all this has a destructive effect on the upper respiratory tract.

The nasal mucosa is unable to constantly withstand constant destructive influences and begins to collapse. Tissue changes cause changes in flora, putrefactive bacteria are activated.

It is not always possible to find out exactly why the stench occurs, but in any case you need to try to get rid of it, otherwise others will avoid contact.

Treatment of stench

As you can already understand, in many situations it is impossible to get rid of an unpleasant odor without eliminating the underlying problem. But even if the reasons for the appearance of unpleasant symptoms are unknown, doctors advise starting treatment with rinsing the nose.

If you eliminate the discharge that appears during a runny nose caused by different types pathogenic microorganisms, then an unpleasant stench will not come from the nose.

Washing during ozena is first carried out in outpatient setting. The mucous membrane loses its ability to cleanse itself, so it needs help.

The cavity is washed regularly disinfectant solutions, sodium chloride 9%. Before washing, the nasal passages are tamponed with gauze swabs soaked in a solution with proteolytic enzymes. Remove purulent crusts from the holes, first softening them, apply ointments with silver nitrate or oil solutions– “Lugol”, sea buckthorn oil and others.

In some cases, the doctor considers it advisable to include physical procedures in the treatment of the disease - ultraviolet irradiation and electrophoresis with nicotinic acid or potassium iodide solution. Treatment methods with antibiotics are being considered, if there is no fear of permanently suppressing one’s own immune system.

From bacterial infection developing in the upper respiratory tract or nasopharynx area, it is impossible to get rid of it without the use of antibiotics.

If you limit the treatment of sinusitis or tonsillitis to rinsing and folk remedies, then the infection will lurk, and putrid smell will remain. Well antibacterial drugs You need to drink it completely, and not quit the pills when the characteristic symptoms disappear.

Very often the condition returns to normal, but the stench remains if purulent plug“hid” somewhere among the folds of the tonsils.

Even a single blowing of the nose, which leaves pieces of thick mucus on a handkerchief or napkin, should make the patient continue to heal. residual effects sinusitis. As long as there is pus, it is impossible to get rid of the unpleasant odor.

First action for illnesses digestive systems s, in which the reverse reflux of food occurs, called reflux - special diet. If belching appears from time to time, indicating congestion in the stomach, due to which sudden movements the smell of rot appears in the upper respiratory tract; nutrition should also be normalized. An increase in the amount of dietary fiber, found in large quantities in cereal dishes, speeds up metabolic processes and the movement of food through the intestines. Rolled oats porridge is especially effective.

Smell is one of the senses necessary for a person For full life. And its violations impose significant restrictions on emotional condition and become a real problem. Among the disorders of smell, there are also those when the patient is haunted by a smell that actually does not exist. Everyone is interested in the question of origin unpleasant symptoms, but only a doctor can help determine the source of disturbances in the body.

Smell is perceived through the reaction of olfactory receptors located in the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity to certain aromatic molecules. But that's just primary department the corresponding analyzer. Further nerve impulse transmitted to the areas of the brain responsible for the analysis of sensations (temporal lobes). And when a person smells odors that are not there, this clearly indicates some kind of pathology.

First of all, you should divide all the reasons into two groups. The smell may be very real, but is not felt by others until the patient speaks to them at close range. This is likely in the following situations, covering the practice of ENT doctors and dentists:

  • Fetid runny nose (ozena).
  • Sinusitis (sinusitis, sinusitis).
  • Chronic tonsillitis.
  • Caries, pulpitis, periodontitis.

These diseases are accompanied by the formation of pus, which gives an unpleasant odor. A similar situation may arise for those who suffer from diseases gastrointestinal tract(gastritis, peptic ulcer, cholecystitis and pancreatitis). Food caught in digestive tract, is processed worse, and during belching or reflux, molecules of unpleasant aroma come out. A similar problem may not be noticeable to others if they do not get close.

Some people have more low threshold olfactory perception. They smell better than others, so sometimes they encounter misunderstandings from others. Some aroma may be too weak to be detected by anyone else. And this feature should also be taken into account by the doctor.

A separate group of causes are those that are associated with damage to any of the sections of the olfactory analyzer. The emerging odors do not reach others, since their formation, transmission and analysis in a particular person are disrupted. And although the basis for an unpleasant aroma may be some other (quite real) one, the final result is present only in the patient’s mind and poses a problem specifically for him.

There are quite a lot of conditions manifested by impaired sense of smell (dysosmia or parosmia). They include both respiratory pathology with inflammation of the nasal mucosa, for example, rhinitis or ARVI, and other disorders in the body:

  • Hormonal changes (during pregnancy, during menstruation or menopause).
  • Bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse, drugs).
  • Taking certain medications and chemical poisoning.
  • Endocrine disorders (hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus).
  • Systemic diseases (scleroderma).
  • Traumatic brain injuries.
  • Brain tumors.
  • Neuroses or depression.
  • Psychosis (schizophrenia).
  • Epilepsy.

It is also necessary to remember about the so-called phantom odors, which are associated with some kind of stress in the past and left a strong impression. In similar situations they can come to the surface. As you can see, the source of an unpleasant odor can be hidden among a large number of diseases. And some can be quite serious. But don’t immediately get scared and look for yourself dangerous pathology– the reasons for the violations will become clear only after a thorough examination.

Why people imagine certain smells is a rather serious question and requires further research.


Any pathology has certain signs. To identify them, the doctor evaluates the patient's complaints, analyzes the factors that precede the appearance of an unpleasant odor, and conducts a physical examination. You should understand when an extraneous odor is felt, whether it is constantly present or occurs periodically, how intense it is, what contributes to its disappearance and what additional symptoms there are in clinical picture. Sometimes this alone makes it possible to establish the cause of dysosmia, but not always.

The aroma that haunts the patient may have different colors. Those who drink citrus tea often feel a foreign burning smell, and hot spices can cause a feeling of the presence of sulfur in them. Simultaneously with the distortion of smell, taste also changes, since they are closely related. Severe runny nose, for example, can create the illusion that the onion has become sweet and smells like an apple.

ENT pathology

The first thing you should think about when complaining of an unpleasant odor is diseases of the ENT organs. When the nasal mucosa is damaged, the sense of smell is invariably impaired, but the patient may not always feel the smell of pus or rot. Most often, a similar symptom occurs with sinusitis, chronic tonsillitis or ozene. IN the latter case the smell is so pronounced that others notice it. But besides this, you need to pay attention to other symptoms:

  • Impaired nasal breathing.
  • Nasal discharge (mucopurulent or purulent).
  • Heaviness in the projection of the paranasal sinuses.
  • Dry mucous membranes and crusting.
  • Sore throat when swallowing.
  • Traffic jams on the tonsils.

If we are talking about acute sinusitis, That purulent process in the sinuses invariably entails an increase in temperature and intoxication with headaches, but chronic gives less pronounced symptoms. With tonsillitis, disorders of the kidneys, heart, and joints are often detected (the result of sensitization to streptococcal antigens). If the sense of smell is impaired due to ARVI, then in the clinical picture, in addition to a runny nose, against the background of intoxication there will be other catarrhal symptoms, such as redness of the throat and watery eyes.

Pathology of the nose, paranasal sinuses and pharynx - this is the main cause of the appearance of a foreign odor, which can be perceived by others only upon close contact with the patient.

Digestive tract diseases

An unpleasant odor can also haunt those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Impaired digestion of food is the main mechanism similar symptom. Smell rotten eggs worries with hypoacid gastritis (with reduced acidity) or peptic ulcer duodenum, he does not appear constantly, but after eating. The clinical picture also contains other signs of dyspeptic syndrome:

  • Belching.
  • Nausea.
  • Bloating.
  • Changing the stool.

Many people feel discomfort in the stomach or pain in the epigastrium. And concomitant gastroesophageal reflux causes heartburn and further esophagitis. If you are struck gallbladder, then an additional symptom will be a feeling of bitterness in the mouth.

Psychoneurological problems

Many patients with neuropsychiatric status disorders perceive an odor that is not really there. It can have either a real prototype (illusion) or be based on non-existent connections (hallucination). The first situation can also arise in healthy person who suffered a strong emotional stress, but often becomes a constant companion for those who suffer from neurosis or depression. Additional symptoms pathologies become:

  • Decreased mood.
  • Emotional lability.
  • Irritability and anxiety.
  • Feeling of a “lump” in the throat.
  • Sleep disorders.

Somatic disorders will also be characteristic signs functional nature arising due to imbalance nervous regulation(increased heart rate, increased sweating, nausea, shortness of breath, etc.). Unlike neurotic reactions, psychoses are accompanied by profound changes in the personal sphere. Then there are various hallucinations (auditory, visual, olfactory), overvalued and delusional ideas, when the perception of the surrounding world and behavior are disrupted, and there is no critical understanding of what is happening.

The feeling that you suddenly began to smell like rotten meat can occur with epilepsy. Olfactory and gustatory hallucinations are a kind of “aura” that precedes seizure. This indicates the location of the focus of pathological activity in the cortex temporal lobe. After a few seconds or minutes, the patient develops a typical attack with clonic-tonic convulsions, short-term loss of consciousness, and tongue biting. A similar picture also occurs with a brain tumor of the corresponding localization or skull injuries.

Neuropsychic disorders, as a cause of foreign odor, are perhaps the most serious situation that cannot be ignored.

Additional diagnostics

Smells that others cannot smell are a reason for a detailed examination. It is possible to find out the cause of what is happening only on the basis of a comprehensive diagnosis using a laboratory and instrumental complex. Based on the doctor’s assumption based on the clinical picture, the patient is recommended to undergo additional procedures:

  • General blood and urine analysis.
  • Blood biochemistry (inflammatory markers, liver tests, electrolytes, glucose, hormonal spectrum).
  • Nasal and throat swab (cytology, culture, PCR).
  • Rhinoscopy.
  • X-ray of the paranasal sinuses.
  • Computed tomography of the head.
  • Echoencephalography.
  • Fibrogastroscopy.
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs.

To get the maximum diagnostic value, the survey program is formed in individually. If necessary, the patient consults not only an ENT doctor, but also other specialists: gastroenterologist, neurologist, endocrinologist, psychotherapist. And the results obtained make it possible to establish the final cause of the violations and eliminate the unpleasant odor that seemed to patients.

Many of us pay attention to. However, for some reason only a few notice bad smell from the nose.

Maybe the whole point is that such a phenomenon does not occur very often. But smell from the nose indicates the presence of certain health problems.

In addition, it is worth considering the fact that the smell can be inconsistent and episodic in nature (it can occur only in the morning or several times a day). In any case, you need to consult a doctor to determine the cause and prescribe the correct treatment.

What diseases cause unpleasant odor from the nose?

- This is a fairly common phenomenon that indicates diseases of the nasal cavity.

The following are pathologies in which the patient may complain of a specific odor when breathing:

  1. . This is a disease that can be transmitted hereditarily, but its exact causes are not fully understood. The disease is characterized by inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the nasal mucosa.
  2. Bacterial infections. They often occur when the immune system is not functioning well.
  3. . In this case, a characteristic smell of pus may occur.
  4. Sinusitis(inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the nasal sinuses, which are accompanied not only by a specific odor, but also by purulent discharge, as well as a deterioration in the general condition).
  5. Parosmia. In this condition, a burning smell may occur. This disease is typical for disorders of the brain.
  6. Pathologies of other organs, which affect the functioning of the respiratory system (for example, renal failure, diseases of the pancreas, disorders of the nervous system).

What does the nose smell like, and in what cases does what smell occur?

Unpleasant smell from the nose may have different origins. Thus, in diseases of a bacterial nature, as well as in various inflammatory processes, a pronounced smell of pus is felt. With timely administration of antibiotics, this phenomenon goes away on its own.

IN in rare cases a burning smell appears, for example, in a disease characterized by impaired sense of smell (parosmia). In case of contact with the nose foreign objects(this often happens in young children) there is also a foul, stale odor.

How can you tell if the smell is coming from your nose and not from your mouth, teeth or throat?

Sometimes patients confuse the unpleasant odor coming from the throat (it occurs with sore throat, candidiasis and other diseases of this organ) and the odor from the nasal cavity.

How to understand that it comes from nasal breathing? Try to breathe only through your nose for a while, while keeping your mouth closed: in this case, you will quickly notice a specific smell, if any. If desired, you can ask to identify such a pathology and loved one: Usually the smell from the nose can be immediately detected if you are close to the patient.

Besides, bad smell from the nose usually accompanied by other symptoms (runny nose, purulent discharge, swelling of the mucous membrane, headache). If you have such signs, there is no doubt that you have a disease of the nasal cavity.

Five folk recipes for treating bad nose

In order to eliminate this unpleasant phenomenon, you can use not only medications, but also folk remedies that will allow you to regain fresh breath. Below are the most common recipes:

  1. Rinse the nose with herbal decoctions, which have an anti-inflammatory effect - this is the main treatment method. Such herbs include sage, chamomile, and mint. Rinse nasal cavity It is recommended to use a special syringe, and this should be done regularly, several times a day.
  2. Another common technique is instillation of onion or garlic juice into the nasal cavity. The product is not very pleasant because it causes a burning sensation, especially on the irritated mucous membrane, but the juice of these vegetables has pronounced antibacterial properties.
  3. Pure water with added aloe juice(ratio 1:2) will also get rid of unpleasant odor. You need to rinse your nose with this solution three times a day.
  4. Bee products They perfectly help relieve inflammation and eliminate purulent discharge. Added water natural honeyexcellent remedy for burial.
  5. Finally, regular solution with added salt which should be done several times a day. Please note: in case of severe irritation, the salt solution should not be very concentrated, otherwise unpleasant sensations will occur.

Facilities traditional medicine, given above, are good in that they can be used simultaneously with drug treatment, since they are completely safe and do not cause side effects.

What medical products can be used to remove odor from the nose?

Below is a list of medications that perfectly help remove purulent discharge from the sinuses:

  1. will not only get rid of pus and unpleasant crusts on the mucous membrane, but also eliminate its excessive dryness.
  2. - This is another common rinse that can be purchased at any pharmacy.
  3. It is also used to eliminate the inflammatory process and have an antibacterial effect. weak solution permanganic acid. It is enough to rinse your nose with it twice a day. Please note: all crystals of potassium permanganate must completely dissolve in water, otherwise a burn to the mucous membrane will occur!
  4. At the same time, they may be prescribed gauze swabs soaked in a mixture of iodine solution and glycerin. They perfectly eliminate stench and also soften the mucous membrane. It is advisable to use this product after washing.
  5. based on natural sea ​​water, which are suitable for both instillation and rinsing of the nasal cavity. The drug is prescribed simultaneously with taking antibiotics for sinusitis and other pathologies of the upper respiratory tract, which are accompanied by purulent discharge.

How to rinse your nose correctly? What should you do for this?

In order to completely remove mucus with bacteria and pus, it is necessary, otherwise there will be no positive effect.

The main rule of washing is regularity. This should be done several times a day, preferably every few hours before use. medicinal drops. In this case, nasal mucus and pathogenic organisms will be promptly removed from the sinuses.

One of the most simple ways treatment of the upper respiratory tract - injection of saline or other composition using a regular syringe (the needle must first be removed from it). Carefully insert the tip into the nostril, then bend over the sink and gradually direct the solution into the nasal cavity.

At correct implementation manipulation, the liquid should pass through the nasopharynx and exit into the second nostril. Please note that the solution will flow out through oral cavity, so you need to spit it out carefully to avoid choking. Before rinsing, you need to relax so that the solution can pass through the nasal sinuses without hindrance. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t manage to rinse your nose right away: after a few days you will learn how to do it.

In addition, you can purchase a special vessel at pharmacies - a watering can for rinsing the nose. The principle of operation is similar, water will enter one nostril and exit through the other. Be sure to hold your breath while rinsing, otherwise you may choke.

In order to prevent complications, monitor the temperature of the solution: it should be equal to your body temperature.

Rinse your child's nose with extreme caution. To do this, you can drop a few drops of the solution into the nostrils, and then invite the child to blow his nose (the fact is that many children do not tolerate standard rinsing procedures with syringes).

Thus, foul odor from the upper respiratory tract - this is a symptom of various inflammatory processes And bacterial diseases. It is important not only to eliminate this phenomenon, but also to get rid of the underlying disease. For this purpose, not only rinsing is prescribed, but also various antibacterial drugs.

VIDEO Elena Malysheva. Unpleasant smell from the nose

VIDEO Life is great! How to get rid of nasal congestion. Medical advice.

Sometimes some people suffer from an unpleasant odor in the nose, which causes a lot of problems not only for the patient, but also for those around him.

This phenomenon usually indicates that human body there are diseases of inflammatory and infectious nature. An unpleasant odor in the nose can be removed after the main causes of its occurrence are determined.

How does stench appear?

A smell in the nose appears in the following situations: a huge number of bacteria, as well as other pathogens, begin to function in the nasal cavity, which the immune system cannot cope with.

As a result, rapid proliferation of bacteria begins to occur. Patients begin to notice pus discharge from the nose, and this is what causes the unpleasant odor. The main task of an otolaryngologist is to understand exactly what processes occur in the nasopharynx, which will allow for effective treatment.

A smell in the nose can appear not only due to purulent contents, but also when crusts appear, which is observed in some diseases.

Nasal stench also appears when the sense of smell is impaired, but in in this case it will only be felt by the patient himself.

For what reasons does stench appear?

A smell in the nose may appear with the development of certain diseases, which are divided into the following groups:

  • Diseases for which the smell of rot is a characteristic feature.
  • Diseases of the nasopharynx, in which the smell in the nose appears only occasionally.
  • Conditions in which damage occurs not to the nasopharynx itself, but to other body systems.

Common causes of foul smell also include getting into the nasal passages. foreign bodies. Similar phenomenon It is especially common in young children, so parents should remember that the smell of rot in a child may indicate not only an infection of some kind.


Ozena - enough dangerous disease nasopharynx, in which the mucous membrane is damaged. If it is started, it will begin to spread to bone and cartilage tissues. The exact causes of ozena are unknown, but the following are generally considered to be congenital:

  • the wings of the nose are too wide;
  • expansion of the facial part of the skull;
  • underdevelopment of the frontal sinuses.

Unsanitary living conditions and malnutrition can also lead to this phenomenon. The main symptom of this disease is an unpleasant odor and a feeling of dryness, but breathing remains free.

The smell appears due to the formation of dry crusts on the nasal mucosa; for this reason, patients often complain of the feeling of the presence of a foreign body in the nasopharynx.

Other diseases

In addition to ozena, there are other conditions in which the smell of pus will emanate from the nasal cavity. First of all, these include rhinitis, allergies, sinusitis and parosmia. The latter manifests itself in the form of a violation of the sense of smell, which occurs with inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

Patients in such a situation smell acetone and other strong odors, which actually do not exist. With sinusitis, fetidity in the nose is a consequence of stagnation of pus in the maxillary sinuses. This process can be observed when chronic course diseases.

Odor can also appear when the activity of certain systems and organs is disrupted in the human body.

Very often you can observe a situation where the smell from the nose comes from a disruption in the functioning of the endocrine or digestive systems. The so-called acetone breathing occurs in those who are sick diabetes mellitus, as well as renal failure.

Treatment options

Having discovered a smell that comes out of the nasopharynx, you do not need to make an independent diagnosis and, especially, treatment. After all, these actions can worsen your condition. Treatment methods should be selected based on the reasons that caused the painful condition.

So, during winter, it is necessary to immediately combat dry nose, get rid of crusts and carry out deodorization.

To do this, rinse the nasal sinuses with a three percent solution of hydrogen peroxide, saline solution or potassium permanganate.

At the same time, gauze swabs can be prescribed, which are moistened in a solution of glycerin and iodine. Inhalations with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs are often prescribed.

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