Peony evasive (tincture): instructions, use, contraindications. Tincture of evasive peony, its healing properties and contraindications

Peony alcohol tincture, instructions for use of which are usually printed on pharmaceutical packaging, is used to treat neuroses, vegetative-vascular disorders, insomnia and many other diseases. The information presented here will help you understand in more detail who should drink the tincture and how, so as not only not to harm, but also to bring maximum benefit to the body.


In fact, the flower that served as the basis for the tincture is known not only as the evasive peony (Paeonia anomalia, as well as Maryin root). This plant, the most common in Siberia and Asia, is listed in the Red Book. Organic matter, having the most beneficial properties, are contained in the stems and roots of the plant. First of all, peony is rich:

  • essential oils that normalize the functioning of the central nervous system and have a calming effect;
  • glycosides (or, as they are also called, plant carbohydrates), which perfectly strengthen cardiovascular system;
  • flavonoids, whose positive effect is most noticeable during menopause, against the background reduced level estrogen;
  • In addition, salicylic and benzoic acids, found in this plant, are natural anti-inflammatory and antibacterial substances.

Moreover, the quantity useful minerals can be the envy of any plant, since peony contains almost a complete set of all salts and useful substances that the body may need.

peony flower

The tincture of the evasive peony itself is made from its grass and roots based on a 40% solution ethyl alcohol. It looks like a light brown liquid with a characteristic odor. Available in dark glass bottles. Store it, as recommended in the instructions for use, in a cool place. dark place, preferably in the refrigerator.

Peony tincture should be drunk with caution, strictly under the supervision of a doctor. This is due to the fact that the composition includes substances that increase stomach acidity and can dramatically lower blood pressure.

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As mentioned above, there are the following indications for taking the tincture:

  • for disorders of the central nervous system, namely neurosis, insomnia, stress reactions;
  • in case of imbalance of the autonomic nervous system, for example, during seizures vegetative-vascular dystonia or the presence of neurotic conditions;
  • hypertension or other cardiovascular disorders like coronary artery disease;
  • at severe symptoms menopause;
  • as a sedative for epilepsy.

In order to know how to take peony tincture, it is necessary to proceed from which indication for use is applied in each specific case. Any medicine has contraindications, and in the case of peony tincture this statement is especially true, because the benefits and harms of this drug largely depend on individual characteristics body.

Peony tincture for treatment

For uterine fibroids ( benign tumors) or diseases of the cervix, 1 teaspoon of tincture, diluted with water, is prescribed in the morning, afternoon and evening with meals. The course of treatment lasts 1 month, after which a break is required and a consultation is held with a doctor about possible positive changes. If any are present, treatment can be continued after a two-week break, otherwise it is better to stop taking the drug.

For the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, the dosage of the medicine is 30-40 drops per glass of water (twice a day for 2 months). The course of treatment can be repeated after six months.
As a sedative for insomnia and neurotic states instructions for use recommend dissolving 40 drops of the medicine in a glass of boiled water and taking it before bed.


Before you start taking the tincture, be sure to read the list of contraindications for taking this drug. If you find your case on this list, at least first consult with your doctor about the possibility of taking the tincture.

So, who is the tincture contraindicated for? First of all, persons with arterial hypotension, i.e. those with systolic blood pressure below 100 mmHg. The tincture can further reduce this indicator, which will lead to a deterioration in well-being.

People with arterial hypotension should not take the tincture

People who have suffered from liver and kidney diseases should not take the tincture, in particular when chronic hepatitis It is better to completely stop taking this drug, since the active substances in the tincture are to a greater extent put a strain on the liver cells.

In case of hypersensitivity to the components of the tincture, the manufacturer warns about such side effects, such as drowsiness, a feeling of general weakness, allergic manifestations in the form of skin rashes, itching. Moreover, this medicine enhances the effects of sedatives and sleeping pills, as well as drugs with neuroleptic and antidepressant effects.

In addition, pregnant (or just planning pregnancy) women, nursing mothers, and children under 12 years of age are at risk.

Features of the effect of tincture on the children's body

For children, the use of peony evasive tincture is not only not recommended, but rather is classified as a contraindication. Due to complex composition drug its effect on children's body has not yet been studied enough. IN in this case some toxicity of the plant itself indicates the unpredictability of the consequences for the child’s body.

Peony tincture is also not intended for children as a sedative.

The instructions say nothing about children's dosage, and exceeding the norm even for an adult is fraught unpleasant consequences. In the case of an allergic reaction, the consequences may be more severe than just a rash or itchy skin.

If the child has already been given peony tincture, the instructions strongly recommend especially carefully monitoring the general condition of the child’s body and his blood pressure. Even small doses can lead to an apathetic state, decreased perception of information (especially for schoolchildren), and in some cases fainting is possible if the pressure will drop too harsh. In addition, the ability of peony tincture to stimulate the secretion gastric juice may lead to irritation of the baby's stomach lining. This, in turn, is fraught with nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain.

How to take the tincture for children

It is not yet known whether such problems are compensated by the expected benefits for the child: studies have not confirmed the beneficial effects of peony tincture on the child’s body.

In addition to those already listed useful applications This medicine, there is another area where peony tincture brings tangible benefits. In cosmetology, this product is used as a hair strengthener, eliminates dandruff, and as a component for skin rejuvenating products.

For example, to increase hair thickness, cosmetologists recommend drinking peony tincture 1 teaspoon daily. To eliminate dandruff and high fat content Hair experts suggest rubbing heated peony tincture into the scalp three times a week, rinsing off the product after 10 minutes. warm water. If you rinse your hair after washing with a small amount of water with the addition of 2 tablespoons of the same tincture, your hair will become shiny and less dirty.

However, there are caveats here too. Because the alcohol base may dry out the skin excessively, then women whose skin and hair are naturally prone to dryness should refrain from using the tincture in for cosmetic purposes. In addition, it would not hurt to test for allergies before using the tincture.

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Various antidepressants and sedatives have long taken their place in the top ten best-selling medical supplies. Constant shortage time, stress, chronic fatigue, seasonal depression- Every year the load on the human psyche increases. In order to help the nervous system, it is not necessary to immediately take potent sedatives. Maybe, the best way out from the current situation there will be use of more soft remedies, such as tincture of peony evasive. Moreover, according to many herbalists, the benefits of peony tincture as a sedative are five times more effective than the well-known valerian tincture.

Peony evasive began to be used as a medicine from ancient times to the present day. In Siberia and Altai, for a long time, the head and toothache treated with decoctions of peony roots. Avicenna recommended a decoction of peony roots with honey as a remedy for getting rid of nightmares. Nowadays, based on extracts from the roots and stems of the plant, water and alcohol tinctures are made, used both in official medicine, and in quality home remedy. Peony tincture has antimicrobial, antispasmodic and anticonvulsant properties, and increases stomach acidity.

Tincture of evasive peony refers to pharmacological group psycholeptics and is available in the form of a transparent caramel-brown liquid with a specific odor. Dispensed from the pharmacy without a prescription.

The instructions for use indicate that the peony tincture has the following indications:

  • Neurasthenic disorders;
  • Disorders of the autonomic-vascular system of various origins (most often in menopause and premenstrual syndrome);
  • Neuroses, various neurotic conditions;
  • Organic brain diseases;
  • Cardiopsychoneurosis;
  • Mild forms of insomnia;
  • Diseases of the biliary tract and gastrointestinal tract (duodenitis, colitis, duodenitis, cholecystitis, cholangitis);
  • Some chronic skin diseases.

Benefit alcohol infusion The evader's clue is not limited to the above indications. In addition, it has the following properties:

  • Has extensive anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Relieves cramps and spasms;
  • Helps prevent various bleedings;
  • Improves emotional mood by increasing the production of endorphins;
  • Included in complex anticancer drugs;
  • Normalizes metabolic processes;
  • Used in the treatment of alcoholism, epilepsy and male sexual disorders.

Tincture of evasive peony finds its application in home medicine For general strengthening body and improving performance, veterinary medicine and cosmetology. For cosmetic purposes for treatment acne lotions from the infusion of peony evasive are used (2 liters of dry roots are brewed with 2 tbsp of fresh boiling water and infused for no more than 25–30 minutes).

Rules for taking peony tincture

In order not to harm the health of patients, the instructions provide strictly defined rules and doses for taking the drug, namely, as a sedative, alcohol tincture of peony, after shaking, is taken orally, 15-25 drops, washed down clean water, in 15 min. before meals. When treating a concussion, the medication dosage regimen is different - 40 drops at a time, an hour before meals.

The water tincture of peony acts more gently, so its dose can be increased: about 2 tbsp. l. half an hour before meals. Doctors do not recommend using the tincture during meals.

Children under 12 years of age may take 1 drop of tincture per 1 year of age. The usual course duration varies from 2 weeks to 1 month. If necessary, after 2 months, the tincture of evasive peony can be drunk again.

The therapeutic effect of the tincture lasts from one to three hours. It must be remembered that the evasive peony is a poisonous plant; it contains complex alkaloids, phenyl salicylate and peonol, the effect of which is on human body has not yet been fully studied, and in order to benefit from treatment with its drugs, you should strictly adhere to the recommendations of your attending physician and take into account all contraindications and possible side effects Peony tinctures.

Restrictions for taking tincture of peony evasive

Due to the presence of ethyl alcohol in the medicinal product, peony tincture should not be taken by drivers of vehicles and those people whose work requires high speed reactions and increased attention. Children under 12 years of age can take peony evasive tincture only as directed and under the supervision of a doctor.

Due to the fact that the tincture of peony has abortifacient properties, the instructions for its use should not be taken during pregnancy. As for the use of tinctures by women during the period breastfeeding, then in each specific case it is up to you to decide what will outweigh - the benefit or possible harm Only a doctor should stop taking the drug. In any case, to avoid exacerbation of existing diseases, you should consult your doctor before using peony tincture.

Side effects

Like many others medications, peony tincture has its side effects. As a rule, harm to your health when using this tincture can be caused if the recommended dosage is not followed or if simultaneous use peony tinctures with other pharmaceuticals similar actionsedatives, antidepressants, tranquilizers, etc.

Side effects of peony tincture are:

  • Dizziness;
  • General weakness, lethargy, apathy, drowsiness;
  • Fast fatiguability;
  • A sharp decrease in pressure;
  • Various local allergic reactions, such as swelling, redness, itching, skin rashes of various locations;
  • Vomiting, nausea, diarrhea.

Based on the above, the instructions for taking peony tincture indicate the need for strict adherence to the recommended doses and the prescribed regimen of taking the drug.


Although the instructions for its use do not provide any categorical prohibitions for taking peony tincture, and its benefits are undoubted, it should be remembered that the composition of any medicine is plant based is very complex and the interaction of all its components is not fully understood. In any case, in order not to cause harm to health, the following contraindications for taking peony tincture should be taken into account: this medicine is not recommended for children under 12 years of age, pregnant and lactating women. This drug should also be taken very carefully by persons with low blood pressure or increased stomach acidity.

Making peony tincture at home

10 g of dried peony roots and herbs (they are sold at the pharmacy), pour 100 ml of 40% alcohol solution or vodka and put in a cool place away from sun rays for 2 week. The tinctures should be shaken from time to time. After 2 weeks, the finished tincture should be poured into a dark glass container. Store refrigerated away from direct sunlight.

In addition to the alcohol tincture of peony evasive, it is also often used water infusion, which helps relieve menopausal syndrome in many women, improves functioning digestive system and helps the liver function, which is especially important for patients who have had Botkin's disease.

Water infusion recipe - 1 tsp. peony roots pour 2 tbsp. fresh boiling water, leave for half an hour and strain. The water infusion should be drunk 10 minutes before meals 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. l. By the way, it is the water infusion of peony that is used in the treatment of epilepsy, since alcohol can cause irreparable harm to the condition of such patients.

Peony is mainly an ornamental plant with beautiful large flowers, which is also used in folk medicine. How can you use a beautiful plant containing important active substances in therapeutic purposes?
How does it affect health?
Read on!

Description of the plant

Peony reaches a height of 35-60 cm, has triple, deeply divided leaves. Top part the leaves are bare, the bottom is covered with light pile. Flowers are usually pink, purple, violet-red. Garden varieties are usually full-color.

Active substances

Medicinal properties possesses peony root and flowers. The health benefits are due to the content of a number of important substances.
The root contains the following components:

  • alkaloid pergrinine;
  • tannins;
  • starches;
  • Sahara;
  • organic acids;
  • calcium oxalate;
  • sucrose;
  • metarabic acid;
  • glycosides.
  • tannins;
  • slime;
  • peonidin;
  • glucose.

Homemade tincture

Let's see how to prepare peony tincture at home. It can be used when various problems with health (see below).
You will need:

  • peony roots;
  • 65% alcohol;
  • bottle with cap.

Dig up or buy ready-made roots, carefully clean the surface and cut into small pieces. Fold the raw materials into a bottle to 1/2 volume, fill with alcohol to full volume, and close. Leave the extract to infuse for at least 2 weeks at room temperature. Then strain. Take 20 drops 1-2 times a day before meals.

Attention! This product contains alcohol, so do not take it before driving! Keep the medicine away from children!

Health effects

In folk medicine healing properties Peony has long been used to treat digestive problems, dissolve urinary stones, stabilization irregular menstruation.

The plant and medicines from it have an antispasmodic effect - reduce pain and spasms (especially of smooth muscles), improve the tone of the uterus, help with asthma, renal and biliary colic, relieve headaches, treat hemorrhoids, borreliosis, effectively prevent epileptic seizures.

Peony is a beautiful and healthy plant that has a number of beneficial effects on the body and can help with the following health problems:

  1. Supports the body's defenses.
  2. Antiseptic, detoxifying effect.
  3. Elimination various types pain.
  4. Supports digestion and cleanses the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Stool stabilization.
  6. Help with gout and rheumatism.
  7. Treatment of diseases respiratory tract, improvement of coughing.
  8. Cleanses and improves kidney and liver function.
  9. Positive effects on the heart and blood vessels.
  10. Regulation of menstruation.
  11. Elimination of pain, reduction of bleeding during menstruation.
  12. Externally – accelerates skin healing.
  13. Elimination of skin diseases.

"Peony tincture" pharmaceutical

So, you have become acquainted with the beneficial properties of peony and learned how to prepare an alcohol extract. But today there is no need to collect herbs or prepare medicines from them... To purchase healing agent Just visit your nearest pharmacy. Therefore, next we will look at the pharmacy peony tincture - what it helps with, and how to take it correctly.

The healing properties of the peony flower were known to Tibetan and Mongolian healers; the first mention of the plant is present in ancient Greek myths. The use of tincture from the plant has passed through centuries; the alcoholic extract is used in modern medicine as a sedative, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory agent.

The root has an adaptogenic effect, which is why the tincture accelerates the body’s recovery after injury or surgery.

Despite a number positive properties, the plant is relatively poisonous and can cause harm, so it is important to know all the features of its use. Let's take a closer look at the recommendations given in official instructions by application.

Active substances of the drug

Useful components, affecting the state of health, as was said, are contained not only in the roots of the peony, but also in the flowers and leaves.
Most important substances, present in the extract, have the following actions:
methyl salicylate – analgesic effect;

  1. Essential oils have an antimicrobial effect and are suitable for aromatherapy.
  2. Benzoic acid – antifungal properties.
  3. Salicylic acid– expressive anti-inflammatory effect.

Glycosides, saponins, flavonoids enhance the effect of the main components.

Application of tincture

In addition to medicine, peony alcohol extract is one of the main medicines of supporters healthy image life due to its ability to strengthen the immune system. Thanks to its multicomponent composition, the drug is used in many medical fields.
Let's look at the most common problems that will benefit from natural medicine:

  1. Vascular and heart diseases - post-stroke conditions, disorders cerebral circulation, post-infarction and pre-infarction conditions.
  2. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of this area - ulcers, diseases of the esophagus, hemorrhoids, gastritis ( low acidity), intestinal colic, diarrhea, food poisoning.
  3. Withdrawal symptoms, pathological conditions Central nervous system – anxiety, neurosis, headaches, insomnia, dystonia, various phobias.
  4. Bruises, hemorrhages, joint pain of a rheumatic nature.
  5. Relief of menopausal symptoms and PMS symptoms.
  6. Complex therapy disorders associated with metabolic disorders - gout, dysfunction thyroid gland, urolithiasis.

For women

The benefits of the tincture for women are represented by the effectiveness of its use in gynecology.
Natural medicine used as aid in the treatment of the following diseases.

Inflammation and neoplasms

Peony tincture will speed up the treatment of ovarian cysts, fibroids, cervical erosion, and polycystic disease. Sometimes natural medicine is used in oncology.

Fertility problems

The plant has a positive effect on hormonal system and metabolic processes in the body, which is why it is beneficial in the treatment of infertility caused by disorders hormonal levels. Peony tincture stimulates secretion female hormones, relieves anxiety - a common factor in psychogenic infertility.

Menopausal manifestations

Peony tincture stabilizes the condition of the body during the premenopausal and/or menopausal periods. Natural remedy eliminates irritability, nervousness, anxiety.


The drug has an anti-inflammatory effect, which is why it will be beneficial as additional means in the treatment of mastopathy.

For men

Alcoholic extract from medicinal plant useful not only for women, but also for men.
This is a herbal aphrodisiac used to enhance male sexual performance.

Peony also regulates hormonal balance, which is important for men with impaired testosterone levels. Excessively high performance of this hormone cause an increase in sexual activity and even aggression, low levels cause a decrease in sexual performance.

For these diseases and disorders (in both sexes), it is recommended to take 1 tsp of alcohol extract. 3 times a day before meals. Continue the therapeutic course for 1 month, then take a week's break. If necessary, continue taking it after a break.

Note! At serious illnesses tincture will not be enough, use it exclusively as an addition to the main therapy!


Peony roots contain salicylate, one of the most powerful natural anti-inflammatory and anesthetic substances. When preparing the tincture, it is leached into liquid. Therefore, the alcohol extract can be used as effective remedy to relieve joint pain - in the form of compresses or rubbing (2-3 times a day).

Application in cosmetology

Due to its anti-inflammatory effect, peony tincture prevents and treats various skin diseases. The vitamins and antioxidants present in it promote skin regeneration, slow down aging, and improve skin color.

The tincture can be used to cleanse the face before applying cream, mask... To use it, it should be diluted with cold boiled water(1:1) - this will prevent the appearance of irritation and redness. For acne, the antiseptic and drying effect will ensure the elimination of the rash.

Useful natural hair product. It is used to reduce oily scalp, eliminate dandruff, stimulate blood circulation, nourish hair follicles. Dilute the extract (1:1) with warm boiled water, rub into the hair roots and skin, after 10 minutes, wash your hair with shampoo. Carry out the procedure 2-3 times a week.

Side effects

Negative consequences The use of peony tincture is rare. Usually, they occur with a severe overdose.
Side effects include:

  • sudden decrease in blood pressure;
  • dizziness;
  • weakness, drowsiness;
  • decreased attention;
  • allergic reactions (redness, itching, rash, swelling).

If any of these symptoms appear, stop taking the drug immediately and consult a doctor!

When receiving internally, certain rules must be followed. Otherwise, you risk experiencing the side effects of the drug (see above).

  • Take the tincture 15-20 minutes before meals;
  • It is recommended no more than 3 doses per day (usually 2 times is enough);
  • single dose – 20-25 drops;
  • The therapeutic course should not exceed 2-4 weeks.

The beneficial effect of the drug appears 1.5 hours after administration (the time depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the severity of symptoms). Duration of action – up to 3 hours.

Calming mixture - combination with other tinctures

Tincture of peony evasive in combination with alcoholic extracts of hawthorn, motherwort, valerian and Corvalol is a good sedative with a number of beneficial effects to your health.

This combination applies not only ethnoscience, it is recommended modern doctors due to the following effects:

  • treatment of insomnia;
  • relieving irritability and increased tension;
  • increased vascular tone;
  • help with hypertension;
  • improvement of blood circulation - prevention of thrombosis, thrombophlebitis;
  • elimination of tachycardia.

More details about the combination of peony tincture with other extracts (tinctures of hawthorn, motherwort, valerian and Corvalol)


Since peony is slightly poisonous plant, all products from it are not intended for children during breastfeeding. Drugs are contraindicated for pregnant women (on early stages they can cause miscarriage, in later cases - premature birth).
Other contraindications:

  • gastritis and diseases of the digestive system with high acidity;
  • hypotension;
  • obesity (peony tincture can aggravate the condition, as it increases appetite);
  • liver and kidney diseases in the acute phase;
  • increased sensitivity or individual intolerance to the plant.

Peony tincture can cause drowsiness, therefore, it is not recommended for people whose work requires increased concentration (rescuers, doctors, drivers...).

An alcohol tincture based on peony evasive is a popular, effective natural remedy that has sedative effect. The drug is made from the roots, rhizomes, and stems of the plant, infused with 40% alcohol.

Most of the active healing components are contained in the underground part of the plant. Thus, the roots and rhizomes contain salicylic, benzoic acids, beneficial essential oils. Active substances- glycosides, flavonoids and methyl salicylates, as well as tannins, saponins and alkaloids.

When using the drug, you need to understand that the evasive peony is a poisonous plant. Pharmacy tincture is 10% alcohol solution. With the dosage regimen prescribed by the doctor, the drug is effective in various diseases(we'll talk about them a little later). But if you use this drug uncontrollably, exceeding the permissible dosage, you can get poisoned.

Alcohol tincture of peony instructions for use contraindications indications for the use of this drug - you can learn about all this by studying the instructions. If you don't have it on hand, use this description, which is based on it. But before you start taking this medicine, be sure to carefully read the original leaflet yourself. Pay attention to contraindications and side effects.

What is the effect of the peony tincture?

Taking the tincture increases the production of endorphins. This improves inner mood, gives a feeling of psychological comfort, increases emotional activity, and increases performance.

What are the indications and properties of the medicine peony tincture?

As we already mentioned, this drug prescribed as a sedative, mild sleeping pills. But these are the main properties of the tincture. It is also often taken to eliminate muscle cramps. The drug normalizes metabolic processes, calms the nerves, has antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties.
The tincture is often prescribed to relieve mental stress, to eliminate fears, manias and anxiety.

The drug has the ability to increase the acidity of gastric juice. It is included in complex treatment some oncological diseases.

The tincture is effective in the complex treatment of chronic dermatitis accompanied by itching and sleep disturbances. It is also often included in the complex treatment of epilepsy and vegetative-vascular dystonia, and is used in the treatment of neuroses, menopause and alcoholism.

What is the use and dosage of peony tincture? What do the instructions say?

The drug is taken orally, before meals. From 15 to 20 drops of tincture should be drunk with a small amount of water. Reception - 3 times a day. The duration of treatment is prescribed by the doctor. It depends on the established diagnosis, severity of the disease, as well as age and general condition patient. On average, the course lasts about a month.

What are the side effects of peony tincture?

At correct use tinctures, adverse reactions organisms occur quite rarely. Usually their appearance is facilitated by an overdose of the drug. In this case, dizziness may occur, allergic manifestations. Patients may complain of decreased blood pressure, general weakness, loss of strength, and have problems concentrating. Therefore, doctors strongly do not recommend driving for people taking peony tincture.

What are the contraindications for the peony tincture medicine?

A drug pharmacy tincture peony instructions for use prohibits at reduced blood pressure. It should not be taken if the acidity of stomach secretions is increased.

The tincture is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. According to some experts, the drug increases the tone of the uterus and may have abortifacient. Therefore, you should not take the tincture during pregnancy planning.

How to prepare a water infusion?

Peony infusion can be prepared at home, by yourself. This remedy improves digestion, increases appetite, and increases the production of gastric juice. The infusion is recommended for women during menopause; it is useful to take for jaundice.

Preparation of infusion: Grind the dried roots and rhizomes of the plant. Place 1 tsp in an enamel (ceramic, glass) container. roots. Pour boiling water (half a liter). Now cover everything thoroughly as warmly as possible, wait a few hours. Strain. Drink the resulting medicine 1-2 tbsp. l. before eating.

How to prepare tincture at home?

Grind the roots and rhizomes of the peony. Now pour 10 g of raw materials into a jar. Pour half a glass (100 ml) of high-quality vodka there. Place a tight lid on top. Place in a dark place in the kitchen and keep there for 20 days. Shake occasionally. Strain the finished medicine and keep in the dark.

A tincture based on evasive peony can bring invaluable benefits health. But if used incorrectly it can cause harm. Therefore, always check with your doctor about taking this medication and read the instructions carefully. Be healthy!

Tincture of evasive peony should not be taken without a doctor’s prescription, since the plant from which it is made is rare. remedy, has an effect on different systems human body.

Before starting treatment, you must carefully study the instructions for the drug, which tell you exactly how to take the peony tincture for adults and children, and also read the indications and contraindications for it and consult with your doctor.

Peony tincture - composition, pharmacological properties

The composition of the medication contains raw materials - an extract of the above-ground and underground parts of a plant growing in Siberia, peony, and alcohol. The following components have been found in plant raw materials that have a beneficial effect on the body:

1. Essential oils.
2. Saponins.
3. Resinous substances.
4. Tannins.
5. Saponins.
6. Flavonoids.
7. Glycosides.
8. Organic acids.

The tincture has a sedative effect. This tool prescribed for problems with sleep, as well as increased nervousness and irritability. Despite the fact that the tincture of evasive peony is a sedative, it also has other properties. Let's look at them:

Relieves spasms.
Used for seizures.
Strengthens the immune system.
Pain relief.
Relieves inflammation.
Improves appetite.
Destroys bacteria and germs.

Paying attention to peony evasive and taking its tincture is recommended not only to improve the functioning of the central nervous system, but also for other health problems. Let's consider in what cases it can be used.
Indications for use
This remedy is indicated for the following health pathologies:

1. In case of disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system, namely, if there are problems with sleep, a feeling of anxiety and irritability overcomes. Doctors prescribe medicine for different types neurosis, as well as chronic fatigue And convulsive syndrome, epilepsy.
2. Peony tincture is also used during menopause, its use makes it easier unpleasant symptoms during this period in women.
3. For digestive problems. The product helps to get rid of spasms in the intestines, eliminate symptoms of intoxication of the body, and also increase the acidity of gastric secretions.
4. Tincture of evasive peony helps in the treatment of dry cough. It is often taken for bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis and even tuberculosis.
5. The medicine can also affect the cardiovascular system - when used, the blood supply to organs and the brain improves, and the blood is enriched with oxygen.
6. This remedy is indicated for joint diseases and gout. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and removes excess salts from the body, and also relieves pain.
7. The tincture is also indicated for external use, since it promotes the disinfection of wounds and the regeneration of damaged tissues.

Here is the extensive list of indications alcohol tincture evading peony. Now let’s look at the rules for its reception.

How to take peony evasive tincture correctly?

According to the instructions for use, adults should take the medicine according to the following regimen. Drink it exclusively before meals, about 20 minutes before the start of the meal, twice or thrice a day (as recommended by the doctor).

The dosage of the tincture for a single dose for adults is 30-40 drops. The course of treatment is usually continued for at least one and a half to two months, after which the drug is stopped. If it is necessary to repeat it, take a break for a month or two, after which treatment is resumed.

Attention! The medicine begins to act approximately an hour and a half after administration.

Children are allowed to drink the tincture from the age of 12 and only as prescribed by a doctor. The dosage in this case differs from that for adults - the child is given at one time as many drops of medicine as he is old, diluted with a small amount of water.

Is it possible to take an alcoholic infusion of peony together with other sedatives ?

This medicine is often used along with other sedatives, for example, tincture of valerian, motherwort, and hawthorn. However, in this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will select the correct dosage of the drugs. Otherwise, a person may harm his health.

Attention! During treatment with several drugs that have a sedative effect, side effects often occur - severe drowsiness, apathy, dizziness, and sometimes indigestion occurs.


Let's consider the contraindications to this medicine:

1. Pregnancy, lactation.
2. Childhood- up to 12 years old.
3. Increased acidity gastric juice, gastritis, ulcer.
4. Low blood pressure.
5. Allergy to raw materials.
6. Kidney diseases.
7. Liver diseases.

Peony tincture is an excellent remedy that can eliminate many health problems - remove nervousness, improve sleep, relieve depressive state, strengthen the immune system, cure cough. This list can be continued, because the properties of the plant from which the medicine is prepared are quite multifaceted. However, it is important to use the tincture correctly and only on the recommendation of your doctor. If you don't follow this rule, you can harm yourself.

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