Why does diarrhea occur after eating? Why do I have diarrhea immediately after eating and how to treat it correctly? Traditional methods of treatment for persistent diarrhea

Victor asks:

Why does abdominal pain and diarrhea occur after eating?

Clinical significance of the symptom "abdominal pain and diarrhea after eating"

Abdominal pain and diarrhea are quite common symptoms in themselves, but their combination can significantly narrow the diagnostic search. Thus, many pathologies occur with abdominal pain, but are not accompanied by diarrhea (for example, for gastric and duodenal ulcers uncomplicated by bleeding, as well as for gastritis with increased acidity characterized by constipation, not diarrhea). On the other hand, many diseases that occur with loose stools are not accompanied by abdominal pain (for example, typical cases of cholera).

Linking abdominal pain and diarrhea to food intake helps narrow down the list possible diseases to several of the most common diagnostic units.

It should be noted that in this group There are quite a variety of diseases. And this is not surprising, because abdominal pain and diarrhea after eating can be associated with several reasons, such as:

1. exposure to products food allergens, pathological microorganisms or their toxins;

2. organic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

3. functional disorders digestive system.

In this article we will look at the mechanisms of development of abdominal pain and diarrhea after eating in the most common pathologies.

Why does my stomach hurt after eating and cause diarrhea due to food allergies?

If abdominal pain and diarrhea occur immediately after eating and are accompanied by the appearance of hives, then you should first think about a food allergy.

IN in this case"culprit" of development unpleasant symptoms is the entry into the digestive tract of products that cause allergic inflammation.

The body tries to quickly get rid of a product that is dangerous to it, increasing the rate of contractions of the intestinal muscle lining. At the same time, we feel intestinal peristalsis as cramping pain in the upper and central part of the abdomen.

Some of the allergen substances that are rapidly moving towards the exit from the intestines still manage to be absorbed into the blood, resulting in skin rashes - urticaria.

IN severe cases Other manifestations of allergies may also develop, such as a runny nose, conjunctivitis, an attack of bronchial asthma, and Quincke's edema.

Children in the first year of life are most prone to food allergies, this is due to the fact that the immune system and their digestive tract is still in an immature state.

The following factors increase the tendency to develop the disease:

  • heredity;

  • artificial feeding (especially in the first months of life);

  • improper introduction of complementary foods;

  • sharp or chronic diseases, weakening the body;

As a rule, over the years, manifestations of food allergies subside and completely disappear even in preschool age. However, some patients have such a reaction to certain food products remains for life.

In infancy and childhood most common cause food allergies arise from eating foods such as:

  • milk (cow's, less often goat's, even less often milk formula);

  • eggs;

  • fish and seafood (lobsters, crabs, shrimp);

  • citrus fruits, strawberries, wild strawberries.
In adults who are allergic, the reaction to dairy products most often disappears, but to fish and other products remains.

If you suspect a food allergy, you should consult a doctor (make an appointment with a specialist or call a doctor at home); in severe cases, emergency medical care and hospitalization may be necessary.

Why does my stomach hurt and diarrhea after eating due to toxic infection (food poisoning)

The cause of abdominal pain and diarrhea due to food poisoning is exposure to gastrointestinal tract poor quality dishes containing large amounts of microorganism toxins.

Protein-rich foods (meat and fish products containing egg white creams and biscuits, whipped cream, homemade ice cream).

As a rule, toxic infections take the form of epidemic outbreaks - group poisonings of people in various kinds mass events(weddings, banquets, picnics, etc.). Here, hygienic standards for the preparation and storage of food products are especially often violated.

An increase in the number of such outbreaks is typical in the summer, when microorganisms that have entered the product begin to multiply rapidly due to beneficial effects elevated temperature.

It is also possible isolated cases food poisoning when eating suspicious products (violation of storage rules, “expired” products, canned food with bulging lids, etc.).

When entering the body, the waste products of microorganisms accumulated in poor-quality food are absorbed into the blood and cause severe poisoning, which is manifested by symptoms such as:

  • fever;

  • weakness, dizziness, headache;

In severe cases, signs may develop toxic shock(decreased blood pressure, increased heart rate, confusion), so that in the absence of timely medical care, the patient's death may occur.

In addition, microbial toxins cause local reaction, manifested by symptoms of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, such as:

  • vomit;

  • pain syndrome;

  • diarrhea.
Typically, pain syndrome food poisoning localized in upper sections abdomen and around the navel. Most often, the pain is perceived as stabbing or cramping, but it can also be of an uncertain nature.

Just as in the case with food allergies, diarrhea during toxic infections has a protective nature, since toxins dangerous to human life are removed from the body with feces. However, loose stools due to food poisoning develop much later, against the background of signs of severe intoxication of the body.

Normally, the pancreas secretes a sufficient amount of enzymes necessary for the breakdown of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Over a sufficiently long period chronic pancreatitis degenerative processes develop in the gland, so that the production of enzymes is significantly reduced.

As a result, fats entering the intestines are not broken down and cause accelerated peristalsis intestines. In such cases, the stool has specific type(steatorrhea or fatty stool): feces acquire a mushy consistency, grey colour And foul odor. Stool particles contain a large amount of fat and are difficult to wash off with water. You may notice meat fibers and other pieces of undigested food in the stool.

Pain in chronic pancreatitis usually occurs two to three hours after eating and is associated with increased load on the diseased gland. Reception fatty foods increases pain, which is why many patients with chronic pancreatitis develop an aversion to the sight and smell of fatty foods.

In the case of chronic pancreatitis, pain after eating is localized in the upper abdomen, more on the left, and can radiate under the left collarbone, under left shoulder blade and down into the left iliac region. Often cramping pain develops in the umbilical region, associated with intestinal irritation from poorly digested food.

Very similar symptoms develop with pancreatic cancer, the appearance of pain and signs of secretory insufficiency in such cases, as a rule, indicates an advanced pathology.

Why does the stomach hurt after eating and diarrhea due to diseases of the liver and biliary tract?

For reasons similar to chronic pancreatitis, pain and diarrhea appear after eating in diseases of the liver and biliary tract.

Bile is necessary for the normal breakdown of fats, therefore, with its deficiency, as in the case of chronic pancreatitis, “fatty” loose stools are observed. It is bile that gives color to stool, so characteristic feature acholia (lack of bile) – light, almost white, feces with a greasy sheen.

Most often, acholia occurs in diseases characterized by impaired flow of bile from the liver to the liver. duodenum, such as:

  • cholelithiasis (blockage of the bile duct with a stone);

  • biliary cirrhosis of the liver;

  • compression of the bile duct by tumors.
As a rule, acholia is combined with the so-called obstructive jaundice - a greenish-yellow coloration of the skin and whites of the eyes. This sign due to the fact that due to blocking the exit of bile into the duodenum, the pressure in bile ducts increases, and bile begins to be reabsorbed into the blood.

Part of the bile is excreted through the kidneys, coloring the urine dark brown color and forming a bright yellow foam on its surface. In case of long-term obstruction of the biliary tract, the patient's skin acquires a black-bronze color.

In these pathologies, abdominal pain after eating (especially after fatty and fried foods) is associated with increased secretion of bile by liver cells, which leads to increased pressure in the clogged hepatic ducts.

In such cases, the pain is localized in the right hypochondrium, radiating under right shoulder blade and up into the sub- and supraclavicular spaces with right side. Pain syndrome always quite intense and often acquires a cramp-like character.

Why does your stomach hurt after eating and cause diarrhea due to irritable bowel syndrome?

The appearance of abdominal pain and diarrhea after eating is very characteristic of irritable bowel syndrome. It is rich in various features functional disease large intestine. The causes and mechanisms of development of the pathology are not fully understood. It is believed that great importance factors such as:
  • hereditary predisposition;

  • psycho-emotional stress;

  • violations of the usual diet;

  • poor nutrition;

  • gynecological diseases (often cause reflex disorders of the large intestine);

  • endocrine imbalance (menopause, premenstrual syndrome, obesity, decreased thyroid function, diabetes, etc.);

A characteristic sign of pathology is the appearance of diarrhea immediately after eating, especially after eating a large or high-calorie meal. This symptom caused by functional disorders endocrine regulation work digestive tract, namely with increased production of substances that stimulate intestinal contractility.

Pain with irritable bowel syndrome most often appears after eating a large meal, which is in some way associated with the pressure of a full stomach on the intestinal loops stretched by gas.

In this case, pain can be of varying intensity and nature - from a feeling of discomfort to severe

Many people suffering from diarrhea after eating prefer to treat themselves. At the same time, they take pills at their own peril and risk, hoping to get rid of painful symptoms. Diarrhea after eating can occur due to various reasons. Self-medication can cause irreparable harm to health.

Causes of diarrhea after eating

There are several factors that lead to the occurrence of functional digestive disorders immediately after eating:

  1. IN stressful situations people may experience irritable bowel syndrome. Permanent nervous tension causes problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. After taking antibiotics, the microflora is disrupted. As a result, the process of digesting food becomes more difficult. Diarrhea after eating is a way for the body to get rid of an irritant.
  3. Eating unwashed fruits can lead to intestinal infections. Harmful bacteria produce toxins that pose a great danger to the body.
  4. Postprandial diarrhea can occur after eating spoiled food.
  5. People who eat large meals often suffer from diarrhea. There are simply not enough enzymes to digest food. The situation is aggravated by the presence of liver and gastrointestinal diseases.
  6. It can provoke the appearance of neoplasms in the intestines.

Types of diarrhea that occurs immediately after eating

Depending on the symptoms, 2 types of diarrhea can be distinguished:

  • there are blood clots in loose stools;
  • stool has the consistency of water.

The appearance of blood may be associated with the formation of ulcers in the stomach. This is enough serious symptom, requiring research. For diagnosis, the patient must undergo rectomanoscopy.

Loose stools indicate damage to the intestines by pathogenic microorganisms.

If left untreated, the disease progresses to chronic form. Diarrhea after eating can be a consequence of:

  • lack of vitamins necessary to provide normal functioning digestive system;
  • body reactions to taking certain drugs;
  • due to severe stress.

Bacteriological research

After eating, my stomach starts to hurt. Moreover painful sensations do not depend on the composition of the dishes. How to find out what is the cause of diarrhea? To do this, you must go through the following procedures:

  1. Bacteriological research allows you to determine the presence of pathogenic microorganisms.
  2. You can find the cause of diarrhea after eating using differential diagnosis using markers. This type of test provides doctors with data about the colonies of bacteria and fungi that live in the patient's intestines.

The most difficult thing is to understand the mechanism of irritable bowel syndrome. This symptom is very different from other pathologies. In this case, you cannot do without consulting a gastroenterologist.

The specialist may prescribe additional examinations:

  • take blood and stool tests;
  • undergo an irrigoscopy procedure, which allows you to obtain x-ray images of different parts of the intestine;
  • rectomanoscopy consists of examining lower sections intestines using an endoscope.

Methods for treating diarrhea

Diarrhea after eating leads to loss of water in the body. To replenish lost fluid, you can use pharmaceutical solutions (Gidrovit).

Diarrhea may occur after taking poor quality food. You can help the body get rid of toxins and irritants with the help of enterosorbents (Filtrum-Sti).

Treatment of diarrhea after eating with pronounced symptom irritated intestines is impossible without Novo-Passit and Lotosonic. After completing a course of antibiotics, a person’s microflora is disrupted. You can restore the balance using drugs such as Linex and Bifiform.

Sometimes the causes of diarrhea after eating are related to psychological state patient. In this case, you must first relieve the tension that provokes bouts of diarrhea.

The doctor may prescribe a patient sedatives. Antidepressants are intended for the treatment of long-term neuroses. Various methods help to put the patient’s psyche in order. folk remedies.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

Diarrhea indicates that a person has serious violations in the work of organs.

Signs of such diseases include:

  • a sharp increase in temperature;
  • the patient began having attacks of vomiting and nausea;
  • the patient complains about severe pain in the stomach;
  • There are streaks of blood in the stool, which can be caused by internal bleeding.
  • loss of consciousness due to dehydration.

Water regime for diarrhea

If you have diarrhea, you need to adhere to the correct drinking regime.

To prevent dehydration you need to drink:

  • special glucose-salt solutions;
  • compote from dried apricots, as it allows you to restore water and microelements lost due to diarrhea;
  • Suitable for fluid replenishment mineral water without gas.

Recipe 1

Chop the pomegranate peel and pour 2 cups of boiling water over it. must infuse for at least 20 minutes. The product should be taken before each meal, 1 tbsp. spoon.

Recipe 2

- a proven remedy for diarrhea. For this purpose, the liquid that remains after cooking the cereal is used. Before sitting down at the dinner table, drink half a glass of the broth.

Recipe 3

Blueberry decoction

Chronic diarrhea can be cured with healing decoction blueberries Pour 2 tbsp. spoons fresh berries a glass of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. To get rid of constant attacks for diarrhea, it can be used instead of your usual tea.

Recipe 4

Prolonged, which has an astringent effect. Pour 400 ml of water into a container and add a teaspoon of crushed bark to it. The mixture should be simmered over low heat for 15 minutes. It is advisable to take 1 tbsp of the decoction before meals. spoon 3 times a day.

Recipe 5

You can cope with the symptoms of diarrhea after eating by taking a decoction of peppermint. Place 3 tbsp in a thermos. spoons of crushed leaves of the plant and pour 500 ml of boiling water over them. You need to infuse the decoction for about 30 minutes. The finished decoction should be drunk 100 ml 3 times a day.

Every person has experienced diarrhea at least once in their life. But for some, the phenomenon develops after eating certain foods or a certain type of food. Typically, intestinal upset in this case is mild. But is it really harmless? Why does diarrhea appear after fatty foods? What are the reasons? How to provide effective assistance?

An intestinal disorder that manifests itself every time after eating is called functional. The condition is characterized by frequent bowel movements approximately 10–15 minutes after each meal.

Functional diarrhea is often permanent. Accelerated movement occurs within the digestive tract food bolus and food products, not absorbed properly, come out.

The reasons for the appearance of this condition may be different. However, functional disorders often appear in response to stress, depression and other factors.

Causes of diarrhea from fatty foods

When loose stool appears after eating fatty foods, this is worth paying attention to. Diarrhea can become a symptom of other, more serious pathologies.

Diarrhea after eating fatty foods can be caused by the following factors:

  • pancreatitis;
  • allergy;
  • liver failure;
  • gallbladder pathology;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • dysbiosis.

To understand how to treat diarrhea that appears from fatty and fatty foods, it is worth taking a closer look at the reasons described above.

Diarrhea due to pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is a disease of the pancreas. Usually, in addition to diarrhea after eating fatty or salty foods, there may be other symptoms of pathology:

  • girdle pain;
  • increased gas formation;
  • nausea and vomiting.

Diarrhea after eating in an adult is an unpleasant, but quite common phenomenon. This cannot be called the norm. It means that food moves quickly through the gastrointestinal tract and is not digested or absorbed. There are functional disorders in the intestines that provoke diarrhea after each meal. In order to solve this problem, you need to understand why this happens. The reasons may include gastrointestinal pathology, poor nutrition, infestation with helminths.


The causes of diarrhea after eating can vary. If diarrhea occurs immediately after eating, it is associated with diseases such as:

  1. 1. Irritable bowel syndrome, which is popularly called " bear disease". It is often associated with disruption of the central nervous system. Many people encounter it during periods of prolonged stress. For students, this happens during a session. Such neurogenic diarrhea often occurs in children who have recently gone to school. It is important to remember that loose stools are not The only problem with this disease is that if it is chronic, it can lead to the development of vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  2. 2. Intestinal infections. In this case, diarrhea occurs suddenly. It is due to the fact that the body wants to get rid of toxins that entered the intestines with food or water as quickly as possible. Treatment in this case depends on what type of infection caused this condition.
  3. 3. Dysbacteriosis. This is an imbalance of the intestinal microflora, when for some reason the number of beneficial bacteria, and the number of pathogenic microorganisms is growing.
  4. 4. Chronic gastrointestinal diseases. This is Crohn's disease. In such conditions, diarrhea is accompanied by other symptoms. Symptoms of Crohn's disease are bloating, flatulence, loss of appetite, and weight loss. Blood appears in the stool and the stomach hurts. There is no specific localization site for such a syndrome. The pain spreads throughout the abdomen. This group of diseases also includes enteritis, ulcerative colitis, gastritis, etc.
  5. 5. Appendicitis. In this case, there is pain in the right side, frequent stools, usually liquid, and the temperature may rise.

There are other reasons why a person goes to the toilet a lot after every meal. Sometimes it's all about eating poor quality food. Then you often want to go to the toilet, but nausea and vomiting are added to this, and they bring relief because they allow you to remove toxins. This condition lasts for 1-2 days. And if after this period the process does not stop, then you need to consult a doctor.

Character of the chair

For diagnosis, not only the frequency of bowel movements is important, but also the nature (color) of stool:

  • They can be yellow color. This means that the problem lies in the disruption of the liver and bile ducts, and not the stomach. It happens that a person without a gallbladder encounters this problem in the first few weeks after surgery to remove it.
  • Green color of stool combined with abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting is a sign infectious disease(for example, salmonellosis).
  • If there is discolored feces, dark urine and yellowish skin, this is a sign of problems with the liver and biliary tract.
  • Sometimes the stool has a black tint, abdominal pain appears, weakness and increased frequency of heart pulse. In most cases, this indicates bleeding in the stomach or duodenum.
  • If the stool turns red, intestinal bleeding is implied.

All these cases often require immediate attention. medical care. It is prohibited to make a diagnosis on your own and take any medications.

The cause of diarrhea after each meal in adults can be hormonal imbalances. In men, it is more often associated with dysfunction endocrine system And diabetes mellitus. In women, this situation occurs during pregnancy.

Principles of treatment

Treatment depends on what is causing the diarrhea. Therefore, you need to consult a doctor so that he can establish an accurate diagnosis. So, if it turns out that irritable bowel syndrome is neurogenic in nature, then you need to eliminate the cause of stress and take sedatives for some time.

If diarrhea is a symptom of an infectious intestinal disease, then you need to identify its causative agent. If it is of viral origin, the doctor may prescribe antiviral drugs if bacterial - antibiotics. Often, treatment of intestinal infectious diseases is carried out in a hospital, since at home it is impossible to provide proper care and isolate the patient from others.

For dysbiosis, you can take both probiotics, that is, drugs that already contain a culture of beneficial bacteria, and prebiotics, drugs that serve as an ideal environment for the development of such microorganisms. Or you can combine both. You can take the probiotic Bifiform and include prebiotic products in your diet - kefir, yogurt, etc.

Vitamin therapy plays an important role in the treatment of most diseases. The doctor prescribes medications for her after a comprehensive examination. With irritable bowel syndrome, more important role B vitamins play a role. And for Crohn's disease, vitamin D is prescribed.

An important element of therapy is therapeutic diet. It is prescribed depending on the disease that caused the diarrhea. But pickles, smoked meats, canned food, alcohol, and carbonated drinks are excluded from the diet. In case of poisoning or intestinal infection fasting is recommended only on the first day. Then a person needs to drink a lot of water, eat only crackers. But, starting from the second day, you can gradually expand the diet. A gentle diet is recommended.

The digestive system works much faster if there is overeating due to consumption of too much food. large quantity liquids. In view of this, it is best to beware of excesses in food and try not to overeat. If this cannot be done, the occurrence of diarrhea is quite a common result passions for gluttony.

As an alternative therapeutic method, patients are prescribed bacterial preparations, term general use which can sometimes last up to one calendar month.

Also proves own efficiency the use of symptomatic drugs that can qualitatively eliminate the effects of neutral carboxylic acids, wrap and knit well. These are Attapulgite, Gastrolit, Tannacomp.

Also used are agents that help improve intestinal motility and their interaction with opioid receptors. small intestine helps to cause a change in the nature of the state of epithelial cells, as a result of which the amount of secreted secretion decreases and the overall ability of absorption decreases. The result is decreased intestinal motility.

Treatment of diarrhea from overeating with folk remedies

When treating diarrhea from overeating with drugs traditional medicine First of all, you should worry about the subsequent prevention of the onset of dehydration of the patient’s entire body. To do this, you need to drink a lot of strong tea, both at average and at mild degree severity of the disease. Sugar should not be added to tea; this is extremely important. You should also drink enough jelly and other liquids that contain little sugar. In more difficult situations It is recommended to use a solution with a high salt concentration, or other means from the arsenal of modern medicine.

Drinks with significant sugar content should not be used. IN similar cases the situation is fraught with the development of fermentation symptoms, which negatively affects general condition the whole body.

You should only drink black tea, since green tea has strong laxative properties. The result in such cases can be achieved completely opposite to what is planned.

When consuming jelly, it is recommended to take it only very “starchy”. Preference is given to oat products that contain the addition of herbs, as well as various fruits and selected berries. They do not need to be eaten after the starch is cooked.

The salt solution is prepared from ordinary table salt with addition boiled water. Calculated doses must be selected individually in each special case. Also, when making calculations, the age of the patient should be taken into account. For an adult, it will be enough to use two teaspoons per glass of boiled water. If the resulting solution turns out to be difficult to drink, the concentration of salt in it can be reduced by diluting it.

Diarrhea itself is quite dangerous, so traditional medicine must be used very carefully to neutralize it.

How to prevent diarrhea from overeating?

Of course, in order to prevent diarrhea from overeating, you should observe abstinence in food. Fulfilling the requirements for determining the diet, following the instructions of well-known nutritionists will help solve the problem qualitatively. Also, when preparing food at home, it is important to adhere to the rules of sanitary and hygienic food processing and not to eat raw or expired foods. In addition, it is important to adhere to a series of simple and at the same time important recommendations by eating.

  • Food must be chewed thoroughly before swallowing. If food is not chewed enough, the process of wetting it with saliva is disrupted, digestion becomes difficult, which leads to the swallowing of excess air. This may cause pain in the abdomen, and changes in the motility of the stomach and intestines.
  • You shouldn't rush while eating. About half an hour after the last meal, the body begins to feel full, so when fast food, during which something else is being done, such a feeling may occur much later. This way you can also get the effect of overeating. The result will be enzyme deficiency, disruption of normal intestinal motility, and the onset of diarrhea after eating.
  • You should not eat before going to bed. It is known that all processes occurring in the human body are in strict accordance with biological rhythms. In the evening, the overall activity of the digestive system decreases, which leads to the retention of eaten food in various parts of the digestive tract. It is best to eat no later than three hours before meals, which is what most nutritionists recommend.

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