Why do adults and children develop navel inflammation? Weeping navel

What to do if a newborn’s belly button festers? This is one of the most frequently asked questions on forums for young mothers. In addition, there they are trying to find out: what is the reason for this phenomenon, how to prevent it, how to properly treat the navel. These mothers are very worried about their children, so they want to know everything related to the health of their babies. Let's give answers to all these questions.

When should the navel form?

Immediately after the baby is born, his umbilical cord is cut, through which he previously received all the substances he needed. A Rogovin brace is placed in its place. Together with the remaining umbilical cord, it disappears approximately 3-7 days after the birth of the baby. After another 2 weeks, a full-fledged navel forms in its place.

Why does the wound take a long time to heal?

The navel can fester for the following reasons:

  • the child has a very sensitive skin, as a result of which, after treating the navel with healing agents, a burn appears on it;
  • failure to comply with hygiene rules;
  • penetration of infection into the navel;
  • his frequent traumatization by a diaper, toys or hard things;
  • running water entering it;
  • improper treatment of the wound;
  • sharp tearing off of crusts that form during healing.

Signs of inflammation of the navel

Doctors distinguish 3 stages of a weeping navel, or omphalitis.

  1. Simple, or catarrhal. The navel is covered with a blood crust. Serous fluid periodically leaks from it. There is slight redness around the navel. The baby's body temperature does not exceed 37.5 degrees.
  2. Phlegmous. Develops on the seventh day of the baby’s life. In this case, protrusion of the navel is observed. Pus comes out of it every now and then. The area of ​​redness around the navel increases. Swelling of this area appears. The baby becomes lethargic. He loses his appetite. The temperature rises. After feeding, he almost always spits up or vomits.
  3. Necrotic. The temperature rises greatly. Neurological diseases appear. The peri-umbilical zone at this stage becomes bluish in color. She's hot to the touch. Comes from the wound bad smell. This is due to necrosis (death) of tissue. Children whose disease has progressed to this stage are usually transferred to intensive care.

Attention! Sometimes babies develop granuloma in addition to omphalitis. It is the growth of granular tissue in the form of a fungus at the bottom umbilical wound.

How to help a newborn yourself

First of all, if the baby’s belly button is festered, then the mother needs to start breastfeeding on demand, and not according to time. This is necessary to improve performance immune system. You also need to treat the navel with the following means:

  • wash the wound lightly concentrated solution hydrogen peroxide 3-4 times a day. The ratio of the drug and water should be 3 to 1000;
  • You can soften the crusts on the navel by wiping them with one of the solutions: 70% alcohol or 5% potassium permangate. They should then be removed from the navel;
  • You can also use a solution of furatsilin 0.02%. After using it, apply an alcohol solution of brilliant green to the wound;
  • You can also treat a purulent navel with Chlorophyllipt, Baneocyon, Rivanol or Miramistin.

Handle the navel only with clean and dry hands.

In addition, mothers should ensure that moisture does not get into the baby's navel. Diapers must be used either with a special hole or top part you need to turn it away so that it does not come into contact with the navel.

Under no circumstances should bandages be applied to umbilical region.


Initially, an ultrasound is performed abdominal cavity to exclude peritonitis. Also examined soft fabrics located around the baby's navel. This study indicates the presence or absence of cellulitis formation. In addition, a culture of pus or serous fluid from the site of suppuration on the flora, as well as on antibiotic tolerance.

Treatment of navel inflammation in severe stages

To restore tone child's body Plasma is administered, as well as blood transfusions. This is done to eliminate it from the blood foreign organisms and pathogenic formations.

Also, a third-party gamma globulin is introduced into the baby’s blood, which fights viruses and bacteria. To strengthen the baby's immunity, vitamins C and B are administered through droppers and injections. Sometimes irradiation of purulent omphalitis with ultraviolet radiation, microwave therapy, and helium-neon laser are used. IN severe cases The baby is prescribed antibiotics.

If treatment does not bring the desired result, doctors check whether the infant fistula. If this assumption turns out to be correct, then the baby undergoes surgery.

In case of a fistula, a surgical puncture is performed, then the pus is removed from the wound. After these steps, the pathological tract is sutured


What to do to prevent the navel from starting to fester.

  • Until the wound on the navel has healed, treat it every day after bathing with the products prescribed by the doctor. Before you begin this procedure, wash your hands well and then dry them.
  • Use no more than 2 antiseptics.
  • Give your newborn air baths several times a day, but also make sure that he doesn’t get cold while doing it.
  • If a baby's urine gets on the wound, wipe it with a cotton pad soaked in an alcohol solution.
  • Do not pick dried crusts. They can be eliminated only when they are in a softened form.
  • Before putting things on your baby, wash and iron them well on both sides.
  • Do not cover the wound with adhesive tape.
  • Until the navel is fully formed, bathe your baby only in boiled water. 2-3 drops of a 5% potassium permanganate solution should be added to it.

If left untreated, the child may develop sepsis

So, if the navel of a newborn is festering, you should immediately inform the doctor about it. He will tell you how to handle it correctly and, if necessary, prescribe treatment. You should not try to cope with this problem on your own, since with improper therapy the baby may experience complications due to this disease.

We rarely pay attention to many parts of our body if they do not bring us any discomfort. However, in some cases such areas present us with unpleasant surprises. One of the most unnoticeable parts on human body is the navel, which is nothing more than a scar left after the umbilical cord falls off. However, in certain situations, such an area can become an ideal place for the active proliferation of bacteria, which can lead to the development of various infectious processes. Let's try to figure out why an adult's navel gets wet, let's name the reasons for this phenomenon and its treatment.

Why does an adult’s navel get wet, what are the reasons for this?

A weeping navel in an adult is serious reason for consultation with a doctor.


Such a phenomenon may be a symptom of such inflammatory lesion like omphalitis. This disease represents a defeat subcutaneous tissue, as well as the skin around the navel.

In this case, the patient’s navel seems to be flowing, and there is noticeable redness and swelling in the affected area. In addition, such a disease is accompanied by the appearance of a rather unpleasant odor. Omphalitis also makes itself felt by pain and unpleasant itching sensations. In addition, with this pathology, pus along with blood begins to collect in the navel.

If omphalitis is not treated on time, it can spread to new tissues and even go deep into the body. So the infection quite often penetrates into the umbilical vessels, which is fraught with the development of phlebitis or arteritis.

It is believed that omphalitis develops due to an attack by bacteria or fungi. This pathological condition can be caused by insufficient hygiene, as well as piercing.


Quite rarely, a weeping navel in adults is explained by the development of a phlegmonous form of omphalitis. In this case, the patient not only experiences purulent discharge and noticeable redness of the navel itself and the skin around it, patients are also worried about an increase in body temperature, some hardening and noticeable soreness of the affected area. In severe cases pathological processes lead to inflammation abdominal wall, and the patient needs immediate consultation with a surgeon. In the absence of timely correction, the infection can penetrate deep into the abdominal cavity, which is fraught with the development of necrosis, and subsequently blood poisoning.

Cystic fistula

Another one possible reason the occurrence of a weeping navel in adults - the formation of an umbilical fistula. This pathology usually develops in the case of non-union Bladder or the bile duct. In certain situations, fistulas are acquired in nature, so they can appear as a result of inflammatory damage to the anterior wall of the peritoneum and as a result of the opening of an abscess through the navel.

Treatment for a weeping navel

If an adult’s navel becomes wet, treatment in adults depends, of course, on the causes of the development of such a pathology. Actually, just like with any other disease. For an accurate diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe to the patient laboratory test the fluid that comes out of the navel. This manipulation helps confirm the presence inflammatory process, and also determine which pathogen provoked it. If the lesion is bacterial in nature, antibiotics are prescribed, and fungal diseases are corrected accordingly with antifungal compounds.

A wet navel can also be cauterized with silver nitrate, washed with hydrogen peroxide, and sometimes treated with iodine, brilliant green, etc. When purulent form To treat an illness, doctors usually prescribe the use of ointment formulations; in addition, treatment often involves draining the wound to ensure complete drainage of pus.

Local treatment may involve applying synthomycin liniment under the bandage ( local antibiotic), lubricating the affected area with Polymikin-m-sulfate, as well as Baneocin or Bactroban. Most often, such formulations are used one to four times a day, in accordance with the instructions.

In the event that pathological processes lead to necrotization of a portion of tissue, such areas are subject to surgical removal.

High efficiency for omphalitis and phlegmon, physiotherapeutic procedures also differ, with preference given to ultraviolet irradiation, as well as ultra-high frequency therapy.

In addition to antibiotics or antifungal compounds, the doctor may prescribe vitamin preparations(provitamin A, ascorbic acid and B vitamins). Such products help activate the immune system and also speed up the healing process.

In particularly severe cases of inflammation, it is practiced intravenous administration glucose solutions. This procedure helps reduce intoxication. Immunostimulating compounds are also often used.

As for the appearance of fistulas, such formations are eliminated operative method, after which they carry out antibacterial treatment and antiseptic manipulations according to the scheme described above with possible adjustment by a specialist. In the event that the fistula does not lead to the appearance of discharge from the navel and other negative symptoms, its correction can be carried out conservative methods.

Thus, one should not forget about the navel in adulthood. This area of ​​the body must be carefully looked after, observing hygiene standards. If you experience a weeping navel or other alarming symptoms, you should seek medical help.

Good afternoon, dear readers! Today I have bad news. Did you know that improperly handling the umbilical cord can lead to blood poisoning? Creepy! What reasons provoke this event? The most dangerous reason is if a newborn’s navel festers, what should you do?

I will say right away that the first symptoms of suppuration can be painlessly removed without causing anything bad. Special attention Pay attention to the cleanliness of the umbilical wound on days 14-21 of the baby’s life. Pus in the navel usually appears after the clothespin falls off. Most often this is purulent omphalitis. First, the umbilical area turns red. And then purulent discharge begins to appear.

Why is this happening? Here are some reasons:

  • Incorrect treatment of the navel. There are many nuances here. Someone doesn't follow the sequence of actions. Some people refuse processing altogether. And there are little ones for whom the medications used are simply not suitable.
  • Failure to maintain sterility in the delivery room.
  • Weakened immunity of a newborn baby. Often inflammations of this kind haunt premature babies, or those children whose mothers suffered a difficult pregnancy.

Whatever the reason, it must be eradicated. And it’s better to do this right away so that there are no sad consequences.

Symptoms of a purulent navel

Suppuration is also called “wet navel.” What are its symptoms?

    Redness of the umbilical area. Happens on initial stage. If this is detected, then it is possible to prevent suppuration and the consequences that it entails.

    Swelling of the umbilical ring and discharge of pus.

    Increased body temperature over 37.5 degrees.

    Lethargy, apathy of the child.

    Bad dream.

    Loss of appetite.

The symptoms are frightening even when you just read about them. And when this happens before your eyes, with your child, you urgently need to see a doctor! Now the parent’s task is to have time to prevent the development of the disease.


Pus itself is an insidious phenomenon, and should prompt any parent to consult a doctor. This will not go away on its own, so it will have to be treated. Otherwise, you can get into such terrible troubles:

    Infection of internal organs.

    Blood infection.

    Umbilical fistula - most often, is removed surgically. But even despite this, the most harmless of all consequences.

But this is already in its advanced stages. If you immediately go to the hospital when your navel starts to get wet, you will avoid this. After all, the doctor will prescribe you the right treatment.

Treatment of umbilical wound with suppuration

Let me reassure you, in the overwhelming majority everything ends well. No sepsis or internal infection occurs. But for this you need to go to the hospital in a timely manner and follow the doctor’s instructions.

And the prescriptions depend on the degree of the disease. Here are the methods used:

  1. Rinsing the umbilical wound with 3% peroxide. Just be careful, there are children who react badly to it. And instead of help, you get a burn. Report any suspicious signs to a specialist. Furacilin is often used for rinsing. Check this point with your pediatrician.
  2. Use of antiseptics. And far from green. Here we need more serious means for treating suppuration: Miramistin, Chlorophyllipt.
  3. Applying dressings with Vishnevsky's tetracycline ointment. But don't overdo it here. Some doctors, on the contrary, recommend abandoning all bandages. Oxygen must flow freely to the wound surface. And I completely agree with this. Therefore, follow your doctor's instructions for care and do not apply bandages for a long time.
  4. Antibiotic therapy. Don’t be alarmed, this only happens in severe cases. Just don’t forget that first a culture test is taken for sensitivity to these same antibiotics.
  5. UV irradiation and cauterization with silver nitrate. This helps to disinfect and destroy pathogenic flora.
  6. Administration of gamma globulin.
  7. Vitamin therapy: vitamins B and C.
  8. Blood transfusion.
  9. Surgical intervention in the most extreme cases.

And don't forget about. This will greatly help strengthen the immune system of a newborn baby. Again, it all depends on how the wound heals. You may be able to get by with just peroxide and antiseptics. Of course, the frequency of treatments will no longer be 1 - 2, but 3 - 4 times a day.

And some will have to stay in the hospital. Here we no longer have to choose. After all, the health of the most precious thing in our lives is at stake - the child.


For some reason, we start rummaging around for information when trouble is already on our doorstep. I would be glad if you came across this article, until then. And you just want to know how to protect yourself from sad consequences. Perhaps you have friends who are faced with this problem, and you want to protect your baby?

Fortunately, such preventive measures exist. And I will tell you about them!

  • Avoid crowded spaces. Don’t wrap your baby up, much less put off swaddling!
  • Put your newborn out without clothes more often, of course, if the temperature in the room allows it!
  • navel after discharge from the hospital. Don't run it.
  • Avoid high humidity in the room where the baby is.
  • Remember, no lotions or compresses grandma's recipes“for speedy healing of the umbilical cord.” You'll definitely get omphalitis!

Dear parents, remember, the navel should be on special control until it healed. And this happens in a good situation closer to 4 weeks. So process and don't hesitate to ask your pediatrician questions.

Tell us, what problems did you encounter? Any complaints? Is there any purulent discharge? How are you fighting? Leave comments and don't forget to subscribe to blog updates. Until next time. Bye!

An unpleasant odor in the navel area may be accompanied by other symptoms. And few people take care of their belly button. Let's try to figure out why an adult's navel gets wet, let's name the reasons for this phenomenon and its treatment. You cannot try to cure an unpleasant smell in the navel on your own. There are many reasons for the occurrence of unpleasant odor from the navel. If an adult’s navel becomes wet, treatment in adults depends, of course, on the causes of the development of such a pathology.

One of the most unnoticeable parts on the human body is the navel, which is nothing more than a scar left after the umbilical cord falls off. In this case, the patient’s navel seems to be flowing, and there is noticeable redness and swelling in the affected area.

In addition, with this pathology, pus along with blood begins to collect in the navel. Quite rarely, a weeping navel in adults is explained by the development of a phlegmonous form of omphalitis.

If the fistula does not lead to discharge from the navel and other negative symptoms, its correction can be carried out using conservative methods. If you experience a weeping navel or other alarming symptoms, you should seek medical help. To find out the exact cause, it is necessary to examine the surgeon with mandatory bacterial culture of the discharge and revision of the umbilical ring.

Acquired umbilical fistulas are observed after a prolonged inflammatory process of the anterior abdominal wall, when a purulent abscess is opened through the navel.

purulent discharge from the navel

In addition, the unpleasant odor may be accompanied by discharge, discomfort and irritation. An unpleasant odor can be caused by fistulas, complete or incomplete. Incomplete fistulas appear much more often and with them the navel first gets wet, then irritation appears around it and the fistulas themselves are lined with mucous membrane.

As a result, a fistula appears, which is the cause foul odor. Omphalitis is inflammation of the bottom of the navel. The inflammatory process is provoked by staphylococcus and E. coli. In addition, every day the navel is washed with special solutions to remove pus. In very difficult cases, doctors prescribe surgery.

Dirt getting into the navel. Dust, particles from clothing, sand and other pollutants can get into the navel, especially if the navel is deep. Inflammation. Inflammatory processes near the navel rarely occur, but cause a lot of trouble. When inflammation occurs, purulent masses begin to accumulate around the navel. Often such suppurations break through and the release of pus begins, which causes the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

Initially appear in the navel area painful sensations. Common thrush can cause an unpleasant odor from the belly button. This happens because a fungus called Candida begins to develop in the navel area. The urinary duct is a tube that connects the top of the bladder and the umbilicus between the transverse fascia of the abdomen and peritoneum.

Sepsis. This disease can develop in those people who have their navel pierced. An incorrectly made puncture can lead to the development of an inflammatory process, bleeding and sepsis. If your belly button begins to ooze white fluid after your piercing and you feel putrid odor, then you need to see a doctor as soon as possible and start treatment.

From time to time, carefully examine your navel to see if there is a dirt plug in it. This phenomenon is often observed in fat people with a deep navel. Dirt, lint from clothing, and skin particles accumulate in the navel - all this can lead to an inflammatory process.

In the evening, take a good shower, dry yourself, dry your navel with cotton swabs and apply clotrimazole cream generously. The navel gets wet, it doesn’t hurt, it’s just white or clear liquid, smells bad (when it dries it forms a crust ((I visited a surgeon and said to wipe it with potassium permanganate, it doesn’t help. The navel festers 1-2 times a year. I can’t trace what precedes this - food, lifting weights or something else.

Why does fluid come out of my belly button?

The disease is manifested by redness and swelling of the skin in the navel area and the appearance of purulent-bloody discharge in the umbilical fossa area. With a simple form (wet navel) general state the patient does not suffer, in the navel area there is oozing with serous or serous-purulent discharge, which forms crusts. The necrotic form of omphalitis is usually a consequence of the phlegmonous form. The process spreads not only to the sides, as with phlegmon of the anterior abdominal wall, but also deeper.

However, in some cases such areas present us with unpleasant surprises. In addition, such a disease is accompanied by the appearance of a rather unpleasant odor. Omphalitis also makes itself felt by pain and unpleasant itching sensations. In severe cases, pathological processes lead to inflammation of the abdominal wall, and the patient needs immediate consultation with a surgeon.

Actually, just like with any other disease. In the event that pathological processes lead to necrotization of a portion of tissue, such areas must be surgically removed. Reasons this state may be: Development of omphalitis - inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous tissue in the navel area Presence of a fistula near the umbilical ring (urachus).

It is also very important to properly care for your belly button. A weeping navel in an adult is a serious reason to consult a doctor. Thus, one should not forget about the navel in adulthood. One of the most dangerous diseases that causes an unpleasant odor from the navel is omphalitis. When the vitelline-intestinal duct is not closed in the navel area, an intestinal-umbilical fistula with intestinal or mucous discharge is formed.

Such an insignificant organ as the navel is a useless part of the body. Only during pregnancy does he play important role in human life and development. But after birth it becomes unnecessary. If during the period of development a person was fed only through the umbilical cord, then this system continues to maintain its connection with all parts of the body.

The inconspicuous navel becomes the main place, the defeat of which can lead to serious sepsis. Let's look at everything about one navel disease on vospalenia.ru - omphalitis, which can be observed not only in children, but also in adults.

The concept of omphalitis is very simple, but the types and forms of its development are very serious. What it is? Omphalitis is an inflammation of the skin of the umbilical wound.

  1. According to the root cause, the types are distinguished:
  • Primary – penetration of infection directly into the umbilical wound;
  • Secondary – the attachment of an infection to a fistula (already formed diseases).
  1. According to the nature of inflammation:
    • Catarrhal (simple, serous-purulent, “weeping navel”) is the most common type. Develops when epithelium slowly covers the wound. The liquid is clear, and granulation and blood crusts form.
    • Phlegmonous
    • Necrotic (gangrenous) – this form very difficult to treat.
    • Purulent - a severe stage of omphalitis, in which ulcers, purulent discharge and bulging of the navel above the abdominal cavity are formed.
  2. By form:
  • Spicy;
  • Chronic.
  1. It is infectious (bacterial) in nature.

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The cause of navel omphalitis is infection ( coli or staphylococci) into the umbilical wound, which heals after birth. It develops in newborns, but can occur in older children and even adults. Contributing factors that spread the infection are:

  • Failure to comply with hygiene standards, which often becomes a contributing factor in spreading the infection, due to which not only children, but also adults become infected;
  • Improper wound treatment;
  • Dirty linen, underwear or bed linen, towels;
  • Contamination by feces or urine;
  • Dirty hands touching an unhealed umbilical wound.

The process of pregnancy becomes very important, during which infections are transmitted from mother to child. If the mother has an infectious disease, then bacteria can affect the umbilical cord.

Usually the umbilical wound heals within 15 days. If you treat it correctly all this time and do not infect it, then it will drag on. However, when an infection gets there, it develops catarrhal form omphalitis, the main symptom and sign of which is the discharge of a serous-purulent nature from a long non-healing wound. A crust forms on top, which then peels off, opening the wound again. Swelling of the umbilical area appears. Over time, fungus forms if the patient is not treated. These formations are usually cauterized.

In the phlegmonous form, inflammation spreads to adjacent tissues. Redness and swelling of the skin occurs. When pressing on the umbilical area, pus is released. Visible venous network. All this is accompanied high temperature, loss of appetite, weight loss.

Necrotizing omphalitis is rare and is determined by changes in skin color, deterioration of health, and increased temperature. Contact peritonitis may form.

If omphalitis occurs, it is most often in children, especially newborns. The above causes and symptoms are typical for children with inflammation of the navel. Therefore, parents should immediately contact their pediatrician for examination and treatment.

Omphalitis occurs in adults, but is quite rare. Common cause inflammation of the navel in women and men is damage to this part of the body. People who get into body piercings can get infected. People at risk include people who are frequently injured, especially in the abdominal area.

Diagnosis of navel omphalitis is carried out first by collecting the symptoms that torment the patient, as well as general examination skin, measuring body temperature, examining the navel. To clarify the diagnosis, the following procedures are carried out:

  • Bacteriological culture of umbilical secretions, which gives a more accurate and detailed picture of what is happening;
  • Ultrasound and radiography of the abdominal cavity;
  • Blood test for infections.

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Treatment of omphalitis is carried out at home or in the hospital, depending on the stage of development of the disease. In any case, you should follow the doctor’s recommendations and not self-medicate. Even if the patient preferred home treatment, the process must be monitored by a doctor.

  • Antibiotics in the form of ointments and tablets. The umbilical wound is treated with ointments.
  • The navel is treated with antiseptic solutions: alcohol, iodine, brilliant green.
  • Hydrogen peroxide, which can be used to treat the wound at home. Constantly wipe with alcohol, chlorophyllipt, furacillin, dicosidine.
  • Antistaphylococcal immunoglobulins in injections.

Surgical intervention is prescribed when purulent elements form. For necrotizing omphalitis, excision of dead tissue is performed. In case of purulent form, the wound is drained.

The main emphasis is on strengthening the immune system, which is done in the following areas:

  • Carrying out vitamin therapy A, B, C through medications. A fortified diet is followed by people who have already passed their 6-month age.
  • Intravenous administration of glucose.

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How long do people live with omphalitis? It all depends on the form and severity of the flow. The simple form is very easy to treat. The life prognosis worsens significantly with the purulent form, which is difficult to treat. However, nothing compares to the phlegmonous and necrotic form. The prognosis for their manifestation depends on the complications to which they lead:

  • Arteritis is inflammation of the arteries near the navel.
  • Phlebitis is an inflammation of the umbilical vessels.
  • Lymphangitis of the peri-umbilical zone.
  • Enterocolitis.
  • Osteomyelitis.
  • Abdominal phlegmon.
  • Peritonitis.
  • Sepsis.
  • Tumor of the navel.

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  • Maintaining hygiene of the navel, which is healing, is the best prevention.
  • Treatment with antiseptic drugs.
  • Appeal for medical assistance if symptoms occur.

Source: vospalenia.ru

Omphalitis in adults - symptoms and treatment

A disease such as omphalitis is not so common among the population. Newborns are most susceptible to it. The decisive factor in this case is the risk of acquiring such a disease if there were certain problems with the child during childbirth. For example, the child is premature or was born sick, etc. It's threatening weak immunity, which weakens the body’s resistance to any diseases, including inflammation of the tissues around the navel.

Omphalitis in adults is essentially an inflammation of the skin tissue in the navel area. It can be caused by failure to comply with personal hygiene rules and lack of care for wounds in the navel area.

Often inflammation in the navel area is a consequence of unsuccessful piercing.

Omphalitis in adults usually appears on the skin characteristic features often during the period of possible navel injury and a week after that. It is during this period that the wound in the navel is just beginning to heal. Many painful viruses and microorganisms easily enter it, which become the causative agents of the disease. Often omphalitis is accompanied by gray, bloody and purulent discharge. They are easy to recognize by their color and unpleasant odor.

The most dangerous is phlegmonous or purulent omphalitis. It damages not only the peri-umbilical tissue, but also spreads to other surfaces of the skin.

With necrotizing omphalitis, the tissues near the navel die, which leads to unpleasant consequences. The skin takes on a dark appearance, similar to swipe or bruise. Subsequently, ulcers appear, varying in size. But general health can remain good

But if omphalitis in adults acquires severe form, purulent and bleeding, here the general condition of a person suffers. His navel changes shape, becoming more protruding and ringed. It is possible to raise the temperature to 38-39 degrees. The area where the epicenter of inflammation is located will be especially hot. In this regard, the body is poisoned with toxins. The patient may lose weight quickly.

The wound becomes covered with a thick crust, under which all the pus collects. If it is injured or accidentally torn off, there is a risk of ulcers on the surface of the navel.

No matter how unpleasant omphalitis is, it is easily treatable. If you start performing the prescribed procedures on time, the risk of the consequences of the disease disappears. Therefore, it is better to immediately pay attention to the wounds near the navel and properly care for the peri-umbilical area, so that you don’t have to for a long time visit the doctor.

Often omphalitis in adults progresses to other stages, causing more complex diseases. The reason for this is that the infectious agent can freely move through the lymph to other tissues. Intoxication of the body occurs.

The infection also easily enters the veins and vessels, which is for human body the most dangerous variant of the disease.

Omphalitis in adults: treatment

If omphalitis is in mild stage, then for treatment it will be enough to wipe the wound with special disinfectants and antiseptics. The doctor may also prescribe cauterization with silver nitrate. It's pretty effective method, although a little painful.

But purulent inflammation of the navel requires surgical intervention. To avoid infection of nearby organs and tissues, you first need to remove the pus from the wound. This procedure is performed using a special probe, which is inserted into a cut hole.

After cleansing the wound at home, it is necessary to treat it with ointments and gels with the necessary components.

Sometimes the doctor prescribes antibiotic treatment if the body is not particularly sensitive to them.

Source: fb.ru

Omphalitis in adults: treatment and prevention measures

Omphalitis is less common in adults; newborns are more likely to be affected. The disease is characterized by inflammation of the tissue in the umbilical area. In infants, the umbilical wound may fester due to low immunity, some congenital diseases or poor hygiene. In adolescence and adulthood, the disease can occur due to infection after piercing, in adults due to injury.

Purulent and phlegmonous omphalitis are considered the most dangerous, since they, in addition to the navel area, affect other areas of the skin. Externally, the lesion looks like a bruise. The patient’s condition may not differ from normal; deterioration will begin in severe cases. With the development of the necrotic form, tissues begin to die. Externally, the navel protrudes, the temperature rises, and severe intoxication of the body occurs.

Omphalitis occurs due to the penetration of a pathogenic infection, gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus, Klebsiella), gram-positive (streptococci, staphylococci), anaerobic flora, candida fungi.

Predisposing factors in adults may be:

  • available infectious diseases skin tissue;
  • purulent processes of internal organs;
  • mechanical injuries of the umbilical zone;
  • piercing, scarring, tattooing;
  • inflammation of sutures after operations.

Getting into open wound, the infection penetrates the skin, continuing to live on the walls of blood vessels, microbes cause inflammation of the veins and arteries. Purulent process may persist for some time after omphalitis is cured if the infection has spread deep into the tissues.

The disease begins to manifest itself with catarrhal inflammation, in which redness and swelling are visible in the navel area. Then there is a discharge of liquid with an unpleasant odor, gray with purulent inclusions from the navel. Crusts with pus inside form on the skin. Taking up treatment initial stage, the disease can be quickly eliminated; if the process is delayed, the lesion quickly covers large areas of the skin.

The phlegmonous form of the disease is considered more severe and dangerous. In this condition, in addition to the skin, the infection affects inner part peritoneum. The person experiences pain and the temperature rises. Then the tissues begin to die, and necrotic process as a result of tissue detachment, there is a high probability of infection with sepsis. Health care in such a case must be immediate.

Omphalitis in adults is diagnosed by a therapist and surgeon. The speed of treatment depends on the correct determination of the cause of the disease. The patient will be referred for blood donation and examination of the fluid discharged from the navel. If peritonitis or phlegmon is suspected, they are sent for an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and soft tissues. Omphalitis in children is diagnosed by a pediatrician.

Fungus of the navel in a newborn

Umbilical fungus in newborns is a similar disease. The diseases are similar at the initial stage, but with fungus, granulation tissue grows; in fact, there is no infectious process until the inside is penetrated pathogenic microbes. The disease is less dangerous than omphalitis, however, it also requires timely treatment.

Treatment of omphalitis in adults is chosen depending on the pathogen. For bacterial infections, antibiotics are prescribed, for fungi - antifungal agents. The wound also needs regular antiseptic treatment and cauterization with alcohol-containing solutions. In some cases they impose gauze bandage With antimicrobial ointment If fistulas appear, surgical intervention is required.

The table shows some drugs used in the treatment of omphalitis:

Source: kozhnye-zabolevaniya.ru

The best 22 ways to treat navel inflammation at home

Umbilical cord infection is not a strange condition among people where random bacteria and fungi can easily grow in the area. It may appear red, swollen, itchy, and painful on and around the button. Although this is not very dangerous, it can sometimes cause discomfort and loss of confidence, so conditions are also necessary for this special methods treatment and prevention.

Currently Womansplace.ru would like to show you all the information including symptoms, causes, natural ways effective treatment umbilical cord infection at home. All the information can be quite important, so you need to spend a little time browsing through the articles to get more.

Causes of umbilical cord infection

Damage to the belly button can be caused by many factors. In general, the infection is caused when, after bathing, there is water and soap trapped in the navel, which creates a favorable environment for the development of bacteria and fungi. Additionally, there are some other causes of belly button infection:

Belly belly button piercings are popular among women who want their abdominal area to be pierced. Although piercings are a form of fashion statement, they can also cause umbilical cord infection if done incorrectly, so women who intend to have piercings should be careful.

It sounds strange, but regularly touching the navel is also a cause of navel infection. The reason is that your hands are not always clean and touching them regularly can increase the risk of bacteria or fungi settling in the belly button. In addition, the possible moist and warm nature of the navel makes microorganisms grow quickly and the causes of infection more serious.

When you don't keep your navel area empty, the risk of infection increases. If you don't take a bath on a daily basis, you give microorganisms a chance to increase in size, leading to infection. On the contrary, bathing with unclean water may increase the risk of umbilical shell infection faster or failure to clean the belly button after bathing also promotes the growth of microorganisms.

Symptoms of a navel infection

Symptoms of belly button infection vary and depend on each stage.

  • Initially, a belly button infection often causes swelling accompanied by mild pain.
  • For more late stage As the infection progresses, symptoms may be more severe. The swelling may puncture and then cause discharge.
  • At the next stage, when the development of infection spreads to the entire abdominal area, the discharge changes its color from clear to yellow, greenish or grayish liquid; the button gets stinky. Moreover, bleeding may occur in some cases, which signals that your infection is in bad shape.

Oil tea tree is another way to fight umbilical cord infection at home. In fact, tea tree oil is actually beneficial if the infection is caused by yeast or bacteria as it contains powerful antifungal, antibacterial and antiseptic properties.


  • Mix 4 or 5 drops tea tree oil with 1 teaspoon olive oil (or coconut oil)
  • Apply this mixture on your navel with a cotton swab
  • Give 10 minutes, then rinse
  • Do this solution two or three times a day.

Another way to treat a belly button infection is garlic oil, which was also known. In fact, garlic oil has antimicrobial properties needed to treat any type of infection, including belly button infection. Additionally, garlic oil may also relieve inflammation caused by this condition. All you need to do is apply garlic oil regularly to the infected area and leave it on for 15-20 minutes before removing it.

Lavender oil is another way to treat belly button infections. In fact, it is recommended to use pure lavender oil to fight infection because the oil can act as a natural, powerful antiseptic that protects the navel and round area from negative factors.


  • Prepare some lavender and cottonseed oil
  • Dip a cotton swab into lavender oil
  • Wipe the cotton swab in and around the infected area.
  • Apply this several times daily for several days until the infection is completely cleared.

Coconut oil - natural way treatment of navel infection. Thanks to antibacterial and antifungal properties Coconut oil can slow down the growth of bacteria and fungi and prevent the spread of infection. Additionally, its anti-inflammatory properties can help relieve itching, swelling and pain, which provides relief from belly button discomfort.


  • Place a few drops of coconut oil on a cotton swab
  • Apply the ball directly to the infected area.
  • Keep it for 15-20 minutes, then remove the ball from your navel
  • Repeat 3 or 4 times daily until there is an indication of infection.

Aloe Vera is famous for its benefits for overall health and skin care. In fact, Aloe Vera is also effective in fighting belly button infection where it can relieve pain and improve the healing process of the skin due to its anti-inflammatory and soothing properties.


  • Extract aloe vera gel from fresh leaf aloe vera
  • Apply this gel on navel infection
  • Leave it until it's dry
  • Use a damp cloth to wash it and make it dry with a soft towel
  • Follow this solution several times a day.

Another way to treat a belly button infection is to use white vinegar. In fact, vinegar is very helpful in stopping the discharge from an infected umbilical cord due to its natural acidic properties, which are essential to fight the infection and prevent the spread of belly button infection.


  • Mix white vinegar in warm water with a ratio of 1-2
  • Dip a cotton swab into the liquid and apply it to the infected area of ​​the navel
  • Wait about 10-15 minutes then rinse it off warm water
  • Dry the infected area completely
  • Perform the treatment twice or 3 times a day to get good effect.

With hydrating, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic substances, calendula is useful herb in the treatment of navel infection. Calendula can help relieve itching and irritation and heal affected skin.


  • Crush 2 or 3 calendula flowers to extract their juice
  • Apply this juice on the infected area of ​​the navel
  • Repeat this action two or three times a day for several days
  • Alternatively, use calendula lotion or ointment instead of fresh calendula as directed

When your belly button is infected, it will certainly turn red and discharge may appear from it, and it is time for you to use chamomile to treat the infection and remove the discharge. In fact, chamomile is considered a calming herb, essential for relaxing the mind, but it can also soothe skin irritation caused by a belly button infection.

According to previous studies, chamomile has been shown to destroy germs and bacteria that cause infection. More clearly, chamomile extract helps wounds heal faster, which is the reason why corticosteroids - medicated creams used to reduce inflammation and speed up the healing process. It also helps drain water from wounds and remove any kind of germs due to its antimicrobial activity. So, chamomile is really good way navel coping you should try.


  • Prepare a cup of chamomile with boiling water
  • Put a cup of chamomile tea in a cup hot water, then squeeze out excess liquid
  • Apply the compress to the infected area in and around the navel and leave for 5-10 minutes
  • Repeat 2 times daily to reduce pain and inflammation and speed up the healing process.

Not only is tea an excellent antioxidant, but it is also effective means to combat fungi, since it contains tannins responsible for this task. More clearly, a moist black tea bag can help improve the condition of the infected umbilical cord effectively by reducing the sensation of swelling and itching.


  • Dip a black tea bag into warm water for 10 minutes, remove and remove excess water
  • Cool the tea bag for 20 minutes
  • Place a tea bag on the infected belly button to get a soothing effect
  • Repeat treatment 3 times daily to improve the condition and speed up healing.
  • Alternatively, soak the infected navel cup in a teaspoon of black tea water to get rid of the yeast growing on it. inside buttons.

Manuka honey is also one of the ways to treat navel infection. This is because it can help relieve pain and discomfort from an inflamed umbilical cord, as well as clear up the infection faster. In General, Manuka Honey May Promote Healing wound infections and soothe the painful inflamed skin and in particular is also considered an excellent healer for many diseases, including navel infections. In fact, Manuka honey can be directly applied to and around the navel area to treat infections.

According to previous research, the low pH of Manuka honey and its antimicrobial agents may interfere with the growth of microbes and the honey's effectiveness in wound healing. It has very strong potent antibacterial activity where its antibacterial activity has been stated to be 100 times stronger than others regular honeys, making it effective against 60 types of bacteria.

How to use Manuka honey natural remedy from treating umbilical cord infection, you just need to apply honey directly to the sore umbilical cord and leave it on for a few minutes to help the infection heal faster. Besides infected umbilical cord, Manuka honey can help soothe damaged skin if your skin is broken around infection or toxic sores.

Neem leaves or Indian lilac are also one of the belly button infection treatment methods you should know. In fact, the herb has been very famous for its ability to cure several health problems related to bacteria and yeast infections. Additionally, its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties can help reduce itching associated with pain caused by infection and prevent the infection from spreading.


  • Cook some neem leaves then grind them to make neem paste
  • Add turmeric powder to the paste to get better results.
  • Apply the paste to the infected area and let it sit for about 20 minutes
  • Clean your navel with warm water and wipe dry
  • Repeat this twice daily for 2 weeks
  • Alternatively, mix a few drops of Neem oil with a teaspoon of any carrier oil, apply the oil directly to the infected belly button to get a quick healing process.

Turmeric was famous for its ability to treat belly button infections and infections in particular. It contains antiseptic and antibiotic properties that are effective in treating and preventing any type of infection. And turmeric medicine is also easy for everyone to follow.


  • Make a paste by mixing small turmeric powder in water
  • Apply the paste to the affected area and leave it until it dries
  • Wipe the affected area with a dry cloth
  • Repeat twice or 3 times a day to reduce pain and prevent the spread of belly button infection
  • Instead, mix 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder and a little honey in a glass of hot milk and then drink it every day before going to bed, the solution can help in promoting internal process healing.

Another way to treat belly button infection is plain yogurt. You may have known that plain yogurts contain probiotics that produce lactic acid, which has a significant effect on fighting fungi and yeasts that cause infections, including belly button infections.


  • Dip a cotton ball into plain, unsweetened yogurt, which contains live probiotics
  • Apply a cotton ball to the infected umbilical cord
  • Leave it on for 15-30 minutes, then rinse it off with warm water
  • Drink the area dry
  • Repeat treatment twice up to 3 times a day.

Antibiotic creams are also considered effective way treatment of navel infection. The use of these creams may give quick relief from the infection only for a short time due to the strong impact chemical substances. You just need to rub some antibiotic cream directly onto the infected umbilical cord and resolve it there without disturbing it. Apply this cream whenever you need.

Another way to treat a belly button infection is with baking soda. Thanks to its antimicrobial properties, baking soda can play an important role in fighting infection. Additionally, baking soda has certain properties that can maintain a pH level that can reduce the growth of infection. In fact, if you use baking soda on the infected area, you can also quickly get rid of irritation and itching.

Alternatively, you can mix it together with enough water to make a paste and rub it on your navel. Both ways to treat belly button infection must be followed daily.

The rule of preventing and treating navel infection is to keep this area always clean and dry. While bathing, you should clean your navel thoroughly with soap and water. Obviously, cleaning the infected area with a good mild soap will certainly eliminate existing bacteria, thereby reducing their growth, as well as preventing further infection. It is necessary to prevent the infection from spreading to other areas of the skin because this will make your condition worse and more difficult to deal with. In conclusion, regular application of mild soap on the infected is always recommended to treat this condition.

Additionally, you can also apply aqueous ointment to the infected umbilical cord because the moisture of these ointments can block the pores of the skin and thus stimulate the skin to breathe.

One method to treat a belly button infection is to use salt water. Not only does warm salt water help remove bacteria from the infected area, but it also helps improve blood flow and moisture absorption into the skin to support healing.

As you know, salt works as a natural disinfectant, because it has a hygroscopic property necessary to slow down the growth of infection. Also, to get better results, you can apply some antibacterial cream on water based on the navel after applying warm salt water treatment.


  • Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water
  • Dip cotton in warm liquid and use it to wash the infected area
  • Drink it carefully and dry it
  • Water-based apple antibacterial cream applied to the affected area (optional)
  • Repeat twice daily until you get good effects.

The warm compress is very similar to the warm salt water treatment. This belly button infection treatment can be the easiest one when all you need is just a cloth and warm water. Warm water can help relieve pain and support the skin's healing process.


  • Dip a rag in warm water and squeeze out excess water
  • Place a warm cloth on the infected area for a few minutes
  • Repeat the treatment several times a day.

You may have used hydrogen peroxide to fight an infection by applying it to the infected area of ​​the skin. If your belly button infection is accompanied by pus in it, hydrogen peroxide may be the most effective use. Hydrogen peroxide can help remove pus from this infected umbilical cord when pus is the main cause of infection. Hydrogen peroxide can be used to help clean the belly button.

You should use a cotton ball, dip it in hydrogen peroxide and apply it to the infected area to drain the pus and cleanse the infected area.


  • Dip a cotton ball in a small amount of alcohol
  • Rub the cotton ball on the umbilical cord infection without any disturbance
  • Repeat this solution several times a day.

When you have a belly button infection, you should avoid wearing clothes because it may lead to a more serious condition. In fact, tight clothing and pants can cause difficulty breathing, which can accumulate sweat and dirt around and in the infected area. This is the reason why it causes more itching around it. Instead of thick clothing, you should wear cotton, which is breathable and has the ability to absorb sweat well.

Availability proper diet very important and also a good way to treat belly button infections in particular. As a tip, you should avoid foods rich in sugar because they can cause the growth of yeast and bacteria. In fact, a diet with low level sugar also has benefits for overall health, such as reducing the risk of heart disease, diabetes, obesity,...

Tips and precautions

Below are some tips and precautions that you should follow regarding treating a belly button infection completely and quickly:

  • Avoid picking or scratching an infected belly button as this may make your infection worse
  • Avoid constantly touching the infected area.
  • Do not press the belly button button while sleeping.
  • Use a cotton ball or swab, but not a cloth, to clean or apply any treatment to the infected umbilical cord, as the cloth can spread the infection to other parts of the body.
  • Avoid swimming for several weeks after infection, as the chlorine present in the pool can harm the infected umbilical cord.
  • Consume more products, rich in antioxidants, vitamin C and zinc to speed up the healing process
  • Follow necessary means to control blood sugar levels.

If you do not get any improvement after trying the above methods, consult your doctor immediately.

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