Causes of cervical erosion. The main causes of cervical erosion in women of different age categories

Cervical erosion (CEM) is considered one of the most common diseases in women. Almost half of women heard such a diagnosis from a gynecologist. The disease presents as wounds on the mucous membrane of the cervix ranging in size from several mm to several cm. The causes of cervical erosion are different and may have different nature origin. The disease can be found in at different ages, most often occurs between 20 and 35 years of age.

Types of disease

In medicine, there are several classifications of cervical erosion. Most of them are based on the data obtained as a result of histology, colposcopy and smears.

One of them involves division into:

  • Pseudo-erosion (ectopia). The cervix is ​​the canal that connects the body of the uterus to the vagina. It has mucus inside in the form of a flat and prismatic epithelium. In young girls, the second type of epithelium may extend beyond the cervix and look upon examination as reddening of the mucous membrane. A similar picture occurs in women with increased estrogen levels. This type of disease is called pseudoerosion or ectopia. In virgins, this disease can go away without any treatment or get worse with the onset of sexual activity and getting an STI.
  • True. True erosion of the cervix in women looks like a wound with ulceration, which looks like a red spot. Most often it occurs as a result of reproduction of a sexually transmitted infection in the female body.
  • Ectropion. It is an inversion of the cervical canal due to injury.

Based on the stage of development of erosion, it can be classified into:

  • Progressive - characterized by growth glandular epithelium.
  • Stationary - does not develop, but does not heal, and is characterized by the appearance of cysts.
  • Healing - occurs after inflammation subsides. But the cysts remain.

If we talk about patient management tactics, doctors divide erosion into:

  • Congenital - received at birth and, as a rule, passing through at a young age,
  • Acquired – resulting from injury and infection,
  • Recurrent – ​​appearing again.

There are also two forms of flow:

  • Complicated – combined with inflammatory diseases in the genital organs and tracts, as well as with precancerous processes. The result is dysfunction of the female reproductive system.
  • Uncomplicated - exists without any other changes in the cervix, does not affect the condition of the woman’s reproductive system.

The main causes of erosion determined the classification of the disease according to etiology:

  • Inflammatory - due to the presence of an inflammatory process in the cervix - colpitis and cervicitis - the epithelium is rejected.
  • Traumatic – occurs due to a cervical injury for any reason.
  • Burn - occurs as a result of an internal burn with drugs or medical instruments.
  • Trophic - occurs after radiation therapy.
  • Specific - as a result of inflammation caused by nonspecific bacteria - syphilis, tuberculosis.
  • Cancer is a tumor of a malignant nature.

Why does erosion occur?

The causes of cervical erosion can be different. These include:

Erosion due to STIs

One of the most common reasons The true cause of erosion is the presence of an STI in a woman. These include: chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, myco- and ureaplasmosis, gonorrhea, candidiasis, papillomavirus and herpes.

The source of infection with chlamydia is chlamydia, trichomoniasis - trichomonas, mycoplasmosis - mycoplasma, ureaplasmosis - ureaplasma, gonorrhea - gonococcus. All of these infections are transmitted through sexual contact with a partner who has the same infection. The reproduction of these bacteria in the female body more often occurs in the mucous membrane of the cervix, which explains frequent occurrence cervical erosion with these types of infections. They lead to irritation of the mucous membrane and restructuring of the cervical epithelium, inflammation and tissue destruction. The main symptoms of infection are: itching, burning in the area urethra, secretions, and bad smell. But there are situations when the disease does not manifest itself in any way, and the resulting erosion becomes a complication of a latent infection.

You should know what causes erosion and the human papillomavirus. Scientists have proven that it leads to cervical cancer.

Erosion and inflammatory processes

Women who have a regular partner ask what causes uterine erosion if there are no sexually transmitted infections. Along with the latter, erosion can be caused by inflammatory diseases vagina - vaginitis and colpitis, as well as candidiasis. Often the balance of vaginal microflora is disturbed without the presence of a sexually transmitted infection. When the number of “good” and “harmful” bacteria is disturbed, bacterial vaginosis. The reasons for its appearance are: hormonal disorders, intestinal dysbiosis, taking antibiotics. As a result of taking a gynecological smear, staphylococci, streptococci, coli, enterococci. If not treated in time, this disease is accompanied by the formation of leucorrhoea in large quantities. It leads to irritation and the integrity of the epithelium structure, causing weakening local immunity and, as a consequence, the occurrence of erosion.

Erosion due to trauma

The causes of uterine erosion, among other things, may include injury. It may appear as a result of:

  • Abortion,
  • During childbirth, a woman often suffers trauma to the cervix. It may not be serious and may not require surgical intervention in the form of suturing, but may cause erosion.
  • Rough sexual intercourse
  • Surgical interventions(removal of polyps).
  • Possible injury due to epithelial burn medicines.
  • Contraceptives used inside the vagina can also cause erosion.

Hormonal disorders and pseudo-erosion

When answering the question of what causes ectopic erosion, it’s worth starting with hormonal disorders. Their presence in the female body is indicated by the early or late onset of menstruation. The average age is considered to be between 12 and 16 years of age. Change hormonal balance maybe as a result long-term use drugs for treating infertility, maintaining pregnancy, adjusting work thyroid gland and adrenal glands. Due to hormonal imbalances in the body, processes associated with the growth of the epithelium and its extension beyond the cervix occur. When examined, it looks like erosion, but in reality it is not considered a disease and does not lead to complications.

How does erosion manifest itself?

Most often, a slight erosion of the cervix is ​​discovered during an examination by a gynecologist, and before that the woman may not realize that she has it.

Sometimes they meet following signs cervical erosion:

  • Bloody, spotting vaginal discharge that is brown or Pink colour. They occur mainly after sexual intercourse and are minor in nature.
  • Pain syndrome during sex.
  • Associated symptoms infectious diseases which caused it.
  • Pain in the lower back and lower abdomen.
  • Presence of condylomas.

Women with pseudoerosion have no signs of disease and are essentially healthy in this area.

Diagnosis and treatment

A gynecologist can diagnose the disease using:

  • inspection with mirrors,
  • taking a bacteriological smear,
  • smear for oncocytology,
  • colposcopy,
  • biopsies.

Treatment is aimed at eliminating genital infections, as well as cauterizing the erosion site liquid nitrogen, laser, electric arc or radio waves. All these methods do not cause tissue scarring and are practically painless for women.

Absence necessary treatment erosion can lead to complications. neglected erosion cervix often causes precancerous and cancerous conditions. The best prevention There will be an examination by the treating gynecologist once a year or six months and a permanent sexual partner.

Such a pathology as is one of the ten most common female diseases. In fact, it represents small disturbances in the mucous membrane. The reasons for its appearance are not fully understood. The most common causes include inflammation of the genital area and mechanical damage to the mucous membrane of the reproductive organ. With the appearance of erosion, there are obstacles to the healthy fertilization of the egg, and, consequently, there is a risk of infertility.

An erosive condition can be congenital, or it can be acquired during life. The reason for the appearance of cervical erosion lies in the penetration of infections into the body: urogenital chlamydia, trichomoniasis, microplasmosis, gonorrhea, herpes virus. Pathology can always appear with characteristic features: swelling, purulent plaque, bloody discharge. If inflammatory processes are quickly cured, the uterus does not have time to be damaged. An erosive condition in women occurs if treatment is not applied for too long.

The causative agent of chlamydia is chlamydia. It can be acquired through sexual contact from an infected partner. Since chlamydia multiplies precisely on the mucous membrane, the frequency of erosion increases many times over.

Characteristic features of chlamydia are severe leucorrhoea, painful sensations when urinating, redness, itching and burning in the genitals. If you do not treat the infection for a long time, it will penetrate deep into the body. This will lead to inflammation in the appendages, and subsequently to infertility.

Urogenital trichomoniasis occurs in the body due to the penetration of trichomonas into it. Infection also occurs due to sexual intercourse with a sick partner.

Genital herpes can live inside a woman for a long time, without showing oneself in any way. In some cases, it can provoke inflammation, which will lead to erosion.

Treatment of the erosive process is simply necessary. The pathology is not terrible in itself; the consequences that occur if it is not treated for a long time are terrible. An advanced disease can develop into oncology, this is already worse than any other complication that can happen.

The causes of cervical erosion also lie in bacterial inflammation, which cannot be contracted through sexual contact. They can be thrush and bacterial vaginosis.

Burn erosion

What does it come from? Cervical erosion appears from therapeutic procedures. This pathology is treated using several methods. The most common currently: electrocoagulation, cryodestruction, chemical and laser treatment. Under the influence of all these procedures, the death of irregular cells occurs, thereby forming a crust. Underneath it, gradual tissue restoration occurs. When this process ends, the crust is rejected.

If something goes wrong, the crust will fall off sooner due date, the ulcer will remain open, the pathology will develop into its true form.

The reasons for the occurrence of trophic content cervical erosion lie in the fact that nutrition and blood circulation in the cells and tissues are disrupted. Most often, this pathology can appear during a woman’s menopause. It is during this period that atrophic processes begin in the genitals.

Girls and women with diseases such as tuberculosis or syphilis may experience specific erosion.

Other causes of uterine erosion found in medicine:

  • Action chemical substances such as lubricants or detergents;
  • Starting sexual activity too early also sometimes leads to erosion. After all, the mucous membrane finishes maturing only by the age of 20-23; earlier sexual intercourse can easily injure it;
  • The disease occurs due to vaginal dysbiosis;
  • Abortions that cause mucosal injuries;
  • Change hormonal levels, after all genital spheres completely depends on the quantity and quality of hormones;
  • Uncontrolled change of partners;
  • Bacterial inflammation;
  • Inflammation of the genitourinary organs;
  • Congenital erosions may be due to poor heredity.

Erosion on the cervix can also easily occur due to decreased immunity as a result of previous illnesses.

Congenital erosion

This form of the disease occurs in girls due to anatomical features. When a girl is just born, her inner uterine epithelium is on the outside. And only then, gradually moves to its place. If suddenly this does not happen, an erosive condition occurs. It does not affect a woman’s life in any way, and also does not affect the ability to become pregnant and give birth to a baby.

This type of erosion usually occurs due to heredity, birth defects development or hormonal disorders. This condition is not considered a disease, but is natural process. However, sometimes even after childbirth the pathology does not go away, but, on the contrary, becomes the cause of various kinds infections and inflammations. In this case, the uterine defect becomes dangerous for the woman and requires immediate treatment.

Psychological reasons

Cervical pathology also has psychological causes. These include a woman’s rejection of her appearance, lack of faith in her individuality and uniqueness. A woman cannot believe that she can be beautiful, desired and loved. All this has a negative impact on general health, and, in particular, can cause a violation monthly cycle, infertility, ovarian cysts, erosion, uterine fibroids.

Can cause erosion bad relationship with a man for a long time, hatred of men, their rejection, feeling of anger. For such reasons, a woman needs to forget about all the insults inflicted by the other half of humanity, believe in her strength and her individuality. Otherwise, it will be almost impossible to overcome diseases of the genital area.

In addition, in order for women’s health to always be strong, it is necessary to completely reconsider your lifestyle, protect yourself from constant stress, and reconsider your diet. And also include physical activity in your life.

Repeated erosion

Once cured, even with great difficulty, the pathology can recur again. Why is it happening again? The reasons for this are the same as for its initial appearance:

  • Infections, inflammations;
  • Promiscuous sexual intercourse;
  • Failure in the correct balance of hormones;
  • Immune system disorders.

Repeated illness can also be caused by inadequate treatment the first time, an incorrectly identified cause of the disease, or an incomplete course of therapy. Development repeated erosion quite often accompanied infectious diseases: gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia.

Treatment of pathologies of this background only in women is also not effective, since their partners remain infected. With further cohabitation, the disease will return to the lady again.

Presence of papilloma virus human HPV also leads to inflammation and irritation of the uterine mucosa.

Erosion after childbirth

The causes of true erosions that occur after childbirth are always injuries. The cervix is ​​very elastic and during childbirth it stretches to the desired size. However, there are cases of incorrect birth process, in which the cervix can be injured or even ruptured.

Of course, all tears or incisions are carefully sutured by doctors, but these are precisely the places that become the sites of erosion in the future. A few days after birth, an inflammatory process appears at the site of the rupture.

The erosion itself is a round ulcer, red in color with a pus-like coating. Damaged blood vessels cover the bottom of the ulcer, so it bleeds on contact.

After about five days, the bottom of the wound starts the processes of self-cleansing from negative elements. After final cleansing, the wound begins to gradually heal.

Doctors treat the wound with disinfectant wipes, and then apply antibacterial gauze applications. The mucous membrane is completely restored only on the 12th day.

After postpartum illness cured completely, recurrent pathology may occur. What causes erosion? This happens due to the fact that the wound is covered not by a multilayered epithelium, but by a cylindrical one. Ectopia occurs.

If the causes of cervical erosion, even after all diagnostic procedures, cannot be identified, they are considered physiological. Such ectopia passes over time without any medical intervention on one's own. If such erosions are accompanied by inflammation, treatment is required.


The emerging diagnosis of “cervical erosion” must be treated. The pathology is diagnosed only upon examination by a doctor, as it occurs without visible and tangible symptoms. Therefore, examination by a gynecologist twice a year should become a law for any woman.

Timely diagnosis and elimination of inflammatory processes and infectious diseases will also be the basis for preventing the erosive condition of the uterus.

Healthy lifestyle, correct use necessary contraception, compliance with the laws of personal hygiene will protect against unwanted diseases and their complications.

Disappointing statistics indicate that every second woman in the world, at one time or another in her life, one way or another, is faced with this frightening diagnosis. What is and what causes cervical erosion? What are its causes, where does it come from?

Let's start with the fact that most often “erosion” is not erosion at all. Often Russian specialists, reinsuring yourself from possible consequences or pursuing material interests, make a diagnosis and prescribe unreasonable treatment, which may be traumatic for reproductive health women, especially nulliparous women.

A little about how wonderfully we are made

Photo A is the picture the doctor wants to see. This is the uterus of a nulliparous and non-sexually active girl. All so round, neat and pink. Of course, any obstetrician-gynecologist would be happy to observe such a uterus in every patient. But adult woman she's not like that.

The cervix (photo B) is lined with epithelium, which covers its vaginal part and the vagina itself. It is covered with multilayer flat epithelium– stronger, more patient and adapted to the harsh conditions of the acidic environment of the vagina with its microbes and microorganisms. A cervical canal(internal, which leads into the uterus itself) is lined with columnar single-row epithelium. It is very gentle, sterile, there are no microorganisms in it, there is no acidic environment. It's more red. So between these two zones there is a transition zone. And depending on our age and our hormonal background, this transition zone looks different when examined by a gynecologist.

How can a doctor diagnose erosion in a young girl?

From birth to puberty, this transition zone begins where the cervical canal ends and the vagina begins. This means that from the inside the doctor will see in his mirror only a thin rim of the transition zone. Imagine your face and mouth - lips. The multilayered epithelium lining the inside of the vagina can be compared to the skin of our face, and single layer epithelium, covering the internal canal leading to the uterus - with the skin of our lips, if they are turned out slightly or more strongly. If there is an eversion and it is small, it is sometimes called congenital erosion. And you need to clearly know - this is a variant of the norm! It doesn't need to be treated!

Now let's look further. From the moment a girl starts menstruating until early childbearing age this transition zone extends all the way to the cervix, these “lips” are turned out (photo B). And the doctor sees everything red. And he will tell you - this is erosion, because a thin, redder cylindrical epithelium has come out of the vagina, but this (attention!) is a variant of the norm!

Further, when a woman reaches menopause and her hormonal levels are reduced, this entire “eversion” is again transformed into a cylindrical one, and the doctor again does not see the erosion. In postmenopause, this epithelium goes even deeper inside, and the doctor still doesn’t see anything.

What do we get at 30-40 years old?

When this delicate bright red epithelium is turned out like a sponge, when it is in the vagina itself (and it comes out there due to the hormonal background), then under the influence of its acidic harsh environment, this vulnerable single-layer cylindrical epithelium transforms and degenerates into a multilayered squamous, less bright , the kind that lines the vagina. And this is called the transformation zone. And here's the rub! The doctor will still see in the mirror what he will call cervical erosion, although this will be just a variant of the norm (of course, if we have good health, there are no damaging factors, and there is no internal predisposition to oncological processes).

Erosion or not erosion?

This very transformation zone, when one cell passes into another, is the most sensitive place for the occurrence of pathology. This place is most damaged, and here atypical cells can be born. All pathology of the cervix develops precisely in the transformation zone. And regardless of whether we see any changes on it or not, everyone has this transformation zone. This is the norm. It’s just that our columnar epithelium looks red, and very often when the doctor sees it on the cervix, this is what he calls “erosion.” Thus, in 90% of cases, “erosion” or the second name “pseudo-erosion” of the cervix is ​​just a slightly “inverted” columnar epithelium. This condition is called ectopia in international medicine. This is not a disease! This is physiological norm and requires absolutely no treatment!

What is true cervical erosion?

What are its signs and symptoms? And erosion is when there is some kind of damage, a wound, a bleeding abrasion. You fell and hurt your knee - this is erosion. You can do nothing with your knee, it will heal itself if there is no inflammation, or you can somehow help the healing process, but one way or another, the wounds heal quite quickly - in a couple of weeks. Therefore, doctors almost never see true erosion.

If this problem has affected you, then I will say that Irina Zhgareva, the presenter of the Conscious Motherhood Club and the “Women’s Health” project, has a good course on cervical erosion. Irina gives very valuable recommendations on health, based on integrated approach, not on treatment individual organs or symptoms.

What damaging factors can provoke erosion?

What can cause it to develop?

  • These may be ruptures during childbirth or during a medical abortion.
  • Injuries can be caused by tampons, diaphragms, foreign bodies inserted into the vagina, for example, during masturbation.
  • The cervix can be injured during instrumental and therapeutic interventions (douching, gynecologist’s instruments).
  • This chemical methods contraception (medicines, acids, alkalis, a slice of lemon, for example, or a bar of soap).
  • This various inflammations, which lead to sexually transmitted infections, is vaginal dysbiosis (thrush, bacterial vaginosis).
  • Early (or vice versa, later) onset of sexual activity, more than 3 sexual partners, rare sexual intercourse or frequent change partners - all this also significantly increases the risk of cervical diseases.
  • Let's not forget about dishormonal factors. Such as pregnancy, long-term breastfeeding, taking hormonal contraceptives more than 5 years in a row, hormonal disorders, endocrine diseases. This does not mean that you do not need to use protection, become pregnant or breastfeed. We just have to be vigilant and get regular checkups. After all, a timely diagnosis guarantees our healing!

Share this article on in social networks, and there will be much fewer women uneducated on the topic of reproductive health! And there are many more interesting conversations ahead of us (next time we’ll talk about such a common phenomenon as), so be sure to subscribe to blog updates. Health to everyone!


Cervical erosion is one of the most common diseases and occurs in every fifth woman. Therefore, many are interested in what causes cervical erosion and how to prevent it.

What is cervical erosion

The cervix is ​​an elongated extension of the uterus that connects it to the vagina. The surface of the cervix is ​​covered with multilayered epithelium and in good condition has a pinkish color. With erosion, the integrity of the mucous membrane is destroyed by the appearance of small wounds.

There are two types of erosion:

  • true;
  • background (pseudo-erosion).

Background erosion is characterized by a red rim around the external pharynx, which is the usual columnar epithelium that is present in the cervical canal.

This epithelium, unlike the stratified epithelium that covers the neck, has a bright red color. When part of the cervical canal protrudes outward, the same rim is visible, called pseudo-erosion.

This type of disease is a physiological norm. In most cases, it occurs in women who have given birth and does not require treatment.

For true erosion characterized by small red ulcers with unclear boundaries on the surface of the cervix. It is this type of erosion that will be discussed further.

How it manifests itself

When erosion appears, the woman does not experience any changes. It is very difficult to detect the first signs of cervical erosion. This organ is not sensitive, which eliminates any discomfort even during sexual intercourse.

However, the wound can be quite large and deep, which explains why cervical erosion bleeds after sexual intercourse.

This cannot be left without attention and examination by a doctor!

So, without any symptoms, erosion is most often detected during normal scheduled inspections or during pregnancy, when a woman comes to register.

Why does it appear

The disease can be prevented if you know what factors cause it:

  • Hormonal imbalances. Erosion appears when the level of estrogen decreases and the production of progesterone increases, causing loosening of the epithelium.
  • Deterioration of immunity.
  • Having sexual intercourse at an early age.
  • Pregnancy and childbirth before the age of 16.
  • Not thorough intimate hygiene, change of sexual partners (a change in the vaginal microflora occurs).
  • Injuries resulting from abortion, medical procedures, difficult childbirth, misuse intravaginal contraceptives.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases (viruses, fungi, bacteria).
  • Inflammation of the genital organs (adnexitis, metroendometritis, salpingo-oophoritis).
  • Diseases of the genitourinary organs.
  • Heredity.

How to diagnose erosion

An accurate diagnosis cannot be made based on examination of a woman alone. To identify true and background erosion, it is used instrumental diagnostics– colposcopy. An optical colposcope is called medical device, allowing you to view the affected area of ​​the cervix at thirty times magnification.

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In addition, the doctor may order the following tests:

  • smear for cytology and bacterial flora;
  • analysis to determine hormonal levels;
  • urine and blood tests;
  • Ultrasound of the genital organs.

What are the risks of cervical erosion?

A certain humidity and temperature are constantly maintained inside the vagina. This is a favorable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms, such as:

  • chlamydia;
  • Trichomonas;
  • yeasts and others.

Cervical erosion, which partially affects the cervical canal, creates the proper conditions for the unimpeded penetration of these pathogenic representatives into the uterus and further into the ovaries.


If erosion is not treated, it can give:

  • Inflammation of the internal genital organs - adnexitis, salpingitis, endometritis. At adhesive process in the tubes, which appeared due to erosion, their obstruction may occur and, as a result, infertility.
  • Strong germination of the affected area of ​​the cervical surface can provoke precancerous and cancerous formations - leukoplakia, dysplasia, cervical cancer.

To avoid negative consequences It is necessary to visit a gynecologist at least once a year, and even better once every six months.

How to treat

Patterns for treating erosion in medical practice does not exist, since various factors are taken into account:

  • age;
  • general condition of the woman;
  • whether she was in labor or not;
  • does she plan to have more children?

IN modern medicine There are several methods for treating erosion, with the help of which the damaged tissue on the surface of the cervix is ​​completely removed. But first it is necessary to eliminate all the factors that caused the disease.

Treatment methods are: medicinal and non-medicinal. Which one to choose is decided only by the doctor after all the examinations of the woman. Self-treatment unacceptable!

Medication method

Helps well with initial stages diseases and pseudo-erosions. To do this, the altered areas of tissue are cauterized with chemical coagulants like Vagotil and Solkovagin.

The solution is applied to the affected area in short applications, and then restorative procedures are prescribed using baths and tampons with Methyluracil or Solcoseryl.

Non-drug treatment

It is carried out in the following ways:

  • The cryocoagulation method, which involves the use of low temperature, is a very gentle and gentle method. But it has a drawback - after a few years, erosion may appear again.
  • Usage electric current- one of the types of cauterization. This method is suitable mainly for women who do not plan to give birth in the future, since a scar remains after the procedure.
  • Method laser coagulation promotes fast healing and does not leave scars.
  • Diathermic coagulation, which uses high temperature. This is a treatment method for women who have given birth and who do not plan to become pregnant for at least 1-2 years. The disadvantage of this method is that after its use scars remain on the cervix, the advantage is that the disease disappears forever.
  • The method of using radio waves is used to treat nulliparous girls and women who want to have children.

After any of the methods, local procedures are prescribed using antiseptics and preparations for tissue healing.

Usually this course is carried out for 10 days, but if the cauterization site heals slowly, it may take longer.

Erosion and pregnancy

As a rule, background erosion does not prevent a woman from becoming pregnant and it does not affect the process of bearing a child. At the same time, it is a consequence of immune and hormonal disorders, sexually transmitted infections and other disorders. They need to be eliminated, as they can affect the possibility of conception or the course of an existing pregnancy.

Damage to the mucous membrane of the uterine pharynx in the form of a bleeding wound, slight redness, and an inflammatory process, which is accompanied by internal discomfort and vague symptoms.

This is roughly how many people describe cervical erosion medical sources, recalling the prevalence of this disease and the need for its elimination. But is it worth looking at the causality of the pathology?

In this article you will learn what are the causes of cervical erosion in women, what causes the disease and what causes it.

Factors of occurrence: where does it come from and why does it occur?

The latter fact explains the “suddenness” of the diagnosis and the need for strict supervision of a specialist.

However, to create an effective therapeutic algorithm a thorough examination of the patient will be required, as well as accurate development of pathology, since this point is decisive in eliminating the problem:

Hormonal reasons Erosion often appears “out of the blue” due to age-related changes:
  • formation of hormonal levels (in young girls under 21 years old);
  • its instability (with a significant decrease in the level of estrogen and, as a result of which the structure of the epithelium changes);
  • aging female body and deficiency of certain hormones.

Sometimes even a banal failure of the menstrual cycle leads to the appearance of cervical erosion.

Infectious According to medical sources, the main infectious cause pathology development are:
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • venereal diseases;
  • urogenital/vaginal infections (,);
  • candidiasis;
  • vaginal dysbiosis;
  • herpes.

Every infection is accompanied by an inflammatory process varying degrees severity, which provokes changes in the mucous membrane, its partial destruction.

Mechanical The birth process, medical abortion, rough sexual intercourse, installation of an IUD, improper douching - all this can cause erosion. But! Only in “tandem” with reduced immunity, which slows down tissue restoration, allows pathogenic bacteria to enter them.
Chemical Many contraceptives/medicines can cause irreparable harm women's health(internal burn), if you do not discuss their choice in time with an experienced specialist.

What and where else does cervical erosion appear from? Less often, but still there are other causes of pathology:

Myths about erosion from the program “Everything Will Be Good”:

What causes it in young girls and adult women?

Among women there is often an opinion (rather a myth) that erosion can be diagnosed only in those who are already lucky enough to become a mother, having learned all the delights of natural childbirth.

For young girls, and especially virgins this pathology simply unknown. However, doctors dispel this misconception, finding their own compelling arguments about each category of women/girls:

Teenagers In girls, a cylindrical epithelial layer predominates on the cervix from birth, which gradually decreases as puberty progresses. This is not considered a pathology and is eliminated on its own under the influence of estrogen/general hormonal levels.
Virgins If a girl is already of reproductive age, but has not yet begun to be sexually active, her hormonal levels are disrupted, inflammatory processes of varying severity, improper use of hygiene items, addiction to bad habits can cause destruction of the mucous membrane of the cervix.
Expectant mothers are required to undergo tests for infections, which are considered the main catalyst for the development of erosion. If they are not identified, but there is damage to the mucous membrane of the uterine pharynx, reduced immunity, stress, hormonal disbalance, mechanical damage genital tract.
Inappropriate methods of contraception, early/late onset of sexual activity, rough sex, infectious/venereal/inflammatory diseases, hormonal imbalance- all these factors can cause the development of cervical erosion.
The main cause of pathology in this category of women is rightly considered to be injuries during the birth process and sudden changes in hormonal levels. However, all of the other factors mentioned above may also be at play.

Concerning reproductive age in general, it can rightly be attributed to the “top” of the causal pyramid.

Since about 75% of women face a similar problem due to frequent changes hormonal levels, regular or not very sexual life, concomitant diseases.

Cervical erosion – disease or physiological condition:

Effect of age

Does a woman's age affect her likelihood of developing cervical erosion? Rather yes than no.

According to medical sources, Most often the disease is diagnosed between the ages of 20 and 40 years, that is, at the peak of sexual life, activation of reproductive function.

Pregnancy, childbirth, hormonal “jumps” due to the lactation period, active contraception provoke changes in the mucous membrane of the uterine pharynx and require medical supervision.

From 13 to 20 years erosion occurs infrequently, although it can occur due to the hormonal development of the body.

Regarding menopause, then it is also accompanied by significant hormonal changes, although this rarely leads to pathological processes on the cervix (after all, the likelihood of all potential catalysts for the development of the disease is significantly reduced).

Therefore, most often, erosion is already present at the time of menopause and does not depend on its characteristics.

Is psychosomatics to blame?

What else causes cervical erosion, why does it appear? Women are sensitive, emotional, and react sharply to a man’s behavior and his attitude towards their appearance.

Is it possible to associate this feature of the weaker sex with the development of diseases of the reproductive system? According to psychologists, yes.

If a lady is not satisfied with her personal life, does not feel desired, loved and sexy, she is not satisfied intimacy with her chosen one, as well as his attitude towards her, she begins to suppress her feminine principle on a subconscious level.

And this manifests itself in diseases of the genital organs, including cervical erosion.

Feminists are also at risk who, in principle, reject their feminine essence and try to replace it with masculine energy.

However, it is rare that just one factor provokes the development of the disease. After all, erosion is difficult to diagnose on your own.

And to single out one reason, given the huge role of immunity, concomitant diseases, and internal complexes, is almost impossible.

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