The use of sulfur in human life. Using earwax for acne. Functions of sulfur in the human body

In some clinical cases, treatment with sulfur is really the best remedy, the possibilities of which we will consider in this article.

The healing properties of sulfur

The macroelement sulfur is considered a biogenic chemical element, that is, it is normally present in the tissues of the human body. Sulfur is a yellow powder. The name of this element probably comes from the Sanskrit word "sira", meaning "light yellow". In nature, there are several structural isomers of sulfur, differing from each other in the configuration of the molecule. These include rhombic and monoclinic varieties of sulfur. Natural compounds that include sulfur are successfully used in medicine.

In total, the adult human body contains 0.25% of sulfur from the total body weight. Most sulfur is found in the osteochondral system, hair and skin, bile, and nervous tissue.

Thus, in the course of clinical studies it has been proven that treatment with sulfur in the presence of arthritis, convulsions and muscle spasms, osteochondrosis, the compound methylsulfonylmethane, which is a rich natural storehouse of sulfur, has a therapeutic effect. This healing effect sulfur included in the compound is explained by its content in cartilaginous and bone tissue glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate. These substances provide elasticity and structural organization of cartilage and ligaments.

In ancient times, the Greeks used weapons that fired a composition that included sulfur to intimidate and gain military advantage. The great Homer has notes in his works where he writes about the dangerous effects of sulfur combustion products on human health and life.

Indications and contraindications for treatment with sulfur

It is important to constantly receive the required amount of sulfur and its compounds into the body with food. The human body should receive 0.5-1 g of sulfur per day with food. The sulfur entering the body is used to build new protein molecules, many enzymes, and polypeptides (insulin molecules synthesized in the pancreas).

Sulfur is involved in the metabolic process together with B vitamins. Neurasthenia may be a consequence of sulfur macroelementosis, caused by insufficient intake of sulfur into the body.

The use of sulfur ointment is contraindicated for hypersensitivity to sulfur and pregnancy.

Application of combustible sulfur in medicine

In medicine, sulfur-containing substances are used both in preventive and therapeutic purposes to eliminate skin lesions. Precipitated sulfur is used externally in the form of ointments and powders. Sulfur ointment (%) is used to treat many skin diseases (sycosis, seborrhea, psoriasis), relieve allergic reactions on the skin, and treat scabies.

Purified sulfur is used in clinical practice as anthelmintic(for enterobiasis), for the treatment of constipation, and also as an external remedy in the treatment of scabies and seborrhea.

It is advisable to eat foods rich in sulfur (garlic, cabbage, onions, egg yolks, buckwheat, gooseberries, chili peppers) for brittle nails, to increase the shine and strength of hair. The inclusion of these foods in the daily diet is also indicated for high levels of triglycerides (sources of fat) and blood sugar, and joint pain.

Treatment of sulfur fuel in practice

Sera - important biogenic element, found in all living organisms. This substance is part of protein, primarily amino acids, as well as vitamins (B1 and U) and hormones. With a lack of sulfur in the diet, there is an increase in blood sugar and fat levels, joint pain, the aging process accelerates, hair becomes dull and nails become brittle.

Sulfur plays as an element important role in the production of energy, coagulation and purification of blood, in the synthesis of collagen (the main protein that forms the basis for bones, cartilage), fibrous tissue, skin, hair and nails, as well as in the formation of enzymes. Sulfur promotes brain function and cellular activity, has an antiallergic effect, and stimulates cellular respiration.

Sulfur is excreted from the body in feces and urine in the form of inorganic sulfates and in small quantities in the form of hydrogen sulfide by the skin and lungs, imparting an unpleasant odor to sweat and exhaled air. The daily requirement for sulfur is usually met through a nutritious diet. A lot of sulfur is found in poppy seeds, meat, fish, eggs, soybeans, peas, wheat, milk, apples, grapefruits, and onions.

The surface layers of the skin are especially rich in sulfur. Sulfur is contained here in keratin (hair includes up to% keratin), as well as in melanin - a pigment; which, in the form of a tan, protects the deep layers of the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Sulfur treatment: recipes

Purified sulfur in powder form is used in folk medicine: sulfur treatment is used mainly for skin diseases 1 g 3 times a day.

To treat sulfur diathesis in children, as well as eczema in adults, you can prepare an ointment from sulfur powder and sour cream.

Required: 1 tsp. sulfur powder, 1 tsp. sour cream.

Preparation. Mix the ingredients.

Application. Use the composition at night, smearing the body and affected areas after taking a warm bath, to which a little potassium permanganate, horse sage decoction or celandine has been added. Do not forget that sulfur treatment, like any other, should be prescribed by your attending physician.

Use of sulfur in folk medicine

2. Localization of sulfur in the human body

5 . Application in medicine


First, study the necessary educational literature;

Secondly, consider the importance of sulfur for the human body and the use of sulfur in medicine;

Thirdly, after analyzing the studied material, draw conclusions about the importance of sulfur for the human body and the use of sulfur in medicine.

Sulfur participates in metabolic processes in the body and contributes to their normalization; is a constituent element of a number of amino acids, vitamins, enzymes and hormones (including insulin); plays an important role in maintaining oxygen balance; improves the functioning of the nervous system; stabilizes blood sugar levels; increases immunity; has an antiallergic effect.

Elements such as fluorine and iron improve the digestibility of sulfur, while elements such as arsenic, lead, molybdenum, barium and selenium, on the contrary, worsen its absorption.

· participates in the formation of cartilage and bone tissue, improves the functioning of joints and ligaments;

· affects the condition of the skin, hair and nails (part of collagen, keratin and melanin);

· strengthens muscle tissue(especially during periods of active growth in children and adolescents);

· participates in the formation of certain vitamins and enhances the effectiveness of vitamin B1, biotin, vitamin B5 and lipoic acid;

· has a wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect;

· reduces joints, muscle pain and convulsions;

· helps neutralize and flush out waste and toxins from the body;

· stabilizes blood sugar levels;

Helps the liver secrete bile;

· increases resistance to radio radiation.

Symptoms of excess sulfur have not been established.

Animals: lean beef, fish, chicken eggs, milk and dairy products.

Gabrielyan O.S., Chemistry, 11th grade, Drofa LLC, 2008, as amended

Purified sulfur – application, instructions

Sulfur, purified description

Purified sulfur is available in the form of ointments, pastes and powder:

Best before date

The shelf life of purified sulfur is unlimited. It is recommended to store in a dry and cool place indoors.

Sulfur, purified indications

Purified sulfur is used:

  1. For pyrogenic therapy for: progressive paralysis; schizophrenia and others.
  2. In the treatment of skin diseases: seborrhea; psoriasis; scabies; sycosis.
  3. As an anthelmintic when infected with pinworms (enterobiasis).

Purified sulfur is also used to treat hemorrhoids, constipation, and so on.

Sulfur, purified instructions for use

Fully purified sulfur is used for various skin conditions and in 20%, 10% and 5% powders and ointments.

In addition, purified sulfur is used internally as a mild expectorant and laxative, 2.0; 1.0; 0.5 grams each.

For the treatment of enterobiasis, this drug is prescribed for consumption three times a day, but for 5 days, for adults - 1.0-0.8 g and for children - about 0.05 g, and for children aged 5 or 6 years - exactly 0.25 g.

After this, a four-day break is taken during the treatment process, during which enemas with the addition of sodium bicarbonate or sodium chloride are given every day at night. After the break, there is again a five-day cycle for taking sulfur, after which there is again a break of four days. This five-day cycle of sulfur treatment is carried out mainly from 3 to 5 times.

Application of purified sulfur internally and externally

It is worth noting that this drug does not work in dry form. In the presence of moisture, organic substances and alkalis, hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, various sulfur alkalis and oxygen are formed, which have a positive effect.

After using this drug internally, sodium sulfite, sodium hydrosulfite and hydrogen sulfide are formed, which strongly irritate the receptors inside the intestines and act as a laxative. To hydrogen sulfide, sulfur is able to be restored in the large intestine under the strict influence of bacteria and, of course, protein substances of the mucous membranes within an alkaline environment with the participation of glutathione and cysteine. About 10 percent of the sulfur introduced inside is restored, and the rest will be excreted along with the feces. In addition, sulfur, precipitated in a finely dispersed state, is quickly reduced directly into hydrogen sulfide, then absorbed and after that may well cause poisoning in a person, since a laxative is not used. Sublimated purified sulfur is used as a laxative. In addition, hydrogen sulfide can be partially absorbed from the intestines and, when released through the lungs, has an expectorant effect. Immediately after parenteral administration of this drug, sulfur causes in the body whole line reactions that are characteristic of nonspecific medical therapy by the appearance of irritation. Because of this, the tone directly in the autonomic innervation significantly increases, then the protective forces in the human body are strengthened, the formation of a number of antibodies increases, and the ability of the human body to completely neutralize the poison also increases.

In animals, thanks to their intestinal microflora and proventriculus, sulfur actively increases the formation of certain vitamins and takes full part in the synthesis of sulfur-containing amino acids. The needs of animals in the environment are satisfied thanks to the amino acids - L-methionine, L-cysteine ​​and L-cystine, as well as heterocyclic compounds - thiamine and biotin. Cystine and cysteine ​​are found in the general composition of proteins, enzymes and certain hormones; These amino acids are also necessary to accelerate the rapid growth of fur, horns and animal hair.

In dermatology, it is used to treat eczema, scabies, furunculosis, dermatitis, trichophytosis and other lesions of the skin and body as ointments (10-30%), dusts and liniments. This drug is prescribed as a mild laxative (but quite rarely), as well as an antidote for very acute chronic diseases drugs, mercury, lead and other heavy metals, but at the same time all insoluble sulfur beneficial compounds with some heavy metal salts are formed inside the intestine.

Sulfur is also used to fully improve the metabolism of all substances, to accelerate growth, significantly enhance fermentation (bacterial) in the forestomach in ruminants, accelerate the growth of wool in sheep, hooves and horns in various animals.

Purified sulfur, where to buy

You can purchase purified sulfur at any veterinary pharmacy. There is sulfur by weight, and there is also packaged in bags.

Sulfur, refined price

1 kilogram of purified sulfur can be purchased for 115 rubles.

Sulfur, purified reviews

A cosmetologist recommended purified sulfur to me. Its main advantage is its low cost. Sulfur is safe for both internal and external use on the face. It definitely won't do any harm. I buy sulfur from pharmacies where they make custom medicines. After all, you can only buy purified sulfur to order. Moreover, it is sold without a prescription. I took it three times a day. You can drink it with water, or you can do just that. I took it for one month, and the acne practically disappeared, and my facial skin improved significantly. You can also apply purified sulfur to inflamed areas of facial skin. You should first mix sulfur with any lotion, maybe even with alcohol. Apply the resulting paste to pimples, it is better to do this at night. And the very next day the inflammation will go away, and the pimple will become smaller in size.

How is medical purified sulfur used?

Purified sulfur is sold in any pharmacy, and its natural sources are food products. Your daily diet should always include foods containing sulfur. This allows you to forget the problems associated with metabolism in the body.

Sulfur is important element, which takes an active part in the life of the body, influencing the condition of the skin, hair, and the functioning of the digestive organs. If the body lacks sulfur, this causes depletion of the human nervous system, leading to brittle hair, the color of which fades. The skin becomes flabby and acne appears, especially on the face.

The substance is found in products of plant and animal origin:

  • onion;
  • garlic;
  • cabbage;
  • sunflower seed;
  • sprouted wheat;
  • meat;
  • eggs;
  • bird.

This element contains the most important amino acids (methionine, cystine), hormones (insulin), a number of B vitamins, vitamin-like substances (pangamic acid, vitamin U). The joints, muscles, hair and nails of the body, as well as the skin (melanin and keratin), contain sulfur, the need for which is 1 g per day. It can be satisfied through normal nutrition, since most of the sulfur enters the body together with proteins.

The effect of sulfur on the body is:

  • antiallergic;
  • activating brain function;
  • stimulating cellular respiration;
  • blood purifying;
  • facilitating the secretion of bile by the liver.

The presence of sulfur in the body allows you to stimulate the process of collagen production, which is required to improve the condition of the skin, its elasticity and beauty. To improve the condition of the skin, you can use sulfur, which is a powder that is sold in any pharmacy. Preparations such as medicated ointments and creams from modern manufacturers contain acne sulfur, so they help improve the condition of the skin.

Sulfur produces energy by synthesizing collagen, which is the main protein found in connective tissue. This element promotes normal blood clotting and the formation of certain enzymes, responsible for the health of nails, hair and skin. The element is characterized by a mild antiseptic effect, which makes it possible to stop the development of various types of bacteria, as well as slow down the growth of acne.

You can take sulfur to dry the skin and renew it, as well as eliminate the stratum corneum. The substance eliminates the causes of skin rashes that appear due to lack of nutrients. The human body excretes sulfur in the form of urine (60%), feces (30%), and hydrogen sulfide (through the lungs). This saturates sweat and exhaled air with an unpleasant odor.

Purified sulfur is completely safe, so it is integral part many cosmetic products that can treat acne. Medical sulfur is a powder that is usually sold in pharmacies. The product does not irritate the skin and cannot cause itching.

Earwax and purified earwax should not be confused, since the source of the former is sweat glands, playing the role of protecting the auditory canals, as well as cleansing them. Medical sulfur is considered an effective antiseptic. This allows the substance to be used to treat acne. Usage folk recipes, including sulfur, helps in removing wrinkles and cracks in the corners of the lips.

Homeopathic sulfur is produced in the form of granules containing active substances in different concentrations. The drug is prescribed by a specialist, since the use of this useful element often requires a lot of time, which does not give a quick effect. The drug, like any substance in homeopathy, has a cumulative effect. Combustible (precipitated) sulfur is sold in pharmacies in the form of a yellow powder. This is a component that is used to prepare many medicines.

Medical sulfur can be taken internally. This allows you to normalize metabolism in human body to eliminate the causes of acne. To treat them, purified sulfur is taken orally daily with meals. This drug is used for no more than 1 month.

Homeopathic sulfur is also suitable for internal use. The flammable one is also suitable for oral administration, so a good effect can be achieved by taking no more than 1/4 tsp. means of this type. The duration of the course of treatment is 2-3 weeks. By repeating this course several times a year, you can not only eliminate acne, but also the reason why they appear.

If there is a deficiency of this substance in a person, which can be observed with the naked eye, the following symptoms are usually alarming:

  1. 1. Acne.
  2. 2. Increased fat content skin.
  3. 3. Allergic rash(eczema, psoriasis).
  4. 4. Inflammations on the skin.
  5. 5. Oily skin.
  6. 6. Brittle nails.
  7. 7. Severe loss hair.

Due to increased fatigue, the body's protective functions deteriorate. Purified sulfur, which is sold in pharmacies, is used in medicinal purposes, like besieged. These drugs have an identical effect on the body. The precipitated sulfur is too fine, which leads to increased gas formation in humans. Active purified sulfur, used in the form of a mash called Vidal's milk, allows skin diseases to be treated.

The product is prepared with a 5% sulfur content according to a doctor's prescription. Use sulfur 1-3 times a day as prescribed by your doctor. To treat children with sulfur, the drug is mixed into food. It is very important that it is completely mixed with food, otherwise this very fine powder can cause choking in a child.

Purified sulfur is available in tablets in the form of dietary supplements, which enhances the effect of its use.

Products containing purified sulfur have wide range effects on the human body. The drug not only effectively weakens many types of bacteria, but also eliminates acne and skin rashes. When choosing any drug, including sulfur, it is important to ask whether the package contains instructions for its use.

You can't make mistakes when using the tool, because different types sulfur is used in different ways. For example, flammable, like homeopathic, is used internally, and ear medicine is used externally. In any case, purified sulfur is used, which is carried out taking into account possible negative reactions on the human body. Most often they occur during the use of ear and flammable products.

In order to achieve best effect, it is necessary to provide constant skin care and follow a diet. You should consume more vitamins, and fatty foods need to refuse. It is important to eat right and use the right cosmetics to further prevent rashes. Before using the product, keep in mind that it is easily soiled and can stain clothes and skin.

Cosmetics produced by many companies contain sulfur. At home, you can use acne face masks. Drops of essential oils and brewer's yeast are added to the powder.

For humans, a purified substance must be used. You should absolutely not use feed sulfur or precipitated sulfur to cure acne. Taking the drug should be combined with the use of enterosorbents, which do not allow increased gas formation. A common use of sulfur involves the use of mash. At home, it is prepared from the following types of ingredients:

  • solution boric acid(50 ml);
  • purified sulfur powder (7 g);
  • ethyl alcohol or salicylic acid (50 ml).

Sometimes aspirin, streptocide and chloramphenicol are added to the solution in the same amount as sulfur. Next, the components are mixed and shaken, the mixture is placed in a dark glass container. The ready-made acne cream is applied no more than 2 times a day. Widely used to eliminate acne Sulfuric ointment, which is sold in every pharmacy. The advantage of the product is that it is safe for sensitive and dry skin. The ointment is applied in a thin layer, then left for no more than 5 hours.

All information on the site is provided for informational purposes. Before using any recommendations, be sure to consult your doctor.

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How and from what diseases does medical sulfur help?

Medical sulfur is a yellow substance in the form of powder. This macroelement is normally found in the cells and tissues of a healthy body, taking an active part in its normal functioning. There are also a large number of foods rich in sulfur, which, when consumed, can replenish its reserves in the body. A person must receive at least one gram of this substance per day, the benefits of which are invaluable, in order to feel full vital energy and health. However, if there is a significant shortage of sulfur, it is very difficult to restore its required amount in the body if you only resort to special diet. This will require more serious measures, for example, taking this substance orally.

What are the healing properties of sulfur for humans?

The chemical element in question affects the condition digestive organs, nervous system, and its absence is indicated by problems with hair, skin and nails. With a lack of sulfur in the body, pimples and blackheads appear on the face, the skin becomes problematic, loses its firmness and elasticity. A sufficient amount of this substance helps strengthen the body's defenses, helping in the fight against pathogens. Also noted positive influence sulfur on blood clotting, on the production of bile, which is important for the digestion of incoming food.

The following effects of sulfur on the human body are noted:

  1. Stimulates brain activity.
  2. Cleansing.
  3. Antihistamine.
  4. Promotes cellular respiration.
  5. Improves bile production.
  6. Stimulating the process of collagen production.
  7. Antiseptic.
  8. Painkiller and anti-inflammatory.
  9. Antihelminthic.
  10. Anti-acne.
  11. Keratolytic.
  12. Antiseborrheic.

Pharmacies sell various medications, made on the basis of sulfur, for example, ointments and acne creams, which effectively combat this problem that is pressing among many people. The chemical element in question is also involved in the process of blood clotting and helps maintain in good condition human hair and epidermis, for which it is called a beauty mineral.

Sulfur is an important component of metabolism, is part of various enzymes, hormones, vitamins and amino acids, and contributes to normal functioning nervous system, strengthens the immune system, and also regulates human blood sugar levels.

With sufficient sulfur content in the body, the aging process slows down, and increased resistance to radiation and other adverse effects is noted. external factors environment.

Where to find, which one is suitable and how much it costs

You can buy sulfur at the pharmacy at a fairly low price, from 45 rubles per pack. For medicinal purposes, yellow sulfur powder is suitable, which should be taken orally with water. But not every pharmacy sells this miracle drug, but in those institutions that produce medicinal substances to order, or in veterinary pharmacies.

How is sulfur used in medicine?

The healing properties of this yellow powdery substance were discovered back in the times of Avicenna and Paracelsus. Insufficient intake of the element into the body is fraught with serious problems with health, since as a result of this there is a violation of the absorption of amino acids, various vital components, as well as a violation of other biochemical processes in the human body. A significant lack of sulfur can lead to the development of neurasthenia.

Sulfur is used in a variety of fields:

  1. In chemical production.
  2. In the production of fertilizers.
  3. In medicine.
  4. In the manufacture of matches, pyrotechnic and explosive materials.
  5. Included in some whitening products.
  6. For the production of non-ferrous metals.
  7. In the production of paints.

This chemical element is also widely used in the paper industry.

What products contain

The presence of sulfur in the following food products has been established:

  • dairy products;
  • beans and other legumes;
  • chicken and quail eggs;
  • seafood;
  • beef;
  • asparagus;
  • oatmeal;
  • buckwheat;
  • garlic;
  • flour products;
  • turnip;
  • cabbage;
  • gooseberry;
  • onion.

It has been established that animal products contain greater amounts of the element than vegetables and fruits.

But if you want to eliminate sulfur deficiency in the body with the help of vegetables, it is recommended to take freshly squeezed juices on an empty stomach. Such measures will help not only replenish reserves of micro and macroelements, but also improve the general condition of the body, enhance the positive effect of all minerals, as well as their absorption processes.

Treatment with purified sulfur taken orally

Signs of sulfur deficiency

Insufficient content of this chemical element in the body is fraught with the following health problems:

  • sharp weakening immune system, as a result of which the patient becomes a target for various viruses and bacteria, fungal infections;
  • general tone decreases, weakness and chronic fatigue occur;
  • hair becomes dull and lifeless, nail plates become thinner and brittle, pimples and blackheads appear on the skin, its elasticity and smoothness are lost;
  • constipation appears;
  • there are problems with blood vessels;
  • blood clotting worsens.

Contraindications and side effects

There are almost no contraindications to the use of this substance; we can only note hypersensitivity to the element, the presence malignant neoplasms, as well as pregnancy with lactation, and children under six years of age. It is strongly not recommended to treat young children with sulfur powder without a pediatrician's prescription. Despite the benefits that sulfur provides to the human body, in some cases its intake can cause great harm, especially with weakened immunity.

It is important to know that healthy man does not require additional use of the chemical element in powder form, since when proper nutrition it is perfectly absorbed in the body.

Only in the presence of pathologies indicating a lack of this substance, there is a need for its additional intake. There are no known side effects from consuming purified sulfur.

Sulfur and acne

This remedy is indispensable in the treatment of acne and pimples. The high effectiveness of sulfur powder against these ailments, which cause severe discomfort, both physically and psychologically.

Pharmacies sell a special sulfur ointment, the indications for use of which are demodicosis ( subcutaneous mite), acne, seborrhea, boils, various fungal infections skin. Sulfur powder can also be mixed with alcohol or lotion to apply to affected areas, since in dry form this substance has no healing effect.

The remedy in question against dermatological diseases is recommended for use both internally and externally to speed up the therapy process. The following effects occur on the epidermis:

The use of medical purified sulfur to maintain normal functioning of the body, as well as to treat certain pathologies, is advisable only after consultation with a competent specialist, even despite the absence of possible side effects and a minimal number of contraindications.

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Sulfur: role and significance, daily requirement, deficiency and excess, sources of sulfur

Sulfur and its sulfur compounds are common in nature and have therefore been known since ancient times. People could become familiar with the smell of burning sulfur during volcanic eruptions, and with the unpleasant smell of hydrogen sulfide by finding sources of sulfur water. It was believed that sulfur was a product of the underground gods, so the priests used it in religious rites as sacred incense.

Sulfur has also long been used in various flammable mixtures during military operations. At first it was the fumes of burning sulfur, bringing death to all living things. Then the Chinese came up with gunpowder that included sulfur, and from that moment on, the industrial use of natural sulfur and its extraction from pyrites began.

Daily requirement and sources of sulfur

All living organisms contain sulfur, that is, it is a biogenic element of vital importance. In the animal body it is from 0.5 to 2%, in plants from 0.3 to 1.2%, in the human body 2%. This chemical element is found in hair, nails, skin, bones, and nerve fibers. And a person needs about 4 grams of it per day.

Sulfur comes from food and is used to build protein molecules and many enzymes. It is present in foods such as nuts, garlic, cabbage, onions, radishes, egg yolks, buckwheat, gooseberries, and chili peppers. These products are common in the diet of Russian citizens, so a lack of this element in the body rarely occurs.

But if this happens, it results in increased nail fragility, loss of elasticity and shine. hairline, manifestations of neurasthenia. It is also strongly recommended to additionally consume this list of products if you have high blood sugar and joint problems.

Medical use

Sulfur is one of the most common elements used both independently and in ointment recipes to eliminate skin diseases.

Everyone knows sulfur ointment. This simple remedy is known to everyone. You can easily prepare it yourself by taking one teaspoon of sulfur and two teaspoons of fat cream, olive oil, lard or petroleum jelly mixed with water. The effect of sulfur in this ointment is due to interaction with organic matter on the surface of human skin, resulting in the formation of sulfides that restore the epidermis and acid with a powerful antimicrobial effect.

Basically, sulfur ointment is recommended by dermatologists to get rid of scabies or dermatitis in infants, nursing mothers or pregnant women, and people with allergic reactions to other medications. For these categories of patients, sulfur ointment does not pose any danger.

Before using sulfur ointment, you should thoroughly wash the affected area of ​​skin or the entire body. warm water with soap, then apply the ointment without rubbing too much, leave for a day. Before each new use, take a shower or bath. The big disadvantage of sulfur ointment is its smell, which does not disappear even after washing the clothes, so you just have to throw away the clothes. But it is safe, cheap and helps well.

In addition to sulfur ointment, two types of sulfur are used in classical and folk medicine: purified and precipitated.

  • Purified - looks like a powder yellow color, which is highly soluble in water. This sulfur can be used internally. This excellent remedy against worms. It is also used externally as a powder. Dry purified sulfur is used to powder skin areas to treat skin problems such as psoriasis, seborrheic eczema, and skin inflammation caused by scabies mites.
  • Precipitated sulfur has the appearance of a pale yellow powder of the finest fraction, does not dissolve in water, and has no characteristic odor. For external use only as an ingredient in ointments and powders. It is strictly forbidden to take it orally to avoid disruption of the digestive system. Bloating, nausea, vomiting, headache- symptoms of sulfur poisoning. At the same time, purified sulfur does not cause such side effects when taken orally. It is used as a mild laxative, enhancing intestinal motility due to hydrogen sulfide and sulfur alkali.

Hydrogen sulfide baths

This is a type that has been used in balneotherapy for a very long time. joint treatment various diseases. Mainly use natural mineral water. There are many resorts based on the use of such waters, both in our country and abroad. The concentration of hydrogen sulfide determines what diseases baths will be taken against. Hydrogen sulfide is absorbed into the human blood through the skin and irritates nerve endings, which leads to improved functioning of various human organs.

Hydrogen sulfide baths are suitable for people with diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, hypertension, urological and gynecological diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system. They are also used for certain skin diseases, diabetes, varicose veins and to improve general metabolism.

Despite the very wide range of applications of hydrogen sulfide baths, the list of restrictions is also large. Such baths should not be used by people with heart defects, coronary artery disease, kidney and liver diseases, tuberculosis, cancer, stomach ulcers, bronchial asthma, hyperthyroidism.

Negative effects on the atmosphere and health

Harm of sulfur to the environment

Sulfur and its compounds with other chemical elements lead among other toxic compounds in their harmful effects on the atmosphere and humans. When burned, coal, peat, fuel oil and other types of fuel used in industry emit sulfur dioxide SO2, which is harmful to all living things, into the air. It gradually oxidizes and combines with water, causing acid precipitation. Such acid, once on the soil, has a fatal effect on flora and fauna. Forests dry out, grass covers are destroyed, water in reservoirs deteriorates, which leads to the death of both fish and waterfowl. Acid rain is also harmful to buildings made of stone, marble works of art, located under open air. Protective measures include preliminary purification of oil and other combustible minerals from sulfur impurities and purification of gases produced during fuel combustion.

Excess sulfur in the body

In excess, sulfur is a toxic substance for the human body. Her dust causes serious illnesses organs respiratory system, mucous membranes. Toxic sulfur compounds, such as hydrogen sulfide, are addictive. Over time a person does not notice unpleasant odor, can inhale hydrogen sulfide to the point of severe poisoning from fatal. But even if they managed to resuscitate a person, the consequences of poisoning will be headaches, a tendency to chills, a decrease in intelligence to dementia or psychosis, paralysis, stomach diseases. All these signs will appear for many years or even for life.

Chronic poisoning (in relevant industrial production) will occur eye diseases, bronchitis, headaches, general weakness and the like. Therefore, great attention should be paid to occupational safety in contact with sulfur and sulfur compounds.

The ability to create beautiful and competent makeup does not appear out of nowhere. You need to learn this. The current generation has a huge advantage - unlimited access to useful information; our mothers and grandmothers did not have this.

The modern variety of essential oils, as well as the range of their effects on the physical, mental and emotional state of a person, is so great that the mixture can be selected for almost any purpose and even any occasion.

Making enormous efforts to combat cellulite, we want the product to contain only healthy, and most importantly, effective ingredients! At home, you can prepare not only natural and beneficial anti-cellulite oil, but also periodically change its composition, adapting to existing needs.

The liquid that is excessive quantities accumulates in the body, often causing swelling, bags under the eyes, fatigue and even excess weight. Let's figure out how to remove it effectively and without harming your own health. excess liquid from our body, leading water balance back to normal.

Women's gatherings.rf - women's online magazine

All materials from the online magazine can only be used with an active link to Zhenskie-posidelkki.rf as a source of information taken from it.

The editors are not responsible for the content advertisements and articles. Opinions of the authors may not coincide with the editorial board.

All information is informational and not advisory in nature. Check with your doctor, do not self-medicate.

The question is certainly interesting. Even rhetorical: to be or not to be?... Of course, it helps! In the fight against skin imperfections, acne sulfur will be a very faithful ally. Why is this happening?

Sulfur is necessary element in the body and it is not without reason that it is considered a “beauty mineral”. If the body lacks this element, then the hair loses its elasticity and shine, and the nails become dull and brittle. If there is a lack of it, the skin begins to age faster. All this happens because keratin, which is part of the skin, hair and nails, contains a large amount of this element, which is almost the most basic component among those that make up the molecules of the human body. And it plays an important role in metabolic processes, protein synthesis and protein metabolism.

Thus, the presence of sulfur in the body allows for balance in many organs and systems of the body (including the digestive and nervous). Therefore, its direct use on the skin gives immediate results in clearing it of all kinds of acne.

According to recent studies, scientists have concluded that the “beauty mineral” has a bactericidal and anti-itch effect. Also, thanks to its light exfoliating effect, it has the ability to gently remove dead skin and cleanse pores. All these qualities give a positive effect from its use.

Now on the shelves of cosmetic stores you can find a very wide variety of products that contain purified sulfur. The choice is limited only by your requirements and taste. By the way, it practically does not cause allergic reactions from the skin. Rarely, slight rash possible small pimples, itching and burning. In this case, use of the product should be stopped. Let's figure out in what cases the effectiveness of such funds will be maximum.


There are quite a lot of medicinal and cosmetic preparations that include medical purified sulfur. By itself, it will not cause harm, but these drugs can, since they have a complex composition. Some people may experience redness and irritation of the skin. Therefore, the use of such funds is possible only after consultation with a specialist doctor. He will competently approach your problem, write out a prescription, following which you will use the drug.

Vidal's milk

This is the romantic name of the familiar chatterbox. It is perhaps the most common in acne treatment. It contains about 5% sulfur. This is a bright yellow substance. It is also prescribed after visiting a doctor and is prepared according to an individual prescription. Apply to cleansed skin in problem areas 2 times a day.

The mash is first shaken (that’s why it has such a funny name among the people). Using the drug is completely painless and effective. The only drawback is the not very pleasant smell. But it’s easy to put up with these temporary side effects, knowing that in the end you will have acne-free skin. By the way, the reviews on using the talker are only the most positive!

Use of combustible sulfur

Combustible sulfur is sometimes used against skin imperfections. It is taken orally with food. The daily dose should be ¼ of a teaspoon. This dose is divided into several doses. You need to take the drug orally for about 2 weeks. Perhaps many would not even think that it could be accepted in such a capacity, but if you set yourself the goal of achieving smooth and beautiful skin, then all means, as they say, are good! Treatment with sulfur orally is carried out in 2-3 courses per year and should not last more than a month.

But sometimes with this type of treatment, reactions from the body appear. Peeling of the skin occurs and a large number of pimples appear. So, we come to the following conclusion: this treatment is suitable for us internally. And you need to stop drinking the “beauty” mineral internally.

Sulfur water

Reviews on the use of sulfur water against acne are also positive. After all, its beneficial effect on problem skin has been clinically proven. The only inconvenience is that such water is quite difficult to get. But there is one consolation. In our age of high technology, when computers and the Internet are in almost every home, it is enough to find a decent online store and simply order such healing water. Or go to the sulfur springs yourself. And this is long and expensive. Wash your face with medicinal water every day and feel better every day!


Sulfur ointment can be purchased at almost any pharmacy. And, if you decide to try to use it against acne, you first need to test for an allergic reaction. In the evening, apply ointment on the elbow (this place is considered the most sensitive). In the morning, if there is no redness on the skin or any other reactions, then you can use the ointment without fear. Otherwise, it may cause redness and severe itching. About these side effects mentioned above. The ointment is used strictly according to the instructions attached to it. Reviews on the use of the ointment characterize it as a fairly good remedy.

But there are contraindications for pregnant and nursing mothers. They are not recommended to use this ointment. There are also contraindications for children under 3 years of age.

Let's summarize

And the conclusion is very simple. Sulfur is an extremely important component that plays a key role in the body. Its lack negatively affects the functioning of many organs and systems.

Purified sulfur is sold in pharmacies. Its price is very affordable. Cosmetic preparations based on it are available in a wide range. The effect on problem skin has a good result and, importantly, it causes virtually no side effects.

And although all of the above is a huge plus, I would like to note once again that any manifestation of imperfections on your skin can be not only a temporary disadvantage caused by a recent nervous stress, or large consumption of spicy, fatty and sweet foods on the festive table, but also have a more serious basis. Therefore, before starting acne treatment, you need to visit a specialist who will identify the real reason disease and prescribe the right course of treatment. Then the result will not keep you waiting long! Good luck!

Stories from our readers

CONTRAINDICATIONS: individual intolerance to product components, pregnancy, breastfeeding.

2 Zraz tablets per day with meals.

Recommendations for use by Western clinical nutritionists. who agree that there is no standard optimal dosage. Recommendations from different specialists may vary significantly. The optimal dosage depends on many factors: age, gender, body weight, the amount of MSM contained in the blood.

MSM researchers believe that it is possible to speed up the healing of many diseases by taking 250-750 mg of MSM per day. Some advise taking 2-6 g daily.

There is also general agreement that the use of MSM for osteoarthritis at a dose of 3,000 mg twice daily can compete with the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). However, long-term use of NSAIDs may cause dangerous complications, in addition, they do not provide any nutritional support to cartilage tissue, unlike MSM, which is absolutely safe and has no side effects. 3 g is the minimum daily dose. 10-20 g bring even more noticeable results.

Acne, itching and flaking of the skin disappear after 1-2 weeks when taking MSM at a dose of 750 mg 2 times a day.


Lotions, creams or gels containing sulfur applied directly to the skin are an effective way to deliver organic sulfur to inflamed joints, muscles and damaged areas of the skin. Therapeutic qualities allow MSM to actively penetrate tissue and accelerate the restoration of skin, muscles, cartilage and bone tissue.

Company NSP produces cream

    The cream has anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, anti-edematous and analgesic effects.

    Effective for diseases of small joints and damage to the ligamentous apparatus, increases joint mobility.

    Improves skin structure.

The anti-inflammatory properties are due to the ability of MSM to inhibit enzymes that mediate inflammatory reactions. These properties are extremely important, since most modern diseases are, in one way or another, associated with chronic inflammatory processes. At the same time, the ability of MSM to suppress pain syndrome is especially impressive. inflammatory diseases and damage to the musculoskeletal system.

MSM also has an antiallergic effect.

In general, we can talk about tissue-restoring properties, which not only stops destructive inflammatory and allergic processes in various tissues, but also promotes tissue repair, i.e. their restoration, has a particularly healing effect on the skin, significantly improving its condition, as well as on its appendages: nails become much stronger, and hair grows faster and looks better.

APPLICATION: Apply the required amount of cream to problem areas of the skin, including painful areas of the skin, muscles, ligaments or joints.

Among the microelements necessary for our body, sulfur is almost in first place. It is part of amino acids and hormones and is most often localized in hair, skin, joints and nails. Necessary daily norm sulfur for humans is 500-1200 mg. The deficiency of this microelement in the body can be easily eliminated with the help of products containing it. What products contain sulfur, and we want to talk about its benefits for humans today.

Useful properties of sulfur

The key to human health is the balance of microelements in the body. Their lack or, conversely, excess disrupts the work various systems body, worsens appearance and well-being. Sulfur is part of all proteins. The formation of elastins and halogens occurs directly with its participation; it is those proteins that are part of sulfur that are responsible for healthy teeth, elastic skin, shiny hair. With a lack of this microelement in the body, tissues cease to be dense, and muscles cannot be elastic and mobile.

Effect on the human body

Foods rich in sulfur help the body function fully and cope with many functions with ease. This important microelement is involved in the following processes:

To avoid a lack of this element in your diet, you should know which foods contain sulfur.

Excess sulfur: symptoms

It should be noted that not only a lack of sulfur affects the body, but also its excess. However, the latter cannot be caused by eating foods with large amounts of sulfur. This occurs through direct contact with gaseous sulfur compounds - carbon disulfide, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide. Signs:

  • feeling of “sand in the eyes”;
  • lacrimation, conjunctivitis, photophobia;
  • boils, greasy skin, rash, severe itching;
  • loss of appetite, general weakness, digestive disorders;
  • anemia of various origins;
  • headaches, dizziness.

The microelement enters the body with food, which contains a lot of protein, as part of sulfatides, amino acids and other organic compounds. A large amount of sulfur in leafy vegetables and greens, which have a dark green color, is due to the fact that they contain a large amount of B vitamins. Do you want to know what foods contain sulfur? The answer is in the table below.

Chicken eggs(yolk).

Fish (pink salmon, sardines, pike, flounder, sea bass).

Seafood (crabs, crayfish, lobsters, oysters).


Meat (beef, pork, lamb, turkey).

Liver (any).

Quail eggs. Egg powder.

Soybean, barley.

Fruits (dry apricots and peaches).

Nuts (peanuts).

Cocoa, tea, coffee.

Dairy products (condensed milk, kefir).

Nuts (almond, walnut, cashew).

Cereals (rye, buckwheat, wheat, pearl barley, oatmeal).

Bread, pasta.

Garlic, onions.

Hard cheese, sour cream, milk, ice cream.

Pineapples, bananas.

Vegetables (tomato, pumpkin, carrots, beets).

Products containing essential oils. These include onions, radishes, horseradish, garlic, mustard and rutabaga. Cabbage is considered one of the healthiest foods. It contains phytoncides, as in essential oil vegetables, methionine (sulfur-containing amino acid), as well as mineral sulfur salts. Cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, Savoy cabbage, broccoli and kohlrabi are rich in microelements.

How to preserve sulfur in food during cooking

In order to preserve the maximum amount of sulfur in cabbage (any kind), you should cut it into pieces, shred it or disassemble it into inflorescences. After this, leave for 10 minutes, then simmer or steam for a while.

Chop onions and garlic and let them sit for ten minutes before using them, during which time the sulfur in them will become more resistant to heat.


In this part of the article we want to tell you how to cook vegetables in order to preserve everything beneficial features sulfur. It's no secret that most useful substances found in raw fruits and vegetables. Typically, sulfur-containing vegetables come to our table as ingredients in salads or after heat treatment. Let's figure out how to cook them correctly.

Steamed broccoli

Making broccoli with this recipe is easy. It is best to use a double boiler. In it, cabbage will retain the maximum amount of sulfur. Broccoli, if only lightly steamed, will contain three times more sulfur than if cooked. Cooking broccoli according to the recipe should be completed at the moment when the head of cabbage still has a delicate bright green tint; in a double boiler this takes no more than 3-4 minutes.


In order to activate the mirasinin enzyme and make the sulfur contained in cauliflower more bioavailable, it should be cut into small inflorescences and allowed to sit for a while. It's better to cook it steamed or in the oven by combining cauliflower with cayenne pepper, salt, a little curry and olive oil, and then bake everything. The result is an incredibly tasty dish with a high sulfur content.

This freshwater fish belongs to the pike family. Its meat contains a large amount of sulfur. For cooking, it is recommended to choose fish that are not too large in size, since harmful substances can accumulate in the tissues of larger individuals. How to cook pike? We invite you to familiarize yourself with traditional ways:

  1. Bake in the oven, for example with mushroom sauce.
  2. Marinate pike in red wine.
  3. Bake on a wire rack with vegetables.
  4. Boil the fish soup.
  5. Prepare zrazy or cutlets with the addition of pork.
  6. Bake with sour cream and Parmesan.
  7. Fry in beer batter.
  8. Make heh in Korean.
  9. Stew with tomatoes and onions.
  10. Grill or steam.
  11. Make aspic.
  12. Stuff and bake.
  13. Boil, season with caper sauce.
  14. Bake on a cabbage-lemon bed.

Do not forget that with high heat treatment the amount of sulfur in the finished product is significantly reduced. Therefore, when choosing a cooking method, if you want to maintain the maximum content of microelements, adhere to the most gentle thermal regime.

How does sulfur interact with other substances?

If we talk about how other substances act on sulfur, it must be said that molybdenum, arsenic, selenium, barium and lead significantly worsen, and fluorine and iron, on the contrary, improve its absorption. By suppressing inflammatory mediators and reducing lipid peroxidation, sulfur helps suppress all three stages of inflammation in the body.

SULFUR (Sulfur, S) - chemical element of group VI periodic table D.I. Mendeleev, belongs to biogenic chemical elements, i.e., it is constantly part of living organisms and plays an important role in metabolism. In medicine, S. is used as a medicine; in agriculture, to combat pests and plant diseases; in industry, it is used in organic synthesis and in the production of explosives, rubber, artificial fibers, matches, etc. Radioactive isotopes of S. are used in medicine. -biol. research. Elementary S. dust can be occupational hazard for persons working in sulfur mines.

S. has been known to people since ancient times. For practical purposes, it began to be used starting from the 16th-17th centuries. BC e. for the preparation of paints, cosmetics, bleaching fabrics and in medicine.

IN earth's crust contains 5 10 -2% sulfur, in sea ​​water 0.08-0.09%. Sulfur and its compounds are part of certain microorganisms and almost all plant and animal organisms. In humans and animals, especially a lot of S. is found in the keratin of hair and wool, in the tissues of the nervous system, cartilage, bones, and bile. In human blood, the concentration of so-called is normal. organic S., i.e. sulfur, which is part of organic compounds, is approx. 1 mg/100 ml.

In nature, S. is found both in a free state (native S.) and in the form of organic and inorganic compounds. Native sulfur is found in sulfur ores of sedimentary origin. In volcanic regions, free S. is found in the form of sublimates. It is found in small quantities in the water of hot mineral springs (see Sulfide waters), where elemental S. is formed as a result of the oxidation of hydrogen sulfide (see). S. is part of sulfur-containing amino acids (see) - cysteine ​​(see), cystine, methionine (see), sulfated mucopolysaccharides (see) - heparan-, dermatan- and chondroitin sulfates, biologically active substances - CoA, thiamine (see .), biotin (see), lipoic acid (see), taurine (see), certain antibiotics (see). The active centers of the molecules of many enzymes (see) include sulfhydryl groups (see), which have great importance for many enzymatic reactions occurring in the body. They participate in the creation and stabilization of the native three-dimensional structure of proteins, and in some cases - directly in the functioning of the catalytic centers of enzymes. It is believed that the S. content in proteins ranges from 0.8 to 2.4%.

In a chemically bound form, S. is part of various minerals, which are divided into two groups - sulfur and sulfur. Of the sulfur minerals, the most important are pyrite FeS 2, zinc blende ZnS, galena, or lead luster PbS, of sulfur - anhydrite CaSO 4, gypsum (see), Glauber's salt, or mirabilite Na 2 SO 4 10H 2 O. Sulfur is also present in coals, shale, natural gas, oil, etc.

The serial number of sulfur is 16, atomic weight (mass) is 32.064. At ordinary temperatures, S. is a yellow solid; when the temperature decreases, S. becomes lighter. There are crystalline and amorphous modifications of S. The most studied are orthorhombic sulfur (S), stable up to 95.6°, and monoclinic sulfur (Sp), stable at 95.6-119.3° and turning into liquid sulfur at 119.3° ( Sλ). The density of solid S. of various modifications at 20° ranges from 1.92 to 2.07 g/cm 3, the density of liquid S. is 1.7988 g/cm3 (at 125°) and 1.7784 g/cm 3 (at 150 °). The melting point of S. varies depending on the preliminary heat treatment and ranges from 106.8° to 112°; with increasing temperature, S.'s ability to melt increases greatly and then sharply decreases; t kip 444.6°. Sulfur is a very poor conductor of electric current; in all solid and liquid states, sulfur is diamagnetic. S.'s viscosity is one of its pronounced anomalous properties: with increasing temperature it increases greatly and then sharply decreases. These transitions in the viscosity of S. are explained by the structure of its molecules: when normal conditions When heated, the eight-atom ring molecules of carbon are broken and transformed into open chains; heating above 190° leads to rapid shortening of such chains.

S. has 4 stable isotopes with mass numbers 32 (95.02%), 33 (0.75%), 34 (4.21%) and 36 (0.02%) and 6 radioactive isotopes with mass numbers 29, 30 , 31, 35, 37 and 38. Four radioactive isotopes of S. are ultra-short-lived, with half-lives from fractions of a second to 5 minutes. In medico-biol. In research, the isotopes 35S (half-life 87.4 days) and 38S (half-life 180 minutes) are used.

35 S is usually received in nuclear reactor irradiation of chlorine with thermal neutrons according to the reaction 36С1 (n, p) 35S; For these purposes, irradiation of 37Cl with protons or deuterons in a charged particle accelerator is also used. To obtain 38S, a target with chlorine is irradiated with alpha particles using the reaction 37C1 (a, 3 p) 38S.

35 S decays with beta radiation of low energy (E beta -167.47 kev), without accompanying gamma radiation. 38S decays with the emission of a multicomponent beta spectrum (see Isotopes), the main components of which have maximum energies Ep equal to 1 MeV (84%) and 3 MeV (12%). The decay is accompanied by gamma radiation with energies E gamma equal to 1.75 (2.5%), 1.94 (84%) and 2.75 MeV (1.6%).

The industry produces dozens of inorganic and organic compounds labeled with radioactive isotopes S., Ch. arr. 35S. For wedges and studies abroad, sodium sulfate labeled 35S is used, without a carrier, in an isotonic solution. This isotope belongs to the isotopes of the intermediate group of radiotoxicity.

The minimum significant activity in the workplace that does not require registration or permission from the State Sanitary Supervision authorities is 10 microcuries (370 kBq).

In compounds, S. exhibits a valency from -2 to +6. It is chemically active and combines directly with almost all elements except nitrogen, iodine, gold, platinum and inert gases. At room temperature, S. in a humid environment weakly oxidizes with the formation of sulfur dioxide SO 2 or sulfuric acid (see). The mixture of carbon dioxide and oxygen vapor is explosive. Halogens, except iodine, directly combine with hydrogen, and at 150-200°C it directly combines with hydrogen, forming hydrogen sulfide. S. reacts with carbon at 800-900° to form carbon disulfide (see). Molten S. reacts with oxides alkali metals with the formation of sulfides, sulfites and sulfates (see).

Elementary sulfur is obtained from native ores, as well as by the oxidation of hydrogen sulfide and the reduction of sulfur dioxide.

The most common method for determining S. is to convert it into the form of soluble sulfates, followed by the precipitation of SO 4 anions 2-barium chloride solution BaCl from a weakly acidic solution when heated in the form of a BaSO 4 precipitate. Sulfur can be isolated from various substrates by calcining them in an electric furnace in a stream of oxygen; the resulting SO 2 dioxide is captured and determined titrimetrically with iodine. There are a number of titrimetric methods for determining C. Organic compounds S. is decomposed by oxidation or reduction and S. is isolated in the form of oxides (sulfates) or hydrogen sulfide (sulfides). The analysis is completed colorimetrically (see Colorimetry) or titrimetrically (see Titrimetric analysis).

S. (mostly divalent) enters the human body with food. In the process of metabolism, it passes into a more oxidized state, the end products of this process are sulfates, which in the liver neutralize toxic metabolic products - phenols (see), skatole (see), etc. S. is excreted from the body in the urine and feces

Organic compounds of S. perform important biological functions in the body. functions, but for many S. compounds these functions have not yet been fully elucidated. Thus, cysteine ​​(see) and glutathione (see) are limiting factors in the regulation of the biosynthesis of various types of pigments in melanocytes. Vitamin B1 (thiamine) in the form of thiamine pyrophosphate functions as a coenzyme in various types decarboxylation (see). The sulfur-containing vitamin - biotin (see) - is found in the body in compounds such as biotine sulfoxide and E-N-biotinyl-L-lysine, and is believed to be involved in the metabolism of one-carbon fragments in tissues. The functional role of taurine, a natural sulfonic acid, in the body is being intensively studied. It is believed that, in addition to participating in the formation of paired bile acids(see), it plays a certain role in the processes of osmoregulation and stabilization of biol. membranes, is involved in maintaining the structural integration of the retina, especially in photoreceptor cells, and is also a neurotransmitter or neuromodulator. The experiment showed that taurine deficiency leads to retinal dystrophy and blindness.

Genetically determined defects of various sulfatases (see), involved in the metabolism of sulfur-containing compounds in the body, are the cause of severe hereditary enzymopathies (see).

Occupational hazard

Elemental sulfur does not have pronounced toxic properties, but many of its compounds (carbon disulfide, hydrogen sulfide, etc.) are very toxic. Toxic effect S. dust is very weak; acute poisoning is excluded. However, with prolonged inhalation of elemental S. dust, the development of thiopneumoconiosis is possible (see Pneumoconiosis). Sometimes irritation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, gastritis, a tendency to lower blood pressure, fatigue, irritability, headaches, bad dream, discomfort in the area of ​​the heart. Conjunctivitis (see), vegetative and vegetative-vascular disorders are common. The glutathione content in the blood decreases, leukocytosis and monocytosis are noted. There is evidence of changes in the bones of the skull (frontal, parietal bones and bones of the base of the skull), inflammatory diseases paranasal sinuses nose, which is believed to be a consequence of metabolic disorders, in particular the ratio of organic and inorganic S. Occasionally, powdered S. can cause eczema (see). In all of these cases, contact with S. must be stopped immediately. Treatment is symptomatic.

Prevention measures

When working in sulfur mines or indoors in conditions of air pollution with elemental S. dust, it is necessary to use respirators (see), gloves, and special clothing (see Special clothing). After the end of the shift, a warm gig is required. shower. Those working in industries in contact with elemental S. are recommended to eat a diet rich in proteins. All work on the extraction and processing of S., its packaging, and unloading must be mechanized. The resulting S. undergoes mandatory purification from arsenic compounds.

The maximum permissible concentration of elemental carbon in the air of the working area is 2 mg/m3.

Sulfur preparations

After ingestion, most of the elemental S. is excreted from the gland. tract unchanged, part of it (10-40% of the dose taken) is converted in the intestine into sulfides and hydrogen sulfide, which irritate the intestinal mucosa, increase its peristalsis and, as a result, cause a laxative effect. Sulfides formed in the intestines are partially absorbed into the blood. Most of the absorbed sulfides turn into sulfates, which are excreted from the body through the kidneys. Sulfides that remain unchanged are excreted from the body through sweat and exhaled air.

As preparations of elemental S. in honey. In practice, purified sulfur and precipitated sulfur are used.

Purified sulfur (Sulfur depuratum) is a fine lemon-yellow powder, soluble in water and slightly soluble in ether.

Prescribed orally, intramuscularly and externally. Purified sulfur is used internally. arr. as a laxative, prescribing it to adults from 0.5 to 3 g per dose. Purified sulfur is also used as a laxative in powder form. licorice root complex (Pulvis Glycyrrhizae compositus).

Sometimes purified sulfur is used internally as an anthelmintic for enterobiasis. For this purpose, purified sulfur is used in pure form or in a mixture (1:1) with licorice root powder (Pulvis Glycyrrhizae compositus). Prescribed orally during meals for adults, 0.8-1 g per dose 3 times a day in courses of 5 days (with breaks between courses of 4 days). A total of 3-5 courses of treatment are carried out. On the days between courses, enemas with sodium bicarbonate are given at night (at the rate of 1/2 teaspoon per glass of water). For children, the drug is prescribed according to the same regimen in a single dose at the rate of 0.05 g per year of life.

Intramuscularly, 1 - 2% sterile solutions of sulfur purified in peach oil are used for pyrogenic therapy (for example, for syphilis). Solutions are administered starting with a dose of 0.5 - 2 ml and gradually increase it. Before administration, the precipitated sulfur solution is heated. To reduce pain, you can first inject 1-2 ml of 2% novocaine solution into the injection area.

Externally, purified sulfur is prescribed in the form of 5-10-20% ointments and powders for the treatment of psoriasis, sycosis, seborrhea, scabies and other skin diseases. For external use, ready-made dosage forms containing purified sulfur are also produced, for example, Wilkinson's ointment (see Wilkinson's ointment), sulfur-naphthalan ointment, sulfur-zinc-naphthalan paste and salicylic-sulfur-zinc paste.

Sulfur-naphthalani ointment (Unguentum Naphthalani sulfuratum) contains 2 parts of naphthalani ointment and 1 part of purified sulfur. Release form: in jars of 30 g.

Sulfur-zinc-naphthalani paste (Pasta Zinci-naphthalani sulfurata) contains naphthalan ointment 4 parts, zinc oxide and starch 2 parts each, purified sulfur 1 part. Release form: in jars of 25 g.

Salicylic-sulfur-zinc paste contains 0.6 g of salicylic acid, 5 g of purified sulfur, and 20 g of zinc paste.

Precipitated sulfur (Sulfur praecipitatum; GPC) is a tiny, amorphous, odorless, pale yellow powder. Practically insoluble in water, soluble when boiling in a mixture of 20 parts of caustic soda solution and 25 parts of 95% alcohol, as well as in 100 parts. fatty oils when heated in a water bath.

Precipitated sulfur is used only externally in the form of 5-10-20% ointments and powders. Indications for use are the same as for the use of purified sulfur (for seborrhea, psoriasis, sycosis and other skin diseases).

For the same purpose, use the official simple sulfur ointment (Unguentum sulfuratum simplex), containing precipitated sulfur for 1 part and a consistent emulsion of Vaseline in water for 2 parts.

It should be borne in mind that precipitated sulfur cannot be administered orally instead of purified sulfur, since in the intestines precipitated sulfur quickly forms significant quantities hydrogen sulfide, when absorbed, headache, nausea, agitation and other signs of hydrogen sulfide intoxication may occur (see).

Bibliography: Asatiani V. S. New methods of biochemical photometry, p. 468, M., 1965; Berezov T. T. and Korovkin B. F. Biological chemistry, M., 1982; Harmful substances in industry, ed. N.V. Lazarev and I.D. Gadaskina, vol. 3, p. 49, L., 1977; Glinka N. L. general chemistry, With. 381, L., 1973; Levin - V.I. Obtaining radioactive isotopes, M., 1972; Mashkovsky M.D. Medicines, part 2, p. 329, 373, M., 1977; S e-menov N.V. Biochemical components and constants liquid media and human tissues, p. 15, M., 1971; T o r h i n - with k y Yu. M. Sulfur in proteins, M., 1977, bibliogr.; White A. et al. Fundamentals of biochemistry, trans. from English, vol. 2, p. 939, M., 1981; Yang L. and Mou J. Metabolism of sulfur compounds, trans. from English, M., 1961; Metabolism of sulfur compounds, ed. by D. M. Greenberg, v. 7, N.Y., 1975; Natural sulfur compounds, ed. by D. Ca-vallini a. o., N.Y.-L., 1980; Table of isotopes, ed. by G. M. Lederer a. V. S. Shirley, N. Yv 1978.

M. G. Uzbekov; V. V. Bochkarev (rad.), V. K. Muratov (pharm.).

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