Manifestation of acid-base balance disorders in the body. We check the pH of the body ourselves. Acidity of cosmetics

A huge number of different chemical processes constantly occur in the human body; it is neither possible nor necessary to regulate or influence them. They are not visible, but are of great importance for life. However, certain habits, lifestyle and human behavior in one way or another affect the course of such processes and, consequently, on general health and health in general. This article will talk about.

All metabolic processes in the human body are called homeostasis. Homeostasis can be defined as the ability for self-regulation, that is, the ability of the body to maintain its internal state thanks to certain reactions that are in balance and coordination. In simple words, is the body's ability to regulate internal processes, cleansing, resistance to disease and environmental factors.

Acids are substances that are capable of donating hydrogen ions, and alkalis or bases are capable of adding these ions. Accordingly, the action of these two elements is directly opposite. The strength of this action is characterized by the pH indicator. Its value ranges from 1 to 14. Thus, pH 1 is the value of the strong acid, pH 14 - the strongest alkali (base). The neutral environment (PH level) is a pH value of 7. The blood pH level in an absolutely healthy person (standard) is 7.4 - 7.45. At this level, no alkaline or acidic chemical reaction occurs.

For a stable state of the body and creating favorable conditions for its independent activity (cleansing, nutrition, protection, absolute health), this level should be in the range of pH = 7.35 - 7.45.

To ensure an optimal balance, the content of these substances in the body must be regulated. If this state is not achieved, harmful acids (uric, lactic, carbon dioxide) will be formed during metabolic processes. The main task of a person is to maintain balance, for which it is necessary to know under what conditions its violation occurs. After all, the foods we eat every day also contain alkalis and acids. In some cases, the acid content is higher and the alkali content is lower. Then acidosis is observed in the body (negatively charged ions - acids - accumulate in the blood and tissues). In this case, the pH level is less than 7.35. When the body becomes oversaturated with alkali, alkalosis occurs. The pH level in this case exceeds 7.45. Both of these phenomena indicate the beginning of a healing process that triggers the body to bring the system into balance. pH values ​​above 7.8 and below 6.8 are impossible, that is, incompatible with life.

The internal media of the body are lymph, blood, bile, urine, feces, saliva, etc. They all have a certain level of acidity. Thus, blood is slightly alkaline (close to neutral), urine is weakly acidic, and saliva is slightly acidic. An empty stomach has weak acidity, but when food enters it, the process of producing gastric juice occurs, and the environment becomes more acidic.

This balance is the level of equilibrium of these environments necessary for their optimal ratio and, therefore, good health. Excessive acidification of the body or changes in acidity levels are increasingly becoming the main cause of weakened immunity. In this case, weight loss, skin problems, the formation of kidney and gallstones and many other disorders occur.

When do disturbances in homeostasis occur? When a person eats poorly, drinks alcohol, smokes, and does not exercise. That is, all the signs of an incorrect lifestyle are evident. As a result of this existence, serious disruptions occur in activities defense mechanisms. In this case, the immune system suffers greatly. Decomposition products are not completely eliminated. The result of such processes is the development of the disease.

The level of such balance is influenced by external factors. So, shampoo, soap, shower gel act on the skin. The nature of this effect depends on the level of acidity they have, whether it will be neutral or harmful. Recently, more attention has been paid to such an indicator as the level of acidity, and cosmetical tools now undergo special compliance control. Acidity level healthy skin is 5.5 - 6.7. The vast majority of such products are produced by industry with a pH level of 4.6 - 7.4. Even if the pH level is not neutral, human skin is able to neutralize acid and alkali and restore its individual acidity level. Then the result of using such a product will be slight flaking or dandruff. When changing shampoo or cream, these signs will disappear.

Main signs of violations

Excess acid in the body is a sure step towards illness. When a large amount of acid takes part in the metabolic process, the body tries with all its might to eliminate this excess. With the help of the lungs, carbon dioxide is exhaled, sweat is released through the skin, urine is released through the kidneys, and feces are released through the intestines. When the body cannot cope with the removal of these excesses, acids begin to accumulate in the connective tissue (the spaces between cells), and tissue slagging occurs. In such a situation, there is a high degree of danger of the inflammatory process. The type and form of the disease depends on which organ the pollution is concentrated in.

In general, external manifestations of such disturbances in the functioning of the body include:

  • Fatigue;
  • Lethargy;
  • The complexion becomes gray, pale, yellowish (unhealthy);
  • Acne, redness and dry skin;
  • Disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract (constipation, bloating);
  • Weight loss (excess or underweight);
  • Weakness and muscle pain.
For a more detailed description and description, symptoms can be classified of this disease by areas of occurrence:

Thus, a person’s general condition can be characterized by the following signs:

  1. Weakness;
  2. Chronic fatigue;
  3. Reduced body temperature;
  4. Feeling cold;
  5. Chills;
  6. Lack of strength, energy.
Wherein emotional condition characterized by sadness, black thoughts, depression, irritability and excessive nervousness.

Describing his suspicions, the patient names headaches, inflammation of the eyes, and pallor on the face. At the same time, in reproductive system disruptions in the form of discharge and inflammation of the genitourinary tract are observed.

As for the stomach, belching with a sour taste, pain and cramps, exacerbation of gastritis and ulcers are observed. Similar sensations are also present in the intestinal area.

When characterizing kidney function and Bladder, the patient names the following suspicions:

  1. Acidic urine;
  2. Burning sensation in the bladder area;
  3. Stones in the kidneys;
  4. Inflammation in the genitourinary tract.
Manifestations of disorders in the respiratory tract:
  1. Frequent runny nose, ARVI, sore throat;
  2. Laryngitis;
  3. Adenoids;
  4. Allergy;
  5. Frequent cough or urge to cough.
The skin is characterized by dryness, acidic sweat, frequent redness and irritation. Appear acne, acne, fistulas, eczema (usually dry).

Nails become thin, brittle and peeling. Furrows and white spots appear on them. A fungal infection is often associated.

There are spasms and cramps in the legs. Arms and legs often ache and twist (especially in the weather). I am worried about pain in the joints, back and ligaments. Bones crunch and become prone to fractures.

The blood pressure is characterized by low levels, there is a feeling of chilliness, and a rapid heart rate. The hemoglobin content in the blood decreases (anemia).

As for the endocrine system, the endocrine glands (pancreas, adrenal glands, gonads) are depleted. The exception is the thyroid gland. On the contrary, it is increasing sharply.

Sensations in the oral cavity are described by the following symptoms:

  1. Sour taste of saliva;
  2. The roots of the teeth are exposed and become more sensitive;
  3. The gums and enamel become thinner and cause pain;
  4. The tonsils become inflamed;
  5. Development of caries;
  6. Teeth crumble;
  7. A characteristic setback after eating something sour or cold.
All named signs are visible. When a patient consults a doctor and undergoes diagnostics, the following manifestations can be identified:
  • Stones in the kidneys;
  • Gallstones;
  • Changes in the joints (arthrosis - as a result of an imbalance in the metabolism of magnesium and calcium).
An example of excessive deposition of toxins in connective tissues is the concept of cellulite, which is familiar to many women. This is the so-called " Orange peel"on the buttocks, shoulders, thighs and other parts of the body. Even the appearance of the face may indicate such slagging: the skin looks tired, “worn out,” and lifeless.

Such processes have a negative impact on the mechanism of blood movement through the vessels. Structural components of blood (red blood cells), when moving through the peroxidized tissues of the body, they stick together, forming blood clots, losing elasticity and mobility. As a result of such changes, blood clots form. From where they appear, disorders and diseases of various organs arise:

  • Myocardial infarction;
  • Poor blood circulation in the brain;
  • Brain hemorrhage;
  • Poor circulation of the extremities (usually legs).
The human body is a smart machine. When such an imbalance occurs, he himself tries to cope with the situation. But excess acids cannot be removed from the body on their own, unlike alkalis. To do this, the acid must first be neutralized, that is, it needs a base that will bind it (antagonist). And in the process of increased acidification, they start the process of extracting calcium and magnesium from the bones. The result is osteoporosis.

When these disorders become chronic, without the use of appropriate treatment or other countermeasures, thin transverse cracks can be seen on the patient’s tongue.

Excessive acidification is dangerous by reducing the strength of muscle contractions. Thus, weakening of the eye muscles leads to farsightedness, the heart muscle - to heart failure, the intestinal muscles - to digestive problems (flatulence, constipation, diarrhea, etc.). A person’s overall endurance for physical activity decreases, weakness appears, and fast fatiguability. When the pH level decreases, a person’s immunity drops, and therefore diseases develop. As a consequence of such disorders, more than 200 various diseases. Among them are arthrosis and chondorosis, cataracts and farsightedness, cholelithiasis, kidney stones and oncology. When several diseases develop at once, this indicates a clear drop in the patient’s blood pH.

Due to emerging disturbances in the immune system, viruses, fungi and bacteria multiply more quickly. A person suffers more often and more severely from ARVI, other infectious and viral diseases. With this kind of problem, the body very poorly absorbs microelements and vitamins from food, dietary supplements and medications. All kinds of diseases of the heart, blood vessels, blood and joints develop, as well as exacerbation and complication of existing chronic diseases.

Cells malignant tumor capable of active development precisely when the blood is acidified (PH level less than 7.2 - 7.3). There are known cases when the body has already developed cancer tumor, and when the pH level normalized, it stopped growing and then resolved!

Chronic acidification can lead to hyperfunction thyroid gland, atherosclerosis, hypertension and diabetes.

When the acidity level changes internal environment headache, insomnia, low blood pressure, anxiety, and swelling are observed. Constant weakness muscle pain They can be companions even for young people, but more often such manifestations are typical for older people. Due to the fact that the pH of saliva in the mouth is acidic, tooth decay occurs.

Separately, it is worth mentioning such a concept as the acid-base balance of the vagina. It is one of the most important indicators characterizing the health of a woman reaching puberty. The acidity level of the vaginal environment changes depending on the menstrual cycle. Thus, in a healthy woman before the onset of menstruation, this pH level is close to neutral (approximately 7.0). When puberty begins, the vaginal walls, under the influence of the female sex hormone estrogen, become thicker and the pH level decreases (to approximately 4.4 - 4.6). The microflora of the genital area changes due to an increase in acidity during this period. If the vaginal environment at any time is close to alkaline, this is a sign of the disease.

For example, the development of a very common fungal infection (candidiasis or thrush) requires a less acidic environment. In the body of a healthy woman there is an environment where lactic acid bacteria ideally develop and representatives of other microflora (pathogenic fungi and bacteria) cannot exist.

Lactic acid bacteria not only deprive pathogenic microflora of their food source, but also produce useful material, which can further increase acidity and disinfect it (lactic acid, hydrogen peroxide). The cause of decreased acidity may be hormonal imbalance, taking antibiotics and other medications, douching and soap.

An acidic environment promotes rapid aging of the body. And, on the contrary, when it is brought into balance (neutral pH level), the development of aging processes stops, and the body gradually returns to normal, which has the best effect on its appearance(skin becomes younger, weight returns to normal, lightness and youth are felt).

Reasons for violations

The main reason for the violation of the optimal level of such substances in the body is poor nutrition. In the diet modern man there is an imbalance of certain substances (hydrogen ions and bicarbonate ions). These substances are designed to neutralize the negative effects of excess acids. In this regard, acidosis (acidification) occurs, which is characterized by systemicity, pathogenicity, lifelong, and metabolic disorders.

According to historical data, ancient man consumed 1/3 meat (low-fat varieties, mainly game) and 2/3 plant foods. The diet in this case was exclusively alkaline. There was no talk of any imbalance in the body. The man led an active lifestyle, moved a lot, ate solely to replenish energy, and, accordingly, did not know what illness was.

Over time, the situation worsened as civilization emerged. The man took up agricultural activities, began to grow grains, and raise animals. Eating grains, cereals, milk and fatty meats had the most negative impact on his health. But the most serious consequences come from eating modern industrially processed foods, so-called “sour” foods.

Modern man eats foods containing saturated fats, simple sugars, and table salt. But they contain catastrophically little essential fiber, potassium and magnesium. People began to eat the most dangerous foods in large quantities (thanks to them, the acidification process occurs):

  • Sugar;
  • Flour products;
  • Semi-finished products.
People consume chips, carbonated drinks, hot dogs, French fries, pizza, and sweets almost every day. Products on the shelves of our stores that are supposedly healthy and give health (live yoghurts and kefir, juices, etc.) are poison for humans. The label says that they are very healthy, but have you read their composition??? But without these products it is difficult to imagine the life of a modern person. All these foods have an acidic valency.

The second most important reason for a decrease in acidity levels, leading to illness, is stress. Strong experiences, nervous shocks, and depression often lead to disturbances in pH levels.

Lack of physical activity has a significant impact on the occurrence of such disorders. Sedentary image life is a sure path to poor health.

Drinking water has a negative effect on the general condition of the body and, especially, on the balance of acids and alkalis. Tap water not suitable for drinking. But many still drink it and use it for cooking.

A gradual decrease in pH is also facilitated by unfavorable environmental conditions, lack of clean air, and the negative impact household appliances. It is difficult to imagine our life without a TV, computer, microwave oven, air conditioner. All this equipment emits substances harmful to the human body.

Experts in the field of medical psychology argue that a person’s internal energy potential is the key to strong immunity and, consequently, various abnormalities - if it is deficient, including the level of acidity. A person charged with optimism and self-confidence has the necessary level of energy to maintain optimal balance in all organs and systems. Strong experiences and stress can take away such vitality. For full-fledged work, the body lacks this very energy, and then the alkali leaves the body (for example, the kidneys excrete it along with urine), as a result, the pH level decreases. For example, in case of severe stress, this indicator rapidly drops. The result of such changes is very serious condition, in such cases, special therapy cannot be avoided.

Lack of magnesium, calcium and potassium also affects this process. To maintain acid-base balance, the body extracts these elements from bones to neutralize excess acids. The bones begin to lose magnesium first, then calcium. As a result of such processes, muscles very quickly begin to lose tone, resulting in diseases (osteoporosis, arthrosis, etc.). Magnesium is intensively excreted along with urine when there is excessive intake of sugar, which is why it is so harmful to abuse sweets. Everything in the human body is interconnected. Thus, calcium cannot be absorbed without the presence of magnesium. It allows you to establish a balance in the intake of calcium (an excess of the latter is also harmful), and also stops its excretion.

A lack of magnesium, in turn, leads to a deficiency of other elements (zinc, copper, silicon, potassium, calcium). They are replaced with heavy metals (they are toxic), such as lead, aluminum, cadmium. Magnesium deficiency is caused by refined food and intensive farming (almost all soils are now acidic and cannot grow on them). alkaline foods), the use of fertilizers (they prevent the penetration of magnesium into plants from the soil), as well as frequent diets. Active use chemicals, various medications and biological additives also have a negative impact on this process.

A kind of “devourer” of useful microelements (as a result - acidification) of the human body are Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, caffeine, confectionery industrial production, as well as excessive mental and physical stress. That is, everything that accompanies us day after day.

Having delved into such facts, it becomes scary about what we eat. But, nevertheless, instead of consuming as much as possible healthy food(from what we do have), we fry, boil, stew, boil, and store food for a long time in the refrigerator and freezer. As a result, it becomes simply unsuitable for our body (unless you dream of getting sick). It is extremely difficult for the body to digest and absorb such a product. To do this, he spends a colossal amount of energy, and everything possible - in order to extract at least some benefit from the received “raw materials”. As a result of this, naturally, a large amount of toxic substances are formed (by-products of defective digestion and absorption processes). If such cases are rare (junk food entered your body at a wedding or birthday), nothing bad will happen.

The body is a smart and hardworking machine; it will fix everything and bring it back to normal. But if such a lifestyle is always present, undigested food gradually accumulates, and the body has to work under conditions of constant overstrain. Vital energy is lost, organs wear out, and toxemia occurs (blood poisoning with toxins). Blood constantly circulates throughout the body, carrying poisons to all cells of organs, tissues and the brain.

There is a certain law of interdependence in nature. It states that the more toxins accumulate in the body, the greater the body weight becomes, and the greater the risk of developing various diseases increases. Since toxins have an acidic reaction, as they increase, acidity increases and the acid-base balance is destroyed.

Methods for dealing with violations

For any health problems, of course, you need to consult a specialist. If the described signs appear, you must visit a general practitioner who will examine you. But the specificity of this disorder requires the active involvement of the patient himself in the healing process. You, and only you, can help yourself in the fight against this disorder.
The doctor will help you understand the symptoms, identify the foci of the disease, and focus on the use of medications. But such a disease cannot be cured with drugs. Drugs can only help in the cleaning process. It should be remembered that disorderly and long-term use drug treatment in in this case may, on the contrary, lead to aggravation of the situation.

In order to restore the acid-base balance, there are two main ways:

  1. Stop the intake of harmful substances and stimulate their active elimination;
  2. Neutralize the effect of those substances that cannot be removed.
The patient's diet must adhere to the principle of balance of alkalis and acids, with a slight preponderance of bases. It is important not to forget what exactly is harmful and what you should not eat, especially during the cleansing period:
  • Fatty meat, sausage, canned food;
  • Refined products;
  • Sugar;
  • Semolina.
Acid suppliers to ensure good exchange substances include:
  1. Protein products:
    • Lean meat;
    • Fish;
    • Cottage cheese;
  2. Legumes:
  • Peas;
  • Lentils.
Alcohol (in moderate doses) and natural coffee are also suppliers of acids.

Suppliers of alkalis are natural products (vegetables and fruits) without thermal or refined processing. IN to a greater extent, the following products have these properties:

  • Vegetables (especially zucchini, eggplant, cucumbers, lettuce);
  • Root vegetables including (especially carrots and beets);
  • Greens (parsley, dill, cilantro);
  • Fruits and berries;
  • Herbal teas;
  • Cereals;
  • Egg yolk;
  • Nuts.
The following products have neutral acidity:
  • Butter;
  • Vegetable oil (cold pressed);
  • Water.
The most important condition for maintaining balance is the right combination types of products and their quantities. For example, when eating a piece of meat (acid), the body extracts alkali from its reserves to break it down. Accordingly, alkali reserves must be replenished. If you constantly eat meat, this process is continuous. Therefore, to regularly replenish and maintain alkaline reserves, you need to follow a simple rule.

It's called the 80/20 rule. In accordance with it, the following proportion should be observed in the diet:

  • 80% - alkali-forming products;
  • 20% - acid-forming products.
Of course, you should not use alcohol, preservatives and sugar substitutes to replenish acids (after all, they are active carriers of acids). Natural products such as cranberries, blueberries, etc. will help maintain balance. Enrich your diet with greens and beans. Fruits and vegetables frozen using the necessary technology are much healthier than fresh ones sold out of season on the shelves of our supermarkets. It is very useful to drink infusions of herbs, rose hips, cranberry and currant fruit drinks, kvass (real, not carbonated - in plastic bottles).

When getting rid of your usual “unhealthy” diet, pay attention to how many healthy and delicious products. These are honey, shoots of green plants, seaweed, wheat sprouts, soy sauce, herbal teas.

Several times a week it is useful to arrange for yourself fasting days. During this time, you can eat exclusively raw fruits and vegetables and drink plenty of water. Or, instead, drink fresh fruit juices (in no case the ones sold in bags in the store). At the same time, this method will help you get rid of excess weight.

In the daily human diet, it almost always predominates protein food. Fasting helps improve your health and correct the situation. However, you need to be careful, for example, during Lent (it is particularly long), because if you have not done this before, you do not need to sharply limit yourself. This can be dangerous for the body. You can simply adjust your lifestyle, gradually bringing your diet to a certain norm.

The kidneys are the main excretory organ, through which excess acids are released, provided that a sufficient amount of urine is formed. Therefore, you need to drink a lot. It is better to drink clean water without gas. When swelling and other disturbances in potassium metabolism are observed, you can add honey to the water, Apple vinegar, lemon juice. It is useful to prepare infusions of herbs, rose hips, currants, and raspberry leaves.

Movement promotes more active removal of excess acids. At physical activity breathing quickens, sweating increases - this serves as an additional way of excretion. For more active work You can also use mineral salts (in the form of alkaline powder), this drug is prepared by pharmacies.

To actively remove toxins from the body it is necessary:

  1. Physical activity every day (sports, gymnastics) for 30 - 45 minutes;
  2. Contrast shower (sauna, bath, wraps);
  3. Air baths for the whole body;
  4. Normal bowel movements (1 - 2 times a day);
  5. Normal urination (1.5 - 3 liters per day);
  6. Follow your diet: never overeat; drink water good quality(2.5 - 3 liters per day); cleanse (fasting days, enemas);
  7. Avoid tobacco, alcohol, medications, other stimulants;
  8. Maintain an optimistic attitude.
All described healing methods are performed exclusively by the person himself, with mandatory condition his desire to work on himself. This process is long and persistent. Of course there are special drugs aimed at cleansing the body of toxins. When choosing them you need to be very careful, be sure to consult a doctor.

Herbal medicine and traditional medicine
Traditional medicine also strongly recommends eating fresh, raw foods.

We roll up jars for the winter, make compotes, preserves, winter salads, and preserve cucumbers and tomatoes. And we believe that by doing this we will ensure the supply of vitamins during the cold season. As soon as we heat a product, the beneficial alkalinity disappears and it becomes acidic. Traditional healers insist that it is necessary to drink fresh juices from vegetables and fruits; they give freshness and serve as a source of vitamins and microelements necessary for the body.

Salads are an alternative to juices. Even in winter you need to eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible. When thinking through your lunch or dinner, you need to remember that, for an optimal ratio, there should be 2 - 4 times more salad than, for example, meat.

Healthy salad recipe to optimize acidity levels:

  • 2 tbsp. l. Boil the beans. Grate fresh cucumber on a grater. Grate or finely chop 1 apple. Chop 0.5 onions. Stir, add a little vegetable oil (about 1 tbsp). If you have greens, you can also add them to the salad.
This dish serves as an excellent “cure” for your problem. In this case, beans are an acid-forming element. Apple and cucumber contain alkali. Fresh onions form an alkali (boiled ones form an acid). Greens also serve as powerful alkali producers.

Cabbage - perfect product. It can be consumed in various forms: raw, pickled, dry. Common white cabbage, cauliflower, and sea cabbage are also useful.

Traditional medicine has many recipes for cleansing the body. Here are some of them:

  1. Chamomile, tansy and St. John's wort - 1 tsp each. Mix. 1 tbsp. l. Pour a glass of boiling water over the resulting herbal collection. Cover and leave for 15 - 20 minutes. Strain. Drink the infusion half an hour before meals for 7 to 10 days;
  2. Rinse 1 cup of oats (unpeeled), pour 1 tbsp. water. Put on fire, simmer over low heat for 1 hour. Strain. Drink 1/3 - ¼ cup of this decoction throughout the day;
  3. 5 tbsp. l. pine needles (pine, spruce) pour 1 liter. water. It is better to take melt water for this. Add 3 tbsp. l. rose hips and 2 - 3 tbsp. l. onion peels. Put on fire, simmer over low heat for 10 - 15 minutes. Leave in a dark place for 10 - 12 hours. Drink this decoction in small sips throughout the day. The course of admission is 10 days. Every day you need to make a new decoction.
Representatives traditional medicine It is often recommended to use it to cure the vast majority of diseases. therapeutic fasting. In the fight against this problem, fasting helps as much as possible. You just need to approach this “smartly.” There are various contraindications and other nuances. There are people for whom fasting is strictly contraindicated. There are diseases (including their hidden forms) in which stopping food intake can cause a dangerous exacerbation. Therefore, if you decide to undertake such an experiment, you should consult your doctor before doing so. During the fasting period, it is necessary that there are close people next to you who can provide timely help (if such a need arises). There should always be a connection with your doctor, who can answer questions and come to the rescue in difficult times.

The activity of the human body depends on many factors. Our well-being is also affected by general health organs and systems, and the lifestyle we lead, and a balanced diet. Many experts argue that one of the most important factors determining the likelihood of developing various diseases is the acid-base balance of the body. Fluctuations in the acid-base balance lead to disruption of the functioning of organs and systems, which makes them defenseless against attacks by various viruses and bacteria. Let's talk about the role the acid-base balance of human blood plays in general, and also consider whether a blood test for acid-base balance is possible.

The term “acid-base balance” refers to the ratio of acid and alkali in any solution. When talking about such balance in the body, experts mean that our body is 80% water, and, accordingly, has a certain acid-base ratio, which is determined by pH. Its value depends on the number of negatively and positively charged ions and their ratio to each other.

How can the acid-base balance be disturbed?

Increased body acidity

Acidosis can provoke diseases of the heart and blood vessels, cause excess weight gain and diabetes. Increased acidity often leads to disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys and bladder and to the formation of stones. In patients with this problem, immunity deteriorates, weakness develops, and ability to work decreases. Acidosis often leads to brittle bones and causes other disorders in the musculoskeletal system. Patients experience joint pain and discomfort in the muscles.

Increased alkalinity in the body

With such a violation, experts talk about the development of alkalosis. In this case, the complete absorption of nutritional particles - vitamins and minerals - also deteriorates. When alkali accumulates in the body, food in general is digested slowly, causing toxins to enter the bloodstream. Alkalosis is particularly difficult to correct, but it develops quite rarely. In most cases this state is explained by the consumption of drugs containing alkali.

Acid-base balance analysis

A blood test for acidity can be performed in almost any clinic. Arterial blood is used for this study; it is taken from the capillaries on the finger. Next, laboratory technicians examine the blood using electrometric techniques in the laboratory. Normal arterial blood plasma acidity usually ranges from 7.37 to 7.43 pH. Even a slight shift from these data signals acidosis or alkalosis. It is worth noting that a change in blood acidity more than 7.8 pH or less than 6.8 pH is incompatible with life.

How to normalize blood acidity?

Controlling blood acidity is not that difficult, you just need to eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle. To achieve a balance of acid and alkali in the body during acidosis, you need to pay attention to. Particularly useful are different types of green salads, cereals, all varieties of vegetables (raw), as well as dried fruits and various nuts (especially walnuts and almonds). Patients with acidity disorders need to drink more plain pure drinking water.

Foods that remarkably increase the amount of alkali in the body include mango, melon, watermelon, lemons and oranges, as well as spinach, raisins, sultanas and apricots. Your diet should include freshly squeezed vegetable juices, fresh apples, parsley and celery. Garlic and many others will also be an excellent alkalizing agent. medicinal herbs.

When the body is oxidizing, it is advisable to significantly reduce the consumption of fatty, high-calorie and smoked foods, as well as alcoholic beverages. Patients with this disorder should not take excessive amounts of coffee and should not smoke.

It is also worth purchasing special medicinal alkaline water for internal consumption. It is enriched with ions and can strengthen the immune system. This drink effectively cleanses the body of toxins and waste, it can slow down the aging process and regulate the functioning of the digestive organs. This water should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach, and also during the day - two to three glasses.

Thus, changing your lifestyle and properly balanced diet will help maintain the acid-base balance of the body and avoid its fluctuations in one direction or another.

Traditional treatment

Traditional medicine specialists advise patients with acidity disorders to take medications based on various herbs to optimize the acid-base balance.

So, when oxidizing the body, taking simple decoction oat based. Rinse one glass of unrefined grains well and add a liter of water. Place the container with the medicine on the fire and boil for one hour. Strain the finished medicine and take it a third to a quarter of a glass at a time. Drink all the prepared product in a day.

Even if the acid-base balance is disturbed, you can prepare a medicine from equal parts of chamomile, tansy and St. John's wort. Brew a tablespoon of the resulting mixture with one glass of just boiled water. Infuse this medicine under the lid for fifteen to twenty minutes, then strain. Take half a glass of the finished product half an hour before meals. Drink the resulting volume of infusion per day in several doses. The duration of such therapy is one to one and a half weeks.

You can cope with disturbances in the acid-base balance with the help of medicine based on pine needles. You can use both spruce and pine needles. Rinse it thoroughly, dry it a little and chop it. Brew five tablespoons of this raw material with one liter of just boiled water. Add three tablespoons of chopped rose hips and a couple of tablespoons of chopped onion peel to the container. Place the container with the product over medium heat and bring to a boil. After the medicine boils, reduce the heat and simmer for ten to fifteen minutes. Infuse the resulting decoction for ten to twelve hours, then strain. Accept ready drink throughout the day in small sips. The duration of such treatment is one and a half weeks.

Violation of the acid-base balance of the blood is fraught with the development of many unpleasant symptoms: deterioration of well-being and performance, as well as the occurrence of various diseases. But, fortunately, such a problem can be prevented - you just need to eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle.

I know about you, but for me the phrase “acid-base balance” is strongly associated with advertising chewing gum. Firmly ingrained in memory advertising slogans Orbit and Dirol, which “will restore the acid-base balance.” At the same time, I never thought about what kind of balance this is and why restore it... And I associate the pH level with Johnson Baby creams, which have pH = 5.5, which is wonderful for a baby’s bottom))) Why is this so wonderful, I I never thought about it either.

It turned out that acid-base balance and pH levels are a very important topic in the context of health! Many diseases arise precisely because of an imbalance in this balance. Moreover, by the pH level we can understand whether we are at risk. I want to talk about why the balance may be upset and how to restore it.

In this article I will address the following questions:

  1. What are the indicators of health status?
  2. What is acid-base balance and pH level?
  3. What does the pH level indicate as an indicator of health?
  4. Why is the acid-base balance disturbed?
  5. How to measure pH levels at home?
  6. How to restore acid-base balance?

Very interesting information I heard about this topic at a lecture by Natalya Dubinchina, a practicing specialist in visceral therapy. Who doesn't know visceral therapy- This is an Old Slavonic technique for promoting health through various manipulations with the abdomen. That is, it's something like manual therapy, but only here it is not the bones and joints that are adjusted, but the internal organs - through a deep abdominal massage. This massage allows you to remove the clamps and blocks formed in the internal organs - the spleen, kidneys, stomach... The cause of such clamps is vascular spasm, and the cause of the spasm is, as always, illnesses of our soul - worries, resentments, fears, etc.

But let's return to the acid-base balance... At the lecture, I learned that the acid-base balance is the most important indicator of a person's health. What does it mean?

I deeply share this philosophy: human health= 50% body health + 50% spirit health. Body health determined by what we eat and how active our lifestyle is. Health of spirit is determined by how harmoniously we live with our inner self and our environment.

Indicators of spiritual health For example, there may be wrinkles on the face - they signal experienced emotions. Or posture - how confidently a person carries his body through life. Or obvious emotions that a person demonstrates - frequent irritation, anger, hysterics... Hidden indicators These are precisely the clamps of the internal organs - we ourselves may not notice them, but a specialist will immediately determine where you have the clamp and what it means.

The main indicator of body health is, of course, the body itself - how slim it is, what condition of the skin, hair, nails, teeth... Also an indicator of the health of the body is our waste - the frequency of stool and the color of urine can say a lot about health. And here hidden indicator is just the acid-base balance. Moreover, this indicator can signal a lot of things!

2. Acid-base balance and pH level.

Acid-base balance is the ratio of acid and alkali in fluids inside the body. What liquids are we talking about? Absolutely everything that is in the human body a: blood, lymph, intercellular fluid, saliva, gastric juice, bile, urine and others.

The human body is 65% fluid! And in a newborn baby - by 75-80%. Therefore, it is obvious that for the healthy functioning of the body, both internal organs and their condition, as well as internal fluids and their characteristics, are equally important! Or rather, even this: organs and fluids are not two separate components of the body, but this is our body, in which everything is interconnected - problems with internal organs necessarily affect the state of fluids in the body, and vice versa.

Like anyone else internal organ, fluids inside the body also have certain characteristics, the deviation of which from the norm signals health problems. One of these characteristics is just acid/base ratio.

The measure of the ratio of acid and alkali is pH level. There is a standard pH scale with divisions from 1 to 14. How to interpret it?

  • A value of 7 means a neutral environment.
  • Above 7 alkaline environment begins.
  • Below 7 the acidic environment begins.

In a healthy state, most fluids in the body are slightly alkaline:

  • Arterial blood pH = 7.36-7.42
  • Venous blood pH = 7.26-7.36
  • Lymph pH = 7.35-7.40
  • pH of intercellular fluid = 7.26-7.38
  • pH small intestine =7,2 — 7,5
  • Colon pH = 8.5-9.0
  • Bile pH = 8-8.5
  • Saliva pH = 6.8 - 7.4
  • Tear pH = 7.3-7.5
  • pH breast milk= 6.9 -7.5, etc.

Exceptions include urine and gastric juice:

  • Urine pH in the morning = 6.0–6.4, and in the evening = 6.4–7.3.
  • The pH in the stomach is very different depending on the section of the stomach: for example, in the lumen of the body of the stomach pH = 1.5 - 2.0 (this is on an empty stomach), in the depths of the epithelial layer of the stomach pH = 7.0, in the esophagus pH = 6, 0 - 7.0.

An acidic environment is needed in the stomach to trigger chemical reactions and digest food.

By the way, human blood more alkaline than blood predator by 1.58 times. Predators need an acidic environment to quickly digest the meat of a killed animal, sometimes along with the bones!

3. Acid-base balance and health.

As we have found out, most human fluids are slightly alkaline. Urine has more acid composition. And only stomach juices can be clearly acidic.

This is normal. In fact, most people's bodies are very acidic, and this applies to all liquids. That is, liquids that should be slightly alkaline move into the acidic zone. And the urine becomes highly acidic, that is, its pH approaches levels of 5-5.5.

This is a very bad signal, because the more “acidic” the body is, the more it wears out and the more often we get sick.

Acidification of the body is also called acidosis, and alkalization - alkalosis.

That's why I stopped getting sick completely when I switched to veganism (vegan food doesn't acidify)! It’s not that I used to be a super sick person, but like everyone else, I was sick 5 times a year, if not more. I mean runny noses in the off-season, or sore throat, plus a couple of times something like ARVI, sometimes bronchitis... In general, standard set... Now I remember this as if it were a distant past. Because I get colds very, very rarely. It's great that this is a bonus healthy image life and veganism can be experienced clearly and quickly. After about half a year, I noticed that I wasn’t getting sick...

Secondly, our body constantly trying to balance the acid-base balance and bring it back to normal, spending a lot of energy on this process. In this case, absolutely all mechanisms are activated (respiration, metabolism, hormone production, etc.) to remove caustic acid residues from the tissues and cells of the body without damaging living cells. If we constantly acidify our body (read how we do this below), then the body accordingly weakens and wears out over time.

Thirdly, in the process of balancing the acid-base balance, the body neutralizes the acid with alkali, and this leads to dire consequences. For example, the body leach calcium and magnesium from bones. And we are losing our reserves of valuable microelements! Why calcium and magnesium? The fact is that you can also alkalize acid with sodium magnesium, but their amount in the body is not large. Or potassium, but the body is smart and does not touch potassium, since its lack in cells can have a very bad effect on the functioning of the body. That's why calcium is used. Well, magnesium is always at the same time with calcium, since without magnesium calcium is not absorbed...

So, leaching of calcium from bones leads not only to sad consequences for the bones themselves. In this case, an excess amount of calcium is released into the blood, and the excess calcium is deposited not back in the bones, but in the kidneys and gall bladder in the form of stones. And a lack of magnesium, which is excreted along with calcium, can lead to a deficiency of minerals such as zinc, copper, potassium, and silicon.

When blood is acidified, red blood cells and platelets stick together and cholesterol oxidizes, which leads to blood clots and health problems. blood vessels. Acidification of the body can also affect the child during pregnancy, since amniotic fluid, which should normally be alkaline, can shift to a slightly acidic zone, which leads to negative consequences.

To be fair, I note that a skewed balance towards obvious alkalization is also bad. But research shows that the body’s resistance to alkalization is several times higher than to acidification. And sharp alkalization occurs much less frequently.

4. Why is the acid-base balance disturbed?

The main factor is food.

One of the main reasons for acidification of the body is an excess of acid-forming foods in the diet, leading to the accumulation of acidic deposits in cells and tissues. It turns out that each product either acidifies or alkalizes the body to a greater extent.

Therefore, it is more important and valuable from a health point of view not to focus on proteins, fats, carbohydrates and calories, as is customary now, but to evaluate food from the point of view of how it is digested by the body. Including from the point of view of whether it leads to the formation of excess acid or alkali in the body. If it does, then the body just has to take an alkali somewhere as compensation to neutralize the acid, which, as we already know, is harmful.

Each product is, from a chemical point of view, a set of different substances or components. Each of these components produces either an acid or an alkali when digested. Accordingly, in general, the set of these substances in each product also forms either an acid or an alkali to a greater extent. This is reflected by a special indicator - . When acid-forming components predominate in a product, the acid load is positive. And vice versa.

The acid load is measured in milliequivalents (mEg) per 100 kcal or per 100 g. product:

Source: Study “Estimation of the net acid load of the diet of ancestral preagricultural Homo sapiens and their hominid ancestors”, by Anthony Sebastian, Lynda A Frassetto, Deborah E Sellmeyer, Renée L Merriam, R Curtis Morris Jr.

*Note: Root vegetables include carrots, beets, radishes, etc. Tubers - 0 are potatoes, sweet potatoes, etc.

Acidic products include:

  • meat, fish, poultry
  • dairy products, incl. cheese and cottage cheese
  • sweets (not fruits!): jam, chocolate, cakes, candies
  • flour products(bread, pastries)
  • alcohol
  • sweet carbonated drinks
  • coffee, cocoa, black tea
  • vinegars, store-bought sauces, mayonnaise
  • cereals (least of all - spelt, barley, brown rice)

This is not in the table, but one of the most acid products is a soda that has a pH of 2.47 - 3.1. I drank a glass and immediately started the process of acidification of the body. And any sweets in general. And of course meat and eggs!!!

Alkaline foods include:

  • greenery!!!
  • ripe fruits (including lemon, orange, etc.)
  • dried fruits
  • berries
  • vegetables (including tomatoes)
  • legumes
  • herbal teas

Especially alkaline are greens, lemon, cabbage, cucumbers, celery, zucchini, and avocado.

In addition, the acidity of foods increases as a result of:

  • heat treatment
  • adding sugar (jam, fruit drinks)
  • adding acidic additives and preservatives (vinegars, sauces)

But it should be noted that processed vegetables (for example, steamed) are in any case better than initially acid-forming foods, such as meat or eggs. And of course processed acid-forming foods are the worst...


1. Acidic product ≠ acid-forming product! Sour foods taste sour or sweet-sour, while acid-forming foods can taste anything you want. A striking example is meat, which is an acid-forming product, but does not taste sour. Or lemon, which tastes sour but is actually converted into alkaline in the body. How to explain this? Very simple. This is explained by the laws of biochemistry.

2. Only alkaline fresh fruits and vegetables without foreign additives or processing. For example, sweetened fruit juice becomes acidic. Or canned vegetables also become acidic.

3. Only ripe fruits are alkaline. For example, a green banana is acidic, while a ripe banana is alkaline.

What about sour fruits?

Many people mistakenly fear sour fruits (citrus fruits, apples, grapes, pineapple). In fact, as I mentioned just above, lemon and other sour fruits do not have an acidifying effect on our body at all. Quite the opposite! If you look at the table of the acid load of foods (a little higher in the article), you will see that meat, milk, eggs, and soda form sulfuric acid during digestion. And fresh fruits contain organic acids: citric, malic, tartaric, etc.

Organic acids are easily absorbed by the body and give an alkaline reaction! The fact is that organic acids in the body easily break down into alkaline bases, carbon dioxide and water. The carbon dioxide is then released through the lungs. And water and alkali enter the body.

So rest assured - lemons and oranges will never acidify your body!!! For example, the pH of lemon is about 9, which means it is undoubtedly an alkaline product! The only exceptions are perhaps plums and prunes.

Of course, remember that everything is good in moderation. If you eat kilograms of sour fruits, then firstly, rinse your mouth after this (to take care of the enamel of your teeth) and do not eat sweets immediately after sour fruits (after sour fruits, the enamel becomes softer, and bacteria that multiply in the remains of sweets can it's easy to ruin the enamel). And one more thing - you can eat the sour fruits themselves as much as you like, but it’s better not to abuse freshly squeezed juices from them! In large quantities, they can actually reduce acidity.

What about the water?

Normally, water should not acidify the body in any way! Acidic water is dead water! It should be neutral or slightly alkaline. Acidity tap water and water in flowing reservoirs is usually close to PH=7.

But carbonated water that is not naturally carbonated has an acidic pH!

Other factors.

It should be added that in addition to food, the acid-base balance can be disturbed under the influence of the following factors:

  • stress and all sorts of worries
  • sedentary lifestyle
  • ecology (lack of fresh air)

5. How to restore the acid-base balance?

In order to restore the acid-base balance, and best of all, not to disturb it, it is necessary to eliminate negative factors, under the influence of which our pH shifts to the acidic zone:

  • When eating, focus on alkaline foods
  • Do not drink harmful sugary drinks (soda, packaged juice). Drink more plain water and moderately natural juices
  • Lead an active, mobile lifestyle
  • Strive to live in harmony with yourself and the world, minimize stress, resentment, and irritation.

First of all, you need, of course, to think about the consequences of acidifying the body, become aware of them and then eliminate the consumption of highly acidic foods. A list of them is given just above in the article. These are mainly animal products - meat, fish, eggs, dairy and junk food (mayonnaise, vinegar sauces, unhealthy sweets etc.).

In my articles, I have repeatedly described why animal products are harmful to the human body. Violation of the acid-base balance is not another reason not to eat meat. This is essentially the same reason that I write about all the time, just from a new angle - animal food is very difficult for humans. The biochemistry of our body is structured in such a way that we can easily and simply digest plant foods - nuts, vegetables, fruits, herbs, grains... They also contain the entire complex of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients necessary for humans. Meat is not fully absorbed by the body. It is only partially digested (at best, 70 percent), the rest settles throughout the body as waste, polluting it and leading to disease. Including one of the products of the breakdown of meat and other animal products is sulfuric acid, which acidifies the body and forces it to spend a lot of energy neutralizing this acid.

Eat more healthy alkaline plant foods. It will not harm the body in any way! in addition to all the other benefits of plant-based foods, you will provide the body with the right amount of alkali to avoid a situation where the body begins to take the missing alkali from its reserves - for example, bones.

In addition to food, to maintain health and normal acid-base balance, you need to engage in fitness and lead a maximally active lifestyle. During exercise, acid in the body breaks down faster and exits through the lungs as a gas. This is certainly not a panacea, but an additional factor for maintaining your health!

6. How to measure pH levels at home?

I have great news for you. You can see for yourself what I wrote here without leaving your home!

For this purpose, there are so-called test strips to determine your pH level. With their help, you can easily and quickly find out the pH level of your urine or saliva. Blood PH can also be found out, but not at home, but in the laboratory, in order to avoid bloodshed))) That’s why I call the acid-base balance an indicator of health. You can easily find out how your food affects your health while sitting at home!

You can buy such strips mainly online. They are also available in pharmacies, but rarely, and not for everyone. They may be called urine test strips or simply litmus papers to determine pH. They cost pennies - less than 100 rubles. for 50 pcs.

They are easy to use. You need to dip the test strip into the urine and that’s it. The strip will change color. You will need to find this color on the color palette printed on the test strip packaging. And draw conclusions. This should be done either once a day in the morning. Or 2 times - morning and evening.

As I already wrote, in the morning your pH should be 6.0–6.4 (if higher, that’s good!!!), and in the evening = 6.4–7.3. If you get a figure of 6.0 or lower in the morning, and 6.5 or lower in the evening, then this is a clear sign strong acidification of the body, which is bad. This means that you do not have sufficient alkaline reserves in your body to neutralize the acid that is abundant in your body.

The pH level of saliva should be in the range of 6.5-7.5. Optimal time to measure the acidity of saliva - the first half of the day, from 10 to 12 hours. It is better on an empty stomach - 2 hours before or after a meal.

It's interesting to watch the pH level change depending on the food you eat. For example, in the morning your pH was 6.5. If you have been eating animal foods all day, you will notice that your pH stays in the acidic zone throughout the day. If you eat only plant foods, your pH will be in the alkaline or very slightly acidic range. These changes can be remembered or written down in your phone or notepad.

You don’t need to be constantly measuring pH levels, there’s no point in doing that. It’s just interesting and important to find out your indicators, understand that they really depend on the food you eat, and draw conclusions. After all, knowledge about acid-base balance helps you feel your body better and keep it clean and healthy!

7. Conclusions.

Eat more healthy plant foods and especially raw green leafy vegetables and less foods high in animal protein, sugar and flour!

If you still eat a lot of acid-forming foods, then buy strips to determine your pH level. See for yourself that this food acidifies your body and makes it weaker!

And most importantly - be healthy!

Back in 1931, Dr. Otto Heinrich Warburgfrom Germany received Nobel Prize linking the appearance of cancer with a violation of the acid-base balance (pH) in the human body. The fact is that cancer cells arise and multiply in an acidic environment, and die in an alkaline environment within a few hours.

The normal level of alkaline balance in the body is 7.36 and it directly depends on what we eat and what we drink. Simply put, everything that gets into us either oxidizes or alkalizes our body.

Otto Warburg continued his research and made another amazing discovery: cancer can be cured with... calcium. And calcium, as everyone knows, is an alkali! But today’s article is not about calcium, but about foods that either lower or increase the alkaline balance of our body.

Normal acid-base balance is one of the MOST important conditions for the proper functioning of all chemical processes in our body. The supply of oxygen to every cell of our body depends on the acid-base balance. normal functioning all cells. If the balance is disturbed, the metabolism is disturbed. The cell stops receiving oxygen, weakens, the body stops fighting, and pathologies arise. A healthy acid-base balance is the key to the proper functioning of all body systems: starting from absorption useful elements and ending with the removal of processed food waste and cleansing the body of toxins and waste.

The food we eat and process leaves waste in us. To combat oxidizing waste, our bodies have reserves of alkali, but they are not unlimited. To fight oxidizing waste, our body gives up its reserves of minerals that are vital for us: first sodium, which we already have very little of, and then calcium, magnesium. Teeth suffer, and bones become brittle and porous, which in medicine is called osteoporosis. The body begins to age prematurely.

Unfortunately, in high-speed modern world basic food products are products fast food and they promote oxidation in the body. It's vital to consciously add more to your diet. products that increase the alkaline balance in the body. Our organs should have a neutral or slightly alkaline pH of 7.36. If the pH of the body is below 7.36, the environment is acidic and this is called acidosis. Many symptoms and illnesses that affect most modern people, indicate precisely acidosis, acidification of the body.

How to check your acid-base balance?

Testing yourself is quite simple. There are special litmus strips that you can use to easily determine your pH level, even at home. You can also get tested in a laboratory. You can test saliva or urine.

Urine pH indicators and their interpretation:

– 5.5 – 6.4 – acidic environment,

– 6.5 – 7.5 – neutral,

- more than 7.5 - alkaline environment.

It is important to remember that the very first time you go to the toilet in the morning, your urine will be more acidic. This is due to the fact that the kidneys cleanse the body all night and remove remaining acid. It is better to check the acid level the second time you go to the toilet. The acidity of urine is influenced by many factors, so it is better to take several acidity measurements and calculate the arithmetic average before drawing a conclusion about your level of acid-base balance.

Remember that if your pH is less than 7, unfortunately, your body has a favorable environment for the proliferation of infections, fungi, viruses, etc.

Signs of body acidification

In fact, the state of the body’s acid-base balance is not deservedly ignored in the modern world. Doctors often treat the symptoms rather than the cause. Apparently, they have already lost hope that patients will become aware and return to healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle.

As mentioned above, a lack of calcium in the bones is most often a consequence of acidity in the body. Increased acidity also leads to headache, upset stomach, joint pain, allergies, decreased immunity. Affects the heart, lungs, liver and kidneys. Violation of the acid-base balance VERY STRONGLY affects endocrine system human: causes malfunctions of the thyroid gland, pancreas, disrupts the balance of all hormones in the body. General malaise, fatigue, frequent colds, and skin diseases can also indicate acidity in the body. Acidification occurs cumulatively, from minor symptoms to severe disruptions in the functioning of the body.

What to do to maintain the correct balance in the body? Use more foods that increase the alkaline balance in the body.

For a healthy person in the diet, it is important to adhere to the ratio of oxidizing and alkalizing products 50X50, for a patient 80X20 (80% alkalizing, 20% oxidizing products).

Acidosis and your weight?

With acidosis (oxidation of the body), weight begins to grow rapidly. Not having time to cope with oxidizing food residues, the body sends them to body fat. The more acidified your body is, the easier and faster you gain excess weight. In addition, with acidosis, the level of cortisol, which regulates metabolic processes, increases, and insulin levels are disrupted. These disorders also lead to the deposition of fat accumulation.

As a result, the more acidic your body is, the harder and harder it is for you to burn calories, and your fat accumulation grows faster and faster, adding extra weight to you and taking away your health.

What foods acidify the body?

The most common enemies of normal acid-base balance are sweets, white flour products, carbonated sweet drinks, they strongly oxidize the body. Oddly enough, these products do not taste sour. It is very surprising that the sour-tasting lemon is the “king” of alkalization! This is not a mistake; lemon creates an alkaline environment in the body.

Foods that primarily acidify the body:

Sunflower oil replace with olive oil.

- Play sports, it helps to alkalize the body.

Our body is also constantly exposed to free radicals. This is also an oxidation process, only with different mechanisms. To fight this oxidation and free radicals we need ANTIOXIDANTS. A very detailed article about this and

A recipe for delicious apricot jelly that helps alkalize the body

Dried apricots – 150 g

Dried apples - 100 g

Raisins – 60 g

Freshly squeezed orange juice - 4 cups

Cook all ingredients over low heat until the fruit becomes soft.

Grind in a blender until smooth. Keep refrigerated.

Maintaining the acid-base balance of the body the right level- one of the keys to health. The human gastrointestinal tract is capable of self-regulation, but still one cannot neglect the advice of doctors and nutritionists who recommend reducing the consumption of acidic foods and increasing the amount of alkaline ones. If you maintain a normal acid-base balance, you can avoid many ailments.

What does the normal acid-base balance of the body mean?

The basic law of the existence of the human physical body, as initially healthy, is the maintenance of an acid-base balance (equilibrium, condition) in it. What does acid-base balance mean and how to maintain it at the desired level?

Acid-base balance of the body is a set of physicochemical and physiological processes that ensure the relative constancy of the blood hydrogen index pH = 7.4 ± 0.15. This is the only indicator that should not change throughout a person’s life. The acid-base balance of the human body directly affects life expectancy and premature aging of the body. Chronic acidification is the source of many diseases. Maintain acid-base balance - and your health will not be impaired. Body tissues are very sensitive to fluctuations in pH; outside the range of 7.37-7.44, protein denaturation occurs: cells are destroyed, enzymes lose the ability to perform their functions, and then more.

The degree of acidity is important characteristic blood and other body fluids. A neutral reaction corresponds to pH=7.0. pH values ​​greater than 7.0 are alkaline, while pH values ​​less than 7.0 are acidic. In the blood this indicator is 7.4 - all resuscitators know this. A decrease in pH from this value is oxidation, called acidosis, an increase is alkalosis, an alkaline reaction. In the blood, pH can fluctuate between 7.35-7.47. If blood pH values ​​go beyond these limits, this indicates serious disorders in the body. If the pH in the blood has decreased by 0.2-0.3, then the person is already sick. pH values ​​below 6.8 and above 7.8 are incompatible with life.

Without restoring the body's acid-base balance to physiological norm It is impossible to save a person from health problems.

Regulating the acid-base balance with food

Maintaining the acid-base balance within the specified limits depends mainly on the composition of the food, which has acidic and alkaline properties. Their ratio should be 1 to 4, that is, there are fewer acidic products than alkaline ones. But, unfortunately, with the development of civilization and the perversion of many laws of nature in human life, this ratio has changed exactly the opposite: his consumption of acidic foods has become more than alkaline ones. Such an imbalance in the consumption of acidic and alkaline foods leads to acidification of the internal environment of the body, its contamination and is the main cause of diseases, the nature of which does not matter.

The acid-base balance in the human body largely depends on the foods that a person consumes. When foods enter the body, they make the blood either acidic or alkaline, and the taste of the foods has nothing to do with it. Suppose you are going to eat meat. This is a powerful acid-forming product. When you eat meat, the pH in liquid environments, blood, decreases. When meat digestion begins, hydrochloric acid with a pH of 2.0-3.0 is released in the stomach. This acid must eat away the meat in order to take from it what the body needs, that is, the meat must be processed. The body is a powerful environment, which then slowly increases the acidity that is in the meat when it is destroyed, due to the reserve capabilities of the body, to 6.5-7.0. Today it increases, tomorrow it increases, and the day after tomorrow, especially when people eat a lot of meat, acidity can no longer rise to safe values. The body's resources are gradually exhausted, and the person becomes ill.

When the acid-base balance is disturbed, the indicators shift towards acidity, the body self-regulates due to reserve alkali, thereby preventing the pH from going beyond normal limits. But how does this happen, how does the body control the level of acidity?

  • Releases acids through gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, lungs, skin.
  • Neutralizes acids with the help of minerals: calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium.
  • Accumulates acids in tissues, primarily in muscles.

To maintain the acid-base balance of the body and neutralize acids, first of all, magnesium and calcium are washed out of the bones, as a result, muscles lose tone, osteoporosis and joint destruction develop. Acidic environment - ideal conditions for the formation of stones in the kidneys and other organs. To alkalize acids, magnesium, sodium and potassium are taken away, which causes disruption of the kidneys, heart and blood vessels, causing hemorrhoids, varicose veins, and gout. Acidification causes hypertension, etc. Therefore, to regulate the acid-base balance, it is necessary to replenish these microelements so that acid does not accumulate in the blood, tissues, organs and muscles. Chronic acidification can cause hypofunction of the thyroid gland, anxiety, insomnia, low blood pressure, fluid retention in the body, etc., even oncology. It also becomes thick, blood clots may occur, and blood circulation is impaired.

The strength of muscle contractions changes: the weakening of the eye muscles is the cause of the development of senile farsightedness, the weakening of the heart muscle is the cause of heart failure, the weakening of the smooth muscles of the intestines is the cause of many digestive problems, etc. A decrease in pH in the body leads to a decrease in immunity and the appearance of more than 200 diseases, including cancer. If one person has several diseases at the same time, there is a clear drop in blood pH.

Chemists and biochemists know that if you place cancer cells in an acidic environment with a pH of 6.5, they will begin to grow by leaps and bounds. For them, such an environment is “manna from heaven.” If these same cancer cells are placed in an alkaline environment with pH = 7.4-7.5 and higher, they will die, and beneficial microflora will flourish. In the normal environment that should be in our body, not a single pathogenic microflora, including cancer cells, cannot live. She lives in an oxygen-free acidic environment, where everything rots and wanders, like in a swamp, there is little oxygen there, the same happens in the body.

How to normalize the acid-base balance in the human body

According to anthropologists, the diet of ancient man consisted of 1/3 of lean meat of wild animals and 2/3 of plant foods. Under these conditions, the diet was exclusively alkaline. Accordingly, our ancestors had the correct acid-base balance. The situation changed fundamentally with the emergence of agrarian civilization, when people began to eat a lot of grain crops, dairy products and fatty meat from domestic animals. But a particularly dramatic shift in nutrition occurred at the end of the 20th century, when industrially processed, acidic foods took over the diet. The modern diet is rich in saturated fats, simple sugars, table salt and is low in fiber, magnesium and potassium. It is dominated by refined and processed foods, sugar, flour products, and many different semi-finished products. These are pizza, chips, glazed cheese curds, newly-minted miracle dairy products, confectionery, and soft, sweet drinks. This food has acidic valencies.

Of course, our body itself knows perfectly well how to maintain the acid-base balance; it constantly strives to balance it, maintaining a strictly defined pH level. But, unfortunately, the body often cannot cope and gets slagged. Therefore, he needs help. Your diet should be 1 part acidic foods, and 3 parts are alkaline; 57-59% calories daily diet should be supplied through the consumption of carbohydrates (vegetables, fruits, grains), 13% should be proteins, 30% fats.

How to normalize the acid-base balance of the body accessible ways? For this it is recommended:

  • reducing the amount of animal fats consumed, giving preference to light or polyunsaturated vegetable oils, reducing sugar consumption;
  • increase the amount of variety in your diet fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • reduce meat consumption, replace it with fish and soy products;
  • reduce consumption of salted, smoked and canned foods;
  • avoid overcooked, burnt food, artificially colored foods;
  • increase the use of antioxidants;
  • provide the body with necessary vitamins and microelements;
  • eat when you feel hungry (this does not apply to cases of severe exhaustion, etc.). Food must be chewed thoroughly. It is recommended to have dinner no later than 2 hours before bedtime.
  • To improve the acid-base balance, as required by the body, you need to combine foods correctly; It is especially harmful to combine fruits with starch or proteins, different types of proteins, starchy foods with proteins;
  • Avoid eating very hot or cold foods.

How to establish and improve acid-base balance

If a person receives a balanced diet including essential vitamins, antioxidants and microelements, sometimes this is enough against the backdrop of a healthy lifestyle to bring the body into the health zone, and then the likelihood of developing diseases is significantly reduced. Special means help speed up this process - food additives, which are often complex compositions that have not only cleansing, but also adaptogenic properties. Food supplements made from mushrooms, honey, and seafood have certain prospects. They are successfully used for prevention colds, as well as diseases of aging.

How to establish acid-base balance using foods? As for the composition of food and the optimal diet, then, according to the latest data, in order to solve the problems of providing the body with energy, the issue must be considered purely individually. If a person is overweight, then the caloric content of food must be reduced. But in general, 2/3 of your diet should be vegetables and fruits. It is advisable to divide the daily portion of vegetables and fruits into five doses, for example: in the morning - 1 apple, before lunch - 2 carrots, then you eat a bowl of sauerkraut, then a pear, in the evening - a banana.

Be sure to include grains in your diet. Most positive things have been written about buckwheat (especially recommended for cancer prevention and for cancer patients) and millet (a carrier of zinc, which is of great importance for maintaining immunity and for vision). To normalize the acid-base balance, products such as all kinds of sausages, smoked meats, and marinades should be avoided.

If there is a disease, it is not enough to balance the amount of alkaline and acidic foods; in this case, the person already needs a special diet.

According to modern scientific data, about 50% of cancer cases can be prevented with targeted balanced diet in combination with physical activity. According to recent studies, according to at least 4 million cases of cancer could be avoided if people ate less meat and more vegetables. Thus, there is no doubt about the need to enrich food with natural products. The undoubted benefits of including wheat sprouts (especially green sprouts, and not sprouts in the composition) in the diet of cancer patients, but to a greater extent - for the prevention of cancer, have been proven food additives). Recently, an increasing number of studies have been devoted to the study of the antitumor properties of spices (the presence of antitumor properties, for example, ginger, has been proven).

How, in practice, to maintain the acid-base balance in the body, adhering to the specified balance of acidic and alkaline foods? Let's take a simple example. Again with meat. To neutralize its negative effects on the body (that is, acidification), you need to eat at least 150-300 g of plant foods per 50-100 g of meat, for example, stewed vegetables or herbs.

Table of foods that affect acid-base balance

Below are the names of products that have acid-forming and alkaline properties, in a generalized form.

Table of alkaline and acidic foods most often present in the diet:



White bread


Dry wines


Tap water







Greens (tops, leaves)

Full fat milk


Pasteurized milk




White meat





Corn oil

Sugar, caramel

Olive oil

Lemon juice

Soybean oil


Low fat milk

Vinegar essence


Black coffee, tea, cocoa

Black and red hot pepper


Sprouted wheat







The indicated acidic foods do not bring anything good for the acid-base balance: they acidify the internal environment of the body, the blood, the entire “liquid conveyor belt”, lead to a more intense course of all biochemical and energetic processes, thereby accelerating the appearance of various, first functional, and then and pathological changes.

Eating acidic foods leads to acidification of the body, which means to diseases of the joints, bones, muscles, eyes, cardiovascular, pulmonary and nervous systems, depression, pain in the heart, arrhythmia, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, various types cancer, etc. Strong tea, coffee, all carbonated drinks contribute to acidification of the body, mineral water(except alkaline), all chemical drugs and even profanity (expletive). All this introduces energy-informational “dirt” into the water, from which the human body mainly consists.

The presence of foods in the same column of the table does not always mean that they can be eaten at the same time. For example, meat and fish consist of proteins of different types, which may require from the body different composition gastric juice. Therefore, it is recommended to eat these foods at different times.

The main thing to remember: in the body, as in Nature, the ratio of alkalis and acids should be 4 to 1, otherwise the body has a hard time.

To alkalize, the body takes calcium from its own bones. With age, it is necessary to limit the consumption of animal proteins: meat, fish up to 2-3 times and eggs up to 10 pieces. per week (preferably quail 3-5 pieces). Avoid fried, smoked and very salty foods. Limit or completely eliminate confectionery and baked goods made from high-ground flour (white varieties), refined products: sugar, sweets, carbonated drinks (Coca-Cola, lemonade, etc.). As for fats, you should give preference to melted butter and pork lard. Vegetable oil should only be taken in fresh, during heat treatment it loses everything that was useful in it.

Restoring the acid-base balance of the body with the help of normalizing products

Acidic and alkaline products presented in the table differ in composition. In animal food, acidic minerals predominate (phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur, etc.) and organic acids are completely absent. In plant foods, which contain a lot of organic acids, alkaline elements such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, silicon, etc. predominate.

In addition to the products that affect the acid-base balance, which are listed in the table, all other cereals, wholemeal flour and cereals, edible mushrooms of all types, Jerusalem artichoke, and any fruits do not reduce the pH value.

Highly alkalizing vegetables - cabbage, carrots, beets, turnips, radishes, radishes, salads, melon, watermelon, fruits: sweet grapes, sweet apples, apricots, pears, persimmons.

With age, in order to normalize the acid-base balance of the body, some foods must be particularly limited. In particular, it is recommended to reduce the consumption of animal proteins: meat, fish - up to 1-2 times a week, eggs - up to 10 pieces. per week (and preferably quail eggs, 3-5 pcs.). In case of any disease and after 40-50 years (with rare exceptions), you should generally give up animal products. For a normal acid-base balance, it is better to exclude fried, smoked, and very salty foods from the diet. As for fats, you should give preference to melted butter and lard. Vegetable oil should only be consumed fresh; during heat treatment, it loses everything useful in it. It is better to limit or completely eliminate confectionery and baked goods made from high-ground flour (white varieties), refined products: sugar, sweets, carbonated drinks (Coca-Cola, lemonade, etc.).

For a normal acid-base balance, foods from the table presented above must be generally reduced, thereby reducing the amount of food eaten. We eat too often and in large quantities, and our gastrointestinal tract does not have time to digest what we eat. We eat what is harmful to us, heat-treat foods (cook and fry), and gorge ourselves at night. Not in vain smart people noticed that “a person eats too much; in order to live, even 1/4 of what he consumes would be enough for him. The remaining 3/4 is spent on giving work to doctors.”

However, it is not enough to consume foods that normalize the acid-base balance; it is important to change your lifestyle in general. Remember that acidification of the body is promoted by inactivity, stress, smoking, alcohol, as well as pessimism, aggressiveness, envy, jealousy, and quarrelsomeness. They were jealous, they quarreled, they got upset - their condition worsened, something got sick. So draw your conclusions!

The hydrogen index - the pH of the internal environment of the body - is the most important indicator that should be at the forefront of the work of any doctor. This especially applies to therapists, oncologists, and surgeons who perform operations. Chemical drugs themselves, chemotherapy, radiotherapy are acid-forming substances and methods that lead to terrible acidification of the body's environment. If a person is already sick, then these means drive him into a state from which he cannot get out.

The simplest and also fairly accurate method of measuring pH at home is the method of measuring using litmus paper (sold in pharmacies).

To determine the patient's acid-base balance traditional healers We found very simple methods. Look into the person's eyes: if the conjunctiva is pale, whitish - the body is acidified, dark pink or dark red - the alkali content is increased, bright pink - the body is healthy. Or this method: if the left nostril breathes easier, the reaction is acidic, if the right nostril is alkaline, if both nostrils breathe equally, the acid-base balance is normal.

Knowing how to normalize the acid-base balance, try to do everything to maintain the pH at the optimal level.

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