Traditional medicine recipes using basil. For toothache. Natural hair conditioner

Nowadays, every housewife knows what basil is. The use of aromatic herbs in culinary dishes has become traditional: the spice is actively used both as a seasoning and as a separate ingredient. In addition, the grass is very popular in folk medicine, the field of beauty and cosmetology.

General information

Basil is an annual plant whose leaves are colored emerald or rich purple. The first type of herb is especially popular in Europe, where it is used in cooking Mediterranean cuisine. The second variety, which has a sharper aroma, is loved in the Caucasus and Asia. Spice can smell completely different. One of the most popular in Russia is lemon basil: the use of seasoning adds pleasant citrus notes to soups and pastas. There are also clove, pepper, marinade, menthol, vanilla, anise and caramel odors of the plant.

In general, more than a hundred varieties of basil are cultivated in all corners of the planet. Each variety “loves” its own air temperature and humidity, so the species that grows in Asia cannot take root in Africa. In addition, climatic conditions also affect the appearance of the plant, its size, color and smell. Most often basil can be found in countries Latin America, in the Mediterranean countries and in Central Asia.

Composition and calorie content

Basil, the use of which is very beneficial for health, is known for its rich chemical composition. Firstly, it is a storehouse of vitamin C, as well as A, B2 and PP. Secondly, the plant can boast high content essential oil- up to 1.5%, as well as phytoncides and rutins. By the way, the first of the above substances is an antioxidant and has pronounced bactericidal properties. It contains such a useful substance as eugenol, which has a beneficial effect on human health and appearance.

It should be noted that the seasoning contains tannins, glycosides and other bioactive components. When losing weight, basil is also actively used, the properties, application and composition of which are indispensable during dietary nutrition. Fat people they know that it is low-calorie: in its raw form it is 27 kcal per 100 grams, in dried form it is 251 kcal per the same serving. In addition, they know the effect of the plant on metabolism, which makes it easier and faster to lose excess weight.

Use in cooking

Basil is suitable for almost any dish. Use in cooking has its own characteristics: fresh herbs are added to cold appetizers and soups; in other cases, powder is often used, and dry plant stems are used for marinades. In the UK, for example, it is invariably seasoned with pates and stews, as well as dishes containing cheese and tomatoes. In France, the herb is an indispensable ingredient in ox tail and turtle soup soups.

Its further fate also depends on the aroma of the spice. Anise usually accompanies fish and vegetable culinary masterpieces, pepper and clove - meat products. But lemon basil is more suitable for drinks and sweet dishes, the use of which adds a refreshing effect to every dish. For such dessert versions of dishes, plants with caramel and vanilla aroma are also used. Experienced chefs say that basil can decorate crab and egg salads, but it is not suitable for bean and potato dishes. The plant creates amazing flavor notes together with savory - this duo enhances the pungency and spiciness of products.


The plant is very helpful for sore throats. It is used to make an infusion for gargling and various compresses. The herb is used in the treatment of skin diseases, as it relieves inflammation, eliminates itching and calms pain. To do this, you need to take a dried plant (without root) and chop it. Then two tablespoons of powder are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water, filtered and drunk 1/2 cup 3 times a day after meals. Hot decoction is also taken for inflammation Bladder and kidneys intestinal colic and flatulence, bronchial asthma and epilepsy, neuroses and headaches. If a patient has indigestion, he is recommended to drink this drink: a teaspoon of the plant is poured with boiling water and left for an hour in a dark place.

The use of basil in medicine is also supported by medical professionals. However, they advise consulting with your doctor, since this herb has a number of contraindications, especially during pregnancy. Despite the fact that it contains a lot of vitamins and useful substances, spice increases the tone of the uterus, and this can provoke premature birth.

Other beneficial properties and contraindications

To young mothers in in moderation Basil is allowed. The seasoning, the use of which during pregnancy is under the strictest taboo, is beneficial during breastfeeding, as it significantly increases lactation. The plant also reduces menstrual pain, reduces high blood pressure and gives vigor. To treat migraines, it is recommended to apply a paste of leaves to the temples; after this procedure, a noticeable improvement occurs. Basil also promotes the active absorption of nutrients during meals and improves digestion in general. Herbal baths eliminate sweaty feet and unpleasant odors.

Despite this, there are a number of illnesses during which the spice is contraindicated. The plant should not be used after a stroke or heart attack, when a person has poor blood clotting, suffers from epilepsy, thrombosis or thrombophlebitis. Basil contains many mercury compounds, so even healthy people abuse is harmful. You need to dose the essential oil especially carefully, and it is also not recommended to chew fresh leaves of the plant, since prolonged contact with teeth can damage the protective enamel.

Application in cosmetology

Basil oil is used for healthy skin. The use of the plant helps improve the elasticity of the epidermis and smooth out early wrinkles. For deep damage and serious skin problems the herb is not effective, so as a basic cosmetic product oil is not suitable. But as an active additive for everyday care, it is welcome. The only exception is that basil cannot be used to eliminate warts; it can aggravate the situation and provoke inflammation and redness of the formations.

Effect on the nervous system

Essential oil from the spice is one of the most tonic, so it effectively and quickly affects emotional sphere person. Spicy and aromatic basil literally clears the mind - the use of this miraculous herb has a direct proportional effect on the human nervous system. Namely, concentration and attention are restored, memory improves. The plant is called an optimist, as it not only relieves nervousness and lifts the mood, but also develops intuition and promotes decision-making to get out of difficult life situations.

The spice develops mental capabilities, helps cope with brain tension during active work, promotes creative thinking. Inhaling the aroma of basil essential oil, a person will definitely feel how his self-esteem and confidence in own strength, adequacy of perception of surrounding people and current events. This oil can become the main weapon in the fight against complexes and depression. Basil - the best remedy for the treatment of depression, addictions, stress disorders and chronic fatigue.

Preparing basil for the winter

In order for the plant to “work”, they need to be properly and competently stocked up for the winter. Basil, whose use in cooking is known to all the world's leading chefs, allows for several preparation methods: freezing, drying and pouring oil. Each of these options has its own advantages. For example, dried basil has a richer aroma, while oiled basil can retain maximum nutrients. As for frozen herbs, they are convenient for making soups and pastes.

The most popular method is still drying basil. In order for it to retain a maximum of vitamins and microelements, it must be collected correctly. This is usually done before flowering begins, otherwise the leaves become tough and hard, and therefore unsuitable for cooking. You need to dry the basil in the oven at a temperature of 40º degrees for an hour with the door ajar. After this, the stems and leaves are crushed and packaged in bags. More details on how to prepare basil, application, recipes and use of the plant can be found in any reference book on growing plants.

To make your basil as fragrant as possible, using the plant to decorate dishes with its scent and enrich them with useful substances, the dried plant should be stored away from sunlight. During cooking, the spice is added actually before the end of the heat treatment - 15 minutes before the end of cooking. In this case, the essential oils from the herb will not have time to evaporate. Basil cannot be cut with a knife; it is better to chop it with your hands - tear it into pieces.

If fresh leaves are poured with vinegar, the basil will acquire a piquant taste and unusual smell. They are recommended to season salads and sauces. This vinegar is an ideal addition to vegetable dishes. In order for basil to retain its properties, it can be salted. The grass in this form goes well with meat products. Chefs claim that basil is truly unique seasoning, but you need to use this gift of nature carefully. After all, even the most useful plant, if used ineptly and illiterately, can cause significant and irreparable harm to health.

People have known about basil since ancient times. Even then they used it for treatment various ailments. Modern research has proven useful and healing properties plants, which made it possible to use it in folk medicine, as well as to produce drugs based on it.

Biological description and distribution

Basil belongs to the genus of perennial and annual herbs, as well as shrubs of the Lamiaceae family. Representatives of the genus grow in tropical and warm temperate regions of the Old World. The plant is wide popular names « raikhon " And " Reagan ».

Science knows about 70 varieties of basil, but residents of European countries actively use only 3 types: Greek, purple and sweet, which differ from each other in leaf size and have more or less pronounced spicy and aromatic qualities.

Basil is known as an aromatic herb. In India, it was considered a sacred spice, and in Ayurveda it was written about as a remedy for various diseases. IN Ancient Greece rayhon received the title of "royal herb" because it was (supposedly) included in the anointing oils used by kings.

In Greece, Reagan is still appreciated. On the island of Crete it is considered a symbol of painful love that has gone through numerous trials. In India, the holy basil is known as “tulsi”, which means “incomparable”.

IN European countries The plant became widespread only in the 16th century. In those days it was called a spice worthy of kings. Then they learned about the basilica in the Pacific Islands and Africa.

The district appeared in Russia at the beginning of the 17th century. Its fresh leaves were eaten with salt and used as a seasoning for roasts. Outstanding doctors Pirogov and Botkin spoke about the healing properties of the plant. During World War I, basil was used to treat wounds.

Today, Reagan is found wild in the Mediterranean (mainly on sunny slopes). It is cultivated in Europe, America, Iceland, Crimea, Krasnodar region and other corners of the earth.

Basil: uses and beneficial properties

  1. In medicine.

Due to the large number of beneficial properties, basil-based drugs are produced for the treatment of migraines, headaches, chronic gastritis, bronchitis, colitis and acute respiratory infections.

Reagan oil is used to normalize local circulation, treatment of arthritis, rheumatism, removal muscle pain, fighting colds, coughs, neurosis, depression, nausea.

Basil has an analgesic and antiseptic effect. Ointments that contain it are intended for the treatment of neuritis, myositis, and arthritis.

  1. In cooking.

Fresh and dried leaves of the young plant are often used as a seasoning. They are added to sauces, soups and other dishes, and also added to vegetable preparations, pickles and sausages (to give them flavor). Crushed rayon and rosemary leaves are mixed together and used as pepper.

Basil is known all over the world. Its ground flowers and leaves are used as a spice in dried or fresh. It gives dishes a pleasant, sweetish aroma and delicate taste. IN Food Industry This plant serves as an additive to semi-finished meat products, canned food, sausages and liqueurs.

Residents of Asia season fish dishes, cheeses and vegetable salads. It is used to add flavor to ketchups, soups, sauces and gravies. Basil is used all over the world as a component of spicy mixtures and spices, as well as an additive to canned food and marinades.

At heat treatment the plant loses its properties, so it is added to the dish before serving. There is about ½ gram of spice per serving. Wide Application Reagan in cooking is due to its taste and aromatic qualities, as well as beneficial properties.

  1. In cosmetology.

Basil oil is used to eliminate wrinkles, normalize protein metabolism and water-fat balance. In perfumery, it is added to perfumes, soaps, and toothpastes to give them aroma.

In ancient times, Reagan was used to regain lost youth. Scientists have proven that this plant can stop the aging process, but for cosmetic purposes it should not be used by allergy sufferers and people with sensitive skin, since it contains active substances, causing irritation.

  1. At home.

The plant is used for cooking disinfectants, as well as for aromatizing rooms.

Composition of basil

For 100 gr. The product contains about 23 kcal.

Nutritional value (per 100 g):

– fats – 9.9%;

– proteins – 48.9%,

- carbohydrates - 41.1%.

to his pleasant smell the seasoning is due to the essential oils included in its composition. Basil is rich in useful substances: camphor, cineole, saponin, methyl chavinol, ocimene, as well as vitamins: B2, PP, C, routin, carotene.

Useful properties and contraindications for consuming basil

Beneficial features:

The plant is a powerful antiseptic, as it contains linalol. This substance also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain and heart.

In folk medicine, raykhon is used as a carminative and diuretic. It is famous for its ability to remove mucus from the bronchi during respiratory ailments.

Regular consumption of basil improves cerebral circulation and blood circulation in the vessels, and also helps cope with headaches and migraines.

Reagan is used for intestinal colic and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Drink for indigestion herbal infusion or tea.

Raykhon essential oil is used for stressful situations, for the treatment of neurosis and the fight against insomnia. It takes great pictures nervous tension and calms. It is important to note that essential oil should not be used in pure form. It must be diluted with water.

Camphor, which is part of the plant, determines its ability to have a stimulating effect on the depressed nervous system.

The antiseptic properties of basil are used in the treatment of ailments. respiratory tract. It is used for colds and flu to reduce body temperature.

Basil activates education gastric juice, therefore shown at poor appetite. It stimulates digestion, normalizes intestinal microflora, and relaxes the muscles of the stomach. This plant eliminates inflammatory process, relieves spasms, helps cope with nausea and vomiting. Reagan is used for constipation, as it has a laxative effect, and for diarrhea, as a means of destroying harmful bacteria and microbes.

Rayhon tones the heart and reduces pressure in blood vessels. Thanks to its vasodilating properties, it facilitates blood flow to internal organs. This plant is used to treat atherosclerosis and anemia.

Basil contains mercury compounds, which causes contraindications for its use. Thus, it is undesirable to eat it in case of thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, varicose veins, blood clotting disorders, recent stroke or myocardial infarction, individual intolerance and children under 7 years of age. Pregnant women should not get carried away with this spice. People suffering from cardiovascular diseases, epilepsy, and diabetes should approach the use of basil with great caution. Eating basil in large quantities can irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa.

It is strictly not recommended to be treated with basil essential oil for more than 3 weeks. In addition, an excessive dose of plant materials, and especially rayhon essential oil, can lead to severe poisoning in in some cases to death. People prone to allergies need to weigh the pros and cons before undergoing treatment with Reagan, and those who suffer from excessive sensitivity of tooth enamel should not chew this plant.

Before starting therapy using basil, you should consult your doctor. This rule especially applies to people included in the listed “risk group”.

Folk recipes

  1. From motion sickness in transport.

When traveling, keep a couple of basil leaves in your mouth.

  1. For depression and heaviness in the stomach.

Pour boiling water (60 ml) over the plant (15-30 g). Let the product brew, then strain and take according to the following scheme: 8 days in a row, one mug 2 times a day, take a break of 2 weeks and resume the course for another 8 days.

  1. From various diseases.

Take the leaves, clusters and unripe parts of the basil (before it blooms) and squeeze the juice out of them. Take the drink for 10 days, take a short break of 1.5 weeks. A total of 3 courses are required. You can drink no more than 30 ml of juice per day, mixed in equal parts with water and honey, dividing the intake into 2 parts: in the morning and in the evening, strictly after meals. The drink cannot be consumed in its pure form, as this can cause gastrointestinal irritation. The product tones the body, has a stimulating effect on the nervous system, helps to cope with genitourinary disorders and inflammatory diseases of the bladder, cough and bronchitis.

  1. For eye fatigue and blurred vision.

Dry basil leaves (30 g) pour boiling water (1.5 l). Cool the product and strain. Rinse your eyes with the infusion or make compresses and apply them to your eyelids a couple of times a day. The course is 12 days, then you need to take a break for several days and repeat the procedures.

  1. For a cold.

Dry basil (15 g) or its fresh leaves (30 g) pour boiling water (250 ml). Let the mixture sit for 5 minutes, then add lemon juice, sugar or honey to taste. A properly brewed herbal tea should change color three times: from purple to pink (due to mixing the basil infusion with lemon juice), and after adding honey, from pink to yellow.

  1. For itchy skin.

Pour boiling water (500 ml) over the dried basil herb (30 g), then cool. Take 120 ml of the drink 3 times a day strictly before meals.

  1. For otitis.

Pour boiling water (500 ml) over chopped basil herb (30 g). Place the mixture on low heat, wait until it boils, then immediately remove from the burner and leave to steep for about 10 minutes. Soak the bandage with the product. Apply a compress to sore ear for 1-2 hours. Do the procedure daily until recovery.

  1. For sore throat.

Mix basil essential oil (1 ml) with powdered sugar (50 g). Take 15 ml of the product, be sure to wash it down with linden tea, strictly after meals.

Dry basil (15 g), dry and crushed plantain leaves (15 g) pour hot water(250 ml). Boil the product for 1/4 hour, then leave, wrapped in a blanket, for about 1 hour. Add 10 drops of 20% propolis tincture (alcohol) to the composition. Gargle with the solution for a sore throat 5 times a day. Use the product warm.

  1. For toothache.

Pour boiling water (250 ml) over basil herb (15 g). Infuse the product for 1/3 hour, strain. Medicinal solution rinse your mouth.

  1. For insect bites.

Wipe the damaged area with plant juice.

  1. For diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Wash and boil 3 potato tubers in their skins. Remove the vegetable from the water, place it in a saucepan, then cut into small pieces or crush with a masher. Add 3-4 drops of basil essential oil to the mixture. Cover your head with a towel, bend over the container with the product and inhale (exhale) its vapor only through your nose for no more than 7 minutes. Carry out the procedure a maximum of a couple of times a day.

Uses of basil in everyday life

  1. Air freshener.

Chop 2-3 branches of basil and knead thoroughly with your hands. Fill herbal component 50 ml of ethyl alcohol or 100 g of vodka. Infuse the product for 30 days in a dark place. Then strain the solution, shake and pour into a container with a sprayer. Always shake before use. Do not use as a body deodorant.

  1. Means for disinfection and aromatization of toilet bowls.

Place 50 g basil herb (dry) in a linen bag medium density. Tie the bag and place it in the drain tank. The water should completely cover the product. Replace the air freshener every week.

  1. Natural furniture polish.

Mix 10 drops each of basil and orange (tangerine) essential oils, add 50 ml of jojoba oil to them. Apply the mixture to a soft cloth and rub the furniture until shiny.

  1. Disinfectant for cleaning floors.

10 drops of oil essential basil dilute water in a bucket and use it to wash the floor.

Photo of the basil

For those who have not yet seen what basil looks like, we present its photographs:

  1. Rayhon repels insect pests and even causes the death of some of them.
  2. If you put a few dried basil leaves in the closet, moths will not appear, and things will acquire a pleasant aroma.
  3. Residents of India believe that Reagan gives divine protection, as it increases immunity and cleanses the aura.
  4. Basil attracts insects to the site, so it is considered a honey plant.
  5. A mixture of rosemary and raichon is used as a seasoning during a salt-free diet.
  6. Reagan seeds and leaves traditional healers Since ancient times, sprains and bruises have been treated.

Basil is definitely a valuable plant with many beneficial properties., respected and revered since ancient times. However, its use can bring not only benefits, but also harm. This is why it is important not to self-medicate, but to discuss the possibility of using any medicines(even herbal) with a doctor.


Basil is truly a royal plant. This is how its name is translated from Greek. In Europe, Asia and Russia it is widely used as a spice. In India, it has been used as a medicinal plant for more than 5 thousand years; it was worshiped in Persia and Ceylon. Today, a rare garden bed in Russia can do without this aromatic herb. There are about 150 species of basil. Only a few are used in cooking and folk medicine. Their beneficial properties and contraindications for use will be discussed.

The most common types of basil are:

  • Camphorous or fragrant. It has a rather tart or pungent taste (depending on the variety), reminiscent of cloves. One of the varieties is Thai basil, which has a pronounced aniseed taste. An indispensable component in Thai cuisine.
  • Purple basil. Compared to its green relatives, it is more saturated with esters and contains more vitamins.
  • Lemon basil. Its leaves exude a subtle lemon aroma. Housewives love it for this and gladly add it to preparations as a spice and flavor drinks with it.
  • The king herb basil has not only a wonderful taste, but also healing properties.

    They are all in equally good for the health. The plant is used fresh and dried, decoctions, infusions, alcohol tinctures are prepared from it, and essential oil is made. In addition to leaves and stems, seeds are also used.

    Composition and beneficial properties

    The plant has complex composition, in which you can find not only a lot of useful substances, but also compounds that force you to use it with caution.

    Table: composition of vitamins and minerals in 100 g of fresh basil

    Useful material Content
    Vitamin A, RE 264 mcg
    Vitamin B1, thiamine 0.034 mg
    Vitamin B2, riboflavin 0.076 mg
    Vitamin B4, choline 11.4 mg
    Vitamin B5, pantothenic 0.209 mg
    Vitamin B6, pyridoxine 0.155 mg
    Vitamin B9, folate 68 mcg
    Vitamin C, ascorbic acid 18 mg
    Vitamin E, tocopherol 0.8 mg
    Vitamin K, phylloquinone 414.8 mcg
    Vitamin RR, NE 0.902 mg
    Betaine 0.4 mg
    Potassium 295 mg
    Calcium 177 mg
    Magnesium 64 mg
    Sodium 4 mg
    Phosphorus 56 mg
    Iron 3.17 mg
    Manganese 1.148 mg
    Copper 385 mcg
    Selenium 0.3 mcg
    Zinc 0.81 mg

    Nutritional value of fresh basil (per 100 g):

  • calorie content - 23 kcal;
  • proteins - 3.15 g
  • fats - 0.64 g
  • carbohydrates - 2.65 g
  • alimentary fiber- 1.6 g
  • water - 92.06 g.
  • Benefits and medicinal properties

    Phytoncides have antiseptic effect. Vitamins strengthen the body as a whole, and also help increase vascular elasticity and resistance to infections (vitamin C and P), strengthen the nervous system (B vitamins), and help maintain visual acuity (vitamin A).

    The herb has the ability to relieve muscle spasms and heal wounds. It has a carminative effect, eliminating flatulence. Antioxidants in its composition protect blood vessels and the heart, relieve stress and depressive states. When combined with honey, it increases brain activity.

    The royal herb has a slight diuretic effect, it cleanses the kidneys, prevents the formation of stones and promotes excretion uric acid.


    In traditional medicine recipes, all parts of the plant are used except the root.

    Any home remedy based on basil can be used for no more than 21 days.

    Table: uses of basil

    Application area Form and method Wound healing Oil dressings Cold treatment Adding oil to liquid for hot inhalation (2 drops per glass), for cold inhalation - 5 drops Depression and fatigue Using ether in an aroma lamp (3–5 drops per 15 sq. m) or a bath with its addition (5–10 drops dissolved in milk) Relieving toothache Essential oil applications Skin diseases ( ringworm, psoriasis) Basil oil, paste ( fresh grass, ground in a blender with the addition of vegetable oil) Gingivitis Rinsing with a decoction of dry herbs (1 tablespoon per glass of water)
  • insomnia;
  • depression
  • Tea from fresh leaves, basil sachet at the head of the bed at night
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • flatulence.
  • Infusion of dried herbs and fresh leaves (1 tablespoon of dry raw materials and 2-3 fresh leaves of the plant per glass of boiling water) Conjunctivitis Rinsing the eyes with an infusion of fresh leaves (3-4 fresh leaves per 1 glass of water)
  • cough;
  • bronchitis;
  • whooping cough;
  • asthma.
  • A decoction of dried herbs (1 tbsp) with honey (1 tbsp) and ginger (1 tsp powder) in 3 cups of boiling water (cook for 10 minutes over low heat). Fever due to cold Tea made from basil and cardamom beans (3 - 5 pieces per glass) with sugar and milk For weight loss Adding seeds to drinks and desserts Cancer prevention Constant consumption of drinks with seeds For runny nose and cough Juice of leaves and stems with milk (10 drops per glass) Diuretic for cholelithiasis Infusion of plant flowers (2 tablespoons of dried flowers per glass of boiling water)

    How to prepare the tincture correctly? How to use essential oil? We offer you several recipes that we hope will benefit you.

    Basil tea

    Tea is used as a monocomponent remedy and as a basis for the preparation of complex potions. It will require fresh grass (40 - 50 g) and 4 glasses of water. Thoroughly washed and dried leaves are poured with boiling water and infused for 20 minutes. It turns out aromatic drink greenish-violet or Pink colour. It can be enriched useful supplements- lemon, honey, raspberries, herbs.

    Basil tea is good either hot or with the addition of ice, lemon and mint.

    To do healthy drink from fresh raw materials all year round, freeze the stems and leaves for future use immediately after harvesting.

    To rejuvenate the body

    Drop basil essential oil into a glass of warm water, add a teaspoon of honey and add the juice of half a lemon. Mix the mixture thoroughly and take the course in the morning for 3 weeks.

    For psoriasis

    Basil essential oil has an antimicrobial, healing and cooling effect on affected areas. You can simply lubricate the surface of the skin with oil or apply compresses with it. To do this, 15 drops of ether need to be diluted in 30 ml olive oil.

    Warming cough lozenges

    Boil two potatoes in their skins, mash thoroughly, add 4 drops of ether of this plant, 1 drop of iodine and a third of a teaspoon of soda. Stir and form into flat cakes. They should be applied to the chest (avoid the heart area) or to the back and kept until completely cool.

    Restorative decoction after a stroke

    For it you will need 1 tablespoon of dried basil and onion peel, 5 tablespoons of rose hips, half a liter of water. Dry raw materials are poured with boiling water and cooked over low heat for 10 minutes. The decoction is infused in a thick-walled ceramic tableware about 8 o'clock. Every day you need to drink from 2 to 6 glasses.

    For cancer

    Any drinks with basil are beneficial for cancer patients. The seeds of the plant are especially effective for the prevention of cancer. They can be added to juices, tea and desserts. IN complex therapy they will have a strengthening and restorative effect, especially after chemotherapy sessions.

    How to prepare seeds

    For medicinal purposes, only those seeds taken directly from the plant are suitable. Before adding to medicinal mixtures and drinks need to be soaked. A teaspoon of seeds is poured with warm water and left until they look like transparent eggs. The seeds are not soaked for future use.

    Purchased seed seeds cannot be used; they are chemically treated.

    Alcohol infusion

    For alcohol infusion take 10 g of dried basil and a glass of vodka. Infuse the mixture without access to light for 14 days. The finished tincture is used for gargling at the rate of 2 teaspoons per glass of water. A few drops of it, dissolved in a tablespoon of water, will save you from headaches.

    Basil for men

    Basil has aphrodisiac properties. Its ability to increase potency in men and stimulate mutual attraction has been used since ancient times. In Romania, it was once customary for the bride to give the groom a sprig of this plant at her wedding.

    Basil relieves tension and enhances mutual attraction

    Even the aroma of a plant can have a stimulating effect, while relieving tension and relaxing the nervous system. A bath with the addition of basil ether works well - 5-6 drops of oil should be mixed with honey and added to water.

    Benefits for women

    Having an antispasmodic effect, basil is able to eliminate menstrual pain; it is useful to take it during menopause. Basil essential oil is widely used in cosmetology as part of anti-aging creams, shampoos and nail strengtheners. Hair is treated with its decoctions and infusions. The use of basil has a good effect on problem skin.

    During pregnancy and breastfeeding

    During breastfeeding, basil can be added to food in small quantities; it supplies the body with vitamins and minerals, in particular, it is valuable source gland. However, its frequent use may reduce production breast milk.

    Basil decoction is prescribed to complete lactation.

    During pregnancy, it is better to avoid consuming basil, since the esters it contains can negatively affect the course of pregnancy (the tone of the uterus increases). Basil can be used externally for conjunctivitis and for rinsing the mouth and throat for colds.

    Basil in cosmetology

    Basil is an excellent skin and hair care product. The fresh plant is used to prepare masks, the decoction is used to rinse hair, and the essential oil is added to shampoos and masks for weakened hair.

    Purifying face mask

    Finely chop a few fresh basil leaves and crush them lightly with your hands to release the juice. Add classic (plain) yoghurt and a teaspoon boiled water. Mix and apply the mixture to your face. The exposure time of the mask is 10 minutes. Removable with a napkin.

    Lightly crushed fresh basil leaves are good to wipe the skin with. The juice of the plant makes the skin smooth and elastic and removes spider veins.

    Hair rinse infusion

    2 tablespoons of crushed fresh leaves or dry raw materials are steamed with 2 cups of boiling water and left for half an hour. Regular use of rinse makes hair shiny, makes it easier to comb, stops hair loss and accelerates hair growth.

    Contraindications and possible harm

    The fragrant plant is contraindicated for people suffering from the following diseases:

  • ischemic disease hearts;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • hypotension;
  • diabetes;
  • epilepsy;
  • childhood up to 7 years.
  • Daily use Basil in any form can be harmful to health due to the mercury compounds it contains.

    In the presence of serious illnesses using basil as medicinal plant must be agreed with the attending physician.

    Video about the benefits of basil essential oil

    Paracelsus also said that only the dose distinguishes a medicine from a poison. As beneficial as basil is, its use and application in home treatment there must be a reasonable standard. Be healthy!

    Basil (from the Greek basilikos - royal) is an annual plant familiar to many. Most often this fragrant grass used as a seasoning for cooking. In Italy, basil has long been used for fish and meat dishes. And in Armenia, Yerevan blue-violet basil, which is distinguished by the aroma of allspice and tea, is always served with aromatic shish kebab. Basil is added to sauces and salads. But few people know that the plant has beneficial properties, is successfully used in folk medicine, and tea with basil is very useful.

    Types of Basil

    There are three types of basil: lemon, green and purple. They differ not only in appearance, but also in aroma and taste.

    Purple basil is considered the most fragrant and beautiful. In him a large number of essential oils. When fresh, it is used to add piquancy to dishes.

    Green basil is often called sweet basil. It is used in Transcaucasia and Central Asia for preparing meat dishes and salads.

    Lemon basil has a distinct lemon aroma. It is used in canning, for making cheese and drinks. This type of basil contains a large amount of vitamins.

    Useful properties of basil

    Basil contains phytoncides, glycosides, vitamins PP, B2, C, A, tannins, sugar. The essential oils contained in the plant are valuable antioxidants. Thanks to such a rich composition, it has beneficial properties. What are the benefits and harms of the plant?

    • Improves digestion and appetite.
    • Reduces temperature, makes breathing easier when coughing, and is a natural antibiotic.
    • Strengthens blood vessels, reduces cholesterol levels.
    • Increases immunity.
    • It has bactericidal properties and is effective for treating the oral cavity.
    • Reduces the risk of cancer.
    • Normalizes sleep, improves the condition of the nervous system.
    • Removes free radicals, toxins and waste from the body.
    • Reduces pain during menstruation.

    Basil contraindications

    • Due to the presence of essential oils, it is not recommended to drink basil tea during pregnancy.
    • After a stroke, myocardial infarction, or in the presence of other heart diseases, you need to be careful in taking basil.
    • Contraindicated in diabetes mellitus and blood clotting abnormalities.
    • You should not use the herb if you have hypotension or dystonia.

    Benefits of basil tea

    Tea with basil is a delicious and gentle drink. It has a dark blue color, if you add a drop of lemon to it, the color turns soft pink. Avicenna also spoke about this unique drink, believing that basil has a beneficial effect on human energy. Drinking basil tea when you are excited can help you feel calm. It will give you vigor when you are drowsy.

    Modern medicine is also aware of the fact that basil tea, the benefits of which are so great, helps to cope with depression, stabilize mental condition, get rid of insomnia. In the summer, the drink quenches thirst well and refreshes, and in winter it can warm you up.

    How to prepare basil

    You can brew tea from fresh herbs. When choosing basil at the market, you should choose greens that are not damaged. The following will help you keep basil fresh for a week: a glass of water, where you need to put a bunch of herbs, a plastic bag on top and a refrigerator for storage. The water needs to be changed every day.

    Drying basil is very easy; to do this, basil leaves are laid out and dried in the shade. You can make small bunches of greens, dry them, and then chop them. You need to store raw materials in a cotton bag or glass jar. Can I use dried basil? Yes, he keeps all his beneficial features, as needed, it can be added when preparing dishes and drinking tea. Dry basil can be used to make an infusion for medicinal aromatic baths and as a lotion for fungal skin diseases.

    Basil tea recipes

    Classic tea

    The tea is made from fresh leaves. For one liter of drink you need to take a bunch of leaves of 50 grams. The greens are washed under running water, then transferred to a teapot. The herb is poured with boiling water and infused for 20 minutes under the lid. You can drink one mug of tea a day if you have indigestion, vitamin deficiency, insomnia, or depression.

    Tea with basil and lemon

    For two mugs of tea you need to take 5 sprigs of basil. Bring 350 ml water to a boil. Prepare 2 peels of zest, cut off the white peel, squeeze lemon juice. As soon as the water boils, add the basil, and after two minutes the lemon zest. Remove from heat and wait 15 minutes. Pour in 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon juice. Add honey before use.

    Summer drink with strawberries and basil

    Water - 1 liter

    Black tea - 8 teaspoons

    Sugar - 150 g

    Strawberries - 450 g

    Fresh basil - 80 g

    You need to boil the water, add tea leaves, coarsely chopped strawberries, sugar, basil, and stir. Leave the tea with basil for 10 minutes, then put it in the refrigerator. Add ice cubes to glasses before drinking.

    Basil tea

    Basil leaves can be added to ready-made green or black tea. 5 leaves of the plant will be enough for one mug. Leave for seven minutes, then remove the tea and herbal leaves. Brewed tea goes well with cream and milk. You can add cane sugar.

    Herbal tea with basil

    To prepare a soothing herbal tea you need to take:

    basil leaves - 20 g

    black currant leaves - 20 g

    raspberry leaves - 20 g

    mint leaves - 10 g

    One liter of boiling water is added to the herbal mixture. Tea with basil is infused for 20 minutes.

    Lemonade with basil

    Basil - 2 sprigs

    Lemons - 2 pieces

    Lime - 3 pieces

    Allspice - 10 peas

    Sugar - 1.5 cups

    Water - 2 liters

    First you need to boil sugar syrup with the addition of allspice. Cook for 10 minutes and cool. Remove pepper. Squeeze juice from lemons and limes. Remove the zest from the limes. Pour the juice into a tall jug, add green basil leaves, lemon zest, and sugar syrup. To infuse, place in the refrigerator.

    How basil conquered the east and west. Use of herbs in medicine. Basil as a seasoning.

    This miraculous plant is equally highly valued in the east and in the west. In India it is called Sacred Tulasi, and it is believed that in this form the goddess comes to earth. In Italy, one of the stripes of the flag was made green in his honor. We call this plant basil, and it is just appearing in our everyday life. Let's get to know him better.

    Chemical composition of basil, vitamins

    Basil grows in tropical and temperate regions. We call it fragrant cornflower. It contains many vitamins:

    • B vitamins. These include thiamine, folic acid, riboflavin, and pyridoxine
    • Famous vitamin C
    • Beta-carotene, vitamin A
    • Vitamin K
    • Rutin, which improves blood quality and vascular condition
    • Flavonoids, substances that prevent aging and help the body absorb vitamins, protect against tumors
    • Essential oils that have a beneficial effect on the skin and microvascular system in the body

    Basil also contains microelements. Among them are: essential substances, How

    • Calcium
    • Magnesium
    • Potassium
    • Iron

    But this does not mean that if you have bad teeth due to calcium deficiency, then basil will help you. Although there is enough calcium in the plant, magnesium and vitamin D are needed to absorb calcium.

    Basil is used as a herb or medicine, which means you can't eat too much of it. The vitamin composition is much more important.

    Basil is not a specific plant, but a whole genus in which there are herbs and even shrubs.

    Benefits of basil for the human body

    In India, basil is considered sacred for a reason. IN eastern system medicine – Ayurveda – great attention focuses on products, including basil, that help the body cleanse itself.

    Divine Tulsi is one such product, similar to basil. Due to this property, it is often used for diseases of the excretory system: inflammation of the bladder or malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract.

    • The unique combination of vitamins from basil improves the appearance of the skin and strengthens the legs. Any woman knows how the body works.
    • It is useful for mature people to eat dishes with basil because it has a good effect on the elasticity of blood vessels. Magic herb helps with arthritis and rheumatism.
    • The leaves of fragrant basil plants are a recognized antiseptic. They can even disinfect wounds. If taken orally, they will help disinfect damage to the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.
    • If you are young, full of energy and have no health problems, basil is good for you too. It helps keep the body in good shape and gives energy. The plant tones not only the body, but also the brain.
    • In Ayurveda it is used to improve memory.

    Useful and healing properties of purple basil

    Beneficial features:

    • This basil is the most fragrant of all the other herbs. Its taste properties allow it to be added not only to salads, seafood and homemade preparations. It is often even added to tea.
    • The unusual appearance allows you to grow basil as an ornamental plant.

    Medicinal properties:

    • Has a beneficial effect on heart function
    • Increases immunity and resistance to infections and colds
    • Folic acid in basil - necessary condition bearing a healthy fetus during pregnancy, as well as the healthy functioning of the female body
    • Basil promotes better digestion, eliminates flatulence, better job total gastrointestinal tract
    • Reduces cholesterol, strengthens blood vessels, eliminates the causes for the development of atherosclerosis
    • Basil has antidepressant properties
    • Good for the health of small capillaries that nourish the skin, eyes, and brain, improving the functioning and health of these organs
    • Prevents the cause of arthritis
    • Slows down the aging of the body, skin, body
    • Prevents the development of hemorrhoids
    • Improves blood clotting
    • Prevents the cause of periodontal disease and caries
    • Flavonoids carry out antitumor work in the body

    Beneficial properties of lemon basil

    Lemon basil has the same medicinal properties, like purple, but has a pronounced citrus note in the smell. Therefore, in Italy it is often used to flavor local cheeses.

    It is indispensable when preparing home canned food. Lemon basil is equally good fresh or dried. Therefore, it can be used in herbal teas.

    Health benefits of Asian basil

    A distinctive feature of Asian basil is the unique taste of cloves. Therefore, it is especially good for spicy dishes, be it meat or warming drinks, while it has all the same medicinal properties that are inherent in purple basil.

    Health Benefits of Mediterranean Basil

    Mediterranean basil is the sweetest of all types. It is used not only as a component of a dish, but also as an independent snack. It can even be used when making desserts!

    Benefits of basil for men

    Basil is considered a powerful aphrodisiac. The smell helps you tune in to a romantic wave. It relaxes and increases potency. Most The best way check it out - take a warm bath with basil essential oil. A few minutes before the procedure, a few drops of this product should be mixed with honey or cream, and then added to the water.

    However, we will not list all the medicinal properties of basil (they are mentioned above), which have a beneficial effect on general state men's health. I would especially like to emphasize the ability of basil to improve the health of microcapillaries, blood and its circulation.

    The benefits of basil for women, the use of basil in cosmetology

    • The fact that basil strengthens the skin and nails has already been mentioned above.
    • Other cosmetic properties of this medicinal plant due to the fact that it is an excellent antiseptic.
    • Basil decoction can be used to care for problem skin. He will delete excess fat without destroying the natural lipid film. At the same time, the skin will not feel “defenseless”, and the work sebaceous glands will be normalized.
    • This product is indicated for skin care after thirty. It promotes cell rejuvenation, maintains overall tone, and soothes microirritations.
    • The basil is quite well-saturated. folic acid, which is necessary for bearing a healthy fetus and the proper, healthy functioning of the female body.
    • All the medicinal properties of basil are reflected in the improvement of women's health.

    Use of basil in cooking: salad with basil, photo

    In the East, sacred Tulsi is used for medicinal purposes. While in the West they prefer to use it in cooking.

    In Italian cuisine, this plant is not just a seasoning, but also the basis for many dishes. For example, the famous pesto sauce is a mixture of chopped nuts, cheese and basil, seasoned with lemon juice, garlic and pepper. Wherein herbs there is so much here that the color of the sauce turns a rich green.

    The plant is placed in such familiar salads as.

    Basil is not only dried. Where it grows abundantly, the juice is squeezed out of it. The drink is rich in phytoncides and bioflavonoids. These biologically active substances stop the growth of bacteria, fungi, and protozoa. It is basil juice that has the largest possible amount of useful substances, tones and invigorates both the body and mind.

    Basil tea: benefits

    IN Asian countries former USSR It is customary to add basil to tea. Works especially well in hot weather lemon basil with cooling notes. In India, sacred Tulsi is used as an independent drink. It is brewed without adding herbs.

    A decoction of basil puts the nervous system in order, works as an antidepressant, and improves tone. At the same time, it does not contain harmful substances such as caffeine, which is contained in both coffee and tea.

    Basil essential oil: benefits

    Basil essential oil contains as many phytoncides as the juice. It retains all the healing and beneficial properties of basil. But the essential oil also has a carminative effect. It is used for bloating. This is an excellent natural antispasmodic.

    Basil: use in folk medicine

    Spicy herb is widely used in folk medicine.

    • When getting motion sickness, keep a few basil leaves in your mouth.
    • It relieves nausea
    • If you rinse your eyes with the infusion of this plant and make compresses, you will regain your former visual acuity and relieve fatigue
    • And tincture of basil flowers on Cahors can be drunk by women who feel decreased desire and frigidity
    • If your tooth aches, soak a cotton swab in the essential oil of this plant and place it on the sore spot.
    • But basil is most widely used for colds.

    Basil for bronchitis and flu: recipe for tincture and potato compress with basil oil

    Recipe and application alcohol tincture from basil.

    Basil alcohol tincture helps against many viruses and bacteria that cause bronchitis. It also relieves flu symptoms.

    To prepare it, take:

    • 30 g basil leaves
    • 70 g St. John's wort herb
    • 0.5 liters of vodka

    Infuse herbs with vodka in dry dark place week. After this, dissolve 30-40 drops of tincture in a glass warm water. Gargle three times a day.

    Recipe for potato compresses with basil oil.

    An unusual recipe for flu, bronchitis and others colds– potato compresses.

    To prepare them you will need:

    • 3 potatoes
    • 5 drops basil essential oil
    • 2 drops of iodine
    • 1/3 teaspoon baking soda

    Boil the potatoes in their skins, mash, add the rest of the ingredients. Form into flat cakes, wrap in gauze and place on your chest. The patient should lie under a blanket until the compresses cool down. It is advisable to sleep after the procedure.

    Does basil protect against cancer?

    A cure for cancer has not yet been invented, but basil is credited with radioprotective properties. They say that it not only protects people who eat it from radiation, but also neutralizes the harmful effects.
    Official medicine does not comment on this information in any way.

    Dangerous properties of basil, harm, contraindications

    The harmful properties of basil are associated with its tonic effect. There are people who increased tone contraindicated. These are pregnant women. People with cardiovascular diseases should also not overuse basil. Its effect on diabetic patients has not been studied.

    So, basil is a miracle plant. Its healing properties have been known in the East and West for a long time. Despite the abundance of types and methods of its use in medicine, its properties are the same. Basil is indispensable in cooking. But there are special states of the body when even this wonderful plant contraindicated.

    Video: Basil - the king of herbs

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