What to drink soy isolate with. Side effects of soy protein: harm or benefit? What you need to lose weight

In sports circles you often hear talk about soy protein. He is a product plant origin and is often used in sports nutrition. Unambiguous opinion about the benefits or harms soy protein does not exist.

Soybeans are rich in protein and amino acids, which are required by the human body. Among other types of plant protein, soy protein is most similar to animal protein.

It is great for athletes because their bodies undergo intense training and lose a large number of energy. For many years there has been debate about whether a product such as soy is beneficial or harmful. If you delve into the arguments for and against in detail, it becomes clear that if you consume it in moderation, there will be no harm to the body.

To the negative sides or harmful properties characteristics of soy protein include low bioavailability and useful action of this product. In other words, not all soy protein is absorbed by the body. Soy also contains substances that inhibit (slow down) the action of internal enzymes that effectively break down protein molecules in the stomach and intestines, therefore, when taking soy, the absorption of any proteins that come with food slows down. However, this problem is successfully solved by manufacturers through industrial purification of the soy product. Manufacturers also enrich it with methionine and increase its value.

Soy contains phytoestrogens - substances of plant origin, similar in structure to female sex hormones and having a similar effect. The harm may include an increase in body fat stores and a decrease in testosterone levels in the blood. In addition, phytoestrogens may stimulate the growth of certain types of tumors. There is evidence that soy protein long-term use harms the heart vascular system. We must not forget that all soybeans from which sports nutrition is made are genetically modified, and this is a separate topic about the dangers of this product.

Cons of Soy Protein

In addition to its low biological value, soy protein has a number of other disadvantages, which is why bodybuilders avoid it like fake steroids. One of the reasons for the low BC of soy protein is the lack of the sulfur-containing acid methionine. Sulfur-containing amino acids (including cysteine) play a particularly important role important role in protein synthesis and normal functioning immune system, as well as the production of glutathione.

Glutathione (GTT) is one of the most significant antioxidants in the body. It protects cells and detoxifies a number of harmful compounds, such as hydrogen peroxide, carcinogens, active forms oxygen, etc. In particular, glutathione is partially responsible for preventing the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (bad cholesterol).

A number of studies have shown that soy protein is less effective than whey protein in producing GTT and positive influence for immunity. Although soy protein has been reported to lower cholesterol levels in humans and animals, one study found that soy protein not fortified with methionine had 13% of the total number calories administered to rats, there was an increase in cholesterol levels and the likelihood of peroxidation of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Thus, in rats, not only cholesterol levels increased, but also the process of oxidation of the LDL fraction was simplified, which can lead to atherosclerosis. Experimental rats were found to have low levels GTT. Additionally, compared to another group of rats fed casein, the soy group experienced growth retardation.

If that's not enough to convince you to give up soy protein, it's even worse. Soy proteins contain components that interfere with the digestion and absorption of many different nutrients. The two most important antinutrients found in soy are lectins and protease inhibitors.

Lectins are dangerous elements in plants that lead to various problems– from impaired absorption of important nutrients to damage to the gastrointestinal tract.

Proteases are enzymes involved in the digestion of proteins. Soy contains several protease inhibitors that interfere with the function of the enzymes trypsin and chymotrypsin. Both of these substances play an important role in the digestion and absorption of proteins in the gastrointestinal tract.

Finally, soy is rich in estrogenic compounds like genistein and diadzein. There are more than 300 phytoestrogens, which vary significantly in their physiological effects and activity in humans and animals. As every bodybuilder knows, changing the testosterone/estrogen ratio in favor of estrogen leads to increased body fat and other adverse effects that hinder the achievement of strength athletes' goals.

Let's talk about the benefits

Despite some harm, soy-based sports nutrition is successfully used and promoted all over the world. The first thing that serves as an argument in favor of soy protein is its cost. The price of this product is significantly lower than that of other protein supplements.

There is no doubt that soy-based protein is beneficial for vegetarians and people with individual intolerance to animal protein. Lecithin, which is contained in soy, helps in the restoration and renewal of brain cells, inhibiting the aging process throughout the body. The estrogenic effect of soy is not entirely harmful, since phytoestrogens have been shown to have a positive effect on lowering cholesterol levels and blood clots.

Due to its plant origin, soy protein is a godsend for vegetarians.

The benefits are especially noticeable for female athletes, who often note an improvement in their well-being after taking soy protein. Some studies refute Negative influence plant estrogens on the male body. To be absorbed into the body, phytoestrogens must be released under the influence of enzymes in the intestines. Less than half of the incoming plant estrogens are absorbed, so there is no harm male body kept to a minimum.

The effect on the kidneys of soy protein is not as aggressive as that of animal proteins. This should be taken into account by people who have a predisposition to pathologies of the urinary system.

There is evidence of the positive effects of soy on activity thyroid gland. Increasing thyroid hormone levels promotes fat burning. And this is an undoubted benefit for those who struggle with overweight in the form of fat reserves.

Benefits of Soy Protein

“Could soy have other benefits?” - you think. Of course, after reading the previous paragraphs, your impression is not the best. best opinion about soy protein. However, scientists have also collected some positive news.

The problem of antinutrients in soy protein has been solved. Manufacturers of high-quality soy protein isolates remove or significantly reduce the activity of antinutrients during processing of raw materials. In addition, the addition of methionine to soybean isolates significantly increases their biological and nutritional value. However, the BC of a whole egg or quality whey protein is still a long way off. Rats fed methionine-enriched soy protein grew at the same rate as rats fed casein protein.

With the estrogenic components that make up soy, things are somewhat more complicated. Behind long years Soy protein has been found to lower cholesterol levels in many animals and humans. A recent study found that when soy was isolated from estrogenic components, its normal effect on cholesterol levels was lost. This is not surprising, since the protective lipid-lowering properties of estrogen are well known.

Biological value of different types of protein

  • Whey - 100
  • Whole egg - 100
  • Egg white - 88
  • Casein - 77
  • Soy - 74

Soy protein has several cholesterol-lowering mechanisms (e.g., isoflovones, effects on endocrine gland, fibers, saponins, etc.), with such a mechanism depending on the type of animal tested. In addition, an epidemiological study found that soy protein also reduced the number of certain species. cancer cells. Currently, companies specializing in the field of increasing life expectancy recommend the use of soy protein isolate for the treatment of certain types of cancer.

Soy protein - muscle support without excess fat and carbohydrates.

Let's talk about how this affects athletes? The estrogenic components contained in soy are tissue specific. One study on rhesus monkeys found that soy proteins did not affect the sex hormones of these animals. Parameters such as testosterone, DEAS and sex hormone binding globulin levels, testicular weight, weight prostate gland and so on. Scientists found no difference between male monkeys consuming soy protein with and without plant estrogens. The results concluded that the isoflavones (genistein and diadzein) found in soy protein “reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease without apparent adverse effects on the reproductive system.”

The scientists reached the following final conclusion: "The experiments support the view that the tissue specificity of soybean estrogens is partly explained by their mixed properties as agonists and antagonists." These and other data suggest that the phytoestrogens present in soy may reduce cholesterol and the risk of heart disease without causing systemic estrogenic effects (eg, gyno, increased fat, etc.). results this study V to a greater extent applicable to humans, since it was carried out on monkeys, which are much closer to us than rats.

Accept soy isolates It is better to cyclically than constantly, since at the moment we do not have 100% information about the long-term estrogenic effect of soy proteins on athletes. Soy's ability to lower cholesterol without causing other estrogenic effects may be beneficial for bodybuilders using anabolic steroid. As a rule, they have elevated levels cholesterol and LDL.

And finally, we saved the most interesting information about the benefits of soy proteins. Soy protein has been found to improve thyroid function in many animals, from rats to rabbits to pigs. Making calculations in human studies has proven more difficult (which is not new). However, a number of studies indicate that soy protein isolate affects thyroid hormone production in humans. This can be a big benefit for bodybuilders who are looking to burn fat. Taking high-quality proteins is accompanied by an increase in thyroid hormone levels. However, soy's ability to increase hormone production is unique compared to other proteins.

Although a number of studies have shown changes in T3 levels and thyroid-stimulating hormone, a truly significant effect is achieved only in the case of T4. Levels of this hormone continuously increase in animals and, to a lesser extent, in humans taking soy proteins. Some studies have also found changes in the insulin/glucagon ratio, which helps reduce cholesterol and, apparently, fat. At the moment, the mechanism of action of soy proteins on the production of thyroid hormones is not fully understood, but research in this area continues.

Soy protein - benefits and harms for men and women

Soy products contain various quantities squirrel. Potential negatives side effects soy may be related to soy protein and isoflavone levels. Products that have added soy protein and isoflavones may have different effects on the body. Products with more high level isoflavones may increase the risk of cancer.

Isoflavones are a component of soy that act as weak estrogens once they enter the body. Moderate consumption of soy may prevent breast cancer. By consuming a lot of soy products over an extended period, you may experience Negative consequences, for example, the risk of developing cancer increases.

When you consume 25 grams of soy protein per day, you get 45 milligrams of isoflavones. Accordingly, 50 grams of soy protein contains 99 mg of isoflavones. The safe level of their (isoflavone) consumption is up to 100 mg. When you take soy protein above this level, you increase your risk of developing cancer.

Recommended intake should be between 35 and 50 milligrams per day. Soy isoflavones in high doses can be especially harmful to surviving breast cancer cells. But moderate consumption - no more than 11 grams of soy protein per day, however, may actually be beneficial for surviving breast cancer cells.

Soy products, including soy milk, contain structures similar to estrogen chemical substances. Therefore, a diet rich in soy may pose a health risk if a woman has recently had breast cancer.

A soy diet can disrupt metabolism because it contains phytates, which interfere with the absorption of important microelements such as sodium, potassium, zinc, calcium, and copper.

Some studies done on rats show that large doses soy may affect erectile function. The results of this study were published in the Journal of Andrology. It described that consuming large amounts of soy protein in childhood could negatively affect sexual function during pregnancy. adult life. However, the researchers acknowledge that experiments in rats do not necessarily reflect the same results as in humans.

For healthy men and women, it may be safe to consume 2-3 servings of soy products every day. For women who have high risk development of breast cancer, you need to limit your consumption of soy products to 1-2 times a week. Soy additives, with high content In this case, it is better not to take isoflavones.

How to use?

In order for plant protein to completely replace animal protein, it must be taken according to the following scheme:

  • during active training - 1.5-1.7 g per kilogram of body weight;
  • for “drying” - 1 g;
  • for strength training - 2 g.

How to take soy protein differs for women and men


Females are allowed to use this product in the quantity indicated on the packaging. It is absolutely harmless and has a positive effect on the endocrine system.

For men

Men should be careful when taking this product so as not to harm the body. The maximum effect can be achieved only by mixing soy and whey supplements in a 1:2 ratio. This mixture should be taken 2-3 times a day.

You can prepare a cocktail: mix 25 g of soy protein with juice or water (150 ml). It should be consumed 35 minutes before training and 20 minutes after it.


Soy protein can be combined with other protein supplements. There are even special protein complexes, which in addition to soy include whey, egg and casein proteins. They help compensate for each other's amino acid deficiencies. You will be interested to know that dates are a source of protein.

Soy protein and weight loss

Protein is often used by girls for weight loss. Diet can have a negative impact on nails, hair, teeth and general condition body. With the help of herbal supplements, you can compensate for the lack of nutrients. They will help supply the body with the necessary protein. One option for losing weight is to drink a protein shake instead of dinner.

A protein shake is not only a source of protein, but also a great alternative to dinner.

It is important to follow a diet:

  • in the morning - 2 eggs, vegetable salad;
  • for lunch - vegetables, as well as meat, poultry or fish;
  • for an afternoon snack - you need to alternate fruit and dairy product;
  • for dinner - a protein shake.

It is recommended to add evening workouts to improve the effect. Let's look at which protein is best for weight loss. To choose the best supplement, you need to talk to a trainer. To achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to take whey protein hydrolyzate. But it is the most expensive and is used by professional athletes.

Did you know? Human body is not able to accumulate protein, so it is necessary to replenish the supply of protein products daily.

Opinions of American scientists:

  • works better for weight loss fast protein, than slow;
  • whey works better for weight loss than soy;
  • Whey protein is more effective at reducing body fat than an equivalent amount of meat.

Before consuming the product in question, you need to weigh the pros and cons. Only in this case you will not harm your body.

So what does this all mean for bodybuilders? Strength athletes should be primarily interested in two points:

  1. Although thyroid hormones are considered catabolic hormones, if sufficient calories are consumed under conditions moderate amount thyroid hormones, these hormones can stimulate protein synthesis. Of course, more research is required in this area.
  2. If a person goes on a diet, the effectiveness of the diet quickly decreases once the body realizes what is happening and reduces the production of thyroid hormones. This reaction of the body to a decrease in caloric intake leads to a decrease in metabolic rate and the establishment of new caloric parameters. A dieter feels tired. Using soy protein isolate to increase thyroid hormone production is just what the doctor ordered for maintaining hormone levels while calorie intake is reduced during dieting.

Soy protein during diet supports thyroid hormone levels

Solution to the soy dilemma

After reading all the above information on soy protein, you are most likely at a loss. If a bodybuilder replaces too many high-quality proteins with soy to gain its potential benefits, he risks losing muscle mass. This is especially noticeable when the number of calories is reduced (for example, during a diet). How less calories enters the body, the higher the quality of proteins must be to maintain lean body mass.

Make no mistake, soy protein does not have the qualities of whey protein in maintaining nitrogen levels, curbing catabolism and building muscle mass. However, soy has a number of other benefits. So what should we do? It turns out that in order to get beneficial features soy, you don’t need to consume it in huge quantities. According to nutritionists, ten to thirty grams of soy protein per day is enough for most people.

This is how this dilemma can be resolved. And it turns out that this strategy is quite effective for most people. By mixing whey protein with soy isolate in a 2:1 ratio and taking the mixture two to three times daily, you can get the benefits of both supplements. To date, there is no reason to believe that the combination of these two proteins leads to a loss of their properties.

Problem excess weight becomes most relevant in the spring and on the eve of the upcoming beach season. It is at this time that figure flaws become most relevant and visible. For the same reason, in the lives of people losing weight, there is a real struggle for ideal forms: be it sports, strength training or diet. And, of course, a wide variety of means come to their aid, one of which is soy protein (isolate). We will consider reviews about it, as well as information about the principle of its operation, in this article.

What is Soy Protein Isolate?

During the weight loss process, many people go on a diet. To do this, they try to reduce the maximum allowable number of calories per day and get rid of all sweets and starchy foods. And sometimes very healthy, but, in their opinion, high-calorie foods become a potential victim of those losing weight. Examples are eggs, meat, cottage cheese and much more. But these products are considered the main suppliers of protein, which is so beneficial for the body. And when all you have left for breakfast, lunch and dinner is oatmeal, vegetables and buckwheat, and your hair and nails take on a deplorable appearance, there is a need to use soy protein isolate. So what is it?

Soy isolate is a special food supplement rich in protein or protein that we need. IN in this case The product is isolated from the well-known soybean plant, or rather its concentrate. It is first mined and then further processed into powder form. In the process of such processing, carbohydrates and fats that are unloved by many are eliminated from soy protein isolate. The result is an ideal protein product, in which 90-95% is pure protein.

What does soy protein look like?

As we have already said, soy protein comes in powder form. As a rule, it is a thick and homogeneous, but crumbly mass of gray or slightly brownish color. It comes in plastic packaging and is sold in stores. sports nutrition.

How quickly is it absorbed?

Despite his natural origin, soy protein (weight loss isolate) is absorbed much more slowly. For example, if you compare it with protein obtained from whey or dairy products (this is how casein is obtained). However, this natural component is perfectly tolerated and processed into the energy we need.

The exceptions are counterfeits and cheap varieties of the product, which are absorbed by only 40-60%. Therefore, when choosing a protein, you should pay attention to the manufacturer, year of manufacture and cost of the product. And, of course, its too low price is simply bound to alert you.

Who uses isolate and for what purposes?

Soy protein isolate is used for weight loss. With its help, the lack of protein is compensated without harm to the body. It is also used by athletes who are interested in “drying out” the body or preserving muscle mass. He found his fans among vegetarians, as well as people suffering from lactose intolerance. Moreover, the isolate is actively used by believers who observe fasting.

How much protein do you need per day?

When using soy protein isolate, it is necessary to dose it correctly. That is why the box containing the product often contains a measuring cup or spoon. At the same time, a person’s daily need for protein depends on his lifestyle and the effect he plans to achieve. For example, to an ordinary person Those who do not lead a sports lifestyle should consume at least 1-2 g food additives per 1 kg of his weight per day.

Athletes have to use this type 15-30 g of additives per meal. And since most athletes adhere to fractional meals(they eat little, but several times a day), then there can be about 8-9 such approaches.

What do you need to lose weight?

According to experienced weight loss people, if your goal is to lose weight beyond soy protein, you need to do a tough audit of your daily foods. In particular, you should reduce the number of carbohydrates and fats, but be sure to maintain protein foods in your diet.

In case of non-compliance of this rule The process of losing weight will be extremely slow. Moreover, the risk of sagging muscles and visual sagging of the skin increases significantly, which does not look very attractive, you must agree. So consuming soy protein isolate is a necessary measure for those who want to lose weight without spoiling their external appearance.

What does the isolate contain?

In addition to protein, protein also contains a number of useful micro- and macroelements. They are a kind of antioxidants and help normalize metabolism. With their help, there is a gradual increase in thyroid hormones, which are responsible for the full functioning of the thyroid gland. Among useful components contained in soy protein, you can highlight those presented in the photo. This is some calcium, sodium, magnesium and other elements.

How to consume and prepare protein?

Soy protein is usually consumed in diluted form. To prepare it, just follow these simple steps:

  • prepare the container;
  • pour about 1-2 tbsp there. spoons of isolate;
  • dilute the powder with 200 ml of water;
  • shake to combine evenly.

Fitness fans add nuts, bananas and even raw oatmeal to this protein shake. The end result is a fairly satisfying drink that can compensate for the energy spent on training and moderate your appetite. If such supplements are used by age-old fighters against excess weight, then this drink should replace one of the meals, for example, breakfast or dinner.

It is noteworthy that you can use skim milk, yogurt or kefir as the basis for the cocktail. However, those who are lactose intolerant should not use these ingredients. In such cases, it is better to use freshly squeezed juice or water as a base. But it is also worth considering the fact that the water for such a drink should not be hot. Otherwise, the protein will simply coagulate and, of course, lose its original properties.

Soy protein (isolate for weight loss): reviews

According to the stories of those who lost weight on this protein, the main thing here is to follow the instructions and your daily norm. So, a measuring spoon, according to them, is approximately 20-30 g. One measuring spoon and 200 ml of liquid are used at one time. However, one serving of protein is approximately 116 calories.

Some users talk about their real achievements. From their stories, it becomes clear that with the help of soy protein they were able to quickly lose weight without harm to their health. Isolate also saves them when they want something floury, since this protein is an excellent substitute for baked goods, and a healthy one at that.

Soy protein is a special additive that has become Lately very popular among people professionally involved in bodybuilding. Having a reasonable price, the protein helps the athlete maintain the necessary muscle mass. Therefore, the demand for it is constantly increasing. But recently they have begun to talk more and more often about the fact that soy protein brings much more benefits to the body. more harm than good. How true this opinion is will be described in this article.

To gain the required muscle mass, an athlete needs to constantly consume a certain amount of protein. The protein contained in food does not always meet the stated needs. Therefore, people involved in bodybuilding begin to consume sports supplements, one of which is soy protein.

Basic definition required quality the protein consumed is an indicator of its effectiveness. According to experiments conducted, soy protein is the worst kind protein, which is used in bodybuilding, both for the purpose of gaining and maintaining the desired muscle mass, and, if necessary, burning excess fat deposits.

The cost of the product is extremely low. Soy protein is often used in feeding pets. Due to its low cost, soy protein is quite well advertised, but its harm to the athlete’s body is often hidden.

Biological value

The biological value of this product is very low. Soy protein is not able to maintain the level of nitrogen necessary to maintain immune protection. It is not an active protein stimulant and does not help reduce muscle loss.

Soy protein contains lecithin, which is responsible for limiting fat content in the liver and also promoting the removal of bile. This substance is involved in the formation of cells of the central nervous system and brain.

Research conducted in Japan has proven that the substances included in soy protein have a direct effect on the removal of radionuclides from the body, due to which, when taking soy protein, the body is protected from the effects of destructive radiation.

  1. Soy protein is consumed taking into account the limitation of the maximum volume of food entering the stomach: up to 30% of the stomach should be empty. When getting up from the table after eating, the athlete should feel a feeling of malnutrition. Soy protein is a product that can become a substitute for some food products.
  2. People who limit themselves from active movement should take no more than 1 g of soy protein supplement per 1 kg of their weight per day.
  3. If the athlete’s load level can be considered average, then the daily volume of protein is no more than 1.7 g per 1 kg of the athlete’s weight.
  4. For athletes power types that require special energy consumption, the daily amount of protein is at least 2 g per 1 kg of weight.
  5. When calculating the serving of soy protein taken, it is important to take into account the presence of essential amino acids in food products consumed, such as meat, eggs, dairy products.
  6. If the growth of the required muscle mass decreases, it is necessary to add to the athlete’s diet complex carbohydrates: peas, lentils, potatoes, pasta, cereals.
  7. When lean muscle gain is needed, for example, in the pre-competition period, soy protein should be replaced with isolate, which will be more effective.
  8. The taste of soy protein can be improved by adding fruit smoothies and fruit juices, as well as honey and sweet syrups. Required temperature drink is a maximum of 35º C. This drink is drunk in the mornings and evenings in small sips.


Soy protein has an effect on the increase in muscle mass of an athlete involved in bodybuilding, but when taking it, the athlete should in no case forget about the existing serious contraindications. Sometimes taking this supplement can cause persistent addiction, and the athlete may want to increase the dose. This should absolutely not be done, because failure to comply with the standards specified in the instructions can lead to deterioration of health.

Be sure to read about it

Good day to everyone who reads my blog. Do you want to lose weight by summer or just keep fit? Then you will be interested to know about soy protein isolate: what it is and what is its difference. This food supplement is used not only as sports nutrition. It will be useful to anyone who is trying to diversify their diet with complete proteins. Vegetable protein will also help with weight loss. But let's talk about everything in order.

Soy isolate is a food additive rich in protein. From the name it is clear that the protein (protein, polypeptide) is isolated from soybeans. Those. This is a vegetable protein. The isolate is obtained from soybean concentrate, which is further processed. All fats and carbohydrates are removed from it. The output is a product with a protein content of up to 90%.

This protein is absorbed more slowly than whey protein. But much faster than casein ( milk protein). In addition to athletes and those losing weight, soy isolate will be useful for vegetarians. And also for people with lactose intolerance, it can replace whey protein.

It will not interfere with those who fast. Per day to an ordinary person(not an athlete) you need 1-2 g of protein per 1 kg of weight. The protein content in plant foods is low. Therefore, during fasting, oh how difficult it is to replenish its balance. Soy isolate, in this case, good way out out of position.

Myths about the dangers of supplements

I would like to immediately reassure those who have heard various myths about this supplement. Most of them don't have scientific justification. These are either just rumors, or someone’s assumptions and hypotheses. In many sources you can read that soy reduces testosterone levels. Research carried out over last years this is denied.

The isoflavones (phytoestrogens) that soy contains actually stimulate estrogen receptors. But all this happens at a minimal level. In this case, no global changes occur in the body. There is no clinically proven evidence. Hypothetically, a decrease in testosterone is possible, but only if the isolate is consumed in horse doses.

There is another myth that this additive is not completely absorbed. This is only true for cheap soy proteins. Such a product is actually absorbed only by 40-60%. But high-quality isolate is absorbed almost completely. When purchasing, pay attention to the composition of the isolate and the price. The very cheap cost of the supplement should alert you.

Another rumor is that plant proteins have an unbalanced amino acid composition. It is based on the fact that proteins from plant food inferior. This is true for other plant polypeptides. Also, cheap soybean concentrates have an inferior amino acid composition. But as for quality soy isolate- it is not true. This supplement contains most of the amino acids necessary for humans.


Soy protein isolate contains beneficial macro and microelements. It not only helps maintain protein levels in the body. Is an antioxidant. It also normalizes metabolism, as it increases the level of thyroid hormones. These hormones affect correct work thyroid gland.

100 g of isolate contains at least 90% protein. Fat no more than 0.5%, crude fiber 6.0%. In addition, the food supplement is rich in micro and macroelements:

If we talk about biological value, soybeans are inferior to animal products. Biological index (BI) is essentially digestibility. Whey protein has a BI - 130, egg - 100, egg white– 88. Soy protein – 73.

Who is it suitable for?

Vegetable protein will be useful for women and men who sit on low calorie diets. Its use makes it possible to replenish daily requirement in protein. At the same time, limit your intake of carbohydrates and fats. Those. Soybean isolate allows you to get protein without extra calories.

When it comes to gaining muscle mass, plant protein is not the best option. According to research, this type of polypeptide is the worst for bodybuilders. Milk protein is an order of magnitude better at stimulating muscle growth. Therefore, the use of soy is justified only if you are lactose intolerant. And also if you are a fan of plant-based foods.

To the disadvantages vegetable protein The content of antinutrients can also be attributed. These are lectins and protease inhibitors. Lectins lead to disruption of the absorption of elements important for the body. There are suggestions that they increase the risk of damage to the gastrointestinal tract.

Proteases are enzymes that are involved in protein digestion. Those protease inhibitors that soy contains make digestion and absorption of proteins difficult. During the processing of raw materials, manufacturers try to remove these substances as much as possible. Soybean isolate is the safest in this regard compared to other plant proteins.

How to cook and cocktail recipes

Soy cocktails can be prepared at home. For this you will need a powdered nutritional supplement. The principle of preparing such cocktails is the same regardless of the type of protein. The only thing is, if you are losing weight, you need to pay attention to calories. Usually 1-2 tbsp. l. The dietary supplement is diluted in 200 ml or more of liquid.

Athletes add bananas, nuts, cereals. The result is a fairly high-calorie mixture that helps restore strength after a workout.

If you are losing weight, then milk is better or choose yoghurts with low content fat You can generally take low-fat dairy products. It is advisable not to add nuts and bananas. If you add it, then a glass of such a cocktail should replace your dinner or lunch. Milk, kefir or yogurt are often used as the basis for a cocktail. But you can’t make a cocktail with them if you are lactose intolerant. Then soybeans are diluted in a glass of water or freshly squeezed juice.

Be careful, protein is not diluted in hot drinks. It may curl up and lose some of its beneficial properties.

How to take soy isolate:

  • Anyone who plays sports should drink a cocktail between meals. Best between breakfast and lunch. It is also taken immediately after training;
  • Those who are losing weight can replace 1-2 meals with isolate;
  • Just to maintain the balance of protein in the diet, drink the cocktail 1-2 times a day. At the same time, it does not replace a full meal.

Recently, those losing weight on the Dukan Diet have begun to actively use protein isolate for cooking. various dishes, basically these are all kinds of baked goods.

Let's figure out what protein isolate is?

Protein isolate is a highly purified form (more than 90% protein), which contains virtually no fat, cholesterol and carbohydrates (lactose), i.e. in description nutritional value product you should not find a single gram of carbohydrates and not a single gram of fat. This is what distinguishes protein isolate from regular protein, which contains a large percentage of carbohydrates and fats.

What is it and what do you eat it with?

Today there are many available various types protein isolate. Efficiency is measured by such an indicator as biological value(BC).

Biological value different types proteins in descending order:


Whole egg

Egg white

Those. If you decide to use isolate not only as an ingredient for your dishes, but also as an additional source of protein, you should choose whey or egg protein isolate. For example, this whey protein isolate and is considered a classic isolate for athletes and bodybuilders:

Now on the sports nutrition market you can find any type of isolate, but sports nutrition is not so cheap ( average price from 1500 rubles and above)

Here's another one famous example whey isolate

A good and cheap alternative is soy protein isolate. This type of isolate has a very low cost and is even widely used for feeding livestock. Now it is actively advertised and is also included in products and sports nutrition. However, you should always read the ingredients carefully!

This is what soy protein isolate looks like (grey-mustard powder)

So. Coming to the main question that interests us - to use or not to use protein isolate?

I answer this question positively. Yes, it’s worth using isolate! And here are a few reasons that I found for myself:

— on the Dukan diet, isolate is not considered an DOP.

- can be used on a diet in unlimited quantities (pay attention to the daily consumption rates indicated by the manufacturer! This is about 60 g)

— can be used at any stage of the diet, starting with Attack

— by adding protein isolate, the volume of baked goods increases significantly

- useful as an additional source of protein

— isolate perfectly replaces corn starch in baked goods and desserts

It is for all these reasons that I began to actively use isolate in baking, and you will be able to appreciate this in the near future - I will often post recipes using protein isolate, here is an example of one cake using isolate Mink Mole Cake

To avoid all sorts of questions about where to buy and which one to buy, I’ll say right away - look in sports nutrition stores or in online stores, such as


On average, the norm of isolates is 60g. in a day.

In 100 g of isolate it is quite acceptable: fat content up to 1 g, carbohydrate content up to 4 g.

That's probably all about protein isolate and its use in our diet. Tell me if you have had the experience of being “friends” with protein isolate.

Good luck with your weight loss!

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