Chances of getting pregnant: on which days are they greatest, how to increase the likelihood of conception? How many days after ovulation can you get pregnant? What are the chances in a week

The onset of pregnancy is a long-awaited happy event in a woman’s life, which is designed by nature itself to make her happy. The act of conception itself is a kind of sacrament of love, and the fruit of the true feelings of lovers is the birth of a baby. Of course, there are exceptions, and two bright stripes on a test indicator are not always good news for future father and mother. And for a number of reasons, young people are in no hurry to decide to plan a pregnancy, citing too much work, lack of financial resources, lack of proper housing, work and other factors.

As a result, the decision about future conception may be postponed indefinitely. Many couples, on the contrary, are concerned about the question of speedy pregnancy the first time. Is it possible?

Of course, the chances of conceiving a baby are quite high even with a single sexual act. However, turning to statistics, you can find the following indicators: only one in six women can become pregnant during their first sexual intercourse. What can most directly influence the onset of pregnancy? Of course, first of all, this is the health of both parents.

If the body functions normally and not pathological abnormalities, then the chances of becoming potential expectant mother increase many times.

Numerous studies and life itself tell expectant parents that pregnancy the first time is a possible phenomenon, but from the point of view of gynecological theory it is still unlikely. Therefore, there are a number of mandatory conditions that a man and woman who are in a hurry to conceive their first child should know.

What's included in this list:

  • The female body is complex and much of it is subject to cyclicity. The harmonious, coordinated work of a woman’s reproductive system guarantees a high probability of conception. A woman’s menstrual cycle should be uninterrupted and last at least 21-28 days;
  • Conception must be accomplished during the ovulatory period, that is, in the middle of the cycle. This is the time the egg is released into the uterine cavity. It is during this short period (the egg lives for a maximum of 36-48 hours) that it is advisable to have sexual intercourse;
  • sperm must maintain high mobility, activity and viability to fertilize the egg;
  • a man and a woman must be healthy emotionally and physically.

It happens that the zygote cannot attach to the wall of the uterus, and it leaves it at the onset of the next menstruation.

How to determine the chances of pregnancy the first time?

If a woman or girl’s menstruation is even and stable, then we can hope that there should be no problems with conception. In healthy female body Ovulation should be constant and its arrival, as a rule, is within the middle of the cycle, this is the 14-16th day. Considering that sperm activity in a healthy male body can persist for up to 3 or more days, then, accordingly, conception can occur if intimacy happened before ovulation. However, statistically, the chances are equal – 10-12%. If the couple does not conceive, there is no need to worry. First you need to coordinate your lifestyle, establish a work and rest schedule, get rid of stressful situations and be sure to carry out full examination the whole body.

The examination that a woman needs to undergo

Here are the main studies for women:

  1. Visit to the gynecological office.
  2. Research ultrasound.
  3. A number of mandatory tests.
  4. Drawing up a calendar based on your own cycle (beginning, that is, the date of the first menstruation and the date of ovulation).

It is important for a man to understand how much he leads healthy image life, eats right and how valuable he is as a potential donor.

What can interfere with conception and pregnancy?

It's a shame if those in a hurry to become parents fail to conceive a child the first time. But you shouldn’t see this as a tragedy, because there are plenty of reasons for a failed pregnancy and many of them can be easily eliminated.

What may influence the delay of this event:

  1. Incorrectly calculated cycle and day of ovulation.
  2. Availability chronic diseases, especially the genitourinary system.
  3. Taking any medications (antidepressants or tranquilizers, for example) that affect sperm activity and the ovulation process itself.
  4. Witnessed abortions in the past (recent or distant). Diagnostic curettage in the uterine cavity, surgical interventions and minor operations - all this can cause the absence of pregnancy.
  5. Weak activity of sperm cells in a man.
  6. Age can also be one of the fundamental barriers to conception.
  7. Pathologies of the female genital organs (endometriosis, glandular hyperplasia, uterine fibroids, chronic adnexitis and other diseases in women).

It is the disease of the female reproductive system that needs to be discussed in detail, since it is this disease that often interferes with the long-awaited happiness of two.

In order for the egg to implant in the uterine cavity, and not in another nearby area, you must have healthy genitals.

So, “wrong” conception can be provoked by:

  • obstruction fallopian tubes;
  • disturbances in the structure of the endometrium;
  • adhesions in the genitals.

All this prevents the egg from fully “settling” in the uterus. The bitter outcome of all this can be a miscarriage and even death, if the egg is in view adhesive process will end up in the fallopian tube, not in the uterus. Moreover, it is difficult for sperm to reach the egg that is stuck in the tube.

Endometritis and endometriosis are diseases that negatively affect conception. Indeed, with these diseases, the egg cannot penetrate the mucous membrane and fully gain a foothold in it in order to continue further development.

In reality, nothing is impossible. Factors that hinder conception can be reduced or even eliminated if you take your health seriously and are determined to achieve your goal. You just need to go through the full medical examination from many specialists and when any pathologies and disorders are identified, begin complex treatment and therapeutic interventions.

Is caesarean section a cause of infertility?

Caesarean section in itself is not a cause of infertility. It is possible that as a result of this intervention, pockets of inflammation appeared in the uterus. If not enough time has passed since the first birth, then you should wait with a new conception until the body gets back into shape and recovers. Another reason for unsuccessful pregnancy after caesarean section there may be adhesions in the abdominal cavity.

Theoretically, two years after the first birth, a woman can again hope to become a mother for the second time.

To increase your chances of having a baby on the first try, you need to follow a number of available recommendations:

  1. You may need to start taking oral contraceptives to stimulate ovulation in the future. Typically, gynecologists prescribe them for 4-6 months (at least). After discontinuation of the new generation of contraceptive drugs, the ovaries strengthen their work and functionality, which cannot but affect a favorable conception.
  2. The position of the female body during sexual intercourse can also affect pregnancy, and with such disorders as a tilted uterus, you can practice positions that promote conception to a greater extent.
  3. Maintaining moderation in eating is very important stage. Excess weight may cause the absence of pregnancy. Also, do not overuse caffeine-containing drinks. harmful products, alcohol.

Many young couples strive to increase their chances of successful conception in any way possible. Some women ask specialists when is the best time to have sex in order to get pregnant. Others are looking for information about in various ways determining favorable days on the Internet.

What are the patient’s chances of conceiving after menstruation? What is the probability of getting pregnant before your period? Which method of calculating favorable days is the most accurate?

On which days of the cycle are you most likely to conceive?

The problem of conceiving a child is relevant for many modern families. Married couples often turn to doctors to find out how to increase their chances of pregnancy. Gynecologists advise women to calculate the days that are most favorable for conceiving a child.

In order to find out the period in which the probability of conception is highest, the patient should mark the days of her menstruation on a calendar for 6-12 months. However, this method will not help a woman with an unstable menstrual cycle. In this case, you should consult a doctor to find the cause of irregular periods. A woman can use the calendar method only after her menstrual cycle has leveled out.

The patient has the highest chance of becoming pregnant during the period of ovulation, which is characterized by the release of an egg - a ready-made reproductive cell from a ruptured follicle, heading through the fallopian tubes towards the uterine cavity. At this time, the body produces increased production of progesterone, the main hormone of pregnancy. If the egg meets the sperm on the day of ovulation, conception will occur. Otherwise she will die.

The egg has the ability to fertilize all 48 hours after the rupture of the follicle. Accordingly, the duration of ovulation does not exceed 2-3 days per cycle. Couples who dream of offspring should have sex during this period of time. If a man has no problems with men's health, the chance of getting pregnant is more than 90%. The main task of the couple is to accurately determine fertile days.

Ovulation is calculated based on the duration of the cycle, provided that it is stable. A woman can calculate her fertile days according to the following scheme:

  • You need to take a calendar in which the woman marked the days of her menstruation. In it you should find a cycle with a minimum number of days, for example 26.
  • From this number the patient must subtract 18. 26-18 = 8, this means that the probability of fertilization increases from the 8th day of the cycle.
  • In order to calculate all favorable period, a woman must determine a cycle with the maximum number of days, for example 31. 11 must be subtracted from this number, 31-11 = 20. Thus, between the 8th and 20th day of the cycle, the patient has every chance of becoming pregnant.
  • Women with this cycle are considered safe for unprotected sexual intercourse next days- 1-7th and 20-31st.

Is it possible to get pregnant during menstruation?

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According to the calendar, a patient with a normal 28-day cycle should not become pregnant after intercourse in critical days. Despite this axiom, some women experience double ovulation in one cycle, so the calendar method may be ineffective and inaccurate for such patients.

Patients with short cycle. If its duration is 21 days, then the safe period for unprotected sexual intercourse is between 10 and 21 days, that is, the post-ovulation period. The risk of conception during menstruation in women with a 21-day cycle is explained by the viability of sperm, which can live in female body up to 10 days.

Is it possible to get pregnant before and after menstruation?

Couples who are planning offspring should not miss the period of time after menstruation and ovulation. Since sperm remain viable for up to 10 days, they can wait until the follicle ruptures in the female body.

During the period of ovulation, the patient, as is known, has the best chance of becoming pregnant.

What is the probability of successful fertilization before the critical days? The interval between the last day after ovulation and the first day of the new cycle is safe for unprotected intercourse. A woman should take into account that the probability of fertilization before the critical days is minimal, but not equal to 0. Some patients experience double ovulation in one cycle. In this case, the likelihood of getting pregnant increases even if sexual intercourse took place shortly before your period.

How to calculate favorable days?

What methods are the most accurate for determining favorable days for conception? The likelihood of getting pregnant is increased by different methods. The most effective and accurate include:

  • orientation to basal body temperature;
  • calendar method;
  • pharmacy ovulation test;
  • folliculometry.

Definition basal temperature- one of the most economical and simple ways calculate favorable days for fertilization. In order to obtain reliable results, the patient should have her temperature measured from the very first day menstrual cycle. Measurements are taken in the morning immediately after waking up using the rectal method.

A woman needs to create a schedule that will include data on daily temperature readings. Thanks to this scheme, the patient will learn to track temperature dynamics depending on the phase of the cycle. So, for example, the temperature in the first half of the cycle before the follicle ruptures should not exceed 36.9 degrees. The day before ovulation, the temperature should drop sharply by several levels. As soon as the egg leaves the follicle, the temperature readings will begin to rise again, in some patients these days they reach 37-37.2 degrees.

Since one of the disadvantages this method is an inaccuracy, you should understand its reasons. Unreliable temperature measurement results are due to the following factors:

  • loss of strength due to excessive physical or mental activity;
  • abuse of alcoholic beverages;
  • sexual intercourse 6 hours before measuring temperature readings.

Another way to calculate favorable days to increase the likelihood of conception is to mark the days of menstruation on a calendar. Modern women Today they have the opportunity to use an online calendar in their gadget. Thanks to special programs the patient will never lose data about her menstrual cycle.

Some patients do not trust either the first or the second methods, so they prefer more exact method- pharmacy ovulation test. Its principle of operation is exactly the same as that of pregnancy tests. When ovulation occurs, 2 stripes appear on the test. Its reagent is luteinizing hormone, the concentration of which increases significantly the day before the release of the egg.

Despite the fact that folliculometry is the most expensive of all the above methods, many desperate women resort to it. This method is based on ultrasound examination pelvic organs. Over the course of several days, the sonologist evaluates the growth of the follicle until its diameter reaches 18-24 mm. The doctor can confirm the onset of ovulation if corpus luteum came out of the follicle, and there is some fluid behind the uterus.

What factors influence conception?

Many couples today have problems conceiving. The likelihood of pregnancy decreases in the following cases:

  • Reduced sperm activity and viability. In this case, the man needs to consult a urologist for advice. In most cases, men only need one course of drug therapy to increase their chances of conceiving.
  • Age of the woman in labor. For patients over 35 years of age, it is actually much more difficult to become pregnant and carry a baby to term.
  • Unsatisfactory quality of the endometrium. Some time after fertilization, implantation occurs. If by this moment the thickness of the endometrium does not reach the required thickness, the egg will not be able to attach to the wall and will die.
  • Gynecological pathologies. Patients with chronic women's diseases and diseases in acute form are at risk of developing infertility.
  • Hormonal imbalance. Hormonal imbalance is one of the most common reasons for the inability to get pregnant.

Not every woman has access to the joys of motherhood. Therefore, every adult representative of the fair sex has at least once asked herself the question: “What are the chances of getting pregnant?” This is primarily due to a change in priorities - ironically, the ideal period for pregnancy falls during study or career, so for many people planning a child married couples is postponed for 10 years. But even if everything is in order with health and age, not everyone succeeds in conceiving a child. What are your chances of getting pregnant and how can you increase them?

Age and chances of getting pregnant

Age is one of the main reproductive factors in both sexes. Time is always inexorable. If a woman wants to give birth to a child, then the greatest chance of becoming pregnant is at 20-24 years old, after which the probability gradually decreases, and the risk of infertility increases. And although men reproductive period much longer, the likelihood of having healthy children at 45 is much lower than at 20.

Is there a chance of getting pregnant if you are already older? According to family planning specialists, a woman’s fertility at 40 is four times lower than at 25. This means that the more years passes, the more time you need for conception to occur, and, besides, various diseases, which usually become apparent over the years, can interfere with bearing a baby. What are the chances of older couples getting pregnant? According to medical statistics, 6% of women aged 35 and 23% of 38-year-olds cannot conceive a child for more than three years in a row with regular sex life. This is mainly due to health problems. The following factors reduce the likelihood of conception:

  • depletion of egg reserve;
  • reduction of the menstrual cycle;
  • thinning of the endometrial layer in the uterus;
  • increased viscosity of vaginal secretions;
  • diseases, affecting organs reproduction (endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, chlamydia);
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Chance of getting pregnant after menstruation

The very possibility of conception in women is associated with the ovulation cycle - the maturation of the egg. And this, in turn, occurs only on certain days of the menstrual cycle. How to determine your chances of getting pregnant after your period based on your ovulation calendar? Very simple. The ovulation cycle is divided into three periods:

  • the period of perfect sterility, when the probability of fertilization of the egg is zero;
  • a period of partial sterility, when there is still a chance of getting pregnant after menstruation;
  • the period most favorable for conception.

According to the ovulation calendar, the period of partial sterility begins with last day menstruation and continues until ovulation. It, in turn, occurs 14 days after the first day of menstruation, but can also fall on days 11-13 of the cycle. According to recent studies, the greatest chance of getting pregnant occurs at the time of ovulation. The probability is 33%. The day before ovulation, the chances of getting pregnant reach 31%, two days later they drop to 27%, and three days they are only 16%. These numbers are related to sperm viability, which decreases every day. How longer gap between intimate contact and ovulation, the less chance of getting pregnant. The probability of conception remains 5 days before ovulation, although it is too low. And for six or more days, as well as after the release of the egg, it is minimal. It should be remembered that these data are only relevant for women with regular cycles.

What are the chances of getting pregnant if you get your period after trying to conceive? This doesn't always mean you failed. IN in rare cases After fertilization of the egg, menstruation still continues, but the discharge is scanty and spotting. If this is your case, then you have every chance of getting pregnant after your period.

Couple lifestyle

Absolutely healthy spouses who have no problems with bad habits, the opportunities for conception are much greater than for smokers and patients. Sometimes you need to change your lifestyle in many ways for difficulties to subside.

What factors affect your chances of getting pregnant? These, first of all, include a woman’s weight - its lack (less than 50 kg) and excessive excess lead to disruption of the ovulation cycle.

The ability to conceive decreases with psycho-emotional overload. Research has shown that men who experience regular stress have less sperm production in their testicles.

How do coffee and cigarettes affect your chances of getting pregnant? Basic research this issue has not yet been addressed. However, according to some data, caffeine and nicotine slow down the production of sperm and make them less mobile, and therefore capable of fertilization.

The ability to conceive is also affected by temperature regime– both men and women should avoid hypothermia and overheating in the genital area, as well as poor circulation due to tight or uncomfortable clothing, since all these factors reduce reproductive function.

How to increase your chances of getting pregnant

It is necessary to prepare in advance for successful conception. If a woman takes oral contraceptives, you need to cancel them several months before planning. Some contraceptives continue to work some time after discontinuation - these include oral contraceptives, hormonal injections, rings, etc.

When planning pregnancy, take into account the ovulation cycle. For women whose cycle is irregular or too long, the best way to determine the release of an egg is to measure your basal body temperature every morning. During ovulation it increases. Within 2-3 days before the basal temperature rises, the chances of getting pregnant are as high as possible.

How to understand that you need specialist help

U healthy couple, leading regular sex life(about twice a week), conception can occur within a year, provided that the expectant mother is under 35 years of age. If this does not happen, you should contact family planning specialists. If the lady took contraception, then three months can be added to the period allotted for independent attempts to conceive. If a woman is over 35 years old, then a visit to the doctor should be scheduled after six months of unsuccessful attempts.

It is worth visiting a specialist if you have endometriosis, inflammatory diseases pelvic organs, a history of miscarriage, or age 40 years or more. Is there a chance of getting pregnant in this case? In most situations the answer is yes. The only question is how much time and resources it will take.

A woman’s ability to conceive is completely absent in postmenopause (when menstruation stops completely), as well as after surgery to remove the ovaries or affect the fallopian tubes.

What is the probability of getting pregnant on a certain day of the cycle?

The likelihood of getting pregnant depends on:

  • whether you use contraception (if so, what kind);
  • women's health;
  • men's health;
  • day of the cycle on which sexual intercourse occurred.

Chances of getting pregnant with unprotected sex

To find out what the probability of getting pregnant is, consider the functioning of the female reproductive system.

On the first day of menstrual bleeding, follicles begin to grow on the ovary. These are a kind of sacs in which one egg grows and matures. After about 7 days, one of several follicles is identified. It continues to grow, and the rest “subsides.”

Approximately in the middle of the cycle (on the 14th day with a 28-day cycle, on the 17th with a 35-day cycle), the follicle bursts and an egg is released from it. It is drawn in by the uterine tube (fallopian tube), through which the egg moves into the uterine cavity.

Now you can calculate the probability of getting pregnant on a certain day of the cycle. You are most likely to get pregnant if you have unprotected intercourse in the middle of the cycle, that is, on the 14–15th day with a 28-day cycle or on the 17–18th day with a 35-day cycle. Sex before or after your period is least likely to lead to pregnancy.

After ovulation, the egg lives in a woman’s body for about a day (an average of 24 to 48 hours). Spermatozoa remain motile for three days, that is, 72 hours. There are studies showing that sperm in a woman's body can remain active for up to 7 or even 9 days, which indicates high probability get pregnant. Taking this into account, and also not entirely regular cycle in many women, it becomes clear why the calendar method of contraception has such low effectiveness - from 14 to 38 women out of 100 who are protected using the calendar method become pregnant within a year.

Is it possible to get pregnant while using contraception?

IN in this case The likelihood of pregnancy depends on the method of contraception.

Usually, to calculate the probability of getting pregnant, the Pearl index is used. It shows the number of pregnancies that will occur in 100 women if they do not use any contraceptives for a year. In Russia, this figure ranges from 67 to 82.

The Pearl index is also used to calculate whether there is a chance of becoming pregnant when using a particular type of contraception. The number of women who became pregnant during the year using this method contraception. Data are presented both for couples who correctly use the chosen method of contraception, and for couples who make errors in use. At correct use For example, 3 out of 100 women get pregnant if a condom is used incorrectly - 19.

  • Female and male sterilization
  • Between 3 and 50 women out of 10,000 become pregnant.
  • Combined oral contraceptives
  • Between 5 and 40 women out of 10,000 become pregnant.
  • Pure progestins
  • Intrauterine device
  • Between 5 and 12 women out of 1000 become pregnant.
  • Condom
  • Between 3 and 19 women out of 100 become pregnant.
  • Spermicides
  • Between 5 and 27 women out of 100 become pregnant.
  • Coitus interruptus
  • Between 12 and 38 women out of 100 become pregnant.
  • Calendar method
  • Between 14 and 38 women out of 100 become pregnant.

The first two methods of protection against unwanted pregnancy. However, there is a fundamental difference between them: sterilization is irreversible, and you can stop taking COCs at any time.

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