Armpits sweat a lot, what to apply. Disturbances in the functioning of the sympathetic nervous system. Use of sedatives

Why do armpits sweat so quickly? Is this a normal phenomenon in the body or a sign of a disease? Before starting treatment, you need to determine the cause, and then figure out how to stop your armpits from sweating. There are various reasons why armpits sweat:

  • stress or any nervous tension;
  • clothes made of poor fabric that fit the body very tightly;
  • high ambient temperature.

There are some reasons why you may notice that something is wrong with your sweating. Firstly, it is harsh and secondly, it stains clothes that cannot be washed off. Thirdly, the person feels discomfort.

It happens that the person himself has an obvious answer to the question: “How can I stop my armpits from sweating?” If profuse sweat bothers you in winter, then there is only one way out - change your clothes to looser ones. The fact is that when clothing tightly fits a person’s body, poor ventilation occurs. And the result is increased sweating. However, outfits should not be easy to wear. winter time, they should warm and allow air to pass through. The solution to how to stop your armpits from sweating can be found in antiperspirant. You can purchase special pads that will absorb excess body moisture.

What and how to do to prevent your armpits from sweating at home? First of all, you need to try taking a contrast shower twice a day, for example, in the morning and in the evening. The armpits should be constantly treated with both cold and hot water. Together with such procedures, massage attachments can be used. Alternating between the above methods will help reduce sweating as the pores become smaller and firmer. An infrared sauna will also do the job perfectly. It not only normalizes work sebaceous glands, but will also disperse the blood throughout the body and improve your mood.

The simplest and reliable means today, which will tell you how to prevent your armpits from sweating - antiperspirants. They are sold in the most different types: sprays, roll-on, powders, gels. You can also try to use traditional medicine methods. Various infusions will help cope with unwanted sweating. These can be decoctions of chamomile, oak bark, horsetail, soda solution, or lemon juice.

You need to carefully monitor your diet, drink herbal tea and other herbal tinctures. Perhaps the whole reason lies within human body.

What and how to do to prevent your armpits from sweating, using medical supplies? Iontophoresis gives good results. How it works: weak discharges electric current. This course of treatment eliminates excess sweating and restores good thermoregulation of the body.

Before you start solving the problem, you need to figure out what causes it. Treatment in serious cases is not only necessary, it is simply necessary. After all, at first glance it seems that there is nothing serious about this, but this is not at all the case. We are surrounded by various factors that can cause harm to our health. And it is the most important thing for any person, and it is necessary to take care of it in order to avoid serious diseases in the future.

Local hyperhidrosis: what to do if your armpits sweat a lot?

What to do if every new summer becomes a real challenge for you? You try not to wear light-colored clothes for fear that wet circles under your arms will attract the attention of others. In a delicate situation, with a far-fetched smile, you try to make all sorts of self-critical jokes, but in fact, in your lifetime, you are ready to erect a monument to someone who will help you get rid of this problem. So, what to do if your armpits sweat a lot? Search radical means or make do with folk ones?

This is scientifically unpleasant phenomenon called local hyperhidrosis. Actually, hyperhidrosis is excessive sweating. For some it is large-scale, while for others it manifests itself only in certain areas of the body: the feet, palms, face, and even the same armpits, sweat! Doctors say that local hyperhidrosis, especially in axillary area, never occurs on its own - it is a symptom of some disease, sometimes quite serious.

If you have increased sweat secretion, you should undergo a comprehensive medical examination.

For example, the armpits usually become wet when a person suffers from vegetative-vascular dystonia, or when he is not all right with thyroid gland. Excessive sweating of the armpits usually spoils the life of about every twentieth woman. But, they say, there are no hopeless situations. So let's see what can really be done with these unfortunate armpits.

Method number 1: Regular soap

In principle, our grandmothers used them and did not complain - in their time there were no traces of any antiperspirants. It is best, according to experienced people, to use baby soap, since it is considered more “environmentally friendly”. Lightly moisten it, wipe the skin under the armpits with a moistened soap bar, and let them dry. This creates a protective layer that will protect clothes from unwanted getting wet throughout the day. Why is it better than popular godorants and antiperspirants? Because all “armpit” perfumes often provoke the onset of mastopathy, but with baby soap you will not face this misfortune.
Long live scented and environmentally friendly soap!

Method number 2: Teymurov's paste
Another almost folk remedy from the “economy” category. Typically, Teymurov's paste is used for foot hyperhidrosis, but also for the treatment increased sweating It will also work well under the armpits. This drug contains boric acid, methenamine, talc, sodium tetraborate, salicylic acid, lead acetate, formaldehyde, zinc oxide. In general, this drug not only has a deodorizing effect, but also dries the skin and acts as an antiseptic.

Method number 3: Lassara paste
Lassar's paste is an anti-inflammatory agent in the same category as Teymurov's paste. Its main ingredients include salicylic acid, zinc oxide, starch and petroleum jelly. In general, this remedy was invented in the second half of the 19th century, but is still available in almost every pharmacy. The conclusion that it fully deserves respect, I think, suggests itself. Otherwise, Lassar's paste would have long ago been displaced from pharmaceutical market more “advanced” analogues.
The famous drug Lassara is nothing more than salicylic-zinc ointment.

Method number 4: Infrared sauna
ABOUT healing properties Infrared saunas are legendary. Their action is based on the ability infrared radiation heat the human body in a short period of time without causing any significant changes in air temperature. Penetrating deep into the body, infrared waves accelerate the flow of blood and lymph. Thanks to this, metabolic metabolism is normalized, tissues and muscles receive additional portions of oxygen and the necessary amount of nutrition. The functions of the sweat glands also gradually return to normal against such a favorable background. However, you should remember that not everyone can visit an infrared sauna, and it is better to consult a doctor in advance about contraindications.

Method number 5: Contrast shower

Don't be lazy and do this simple procedure every morning and evening - and perhaps after a while your wet armpits will stop bothering you. First, you need to “water” the armpit area with moderately hot water (with a temperature of about 40 degrees Celsius) for about two to three minutes. Then turn it on for half a minute cool water(20 to 25 degrees). Then we open the hot one again - and we do this a total of five to six times with the left armpit and the same number with the right. Try to massage your skin with jets of water, making circular movements with the shower head. Don't let yourself get chills or overheat - this won't lead to anything good.
A contrast shower gives a positive result in eliminating hyperhidrosis only if used regularly.

Method No. 6: Dry Dry Deodorant

On the Internet, Dry Dry deodorant is famous as a super-drying product. It is produced by the Swedish pharmaceutical company Scandi-Line in the form of a colorless clear liquid, packaged in 35 ml bottles. Dry Dry deodorant contains only two active components- denatured alcohol and aluminum chloride hydrate. It follows that it is strictly forbidden to use it near an open fire. On the manufacturer’s website, the mechanism of action of this literally flammable mixture is explained as follows: the drug, they say, when it gets on the skin, forms a kind of aluminum-protein complex that reliably clogs the pores. Not only does it clog them, it also “redirects” sweat evaporation to “those places where it occurs more easily in normal volumes"(this is a quote from the Scandi-Line website). You need to treat the armpit area in the evening, before going to bed, after thoroughly drying the skin. Possible side effects in the form of itching, tingling and redness. If they do not go away even after using a soothing cream, it is better to avoid using Dry Dry deodorant.
It’s hard to say where exactly the Dry Dry deodorant redirects sweat evaporation. But for some reason this “redirection” is sometimes accompanied by itching and redness.

Method number 7: Purax spray
It so happened that Austrian pharmacologists developed Purax spray to treat excessive sweating of the feet, and “creative” consumers adapted it to combat palmar and axillary hyperhidrosis. The composition there is almost the same as that of Dry Dry deodorant, side effects are also similar, and they need to be used according to the same scheme. The only way the Austrian “panacea” differs from the Swedish one is the release form: Purax spray is sold in larger cans - 50 ml each.

Method No. 8: Injections of botulinum toxin preparations

Of course, this method cannot be called ineffective - after injections of botulinum toxin preparations (Botox, Dysport, Xeomin), the result lasts from six months to one year. The armpits become so dry that there is no need to buy deodorants even “for formality.” The procedure is quite painless and takes no more than an hour. But not everyone can afford such injections: on average, the price of pleasure is 15-16 thousand rubles (or 300-350 dollars).
You will have to pay a tidy sum for an injection with botulinum toxin preparations.

Method number 9: Liposuction
And this option is for the most determined. Often the cause of axillary hyperhidrosis is an excess of adipose tissue in this area. During liposuction, subcutaneous fatty tissue is completely removed from there, and nerve nodes directly connected to the sweat glands are destroyed. As a result, sweating is noticeably reduced. To people suffering diabetes mellitus or diseases of the circulatory system, liposuction is not performed. Ten days before the operation, you must stop smoking or taking medications, primarily those that affect blood clotting.

Method number 10: Curettage
Curettage is the removal of a concentrated area sweat glands. The skin in the armpit is punctured, peeled off, and literally “scraped out” from under it. nerve endings And sweat glands. Complications such as bleeding or hematoma are possible, but these are temporary phenomena. The effect lasts for an average of three to five years, and then new nerve endings grow, and armpit hyperhidrosis makes itself felt again. The same thing, by the way, happens several years after liposuction.

There are especially many sweat glands located in the armpits. The body needs sweating for thermoregulation, otherwise we could die from heat and overheating. But some people suffer from excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis). The problem causes discomfort, creates tension and the need for constant monitoring. How to get rid of armpit sweating at home, what traditional methods the most effective - consider these questions. There are many simple and accessible recipes to reduce hyperhidrosis and its unpleasant consequences.

Why do my armpits sweat a lot?

In a hot environment, during physical activity and active actions, the body begins to remove fluid so that the body temperature does not rise and there is no overheating. This is a completely natural and necessary process.

There are many reasons for excessive underarm sweating.

Increased sweating in the armpits can have many causes, the most common are the following:

  • Physiological feature.
  • Neglect of body hygiene.
  • Overweight.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  • Diseases of the kidneys and urinary system.
  • Thyroid diseases.
  • Hormonal disorders.
  • Taking certain medications.
  • Frequent wearing of clothes made of synthetic fabrics.
  • Excessive fluid intake.

In order to exclude pathological causes hyperhidrosis, it is necessary to undergo diagnostics.

It should be understood that folk remedies for armpit sweating can provide significant help, but they will not get rid of the problem if it lies internally. In cases where excessive sweating is the result of physiological feature, active image life or hot climate, ethnoscience very effective.

Folk remedies and recipes for armpit sweating

Most of folk recipes based on natural remedies and ingredients. Moreover, they all have a budget price. So, if your armpits are sweating and smelling a lot, and you are wondering what you can do at home, then for you we present the most effective methods combating hyperhidrosis.


Herbal infusions, which you can buy at a pharmacy, market, or collect yourself, will help reduce sweating.

Attention! Any herbal infusions Store in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days. It’s best to prepare a fresh decoction every day in the morning.

  • Chamomile. The most famous medicinal herb, which helps against many ailments. Strong antiseptic and tissue regenerator. A tablespoon of flowers is brewed with a glass of boiling water and left for 2-3 hours. Warm infusion is used to wipe the armpits up to 10 times a day with a cotton or gauze swab.
  • Sage. This herb contains a lot of esters, antimicrobial and tannins, which are excellent against heavy sweating. The decoction is prepared as follows: pour 3 tsp into a glass of water. herbs and bring to a boil, but do not boil. Leave for about 3 hours and wipe the skin, the more often the better.
  • Oak bark. A tablespoon of bark is steamed with 200 ml of boiling water, left for 2 hours, and used as in previous recipes. An infusion of oak bark for armpit sweating is very powerful and effective remedy. This natural component contains substances that reduce the activity of sweat ducts and kill bacteria that cause unpleasant odor.
  • Melissa. Melissa also contains essential oils, tannins, caffeic acid and other elements that help reduce hyperhidrosis. Take 1.5 tbsp per glass of boiling water. lemon balm, steam the herb and leave for about 3 hours, then wipe the armpits with the liquid.
  • A series. This herb has an anti-allergic effect, quickly relieves inflammation and irritation on the skin, tightens pores and reduces sweating. Brew it like this: 1 tbsp. pour 150 ml of boiling water and leave for about 3 hours. The more often you wipe your armpits with this infusion per day, the faster the relief will come.
  • Celandine. The action of the plant is similar to a string. The infusion is prepared in the same way as described above.

When your armpits sweat a lot and deodorants don’t help, psychological discomfort is not the worst thing, because it means that something is wrong with your health. What to do, how to get rid of this problem quickly and effectively?

Increased sweating may be the cause serious violations in organism.

Causes of armpit sweating

Sweating itself is a completely normal reaction of the human body to the influence of high temperatures or various stressful situations.

However, sometimes sweating can be so strong that it can be justified by stress and high temperature it is forbidden. Perhaps this is due to hormonal changes body. Why do my armpits sweat a lot?

Other, most common reasons include:

  • metabolic disorders;
  • excess of toxins in the body;
  • diseases such as vegetative-vascular dystonia and thyroid gland;
  • frequent use junk food(something spicy or fatty), as well as energy and alcoholic drinks;
  • use of certain medications;
  • excessive amount of fatty tissue;
  • wearing warm clothes or clothes that are made of synthetics and fit tightly to the body;
  • increased physical activity;
  • absence proper care taking care of the body, proper personal hygiene;
  • constant stress and nervous tension.

How to deal with the problem at home?

If your armpits sweat profusely even when it is quite cool outside or just a few minutes after leaving the house, you should resort to folk remedies. How to get rid of armpit sweating at home?

  • Five tablespoons of chamomile are poured into two liters hot water, then all this should be infused for 60 minutes. Next, add two tablespoons of soda to this infusion and stir. Ready mixture You should wipe the skin of your armpits regularly, six to eight times a day, in order to reduce profuse sweating (including in hot weather).
  • No less effective in combating sweaty armpits are baths prepared with a decoction of oak bark. It will take half an hour to boil 200 grams of bark in clean water, after which the broth is filtered and added to a bath of water at room temperature or slightly warmer. Oak bark It is allowed to replace it with branches of coniferous trees, from which decoctions should also be prepared according to an already known recipe.

Baths are taken for three weeks, daily or every other day, lasting 20-30 minutes.

  • After washing your armpits, it is recommended to wipe them with boron lotion, and immediately after applying talc to the skin of the armpits. This procedure should be performed before going to bed. The lotion is prepared as follows: a solution of boric acid (four percent) is mixed in equal parts, table vinegar and perfumes that you don’t mind.

What else can you do to get rid of severe armpit sweating?

  • To tighten pores and temporarily prevent heavy sweating A regular contrast shower is useful. In addition, the procedure has a positive effect on psychological state human and this is important, because often it is in the nervous system that a malfunction occurs, leading to the problem of excessive sweating.

About contrast shower It is better to consult a doctor and unconditionally follow all his instructions. The procedure itself should be carried out carefully.

  • At least twice a day, you need to wash the problem area using antibacterial soap, then rinsing with cool water. The so-called “green soap” (made from olive oil) and baby soap are also perfect for washing.
  • If you wipe your armpits lemon juice, you will be able to temporarily mask the unpleasant odor and get rid of sweat.
  • Concentrated solution of water and baking soda Also suitable for wiping armpits. You should wipe the skin thoroughly with a cotton pad, having previously moistened it in the solution. It is known that baking soda does an excellent job of killing bacteria, preventing their formation on the skin.
  • To wipe heavily sweating armpits, you can also use resorcinol alcohol (2 percent only) twice a day.
  • In order to remove toxins from the body, which are one of the causes of the problem profuse sweating, it is recommended to drink teas intended for this purpose. It is important to strictly follow all directions and instructions related to the preparation and consumption of this drink. Gradually, the intensity of sweat production will decrease not only in the armpits, but also in other areas.
  • If wet marks from sweat quickly form on clothes, special fabric linings or inserts will come to the rescue. They are disposable, but they help out when you need to deal with sweat on clothes visually.

Drug treatment

From pharmaceutical drugs worth paying attention Special attention on the:

  1. Taimurov's pasta. This is a drug with a triple effect, that is, it disinfects, deodorizes and dries, effectively combating excessive sweating. Apply to problem areas twice a day and always in a thin layer. If a person is sensitive to any components of the paste, a migraine is possible, and if long-term use the occurrence of a skin rash cannot be ruled out;
  2. Formagel. Also has a disinfectant and antibacterial effect, reduces sweating. The gel must be used immediately after a shower, applying it in a thin layer and always on completely dry skin. After 20 minutes the gel can be washed off warm water. It is forbidden to use the drug for inflammation and hypersensitivity of the skin;
  3. Pasta Lassar. This combination remedy, since it is used not only for skin diseases, but also in case of increased sweating. It dries and rids the skin of microbes, but it cannot be used if there is poor blood clotting, the skin is prone to irritation, or anemia. It is also strongly recommended not to use this tool and pregnant women.

Excessive underarm sweating is a problem associated with excessive activity of the apocrine glands. A disease called hyperhidrosis causes severe inconvenience. Attacks of sweating can occur both in a state of activity and heat, and in rest, cold conditions, and stressful situations.

Discomfort from constantly wet areas of the skin and sweat on clothes greatly disturbs a person. It is important to know how to eliminate excessive sweating. After all untreated disease leads to increased symptoms. Subsequently, not only the armpits, but also the legs, palms, back, and neck can sweat. Therefore, timely consultation with a doctor is required. He will tell you how to get rid of armpit sweating.

Causes of excessive sweating

Sweating is a normal process for humans. As a result, thermoregulation of the body occurs, eliminating the likelihood of overheating. About half a liter of sweat is released per day. At elevated temperatures ah, under increased loads the amount can increase several times.

Sweat is also necessary for removing toxins, excess salt and metabolic products from the body. As a result various systems are cleansed, which relieves the excretory organs.

Sweating not only creates wet spots, but also an unpleasant odor.

If appears excessive sweating armpits, you can suspect disorders in the body. Its occurrence is influenced by other reasons that do not depend on active loads and elevated temperatures. The process is not considered normal and requires consultation with a doctor. IN medical institution a person is diagnosed with hyperhidrosis.

There are some disorders that can affect the process of sweat release. These include:

  • hormonal imbalances;
  • states of stress and emotional overstrain;
  • excess body weight;
  • chronic infectious diseases;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • taking medications;
  • overconsumption harmful products (spicy food, fast food), tea, coffee, alcoholic drinks;
  • wearing clothes made of synthetic fabrics.

Excessive sweat production under the arms creates various discomforts from wet spots to unpleasant odor. In addition, an environment favorable for the development of harmful microorganisms is created in this area. If the skin is irritated, skin diseases may appear.

Before starting treatment for armpit sweating, it is necessary to determine the causes of disorders in the body. This must be done by visiting a doctor who will refer the patient for tests. As a result comprehensive examination It will be possible to identify the factor that provokes hyperhidrosis.

Use of antiperspirants

A well-known remedy for armpit sweating is antiperspirant. It is used if the cause of hyperhidrosis is not disturbances in the body, but external influences.

You can fight sweating with the help of antiperspirants from cosmetic lines. They can be purchased at every store. This includes the following products:

  • for men;
  • for women;
  • deodorized products;
  • odorless products.

The release form may also change. Sprays, roll-on antiperspirants, and pencils are available for sale. The duration of action of each of them varies between 12–48 hours.

Various deodorants and antiperspirants combat sweating.

Cosmetics block sweat glands using metal salts. As a result, the activity of microorganisms that provoke the appearance of an unpleasant odor is neutralized.

Antiperspirants are applied to clean, dry skin without hair several times a day. In this way it is possible to increase their efficiency.

Get rid of excessive sweating armpits help not only cosmetic, but also medical supplies. They are sold in pharmacies.

The preparations contain:

  • aluminum chloride hexyhydrate (up to 15%);
  • aluminum;
  • zinc.

They are not always useful compounds, therefore should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor. Among the means of such action are Odaban, Maxim.

Antiperspirants often cause irritation in people whose skin is susceptible to allergic reaction. Negative effects may also occur in people who frequently use such products.

With prolonged use the following appear:

  • irritation;
  • rash;

To avoid adverse reactions, you must study the instructions for use. A safe option for use is to apply several times a month on clean skin before bed.

Pharmacy products

You can get rid of armpit sweating with the help of medications that are sold at the pharmacy. Tablets, solutions and pastes can be purchased without a prescription. However, you should not prescribe them yourself. Medicines are allowed to be used only after consultation with a doctor who evaluates possible risks during treatment.

Pastes and ointments

To eliminate hyperhidrosis, the use of salicylic-zinc paste is indicated. It is made from zinc oxide and salicylic acid. The substances help dry the skin and also eliminate the influence of harmful microorganisms.

You can get rid of heavy sweating with the help of zinc ointment. For a long time, patients leave positive reviews about the remedy. After all, it helps to effectively fight hyperhidrosis.

You can buy anti-sweating pastes and ointments at the pharmacy.

To achieve results, you need to lubricate your armpits twice a day with a thin layer of the product. Zinc oxide has disinfectant effect. Therefore, when using the product, the likelihood of infection of the body is reduced.

It is worth remembering that treatment is carried out over two weeks. If after this time the result does not appear, then the drug needs to be replaced.

You can reduce sweating using Lassara and Teymurov pastes. They also consist of zinc oxide, which blocks the activity of sweat glands. After application, the products are effective for several days. It is worth remembering that drugs are not prescribed to people who have increased sensitivity skin, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.

In case of increased sweating, the armpit area can be treated with special pharmaceutical products.

Galmanin powder helps cope with sweating. It is made with the addition of zinc and salicylic acid. In addition to drying the skin, the product works as an antiseptic.


You can get rid of excessive armpit sweating with the help of special medicinal solutions. They should be prescribed by a doctor in extreme cases, as many of them can be hazardous to health.

An inexpensive remedy is Formidron. It has long been used as a drug to treat hyperhidrosis. Despite its effectiveness, there is a main drawback of the solution. The composition contains formaldehyde, which negatively affects the nervous and reproductive systems.

You can apply it to the skin surface for a week. colorless solution Dry Dry. It affects the condition of pores and narrows their channels. Apply the product to dry and clean skin before going to bed.

Formidron may be dangerous when used

Urotropin helps eliminate sweating forever. However, the remedy is sometimes impossible to find in pharmacies. Its analogue, Hexamethylenetetramine, is more often represented. The product can be used either in the form of a dry mixture or a ready-made solution. There are several options for using the product.

  • The drug can be applied to dry and cleansed underarm skin by moistening a cotton pad in the solution. You need to wear a cotton or linen T-shirt over your body. The procedure is carried out before bedtime. The next day, a contrast shower will be useful.
  • Hexamine in powder form (1 teaspoon) is mixed with alum (1 teaspoon), water (50 g) and vodka (125 ml). The product is applied once every two weeks to a clean and dry skin surface.

If a person begins to sweat a lot, you can use Boric acid. It is applied in several ways.

  • Based on the drug, you can prepare a lotion that is applied to the armpit area.
  • It is allowed to add acid to baby powder by applying the composition after using the lotion for severe hyperhidrosis.
  • The surface of the skin should be lubricated with a ready-made solution sold in a pharmacy. It is applied to a cotton pad, which is applied to the skin.

Folk remedies

No less effective than medications, are folk remedies for armpit sweating. Many of them are considered relatively safe and can therefore be used during pregnancy and lactation.

Medicinal plants help reduce the amount of sweat produced

Medicinal plants

Compresses that are made from decoctions of medicinal plants. They normalize the sweating process, helping to cope with increased sweat output.

  • To prepare compresses and baths, you can take sage, mint leaves and St. John's wort flowers. The herbal mixture is poured with water and boiled for 15 minutes, and then applied to the area of ​​increased sweating.
  • Oak bark is often used for armpit sweating. Based on it, you can prepare a decoction by boiling the product (2 tablespoons of the plant in 2 cups of boiling water) for 30 minutes. After this, the oak composition is infused for 12 hours, diluted boiled water. In addition to compresses, you can use the decoction to prepare baths.
  • A mask made from oak bark (2 tablespoons) and honey (3 tablespoons) is useful. Apply the composition to the armpit area in the morning and evening for 10 minutes. Treatment is carried out for 14 days.
  • You can reduce sweating with lemon or lime juice. To do this, wipe the armpit area with a slice of fruit twice a day.
  • Chamomile has disinfecting properties. To prepare a decoction, 2 tablespoons of the plant are brewed with a glass of boiling water. A teaspoon of soda is added to the product. Ready drug used to treat the armpit area.
  • Helps to cope with the problem alcohol infusion from horsetail. The plant is filled with vodka in a ratio of 1:10. Before processing, you need to dilute the infusion in water in a ratio of 1 to 1.
  • You can get rid of the smell of sweat using black radish juice. It does not need to be diluted, so the composition is applied directly to the skin. The product must be stored in the refrigerator.
  • To not only eliminate excessive sweat, but also eliminate odor and bacteria, you can dilute the oil of rosemary flowers with water in equal parts. The resulting composition is applied to the armpit area.

Besides external use, some decoctions can be taken internally. They have sedative effect, which reduces sweat production. To prepare the product, mix:

  • mint;
  • St. John's wort;
  • valerian;
  • lemon balm;
  • motherwort.

The composition is poured with boiling water and infused for an hour. After straining, the broth is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio and taken in a third of a glass half an hour before meals.

Salt compress is an effective remedy for hyperhidrosis

Other means

When treating sweating with folk remedies at home, improvised components can be used.

  • You can do this before going to bed for a week salt compresses. For 200 ml of water you need to take 2 tablespoons of salt. A napkin is moistened in the solution and applied to the armpit area for 10 minutes.
  • You can use a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate. It is worth preparing it by wrapping several crystals in gauze, which is lowered into water. You must be careful: if the substance does not dissolve and gets on the skin, you can get a severe chemical burn.
  • Hyperhidrosis can be treated with baking soda or vinegar-based compresses. Take 2 tablespoons of the substance per glass of water.
  • Contrast compresses are used against sweating for 10 days. During the procedure, the napkin is wetted alternately in hot and cold water. You need to hold the fabric for 10 minutes each time. Alternation is carried out at least four times.

Medical assistance

At severe hyperhidrosis Neither pharmacy nor folk remedies may help. Then you will need more radical treatment. It is prescribed exclusively by a doctor.

In particularly serious cases, injections into the armpit area are indicated.

  • An effective procedure is iontophoresis. During it, the patient is injected into the armpit area. medicinal solution through galvanic current. Positive result can be assessed a week after the start of treatment.
  • Bolutoxin can be injected into the armpit area. Botox affects the functioning of the sweat glands, eliminating excessive sweating. The procedure is very expensive. The effect lasts for six months.
  • In the most serious cases it will be necessary surgical intervention. The surgeon excises the sweat glands, preventing excessive sweating.

Hyperhidrosis is serious illness, signaling disturbances in the body. Therefore, you need to deal with it only after consulting a doctor and identifying the causes of excessive sweating.

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