Symptoms and treatment of intestinal flu. Causes of viral intestinal infection

List of acute intestinal diseases viral nature is quite extensive. Often adults are diagnosed with intestinal flu symptoms; Let's consider them, as well as the treatment of pathology. Let's study the symptoms of intestinal flu in adults and methods of treating acute intestinal disease, which is viral in nature.

Stomach and intestinal flu, gastroenteritis, rotavirus infection - all this refers to the disease, affecting organs digestion and different acute form course of symptoms. The development of pathology is facilitated by different representatives same family of viruses. But most often it is provoked by a virus of the Rotavirus order. Upon penetration into organs food system its active reproduction begins, which becomes the cause of inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Children are most often affected by the disease, but symptoms of intestinal flu are also diagnosed in adults; the treatment regimen is the same for both age groups. Interestingly, despite the fact that the clinical picture of the disease is pronounced, in some adults with a strong, disease-resistant immune system, it may be completely absent. Accordingly, they become carriers of the disease.

Mechanisms of infection

Rotavirus penetrates through damaged gastrointestinal mucosa. The incubation period, i.e. the time that passes from the moment of encountering the virus until the appearance of the initial clinical manifestations, ranges from sixteen hours to five days. The rate of reproduction of the pathogen, as well as the severity of the pathology, is influenced by several factors:

  • virus concentration;
  • state of protective forces.

Knowing how stomach flu is transmitted in adults allows us to better understand the symptoms and treatment of the disease. Experts identify the following types of infection transmission:

  • the food route is through low-quality foods consumed raw. The cause may also be water taken directly from the tap or choking on it while swimming;
  • airborne route. The source becomes the saliva of a sick person, the air he exhales;
  • contact-household method. Similar to the previous option, the place of infection becomes any place where people gather en masse.

The causative agent of rotavirus infection is extremely resistant, and it will not be possible to cope with the usual means used for washing. The pathogen dies only after contact with concentrated chlorine-based products.

As research results show, traces of the pathogen are easily detected in the cells of the digestive organs within a short period of time after contact occurs. A rapid attack of the virus causes a rapid disruption of the structural state of the mucous membranes of the digestive organs. The result is a disrupted process of production of substances that are responsible for complex sugars have undergone separation into components, accumulation in small intestine carbohydrates that have not undergone breakdown. The described processes cause the gastrointestinal tract to accumulate fluid in significant volumes, which, in turn, causes watery diarrhea.

Clinical picture of the condition

Having discovered the first symptoms of stomach flu, especially in older adults, you should call a doctor who will decide whether it is necessary to send the patient to the hospital and whether treatment at home is possible. Outpatient form is allowed if a sick person vomits no more than five times a day, and diarrhea - 10.

A few hours before the patient develops gastrointestinal disorders, he will have a slight cough, nasal congestion, painful sensations in the throat. Because of these clinical manifestations, the pathology received its unofficial name.

It should be remembered that the listed symptoms pass quickly enough, which distinguishes rotavirus infection from other gastrointestinal diseases of a viral nature.

In general, the symptoms of stomach flu can be formulated as follows:

  • painful sensations that occur when swallowing, redness of the walls;
  • not long term catarrhal phenomena;
  • copious liquid stools of a gray-yellow hue, with unpleasant smell, but without admixture of blood and mucus;
  • painful sensations that are concentrated in the abdomen;
  • nausea accompanied by vomiting;
  • increased body temperature;
  • weakness that gradually increases;
  • dehydration of the body.

It is important to remember that the listed symptoms correspond not only to intestinal flu in adults, but also to other diseases; their incorrect differentiation also affects what treatment will be prescribed.

Treatment tactics

In medical practice, there is no specific treatment strategy for rotavirus. All actions are aimed at reducing intoxication and normalizing the water-salt balance, disturbed due to vomiting and diarrhea. In other words, treatment is symptomatic and aimed at reducing the negative impact of the pathogen.

In general, the actions are as follows:

  1. The first thing treatment begins with is rehydration therapy or recovery water-salt balance. You will need Regidron, sold in pharmacies. The solution prepared according to the instructions is drunk in small portions. This should be done throughout the day at regular intervals (at least half an hour). If desired, a drink with similar properties can be easily prepared at home. To do this, take 700 ml of water (chamomile decoction is also suitable), 300 ml of decoction of dried grapes or apricots, carrots, 4 tsp. sugar, 1 tsp. salt, half a teaspoon of soda. This mixture is ideal for cases of repeated diarrhea and vomiting.
  2. After symptoms of stomach flu in adults such as vomiting and diarrhea become less pronounced, it is allowed to start eating, and treatment at this stage is aimed at eliminating toxins. Most often, the patient is prescribed Polysorb, Smecta, Activated carbon etc. Any fermented milk products should be excluded from the diet, as they create favorable soil for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.

If diarrhea is accompanied high temperature and the condition lasts long enough, doctors prescribe drugs that stop the condition. Medicines that saturate the body with digestive enzymes are also indicated.

After the end of the acute phase, all actions are aimed at resuming natural microflora in the intestines.

It is important to remember that identifying the symptoms of intestinal flu in adults, as well as determining treatment tactics and prescribing dosages of medications, all of this should be done exclusively by a doctor.

Traditional medicine and treatment of intestinal flu

Modern medicine allows the use of not only pharmaceuticals, but also developments alternative medicine. Both methods should not exclude, but complement each other.

It is known that one of the symptoms of intestinal flu in adults is dehydration; to eliminate it, it is recommended not only to take pharmaceutical medications, but also to treat folk remedies. For example, abundant consumption of decoctions of medicinal herbs - cranberries, currants, raspberries. It should be noted that in addition to the restoration water balance, these solutions help improve immunity, which, in turn, has a positive effect on the course of the disease.

After stopping the attacks of vomiting and diarrhea, as noted, eating is allowed. To protect the intestinal mucous membranes and promote the healing of small ulcers caused by vomiting, it is recommended to drink a mixture of linden flowers, chamomile, willow bark, and crushed rose hips. The infusion is taken 200 g three times and always before meals.

If you are not allergic to bee products, you can take a mixture of a tablespoon of honey, a glass of warm water, juice of a small lemon. This solution will reduce the activity gastric juice and will not allow it to corrode the weakened walls of the esophagus, intestines, and stomach.

Quite often, the symptoms of intestinal flu in adults negatively affect the condition of the liver, and treatment with folk remedies - best way restore the functioning of the organ. Eg, folk medicine well known positive impact elderberries. You will need a tablespoon of berries and a glass of boiling water. The mixture is brought to a boil and left to simmer for 10 minutes, then set aside and allowed to brew. You can add honey to the prepared solution. You should take a quarter of a glass three times a day.

Proper nutrition for stomach flu

Diet for diagnosed rotavirus is an integral part of treatment tactics. It is both simple and strict. The main requirement is to use a large number of fluids throughout the entire period of illness. This can be boiled chilled water, but it is better to give preference to herbal teas and decoctions. They not only help reduce the activity of the virus, but also strengthen the body's defenses.

The diet is based exclusively on healthy and wholesome foods. You should not consume more than one product at one time. Portions are small. When treating intestinal flu, the patient should eat steamed or oven-cooked dishes with a minimum amount of fat, stewed. It is important to remember that one should gradually switch to a person’s usual way of eating. The exact time for which you will need to maintain the diet after recovery will be determined by your doctor. And the patient should strictly follow this recommendation.

You should start eating after bouts of diarrhea and vomiting with dairy-free cereals(rice, semolina), mashed potatoes, crackers (only from white breads). If after several hours there is no urge to vomit, attacks of nausea and diarrhea, the patient can include boiled fish and meat in small portions in the diet.

The patient should eat porridge, boiled meat, fish and crackers for several days. If the gastrointestinal tract is not observed adverse reactions, you can expand the diet a little more. The menu is complemented by steamed vegetables, omelette, wheat and buckwheat porridge, also cooked in water.

It is important to remember that the diet should not contain fresh vegetables, fruit. They are capable of causing fermentation in the intestines.

Prevention of pathology

Without wanting to face the symptoms of intestinal flu in adults and treat with a large number of medications, any person should know simple rules prevention:

  1. During the cold season, large crowds of people should be avoided. This rule especially applies to people with weakened immune systems.
  2. Use of a special vaccine.
  3. Eating plenty of seasonal fruits and vegetables will saturate your body. essential vitamins, microelements and strengthen the defenses.
  4. All vegetables and fruits are eaten only after they have been thoroughly washed.
  5. The diet should not include a large number of spicy and fatty foods.

To avoid intestinal flu, you should carefully monitor the quality drinking water. In places where this is difficult to establish, it is better to use boiled or mineral water. Careful and regular personal hygiene is also the key to maintaining health.

Intestinal flu is an inflammation of the intestines that is caused by rotavirus. You can have this virus and not get sick, but actively release it into the environment. It has been proven that almost half of the world's population is an asymptomatic carrier of this infection. It is called intestinal flu because the mechanism of action of rotavirus on the intestines is similar to the development of regular influenza when virus strains enter the nasal and oropharyngeal mucosa.

How can you get infected with this flu?

The main route of infection is through eating food that is contaminated with the virus, is not well processed during preparation, and when basic rules of personal hygiene are ignored. This is also a “disease of dirty hands”, like most intestinal diseases. A good environment for the development of rotavirus infection is water and dairy products.

Rotavirus persists in environment for quite a long time - up to 10 days, and in feces - up to 6 months. This virus is resistant to refrigeration: when contaminated foods are stored in the refrigerator, they do not lose their pathogenic properties. Most often, children from six months to 3 years old get sick with intestinal flu. Older children do not get sick often; they develop relatively stable immunity.

Clinical manifestations of the disease

The incubation period of intestinal flu most often lasts only 3-4 days. In rare cases, it can be up to 7. Most often people get sick in the winter. The disease is characterized by a rapid onset - nausea, vomiting and diarrhea begin simultaneously. All this is accompanied by a temperature above 38°C, sharp pain in the upper abdomen. Vomiting can happen 3-4 times a day, and then stops. All other symptoms of intestinal flu in adults remain and progress. The difference between rotavirus infection and other enterocolitis is characterized by acts of defecation: first, nausea, sharp pain and rumbling in the intestines suddenly occur, then gases are released and then a thin, watery foamy stool yellow, green or yellow-green in color with a pungent sour odor.

When affected by rotavirus, symptoms of intestinal flu are also observed, similar to signs of influenza: weakness, soreness of all muscles, redness and granularity of the mucous membrane of the tonsils and soft palate, uvula.

Signs of intestinal flu in adults are supplemented sharp decline body weight, persistent bloating and an increase in the blood detected during the study:

  • urea;
  • creatinine;
  • residual nitrogen;
  • leukocytes.

Dehydration has a negative effect on the kidneys: little urine is excreted, and casts, protein, and red blood cells are found in it.

Intestinal flu in adults lasts no more than 7-8 days. According to the degree of damage and the state of the body’s response, three degrees of severity are distinguished:

  • mild – occurs in 75%;
  • moderate severity – in 20%;
  • severe – in 5%.

At mild degree health suffers poorly, watery stools no more than 5 times, dehydration is mild. The moderate form is characterized by bowel movements 10-15 times, nausea, vomiting, and may decrease arterial pressure and the activity of the heart is impaired. Loss of body weight due to dehydration is 3%. If you have stool 15 times a day or more, a decrease in body weight of up to 9%, there are symptoms of intoxication: headaches, a significant increase in temperature, weakness, muscle pain, disruption of the heart and excretory systems, then this is a severe form that requires immediate hospitalization.

How does the disease progress in children?

Main initial symptom Intestinal flu in children is vomiting, which can occur on an empty stomach and after eating or a small amount of liquid. Then the body temperature rises to 39-40°C, rumbling and bloating occur. The child becomes inactive, sleepy and capricious, refuses food, and diarrhea develops.

Symptoms of intestinal flu in children differ in that vomiting occurs without preliminary nausea, but afterwards nausea is a constant concern and is not always accompanied by vomiting. The vomit is green, profuse, mixed with mucus and a large amount of undigested food. For a short time, symptoms of dehydration occur: dry skin and mucous membranes (tongue and eyes), retraction of the fontanel, rare urination, concentrated urine.

Diagnosis of rotavirus infection is based on the presence of specific antibodies in the blood and electronic examination of feces. Only after positive results These studies establish a diagnosis of intestinal flu, and only a doctor determines how to treat it. You should not self-medicate, especially self-medicate children.

Treatment of rotavirus enteritis in adults and children

Treatment of intestinal flu in adults does not include specific drugs. The basis of therapy is proper nutrition on the first day of the disease. The diet for intestinal flu involves flooding the body with plenty of fluid. It is necessary to completely eliminate dairy, sweet products and foods that cause increased gas formation. On the first day you can only baked apples and crackers. On the second day, rice is added, buckwheat porridge and boiled dietary meat.

Antibiotics are not used due to ineffectiveness. Treatment of intestinal flu is aimed at eliminating symptoms and has the following goals:

  • elimination of dehydration;
  • raising the body's immune forces;
  • restoration of water and electrolyte balance;
  • normalization of intestinal function;
  • replenishment of enzyme deficiency.

You need to drink plenty of fluids, preferably saline solution: 1 teaspoon of salt per 1 liter of water. It is consumed every half hour, 60 ml. When treating intestinal flu, Regidron is recommended. Intravenous administration"Trisol", "Acesol" is indicated for severe forms of the disease. To restore intestinal function and cleanse it of toxins, enterosorbents are recommended: activated carbon, Smecta, Enterosgel. Mezim, Festal, Panzinorm will help eliminate enzymatic deficiency. To normalize peristalsis and eliminate diarrhea, Immodium and Enterol are indicated. Prevention and treatment of dysbiosis is carried out with the following drugs: Bifidumbacterin, Linex, Bifiform. The temperature should not be lowered if it is less than 38°C. At this temperature, the body's defenses are activated, which helps fight the virus.

In children, treatment of intestinal flu must be carried out in a hospital setting. It is recommended to drink plenty of fluids and use products that are harmless to children: Rigedron, Enterosgel, Linex. To normalize the temperature - Panadol, Nurofen. Dairy products are completely excluded. If your baby is breastfed, you should not stop breastfeeding.

Prevention of rotavirus infection

There are no specific drugs to prevent intestinal flu. The vaccine developed to prevent infection during epidemics has many side effects and therefore is not used. The main thing in prevention is cleanliness, compliance daily rules hygiene (washing hands, using only your own towel), consuming high-quality dairy products and boiled water.

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Stomach flu or a ghost in the world of infections

In medical circles, and even in medicine itself, the term “intestinal flu” has become established. Everyone knows that there is whole line diseases called intestinal infections. Well-known and “honored” representatives of this group include, for example: dysentery, typhoid fever, cholera and salmonellosis.

If we open numerous authoritative monographs on intestinal infections, we will be convinced that neither the influenza virus nor parainfluenza are among the causative agents of intestinal infections. It is known that the influenza virus is designed in such a way that it has an affinity for the upper respiratory tract, more precisely, for the lining Airways epithelium.

In addition to the influenza virus, adenoviruses, respiratory syncytial virus and other representatives of these simple forms of life feed a similar “weakness” to the bronchopulmonary system.

Where did this term “stomach flu” come from? This was followed by a series of other absurdities that became firmly entrenched among the people. Thus, at the pharmacy, the front desk workers are often asked for a hypothetical “cure for intestinal flu.” At the same time, you can sell a person anything - from interferon inducers to homeopathic medicines and glucose with ascorbic acid.

The thing is that before the advent of modern virological methods diagnostics, before the introduction of ELISA and PCR methods, there were many misconceptions that such a flu could really exist. In fact, there is no such form of influenza, and authoritative scientists established this long ago.

Some patients with real flu sometimes have dyspeptic disorders, such as nausea, pasty stools, and vomiting. They are associated with the appearance of toxins in the blood. In some cases, symptoms are a reaction to taking medications.

  • The incidence of dyspeptic disorders with influenza ranges from 1 to 5%. In case if similar symptoms are prevalent, we are not talking about intestinal flu, but about damage to the body by other viral diseases.

Therefore, most often “intestinal flu” is called rotavirus infection, which has signs intestinal infection, but can be combined with catarrhal symptoms. Let's look at this infectious disease in more detail.

Intestinal flu - what is it?

Intestinal flu (rotavirus gastroenteritis) is acute infection, caused by rotaviruses and often spreading in epidemics. Mostly outbreaks occur among children and are manifested by severe general intoxication, dehydration and predominant defeat gastrointestinal tract.

Etiology of the disease

What kind of pathogens are rotaviruses? The role of rotaviruses in the development of this disease was first identified in the mid-70s of the twentieth century. Rotaviruses are part of the reovirus family. Under a microscope, virions look very much like miniature wheels, which not only have a hub and rim, but also spokes - which is how they get their name. These viruses contain RNA.

There are also rotaviruses that infect animals, but they are not dangerous to humans. These viruses are quite resistant to such factors external environment like cooling, drying, ultraviolet irradiation. What can be said about the epidemiological properties of the pathogen and the contagiousness of the infection?


Of course, stomach flu is contagious. This disease is widespread everywhere. In countries with very low level economic development 50% of all intestinal infections in children are caused by this disease.

Even in such a developed country as the USA, about 150 people die annually from “stomach flu”, while the total number of cases is more than 1 million cases annually.

On the other hand, 40-50% of all cases of diarrhea requiring hospitalization are caused by these viruses. The contagiousness of the virus can be great: if a child in the family is sick with intestinal flu, then he can also become infected old man, especially those with weakened immune systems.

Every 4th case of so-called “travelers' diarrhea” is of rotavirus nature. In some cases, this infection is virtually asymptomatic. That's exactly what asymptomatic protects babies from the disease in the future. The immunity is stable, but the antibody titer decreases over time, so cases are possible reinfection, but already in adulthood.

  • Therefore, such an asymptomatic course of infection in children is nothing more than a kind of “vaccine”.

The source of rotaviruses and the reservoir for their circulation is only humans. When a person becomes ill, they excrete a huge amount of virions in their feces. Their number in one gram of feces is twice the number of people inhabiting our planet. This intense viral shedding continues for a week after the onset of the disease, and then decreases.

3 weeks after the onset of the disease, viruses cease to be released.

Another important difference between rotavirus infection and influenza is that the transmission mechanism is only fecal-oral, like most intestinal infections. It is this mechanism that ensures the presence of outbreaks, including water outbreaks. Young children become infected through the usual, nutritional route, simply because “they put everything in their mouth.” How does this disease develop?

Pathogenesis of intestinal flu

The virus reproduces mainly in epithelial cells duodenum. As a result, the epithelium dies, and the immature, young cells that replace it are simply unable to fully absorb water and nutrients, as a result, diarrhea of ​​an osmotic nature develops.

After accumulation in the mucous membrane as a result of diarrhea, viruses enter the intestinal lumen and are removed from the body, and the person develops dehydration, in some cases severe.

With this infection there is no colitis, there is no scanty stool with mucus and blood, as with dysentery. Thus, rotavirus infection causes manifestations of gastroenteritis. What are the signs of this disease in adults and children?

Signs of intestinal flu in adults fit well into the standard framework of the infectious process.

The incubation period is often short (2-3 days), but can last up to two weeks. Symptoms increase quickly, especially in children, and within a day after the first signs of the disease, a complete, detailed picture of the disease can be observed.

Most characteristic symptoms intestinal flu in adults are the following:

  • There is a rise in temperature, in some cases up to febrile levels (up to 39 degrees), but more often up to 38 degrees;
  • Pain and discomfort appear in the epigastric region;
  • Nausea and vomiting occur (in 50% of patients). Most often, vomiting begins and ends on the first day of illness, and only in a small proportion of patients this condition continues for several days;
  • There is a sore throat, hyperemia in the pharynx, granularity of the mucous membrane of the soft palate, and hyperemia of the sclera. Sometimes regional The lymph nodes(cervical);

Patients at the beginning of the disease really look like they have the flu. It is these symptoms that give reason to call the disease “intestinal flu,” but symptoms in adults and children, as a rule, end there and the main events unfold in the gastrointestinal tract.

  • Copious, watery stool appears, without the presence of mucus and blood, with a sharp unpleasant odor and sometimes a whitish tint;

Sometimes mucus may still be present in the stool, and sometimes blood. But this suggests that in addition to rotaviruses, there are also pathogenic Escherichia, Klebsiella and others pathogenic flora, causing “layering” of different types of gastroenteritis.

  • This infection is characterized by “rumbling” in the stomach;
  • There is no false urge to defecate, as with colitis. If you “want” to go to the toilet, then the urge is imperative, which must be satisfied immediately;
  • In 75-80% of cases (especially in children), dehydration occurs, but in most cases, it is expressed in a mild manner.

Features of intestinal flu symptoms in children

Most often, this infection affects children under the age of 3 years. Symptoms of stomach flu in children are the same as in adults, with the exception of dehydration.

A feature of rotavirus gastroenteritis is the rapid development of dehydration, which, although not common, may require timely hospitalization of the child in infectious diseases hospital, and even to the intensive care unit.

Although in normal conditions Regular oral rehydration or consumption is sufficient. special compounds, restoring water and electrolyte balance.

Dehydration can cause renal dysfunction in a child: cylindruria, hematuria, proteinuria.

Diagnosis of intestinal flu

I usually make the diagnosis clinically, on the basis of a mildly expressed flu-like syndrome, acute onset, the presence of watery stools with nausea and vomiting at a low temperature and moderate general intoxication.

Seasonality is of great importance, as is the tendency to group outbreaks. When examining stool analysis, pathogenic bacterial flora is usually not found.

Treatment of intestinal flu, drugs

There are no special drugs that rid the body of “intestinal flu”. Since the disease progresses like a common intestinal infection, antiviral drugs and interferons, as with the flu, are not indicated, since after a few days the virus leaves the body on its own.

  • In addition, rotavirus infection never causes complications, unlike regular flu.

It should be recalled that when viral diseases Antibiotics are not indicated because they do not act on viruses. The only time their use is justified is in the case of the addition of a secondary bacterial process.

Therefore, all treatment of intestinal flu in adults and children is based on a pathogenetic approach and the use of symptomatic therapy:

  • Lost electrolytes and fluid are restored; in most cases, it is enough to drink 100 ml every 10-15 minutes. for an adult. "Regidron", "Citraglucosolan" are used;
  • A diet based on the intestinal table with physical, chemical and thermal sparing of the stomach and intestines is indicated;
  • Enterosorbents are used (SUMS, Enteros-gel, Polyphepan);
  • To facilitate digestion, “Creon”, “Panzinorm”, “Festal” are used;
  • For persistent nausea, taking Cerucal is indicated; it is possible to use painkillers and antipyretics.

Despite the fact that antibiotics were not used, after the end of diarrhea it is necessary to prescribe eubiotics to correct dysbiosis (Linex, Baktisubtil).

Patients with rotavirus gastroenteritis should be hospitalized for a period of 2 weeks, in a specialized or boxed department with severe course diseases. Patients with light forms are being treated at home.

Prevention of intestinal flu

Secondary prevention of intestinal flu comes down to routine disinfection, in which everything that the patient has excreted is disinfected and dishes are processed.

There are currently two vaccines, Rotarix and the multivalent RotaTek. Babies are vaccinated from 6 weeks of age, the effectiveness of vaccination is 90%.

In conclusion, it must be said that the “intestinal flu”, the symptoms and treatment of which we have examined, is not at all as terrible as the regular flu, from which the mortality rate (due to complications) is much higher.

Rotavirus gastroenteritis does not cause complications at all - this is quite rare property For infectious disease. Immunity leaves behind many years, and rare cases Deaths due to severe dehydration occur only in weakened children and people who do not receive timely treatment.

stomach flu, stomach flu, gastroenteritis or rotavirus infection are the names of the same disease, which is frequent guest in the summer. When it's hot outside, all food quickly deteriorates, becoming great place residence for many intestinal bacteria, it is very easy to become infected with rotavirus.

Intestinal flu is a viral infection that enters the body by absorption through the walls of the stomach or intestines. Children, the elderly and pregnant women suffer this disease the worst due to their weak immune system. The main danger with this disease is dehydration. Because of frequent vomiting and endless diarrhea, the body very quickly loses fluid, which can be fatal, especially in infants. Therefore, if you suspect an intestinal infection, children in the first three years of life simply need to be shown to a pediatrician. He will assess the situation and, if possible, give permission to home treatment. In other cases, treatment of young children should be carried out in a hospital setting.

Symptoms of intestinal flu

Symptoms of intestinal flu appear quite quickly, within a day after the virus enters the body. Average, incubation period can last from 10 hours to 3-5 days. The speed at which symptoms appear and their intensity depends on the amount of virus that has entered the body, as well as on immune system sick. The following symptoms are typical for rotavirus infection.

  1. First a small manifestation begins cold symptoms– The throat turns red and hurts when swallowing. You may experience a slight cough, runny nose, frequent sneezing. But these symptoms quickly pass, turning into more serious intestinal disorders. Similar symptoms gave this type of virus the name “flu”, although with traditional flu stomach flu has nothing to do with it.
  2. At the beginning of the development of a viral infection, the patient develops weakness, body aches, and general malaise.
  3. This is often accompanied by an intestinal disorder - diarrhea. The stool is loose and may be dark, light or green in color. The stool often bubbles and has a sharp bad smell. This means that the fermentation process takes place in the intestines. If stool occurs more than 10 times per day, be sure to consult a doctor.
  4. If blood or mucous patches are found in the stool, you need to see a doctor; perhaps you have another disease. These symptoms are not typical for rotavirus.
  5. Vomit. This is another common symptom of stomach flu, although vomiting may not occur. If the patient feels nauseous, but does not vomit, it is better to induce it yourself. This will clear the stomach and possibly prevent the contaminated product from being completely absorbed.
  6. The patient's stomach hurts, growls, and twists.
  7. When the virus gets inside, the body begins to resist, which leads to an increase in temperature.
  8. Typically, rotavirus is severe; if intoxicated, a person cannot lead a normal life. He is so weak that he constantly lies down, especially for children.

The acute period of rotavirus infection lasts no more than a week, usually 3-4 days. Then for about another week the patient recovers and comes to his senses. All this time until full recovery the patient is considered infectious.

Causes of intestinal flu

Rotavirus infection is a disease of dirty hands. Often people get it if they start eating with dirty hands. An adult held money and handrails on public transport, a child played on the playground, and then put food in his mouth with unwashed hands - the virus easily enters the body. Also intestinal virus can get inside with low-quality or stale food. You need to be especially careful with perishable dairy products during the hot summer. You can also become infected from a patient with gastroenteritis - through household items or by airborne droplets.

Treatment of any viral infections is aimed at removing intoxication, quickly removing the virus from the body and symptomatic treatment. Here are some consistent steps to take if a person gets the stomach flu.

  1. The very first and most important thing is to replenish the water-salt balance. To do this, dissolve Regidron in a liter of water and drink in small portions throughout the day. If a child is sick, you need to drink it every 5-10 minutes, one teaspoon at a time. If you give your baby more, it will lead to another urge to vomit and all efforts will be in vain. If Regidron is not at hand, you can prepare a water-salt solution yourself. Dissolve a tablespoon of salt, 3 tablespoons of sugar and half a tablespoon of soda in a liter of water.
  2. To fight the infection you need to take Furozolidone, Ersefuril or Enterofuril. These products are excellent at relieving intoxication because they kill the bacteria itself.
  3. For diarrhea you should take Loperamide, Imodium, Levomycetin. The drug Enterozermina helps children very well.
  4. If a person is suffering from vomiting, it can be suppressed with drugs such as Ondosetron, Cerucal. But they cannot be used by children without a doctor's prescription.
  5. It is very important to take sorbents that will absorb the remaining toxins and remove them out. This could be Smecta, Activated carbon, Enterosgel, Filtrum. If you don't have it at hand pharmaceutical drugs, very good to drink congee. This glue-like mass not only stops diarrhea, but also absorbs toxic substances in the intestines and stomach.
  6. Within a day, when the patient’s condition has stabilized a little, he will need to be fed. In addition to a gentle diet, the patient must take enzymes with food - Festal, Creon or similar drugs. They will help a sore stomach and upset intestines digest food.
  7. After a few days, when the intoxication passes, the person will probably suffer from incessant diarrhea. This often happens because the intestinal microflora is disturbed. To restore it, you need to take a course of probiotics that will help repopulate the intestines beneficial bacteria. This could be Linex, Hilak Forte, Bifidumbacterin, Enterol.

In the acute phase of the disease, a person is unlikely to want to eat anything at all. And there is no need to force him. Now all the body’s forces are aimed at fighting the disease, and digesting food is an additional burden. After passing the acute period, you can start eating crackers, low-fat chicken broth, rice and rice water, oatmeal on the water. None fermented milk products– they create an ideal environment for bacteria to multiply. Drinking plenty of fluids is very important. You need to drink a lot, only with the help of liquid can you speed up the removal of the virus from the body. Usually, children during the period of rotavirus infection are allowed everything that is usually prohibited - fruit drinks, compotes, juices. Rosehip infusion, green tea, and chamomile infusion help very well.

How to protect yourself from stomach flu

To avoid contracting this infection, it is important to wash your hands thoroughly before each meal. It is best to use antibacterial soap. Especially after staying in in public places. Carry antibacterial wipes and gels with you, which will allow you to clean and disinfect your hands while traveling. Don't eat on the street or in questionable establishments. If, for example, a mother gets sick with the flu, she should not cook food so as not to infect other family members. Sewage ponds without running water, where a huge number of people bathe, are also breeding grounds for many diseases. You can become infected even if a small part of the liquid gets into your mouth while swimming.

Contrary to popular belief, intestinal flu cannot be treated with antibiotics, since the cause of this disease is a virus. Stomach flu can be cured only by fighting the symptoms and eliminating the virus with fluids. To protect the body in the future, it is important to strengthen the immune system - eat right, toughen up, move more and spend time on fresh air. These simple rules will help you avoid encountering such an unpleasant disease as intestinal flu.

Video: rotavirus infection - symptoms and treatment

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