Symptoms and treatment of bladder diseases. The most common bladder diseases

Various functional disorders urinary system bring significant discomfort to daily life women. In addition to frequent urination and severe pain, diseases Bladder women require changes in diet and daily routine. Bladder treatment is a long process in which in strict order All doctor's recommendations must be followed. Only in case of timely measures taken you can achieve positive results and forget about unpleasant symptoms diseases.

The most common bladder diseases in women:

  • cystitis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • hyperreflex bladder;
  • leukoplakia.

Less common are ailments such as cystocele and cancer.


It is considered the most common bladder disease, the symptoms of which are extremely unpleasant. The disease manifests itself in inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder. The risk of developing this disease is greater in women than in men; this is due to the fact that the female urethra is shorter and wider.

Signs that may indicate the presence of cystitis:

  • painful sensations aching character lower abdomen;
  • frequent urination;
  • feeling that the bladder is not completely emptied, even after visiting the toilet;
  • the color of the urine may change to dark, with blood in it;
  • body temperature increases;
  • urine has an unpleasant, pungent odor;
  • cutting and burning during urination, the peak of pain is observed at the end of urine output.

In addition to these symptoms, a woman may experience general weakness, malaise, nausea and vomiting (a reaction to infectious intoxication).

Scientists have found that urolithiasis develops as a result of genetic metabolic disorders and is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • The pain syndrome has an aching, paroxysmal nature, which is localized in the lumbar region and radiates to the vulvar zone (labia).
  • Difficulty and frequent urination, the stream of urine may be interrupted, since stones in the bladder can prevent its normal outflow.
  • The urine may be cloudy or mixed with blood because sharp stones damage the walls of the ureter.
  • Deterioration general condition, the appearance of chills, which indicates the presence of an infection in the urinary system.

Conservative treatment is aimed at combating pain syndrome, breaking down stones and removing them along with urine. Medicines are prescribed depending on the composition of the stones.

If stones have a phosphate etiology, then diuretics, anti-inflammatory and diphosphonate drugs are prescribed. Also in this case, herbal treatment at home is recommended as an auxiliary therapy.

When stones are of oxalate etiology, citrate suppositories, vitamins and diuretics are prescribed.

In the presence of urate stones, drugs are prescribed that slow down the process of urea synthesis and change uric acidity in order to dissolve the stones and remove them from the body along with urine. If there is a need to relieve pain, then antispasmodics and analgesics are indicated. In the presence of bacterial infection antibiotics are prescribed.

If the stones have big sizes and drug treatment does not bring the desired results, they resort to surgery.

The most common operations are:

  1. Transurethral cystolitholapaxy. Conducted under general or local anesthesia. The specialist inserts a tube with a camera through the urethra, which records the stones in the bladder. Using a laser, stones are broken into small pieces and washed out of the bladder with liquid.
  2. Subcutaneous suprapubic cystolitholapaxy. The operation takes place under general anesthesia. The surgeon makes a small incision in the lower abdomen, and then in the bladder, and removes the stones directly through it.
  3. Open cystotomy. The procedure is similar to the subcutaneous procedure, but in this case a large incision is made in the abdomen and bladder at the same time. The operation is performed under general anesthesia and when, in addition to stone removal, the patient also needs some type of bladder surgery.

Urolithiasis requires timely diagnosis and treatment, otherwise serious problems may develop.

Hyperreflexive bladder

This pathology is characterized by the fact that the reflex to urinate occurs much earlier than filling. Symptoms of this disease manifest themselves only in frequent urination in small portions, which rarely prompts the patient to seek treatment. medical care. However, if the pathology is not treated in time, then there is a risk of developing involuntary urination. The patient experiences desire empty and cannot wait even for a few seconds. This trouble brings not only physical, but also psychological discomfort. Many women withdraw into themselves, some even give up their usual communication and lose their jobs.

The most common reasons why this pathology of the urinary system develops in women:
  • organic – congenital pathologies or mechanical disturbances of the bladder;
  • functional - under the influence of neurogenic dysfunction, the muscles responsible for holding and excreting urine receive incorrect signals from the nervous system.

The treatment for hyperreflexive bladder will depend on the triggering factors. If the disorder arose due to injury, then surgery may be performed.

If the cause is neurogenic dysfunction, carry out conservative treatment with the prescription of antidepressants. Drugs are selected that, in addition to a calming effect, have a central anticholinergic effect on the body. An experienced doctor examines the patient, controlling urination, conducts psychological therapy. The frequency of urination and the intervals between them are recorded and analyzed.

Statistics show that treatment of this disorder leads to positive result, however, you need to follow all the instructions of your doctor - then all the symptoms will disappear and the quality of life will improve.


Leukoplakia is a disease of the bladder in women, in which the protective tissue of the bladder becomes keratinized and defenseless against urine components and inflammatory processes. Women are more susceptible to the disease than men.

The main symptom of leukoplakia is strong aching pain in the pelvic area. There is also a burning sensation and pain during urination. If you don't start timely treatment, over time, the general condition of the body worsens.

When the disease worsens, these symptoms are accompanied by signs of cystitis.

The danger is that the patient for a long time treats cystitis, which does not bring positive results.

Only after careful laboratory research Leukoplakia, which is a precancerous disease, is diagnosed.

In addition, the walls of the bladder lose elasticity and are not able to fully perform their functions, which often leads to kidney failure.

Treatment of leukoplakia is prescribed in individually depending on the stage of the disease, lesions and general condition of the patient. Treatment can be either conservative or surgical.

At drug treatment prescribe:

  • antibiotics;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • drugs that stimulate the immune system;
  • restorative drugs.

In addition, the bladder is irrigated with special solutions.

If conservative treatment has shown to be ineffective, surgical intervention is performed - the affected areas of the epithelium are removed using a laser.

A woman's urinary system can suffer from many types of lesions. In any case, treatment should be carried out under the strict supervision of a urologist and never self-medicate.

Bladder pathologies in women are quite common in medical practice. They can have different origins, from an abnormal development of the organ and the whole genitourinary system, before formation cancer. Any pathology of the bladder requires attention, as there is a serious violation of the woman’s quality of life.

First of all, you need to understand what bladder diseases women have. Thus, pathologies are divided into congenital anomalies, nonspecific inflammatory pathologies, organ injuries. The most common cystitis encountered in medical practice is an inflammatory disease.

Symptoms of bladder disease in women

Signs of bladder disease may vary depending on the pathology that occurs. But we can identify several symptoms that are characteristic of almost all organ pathologies:

  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • retention and release of fluid drop by drop;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • frequent urge at night;
  • pain and burning when urinating;
  • pain in the lower abdomen and groin;
  • urine becomes cloudy and has an unpleasant odor;
  • discharge from the urethra;
  • blood and pus in the urine.

If a woman is bothered by at least one of the listed symptoms, then bladder pathology can be suspected. In this case, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

Causes of bladder disease

There are many bladder pathologies in women, but in most cases they occur for the following reasons:

  • Organ irritation due to exposure to chemicals, poor nutrition, drinking alcohol and drugs, smoking.
  • Working in hazardous work for many years.
  • Hypothermia.
  • Infection of the organ with various microorganisms, especially sexually transmitted infections.
  • The presence of chronic diseases of neighboring organs.
  • Treatment of neighboring organs using radiation therapy.
  • Endocrine pathologies.
  • Weakened immunity.
  • Wrong lifestyle.

Congenital bladder defects form in the womb. The reason for this is the impact of various unfavorable factors during the formation of the organ.

Types of bladder diseases

Based on symptoms alone, making a correct diagnosis is quite difficult, often completely impossible. So, with cystitis and urinary stones, the stomach can hurt in the same way, but the patient requires completely different treatment. It is better to entrust the diagnosis of bladder disease to a urologist. The doctor will prescribe a series of tests and conduct differential diagnostics.

The following urinary diseases can be detected in the patient:

  • Anomalies of the bladder, in particular duplication, agenesis, exstrophy, etc.
  • Cystitis is an inflammatory process in an organ. It can be infectious or non-infectious.
  • Hyperactive urea.
  • Neurogenic bladder.
  • Cystocele is prolapse of an organ.
  • Urolithiasis, with the formation of stones in the bladder.
  • Stenosis.
  • Cervical sclerosis.
  • Hernia.
  • Tumor, cyst.
  • Leukoplakia is the appearance of white plaques on the bladder.
  • Malignant tumor.

To make an accurate diagnosis, the patient needs to tell the specialist in detail about the symptoms that bother her. Then the doctor will send the woman to get tested and undergo necessary research. Usually blood and urine tests, ultrasound, and cystoscopy are prescribed.

Also, cystitis may not be present at all. infectious nature, it's called. Pathology develops according to various reasons, in particular, due to exposure to chemicals, the thin mucous membrane of the organ, sometimes even due to nervousness.

A common disease of the bladder, in addition to cystitis, is urolithiasis of the organ. The disease most often occurs against the background of a disorder normal outflow urine, may be accompanied by stenosis of the bladder neck. In men, stones in the bladder are often a consequence of prostatitis, as well as operations after which the narrowing of the bladder urethra.

It should be noted that bladder disease often occurs as a result of other, more serious violations in organism. For example, frequent urination typical for diabetes mellitus, depressive states. And sometimes frequent urges are not a sign of organ pathology, for example, when taking diuretics.

The most a worrying sign Bladder disease is the appearance of blood in urine. This symptom can be caused by a cold of the bladder (cystitis) and stones, or by a cancerous tumor. You also need to understand that blood can appear in severe kidney pathologies as a result of injury to the urinary canal.

Treatment of the disease

If the patient has been diagnosed with a bladder disease, it is recommended to begin treatment immediately. How the therapy will proceed largely depends on the cause of the disease, its stage, as well as the age of the patient and the presence of concomitant pathologies.

Infectious cystitis of the bladder is treated with antibiotics. To relieve symptoms, painkillers are prescribed, for example Ibuprofen, antispasmodics - No-shpa, Papaverine. Drugs can also be prescribed as symptomatic therapy plant origin, for example, Canephron.

For an overactive and neurogenic organ, treatment can be medicinal, non-medicinal and surgical. Prescribe a diet physical therapy, various sedatives, alpha-blockers, m - anticholinergics, etc.

Drugs are selected individually; self-medication in this case is dangerous. If conservative therapy does not help, surgery is prescribed.

Bladder stones can be treated in different ways, it all depends on the severity of the case. For small-sized stones, the stones are crushed, then the sand comes out on its own in the urine, and for large-sized formations, surgical intervention is indicated.

Congenital anomalies, prolapse and prolapse of the bladder, sclerosis, stenosis, hernia, tumors are diseases that are treated surgically. For cancer, depending on the type of tumor, either organ-conserving surgery or complete removal of the bladder may be indicated. As a supplement, it may be prescribed radiation therapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy.

Folk remedies for bladder colds

Treatment of bladder disease should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Folk remedies are allowed to be used only in complex therapy cystitis and urolithiasis, if there are no contraindications. Healing herb has an anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect, promotes the removal of sand from the organ.

For tumors, anomalies of organ structure traditional treatment may provoke serious complication, for example, acute urinary retention, development of an inflammatory process in the kidneys, renal failure. If you treat cancer folk remedies, a quick death is likely.

If you have a bladder cold, the following remedies will help relieve pain:

  • Cranberry and lingonberry juice, decoction of lingonberry leaf. These drugs have a diuretic effect, help flush out infection from the bladder and reduce pain when urinating.
  • Chamomile decoction for drinking and taking sitz baths. The herb has a sedative and anti-inflammatory effect, helps relieve pain and improve sleep during cystitis.
  • To cleanse the bladder of sand, a decoction of calamus root will help. The root must be ground into powder. 1 tbsp. raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water, infused for 20 minutes and filtered. The finished infusion should be drunk 30 minutes before meals, ½ cup.
  • Sage helps with inflammation and bladder stones. A decoction of the herb should be taken three times a day, 100 grams before meals. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. Women should not drink sage during menstruation; the herb increases bleeding. It is better to start treatment on days 7-10 of the cycle, that is, immediately after the bleeding stops.

In addition to taking herbs, bladder disease in women requires diet. It is very important to exclude spicy, salty, harmful products so as not to irritate the walls of the organ. The diet should include plenty of vegetables and fruits, lean meat, fish, dairy products and cereals. A balanced diet helps strengthen the immune system and alleviates the patient's condition.

Prevention of bladder diseases

Women suffer from bladder pathologies more often, but the development of the disease in men is not excluded. To keep your bladder healthy, you must follow these guidelines:

  • Avoid promiscuity and use a condom. It is especially important to use a barrier contraceptive during anal intercourse.
  • Promptly treat diseases of the reproductive system, in particular prostatitis in men, adnexitis and colpitis in women.
  • Avoid overcooling, strengthen your immune system, keep active image life.
  • When working in hazardous industries, you must strictly follow safety rules and always use protective equipment in accordance with the regulations. It is also recommended to undergo regular examinations for preventive purposes.
  • It is necessary to promptly treat endocrine diseases.
  • Quitting smoking and alcohol.
  • To avoid the appearance of sand and stones in the bladder, you need to empty it regularly. You cannot tolerate the urge to urinate and neglect going to the doctor if the process of urine excretion is disrupted.

Prevention of bladder development abnormalities in children also plays an important role. To avoid such a pathology, the mother is recommended to give up smoking and alcohol, not take pills without a doctor’s prescription, and healthy image life and eating right.


Bladder disease in women can have a different history of origin. But in any case, pain and urination problems are a reason to immediately be examined by a urologist and other specialists, if necessary. The sooner treatment for bladder pathology begins, the greater the chance of avoiding complications of the disease.

– a very common phenomenon among women; among representatives of the fair sex it is rare to meet someone who is not familiar with the symptoms of these diseases.


The most common bladder diseases in women are:

  • cystitis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • leukoplakia.

Much less common in women are symptoms of diseases such as cystocele.

This is a bacterial inflammation of the internal. Symptoms of cystitis are familiar to more than half of women over the age of 20.

The causative agents of this disease in most cases are coli and Trichomonas, much less commonly Staphylococcus, Proteus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Microorganisms enter the bladder cavity upward path from the rectum and external genitalia.

Much less often, women develop so-called secondary cystitis. This type of disease is caused by radiation therapy cancerous tumors, urolithiasis, exposure to toxins, some medicines.

In women, the urethra is shorter and wider than in men, which is why the fairer sex suffers from this disease many times more often.

However trigger factor to the development of cystitis are impaired urodynamics and weakened immunity as a result of chronic inflammatory processes in the body and hypothermia.

Main symptoms of cystitis:

  • cramps or paroxysmal pain in the place where the bladder is located - in the lower abdomen;
    frequent urination;
  • the process of urination is accompanied by the following symptoms: burning and severe itching;
  • cloudiness of the urine, sometimes the appearance of small streaks of blood in it.

According to the form of the course, they distinguish between chronic and acute cystitis. Moreover chronic form is a consequence of an acute infection that is not fully cured.

Moreover, one of the reasons chronic course disease is independent incompetent treatment.

Signs of cystitis in women are nonspecific, similar symptoms others have, so before starting treatment, an accurate and qualified diagnosis is necessary.

Usually do clinical analysis urine and ultrasound to exclude pathologies of the reproductive system in a woman.

During the acute period, when pressing on the area where the bladder is located, pain appears. If pronounced listed symptoms, then endoscopic examination is contraindicated.

Cystoscopy is done only when the disease is protracted.

Treatment of any form of this disease is only antibacterial. Moreover, in order to check the diagnosis, it is worth doing a urine culture to determine sensitivity to antibiotics.


If necessary, treatment is adjusted. To maintain the body, immunostimulating drugs are prescribed, and to enhance the effect of antibiotics, uroseptic agents are prescribed.

In parallel with drug therapy, you can try to alleviate the symptoms of the disease using herbal treatment.

Decoctions of chamomile flowers, birch leaves or buds, juniper fruits, wild strawberry leaves, and kidney tea have excellent anti-inflammatory effects.

If cystitis is the result of an infection of the reproductive system, then treatment must begin with solving this problem. Also, during an exacerbation of bladder inflammation, complete sexual rest is necessary.

Treatment of cystitis must be supplemented with diet. Spicy, salty and smoked foods should be excluded from the diet.

Ideal for drinking cranberry juice, since this drink has an antimicrobial effect.

Prevention of cystitis involves regular hygiene, especially before and after sexual intercourse. Hypothermia should also be avoided, particularly in the off-season.

Urolithiasis disease

Formation problems are uncommon. Typically, this course of urolithiasis is typical for men after 45 years of age with prostate adenoma.


In women, stones in the bladder are formed as a result of long-term disturbances in urodynamics or get there downward path from the kidneys through the ureters. The root cause of urolithiasis is metabolic disorders.

Symptoms of stones in the bladder differ from urolithiasis localized in the kidneys. The following signs are usually observed:

  • aching pain in the lower abdomen;
  • feeling of heaviness;
  • sudden interruption of urination due to blockage of the urethral sphincter with a stone;
  • severe burning sensation during urination;
  • the appearance of blood streaks in the urine due to damage by crystals or fragments of the internal mucous membrane of the urinary tract.

Symptoms usually worsen after prolonged exposure to vertical position, physical activity, running, jumping, bumpy ride. And, conversely, signs of the disease subside in a lying position or at rest.


If there is sand or small crystals in the bladder, then in women, due to physiological characteristics treatment is easier.

Usually a complex of antispasmodic, diuretic and anti-inflammatory drugs is prescribed. To prevent bacterial complications, antimicrobial treatment is carried out.

In some cases, crushing and removal of stones from the bladder is carried out by catheterizing the organ and introducing the necessary instruments into its cavity.

Prevention of urolithiasis consists of balanced diet, sufficient consumption fluids, active lifestyle.

Disturbance of innervation

These occur with equal frequency in both women and men.

The main causes of this disease are impaired blood circulation in organ tissues, trauma and damage. spinal cord, in old age.

Symptoms of a violation of the nervous regulation of the bladder are manifested in impaired urination. With increased tone (hyper-reflex bladder syndrome), signs of urgent urination are observed.

Symptoms of cystitis

That is, the urge to empty the bladder is so intense that the person is unable to restrain it.

On early stage patients complain only of frequent urination, and the volume of urine released is very small.

The symptoms of frequent urination differ from those with cystitis in that when the innervation is disrupted, there is no pain syndrome.

Treatment for hyperreflexive bladder involves eliminating the cause of the disease.

To alleviate the patient's condition, symptoms of urinary incontinence are eliminated by prescribing medications that selectively affect the muscles of the bladder and urinary tract.

If necessary, treatment is supplemented with medications that inhibit the process of urine formation and improve blood supply to the organs of the urinary system.


Leukoplakia of the bladder

This disease mainly affects women. With this pathology, replacement occurs epithelial tissue The inner lining of the bladder is connective. Some doctors consider leukoplakia to be the initial stage of the cancer process.

Leukoplakia develops under the influence of the herpes virus and sexually transmitted pathogens.

The clinical picture of this disease looks like cystitis. The main symptoms of leukoplakia are pain in the lower abdomen, frequent and intermittent urination, pain and burning during urination.

Treatment for this early stage bladder disease is medication. Prescribed drugs that affect pathogenic microflora, means that improve blood circulation.

In advanced cases, treatment consists of resection of the keratinized area of ​​the bladder.

The bladder in women is an important component of the female genitourinary system. Its normal activity ensures the normal well-being of the fair sex and the timely removal of waste products. The bladder is susceptible to various infections of an infectious nature; in addition, there are other diseases that can affect this organ. Let's talk about what bladder diseases women have, problems with it worsen the quality of life, and also about their symptoms and treatment methods.

As you know, the bladder is located in the lower part of the peritoneum. It is a sac-shaped organ that stores urine produced by the kidneys. A pair of ureters flow into it, and it is through them that urine moves. On the other side is the urethra, through which urine is discharged out of the body.


This disease is inflammatory lesion Bladder. In most cases, it develops in parallel with urethritis, inflammation localized in the urethra. The disease makes itself felt unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen, which develop into obvious pain when urinating. This process is also accompanied strong burning sensation and is of an accelerated nature. Urine may take on an intense odor, become cloudy, and sometimes contain blood. In addition, the woman feels a strong deterioration in her health; her temperature may rise, chills, and develop general malaise. The pain is also felt in the lower back and is continuous. In childhood and adulthood, the symptoms are not very intense, and the disease can only manifest itself as nausea, fever and abdominal pain.

In order to normalize the bladder in women with cystitis, its treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor and in most cases requires consumption antibiotic drugs. The patient should also consume up to ten to fourteen glasses of water per day. At the same time, you should give up coffee and alcoholic drinks, as they can greatly worsen the condition. It is necessary to slightly reduce the consumption of products with high level calcium, namely dairy products.

To slightly reduce painful sensations You can place some warm object between your legs or on your stomach. The ideal option would be a bottle of water or a linen bag with cereal (for example, millet).

Once every three hours, consume one glass of water, dissolving one spoon of soda in it. This measure will help you reduce the acidity of urine and eliminate burning.

If there are constant relapses or worsening of the condition, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Overactive Bladder

Given pathological condition is expressed in the desire to visit the ladies' room too often - more than eight times a day. In this case, the urges are very strong and completely sudden. Many patients have a history of urinary incontinence, and they also experience unintentional loss of urine that occurs immediately after an urgent urge. Usually the disease makes itself felt regardless of the time of day and it is not easy to cope with it. Limiting the amount of fluid does not lead to the desired effect, and often only worsens the situation. A timely visit to a doctor makes it possible to gain control over the situation. Medications, selected by a specialist, help reduce symptoms, or even cope with them altogether. It is also worth changing your diet, excluding strong tea and coffee, citrus juices, chocolate, as well as various spicy foods and seasonings. Will be beneficial special exercises which are called Kegel exercises. They force the pelvic muscles to work, which helps control urination.

Bladder cancer

This type of cancer is considered not very common. Unfortunately, the disease rarely makes itself felt in initial stages development, and it is precisely at this time that therapy is most effective. Most often, patients begin to complain about the appearance of blood in the urine; this phenomenon is called hematuria and occurs in ninety percent of cases of bladder cancer. A quarter of patients also experience symptoms of bladder irritation, which is expressed in difficult, frequent and painful urination, as well as the appearance of false urges. This is how the bladder works in women, the symptoms of the condition resemble urethritis or cystitis and manifests itself if tumor formation located at the outlet of the bladder. Also, this type of cancer can manifest itself as pain in the pelvic area and the sides of the abdomen.

Cancer therapy is complex and usually consists of surgical, drug and radiation correction. At the earliest stages of development, the disease can be dealt with by transurethral resection of certain areas of the mucous membranes in the bladder, after which coagulation of the resulting ulcerative formations is carried out. This therapy allows you to preserve bladder function. If the tumor has grown deeply, the entire affected organ may be removed.
In parallel with surgical intervention chemotherapy and radiation therapy are carried out. The prognosis mainly depends on the stage of the disease.

So, the bladder can suffer from several types of lesions. Treatment of the bladder in women can be carried out exclusively under medical supervision. Self-medication is fraught with quite serious consequences.

The functions of the bladder are to store and excrete urine. In representatives of both sexes, this organ is structured in the same way, but due to the anatomy of the urethra and genital organs, women and men are more prone to various ailments. What types of bladder diseases are there and how do they manifest?

Main symptoms

Symptoms of bladder diseases are not very diverse. Almost all pathologies of this organ manifest themselves:

  • frequent urination during the day and at night;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • pain, burning and cutting when urinating;
  • changes in the color and odor of urine;
  • the appearance of blood in the urine.

Possible diseases

The most common bladder ailments include:

Attention! Doctors are often faced with the fact that all the patient’s complaints are focused on the bladder, but tests and instrumental methods studies indicate the absence of pathologies in this organ. In such cases, pain and problems with urination may be signs of diseases of the kidneys, prostate, uterus, appendages and other nearby organs.


The most common ailment of the bladder is its inflammation, that is, cystitis. The main reason for its development is pathogenic microorganisms that penetrate the organ cavity, usually through the urethra, although other routes are also possible. However, the mere entry of microbes into the bladder is not enough to cause inflammatory processes, since due to the structural features and the release of specific substances, its walls are reliably protected from this. Therefore, for the development of cystitis, it is necessary that natural defense mechanisms weaken and infectious agents have the opportunity to take root on the mucous membrane. Usually, it is enough to endure stress, some other illness, severe hypothermia, etc.

The frequency of diagnosis of this bladder disease in women is much higher than in men, which is due to the presence of a wide and short urethra in the fairer sex. As a rule, the disease manifests itself:

  • pain when urinating;
  • increased temperature;
  • the presence of leukocytes and sometimes erythrocytes in the urine.

Important: the problem can be expressed so clearly that the patient cannot get rid of the annoying feeling for a second, even immediately after urinating.

The following are usually used to treat cystitis:

  • diet;
  • antibiotics;
  • NSAIDs;
  • antispasmodics;
  • vitamins.

Urolithiasis disease

Also, a fairly common cause of characteristic pain in the lower abdomen and problems with urination is considered to be stones entering the bladder or the formation of stones directly in it. According to recent research, this disease is a consequence of genetically determined metabolic disorders, and its main symptoms include:

  • increased frequency of urination;
  • pain accompanying the process of urine excretion;
  • interruption of the urine stream up to complete cessation of urination;
  • the presence of blood and suspension in the urine;
  • increased blood pressure.

Important: the inability to urinate for a long time in the presence of a strong urge is a reason to immediately call an ambulance, since such urinary retention can cause bladder rupture and death of the patient.

Schematic representation of the process of removing a stone from the kidney into the bladder

Treatment of urolithiasis is mainly carried out by remote or contact crushing of formed stones with subsequent acceleration of diuresis. Thanks to this, the smallest fragments of stones are quickly and relatively painlessly removed from the body. But the main method of combating this disease is to follow an individually selected diet.


Quite often, tumors of various natures form in the bladder. This is usually accompanied by pain and bleeding. If we talk about malignant neoplasms, then patients are usually diagnosed with transitional cell carcinoma and only in 1 case out of 10 is it a fairly aggressive adenocarcinoma.

Benign bladder tumors include:

  • adenomas;
  • pheochromocytomas;
  • papillomas;
  • polyps;
  • hemangiomas, etc.

Attention! Papillomas appear on the surface of the skin and mucous membranes as a result of infection human HPV different types and weakened immunity. Some HPV types are characterized by a high oncological risk, that is, formed papillomas can degenerate into malignant tumors.

Almost all patients are prescribed surgery, which can sometimes be done using endoscopic techniques, that is, without making incisions. When cancer is diagnosed, courses of chemotherapy and radiation therapy are also often prescribed.

Overactive Bladder

Almost 20% of all people suffer from frequent, urgent urge to urinate. Their number can exceed 8 per day. Moreover, patients do not even always manage to get to the toilet on time, which, of course, becomes a cause of embarrassment. Therefore, people who are faced with such a nuisance quite often voluntarily isolate themselves from society, lose their jobs and friends, which inevitably entails social maladjustment and the emergence of psychological problems.

Overactive bladder can be managed by:

  • drug therapy;
  • regular performance of special exercises;
  • physiotherapy;
  • operations.

Other pathologies

The diseases that most often affect the bladder were discussed above. However, there are ailments that are detected less frequently, but still occur in people. These include:

  • Leukoplakia is a disease accompanied by pathological change epithelial cells of the mucous membrane. As a result, keratinized areas of various configurations form on the walls of the bladder.
  • Bladder atony is a pathology caused by spinal cord injuries or some other diseases, such as syphilis. It is characterized by involuntary drip of urine.
  • Cystocele or prolapse of the bladder is often accompanied by changes in the position of the vagina and urethra. This is usually observed in women after difficult childbirth.
  • Exstrophy refers to intrauterine developmental defects. The essence of the pathology is the formation of the bladder outside the body of a child, usually boys. But it is quite rare - only 1 baby out of 30 thousand.
  • Tuberculosis of the bladder is usually observed in people whose lungs and kidneys have already been affected by this disease. Usually the pathology does not manifest itself in any way, so it is rarely diagnosed in time.
  • Ulcer. As a rule, tissue ulceration is initially observed in the upper part of the organ, and the symptoms are similar to those of cystitis.
  • Endometriosis is an exclusively female pathology of the bladder, as it develops when endometrial cells, which line the surfaces of the internal female reproductive organs, enter it. The disease is manifested by the presence of blood in the urine and pain in the lower abdomen, which intensifies before menstruation.

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