Tetanus in a dog: first signs, help, prevention. Tetanus in Dogs: Symptoms and Treatment Fighting Toxins: Tetanus Serum

Tetanus in dogs is a very dangerous disease for a pet. When getting pets, every owner must understand that a dog or cat is not just a toy or a fashion accessory, but a living creature. And it is necessary to take care of it so that the pet lives a long and happy life.

This infection provokes paralysis of the animal, especially severe cases leads to death. Therefore, it is very dangerous to start treatment of this disease. But not only dogs are susceptible to this disease; humans can also be infected. If you notice unusual behavior in your pet, you should immediately consult a doctor.

What is tetanus in dogs

Tetanus infection enters the body through open wound. This is why you should carefully examine your pet after each walk. The disease is caused by the microbe “Clostridium tetani”(), which is very dangerous, because it releases a dangerous toxin and has a detrimental effect on the dog’s nervous system. The standard habitat of the microbe is in places without access to oxygen.

The stick, arriving in unfavorable conditions, goes into sports form and can live like this long years, waiting for suitable conditions for development. Once again, it is worth noting that infection can enter the body only through an open and poorly treated wound of the animal.

How is tetanus transmitted?

While walking through an area with many broken and sharp metal objects. The tetanus bacillus lives in rust, so stepping on an old nail or cutting yourself on a rusty sheet of iron can introduce spores of the microbe. Parks and areas with abundant fertilized soil are also excellent habitats for tetanus bacillus. Infectious organisms also live in the feces of sick animals.

You can become infected by getting tetanus from a dog bite, for example in a dog fight. Therefore, avoid walking with your pet in places where stray dogs are concentrated. If the animal has problems with teeth and there are wounds on the gums, then there is also a chance of infection with tetanus bacillus. Even if your pet is injured, it is necessary to promptly and thoroughly treat the wound to minimize the possibility of infection.

Important! You can kill a tetanus infection only in boiling water, and you need to boil the item for at least 50 minutes.

The infection can develop in the dog’s body from 3 days to several weeks. Much depends on the animal’s immunity. Tetanus has two forms of the disease:

  1. Muscle spasms in a specific area,
  2. Complete defeat nervous system.

In the first case, there is a high probability get well soon, since the tetanus bacillus remains only in the area of ​​damage, that is, on the wound. If the infection has spread, it is difficult for the pet to survive; in 50% of cases the animal dies.

The nervous system is incredibly important, and due to muscle spasms caused by the toxin released by microbes, there is a chance that the animal may stop breathing. Therefore, it is so important to contact a veterinarian promptly if signs of disease are noticed. Tetanus in dogs symptoms can be easily detected even with visual inspection pet.

What symptoms can you use to identify a disease in a dog?

The first symptoms may appear from the first days of infection. Once in a favorable environment, the wand begins to actively develop. Watch your dog carefully. If there are characteristic features tetanus, the symptoms will be as follows:

  • Muscle tension.
  • Causeless lameness due to muscle stiffness.
  • General weakness, the animal prefers to lie down rather than move.
  • Due to muscle spasms, an uncoordinated gait is observed.

If the infection remains only in the wound area, then over time the symptoms may go away, the dog’s body will cope on its own. But if the toxins secreted by the tetanus bacillus have already penetrated the nervous system, then the symptoms increase significantly:

  • There is a high temperature.
  • The dog is having trouble going to the toilet.
  • Uncontrollable salivation.
  • Muscle spasms literally make your forehead wrinkle.
  • Facial expressions take on an unnatural appearance, like a sardonic smile.
  • The pet's tail is tense.
  • The ears take a rigid, erect position and do not droop.
  • The dog can freeze in one position for a long time.
  • Spasms also make feeding difficult, since the swallowing reflex suffers, the dog cannot swallow on its own, and in some cases even unclench its jaw.
  • There is a high probability of respiratory arrest due to blocking by the nervous system pectoral muscles.
  • Paralysis on initial stage short-term, but as the disease progresses, the time of paralysis of the body increases.
  • Death as a result of complete blocking of the pectoral muscles, respiratory arrest.

Methods for treating tetanus in dogs

Before the beginning medical procedures it is necessary to carry out diagnostics. Usually enough external signs to determine the disease. Determination of the amount of tetanus antibodies in the blood takes place in a separate laboratory.

Attention: It is important not to confuse the symptoms of tetanus and rabies, because the treatment for these diseases is different.

As the first stage of treatment for tetanus, the wound is treated with a special antiseptic and an anti-tetanus injection of a special serum is given. But the serum only fights the stick. Removing the toxin released by the infectious bacillus takes much longer and requires more expensive treatment.
Here is the standard treatment for severe tetanus:

  1. Administration of serum to combat the tetanus bacillus.
  2. Taking intramuscular medications to cleanse the body of toxic poisoning.
  3. A course of treatment to combat muscle spasms.
  4. Creation special conditions to reduce sensitivity to various external stimuli: light, sound, etc.
  5. If necessary, use devices to stimulate the cardiac and pulmonary muscles. Artificial ventilation.
  6. Regular full body massage to restore muscle function.

A dog, like any sick person, needs special care and attention from its owner. The following drugs are used to combat infectious bacillus.
The antibiotic Metronidazole helps fight toxins that paralyze the body.

But there are some caveats here too. The serum affects only the toxin that has not penetrated the nervous tissue. That is why it is important to consult a veterinarian for treatment as soon as possible to minimize the consequences. The dog may have serum rejection, so a preliminary drug sensitivity test is necessary.
To combat muscle stiffness, the doctor uses special muscle relaxants: Diazepam, Methocarbamol.

To get rid of hypersensitivity apply sedatives, like Acepromazine. After all, the nervous system is already experiencing a lot of serious shocks, so it is important to place the sick animal in a place with poor lighting and good sound insulation, so as not to once again cause trauma to the affected psyche.

At serious violations With respiratory system Due to spasms and paralysis of the pectoral muscles, the dog is given an artificial ventilation device. If there are problems with nutrition, then supporting droppers are installed.
It is important that the toxin does not penetrate the heart muscle, because this is the main muscle that ensures blood circulation throughout the body.

Standard prophylaxis against tetanus

Regular veterinary examinations are number one when it comes to infection prevention tips. It is also necessary to independently examine your pet for various types of injuries and scratches. Treat wounds promptly antiseptics.

You should not walk in places where there is a high probability of contracting tetanus in dogs, especially letting the animal off leash or allowing it to walk independently where it wishes. There is a high probability that your pet will go climbing through destroyed buildings, where there are a lot of rusty metal objects.

Don't let your dog interact with stray dogs, the chance of contracting from them not only tetanus, but also other dangerous diseases very high.
Care and love for dogs is manifested in constant care.

A responsible owner will always be able to distinguish normal behavior pet from developing disease. Animals are unable to tell that something is hurting them, so it is important to pay attention to strange behavior and consult a doctor immediately. Your vigilance and careful care of your dog will help your pet live a long and happy life.

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Tetanus in dogs manifests itself in the same way as in people: the bacterium enters the dog’s body after a bite or injury and affects the animal’s nervous system. This is a very serious and painful infection that can be fatal if not caught early.

The disease is associated with damage to the nervous system by bacteria called or simply "tetanus bacillus". These bacilli live only in environments without oxygen and produce a toxin, tetanospasmin, which is responsible for its devastating effects on the body. Tetanus bacillus is a spore-forming bacterium. If the bacterium is not in optimal conditions for reproduction, it will transform into a spore form in which it can survive for years and not survive. favorable conditions life.

Tetanus is mainly found in soil, manure and animal feces. It grows well in regions with hot and humid climates, as well as in places where the soil is rich organic substances or fertilized with manure.

Causes of the disease

Rusty items are great place for the habitat of Clostridium Tetani bacteria. But the bacterium can penetrate into the body only through a poorly treated wound, a puncture with a rusty object (nail, barbed wire), a bite, an abscess, or damaged teeth.

Symptoms of the disease

The incubation period (clinical signs) after injury varies on average from 3 to 18 days. But this period can last up to several weeks.

Symptoms may appear after the spores have entered the wound and begun to grow. The first sign may be muscle stiffness. The dog may appear tense and lame. The dog may also experience weakness and uncoordinated gait. Symptoms may disappear if the infection remains in the wounded area. And in other cases, the symptoms of the disease may worsen if toxins have entered the nervous system.

The main symptoms include:

  • Constipation.
  • Pain when urinating.
  • Excessive salivation.
  • Sardonic smile.
  • Tail stiffness and tension.
  • Ears are erect and hard all the time.
  • Progressive rigidity of the body muscles.
  • Difficulty eating.
  • Difficulty breathing (due to stiff chest muscles.
  • Difficulty opening the mouth (due to stiffness of the jaw muscles.
  • Body muscle spasms.
  • Paralysis.
  • Death due to inability to breathe.

A wrinkled forehead is one of the signs of the disease.

Diagnosis of the disease

No specific tests are performed to diagnose tetanus. The diagnosis is made based on clinical signs. It is possible to quantify antibodies against tetanus toxin, but this is not performed in a clinical setting.


Treatment will consist of the following:

  • Fighting bacteria.
  • Fighting toxins.
  • Fighting muscle spasms.
  • Combating hypersensitivity.
  • Performance cardiopulmonary resuscitation and ensuring good hydration.
  • Provide good care.

Fighting bacteria: antibiotics

Metronidazole is used as an antibiotic to combat tetanus bacteria in dogs. The antibiotic kills bacteria, but not tetanus toxins.

Toxin Fighting: Tetanus Serum

Intravenous administration of equine tetanus serum is used to kill the toxins produced by the bacteria. This serum binds to toxins and destroys them.

However there are two important points during treatment with this serum:

  1. This serum only acts on toxins that have not yet entered the nerve. For this reason, treatment should begin as soon as possible after the injury.
  2. Because this product is derived from another species of animal (horse), intravenous injection may cause anaphylactic shock, sometimes with tragic consequences.

Before administering intravenous serum, an intradermal test should be performed to determine whether there is a reaction to this product.

The serum can be administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly, but the onset of its action will be prolonged (takes more than 3 days to therapeutic action drug). After washing and disinfection, the wound can be injected locally. antitetanus serum.

Fighting muscle spasms: muscle relaxants

To control spasms, cramps, tremors, and muscle stiffness, your veterinarian will use the following types of muscle relaxants:

  1. Diazepam (Valium).
  2. Methocarbamol: a muscle relaxant to prevent respiratory arrest.

Combating hypersensitivity: sedatives

Used to relieve hypersensitivity to light and sound. depressant: acepromazine.

Perform CPR and ensure good hydration

If the dog has difficulty breathing, artificial ventilation should be performed. You will also need drip infusion if the animal has difficulty swallowing due to spasms of the larynx.

Providing good care

Daily care can be lengthy and expensive. First of all, the animal should be placed in a dark and quiet room to avoid unnecessary stress, which could worsen its condition. A paralyzed dog needs to be repositioned regularly to prevent bedsores. It is recommended to regularly massage the muscles.

If your dog has difficulty swallowing or has a clenched (tight) jaw that prevents him from eating, a stomach tube will need to be inserted.

Predicting the course of the disease

Localized tetanus (incomplete paralysis, rigidity of only one limb) has a good prognosis with 90% chance of full recovery over several days or weeks.

As for tetanus affecting the central nervous system, it has poor prognosis. Only 50% of dogs suffering from this form of the disease can be cured, but the consequences will last a lifetime.

There are many diseases that are known today, but which were known in ancient times. Some of them were incurable then, but today they are difficult to treat. Many pathologies are common to both humans and animals. Such pathologies include tetanus.

It is noteworthy that dogs have conditional resistance to infection with such a pathology, but in some cases they are still affected.

Paths of entry

Routes of entry: skin lesions that come into contact with contaminated soil. It occurs in spring, autumn and summer, and is practically not recorded in winter. Mostly young individuals become infected.

Clostridia live in the soil and in the intestines of pets.

It has been noted that skin lesions that come into contact with air are practically protected from infection, the wound needs to be closed, that is, dirt gets into the scratch or cut, or the damage becomes covered with a crust. Simply put, a provocateur is banal unsanitary conditions . Among other things, clostridia can get into scars after operations for the same reason - ignoring the rules of asepsis and antiseptics.

Dogs living in unsanitary conditions are at risk.


The pathology is not transmitted by airborne droplets.

But it is also impossible to become infected from another animal simply contact method. The pathogen does not purposefully cling to the body, and if the skin is clean and there is no favorable environment, it does not take root in the animal’s body.

When dirt gets on a dog's wound, it creates a favorable environment for bacteria.


The period of latent development is approximately two weeks, depending on the intensity of the pathology and the amount of pathogen. Main features:

  • “wooden muscles”;
  • fear of noise and sharp sounds;
  • bone crunch;
  • inability to take food and water;
  • violation of muscle contractility;
  • limbs bend poorly;
  • increased sweating;
  • respiratory dysfunction;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • cardiac arrhythmia;
  • hypertension.

During the period of illness, the dog refuses to eat.


  • Muscle stiffening occurs suddenly, especially in the area of ​​the muzzle and neck.
  • Often the muscles become stiff in the area hind legs and at the site of infection, where the wound has festered and become clogged.
  • The next day the symptoms worsen.
  • The slightest noise twists the dog, while bones and joints crunch.
  • Moreover, spasmodic contractions can be so strong that they can provoke a fracture.
  • Spasms also seize the larynx and diaphragm, the muscles between the ribs, preventing inhalation and exhalation.
  • The pet's gait is disturbed, the paws lose the ability to bend, are very tense, and it seems that the animal is walking at a marching pace.
  • Because of this, falls can occur, during which the paws are extended and the head is thrown back.
  • The pet constantly sweats, blood circulation is impaired, and the heart rate increases.
  • Visible mucous membranes turn red, the temperature may rise slightly, or may not exceed normal limits.

The dog's joints and bones begin to crack, and it becomes difficult to move.


  • Tetanus is diagnosed by taking anamnesis , visible clinical picture.
  • Conduct laboratory test blood serum for the detection of antitoxin.
  • But also in the presence of an obvious wound, they often carry out Gram staining of samples .

A blood test will be required for diagnosis.

Treatment of tetanus in dogs

  1. Therapy is carried out based on the use of muscle relaxants, drugs that reduce nervous sensitivitysedatives .
  2. Assign special serum against tetanus . Mandatory procedure the infected wound must be cleaned and drained.
  3. Use antibiotics wide range actions to prevent the development of secondary infection.
  4. Animal placed in a darkened room , eliminate all noise, sharp irritating odors.
  5. Apply antihistamines , if strong ones come allergic reactions, or the serum provoked an anaphylactic attack. It is precisely because of possible anaphylaxis that an allergy test should be done before using the serum.
  6. It is recommended to combine penicillin with metronidazole, chlorpromazine together with phenobarbital, diazepam.
  7. Tetanus antitoxin can be used for active immunization , and if an infected skin lesion is detected, then the administration of antitoxin is a mandatory measure.

Treatment is carried out through the use of sedative medications.

Video about treating wounds in dogs

The causative agent is an anaerobic spore-forming bacillus (Clostridium tetani), usually found in soil (especially manured soil). When they enter wounds (punctures, lacerations), microbes multiply in dead tissue and form a toxin that specifically affects the nervous system.

Symptoms of the disease

The incubation period ranges from several days to 3 weeks. The first symptoms of tetanus in dogs are an inability to blink. Patients who are ill experience increased timidity, a tense gait; due to spasms of the masticatory muscles, jaw mobility becomes difficult; tension develops in the head and neck, and then in other parts of the body. The back and limbs are straightened, the tail is extended, the abdominal and chest wall tense. Traffic is difficult. With convulsive muscle contractions, body temperature rises. Animals often die (after 1-3 weeks). Sometimes tetanus in dogs manifests itself only as spasms of individual muscle groups (especially the head) and ends happily.

Diagnosis of the disease

The generalized form of tetanus is diagnosed based on symptoms; the localized form most often goes undiagnosed.

Treatment of the disease

First aid. Treatment of the wound with antiseptics (5% solution of iodine, potassium permanganate 1:500). Surgical treatment of wounds, possibly earlier administration of tetanus antitoxic serum (in accordance with the instructions). For convulsions - administration of sedatives. Treatment of tetanus in animals is difficult, therefore, if a dog is affected by a generalized form of this disease available death due to asphyxia or exhaustion. Prevention consists of timely, thorough treatment of wounds and the administration of anti-tetanus serum.

Tetanus in dogs (Tetanus)– zooanthropozoonotic dangerous infection, acute wound bacterial infection with contact transmission mechanism dangerous pathogen. The disease is caused by the action of the neurotropic toxin of the anaerobic bacillus Clostridium tetani (Clostridium tetani). The development of bacteria occurs in anaerobic environments, without access to oxygen. Bacterial infection characterized by damage to the central nervous system, which is manifested by tonic tension skeletal muscles, cramps, muscle spasms. Late, untimely treatment of dogs, cats, and other pets can cause death.

Causes of tetanus, how a dog becomes infected

Clostridium tetani- obligate gram-positive strict anaerobe 4-8 microns in length, forming spores, which explains the resistance of the pathogen to various factors external environment. Vegetative forms of bacteria are not very resistant to the effects of physicochemical factors. Clostridium tetani spores are resistant to some disinfectants, disinfectants, various environmental factors, and can withstand heating in humid environments up to 75-80 degrees. When boiled, they die within 45-50 minutes.

The bacterium produces a potent exotoxin, tetanospasmin (tetanus toxin), which is transported by the retrogard axoplasmic stream in the axon and also through synaptic junctions before reaching the central nervous system. The neurotoxin blocks the production of inhibitory neurotransmitters such as glycine, GABA ( gamma-aminobutyric acid). In addition, clostridia produce tetanolysin, which destroys red blood cells(erythrocytes).

A dog becomes infected with tetanus toxin when the integrity of the skin is damaged. decreased protective function of the skin. The source of infection is soil contaminated with spores of anaerobic bacteria, as well as objects contaminated with soil. The causative agents of tetanus are found in high concentrations in soil, especially in manured, wet soil.

When hitting deep, punctured, cut, lacerations Bacteria actively multiply in dead tissues and a neurotoxin is released, which enters various parts of the central nervous system (CNS), producing a specific effect.

Burns, frostbite, gangrene, and closed contaminated wounds are a favorable environment for the development of anaerobic bacteria. Wounds that are not treated in time create favorable conditions for the penetration of clostridia spores.

Symptoms of Tetanus in Dogs

Tetanus in dogs is characterized by complete or partial damage to various parts of the central nervous system, which manifests itself spastic contraction muscles, cramps, paresis, paralysis. Duration incubation period the average is six to ten days. Wherein characteristic symptoms may appear several weeks after infection, penetration of spores into wounds.

Horses most susceptible to tetanus, large cattle and humans, but also among our smaller brothers there are also known cases of diagnosing dangerous infection, which manifests itself as a characteristic clinical picture– muscle rigidity at the site of injury. Predatory animals can also become infected with tetanus, although they are also quite resistant to tetanus toxin.

Tetanus in dogs develops in two forms:



In the first case, everyone is subject to convulsive contractions. muscle structures, with a localized form, a lesion is noted, a change in the tone of only one muscle group.

Symptoms of tetanus in dogs:

    increased fearfulness;

    inadequate response to external stimuli;

    tense gait;

    increased temperature during the manifestation of convulsions, muscle spasms;

    prolapse of the third eyelid;

    generalized lameness, stiffness of movement;

    refusal to feed, lack of appetite;

    abdominal distension;


    painful urination;

    rigidity hind limbs with a generalized form of the disease;

    severe weight loss;

    dehydration (dehydration);

    spasms of the masticatory muscles, which makes it difficult to eat;

    complete, partial immobility of the jaws.

Dogs have difficulty swallowing, which leads to profuse drooling. As the disease progresses, head tension develops, dense, hard skin folds appear on the forehead and neck, paralysis of facial and masticatory muscles occurs, the jaw is clenched (trismus), which makes swallowing difficult and makes eating impossible. Dogs walk with their heads extended, their necks tense, their eyes motionless, eyeballs bulging, limbs apart, unnaturally straightened, tail raised, ears folded over the head. You may notice that dogs constantly look at only one point and throw their heads back (opisthotonus). In most cases, body temperature remains normal.

Important! Muscle paralysis leads to the fact that the dog cannot eat food or drink water on its own. The process of urination and defecation is difficult.

Sick dog is irritated bright light, loud sharp sounds, which may manifest itself as inappropriate behavior. Noise and light intensify seizures and provoke tetanic muscle spasms. Death pet may occur in case of asphyxia or severe intoxication.

In dogs, respiratory function is impaired, arrhythmia, ataxia, bradycardia, tachycardia, and cyanosis develop. Animals quickly get tired, try to hide in a dark, secluded corner, and react inadequately to external stimuli. With severe intoxication, dogs suffer from debilitating vomiting and frequent attacks of nausea.


The diagnosis of tetanus in dogs is made on the basis of a comprehensive examination, characteristic clinical manifestations, anamnesis data. Be sure to carry out differential diagnosis to exclude rabies, pseudorabies (Aujeszky's disease), strychnine poisoning.

If tetanus is suspected, blood is taken from dogs for general examination. biochemical analysis, as well as urine analysis. At clinical analysis blood will be changed leukocyte formula, the number of leukocytes in the blood will increase - leukocytosis, which indicates the development inflammatory processes. The concentration of creatine phosphokinase, an enzyme found in the heart, increases in the blood. skeletal muscles. Tetanus toxin causes destruction of red blood cells.

In urine tests, the presence of the muscle protein myoglobin is noted, which is obtained as a result of frequent contraction of muscle structures.

For analysis, wound fluid and fragments of damaged tissue are taken.

Treatment of tetanus in dogs

At the slightest suspicion that your dog has tetanus, immediately contact veterinary clinic, call a veterinarian at home. The life of your beloved pet depends on the efficiency of your actions. Until the veterinarian arrives, provide the dog with complete rest, do not disturb the pet, and turn off the bright lights. The dog should be in a quiet, calm place.

When diagnosing tetanus, long-term treatment of four-fingered patients in a hospital is required, which will take at least three to four weeks. When treating tetanus, animals are injected with a specific tetanus toxoid. Treatment methods aimed at maintaining vital important functions, creating the most comfortable conditions.

Since dogs cannot eat on their own, an intravenous catheter is placed through which saline solutions, glucose, pharmacological preparations, vitamins. Food may also be given through a special tube to introduce food directly into the stomach. If there is no urination, catheterization is performed and a urethral catheter is placed. Digestive processes are stimulated enzyme preparations. If the animal cannot breathe, the animals are connected to a machine artificial ventilation lungs, a tracheostomy is installed.

To remove pain syndrome, spasms, relief muscle cramps dogs are prescribed analgesics, antispasmodics, and anti-inflammatory drugs. Treatment is carried out by surgical treatment wounds in a dog, removing dead tissue followed by administration of anti-tetanus serum. For severe tonic spasms and convulsions, sedatives and anticonvulsants are prescribed in the form of injections. To maintain the general tone of the body, vitamins and glucose solution are administered subcutaneously.

During treatment, the treating veterinarian must constantly monitor the condition of the sick animal. After treatment, owners should monitor the dog’s condition and adjust the diet until digestive processes are completely normalized.

Preventing tetanus in dogs

Prevention of tetanus in dogs involves timely treatment of wounds with antiseptic agents. After each walk, carefully inspect skin covering dogs for wounds, abrasions, cuts.

It is equally important to monitor the quality of your diet. Don't give dogs stale food. meat products of dubious origin. Make sure that while walking four-legged friend did not pick up dangerous “delicacies” from the ground, so from puppyhood, pay attention to the upbringing and training of your pet.

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