Beaver stream - medicinal properties and uses. What kind of beaver stream is it: medicinal properties and uses

Not many ordinary people know about such a substance as beaver stream. Some even believe that this is the name for animal urine. But it’s enough to look at a photo or video to understand the stupidity of such an assumption. In fact, this is a secret secreted by special organs that only beavers have.

Animals produce beaver stream paired glands, which look like pear-shaped bags and are located under the skin on the abdomen. The weight of the organs does not exceed 200 g. Beavers use the liquid to mark the occupied territory or, by covering themselves with it, to make their fur waterproof. It is believed that animals store beaver stream in the body and use it under unfavorable conditions: hunger, illness, or for healing wounds.

Dried beaver stream

Brief historical excursion

The above extremely useful substance was known back in ancient Egypt. In those days, beaver stream was worth its weight in gold and was available only to the richest. It was used mainly by men to increase potency.

Indications for use of the extract in famous doctor Avicenna had almost all serious illnesses: convulsions, hysteria, disorders reproductive function in men and women, respiratory lesions and many others.

The story mentions the regenerative properties of the tincture. Also, beaver stream was a component of almost all antidotes. It was rumored, although it’s hard to believe, that wounds from it heal several times faster and without complications. She also helped Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, who at one time suffered from joint disease.

And two centuries ago, indications for the use of castoreum (another name for beaver stream) were severe mental illnesses: depression, manic-depressive psychoses, epilepsy and similar conditions.

General characteristics of the substance

Castoreum is a liquid with an extremely persistent and pungent tar odor with a tart admixture of musk. Color - rich orange. However, when exposed to air, the substance oxidizes, causing it to lose color and become dull. As the liquid dries, it darkens. In the photo, the dried stream looks like two paired dark brown bags.

The main composition of the beaver stream:

  • benzyl alcohol;
  • guaiacol;
  • benzoic acid;
  • acetophenone;
  • borneol;
  • ethylphenol;
  • salicylic acid.

These components are the most important, and full list consists of more than forty organic matter, each of which contributes to the valuable properties of castoreum.

Indications for use

Among the huge number of recipes and recommendations of alternative medicine, beaver stream, the use of which is indicated for many health problems, is an excellent, and most importantly, safe choice. But although many claim that it has no contraindications, caution never hurts.

IN pure form beaver stream is practically not used. A special tincture (extract) is prepared from it, which is then used for a variety of purposes.

First of all, it should be clearly understood that castoreum is not considered independent medicine. With the exception of those moments when it is used for the purpose of prevention or to increase the potency of a man. That is, if there is serious illnesses, for example, oncology or diabetes mellitus, traditional treatment prescribed by doctors - required condition recovery.

Stopping taking medications or undergoing chemotherapy, even consuming liters of beaver stream, will not improve your condition. Castoreum tincture is prescribed additionally to improve the effect of treatment or for general strengthening body.

Traditional medicine widely uses this substance, citing its anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antimicrobial and other properties. Here are the main ones:

  • Strong immunomodulator. Activates the body's defenses.
  • Improves the potency of men and women.
  • Gives a rejuvenating cosmetic effect, softens and cleanses the skin.
  • Has a bactericidal effect. Works great against infections. However, replacing antibiotics with tincture is not recommended.
  • Heals and disinfects, improves tissue regeneration.
  • Fixes the smell of perfume products and gives the perfume a tart musky tint.

Although official medicine has not recognized beaver stream extract, reviews about it are positive.

Those who have used the beaver jet note an increase in endurance and a surge of strength. Epileptics report a decrease in the number of seizures. Men suffering erectile dysfunction, after using the tincture, noticeable changes in positive side. A bunch of good reviews suggests that beaver stream is extremely beneficial for humans.

Directions for use and dosage

Depending on the indications, beaver stream can be consumed internally or used externally. The method and dosage depend on what effect is desired. There are several generally accepted recipes for using the drug, but do not forget that the prescription must be individual.

For prevention and general strengthening of the body, beaver stream tincture is taken once, in the first half of the day. The calculation is based on the patient’s weight: 1 tsp. spoon for 80 kg. If you weigh more, the dose will be 2 tablespoons.

In case of illness, the frequency of doses should be increased to three times a day with the same dose. The tincture should be consumed during or after meals. The duration of the course depends on the severity of the disease and can be 10-30 days, and sometimes more.

Externally, beaver stream is used mainly in compresses. To do this, take a piece of cloth and, having soaked it in alcohol tincture, apply it to the affected area. The top is wrapped in cellophane and several layers of cotton wool, and then bandaged tightly. It is best to carry out the procedure after steaming in a bath or sauna.

The duration of the procedure is 2-10 hours. After the required time has passed, the compress is removed, and the affected area is washed and wiped dry with a towel. An alternative to compresses can be an ointment made at home or pharmacy conditions, containing beaver stream powder. Its soft massage movements rub into problem areas.

Another method of external administration is inhalation, which is used for diseases. respiratory system. To do this, open the container with the tincture and take several breaths separately through each nostril and mouth.

At gynecological problems In women, a tampon is soaked in castoreum and then inserted into the vagina.

Men with illnesses prostate gland use rectal suppositories containing beaver stream.

The drug for internal use has an unpleasant taste and smell. The best way to neutralize these sensations is regular coffee, which is what it is recommended to wash down with the beaver stream. And for those for whom this drink is contraindicated, you can try chicory.

Contraindications and side effects

Before drinking the tincture, you should definitely consult your doctor. An overdose due to amateur activities can cause irritation and insomnia.

Hypertensive patients should be especially careful; they should carefully monitor their sensations when taking the tincture. If discomfort occurs, the dose is reduced several times.

Pregnancy is a contraindication due to the alcohol content and the lack of clinical trials of the drug. For the same reasons, it is not recommended to be given to children under 12 years of age.

Those who cannot tolerate alcohol should not take beaver stream. Also, one should not forget about allergic reactions in case of individual intolerance to the active substance.

It should be borne in mind that the beaver stream enhances the effect of antispasmodics and sedatives of plant origin.

Among side effects The most common symptoms are headaches, allergies and digestive tract disorders.

Beaver stream is an excellent remedy for many diseases, so it has proven itself in official medicine. However, you should drink it only according to indications, without exceeding the permissible dosages and be sure to consult a doctor.

What diseases does beaver stream help with?

Let's consider what diseases the use of beaver stream will help with and when it is better to refrain from using it.


Castoreum has a complex effect on the body. When using it note:

  1. Replenishing the supply of missing elements in the body.
  2. Immunological effect - increasing human resistance to infections.
  3. Beneficial effect on energy processes in the body.
  4. Improving metabolic processes.
  5. Antioxidant action.
  6. Increased ability to work.
  7. Improving performance gastrointestinal tract.
  8. Strengthening the structure of hair and nails.
  9. Normalization of blood counts.
  10. Reducing excess weight.

Nervous system

Beaver stream tincture helps with migraines, neuralgic disorders, fear, convulsive syndromes. The drug softens the course of epilepsy and is able to restore the normal passage of nerve impulses.

Castoreum - aid in the treatment of prolonged depression, relief of phases of manic-depressive psychosis. However, the drug is not recommended for panic attacks and psychomotor agitation.

The cardiovascular system

Thanks to improving metabolic processes and lowering cholesterol levels, beaver stream is excellent for atherosclerosis. You can also drink the tincture for ischemia or angina.

Hypotonic patients, unlike hypertensive patients, can take the drug without fear.

Beaver stream has a restorative effect in case of paralysis that occurs in the initial stages due to stroke.

The blood thinning effect of the drug is used in the treatment of thrombophlebitis. For varicose veins, castoreum strengthens the walls of blood vessels, relieving swelling and pain.

Respiratory system

Tincture and inhalation of beaver stream is used as an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic for such infections respiratory tract, such as laryngitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, pulmonary sarcoidosis, etc.

It is believed that the drug helps fight Koch's bacillus, stopping the growth of bacteria and promoting better effective treatment tuberculosis.

Gastrointestinal tract

Beaver stream is an excellent assistant in the fight against hepatitis A, B, C, and candidiasis of the gastrointestinal tract. Successfully helps with flatulence, heartburn, constipation. Castoreum is used for cholecystitis.

Genitourinary system

In gynecology, a tincture is used to soften menopause and normalize menstrual cycle, improve the quality of sexual life. Beaver stream extract helps in the treatment of thrush, cystitis, candidiasis, bartholinitis, and various inflammations. Castoreum is used as a resolving agent for cysts and kidney stones.

Men use beaver stream tincture to improve or restore erectile function in case of premature ejaculation. The extract also helps treat prostatitis, urethritis, cystitis, and pyelonephritis.

Endocrine system

Beaver stream tincture has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes, so it will not be superfluous in treatment endocrine diseases. One of the most significant effects is the normalization of blood glucose levels in diabetes mellitus.

This disease is treated exclusively with insulin. However, in combination with castoreum, after consulting your doctor about the dosage, you can achieve much better results.

The remedy is also used for lesions of the adrenal glands, thyroid gland, pituitary gland, and gonads. The main thing is not to forget to consult a doctor, since endocrine system- one of the most demanding doses in terms of accuracy.


Most of the effects that the beaver stream has on the circulatory system have already been examined in the course of other diseases: a thinning effect, lowering cholesterol levels, normalizing hemoglobin, strengthening vascular walls, preventing the attachment of atherosclerotic plaques, restoring normal pressure numbers.

Additionally, it is worth mentioning blood cancer, which is last years greatly intensified, especially among the child population.

As additional means The tincture is recommended to be taken for cancer of the circulatory system to reduce the effects of chemotherapy and stop the development of tumor cells.

Oncological diseases

For malignant diseases various organs Drinking beaver stream tincture will help little. But in terms of prevention, the product is good. The same as for support in the drug and radiation fight against cancer.

Diseases of the skin, musculoskeletal system and injuries

Most diseases skin It has bacterial etiology, so beaver stream is an excellent means of combating them. It will be effective for itchy dermatitis, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, fissures, trophic ulcers, urticaria, herpes zoster and other diseases.

Due to its healing effect, the tincture is recommended for use after surgical intervention both internally and externally for faster tissue regeneration. The tincture fights well against purulent complications, it can also be used to prevent bedsores.

An important role is played by the use of beaver jets for numerous joint lesions.

It is used mainly externally in the form of compresses or ointments, relieving pain, reducing swelling, redness and local temperature reactions. The extract helps well with radiculitis, osteochondrosis and other similar pathologies.

In addition to all of the above, an infusion of water is used for instillation of the ears and eyes. In the first case, it helps with ear pain, diseases of the ear nerve, and helps get rid of traffic jams. In the second, it relieves inflammation, itching, lacrimation and pain in the eyes, and increases visual acuity.

Based on all this, and also taking into account affordable price, we can safely recommend beaver stream extract for many diseases of various organs and systems. It will help in advanced cases, reduce the risk, and soften the course of the disease. It is only important to use the instructions, consult with doctors and follow their instructions exactly.

Beaver Stream Recipes

There are many options for preparing castoreum: alcohol tincture, ointment, capsules, aqueous extract. Some of them have positive reviews, others are negative.

The preparation of beaver stream extract is often filmed to attract the attention of consumers. However, among the right recipes There are a lot of fakes out there that won’t help anyone, and some should be wary of. An improperly prepared product will harm the body and may cause an allergic reaction or poisoning.

Making alcohol tinctures

At the moment, this is the most common and most proven method that can be used even at home. There are rumors that there is also an aqueous extract of beaver stream, but how to prepare it is kept secret.

Recipe for making tincture:

  1. Once the gland has been removed and properly dried, it should be crushed. To do this, use a grater or a sharp knife; scissors are also acceptable. The finer you can cut the raw materials, the more useful substances it will give off alcohol. Alternative option- use of ready-made powder.
  2. The resulting substance is poured with alcohol. High-quality vodka or medical alcohol diluted to 45 degrees will do. Add 500 ml of liquid to 100 g of crushed stream.
  3. Leave for three days, shaking occasionally.
  4. After the specified period, the resulting mixture is diluted with vodka, without adhering to any proportions. The liquid should take on a cognac tint. From 100 g of substrate, about 1 liter of beaver stream tincture is obtained.

Unstrained sediment should not be thrown away. It can be used for re-settling, but the alcohol concentration should be half as much.

The finished powder is diluted with 70% alcohol, in this case there is no need to wait several days. The resulting product is diluted with water 1:1. It is worth clarifying that 96% pure medical alcohol is not suitable for this recipe.

In order for the product to turn out correctly, you must follow several basic principles of preparation:

  • Proportions cannot be changed. They must be accurate, use them whenever possible. electronic scales with an error of no more than 1 g.
  • Use clear glass containers for infusion.
  • Strictly follow the “cognac color” rule. The finished tincture should not be too dark or, conversely, light.
  • Storage also has its own characteristics. Straight lines are not allowed Sun rays. The room should be cool. A refrigerator is welcome.
  • The liquid acquires its peak healing properties after 3-4 months.

If you follow the above rules, the resulting product can be used to strengthen the body. It is worth noting that not everyone can drink such a strong product, so it can be diluted with water.

Making suppositories for prostatitis

Rectal suppositories, which are made from beaver musk, have very limited use. They are intended mainly for men suffering from prostate problems.

Cooking method miracle cure very simple. First, you need to buy regular rectal suppositories with belladonna extract at the pharmacy. Suppositories with ichthyol are contraindicated. Next, they are melted in a water bath, achieving a homogeneous mass.

After this, beaver stream is added in the following proportion: for one candle - a piece the size of a match head. Dissolve thoroughly, stirring. Then the resulting product is distributed into special molds and cooled.

Preparation of ointment

To make the ointment, you will need an additional ingredient - bear fat. Badger is also suitable as an alternative. 200 g of fat is melted in a water bath. Then 100 g of crushed musk is poured into the resulting mass. After this, the mixture should be kept on fire for another 10 minutes. The cooled substance can be used. Basically, it is used for rubbing into diseased joints.

Ointment based on bear or badger fat with added beaver stream

Cooking errors

There are ways to prepare beaver stream tincture that seem correct, but in reality they are not. For example, if you pour alcohol into a whole gland and leave long time, beneficial substances will be present in negligible concentrations.

There are also rumors about consuming gland raw. There will be no benefit from this, rather the opposite. Only beaver stream tincture has healing properties. Fresh musk is suitable for its preparation, although this method is not widely used.

Beaver stream in raw form

Features to Keep in Mind

Having carefully studied all contraindications, you need to exclude individual intolerance to the product. Therefore, it should be taken under the supervision of a specialist.

In addition, musk is one of the few substances whose digestibility is about 100%. Therefore, an overdose can lead to undesirable consequences.

Using the above recipes, you need to correctly follow the instructions, observe the storage features, and also strictly follow the preparation formulas.

Purchase options

You can buy the substance in various countries, including Russia and Ukraine. It is easier to purchase dried gland directly from hunters, beaver stream in capsules - in pharmacies. There are four forms in total:

  1. Dried glands in the form of sacs. With such a purchase, you need to be wary of those who like to make extra money with hack work. Fraudsters watched a training video without really knowing how to do it correctly. You should trust only those people for whom extracting beaver stream is their main income and have a long experience behind them. Essentially better quality product if the bags were removed without killing the animal. But their price is much higher.
  2. Extract.
  3. Capsules. They differ from extracts in that they are produced by drying and are sold with various herbal supplements.
  4. Mixtures with products. Beaver stream is mixed, for example, with honey or kvass. This option is good for maintaining the overall tone of the body. It can be bought for prevention.

Castoreum capsules

Beaver stream is most often sold by shops associated with alternative medicine based on natural preparations. Price policy they differ and depend on many factors: quality, release form, manufacturer, quantity of product in the package. The product is within the reach of the middle class population. The cheapest thing is dried beaver stream. Capsule preparations are usually more expensive due to impurities.

Beaver musk, also known as castoreum and musk, is a specific substance with a clearly audible aroma produced by secretory glands beavers, regardless of the sex of the individual. Beavers accumulate secretions in their glands in case of hungry periods, and also use a small amount of stream to mark their territory. Traditional healers hundreds of years ago the therapeutic power of castoreum was discovered. A product such as beaver jet is still in demand for treatment: preparation alcohol tincture accessible to everyone if they have the time and the right ingredients.

What explains the content of more than fifty beavers in the stream? natural compounds, which are the most valuable for the human body? About 200 species have been identified among the food consumed by beavers. medicinal herbs, musk sacs retain their organic compounds in processed form.

Musk glands - paired organ, located under the animal’s skin in the belly area. The jet produced by them, despite the name, is dense and not liquid substance. Within a month after extraction, it is dried away from light directly in the glands. Dried glands, which look like dark pear-shaped sacs, are sold as medicinal raw materials.

The beaver's stream is considered a powerful tool traditional medicine, which can cope with any disease, since it activates vital energy and strengthens the body's resistance necessary to fight the disease.

Next beneficial features castoreum is used as a basis for the preparation of medicines:

  • tonic
  • rejuvenating
  • stimulating
  • antitumor
  • bactericidal
  • immunomodulatory
  • anti-inflammatory
  • antispasmodic
  • restorative
  • antimicrobial
  • healing

The tonic properties are the most undeniable properties of beaver musk. No matter what disease they were treating with it, in parallel they always noted the invigorating effect caused by the adaptogens present in the substance.

Due to this effect, castoreum is often prescribed to athletes who are in the process of preparing for competitions. This effect reaches its greatest severity after a month of systematic use: physical and intellectual performance increases, favorable psychological attitude. Clarity of consciousness is maintained even with a minimum number of hours of sleep.

Before preparing a tincture for the treatment of cardiac diseases, it is necessary to take into account the presence of a stimulating effect from the use of a beaver jet, since sexual activity It is contraindicated in case of heart disease.

Alcohol tincture: how to prepare

It doesn’t matter in what form—fresh or dried—the beaver stream is taken, preparing an alcohol tincture is possible using any of them. Dried can be easier to purchase, and it interacts with alcohol a little more effectively. For cooking Beaver stream tincture is always used in crushed form, it is grated after keeping it in the refrigerator before, or cut with a knife along with the shell.

Alcohol for tincture requires 70°, high-quality, from a trusted source. You will need 400 ml per 100 grams of beaver stream powder. The tincture is kept in a sealed glass container for 7 days until it acquires a dark amber color. If the liquid is darker, it is diluted with alcohol; if it is lighter, it is left for another week. Vodka, taken in an amount of 100 ml more than the amount of alcohol, can replace it in the preparation of tincture without losing its quality.

It is important! Proper preparation The tincture requires its storage during the aging period only at room temperature. The ready-made tincture can be kept in the cold.

The sediment at the bottom of the bottle of the finished tincture does not require filtering; it can easily be used to prepare a new infusion with alcohol. Maximum healing power has a tincture that has stood for 4 months.

Features of oral administration

How to drink beaver stream alcohol tincture is determined by the purpose of treatment:

  • For prevention, it is enough to consume the product in the amount of one spoon (from a teaspoon to a tablespoon, depending on weight) before a couple of meals. Two month - normal term preventive use.
  • Treatment requires a daily dose of 1.5 tablespoons of tincture three times a day.

It is important! It is worth starting preparation even for a preventive dose in the absence of experience in using castoreum with minimal doses (two drops), increasing the dose if the body reacts favorably.

The bitter taste of the tincture and its musky smell are masked with the help of coffee. A spoonful of the tincture is placed in the mouth after taking a sip of the coffee and without swallowing it, that is, the coffee and the tincture must mix in the mouth. The resulting mixture is quickly swallowed and washed down with the remaining coffee. Caffeine-free chicory or barley teas can be used as alternative agents to neutralize the castoreum taste.

Two following methods will help solve the question of how to take a beaver stream if there is a desire or need to protect the body from the effects of alcohol:

  1. Abundantly dilute the alcohol tincture with water and reduce the dose. Alcohol infusion is diluted with water, which allows you to achieve the desired reduction in the concentration of the medicine, and a dessert spoon of the product prescribed for one-time use will be replaced by a teaspoon.
  2. Consumption of crushed beaver stream in its pure form. There is no need to prepare a tincture if alcohol is an undesirable ingredient for your health. For a single dose, a small amount of beaver stream ground into powder (approximate size is a match head), which is recommended to be placed in a piece of bread, is suitable.

However, it is necessary to take into account a decrease in the effectiveness of treatment by 50% and an increase in the period of taking the drug.

It is important! The last dose should be taken no later than 4 hours before getting ready for bed due to the stimulating effect of the beaver stream.

What diseases can be cured

  1. It is useful to use beaver jet tincture if you have problems with the lungs, especially tuberculosis. The musky substance contained in the glands of the beaver eliminates cough and destroys Koch's bacillus. At pulmonary diseases The beaver stream tincture is both drunk and inhaled directly from the jar alternately through the nose and mouth.
  2. Beaver musk is one of the remedies that are called natural, without side effects, an analogue of Viagra. When the beaver stream tincture enters the body, the level of testosterone increases. In men, potency increases, vigor appears, and performance increases. Due to normalization hormonal levels and a surge of vitality, other diseases of the genital area also disappear. Women also experience an increase in libido and a solution to gynecological problems. Even the smell of musk is considered stimulating, and the substance is used in the preparation of perfume.
  3. The use of beaver stream is beneficial for “core” patients: the substance cleanses blood vessels from plaques, stabilizes pressure, which has a positive effect on blood microcirculation.
  4. Alcohol tincture of castoreum helps the body recover after chemotherapy, surgical operations, paralysis. It is used to treat hepatitis, oncology and kidney diseases.

It is worth preparing and using the tincture during the period when you need to nourish the body, increase endurance, relieve stress, and increase physical activity.

Castoreum is a product of animal origin, created by nature itself for human health. A specific aromatic substance of brown color produced by the preputial glands of the beaver.

Musk is produced in pear-shaped sacs located under the animal's tail. An interesting fact is that only beavers have such an organ, while both males and females secrete the medicinal secretion.

Beaver stream: application

It has the following properties:

  • Eliminates inflammation and pain
  • Eliminates burning sensation when urinating
  • Relieves swelling of the prostate gland
  • Potency returns
  • You'll feel again male strength and a surge of energy!

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  • 700 ml. 40% solution medical alcohol or vodka;
  • 150 - 200 grams of beaver stream;
  • clean, sterilized containers;
  • scissors.

The process of preparing the tincture:

  1. Using scissors, the beaver stream is cut into small cubes (the smaller the fragments, the better);
  2. pour chopped beaver stream into a jar;
  3. pour alcohol;
  4. leave for one month dark place.

Practical advice: When cutting beaver stream, it is advisable to use gloves, since the smell of musk is very specific, pungent and persistent. If you don't use gloves, your hands may smell musky for several days.

Right the prepared balm should have a cognac color. The finished product must be stored in a cool, dark place, or in the refrigerator.

How to take beaver stream?

Method of use beaver stream depends on the form of the drug
A. Suppositories with beaver stream are used as a traditional rectal suppository.

A course of treatment ranges from 10 to 30 days, one suppository is administered per day, usually at night. If necessary, a second course of treatment is carried out after a month's break.

Beaver musk in powder form: take a small amount of powder once a day ( single dose should be no larger than a match head). The course of treatment is about two months. A repeat course is possible after 30 days.

How to take beaver stream in tincture?

An alcohol tincture based on beaver stream is taken orally:

Caution: people who are contraindicated to drink alcohol should not use the tincture. It is better to take beaver stream in powder form.

Other ways to take beaver stream

Castoreum can be used in the form of compresses. This method is an effective treatment for hematomas, bruises, fractures, and swelling.

For the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, for the purpose of prevention colds beaver jet can be used in the form of inhalations.

Beaver jet can be used as ear or eye drops.

When treating thrush tampon saturate with alcohol tincture of beaver stream and inserted into the vagina.

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What other diseases does beaver stream treat?

Beaver musk is excellent
m antidepressant, helps with fatigue, vitamin deficiency, insomnia. Medicine helps restore lost strength, increases mental and physical activity.

Medicines, made from the secret glands of beavers, are often used for treatment men's problems. Beaver stream contributes

Castoreum is effective assistants in the treatment of many diseases, however, despite all the usefulness and safety of the product, when taking the product you must carefully listen to your own body, follow the dosage and rules for using the drug.

Beaver stream (beaver musk, castoreum) is a specific substance secreted from the special glands of the beaver, which has a peculiar tar odor. The main components of beaver stream are borneol, acetophenone, benzoic acid, p-Ethylphenol, benzyl alcohol, guaiacol and o-Cresol.

Using a beaver jet in folk medicine was popular hundreds of years ago. Until the Middle Ages, castoreum was highly valued and paid for in gold. In those days, almost any disease was treated with the help of musk. It has been used especially successfully to eliminate reproductive and intimate problems in men and women. It is known that even Pushkin used it to increase potency, which he mentioned in his early works. In addition, beaver musk was used for neuropsychiatric disorders, diseases of cardio-vascular system, liver, kidneys, urinary tract. Externally, the product was used to heal wounds, for fractures, joint diseases, and radiculitis.

Castoreum was also highly valued by perfumers. It is still used as a fragrance and odor fixer in the production of luxury perfumes. famous brands. Beaver stream adds notes of sexuality and passion to aromas and is a powerful aphrodisiac that attracts the opposite sex.

The alcohol tincture “Beaver Stream” offered by our company is an environmentally friendly product made from the secretion of the glands of Siberian beavers, which is confirmed by the appropriate certificate.

The drug is an excellent remedy complex therapy many diseases, strengthens the body, reduces fatigue, and increases the overall tone of patients.

Indications for use:

The main diseases that can be treated with beaver stream: nervous and cardiovascular diseases
- diseases genitourinary area
prostate adenoma
-women's gynecological diseases
inflammation of the glands
-diseases internal organs
stones in the kidneys
renal failure
joint diseases
hepatitis and gastrointestinal tract

Also castoreum has bactericidal and healing properties, it is used for infectious wounds, injuries, skin suppurations. The jet is no less effective in maintaining the body’s immunity. The beaver stream is very strong remedy to fight a pyogenic infection, against which antibiotics and other drugs are almost powerless.

Castoreum used in cosmetology (smoothes wrinkles, rejuvenates the skin). Of course, because of its persistent smell beaver stream used in perfumery to create the most expensive fragrances, as well as musk deer musk.

Directions for use and dosage:

Inside in medicinal purposes Beaver stream tincture should be taken 1-2 teaspoons 3 times a day during or after meals. It is recommended to take the drug with a small amount of water, juice, coffee or tea. The course of treatment lasts from 10 to 30 days.

For prevention, the jet should be taken 1-2 teaspoons 1 time in the morning, or 15-20 minutes before obtaining the desired effects.

A single dose is calculated based on the patient's weight. If you weigh up to 80 kg, use 1 teaspoon of the drug per dose, if you weigh more than 80 kg, use 2 teaspoons.

Patients suffering from hypertension should carefully monitor their well-being during treatment with beaver stream. If discomfort and unwanted sensations occur, the dose should be reduced by half.

Externally, castoreum tincture is used in the form of compresses, which are most effective after a bath or sauna.

For a compress, take a piece of dense soft cloth (cotton or linen), soak it in an alcohol tincture of beaver stream at room temperature and apply it to the sore spot. Oilcloth, polyethylene or compress paper is applied on top, then a layer of cotton wool and everything is bandaged. The duration of the procedure is from 2 to 10 hours. After removing the compress, the area on which it was applied should be wiped with warm water and dried with a soft towel.

Side effect:

Castoreum-based preparations are usually well tolerated. IN in rare cases Possible stool disorders, digestive disorders, allergic reactions, headache.

In case of overdose - nervous excitement and insomnia.


You should stop taking beaver stream in case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug, allergic reactions, diseases of the adrenal glands, organic lesions genitourinary system, venereal diseases.

The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. It should not be used to treat children under 12 years of age.

Interaction with other drugs:

Beaver stream enhances the effect of sedatives and antispasmodics of plant origin.

Storage conditions and periods:

Keep away from children. Store in a dry, dark place at temperatures from 0° to +20°C. Shelf life: 2 years.

Beaver stream, or castoreum, has been used by people since ancient times to treat various diseases. There are several proven recipes for preparing beaver stream at home; it can also be taken in in kind(like powder).

What is a beaver stream?

Castoreum, beaver musk, or stream, is the name given to the contents of the anal sacs, which are produced by the odorous gland of the animal. The secretion of the glands can be obtained from both the male and the female, since it serves to mark the territory.

Using scent marks, animals receive information about who is leaving them. The contents of the glands, which are medicinal raw materials, are a mass resembling wet sand, brown-green in color, with a pungent odor.

To preserve raw materials, drying of glands cut from the carcass of a hunted beaver is used. Therefore, most often beaver stream can be purchased in the form of dark brown leathery bags or in crushed form: pieces or powder. But fresh beaver gland can also be used for medicinal purposes, since extracting the alcoholic extract is a method of preservation.

If desired, purchased fresh beaver gland can be frozen until the time when it is possible to prepare the tincture. Their medicinal properties the raw material is not lost, but care must be taken to ensure that the frozen beaver glands are not thawed before the extract is prepared. You can grind them slightly thawed.

Beneficial properties of beaver stream

In official medicine, beaver stream extract is used as an adaptogen, that is, a remedy that helps the body resist unfavorable or unusual environmental conditions. The contents of the glands include odorous substances guaiacol and benzoic acid, which have both antimicrobial effect, But healing properties jets based on this property are used only in traditional medicine.

Among the properties that beaver stream tincture has are:

  • rejuvenation of the body;
  • increasing potency;
  • strengthening immune system;
  • help with fatigue and loss of strength.

The antiseptic, antispasmodic and sedative effects of the drugs help treat:

  • hematomas and swelling;
  • inflammatory diseases of the female and male genital area;
  • consequences of injuries and bruises;
  • colds;
  • convulsive conditions and mental illness;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • skin damage (ulcers, bedsores, hard-to-heal wounds);
  • osteochondrosis, arthritis and radiculitis.

Preparing beaver stream

The preparation of beaver stream tincture should begin by grinding purchased fresh or dry beaver glands. Dried ones can be chopped or grated if they are soft enough. During long-term storage, dry beaver stream becomes hard, and you can grind it with a hammer or in a mortar, grinding the lumps as hard as possible. Fresh raw materials are easiest to cut into small pieces.

The methods by which the beaver stream was prepared have not changed to this day.. The simplest method is to infuse the crushed raw materials in alcohol. Vodka, alcohol, and moonshine are suitable for making tincture at home. Before preparing beaver stream, you need to purchase high-quality alcohol.

When using recipes with alcohol, you need to use a liquid with a strength of no more than 70% vol. In a stronger alcohol solution extraction of useful substances from any raw material occurs more slowly. Alcohol can be diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio and used in the proportion indicated in recipes for tinctures with vodka. Too strong moonshine is also recommended to be diluted with water to the standard strength of vodka.

Preparing to cook

Before mixing the ingredients and infusing the beaver stream, you need to weigh its amount. This will be necessary when calculating the volume of alcohol for the tincture.

You should know that during the course of treatment for tuberculosis, neuroses, chronic diseases genital area, etc., at least 500-700 g of dried beaver stream is required. IN fresh iron weighs about 1.5 times more, and this must be taken into account when purchasing it.

When making medicine at home, you need to know how to properly infuse raw materials. There is nothing complicated about this, but to better extract soluble substances from solid particles, the container with the tincture must be shaken periodically, mixing the layers of liquid. This can be done once a day. It is better to infuse in a dark place at room temperature. The container should have a tight lid; sometimes healers even advise rolling up the jar like canned food, or filling the cork with wax.

Recipe for Fresh Beaver Stream

The method of preparing medicine from fresh beaver stream involves cleaning it from meat and fat. There is no need to wash the gland, you just need to remove all excess so that connective tissue sacs with the contents remain.

For every 0.5 liter of vodka you need to take about 170 g of fresh raw materials. If the medicine is being prepared for a long course of treatment, then you should purchase at least 1 kg of beaver glands and prepare the tincture in large quantities at once, since it will take a long time to infuse.

Purified castoreum must be crushed together with a sand-like mass that is inside each gland. Place the ingredients in a suitable container, close it tightly and leave for 3-4 weeks without opening the lid. After this, strain the medicine and use it as directed.

There is no need to throw away the sediment: preparing a beaver jet allows for its reuse. For secondary extraction, take 2 times less amount of vodka, but otherwise do the same. This tincture is used in the same ways as the first extract.

Tincture of dried beaver stream

The method of preparing the tincture from the dried stream differs only in the method of preparing the castoreum. Dry raw materials need to be turned into powder, so the extraction of useful substances will be more effective. When purchasing ready-made powder, all that remains is to mix it with vodka or moonshine. Required:

  • 100-120 g crushed stream;
  • 0.5 l of vodka.

Place the ingredients in a jar, seal it tightly and leave in a dark place for 3-4 weeks, shaking the container periodically.

To soften bad taste drink and enhance its effect, beaver stream tincture can be prepared with additional ingredients:

  1. For 100 g of jet powder and 0.5 liters of vodka or moonshine, add 1 tbsp. l. propolis. After mixing the ingredients, the extract is prepared according to general principles.
  2. If you mix 100 g of dried beaver stream, 0.5 liters of vodka and 2-3 tbsp. l. bee honey, the drink will acquire a less tart taste. How to infuse beaver stream is indicated in the basic recipe.

The use of tincture with bee products is prohibited for those who are allergic to them.

The infusion time for the beaver stream should be as indicated in the recipes. Obtaining an alcohol extract is slower than preparing herbal decoctions, so infusion for 2-3 days will be useless.

The amount of substances in the stream that get into the alcohol depends on how long the extract is infused: if the liquid is not filtered, but left along with the sediment, then as the tincture is stored, their concentration increases. This must be taken into account when using the medicine.

Preparing beaver stream with alcohol

To prepare with alcohol, beaver stream is taken in the same quantity as in previous recipes (with vodka or moonshine). The difference lies in the amount of alcohol taken to make the extract: for every 100 g of dried beaver jet powder or 150 g of fresh raw materials, you need to take 300 ml of 70% alcohol. Otherwise, infusion is carried out in the same way as with less strong alcohol.

Before cooking, alcohol can be diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. The resulting solution is taken for tincture in the same quantity as vodka.

When using tincture with alcohol, there is a difference in doses: the dosage of alcohol tincture is reduced by 2 times in relation to vodka. This is explained by the higher concentration of dissolved substances in the stream, since 70% alcohol extracts them more efficiently from dry or fresh raw materials.

Methods of application

Considering the bactericidal properties of the drug from beaver stream, as well as its immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory qualities, we can distinguish 2 ways to use the tincture:

  • outer;
  • interior.

Preparations based on beaver stream can be used as an external remedy for various diseases:

  1. If the problem is inflammatory diseases musculoskeletal system, then for treatment they use rubbing and compresses with vodka extract. When using an alcohol extract, you need to dilute it with water (1:1) to avoid skin burns.
  2. For ARVI, inhalations can be performed in pairs vodka tincture. To do this, you can pour a small amount of it into a separate jar and inhale the fumes for 10 seconds (do deep breath 1-2 times).
  3. For varicose veins, vodka tincture should be diluted with water (1:1). It is used as a lotion on nodes with dilated veins, applying a bandage soaked in the medicine for 5-10 minutes on the affected areas.
  4. To eliminate bruises and reduce pain from sprains or bruises, you can use rubbing and compresses. For a compress, use a cloth soaked in vodka tincture or an alcohol extract diluted 2 times with water. Keep the compress for 30-60 minutes.
  5. Difficult-to-heal festering wounds are washed with diluted tincture 5-6 times a day. For getting medicinal solution take 1 tbsp. l vodka product and 0.5 cups boiled water. When using alcohol tincture, increase the amount of water by 2 times.

For neuroses, insomnia and problems with the genital organs in men and women, during menopause traditional healers It is recommended to take a beaver stream internally.

Treatment regimens may be as follows:

  1. For prostatitis, prostate adenoma and gynecological diseases Take 1 teaspoon of vodka tincture, 3-4 doses per day before meals. The alcohol preparation should be diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio before use, and then consumed as directed. Treatment is carried out in courses of 1 month with a break of 1 week, and the total duration of such therapy can be up to 6-8 months.
  2. Taking the tincture helps a lot when vegetative-vascular dystonia And chronic fatigue. Dosage: 5-6 drops 2 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month, after a 10-day break it can be repeated.
  3. To treat impotence, you need to find out your testosterone level, and then start taking the drug 1 tsp. 3 times a day, monitoring testosterone levels in the clinic. When it reaches the norm, take a break from taking the tincture, and then begin a preventive course: 5-6 drops per day for 1 year (without breaks).
  4. To activate the immune system for frequent colds, furunculosis, and fungal diseases, take 15 drops of vodka tincture 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 1 week, then take a break for the same amount of time and repeat the treatment.

Beaver stream for disease prevention

In the autumn-winter period, beaver jet extract can be used for preventive purposes. To do this, it is recommended to add 0.5 tsp to tea or coffee 3 times a day. drug. This method activates the immune system, and the risk of getting the flu is reduced.

Traditional healers also use another method of preventive treatment. During the cold period of the year, during ARVI epidemics, you can take the jet extract in the morning, before the working day. For this, 1 tsp. The drug is consumed 30 minutes before breakfast with a small amount of water, tea or coffee.

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