Tobradex eye ointment: instructions, description pharmprice. Tobradex ointment - official* instructions for use

For inflammatory processes in the eye caused by various factors, it is important to find a suitable and effective remedy for treatment. In the eye drops market, Tobradex drops, which meet modern medical requirements, have won the respect of consumers and doctors.

Composition and release form

The drug is a clear or slightly white solution. The main active ingredients of the drug are powerful antibiotic tobramycin and the healing component dexamethasone. To enhance the impact, the drops also include:

  • benzalkonium chloride;
  • sodium hydroxide;
  • sulfuric acid, necessary to equalize the pH level;
  • water purified from excess impurities.

Drops are produced in cardboard packages. Inside there is a bottle with a dispenser. Volume – 5 ml.

Pharmacological effects

Thanks to the antibiotic wide range action, complete suppression of reproduction occurs pathogenic bacteria, including in advanced cases. With simultaneous exposure to dexamethasone, the metabolism of allergens and bacteria is disrupted. As a result of substances entering top part eyes happening quick withdrawal swelling, burning and pain.

Indications for use

The main indications for the use of Tobradex are:

  • to prevent inflammatory processes in the presence of injuries and during the postoperative recovery period;
  • to treat cuts caused by wearing contact lenses;
  • for the treatment of conjunctivitis;
  • in inflammatory processes without significant damage to the epithelium;
  • for the treatment of barley, blepharitis, keratitis.

Sometimes it is possible to use drops to eliminate eye fatigue and allergic reactions, due to the presence of dexamethasone in the composition.

Directions for use and dosage

Regardless of the diagnosis, drops are instilled into conjunctival sac closer to the inner corner of the affected eye.

In severe or special cases Smaller or larger dosages may be prescribed. Therefore, when using Tobradex, consultation with an ophthalmologist is required. If for some reason one dose of the drug was missed, it should be taken immediately. In this case, in no case should you take a double dose, so as not to cause side effects.

Side effects

The main side effects include:

  • severe itching and swelling of the eyes;
  • inflammation of the conjunctiva;
  • preventing the healing of existing wounds;
  • suppression of the body's protective function;
  • increased;
  • subcapsular cataracts at the back of the eye;
  • development of fungal infection.

Contraindications for use

Contraindications to the use of Tobradex include:

  • diseases of the cornea and conjunctiva caused by viral bacteria;
  • chicken pox;
  • eye fungus;
  • individual intolerance to the drug and its components;
  • manifestation of an allergic reaction after use;
  • removal of a foreign body from the cornea.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Due to the lack of accurate research and the availability of data on the behavior of a pregnant woman’s body, the use of Tobradex is not recommended in any trimester of pregnancy.

Drops can be used in the second or third trimester if the treatment does not harm the health of the fetus. During breastfeeding, the baby should be switched to artificial feeding to avoid the antibiotic getting into the blood.

Video - How to put drops into the conjunctival sac of the eye

Special instructions for use

When taking the medicine you should know:

  • at simultaneous treatment Tobramycin and aminoglycoside antibiotics should be monitored in the blood periphery;
  • Also, with this method of treatment, strong side effects;
  • at complex treatment others eye medications It is worth using medications with a break of 5-10 minutes for their better absorption and actions;
  • When using, do not allow the bottle dispenser to come into contact with the eye to avoid further dissemination and intensification of the inflammatory process;
  • to protect the dispenser from dust and dirt, the bottle is closed after each use;
  • Before use, be sure to shake the drops to obtain a homogeneous solution.

Despite the proven effectiveness of the drug, you should definitely consult a doctor before use. With properly prescribed therapy, it will be possible to avoid complications and quickly identify the main cause of the disease.

Additional components reduce Negative influence active ingredients, maintaining therapeutic activity drug, and allow its use in pediatric practice. Tobradex is equally effective both in the treatment of inflammation and as a prevention of secondary infections.

Composition and effects

Eye drops are a finely dispersed whitish solution, poured into bottles with a 5 ml dropper. The medicine is packaged in carton boxes and annotated.

The composition of the ophthalmic drug Tobradex includes dexamethasone and tobramycin in the amount of 1 mg and 3 mg per 1 ml of solution, respectively. Additionally, the preparation contains: Trilon B, antiseptic benzalkonium chloride, dehydrated sodium sulfate, hydroxyethyl cellulose ether, sodium hydroxide and chloride and/or sulfuric acid, distilled water, tyloxapol.

The effectiveness of Tobradex eye drops is due to the properties of each of its ingredients.

Tobramycin is an antibiotic with a wide spectrum of effects from the class of aminoglycosides. Active against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms: streptococci, staphylococci, Escherichia coli, Proteus, Enterobacter bacteria. Under its influence, protein production is disrupted and the permeability of the walls of pathogenic cells increases.

Dexamethasone is a man-made steroid that does not exhibit mineralocorticoid activity. It has desensitizing and antiallergic properties, reduces irritation and swelling, and inhibits the release of inflammatory mediators. In combination with tobramycin, it reduces the likelihood of infection of the visual apparatus.

When applied externally, Tobradex drops are slightly absorbed into the bloodstream, which significantly reduces harmful effect medicine. The maximum concentration of the antibiotic in the blood serum is 8 times less than that required for its nephrotoxicity to occur.

Indications and contraindications

Tobradex eye drops are prescribed for the following ophthalmological pathologies:

  • blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids);
  • dacryocystitis;
  • infectious keratitis (without damage to the epithelium).

Tobradex drops are often used to prevent postoperative ophthalmic complications and in the treatment traumatic injuries organs of vision.

Antimicrobial therapy should not be started if there is an individual intolerance to the components of Tobradex or if there is an idiosyncrasy (inadequate reaction) to some of its ingredients.

Other contraindications for use:

  • viral keratitis caused by Herpes simplex;
  • mycobacterial infection caused by Koch's bacillus;
  • fungal infections of the cornea;
  • purulent eye disease;
  • increased susceptibility to any of the components of the solution;
  • children under one year of age;
  • the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding.

And these are not all the contraindications to the use of Tobradex eye drops. There are a number painful conditions requiring the use of an ophthalmic agent only under the supervision of a physician. These include keratoconus (thinning of the cornea).

Instructions and dosage

The instructions for use for Tobradex drops indicate that the solution should be injected strictly into the conjunctival sac. The optimal dosage is 1 drop every 4–6 hours. Before use, warm the medicine to body temperature and shake well. If there are lenses, they are removed and returned to their place after 15–20 minutes.

On the first day, a single instillation can be increased to two drops with an administration interval of 2 hours.

After each use, the bottle should be screwed on tightly and the pipette tip should not be touched to foreign objects, hands or eyelids. Long-term use of Tobradex drops should be accompanied by regular monitoring of the condition of the cornea. When co-prescribing an ophthalmic drug with aminoglycosides, monitoring of basic blood parameters is required.

For pregnant and lactating women

To date, the effect of Tobradex eye drops on the fetus has not been studied enough, so experts avoid prescribing the medicine during pregnancy. However, if the expected result exceeds the probable risk, the medication is included in the treatment regimen.

As for the lactation period, the opinion of experts is clear - Tobradex should not be used. If circumstances still force such therapy, doctors advise abandoning breastfeeding for this period.

For adults

The use of Tobradex drops depends on the type of lesion and the severity of the inflammatory process. At acute infection The following treatment regimen should be followed:

  • to reduce severe symptoms, inject 2 drops of solution into each eye after two hours;
  • the next day, treatment can be reduced to 6 instillations;
  • over the next 5 days, drip Tobradex every six hours.

If necessary, the course of therapy can be extended to 10 days.

For warning postoperative complications the drug is prescribed 1 drop four times a day. Instillations should begin on the eve of the intervention and last 3 weeks. On the recommendation of a specialist single dosage and frequency of application may be increased.

After administering Tobradex drops, vision may deteriorate and objects may become blurry. Car drivers should remember this.

For children

Tobradex drops are approved for use in the treatment of infants over 12 months of age. Before administering the medicine, you should consult a specialist and read the instructions.

Children, as a rule, are prescribed an individual treatment regimen, which may differ from that of an adult. How much, when and how to instill the medicine is decided by the pediatric ophthalmologist.

If after a week the child does not feel better, you should consult a doctor and replace the drops with others.

To reduce the risk of developing unwanted reactions after administering Tobradex, it is recommended to press your finger several times on the inner corner of each eye. In order not to cause any unpleasant sensations from the treatment in the baby, the solution is warmed to body temperature before use.


Tobradex eye drops rarely cause an overdose, but if this happens, the patient most often complains of the following symptoms:

  • irritation and redness of the mucous membrane;
  • itching, watery eyes and copious secretions from the nose;
  • V in rare cases dry mucous membranes are observed.

There is no specific antidote to Tobradex drops, so the only thing that can be done in case of an overdose is to wash your eyes cool water and go see an ophthalmologist.

Side effects

Treatment with Tobradex rarely causes unwanted reactions, however, if you are individually intolerant to the drops, you may experience unpleasant sensations:

  • promotion intraocular pressure;
  • photophobia;
  • copious nasal discharge;
  • metallic taste in the mouth;
  • headache;
  • feeling of sand in the eye;
  • blurred vision;
  • prolonged pupil dilation.

Patients with hereditary or acquired corneal thinning may develop perforation.

At long-term use Tobradex drops weakening is not uncommon local immunity followed by the addition of a secondary infection. Typical sign Poorly healing wounds and ulcers on the cornea can become infestations.

Interaction with other drugs

In the case of simultaneous use of Tobradex drops with antibiotics of the aminoglycoside class, systemic adverse reactions may increase.

When using the drug together with other ophthalmic medications, it is necessary to maintain a break between them of at least 15–20 minutes.


Eye drops Tobradex 0.3% 5 ml can be bought at any pharmacy for 390–420 rubles.


In some cases, Tobradex has to be replaced with drugs that are similar in action. The selection of the optimal remedy should be carried out by a specialist, taking into account the age and severity of the patient’s disease.

Most often, the following are prescribed as an analogue:

  • Dexatobropt 5 ml vial - 185–200 rub.
  • Dexona 5 ml - 120–150 rub.
  • Garazon 5 ml - 180–250 rub.

Despite so many analogues, Tobradex confidently holds the palm in the treatment of eye pathologies. Thanks to the combined composition and bright therapeutic effect, but it is an indispensable tool in the fight against ophthalmic infections.

Useful video on how to put drops into your eyes

The drug Tobradex refers to glucocorticosteroids for topical use in ophthalmology. It contains the hormonal component dexamethasone and the antibiotic from the aminoglycoside group tobramycin. Due to this, the complex effect of the product is achieved. The drug is produced by the Belgian company Alcon-Couvreur.

Composition of Tobradex

The medication is presented in the form of eye drops and ointments, differing in composition. More details about the drugs:


White suspension

White homogeneous mass

Tobramycin concentration, mg

Auxiliary components

Water, benzalkonium chloride, sulfuric acid, disodium edetate, sodium hydroxide, sodium chloride, hyaetellose, anhydrous sodium sulfate, tyloxapol, hydroxyethylcellulose

Vaseline, mineral oil, anhydrous chlorobutanol


5 ml dropper bottles

Aluminum tubes of 3.5 g

pharmachologic effect

The drug is a combination drug. Tobramycin is an antibiotic that damages the protein production process and the sensitivity of the cytoplasmic membrane of the microbial cell. The component is active against infections acinetobacter aegypticus, aerogene, aeruginosa, enterobacter epidermidis, Escherichia coli (Escherichia coli), haemophilus influenzae, klebsiella (klebsiella), morganella morganii, Neisseria, pneumonia, proteus, pseudomona, staphylococcus (staphylococcus), streptococcus (streptococcus).

Dexamethasone is a synthetic fluorinated glucocorticosteroid that does not exhibit mineralocorticoid activity. The component has anti-inflammatory, desensitizing, antiallergic effects. It suppresses inflammatory processes, inhibits the production of inflammatory mediator substances by eosinophil cells, the transition mast cells. The substance reduces the vulnerability of capillaries, their contraction and expansion.

The combination of components reduces the risk of developing infectious process rods and cocci. Dexamethasone is poorly absorbed when local application, reaches maximum concentration after 2 days of instillation of 1 drop 4 times a day. The component binds to proteins by 84%, the half-life is 3.5 hours, and is excreted in the urine. Tobramycin is also poorly absorbed and is excreted unchanged by the kidneys.

Indications for use of Tobradex

Drops and ointment can be used according to different indications. The main ones are:

  • inflammatory diseases of the eye and its appendages caused by sensitive microorganisms (bacillus and cocci);
  • blepharitis;
  • idiosyncrasy;
  • keratoconjunctivitis, conjunctivitis, blepharoconjunctivitis;
  • keratitis, iridocyclitis;
  • prevention and treatment of inflammatory processes after cataract surgery.

Directions for use and dosage

Tobradex eye drops are used topically. Shake the bottle before use. Patients over 12 years of age are prescribed 1-2 drops into the conjunctival sac every 5 hours. For the first 1-2 days, the dose is increased to 1-2 drops in the eye with an interval of 2 hours. As inflammation decreases, the dosage decreases. In case of an acute process, the product is instilled 1-2 drops every hour, then 1-2 drops with an interval of 2 hours for a course of 3 days. For the next 5-8 days, the drug is dripped 1-2 drops every 4 hours.

To prevent inflammation after surgery, apply drops 4 times a day for 24 days. Therapy can begin before surgical intervention– drop by drop 4 times a day the day before surgery. 1 eye drop is instilled on the day of surgery. If necessary, the dose is increased to 1-2 drops at intervals of 2 hours for two days after surgery. After instilling Tobradex, it is recommended to apply light pressure on the eye at the location of the lacrimal sacs at the inner canthus. Pressure is continued for 1-2 minutes to reduce systemic absorption.

The instructions allow the combination of Tobradex ointment and drops - the ointment is applied in the evening at night, the drops are applied during the day. The general frequency of use is 3-4 times a day. The ointment is more difficult to apply because it causes unpleasant feeling finding a foreign body on the eyeball. It is introduced into the conjunctival sac. Before use, wash your hands thoroughly. The head is tilted back, the lower eyelid is pushed down, and 1.5 cm of the product is applied. Then the eyes are opened and closed several times so that the drug is evenly distributed. The ointment is applied 3-4 times daily at intervals of 6 hours.

special instructions

Application ophthalmic agents Tobradex assumes compliance with the rules. Some excerpts from special instructions:

  1. When using drugs, you need to ensure that the tip of the bottle does not touch the skin, eyelashes, mucous membranes of the eyes, or hands to avoid the development of pathogenic microflora.
  2. If you miss a dose of medication, you need to make up for the loss as soon as possible, but at least an hour before the next instillation.
  3. Do not increase the dosage of the drug so as not to cause an overdose.
  4. The product contains the preservative benzalkonium chloride; it can be absorbed by contact lenses, so the lenses should be removed before applying the medicine. You can put them on after 20 minutes.
  5. If therapy with Tobradex lasts longer than two weeks, then monitoring the condition of the cornea is necessary. If systemic aminoglycosides are used in parallel, then blood is also studied.
  6. During treatment, the clarity of vision may decrease, so you should not drive a car, dangerous mechanisms.
  7. A doctor may prescribe a drug during pregnancy if he determines that the benefit to the mother is greater than the risk to the development of the fetus. High doses of tobramycin lead to nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity in the fetus (according to animal studies). Increased quantity Dexamethasone leads to abnormal development of the embryo.

Tobradex for children

Tobradex eye drops for children can only be used from the age of 12. This limitation is due to the insufficient study of the effectiveness and safety of the drug in patients in this group. If the medicine is used for more than 7 days, blood counts should be monitored. It is not advisable for children to exceed the seven-day period of therapy with Tobradex.

Drug interactions

If other ophthalmic drugs are used during treatment with Tobradex, then the interval between them is at least five minutes. The drug is prescribed for systemic treatment with aminoglycosides, but this combination requires monitoring of blood counts. Ototoxic, neurotoxic, and nephrotoxic agents should be avoided during therapy to reduce stress on the liver. The following combinations of the drug are prohibited:

  • with furosemide, ethacrynic acid – an ototoxic effect is observed;
  • with Cefotaxime, Capreomycin, Cefepime, Teicoplanin, Carboplatin – ototoxicity and nephrotoxic effect;
  • with Vancomycin – oto-, nephro- and neurotoxic effects;
  • with Amphotericin B, Cifamandol, Cefuroxime, Cefoperazone – nephrotoxicity;
  • with tetracycline, penicillin, tyloxapol - disruption of the drug.

Side effects

While using Tobradex eye drops, side effects may develop. Known reactions are:

  • discomfort in the eyes, pain, irritation;
  • swelling of the eyelids, conjunctiva;
  • pneumonia;
  • reflex spasm of the sclera;
  • allergic reactions, hypersensitivity;
  • conjunctival hyperemia, itching, erythema of the eyelid;
  • increased intraocular pressure;
  • keratitis, including its point manifestations;
  • blurred vision;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • dry eye syndrome, swelling of the eyelids;
  • glaucoma, cataract, mydriasis;
  • photophobia;
  • feeling foreign body in the eye;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • headache, dysgeusia, rhinorrhea, laryngospasm;
  • slowing down the wound healing process;
  • corneal perforation;
  • secondary infection bacterial infection, fungi - development of superinfection.


If the dose of eye drops or ointment applied is exceeded at one time or the frequency of instillation of the drug is increased, an overdose may develop. Its symptoms include punctate keratitis, swelling and redness (hyperemia) of the conjunctiva, erythema, itching and swelling of the eyelids, increased lacrimation. To eliminate signs, you need to rinse your eyes warm water, consult a doctor for symptomatic treatment.


Tobradex is used with caution for glaucoma, natural or acquired thinning of the cornea over the years. Its contraindications are:

  • personal intolerance to the components of the composition due to allergies;
  • viral diseases caused by the herpes simplex virus;
  • chicken pox;
  • reduced immunity;
  • purulent, fungal diseases caused by mycobacterium infections;
  • the period after extraction of a foreign body from the cornea;
  • lactation, pregnancy;
  • age up to 12 years.

Terms of sale and storage

The instructions for Tobradex indicate the prescription of the drug. It should be stored at a temperature of 8-27 degrees for two years. After opening the bottle, the aging period is reduced to a month.


You can replace the medicine with products from the group of eye drops or ointments with the same or a different composition. Analogues of the drug are:

  • DexaTobropt – eye drops based on dexamethasone, tobramycin;
  • Betagenot - combined eye drops containing gentamicin, betamethasone;
  • Garazon - antibacterial and anti-inflammatory eye drops based on betamethasone, gentamicin;
  • Dexon is a solution containing neomycin and dexamethasone.

Tobrex and Tobradex - what is the difference

The most famous analogue of Tobradex is Tobrex. It is used to treat ophthalmic problems, contains the aminoglycoside antibiotic tobramycin and is available as eye drops. Unlike Tobradex, it does not contain the glucocorticoid dexamethasone, therefore it does not have antiallergic, anti-inflammatory or desensitizing effects.

Tobradex price

You can buy Tobradex eye drops and ointment online or in pharmacies at a cost that depends on the type of release of the product and the trade markup. Approximate prices for the drug and its analogues in Moscow.

Active components eye drops are (dosage per 1 ml of drug):

  • – 3 mg;
  • – 1 mg.

As aids, which help the active substances to fully exert their pharmaceutical effect, are used:

  • benzalkonium chloride;
  • disodium edetate;
  • sodium chloride;
  • anhydrous sodium sulfate;
  • tyloxapol ;
  • hydroxyethylcellulose;
  • sulfuric acid and/or sodium hydroxide to adjust pH;
  • purified water up to 5 ml.

In its turn Tobradex eye ointment consists of (amount of active components per 1 g of drug):

  • tobramycin – 3 mg;
  • – 1 mg;
  • anhydrous chlorobutanol ;
  • mineral oil;
  • white Vaseline.

Release form

The pharmaceutical drug is supplied to pharmacy kiosks in two main forms:

  • Tobradex eye drops in dropper bottles designed for 5 ml of medicine with a special dispenser " Drop Tainer» (« Drop Tainer"). The liquid appears as a suspension of white or almost white. One bottle fits in a cardboard package.
  • Homogeneous eye ointment Tobradex white or almost white in aluminum tubes, 3.5 g each. 1 tube is included in a cardboard box.

Pharmacological action

Tobradex eye drops– a combined pharmaceutical preparation that has antibacterial And anti-inflammatory effects , which are provided thanks to the main components of the drug. Such a complex active substances allows you to significantly reduce the risk infections and liquidate the main etiological factorpathologies of the visual apparatus – harmful microorganisms brought to the surface of the eye.

Tobramycin is a substance that has the properties , which belongs to the group aminoglycosides and is produced by a colony of streptococci ( Streptococcus tenebrarius). A wide spectrum of bactericidal action covers such harmful microorganisms as:

  • Staphylococcus , in particular Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis ( Staphylococcus aures And Staphylococcus epidermidis), including strains that have developed resistance to (beta-lactamase , produced by such microflora does not affect the strength therapeutic effects antibiotic);
  • Hemolytic species streptococci type A and microorganisms of this family that do not possess antigens of aggression towards blood cells, for example, the causative agent of typical lobar pneumonia (Streptococcus pneumonia);
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pseudomonas aeruginosa );
  • Escherichia coli ();
  • Klebsiella pneumoniae(klebsiella pneumonia);
  • Enterobacter aerogenes (anaerobic enterobacteria);
  • Proteus mirabilis and Proteus vulgaris ( Proteus mirabilis And Proteus vulgaris );
  • Morganella morganii (Morganella morganii);
  • Haemophilus influenzae and Haemophilus aegypticus ( hemophilus influenzae and Koch-Wicks bacterium);
  • Moraxella lacunata (Morax-Axenfeld stick);
  • Acinetobacter calcoaceticus;
  • Neisseria pneumonia ( neisseria pneumonia ).

Dexamethasone , another main component of Tobradex ointment, is a steroid of glucocorticoid origin, which has antiallergic , anti-inflammatory And desensitizing effect . Thanks to its chemical structure It also has an anti-exudative effect, suppressing inflammation in the phase of generation of pathological contents.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Systemic absorption is low when the drug is applied topically.

Indications for use

  • prevention of infections in postoperative care(for example, after deleting or foreign body);
  • bacterial infection ocular apparatus;
  • blepharitis – inflammation of the upper or lower eyelid;
  • – inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye;
  • without damage to the epithelium – pathology of the cornea of ​​the eyeball;
  • viral keratitis caused by a pathogen such as Herpes zoster;
  • treatment and preventive therapy with traumatic eye injury.


  • individual hereditary or acquired intolerance , hypersensitivity or idiosyncrasy to the constituent components of a pharmaceutical product;
  • viral diseases of the visual apparatus (in particular keratitis , caused by ( Herpes simplex), or smallpox );
  • mycobacterial eye infection (caused by of this disease is well known to everyone Koch's wand or Mycobacterium tuberculosa);
  • conservative treatment after surgical removal foreign body of the cornea;
  • fungal diseases membranes of the eyeball;
  • purulent pathology of the eye ;
  • age category of patients up to 1 year.

There are also a number pathological conditions when a pharmaceutical drug should be used with caution, only under the supervision of a qualified medical personnel, for example, during inpatient treatment in the ophthalmology department. These diseases include:

  • hereditary or acquired thinning of the cornea .

Side effects

Typically, drug therapy takes place without obvious complications, since the main active ingredients are well tolerated by the body, but in in some cases conservative treatment The following side effects may occur with Tobradex:

  • allergic reactions itching , hyperemia or swelling of the eyelids and conjunctiva, swelling of the face, rash, ;
  • promotion ;
  • sensation of a foreign body in the eye;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • photophobia ;
  • long mydriasis (prolonged pupil dilation);
  • subcapsular localized in the posterior part;
  • slowing down reparative and regenerative mechanisms in open wounds;
  • And ;
  • bitter taste in the mouth;
  • abundant rhinorrhea ;
  • laryngospasm ;
  • Patients with hereditary or acquired thinning of the sclera may develop it perforation (the risk increases significantly with a long course of treatment);
  • secondary infection (the content of the glucocorticosteroid Dexamethasone in the drug in combination with the antibiotic component tobramycin leads to weakened immunity against fungal microflora , that is, invasions from this type of microorganisms can develop - typical symptom is the appearance of long-term non-healing ulcers on the cornea).

Tobradex, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Instructions for Tobradex eye drops indicates that it is extremely easy to use a pharmaceutical drug for the conservative treatment of diseases of the visual apparatus. Apply 1-2 drops every 4-6 hours, placing the medicine directly into conjunctival sac . In the first 24-48 hours, the dosage can be increased to 1-2 drops with a time interval of only 2 hours for appropriate indications.

The drug is in the form of an ointment somewhat more difficult to apply. First of all, because of the unpleasant sensations foreign object like this on the eyeball pharmaceutical form not so convenient to use. Like drops, eye ointment is applied to conjunctival sac . Before use, you should wash your hands thoroughly so that the antibiotic is not simply used to cleanse them of harmful microflora.

The head is tilted back, after which the lower eyelid is pulled back and about 1.5 cm of ointment is applied. Next, you need to open and close your eyes several times, so that the pharmaceutical drug is evenly distributed in the conjunctival sac. It is necessary to ensure that the tip of the tube does not touch the skin, eyelashes or mucous membrane of the eye, as in the case of hands, the medicinal abilities of the active ingredients will decrease if you do not follow this rule. After using the ointment, close the tube tightly.

Duration conservative therapy determined by the attending physician; as a rule, a regimen of 3-4 applications per day is used. Between applications of the ointment, a time interval of at least 6 hours should be observed. If a dose is missed, it should be filled as soon as possible, but not less than 1 hour before the next one. You should not independently increase the amount of Tobradex ointment used, as this may cause an overdose or the appearance of other undesirable consequences treatment.


In case of an overdose of Tobradex, the following symptoms may be observed:

  • increased side effects;
  • irritation and hyperemia mucous membrane of the eye;
  • intense itching;
  • copious lacrimation And rhinorrhea ;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • increased arterial inflow of the conjunctiva.

There is currently no specific pharmaceutical antagonist for the drug Tobradex; therefore, in case of overdose of the drug, it is used symptomatic treatment . So for cupping purposes this state eyes are washed generously with warm water and prescribed drug therapy manifested undesirable consequences of conservative rehabilitation.


When complex therapy together with other ophthalmic drugs local action, you should leave a gap between uses medicines at least 5-15 minutes, depending on the individual prescriptions of the attending physician.

Before using Tobradex, you should remove contact lenses , so that they do not act as an additional barrier preventing the penetration of active substances. You can put on lenses again no earlier than 15 minutes after introducing the pharmaceutical drug into the conjunctival sac (these time intervals must be observed regardless of the form of the drug).

Tobradex drops can be prescribed against the background systemic treatment aminoglycosides , however, in this case, it is strongly recommended to constantly monitor the general blood picture, since one of the components of the pharmaceutical drug is Tobramycin, which by its nature belongs to the group of aminoglycoside antibiotics.

During conservative therapy with Tobradex, you should avoid the use of drugs that have side effects such as ototoxic , nephrotoxic And neurotoxic , since potentiation is possible, as a result of which there is an increase in the adverse effects of treatment.

Terms of sale

The drug is not sold freely at pharmacy kiosks; it can only be purchased upon presentation of the appropriate prescription form certified by the attending physician.

Storage conditions

The drug should be kept out of the reach of children younger age place, definitely in vertical position and at temperature conditions from 8 to 27 degrees Celsius.

Best before date

2 years for sealed carton packaging. After opening the bottle or tube – 4 weeks.

special instructions

Before each use of the drug, the container with the suspension should be shaken so that the components do not stagnate at the bottom under the influence of gravity. And after that, it is necessary to close the bottle tightly so that Tobradex does not erode.

You should not touch the tip of the dispenser to your eye, first of all, because this may cause discomfort. It is also not recommended to do this due to the reflex closing of the eyelids, this reduces the effectiveness active ingredients drug, creating additional barriers to passage and increasing the duration of therapeutic manipulation.

After using the drug Tobradex it is possible temporary blurred vision , therefore, you should not drive a car or other potentially dangerous mechanisms until your ability to see is fully restored. The exact period for the restoration of visual abilities should be obtained from your doctor or qualified pharmacist.


Level 4 ATX code matches:

Tobradex – combination drug , which to a certain extent is unique, since its composition simultaneously contains such components as a strong antibiotic of the aminoglycoside group and a steroid of glucocorticoid origin, which is not found in every drug. Auxiliary components allow the use of Tobradex with a minimum number of side effects from the treatment of diseases of the visual apparatus, and even in pediatric practice after 1 year. That’s why analogues of drops are so few. Similar pharmacological action has the following range of drugs: , DexaTobropt , Betagenot , , Dexon .

Among these drugs, special mention should be made Tobrex . It is most often used as a competing drug in the conservative course of treatment of ophthalmic problems, because it contains the same aminoglycoside antibiotic ( tobramycin ) and is supplied to pharmacies in the form of eye drops. So what is better to use Tobrex or Tobradex and is it possible to independently replace their therapeutic effects with each other?

The answer to this question lies in the constituent components of pharmaceutical drugs. Tobradex, in addition tobramycin , contains such a biologically active substance as dexamethasone – a steroid glucocorticoid with a wide range of therapeutic effects. Thanks to this highlight, Tobramycin acts as an antiallergic, desensitizing and anti-inflammatory agent. These properties allow us to confidently give primacy in the treatment of eye diseases infectious etiology Tobradex.


Dexamethasone + Tobramycin.

For children

The drug is used in pediatric hospitals once the child reaches 1 year of age.

During pregnancy and lactation

The drug is not recommended for use during and during . When treating women childbearing age Before conservative treatment, pregnancy should initially be excluded.

Tobradex- a combined drug containing corticosteroid and antimicrobial components. The drug has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect. The composition of the drug Tobradex includes two active components- dexamethasone and tobramycin.
Tobramycin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. Tobramycin is active against strains of most microorganisms that cause infectious diseases eye.
Dexamethasone - corticosteroid medicinal substance, which has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Indications for use

Tobradex intended for the treatment of patients suffering inflammatory diseases eyes that are accompanied or not accompanied by superficial bacterial infection, including blepharitis, conjunctivitis and keratitis (without compromising the integrity of the epithelium). Tobradex can also be used for the treatment and prevention of infectious and inflammatory eye diseases in patients who have had surgical interventions(eg cataract removal, foreign body removal). Tobradex can be prescribed for eye injuries for the treatment and prevention of infectious and inflammatory diseases.

Mode of application

Suspension (eye drops) Tobradex :
The drug is intended for instillation into the conjunctival sac. Before using the drug Tobradex, it is recommended to wash your hands thoroughly and shake the bottle with the drug until an equilibrium suspension is formed. The required number of drops is introduced into the conjunctival sac, slightly throwing the head back and gently pulling the lower eyelid. Immediately after instillation of the drops, you should close your eye and gently press your finger on the inner corner of the eye. When using drops, avoid contact of the dropper tip with skin, eyelashes and mucous membrane of the eye. After using the drops, carefully close the bottle with the lid. The duration of use of the drug Tobradex and the dose of active substances is determined by the doctor.
As a rule, 1-2 drops of Tobradex are prescribed into the affected eye every 4-6 hours. If you miss the next dose of the drug, you should use the drops as soon as possible; if there is less than 1 hour left before the scheduled use of the next dose, the dose that was forgotten is skipped. It is not recommended to double the dose.
Eye ointment Tobradex :
The drug is intended for introduction into the conjunctival sac. It is recommended to wash your hands thoroughly before using the ointment. To apply the ointment, the head is tilted back slightly, the lower eyelid is pulled back and about 1.5 cm of ointment is applied. After applying the ointment, it is recommended to open and close your eyes several times. The tip of the tube should not be allowed to come into contact with the skin, eyelashes and mucous membrane of the eye. After using the ointment, carefully close the tube with the cap. The duration and schedule of use of Tobradex eye ointment is determined by the doctor.
As a rule, the ointment is prescribed to be applied 3-4 times a day to the affected eye. An interval of at least 6 hours should be observed between the use of the ointment. If you miss another dose eye ointment apply as early as possible, but not less than 1 hour before the next dose. If the missed dose is remembered less than 1 hour before taking the next one, only the planned dose is used. You should not double the dose of Tobradex.

Side effects

Tobradex well tolerated by patients. Rare cases of such development have been reported unwanted effects when using Tobradex eye ointment and eye drops:
Local reactions: hyperemia, itching, burning and dryness of the eyes and eyelids, feeling of a foreign body in the eye, increased intraocular pressure, decreased visual acuity, keratitis, conjunctival edema, lacrimation. IN isolated cases The development of cataracts, glaucoma, mydriasis and photophobia was also noted.
Allergic reactions: facial swelling, itchy skin, rash, erythema.
Others: nausea, vomiting, bitter taste in the mouth, dizziness, headache, rhinorrhea, laryngospasm. In addition, patients with scleral thinning may develop perforation (the risk increases with prolonged use). The development of a secondary infection (caused by microorganisms insensitive to the action of tobramycin) cannot be ruled out when using the drug Tobradex.


Tobradex Contraindicated in patients with individual intolerance to tobramycin and dexamethasone. Eye drops should not be prescribed to patients with hypersensitivity to benzalkonium chloride; for the treatment of patients suffering from keratitis and other eye infections caused by the herpes virus, mycobacterium tuberculosis, fungi and other microorganisms insensitive to tobramycin; with uncomplicated removal of a foreign body from the eye; for the treatment of children under 1 year of age.
Caution should be exercised when prescribing Tobradex to patients with glaucoma, as well as thinning of the cornea.
Patients who operate potentially unsafe machinery and drive a car are advised to avoid these activities during therapy with Tobradex.


The use of the drug is contraindicated Tobradex during lactation and pregnancy. Before prescribing the drug, women of childbearing age should exclude pregnancy.

Interaction with other drugs

When using drops or ointment Tobradex simultaneously with other local ophthalmic agents, an interval of at least 15 minutes between their use should be observed. You should also remove contact lenses before using Tobradex; it is recommended to put on lenses no earlier than 15 minutes after applying the drug to the conjunctival sac.
The combined use of Tobradex with topical and systemic drugs, which have ototoxic, nephrotoxic and neurotoxic effects, since mutual enhancement of these effects is possible.
Tobradex should not be used in combination with systemic aminoglycosides.


Data on drug overdose Tobradex No. Using high doses the severity of undesirable effects may increase. When using high doses of Tobradex eye drops or eye ointment, rinse the eye with plenty of clean running water and consult a doctor.

Release form

Eye ointment 3.5 g in aluminum tubes, 1 tube is included in a cardboard box.
Suspension (eye drops) 5 ml in dropper bottles made of polymeric materials, 1 bottle is included in a cardboard box.

Storage conditions

A drug Tobradex should be stored no more than 2 years after production.
Eye drops and eye ointment should be stored in rooms with a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees Celsius. It is forbidden to freeze the drug.
After the first opening of the tube or vial, Tobradex is valid for 30 days.


1g Tobradex eye ointment contains:
Dexamethasone - 1 mg;
Tobramycin - 3 mg;
Additional ingredients.

1ml suspension (eye drops) Tobradex contains:
Dexamethasone - 1 mg;
Tobramycin - 3 mg;
Additional ingredients including benzalkonium chloride.

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