How to treat a wet cough in a child with syrup. What medications are there to treat cough in children? How to treat wet cough in children

The most common symptom of respiratory diseases is a cough. It is especially alarming when it occurs in young children. Its causes are varied, and, based on this, the methods of dealing with it are different. How to choose a cough medicine for children? To answer this question, you need to understand the mechanism of occurrence of such a symptom.

The main reasons leading to cough in children

The cough reflex is natural process in organism. It may indicate the presence of a disease, or it may only serve to cleanse respiratory tract from the accumulated secret. A single unobtrusive cough, not accompanied by an increase in body temperature or any changes in the child’s behavior, should not cause much concern to parents. If a cough brings anxiety to the baby, then it is necessary to find out its cause in order to choose the most effective cough medicine for children.

There are two leading factors: causing cough: penetration of an infectious agent into the child’s body (and the development of a corresponding cold) or the presence of an allergic reaction. A child’s body, especially a newborn, is imperfect and very sensitive to various viruses and bacteria that cause respiratory diseases.

These harmful agents, entering the respiratory system with the flow of inhaled air, enter the mucous membrane, penetrate into its cells and begin to actively multiply, while irritation and increased mucus formation appear at the site of their introduction, to which the body reacts by coughing. In a similar way, a reaction is formed when allergens enter the respiratory tract, be it particles of dust, animal hair or plant pollen. A cough is a protective reaction of the body to irritation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs or an inflammatory process in them and frees them from various mechanical particles, microorganisms and accumulated mucus. Based on their character, productivity and sound, the following types of cough are distinguished.

Types of cough

A distinction is made between a dry cough (in other words, non-productive), which occurs during initial stage diseases and not accompanied by sputum discharge, and wet (or productive), which occurs as sputum accumulates and promotes its discharge.

Dry cough is considered the most intrusive. It may occur in paroxysms or resemble barking. Similar symptom tires the child, prevents him from sleeping and can cause vomiting. Attacks of barking cough most often occur with the development of tracheitis or laryngitis and are associated with changes in the vocal cords. To soothe your throat, you can use anti-inflammatory sprays or lozenges and alkaline drink for children from dry cough. The medicine will relieve swelling of the mucous membrane and reduce the inflammatory process.

Sometimes you can encounter such a rare type of dry cough as whooping cough. It has become rare because now almost all children receive vaccinations against whooping cough, which reliably protects them from of this disease. The cough with whooping cough is dry, paroxysmal, bringing the baby’s body to exhaustion. For this disease, sedatives are prescribed and walks in the fresh air are recommended.

A fairly uncommon disease - respiratory chlamydia newborns, in which the development of a loud, hacking, dry cough is observed - a “staccato” cough. When the underlying disease is cured, it quickly disappears.

There are also types of cough that are not associated with colds:

  • cough of an allergic nature - manifests itself in paroxysms, most often occurs at night, before the attack occurs the child is alert, does not feel unwell, suddenly begins to cough frequently;
  • spastic - differs from a regular dry cough in that a whistling sound appears at the end; he is very intrusive and is not treated with antitussives;
  • bitonal - occurs, in particular, when any foreign body enters the bronchi; with it, the low tone of the cough turns into a high one;
  • cough that occurs with bronchial asthma - appears when deep breaths and is accompanied by pain;
  • cough associated with eating, sometimes occurring with pathology of the esophagus or stomach;
  • cough of psychogenic origin that occurs during stressful situations; it appears exclusively during the day, but regularly, and has a metallic echo.

Cough medicine for children must be selected taking into account the fact that all respiratory diseases are mainly manifested first by a dry cough, which after some period of time turns into a wet one. But still, by the nature of the cough, it is possible to distinguish from which part of the respiratory system the inflammation began.

Features of cough in some respiratory diseases

Laryngitis, or inflammation of the larynx, manifests itself in a child with a dry cough, hoarseness, rapidity and difficulty breathing. There is a feeling of soreness in the throat and severe pain when swallowing. After some time, the cough becomes whistling due to changes in the lumen of the airways. Later, the swelling of the vocal cords subsides, and the cough becomes wet due to the discharge of sputum.

With tracheitis (inflammation of the trachea), the main symptom is dry barking cough, which begins suddenly, mainly during the period of night rest, and can last several hours. Breathing may become wheezing or wheezing. To alleviate the condition of a sick child, the doctor will suggest a cough suppressant, for example the drug "Sinekod".

If the inflammatory process descends through the respiratory tract, inflammation will develop in the bronchi (bronchitis) or in the lungs - pneumonia. These two diseases are distinguished from each other using x-ray examination. The initial stage of bronchitis is no different from other respiratory diseases - pain occurs in the larynx, the nose is stuffy, the child is sleepy and lethargic. The cough also changes from dry at the beginning of the disease to wet. If there is swelling in the mucous membrane of the bronchus itself and a narrowing of its lumen, they speak of obstructive bronchitis, which is a fairly common occurrence with allergies. If bronchitis is not treated sufficiently, it can develop into a chronic form, which can lead to depletion of the bronchial tube walls and the occurrence of bronchial asthma.

To treat cough in children, many drugs are produced that contain different active ingredients and differ in their mechanism of action. If you fight coughs in children on your own, you need to understand them very well so as not to cause harm or aggravate the course of the disease.

Cough medicines for children: classification

All cough medicines are divided into two large groups - drugs of central and peripheral action.

TO medicinal substances, acting through the central nervous system, include the drugs "Sinekod", "Tusuprex", "Libexin" and others. They have a suppressive effect on the cough center in the cerebral cortex, very quickly inhibit the cough reflex and can be prescribed to children for dry cough. Only a doctor selects the medicine for them, since it does not reduce the inflammatory process in the respiratory tract and with increased mucus formation, it can stagnate. Therefore, they should be used only on the recommendation of a pediatrician and only with dry paroxysmal cough(for example, with whooping cough).

Drugs that have peripheral action are, in turn, divided according to their mechanism of action into several types. These include:

  • Enveloping cough suppressants that envelop irritated areas of the mucous membrane in the upper parts of the respiratory system and reduce inflammatory processes in it. They are prescribed with the appearance initial signs irritation. They are good for children for dry cough; the medicine is prescribed taking into account their age.
  • Cough expectorants that help clear the bronchi from accumulated exudate. They are also divided into subgroups. The main active ingredient in the first of them can be plant extracts (licorice, coltsfoot, marshmallow, plantain, thyme and thermopsis) or iodides (potassium iodide and sodium iodide preparations). Under the influence of these agents, the production of mucus in the cells of the bronchial mucosa increases, which dilutes the phlegm, that is, it can be removed from the bronchi faster. These medications are not suitable for infants and children with neurotic disorders or a tendency to vomit. When prescribing drugs from the second group - mucolytics - the contents of the bronchi are liquefied without increasing its volume.
  • They also produce a combination medicine that suppresses cough. For older children, it is excellent, as it not only affects the cough center, but also softens irritation of the respiratory tract.

All medications must be selected taking into account the stage of the disease, the symptoms that appear and the age of the child. It is advisable not to self-medicate, but to consult a pediatrician. It is especially important to ask in time medical care with infant disease.

Features of the cough reflex and an effective cough medicine for children under one year old

U infants quite often, especially after sleep or feeding, a physiological cough may occur (in the form of rare coughing), not associated with any disease. Since the baby spends most of his time on his back, mucus from the nasal passages can fall into the throat, causing a cough reflex. It can also be caused by the entry of milk or formula into the respiratory system during feeding or saliva during increased salivation. Also, a similar reaction can be caused by some external factor: dry air, dust or tobacco smoke. Such a cough should not cause much concern; you just need to eliminate the cause of its occurrence. If the symptom is intrusive, and the child’s temperature rises or behavior changes, you should definitely consult a pediatrician.

The peculiarity of the course of colds is that with a dry cough, the so-called " false croup" - swelling of the larynx and vocal cords, which leads to a decrease in their clearance, and the child begins to choke. This is very dangerous condition, requiring immediate assistance from specialists. Minutes count here.

Just as dangerous is a wet cough, which infant it descends very quickly into the lungs, and a common runny nose can soon develop into pneumonia, which is why infants with suspected bronchitis are immediately admitted to a hospital. If the situation is not so serious, then when choosing a cough medicine infant, you need to take into account that not all dosage forms are suitable for them.

It’s good to have a special compressor or ultrasonic nebulizer, which will allow the medicine to be delivered directly to the mucous membrane into the respiratory tract. You can use Lazolvan or Ambrobene inhalation solutions (they are also prescribed for coughs and orally). They are convenient because they are dosed drop by drop. They can be dissolved in tea, juice or milk. A good cough medicine for children under one year of age is Lazolvan cough syrup and its analogues, which contain the active ingredient ambroxol. The product has virtually no side effects.

Preparations for the treatment of cough in children over one year of age

An effective cough medicine for children under 2 years of age - mucolytic expectorant"Ambrobene" or its analogues: medicines "Ambroxol", "Lazolvan", "Ambrohexal", "Flavamed", "Bronchorus". They are used to treat both acute and chronic bronchitis or pneumonia, when chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or bronchial asthma with difficult sputum develops, as well as for bronchiectasis.

A medicine for a wet cough for a child, very convenient and quite safe for children of different ages, is the drug "Bromhexine 8 Berlin-Chemie" (or its analogues: the drugs "Bronchostop", "Flegamine"), which have a mucolytic (secretolytic) and expectorant effect and a slight antitussive effect. For one-year-old children, it can be used in the form of drops, solution or syrup. The disadvantages of this drug include the fact that healing effect appears only 2-5 days after its first use.

Medicines can be used in children from 6 months to liquefy and accelerate the removal of secretions. plant origin, such as cough syrups "Gedelix" and "Linkas". When using them, it is necessary to take into account possible manifestation allergic reaction. Preparations based on herbal raw materials are recommended for use in children over two years of age.

Cough syrups based on plant extracts

To relieve a child's wet cough, you can choose medications made from natural raw materials. In addition to common mucolytic preparations, such as "Marshmallow Syrup" or "Licorice Root Syrup", many multi-component products are produced, including herbal extracts in various combinations. It is necessary to carefully study their composition before use if the child has an allergy to plants.

Cough syrup "Gedelix" based on ivy extract is a cough medicine for children, effective for babies aged several months. It is used as an expectorant for infections in the upper respiratory tract and for bronchitis, accompanied by the formation of difficult to separate sputum. After its use, the removal of mucus is accelerated as a result of its dilution and softening of its coughing. When using this syrup to treat an infant, the required dose must be diluted with boiled water and observed to see if an allergic reaction occurs.

To reduce the intensity and increase the productivity of cough, you can purchase Linkas syrup, which also has an anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect. In its composition you can see extracts of adhatoda leaves, licorice root, pepper, fragrant violet, medicinal hyssop, marshmallow and others. If the child does not have allergies, this drug can be recommended as an excellent cough medicine for children under 2 years of age.

Bronchicum syrup has a good expectorant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect, reducing the viscosity of secretions and accelerating its evacuation. The action of this medicine is based on the properties of primrose root and thyme. Extracts of these herbs coat the irritated mucous membrane, which eases the feeling of sore throat and softens cough.

For better discharge for sputum and wet cough, use the remedy "Gerbion plantain syrup". This drug also has an immunomodulatory effect, protecting epithelial cells of the respiratory organs from damage and increasing the body's resistance to infections.

Synthetic drugs for the treatment of wet cough

For children over two years of age, with diseases with difficult-to-remove secretions, Ascoril syrup, which is combined agent, whose action - bronchodilator, expectorant and mucolytic - is based on the properties of bromhexine, guaifenesin and salbutamol. It is prescribed for such ailments as bronchial asthma, pneumonia, obstructive bronchitis, tracheobronchitis, emphysema, pulmonary tuberculosis, whooping cough and others.

A good medicine for a child's cough is the drug "Acc", which helps in liquefying sputum (including purulent) and coughing it up. It is prescribed for respiratory diseases accompanied by the formation of thick mucus, such as acute and chronic bronchitis, including obstructive, bronchiectasis, tracheitis, cystic fibrosis, pneumonia and the like, as well as for some ENT diseases (laryngitis, acute or chronic sinusitis, inflammation of the middle ear) and paracetamol poisoning (as an antidote). Children can use it from 2 years of age in a minimum dosage.

Treatment of dry cough with drugs that suppress its occurrence

A dry cough in a child can be very worrying. Medicines for its treatment can be divided into two groups. The first includes drugs that suppress cough centrally.

This group of drugs is not recommended for use without a doctor’s prescription, especially if we are talking about a small child. Their use is justified only in case of prolonged dry hacking cough, causing pain, vomiting or interfering with sleep. In such a situation, it is possible to use a cough suppressant medicine. For children, for this purpose, the drugs “Sinecod”, “Tusuprex”, “Glaucin” or “Libexin” are prescribed, which inhibit the functioning of the cough center in the brain. For infants (only as prescribed by a doctor), you can purchase Sinekod in the form of drops. The most important thing is by purchasing similar drugs, you need to clearly remember that they are used only for dry coughs and are not combined with drugs that increase mucus discharge.

Combined-action drugs, such as Tussin Plus, Bronholitin and Stoptussin syrups, also have a similar effect. They, along with suppressing the cough reflex, envelop the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, soften the cough, help eliminate inflammation and stimulate the immune system. They are prescribed for dry and irritating coughs of various nature, as well as in pre- and postoperative periods to relieve cough.

Medicines for the treatment of dry cough

To alleviate the condition of a dry cough in a two-year-old child in the absence of allergies, you can use the drug "Gerbion primrose syrup." It is also used as an expectorant for inflammation of the respiratory tract with the formation of viscous secretions (bronchitis, tracheitis, tracheobronchitis).

An effective cough medicine for children 3 years old is the combined drug "Doctor Mom: cough syrup", which contains aloe, holy basil, elecampane, ginger, turmeric, licorice and other plants. It has a pronounced bronchodilator, mucolytic, expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect. It is recommended for dry coughs or coughs with difficult-to-clear sputum in children over the age of three (pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis). A contraindication for its use is individual intolerance to some of its components.

There are many drugs for treating cough, and in order to choose a cough medicine for children, you need to proceed from each specific case, taking into account all contraindications and dosages. It is advisable to consult your pediatrician first. For effective fight with colds of various natures, in addition to cough remedies, it is necessary to use drugs that help increase immunity. The child is given peace and special treatment. It is necessary to give the baby plenty of fluids and maintain air humidity in the room. If the child does not have a fever, you can use dry heat and rubbing with medicinal ointments. That is, treatment must be comprehensive.

List of medicines for dry and wet cough for children. Cough medicine for children from one year old. Expectorants for children

It’s strange, but when a cough occurs in an adult, he ignores this phenomenon, saying that he feels fine. But as soon as the child chokes, restless mothers immediately begin to stuff him with syrups, tablets and all kinds of other medications.

But why not accept the idea that the child is completely healthy, and a cough only indicates that foreign particles have entered the respiratory tract?! Let's take a closer look at its nature in children, look at the list of medications and identify an effective cough medicine for children over one year of age.

Does a cough always signal illness?

Cough occurs due to foreign particles (mucus, dust, pollen, food) entering the body, which irritate the larynx, trachea, bronchi, and pleura. In fact, this phenomenon is a physiological reflex even during illness, when the patient coughs up sputum.

In what cases does cough in children have a physiological cause, when there are no symptoms of illness and the baby is absolutely healthy?

  • Morning. After a night's sleep, your child may have a slight cough. This is due to the fact that mucus accumulates in the bronchi overnight.
  • Grudnichkovy. For infants, coughing is a typical phenomenon, since the baby may choke while crying or feeding.
  • Artificial. Babies, competing for the attention of mom and dad, can cause themselves to cough once, noticing the worry on their faces.
  • "Dental". During the period of teething, children experience increased salivation, which can contribute to the cough reflex.
  • A defensive cough occurs when small objects or food crumbs enter the respiratory tract. IN in this case need to be removed foreign body, most often requiring medical attention.

In these cases, you should not give expectorants to children. Cough medicine must be selected wisely so as not to worsen the child’s well-being. A harmless cough differs from a cold by its short duration and episodic nature. It does not affect the child's health.

Character of cough during illness

If the cough becomes a consequence of the disease, then the baby does not sleep well, eats, plays, begins to be capricious, and cry. In this case, the disease leaves its mark on the cough reflex:

  • at colds ARVI, acute respiratory infections, cough intensifies over several hours or days, turning from dry to wet;
  • laryngitis causes a barking, dry, painful, hoarse cough, accompanied by wheezing, difficult breathing;
  • with tracheitis, a loud, “chest-like”, deep and painful “thump” appears;
  • pharyngitis is characterized by a dry cough that occurs due to a sore throat;
  • bronchitis “thumping” is similar to tracheitis, only it is painless and accompanied by sputum production;
  • pneumonia can cause a wet, deep, chesty cough with pain in the ribs if the disease is caused by bacteria, or a dry, paroxysmal, loud, painless cough if the cause of the disease is chlamydia;
  • with the flu, the cough is strong, dry, painful, worsening at high temperatures;
  • measles in the first two days causes a dry, weak, painless cough, while after skin rashes it becomes rough and hoarse.

In this case, even expensive medicine for children with dry cough will not help, since the treatment must be comprehensive.

Allergic cough

After a cold, children may experience an asthmatic or recurrent cough. It lasts more than two weeks and constantly recurs after illness. This may be the cause of obstructive bronchitis, then along with a cough, fever, sore throat, and rhinitis appear.

If coughing is not accompanied by signs of a cold, but is caused by allergens, cold air, or physical activity, then the child may develop asthma. This cough occurs as a reaction to allergies (wool, fluff, pollen, dust, foods). It may appear during uneven breathing, for example, the child ran, took a deep breath or swallowed cold air. An allergic cough usually appears before dawn as a reaction to difficulty breathing and shortness of breath.

Observe your child: most often, sneezing, lacrimation, skin rashes, redness, itching. Do not under any circumstances seek advice on the forum, do not read reviews of cough medicines, and do not experiment on a child, since everyone’s illness progresses differently.

Be sure to seek pediatric care. And if the child’s well-being stabilizes after taking bronchodilators, then we can talk about the appearance of bronchial asthma.

How can parents determine what kind of cough their child has?

If your baby has the described symptom, then you should not panic, call a doctor right away or look for medications. Please note the following points:

If children do not show signs of illness, then coughing has a protective physiological nature, so there is no need to look for good medicine for a child's cough. But if the phenomenon persists, consult your doctor; there may be other reasons for the appearance of this symptom.

If the cough is a consequence of an illness

Your actions:

  • to measure the temperature;
  • examine the throat, tonsils, ears, eyes, nose;
  • check with the child where it hurts;
  • see if there are any rashes on the skin;
  • listen to the cough: dry, barking, intermittent, paroxysmal, wet, hoarse, with sputum;
  • Call a doctor.

Monitor the child’s well-being, the nature of the disease and the type of cough. For example, with colds, the “thump” from dry can turn into wet due to an increased runny nose, while with the flu, coughing occurs without acute rhinitis.

However, a cough without fever, runny nose, or sore throat can be a consequence of roundworms in a child, allergies, diseases of the digestive tract, and even cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, if the described phenomenon lasts more than two weeks, it is better to consult a doctor and express your concerns, rather than giving medicine for a severe cough uncontrollably.

Prolonged nighttime “thumping” may indicate diseases such as rhinitis, sinusitis, and sinusitis. In this case, children experience white and green discharge from the sinuses, severe congestion nose Be sure to consult an otolaryngologist!

Basic and auxiliary medicines that eliminate cough

If you ask a pharmacist for advice on which cough medicine to buy for children aged one year and older, you will get dozens of names in response: “Codeine”, “Demorphan”, “Sedotussin”, “Sinekod”, “Libexin”, “ Gelicidin", "Stoptussin", "Bronholitin", "Lorraine", "Gerbion", "Mukaltin", "Ambrobene", "ACC", "Lazolvan", "Bromhexin", "Sinupret", etc.

  • drugs that prevent the cough reflex by affecting nerve cells in the brain;
  • medications that affect the bronchi and their mucous membranes;
  • medications that reduce sputum production.

Some of them may be harmful children's body, since they contain narcotic substances, others are ineffective, since the body does not perceive them. Therefore, after an examination, the pediatrician prescribes his treatment.

  • Babies under one year of age are prescribed syrups, inhalations, ointments, essential oils, and less often sprays.
  • Older children may be prescribed tablets.

Inhalations are most effective, as the child deeply inhales the vapor of the drug. But check with your pediatrician for the duration of the procedure and the proportions of the medication with saline solution. In any case, when a dry cough appears, the doctor’s task is to prescribe a drug that will transform it into a wet one and then help remove phlegm from the body.

What medications are given to children for dry cough?

1. Libexin tablets are best used when cold symptoms appear. They act on nerve receptors, inhibiting the cough reflex, but do not depress the respiratory center. Tablets can be given to preschoolers.

2. The herbal preparation “Linkas” in the form of syrup has an expectorant, antitussive, bronchodilator, and antispasmodic effect. This is a cough medicine for children over one year of age who do not have diabetes.

3. Bithiodine pills have a peripheral effect on cough receptors and do not have narcotic components or any side effects. Therefore, they can be prescribed to children.

4. Stoptussin tablets are antitussive drugs and have a mucolytic effect due to butamirate and guaifenesin. They have a number of contraindications and are prescribed to adolescents over 12 years of age.

5. Bronholitin syrup does an excellent job of coughing, reducing sputum production and dilating the bronchi. Suitable for children from three years old. Despite its wide range of uses, this medicine has a number of contraindications and side effects.

What medicine for wet cough is given to children?

1. Gerbion syrup for wet coughs has an expectorant effect. It has a peculiar taste and smell, so not all children drink it.

2. Thermopsis tablets enhance the removal of sputum and make it more viscous. This drug is contraindicated in infants who will not be able to cough up the resulting sputum.

3. Syrup-like “Lazolvan” - a medicine for a wet cough in a child, stimulates sputum production, but does not suppress the cough. This medication can be produced for inhalation, which allows treatment for infants.

4. The drug "Ambroxol" in the form of tablets is aimed at increasing mucus secretions. It has an expectorant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.

5. ACC tablets can be prescribed to young children for the treatment of wet cough. Thanks to acetylcysteine, sputum thins and leaves the body. Despite the advantages of the drug, there are many side effects, so treatment should be carried out under medical supervision.

What types of expectorants are there?

Cough medicine "Sinekod" in the form of syrup is used against dry cough and during whooping cough. Has expectorant, anti-inflammatory and bronchodilator effects. It is used for no more than 7 days in syrup for preschoolers over three years of age; for infants it is sold in pharmacies in the form of drops.

Gedelix syrup perfectly removes phlegm. Herbal medicine produced in Germany. It does not contain dyes, sugar, flavorings, or alcohol, so it can be used from infancy.

The drug "Doctor Theiss" in the form of syrup is manufactured in Germany. Effective in combating wet cough. Facilitates breathing during night sleep and removes phlegm. Cannot be given to children under one year of age.

Herbal medicine “Doctor Mom” in the form of tablets, lozenges, syrup. Allows you to transform a dry cough into a wet one and remove phlegm from the body. Prescribed for children aged three years and older.

Bromhexine tablets and syrup increase sputum production, making it viscous. Great for children over three years old.

An effective cough medicine for children over one year old

As you can see, there are a lot of medications for dry and wet cough. Moreover, in each category there are subgroups of medications that have a wide range of effects due to combined functions. Such medications include “Stoptussin”, “Bronholitin”, “Doctor Mom”, etc.

Try to treat coughs in young children with rubbings, mustard plasters, ointments, inhalations, herbal decoctions and syrups. For infants, pediatricians can prescribe medications such as Doctor Theiss, Lazolvan, Linkas, Gedelix, etc., but everything will depend on the individual tolerance of the medications and the nature of the disease.

In any case, parents need to remember two things:

1. Before buying the drug, check with the pharmacy about contraindications and side effects. If you have any concerns, you should immediately return to your pediatrician and clarify the method of treatment.

2. If your doctor has prescribed you a new cough medicine for children over one year old, monitor your baby’s reaction.

Childhood illnesses often begin with a cough. It accompanies many colds. First, you need to determine what kind of cough the child has, and then, on the advice of a doctor, buy medicines for it. There are several forms of cough medicine: tablets, suspensions, lozenges, injections, solutions and syrups. The latter are the most effective and often used for young children. It is necessary to know exactly which syrups are used for dry cough and which for wet cough. A child tolerates bubbling with phlegm more easily than without it. But excess fluid can accumulate, so it must be removed from the body immediately. And this is exactly what the right syrups should help with.

What is the price of Alteyka cough syrup is indicated in this article.


Their effect is aimed at liquefying and removing mucus. Syrups come in central and combined directions. They affect the respiratory organs and relieve irritation of their mucous membranes, eliminating cough. Medicines for wet cough should:

  • relieve inflammation;
  • relieve spasms;
  • eliminate irritation;
  • make sputum less viscous;
  • increase the expectoration reflex.

Natural remedies

These products mostly consist of natural ingredients. They have virtually no age restrictions; many of them can be used by one-year-old children. The drugs have no side effects.

In this article you can read reviews of Gerbion primrose syrup.

Important! Natural remedies long-term use can also negatively affect the child’s health. Therefore, you should not use them for more than two weeks. And if after five days of using them there are no visible improvements, then you should consult a doctor. It may be necessary to increase the dosage or replace the medication with another drug.

For babies up to 2 years old


Prospan is a preparation based on ivy. It has an antitussive effect, thins and then removes mucus. It must be taken three times a day. The amount of medication to take is prescribed by the doctor, taking into account the age of the child. For children under six years of age, the dosage is 2.5 ml at a time. Side effects include stomach upset.


Bronchipret is prescribed to babies from three months. It has the following actions:

  • antimicrobial;
  • expectorant;
  • antifungal;
  • anti-inflammatory.

This article shows the most effective cough syrup for children.

Its main active ingredients are extracts of thyme herbs and ivy leaves. They gently eliminate phlegm and relieve cough.

The syrup is drunk after meals and washed down with a small amount of water. Dosage for children:

  • one-year-old babies - from 10 to 16 drops;
  • over 1 year – basic 17 drops and 3 drops are added for each year of the child.

Take three times a day for 7 to 14 days. The drug is generally well tolerated. But taking it may cause side effects such as diarrhea, vomiting and nausea.

Which cough lozenges are the most effective during pregnancy are indicated in this article.

Bromhexine thins mucus, stimulates its rapid release to the outside by activating the bronchi, and also normalizes the activity of the alveoli. Its active substance is bromhexine hydrochloride. This drug It can even be prescribed to infants. But it should not be given to children with liver and kidney problems or if the baby has an individual intolerance to its components. But overall a very good and effective product.

The medication is taken three times. Children under two years of age are prescribed 2 mg. From two to 6 years - 4 mg, and from six to 14 years - 8 mg.

Eucabal is prescribed for complex therapy. It is used to eliminate inflammation of the upper respiratory tract and helps reduce the viscosity of the fluid secreted from the bronchi. Made from thyme and plantain. The first stimulates the motor activity of the epithelium of the respiratory system in upper section and improves expectoration. Has an antimicrobial effect. Plantain extract stimulates the separation of mucus from the bronchi. It has a healing effect.

You can find out which allergic cough syrup for children is one of the best from this article.

It must be taken in the following dosage:

  • from six months to 12 – one teaspoon once;
  • up to 6 years - the same dose only twice a day;
  • for schoolchildren - 1 tablespoon. twice a day.

There are virtually no side effects. But if you are personally intolerant to the components of the medication, rashes may appear or dermatitis may form.

For babies over 2 years old


Gedelix a widely used ivy-based preparation. It is prescribed for coughs with difficult-to-clear mucus accumulated in the bronchi. The medicine is drunk after eating the main meal and washed down with water in large quantities. You should not drink it if you are allergic to ivy or its other components, as well as if there are disorders in the urea cycle.

You can learn how to use Erespal cough syrup from this article.

Dosage according to instructions:

  • from birth to one year – 2.5 ml once a day;
  • up to four years - the same dose three times a day;
  • from 4 to ten years – 2.5 ml 4 times;
  • over 10 years old – 5 ml three times a day.

The dose per day should not be more than 15 ml. One bottle of the drug contains 100 ml, this amount is designed for 20 - 40 doses.

Libexin MUCO is a drug that helps remove mucus accumulated in the lungs. Its active substance is carbocisteine. It is gentle but effective. The medication should not be used for the following body abnormalities:

It is not prescribed for high sensitivity to the ingredients included in the drug.

The syrup comes with a special measuring spoon, the volume of which is 5 ml. When taking the syrup orally, you do not need to drink it with liquid. Therapy should last for 8 days, but the effect of using the medicine will be visible on the third day.

In this article you can read the instructions for use and price of Doctor Mom cough syrup.


  • children from two to five years old – 1 spoon twice a day;
  • for children over five years old - the dosage remains the same, the number of doses is increased by one.


Herbion for wet cough contains extracts of primrose and thyme rhizomes, as well as levomenthol. Its components help eliminate the viscosity of mucus and improve its evacuation from the bronchi. They also relieve inflammation, relieve pain and have an antiseptic effect.

Reception and doses:

  • for children from 2 to 5 years old, 2.5 ml of the drug;
  • children from five to 14 years old – 5 ml;
  • teenagers – 10 ml.

The medicine should be taken three times a day, regardless of food. It should be washed down with plenty of tea or water. Therapy lasts a week.

What is the price of Gerbion dry cough syrup can be found in this article.

Effective drugs for phlegm

Lazolvan is a potent mucolytic drug. It contains ambroxol hydrochloride as an active substance. It increases the volume of pulmonary surfactant, thereby improving the removal of excess mucus.

For children it is prescribed in the following doses:

  • children under 2 years old – 2.5 ml twice a day;
  • from 2 to 6 years – the same dosage three times a day;
  • from six to 12 years - the dose is doubled, but the number of doses remains the same;
  • teenagers – 10 ml three times.

This article contains reviews of Stodal cough syrup.

It is drunk orally, regardless of food intake.

Fluditec is a mucolytic syrup. Its active ingredient is carbocisteine. It has an immunostimulating effect. The drug is able to reduce sputum secretion by reducing the activity and number of goblet cells. It normalizes the functioning of the bronchi, relieving them of excess mucus.

For children, 2% syrup is used, the dosage is 5 ml (about 1 teaspoon of medicine). Children from two to five years old should take the drug twice a day, over 5 years old - three times. It is drunk before meals or two hours after it. The course of therapy lasts 10 days.

Such drugs are prescribed only by a doctor. You cannot independently select their dosage for your child.

Sinecode contains bitumen citrate as an active ingredient. This medication belongs to the non-narcotic subspecies and has a direct antitussive effect. It can be given to children over 3 years of age. To eliminate the cough reflex, it is taken three times a day before the main meal.

Dosage for children is:

  • from 3 to 6 years – 5 ml;
  • from six to 12 – 10 ml;
  • teenagers – 15 ml.

The medicine may cause the following: side effects: nausea, diarrhea, exanthema, allergies, drowsiness and nausea.

What cough syrup should be used for laryngitis in children is indicated in the article.

The video talks about wet cough syrups for children:

There are actually a lot of cough syrups. The article presents well-known drugs that mothers have used more than once for their children. They are safe to use if you strictly follow your pediatrician's recommendations and adhere to the dosage. But do not forget that cough cannot be cured with one remedy; in order to completely get rid of it, complex therapy must be carried out. One syrup will not cope with all manifestations of the disease.

How can you treat a wet cough in a child?

Before asking the question of how to treat a wet cough in a child, you need to know the nature of the origin of the disease. With many diseases there can be a wet cough, sometimes it is so exhausting that parents no longer know what to do about it. It is necessary to understand not only the methods of its treatment, but also the causes of its occurrence.

Causes of wet cough

  1. A cough occurs as a symptom of ARVI.
  2. Inflammatory processes in the ENT organs, adenoids.
  3. Cough as a manifestation of bronchial asthma.
  4. Hit foreign object into the respiratory tract.
  5. A cough may occur in dry or cold air.
  6. An allergic cough is possible.

Wet cough in a child: symptoms

If your child coughs for a long time, you should monitor him and look for additional symptoms. They may be as follows:

  1. Heat.
  2. Refusal to eat.
  3. Presence of wheezing.
  4. Green discharge when coughing.
  5. The cough arose after the child had been suffering from colds for a long time.
  6. The cough persists for a long time, even after treatment.

If all these signs are present, you should not self-medicate, but should urgently seek medical help.

Treatment of wet cough in children

If the temperature during a wet cough rises to 38.5ºC, you should consult a doctor. If an infant has a wet cough, in any case you need to show him to the pediatrician.

Since cough medicines can have different directions, they should only be prescribed by a doctor. Cough medications can be divided into two groups: antitussives, which suppress cough, and expectorants, which help produce mucus.

For a wet cough, an expectorant is usually not prescribed, since sputum has already begun to be produced, but to speed up recovery, it is still recommended to take it for some time.

But antitussives are not prescribed for wet coughs. This is due to the fact that, thanks to a wet cough, the bronchi are cleansed by expectoration of sputum, and antitussive tablets will only temporarily improve the patient’s condition, while the sputum will remain in the bronchi, unable to come out.

When deciding how to treat a child, you need to take into account the fact that not all medications can be given to children.

It should be noted that many advertised medications do not undergo proper clinical trials, since experiments are usually not performed on children, and therefore the dosage for children, especially under two years of age, is conditional. For this reason, an overdose of the drug may occur.

Medicine for children with wet cough

To cure a cough, you first need to thin the mucus, and only then do everything possible to get it out. For these purposes, expectorants are prescribed. They are divided into two types:

  1. Synthetic: these are Lazolvan, ACC, Solvin, etc.
  2. Plants: Bronchicum, Tusin, Doctor Mom, etc.

Despite the benefits herbal preparations However, the most effective are synthetic products. Firstly, they rarely cause allergies, and secondly, they are more effective. But inhalations with medicinal herbs are the safest. Eucalyptus and calendula help in particular. Do not forget that sputum is better removed with regular massage of the child’s chest and back.

Preparations for wet cough

Herbal preparations can be safe for a child if he is not allergic to them. Therefore, first of all, you need to consult a doctor.

Prospan is made from a plant such as ivy. Ivy contains substances that help remove expectorated mucus. The drug is available in syrups and tablets. The most common side effects include diarrhea, but most often patients tolerate Prospan well.

Herbion is made from plantain and mallow extracts. The effect occurs in a maximum of a week. Contraindicated in children under 2 years of age, may cause allergic reactions.

Home treatments include the following:

  1. Honey. It promotes rapid coughing, especially with dry cough. It is best to start giving it to children after one year of age. A single dose of honey is 0.5 - 1 teaspoon, the frequency of intake per day can be up to 2-3 times. You can make your own cough syrup for your child. Mix a teaspoon of honey and two teaspoons of lemon juice in a water bath. Give your child 1 tsp. up to 3-4 times a day.
  2. Thyme is a natural expectorant for wet coughs. Make your child tea from this plant. Pour a glass of boiling water over a teaspoon of dry herb, let it brew, then add a little honey to the broth and let the child drink it warm. But to avoid allergic reactions, you need to consult a doctor.
  3. Garlic. It is a natural antibacterial and also removes mucus. Grate some garlic and give it to your child, mixing it with honey. Add garlic to your dishes.

What else can you do to help a coughing child?

Create a calm environment for your baby. Coughing attacks can be caused by bright light, physical activity, loud noise. You should not put your child to bed, but let him rest often and eliminate external irritants.

The room where the sick child is located should be cool and frequently ventilated. Wet Fresh air promotes the removal of sputum. Daily wet cleaning is also necessary: ​​it destroys bacteria, viruses, and allergens that may be in the air. If possible, you can purchase an air purifier.

The next step is to drink plenty of fluids. Drinking should be alkaline, which promotes rapid recovery. Prepare milk for your child mineral water, linden or lingonberry tea, rosehip infusion. But acidic drinks, such as kefir, orange juice, berry juice, can, on the contrary, irritate the throat mucosa.

During this period the child needs diet table. Irritating foods are excluded: crackers, spicy foods, hot foods, smoked meats and pickles.

Steam inhalations will also help in treating wet cough. But they are contraindicated for children under 4 years of age, as they can provoke laryngospasm and cause respiratory arrest.

Warming foot baths. Such procedures promote the outflow of blood from the respiratory organs, which reduces swelling of the mucous membrane. But even harmless foot baths may be contraindicated in some cases, so ask your doctor about this again.

Treatment of cough with sputum in infants

A baby's wet cough appears simultaneously with a runny nose. Other symptoms of a cold may also be present: the child sleeps poorly, cannot breathe through his nose, and is constantly capricious. To stop the infection in time, you need to start treatment as early as possible.

Treatment of an infant is complicated by the fact that many medications are not suitable for him. That's why young mothers resort to help traditional medicine. At the first sign of a wet cough, the baby should be regularly monitored by a doctor.

If the baby’s condition begins to deteriorate, then do not wait for the doctor to arrive, but immediately call an ambulance.

For wet coughs, it is best to use external treatment. For example, you can lubricate chest and the back with badger fat. It rarely causes allergic reactions, and at the same time promotes the rapid removal of sputum. You can use badger fat up to 3 times a day, and within a few days you will see that your baby feels better. And if you combine rubbing with fat with a light massage of the back and chest, the recovery will come even faster.

Since the use of medications for infants is not recommended, inhalation may be the most effective for cough. But Small child unlikely to sit with an inhaler.

In this case, essential oils are used; they can be dropped onto a cloth and placed in the crib with the baby. Essential oils can open nasal breathing and improve the functioning of the bronchi.

A cough is the body’s response to irritation that occurs in the respiratory tract. Depending on the cause of this symptom, it can be wet or dry. Dry cough also has another name - non-productive, since it is not characterized by sputum discharge. But it is this kind of cough that is considered the most dangerous for the body. As a rule, it occurs along with nasal congestion, headaches, increased body temperature, enlarged lymph nodes, and nausea. How to treat a dry cough in a child?

You can find out which herbal cough syrups for children are best to use in this article.

The most popular means

Dry cough syrups for children are available from many manufacturers, here are some of the few, and only parents can choose which cough syrup is best for a child.


This syrup is often prescribed to children for dry cough. Its action is aimed at liquefying sputum and providing an antispasmodic effect. The drug contains components of plant origin. The active element is ivy extract. It is characterized by high efficiency, since even the most severe attacks of dry cough can be overcome in a few days.


This drug is a universal one, because it is used to treat both dry and wet coughs. Even the smallest children are allowed to use the syrup. The process of its preparation is carried out according to a special technology, and the active component is ivy extract. The presence of a pleasant fruity taste and aroma helps young patients take it with pleasure.

This drug belongs to the group of combined drugs and is of plant origin. The action exerted by its components is mutually potentiated. The effect obtained during treatment is determined by its composition and included elements:

The best cough syrup for children aged 2 years and older is indicated in this article.


Syrup for dry cough is not one of the most common medications, although it perfectly eliminates this unpleasant symptom in children, as well as in adults. The medicine is classified as an expectorant and is actively used to treat coughs caused by bronchitis or pneumonia.

In the role active component There is a liquid extract of thyme, a large amount of essential oils, carvalol, tanning components. Based on this, the drug is classified as mucolytic and has an expectorant effect. If you take the suspension for a long time and correctly, you will be able to dilute the mucus and remove it.

You can find out which wet cough syrup is best for children by reading this article.


This medication allows you to make a dry cough productive, dilute sputum and remove it from the respiratory tract. As a result, he constantly controls the cough reflex. Thanks to auxiliary elements it is possible to reduce the severity of irritation of the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose.

You can find out which cough syrups are expectorant and which are not, from the article.

Night syrup

This medicine is very effective in treating nighttime coughing attacks, making breathing easier. It contains extracts medicinal herbs: thyme, lemon balm, chamomile, plantain. Also present in the required dosage ascorbic acid. Children over one year of age are allowed to take the syrup.


The syrup has an expectorant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effect. Its composition is rich in extracts of plantain leaves and mallow inflorescences. Your doctor may prescribe it as part of the complex treatment of upper respiratory tract infections, which are characterized by a nonproductive cough. It should not be used by children under 2 years of age, as well as by patients who have hypersensitivity to fructose and its other components.

How to use allergic cough syrup is indicated in this article.

The syrup is an antitussive drug. Butamirate acts as the active substance. It is produced in the form of syrup, which can be taken by children from 3 years of age. Syrup is useful for severe suppressive cough. Treatment with Sinekod must be carried out until the sputum is discharged. Then therapy should be carried out with expectorants.

This syrup is used when it is necessary to relieve the intensity of the cough reflex and transform it into a productive one. Linkas has an anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect. The composition of the medicine is rich in the following components:

  • adhatoda leaves;
  • liquorice root;
  • pepper;
  • fragrant violet;
  • medicinal hyssop;
  • marshmallow

This article indicates which cough syrup you can use during pregnancy.

If the baby does not have allergies, the drug can be used as excellent medicine in the treatment of dry cough in children from 2 years of age.

How to use Alteyka syrup during pregnancy, so as not to harm your health, is indicated in the article.

This medicine is characterized by the presence of expectorant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. During treatment, it is possible to remove the viscosity of sputum and speed up the process of its removal. The syrup has such a therapeutic effect due to the fact that it contains primrose root and thyme. As a result of their influence, it is possible to envelop the irritated mucous membrane, and this reduces the intensity of sore throat and softens cough.

You can find out what the price of Herbion primrose syrup is by reading this article.

The drug is used to eliminate the symptoms of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, which are characterized by a dry cough. Petrussin syrup is used for bronchial inflammation, tracheitis, whooping cough, and pneumonia.

The medication has a secretory effect, that is, it stimulates expectoration. In addition, this treatment helps soften the cough and provide sedative effect, soothing the mucous membrane.

Petrussin also has a stimulating effect on activity ciliated epithelium . This effect allows the syrup to be used to transform a dry cough into a wet one, remove sputum, and easily transport it from the lower respiratory tract to the upper.

How to use in correct form wet cough syrup for children, indicated in the article.

Dr. Theis

This drug is produced in Germany. Its composition assumes the presence of a plant component - lanceolate plantain extract. The syrup helps eliminate dry cough with difficult to clear sputum. Is good remedy in relation to price and quality. This medicine is very helpful in suppressing the cough reflex at night so that the baby can sleep peacefully and his breathing is even. The drug should not be used in patients under one year of age.

Doctor Mom

This combination drug for dry cough has an anti-inflammatory effect. There is no alcohol in its composition, and it also has a wide range of effects. The disadvantages of syrup include the risk of an allergic reaction, since the composition contains more components, such as:

Which cough syrups are best for infants is indicated in this article.

This medication does not contain sugar or alcohol, for this reason it is suitable for the treatment of dry cough in children. The active component is ambroxol hydrochloride. It is characterized by an expectorant and mucolytic effect. Lazolvan allows you to eliminate the inflammatory process by strengthening the body's defenses.

This drug is currently among the leaders. Its main component has an expectorant effect. Despite the fact that there are no age restrictions in the instructions, the presence of alcohol in its composition raises debate about the advisability of using the syrup in the treatment of dry cough in very young children.

Askoril Expert

This syrup for treatment nonproductive cough has a bronchodilator effect, relaxes the muscles of the bronchi and soothes irritation of the throat mucosa. It contains the main component - guaifenzine - which allows you to transform a dry cough into a wet one.

Althea syrup

Patients of any age are allowed to use the medicine. When using, it is very important not to exceed the dosage. To give the medicine a sweetish taste, you can add it to tea or compote. Then little children will be able to accept it with pleasure.

The action of this medication is aimed at facilitating coughing and reducing the viscosity of sputum. The active substance is ambroxol. Ambrobene has an expectorant effect, eliminates the inflammatory process, and strengthens the body's defenses. Children up to one year old are allowed to use the syrup. But if you use the medicine uncontrollably and do not follow the dosage, you can provoke stagnation of sputum in the bronchi. It is very important to seek help from a pediatrician here.

A dry cough in a child is an unpleasant, paroxysmal symptom of an inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract. It can be caused by various bacteria and infections. When drawing up a treatment regimen, doctors very often prescribe medications to children in the form of syrup. Firstly, they are very effective, and secondly, small children can take them, because they have a pleasant taste.

If the respiratory system is damaged, the child develops a protective reaction - strong wetness. Pathogenic microorganisms accumulate in the respiratory tract, which provoke coughing. A productive cough is characterized by the production of sputum and childhood this process is more complicated.

Typically, a wet cough occurs against the background of acute respiratory diseases, which is accompanied by other symptoms and never manifests itself in isolation.

Possible causes of a wet cough:

  • Obstructive bronchitis
  • Lung abscess
  • Tuberculosis

If a wet cough is not accompanied by fever, the cause may be allergic diseases or bronchial asthma.

Diseases can be differentiated by sputum discharge.

If sputum comes out in large quantities, then this indicates or. Rusty sputum indicates the development of pneumonia. When the upper respiratory tract becomes inflamed, watery sputum accumulates.

If the sputum is purulent with unpleasant smell, then this indicates the development lung abscess or bronchiectasis. A sign of bronchial asthma is the discharge of viscous, glassy sputum.

Dangerous symptoms: when to see a doctor

It is necessary to urgently call a doctor if the cough occurs suddenly and the child cannot clear his throat for a long time. Parents should be wary if the following symptoms are present along with a wet cough:

  1. Dyspnea.
  2. Fever for 3 days.
  3. Refusal to eat.
  4. The appearance of wheezing.
  5. Green sputum streaked with blood.

You should immediately consult a doctor if you have these symptoms and your cough does not go away within 3 weeks.

Wet cough syrups for children

For respiratory diseases, syrups are the most popular. They are easy to use for children of different ages. Medicines for wet cough should be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the severity of symptoms, concomitant diseases, child's age.

Syrups, by their structure, envelop an irritated throat, soften and soothe without provoking a gag reflex. The taste of children's syrups is pleasant and fruity, which makes it easy to give your child medicine.

For wet coughs, drugs with mucolytic and expectorant effects are prescribed. Their action is aimed at thinning mucus and removing it from the respiratory tract.

In addition, drugs in liquid form are convenient to dose and are easily absorbed by the body, providing a quick therapeutic effect.

Popular wet cough syrups for children:

  • overslept
  • Linkas
  • Dr. Theiss
  • Travesil

The listed drugs are herbal based and have virtually no contraindications. The dosage is prescribed by the doctor, taking into account the age of the child.

A separate group of expectorants consists of drugs based on ambroxol. This active substance is included in a number of drugs: Ambrobene, Flavomed, etc. The active component helps to increase the volume of pulmonary surfactant, which improves the excretion of accumulated mucus.

If you are sensitive to ambroxol, you may be prescribed medications that contain carbocysteine. Expectorants of this group are: Fluditek, Mukodin, Mukosol, Bronkatar, etc.Cough syrup should only be prescribed by a pediatrician; using it independently to treat cough in children is strictly prohibited.

Do you need an antibiotic?

The use of antibiotics for coughs is not always justified. Antibacterial drugs prescribed for respiratory diseases of bacterial origin. This will be indicated by symptoms such as thick green sputum, heat etc.

If the cause of bronchospasm is not clear and the child’s condition worsens, then antibiotics are also prescribed. Typically, such drugs are prescribed for tracheitis, bronchitis, and pneumonia.

Before prescribing an antibacterial agent, the doctor will pay attention to the patient’s test results and determine the bacteria’s resistance to the drugs.

In most cases, antibiotics are prescribed wide range actions:

  • Amoxiclav
  • Zinnat
  • Suprax

Treatment of productive cough with antibiotics lasts about 7 days. If after several days there is no improvement, then you need to change the antibiotic. During the period of antibacterial therapy, drugs should be taken every 8 hours. Otherwise, resistance to the drug may develop.

Even if the child’s well-being improves on the 4-5th day, it is impossible to stop taking the antibiotic. If you stop treatment ahead of time, a relapse may occur, and then you will have to use stronger antibiotics.

Folk remedies

If your child has a wet cough, you can use traditional methods treatment.Popular recipes that will help get rid of a productive cough:

  • Black radish with honey. Take a small radish, peel and remove the pulp. Next, add 2 teaspoons of honey into the hole. Leave it like this for 12 hours. During this time, the radish will release juice. It should be given to the child in a small spoon several times a day.
  • . It needs to be rubbed into the chest. You can buy it at any pharmacy.
  • Milk with figs. A popular recipe for treating wet cough. Heat one and a half glasses of milk and add 1 fig. Cover the pan with a lid and leave to boil for 30 minutes. Allow to cool and drink for your child before bedtime.
  • Onion juice with honey. Take a few onions, chop finely and boil. Next, leave to infuse for 3 hours and add 50-100 g of honey. Give the child 1/3 glass 3-4 times a day.
  • Liquorice root. Grind it, pour 200 ml of boiling water and place in a water bath for 20 minutes. After this, leave for an hour and strain. If necessary, you can add honey. Give the child a tablespoon 3 times a day.

Compresses have a great healing effect in combination with medications.The consequences of a wet cough can be eliminated with the help. However, this procedure should only be carried out after consulting a doctor.

Inhalation with a nebulizer

You can relieve the symptoms of a wet cough using inhalations. For mild forms of respiratory tract diseases, agents are used that moisturize the mucous membrane and do not cause irritation. For this purpose, you can use the usual mineral water, .

To treat severe diseases with a characteristic purulent inflammatory process, medications are used: Ambroxol, Ambrohexal, Rotokan, Sinupret, etc. Any of specified funds diluted in saline in a ratio of 1:1.First, saline solution is poured into the device, and then the medicine. The nebulizer chamber should be filled to 2-4 ml of solution.

The nebulizer sprays the medicine into small particles and distributes it evenly throughout the respiratory tract.

As a result, mucus secretion increases, blood circulation increases and the mucous membrane is restored.For achievement positive result it is necessary to adhere to certain recommendations:

  1. The procedure should be carried out 1-1.5 hours after eating.
  2. Breathe for 5-7 minutes.
  3. You should not talk during inhalation.
  4. After the procedure, you should not eat or drink liquids for an hour.
  5. Inhalations should be carried out 2-4 times a day.
  6. You cannot do inhalations based on herbal decoction to avoid blockage.

It is prohibited to give inhalations to a child using a nebulizer if:

  • High temperature.
  • Allergic reaction to drugs.
  • Heart failure.
  • Bleeding from the nose.
  • Arrhythmias.
  • Hemoptysis.

Inhalations can be performed on children from an early age. This method of treating cough is safe and effective.

Useful video: signs of bronchitis in a child

Prevention of cough in children is aimed at preventing the development of acute viral infections. Basic preventive measures:

  1. A balanced diet with sufficient intake of nutrients, vitamins and microelements.
  2. You should regularly walk in the fresh air.
  3. Compliance with personal hygiene rules.
  4. It is necessary to harden the body (take water procedures, sunbathing).
  5. A visit to the pool is recommended.
  6. Play sports and exercise.
  7. Maintain an optimal microclimate in the child’s room.
  8. Carry out wet cleaning regularly.
  9. Avoid contact with allergens.

With the onset of autumn, when children begin to go to kindergarten and school, the season of colds and infections opens. Cold air, damp weather, a large number of children in a group are the main causes of illness.

Almost every acute respiratory viral infection or acute respiratory infection is accompanied by a symptom such as cough. The dry type of cough occurs at the initial stage of the disease and gradually turns into a wet form with sputum.

In many cases, a wet cough does not require therapy, but there are situations when the use of medications is necessary. Taking medications without prescription leads to a deterioration in the child’s well-being. How to treat a child’s wet cough will be decided by a specialist after examining and determining the causes of the disease.

Features of a wet cough

The airways are even healthy person contain some mucous secretions, most of them are produced in the bronchi. During illness, the amount of sputum increases and viscosity increases, which leads to the formation of a wet cough. In respiratory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, a wet cough occurs due to mucus descending along the back wall of the nasopharynx, which accumulates in the bronchial tract and provokes cough reflexes.

Unlike a wet cough, a dry cough is formed due to inflammation of the nasopharynx and larynx. This species is called "barking", it is unproductive and causes painful sensations: the throat becomes dry, pain is felt, and it becomes difficult for the child to swallow. To treat it, drugs are used that suppress cough reflexes and relieve inflammation. With a dry cough, mucus does not form, but without appropriate therapy, the inflammation descends lower, to the bronchial tree, and it becomes moist.

Signs of a wet cough:

  1. The attack is short-lived and does not cause pain.
  2. When breathing, wheezing is heard.
  3. Accompanied by shortness of breath.
  4. The attack is triggered by the accumulation of sputum.
  5. When you cough, mucus comes out.

The attending physician will tell you how and how to treat a cough with sputum in a child, after identifying the provoking factors. A wet cough occurs due to respiratory diseases and allergic reactions, but the most common causes are:

  1. ARZ, ARVI.
  2. Bronchial asthma.
  3. Obstructive bronchitis.
  4. Pneumonia.
  5. Tracheitis.
  6. Lung abscess.
  7. Tuberculosis.

Experienced specialists based on the nature of the discharge are able to make a preliminary diagnosis:

  1. Transparent, liquid discharge indicates acute respiratory infections and rhinitis.
  2. Green color is a sign of bacterial disease or purulent process often accompanied by wheezing and high fever.
  3. Brown discharge indicates the presence of old blood in the mucus.
  4. Thick white sputum is produced during fungal pneumonia.
  5. Yellow color - for pneumonia and the initial stage of bronchitis
  6. Discharge with foam is a sign of pulmonary edema, chronic bronchitis, cardiac asthma.
  7. The rusty color speaks of lobar inflammation lungs, vascular trauma, pulmonary embolism.
  8. Mucus with blood is released during bronchiectasis, tumors in the respiratory tract, and tuberculosis.

If there is no certainty about the diagnosis, the sputum is sent for testing to identify the source of the disease.

During the treatment period it is necessary to monitor the patient's condition. If your child's cough with sputum is accompanied by the following symptoms, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible:

  1. Prolonged coughing attacks, especially at night.
  2. Chest pain appears.
  3. The temperature is above 38°, does not go down, lasts more than a day.
  4. The attacks are accompanied by severe wheezing.
  5. Loss of appetite.
  6. Pale skin, blue under the eyes.

Before the pediatrician arrives, you should not give your child medications; you should limit yourself to warm drinks and airing the room.

Treatment of wet cough with medications

If you have a wet cough with good mucus production and no symptoms that require medication, there is no reason to take medication. Increased viscosity of sputum and underdeveloped muscles of the respiratory tract in a child cause mucus retention in the larynx. In this case, it is necessary to use mucolytic and expectorant drugs.

When a cough is accompanied by sputum production, antitussive medications should not be used. They lead to the sedimentation of mucus in the lower respiratory tract. Even a simple acute respiratory infection, accompanied by a wet cough, can develop into serious complications, for example, pneumonia.

The action of mucolytics is aimed only at thinning thick sputum, which promotes the removal of mucus naturally. The most popular mucolytic agents are: Bromhexine, ACC-100, Fluimucil, Ambrobene, Lazolvan, Libexin.

Expectorant medications are divided into two subtypes:

  1. Reflex action, aimed at diluting and increasing the amount of mucus, stimulating vomiting reflex, due to which the production of sputum increases. These medicines are of plant origin: from plantain, licorice, thermopsis, thyme, anise, nine-sil. Such drugs are prescribed with caution to children under three years of age, as there is a risk of developing airway obstruction.
  2. Resorptive drugs reduce the viscosity of secretions, increase its amount and remove it from the respiratory tract.

Most often, the following expectorant medications are used for children for wet cough: Gedelix, Prospan, Gerbion, Doctor Mom, Mukaltin, Althea Syrup, Pertussin.

The most difficult thing to get rid of is a wet cough in an infant. At this age, it is allowed to use a small amount of medications, so preference is given to inhalations with Lazolvan, Ambrobene, and Fluimucil.

The following can be taken orally for infants:

  1. Gedelix is ​​allowed to be taken from the first days of life.
  2. Dry cough syrup - prescribed to children from six months of age.
  3. "Prospan" is taken from three months.
  4. "Bronchicum" is contraindicated for up to 6 months.

For severe pathologies in the lungs and bronchi, the following is prescribed:

  1. "Ascoril" has a thinning, expectorant and bronchodilator effect. Prescribed to children from one year of age.
  2. "Erespal" relieves inflammation and dilates the bronchi in children from two years of age. In rare cases, with severe infections, the doctor may prescribe Erespal and infancy. The dosage will be calculated based on the age and weight of the child.

For wet coughs, only a doctor should prescribe medicine for children of any age. No parent without medical education will be able to listen to breathing and make a correct diagnosis.

Non-traditional methods of treating wet cough

To treat a wet cough, not only medications help, but also homemade recipes that have been tested for more than one generation. The use of alternative treatment should be agreed with a doctor. The best effect will be from drug therapy, supplemented folk remedies.

Products for internal use

Everyone knows about the benefits of milk with honey and butter or soda. Not everyone knows other methods of treatment:

  1. Take five dried figs for two glasses of milk and simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Drink warm three times a day after meals. You can use fresh figs, but there is a chance that the milk will curdle.
  2. For a wet cough from the age of three, you can add 5 grams of natural milk to warm milk along with honey. badger fat. Drink half a glass three times.
  3. If the child does not have problems with digestion and the cardiovascular system, you can make sweet syrup from radish with honey. Take a large black radish, cut off the top and remove the core with a spoon, so as not to damage the bottom and walls of the fruit. Fill the resulting “pot” two-thirds with honey. In 3 hours it will work useful remedy. Give children a teaspoon every 2 hours. Honey should not be consumed when elevated temperature.
  4. An infusion of plantain leaves helps a lot for coughs in children, but it can only be used after three years. Add 50 grams of fresh or dry plantain leaves to a liter of boiling water, cover with a lid and remove from heat. The infusion will be ready in 4 hours, take three tablespoons orally 3-4 times a day.
  5. Treatment with raspberry and viburnum syrup: to prepare, take 50 grams of each berry, mash well and mix with a tablespoon of sugar. After a few hours, squeeze through a fine sieve or cheesecloth. Dilute the syrup with two glasses of milk. Take half a glass four times a day, warm before use.
  6. The smallest and pickiest children will love a drink made from cocoa and banana. To prepare it, you need to chop one banana, mix with a teaspoon of cocoa and pour a glass of hot milk. This remedy is useful not only for wet coughs, but also for boosting immunity.

Before treating a child's wet cough in unconventional ways, you should consult your pediatrician.

External use

Folk remedies for external use will help treat a cough with phlegm: lozenges, rubbing, compresses. The best effect from recipes that contain animal fats:

  1. Rub the child's back, chest and feet with badger or bear fat. Dress warmly and cover with a blanket. When he sweats, change into dry, clean clothes.
  2. Take honey and goose fat in equal quantities, mix and spread on the chest, back and feet, wrap gauze or a towel on top, and wrap the child.

Compresses and rubbing with animal fats are best done before bed and kept overnight.

Other recipes:

  1. Compress with apple cider vinegar and honey: take a tablespoon of honey and vinegar, add three tablespoons warm water. Moisten gauze in this solution and apply it to the child’s chest and throat. Cover warm blanket for half an hour.
  2. Take flour, honey, dry mustard, vodka and sunflower oil in equal quantities, mix everything and make flat cakes. Apply to the chest and back, after wrapping it in gauze, overnight.
  3. Rub before bed camphor alcohol. After rubbing the child, dress and wrap him warmly.

Treatment with external remedies for wet cough relieves spasms, dilates the bronchi and promotes the discharge of sputum.

If rubbing and compresses are used for the first time, you should reduce the time of use to check the child’s reaction.


Treatment of a wet cough with poorly cleared mucus is carried out using an inhaler. If the child does not have a fever, you can do hot inhalations using a special device or a regular saucepan.

Appoints steam inhalations only the attending physician. The temperature of the solution should be within 40-50 degrees, the duration of the procedure is no more than five minutes.

Recipes for inhalations:

  1. Inhalations with decoctions of medicinal herbs: chamomile, eucalyptus leaves, sage, plantain, thyme, peppermint. You can prepare an infusion from one herb or make combined mixtures. To prepare a decoction, you need to take a liter of boiling water, add a tablespoon of herbs, when it cools to 50 degrees, you can begin the procedure.
  2. Dilute two teaspoons of soda in one liter of boiling water. If there is no allergy, you can add two drops essential oil mint, tea tree, eucalyptus.
  3. It is useful to breathe in the vapors of potatoes boiled in their skins. Mash the cooked fruits and cool slightly.

The child needs to be explained that when inhaling, he must hold his breath for 2-3 seconds. You cannot eat or drink for half an hour after the procedure. Do not inhale late in the evening, preferably 3-4 hours before bedtime.

During treatment of a child, caution is required in the selection of medications. Herbal preparations can cause allergic reactions, including Quincke's edema. Therefore, in childhood, preference is given to synthetic drugs, they are more secure.

To cure a wet cough quickly and without health consequences, you should follow your doctor’s recommendations. During illness, it is necessary to see a pediatrician twice a week so that he can listen to the child’s breathing and assess his condition.

Muscular contraction of the respiratory tract of the respiratory system, resulting from irritation of internal receptors, contributes to the formation of the cough reflex.

There are more than 20 symptomatic pathologies that provoke this unconditioned reflex. There are wet and dry coughs. Drug therapy and/or a folk remedy for a wet cough differs significantly from the treatment of a dry (non-productive) type of forced exhalation through the mouth.

How and how to treat wet cough in adults?

The protective functions of the bronchopulmonary system, its upper and/or lower respiratory tract, are assigned to mucociliary clearance, which is responsible for blocking the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract from external infectious and bacterial irritants. When the mucociliary system fails, an exogenous attack occurs from pathogenic agents that have a physical, chemical or biological nature of formation. In the bronchi, dysfunction of the drainage system occurs, leading to the formation of various bronchopulmonary diseases.

An effective remedy for wet cough is selected for the following symptomatic signs:

  • coughing attacks become more frequent and stronger;
  • expectoration of mucus;
  • when coughing, pain in the area of ​​the thoracic diaphragm or back intensifies;
  • the temperature regime is kept within subfebrile limits (37.2 – 37.9ºС);
  • sore throat and nasopharynx appear;
  • there is a general feeling of malaise and weakness of the body.

On a note! It is impossible to determine the best remedy for wet cough, since there are certain criteria and indicators. It all depends on the exact diagnosis, individual data of the person, age and gender.

Below is a list of antitussive drugs that are most often used in the treatment of various diseases of the respiratory system and respiratory tract in adults:

1. Ambrobene is a pharmacological cough medicine with an expectorant effect and belongs to the group of mucolytic drugs. The medicine is effective in the treatment of infectious, colds and acute respiratory diseases of the pulmonary system and bronchi. Recommended for coughs with active production of purulent or mucous bronchial secretions.
2. ACC is a universal medicine whose active ingredient is acetylcysteine. The drug is recommended for the treatment of wet cough in various diseases of the bronchial tree, such as bronchial asthma, tracheitis, bronchitis with various respiratory pathologies, broncholiolitis and others. The drug is available in the form of tablets, capsules or syrup. Due to the absence of contraindications, the drug can be prescribed to children.
3. Lazolvan is a drug that accelerates the formation of bronchial mucus. The product helps to activate mucociliary transport, facilitates the removal of mucous secretions and eliminates cough. Indications for use are acute and chronic diseases bronchopulmonary system. Not recommended for pregnant women, people with allergies and people with hypersensitivity to ambroxol, the main active ingredient of the drug.

4. Carbocisteine ​​- the pharmacological action of the drug is aimed at quickly liquefying the formed sputum in the bronchi. Recommended for diseases of the respiratory system in adults and children over 5 years old. Contraindications for use: acute condition gastrointestinal tract, pregnancy and lactation.
5. Mucaltin is a well-known dosage form prepared on the basis of an extract medicinal marshmallow. The drug has an expectorant effect, freeing the lower respiratory tract from annoying secretory accumulations. Mucaltin does not cause irritation to the mucous membrane, restores the muscular muscles of the respiratory tract and reduces inflammation in excited respiratory areas.

Important! Only a doctor can choose the right medicine for dry and wet cough, based on symptom indicators!

Traditional recipes for the treatment of wet cough in adults

For wet coughs, treatment with folk remedies is no less effective than official ones medications. Elimination of cough using traditional medicine is based on various decoctions and infusions. Often, recipes for the treatment of wet cough in adults use alcohol-containing ingredients, which, according to traditional healers, contribute to the rapid removal of bronchial secretions from the respiratory system.

At home, you can use the following proven recipes:

  1. Honey with lingonberries. 2 tbsp. bee honey mixed with 200 ml of warm lingonberry juice. Take every 3-4 hours during daylight hours.
  2. Eucalyptus inhalation. If you have a strong cough and no fever, you can take inhalation from eucalyptus leaves. 2 tablespoons are poured into the teapot. dry raw materials and pour boiling water. Cover yourself with a towel and inhale the healing vapors of the medicinal plant through your mouth for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Vodka compress. Rub the patient's chest with vodka or diluted alcohol, cover the area with cellophane film and a dry terry towel on top. This compress is best done before bedtime.
  4. Pork fat with honey. 2 tbsp. aloe juice, pork fat and a spoonful of bee honey, mixed together. The entire healing mixture is heated in a water bath and applied to the chest and back of the coughing person. The temperature of the mixture should be comfortable; it is important not to overheat it, so as not to get a burn on the skin. After the procedure, it is recommended to drink a cup of raspberry tea or lime color and fall asleep. If the cough is not accompanied by concomitant pathologies, then this remedy allows you to completely get rid of the annoying cough the next morning.
  5. Tea with cognac. Brew your favorite tea, add 2-3 tsp. quality cognac and 1 tsp. natural honey. This drink allows you to free the bronchi from secretory secretions, eliminate cold cough, create a general favorable mood. It is also recommended to take this traditional medicine for preventive purposes.

Treatment of productive cough in a child

Today, choosing a medicine for a wet cough for children is not difficult. On pharmaceutical market there is quite a large number of various drugs, allowing you to block the cough reflex. A specialist will help you choose the right treatment regimen for a wet cough for your child. Taking into account the accompanying symptoms of productive cough in children, the following antitussive pharmacological agents can be distinguished:

1. Gerbion syrup is an effective treatment for dry and wet cough. It contains extracts of plantain and mallow. The syrup has an immunostimulating, antibacterial, antitussive and expectorant effect. If syrup gets inside active substances aggressively act on irritated receptors, stimulating the excretion of secretions from the glands of the bronchopulmonary system. The dosage and regimen is determined by the doctor.

2. Alteyka syrup is an expectorant drug of plant origin containing extracts of medicinal herbs. The drug provides reflex and cough stimulation, and also enhances bronchiole peristalsis. Marshmallow root syrup is recommended for children over 3 years of age for various acute and/or inflammatory diseases organs of the respiratory system. Not recommended for children with an allergic reaction to the components of the drug.
3. Doctor Mom warming ointment will be an effective remedy for the treatment of wet cough in children. For a productive cough, it is recommended to apply the drug to the child’s chest and back. The warming effect of the drug is provided by the active natural components included in the biochemical composition of the drug. Pharmacological effect: active dilution and removal of mucus from the respiratory tract, muscle stimulation of the bronchial muscles, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and vasodilating effects. Indications for use: bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis and other inflammations of the respiratory system.

4. Gedelix – effective medicinal product in the treatment of upper respiratory tract diseases. It does not contain alcohol-containing components or sugar, which makes the pharmacological agent attractive for the treatment of productive cough in children suffering from diabetes mellitus. The drug is produced in the form of drops and syrup, which do not contain chemical additives or other impurities. Components of Gedelix: ivy extract, mint oil, purified water, fennel oil. Gedelix syrup can be given to a child starting from 6 months.
5. With a wet cough in a child with bronchial asthma, exudative pleurisy, pulmonary pneumonia and other diseases of the respiratory system, Libexin will help cope. The drug has an expectorant, antitussive and anti-inflammatory effect. 6. Deep penetration of prenoxdiazine, the main active ingredient, into the tissue structures of the respiratory tract, allows you to suppress the cough reflex, promote the unhindered discharge of mucus and provide an anesthetic effect for inflammation of the respiratory tract.

Treatment of wet cough in children with traditional medicine

Often pharmacological preparations are ineffective in treating wet cough in children. This is especially true for the youngest patients. Folk remedies for wet coughs can be more effective. For children with weakened immune systems, various herbal infusions, which not only strengthen the body’s protective properties, but also enhance the muscular activity of the bronchopulmonary system.

Treatment with folk remedies for a wet cough in a child should be coordinated with the local therapist or children's consultation doctor. He will recommend various traditional medicine recipes, the main ones active ingredient which will be beekeeping products:

  1. Honey radish. Even the little ones will like the pleasant taste of this medicine. Add 1 tbsp to medium-sized grated radish. honey After 5-6 hours of infusion, the vegetable will release healing juice.
  2. The core of the radish is cut out with a teaspoon, and honey is poured into the resulting niche. After 3-4 hours the medicine is ready for use.
  3. The juice of radish, carrots and natural honey is mixed in equal proportions. The drug is gaining its healing properties after 2-3 hours of infusion in a warm place.

Other traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of wet cough in children:

  1. The best home remedy against wet cough - raspberry jam, 1 tbsp. which should be mixed in 1 glass of boiled water.
  2. Crushed licorice root is boiled in 500 ml of water for 10-15 minutes. The medicine is infused for 2-2.5 hours. After straining, it is recommended to take every 3 hours.
  3. Juice of 1 lemon and 1 tsp. olive oil- that's another thing wonderful remedy against wet cough.
  4. 1 tbsp. dill seeds are poured with 1 cup of boiling water and infused. Take 50 ml every 3 hours.
  5. A mixture of plantain and coltsfoot will help soften the throat and eliminate irritation of the respiratory tract receptors. 2 tbsp. dry raw materials are poured with 250 ml of boiled water. Leave in a warm place for 2 hours. Take 1 tbsp. 3-4 times a day.
  6. Share:

Cough is not a rare but frightening symptom of childhood illnesses for parents. It is not an independent pathology. If a child coughs, then it is necessary to look for the cause of this reaction, and not suppress it. But practice shows that this symptom does not always require the use of medications.

The reasons that cause convulsive exhalation, accompanied by hoarseness and sound, can be physiological or pathological.

Children have to deal with the latter more often. Statistics show that cough torments children attending preschool and school institutions. There are two types of this symptom: dry and wet.

The latter is considered safer and more quickly treatable.

Physiological reasons

In infants, a wet cough may occur after feeding, when food enters the respiratory tract.

An absolutely healthy child can cough on average 5-15 times a day. This happens especially often in the morning or after waking up during the day.

In this way, the respiratory tract is cleared of foreign particles and dust. There is nothing critical about such a cough. The symptom does not require treatment or search for its cause.

If you are still worried or doubt the exceptional health of the baby, then consult your pediatrician.

Pathology or when to sound the alarm

A child may develop a wet cough due to illness. The main pathologies causing this symptom are:

  • viral diseases, influenza;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • tracheitis;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • tuberculosis;
  • lung abscess.

Parents should worry if the cough begins suddenly and does not go away for a long time or becomes more severe, when the child’s body temperature rises or shortness of breath occurs, with pain in the sternum, audible wheezing and sputum of an unusual (green, red) color.

How does a wet cough manifest?

Symptoms that a child has a wet cough are familiar to every parent:

  • the baby exhales with a wheeze;
  • when coughing, the squelching of sputum can be clearly heard;
  • mucus is released, which the child spits out or swallows.

Often a wet cough is accompanied by a runny nose, rising thermometer levels, weakness, and lack of appetite. All this suggests that the baby is sick. For treatment to be adequate and effective, it is necessary to show little patient pediatrician

Diagnosis and treatment

Before treating a child’s wet cough, it is necessary to undergo examination by a doctor; further therapy depends entirely on its results.

  • If the cough does not go away for a long time and is accompanied by a runny nose, then antipyretics are prescribed, antiviral drugs and vitamin complexes.
  • When it comes to bacterial diseases, the main symptom of which is high blood pressure, antibiotics and probiotics are prescribed. Define suitable drug possible after diagnosis (bacteriological examination of sputum).
  • Cough caused by asthma, cystic fibrosis, requires a separate approach and complex treatment. Therapy is also determined by the results of blood tests and examination of the respiratory tract.

At the initial examination, the doctor can only make an approximate diagnosis. Unfortunately, it is difficult to say about the origin of the disease only on the basis of such a symptom as cough with sputum.

Typically needed additional research, because to treat a wet cough in a child, it is necessary to act on the root cause of the disease, and not just eliminate the symptom.

Babies cannot cough up mucus properly and, as a result, mucus accumulates in the lower parts of the respiratory system, causing inflammation. To treat this symptom, the doctor prescribes herbal and synthetic drugs.

For children it is preferable to use liquid types medicines.

Use of herbal medicines and syrups

If a child has a wet cough, treatment is primarily prescribed with medication. These drugs are sold in pharmacies without a prescription, and their active ingredients are based on plants, shrubs, rhizome extracts, and oils.

Among their advantages, it is worth highlighting the small number or absence of side effects, as well as their effectiveness in mild forms of the disease.

  • Doctor Mom - lozenges and syrup. The drug contains licorice, pepper, aloe, elecampane, ginger, emblica, as well as other herbs. The suspension can be used in children from three years of age. The manufacturer does not recommend using lozenges for children under 18 years of age, but in some cases doctors still prescribe them.
  • Pectusin is a herbal remedy in the form of a suspension and tablets. It contains eucalyptus, menthol, and additional components. Various sources report that the drug can be given to children from 3 or 7 years of age. We can conclude that the manufacturer himself cannot decide when this medicine will be truly safe for the child.
  • Chest collection - there are 4 types of this drug, each of which has a different herbal composition. The manufacturer does not recommend giving such products to children, but some parents do it themselves. It is expected that breast milk will have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and expectorant effects.
  • Herbion is a syrup based on ivy or primrose. The first option has irritant effect on the respiratory center, expectorates sputum. The second type of syrup helps to thin mucus and increase its quantity. Both products are approved for use from the age of two, but in practice they are used earlier.
  • Solutan is a solution for use containing dill oil, saponin, salts and other components. Has a bronchodilator and expectorant effect. The solution is used in children from one year of age.
  • The myth that herbal remedies are better for treating coughs in children should be dispelled.. Many of these medications are ineffective for serious illnesses.

Others can cause serious allergic reaction. Think twice before giving one of these medications to a small child.

Synthetic drugs and their effectiveness

Synthetic medications that have an expectorant, bronchodilator, and anti-inflammatory effect are much more effective. It is these proven remedies that are prescribed by pediatricians all over the world.

  • Ambroxol - included in the medications Ambrobene, AmbroHexal, Lazolvan, Halixol. Some of these medications can be taken with an inhaler. It is then that the solutions enter directly into the respiratory tract, bypassing digestive tract. Ambroxol-based products can treat wet cough in a child from an early age.
  • Acetylcysteine ​​- found in the drugs ACC, Fluimucil, Vicks Active. The drugs have a mucolytic effect, thinning the mucus, making it easy to cough up. Products with acetylcysteine ​​can be given to children from 1-2 years of age.
  • Carbocisteine ​​has a beneficial effect on mucus and also helps restore damaged surfaces. It is contained in the following drugs: Bronchobos, Fluditek, Libexin. For children over two years of age, the drugs are prescribed in a dosage of 100 mg twice a day.
  • Bromhexine – has a complex effect on children's cough. In addition to the expectorant and mucolytic effect, it also has a slight antitussive effect. Practice shows that this medication is rarely prescribed to children.

If a child’s wet cough does not go away for a long time, sputum is separated with great difficulty, and the contraction of the airways is more like a spasm, then doctors may prescribe a remedy Berodual. This drug is taken exclusively through an inhaler and in a dosage strictly selected for the baby.

Its action is aimed at providing a bronchodilator effect. The result of use becomes noticeable after the first inhalation.

A wet cough takes on a milder form due to the elimination of spasm and relaxation of smooth muscles. The drug does not affect the secretion of bronchial mucus.

Children suffering from bronchial asthma or COPD, as well as severe course For bronchitis and spasmodic cough, corticosteroids are prescribed:

  • Pulmicort;
  • Flixotide;
  • Berotek;
  • Benacort.

The use of such drugs requires prior consultation with a pulmonologist. GCS should not be given to children without the knowledge of a doctor. Please note that some medications can be used for up to a year, while others are intended for children aged 12-16 years..

Traditional methods of treatment

If you turn to the older generation, you will definitely learn how to cure a wet cough in a child. The older generation will advise you on proven means to eliminate this problem. But not all of them are considered safe and effective for young children.

  • Mustard plasters - warm up parts of the respiratory system and distract. Small children may be burned. For some diseases it is strictly contraindicated.
  • Hot inhalations with steam or herbal decoctions– anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial, softening effect is expected. In fact, they can aggravate the patient's condition by causing a burn to the mucous membrane.
  • Milk and honey before bed- a proven emollient. Has a beneficial effect on children's immunity. Honey is an allergen, and milk should not be given to children with lactase deficiency.
  • Drainage massage– vibration tapping on the baby’s back, rubbing. It is expected that the procedure will help the sputum clear better and speed up the recovery time. An incorrectly performed massage can harm the functioning of the respiratory system.
  • Rubbing with a badger or goat fat – warms up well, distracts. Elevated body temperature can be dangerous for a child, especially in the first years of life.
  • Plant-based drinks– decoctions and infusions of herbs that have an anti-inflammatory, soothing, expectorant effect. These products are good, but they can cause allergies.

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