The effect of testosterone on mental abilities. Testosterone and aggression. Testosterone against chronic fatigue syndrome

Testosterone has a huge impact on the lives of the strong half of humanity.

The amount of this androgen in the blood intensively affects men's health, appearance and even character. Therefore, it is important to know whether there is enough of it in the body, and how, if necessary, to increase or decrease the levels.

Later in the article we will look in more detail next questions: what happens if testosterone levels are low? What if it’s overpriced? How to measure male hormone levels? What does this androgen do? How to increase testosterone levels?

Effect of testosterone

Testosterone affects both the physiological side of a man and the mental side. The low timbre of the voice, rich hair on the body and face, the shape of the head, broad shoulders - all these peculiar features of the strong half of humanity are formed by testosterone. Also high level testosterone directly affects sexual attraction to the opposite sex.

Men are more likely to have such character traits as courage, fighting spirit, confidence and determination. Of course, we can say that culture and upbringing cultivate these traits, but this statement is controversial. The fact is that culture cultivates and maintains character, but testosterone itself generates the mentioned traits. Therefore, we can safely assume that men with high levels of testosterone are more successful in achieving certain heights in business, politics, sports and other areas where competitiveness and competition are important.

On the other hand, when a man suffers from a lack of this hormone, he becomes depressed, lacking initiative and depression. And this will certainly affect both his career and the quality of his personal life.

The male hormone is important. Its blood level certainly needs to be monitored.

How to measure male hormone levels?

The amount of testosterone in the blood can be easily measured using special tests. If a man feels a decline in sexual desire, depression, and other troubles, then he should seriously think about turning to a specialist.

How to increase testosterone levels?

Let's start with the fact that the level of the male hormone itself changes over time. After the age of 20, testosterone levels in men begin to decline. But tangible problems begin to appear on average after 40-45 years. In this regard, in some European countries Regular testosterone injections for men over 40 years of age are considered normal practice.

The level of male hormone varies even throughout the day. In the morning at 4 o'clock it is highest, but by 5 o'clock in the evening its level decreases.


As we mentioned above, the level of male hormone can be increased using medications. But this is only recommended in extreme cases, since an overdose of this androgen is just as harmful as its deficiency. Sometimes athletes allow themselves to take doses of the male hormone in order to quickly build muscle mass and develop an athletic figure, but many of them experience serious problems with health after 40 years: infertility, impotence, heart disease, etc.

Of course, there are alternatives to medications - these are the right way human life, which includes improving the quality of the diet, as well as some physical activity.

A few words about diet

Important role Vitamins A, B, and E play a role in the production of testosterone. Vitamin C prevents the conversion of the male hormone into the female hormone (estrogen). You can help yourself with a course of vitamins, but it is best to eat as many fruits, vegetables and nuts as possible.

Zinc, like vitamin C, prevents the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. Moreover, it helps the female hormone turn into a male one. A lot of zinc is found in seafood, eggs, dairy products, seeds and nuts.

Physical exercise

Moderate, regular strength exercise helps increase testosterone levels. During physical activity, you should primarily use heavy weights so that you do approximately 4 sets of 5 times. It must be remembered that vigorous physical activity for more than 50 minutes leads to an increase in cortisol and a decrease in testosterone.

Physical activity for men is also important because it helps reduce fat. After all, the more fat in the body, the more often the male hormone turns into a female one. But there is no need to torture yourself with grueling diets, as the body will think that you are starving and will lower your low level testosterone. The above will be quite enough strength exercises and also running in the morning.


The male hormone is produced at night, so it is important to have sound and long sleep (7-8 hours). In the morning, men often feel increased sexual desire. This is because testosterone levels are 30% higher after sleep. daily value. A loss morning erection indicates a decrease in hormones.

Good mood and calmness

Inner peace And good mood - best prevention stress. And stress, in turn, is directly related to the production of cortisol. We already know the consequences of this.

What not to do

Alcohol is very disruptive endocrine system humans, and also contributes to the destruction of zinc. Both the first and the other are just additional problems that do not contribute in any way to the production of the male hormone. The same applies to cigarettes.

Beer deserves special attention. A popular “male” brand today directly contributes to the transformation of men into women. The fact is that when hops are boiled, the substance tarragon is released from it. It's almost identical female hormone estrogen. Respectively regular use beer contributes to a shift in hormonal balance.

There is no need to overheat the testicles. Their temperature should always be lower than the average body temperature. Therefore it is better to avoid sedentary image life, tight-fitting underwear and jeans, no need to put a laptop on your knees, etc. If a robot is forced to sit at a computer for a long time (programmer, accountant, banker, etc.), then try to stand and walk as much as possible: give up your seats more often transport, take the stairs rather than the elevator, walk and move more during breaks between work.

Konstantin Mokanov

Dear readers, in this article I wanted to fully cover the topic: what is the effect of testosterone on general state body. The male essence is formed precisely thanks to this hormone. Its deficiency or excess can affect the psyche, sex life and physical abilities bodies.

Let's dive into history

Back in 1889, a Harvard University teacher named Charles-Edouard Brown began researching the effect of testosterone. He created a balm based on dog testicle extract and guinea pig. Charles gave an interview to the Lancet newspaper, in which he described the strong surge of strength after taking this elixir. Colleagues did not share his opinion and the project was closed.

Much later (in May 1935), a group of scientists from the Netherlands were the first to identify a hormone from bovine testicles, which they called “testosterone.” Only 2 months have passed, researchers have announced a patent for the artificial production of male hormone. The method of synthesizing testosterone from cholesterol received its award in 1939. Nobel Prize in the chemical industry. Even later (1940), the leader of the scientific group, Charles Kenyon, demonstrated the anabolic and androgenic effects of testosterone propionate in young people, women and eunuchs.

Interval 1930-1950 proved fruitful in the work of chemists. Their research led to the conclusion that the male hormone can have a powerful anabolic effect on muscle development and physical strength.

Effect on the body

The anabolic effect of the hormone is characterized by the following indicators:

Let's consider what effect a change in the level of the male hormone has on physical performance. If your testosterone levels have been low for several weeks, don't panic.

This may lead to only minor consequences. Doctors conducted observations and received the following results: in young people who did not engage in physical activity, replacement rates muscle tissue fats we settled on the figure of 2 kg.

When performing strength loads, the level of testosterone in the blood increases, which affects changes that occur in tissue receptors.

Fluctuations in testosterone levels to varying degrees can be beneficial. For example, for heavyweight athletes it is better when growth hormone is increased in terms of indicators, this leads to hypertrophy of muscle mass during strength training. For runners, on the other hand, reducing muscle weight will increase your chances of winning in competitions.

How does testosterone work?

The prostate is the organ that is most susceptible to the influence of the male hormone.

The effect of testosterone directly depends on the rate of protein production in the cells it targets. A couple of minutes after production, it already enters the prostate cells, where it is transformed into dihydrotestosterone using an enzyme called reductase.

The cytoplasmic receptor protein combines with the converted testosterone, and the whole mixture penetrates into cell nucleus. After a few days, the amount of protein and the prostate cells themselves begin to increase, and it begins to increase.
Testosterone can influence almost all cells of the body, but this mainly occurs in the tissues responsible for the development of sexual characteristics (primary and secondary).

A few facts

Red blood cells are also affected. If you introduce testosterone to a castrated adult, the number of red cells will increase by 15-20% (per 1 ml).
It has been noticed that after puberty (when the hormone surge occurs), the volume of extracellular fluid and blood increases by 5-10%.

Impact on character and sex life

Hormonal sufficiency is very important for a man; thanks to testosterone, character and moral stability are formed. But when there is a little more of it than is required, a person experiences so-called testosterone rage - unjustified aggression. It can lead to a break in relationships with a loved one or to troubles at work. Excessive secretion of testosterone affects:

  • voice timbre
  • sexual activity
  • amount of body hair
  • muscle mass
  • ability to navigate in space
  • sensitivity to pain

Another sign of high testosterone is hair loss in the crown area.
Gone are the days when men conquered territory, hunted and killed. Nowadays, people no longer run through the forest with an axe. Therefore, the majority is trying to reduce abnormal levels of the male hormone.

People who take care of their health the slightest sign increase testosterone production, consult a doctor. The specialist selects the most effective method treatment, prescribes hormone-stabilizing drugs. These can be tablets, gels, capsules, patches, injections.

Most often, medications are prescribed in tablet form, they are easy to use, and the side effects after use are minor.
A reduced level of male sex hormone is also bad. Availability bad habits(smoking, alcohol) leads to hormonal deficiency. Because of this, sexual problems arise, potency decreases, irreversible processes and infertility are diagnosed.

Men with low testosterone levels have hysterical fits, accumulate fat, and develop a more feminine silhouette and character. Such signs simply oblige you to contact a specialist.


Testosterone is important hormone, which begins to be released in the prenatal state. The embryo contains genes that determine the future sex of the child. If the Y chromosome is present, then the development of the testes starts (testosterone is secreted in the 8th week), thus, boys are born.

There is no Y chromosome and no male hormone, so it is a girl. A noticeable surge of the hormone occurs in puberty (puberty), which ranges from 10 to 16 years. At this age, teenagers develop acne, grow a beard,

observed copious discharge sweat. If the body is not affected negative factors If a person does not use dietary supplements containing androgen and eats properly, then the hormone will remain at the same level for up to 40-50 years.
Further, to maintain the hormone level, constant physical exercise will be required, healthy sleep, constant sexual and mental activity.

This article reveals all aspects of the influence of the male hormone on mental and physical health person. Now you have the knowledge that will help answer your questions about men's health.

Scientists still have a lot of research to do to classify the effects of the hormone into “good” and “bad.” But be that as it may, use existing scientifically proven facts. Observe correct mode nutrition, rest and exercise more often, so that you don’t have to see a doctor later. The information will be useful not only to you, but also to your colleagues, friends and relatives.

Subscribe to updates, because knowledge is power.

Hormones are substances that are produced in the body in special glands in very small quantities, but have a significant impact on the functioning and interaction of all organs. Not a single biological process can occur without their participation.

Testosterone- a hormone that is produced in the testicles, in special Leydig cells. In the testicles, sperm production also occurs in another type of cell - Sertoli cells. The coordinated work of these two types of cells ensures normal sexual and reproductive function in men.

The process of formation of testosterone (as well as other hormones) is under the control of the central nervous system, namely the pituitary gland - an organ the size of a pea, but whose role is enormous - it is a kind of conductor of the hormonal orchestra of the whole organism. The production of testosterone is regulated by the so-called luteinizing hormone (doctors simply call it LH).

What effect does testosterone have on the male body?

The man has not yet been born, and in the seventh week of his stay in the womb, the male sex glands - the testes - are already forming. Another two weeks - and the testes begin to produce testosterone. During the transition period (13-17 years), the boy's testosterone secretion increases sharply, and he gradually turns into a man. How does this happen?

Firstly, under the influence of testosterone occurs normal development male genital organs - penis, testicles, prostate gland(which, in fact, distinguishes him from a woman) as well as the appearance of so-called secondary sexual characteristics - hair growth on the face and body, characteristic hair growth in the pubic area.

Body structure: Testosterone promotes the formation of protein in body tissues, primarily in muscles, the growth and development of strength of which is proportional to the amount of testosterone (think about athletes who take “anabolic steroids” in order to have developed muscles). Testosterone is involved in the normal distribution of fat in the body.

In addition, this hormone affects the formation and normal maturation of bone tissue; thanks to testosterone, bone growth zones close in time. The condition of the skin is also directly related to testosterone, since the sebaceous glands function under its influence. Thus, appearance men depend entirely on the amount of testosterone.

Other extremely important function testosterone - influence on sexual activity and sexual behavior. Testosterone affects certain areas of the brain, leading to the appearance of sexual desire (libido), not only in men, but also in women.

Normal erection is also ensured with the active participation of testosterone: it has been proven that under its action, complete relaxation of the corpora cavernosa occurs, testosterone contributes to normal blood supply to the vessels of the penis.

Undoubtedly, sexual function and physical development determine a man’s well-being and attitude. However, the role of testosterone is not limited to this. In fact, there is not a single organ system that is not influenced to some extent by testosterone.

The cardiovascular system:

  • promotes dilation of coronary vessels
  • slows down the process of atherosclerosis
  • prevents the development of cardiac hypertrophy in arterial hypertension
  • reduces symptoms coronary disease hearts

Urinary system:

  • prostate condition

Hematopoiesis: Testosterone affects the maturation of red blood cells (erythrocytes) in the bone marrow.

Central nervous system: Testosterone affects the following processes:

  • attention, memory and speed of thinking
  • mood ( a large number of testosterone promotes aggressive behavior, low - on the contrary, causes depression)
  • spatial orientation
  • pronounced antidepressant effect

So testosterone “is what really differentiates men and women, testosterone literally shapes our creativity, intelligence, way of thinking, energy, desire to understand things. It influences and controls not only the potential we possess, but also the benefit we derive from it. It controls our sexual and communicative behavior” (Anna Moir “The Brain of the Sexes”).

How does testosterone deficiency manifest?

The effects of testosterone on the body are described above; accordingly, deficiency can manifest itself various symptoms, the most common are:

  • depression
  • decrease in concentration
  • fatigue
  • decreased muscle mass and strength
  • decreased sexual desire
  • erectile dysfunction - problems with developing and maintaining an erection
  • infertility caused by a decrease in sperm count
  • osteoporosis (cause of brittle bones)
  • tides
  • reduction in size and soft consistency of the testicles
  • anemia (low red blood cell count)
  • reduction in prostate size

Why can a man's testosterone levels be reduced in adulthood?

It has been established that testosterone levels in men begin to gradually decline from about the age of 30, by 1-2% every year. As a result, by the age of 50-55 (and in some cases even earlier), the testosterone content can be only about 1/2 of its amount in at a young age. In addition, with age, the amount of a special protein in the blood that binds sex hormones increases, which also leads to a decrease in biologically active testosterone. A condition develops called age-related hypogonadism.

The amount of testosterone in adulthood and old age also depends on genetic (congenital) factors, such as the sensitivity of body tissues to the action of testosterone.

Equally important for testosterone levels is various diseases internal organs.

What diseases can lead to testosterone deficiency?

Besides physiological factors, acute and chronic diseases, taking medications, which ultimately increases the age-related decline in testosterone levels.

Among diseases of internal organs, low testosterone levels can be caused by:

  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchial asthma
  • cardiac ischemia
  • arterial hypertension
  • diabetes
  • obesity
  • cirrhosis of the liver
  • chronic alcoholism

How do medications affect testosterone and sexual function?

Medicines taken for various diseases can negatively affect the level of testosterone in the blood. Therefore, self-administration of medications is unacceptable; only a doctor can prescribe treatment for you, taking into account possible adverse effects on sexual function.

What kind of medicines are these:

1. used for high blood pressure:

  • methyldopa
  • clonidine
  • reserpine
  • β-blockers (atenolol, anaprilin)
  • prazosin

2. diuretics:

  • veroshpiron
  • hypotazid
  • chlorthalidone

3. affecting the heart:

  • digoxin
  • verapamil
  • antiarrhythmic drugs

4. affecting the central nervous system:

  • antidepressants
  • sleeping pills
  • amphetamines

5. affecting the gastrointestinal tract:

  • cerucal
  • ranitidine

How is testosterone level determined?

To find out what kind of testosterone you have, you need to take a blood test in the morning (preferably between 7 and 11 o'clock), since it is in the morning that the testosterone content in the blood is maximum. In addition, other special tests are needed - determination of the level of LH, protein that binds sex hormones, as well as a number of other tests that the doctor will prescribe based on the results of the examination.

At the same time, testosterone deficiency can be suspected by clinical symptoms. Several special questionnaires and scales have been developed for this purpose. By answering a few questions, you can guess whether testosterone is low or not.

Androgen level rating scale

1. Do you notice a decrease in sexual desire (decreased pleasure from sex, lack of desire for sexual contact)?
2. Have you become less energetic?
3. Have you noticed a decrease in physical strength and endurance?
4. Has your height decreased?
5. Have you noticed a decrease in “pleasure in life” (the feeling that the peak of life has been passed)?
6. Have you become sad and/or irritable?
7. Do you notice a decrease in the quality of erections?
8. Have you noticed a recent decline in your ability to participate in sports?
9. Do you fall asleep after lunch?
10. Has your performance decreased?

Testosterone deficiency is possible if the answer to questions 1.7 or any three other questions is positive.

Is it possible to increase testosterone levels if they are low?

It is possible and necessary. For this there are a number medicines, with the help of which the so-called HORMONE REPLACEMENT THERAPY (HRT) is carried out. HRT with testosterone helps normalize its level in the blood and eliminate the symptoms of its deficiency.

Your doctor will prescribe a specific drug and treatment regimen, taking into account the indications and possible contraindications. Talk to a specialist!

Testosterone is the leading androgenic hormone in the male body, which is responsible for sexual functions and the regulation of spermatogenesis. It stimulates muscle gain, physical activity, provides protection to the body from stress. Testosterone deficiency negatively affects both physical and mental health. emotional condition. How to increase testosterone in men?

The hormone is produced in the adrenal cortex and testicles. The norm is 11-33 nanomol/liter. How does testosterone affect male body? Its impact occurs in two main directions:

  • androgenic: regulation of the processes of sexual development of the body. Progesterone activity promotes the development of sexual characteristics in boys during puberty,
  • anabolic: synthesis of proteins, insulin, endorphins occurs, formation muscle fibers, physical development of the body occurs.

In addition, testosterone performs a number of vital functions functions:

  • takes an active part in metabolic processes,
  • regulates weight gain and the formation of the anatomical shape of the body,
  • controls blood sugar levels,
  • stimulates resistance to stress,
  • supports the level of libido and activity of a man.
Testosterone is responsible for sexual function men, his appearance, masculinity, character

Testosterone is a natural anabolic substance that is absolutely safe for the body, unlike its synthetic analogues. The maximum concentration of testosterone levels is observed at the age of 18, and after 25 years it begins to gradually fall. By the age of 35-40 years, hormone production decreases by about 1-2% every year. This decrease in hormone levels is a natural process and does not require treatment.

The effect of testosterone on the body different periods male development:

Embryonic period Under the influence of testosterone, the sex of the child is formed, then the fetus develops a prostate and seminal vesicles.
Puberty ( transitional age in boys) · Expanding rib cage, shoulders, chin, forehead, jaw increase.

· Increases muscle mass.

· Sebaceous glands can work in an intense mode, which often causes a rash.

· Hair appears in the pubic area, armpits, and on the face. Gradually, hair appears on the chest, legs, and arms.

· The genital organs become enlarged and libido increases.

· The ability to conceive increases.

Mature men · After 35 years, the level of the hormone gradually decreases, libido fades away.

· Along with a decrease in testosterone levels, heart and vascular diseases develop, osteoporosis and disruptions in the functioning of the autonomic system may develop.

· As you age, your risk of developing Alzheimer's disease increases.

But the process of testosterone production can be disrupted under the influence of unfavorable factors:

  • smoking, alcohol abuse,
  • inactive lifestyle,
  • chronic diseases,
  • some drugs
  • unfavorable environmental situation,
  • excess weight, constant stress.

Testosterone levels: normal and abnormal

With age, the amount of testosterone gradually decreases; by the age of 60 it can drop by 50%. Moreover, an increase or decrease in hormone levels is noticeable even with a deviation from the norm of 5-15%. The total content of the hormone in the blood consists of the free part - 2% and the part that is bound to proteins - 98%.

Causes and consequences of decreased male hormone levels

A decrease in testosterone levels can be primary (testicular damage) and secondary (pathology of the hypothalamic-pituitary system). Unfortunately, reduced level hormone is a common phenomenon in modern young men. What is the reason for this shortage? Both various diseases and lifestyle can affect the decrease in testosterone.

A decrease in hormone levels immediately affects metabolism and has typical symptoms:

  • aching joints, decreased muscle mass,
  • memory problems,
  • erection problems, premature ejaculation,
  • breast enlargement, excess weight,
  • insomnia, decreased libido,
  • reduction of hair.

Hormone deficiency provokes an increase in excess weight, a man becomes irritable and prone to depression, and the risk of developing various kinds diseases. Factors, helping to reduce the level of sex hormones:

  • stress,
  • unbalanced diet,
  • alcohol abuse,
  • STI,
  • taking certain medications
  • genital injuries,
  • sedentary lifestyle,
  • irregular lovemaking,
  • unfavorable environmental conditions.

If you see a man with overweight, know that his blood testosterone level is definitely low.

How to increase testosterone levels in men? Of course there are effective drugs for such cases, but only a specialist can prescribe them after an examination. First, let's look at natural and safe methods.


Hormone production difficult process, which implies working together organs and systems. What foods increase testosterone in men? For normal androgen production, you must first provide the body with useful substances:

Minerals To increase testosterone levels, it is important to consume enough zinc. With its deficiency, a drop in testosterone levels is observed. Zinc is found in the following foods:

· seafood (shrimp, squid, oysters, crabs),

· fish (herring, anchovies, carp),

· nuts (pistachios, walnuts, almonds).

It is important to provide the body with sufficient amounts of selenium, magnesium and calcium.

Vitamins For good health The body requires vitamins:

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, responsible for the body’s defenses, inhibits the production of cortisol,

Vitamin E – helps insulin in the fight against high blood sugar levels,

· omega-3 and omega-6 – essential acids necessary for the production of testosterone,

B vitamins

Proteins and fats The basis of nutrition and testosterone synthesis. It is important to balance your diet in such a way that there is no deficiency in either protein or fat.

Healthy fats: flaxseed, peanut, olive oil, bananas, salmon, egg yolks.

Water Sufficient consumption clean water necessary for the smooth functioning of the body.

Seafood is known for its ability to increase potency.
  • include parsley, spinach, dill in your menu - plant forms of testosterone,
  • Dried fruits are very useful, they contain lutein,
  • be sure to eat porridge - fiber is necessary for the body,
  • avoid soy products,
  • exclude beer, fast food, carbonated drinks, fast carbohydrates (baked goods, sweets),
  • limit the amount of salt
  • You can drink no more than one cup of natural coffee per day,
  • products that increase testosterone in men should be natural, so try to buy meat in the markets, as imported meats can have the opposite effect. The fact is that to increase body weight, large cattle fed with supplements containing hormones. And 80% of the hormones that are added to pig feed to quickly increase the amount of fat are female.

Weight normalization

How to increase testosterone production in men? Overweight men need to get rid of extra pounds. It has been proven that obese men have reduced levels of testosterone production. Male sex hormones are converted into female hormones in adipose tissue. Therefore, sports and proper nutrition are the companions of a real healthy man.

Physical exercise

It has been proven that power training with weights contribute to the production of testosterone. Basic recommendations:

  • The optimal duration of training is an hour,
  • number of workouts – 2-3 per week,
  • you need to train the large muscles of the back, legs, chest,
  • take the weight so that you can do the exercise 8 to 10 times, the last one with effort.

Get rid of bad habits

Under influence alcoholic drinks testosterone is converted to estrogen. Any type of alcohol negatively affects the process of hormone production, and beer contains analogues of some female sex hormones. The exception is high-quality dry red wine, which in moderation healthy.

Physical exercise increase the level of male hormones.

Limiting the amount of sugar in the diet

Elevated sugar levels lead to decreased testosterone production. In addition, excessive consumption of sweets leads to excess weight gain. Therefore, it is necessary to limit the amount of sugar and fast carbohydrates(this is pasta, bakery products).

Normalization of sleep

Healthy sleep is very important for men's health. Interestingly, most of the hormones are produced in the phase deep sleep. This is why lack of sleep leads to sharp decline testosterone levels.

Avoid stress

Stress negatively affects the body as a whole and also contributes to the production of the hormone cortisone, an antagonist of male sex hormones. Try to maintain a stable emotional state.

Regular sex life

Active sex life stimulates the production of male hormones and has a beneficial effect on the entire body, it is pleasant and effective method increase testosterone in men. If you do not have a regular sexual partner, do not forget about safety, since STIs are dangerous to men’s health and often cause complications. It is also noted that simple communication with the fair half of humanity significantly increases testosterone levels.


The sun is not only a source of vitamin D. Research has proven that Sun rays stimulate testosterone production. Therefore, in summer, do not forget to sunbathe.


Testosterone is the hormone of winners. Rejoice even in your minor achievements, enjoy life in all its manifestations.

A little about drugs

Only a doctor can prescribe medications containing hormones!

Medicines that increase testosterone in men are prescribed by specialists when the level of the hormone is below 10 nanomoles per liter:

  1. Testosterone injections are prescribed for disorders of the gonads. Side effects– retention of fluid and salts in the body, swelling, increased libido.
  2. Oral medications (tablets).
  3. Gels.
  4. Testosterone patch.

Drugs that increase testosterone levels in men can only be prescribed by a doctor, since long-term use similar drugs may provoke development complications:

  • inhibition of hormone production by the body,
  • development of gynecomastia (this is a pathology in which the mammary glands swell),
  • the risk of developing heart and vascular pathologies and cancer increases.

Increased testosterone levels

Signs increased testosterone for men:

  • increased body hair,
  • well developed muscles,
  • increased libido,
  • impulsiveness, such men are very aggressive,
  • On the head, unlike the body, a bald spot may appear.

The consequences of increased testosterone in men can be testicular tumors and infertility. Causes higher level hormone:

  • tumors in the testicles,
  • pathological processes of the adrenal glands,
  • heredity,
  • taking medications containing hormones,
  • excessive physical activity.


  1. Gladkova A. I. “Hormonal regulation of sexual function in men.” Kharkov, 1998.
  2. S. Krasnova. " Hormone therapy", 2007.

Testosterone is the most popular of the hormones. Doctors, athletes, family psychologists and even nutritionists like to talk about it. But not everything they say about testosterone is true.

Testosterone and aggression

The idea that the level of aggression in a person correlates with the level of testosterone in his body was established in medicine in the 1980-1990s, when many studies were conducted around the world on this topic.

Thus, testosterone measurements in 600 American prison inmates showed that those who had higher levels of this hormone were in first place in prison, had more conflicts with the prison administration, and the crimes they committed were more often violent.

Other studies have been conducted on this topic. Most of them confirmed that testosterone and aggression are interrelated. Testosterone levels correlate with aggression even in 9-11 year old boys.

Testosterone overdose

Testosterone, no matter how much men's magazines try to glorify it, is quite dangerous hormone. An excess of testosterone in the body can lead to undesirable consequences, such as baldness, breast growth, shrinkage of the testicles in men, deepening of the voice and growth of body hair in women. Artificially increasing testosterone levels is especially dangerous in old age, when it can lead to problems with cardiovascular activity.

Testosterone and stinginess

Research conducted in 2009 by Ernst Fehr, a neuroeconomist at the University of Zurich, showed that testosterone influences almost all aspects of human behavior. In people with reduced content Testosterone in the blood can increase such qualities as stinginess and a tendency to hoard. Formally speaking, people with low testosterone levels are ideal money savers, ideal bankers.

In confirmation of the above: the eunuchs were very prosperous. The idea of ​​hoarding was one of their main ones. One of the skoptic songs directly says: “We don’t get married and don’t get married, that’s why we are rich. Do the same as we do, stop believing your stallions, then life will be easier, you will be rich, you will be holy.”

Testosterone and long life

The effect of testosterone on life expectancy has been repeatedly confirmed in various studies. One of them, conducted in 1969 among patients psychiatric hospital in Kansas, showed that castrated men lived 14 years longer.

Interesting data on this issue were recently published by the Korean scientist Kyun-Chin Min. He studied the book "Yang-Se-Ke-Bo", in which the genealogical information of 385 families of court eunuchs can be traced. Comparing the life expectancy of 81 eunuchs with confirmed life dates, Kyun-Chin Min saw that average duration The life of the eunuchs was 71 years. That is, eunuchs outlived their contemporaries by an average of 17 years.

Testosterone and baldness

There is an idea that if a man is bald, then his testosterone level is certainly high. However, this is a misconception. There is no direct correlation between these indicators: analysis medical records Many thousands of men (both bald and those with a lot of hair) showed that testosterone levels have no effect on the presence of hair on the head. There can be dozens of reasons for baldness - from genetics to past illnesses, consumption medical supplies, stress and diets.

Testosterone and victory

Winners in sports competitions have increased testosterone levels in their blood. It is interesting that he and the fans of the winner rise. This was established by Italian scientists who measured testosterone in a control group of fans after a football match between Italy and Brazil.

Testosterone and libido

Of course, libido depends on testosterone, but not to the same extent as we used to think. In this matter, the male hormone plays far from the main role. Libido is more strongly influenced by other factors - both physical and psychological. Ideas about sex, health, stress levels, emotional state and even other hormones influence the need for sex much more than testosterone.
Thus, a study conducted in 2012 by scientists from the Italian Society of Andrology and Sexual Medicine showed that libido, for example, is extremely negatively affected by “excessive consumption of content from porn sites,” while the study participants were young and healthy, with normal level testosterone in blood plasma.

Eunuchs in politics

Over the course of more than 2000 years of Chinese history, eunuchs occupied first places in its politics, were “close” to the emperors, and during their childhood they were actually in power. The lack of testosterone made eunuchs obedient and faithful servants, but the same factor made them ideal intriguers who could remain " gray cardinals"under the ruler. As recent studies have shown, the importance of eunuchs was also so strong due to the fact that they lived much longer than simple people of its time.

Testosterone and organoleptics

The Japanese are the best tasters in the world. Due to their low (compared to Europeans) testosterone levels, they have better developed taste buds. On November 4 last year, The Guardian magazine published the ranking of the famous annual whiskey guide World Whiskey Bible, in which the Japanese single malt whiskey 2013 Yamazaki was recognized as the best whiskey.

Testosterone and diet

Change Japanese diet, an increase in the share of fast food in the diet has already social consequences. We are talking about school aggression and increased depression. By 2003, the share of aggression increased by 5% in high school and by 28% - in primary.

Testosterone and children

A man with high testosterone has a higher chance of having a child, but his further behavior may be viewed controversially by society. According to a study conducted by scientists from the School natural sciences in Stirling (UK), men with low testosterone levels show more care towards the child than macho men. The higher a man's testosterone level, the less time he spends with the child, and the less desire he has to do so.

Testosterone, saliva and professions

A research group led by Professor Pavel Sapienza conducted a study in 2009. Saliva samples were taken from 550 MBA economics students at the University of Chicago Business School to determine testosterone levels. Hormone concentration data were compared with previous surveys. It turned out that men's propensity to take risks has almost no correlation with the level of testosterone in saliva. In women, a direct relationship was noticed: the propensity to take risks directly correlated with testosterone levels. That is, regardless of testosterone levels, men behave similarly in risky situations, while women are divided into “adventurous” and “quiet.”

Estrogen Double

Testosterone, oddly enough, is practically a double of its antagonist in the world of hormones - estrogen. They have almost identical structural chemical formulas. The difference between them is one carbon atom. Scientists jokingly call it the "Androgen Penis." Therefore, testosterone is easily converted into estrogen through the adrenal enzyme aromatase.

Testosterone and fingers

It is very simple to determine what a person’s testosterone level was during intrauterine development. Just look at the right hand. In boys forefinger on right hand shorter than their ring finger. This has even been found in other five-fingered creatures such as rats. The higher the testosterone level before birth, the more difference between ring finger and index.

Testosterone and marriage

Testosterone levels directly depend on social status men. A study conducted by Professor Peter Gray from the University of Nevada at Las Vegas and his colleagues from the University of Wisconsin and Harvard University examined the effect of married status on the level of the sex hormone testosterone in a man's body.

It turned out that married men testosterone levels are lower than those of their single peers. It was also found that men who had several wives had even lower levels of the sex hormone than those who entered into a monogamous marriage.

Testosterone and years

It is not an axiom that testosterone levels decrease over the years. In men with good health testosterone levels remain the same even in old age. It was previously believed that from the age of 40, men's testosterone levels decline by 1 percent per year. And you have to live with this. Australian researchers have refuted this opinion. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology published the Healthy Men Study, which found that "subjects" over 40 years of age in good or excellent health "showed no evidence of testosterone decline with age." These conclusions were made based on an experiment in which 325 people took part. healthy men over 40. Each of them took blood tests 9 times over the course of 3 months.

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