Choosing anti age face cream: a guide to cosmetics. Anti-aging medicine clinic

Prevention of aging is becoming the most discussed and sought after topic. After all, people's well-being has improved markedly over the past decades. In particular, it has increased average duration life. Considering this fact, people have new priorities - preserving youth and functioning of the body.

Interest in anti-aging medicine continues to grow. However, not all anti-age industry methods are effective. At our company Expert Clinics, we only use rational and safe methods of anti-aging therapy that really work.

What is Anti-aging?

The industry is aimed at slowing down the aging process of the body. Anti-age medicine includes numerous measures to improve the quality of life, prevent depletion of collagen in the skin, and slow down tissue aging internal organs and stop the development of age-related diseases.

Medicine allows you to achieve better results in treatment and prevention:

  • Neuroses, insomnia, depression.
  • Increased fatigue and chronic fatigue.
  • Lymphostasis and varicose veins.
  • Slow metabolic process leading to obesity.
  • Periodontitis and periodontal disease.
  • Hypertension.
  • Heart attacks and strokes.

Anti-aging medicine procedures are also aimed at preserving the body’s reproductive function, increasing libido, improving memory and concentration.

Where does it begin?
aging process body?

Externally, the aging process can be noticed at the age of 30-35, by the deterioration of the condition of the skin of the face and body. However, destructive processes in the body begin earlier - upon reaching 25 years of age. At this time, the body reaches the peak of its formation, after which the reverse process “starts”, leading to the development of the aging process.

The rate of aging of the body is influenced not only by genetic factors. Poor nutrition, ecology, sedentary lifestyle, bad habits, stress and poor sleep significantly accelerate various destructive processes in organs and tissues. At 35-40 years old, the aging process leads to worsening chronic diseases, hormonal imbalance, deterioration of vision and memory. The withering of the skin accelerates.

Often from external signs aging is eliminated through plastic surgery. It allows you to look younger, but cannot protect against the rapid development of “senile” diseases - osteoporosis, ischemia, sclerosis, circulatory disorders in the brain.

How to stop the aging process?

First of all, specialists must find out individual characteristics patient's body:

  • Check hormonal balance.
  • With the help of comprehensive diagnostics, find out exactly what destructive processes are already running in the body.
  • Find out about genetic predisposition to senile diseases and early dysfunction of internal organs.
  • Determine aging prognosis and create an individual comprehensive rejuvenation program.

ANTI-AGE EXPERT program activities are designed to answer these questions and develop anti-aging therapy that is suitable for the individual patient.

Anti-age Expert

About the program
Anti-age Expert

Anti-age Expert program for preserving youth and preventing aging is a unique development the best specialists anti-aging medicine. The right to use this program is owned by only one company in Russia - Expert сlinics.

The Anti-age Expert program was created by:

Dr. Claude Dalle is a world-renowned expert in anti-aging medicine. Claude Dalais headed the World Association of Interdisciplinary Anti-Aging Medicine (WOSIAM), the French Association of Anti-Aging Medicine (FSAM) and the Russian Association of Interdisciplinary Anti-Aging Medicine (RUSIAM). For more than 25 years, Claude Dalais studied the mechanisms of old age and was fundamentally involved in the invention of effective and safe methods preserving the youth of the body. Thanks to the developments of Claude Dahle, tens of thousands of patients were able to change the quality of their lives for the better.

Dr. Dorina Donici, who currently heads the Russian Association of Interdisciplinary Anti-Aging Medicine (RUSIAM), and is also the CEO of Expert clinics, Dr. medical sciences, obstetrician-gynecologist, expert in bioregenerative, anti-aging medicine and plastic surgeon.

Dorina Donich is the first student of Dr. Claude Dalle in Russia. For her outstanding services in the development of medicine, Donich was awarded 30 international certificates from the Russian Federation and Europe. Donich successfully consults for other doctors who wish to develop in the field of anti-aging medicine.

Program composition
Anti-age Expert

The anti-aging program includes:

  • Anti-age diagnostics and consultation conducted by experts.
  • Development of a set of anti-age therapy measures individually for each patient.

The consultation, which includes a consultation with Dr. Claude Dahle, can come to Russia 3-4 times a year. The purpose of the consultation is to provide information to patients who are participants in the anti-aging program in Russia. However, consult with a council, in particular with Dr. Dorina Donich, who owns several foreign languages, you can also use Skype.

Specialists monitor the effectiveness of the Anti-age program throughout full course therapy.

Anti-age consultation
at Expert Clinics

It should be noted that the human body undergoes destructive processes at the age of 25-27 years. At this age, it is necessary to undergo a first consultation at a specialized clinic in order to perform anti-aging diagnostics. Experts will determine the condition physical health patient and find out his functional maximum. The data obtained can be used in anti-aging therapy in the future. However, even at 50-60 years old you can achieve high results rejuvenation of the body using the Anti-age program.

At the first consultation at the clinic, it is important to provide as much information as possible more information about the state of your health. Should take with you medical card, test results and other data that will help compile effective complex Anti-age procedures. Specialists will also be interested in anamnesis - detailed information about the health and illnesses of the patient’s relatives. This information is necessary in order to determine the degree of the patient’s predisposition to diseases that are inherited, as well as for the purpose of drawing up an individual forecast of health dynamics.

Additionally, the patient must inform the doctor about his lifestyle. In particular, talk about eating habits, resistance to stressful situations, attitude towards physical activity, tendency to depressive disorders. You should also provide information about the state of your memory, quality of hearing and vision.

Anti-age diagnostics
at Expert Clinics

Complex diagnostics includes several stages:

  • Carrying out an oxidative stress test.
  • Profile Analysis fatty acids.
  • Determination of the level of neurotransmitters - adrenaline, serotonin and dopamine.
  • Analysis of a complex hormonal profile.
  • Markers of malignant oncological diseases.
  • Markers inflammatory processes internal organs.
  • Conducting a comprehensive genetic study.
  • Determination of the level of concentration of heavy metals in the body.

Also important are studies to determine the patient’s predisposition to allergies and intolerance to certain foods.

The patient does not go through all diagnostic stages, but only those that are necessary in his case. This main feature our clinic: doctors select diagnostic procedures in individually, saving the patient from a lot of tedious research and the need to spend extra money.

Except laboratory diagnostics, experts assess:

  • The level of hormonal depletion of the body.
  • The body's reserve for restoring the functions of the endocrine glands.
  • The qualities of the natural process of removing toxins from the cells and tissues of the body.
  • Works metabolic processes, violation of which often leads to the appearance of excess fat deposits.

The effectiveness of anti-aging therapy will be influenced by the patient's immune status. So, to achieve the best treatment effect, it is necessary to eliminate vitamin deficiency, general exhaustion of the body, as well as oxygen starvation of cells and tissues. Increasing immunity allows you to improve the therapeutic effect of anti-aging procedures several times.

What is included in Anti-age therapy

  • Treatment with pharmaceuticals, including hormone therapy, the use of metabolic correctors and antioxidants.
  • Diet therapy – the doctor develops an individual diet program for the patient. Intravenous nutrition, which consists of microelements, vitamins and biologically active substances.
  • Treatment with homeopathic medicines.
  • Application of peptide therapy in France and Switzerland; innovative developments hardware physiotherapy.
  • The use of individual methods of surgical, therapeutic and cosmetological care.
  • Detoxification of blood and plasma.
  • The use of injection solutions of antioxidant, anti-toxic and hepatoprotective effects.
  • Colon cleansing with probiotics, peptides and herbal remedies.
  • Pharmacupuncture, acupuncture and homeosynia.

Only at Expert Clinics

Only our clinic uses body rejuvenation methods created by world-famous experts. The clinic's specialists use a unique approach to treating patients. Each Anti-age consultation is completely individual.

Doctors do not use general methods of diagnosis and treatment, but examine a specific clinical case. This allows you to select the necessary anti-aging procedures that will be 100% effective for the patient. In our clinic you will not pay for laboratory research and therapeutic measures that are not required in your individual case.

Our team will be happy if modern achievements science in the field of ANTI-AGE medicine will continue to help you maintain health and youth for many years.

On our clinic’s website, you can find out detailed information about anti-aging measures:

Cost of Anti-age consultation

from 10,000 rub.

It is worth remembering that old age will come to each of us. However, the onset of old age should not be accompanied by a deterioration in the quality of life. After all, we want to remain in in great shape, to be cheerful, energetic and attractive even in adulthood. Each of us also dreams of boasting a good memory and a bright mind at 60-70 years old.

Modern anti-aging therapy includes advanced techniques that ensure we maintain High Quality life in the future. Advances in medicine and science allow us to grow up, but not grow old over the years!

Own hair transplantation

Natural hair transplantation is a microsurgical operation in which one's own hair follicles are inserted into the skin. The donor area for transplant collection is usually the back of the head. The follicles located here are not affected by hormones and remain active throughout life.

Hair transplantation has a number of features:

  1. Hair transplant is a more invasive surgical procedure than implantation.
  2. The final aesthetic result is noticeable 4-12 months after the procedure.
  3. This procedure can only be used when the patient has sufficient donor area. The number of hairs that can be taken from the donor area (the back of the head) is limited, and not all transplanted hair survives. The best results are obtained with moderate degree of baldness (alopecia).
  4. It is also necessary to remember that in the bald area there is always poor microcirculation, tissues suffer from a lack of oxygen, vitamins, minerals and other useful substances, subcutaneous fibrosis and the presence of antibodies are observed. And before placing new follicles into such skin, it must be healed and rejuvenated (additional time and funds).

Scientific work performed in dermatological surgery on the Biofibre Hair Implant procedure was awarded the first Prize of the Scientific Committee of the International Society of Hair Restorative Surgery (ISHRS) as effective solution for the correction of alopecia (baldness) in cases that cannot be treated using other methods. (10th annual meeting of ISHRS, Chicago, USA, October 9-13, 2002).

Medicap is a UNI EN ISO 13485 certified company specialized in the production of biocompatible artificial hair and implantation instruments, which are classified as Medical Devices and are CE 0373 certified.

They are used as remedy female and male pattern baldness (alopecia) at any age and stage of development.

The fact is that adipose tissue contains female sex hormones - estrogens, which are responsible for the smoothness and elasticity of the skin. Usually, for lipofilling, fat is taken from the most “problematic” and hormone-dependent areas - from the abdomen, inner and outer thighs, and from the waist. Therefore, when this fat, and even in combination with the stromal-vascular fraction, enters the facial area, the cells’ rejuvenation and restoration mechanisms are activated, the skin is gradually transformed and smoothed, wrinkles disappear, scar formations resolve, and pigment spots lighten. In the coming years, it will be possible to forget about all anti-aging techniques and leave only skincare procedures.

We want to live long, we want to live vigorously, we want to be beautiful. Perhaps few people will disagree with this statement. And if there is demand, then there will be supply. IN modern world These are actively advertised methods offered by Anti-age Medicine.

IN Lately The concept of “anti-aging” has gained extreme popularity. This combination of words is exploited by all and sundry, thus increasing the attractiveness of their services, methods and products. Not so long ago, in the article “”, we talked about the origins of Anti-age therapy, and in this material we will dwell in more detail on its methods in order to separate qualified medical work to preserve youth and health from unfair stimulation of consumer demand.

Anti-age methods

The essence of anti-aging medicine is the prevention of natural aging processes and timely treatment internal problems body. Anti-age methods are based on integrated approach to improve health and are able to provide very good results - subject to compliance with well-designed recommendations (programs). Anti-age programs, by the way, are usually developed individually, taking into account many factors of the patient’s condition and lifestyle.

PROSHAEV Kirill Ivanovich

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Geriatric Therapy and Anti-Aging Medicine of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Further Professional Education "Institute for Advanced Training of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia", Director of the ANO "Research Medical Center "Gerontology"
Currently, anti-aging medicine is developing rapidly. Today Anti-age Medicine, cosmetology and plastic surgery are combined into general direction– aesthetic medical care. This is the view medical services, which fulfills a person’s need to look young, energetic and beautiful. Cosmetologists take care of external improvement, plastic surgeons radically solve aesthetic problems, and anti-aging medicine restores the body “from the inside.” That is, Anti-age Medicine complements the work of aesthetic doctors by solving somatic problems so that the achieved external effect is maximum.
It can be said that anti-aging medicine methods are based on three main principles.

1. Genetic diagnosis - based on a complete genetic analysis, it is possible to make a diagnosis at the earliest stage of the disease, and also take into account the risk of its occurrence. Such data allows us to develop effective preventive measures.

2. Normalization of weight. According to modern researchers, overweight occupies one of the leading positions in the list of factors that reduce life expectancy - along with stress and bad habits. Weight normalization is achieved balanced diet and regular physical activity. By the way, one of the components of Anti-age Medicine is the correction of the entire lifestyle, which achieves a reasonable ratio of work and rest, and, of course, giving up bad habits, food addictions, restoration of emotional background, etc.

3. Regulation of hormonal, mineral and vitamin metabolism. The “commander” of our metabolism is the endocrine system. Decay occurs with age hormonal levels, which inevitably leads to aging, so the endocrine system needs preventive correction. To achieve results, geroprotector drugs are used (literal translation “protecting against old age”) - such common name received a group of substances with a proven ability to increase life expectancy. These include:

  • adaptogens - substances plant origin, increasing the adaptive (adaptational) capabilities of the body;
  • biogenic stimulants – activate metabolism, which slows down with age;
  • enterosorbents – promote the removal of toxins;
  • lipotropic agents – slow down the development of atherosclerosis;
  • citamines – a complex of biologically active substances (vitamins, minerals, peptides); have a bioregulatory effect on systems and organs human body, normalize the function of the immune system;
  • antioxidants are substances that protect cells from the action of free radicals.
Thanks to numerous scientific studies devoted to the topic of prolonging life and improving its quality, the number of geroprotective drugs aimed at eliminating certain problems is constantly growing. Selection tactics therapeutic agents is developed by a doctor - depending on the violations of the functioning of certain organs and systems identified in the patient.

Anti-aging medicine cannot have standardized programs and solutions - a unique course is developed for each patient, based on data genetic diagnostics and the current state of the body. The doctor becomes a “coach”, under whose strict guidance the assigned tasks are achieved.

Anti-age in Kazan

Where in Kazan do they offer anti-aging medicine services? We did a little research - it turned out that in our city we still need to look for doctors who are ready to develop a long-term personal program, and a clinic specializing in Anti-age Medicine.

One of medical institutions, positioning itself as such - “”, however, no corresponding services were found in their price list, only prices for consultations of various specialists are listed. In the clinic "" and the diagnostic and treatment center "" you can make a "genetic passport" - full analysis DNA, on its basis a genetic report is compiled, which contains data on all hereditary diseases and a description of the current state of the body. Weight loss centers "" and "Dr. Gavrilov's Center" undertake to develop a figure correction plan. Normalizing weight will certainly have an impact positive influence for well-being and appearance patient, but without accompanying measures, that is, joint treatment with endocrinologists - is not an anti-age service in its pure form.

It turns out that - oddly enough - at the moment it is difficult to find specialists in the city who would take upon themselves the responsibility of becoming a personal “trainer” to provide their patients with beauty, vigor and health at all times. long years. But there is hope that this problem will be resolved soon. The first course in anti-aging medicine, which was conducted by the Department of Therapy, Geriatrics and Anti-Aging Medicine of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Further Professional Education "Institute for Advanced Training of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia", was successfully completed by 15 doctors from Tatarstan. And in the near future they will be able to offer a complex of therapeutic and preventive measures, on the basis of which anti-aging programs will be drawn up.

The aging process cannot be hidden: both the internal state of our body and the results of interaction with aggressive external environment primarily noticeable on the skin, face and body. Patients, wanting to look young, turn to cosmetologists for help, and thanks to modern technologies, achieve the desired result. Supporters more radical measures decide on surgical intervention, and - again - seeing their reflection in the mirror, they feel beautiful, young and happy. You can, of course, limit yourself to the achievements of aesthetic medicine, but this will not stop the aging process. It is necessary to understand that youth is a complex condition.

Rich cream for deep hydration skin, Up-Lift 24h Cream, EGIA, 6550 rub.

This remedy works in a curious way. It contains a special hexapeptide, which has a muscle relaxant, that is, a relaxing effect on the facial muscles. But tension is considered the main cause of facial wrinkles. The cream also contains natural oils that intensively nourish and stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin. The delicate texture of the cream is ideal for 24-hour rejuvenating care for the skin of the face, neck and décolleté.

Redermic R, La Roche-Posay

Concentrated anti-aging care with retinol Redermic R, La Roche-Posay, RUB 2,156.

This product contains retinol in a high concentration, which just allows. The skin texture is gradually evened out and pigmentation disappears, while the light form of the fluid will not weigh down the makeup. However, when using this active agent There are several rules. Do not expose the skin to UV rays, and it is also not recommended to use it together with other products containing retinol. And if discomfort suddenly occurs at the beginning of use, it is worth increasing the intervals between applications so that the skin gets used to retinol.

A.G.E. INTERRUPTER, SkinCeuticals

Anti-glycation cream for mature skin A.G.E. INTERRUPTER, SkinCeuticals, RUB 9,874.

The cream is perfect for mature skin. It includes a whole complex active ingredients: proxilan (30%), phytosphingosine (2%), blueberry extract (4%). All of them together make it possible to reduce the content of advanced glycation end products. What it is? Glycation is the “sugarification” of collagen and elastin fibers, reducing the firmness and elasticity of facial skin. That is why it is so important to slow down this chemical process, which is why this product was created.

Predermine, Darphin

Anti-wrinkle cream Predermine, Darphin, RUB 7,500.

Darphin Predermine anti-aging cream is perfect for dry skin. Contains iris extract, rice oil, soy proteins, microspheres hyaluronic acid, peptides, algae and cucumber extracts. Such a varied cocktail performs all the necessary functions that the skin needs: nourishes, softens, fights wrinkles, restores and strengthens. It also adds shine!

Edelweiss Day Cream, Methode Cholley

Edelweiss Day Cream, Methode Cholley, RUB 9,400.

Cholley edelweiss cream has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. This product restores skin texture and protects against toxic pollutants, and also improves skin elasticity and firmness. There will be no trace of wrinkles left! In addition, it is impossible not to fall in love with the pleasant aroma of the cream.

Hydra Confort, Eisenberg

Moisturizing and firming cream for face and neck, Eisenberg, RUB 4,299.

Moisturizing and tightening cream for face and neck from Eisenberg has a delicate texture that is rich in biotechnological components and active ingredients of plant origin. With such a powerful complex, the product restores the skin. After the first application, you will notice how your skin begins to look fresher. You can’t survive in a big city without such a beauty product.

Intense bio-hydration, “Black Pearl”

Biocream, “Black Pearl”, 144 RUR.

Black Pearl cream is made on the basis of a biocomplex. It effectively smooths out even deep wrinkles and tightens the contours of the face and neck. The composition contains shea butter, which stimulates collagen biosynthesis, and argan oil, which makes the appearance healthier. And you can’t do without vitamins A and E - they are powerful antioxidants and prevent the appearance of new wrinkles.

Super Multi-corrective cream, Kiehl's

Multi-correcting face cream, Kiehl’s, RUB 4,990.

All products from Kiehl’s are a real gift for the skin, and the multi-corrective cream is no exception. It perfectly tightens the skin, gives it elasticity, and most importantly, corrects facial contours and smoothes out wrinkles. This product is ideal for sensitive skin. The composition contains jasmine acid (smoothes and tightens the skin), beech extract (gives elasticity) and sodium hyaluronate, which retains moisture. Use this magical cream morning and evening - and you will have youth.

Cell Shock, Swiss Line

Cell Shock cream, Swiss Line, RUB 14,415.

Cell Shock total lift from Swiss Line - a real helper for tired skin. It perfectly regenerates cells and gives the face a fresh appearance. Worried about wrinkles? This cream will also cope with such a problem, because it has a powerful lifting effect. Swiss Line also protects against antioxidants.

Women's and men's health

The KLAZKO group of clinics is a full member of the World Society of Anti-Aging Medicine (WOSAAM), the European Society of Anti-Aging Medicine (ESAAM), and the International Society of Hormonal Medicine (IHS). Based on the experience of the world's leading institutions, the creators and ideological inspirers of KLAZKO were among the first in Russia to begin developing professional Anti-age programs, attracting the best specialists. Today KLAZKO presents a unique clinic of practical anti-aging medicine.

Taking into account the latest achievements of Western and domestic scientists in the field of natural counteraction to the aging process, maintaining and enhancing the health of women and men, KLAZKO introduces its own developments in this area, believing that the Anti-age direction can rightfully be considered the medicine of the future. KLAZKO's approach to the implementation of all anti-aging programs is exclusively individual and involves a preliminary thorough diagnosis of the body's condition with a study of its needs and ways to improve the quality of life.

Women's health

When we are young, we carelessly spend our reserves of health and vital energy, generously given to us by nature itself. And, of course, we think little even about the very possibility of the occurrence of any ailments, and even more so - ailments associated with a woman’s health problems. And yet it is the most fragile element, delicate flower, which suffers in the first place, even when there are no obvious prerequisites for this. Disturbed ecological background, merciless rhythm of life, poor nutrition and bad habits, hormonal imbalances, stress - everything, sometimes completely unnoticed, affects a woman’s health. A woman’s body has natural defense systems, but their capabilities are not limitless...

With age, all the accumulated minor troubles make themselves felt, and it is no longer so easy to stay in shape, even if self-care becomes reverent, incessant and extremely thoughtful, and a woman’s contribution to health becomes more and more significant. The fact is that over time the work is inevitably disrupted internal systems body, so it is extremely important for women over 40 to protect themselves and their health in the most careful way. After all, it is internal failures that are accurately reflected in appearance.

Anti-aging programs aimed at protecting the health of women after 40 years are one of the most important areas of Anti-age medicine, including the analysis and treatment of hormonal disorders during menopause.

A team of highly professional KLAZKO doctors - diagnosticians, anti-aging medicine specialists, gynecologists, endocrinologists, nutritionists, therapists, psychologists, etc. - create an individual patient management program. The course of treatment invariably includes the use of biologically active components aimed at strengthening a woman’s health and hormonal correction.

Anti-age is one of the most promising and dynamically developing branches of modern functional medicine, aimed at prolonging the vitality of the body and improving the quality of life. The time is not far off when advances in science will allow humans to live more than 100 years. But what is the state of accepting such a generous gift of longevity? It is unlikely that anyone will be happy about the prospect of a fading existence for an additional 30 - 40 years. Maintaining health, activity, tone and a positive outlook is the main goal of anti-aging medicine.

Professionals in their field, specialists in anti-aging medicine KLAZKO successfully implement innovative Anti-age programs, offering patients truly unique opportunities to prevent the aging process, which maintain and increase health:

Balance Pro

The Balance Pro program can rightly be called “rejuvenation without a scalpel.” Thanks to the comprehensive cleansing of the body, the development special diet and supporting the body with highly effective biologically active substances, the body rejuvenates from the inside. The radiance of beauty does not come from external influences, but due to the correct alignment of all body systems. The course is also aimed at improving the quality of skin, hair and nails, strengthening the immune system and general somatic condition. Balance Pro is an effective comprehensive measure that can significantly improve a woman’s health.

Anti-age Perfectum

The Anti-age Perfectum system is aimed at combating the main negative manifestations of the aging process: disruption gastrointestinal tract, decreased efficiency of brain function, weakening bone tissue and joints, increasing the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, hormonal fluctuations.


Over the years, our body accumulates a huge amount of waste and toxins, which, due to their origin, it is sometimes unable to remove on its own. Harmful substances, in turn, impede vital processes, leading to cell death, resulting in poor health, accelerated aging and death.

Detoxification is a set of measures aimed at professionally cleansing the body of toxins and waste. In parallel, measures are being implemented to improve the functioning of the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, and increase the protective functions of the body.

The DeTox course is capable of normalizing body weight, significantly increasing activity, extinguishing potential foci of diseases (including cancer), and significantly extending life. A woman’s health, as the most fragile and vulnerable element, directly depends on how “facilitated” the work of all its systems is. Therefore, regularly undergoing detoxification programs for a woman is of exceptional importance, because it helps to “unload” the body and literally release its vitality!


The 4R Gastrointestinal Restoration Program was developed by the US Institute of Functional Medicine and has gained immense popularity in America. The course takes place in four stages (4R):

  • Remove - removal of harmful substances;
  • Replace - replacement of the gastrointestinal tract environment;
  • Reinoculate - colonization with useful substances;
  • Regenerate - healing of gastrointestinal flora.

The system is adapted by KLAZCO specialists taking into account the individual needs of patients. Courses have been developed with an emphasis on weight loss, which is often preferred by female patients.


During its existence, the Slim&Beauty course has rightfully gained recognition among men and women of all ages. Thanks to the delicate effect, individual determination of treatment parameters, the absence of any negative impact on normal functioning hormonal system and gastrointestinal tract, the program is superior to existing weight loss and diet systems. In fact, Slim&Beauty is not one of them: the function of the program is to rebuild the body in a healthy way by improving the metabolic process, normalizing body weight, and preventing skin aging. In other words, the course is not designed for total and aggressive weight loss, which almost always causes damage to the body (especially when it comes to a woman’s health). The goal of the Slim&Beauty program is a healthy body that will invariably reciprocate its owner’s efforts with beauty.

Skin Care

Following the Skin Care method, it is possible to improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails by normalizing nutrition and organ functioning. Moreover, the effect will remain with you for a long time due to the restructuring of the body in such a way that it itself maintains its health.

Treatment of metabolic syndrome

“Metabolic” means “related to the metabolism of the body”; a “syndrome” is a collection of several individual symptoms, or signs, united by a common cause. Thus, metabolic syndrome- this is a set of certain changes in the body, which together lead to a profound metabolic disorder.

Cardiovascular screening

Timely detected disease of cardio-vascular system can save health and life. KLAZCO provides precise diagnostics of the system with subsequent treatment and prevention of diseases.

Definition of food intolerance

When the body suddenly receives substances and products intolerable to it, it goes into state of shock, when any of his systems is capable of “throwing out” unpredictable, often fatal things. Therefore, it is extremely important not to “disturb” the body with pathogens, which are precisely determined - priority task. Unique comprehensive testing for food intolerance from KLAZKO will allow you to formulate comprehensive recommendations for diet therapy.

Genetic research

Hypertension, osteoporosis, arthritis, thrombophlebitis, diabetes mellitus are multifactorial diseases caused by a number of reasons. Genetic research in KLAZKO allow you to determine the genetically mediated risk of these diseases, as well as evaluate the metabolism and effectiveness of action medicines. Determining metabolic rate is extremely important when creating a diet for a woman, especially during the period associated with the onset of menopause.

Cancer screening

Comprehensive screening from KLAZCO allows for accurate diagnosis and effective prevention oncological diseases.

Determination of biological age

How old are you? How do you feel? KLAZKO specialists will help you compare chronological and biological age, as well as give recommendations on slowing down the aging process. At the clinic you can find out why the biological ages of a man and a woman are the same age, similar physical fitness and health conditions can differ radically...

Normalizing, correcting, balancing

By normalizing hormonal balance, correcting the nutritional system and harmonizing metabolism, Anti-age medicine can slow down the bioprocess of aging and turn back the hands of time.

The unconditional starting point in the implementation of all anti-aging programs at KLAZCO is a complete in-depth examination using the clinic’s patented methods, on the basis of which the patient undergoes a consultation with leading specialists.

First stage

A mandatory part of the diagnosis is sampling venous blood, which allows you to determine the content of metabolic parameters (metabolic indicators): hormones, minerals, vitamins, amino and fatty acids, enzymes and many others important elements, as well as precursors and metabolites (decomposition products) of such substances.

Laboratory and functional methods The biological age of the patient is determined.

There are also specific screenings designed separately for men and women.

Second phase

Analyzing the diagnostic data obtained, the doctor prescribes an individual course to correct the signs of aging, hormonal imbalances and metabolic disorders. In addition, power systems are exclusively developed, physical activity, supplemented with the intake of active biologically active substances. Dietary supplements are taken both in combination and individually, which allows you to use their properties with the greatest efficiency. Linear therapies have been developed aimed at maintaining and improving the sexual health of women and men.

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