Causes of high blood pressure in a 10 year old child. What blood pressure is considered normal in children? Mechanism of disease development

Blood pressure varies in different vessels. Arterial (pressure in the arteries) is higher than venous (pressure in the veins). The unit of measurement for blood pressure is millimeter of mercury.

Blood pressure (BP) is divided into:

  • systolic, or SD (sometimes popularly called “upper”) - blood pressure in the arterial vessels during the period of contraction of the heart muscle;
  • diastolic, or DD (“lower”) - blood pressure during relaxation of the heart muscle.

Blood pressure depends on the type (size or caliber) of the vessel: the larger the vessel, the higher the pressure. It is generally accepted that the pressure in the brachial artery is normal; it is there that it is measured using a tonometer. Many literate patients know how to measure blood pressure and observe its changes, but not everyone knows what the normal blood pressure should be in children. Let's talk about this in this article, and also talk about the causes and symptoms of increased or decreased blood pressure in children.

Blood pressure also depends on age: than younger child, the lower the pressure. This is explained by the fact that in small children the walls of the vessels are more elastic, the lumen of the vessels is wider, and the capillary network is more developed. Both systolic and diastolic pressure increase with age.

Until about 5 years of age, blood pressure does not differ between children of different sexes, and from 5 years of age it is slightly lower in girls (up to about 9 years of age). With age, blood pressure reaches a level of 110/60 – 120/70, and then these values ​​are maintained for a long time.

Normal blood pressure levels in at different ages the child can be calculated using special formulas. Thus, for infants, SD is calculated using the formula 76 + 2m (m is the child’s age in months). After a year, normal DM is 90+2l (l is the number of years of the child). The upper limit of the DM norm is 105+2L, and the lower limit of the DM norm is 75+2L.

Normally, BP in children in the first year of life is equal to 2/3 to 1/2 of systolic pressure, and after a year it is calculated using the formula 60+l (l – how old is the child). The upper limit of normal DD is 75+ l, and the lower limit is 45+ l.

In children, both an increase in blood pressure (hypertension) and a decrease in blood pressure (hypotension) are quite often observed. This is especially true during puberty (puberty).

Causes of arterial hypertension in children

Increased blood pressure occurs in 5-10% of children, more often in adolescence. There are primary and secondary (associated with any diseases) arterial hypertension.

An example would be the detection of high blood pressure in adolescents in the absence of another disease of which hypertension could be a symptom. Such changes in blood pressure are observed in girls at 12-13 years old, in boys at 14-15. In this case, the increase in blood pressure is associated with hormonal changes in the body during puberty, mainly with an increase in the level of aldosterone and adrenaline.

The vascular system narrows as a result of the influence of hormones, which leads to an increase in blood pressure. Most often, blood pressure increases sporadically in adolescence, but it can also occur daily. At school age, high blood pressure is most often detected by chance.

The cause of increased blood pressure may be a violation of the daily routine, insufficient sleep, increased physical activity (for example, sports), spending too much time at the computer, psycho-emotional trauma and stressful situations. If we arrange the intellectual and physical exercise and the child rests, then the pressure can normalize.

If the maximum values ​​exceed 135 mm Hg, a detailed examination of the child is necessary to determine the cause of hypertension, since it may be one of the symptoms of a disease, other manifestations of which have not yet been identified. Diseases may be the cause endocrine system, kidneys, heart.

The causes of secondary hypertension can be:

  • disturbance of vascular tone due to the influence of autonomic nervous systems s;
  • renal pathology (in 70% of cases);
  • endocrine pathology;
  • cardiovascular pathology;
  • brain damage;
  • poisoning.

Let's take a closer look at some of them.

Renal secondary hypertension

There are many reasons for the development renal hypertension:

  • narrowing renal artery;
  • compression of the renal artery by a tumor or inflammatory tissue;
  • anomaly of kidney development;
  • inflammation of kidney tissue ();
  • (chronic or acute);
  • and other reasons.

Endocrine secondary hypertension

Endocrine pathology can also cause arterial hypertension:

  • hyperaldosteronism (primary or secondary) – increased production of the hormone aldosterone by the adrenal glands due to a tumor or benign growth of the adrenal cortex; secondary hyperaldosteronism also develops with narrowing of the renal artery;
  • hypercortisolism or - increased function of the adrenal cortex, which develops with tumors of the pituitary gland or the adrenal cortex itself, with long-term treatment hormonal drugs ();
  • adrenal tumor (pheochromocytoma), which secretes biologically active substances adrenaline and norepinephrine;
  • Graves' disease, or diffuse toxic goiter - autoimmune disease characterized by increased synthesis of hormones.

Cardiovascular secondary hypertension

Cardiovascular pathology can also cause increased blood pressure:

  • narrowing of the aortic isthmus;
  • congenital heart disease – patent ductus botallus: blood pressure increases due to an increase in minute blood volume.

Brain lesions

Brain damage due to tumor process, in case of injury or as a result of inflammation of the brain substance () can also cause increased blood pressure among other symptoms.


Poisoning with toxic substances (arsenic, mercury, etc.) can cause increased blood pressure along with other symptoms.

Symptoms of arterial hypertension in children

9. Hypotrophy (lack of body weight).

10. Side effect of drug treatment.

Somatic diseases also contribute to a decrease in blood pressure: neurodermatitis, chronic.

Diagnosis of blood pressure abnormalities in children

To detect an increase or decrease in blood pressure compared to the age norm, the following diagnostic methods are used:

  • a survey of the child and mother, during which the presence and nature of complaints, the course of pregnancy and childbirth, the presence of high or low blood pressure in family members are clarified, suffered by the child diseases, etc.;
  • measuring blood pressure in both arms; in the next 2 weeks, blood pressure is regularly measured 3 times a day at home in order to clarify daily blood pressure fluctuations;
  • examination of the child;
  • examination: fundus examination, ECG, examination of cerebral vessels (rheoencephalography), general analysis blood and biochemical analysis blood (renal complex) - according to indications, blood test for hormones (if necessary), etc.;
  • consultation with a neurologist, cardiologist, endocrinologist and other specialists (as indicated).

Treatment of arterial hypertension and hypotension in children

Treatment of deviations from normal age-related blood pressure levels is divided into non-drug and drug therapy.

Non-drug treatment

Not drug treatment practically no different at high and low blood pressure:

  • normalization of the psychological situation at school, creation of a calm, comfortable atmosphere at home;
  • maintaining an age-appropriate daily routine (including on weekends); limiting watching movies and computer games (especially in the evening before bedtime);
  • elimination of physical and mental overload, alternation of work and rest; it is necessary to reconsider the study load (perhaps, refuse classes with a tutor, parallel studies at a music school, etc.);
  • physical activity of children in uncomplicated cases is not limited; regular physical education is recommended; swimming, horse riding, daily stay in the fresh air for at least 2 hours and walking for 30 minutes are indicated;
  • healthy lifestyle, preventing adolescents from smoking and using drugs;
  • full-fledged balanced diet, 4-5 one-time appointment food during the day, daily use at least 300 g of fruits and vegetables; for low blood pressure, it is recommended to drink sweet, strongly brewed tea with lemon several times a day;
  • for hypertension, restriction of the use of table salt, seasonings and spices, smoked foods, carbonated drinks, chocolate, etc.; for hypotension, calcium-containing products are recommended (, cottage cheese, sauerkraut and etc.).
  • with low blood pressure, it is recommended to accustom the child to a contrast shower, it has a tonic effect (you should start with alternating warm and cool water, gradually lowering and increasing the temperature of the water, in 2-3 weeks it is brought to the alternation of hot and cold water);
  • Massage of the collar area has a good effect.

Drug therapy

The first priority is to treat the underlying disease. Only a doctor should decide on the need for drug treatment to correct blood pressure, select and increase blood pressure.

Summary for parents

Parents should not be under the misconception that upward or downward deviations in blood pressure can only occur in adults.

You should not ignore your child’s complaints of headache, fatigue and weakness or try to relieve headaches with drugs familiar to adults. The same “harmless” Citramon, which includes Aspirin, like Aspirin itself, can lead to irreversible.

If a child has the complaints listed in the article, or behavioral changes are noted, and even more so if an increase or decrease in blood pressure is detected, you should consult a doctor and find out the cause of these deviations. On the recommendation of a doctor, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate the pathology identified in the child.

Which doctor should I contact?

If there are changes in blood pressure in children, you can first consult a pediatrician and take measures to normalize the child’s lifestyle. If this does not bring any effect, you need to contact a cardiologist. If a secondary nature of pressure changes is detected, the child is referred for consultation to an endocrinologist, neurologist, ophthalmologist, nephrologist, or cardiac surgeon, depending on the identified disease.

2, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Often the phenomenon is high blood pressure in children. There are more than enough reasons for its fluctuations, and therefore every parent needs to be attentive to the health status of their child and, at the first signs of hypertension, contact specialized doctors. Symptoms of arterial hypertension vary depending on the stage of the disease, but even at the very beginning of the disease, changes in the child’s behavior can be seen.

Blood pressure norms in children

In adolescence, an increase in blood pressure is usually noted, but also when measuring its indicators with a tonometer, it is possible to detect low blood pressure and a high pulse. Low blood pressure in a child may indicate concomitant diseases or may simply be a consequence of taking antihypertensive medications in the wrong dosage.

What should be the normal blood pressure for babies and older children? Upper blood pressure in adolescents, namely in children 10 years old and starting from 6 years old, is in the range of 110-126 mmHg. Lower blood pressure in a 10-year-old child: from 70 to 82 mm Hg. Art. What pressure should be for a teenager aged 11 - 13, as well as at 14 years old? Normal upper blood pressure is 110-136 mmHg. Art., and the lower from 70 to 86. The table describes blood pressure norms for a preschool child.

Are parents interested in what blood pressure is considered low for a child? A teenager has low blood pressure of 100 over 50 or 90 over 60. To raise blood pressure, the patient should be provided good sleep And proper nutrition. If a child of 8 years old or 9 years of age or older has a decrease in blood pressure, the doctor may prescribe hypertensive medications, which must be taken under the supervision of parents in a strictly prescribed dosage. You can learn more about the treatment of hypotension from a specialized physician.

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Causes of high blood pressure in a child

Trauma and emotional distress in adolescents can cause pressure surges.

Increased blood pressure in boys and girls is observed after mental stress, abuse of bad habits, and also if kidney pathologies are diagnosed, diabetes and thyroid diseases. The main cause of hypertension in adolescents over 12 years of age is emotional distress. Other causes of high blood pressure may be:

  • protein in the blood;
  • thickening of blood fluid;
  • increased level of adrenaline;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • injuries;
  • weather sensitivity.

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Risk group

Children whose close relatives have a tendency to hypertension are especially susceptible to increased blood pressure. High blood pressure in a child is not always provoked pathological processes flowing in human body or external factors. Sometimes the blood pressure of a girl or a guy fluctuates during puberty. Therefore, pressure drops in adolescents at the age of 13 (at 12, 14 or 15 years, depending on gender and the period when the body reaches biological sexual activity) are normal phenomenon and at this age does not pose a risk to the child’s health.

High blood pressure at the age of 12 is considered normal if it does not exceed 120. If the pressure is 140 over 80 in a teenager or other values ​​beyond the upper limits of normal, then parents should be concerned and consult a doctor with their child.

Excessive fatness or thinness affects the development of hypertension.

Body type also influences blood pressure in children. Thus, low blood pressure is usually observed in a 14-year-old teenager if he is tall and thin. Hypertension appears in overweight children. For a 15-year-old child, when a person is rapidly developing, high blood pressure of 150/90 occurs against the background of severe stress or as a result of hormonal changes. Typically, at the age of 15, teenagers experience their first love, which sometimes leads to severe emotional turmoil. It is worth understanding that the body of each teenager is individual and if one 12-year-old girl has already undergone physical changes, then others at this age have not yet undergone cardinal physiological changes.

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Course of the disease

High blood pressure in a child can occur in 3 stages, which are described in the table:

Stages Description
I It is mild and is characterized by slight increases in blood pressure, which normalize during rest. There is a decrease in mental performance, headache, sleep disturbance and irritability.
II More appear serious violations cerebral circulation with the development of atherosclerosis. Marked various symptoms vascular insufficiency and diffuse bilateral decrease in renal function.
III A severe stage of hypertension, characterized by a sustained increase in blood pressure. Hypertensive crises occur, which are accompanied by paralysis, paresis and cerebrovascular accidents. Possible development of chronic renal failure, as well as cardiac or cerebral pathology, which can be fatal.

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Symptoms of hypertension

Elevated blood pressure levels in children manifest themselves in fatigue, impotence, and irritability. When blood pressure rises, the child may complain of headache, dizziness, rapid heartbeat and painful sensations in the area of ​​the heart. At hypertensive crisis babies experience the following symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • convulsions;
  • blurred vision;
  • disturbance of consciousness.

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Which doctor should I contact?

If pressure surges are present on an ongoing basis, then you need to consult a doctor.

What should you do if your child experiences pressure surges all the time? For children, high blood pressure may or may not be normal. A specialized specialist: a pediatrician or cardiologist can find out why a baby’s blood pressure rises. The doctor, in turn, will tell you what the teenager’s blood pressure is considered harmless and what to do to normalize it.

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To check your baby’s blood pressure, you will need to monitor it daily. Often the fear of the doctor or the procedure itself, which usually arises in a child at the sight of someone else’s uncle in a white coat, can increase blood pressure. So that the tonometer shows correct results, the child should be in a calm emotional state. The Korotkoff method, which is considered supersensitive and its values ​​depend on the width and length of the cuff placed on the patient’s arms, will help you find out what pressure a child has.

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How to treat?

Blood pressure may increase due to a concomitant disease, so the underlying pathology needs to be treated. The doctor must evaluate the condition little patient and get acquainted with the medical history, only after this can you begin to treat arterial hypertension. To reduce blood pressure, it is not enough to take only pills; your baby will also need to be provided with adequate sleep, fresh air and balanced diet. Medicine for blood pressure is selected individually for a child, based on weight, age and severity of the disease.

To normalize blood pressure and pulse, the surges of which occurred during vegetative-vascular dystonia, you need to give the baby “Elenium”, bromine with valerian or “Seduxen”. They should be given to the child, observing children's dosages. You can lower your blood pressure with Reserpine tablets. The medicine is given to the child after meals, 0.1-0.4 mg 2-4 times a day. Doctors cannot answer how long it will take to normalize children’s blood pressure with this drug, since the healing process is influenced by many factors, the main one being immunity. However, usually the hypotensive effect after taking Reserpine is observed 2 weeks after taking the 1st dose of the drug.

Popular drugs for lowering blood pressure are Cordarone, Nifedipine, Captopril or Capoten. The baby will also need diuretic tablets, for example, Hypothiazide, Veroshpiron, Aldosterone. In the process of treating arterial hypertension, it is important to exclude salt and fats from the child’s diet, and add corn, fruits, legumes and vegetables.

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Honey, lemon, and rowan have a positive effect on the treatment of blood pressure in children.

To reduce pressure, supporters alternative medicine It is recommended to drink red rowan juice, which is given to the child a tablespoon before meals for a month. Freshly squeezed beet juice mixed with honey in a 1:1 ratio, taken in a large spoon before meals, will help with hypertension. Traditional healers suggest using a remedy prepared according to the following recipe in the fight against hypertension:

  1. Take a glass of liquid honey and pour it into the container where the medicine will be prepared.
  2. Add a glass of chopped lemon, carrot and beet juice and ½ cup finely chopped horseradish root.
  3. Leave to infuse for 4 hours.
  4. Consume throughout the day.

You can lower your blood pressure using healing agent, for the preparation of which you will need the juice of half a lemon, a large spoon of honey and a glass mineral water. Mix honey with water and add lemon juice. Ready drink drink on an empty stomach at a time. The duration of treatment is from 7 to 10 days.

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Prevention measures

To avoid developing hypertension, children need to adhere to simple rules, the main of which is maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Every child and teenager should eat a properly balanced diet and lead an active lifestyle. Teenagers who exercise regularly do not suffer overweight and, as a rule, do not experience arterial hypertension. In addition, good sleep and walks in the fresh air are important for children.

Blood pressure indicators are considered one of the most important factors, affecting a person’s well-being, demonstrating the level of effectiveness of the cardiovascular system and the rapidity of blood flow.

Quite often the source of occurrence various problems with pressure is the manifestation of its deviations from the boundaries of the norm in childhood. Therefore, it is very important for parents to have an idea of ​​what normal blood pressure a child should have at the age of 12.

Age-related influence on pressure parameters

Monitoring a teenager’s blood pressure is necessary to avoid the development of cardiovascular pathologies in the future.

Changes in blood pressure are influenced by a number of different reasons. These include:

  • Times of Day
  • finding a person in a certain psychological state
  • taking stimulant substances such as coffee, strong black tea, amphetamines, or medications that affect blood pressure

But, of course, there is a direct relationship between blood pressure and age category. In older people, with digital indicators of 140/90, there may be no adverse signs at all. This is due to a physiological change in the elasticity of large blood vessels.

At the same time, in children 12 years of age, underestimated parameters may well be normal, which is explained by the high elasticity of the vessels with good permeability of blood flow through them.

But sometimes adolescents may develop hypertension. This is also not considered a violation of the norm in terms of physiological parameters. Its appearance is associated with an enhanced process of functioning of the heart muscle, but only on condition that these deviations occur without any unpleasant symptoms. It is usually discovered by chance during mandatory medical examinations and goes away as the child grows older.

Blood pressure in teenagers tends to fluctuate. It is very important not to miss the development in the future of pathologies associated with problems with the cardiovascular system of the body. In this regard, it is necessary to monitor the child’s health until he reaches adulthood.

Normal blood pressure in children 12 years old

If your child's blood pressure fluctuates, you should visit a specialist.

Many parents have no idea about blood pressure levels in children. At the age of 12 years, his indicators must be within the established parameters:

  1. Systolic – 110 – 120 units.
  2. Distolytic – 70 – 80 units.

Violations of these numbers may indicate obvious health problems in the child. In cases of such fluctuations, a mandatory visit to a specialist is necessary to avoid undesirable consequences in the future.

But increasing or decreasing the limits normal pressure at this age do not always indicate the presence of pathology of the heart or blood vessels. Rare cases Such disorders can occur due to hormonal changes in the child’s body, as well as its physical and emotional overload.

Reasons for oscillations in a child that are not related to physiology

Adolescent pressure disorders do not always develop against a physiological background. In some cases similar manifestations may indicate the presence of various serious diseases. Therefore, it is advisable for a child in such a situation to periodically measure his blood pressure daily in order to avoid harmful consequences for him.

When maintaining for several days an increase in the norm of indicators of more than 130 units. a mandatory visit to a medical facility is required.

High blood pressure at 12 years of age

Excess weight body in a child can cause hypertension

Adolescent hypertension is divided into two types:

  1. Primary
  2. Secondary

In the first type of onset of the disease, there are no existing factors that provoked its development. The reason may be excessive psycho-emotional or physical stress. In this case, the child’s blood pressure usually normalizes after rest.

Secondary hypertension appears against the background of various serious illnesses. Therapeutic actions should be aimed at curing the underlying pathological problem which caused an increase in blood pressure. Using diagnostics, the pediatrician will be able to determine the actual cause of the disease, the most common of which are:

  • excess body weight
  • heredity
  • disruptions in the endocrine system
  • kidney diseases

One of the factors that negatively exceeds pressure limits is increased mental stress in schoolchildren. In this regard, it should be monitored rational distribution, observing the correct daily routine.

Treatment for elevated levels

When the limits of permissible pressure values ​​increase, experts attribute compliance with the complex therapeutic actions to eliminate violations. It includes:

  • maintaining a daily routine
  • relaxing time
  • performing regular acceptable sports exercises
  • spending enough time outdoors
  • use of drugs that normalize blood pressure

Children with excess body weight are most susceptible to diseases associated with such disorders. Therefore, parents should monitor the child’s nutritional diet in order to normalize weight.

Low pressure limits

Fatigue may be a symptom of hypotension in a child

The manifestation of a hypotonic state in children is accompanied by the following signs:

  • fatigue
  • increased sweating of the palms and armpits
  • dizziness, headache, more often with sudden movements

In this case, the pressure limits can be 90/50 or lower, with a decrease in heartbeat. These symptoms can become signs of the development of serious diseases, and sometimes are a manifestation physiological changes child's body.

Treatment of hypotension in children

The use of stimulants containing caffeine in childhood is dangerous.

The surest way to get rid of the problem is considered healthy sleep in compliance with the correct daily routine. But the best solution in this matter would be to visit a specialist to prescribe effective treatment without harming the child’s health.

To avoid the occurrence of undesirable manifestations associated with changes in normal pressure in a teenager, adults must adhere to certain principles that prevent the development of pathology. To do this, they need to monitor the child’s compliance with the rules of daily routine and rest with a healthy diet.

To learn how to correctly measure a child's blood pressure, watch this video:

In any case, the most the right decision For various problems with blood pressure in children, it is important to contact specialists to establish the correct diagnosis and, if necessary, prescribe effective treatment.

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To find out or not, you must first measure your blood pressure correctly and compare it with the normal value for a given age group.

How to measure a child's blood pressure?

Blood pressure can be measured for a child from birth. In children it is measured, just like in adults, using a tonometer. A regular blood pressure monitor is used, but it requires a children's cuff. For small children, there are special children's (and even infant) cuffs for the tonometer. The cuff is placed on the child's shoulder. If the child can sit, blood pressure is measured in a sitting position (in a lying position, blood pressure is slightly higher). The arm with the cuff should rest freely at approximately chest level.

For a reliable result, the child must be calm. With excitement, anxiety and fear, blood pressure rises. Children are very often afraid of doctors, so measuring blood pressure at a doctor's appointment may be unreliable. For such children, parents will have to purchase a tonometer (if the child is small, then with a child’s cuff) and learn how to measure blood pressure at home.

A child may be frightened by a new, unfamiliar device, so for an even more reliable result, you need to measure your blood pressure several times during the day. It’s even better to measure your child’s blood pressure regularly for a week or two (morning, afternoon and evening), write down the results, and then, with the results, go to see a doctor.

Normal blood pressure values ​​in children

Approximate values ​​of normal blood pressure for children of different ages can be seen in the table

Blood pressure depends not only on age, but also on gender (in girls, the pressure is slightly lower than in boys), on the weight and height of the child, and his physique, so the range of normal blood pressure values ​​is quite large.

If you have already determined that high blood pressure in a child. In this case, parents and doctors are concerned with two questions: what is the cause and how to reduce high blood pressure in the child.

High blood pressure in a child Causes

You need to find out what complaints your child has. Increased blood pressure is often accompanied by headaches, pain and discomfort in the heart area, rapid heartbeat, excess body weight, kidney disease, endocrine system diseases.

High blood pressure in a child Examination plan

  1. First you need to visit a pediatrician. He will ask you about your complaints, examine the child, measure blood pressure, heart rate and breathing during the appointment, determine whether your child is overweight, and check whether the child has edema or obvious symptoms of endocrine diseases.
  2. A child with high blood pressure must undergo a general urine test to rule out kidney disease.
  3. You need to do an electrocardiogram to rule out heart disease.
  4. The child will be referred to a nephrologist if there is visible swelling or changes in urine tests.
  5. The child will be referred for a consultation with a neurologist if he is bothered by frequent headaches, dizziness, tinnitus, there have been cases of loss of consciousness, if the child has a history (developmental history) of cranial or birth injury if the child was previously observed and treated by a neurologist for increased intracranial pressure, if the child is restless, irritable, and tearful.
  6. The child will be referred to a psychoneurologist if he has obvious behavioral deviations.
  7. The child will be referred to a cardiologist if he complains of pain and discomfort in the heart area, palpitations, or irregular heart rhythm. Or if the child has abnormal ECG results.
  8. The child will be referred to an endocrinologist if he is overweight, his height does not correspond to his age, or there is a suspicion of increased function thyroid gland.

Secondary arterial hypertension

If one of the specialist doctors determines that the child has a pathology that is the direct cause of high blood pressure, then the increase in blood pressure will be considered secondary. This condition is called secondary arterial hypertension. The most common causes of secondary arterial hypertension in children: kidney disease, coarctation of the aorta (congenital aortic defect), pheochromocytoma (tumor of the adrenal cortex). It is secondary arterial hypertension that is more common in children. It can appear at an earlier age, even in very young children. In this case, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease; drugs that directly lower blood pressure will bring only temporary, and sometimes insignificant, relief.

Primary arterial hypertension

If, as a result of the examination, no obvious reasons for increased blood pressure are identified, this is primary arterial hypertension. It is usually hereditary (the child’s parents or relatives suffer from arterial hypertension). Primary arterial hypertension, as a rule, manifests itself in adolescence, sometimes in primary school. On initial stage When a child’s blood pressure rises slightly or sporadically, a diagnosis of VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia) or NCD (neurocirculatory dystonia) of the hypertensive type is usually made. Both of these terms mean imperfect regulation of vascular tone by the nervous system. And only with a regular or persistent increase in blood pressure, the child is diagnosed with hypertension.

High blood pressure in a child Treatment

  1. Normalization of lifestyle and daily routine. Get enough sleep. Regular walks in the fresh air. Regular meals. Limiting mental stress and computer activities.
  2. Proper nutrition: limiting salty, spicy, fatty, fried foods. Exclusion of products such as chips, crackers, soda, etc. Normalization of weight.
  3. Selection of suitable physical activity for the child. Swimming and walking at a moderate pace or special therapeutic exercises are most suitable for normalizing blood pressure.
  4. Elimination of stress. Prescription of sedative (calming) drugs: valerian, motherwort, bromides (in the form of physiotherapy).
  5. Physiotherapy, acupuncture, relaxing massage of the collar area, and a comfortable shower are used.
  6. Only if the above is ineffective, children are prescribed medications, most often from the group of beta-blockers. For most antihypertensive drugs The effect on the children's body has either not been sufficiently studied or their long-term use in children is not recommended. Therefore, the dose of the drug, duration of the course, etc. selected only by a doctor, for each child individually. Independent and uncontrolled use of antihypertensive drugs in children is unacceptable.

Hypertensive crisis emergency care

Hypertensive crisis is a sudden or gradual increase in blood pressure, which may be accompanied by fear and anxiety or, conversely, lethargy, palpitations, tremor, sweating, flushing or pale skin, headaches, vomiting. This condition requires urgent attention.

The best option is to call ambulance. If for some reason this is not possible, home first aid kit Andipal (1/2 tablet for a 10-year-old child) or nifedipine (at a dose of 0.25 mg/kg, 1 tablet 10 mg) may be suitable as first aid for a hypertensive crisis for a child.

Andipal is not recommended for long-term use in children due to the phenobarbital it contains (a sedative and hypnotic drug). However, in case of hypertensive crisis, which is accompanied by nervous excitement, fear and anxiety, this effect can be useful with a single or short-term use. If the child is inhibited, the andipal is not suitable.

Nifedipine very quickly reduces blood pressure and does not have a sedative effect, but its effect on the children's body has not been sufficiently studied. Therefore, it is not suitable for regular and long-term use by children.

I hope my article: high blood pressure in a child, turned out to be useful to you. Stay healthy!

One of the indicators of heart function is the level of blood pressure. Each age has its own standards. A change in this indicator indicates a problem in the body and requires treatment.

What it is?

The heart pumps blood constantly. This work ensures an uninterrupted supply of nutrients and oxygen to internal organs. Blood moving through the vessels causes their tension. This process is called blood pressure (BP).

The diameter and size of blood vessels changes with age. This feature is associated with a decrease in the plasticity and tone of the arteries and veins. These indicators affect the initial norms of blood pressure in different age groups. There are no pronounced differences in this parameter among one-year-old children, boys and girls.

This indicator is quite stable and should not fluctuate greatly during the day. Any deviations from the norm require attention and identification of the cause that could cause such a violation. Frequent fluctuations in blood pressure can lead to various heart and vascular diseases.

The indicator is measured in millimeters of mercury (mmHg). Usually only two blood pressure indicators are analyzed - systolic and diastolic. In some cases, the pulse is also recorded.

Normal blood pressure indicators are summarized in various tables, which were developed taking into account mass examinations of children of different ages. To compile them, surveys are carried out on a large number of children of the same sex and age. Such centile tables make it possible to determine the norms of a given indicator in each specific age group. Blood pressure is measured at the brachial artery.

During the day, this indicator of heart function may change. In hot weather, during intense physical activity, or after a strong psycho-emotional experience, blood pressure numbers can deviate significantly from the norm.


To assess heart function, doctors use several indicators that can be calculated by knowing the baby’s initial blood pressure level. Analysis of these parameters helps cardiologists determine the disease and even determine how severe the heart or vascular disease may be.

Why it is important to know your child's blood pressure can be found in the following video.

There are several types of blood pressure:

    Systolic. Shows the work of the heart during the period of active contraction. When listening to tones during pressure measurements, it appears as the first sound that is heard in the phonendoscope.

    Diastolic. Characterizes the work of the heart during diastole - relaxation. When measuring pressure, it appears as the last, clearly audible sound.

    Hearty. Arithmetic difference between systolic and diastolic pressure. Together with other indicators, it gives an idea of ​​the work of the heart, as well as how well it pushes blood through the vessels.

Algorithm and measurement technique

In order to determine a child's blood pressure, you need to use a special device - a tonometer. The modern pharmaceutical industry offers a huge range of such measuring devices. They can be fully automatic or semi-automatic.

To measure a child’s blood pressure at home, use the following algorithm:

    Measure the indicator in the morning or before bed.

    Starting position - sitting. Legs should be bent at the knees, feet approximately at the same level. In newborns and infants, blood pressure is measured while lying down.

    Place the cuff 1-2 cm above the cubital fossa. The mother's finger should fit freely between the baby's skin and the cuff. Do not try to put the cuff too tightly on your arm! Severe pressure may make the child afraid and painful during the measurement.

    For an automatic device, just press the power button. The device will start measuring itself.

    If the device is not automatic, then first place the phonendoscope in the area of ​​the cubital fossa. The skin in this area is very thin, and the pulse can be easily heard here. Inflate the tonometer bulb until the pulsation stops completely.

    Unscrew the valve on the bulb and slowly release the air. The appearance of the first clearly audible sound - systolic pressure or top. Listen to the pulsation until the sounds disappear completely. The last of these is the diastolic pressure indicator. It is also called inferior.

    Carefully release all the air from the bulb and remove the cuff from the baby's arm.

It is best to measure blood pressure when the baby is calm. You can do this after waking up or before going to bed. This indicator should not be measured immediately after eating or active movements. In this case increased level pressure will not be an accurate indicator of how the heart is working normally.

Keep a diary in which all the indicators of your child’s blood pressure measurements will be entered. Record systolic and diastolic pressure. If the tonometer is automatic and includes pulse counting, then record this indicator in your diary. Keeping such records will help the attending physician or cardiologist evaluate the functioning of the heart and blood vessels more efficiently.

To get a more accurate result, it is better to measure your blood pressure three times. Before each subsequent determination of the indicator, a 5-7 minute break is taken. The obtained values ​​are summed up and the average is calculated. Calculations are carried out separately for systolic and diastolic pressure. Average arithmetic value- this is the most accurate indicator.

Is it possible to measure with an adult tonometer?

Children of different ages have their own children's cuffs. They are smaller in diameter and fit well around a child's hand.

It is not advisable to use adult cuffs for measurements. They are usually too large for children and do not provide reliable results.

Measuring with adult cuffs will only cause the baby severe pain, but will not be informative. For teenagers from 14 years of age, teenage cuffs are used. They can also be used in children more early age. If the child is too obese or has diabetes, the teenage cuff can be used from the age of 8 years.

The thickness of the inner chamber of the cuff in babies in the first days after birth should be three centimeters, and in children under one year old - five. During active movements or crying, the child may have increased blood pressure. It is better to measure indicators during complete calm.

Table by age

Blood pressure readings change as the child grows. In preschool age, given the small diameter of blood vessels and excellent elasticity, this figure is comparatively lower than in adolescents.

Blood pressure norms for children at different ages are presented in the following table:

These figures are indicative. Each identified single deviation from the norm does not indicate that the baby has heart or vascular disease. To establish a diagnosis, additional examination methods, and not just measuring blood pressure.

In children from 7 years of age, there is a slight increase in blood pressure. This is due to the increasing mental stress at school. The new environment and stress lead to an increase in the initially normal level of this indicator.

This condition cannot be interpreted as a disease. It usually goes away after some time, after the child adapts to new conditions.

What causes the increase?

There are many reasons that lead to increased blood pressure. Each child's age has its own. In some cases, high blood pressure may be the result of the influence of several provoking causes at the same time. This indicator changes not only with heart disease.

A persistent increase in blood pressure is called hypertension.

The following reasons most often lead to the appearance of this condition in a child:

    Damage to the renal vessels leading to the development of secondary renal hypertension. They can be congenital or acquired as a result of various kidney diseases. Usually cause an increase in systolic blood pressure. Difficult to treat.

    Kidney diseases. These include: traumatic injuries, oncological pathologies, disorders anatomical structure, dysplasia. Causes predominantly an increase in diastolic pressure.

    Heart diseases: defects in the structure of the valvular heart apparatus, birth defects development, disturbances of rhythm and conductivity of the myocardium.

    Endocrine pathologies. Crohn's disease or tumors parathyroid glands. As a result of these diseases, metabolic disorders occur. Biologically active substances and hormones begin to be produced in large quantities, which lead to a strong narrowing of blood vessels. This condition causes an increase in blood pressure.

    Long-term use of pills and medications. Hormonal agents and sympathomimetics often lead to the development of arterial hypertension.

    Bad habits. Teenagers who start smoking often suffer from hypertension.

    G genetic predisposition. In families where one parent has high blood pressure, the risk of having a child with hypertension is 25%.

Increased pressure occurs not only with pathologies. In some cases, it increases after ordinary life situations. For example, severe stress or being overworked at school can cause increased blood pressure. In boys, from the age of 11, the level of blood pressure begins to exceed the corresponding indicators of girls their peers by 4-5 mm. rt. Art.

A child who does not engage in sports or physical activity regularly also has high risk development of arterial hypertension. Running too fast or exercising too intensely can cause your child's blood pressure to rise. This occurs due to weak tone of blood vessels.

High blood pressure can manifest itself in different ways. Usually the child feels headache and fatigue. It is quite difficult for a student suffering from arterial hypertension to concentrate on the subject at school. After only 2-3 lessons he feels overwhelmed and unable to comprehend the educational material.

To others characteristic symptom high blood pressure is dizziness or flashing spots before the eyes. This condition does not last long. The dizziness usually goes away within a few minutes. If there is a persistent increase in blood pressure, it may not disappear within a couple of hours.

Very high blood pressure can even cause vomiting. Usually it is short-term and does not depend on food intake. This symptom is quite rare, but requires urgent medical attention. If vomiting occurs, one should suspect not only increased blood pressure, but also increased intracranial pressure.

What causes the decline?

Low blood pressure is called arterial hypotension. This condition occurs in infants and toddlers at different ages. As the child grows, the pressure level should increase. If this does not happen, then this is a good reason to see a doctor.

The most common reasons that cause arterial hypotension, the following:

    Thyroid diseases. Reduced levels of thyroid hormones cause disturbances in vascular tone. This condition leads to the development of low blood pressure. Only treatment of the thyroid gland helps to normalize the condition.

    Brain injuries and tumors. The center of blood circulation is located in the cortex. When it is damaged, there is a violation of coordination in the work and tone of blood vessels. Such conditions can lead to the development of a persistent decrease in blood pressure.

    Diseases of the endocrine system. Metabolic disorders lead to changes in the elasticity and tone of the arteries.

  • Exhaustion after severe and frequent respiratory infections.

    Severe stress.

    Poor and insufficient nutrition.

A decrease in blood pressure in a child is a reason to examine the baby more carefully. Many chronic diseases, which can be very dangerous, cause persistent hypotension. Normalizing blood pressure in such situations is possible only with proper treatment the underlying disease that caused the condition.

Hypotension is also not an independent disease. This is just a symptom that occurs when various states. Even simple stress or severe fatigue may cause a decrease in blood pressure in the baby.

Hypotension is also common during adolescence in girls who begin to imitate adult behavior. Excessive predilection for thinness and harmony can cause anorexia in a girl. This condition is often accompanied by a persistent decrease in blood pressure, which is difficult to normalize even with medication.

Reduced blood pressure manifests itself as a disturbance in general well-being. Usually the child becomes more lethargic. Students cannot concentrate while studying. Younger children begin to be capricious, become slower and more inhibited. With a significant decrease in blood pressure, a headache may appear.

How to lower blood pressure?

To normalize blood pressure, several in various ways. In the presence of persistent hypertension, doctors prescribe a whole range of therapeutic methods. This system allows you to reduce pressure and maintain it at the proper level for many years.

To eliminate arterial hypertension, use:

    Correct daily routine. Getting up in the morning at the same time helps normalize the tone of blood vessels and normalize blood pressure.

    Full sleep. At night, the baby should sleep at least 8-9 hours. Preschool children should also rest during the day. Usually on nap 2-3 hours are allotted.

    Complete nutrition with reduced amounts of table salt. It contains sodium. When taken in large quantities, it can cause severe spasm and constriction of blood vessels. This leads to increased pressure. Limiting salt and all canned and pickled foods has a beneficial effect on blood pressure levels.

    Taking medications. Diuretics, antispasmodics, ACE inhibitors, and blockers can be used calcium channels. The selection of the drug is made taking into account the underlying disease that caused the increase in pressure. For kidney diseases, potassium supplements are used.

    Optimal training regimen. Loads in sports sections or when playing sports for a child with arterial hypertension should be strictly dosed and not excessive. Overwork should not be allowed. This condition quite often leads to increased blood pressure.

    Reducing stress and psycho-emotional stress. Neurotic conditions often lead to the development of arterial hypertension in children. Heavy workloads at school, which the child does not cope well with, also contribute to increased blood pressure.

    Walks in the open air. A large amount of oxygen has a positive effect on the tone of blood vessels and eliminates spasms. Walking at a moderate pace for at least an hour a day helps normalize blood pressure.

    Getting rid of bad habits. Smoking in adolescence and drinking low-alcohol alcoholic beverages contributes to the development of arterial hypertension, and subsequently even hypertension.

How to increase blood pressure?

Before taking measures to increase blood pressure, you should show your child to a cardiologist. Often behind a mask arterial hypotension Many diseases are hidden that require preliminary treatment. Without eliminating the cause that caused the persistent decrease in pressure, it will not be possible to normalize it.

To cope with the symptoms of hypotension, you can use the following methods:

    When choosing them, preference should be given to the individual characteristics of the child and his interests should be taken into account. Almost all types of physical activity are suitable to normalize blood pressure. They should be performed regularly.

    Nutritious nutrition, taking into account age. Insufficient intake of all necessary elements and vitamins leads to a child’s developmental delay. physical development, as well as a decrease in the tone of blood vessels. The baby should eat at least 5-6 times a day.

    Strengthening the immune system. Frequent colds and infectious diseases lead to persistent hypotension. Regular walks in the fresh air and good nutrition will help your child strengthen his immune system and get sick less.

    Strong tea or cocoa. For teenagers - coffee. During an attack of severe low blood pressure, you should offer your child these drinks. They contain caffeine, which increases blood pressure. If a child has arrhythmia, then coffee is contraindicated for him.

    Use of adaptogens. You can use eleutherococcus, lemongrass infusion or ginseng. The use of these medications may cause an allergic reaction. Before use, the child should be shown to a doctor to rule out possible contraindications.

    Massage. Usually carried out in a stimulating mode. Helps normalize vascular tone. Prescribed in a course of 10-12 procedures 2 times a year.

    Various physiotherapeutic techniques. A contrast shower or underwater massage are perfect. These methods normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous system. Usually after 8-12 sessions, blood pressure normalizes.

    Caffeine-based medications. Prescribed by a cardiologist. Do not use in children suffering from cardiac arrhythmias. Such medications cannot be used for arrhythmia.

Who to contact?

If measuring a child’s blood pressure reveals a deviation from the norm, it should be shown to a pediatrician or cardiologist. Any changes to this important indicator may indicate problems in the functioning of the heart or internal organs.

For examination, doctors may prescribe additional examinations. These include Holter blood pressure measurement. Using a special device that is placed on the child, heart parameters are monitored for a full day. This study allows you to more accurately establish a diagnosis and identify the cause of deviations in blood pressure.

Heart problems can have very dangerous consequences. Monitoring blood pressure levels must be carried out in children at any age. This will allow you to identify the first symptoms in time and begin treatment in a timely manner.

The most common diseases among the adult population are heart and vascular diseases, in particular arterial hypertension. When you hear this diagnosis, a visual image appears in your head: a man, 50-55 years old, smoking, overweight and slightly hyperemic skin… But is it? Only if adult population suffer from high blood pressure? Unfortunately no. Arterial hypertension also occurs in children.

1 Peculiarities of childhood physiology

Children's body has some features of the anatomy and physiology of the heart and blood vessels. In utero in the fetus, as well as for some time after birth, the ductus botallus (the opening between the aorta and the pulmonary artery) and oval window(connects the atria). Normally, they close soon after birth. If this does not happen on time, children may develop heart defects and diseases.

In children, there is immaturity of the conduction system of the heart, imperfect regulation of the activity of the cardiovascular system, vascular tone, greater permeability of the capillary network, wider lumen and greater elasticity of the walls of blood vessels than in adults. All these factors indicate that blood pressure in children should be lower than in adults.

That’s right, at birth the baby’s blood pressure is approximately 75/35 mmHg, by the first year of life its value reaches 80-85/40-45 mmHg, by three years the blood pressure is 95/ 60 mmHg, and by five - 100/65 mmHg. It becomes obvious that as the number of years increases, pressure, both systolic and diastolic, also “increases”. And already in adolescents aged 14-17 years, blood pressure figures will approach those of adults.

2 Increased blood pressure in children

Arterial hypertension in children is a disease that is characterized by an increase in blood pressure compared to the age norm. Does increased blood pressure always mean illness? No, there are physiological conditions in which the pressure will increase naturally: active sucking, feeding, crying, physical activity, excitement, increased emotional background.

All these reasons can contribute to the increase. But after eliminating these causes and short-term rest, pressure indicators return to the age norm. It’s another matter when the tonometer reading consistently registers an excess acceptable indicators regardless of the above factors. Here we are talking about a disease.

3 How to correctly determine pressure?

In children, the determination of such an indicator as blood pressure is assessed taking into account age standards. There are special centile tables that calculate what blood pressure a child should have, taking into account his height, weight, and gender. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to measure the child’s height and weight, then measure the pressure (it is better to take measurements three times, with an interval of 2-3 minutes), calculate the average systolic and diastolic blood pressure based on three measurements, and compare the obtained figures with the table values.

If, according to the table, the indicators are in the range from the 10th to the 90th centile, this is the norm, from the 90th to the 95th centile - borderline hypertension, above the 95th centile - arterial hypertension. To make a diagnosis, there must be at least three visits to the doctor with an interval of 5-7 days, and three times the indicators must exceed permissible norm. It should be remembered that there are rules that allow you to most accurately measure pressure, without distorting the results:

  1. The room should be neither hot nor cold. Thermal comfort must be maintained.
  2. The width of the cuff should correspond to the circumference of the child's shoulder and be selected in accordance with age and body weight. An adult cuff cannot be used to measure blood pressure for a child.
  3. For 1-1.5 hours before the manipulation, it is not allowed to actively play, do gymnastics, or exercise. It is not recommended to eat, drink a lot of fluids, or smoke for teenagers.
  4. During the measurement, the child should not be scared, upset, and of course should not cry.
  5. It is preferable to take measurements at the same time, in the morning.

4 Causes of high blood pressure in a child

Just like in adults, there are two forms of hypertension in children: primary and secondary. The primary form is more common, the reasons for its occurrence have not been established, the connection between the primary form and heredity is clearly visible. A child suffering from this form of hypertension will have high blood pressure readings from either his or her father or mother or grandparents. Another name for this form is essential.

The secondary form occurs in 5-20% of all cases of hypertension. Other name secondary form- symptomatic, i.e. the exact cause of its occurrence has been established and determined - it is a disease of the heart, kidneys, endocrine, nervous system or another disease, the symptom of which is a persistent increase in blood pressure. There are also some features of the secondary form.

As a rule, it occurs in the first 10 years of a child’s life, is characterized by a persistent, significant increase in both systolic and diastolic pressure, no genetic connection can be traced, and resistance to treatment is noted. The most common are nephrogenic, endocrine, hemodynamic, neurogenic of all types of symptomatic hypertension.

5 Symptoms

A child who does not yet know how to speak or cannot clearly express his complaints, with elevated blood pressure levels, may be overly excited, restless, whiny, and may refuse to breastfeed. Older children may complain of headache, weakness, dizziness, palpitations, anxiety, unmotivated fears, aggressive or whiny behavior may occur, a feeling of lack of air or shortness of breath, a feeling of heat, nausea, vomiting, pain in the heart may occur. If such symptoms appear in a child, it is necessary to measure his blood pressure.

6 Survey

When contacting a medical institution, the doctor will definitely conduct an objective examination: in addition to measuring blood pressure, he will evaluate the pulse, heart sounds, boundaries, murmurs, heartbeat, measure the height and weight of the child. He will ask the parents whether anyone in the family suffered from hypertension, what chronic diseases the child has, what is his daily routine, nutrition, rest, what is the psychological situation in the family. If a teenager comes to the appointment, the doctor is obliged to find out whether he has any bad habits, whether the patient drinks alcohol or nicotine.

Mandatory laboratory and instrumental examination methods include:

  • general blood and urine analysis,
  • biochemical blood test (urea, creatinine, total protein, electrolytes, glucose, lipids, total cholesterol, triglycerides, uric acid),
  • examination by an ophthalmologist,
  • EchoCG,
  • assessment of sexual development.

If symptomatic hypertension is suspected, the doctor will prescribe:

  • urine analysis according to Nechiporenko, Zimnitsky,
  • creatinine clearance,
  • creatinine level, serum urea,
  • serum calcium level,
  • determination of thyroid-stimulating hormone, thyroxine, antibodies to thyroglobulin,
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys, adrenal glands,
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland,
  • CT or MRI of the adrenal glands,
  • MRI of the brain.

The doctor prescribes examination methods depending on the suspicion of the primary source of the increase in pressure. It is very important to carry out the diagnosis carefully and competently. After all, its outcome depends on the timely detection of the disease. And the outcome of arterial hypertension in a child can be normalization of blood pressure numbers, stabilization increased indicators, or a progressive course of hypertension with an increase in its degree and the development of complications from the organs of vision, kidneys, heart and blood vessels.

7 Treatment of hypertension in a child

The main goal of treatment is to normalize blood pressure, as well as prevent the occurrence of complications of hypertension. After all, if in childhood the pressure reaches high numbers, then without appropriate treatment, by the age of thirty the patient may have serious problems with health or even disability. Treatment includes both drug and non-drug methods. The treatment of high blood pressure in a child should be carried out by a pediatrician together with a cardiologist.

Non-drug methods can be like independent method treatment, and may be the background for drug therapy. The main methods of non-drug treatment are as follows:

  • rational daily routine, sufficient night sleep;
  • restriction in the diet of table salt, a balanced diet with sufficient magnesium, potassium, calcium;
  • nutritional correction for overweight children;
  • sufficient physical activity, but without overload, preparatory group By physical culture with hypertension 2 degrees;
  • giving up bad habits (relevant for teenagers);
  • psycho-emotional peace.

IN drug therapy use medications the following groups: b-blockers, diuretics, ACE, AK, angiotensinogen II R blockers. Medicines, the dose of medicine and the frequency of their administration are prescribed only by the attending physician. You should never self-medicate!

High blood pressure is not only a problem for older people. According to experts, the first “jumps” in numbers on a tonometer in children can be observed already in puberty, during puberty. At the same time, high blood pressure in adolescents is not always the first sign of impending arterial hypertension.

Healthy people We tried to figure out what symptoms of high blood pressure in children should not be ignored, what is the reason for high numbers on the tonometer in schoolchildren, and whether this can be avoided. We turned to Irina Chizhevskaya with these questions.

Irina Chizhevskaya

Head of the Department of Pediatrics, Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, candidate medical sciences, assistant professor

Seven reasons for high blood pressure in teenagers

The danger of high blood pressure is that a person may not feel it. I feel the same as before, but the numbers on the tonometer are off the charts. If we talk about adults, high blood pressure is also caused by bad habits, and already “earned” chronic diseases, somewhere an irresponsible attitude towards one’s health (it will go away on its own), constant lack of sleep and stress. Why does children’s blood pressure “jump” already at the age of 13-14? There are several reasons for this.

Firstly, it could be simple overwork. The rhythm of life of almost every schoolchild is quite busy. Sections, clubs, extra classes, lessons and tutors - everything needs to be done in time. There is absolutely no time left for proper rest.

Secondly, High blood pressure in adolescents is associated with the processes of their growth and development. And above all, with the hormonal changes that occur in the body. By the way, hormonal changes are more likely to cause high blood pressure in boys than in girls. And the culprit for this is the hormone testosterone.

Irina Chizhevskaya

Chief freelance pediatric cardiorheumatologist of the Ministry of Health

During puberty, children experience a large release of hormones. The walls of blood vessels react to them and narrow. As a result, - possible increase pressure.

Thirdly, the cause of high blood pressure may be overweight and obesity.

Irina Chizhevskaya

Chief freelance pediatric cardiorheumatologist of the Ministry of Health

An abundance of sweets, carbonated drinks, food fast food in the diet - all this in combination with in a sedentary manner life provokes excess weight and obesity in children and adolescents. Excess body weight leads to metabolic processes in the body being disrupted and insulin resistance developing (impaired biological response of body tissues to the action of insulin). High insulin levels – high blood pressure.

Fourthly, children may be experiencing some stressful situation . Adolescence is also a time of searching for one’s “I”, doubts about how life will turn out, choices future profession. Many experience severe psycho-emotional stress, which also provokes an increase in blood pressure.

Fifthly, the child may have diseases that lead to arterial hypertension, - endocrine disorders, malformations of the cardiovascular and central nervous systems, stenosis (narrowing) of the renal arteries.

Sixth, hereditary factor. If the parents suffer from hypertension, the child will also be predisposed to developing this disease.

Irina Chizhevskaya

Chief freelance pediatric cardiorheumatologist of the Ministry of Health

Most often, arterial hypertension is inherited through the maternal line.

Seventh, sometimes a child’s tonometer shows elevated numbers during a visit to the doctor. At home everything is fine. In this case, the cause of the increase in blood pressure may be a simple fear of the doctor or, as it is also called, “white coat hypertension.”

What's normal?

For each age, taking into account various factors, blood pressure may be different. However, the difference between the tonometer readings on both hands should not exceed 5-10 mm. mercury column.

Irina Chizhevskaya

Chief freelance pediatric cardiorheumatologist of the Ministry of Health

Blood pressure is a variable value. In the morning, immediately after sleep, it may be one, but after physical activity the tonometer will show completely different numbers.

for upper (systolic) blood pressure

1.7* for age+ 83

For example: a child is 10 years old. So 1.7*10+83=100

for lower (diastolic) pressure


For example: the same 10-year-old child. So 1.6*10+42=58

top: 90 + (n) and bottom: 60 + (n). Where (n) is the number of years.

What to pay attention to and what to do if your child has high blood pressure

It is necessary to measure blood pressure in the following cases:

If your blood pressure numbers are far outside the normal range, your actions:

  • the child must be put down and calmed down, the window must be opened so that there is an influx fresh air . It wouldn’t hurt to give sedatives, for example, valerian or glycine;
  • if you measure your blood pressure and it is high, you can use medications that will lower it(“Captopril” or “Enalapril”). They are placed under the tongue and dissolved. At the same time, do not delay visiting a doctor or calling an ambulance;
  • There are no such drugs at home, but the child feels bad, - call 103.
  • can't do without the help of an ambulance medical care , if in addition high pressure The teenager has nausea and vomiting, feels weak and dizzy.

Symptoms of high blood pressure in children

Without a tonometer at hand, high blood pressure in a child can be determined using subjective and objective criteria. Objective symptoms of the disease include:

belly size, since a large belly is an indicator of problems in cardiovascular system.

Complexion. A child with hypertension is often identified by a flushed face, a face with a vascular pattern. With low blood pressure, the complexion is often pale.

A symptom of high blood pressure in a child is redness of the eyes.

If you press hard on the area of ​​the artery, and the pulse does not disappear, then there is a very high probability of increased pressure.

Unmotivated excitement, or vice versa - sharp adynamia, talkativeness, which you see in a child with a flaming face and a big belly, most likely means high blood pressure.

Subjective signs of hypertension in children

Subjective signs of high blood pressure include:

  • dizziness,
  • Strong headache,
  • feeling of "heat" in the face,
  • pain in the occipital region,
  • "flies" before the eyes,
  • numbness of the tongue,
  • nausea,
  • lack of air,
  • pain in the heart area.

Types of high blood pressure in children and their symptoms

There are primary and secondary hypertension. Blood pressure in children with secondary hypertension is a consequence of chronic kidney disease, cardiovascular diseases, and pathologies of the endocrine system.

Primary hypertension, that is, high blood pressure in children that has no reason, occurs during puberty and as a result of excessive mental and physical stress. The causes may also be increased emotionality, nervous overstrain, overweight. Primary hypertension is the body's reaction to external stimuli.

How to determine the symptoms of hypertension in a child?

Measuring blood pressure is an important procedure not only for adults, but sometimes it is extremely important for children as well. This issue has its own characteristics, which consist for the most part in correct selection cuffs

The use of adult cuffs in diagnosing hypertension in children may result in incorrect readings. A separate case is erroneous indicators in young children. If you cannot find a special cuff for children special sizes, you will need to do it yourself. You can get correct results only when the cuff occupies 3/4 of the distance from armpit child up to the elbow.

Now there are semi-automatic and automatic devices for diagnosing hypertension. If you do not have such a device, it is possible to measure the pressure with a conventional device.

When determining a child's blood pressure, he should lie or sit quietly. On left shoulder The child’s hands, freed from clothing, apply and secure the cuff so that 1 finger passes between it and the skin. The brachial artery is felt on the elbow bend and a stethoscope is firmly, but without excessive effort, applied to it to determine the pulse. Afterwards, air is gradually pumped into the balloon, which is supplied immediately to both the cuff and the pressure gauge. By gradually pumping air into the cuff, they record the moment when the sounds of pulse beats stop. Then they begin to gradually reduce the pressure in the cuff by opening the valve at the balloon. At that moment, when the pressure in the cuff reaches the value of systolic (“upper”) pressure, short, fairly loud sounds of pulse beats, also called Korotkoff sounds, can be heard in the headphones of the stethoscope. The numbers displayed on the pressure gauge at this moment indicate the systolic pressure.

With a subsequent decrease in pressure in the cuff, the tones during listening weaken and gradually disappear. At the moment the sounds disappear, the pressure gauge readings indicate diastolic (“lower”) pressure. A person's blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury (mmHg).

To calculate the approximate values ​​of normal systolic (“upper”) blood pressure in a child, you need to multiply his age (in years) by 2 and add 80 to the resulting value. The normal diastolic (“lower”) pressure should be from 1/2 to 2/ 3 from "top". When calculating using this formula for a 5-year-old child, the “upper” pressure should be about 90 millimeters (5x2+ 80 = 90), and the “lower” pressure should be between 45-60 millimeters Hg. st

How to reduce a child's blood pressure at home?

To prevent further development disease, it is necessary to reconsider the daily routine and diet. Moderate physical activity and mandatory daily walks are mandatory conditions. It is necessary to introduce more vegetables, fruits, legumes, corn into the child’s diet and reduce the amount of salt and fat.

Parents of children suffering from hypertension should know how to lower their child's blood pressure without using medications.

If there is a sharp increase in blood pressure, the child should be placed in bed with his face on the pillow. Having asked him to bend his neck a little, apply an ice cube on both sides of the most protruding vertebra. After the ice has melted, rub any oil into the cooled areas. This is a fairly effective method, but it should be used once every three days and only if absolutely necessary.

You can urgently reduce blood pressure by moistening a cloth with apple cider vinegar or simple table vinegar and applying it to your heels for 10-15 minutes.

All reduction remedies given here are not treatments. This traditional methods, which are used as additional or fast-acting methods. If a child’s blood pressure increases systematically, a full medical examination is necessary. A cardiologist will make a diagnosis, prescribe medication, and also tell you how to combine medications with traditional medicine methods.

Reducing blood pressure in children using folk remedies

The juices of the following berries can be used to treat children:

chokeberry juice - drink a quarter glass half an hour before meals;

red rowan juice - drink one tablespoon before meals for a month;

beet juice mixed with honey in one to one proportions, eat a tablespoon before meals.

To reduce blood pressure, it is very useful for children to eat watermelons and fresh berries. black currant, baked potatoes in their skins.

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