Vaginal odor in women. Video: how to treat discharge with the smell of rotten fish. Some groups of drugs

Every woman has a specific vaginal odor. It changes over the course of the menstrual cycle, becoming less or more pronounced. But if an unpleasant and intrusive odor appears, then this indicates the presence of a serious pathology female organs. Leave this symptom not worth without attention. First of all, you need to consult a doctor to make a correct diagnosis and prescribe further therapy.

Causes of unpleasant odor

A specific odor from the vagina is most often caused by serious problems associated with inflammatory processes in the genital area:

  1. 1. Candidiasis is a fungal infection of the mucous membrane of the genital organs. This disease may also be indicated by curdled discharge having a sour milky smell.
  2. 2. Dysbacteriosis in the vaginal area. This is explained by a sharp change in the balance between beneficial and harmful microflora of the genital area in favor of the latter. Most often this happens due to decreased immunity and active reproduction of pathogenic microflora.
  3. 3. Colpitis - inflammatory processes in the vaginal mucosa. Inflammation occurs against the background of sexually transmitted diseases or the proliferation of bacteria of the coccus family.
  4. 4. Relapse of chronic diseases of the genital area, which are accompanied by vaginal discharge.
  5. 5. Gardnerella, infection of which leads to the development of an unpleasant odor from the woman’s genitals.

Determine the real problem similar phenomenon possible only after examination by a specialist and passing necessary tests. But besides these reasons, there are a number of others - lack of personal hygiene, ignoring sexual hygiene, excessive douching, and the presence of sexually transmitted infections.

If you determine the type of odor that appears, it will be much easier to determine the cause of its occurrence.

Varieties of the disease

Medicine has identified several types of unpleasant odors that arise against the background of the most different infections or diseases:

  1. 1. The smell of fish. If a woman detects a rotten fishy odor from her genitals, this may be a manifestation of vaginal dysbiosis. Most often, this symptom is also accompanied by severe itching and burning in the intimate area. But an unpleasant odor is not the only sign of dysbiosis. Against the background of the development of pathogenic microflora, diseases of the pelvic organs most often actively progress.
  2. 2. Onion smell. If the discharge smells like onions, then we can talk about fungal infection vaginal mucosa. During sexual intercourse and hormonal imbalance, the smell intensifies, thereby creating discomfort and causing a lot of inconvenience to the woman. To determine the disease and make an accurate diagnosis, an analysis for the presence of fungi is required.
  3. 3. Smell of urine. If the genitals smell of urine, this indicates the presence of regular stress or too much body weight. When you get rid of these factors, the microflora is normalized, and vaginal discharge acquires a natural aroma. The cause of this phenomenon is the involuntary discharge of a small portion of urine into the genital area during physical activity or laughter. This is explained by the fact that excess weight puts pressure on the excretory organs, and excessive nervous tension does not allow the muscles to relax and leads to their dystrophy.
  4. 4. Rotten smell. An unpleasant odor from the vagina, reeking of rotten meat, occurs against the background of bacterial infection and damage to the mucous membrane. But the disease is also accompanied by a number of other symptoms. The main one is grayish vaginal discharge. If they are not detected in time, then serious diseases can develop against the background of inflammation.
  5. 5. A sour odor from the genitals occurs due to infection with thrush, and the disease is also accompanied by a cheesy discharge. It is easy to determine the presence of the disease - it is accompanied by itching and irritation. Against the background of this lesion, a woman often develops vulvovaginitis.
  6. 6. Acetone aroma. This symptom most often occurs with the development of diabetes mellitus. Ketone bodies accumulate in the body and are excreted through contact with natural fluids. But the acetone smell is present not only in diabetes; it often appears with insufficient water consumption, excessive consumption of protein foods, as well as pathologies of the genitourinary system.
  7. 7. Metallic aroma. A similar smell occurs when there is blood in the discharge. But they only happen during menstruation. If the aroma is present even after the end of menstruation, then you should contact a gynecologist, since this indicates the presence of erosive damage to the cervix. Determine availability similar disease possible if after sexual intercourse there are brown discharge from the vagina.
  8. 8. Other varieties. If the aroma of garlic or a sweetish smell begins to emanate from the genitals, this is not always a symptom of any disease. Perhaps the patient consumed some product that had a specific pungent taste, which gave the discharge a corresponding smell.

Often an unpleasant odor is present in the discharge of a pregnant woman. And this is a cause for concern. Indeed, during pregnancy, this symptom indicates many pathologies that require immediate medical intervention. These include:

  • changes in hormonal levels, which are typical during pregnancy and after childbirth;
  • violation of tactile function, as a result of which most aromas become unpleasant;
  • increased activity of microorganisms that lead to disruption of the vaginal microflora;
  • exacerbation of diseases of the genital organs.

Treatment options

Treatment should be based on the results of studies and tests. The most effective way to eliminate the disease is vaginal suppositories. They contain many various components, which help to cope with the very reason that caused the unpleasant odor.

Vaginal suppositories contain antiviral and antifungal components that will help get rid of not only the cause of the disease, but also its main symptoms. In particular, suppositories help remove plaque from thrush from the external genitalia, which leads to damage to the mucous membrane.

Traditional methods of treatment are reduced to the use of the following drugs:

  • Gynoflor, which refers to bacterial preparations, helping to restore the vaginal microflora during dysbacteriosis;
  • Fluomizin, which belongs to antibacterial agents, helping to destroy most fungi and bacteria;
  • Gardnerellosis is easily cured with Clindacin, which is available in tablet form and vaginal suppositories. It has a pronounced bacteriostatic effect, but it is completely useless against fungal infections;

The physiological odor from the vagina does not cause any discomfort. A woman can encounter an unpleasant odor only if she walks active inflammation, associated with pathogenic microflora. During their life, bacteria release gases that cause illness. Each type of pathogenic microorganism emits a specific odor, which can even be used to diagnose the type of pathogen. The unpleasant odor may be putrid or sour, and may also be accompanied by itching, burning and discomfort in the vaginal cavity. IN similar situations You should immediately contact a gynecologist in order to identify the pathogenic microorganism and receive qualified treatment. Such a condition can lead to the spread of the disease to neighboring organs and cause undesirable consequences, including infertility, the development of cysts and space-occupying formations.

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    Causes of unpleasant odor

    An unpleasant odor from the vagina is not only discomfort in Everyday life, but also a rather alarming symptom for many infectious diseases. They are all accompanied by pronounced inflammatory processes, as a result of which metabolism in cells is disrupted. In some cases, it may indicate a hormonal imbalance and disturbances in the production of secretions by the glands of the genitourinary organs.

    Among the main reasons leading to unpleasant odor from the vagina are:

    • Dysbacteriosis - occurs as a result of an imbalance between opportunistic, pathogenic and beneficial bacteria filling the vaginal cavity. Normally, some of them are necessary for normal life, but pathogenic ones pose a threat to health.
    • Thrush - develops as a result of a large number of fungi of the genus Candida (Candida), is characterized by massive white curdled discharge and a sour odor.
    • Gardnerellosis - the mucous membrane of the vagina and vulva is affected by gardnerella, accompanied by a pronounced rotten fishy odor.
    • Colpitis is an inflammatory disease of the vagina caused by coccal flora, which is transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse.
    • Other inflammatory chronic diseases female reproductive system, which occur long time and negatively affect the production of secretions by their own glands.

    To all of the above pathological condition may result from provoking factors. A woman simply cannot resist some of them in normal life conditions. Among them are:

    • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
    • irregular sexual intercourse or frequent change of sexual partners;
    • venereal diseases;
    • decreased immunity;
    • hormonal changes in vaginal microflora;
    • dystrophic changes in the mucous membrane;
    • taking certain medications;
    • congenital anomalies of the vagina;
    • usage oral contraceptives or installation of an intrauterine device;
    • obesity;
    • chronic stress and instability of the psycho-emotional background;
    • metabolic disorders, including genetic ones.

    A physiological change in vaginal odor can be observed at the time of puberty, after abortion, childbirth and other manipulations associated with the female genital organs. Under such circumstances, the unpleasant odor goes away on its own after the onset of the first menstruation.

    Symptoms and types of pathological odor

    An unpleasant odor, which is accompanied by itching inside the vagina, necessarily indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the gynecological organs. Diseases such as mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, as well as infections caused by gonococcus and trichomonas, do not have a specific odor, but it is pronounced and causes significant discomfort.

    The type of odor often depends on the specific disease:

    Type of smell Cause Associated symptoms Features of the condition
    Smell of fishDysbacteriosisItching and burning of the mucous membraneWhen the qualitative and quantitative composition of the vaginal microflora changes, the mucous membrane becomes vulnerable to pathogenic bacteria, inflammation and a pathological process occur more often
    Urine smellUrinary incontinence, poor hygiene and frequent stressDiscomfort, itching and burning in anticipationWith sphincter incompetence Bladder Urine regularly refluxes into the vagina, which irritates the mucous membrane. Severely obese women are more likely to suffer when their body mass index is greater than 30.
    Smell rotten fish GardnerellosisDirty-white mucus is secreted in copious amounts, and all visible mucous membranes are also covered with it.Gardnerellosis is an acute or chronic infectious and inflammatory disease. If it smells like rotten fish, this is due to the breakdown of protein fractions of sperm and vaginal secretions under the influence of proteolytic enzymes secreted by pathogenic microorganisms
    The smell of herringBacterial vaginosisLong asymptomatic period

    It is characterized by the abundant presence of opportunistic microorganisms, which gradually remove beneficial microorganisms from the vaginal cavity. At laboratory diagnostics making a diagnosis is not difficult

    Sour smellThrush, or vaginal candidiasisWhite, copious, thick, curd-like vaginal dischargeIts presence provokes a large number of Candida fungi and is a common pathology, but treatment is not particularly difficult
    Strong and pungent odorAcute inflammation or exacerbation of a chronic source of infectionDepends on the type pathological process This disorder is borderline and requires immediate treatment, otherwise it can lead to serious diseases of the reproductive system.
    The smell of onionsFungal infectionUsually appears after sexual intercourse, during menstruation, pregnancy, menopause and frequent stressful situations. The onion smell is explained by the beginning of the active division of opportunistic fungi, which are normally found on the mucous membranes and do not cause any signs of disease. Their activation is due to decreased immunity and the presence of provoking factors, the most common being psycho-emotional stress and prolonged stress.
    Smell of spermRecent sexual intercourse, hormonal imbalance, change in vaginal microfloraUsually there are no accompanying symptoms, rarely accompanied by itching and burning.This symptom does not pose any danger to the woman’s health and is not accompanied by irritation and inflammation. The long course of such a pathological condition can worsen, and therefore requires timely correction of the vaginal microflora
    Garlic smellBacterial vaginosis, recent consumption of garlicNoMicroelements of food products are released along with vaginal secretions, as well as with sweat or other biological fluids
    Smell of acetoneDiabetesNoAppears when ketone bodies accumulate in the mucous membranes and are subsequently released. Before a woman notices a similar odor from the vagina, it will appear in a more pronounced form in urine and sweat
    The smell of ironMenstruation, premenstrual syndrome, cervical erosionDepends on the severity of the process. often blood or red streaks in clear or whitish mucous dischargeCharacterized by the presence of blood impurities. In case of cervical erosions, the odor is emitted by specific ulcers on the mucous membrane, which are not able to significantly change the nature of the discharge. An increase in this symptom after sexual intercourse indicates the presence of microtraumas at the site of mucosal tear

    Curdled discharge due to thrush in the vaginal cavity

    Features of symptoms during pregnancy

    During pregnancy and after childbirth, major hormonal changes occur in a woman’s body, and the smell from the vagina changes radically. It becomes more pronounced and sharp, but there are no symptoms of inflammation, no irritation, itching or burning. Pregnant women have a different perception of taste and olfactory receptors, and therefore normal smell is perceived more clearly. If there is no evidence of pathology, there is also no cause for concern.

    The woman's immune system weakens, since it does not have to resist being in the fetus's body. Against this background, there is an active proliferation of pathogenic bacteria, many of which are conditionally pathogenic. This condition requires correction with the help of special medications.

    If there are chronic foci of infection in the body, then during pregnancy and breastfeeding they worsen, thereby leading to inflammation and the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the vagina.

    In the postpartum period, for 1.5-2 months, characteristic discharge bloody content. Gradually they lighten and become transparent, have no unpleasant odor, except for the ferrous one. They go away on their own, but if brown, purulent and foul-smelling discharge appears, you should immediately consult a doctor. These signs may indicate the presence purulent process, which is characterized by complications of the postpartum period.

    Smell after menstruation and sexual intercourse

    Pathogenic microorganisms can enter female body during sexual intercourse along with the sperm of the sexual partner. They are also capable of being in the vagina, and sperm, being a biological medium, is rich in nutrients, becomes a good help for their reproduction and development. The degree of pathological condition can be determined using microscopic examination by having a smear test during a visit to the gynecologist.

    The menstrual cycle is a natural physiological process through which a woman is able to become pregnant. By itself, it is not capable of leading to a pathological condition, but is a provoking factor. This is done by reducing protective properties vagina at the time of menstruation, the mucous membrane becomes more vulnerable and susceptible to penetration of pathogenic microorganisms. Bloody issues are good nutrient medium for the growth and reproduction of many bacteria.

    It is important to observe all the rules of intimate hygiene, since blood clots tend to accumulate and even fester. It is necessary to timely replace pads and absorbent tampons, and perform a toilet with special antibacterial agents. The menstrual cycle occurs through a complex hormonal process, an imbalance leading to disturbances between normal and pathogenic bacterial environments.

    Features of symptoms in children

    Although vaginal odor is predominantly caused by inflammatory diseases associated with infection, this symptom also appears in girls before the onset of sexual activity. It is necessary to urgently contact pediatric gynecologist, since the condition may have a pronounced pathological character.

    The most common cause of unpleasant vaginal odor in girls is allergic reactions vaginal mucosa, hormonal disorders, helminthic infestations, lack of proper hygiene of the external genitalia, presence foreign bodies, traumatic injuries, infectious diseases, weakened the immune system and household venereal diseases.


    Self-medication for this pathology is possible only after a competent examination by a gynecologist. Some diseases may be irreversible and can cause significant harm to future quality of life.

    Once the source of the unpleasant odor is known, the doctor will prescribe treatment and give certain recommendations. Treatment is often carried out with the help of antibacterial and antifungal drugs, which are available in the form of suppositories, creams, gels and aerosols.

    Most effective local application medicines, among the common ones are Metrogyl and Trichopolum (metronidazole). They are available in tablet forms and as suppositories. As adjuvant therapy Hydrogen peroxide, benzalkonium chloride, Miramistin and others are prescribed. They are applied by douching or aerosol spraying. Local treatment does not have a significant effect on the entire body, therefore it is indicated even during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

    Long-term inflammation, which involves a large spread of bacterial microflora, requires mandatory prescription antibacterial drugs. The most commonly used antibiotics are cephalosparins and clindamycin. To determine the effectiveness of the therapy, a repeat smear to detect bacteria is necessary. Even if negative analysis After a few months, the study should be repeated.

    Throughout the course of treatment, women are advised to maintain a work-rest schedule, eat right, avoid fatty, fried and sweet foods, and minimize the risk of stressful situations. If it is not possible to maintain a favorable emotional background, then sedatives are prescribed.

    Required complete failure from sexual intercourse, as there is a possible risk of reinfection ( reinfection) and disruption of the local effects of some dosage forms. If you have a regular sexual partner, he also needs to undergo a clinical minimum examination. Many sexually transmitted diseases involve male carriage.

    Some groups of drugs

    The main treatment for vaginal odor is suppositories. They may have different active ingredients in their composition, and therefore the degree of their impact and healing effect. The modern market has a large number of types of vaginal suppositories, the appropriateness of which is determined by the attending physician:

    Medicine Application area Features of admission and release Trade form
    FluomizinCocci, fungi, trichomonas and gram-negative bacteria ( coli, protozoa, Klebsiella, Gardnerella, etc.).Prescribed for bacterial vaginosis, vulvovaginitis, calpitis. Use 1 suppository at night for a week. When menstruation occurs, treatment is stopped and then resumed. It is acceptable to use during pregnancy
    ClindacinMycoplasma, staphylococcus, streptococcus, gardnerella, clostridia, etc.It has no effect on fungal flora and trichomonas. One suppository is prescribed at night for 7 days. During pregnancy, use is allowed from the second trimester
    GynoflorThe most justified use is after massive antibiotic therapy, when beneficial bacteria die along with pathogenic bacteria.Available in the form of vaginal suppositories or tablets. It has a beneficial effect on any disturbances in the vaginal microflora. Apply twice a day for 10 days. Often prescribed for endometriosis and hormonal tumors of the female reproductive system
    IsoconazoleYeast-like and mold-like fungi, gram-positive bacteria, dermatophytesApply once a day, at night. Treatment course 3 days
    Klion-DHas antiprotozoal, antimicrobial and antifungal effectsAfter the first use, there is a significant reduction in symptomatic manifestations, such as itching, unpleasant odor, burning and discomfort in the vagina. Most Applications found in the treatment of trichomoniasis, as it is toxic
    TerzhinanHas antimicrobial and antifungal effect, has a detrimental effect on anaerobic flora, including gardnerella and trichomonasDue to the presence of the hormone prednisolone in its composition, it quickly relieves inflammation in the problem area and helps fight other unpleasant symptoms. The course of treatment is 10-20 days, depending on the severity of the pathological process. Apply once a day, at night, vaginally

    Alternative medicine

    Treatment of unpleasant vaginal odor at home can be carried out with the help of traditional medicine, but it is worth considering that they should only be auxiliary.

    The main therapy should still be carried out through medications.

    To treat thrush, use the usual baking soda. You need to take 1 tsp. and stir in half a glass of warm water. Next, cotton pads are soaked in the solution and the vaginal walls are cleaned with them. After a 4-day course, the stench, discharge and itching completely disappear.

    You can remove vaginal discharge by drinking 100 ml of freshly squeezed juice from viburnum berries and barberries every day. Similar action White acacia flowers have flowers that must be thoroughly chewed and swallowed; they are completely harmless but have a good anti-inflammatory effect.

    Good effect in treatment genitourinary infections has a decoction of nettles. It can be used topically, by douching and orally, 20 ml 3 times a day for 2-3 weeks. To prepare, you will need 20 g of the plant and 300 ml of boiling water, let it brew for an hour, after which it is taken. Get rid of pathogenic microorganisms completely using this tool It won’t work, but the symptoms will subside after just a few uses.

    If vaginal discharge, in addition to an unpleasant odor, also has a pronounced pain syndrome, then the use of a decoction of wormwood is recommended. Before cooking you need 20 g of the roots of this plant, 200 ml boiled water. Let it brew for 30 minutes and then bring to a boil. Apply 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. It is recommended to wash yourself with decoctions with pronounced aromas - from acacia or jasmine flowers, which will give a fragrant effect.

Few things can stress a woman out as much as an unpleasant smell coming from THERE. Especially if everything is clear that things are moving towards cunnilingus ( oral sex). We will tell you everything about it so that at the moment of passion you do not find yourself in an extremely awkward situation.

First of all, it must be said that many women are often embarrassed by their intimate odor, even in situations where there is no reason for this. Many ladies have the wrong idea about normal feminine smell. Society demands that a woman be sweet, pretty, and that her vagina must smell like flowers. And girls try to live up to these expectations, although the natural smell intimate places It shouldn’t resemble a bouquet of roses at all!

On the other hand, a fishy smell is also unacceptable. The norm lies somewhere between these two extremes. In addition, everything is purely individual: some women have no smell at all, while others constantly have to deal with an unpleasant aroma, and for others, the nature of the smell changes dramatically within a month. Knowing what is normal for you is extremely important for everyday comfort. And also in order to clearly understand when health problems appear.

What affects intimate scent

To put it in one word, that’s it! Sex life, the nature of work, the stage of the menstrual cycle - all of this in one way or another affects your vaginal odor.

Many women notice that the smell of their vagina changes slightly during their period. This is due to changes in the pH (acidity) of this organ.

Normal vaginal pH is 4.7, which means that the vaginal environment is acidic. Menstrual blood has a pH of 7.4, therefore reduces the acidity of the environment in the vagina. This causes the smell to change during menstruation; it takes on a fishy hue.

The same thing happens after sex. Prostatic fluid gives semen an extremely alkaline character (pH~8), which consequently affects the pH of the vagina and the odor of the vagina. You can check the acidity of the vagina with a doctor or by purchasing special strips to measure pH.

Signs of a Questionable Odor

If you're unsure about vaginal odor, check your underwear. An increased volume of vaginal discharge is a characteristic symptom vaginal infection. Discharge white or with a slight yellow tint can be considered within the normal range. But if it is gray and spreads a foul fishy aroma throughout the entire room, something is clearly wrong. Green or yellow colors is also not good, as is itching in the vagina.

Long-term vaginal pH imbalance occurs when the amount beneficial microbes decreases, and harmful ones increase. This can lead to the development of a local infectious process, for example, candidiasis (“thrush”) and bacterial vaginosis. The latter has an extremely negative effect on vaginal odor. Factors that provoke the development of vaginosis are sex with a new partner and douching: both disrupt the microbial balance, as thin as Chinese silk. A terrible odor (especially after intercourse), gray discharge, itching around the vaginal opening are typical symptoms of vaginosis. Contact your gynecologist, he will prescribe you antibiotics such as metronidazole, with the help of which you will very quickly get rid of this trouble.

Good news are that special effort no need to apply. The vagina is an organ with a powerful self-cleaning system. The cilia on its walls literally push out dirt, germs and other foreign particles. So, luckily, you don't have to do anything unthinkable to keep your vagina clean.

Often, it is inappropriate interference in this subtle system that leads to depressing consequences. We are talking about douching: along with harmful microbes, streams of water also wash away beneficial bacteria that maintain the necessary acidic environment in the vagina. In addition, during douching you can introduce other bacteria into the genital tract, which will cause vaginosis.

The list of problems associated with this dubious procedure does not end there: douching has been proven to increase the risk of developing salpingitis and cervical cancer. If you use talc, then feel free to add invasive ovarian cancer.

But in fact, you need very little! Warm water and mild soap (the less the better) on a daily basis, underwear made of cotton, not synthetics - and your intimate scent will not let you down at the most crucial moment.

You will find more useful information about the vagina in our special project “

Vaginal discharge and vaginal odor are often associated with infections such as trichomoniasis, bacterial vaginosis, or candidiasis.

Many symptoms and signs of these diseases are quite specific. Bacterial vaginosis is a disorder of the microecology of the vagina. It is one of the most common diseases in women, especially during childbearing years.

There are always many microorganisms in the human body. This does not speak of illness, but of human health.

It is microbes that help fight many diseases, improve digestion, and promote the synthesis of vitamins and other useful substances.

Many bacteria are a kind of filters that take on some of the toxins that enter the human body and prevent the absorption of harmful compounds into the blood. Normal vaginal microflora should prevent the development various kinds infections.

In a woman’s genitals there are many bacteria that provide protection so that they do not get on the mucous membranes. pathogenic bacteria.

Up to 98% of these “good” bacteria are lactobacilli. During their life, these groups of bacteria produce lactic acid or lactate. It is this that causes an acidic environment in the woman’s vagina with a pH of 3.5-4.5. For a huge number of pathogenic bacteria, such an environment is destructive. Therefore, lactobacilli do an excellent job of protecting the vaginal microflora.

In addition to lactobacilli, they live in the vagina different types bacteroides, staphylococci, streptococci and other bacteria. There are even yeast-like mushrooms genus Candida. But with normal microflora, all bacteria that belong to the second group make up only a small percentage.

Violation of the vaginal microflora leads to many women's diseases, including the most common – bacterial vaginosis.

A violation of the number of lactobacilli in the vagina makes it impossible to maintain an acidic environment. This means that the mucous membrane becomes an excellent target for attack by pathogenic bacteria.

This is interesting! Statistics say that bacterial vaginosis occurs in 25% of women under the age of 50. Often the vaginal microflora is disturbed during pregnancy (up to 35% of cases).

The disease is dangerous because it is possible to develop inflammatory processes in the genital organs. At risk are women with irregular periods, inflammatory diseases of the genital organs (cervicitis, colpitis, adnexitis, etc.), and pathology of the cervix. Also a group of women who have been using an intrauterine device as contraception for more than five years.

Manifestation of the disease and its symptoms

The main symptom of this disease is an unpleasant odor from the vagina. This is a characteristic “fishy smell”. It can be constant, or it can appear during menstruation or during sexual intercourse. On initial stage the disease occurs in 50% of women.

The woman also begins to notice vaginal discharge. They are rather moderate in volume and rarely abundant, sometimes they may be completely absent. The color of discharge from bacterial vaginosis is gray or white.

The discharge does not have lumps and is quite homogeneous in consistency. It is worth paying attention to the fact that usually in the presence of this disease the amount of such discharge increases up to ten times.

Note! These symptoms are quite common and often do not cause concern among women. Therefore, you can suffer from bacterial vaginosis for years. In order not to start the disease and not give possible complications environment for development, you should visit a doctor for preventive purposes.

If inflammatory process has been happening in the girl’s body for quite a long time, you can notice a change in the nature of the discharge.

They become yellow or green and thick in color. The consistency begins to resemble cottage cheese, in some cases it can foam. The discharge is distributed evenly over the walls of the vagina and is sticky and viscous.
To avoid the development of this disease and complications for women's health, you should undergo a preventive examination by a gynecologist at least once a year. The fact is that other symptoms for bacterial vaginosis practically uncommon.

Additional subtle symptoms of the disease:

What factors lead to changes in vaginal microflora

In addition to wearing an intrauterine device for an extended period, there are other external factors that can cause changes in the vaginal microflora. Eg, common cause Bacterial vaginosis occurs when douching or taking antibiotics.

Among contraceptives, vaginosis can be caused not only by intrauterine devices, but also by the use of special pastes and suppositories for contraceptive purposes.

If a woman's hormonal background, which can happen due to a severe decrease in immunity, constant stress, she is also at risk.

Women who frequently change sexual partners are more likely to develop bacterial vaginosis. Because beneficial bacteria simply will not have time to stop all the unwanted deposits that will appear in the vagina.

This is important to know! Question about transmitting the disease to a partner modern medicine remains controversial. Some authors insist that this disease is not sexually transmitted. Those factors that may consider sexual intercourse as one of the methods of transmission are not sufficiently thorough. Often these factors include the fact that sick women often changed sexual partners, started early sex life.

Timely and correct diagnosis of the disease

During a routine preventive examination and taking standard smears, the doctor can already make a preliminary diagnosis. This disease is usually diagnosed when three of four possible obvious signs are present:

  • The acidity of the vagina, which should usually be between three and a half and four and a half, becomes more than 4.5;
  • The body contains so-called “key cells”. They are mature cells of the superficial layer of the vagina. This surface contains a large number of microbes;
  • Specific characteristic unpleasant odor from the vagina;
  • Positive amino test;

If only one sign of the disease out of the four main ones is identified, then a diagnosis of “bacterial vaginosis” is impossible.

Methods for treating bacterial vaginosis

Treatment usually comes down to local procedures. Drugs from the nitroimidazoles group have a good therapeutic effect. These are Metrogyl, Metronidazole, Trichopolum. They are prescribed in the form of tablets, suppositories or tampons and applied inside the vagina.

This can be a one percent solution of hydrogen peroxide, benzalkonium chloride compounds, antiseptic solution"tomicide" and others. Solutions are used to irrigate the vagina.

This is important to know! 60% of women suffering from this disease also had intestinal dysbiosis. Pay attention to the condition of your body. After all, many diseases are interconnected.

When taking pills, you should always be aware of possible side effects. Most often they manifest themselves as dysfunction gastrointestinal tract, headaches and periodic dizziness.

In neglected and severe cases bacterial vaginosis may be treated with antibiotics wide range actions. They are prescribed for the purpose of sanitizing the vaginal mucosa. These groups of antibiotics include cephalosporin, clindamycin, oleandomycin. Many side effects may occur when these drugs are prescribed.

The doctor will assess the effectiveness of treatment when he checks whether the subjective manifestations of the disease have disappeared. The doctor also checks the dynamics clinical symptoms, compare laboratory values.

A week after the start of treatment, the first control clinical and laboratory examination is carried out. The second is prescribed somewhere after four or even six weeks.

Note! During treatment you do not need to completely abstain from sexual activity. But it is strictly recommended to use barrier methods contraception during sexual intercourse, in particular condoms. Despite the fact that the disease is not transmitted to a sexual partner, this is necessary to protect the woman herself and prevent possible relapses.

Vaginal cream Dalacin is currently one of the most effective drugs for the treatment of bacterial vaginosis. This vaginal cream is applied for three days, once a day. The cream is easy to use because the applicator has single dose drug.

Prognosis for recovery and possible complications

Even with strict adherence to the doctor’s instructions and use of all of the above treatment methods, relapses can sometimes occur. They can arise absolutely different terms after treatment of the disease.

Relapses are often associated with the fact that antibiotics destroy pathogenic bacteria, but do not create good conditions for the development of the right bacteria that support healthy microflora.

Therefore, often ten days after the main course of treatment, doctors prescribe medications such as acylact, bifidum. They help lactobacilli to recover and begin to actively protect the vagina again.

Note! Bacterial vaginosis is not venereal disease. It belongs to the group of diseases of vaginal dysbiosis.

Vaginal candidiasis or thrush is the most common complication of this disease It is necessary to treat and do prevention at the same time. For prevention, the doctor prescribes antifungal drugs (for example, nystatin) 2000 mg per day orally. The medications should be taken at the start of the main treatment.

If the sick woman is not pregnant, then the drug fluconazole will also be effective in treatment. During pregnancy, the drugs clotrimazole, dafnedzhin, pimafucin and others can be used to prevent and treat vaginal candidiasis.

Bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy

The development of this disease, and especially ignoring its treatment by a pregnant woman, can be dangerous, first of all, for the fetus. The disease can cause complications such as:

Treatment can be successful only after staging correct diagnosis. Effective way research of vaginal microflora in real time is femoflor. The study provides a complete quantitative description of the vaginal flora, both normal and opportunistic flora. The analysis evaluates total bacteria. The method helps to optimize drug therapy as much as possible.

Is treatment possible with folk remedies?

What is the main method to treat vaginosis? folk remedies it is forbidden. But after diagnosis and consultation with a doctor, you can turn to some traditional medicine recipes.

For example, you can treat with a prepared decoction, which can be used for douching twice a day. To prepare the decoction, you need to take two parts of mallow flowers and oak bark, three parts of sage leaves and five parts of chamomile flowers and walnut leaves. Pour two tablespoons of the mixture into a liter of code and boil for thirty minutes. Strain before use.

Also, as a decoction for douching, to eliminate unpleasant odor from the vagina, a decoction of two tablespoons of calendula in 200 ml of boiling water is suitable. The broth must be boiled for fifteen minutes. A tampon with sea buckthorn and olive oil, soaked in aloe juice.

Bacterial vaginosis is an insidious disease precisely because it is difficult to recognize. To maintain your women's health and get rid of the many unpleasant consequences of this disease, you should periodically visit a gynecologist. This disease can be easily cured and the number of possible relapses can be reduced to a minimum.

For prevention, try to minimize those factors that can trigger the appearance of bacterial vaginosis. For example, choose contraceptives wisely, make love with one sexual partner, and refrain from self-medication in case of unpleasant vaginal odor or heavy discharge.

An unpleasant odor from the female genital organs is a deviation from the norm. It may indicate serious disturbances in the functioning of the genitourinary system and more. A strong odor from the vagina appears in different situations, so it is important for a woman to understand the reasons why it arose and choose the appropriate treatment.


In most cases, a strong vaginal odor occurs due to infectious diseases. Often they are:

  1. Thrush. Common disease in women different ages. Fungi that provoke its development are present in the healthy body of every representative of the fair sex. When unfavorable factors appear that promote their proliferation, the number of fungi increases. Along with an unpleasant sour odor, a cheesy discharge appears.
  2. Gardnerellosis. The gardnerella bacterium can enter the vagina through sexual contact, sometimes through household contact, if hygiene rules are not followed, for example, using someone else's towel. Getting inside, it causes a disturbance in the microflora; the smell of fish is felt from the vagina.
  3. Diseases associated with the inflammatory process in the walls of the vagina. A common pathology is colpitis. They can be triggered not only by the penetration of infection. The nature of the unpleasant odor depends on the pathogen; a strong onion aroma often appears.
  4. Sexually transmitted diseases: gonorrhea, chlamydia. Often those who lead a promiscuous sex life suffer from them. At frequent changes sexual partners, the risk of acquiring infection increases.

Some women neglect the rules of personal hygiene, which also causes unpleasant vaginal odor. There may be a smell of urine or rot. If for a long time not maintaining hygiene, arise serious problems with the health of the genitourinary system.

Advice! One of the rules that many prosperous women neglect is the use of panty liners. Some don’t use them at all, others go with one all day long.

Bad smell may be of a different nature, which is explained by differences in bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms that provoked it. Sometimes it seems that there is simply an unpleasant aroma, but it can have pronounced characteristics. The following odors are common:

  1. Fish. Occurs with dysbacteriosis, bacterial vaginosis. Appears severe itching, burning, discomfort when wearing underwear. When inflammatory processes are not stopped in time, they affect the uterus and ovaries, which leads to severe pain in the lower abdomen.
  2. Rotten. Accompanies acute inflammatory processes. Heavy discharge from the vagina acquire a grayish tint. There is also a feeling of burning and itching. Sometimes a woman smells a distinct fishy smell, but specifically of herring, salted fish. This is the first sign of bacterial vaginosis. If you notice it right away and consult a doctor, the appearance of other symptoms can be avoided.
  3. Acetone. The most common reason is diabetes. It can also appear when eating proteins alone, disorders metabolic processes, diseases urinary system(often with cystitis).

Some types of odors are safe and do not represent symptoms of serious diseases:

  • sweet – when eating a large amount of sweet fruits;
  • garlic – after eating the vegetable in its pure form or seasoning.

These are just some examples possible odors. If any of them turns out to be protracted, you should not wait for other symptoms to appear before contacting a gynecologist.

During pregnancy and after childbirth

Hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy affect the vaginal microflora. The odor intensification is normal occurrence, which appears periodically. If other unpleasant symptoms are observed: severe itching, burning, abdominal pain, this may be a sign of disease. They occur during pregnancy and outside of it - for example, thrush, colpitis.

It is impossible to delay their treatment, as there is a danger of complications when bearing a child. Also during pregnancy they can worsen without visible reasons existing chronic diseases of the genitourinary system.

Interesting! Sometimes it turns out that the appearance of vaginal odor is a subjective opinion of the pregnant woman, because this situation is characterized by a change in the sense of smell.

Considered normal for the postpartum period vaginal discharge, but they usually do not have a strong odor. It may appear due to infection or fungus. Sometimes an infection is introduced into the vagina during childbirth due to doctors’ failure to comply with hygiene rules. The use of unsterile instruments provokes the development of such diseases, which are characterized by an unpleasant odor:

  • parametritis;
  • puerperal colpitis;
  • postpartum peritonitis.

In such cases it is prescribed immediate treatment so that the woman can quickly get rid of the disease without harming the child.

After intimacy

The smell of sperm in the vagina after sexual intercourse is usually not strong and is faintly felt. Transparent selections are also the norm. If putrid, sour, rotten, or other unpleasant odors appear, this indicates the presence of diseases. After sexual intercourse, thrush and bacterial vaginosis may worsen.

Harmful bacteria can enter the vagina along with a partner's sperm; even protected sex using a condom does not completely prevent infection. In such cases, an unpleasant aroma appears some time after sexual intercourse and can be pronounced.

Sometimes there is an unpleasant smell after intimacy arises due to non-compliance by partners with hygiene rules - either both or one. Doctors advise taking a shower before and after sex and using soap for intimate hygiene. It can be replaced with a child's one. To prevent gynecological diseases, the doctor may recommend washing with a decoction of chamomile and other herbs.

Advice! Compliance with special hygiene rules requires the use of toys from a sex shop. They are intended for individual use only and other manufacturer's recommendations for use must also be followed.

The child has

In girls, even in infancy, an unpleasant vaginal odor may also appear. Caring parents will definitely notice this phenomenon on early stage. To understand how to get rid of it, you need to see a doctor to determine the exact cause.

Most often, in girls, an unpleasant odor is provoked by the following factors:

  • sexually transmitted diseases, infection of which occurred in utero or through close household contact;
  • weakening of the immune system, resulting in changes in the microflora of the vagina;
  • infection, often while swimming;
  • mechanical injury to the external part of the genital organs;
  • improper hygiene;
  • allergic reaction to napkins, powder.

If the problem is due to lack of proper hygiene, the solution is simple. It is necessary to use towels and napkins only from natural materials. Any product should be intended for children; you should not wash the girl with adult soap.

To understand what to do about an unpleasant odor, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive diagnosis. First you need to contact a gynecologist. The doctor should tell you how often the unpleasant odor occurs, what symptoms it is accompanied by, what its nature is, and whether there is discharge.

The gynecologist will conduct the necessary studies:

  1. Anamnesis collection. The doctor should review the patient's medical history to find out what gynecological diseases have already been.
  2. Bimanual examination. With the help of palpation of the uterus and other organs, it is possible to determine their changes: an increase in size, the presence of inflammatory processes, neoplasms.
  3. Bacterioscopy. Prescribed to determine the state of the vaginal microflora. To do this, a smear is taken, the results of which determine the composition of the microflora, the number of leukocytes, and other parameters. If pathogens of sexually transmitted infections, candidiasis, are present, they can also be identified.
  4. Ultrasound. It can be used to assess the condition internal organs genitourinary system.

If bacterioscopy reveals pathogens of a sexually transmitted infection, a additional research to clarify the diagnosis and select adequate therapy.


After diagnosis, the doctor prescribes how to treat the disease. It is useless to simply try to remove unpleasant vaginal odor; without proper treatment, it will return again. Only by eliminating the factor that provoked this phenomenon can you completely get rid of it.

If an inflammatory process is present, it can be overcome with the help of antibacterial drugs. Recovery normal level acidity of the vaginal microflora, lactic acid-based products are prescribed. Sometimes the use of hormonal drugs is required.

Important! If a sexually transmitted infection is detected, treatment is selected for both partners.

Recovery medications are often prescribed normal microflora. They stimulate production beneficial bacteria. Gynoflor is widespread and has a minimal list of contraindications. If thrush or other fungal diseases are detected, apply antifungal drugs, such as Terzhinan.

During treatment, hygiene rules must be observed. The occurrence of unpleasant odor can be minimized by washing frequently, preferably after each urination. The gynecologist also prescribes the use pharmaceuticals for intimate hygiene. It may be necessary to avoid sexual intercourse for some time.

There are many reasons for the appearance of unpleasant odor from the vagina, most often they are infections and changes in microflora. It is important to pay attention to the nature of the aroma: rotten, fishy, ​​sweet. Sometimes it can appear during pregnancy, after childbirth, even in childhood. Treatment is prescribed individually after diagnosis and establishment of the exact cause.

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