Andrologist is a male doctor. What does a pediatric urologist do?

Many may have heard about the presence of such a specialist as an andrologist in the hospital, but not everyone knows what his duties include. In most cases, a local physician gives a referral to him if there is a need to examine urine reproductive system in men. But even after this, it is not always clear about such a specialization as an andrologist, who it is and what it treats. To do this, you should slightly differentiate between all the doctors in this area.

A urologist treats various pathologies urinary and reproductive systems in patients of both sexes. A sexologist solves problems of sexual disorders in men and women. An andrologist is a doctor who specializes in disorders of sexual and reproductive function in the stronger sex, such as infertility, erectile dysfunction or hormonal disorders. Let's take a closer look at a specialist called andrologist, andrologist-urologist, andrologist-gynecologist, andrologist-sexologist and andrologist-endocrinologist.

First of all, it is necessary to determine who an andrologist is. A doctor of this specialization is engaged in the study and solution of problems, as well as the prevention of pathologies that can affect the male reproductive system. It is important to understand that only representatives of the stronger sex approach him.

An andrologist is a doctor who treats the following diseases in men:

  1. BPH;
  2. Phimosis;
  3. Varicocele;
  4. Metabolic syndrome;
  5. Male menopause.

It is also worth saying that the male andrologist doctor is engaged in supporting and restoring sexual health in the strong half of humanity.

There are some men who are confident that they will not have to contact this specialist before the age of forty, but this opinion is erroneous. Unfortunately, in conditions of unfavorable environmental conditions and constant stress, consultation may be needed much earlier.

Answering in detail the question of who an andrologist is and what he does, it is worth mentioning the organs whose health he specializes in:

  • Bladder;
  • Kidneys;
  • Prostate;
  • Penis;
  • Urethra;
  • Testicles;
  • Urethra;
  • Ureters;
  • Epididymis.

Actually, thanks to this you can understand who the andrologist is and what he treats. I like any pathology genitourinary system It is important to notice as early as possible. Therefore, let us consider in more detail the symptoms of diseases for which an andrologist can help - male doctor.


When considering such a specialist as an andrologist, who it is and what it treats, it was said about such a pathology as prostate adenoma. It is quite common in men of different ages, and acts as tumor formation benign in nature. A neoplasm is formed due to the proliferation of tissue of the prostate organs.

A man will definitely need to be examined by an andrologist if he notices the following symptoms: frequent urination, exhaustion, urine dripping after urination, pain in the perineum, frequent urination at night.

Speaking about who an andrologist is and what he does, we need to remember about prostatitis, which develops in almost every man. The pathology in question is an inflammatory process that affects the prostate organ.

A man needs a urologist, an appointment in his office, if available following signs: urination disorder, pain in the perineum, scrotum and lower abdomen, sexual dysfunction, impaired ejaculation, changes in the quantity and quality of sperm.

By the way, at an appointment with an andrologist, the specialist always behaves very tactfully, provided that the doctor is really good. He will always tell the patient what caused the development of a particular disease.

People often wonder: male andrologist, what treats besides these pathologies. He is also competent to solve problems associated with the narrowing of the foreskin ring, due to which the head does not come out. The doctor also specializes in therapy varicose veins veins of the testicles.

In addition, understanding who an andrologist is and what he treats, it is worth saying that the doctor helps in solving the problems that a man has developed due to the disorder hormonal levels. At an appointment with an andrologist, you can also learn about the causes and methods of combating male menopause.

There is another question that people cannot always find an answer to. In particular. In small towns, such a doctor may not be available in clinics. This is where confusion arises, not only regarding who the andrologist is, but also where the doctor sees them is also unclear.

Often appointments are made by appointment in specialized private clinics, of which there are now many in large cities. If it is not possible to come to the hospital, then you can always ask that an andrologist come to your home. However, such a service will cost a lot of money.


As mentioned earlier, there are many specialists who treat pathologies of the genitourinary system in the stronger sex. This raises the question: andrologist and urologist, what is the difference.

Let's take a closer look at the difference between an andrologist and a urologist:

  1. A urologist specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of the genitourinary system in male and female patients; in fact, an andrologist treats identical diseases, but only in men.
  2. The sciences of urology and andrology themselves also differ. In the first case, the work is aimed at restoring the functioning of organs urinary system, in the second case, the doctor also solves the problems of the man’s sexual viability.
  3. Urologist is a specialization in which, after completing their studies, students receive a diploma, and andrologists are already narrow specialists in this field.

We can say with confidence that there is a clear difference between an andrologist and a urologist. It is also worth noting the difference between a urologist and a urologist-andrologist. In the first case, the doctor simply treats diseases of the urinary system, and in the second case, the specialist solves problems of both the urinary and reproductive systems.

Let us consider in more detail what an andrologist-urologist treats in men, and in what situations it is necessary to contact him. A visit will definitely be required for those representatives of the stronger sex who have noticed certain problems with erection.

In addition, a urologist-andrologist at the hospital can tell you and select the most effective methods contraception in every clinical case. The specialist will also explain what to do if conception does not occur, provided there are no problems with the reproductive function of the sexual partner.

Considering in detail a specialist andrologist-urologist, who he is and what he treats, it is necessary to mention his ability to identify and eliminate various processes inflammatory in nature, which are localized in the genitals.

Also, an andrologist-urologist is a doctor who helps eliminate various diseases genital organs, and establish the cause of the appearance of a rash and other atypical formations on them. Another specialist deals with men's planning future pregnancy when it is necessary to consult a doctor before conceiving.

Andrologist and urologist are specialists who should be visited at least 2 times a year, while men who have reached 45-50 years old should visit doctors even more often. This approach to your health will definitely help to identify the development of diseases in the early stages.

Based on all this, we can conclude that the difference between an andrologist and a urologist is insignificant, but it does exist.


There are a number of pathologies of reproductive function that can only be eliminated through surgery, so it is worth knowing who an andrologist surgeon is and when you need to contact him.

So, going to see a specialist and undergoing the recommended treatment is necessary for the following diseases:

  • Hypospadias. The disease is eliminated exclusively operative method, and conservative measures do not give due therapeutic effect. Often the treatment is completed successfully. Ideally, it is necessary to perform the operation when the child is alive from 6 to 18 months.
  • Hydrocele. An andrologist-surgeon helps to get rid of communicating hydrocele of the testicle through the Ross operation. During the intervention, a small incision is made in the groin area, which heals quickly.
  • Spermatocele. This is a kind of cystic formation. If its size is more than one and a half centimeters, then it is shown surgical intervention.
  • Cryptorchidism. The intervention is indicated for children aged 12 months and older. If the testicles are located in abdominal cavity, then the operation will need to be performed before reaching one year.

Also answering the question about an andrologist surgeon - who is this, it must be said that this is a specialist who helps in solving acquired and congenital problems affecting the external genitalia.


The medical specialization that helps in diagnosing and treating pathologies of the male reproductive system is quite broad and intersects with other areas of medicine. Therefore, it is worth considering who an endocrinologist-andrologist is, what this doctor treats, and when to contact him.

A specialist in this area treats male diseases reproductive system, which developed due to hormonal imbalance. That is why, during a consultation appointment, or after it, the doctor will definitely refer the patient to donate blood to determine hormone levels.

Andrologist-endocrinologist treats the following pathologies:

  1. Paraphimosis;
  2. exstrophy Bladder;
  3. Priapism;
  4. Tumor formations on the penis;
  5. Prostate adenoma;
  6. Hypogonadism;
  7. Cryptorchidism;
  8. Epispadias;
  9. Peyronie's disease;
  10. Short frenulum of the penis;
  11. Tumors in the testicles;
  12. Prostate cancer.

If you suspect the development of one or more pathologies, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. The specialist will conduct a thorough diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment, and, if necessary, refer you to other specialists.


If there is a need to solve infertility problems, then you will need to consult a doctor such as an andrologist-sexologist. In most cases, such a specialist is difficult to find in a government agency. medical institution, especially when a person lives in small town or village.

An andrologist and sex therapist often conducts consultations at fertility clinics, so it’s worth going there. You can find the addresses and phone numbers of institutions on the Internet, and if there is a good andrologist in the city, then this specialist can help in solving the problem of infertility if there is a male factor.

During the diagnosis, the specialist will prescribe a series of tests that will help determine the level of sexual health. Some people are interested in which doctor to go to for a spermogram. You can immediately go to a sex therapist or andrologist.

Also, some are interested in a specialist andrologist-gynecologist, who he is. Thanks to this combination, both men and women can come to the appointment. That is, the doctor will clearly understand how to examine and treat diseases of the reproductive system in representatives of different sexes.

Andrologist for children

There is also such a direction as a pediatric andrologist, who will consider this in more detail. The doctor himself treats the following diseases:

  • Varicocele;
  • Spermatocele;
  • Hydrocele;
  • Epispadias;
  • Hidden penis;
  • Cryptorchidism;
  • Phimosis.

Parents should listen carefully to the child’s complaints; if the boy talks about the following uncomfortable conditions, then a doctor’s consultation will be required as soon as possible:

  1. Impaired urination;
  2. Pain in the foreskin and head of the penis;
  3. Discomfort or pain while walking or sitting;
  4. Feeling of tightness in the scrotum;
  5. There are unusual protrusions in the scrotum;
  6. There are congenital pathologies;
  7. If at 13 years of age there are no obvious sexual characteristics;
  8. The boy is overweight;
  9. If enuresis has not gone away after four years;
  10. Discrepancy in the size of the testicles and other genital organs.

You should also consult a specialist if you have complaints of acute pain, fever, discharge mixed with pus, or enlarged lymph nodes.

Since the andrologist is a male specialist, and some representatives suffer from erectile dysfunction, it is important to understand which doctor is taking the spermogram. Actually, if there is such a need, there are several options that would be most appropriate to turn to.

Answering the question: a spermogram doctor, as they call it, it must be said that there is no clear definition. Often such a diagnosis is prescribed by a urologist or andrologist. The presented specialist will determine the main indications and indicate to the laboratory technician the necessary parameters that need to be indicated in the results.

Also, sometimes the question arises which doctor interprets the spermogram. Here we can name three specialists: a reproductologist, an andrologist and a urologist. However, decoding is often done by the person who ordered the analysis.

A man does not need to be afraid if his gynecologist has prescribed a spermogram. This specialist examines women, but, for example, with the problem of infertility, if there is no female factor, you need to check the condition and quality of your husband’s sperm; perhaps the lack of conception is his fault.

An andrologist - who is he and what does he treat - these questions are relevant for men and married couples faced with problems of sexual and reproductive dysfunction. It is also very important to know the differences between an andrologist and doctors of related specialties.

What is andrology?

To find out the answer to the question of what andrological diseases are, you need to get acquainted with such a branch of medicine as andrology. Modern andrology is a medical field that studies the health and diseases of the male reproductive organs, located on the border with urology, sexology, endocrinology, surgery and dermatology. Directions of andrology:

  • male infertility;
  • sexual dysfunctions;
  • STI;
  • genital surgery;
  • oncological diseases of the reproductive organs;
  • androgen deficiency;
  • urethral surgery;
  • gender problems;
  • pediatric andrology.

Andrologist – who is he and what does he treat?

An andrologist is a doctor who treats diseases of the male reproductive organs, these diseases are often associated with hormonal imbalances, erectile dysfunction, infertility. What does an andrologist treat in men:

  • prostatitis;
  • BPH;
  • phimosis;
  • varicocele (varicose veins of the testicle);
  • infectious or non-infectious urethritis;
  • benign tumor or cancer;
  • epispadias (splitting, complete or partial, of the walls urethra);
  • hypospadias (pathology of the location of the urethra);
  • hidden penis (defect of the external part of the genitals);
  • transsexualism;
  • disorders of libido, ejaculation;
  • orchitis (inflammation of the testicle due to an infectious disease - mumps, pneumonia);
  • epididymitis (inflammatory process in the epididymis due to injury, STI);
  • balanoposthitis (inflammation of the head or foreskin);
  • androgenic alopecia (hair loss);
  • male menopause.

To more accurately understand who an andrologist is and what he treats, we should mention the organs in which this doctor specializes, and these are:

  • penis;
  • testicles;
  • prostate;
  • urethra;
  • urethra;
  • epididymis;
  • ureters;
  • bladder;
  • kidneys


Urology is a related field of medicine to andrology. Urologist treats organ diseases genitourinary area for representatives of both sexes, andrologist - specializes only in men, additionally solving problems of potency. Men 45 years of age and older are recommended to see a urologist-andrologist twice a year. Urologist-andrologist – who is he and what does he treat:

  • erectile dysfunction;
  • problems with conception;
  • prostate diseases;
  • inflammatory processes in the genitals, bladder, kidneys;
  • urinary disorders.


An andrologist-endocrinologist specializes in diseases of the male reproductive system caused by malfunctions hormonal balance. Endocrinologist-andrologist - who is he and what does he treat:

  • infertility;
  • disorders of puberty in boys;
  • erectile disfunction;
  • (incorrect testicular descent);
  • gynecomastia (enlarged mammary glands);
  • male hypogonadism (weak secretion of male hormones);
  • hypersecretion of prolactin;
  • decreased testosterone levels (male menopause);
  • pathologies associated with a disorder of androgen synthesis in diseases thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus, pathologies of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, obesity.

Andrologist surgeon

Looking for the answer to the question - who is an andrologist - not all patients may know that there is such a narrow specialization as an andrologist-surgeon who solves a number of specific male problems:

  • for cryptorchidism in a boy, an andrologist surgeon performs an operation by placing the testicles from the abdominal cavity into the scrotum;
  • deletes cystic formations in the genitals;
  • excises foreskin with its pathological narrowing (phimosis).

When to contact an andrologist?

Many men may have a question: when to go to an andrologist, you should definitely contact this specialist if:

  • , especially if the gynecologist did not identify any problems with the partner;
  • painful sexual intercourse;
  • itching or pain in the lower abdomen or genitals;
  • painful sensations during urination, urinary incontinence, pus or blood in the urine;
  • unpleasant discharge from the urethra;
  • erectile dysfunction, decreased libido, problems with potency;
  • warts, papillomas and other formations in the genital area;
  • the appearance of protrusions in the scrotum area;
  • late puberty - if they do not appear before the age of 13 obvious signs;
  • in a boy over 4 years old;
  • overweight;
  • deviations from the norm in the size of the testicles and penis;
  • the presence of congenital pathology.

How does an appointment with an andrologist proceed?

The initial appointment with an andrologist begins with a medical history, examination and tests. To make your visit to the doctor as effective as possible, you must:

  1. Avoid ejaculation for 2 days before your appointment with an andrologist so that you can have your seminal fluid analyzed.
  2. Avoid alcohol for at least 2-3 days.
  3. Take care of cleansing the intestines.
  4. Carry out hygiene procedures (if you are concerned about discharge, you can take soiled linen to your appointment).

Examination by an andrologist

The initial examination by an andrologist includes an external examination:

  • penis;
  • scrotum;
  • lymph nodes located in the groin;
  • prostate gland (examination is carried out through the rectum).

What tests does the andrologist prescribe?

A specific list of tests and necessary examinations For each patient, the andrologist determines it individually, depending on the problems bothering the man. To clarify the diagnosis, the andrologist may prescribe:

  • general urine and blood tests;
  • a smear from the urethra, which will help identify an infection or inflammatory process;
  • blood test for the release of a specific antigen, which is a marker of the presence of prostate disease;
  • blood test for hormones;
  • Ultrasound pelvis, MRI, CT, vasography with contrast.

For those who are interested in what tests an andrologist prescribes for infertility, the most likely answer is ;. The collection of ejaculate is often carried out at the initial appointment (for this reason, a two-day abstinence is necessary before visiting the doctor). A spermogram helps determine the ability of sperm to fertilize an egg, identify urological diseases, hormonal problems and the presence of infectious disease.

Andrologist consultation

After clarifying the picture of the man’s health, the andrologist schedules a consultation at which he explains his prescriptions. Often on initial stage disease, the patient only needs to follow a diet and refuse bad habits. Even with short-term adherence to the principles of a healthy lifestyle, which include quality nutrition, proper rest, motor activity and giving up alcohol and smoking, sperm count significantly improves, and the man feels an improvement in potency.

If necessary, a urologist-andrologist helps you choose male contraception. If urethritis, balanoposthitis or other diseases of a bacterial nature are detected, the specialist prescribes antibiotics, and if fungal infectionantifungal drugs. This complex disease how prostatitis requires complex treatment– in addition to antibacterial therapy, the andrologist prescribes immunotherapy, physiotherapy, and massage.

Diseases that arise due to hormonal imbalance require the prescription of hormonal drugs. Erectile dysfunction is treated with potency regulators. In case of infertility, it can also be prescribed hormone therapy, and stimulants - the treatment method depends on the causes of the disease. Surgical intervention is indicated for phimosis, cryptorchidism, varicocele, hypospadias, adenoma, pathology of the external genitalia (congenital or acquired). But a consultation with an andrologist can also resolve the issue of the need for surgery to correct aesthetic defects or gender reassignment.

After thoroughly studying the topic - andrologist - who he is and what he treats - men may find the advice of an andrologist useful.

  1. Being a member of the stronger sex does not mean having to endure pain and inconvenience. If problems arise in the sexual sphere, you must make an appointment with an andrologist.
  2. Following the rules of a healthy lifestyle helps prolong sexual activity and avoid health problems.
  3. Men's health also depends on how clean a person is - compliance with basic hygiene rules should be mandatory from childhood.
  4. Since the main cause of many diseases, including prostatitis, is infection, the source of which is in other organs, all infectious diseases must be treated promptly and completely.
  5. After 40-45 years, a man should visit an andrologist twice a year in order to identify possible problems in time. Early diagnosis promotes faster healing and minimization of possible complications.

Andrology is a branch of medicine that includes urology, endocrinology, sexopathology and areas related to vascular and plastic surgery. An andrologist is a male doctor who also treats venereal and dermatological diseases affecting the male genital area. He appoints diagnostic measures, draws up a therapeutic course plan, develops preventive measures. The doctor's expertise includes anatomical, psychosexual and endocrinological disorders of the stronger sex. So, urologist-andrologist - who is he, what does he treat, and how does urology differ from andrology?

Who is an andrologist and what organs does he treat?

Andrology is a section modern medicine, which includes several directions. The section includes endocrinology, urology, sexopathology, dermatology and venereology. An andrologist is a male doctor male organs, whose competence includes problems in the sexual sphere - reproductive dysfunction, problems with potency, erection, libido, etc.

The andrologist treats pathologies of the bladder, ureters, kidneys, urethra, prostate gland, reproductive organ, as well as testicles and their appendages.

What is the name of a male doctor, clarified. Let's consider what an andrologist treats? A medical specialist treats the following diseases in men:

  1. erectile disfunction– a pathology manifested by weak erection, premature ejaculation, decreased libido and potency.
  2. Hypogonadism is insufficient production of male sex hormones.
  3. Cryptorchidism is a disease characterized by undescended testicles into the scrotum.
  4. Syndrome of insufficient penis size. This is a collective name implying insufficient penis size. The syndrome is caused by congenital/acquired pathologies, inflammatory processes, tumor neoplasms, diabetes mellitus.
  5. Gynecomastia (increase mammary glands in the stronger sex).
  6. Male menopause (andropause). Physiological state, against the background of which testosterone production decreases, alarming symptoms develop.
  7. Endocrine diseases, caused by metabolic disorders, hormonal imbalance.
  8. Prostate cancer, penis.
  9. Urethritis, orchitis, epididymitis, balanitis, balanoposthitis.
  10. Inflammation of the prostate gland – prostatitis.
  11. Infertility in men, etc.

What does a pediatric urologist-andrologist treat? In andrology, childhood diseases are separate profile. A doctor of this specialization diagnoses and treats pathologies of the genitourinary and reproductive systems in boys and young men. Various defects and abnormal development of the genital organs (internal and external) are also included in his specialization. Children's doctor Accepts patients from birth to 18 years of age. A pediatric urologist-andrologist prescribes drug treatment, conducts preventive examinations, and, if necessary, performs surgical intervention in an outpatient setting.

An urologist-andrologist for adults is a doctor who treats the bladder, urethral canal, ureters, glandular organs, and kidneys. His competence includes curing sexually transmitted infections sexually transmitted diseases.

Important: an andrologist-endocrinologist is a medical specialist in the field of andrology who has completed an advanced training course and deals with the treatment of disorders of the production of sex hormones. It treats male infertility, erectile dysfunction associated with hormonal imbalance, delayed puberty, gynecomastia, obesity, alopecia.

The activities of an andrologist are focused on preserving men's health. This medical specialist has two certificates in the specialty of andrology/urology. As a rule, the andrologist has considerable experience in urological practice. Such specialists in public clinics rarely available.

Symptoms for which you should contact an andrologist

A urologist is a doctor who specializes in treating pathologies of the urinary system in men and women, and an andrologist is an exclusively male doctor. Andrology and urology are sciences that have certain differences. In the first case, treatment is focused on restoring the functionality of the organs of the genitourinary system, and in the second option additional goal therapy – restoration of sexual activity. Therefore, to the question, what is the name of a male doctor, the answer is andrologist.

Consultation with an andrologist is necessary in situations where the following problems exist:

  • No children in marriage. Male infertility is spoken of in cases where the partner is completely healthy (this is confirmed by tests, analyses, etc.), while within a year, despite regular sex and the absence of contraceptives, it is not possible to conceive a child;
  • Erectile dysfunction for example, decreased attraction to the opposite sex, flaccid erection, penis falls during intimacy, uncontrolled ejaculation, etc.;
  • Inflammatory process in the genital area, which is accompanied by hyperemia, pain syndrome, problems with urination, discharge from the urethral canal;
  • There are external changes in the pelvic organs, for example, the scrotum has enlarged/shrinked, its shape has changed, uncharacteristic compactions are felt during palpation, external veins stand out. Curvature of the reproductive organ, its shortening;
  • Diseases that directly affect the genital organs. The andrologist treats acquired and congenital pathologies;
  • Symptoms are revealed pointing to premature aging;
  • Pregnancy planning. Many couples undergo a full examination before conceiving to ensure the functionality of all organs and systems;
  • Lack of morning erection within reproductive age.

Important: it is recommended to visit an andrologist with for preventive purposes men aged 45-50 years. This allows for timely detection of pathological changes affecting the genital area. Many pathologies are successfully corrected in the early stages of development.

TO pediatric andrologist must be contacted in the following cases:

  1. Indurations and neoplasms appeared in the scrotum area.
  2. Undescended testicle into the scrotum.
  3. Incorrect location of the urethra.
  4. Pathological narrowing of the prepuce (phimosis).
  5. The reproductive organ does not grow.
  6. Delayed puberty.
  7. Obesity in adolescents (often associated with hormonal imbalance).
  8. It hurts to write, there is discharge from the urethra.
  9. Painful sensations in the perineum, lower abdomen, etc.

On the background acute pain, increased body temperature, purulent discharge from the urethra, pain and swelling lymph nodes in the groin or inflammation of the head of the penis, you must contact an andrologist immediately.

How does an appointment with an andrologist proceed?

Since it is more convenient to take tests at the first visit to the doctor, adult men are recommended to have sexual rest 2-3 days before the consultation, avoid using alcoholic products. In most cases, at the first appointment, the andrologist performs a rectal examination of the glandular organ, so care must be taken to cleanse the intestines (you can do an enema). Before the consultation, you should take a shower and change your underwear. If you are concerned about discharge from the urethra, then it is better to bring underwear with stains to your appointment.

The initial consultation involves collecting anamnesis and analyzing the patient’s complaints. Then the doctor checks the condition of the glandular organ (the structure, structure, presence/absence of seals through the wall of the rectum are assessed). Upon receipt necessary information The doctor gives directions for tests and studies. Specific medical procedures and tests are prescribed individually, based on the man’s symptoms and complaints.

Diagnosis may include following methods research:

  • Spermogram is an analysis that allows you to evaluate the qualitative and quantitative indicators of seminal fluid;
  • Determination of the level of total and free prostate-specific hormone;
  • General and biochemical blood test, urine;
  • A smear from the urethral canal to determine sexually transmitted infections;
  • Determination of hemoglobin; urea in urine;
  • Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs (ultrasound helps to identify pathologies of the glandular organ, pathological expansion veins spermatic cord etc.);
  • Dopplerography blood vessels genitourinary system.

If the patient complains of sexual dysfunction, the doctor may suggest doing instant test, allowing to determine dysfunction - a vasoactive agent is injected intracavernosally medicine. If absence of testicles is suspected, CT scan or MRI. Based on all the results obtained, the doctor makes a diagnosis and prescribes appropriate prescriptions. If any disease is detected, it is necessary to undergo treatment, since problems in andrology often lead to impotence in men.

Andrology, in comparison with urology, appears to be a broader field of medicine, focused on an in-depth study of male anatomy and physiology male pathologies genital area. Preventive examination is recommended for boys from the onset of puberty and all adult men. Children do not need to visit a doctor for preventive purposes, since all deviations are recorded by a pediatrician.

– a doctor specializing in the treatment and diagnosis of diseases of the male reproductive system. It diagnoses and ambulatory treatment urethritis, prostatitis, decreased libido and erectile dysfunction, bladder and kidney diseases, sexually transmitted infections and sexually transmitted diseases.

What is the competence of an andrologist?

An andrologist is the most “masculine” doctor, whose work poses the following professional tasks:

  • hypogonadism (a broad group of conditions of different origins, caused by insufficient activity male gonads, as evidenced by hormonal abnormalities and fertility indicators), regardless of the desire to have children;
  • pathological changes in ejaculation (pain, absence, acceleration, difficulty achieving);
  • inflammation of the male genital organs;
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • male contraception;
  • recurrent decline in male sexual functions (male menopause).

What diseases does an andrologist treat?

  • purchased or congenital curvature penis;
  • premature ejaculation (impaired ejaculation);
  • pathological changes in the organs of the scrotum.

What organs does an andrologist deal with?

  • Ureter;
  • urethra;
  • urethra;
  • penis;
  • kidneys;
  • bladder;
  • prostate;
  • urethra;
  • epididymis.

When is it necessary to contact an andrologist?

The real reasons for seeking a consultation with an andrologist are:

  • childless marriage. In recent decades in Europe and Ukraine, infertility in the family has become one of the most important social and medical problems. 20 percent of marriages in our country are infertile. And in 40 percent of cases it is the man’s fault. ABOUT male infertility indicates the absence of conception within a year with regular sexual activity with a healthy partner childbearing age(when contraceptives are not taken);
  • problems with potency. Almost every man at least once in his life experiences difficulty maintaining or achieving an erection that is sufficient for satisfactory sexual intercourse. Many men were unable to solve an intimate problem on their own, taking a passive wait-and-see attitude, relying on the advice of friends and self-medication. Thanks to the latest advances in andrology, men are given real prospects to restore an erection and maintain sexual activity. is a condition that can be eliminated and corrected. First of all, to achieve this goal, it is important for a man to recognize the problems and make a decision about professional medical care;
  • a condition characterized by a loss (decrease) of sexual desire with a simultaneous weakening of the frequency and strength of erections that occur, lack of development of secondary sexual characteristics, underdevelopment of the genital organs, decreased tone of the external genitalia, that is, which indicate a possible imbalance or deficiency of sex hormones and require drug correction ;
  • signs that indicate inflammatory lesion genital organs: discomfort, discharge from the urethra, pain, burning and heaviness in the perineum, groin area, lower abdomen, testicles, discomfort, unpleasant odor from the member;
  • imperative and frequent urge on urination, thinning urine stream, sensation incomplete emptying bladder, the presence of floating purulent threads in the urine, intermittent and difficult urination;
  • the need to obtain information about the basics of safe sex and family planning, the characteristics of intimate contacts during pregnancy and after childbirth, mental hygiene of sexual life and activities that increase the likelihood of conception;
  • accelerated ejaculation, safety of orgiastic sensations, weariness.

If the listed signs appear and when you practice uninitiated sex with casual partners, a medical examination is required.

What tests should be done and when?

  • Common prostate-specific antigen;
  • Carcinoembryonic antigen;
  • Urea in urine;
  • Sodium/potassium/chlorides;
  • General blood analysis;
  • Urea;
  • Syphilis;
  • Spermogram;
  • Free prostate-specific antigen;
  • Creatinine in urine;
  • Calcium;
  • Inorganic phosphorus;
  • Creatinine;
  • Hepatitis B;
  • Candidiasis.

TO laboratory diagnostics include urine and blood tests. A general blood test allows you to determine the state of hemoglobin in the blood. Its decrease may indicate kidney disease.

A biochemical blood test determines the content of various substances in the blood (creatinine, uric acid). Their increased quantity in the blood indicates kidney disease. By this analysis You can also diagnose other diseases associated with the genitourinary system.

Other tests are performed to determine the degree of kidney failure. biochemical tests, for example, for the presence of enzymes.

The normal amount of urine excreted by a person is considered to be 1-1.5 liters. With less or more content urine this indicates problems in the genitourinary system.

When analyzing urine, attention is paid to the color, amount of urine, substances contained in urine are determined, for example, a large number of blood or protein, indicating infection or disease.

What are the main types of diagnostics performed by an andrologist?

When performing instrumental research A special catheter is inserted into the bladder. The main indicator for such a study is the increased size of the prostate gland, which causes urine to be retained in the bladder. Also in urology, puncture biopsy of the kidneys, cystomanometry to measure pressure in the bladder, dilation of the urethra and other studies are performed.

In many clinical cases, for accurate diagnosis, the urologist uses additional instrumental and laboratory research. Due to general analysis blood, it is possible to detect development in the patient’s body inflammatory processes, and thanks biochemical research the concentration of urinary pigments in the blood is determined, showing functional state kidney A urine test is very informative. It reveals the relative density, which changes due to a violation of the concentrating ability of the kidneys. The color of urine is affected by the content of the urobilin pigment in it; normally, urine has a straw-yellow color without any inclusions. A change in color indicates dietary habits and the use of certain medications. Detection of protein and glucose impurities in urine also helps in the process of diagnosing urological diseases.

As a result urinary sediment receive information about the presence of inflammatory processes throughout the system, the filtering capacity of the kidneys, and determine the causative agent of infectious processes.

Among instrumental methods Research is widely used catheterization of the bladder, which allows you to normalize the outflow of urine when it is retained and conduct a study of the sterility of urine.

Bougienage of the urethra is used to determine the degree of narrowing of the urethra and its mechanical expansion.

Using a puncture biopsy of the prostate kidneys, specialists examine in detail the cellular composition of tissues to diagnose cancer.

Urologists prescribe cystomanometry to measure the pressure in the bladder cavity, which indicates its full function and patency.

Thanks to the use of an endoscope in the process of diagnosing various urological diseases, it is possible to study the condition of organs from the inside without resorting to surgical interventions. For this purpose, pyeloscopy, cystoscopy, and urethroscopy are used.

The oldest diagnostic methods are X-ray methods. Survey X-ray allows the doctor to evaluate the features of the anatomical structure of the urinary tract organs, see the presence of stones in cavities, changes in the shape and size of organs during the development of tumors or chronic pathological processes.

Through X-ray examination using contrast agents The functional capacity of organs is fully assessed.


In modern times, many young people have their first sexual experience in their youth.

At the same time, not everyone thinks about the safety of sex, but is guided only by the positive emotions that they receive as a result of it. In addition, some men, even while married, continue to have outside contacts. Therefore, all men should be screened for sexually transmitted infections.

Carriage given infections can lead to a decrease in sperm motility and concentration, and therefore to infertility.

Also, one should not turn a blind eye to the existence different ways sexual satisfaction, including anal and oral sex.

Microorganisms that penetrate the reproductive tract during such unprotected contacts bring chaos to the existing biocenosis. All this is manifested by both the development of nonspecific inflammatory processes in the reproductive tract and genital dysbiosis.

Taking into account this fact, both partners who practice such contacts are required to be examined for the flora of the reproductive system.

For such purposes, bacteriological seeding of sperm is taken from men using special nutrient media, which make it possible to determine microorganisms, their number and sensitivity to antimicrobial agents.

A sperm test is also required. Unlike an egg, sperm mature in 72-75 days; in the testicles of a healthy man, up to 100 million are produced every hour. But the sperm that has formed in the testicle cannot yet fertilize the egg on its own, because the movement apparatus is defective and the enzymes that neutralize the protective shell of the egg remain immature. These properties are men's sex cell found in the epididymis.

According to research, a more complete ejaculate for fertilization occurs after 3-5 days of sexual abstinence, so men should follow the specified period of abstinence.

After preliminary hygiene measures sperm is collected only through masturbation. It is important to collect all the ejaculate without dropping a drop. Often the first portion of sperm passes by the sperm receptacle, while it contains most of the motile sperm.

When examining incompletely collected ejaculate, an impression is created of defective sperm.

A spermogram determines the number of sperm, their mobility, structure (morphology), viability, the presence of other cellular elements in the ejaculate (leukocytes, spermatogenesis cells, erythrocytes) and allows doctors to draw conclusions about the fertilizing ability of sperm.

Some couples experience immune factor infertility. This means that the body of a woman or man produces specific proteins against sperm, preventing their interaction with the egg. This protein is one of the reasons for “spousal incompatibility.”

Therefore, it is advisable to examine a man’s sperm and blood for the presence of antisperm antibodies.

If abnormalities or infection are detected in the parameters of the ejaculate, it is advisable to contact a specialist. Most common reasons deviations from the norm in spermogram indicators are occupational hazards, stressful situations, visiting saunas and steam rooms, smoking, overwork, drug use, alcohol abuse.

Stagnation in the reproductive system due to rare sexual intercourse and a sedentary lifestyle also adversely affect the functioning of the reproductive system.

Thus, it is possible to normalize ejaculate parameters even without the use of medications– organize your lifestyle correctly.

When organizing meals, the diet must include seafood, nuts, garlic, vegetable oils, fish, cottage cheese, honey, herbs, fresh fruits and vegetables. It is necessary to limit the consumption of spicy and very hot foods, animal fats, smoked meats, beer and spirits. Weight normalization, dosing physical activity(running, volleyball, swimming, football, etc.), good sleep, adequate nutrition, correction of sex life - all this allows you to independently raise the overall tone of the body, including the reproductive system.

Unfortunately, the combination of unfavorable psychosocial and environmental factors, which act on modern man, have a greater negative impact on reproductive functions men.

Thus, over the past half century, WHO observations indicate a decrease in average sperm parameters.

Sperm concentration decreases every year by 2 percent, motility by 1.5 percent. This trend will inevitably lead to an increase in the number of men with reduced fertility. Will help reduce the likelihood of such problems healthy image life, which is very popular in the world.

What does an andrologist treat? Surely this question interested many. What ailments can a doctor with such an unusual name cure?

Andrology is one of the areas of medicine that deals with the prevention, pathogenesis and treatment of sexual disorders in men. Moreover, only representatives of the stronger sex turn to him

It is noteworthy that the above-mentioned specialist appeared in our country not so long ago. If a man had problems with his sex life, he was forced to contact either a urologist, or an endocrinologist, or a psychoneurologist, or, finally, a sexologist. Of course, these doctors could not solve the issue comprehensively, so there was a need for the services of a professional who would specialize exclusively in “male” diseases.

Of course, not everyone knows what an andrologist treats. At the same time, it should be noted that the range of ailments that it helps the body cope with is quite wide. It should be noted that the patients of the above specialist are not only adults and elderly men, but also children. Unfortunately, currently no one is immune from health problems, and the male body suffers to the maximum extent in this regard.

Multidisciplinary specialist

So, what does an andrologist treat?

If we consider the scope of his professional activity, it includes the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the genital organs in men. It must be emphasized that the above specialist must be able to thoroughly understand several areas of medicine, namely: neurology, venereology, reproductive medicine, urology and sexology.

And for quality treatment Not only theoretical knowledge is important, but also rich practical experience.

How to prepare for your visit

Before going to see an andrologist, it is very important not to forget about hygiene procedures and clean linen. You should also take care in advance medical card. It is also necessary to refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages and pharmacological agents, since all this complicates the correct diagnosis of the disease.

Inspection and tests

Be prepared for the fact that at the initial appointment the doctor will conduct visual inspection penis and palpates prostate gland through the wall of the rectum. You must tell the andrologist about all your complaints without concealment. It is possible that at the next stage you will be asked to undergo spermogram tests, ultrasound of the genital organs, examination of prostate juice, etc.).

What ailments does an andrologist treat?

And yet, what does an andrologist treat?

Firstly, lesions of the genital organs (including infectious ones), pain in the urethra, painful sensations in the perineum, burning in the groin, lower abdomen and testicles.

Secondly, these are disorders. If you have a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder, and this process is difficult, then a urologist-andrologist will help you. “What else does he treat?” - you ask. In addition, the above specialist relieves premature ejaculation, hypogonadism, impotence, pathological disorders arising in the scrotum, difficulty ejaculating, prostatitis, and male menopause.

Unfortunately, not everyone knows what an important “mission” a urologist-andrologist performs. What does this specialist treat? This question is relevant for many. It must be emphasized that it helps fight venereal diseases. Every highly qualified physician is obliged to identify the cause of the pathology, which, by the way, is not always infectious nature. However, the above list of disorders cannot be considered exhaustive. There are other ailments that a urologist-andrologist fights. What does it treat, besides the rest?

The most common ailments

Currently, one of the common diseases is infertility. Unfortunately, the statistics are disappointing: in Russia, about 20% of families cannot have a child, and in almost half of the cases the cause of this is sexual dysfunction in men. We can talk about infertility when within 1 year (without using contraceptives) with regular sexual intercourse with a healthy woman of childbearing age, the family does not have children, although there is such a desire.

In addition to diagnosing and treating infertility, it is important to consider another factor: every couple should have information about how to plan a family and how to ensure sexual hygiene in such a way as to increase the likelihood of conception.

Thus, if a family has been trying to have a child for several months, but they are unsuccessful, then the man is simply obliged to make an appointment with a specialist. An andrologist can solve his problems. What does it treat, besides infertility?

The second most common disease among the stronger sex is erectile dysfunction.

Today, most men suffer from this disorder. Stress, depression, troubles at work, family conflicts, quarrels, nervous tension- all this negatively affects the quality of male potency.

The problem is aggravated by the fact that a man is simply afraid to contact a specialist with such a problem, taking a wait-and-see attitude: “Maybe it will go away on its own.” As a result of such behavioral tactics, the disease begins to become more complicated, and treatment may take a long time. It is for this reason that you should consult a doctor as soon as possible in case of sexual impotence; moreover, the latest advances in science in the field of andrology make it possible today to effectively correct and eliminate erectile dysfunction. Now you know what an andrologist treats for men. If you suddenly have signs of the above diseases, you know who to turn to.

Childhood diseases

Of course, many have heard that there is a pediatric urologist-andrologist. What cures this specialist? Naturally, we are talking about disorders of the sexual sphere in boys. Most of the complaints of future men are congenital pathologies of the genital organs, and, as a rule, they do not disappear even after the baby becomes an adult, which, of course, is fraught with many health problems. That is why it is necessary to identify and eliminate the cause of sexual disorders in childhood.

What diseases occur in children

In childhood and adolescence, such problems of the reproductive system as paraphimosis, balanitis, balanoposthitis, phimosis, dropsy, varicocele, curvature of the genital organ, and genital organs are common.

Today, andrology clinics use advanced scientific achievements to treat diseases. At the same time, a wide range of medications have been developed and used. As before, surgical intervention remains effective in the treatment of sexual disorders. In any case, an individual approach should be taken in treating patients: keep in mind that male sexual dysfunction has some characteristics, and female sexual dysfunction has others.

Cost of treatment

On average, the cost of an initial consultation is 1000-1200 rubles. The cost of a repeat visit to the doctor and subsequent treatment will be different. Be prepared to shell out money for tests as well.

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