White fluid from the nipple when pressed. Non-lactational discharge from the breast: causes, diagnosis, treatment

Yellow discharge from the breasts (nipple discharge yellow color) - represent a symptom that is characterized by the presence of discharge from the nipples of the mammary gland, which has a yellowish color. This sign may be a variant of the norm, but only when the woman is pregnant. Such discharge appears in the first weeks of pregnancy, does not cause any discomfort, and is bilateral. After 12-16 weeks yellow discharge from the breast are replaced by colostrum.

Discharge from the chest can be acute, sudden onset, or chronic, lasting more than 2 months. They can be one-sided or have two nipples at the same time.

In all other situations, yellow discharge from the chest is more likely to characterize the presence of a pathological process:

  1. Ectasia of the milk ducts. Ectasia refers to the expansion of a section of the milk duct with stagnation of the contents. A secondary infection may be attached, and then the contents change their composition to inflammatory exudate. Discharge from the nipple can be spontaneous or when pressing on the affected area of ​​the mammary gland. The discharge may be clear, whitish, yellow, or with a greenish tint.
  2. Pituitary adenoma (prolactinoma), leading to increased concentrations of Prolactin. Clinically manifested by the leakage of whitish or colostrum-like fluid. yellow flowers. They are often bilateral.
  3. Purulent mastitis. In this case, discharge from the nipples is observed on the affected side. In composition, such secretions are a mixture breast milk and pus (or inflammatory exudate). Discharge from mastitis can be profuse, have a yellowish or greenish color, and smell foul. In this case, there is a typical clinic of purulent mastitis.
  4. Fibrocystic mastopathy. In this case, discharge from the nipples of the mammary gland is quite common; the discharge can have a different color, including yellow. With this disease, there is an increase in the volume of glands, engorgement, changes in the structure and density of breast tissue.
  5. Tumor diseases of the mammary glands. In these cases, along with local symptoms (changes in the shape of the nipple and the mammary gland itself; the presence of compactions and palpable formations, often stony density; skin changes; enlargement lymph nodes) there is also such a sign as the appearance of yellow discharge from the chest on the affected side.
  6. Breast injuries. Typically, such discharge can occur in situations of chronic breast injury.

Thus, the appearance of discharge from the chest, both yellow and other colors and consistencies, as well as the appearance of bloody discharge are indications for emergency treatment women visit a mammologist and undergo an examination. The examination plan may include a cytological examination of smears of visible discharge from the nipples, ultrasound of the mammary glands, X-ray examinations, MRI, puncture of formations under ultrasound control followed by cytological and histological examination, bacteriological studies of the discharge.

Discharge from the nipples can alert a woman. They do not always indicate a disease - there are normal ones physiological signs, which appear periodically. Women's mammary glands constantly produce secretions that can be released periodically. But at the slightest suspicion that the discharge is unnatural, you should consult a doctor.

Discharge from the nipples of the breast: what is it?

This happens in non-breastfeeding women various reasons. White, yellow, green, black, transparent discharge from the nipples, discharge with blood. They can be thin, thick, viscous or sticky. With age and an increase in the number of pregnancies, discharge appears more often and in greater volume.

What is considered normal

Women's breasts produce secretions even during the non-lactation period. It can flow from the nipple itself or appear as a result of pressure. Occasional discharge in small quantities from one or both nipples is normal.

You need to be wary if the discharge:

Are of a permanent nature;

Their color is dark, yellow, blood has appeared;

They have a watery character.


There are several reasons why discharge from the nipples may appear.

Dilatation of the milk ducts, or ecstasy

This condition is common and is accompanied by a sticky yellow, green or black discharge. Ectasia mainly occurs during menopause, the milk ducts become clogged and inflamed due to changes hormonal levels women.


Characterized by the release of milk or colostrum from the breast. This condition is not an independent disease, but may indicate hormonal changes in the body, problems with the thyroid gland, tumors or other diseases of the pituitary gland. Galactorrhea can occur not only in women, but also in men and infants.


With this disease, yellowish, transparent or green discharge from the nipples of the breast. The reason may be hormonal disorders, heredity, lack of pregnancy before age 30. Mastopathy occurs due to the proliferation of glandular breast tissue, which leads to the appearance of cysts, inflammation, and swelling. This disease has been known for a long time, it can be treated quickly and effectively.

Diseases of the pelvic organs, abortions, miscarriages

The earlier an artificial termination of pregnancy is performed, the fewer changes the female body has undergone, and the less significant the discharge will be.

Closed chest injury

Even minor damage can cause clear, yellow, or bloody fluid to appear.

Purulent breast diseases (abscess)

In this condition, discharge from the nipples is mixed with pus. Treatment is carried out only in a hospital with the help of surgical intervention and use of antibiotics.

Mastitis, or inflammation of the mammary glands

With this disease there are purulent discharge from the nipples. This problem occurs most often during breastfeeding. The choice of treatment method depends on the advanced stage of the disease.

Malignant formation in the mammary gland (cancer)

Symptoms may not appear for a long time; signs of breast cancer may include bloody discharge, an increase in the size of the gland, or the appearance of lumps. This cause of fluid discharge from the nipples is the least likely.

Paget's disease

This is breast cancer that appears only in the nipple area. At the same time, the nipple changes appearance, shape, color, itching, burning, bloody issues. Treatment is carried out by removing the mammary gland followed by chemotherapy and radiation.

What questions does the doctor ask at the appointment?

If you experience nipple discharge of any kind, you should consult a doctor. The doctor will need to know:

The volume of discharge and its color.

Fluid appears from one breast or from both.

Discharge comes out of one hole in the nipple or from several.

The secretion leaks out on its own or you need to press on the chest to release it.

Is there breast tenderness?

General condition of the body.

Is the appearance of discharge accompanied by fever and pain?

Have there been chest injuries, even minor ones?

Which medications accepted by the patient.

What tests need to be taken

After examining and interviewing the woman, the doctor recommends an examination. As a rule, a blood test is ordered, including hormones, an MRI or a breast ductogram with an injection contrast agent, ultrasonography or mammography of the breast, cytological analysis of the secreted fluid.

During pregnancy

A woman may notice slight discharge from the nipple during pregnancy at the very beginning. This is due to the fact that the body is preparing for the lactation period. They can be different colors and volume. As a rule, this is colostrum, it feels sticky to the touch. But similar manifestations may also indicate a disease.

Normal nipple discharge during pregnancy

From the moment of conception, the female body undergoes a lot of changes. This also applies to the chest. There is an increase in its sensitivity, an increase in volume, and a darkening of the nipple areola.

Natural nipple discharge may appear starting from the 16th week of pregnancy. Clear liquid should not frighten the expectant mother, since it is the norm even outside of pregnancy. It is produced in the milk ducts and is necessary to prevent them from sticking together and becoming overgrown. Hormonal changes during pregnancy, this process is enhanced. The causes of discharge can be stimulation of the nipples, stress, and light massage.

Yellowish or white discharge may appear from the nipple in the second half of pregnancy. Colostrum indicates the readiness of the uterus for childbirth. A woman may notice training contractions that stimulate the production of colostrum.

The physiological norm is white, yellow, transparent discharge from the nipples. Even the itching should not be scary - it is just a consequence of stretching the skin of the chest. To avoid the appearance of stretch marks on the mammary glands, it is necessary to moisturize the skin during the entire period of bearing a child.

When should a pregnant woman see a doctor?

The appearance of nipple discharge during pregnancy is not always the norm; it may indicate a disease. You should consult a doctor if the discharge:

Appear from only one nipple.

Over the course of several days, blood appears.

The nipples hurt and the discharge is accompanied by feeling unwell and high temperature.

One breast became larger than the other, unnatural protrusions and depressions appeared on it.

The discharge is bright yellow.

Developed aching pain syndrome in the chest area.

There are many reasons for nipple discharge. Timely diagnosis will help to quickly deal with the problem. Advanced breast diseases can lead to the development of a malignant tumor, so if suspicious symptoms appear, consult a doctor immediately.

Smirnova Olga (gynecologist, State Medical University, 2010)

Some women, as their period approaches and in the absence of pregnancy, notice discharge from mammary glands. Does this sign to normal? Experts believe that discharge from the breast before menstruation can be physiological feature And pathological sign. When you shouldn’t worry and when you should contact a mammologist is indicated in this article.

Characteristics of breast discharge

Before menstruation, discharge from the mammary glands can appear for various reasons, related to both the physiological state of the body and pathology.

Normally, lactation is a process associated with pregnancy and breastfeeding. Women are often concerned about the question: can colostrum be released before menstruation, and is this a pathology? Such cases are common, and in only 15% of situations they mean illness. Often these are based on physiological state or a disorder in the body.

Nipple discharge can occur before and after menstruation, during menstruation and during ovulation. The appearance of discharge from the breasts during menstruation is caused by the work of hormones responsible for lactation, which stimulate the mammary glands to produce secretions. Depending on the factors causing such a symptom, the discharge may be white, yellowish, mixed with blood, in the form of colostrum, in different quantities and different concentrations, with and without odor.

Patients are interested in whether colostrum can be released before menstruation when pressing on the breasts, or whether it happens spontaneously. It all depends on the functioning of the mammary glands, the concentration of prolactin in the body and the factors that provoked this symptom.

Conditionally reasons and milk secretion can be divided into pathological and non-pathological. Similar phenomenon occurs during gestation, with galactorrhea and some pathologies.

During pregnancy

In the case of lactation, the process of milk production is due to natural female function feeding a child. It starts with the onset of pregnancy and continues for some time after breastfeeding stops. This mechanism is regulated by hormones such as estrogen, insulin, triiodothyronine, cortisol, somatotropin, oxytocin, and the most important in this chain - prolactin. Many of these substances are produced and regulated by the pituitary gland. From the moment of conception, it triggers increased production of prolactin, which is responsible for the formation of milk and colostrum, so often future mom observes the appearance of . The sign is especially noticeable before childbirth.

But even very early stages it is possible to designate a few drops of milk from the breast, since from the moment of conception in female body A sharp hormonal change occurs and the lactation mechanism starts. If the expectant mother does not yet know about her interesting position, then she can detect the release of light fluid from the mammary glands even before the expected menstruation. At this stage, pregnancy tests do not always give accurate results. Therefore, a woman observes milk secretion before her expected period, unaware that conception has taken place.

In the first trimester, independent milk production is not observed; it can only be seen after pressing on the nipple. In the third trimester, this phenomenon often occurs spontaneously in the form of a few drops of thick colostrum.

Similar or miscarriage, since the mammary glands may secrete secretions for some time, due to long-term recovery hormonal background.


Galactorrhea is not a disease and is designated as a condition of the mammary glands when, due to various factors milk is formed. The disorder can occur in the milk ducts and glands, and also have a deeper origin - at the level of the brain.

Such lactation without pregnancy can appear before or during menstruation and disappear without being accompanied by discomfort or other symptoms, or it can drag on for a long period and be painful. In the first case, they are acceptable, but in the second case, they should not be ignored. If you have the described symptoms, you should contact a mammologist.

Most often, galactorrhea occurs due to hormonal and other disorders, but cases of pathologies are also not uncommon.

Physiological reasons

  1. Hormonal imbalance. It occurs due to improper lifestyle, stress, emotional and physical activity, during menopause and with frequent use of contraceptives hormonal drugs and emergency contraception.
  2. Medicines that negatively affect the condition of the milk ducts and glands. This includes drugs for of cardio-vascular system, antidepressants, tranquilizers.
  3. Injuries. Any damage to the tissues, nerves, or blood vessels of the breast can provoke the release of milk secretion from the nipples.
  4. Disorders in the pituitary gland. It is this part of the brain that is responsible for the synthesis of many hormones, so the slightest deviation in its work affects the condition of the entire body, including the production of prolactin, which produces breast milk.
  5. Imbalance in endocrine system and disruption thyroid gland often lead to galactorrhea. Considering the maximum concentration of estrogen in combination with this reason, discharge from the breast before menstruation has high probability to appear.
  6. Excessive consumption of herbs that stimulate lactation, such as anise, fennel, dill, cumin, in the presence of disorders in the pituitary gland, can cause lactation to start without pregnancy.
  7. Increased stimulation of the nipples during sexual intercourse with strong excitement, echoing one of the above reasons, may be indicated by discharge from the chest.
  8. Kidney failure leads to the accumulation and excess amount of prolactin in the body, since it is the kidneys that are responsible for the disposal of this hormone.

In these situations, there is a discharge of white or yellow color, liquid or, most often, thick consistency in the form of colostrum, without impurities and unpleasant odor.

When blood is found in the discharge, it looks like pus, it is accompanied by chest pain, noticeable deterioration general condition, talk about the pathological nature of the symptoms.

Pathological discharge from the chest

There are often cases when a pathological liquid of transparent, white, yellow, green color, sometimes with bloody impurities, may come out of the nipples. Along with this, there is pain in the breasts, disturbance menstrual cycle, compaction in tissues.

This obvious signs illness, and in such cases you should immediately consult a doctor.

Such symptoms indicate inflammatory or infectious process V chest area, development of malignant and benign neoplasms and tumors.

Some of the most common problems include the following:

  1. Mastitis is inflammation of the mammary glands. According to statistics, it is the most common disease affecting the female breast. It is divided into several categories: lactation, postpartum (associated with breastfeeding) and fibrocystic (not associated with feeding and pregnancy). Pathology outside of lactation occurs due to injuries, previous operations, excessive use of hormonal drugs, frequent radiation, and the presence of chronic foci of infections. Symptoms include lumps in the breasts, engorgement of the mammary glands, discharge of purulent secretions from the nipples, general malaise, and fever. At strong immunity The body is able to cope with mastitis without much difficulty, you just need to receive proper treatment in time. If the disease is ignored, there is a possibility of severe consequences in the form of an abscess of nearby tissues.
  2. Fibroadenoma is a common benign breast tumor. The most common factors causing the disease include hormonal disorders. Often the disease is asymptomatic for a long time, but in acute stage When pressing on the nipple, a small amount of colorless liquid is released.
  3. Ectasia (enlargement) of the milk ducts is also indicated by white and yellow discharge from the breast. The shape of the nipple can change along with the areola area, and there is itching, burning and other discomfort in this area.
  4. Intraductal papilloma is another type of tumor in the mammary glands. Accompanied heavy discharge white, yellow, green and Brown, the duration and quantity of which ranges from a few drops to protracted strong streams of pathological fluid. The breasts may hurt locally when pressed.
  5. Breast cancer is the most dangerous pathology. There are many possible causes of cancer: exposure to hormonal drugs; wrong lifestyle; radioactive exposure; heredity; degeneration of tumors; absence of childbirth; frequent abortions. On initial stages the disease is asymptomatic, but over time it takes on the appearance of subcutaneous compactions. In the later stages, weakness and malaise are observed. Such tumors are removed surgically.

Briefly about the main thing

Discharge from the breast is a fairly common symptom, occurring both before menstruation and at any other time. This symptom is associated not only with pregnancy and the period of feeding the baby, but also occurs for a number of reasons, mainly related to hormonal levels and increased content in the body prolactin is a hormone responsible for the synthesis of milk.

There are also diseases, a symptom of which is discharge from the chest. Therefore, when asked whether colostrum can be released without pregnancy, experts give a positive answer, but advise that this phenomenon be diagnosed.

Any change that occurs in the breast should be brought to the attention of the doctor.

As a mandatory preventive measure, you should independently examine your breasts every month for changes. And a necessary condition In a woman’s life, there should be regular visits to a mammologist, since many breast diseases are asymptomatic.

Nipple discharge - normal phenomenon during pregnancy and breastfeeding. U healthy woman they sometimes appear if you put pressure on the chest, if the mammary glands are damaged by an incorrectly chosen bra, or after intense physical exercise.

In other cases, nipple discharge is not normal, especially if it looks unusual, for example, has a strange color or contains blood. How dangerous is this symptom, can it indicate cancer, and is it urgent to see a doctor? Let's figure it out.

What types of nipple discharge are there?

Discharge may occur from one or both breasts. They can be clear, white, yellowish, green, brown, bloody, watery or thick. The liquid is released spontaneously or when pressed. Discharge may increase on certain days of the monthly cycle.

It is important to pay attention to all the nuances and tell your doctor about them.

In what diseases does this symptom occur?

The causes of nipple discharge vary:

  • Fibrocystic mastopathy is a condition in which the structure of the breast tissue is disrupted and it grows connective tissue and/or cysts. In this case, there is a lump in the chest, pain and burning, transparent, white, yellowish or greenish discharge. Symptoms intensify in the second half of the menstrual cycle, especially before menstruation.
  • Galactorrhea is the spontaneous leakage of milk from the female mammary glands. It can be caused by hypothyroidism (decreased production of thyroid hormones), pituitary tumors (prolactinomas), taking certain medicines(hormones, contraceptives, psychotropic drugs) and herbal remedies (fennel, anise).
  • Mastitis is an inflammatory process in which pus accumulates in the mammary gland. In this case, the discharge also contains impurities of pus. Most often, mastitis develops in nursing mothers against the background of lactostasis - stagnation of milk in the breast. Symptoms of inflammation are usually pronounced: the breasts become swollen, red, and bothersome. severe pain.
  • Ductectasia - pathological expansion(ectasia) of the mammary gland ducts. Most often, this condition develops shortly before menopause. Inflammation occurs in the ducts that are located next to the nipple, and their patency is impaired. If an infection occurs, green discharge appears from the nipples.
  • Intraductal papilloma - benign neoplasm, which is a growth inside the mammary duct. Sometimes papillomas become inflamed, and this leads to the appearance of thick, viscous secretions mixed with blood.

Isn't this cancer?

Most often, nipple discharge is a manifestation benign disease. But sometimes this symptom indicates a malignant tumor. Without an examination, it is impossible to establish an accurate diagnosis.

Bloody nipple discharge is just one of the possible symptoms oncological disease. There are other manifestations: an area of ​​retraction and hardening of the skin, swelling, redness, erosion, deformation and asymmetry of the mammary glands, “lemon peel” skin changes, compactions, dilated veins, changes appearance, nipple retraction. And even a combination of several of these signs is not always cancer.

When it comes to types of breast cancer, nipple discharge is most common with ductal carcinoma, a malignant tumor that develops from the epithelial cells lining the ducts of the breast. Less common, usually in women over 50 years of age, Paget's disease - cancer of the nipple of the breast. It is often combined with other malignant tumors.

What to do?

First of all, you need to know what you definitely shouldn’t do:

  • Don’t panic prematurely and don’t rush to diagnose yourself terrible disease. An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a doctor after examination.
  • You shouldn’t ignore the symptoms and delay a visit to the clinic either. Yes, nipple discharge rarely indicates cancer. But they may be a manifestation of another, not so terrible, but still in need of treatment pathology.

If you are in reproductive age, and you have nipple discharge that does not disappear with the start of your next menstrual cycle, you need to visit a doctor. If you are in menopause and you have discharge, this is definitely not normal, you need to urgently contact a mammologist.

In order to notice in time pathological changes in the breast, you need to regularly perform breast self-examination. Don't forget to inspect your bra cups - there may be traces of discharge on them.

What diagnostic methods can a doctor prescribe?

Usually the doctor first prescribes it as the simplest, fastest, non-invasive and at the same time sufficient informative method diagnostics If during ultrasound it is detected pathological formation, which may be a malignant tumor, a biopsy is performed. Using a needle, a fragment of suspicious tissue is obtained and sent to the laboratory for histological examination. cytological examination. You can also analyze the discharge to check for the presence of cancer cells.

Make an appointment at ProfMedLab with Evelina Agasevna Badikyan. Breast ultrasound and mammography are performed by a mammologist during your appointment. Call:

If there are dark discharge from the mammary glands when pressed, this cannot be considered normal condition, it is worth examining a doctor and finding out the cause of the deviation. After examining the patient’s chest and assessing the nature of the fluid, the doctor makes a preliminary diagnosis, which they can confirm further research. Often, fluid is released from the chest due to the presence of serious diseases that need to be identified and treated as soon as possible, without pushing the condition to a critical level.

Fluid can be released from the mammary gland for physiological and pathological reasons. If there is no disease, then we are talking about a woman who is going to breastfeed. The fluid comes out of the milk ducts, moves towards the nipple and flows out when pressed.

If a woman is not carrying a baby, and yellow, brown or black discharge appears when pressure is applied, this may be the result pathological processes in the body that need to be identified and treated.

The problem appears due to inflammatory processes, may be noted with mastitis, talk about education malignant tumors, be a harbinger of menopause.

If a woman, after pressing on her breasts, reveals a discharge, then it is not a fact that it is necessary to see a doctor and be examined.

Discharge from the mammary glands when pressed

Brown, yellow or black discharge may appear with slight pressure. If you put a little pressure on the nipple and breast, the fluid present in the mammary gland appears.

The female body is designed in such a way that this process is physiologically normal, although only during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

This manifestation may accompany menstruation or menopause, which cannot be called a significant deviation from the norm.

Pathological fluids appear from the nipple, as they pass through the same gland ducts as milk. The problem may occur due to hormonal imbalances, physical injury, excessive stress, due to frequent stimulation of the nipples or during sexual intercourse. Whether the secretion is safe will be determined by its color, smell, consistency, and frequency.

What to do if you notice discharge

The mammary gland in women is designed to produce milk for the baby. Everyone knows that it is white, appears with childbirth and disappears when the mother stops feeding the baby. If something flows from the gland for no reason, has a pronounced color and bad smell, then you need to do the following:

  • Keep track of how often the problem is noted, what shade the liquid has, how abundantly it comes out.
  • Go for a consultation with a mammologist.
  • Pass the initial examination at the doctor.
  • Have a mammogram and ultrasound examination of the mammary glands.
  • Submit a routine culture for microflora.
  • Get an MRI and ductography.
  • Take a blood test to determine your hormone levels.

After the research, a medical specialist will make a diagnosis and, if there is a disease, it will be treated.

Causes of breast discharge

Green, yellow or black highlight from the chest indicates the presence of a specific problem in the body.

The reason for the appearance of fluid may not be pathological or may indicate the presence of a specific disease.

Among the reasons why chest pus or other contents may appear, such as the following:

  • Frequent nipple stimulation
  • Failure of the hormonal system
  • Presence of cancer
  • Have a cyst or are experiencing early menopause
  • The mammary gland was subject to mechanical damage
  • Woman performing excessively heavy physical activity
  • Galactorrhea or mastopathy is noted
  • Milky ducts are too dilated

The exact cause of the secretion can be determined after examination; you can use medications yourself without knowing the real reason pathology, it is impossible.

The meaning of the color of the discharge

If pressure was applied to milk duct and the secret came from there, then you need to pay attention to its color, consistency, smell, because this says a lot.

Green color

When, when pressing on the right or left nipple, liquid appears green color, then we can draw the following conclusion:

  • The breast tissue has grown excessively, and mastopathy is present.
  • You need to go to the doctor and try treatment.
  • The sooner you pay attention to the problem, the faster it will be resolved.

This pathology is not fatal, it is completely curable, the main thing is to pay attention to it in time.

The discharge is transparent

Liquid that has a transparent tint does not indicate serious pathologies. Often, such discharge becomes a consequence of mechanical trauma, appears during stress, and also indicates changes in hormonal levels during the menstrual cycle.


Before a woman is about to have a baby, yellow discharge from the breasts is noted - this is colostrum. Also, such discharge may be the first sign of pregnancy.

Discharge is brown

If the discharge is brownish in color, we can say that bleeding has appeared in the ducts. It arises due to mechanical damage blood vessels, there is a cyst or tumors are growing.

The discharge is bloody

If the mammary gland secretes a bloody secretion, then we can talk about the presence of a benign or cancer tumor in the chest. You should be concerned if fluid mixed with blood is constantly being released from one gland, the breasts have enlarged, become denser and hurt when palpated.

White color

This type of secretion that flows from the mammary gland speaks of galactorrhea. This means that pregnancy has not occurred, but the hormone prolactin is actively produced by the body and there is milk in the milk ducts.

Discharge is dark

If the color of the discharge is dark, then there are neoplasms in the mammary gland. The discharge begins to darken due to blood impurities, sometimes its color is completely black or brown. This speaks not only of discharge, but also of infectious or purulent processes.

When nipple discharge is normal

A woman’s monthly cycle involves changes in hormonal levels, so if there are slight, transparent streaks during menstruation, this is normal.

Appearance yellowish discharge from the nipples, while carrying a baby, during pregnancy or in the second trimester - a normal condition.

If a woman has a breast exam while she is taking hormonal pills and antidepressants, then this also cannot be considered a deviation.

When, after looking at the breast secretion, a girl realizes that the shade looks too dark, she needs to think about visiting a doctor. The period during which a specific secret is allocated also plays a role important role.

If this has been noted once, then there is nothing to worry about, but when the processes become regular and are accompanied unpleasant symptoms, you need to go to a specialist and get a full examination. You shouldn’t pay attention to who writes what review on the Internet, because such problems should be dealt with by a professional, and not by people’s advisers and girlfriends.

If fluid is leaking from the chest, this is not necessary. serious pathology, but to determine its exact cause, you need to see a doctor.

If they are dark and smell unpleasant, then some pathological condition already exists and the sooner treatment begins, the better the result will be. You should not ignore such a manifestation, because it can be alarm signal. Correct solution for every woman - regular visits to the doctor and careful attention to your health, so that unpleasant problems didn't arise at all.

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