Harmless and effective diuretic plants, diuretic products, herbal tablets. What herbs relieve swelling of the legs

Every person can experience edema, but most often this problem occurs in women. Swelling can occur locally as a result of injury or bruise. But usually the cause of this phenomenon is fatigue, illness or lack of sleep. Swelling can also be caused by poor diet or alcohol consumption. A special diuretic herb for edema and following the rules helps to cope with the problem. healthy image life.

Causes and symptoms

What can cause swelling in the legs and other parts of the body? This can be caused by fairly harmless reasons, for example, prolonged exposure to vertical position, drinking too much, sitting for long periods of time or lying on overly soft furniture. Swelling may appear if a person wears tight and uncomfortable shoes with high or low heels.

Cluster excess liquid may provoke:

  • excess weight;
  • flat feet;
  • metabolic disease;
  • problems in the functioning of the intestines (in this case, diarrhea will most likely also be observed).

When hemoglobin in the blood decreases or fluid stagnates in the body, both legs swell at once. And one-sided swelling with redness indicates one or another local violation, for example, venous thrombosis, inflammatory processes which are accompanied by painful sensations.

If swelling appears under the eyes, this indicates problems with the kidneys. However, most often this is due to overwork or excessive use liquid or alcoholic drinks, especially before bed.

The benefits of herbs for edema

Diuretic herb from edema will help get rid of this problem, but it should be used only if a person has immediate indications. It can be used for swelling, disorders of the urinary system, constant feeling several extra pounds", kidney diseases, high blood pressure.

You should know which one is better. After all, not all drugs are suitable for long-term therapy; some of them can be used exclusively in short courses. Before you start taking herbs and other drugs, you should understand that all of them can be beneficial only if the rules for their use are followed. It is also important to choose the right composition as correctly as possible. After all, all diuretics promote increased fluid excretion.

Benefits of herbal remedies

Despite the fact that you can now buy various medications at the pharmacy, the diuretic herb for edema, in comparison with chemical diuretics, does not upset the balance of sodium and potassium, which makes this remedy as safe as possible. Medicines have side effects, often leading to seizures and heart problems.

Natural herbs work gently and have a strong enough therapeutic effect. They have several effects at once. In addition to removing fluid from the body, they affect the functioning of the kidneys, kill pathogens, relieve inflammation and lower blood pressure. Therefore, it is better to give preference rather than pharmaceutical drugs. In addition, pregnant women most often suffer from edema, and many medications are prohibited for them. Diuretic herb for edema helps to cope with this problem during pregnancy.

Indications for taking diuretic herbs

Herbal medicine can reduce blood pressure and relieve facial pain. If before any important event Taking herbal infusions can help you lose 1-2 kilograms of “excess fluid” and become a little slimmer. Herbal medicine is indicated for people suffering infectious disease kidneys, cystitis, as well as fluid retention due to medications.

During pregnancy, the kidneys very often fail to cope with their function. Herbal remedies will help cope with the problem of swelling without harming the child and mother. They will make life much easier by eliminating the risk of complications.

For edema of cardiac origin

Diuretic herbal mixtures for edema can not only reduce the amount of fluid in the body, but also improve heart function. Hawthorn copes well with this serious task. Despite the fact that it has a weak diuretic effect, improving the functioning of the heart muscle allows you to eliminate edema and other unpleasant symptoms.

Hawthorn goes well with bearberry, which enhances diuretic effect. For swelling caused by cardiac dysfunction, you can use the following infusion recipe. It is recommended to mix 10 g of horsetail, 30 g of motherwort, 5 g of strawberries and 10 g of St. John's wort. Brew 1 tablespoon of the mixture in a glass of boiling water (200 ml). The product should sit for 1 hour. After which it can be used 1 glass 2 times a day. The course lasts up to 2 months. This remedy will allow you not to remember about swelling.

Herbs for edema of renal origin

A diuretic for kidney disease must have an anti-inflammatory effect in order to reduce the effect of infection on the organs. This will facilitate the functioning of the urinary system.

The optimal herbs in this case are chamomile, bearberry, birch, violet, horsetail, juniper, nettle and some others. Very often, a decoction of lingonberry leaves is used for kidney diseases. It is recommended to prepare it as follows. 3 teaspoons of crushed leaf are poured into 2 cups of boiling water and left for 15 minutes. water bath. Then leave for 45 minutes and filter. Then water is added to the infusion to make 400 ml of decoction. Take 3 times a day, 40 ml.

Remedies for puffy eyes

For swelling of the eyes, use strong and medium degree exposure is also not necessary. Even gentle potassium-sparing diuretics, which maintain potassium levels in the body, have a weak effect.
Diuretic herb helps with swelling of the eyes no worse than medications and is natural remedy in the fight against the problem. You can get a herbal collection from rose hips, orthosiphon leaves, horsetail, and bearberry leaves. To relieve symptoms, it is enough to make an infusion of one of the listed ingredients and take it 100 ml three times a day.

Natural diuretics during pregnancy

A diuretic herb that relieves swelling of the extremities must be safe during pregnancy. It should not have properties that provoke increased uterine tone and sudden bleeding.

Women during pregnancy can take infusions from plants such as cranberry, orthosiphon and chamomile. You should refrain from using juniper, parsley and lovage.

It is important to understand that herbs that have a strong diuretic effect during pregnancy should be used only in short courses - no more than three weeks. This will help avoid hypotension (low blood pressure) and dehydration. Herbs that have a mild effect can be used for more than 1 month.

Before you start taking it, you should definitely consult with your doctor and rely on his recommendations and how you feel. Treatment with traditional medicine should be carried out after consultation with a specialist. Only in this case will it be as effective and completely safe as possible and will eliminate the problem of swelling.

Many people choose to be treated with herbal medicine. This direction is becoming increasingly popular due to the harmlessness of plants, minimizing the risks of complications and side effects.

Diuretic herbs have a gentle effect on the body and additionally have an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.

Herbal diuretics - types, benefits

The category of diuretics includes plants that a short time excrete large volumes of urine. Such herbs help rid the body of toxins and slagging, stones, excess fluid,...

It appears due to a number of diseases, lack of sleep, poor nutrition, excessively salty foods. The selection of herbs is carried out depending on the pathology, pregnancy, age. Diuretic plants include:

  • yarrow;
  • cinnamon;
  • corn silk;
  • dandelion;
  • calendula;
  • rose hip;
  • lingonberry, currant and birch leaves;
  • knotweed;
  • nettle;
  • horsetail;
  • chicory;
  • flax-seed;
  • fennel;
  • oregano (see);
  • mint;
  • nettle;
  • valerian;
  • chamomile;
  • juniper;
  • thyme;
  • cornflower inflorescences;
  • motherwort;
  • tansy;
  • centaury;
  • dill;
  • bearberry;
  • marshmallow;
  • sage;
  • parsley;
  • coltsfoot.

Diuretic herbs also cleanse the liver and blood well. Plants restore the functions of the pancreas and urinary system. Some herbs normalize blood clotting, wash away sand and stones, are used for weight loss, and calm the nerves.

Other advantages include the absence of irritating ingredients that do not affect mucous membranes.

Plants act gently, delicately, sometimes the effect lasts longer than after medical supplies. Reduce the activity of pathological bacteria and help maintain normal blood pressure.

Indications for use

The cause of swelling can be hypertension, intoxication of the body, glomerulonephritis, acute and chronic infectious pathologies. Indications for the use of plants depend on the disease; examples are given in the table.

Pathologies Recommended Herbs
Poisoning Plants increase the volume of urine secreted, removing poisons and toxic substances that provoke intoxication. For this purpose, rose hips, nettles, juniper branches, knotweed, and St. John's wort flowers are used. Less strong - birch and lingonberry leaves, linden, mint.
Hypertension and heart failure Many herbs have positive influence on many organs and systems. Herbal remedies support normal blood pressure. cranberries, yarrow, motherwort infusion, hawthorn inflorescences and birch buds. If there is insufficiency, a collection from all parts of the hemlock or honey mixed with viburnum is taken.
Urinary system Plants are selected carefully to reduce the load on the kidneys and bladder. For pyelonephritis, bearberry or horsetail are recommended. To prevent stones, rose hips, nettle greens, knotweed, juniper twigs, birch leaves and parsley are taken. For urolithiasis, infusions of parsley with lingonberry leaves or strawberries, and carrot seeds are recommended. In case of relapses, a collection of bearberry, parsley, mint, corn silk, nettle, fennel and lingonberry is taken.

Swelling of the eyelids and legs is usually caused by renal failure. Pathology cannot be treated with herbs alone, but you can get rid of excess fluid with the help of fennel, juniper, pharmaceutical chamomile, cherry blossoms or birch leaves, licorice, cornflower, calendula.

Eye swelling can also be quickly removed with the help of herbal lotions made from lemon balm, chamomile, and mint. Swelling of the face is eliminated with compresses from orthosiphon leaves, horsetail, rose hips and bear's ears.

Diuretic herbs are also used during the weight loss process. Plants remove accumulated excess fluid and prevent potassium and electrolyte deficiency. TO the best means include elderberry (black) flowers, milk thistle, birch leaves, and horsetail.

No less effective are mint, parsley, and linden blossom (). For some, licorice root, flax seeds, dandelion, coltsfoot, blackberry and nettle leaves are more suitable. At correct use Using diuretics, a person loses weight up to 5 kg in three weeks.

Herbal Recipes

To obtain a diuretic effect, decoctions or infusions are made from plants. They are used as aids during treatment of the underlying disease and enhancing the effectiveness of therapy. The most popular recipes using water and alcohol:

  1. For linden decoction 1 tbsp. l. flowers of the plant, pour 0.2 liters of boiling water. The product is infused for half an hour, then filtered and taken throughout the day. For taste, you can add mint or lemon balm leaves to the drink.
  2. An identical recipe and method of use for horsetail. The plant is first dried and crushed.
  3. A collection of strawberry leaves, motherwort, horsetail and St. John's wort is made in the ratio 1: 3: 2: 2. Take 1 tbsp. l. mixture and pour in 0.2 liters of boiling water. Infuse for a quarter of an hour and drink throughout the day.
  4. Take 1 tbsp. l. crushed dried calendula and St. John's wort flowers. The mixture is poured with 1 liter of vodka and infused for 2 weeks. Then take 20 drops three times a day, before meals.
  5. Dry elderberry leaves are crushed and 3 tbsp. l. plants are filled with 500 ml of vodka. The product is infused for a couple of weeks. Then use 20 drops daily before lunch.
  6. The juices of rowan and viburnum are mixed in equal parts. Add half a serving of lemon and 100 g of honey. The drink is consumed 1 tbsp. l. three times a day, after meals.
  7. Flaxseeds (2 tbsp) pour 200 ml warm water, boil for 3 minutes, infuse until completely cool, filter. The product should be drunk 5 times during the day.
  8. Chop the lingonberry leaves and pour in 300 ml of boiling water. Keep on low heat for 30 minutes. Then the product is filtered and taken three times a day, 70 ml 20 minutes before meals.
  9. Chopped parsley is poured with milk and simmered in the oven until half the volume remains. Strain and drink 50 ml every hour.
  10. A collection (1 tablespoon) of lingonberry and nettle leaves, marshmallow, tansy flowers (the components are taken in equal parts) is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused in a thermos for 5 hours. Then the product is filtered and consumed three times a day, before meals, ¼ cup.
  11. Two tablespoons of crushed birch leaves are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water and boiled for 3 minutes. After straining, drink the product in the morning, 20 minutes before breakfast, half a glass.
  12. Place 3 tbsp per liter of water. l. rosehip berries. Boil for 10 minutes, then infuse under a closed lid until the liquid turns brown, strain and drink 2 times 100 ml.
  13. Pour 1 tbsp into a thermos. l. crushed marshmallow root. It is filled with 250 ml of boiling water. Infuse for 4 hours and drink 50 ml 3 times. A remedy is also prepared from knotweed.
  14. Chopped nettle leaves (2 tablespoons) are poured into 0.5 liters of water and boiled for 7 minutes. After filtration, the product is drunk ½ glass before breakfast and lunch.
  15. Take parsley and dill seeds (1 tsp each). In the first case, 1 tsp. The grains are poured with 200 ml of water and infused for 12 hours. Then the product is drunk every couple of hours in small sips. The glass lasts throughout the day. According to the second recipe, the same amount dill seeds pour 0.2 liters of boiling water and leave for 1.5 hours. Then it is filtered and drunk during the day in three doses before meals, 1/3 cup each.

You can also make juices from celery and parsley (taken in equal parts). The drink (1/3 glass) is consumed during meals, but before 16.00. Before drinking any drink, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to the grass.

Rules of use

Any diuretic drinks (including herbal ones) must be taken correctly. The best option– 2 times a day, from 8.00 to 16.00. To prevent potassium deficiency, avocado or dried apricots should be present in the diet. If you have nephrosis, you should not use herbs that irritate the kidney parenchyma.

Any diuretic should be taken before meals. The course of treatment is from 2 to 5 weeks. Excess daily norm this can provoke intoxication of the body.

You need to be careful with plants that contain a lot of toxins - sage, cinnamon, juniper, St. John's wort, calendula, lovage, as well as hawthorn, oregano and coltsfoot.

Prohibitions on the use of herbs and possible side effects

It should be remembered that recipes for alcohol based prohibited for pregnant women and young children. While carrying a child, you should not consume certain herbs (they can cause a miscarriage or negatively affect the formation of the fetus) - juniper, coltsfoot, strawberry, parsley root, ginseng and tansy.

Senna, ginger, oregano, buckthorn, basil, and yarrow have similar properties. Main contraindications for the use of herbal diuretics:

  • ulcers, gastritis;
  • individual intolerance to plants;
  • inflammation in the kidneys in the acute stage;
  • in the stomach;
  • hypotension;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • atherosclerosis.

Even in herbal decoctions and infusions, it is important to adhere to the dosage. Its violation can cause a number of side effects:

  • hives;
  • allergies;
  • hemorrhagic rashes;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • constipation;
  • reducing blood volumes;
  • stomach ache.

An overdose of diuretics may cause diarrhea and, as a result, dehydration (if the patient drinks little fluid). This provokes the appearance serious illnesses any organs and systems.

Despite the general harmlessness of plants, you cannot self-medicate. Necessary fees and therapeutic regimen can only be selected by a doctor, depending on the disease and individual characteristics body.

It is preferable to purchase ready-made pharmacy fees and follow the prescription instructions.

The kidneys perform the function of the body’s natural filters, which are involved in the process of cleansing the body and regulating water-salt balance. As soon as their function is impaired, swelling appears. How to get rid of excess fluid using traditional medicine? Modern herbalists use enormous centuries-old experience of using medicinal plants at various diseases which lead to swelling. Folk diuretics for edema act gradually and gently, without causing side effects that occur from taking synthetic drugs.

Many recipes have been preserved and are still in demand. In most cases, herbal remedies eliminate not only the symptom, but also its cause. Most often, to achieve this effect they use medicinal fees. The best results are observed in cases where, along with herbal treatment, a person adheres to a certain diet. Including foods containing potassium and magnesium helps the body recover electrolyte balance and get rid of excess fluid faster.

When using a diuretic folk remedy for edema, you must adhere to the rules that apply to synthetic diuretics. The patient must control weight, diuresis, adjust his diet, eliminate salty and canned food. If allergic reactions occur, you should stop taking herbal preparations and see a doctor.

Treatment with natural remedies has its benefits. However, it should be remembered that plants, despite their “harmlessness,” can have different effects on human body. Although the removal of excess fluid occurs gradually, important electrolytes are lost along with it. Therefore, before using a folk diuretic for edema, you must first consult a doctor.

Diuretic herbs

Diuretic herb for edema helps remove water and toxic substances from the body, affects salt balance and prevents the accumulation of fluid in the intercellular space. In the process of life, plants, under the influence of solar radiation, produce useful organic compounds, which have a beneficial effect on the body. Herbal preparations are used for edema of various origins. Herbs are often used as part of kidney teas or infusions. They can be consumed for a long time with short breaks.

It should be noted that herbs do not replace medications, but only complement them. Therefore, before using them, you should consult a doctor. For treatment to be effective, the patient is advised to adhere to basic rules for taking herbal diuretics:

1 . Do not drink decoctions after 16-00.

2 . It is advisable to start herbal treatment with minimal doses and follow the doctor’s recommendations. The effect of herbal diuretics appears after some time, so you should not expect quick results and stop taking the drugs if the swelling does not go away.

3 . Long-term treatment in the absence of the expected result, cancel it, as addiction to the action of herbal preparations appears. Mechanisms that retain fluid are “turned on” in the body.

4 . It is not recommended to use diuretic herbs for edema when increased acidity gastric juice, peptic ulcer, acute inflammations kidneys, since many herbal preparations have a choleretic effect and irritating effect on kidney tissue.

7 . Electrolyte monitoring is required.

Diuretic herbs for facial swelling are used topically in the form of compresses and lotions. Swelling quickly goes away after compresses of dried rose and rose petals. You can apply compresses from a decoction of dill or parsley. A proven remedy is a compress with sage infusion or birch infusion. Swelling will go away faster if you massage your face after the procedures and take diuretic decoctions during the day.

If there is a need to remove fluid, strong diuretic herbs for edema come to the rescue. For urinary retention and inflammation of the urinary tract, decoctions and infusions of bearberry, dill, string, horsetail, lingonberry leaves, and chamomile are used. Tincture of bear ears, decoction of rosehip, elderberry, astragalus, red clover, anise infusion, infusion of corn silk.

Pregnant women will be helped to get rid of edema by taking decoctions of hawthorn, bear's ears, lingonberries, centaury, and rosemary. Instead of herbs, you can brew dried apricots with boiling water overnight and drink useful infusion in the morning. To ensure that the treatment does not harm the child, only a doctor allows drinking herbal preparations after assessing the condition of the pregnant woman.

It should be noted that herbs are a fairly strong diuretic for edema. Violation of the rules for collecting, preparing and storing plants can cause many complications. IN best case scenario therapy will not be effective. Failure to comply with the rules for taking herbal preparations can cause unwanted reactions: allergies, nausea, diarrhea, dizziness. As soon as at least one of the symptoms appears, you must stop treatment with medicinal herbs and consult a doctor.

Diuretic fees

It is no coincidence that they believe that the action of only one plant is less effective. A diuretic for edema helps much better. This is due to the fact that the action of one herb is stimulated active substances another medicinal plant, which may not help if taken as a single drug. That is why in folk healing, recipes for edema are based mainly on various mixtures of medicinal plants.

It is difficult to collect and prepare mixtures on your own. This requires certain knowledge about each plant. It is recommended to buy ready-made preparations in pharmacies. But even pharmaceutical diuretic herbal mixtures for edema cannot be taken on your own. It is advisable to consult a doctor, pay attention to contraindications, follow the preparation technology, the exact dosage when taking decoctions, and store herbs correctly. Decoctions and infusions must be prepared before use. If the taste of the diuretic is too bitter or unpleasant, you can add a little honey.

  1. Anise, St. John's wort, knotweed, corn silk, violet, dandelion roots, celandine.
  2. Immortelle, watch, coriander, peppermint.
  3. Immortelle, yarrow, rhubarb. Herbs are effective for kidney diseases.
  4. Elecampane, lure, St. John's wort, mint, chamomile, horsetail, string, rosehip, blueberry. The collection is recommended for diabetics.
  5. Juniper, licorice, fennel.
  6. Birch leaves, madder root, chamomile, steelhead, dill seeds, horsetail.
  7. Birch, strawberry leaves, nettle, flax seeds. Helps with pyelonephritis.
  8. Calendula, plantain, yarrow, horsetail, string, rosehip. Taken for glomerulonephritis.
  9. Anise, plantain, sage. Used for heart failure.

To prepare a healing diuretic collection in case of swelling, you must adhere to some rules:

1 . It is better to discard herbs that have been around for several years.

3 . It is best to prepare decoctions in enamel dishes. Copper, aluminum or tin utensils are not suitable for such purposes.

4 . Prepare only a daily dose of decoction (infusion).

5 . The herb cannot be boiled longer than what is written in the instructions, otherwise the collection will lose its properties.

6 . Warm infusions and decoctions are more effective than cool ones.

Diuretic teas

The golden mean between taking medications and herbal preparations is diuretic tea for swelling. It not only acts gently, but also fills the body with energy. Natural method eliminating edema is very popular. Various preparations can be produced under the name "diuretic tea" medicinal herbs. The choice of tea depends on individual sensitivity to the components.

Teas with the addition of birch leaves have healing properties for cardiac and kidney edema. They relieve inflammation, cleanse urinary tract, reduce the level uric acid. Flower tea made from elderberry, chamomile, linden and mint has a mild diuretic effect. This drink contains ascorbic acid, glycosides, flavonoids. Quertecin, which is included in linden color, inhibits the growth of bacteria. Pregnant women, after consulting a doctor, are recommended to drink teas containing lingonberry or cranberry leaves. They not only remove fluid, but also replenish the body expectant mother vitamins and microelements.

Diuretic teas for edema based on orthosiphon eliminate inflammation and remove fluid. Their peculiarity is their potassium-saving and disinfecting effect. Orthosiphon contains saponins, organic acids, alkaloids, tannin, and potassium. The diuretic effect of tea is accompanied by the removal of urea and chlorides. Tea has an antispasmodic effect on smooth muscles, improves glomerular filtration, and alkalinizes urine. The maximum effect is observed on the second day of use. At long-term use V complex treatment Orthosiphon helps to cure chronic diseases kidney, cystitis.

You can prepare a diuretic tea for edema, which includes half a pala. It has a strong diuretic effect, restores electrolyte balance, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Thanks to active components, which is part of the medicinal plant, sand is removed from the kidneys, stones are dissolved and removed. Despite their positive characteristics, half-and-half tea should not be drunk by people with diseases that are accompanied by increased excretion calcium. To avoid damaging tooth enamel, it is recommended to drink tea through a straw.

People deal with swelling on the face, especially in the eyelid area, all the time. Swelling that occurs regularly may indicate the presence of serious pathologies. In folk medicine, to quickly remove swelling on the face under the eyes, effective method treatment is the use of diuretic herbs, which remove excess fluid from tissues and tone the skin.

In medicine, the most common causes of swelling on the face and eyelid area are:

Medicinal herbs not only relieve swelling, but also generally have a positive effect on human health:

  • Improves kidney function.
  • Increases immunity.
  • Treat varicose veins veins, thrombosis or hypertension.
  • Actively influence inflammatory processes.
  • They have an antibacterial effect.
  • Normalize metabolism.

The advantage of herbal remedies

Herbal medicine has many positive effects in treating diseases and improving the health of the patient, and in some aspects it is even superior official medicine.

Among the advantages and positive features herbal medicine, experts call the following factors:

  • Herbs are much cheaper than medications.
  • They have a prolonged effect.
  • They have no side effects.
  • Not addictive.
  • Ease of use, allowing for outpatient treatment.
  • They are highly effective.
  • They have a gentle and gentle effect on the body as a whole.

Indications for taking diuretic herbs

The use of herbs with a diuretic effect is advisable in the following cases:

Herbal diuretics - mechanism of action

The main principle of action of diuretics is the removal of excess fluid from the body.

Due to what you can get rid of swelling of the eyes, legs, face. Additionally, some plants also have a bactericidal effect, destroying pathogenic microorganisms. When cleaning the urinary canals, products that cause inflammatory processes are removed.

Diuretics stop the penetration of salts into the renal tubules. They also promote rapid urine output. Thanks to diuretic herbs, the pressure inside the skull and fundus of the eye is normalized. Can prevent epilepsy attacks. Relieves muscle spasms. Act as antioxidants in case of toxic poisoning. Improves blood circulation in the kidneys.

How to take diuretic herbs

When taking diuretic herbs for swelling of the face under the eyes, certain conditions must be met. First, you need to consult a doctor or herbalist. To prescribe the appropriate course of treatment, the doctor will examine the patient’s medical history and allergic reactions.

You need to strictly adhere to the dosage, since the wrong ratio of certain herbs can harm your health.

To be able to properly transfer the effect of diuretics on the body, they need to be taken before 4 o’clock in the afternoon. Otherwise, the urge to urinate will force a person to get up all night, which will lead to lack of sleep and nervousness.

It is also advisable to take herbs for at least 1-2 months without interrupting the course. Since the healing effect does not begin immediately, but only after several weeks. During this period of time they manage to accumulate useful material in organism. And then, throughout the entire reception, their impact will be most effective.

You definitely need to drink water. More than on normal days. After all, edema is not an excess of water, but a disturbance in the functioning of the body.



Contraindications to taking diuretics herbal remedies little, but they are of great importance in treatment.

Diuretic decoctions

Before using diuretic herbs for swelling of the face under the eyes, you need to figure out what exactly to do with them. For example, you can cook a decoction. It differs from tea and infusion in that it must be boiled, preferably in a water bath. And then they insist.

For decoctions, the rough parts of the plant are taken. For example, bark or hard fruits, roots, seeds. In some cases, these parts of plants do not provide their beneficial properties well. The cooking process helps draw them out of the grass. The decoction is subjected to longer heat treatment, but the infusion time is less than in other methods.

Very effective means from edema of various nature, a decoction of the roots of forest carrots (kupyr) is considered:

  • Glass boiled water pour in a large spoonful of crushed raw materials and simmer in a water bath for about half an hour. Infuse for the same amount of time and then filter through 2-3 layers of gauze or a strainer. Boiled water is brought to the volume that was at first. The result should be a full glass of decoction, which you need to drink 3 times a day. per day 2 tbsp. spoons half an hour before meals.

Lingonberry leaves are considered to have a good diuretic effect. Pour boiling water over 2 large spoons of raw materials and simmer over low heat for a quarter of an hour. Then cool and strain through cheesecloth or a strainer. Take this decoction for 2 weeks.

Parsley is an excellent remedy for swelling. The leaves are chopped finely and poured with milk so that the milk completely covers the greens. Place over very low heat and cook until the milk has reduced by half. Strain through cheesecloth or strainer. Drink a spoon every hour.

You can also collect birch buds. This must be done before the leaves bloom. Then pour 1 large spoon with a glass of boiling water and cook over low heat for 20-25 minutes. You need to insist it for 6-7 hours. Take half a glass per day 30 minutes before meals.

Diuretic decoctions have good effectiveness. During the cooking process, useful substances are extracted from the raw materials to the maximum, which has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole.

Diuretic tea

Herbal tea uses the leaves and flowers of plants. Unlike a decoction, which must be boiled, tea is simply poured with boiling water and infused a little.

Thanks to diuretic tea, kidney function improves. Tea has a lower concentration of substances than infusion, for example. Accordingly, the effectiveness of the diuretic effect is slightly lower. Green tea has a good diuretic effect. Herbal teas can also be found at the pharmacy. Or make it yourself at home using a plant.

When choosing diuretic herbs for swelling of the face under the eyes, you should pay attention to their purpose of action. Certain herbs have a concentrated effect on the cardiac system or kidney function.

Mainly used for diuretic tea:

  • chamomile;
  • horsetail;
  • strawberry leaves;
  • linden;
  • mint;
  • parsley;
  • St. John's wort;
  • rose hip;
  • coltsfoot;
  • juniper;
  • milk thistle;
  • liquorice root;
  • nettle, etc.

Herbal infusions have the greatest effect. They are prepared in the same way as regular tea. Brewed hot water and insist for no more than half an hour.

Diuretic infusions

People often confuse the concepts of infusion and tincture. Although they have a significant difference. Since infusions are made with water, and tinctures with alcohol. Which is not always suitable for a person.

According to the method of preparation, the infusions differ only in the infusion time. But the principle is always the same. Pour in liquid and leave. In this case, the liquid composition can be both cold and hot.

If the grass is soft and quickly releases its beneficial substances, then the water can be warm or cold. In other cases, boiling water is used. Most often, the raw materials are steamed in a thermos, left overnight, and consumed in the morning. Alcohol tinctures can also be classified as diuretics.

For example:

For edema of cardiac origin

If you know exactly why edema occurs, you can select herbs that not only have a diuretic effect, but also improve the overall performance of one or another body system. For example, edema is associated with cardiovascular disorders vascular system. Then hawthorn has a wonderful effect. And in tandem with bearberry, the efficiency increases significantly.


Also, to remove excess fluid so that vascular tone is normalized, rowan or barberry are used.

Herbs for edema of renal origin

Urine is filtered in the kidneys. That's why when infectious diseases occupy them, the exit of liquid is disrupted. It stagnates in the body, which leads to high blood pressure. Diuretic herbs will not only help get rid of it, but will also have an anti-inflammatory effect.

The best option would be:

  • chamomile;
  • bearberry;
  • rose hip;
  • nettle;
  • birch;
  • horsetail;
  • juniper;
  • parsley, etc.


IN healing purposes Horsetail has been used since ancient times. It has become popular due to its decongestant and diuretic properties.

But besides this, it also has other, no less useful, properties:

  • antibacterial;
  • painkillers;
  • regenerating;
  • strengthening;
  • hemostatic;
  • antispasmodic, etc.

Excellent for heart patients, as it does not remove potassium from the body.

The plant can be used both as an independent remedy and in collections of other diuretic plants:

  1. 30 gr. Pour the plants into a glass of boiling water. Cook for half an hour over low heat. Pass through a strainer and add boiled water until the volume becomes the same as it was at first. Take 20 g. after the meal.
  2. Pour boiling water over 1 large spoon of herb and leave for half an hour. Take 20 g. 4 rub. per day.
  3. Mix horsetail, cornflower flowers and licorice root in proportions 2:1:1. Mix all ingredients. Pour 1 large spoon into a glass of boiling water and cook in a water bath for about 10 minutes. Then leave for another 20 minutes. Strain and add 1 tbsp. take 3 r. per day, preheated.

Parsley seeds

Parsley contains epiol and myristicin, due to which it has such high efficiency in the treatment of edema of various origins. Of the diuretic herbs that are used for swelling of the face under the eyes, it definitely occupies one of the leading positions.

The leaves or seeds of the plant are used as a diuretic. And in combination with other herbs, its effect is much enhanced.

  1. Parsley juice is obtained by finely grinding the herb. Then mixed with warm water and drink 3 r. 1 spoon per day.
  2. Grind the roots, add boiled water and leave for an hour. Then strain and drink half a glass once a day.
  3. Crush the seeds and pour into a glass of water. Leave for about 9-10 hours. Drink everything afterwards.

Parsley perfectly removes salts and urine from the body, while simultaneously suppressing inflammation in bladder, and improves intestinal function. The plant is contraindicated for pregnant women, as it causes uterine tone.


Celery has been known since ancient times beneficial properties. Has a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect. It has its diuretic properties due to the content of asparagine, apiol and potassium.

  1. Pour 1 large spoon of the plant into a glass of boiled water and simmer for 2 hours in a water bath. Strain. Take 1 spoon 30 minutes before meals.
  2. Fill cold water 2 large spoons of dry product. Put it on the fire and wait for it to boil. Then strain and 2 r. drink 1 glass per day.
  3. Fresh Juice. Take up to 3 times during the day, half an hour before meals, 2 tsp.


Anise has a moderate diuretic effect. But overall it has a very beneficial effect on the body.

  1. 40 gr. The fruits of the plant are poured with a glass of vodka. They insist for a week. Take 25 drops up to 3 p.m. per day.
  2. 1 small spoon of fruit is poured into a glass of boiling water. Leave for 4 hours. Strain. Then use 60 grams. 3 r. a day before meals.


As a diuretic, flax is used for kidney diseases. The diuretic effect of the plant is due to the coating of the seeds. These are polysaccharides that bind water molecules.


  • Pour a glass of boiling water over 1 large spoon of dry raw materials and leave for an hour. Filter. For 3 weeks, drink 1 spoon 4 rubles. per day.

However, when using flax as a diuretic, it is imperative to replenish the fluid level and drink up to 2 liters of water. in a day.


Chamomile, as an independent remedy, has no effect on reabsorption in the renal tubules. Therefore, it does not have a diuretic effect, as previously thought. But when combined with other diuretic herbs, it enhances their effectiveness.

  1. Infusion.
  • Wild strawberry;
  • chamomile;
  • plantain (leaves);
  • swamp grass;
  • oat grains;
  • rose hip;
  • lingonberry berries.

Grind the entire collection in a blender or coffee grinder. Steam 1 large spoon of mixed herbs with a glass of boiled water. Leave for an hour. Strain, divide into 3 equal portions and drink throughout the day.

  1. Infusion.
  • dill seeds (10 gr.);
  • mint (20 gr.);
  • oregano (20 gr.);
  • hawthorn (20 gr.);
  • chamomile (40 gr.).

Pour boiling water (350 g) into the mixture and leave to brew for 10 hours. Drink with food 3 r. in a day.

Lingonberry leaves

In lingonberries, the leaves have a stronger diuretic effect, unlike the berries themselves.

To do this, the leaves are infused or a decoction is made from them:

  1. 1 large spoon of dry leaves is brewed with a glass of boiled water. Leave to infuse for an hour. Afterwards, strain and drink 20 grams. before eating.
  2. 2 l. pour boiling water into 100 g. dry raw materials. Leave to infuse for 2 hours. Strain and pour in a glass of vodka (alcohol). Then simmer for a quarter of an hour on low heat. Half an hour before meals, take 100 ml. The course lasts at least 3 months.

Shepherd's Purse

The herb has moderate diuretic properties. To remove fluid, it is recommended to use it in collections.

But simply consuming the herb will bring considerable benefits:

  1. Pour 200 gr. boiling water 1 large spoon of dry plant and leave for 10 minutes. Drink the resulting tea in 2 doses during the day.
  2. Squeeze the juice from the plant. Dilute with warm water 1:1. Use 35 drops per 20 g. up to 3 r. per day.

For swelling after drinking

After a feast with copious amounts of drinking, no one will be particularly pleased with the beauty of her face. Especially if the alcohol was accompanied by snacks of pickles, sausages, smoked meats, etc. Therefore, in the morning, instead of a hangover, it is better to carry out simple procedures to get rid of swelling.

In addition to replenishing the ionic balance with brine, you need to drink diuretic herbs.

  • Green tea;
  • Chamomile decoction horsetail, calendula and St. John's wort;
  • Infusion of parsley roots.

Drinking decoctions or tea will help quickly get rid of excess fluid in the tissues.

For swelling after tears

If for some reason a lot of tears are shed, then after that the eyes become very swollen and hurt.

For swelling of the face under the eyes, diuretic herbs are suitable:

Tea made from dandelion leaves will perfectly remove fluid and replenish the body with potassium.

Decoction: with mix juniper (fruits), birch buds, lingonberry and bearberry leaves in equal proportions. Pour 1 large spoon of mixed plants into a glass of boiled water. Simmer on low heat for a quarter of an hour. Filter and take 5 spoons 4 rubles. during the day.

For allergic edema

Often allergic reaction manifests itself as swelling under the eyes.

In order to quickly remove them, use the following decoction:

  • Mix crushed dandelion roots and horsetail herb. Pour 1 large spoon of raw material with water and simmer over low heat for 6 minutes. Drink a glass of decoction within 5 days. Has an antihistamine and diuretic effect.
  • 20 gr. Pour dry bear ears plant into a glass of boiling water. Take 20 grams for 5 days. before the meal.

For swelling after sunbathing

It is not uncommon for the face to swell after sunbathing. To the point where it is impossible to open your eyes. An excellent tool In addition to masks and creams, juice from red rowan berries is used. Mix with sugar, simmer for a couple of minutes and add to tea. Tea made with dandelion or chamomile leaves will also help.

From postoperative edema

For swelling in postoperative period It is recommended to take hawthorn infusion.

You need to brew 50-60 g in a thermos. plants with a liter of boiling water. Leave for several hours. Use within 24 hours.

Preventing facial swelling under the eyes

To prevent swelling on the face, it is enough to follow some preventive measures.

Need to:

  • Go to bed on time.
  • Walk more in the fresh air.
  • Don't have bad habits.
  • Correctly hold your head while sleeping.
  • Avoid allergens.
  • Apply sunscreen.

It is forbidden:

  • Eat foods that are too salty.
  • Excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Stay in the sun for a long time.
  • Drink plenty of coffee or other liquids after 7 pm.
  • Leave makeup on overnight.

Doctors' opinions

Any doctor, before recommending phytodiuretics, will first find out the cause of the edema. And only then, perhaps, will he appoint natural remedies. Sometimes the doctor himself may recommend taking herbal remedies. Since certain herbs have a positive effect on the entire body as a whole.

The main thing is to strictly follow the recipe and dosage. Doctors also advise taking diuretic herbs in the morning or afternoon. And be sure to stick to a diet with less salt and more foods containing potassium.

It must be remembered that the use of diuretic herbs for swelling of the face under the eyes is not a panacea. But just additional method elimination unpleasant symptom V complex therapy treatment of swelling.

Video about diuretics

Diuretic teas and decoctions:

Live healthy, diuretics:

Swelling of the face, accompanied by bags under the eyes, swelling and distortion of the oval of the face, as opposed to fine wrinkles or age spots, cannot be hidden with powder and foundation. Most often they occur in the morning and are the result of lack of sleep, excess fluid intake or salty foods the night before. But the reasons may be more serious. For example, kidney disease of cardio-vascular system, liver, injury or allergy. To eliminate swelling on the face, diuretics in the form of pharmaceutical drugs or medicinal plants.


Features of choosing a diuretic

Edema is an excessive accumulation of fluid in organs or extracellular tissue space, resulting from a delay in its removal from the body and increased capillary permeability. The reasons why swelling on the face appears are divided into local and general. Local ones include:

  • inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • flux;
  • injuries and operations;
  • sunburn;
  • inflammation in paranasal sinuses nose;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • insect bites.

To eliminate local swelling, depending on the cause, painkillers, anti-burn, antihistamine, anti-inflammatory tablets, ointments, gels or creams are used. Diuretics in in this case can be prescribed only for massive and increasing swelling.

TO common reasons include lifestyle disorders, lack of sleep, kidney and liver diseases, endocrine disorders, heart failure, entry into the body large quantity salt, spicy and smoked foods, liquids or alcohol in the evening. It is in these situations, with swelling of the face, that diuretics quickly and effectively cope with the problem, but their choice should be made together with a doctor.

Important: At frequent appearance swelling on the face, you need to consult a doctor, undergo an examination and find out the cause. Ignorant use of diuretics can be dangerous to health.

Medicines with diuretic effects

Diuretics are a group medicines, which enhance the removal of fluid from the body, increase urine formation and improve its excretion. Currently, pharmacies offer a large selection of such drugs in various dosage forms. They all differ in cost, indications, mechanism of action, contraindications and adverse reactions, so the choice must be made taking into account many factors, the most important of which is safety.

According to the mechanism of action, the following main groups of diuretics can be distinguished:

  1. Aldosterone antagonists block aldosterone receptors, increase the excretion of sodium, chlorine and water, and slow down the excretion of potassium and urea. These include diuretics with active ingredients spironolactone (veroshpiron, veroshpilaktone, aldactone) and eplerenone (inspra, espiro, eplenor).
  2. Thiazide and thiazide-like diuretics enhance the excretion of sodium and potassium ions and thereby accelerate the excretion of fluid. The advantages of these diuretics include the speed of onset and duration of the anti-edematous effect; they are used for kidney diseases, hypertension, and heart failure. This group includes drugs with the active ingredients hydrochlorothiazide, cyclopenthiazide, chlorthalidone, clopamide and indapamide.
  3. Loop diuretics relax vascular smooth muscle, by increasing the synthesis of prostaglandins E2 and I2 in vascular cells, they increase renal blood flow, increase glomerular filtration, and increase the degree of excretion of calcium and magnesium. These include drugs based on furosemide, torasemide (Trifas), ethacrynic acid (Uregit), bumetanide and pyretanide. They are characterized by the speed and short duration of the diuretic effect, as well as big list side effects and contraindications, can be used for edema of various origins.
  4. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors have a weak diuretic effect average duration. The mechanism of action is associated with the influence on enzymatic processes in the renal tubules, which leads to an increase in the volume of fluid released. Long-term use causes serious violations acid-base balance in the body and lead to an increase in urine pH. The main representative of this group is the drug based on acetazolamide, Diacarb.

When using diuretics, you must understand that they only temporarily help remove swelling, but do not in any way affect the cause of its occurrence. If swelling on the face is caused by any pathologies in the body, then after the expiration of the taken diuretic, the swelling is likely to reappear after some time. Diuretics have an effect on the entire body; while taking some of them, dehydration of the body, loss of potassium ions, calcium and other important minerals are sometimes observed.

Recommendation: After taking diuretics for swelling of the face, especially for the first time, it is better to stay at home, since for a certain time very frequent urge to urination, which creates some inconvenience.

Folk remedies

For swelling on the face that is not associated with serious diseases, you can use traditional medicine recipes. Unlike pharmaceutical drugs, they have a milder effect and have fewer contraindications and side effects, however, they do not act as quickly. For swelling and accumulation of excess fluid in the body ethnoscience suggests consuming internally herbal teas, infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants that have a diuretic effect. These include:

  • leaves of Orthosiphon staminate;
  • horsetail grass;
  • celery greens;
  • lingonberry leaves;
  • dill and parsley seeds;
  • cranberries;
  • bearberry leaves;
  • grass shepherd's purse and others.

To quickly get rid of edema, when using such drugs, it is recommended to limit the consumption of liquid and salt. At the pharmacy you can also purchase ready-made diuretic herbal mixtures to eliminate swelling caused by certain diseases.

Infusion of shepherd's purse

Pour 200 ml of boiling water over dried shepherd's purse herb (1 tbsp) purchased at the pharmacy and leave for 10 minutes. Then filter and take three times a day before meals.

Horsetail infusion

Dried horsetail herb (4 tsp) pour ½ liter of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, filter. Use the resulting infusion in an amount of no more than 3 tbsp. l. four times a day.

Parsley seeds

Parsley has a diuretic effect, helps with swelling, and allows you to remove excess uric acid and salts from the body. You need to use it to eliminate swelling on the face as follows: pour parsley seeds (½ tsp) with cold boiled water, leave for 7–9 hours. Take the product 2–3 tbsp. l. every 2 hours


For swelling, celery greens can be added to regular vegetable salads or other dishes, as well as squeeze juice from it. The juice should be taken 1 tsp. 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Advice: To prevent swelling on the face in the morning, you should avoid placing your head facing the pillow while sleeping. People prone to them are advised to sleep on a high and firm pillow with their head elevated to ensure normal outflow fluids from the head.

Video: Features of administration and mechanism of action of diuretics

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