What is good for the kidneys to eat and drink. What is good for the kidneys: foods, drinks, herbal infusions

One of the most important life-supporting organs human body- these are the kidneys. Their main function is to remove various harmful and toxic substances from the body. The importance is obvious, which is why for any disease doctors insist on urine tests. It is by this indicator that they look at general state body. In one minute, the kidneys pass about a liter of blood through themselves, clearing it of toxic substances.

“Dirt” comes out of the body with urine. If the kidneys fail, poisoning of the entire body begins. No urgent medical treatment the situation may come to fatal outcome. Kidney diseases are difficult to treat, so prevention is much easier before serious problems arise.

And prevention is in a proper diet. You just need to know which kidney-healthy foods you should definitely consume.

These healthy foods not only improve kidney function, but also replenish the necessary balance vitamins and microelements of the whole body. This:

If the body accepts lactose, then you can pamper your kidneys with milk and dairy products. You should also drink natural fruit juices. You should not give preference to refurbished ones, they are of little use.

Pumpkin is a very valuable product for the kidneys. It can be consumed in any form, drink natural juice, cook porridge, make mashed potatoes and bake pies.

Also kidneys love various cereals , this is buckwheat, oats, rice. You can cook them in water or milk. They will provide the organs with constant active work. It is recommended to pamper your body with hot soups or vegetable puree once a day.

Steamed food is good for the kidneys. This method of preparation preserves vitamins and useful elements raw product. You can also bake, stew and boil food. But frying and smoking are harmful.

Healthy drink

Not only food benefits, but also liquid. Kidneys need a lot of water. It helps remove harmful substances from the blood. This thins the blood. If you drink little fluid, your risk of developing kidney stones increases. It is necessary to drink up to 2 liters of clean water per day. Contraindications for this useful advice No.

If the first signs of kidney disease have already appeared, then the organ can be restored with the help of various herbal infusions , but only under the strict supervision of a doctor. At the pharmacy you can ask for sage, chamomile, mint, St. John's wort, horsetail, birch bark, calendula, bearberry, etc. It is useful to drink natural cranberry juice.

Supermarkets have a huge selection of mineral waters that help the kidneys cope with their functions. Mineral water is divided into alkaline and acidic. The tests will reveal which one to prefer. If the urine contains alkali, then the environment needs oxidation and vice versa. Tests within normal limits indicate the need to drink neutral water.

What the kidneys don't like

Kidneys require careful attention and need to be protected. You can't catch a cold, they do not like cold and drafts. That is why young girls should not expose their lower back and stomach as soon as the first spring sun appears. This is a risk of getting caught chronic pyelonephritis, which threatens childlessness. For the same reasons, it is harmful to sit on cold surfaces and damp ground. Taking care of your health is much easier than visiting doctors later.

Besides, various infections can enter the kidneys hematogenously and cause serious illness. In this case, there is no need to bring the problem to chronic stage, you must immediately contact a doctor. Prevention in in this case will timely treatment teeth, intestinal dysbiosis, and colds “in bed” and not on your feet.

There are a number of products that complicate the process of cleansing the body. These include:

  • excess vitamin C
  • excess and deficiency of vitamin D
  • any alcohol, even in the smallest doses
  • fasting diets
  • protein diets which provoke kidney stone formation
  • excessive love for over-salted or completely bland food
  • black coffee
  • some dairy products (cheese, cottage cheese, etc.)
  • chocolate

Antibiotics are enemies of the body. Drugs of this group practically do not dissolve and settle, thereby provoking pathological processes. Therefore, during illness and taking a course of antibiotics, you need to drink a lot of clean water.

Little tricks

Kidneys need physical exercise, as they accelerate the blood in the body. It is not necessary to set sports records; it is enough to do daily morning exercises. Particular emphasis should be placed on exercises for the hips, lower back and sides. They will make blood run faster throughout all internal organs. It is important not to overdo it, as heavy exercise causes lactic acid to build up. Useful exercise may consist of the following body movements of the arms, legs and torso:

  • circular movements
  • rotation
  • tilts

Exercises should be done slowly and at a calm rhythm. They should be fun.

The kidneys need warmth, namely dry heat. Sudden temperature changes are harmful. Heat itself expands blood vessels, which means that a larger volume of blood will pass through them over a certain period of time. Accordingly, in cold conditions – less. Thus, the blood is more actively cleansed. Therefore, you need to take hot baths more often, go to the bathhouse and sauna. But no dousing with freezing water, otherwise the entire positive effect will disappear.

An interesting fact is that on the lower back you need to have minimal fat reserve. It will protect the kidneys from hypothermia. That's why excessive thinness does not promote kidney health. For the same reason, it is not recommended to lose weight suddenly. In this case, first of all it goes internal fat, which protects all internal organs.

There is a simple test that determines kidney function. You need to drink 12 glasses of water during the day, and then measure how much liquid comes out in your urine. It is considered normal if most of the volume drunk passes through the bladder. In this case, the urine should be colorless and odorless. In addition, it is useful and free way cleanse the kidneys of toxins and wastes, since water is the most useful product for the body.

Keeping your kidneys healthy is easy. It is enough to maintain a healthy active life. Regular prevention of kidney diseases will save you from unnecessary visits to doctors in the future. You should visit a urologist once a year when primary signs kidney diseases - edema and lower back pain. Kidneys need health from a young age.

Nowadays, poor kidneys work under enormous overload. Who in the body is responsible for neutralizing harmful substances that enter the human body? - First of all, two organs - the liver and kidneys.

The liver breaks down poisons, and the kidneys remove them. Either already changed, or unchanged. And ecology big cities and the quality of the majority food products and the waters are now such that it creates unusual, too great a load on these two organs.

According to statistics, people living along large highways are 15 times more likely to be diagnosed with kidney disease. It is assumed that the reason for this is lead contained in exhaust gases. What to do? Shouldn’t we immediately move to the wilderness, to the village?

In such conditions, there is no need to create unnecessary stress on the kidneys. Let's summarize very schematically:

What do the kidneys “love” and what do they “dislike”?

Let's start with what they love:

1. Kidneys love dry, warm air. In warmth, the blood vessels of the kidneys dilate. Their blood supply improves. But dry heat is especially useful. The fact is that in such conditions a person begins to sweat intensely. Sweat removes some harmful substances that are usually excreted by the kidneys. For example, the end products of nitrogen metabolism in the body. And the load on the kidneys is reduced. Renal climatological resorts are areas with a hot and dry climate, where people sweat a lot. Steaming is very beneficial for the kidneys. A dry steam room - sauna - is especially useful.

2. Healthy kidneys like to make sure you drink enough. a large number of water. If there is no edema (hidden or obvious), there is no renal or heart failure, you should drink at least 2 liters per day. Excess water the kidneys will be excreted in urine. Moreover, they can easily remove, along with excess water, all harmful substances that need to be removed. And if little water is consumed, then the kidneys have to retain it in the body and save it. Less urine is produced. And to remove large amounts of harmful substances, urine has to be highly concentrated. It's harder on the kidneys.

3. Kidneys love, of course clean water. If the water is contaminated, then the kidneys have to remove with urine not only toxic substances that come from food and are formed in the body itself, but also harmful substances contained in the water itself. This is again an extra burden. So you need to use clean water or clean it. In the summer, it is advisable to give the “kidneys a vacation.” Drink, at least for a while, clean well or spring water.

What is good for the kidneys? This question often arises among people who have begun to notice disruptions in their work. They perform the excretory and cleansing functions of the body, so their health is very important for humans. They remove toxins from the body and cleanse the blood of toxins, so it is difficult to overestimate the importance of this organ for humans. For a long time they can be subjected to stress and not show any disturbance. The kidneys, despite their small size, are a complex cleansing system.

Poor diet, stress and colds expose the kidneys functional disorders, as a result of which stones can form in them. Under the influence of metabolic disorders and inflammatory processes, stones can increase in size and spread throughout the urinary system. Often, moving along the urethra, stones rupture tissue, causing minor hemorrhages. Infection enters the wounds and spreads through the kidneys, inflaming them and disrupting their function. Great importance for normal functionality of the organ it has nutrition and complete drinking regime person. In order not to endanger the kidneys, it is necessary to protect them from harmful factors.

How to protect your kidneys?

IN in good condition the kidneys work without failure and do not require assistance in performing their functions. Even if there are no symptoms of kidney dysfunction, this does not mean that they are working fully. The peculiarities of their functionality are that, despite the fact that it is paired organ, if one part is damaged, the second part can fully perform the cleansing function. They are able to withstand extreme stress until they lose 75% of their performance. Impaired kidney function affects the functioning of the liver, since they are interconnected by the body’s cleansing system. If they stop performing their functions, they are transferred to the liver. Excessive loads on the excretory system can cause the development serious illnesses. You can protect your kidneys from damage if you follow simple recommendations:

  1. Engage in physical activity.

    Sport is required condition healthy kidneys. At sedentary During life, fat accumulates on the kidneys, which impedes blood supply to the parenchyma, and tissue sensitivity is lost. Exercise promotes blood flow and oxygen supply. Normally, they are surrounded by a small layer of fatty tissue, which protects them from damage, but the absence physical exercise may cause fatty kidneys and liver.

  2. There are healthy products.

    Nutrition is the basis for proper kidney function. Fruits and vegetables contain essential vitamins to strengthen organ tissues and prevent urolithiasis. Plant foods are well absorbed by the body and do not accumulate in the parenchyma as deposits. What products are beneficial? This is the food that contains vitamins A, B, E, C and D.

  3. To drink a lot of water.

    Water helps normal excretion urine, so drinking plenty of fluids is indicated for the health of the urinary system. You need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. Normally, urination occurs 3-4 times a day in sufficient quantities. Frequent urge in a small volume or, conversely, urinary retention may indicate tissue inflammation or disruption of the urinary system.

  4. Support normal temperature bodies.

    Cold causes vasoconstriction and impaired blood supply, so for normal kidney and liver function it is necessary to keep your legs and lower back warm. Regular visits to the bathhouse and taking a hot shower will help enrich the organ with blood and oxygen. When exposed to cold, an inflammatory process may begin in the parenchyma, which will be aggravated by the addition of an infection. Warm clothing and maintaining proper temperature regime protects the organ from hypothermia.

  5. Regular kidney cleansing.

    Even healthy organs need to be cleansed regularly. To do this, you can use diuretic decoctions of herbs or special medications. They will increase urine output and remove stones and other deposits.

  6. Fruits and vegetables prevent the formation of urolithiasis

    What vitamins are needed for the kidneys?

    You can get the necessary vitamins from food. Kidneys need a whole complex useful vitamins, which are necessary for their full functioning. Foods enriched with vitamins A, B, E, C and D strengthen tissues and promote normal operation organ. Various microelements are also useful for the kidneys: iodine, zinc, iron, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, fluorine, etc. Vitamins are especially useful for the kidneys:

  • vitamin A– promotes tissue regeneration and replenishes tissue damage;
  • beta carotene– improves work, stimulates urine output and has a general strengthening effect;
  • tocopherol– strengthens cells and increases their strength;
  • niacin– a substance that stimulates cell restoration;
  • riboflavin– improves the functioning of secretory glands;
  • pyridoxine— promotes the breakdown of protein and the removal of metabolic products from the body;
  • vitamin C– thins the blood, improves blood circulation;
  • iron– normalizes hemoglobin and oxygen levels;
  • iodine– replenishes energy consumption and increases work efficiency.

These vitamins and substances are needed by the kidneys to increase their resistance to infections and inflammation. Food enriched with vitamins is beneficial not only for the health of the kidneys, but also for the body as a whole.

The necessary substances are contained only in plant foods Therefore, excessive consumption of meat as a source of protein negatively affects the condition of the liver and urinary system.

Vitamin C thins the blood

Some vegetables and fruits are simply a storehouse of nutrients for the health of the urinary system. The right diet– the key to normal functionality of the liver and kidneys. Poor nutrition and abuse harmful products may cause disruption metabolic processes and as a consequence of the appearance of stones and sand. Accumulations in the kidneys contribute to the appearance inflammatory process and the development of pyelonephritis. To protect your kidneys from harmful effects, you need to eat right and include in your diet:

  • Watermelon. Many people know about the properties of watermelon for the kidneys. Watermelon is a natural diuretic that is enriched with vitamins, minerals and beneficial amino acids. Watermelon also helps normalize the acid-base balance and prevent stone formation. An effective remedy For normal functioning urinary system is watermelon oil. Oil is extracted from watermelon seeds and is an excellent remedy for the prevention of pyelonephritis, nephritis and urolithiasis. Watermelon oil contains vitamin A, B, D, amino acids and antioxidants. Watermelon oil promotes the outflow of urine and normalizes the condition of the parenchyma. The oil can be added to salads or prepared as dressing sauces. Oil is especially useful for inflammation. The oil has an antibacterial effect and destroys infection. Watermelon oil can also be used for liver tubing. The oil is used to treat urolithiasis and liver diseases. Watermelon oil can be consumed to prevent kidney disease.
  • Cranberry. Cranberry juice contains a large amount of vitamin C and beneficial microelements. It is recommended to drink cranberry juice to break down metabolic products and speed up renal metabolism. You can drink cranberry juice to prevent the formation of stones. Cranberry disinfects and relieves inflammation, so its juice is a natural antibiotic.
  • Pumpkin. Pumpkin contains a large amount of vitamin A and B. Pumpkin removes waste and toxins and enriches the body useful microelements. Pumpkin has a beneficial effect on the urinary system and normalizes metabolic processes.
  • Blueberries and currants. These berries are rich in vitamin C and have a beneficial effect on the kidneys. It is recommended to drink blueberry and currant juice to prevent urolithiasis. Blueberry juice neutralizes toxins, and currant juice neutralizes infection.
  • Greenery. Parsley, dill and other salad greens contain useful material necessary for the normal functioning of the urinary system. Regular consumption of fresh greens will enrich the body with vitamins and amino acids. Greens promote the synthesis of vitamins and their absorption by the kidneys.
  • Apples. Fresh apples and fresh Apple juice contain vitamins A, B, K, PP and various microelements. You can drink apple juice to prevent stone formation, since the juice has a diuretic effect on the kidneys. Apple juice is also indicated for inflammation of organ tissue and parenchyma.

Watermelon is a natural diuretic

Fennel, basil, celery and other green vegetables and fruits contribute to normal functionality genitourinary system and prevent the development of inflammatory and infectious diseases.

What is harmful to the kidneys?

Negatively affect the condition of the kidneys:

  • non-compliance with the drinking regime;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • abuse of salt and spices;
  • bad habits;
  • hypothermia;
  • abuse of protein foods;
  • prolonged retention of urine in the bladder;
  • lack of vitamin B6;
  • drug abuse;
  • lack of physical activity.

The man is complex biological mechanism, in which each organ is assigned certain functions. So, kidneys are filters. A clogged cleaner in your car can be easily replaced. But in humans, these organs are given for life. Therefore, you should know what is good for the kidneys and how to take care of them so that they do not become clogged and function without interruption.

How to make it easier to function?

Two small kidneys are the strongest protection against germs, toxins, and infections. They are the ones who remove all the blood by distilling it several times a day. This is a very serious load. Therefore, it is extremely important to facilitate the functioning of these organs. In addition, understanding what is beneficial for you can even help them cleanse the blood of harmful impurities.

Every day the body faces the threat of infection. To protect yourself from the development of pathology, you should be careful about your health. To do this, it is recommended to start with simple rules:

  1. Exercise stress. The beneficial effect will bring not only dietary food(below we will discuss what is good for the kidneys to eat and drink). Exercises performed daily will protect against poor circulation and stagnation. And, as is known, such phenomena lead to the accumulation of fat in the lumbar region, which significantly impairs the functioning of not only the kidneys, but also many systems. The beneficial loads will increase blood flow. This activates the removal of toxins from the body.
  2. Protection against infection and inflammation. Always dress for the weather. Don't forget to insulate your lower back. It is forbidden to sit on cold surfaces. Unfortunately, very often such advice is ignored. As a result, there are kidney diseases V chronic form. On initial stages symptoms usually go unnoticed. Small aching pain V lumbar region, slight aches, low temperature - these are signs that few people pay attention to. However, ignoring pathological process can lead to aggravation.

Kidneys are quite vulnerable organs. Their work can be disrupted by drinking (bad) water, unhealthy food, or medicine. An infection that enters any part of the body will again be carried through the bloodstream to these organs. This is why it is so important to understand what is good for the kidneys and what is contraindicated.

Basic principles of nutrition

In case of kidney pathologies, the doctor, along with drug therapy, dietary nutrition is prescribed. This is a very important component of treatment. Compliance strict diet(table No. 7) is prescribed for patients suffering from:

  • glomerulonephritis;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • nephrotic syndrome.

For other kidney diseases, significant dietary restrictions are not required. It is necessary to eat what is good for the kidneys. It is recommended to limit:

  • spicy seasonings;
  • salt;
  • spices.

Alcoholic drinks are completely excluded.

Protein restriction

A patient who has kidney problems should pay careful attention to his diet. It is recommended to reduce the amount of protein entering the body with food. This will greatly facilitate the work of the kidneys.

Protein metabolism leads to the formation of nitrogenous waste. Sick kidneys are not able to remove them completely. Therefore, such substances begin to accumulate in the blood.

However, under no circumstances should you completely exclude protein from your diet! After all, it is an important building element for cells. In addition, without it, the patient's condition can deteriorate sharply. Recommended to consume in small quantities lean fish, meat. Such food should be stewed or boiled, but not fried.

In case of minor impairment of kidney function, protein may not be limited in the diet. It is enough to arrange periodically fasting days(1-2 times a week).

Calorie nutrition

When thinking about what is good for the human kidneys, you should definitely take this point into account. The calorie content of the diet should be high - at least 3500 kcal/day. The main emphasis is on carbohydrates and fats.

Less high-calorie foods can cause the body to begin to consume its own proteins. As a result, the formation of toxic metabolites will increase. The load on the kidneys will increase significantly.

Meals should be small and regular. For kidney pathologies, you should eat small portions 4-6 times a day.

If kidney disease leads to the formation of edema and increased blood pressure, it is necessary to limit salt intake. It is advisable not to add salt to the dishes at all. The patient himself will add the spice in small quantities.

  • meat broths;
  • onion garlic;
  • mushrooms;
  • chocolate;
  • radish;
  • legumes;
  • nuts, dried fruits;
  • offal;
  • cottage cheese;
  • bananas.

Now let's look at what is good for the kidneys. Nutritionists recommend basing your diet on the following foods and dishes:

  • vegetables, boiled, fresh or stewed;
  • cereals, pasta;
  • vegetable soups;
  • berries, fruits;
  • fermented milk kefir, yogurt);
  • vegetable oil, butter;
  • jelly, compotes;
  • rosehip decoctions.

TOP most useful products

  • sweet peppers, carrots;
  • sea ​​​​buckthorn;
  • pumpkin;
  • asparagus;
  • parsley, onion, celery, spinach, dill, cilantro;
  • plums, apples;
  • watermelons;
  • cranberry juice.

Medicinal drinks

The recommended fluid intake (depending on the body, of course) is 2.5 liters per day. At the same time, with mineral waters you should be very careful. This kind of drink is medical procedure, which must occur according to the rules and under the supervision of a doctor.

For drinks, preference should be given to sour vitamin juices and fruit drinks - lemon and cranberry. Such liquids combat quite effectively bacterial infections. But it is important not to overdo it with these drinks, as they can negatively affect the liver. You shouldn't get carried away with coffee. This drink leads to increased blood pressure.

It should be remembered that drinking freshly squeezed vegetable juices is good for the kidneys: carrot, celery, parsley, spinach. They have a very beneficial effect on kidney function. In addition, parsley juice helps regulate the functioning of the thyroid gland.

A pumpkin drink is very beneficial for the kidneys. He has a rich vitamin composition, many minerals and a whole range of microelements. In addition, it is an excellent diuretic.

It can be an excellent assistant for kidney diseases. It has diuretic properties. It is recommended to drink an apple drink daily.

How to support the kidneys and bladder?

Traditional medicine since ancient times has developed amazing and simple recipes, allowing to improve the functioning of the filtering organ and treat it. Let's look at what's good for the kidneys and Bladder:

  1. For urinary retention and stones in the bladder, it is recommended to eat 3-5 kernels daily.
  2. When stones form in the bladder and kidneys, it is recommended to use the following recipe. Crushed rosehip roots (100 g) are poured with vodka (0.5 l). IN dark place the composition is infused for 3 weeks. The container should be shaken periodically. Use the product 4-5 times a day, 25-30 drops, with water.
  3. If bladder diseases and kidney stones are diagnosed, black currants will be excellent. The berries are recommended to be consumed both fresh and dry. You can grind them with sugar.
  4. Melon is very useful. It helps remove stones from the bladder and kidneys. It is recommended to eat melon between main meals.

How to treat the liver and kidneys?

It is extremely unpleasant and dangerous if the body’s main filters fail. What is good for the kidneys and liver? The following recipe is recommended. This remedy helps get rid of kidney and liver stones.

You will need hemp seed (1 cup). Grind it thoroughly. Pour the component with unpasteurized milk (3 cups). Place this mixture on the fire. It is necessary to boil it down to 1 glass. After straining, the medicine is ready to take.

Consumed hot on an empty stomach. You should drink 1 glass every day for five days. After a month, a break is taken for 10 days. Then the treatment course is repeated again.

Benefits of rose hips

Decoctions, infusions, and teas from this plant are successfully used to treat many pathologies. How is rose hips good for the kidneys? Amazing plant- a real storehouse of vitamin C. It can improve the functioning of the kidneys and promote their health. In addition, rose hips help dissolve stones.

The most popular and popular recipes are the following:

  1. Tea. Dried rose hips 2 teaspoons should be poured with boiling water (200 g). The tea steeps for a few minutes. To improve the health and functioning of the kidneys, you need to drink this drink three times a day after meals.
  2. Decoction. This remedy allows you to fight kidney stones. You will need rosehip roots. They should be cleaned and then crushed. Pour 1 cup of water into the pan. Add chopped rosehip roots (2 tablespoons). Boil the broth over low heat for about 15 minutes. After cooling, strain through a sieve. It is recommended to take this drink warm for 1-2 weeks three times a day. Single dose - 1/3 cup.

The healing power of birch buds

ABOUT useful properties oh this natural remedy has been known for a long time. It is used not only in folk, but also in traditional medicine. What are they useful for? Birch buds? They are used as:

  • choleretic;
  • diuretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antispasmodic;
  • antibacterial;
  • expectorant.

In addition, birch buds have antitumor, diaphoretic, anthelmintic, wound-healing, and hemostatic effects.

Having determined how birch buds are useful for the body, let’s consider making an effective tincture.

You will need dry crushed birch buds - 20 g. They should be filled with vodka (100 ml) or alcohol (70%). This solution is infused in a cool, dark place for 3 weeks. Don't forget to shake it periodically.

After straining, carefully squeeze out the remainder. The tincture should be used only in diluted form. In 1 tbsp. add 20-30 drops of medicine to a spoonful of water. Use the product three times a day, 15-20 minutes before meals.

Useful exercises

Dancing, sports, and any movements significantly help improve kidney function. The following will have a beneficial effect:

  1. Bend to the sides, move your hips. They speed up blood flow to the kidneys.
  2. Pose on all fours. The emphasis is on the elbows and knees. This position is very beneficial for the kidneys. At this time, they are evenly supplied with oxygen and blood. It is recommended to stand like this every day for at least 5 minutes.
  3. Back stretching. This is another one useful exercise. Sit on the floor, stretch your legs forward. Without bending your knees, reach your hands towards your toes. Try not to hunch your back. Try to touch your knees with your face. Hold in this position for 5 seconds. Gradually increasing the time, bring it to 10 minutes.

Take care of your health!

Kidney diseases such as pyelonephritis and urolithiasis disease, are now widespread. Problems with this internal organ may occur not only as a result of hypothermia, but also due to poor nutrition. To at least partially solve the problem, you need to carefully monitor your diet.

Suitable Foods for Kidneys

First, you should make a list of foods that harm your kidneys. Their use should be limited in order to switch to proper nutrition that is healthy for the body. We are talking about sweets, carbonated drinks, salty, fatty, protein foods, and smoked foods. Alcohol is also harmful to the kidneys and liver if consumed in large quantities.

The kidneys suffer if you supplement your diet with food that contains a lot of waste and toxins. Buy only fresh food and try to eat healthy

The best foods for the kidneys that thin the blood are watermelons. They saturate the body with moisture, dilute it too much thick blood, regulate acid-base balance, help normalize kidney function. Eat watermelons and drink watermelon juice It is recommended not only for people suffering from diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system, but also for those who simply want to maintain their health.

Pumpkin also has many beneficial properties, and doctors recommend consuming both pulp and seeds. Thanks to this product, you can improve your metabolism and get rid of excess cholesterol. In addition, pumpkin-based dishes are good for removing salts from the body and cleansing the kidneys. Finally, they can serve as an excellent diuretic.

Doctors even found out that regular use Pumpkin seeds help prevent urolithiasis

To improve kidney function, you should include in your menu and fresh cucumbers. They accelerate the removal of waste and toxins from the body, provide soft diuretic effect, saturate the body with moisture. In addition, they effectively help with constipation, thus preventing toxins from entering the blood, which means they help reduce the load on the kidneys.

To enhance the beneficial effect of the products, use the herbs included in kidney tea and add parsley to your dishes. A decoction of juniper berries will also help.

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