Physiological jaundice of the newborn appears. Corn silk for jaundice. How long does jaundice last?

After the little man is born, the only concern of the parents is his health, which is so vulnerable and fragile at this very moment. Unfortunately, jaundice in newborns is something that almost 80% of young families have to deal with.

Some people take this phenomenon calmly, knowing that this is the norm. Some people go crazy, considering this symptom dangerous and requiring hospitalization and treatment. Both are wrong. In this matter, the golden mean is very important: you can’t take it too lightly, but you shouldn’t panic either. Let's figure out why.

The skin of a newborn becomes yellow due to bilirubin, a breakdown product of hemoglobin. In the womb, the red blood cells of the fetus are saturated with a certain type of hemoglobin, which, after birth, pulmonary breathing begins to actively disintegrate. A huge amount of bilirubin formed (indirect and very toxic) enters the liver, so that it converts it into indirect and removes it from the body. But the liver does not always cope with such a load.

Doctors call following reasons jaundice in newborns:

  • pathogens that attack the liver;
  • disturbances in the structure or functioning of the bile bladder and bile ducts;
  • natural restructuring of the body as a result of its adaptation to a new environment;
  • a large amount of carotene in the diet of a nursing mother;
  • premature birth: jaundice in premature newborns occurs in 80%, since the liver is not yet sufficiently formed;
  • maternal diabetes;
  • genetics;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • asphyxia;
  • hormonal disorders(the child will be treated by an endocrinologist);
  • incompatibility: blood group I in the mother, blood group II or III in the child;
  • intrauterine infection;
  • stomach problems, when bilirubin is constantly absorbed back into the body - in such situations, only surgery can save you;

These are the main causes of jaundice in newborns. Each of them has its own characteristics. In some cases, bilirubin is gradually eliminated by the body without consequences. But there are forms of the disease that require immediate health care. Depending on the factors that provoke the development of jaundice, doctors name risk groups.

Medical terminology. The concept of “bilirubin” goes back to the Latin words bilis, which means bile, and ruber, which means red.

At-risk groups

Even during pregnancy, doctors include in the risk group special categories of women whose children at birth have a high chance of having jaundice. These include:

  • age less than 18 and more than 40 years;
  • early abortions, miscarriages;
  • previous premature birth;
  • smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction during pregnancy;
  • negative Rh factor;
  • intrauterine infections;
  • jaundice in previous children.

Women who are at risk are under the constant supervision of a doctor throughout pregnancy and undergo additional tests. And yet, it is impossible to 100% prevent jaundice in a newborn, even if you constantly take care to prevent the disease. It is very important to recognize it in time by characteristic features, which will help distinguish one type of jaundice from another.

The truism. If during pregnancy a woman leads healthy image life, she reduces the risk of jaundice in her baby.

Types of jaundice

Doctors diagnose different types jaundice in newborns who are normal conditions, without laboratory research, difficult to install. This is very important point, since the need for further treatment and the risk of possible complications will depend on the type of disease.


Physiological jaundice is the norm for newborns; it occurs due to the natural restructuring of the body as a result of its adaptation to the new environment. It appears in the first month of the baby’s life, but not immediately after birth. Represented by the following types.

  • Carotene

Carotene postpartum jaundice occurs due to a large amount of carotene in the diet of a nursing mother. There is a lot of this substance in orange foods: pumpkin, carrots, oranges.

This postpartum jaundice occurs when the mother has a lot of estrogen in her breast milk. The liver removes it first and only then - bilirubin. The baby remains yellow for about 3 months. But at the same time he develops according to the norms of his age. This condition is not dangerous and does not require cancellation of lactation.

  • Neonatal

Neonatal jaundice is the most common type. It is not a pathology and does not require treatment. It goes away on its own and does not cause complications.


Associated with serious illnesses internal organs baby. It appears within a few days after birth. Presented in different types.

  • Hemolytic

Caused by problems with the circulatory system: due to Rh conflict between mother and baby, mismatch in blood groups, incompatibility in antigens. Occurs only in 1% of cases. This is birth jaundice in newborns, as it is recognized instantly, in the first days and even hours after birth.

  • Mechanical

Bile is not separated from the liver due to disturbances in the structure or function of the bile bladder and bile ducts. Most often the cause is birth injuries or . It appears only 2-3 weeks after birth.

  • Nuclear

IN circulatory system there is a special barrier that prevents toxic substances from reaching the brain, filtering them out. But if the level of bilirubin is too high, it may not cope with the load. In this case, destruction is possible nerve cells. Symptoms: lethargy, refusal to eat, monotonous screaming, throwing back the head.

  • Conjugative

Caused by poor liver function. Enzymes do not bind bilirubin and do not remove it from the blood.

  • Hepatic

Diagnosed after liver cells are damaged by bacteria or viruses.

Not dangerous and goes away on its own physiological jaundice Newborns should not frighten parents. Everything is much worse if it is dictated by serious pathologies inside the body. Symptoms of the disease allow you to suspect something is wrong and promptly consult a doctor.

Educational program for parents. Why is conjugation jaundice? This word is derived from the Latin “conjugation”, which means “conjugated”. That is, this disease is associated with liver pathology.


Depending on the type of disease, the symptoms of jaundice may vary. If they do not go beyond the norm and indicate only the physiological form of the disease, there is no need to sound the alarm. After 3 weeks everything will end happily. But if they are added warning signs more serious pathology, this must be reported to the doctor - and as quickly as possible.

Signs of physiological jaundice

  • The skin and whites of the eyes acquire a yellow, almost orange tint;
  • minor stool disturbances.

Symptoms of pathological jaundice

  • More intense yellow skin color;
  • pinpoint hemorrhages, bruises;
  • wave-like course of the disease: the skin color periodically recovers to pink, and then returns to icteric;
  • the child is lethargic and lethargic, refuses food;
  • elevated muscle tone muscles;
  • monotonous or strong high-pitched crying;
  • dark urine;
  • discolored stool;
  • convulsions;
  • slow heart rate;
  • stupor or coma.

Clinical picture specific pathologies

  • Lethargy, refusal to eat, monotonous cry, throwing back the head, convulsions, attenuation of the sucking reflex - symptoms of kernicterus;
  • persistence of yellowness of the skin after 3 weeks, dark urine and discolored feces indicate serious pathologies of the bile ducts;
  • if the skin and sclera turn yellow immediately after birth, the child is lethargic and sleepy, and diagnosis reveals an enlarged spleen and liver - this is hemolytic jaundice;
  • the skin acquires a yellow tint with a greenish tint 2-3 weeks after birth, the stool is abnormally light, the liver is compacted, the spleen is enlarged - symptoms of a mechanical type of disease.

The faster parents recognize a dangerous type of jaundice in a newborn, the faster doctors will prescribe treatment and be able to help. Very often, precious time is lost, and complications that affect the child’s entire subsequent life cannot be avoided. To prevent this from happening, mandatory diagnosis of the disease is necessary.

Distinguish jaundice from hepatitis! With hepatitis, the newborn's temperature rises, and the skin turns yellow suddenly and unexpectedly.


Only laboratory indicators can accurately determine which jaundice a newborn has - harmless physiological or dangerous pathological. To obtain them, the following studies can be carried out:

  • blood test: general and bilirubin;
  • Coombs test for hemolysis;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity;
  • consultations with an endocrinologist, surgeon and other specialists.

Table of bilirubin norms in newborns

Table normal indicators direct and not direct bilirubin

According to standards, direct bilirubin should be no more than 25% of overall indicator, indirect - at least 75%. Depending on the results obtained, an accurate diagnosis will be made (not only jaundice, but also the disease that provoked it) and treatment will be prescribed.

Helpful information. The Coombs test is performed immediately after birth using blood from cutting the umbilical cord.


All parents are concerned about how to treat jaundice so that it goes away as quickly as possible. Such children are under constant medical supervision, but if this physiological disease and proceeds within normal limits, no therapy is required. If pathology is detected, treatment can take on different directions: antiviral, antibacterial, choleretic, detoxification or immune.


If bilirubin levels are off the charts, prescribe special drugs from jaundice.

  1. Ursofalk is a medicine for jaundice for newborns in the form of a suspension aimed at protecting and maintaining normal operation liver. Prescribed for prolonged jaundice. Dosage - 10 mg per 1 kg of weight.
  2. Hofitol - another one effective medicine for jaundice in the form of a solution based on natural artichoke extract, which activates the flow of bile and simplifies the functioning of the liver. Prescribe 1 to 3 drops 3 times a day.
  3. Infusion therapy with phototherapy for recovery water balance: glucose solutions, electrolytes, soda, membrane stabilizers, cardiotrophics. Protracted jaundice necessarily requires such treatment.
  4. To normalize liver function, Zixorin, Phenobarbital, and Benzonal may be prescribed.
  5. When bilirubin is absorbed by the intestine, sorbents are used: Enterosgel, Polyphepan, Smecta, Activated carbon.
  6. Fat-soluble vitamins: cholecalciferol (D3), retinol (A), tocopherol (E), phylloquinone (K).
  7. Microelements: phosphorus, zinc sulfate, calcium.

Interesting fact. The drug for jaundice Urosofalka is based on ursodeoxycholic acid, which is found in bear bile. Today they have learned to produce it in laboratory conditions.

Procedures and phototherapy

For this disease, a decision may be made on the following procedures:

  • blood transfusion in the diagnosis of kernicterus;
  • liver transplantation for cirrhosis.

Also, with jaundice, the child needs Sun rays, but at such a young age they can be dangerous, so treatment with a lamp is prescribed - phototherapy. When exposed to bright light, harmful bilirubin is actively eliminated. This procedure is absolutely safe. The baby is placed under it for several hours a day if there are no complications. At severe course illness, he will be under it almost the whole day.

Phototherapy device for the treatment of jaundice in a newborn

Parents should understand that jaundice in a newborn does not always require therapy. Therefore, there is no need to be surprised and indignant if the child turns yellow, and he and his mother are discharged from the maternity hospital. But this is only possible in cases where blood tests are in order, the bilirubin content in the body does not go off scale and there are no internal pathologies doctors didn't find it. Accordingly, the baby does not need to be healed at home.

Folk remedies

Self-treatment at home for jaundice in a newborn is carried out only with the permission of a doctor. Even the most harmless, at first glance, remedy recommended by a neighbor or mother can be very dangerous for a small organism, many of whose systems are still adapting to the new environment. Among the most recommended drugs approved by pediatricians are the following:

  • dandelion root tincture: 3 drops 4 times a day;
  • a good remedy for jaundice is alfalfa tincture: 2 drops 4 times a day;
  • activated carbon solution: dilute 10 grams of powdered carbon in 50 ml of boiled water warm water, give the baby 1 pipette every 2 hours;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • infusion of corn silk;
  • after feeding, apply a bandage soaked in a magnesium solution to the newborn on the liver side;
  • tea “Collection for a nursing mother”: drink 1 liter daily.

You cannot use several remedies from this list at once, because many of them are mutually exclusive or their combination will have too powerful an effect on a small organism. A newborn suffering from jaundice will benefit greatly from proper care.

Secrets of herbal medicine. Lucerne - medicinal plant, rich in vitamin K, which improves liver function.


It was not possible to avoid jaundice, they were discharged home with such an unpleasant diagnosis - what should worried parents do in such a situation? Proper care for a newborn will ease his condition and speed up recovery. Here are the points it includes.

  1. For a few minutes a day, place the undressed child in the sun's rays.
  2. Frequent feeding and drinking plenty of fluids normalize liver function.
  3. For galactosemia, feed the child with formulas without lactose and galactose: Nutramigen, Pregistimil, lactose-free NAN.
  4. For tyrosinemia, a diet is required: mixtures without phenylalanine, methionine, tyrosine (HR Analog, Afenilak, Lofenolac).
  5. Complete breastfeeding.
  6. Mom's diet: exclusion of yellow foods, spices, pepper and salty foods from the diet.
  7. Daily walks fresh air.
  8. Phototherapy at home.

If any of the points of care for a jaundiced newborn are in doubt, it is better to consult a doctor, but do not do anything on your own or experiment. You need to be especially careful when treating with sunlight, which can cause burns in summer. At the right approach this issue can speed up recovery and avoid complications.

You should know it. Galactosemia is a hereditary genetic disease, lactose intolerance.


Parents are worried about the danger of jaundice in newborns, and how this disease can end in the end, other than recovery. The physiological form is rarely fraught with complications. But pathology can lead to the following consequences:

  1. Sometimes prolonged jaundice in newborns can cause complications that subsequently affect the nervous system, since indirect bilirubin has a toxic effect on the central nervous system.
  2. Phototherapy with an incorrectly chosen treatment regimen can lead to burns, dehydration, hemolysis, lactose intolerance, etc.
  3. The consequences of nuclear jaundice are deafness, complete or partial paralysis, mental retardation.
  4. Toxic poisoning and intoxication.
  5. Albuminemia is a decrease in albumin protein.
  6. Bilirubin encephalopathy is a brain lesion.

Knowing why jaundice is dangerous in newborns, parents will be able to assess the full extent of the risk and take appropriate measures to ensure that nothing terrible happens. It is much easier to prevent a disease than to treat it - if you constantly think about prevention during pregnancy, the baby will be able to avoid problems with bilirubin after birth.

Forecasts for the future. Modern level medicine will even cure bilirubin encephalopathy. True, when timely diagnosis and compliance with all medical requirements.


Prevention of jaundice future mom should be practiced while the baby is pregnant and after its birth. To do this, it is enough to follow the following rules.

  1. Adequate nutrition for the mother during pregnancy.
  2. Her refusal of bad habits.
  3. Prevention and treatment of any diseases.
  4. Refusal of vitamin K injections to newborns, which are practiced in maternity hospitals.
  5. Sunbathing.
  6. Frequent breastfeeding.
  7. Drinking plenty of fluids for a nursing mother.
  8. Cutting the umbilical cord in the second hour after birth, when the pulsation at the base of the navel stops. This will allow blood circulation to normalize.

By preventing jaundice, you can prevent the disease so that nothing overshadows the baby’s first days. If you have any additional questions about this phenomenon, it is better to find out all the information from your pediatrician in advance.

Controversial issue. Doctors are still arguing about how the timing of cord cutting affects the manifestations of jaundice. There is no scientific evidence about the direct relationship between these two facts.


  • When should jaundice go away in newborns?

The answer to the question of how long it takes for jaundice to go away in newborns depends on the type of disease and individual characteristics body. Normally, physiological jaundice disappears after 2-3 weeks.

  • What lamp is used to treat jaundice in newborns?

These are special lamps that emit bright ultraviolet light, the spectrum of its rays accelerates the breakdown of bilirubin.

  • Is jaundice contagious in newborns?

Unlike the hepatitis virus, jaundice in newborns is not contagious.

  • Can jaundice return in newborns?

Yes maybe. But in case of repeated manifestations of the disease, it is necessary urgent consultation doctor to rule out complications.

  • On what day does jaundice appear in a newborn?

It can begin 4-5 days after birth.

  • Whynewborn's jaundice does not go away 1or even2 months?

There may be several reasons for lingering jaundice:

  • the bilirubin excretion cycle has failed;
  • liver dysfunction due to birth defect or hepatitis;
  • stagnation of bile due to disturbances in the functioning of the biliary tract and gallbladder;
  • the formation of more and more new bilirubin due to blood diseases.

In any case, prolonged jaundice requires diagnosis of the causes and immediate treatment.

If a newborn becomes ill with jaundice, parents should closely monitor his condition. If he feels good, it’s physiology and nothing more. The best medicine in this case - breast milk. If he is lethargic and cries often, this is already a pathology that requires consultation with a doctor, tests and treatment.

The content of the article:

Jaundice in newborns is quite common occurrence. Almost 80% of premature babies, and more than half of babies born on time, turn yellow soon after birth, while still in maternity ward. Basically, the illness is purely physiological in nature, and there is no reason to worry, but to find out for sure, you need to monitor the baby for several days, take tests, and follow the recommendations of doctors.

Causes of jaundice in newborns

The main culprit in the appearance of jaundice is bilirubin in the blood of a newborn - a pigment formed during the breakdown of fetal hemoglobin, which differs from ordinary “live” hemoglobin in that during the prenatal period it supplies oxygen to the tissues and cells of the small organism (after birth, this function goes to the lungs). After the baby is born, the need for such hemoglobin disappears, and it begins to disintegrate. The baby does not need the bilirubin that is formed at all, and he diligently begins to get rid of it.

But it's not that simple. To begin with, the pigment enters the liver, where a certain chemical reaction, after which it becomes soluble and is therefore easily excreted in urine and feces. But the liver of a newly born baby is not yet strong enough, and may not be able to cope with the removal of this substance. The concentration of bilirubin in the blood gradually increases, and the baby's skin begins to turn yellow.

Other factors that contribute to the appearance of jaundice in a newborn are:

Rh conflict between mother and baby or incompatibility of their blood groups;
infection liver and/or liver failure The child has;
hormonal disorders;
injury to the liver or bile ducts of a mechanical nature and other reasons.

All these factors contribute to the disruption of the flow of bile from the body, resulting in yellowing of the skin of the newborn.

Norm of bilirubin: how much is needed

There is a certain norm for the amount of pigment in the blood of a newborn. From the moment of birth until discharge from the hospital, the indicator is monitored by a specialist. If the value is higher than normal, then the doctor concludes that the baby’s liver cannot cope with processing this substance, and therefore it is necessary to take some measures to help the organ cope with the load.

A normal indicator of the amount of pigment in the blood for a newborn is a value from 8.5 micromol/l to 20.5 micromol/l. The amount of pigment in the blood reaches its maximum value on the third day after the birth of the baby and the norm during these days reaches 205 units.

Physiological jaundice of newborns

Physiological jaundice is not a disease and belongs to one of the varieties of the normal condition of a newborn child.

In addition to the yellow skin in in this case No other factors are of concern:

The baby is developing normally;
he has a good appetite;
he sleeps peacefully;
stool and urine are normal in color.

Young mothers facing similar phenomenon, they are wondering when the jaundice should go away. Basically, its duration is 2–3 weeks, no more. If the jaundice does not go away even after the baby is one month old, then you should definitely consult a doctor.

Unfortunately, jaundice can be not only physiological, but also pathological.

Pathological jaundice in newborns and its types

The pathological form of the disease is not asymptomatic. In addition to the yellowness of the skin and sclera, there are other alarming signs indicating that the disease has developed into a pathological form. There are several types of jaundice.

1. Hemolytic disease. This disease accounts for only 1% of all babies suffering from jaundice. The disease occurs for the following reasons:

Rhesus conflict (mostly);
conflict related to the incompatibility of the blood groups of mother and baby (less often);
antigen mismatch.

Signs of hemolytic jaundice are: early yellowing (almost immediately after birth), drowsiness, lethargy, enlarged spleen and liver in the child.

In this case, the baby needs immediate treatment.

2. Mechanical jaundice. This pathology is very rare, but still exists, so it also needs to be mentioned. The factors causing its occurrence are problems with gallbladder or liver, blockage of the bile ducts.
Such jaundice is mainly associated with heredity; it happens that it occurs due to birth injuries received by the baby. Symptoms appear 2–3 weeks after birth:

The skin becomes yellow-green;
stool turns white;
the liver becomes denser;
the spleen enlarges.

Helps identify obstructive jaundice ultrasonography. Treatment in this case depends on the factor that contributed to the onset of the disease.

3. Breast milk jaundice. Occurs when a mother has increased estrogen content in breast milk. In this case, the child’s liver first has to process the hormone, and then bilirubin, for which the small organ no longer has the strength. The baby can remain yellow for up to three months. This is such a lingering jaundice. But besides jaundice, there are no other manifestations. The child is developing well, eating, sleeping, playing, and gaining weight and height well. This type Although it is classified as a pathology, it does not pose a danger; everything goes away without treatment, on its own.

There is no need to wean. The jaundice will, of course, go away. But the baby will lose a lot of valuable and useful things that breastfeeding can give him.

4. Conjugation jaundice. Its cause is poor liver function.

5. Kernicterus. Dangerous because it can have a toxic effect toxic effects on the baby’s brain and nervous system. Occurs when sharp jump and so increased bilirubin with normal postpartum physiological jaundice.

6. Hepatic jaundice. In this case, the disease manifests itself against the background infectious lesion liver.

How does jaundice manifest in newborns?

Of course, the main symptom is a change in skin color, which is very easy to notice. The whites of the eyes also turn yellow and become lemon-colored. With physiological jaundice there are no other manifestations.

If, 2 weeks after the baby turns yellow, the color of his skin does not acquire a normal shade, then you should consult a specialist. The doctor will not prescribe treatment right away, but will take a blood test to determine the level of bilirubin in the newborn’s blood. The conclusion is made not only from one blood test, but also from general condition crumbs.

You should think about the presence of pathology if:

1. Yellowing begins immediately after the baby is born.
2. Color change starts from bottom to top (heels, palms, etc.).
3. As the days pass, the color becomes even more vibrant.
4. Jaundice does not go away for more than a month.
5. The color may take on a green tint.
6. The feces become very light.
7. Urine turns red and has a dark color.
8. Bruises appear on the baby’s body arbitrarily, without reason.
9. The liver increases in size.
10. The spleen also becomes larger.
11. The baby becomes very lethargic and sleeps constantly.
12. The baby’s health is clearly deteriorating.
13. All manifestations of jaundice are wave-like: they appear and disappear after a while.

With this type of pathological jaundice, such as nuclear jaundice, the following symptoms may occur:

Loss of sucking reflex;
extreme sleepiness.

Treatment of jaundice in newborns

Therapy depends on the form of jaundice. If it is normal, then we need to talk not about treatment, but about a way to help the child cope with this condition. All recommendations should be obtained from a doctor. Under no circumstances should you prescribe treatment on your own or give your baby any pills recommended by friends. In this case, the baby needs:

Walk more in the fresh air;
take sun and air baths;
receive adequate breastfeeding.

At the same time, the mother should follow a gentle diet and eat foods that do not create additional stress on the liver. In general, the best way to prevent jaundice is breast milk (colostrum) from the first minute of the baby’s life. Breastfeeding from birth helps to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Colostrum has a laxative effect, and bowel movements lead to the removal of bilirubin from the child’s body along with feces. The most best treatment with physiological jaundice - breastfeeding at the request of the baby.

Sometimes the doctor prescribes phototherapy. The child is placed under a special lamp, covering his eyes with a bandage.

Of course, walking in the fresh air is very important for such an illness. But if the weather does not permit, then it is better to give your baby air baths at home, having first ventilated the room. This will not only help in the fight against high bilirubin, but will also strengthen the child, and therefore make him healthier. And sunbathing provokes the production of vitamin D, which also accelerates the removal of bilirubin from the body.

Physiological jaundice can be treated at home, the main thing is to first consult a doctor.

The pathological form is mainly treated in a hospital setting. Here, depending on the causes of the pathology, any measures can be taken, including blood transfusion (in case of Rh conflict, etc.). Additionally, antibacterial therapy, physiotherapy and other methods are used.

Obstructive jaundice is often treated operationally. But the decision is not made spontaneously; basically, before surgery, a whole council gathers, all the pros and cons are weighed, measures are determined, and a rehabilitation plan is developed.
Sometimes the doctor can prescribe glucose, it perfectly activates the liver. Another option - Activated carbon. The drug absorbs bilirubin and removes it from the child’s body during bowel movements.

One of the safest and most effective remedies prescribed for neonatal (physiological) jaundice is considered Hofitol.

It is a plant-based solution for oral administration. Its main effect is to protect the liver. Additional properties:

Choleretic effect
normalization metabolic processes,
improving kidney function.

But no matter how wonderful the drug is, it cannot be given to a newborn baby without a doctor’s prescription!

Treatment of the disease is individual; the causes of jaundice are initially determined, and then specific therapy is prescribed. She may be:

increasing immunity.

Types of treatment are either combined or just one is used, but everything happens under the supervision of a doctor.

Consequences of jaundice for newborns

Physiological jaundice disappears without a trace after 2-3 weeks and does not cause any complications. In general, babies' skin acquires a normal color by one month. If there was jaundice in breast milk, then there are no consequences here either. It goes away by three months. All this time, the child is developing normally, no pathologies are observed in his condition.

But pathological jaundice can have bad consequences, especially if it is left unattended, believing that everything will go away on its own. If you do not pay attention to the deteriorating condition of the baby, this can lead to the following:

Poisoning the body with a toxic pigment: it can affect the brain and nervous system;
to a decrease in albumin in the blood of a newborn;
the occurrence of deafness;
dementia, retardation mental development;
paralysis (partial or complete).

But all this can be avoided. The main thing is to diagnose the disease in time and not weaken control, to notice any changes in the state of health, then the onset of pathology cannot go unnoticed. Need to pay Special attention for such moments:

1. When did the disease begin to develop? It’s not normal if it happens immediately after birth or, conversely, about a week later. It's okay if the yellowing starts about 36 hours after birth.

2. How does the baby develop, how does he feel in appearance? Severe drowsiness, painful lethargy, poor development in combination with yellow skin should be very alarming not only to the mother, but also to the doctor.

3. Convulsions, the child constantly cries - one may suspect the development of kernicterus. The consequences of this disease are the most severe.

4. Does the newborn have birth injuries? In this case, jaundice may appear based on these damages. The child requires constant monitoring. Perhaps the doctor will prescribe some additional research, for example, ultrasound.

When true established diagnosis, carried out on time proper treatment There will be no complications from jaundice in the future. Just don’t self-treat your child. It is better to leave this to specialists who know when it is necessary to simply help the baby’s liver cope with the load and get by with breastfeeding alone, and when it is necessary to use drug treatment.

Neonatal jaundice is not a disease, but a technical term for yellowing skin in infants. Most often jaundice is caused physiological characteristics baby, and is not a cause for serious concern. But in some cases, symptoms of jaundice may indicate problems in the newborn’s body, and then treatment should be started immediately.

Postpartum jaundice occurs in more than 60% of cases in newborns

Why does jaundice appear?

Postpartum jaundice is observed in more than 60% of cases in newborns. The baby becomes “dark” right before our eyes, filling with yellowness. This is due to an excess of bilirubin in the child’s blood, a special biochemical substance that can accumulate in the blood.

Why is this happening? During the development of the baby in the womb, oxygen is transported through blood vessels baby and joins special (fetal) hemoglobin. After birth, the baby begins to breathe through the lungs, and the composition of the blood changes accordingly: red blood cells of fetal hemoglobin are destroyed and the release of bilirubin begins.

The baby’s body begins to try to get rid of the substance it does not need, but the infant’s liver, which has not yet become stronger, cannot always cope with this difficult task. If there is too much bilirubin in the blood, jaundice begins to develop.

This is the most common reason the occurrence of jaundice in newborns. This type of jaundice is called physiological, and usually does not pose a danger to the child. But there is a more dangerous form of jaundice - pathological, the appearance of which may indicate the presence of serious pathologies in the baby.

Important! Jaundice that develops in newborns is not contagious, because not caused by certain pathogens.

  • The following reasons contribute to the development of jaundice:
  • Prematurity, immaturity of the child, intrauterine growth retardation;
  • Greater reduction in newborn body weight;
  • Taking a large number of medications by a pregnant woman;
  • Absence breastfeeding;
  • Extensive hemorrhages.

Jaundice of newborns is manifested by changes in the mucous membranes and skin, as well as the whites of the eyes.

What is jaundice in newborns?

Let's consider the varieties and manifestations of two main types of jaundice: physiological and pathological.

Physiological (non-dangerous) form of jaundice

This is a common postpartum condition of the baby, associated with the adaptation period of the newborn’s transition to a new world. This form is also divided into two subtypes:

  1. Neonatal jaundice;
  2. Breast milk jaundice.

The most common type is neonatal jaundice, which manifests itself in most babies. The condition is not cause for concern and goes away on its own.

Quite rare breast milk jaundice, associated with the presence of a large amount of estrogens in mother's milk. The child’s liver first tries to get rid of excess estrogens, and then from bilirubin. As a result, jaundice develops, and the child does not show any alarming symptoms: Eating well and gaining weight. This condition also goes away on its own.

Important! If breast milk jaundice is detected, the baby should not be weaned. The jaundice will go away on its own after you get rid of excess estrogens.

Signs of physiological jaundice:

  • Occurs no earlier than 36 hours after the birth of the child;
  • Maximum manifestation occurs 2-4 days after birth;
  • The skin turns yellow in the neck, chest, face, but not below the navel;
  • The norm of bilirubin in the newborn’s blood is exceeded (but not higher than 205 mmol/l);
  • The baby's general well-being is not cause for concern.

Important! Even if jaundice is recognized by doctors as physiological, constant monitoring of the baby is necessary - a non-dangerous form of jaundice can easily turn into pathological.

Pathological (dangerous) form of jaundice

This postpartum form is quite rare, but it is imperative to know its symptoms and manifestations so as not to miss the occurrence of a dangerous condition for the baby.

There are two types of pathological form:

  1. Mechanical;
  2. Hemolytic.

Obstructive jaundice is usually associated with the genetic characteristics of the baby or mechanical damage liver during childbirth. Because of this, problems with the liver or gall bladder and obstruction of the bile ducts occur.

Symptoms of obstructive jaundice cannot be identified immediately; it usually appears 15-20 days after discharge from the hospital. The following signs appear:

  • The baby’s skin becomes not just yellow, but with a greenish tint;
  • The stool becomes too light (almost loses color);
  • During a medical examination, the doctor notices an enlarged spleen and hardening of the liver.

Hemolytic disease is detected in less than 1% of newborns and is caused by special reasons:

  • Blood group incompatibility;
  • Infectious liver lesions;
  • Incompatibility of Rh factors;
  • Congenital genetic pathology metabolic processes;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Mechanical damage to the liver.

These causes obstruct the flow of bile and lead to liver dysfunction. This type of jaundice is diagnosed immediately: immediately after birth, the skin and sclera of the baby’s eyes turn yellow, and an enlarged liver and spleen can be felt.

Borderline conditions

If the fight against bilirubin in the body becomes intense, a borderline state may develop: when jaundice is no longer physiological, but not yet pathological. This condition usually occurs if the yellowness does not go away for a long time.

Important! Borderline conditions almost always turn into pathology if the condition is not identified in time and measures are not taken to eliminate it.

The borderline state is divided into the following types:

  • Hepatic (occurs when the liver is damaged by bacteria or viruses);
  • Conjugation (the liver cannot cope with the removal of bilirubin on its own);
  • Nuclear (appears with a sharp increase in bilirubin during a period when the jaundice has not yet passed).

To get rid of jaundice, colostrum (first milk) is very useful, which contains special components that allow you to remove excess bilirubin

How to detect jaundice

The symptoms of jaundice are not so difficult to determine if you constantly monitor the baby’s condition and behavior.

Important! Jaundice of newborns is manifested by changes in the mucous membranes and skin, as well as the whites of the eyes. They acquire a bright yellow, almost lemon color.

Pathological forms are characterized by the addition of the following symptoms:

  • The color of the integument appears immediately after birth;
  • Jaundice persists for more than a month;
  • The yellowness continues to increase over time (a greenish tint may appear);
  • The stool becomes discolored;
  • The liver and spleen increase in size;
  • Urine darkens;
  • The child's general condition is deteriorating.

With kernicterus, the sucking reflex becomes extinct and severe drowsiness, convulsions may occur.

When symptoms of jaundice appear, a bilirubin level test is prescribed. Based on the results of the analysis and the general clinical picture, the doctor determines the type of jaundice and, if necessary, prescribes treatment.

When the child's condition is of concern:

  • Yellowness lasts more than 30 days;
  • The skin color has acquired a greenish tint;
  • Jaundice appears and disappears;
  • The child looks sick;
  • The baby's feces and urine change color.

The appearance of such signs is a reason to urgently consult a doctor.

How is jaundice treated?

Typically, infant jaundice is not a cause for concern - it is not contagious and does not cause complications if treated correctly. Treatment is carried out in several ways depending on the severity and type of jaundice.

If the child physiological form jaundice, then the mother can help the baby without medical intervention:

  • Apply to the breast as early as possible;
  • Breastfeed constantly;
  • Follow a special diet;
  • Often walk your baby in the fresh air and provide him with sunbathing.

note ! To get rid of jaundice, colostrum (first milk) is very useful, which contains special components that allow you to remove excess bilirubin.

As a rule, the listed measures are enough for the symptoms of physiological jaundice to disappear on their own. If physiological jaundice persists, the doctor may suggest phototherapy.

Phototherapy is a treatment using a lamp. of blue color, under the influence of which bilirubin is processed more quickly by the body. During the procedure, the child needs to cover his genitals and eyes.

Important! During the treatment of jaundice, the child needs plenty of nutrition so that the remaining bilirubin is excreted more quickly along with urine and feces.

Treatment regimen pathological types the doctor determines based on the collected history and tests: the circumstances and factors of the baby’s birth, the mother’s illness, the course of pregnancy and childbirth are taken into account. Sometimes an ultrasound and consultation with a surgeon are required.

At pathological forms ah treatment is carried out in a hospital, where treatment is carried out depending on the causes of jaundice.

If blood is incompatible (for example, Rh factor), blood transfusions are prescribed. Several procedures may be required, up to 70% replacement total number blood. Such procedures eliminate bilirubin, but weaken the baby. Therefore, additional physiotherapy, antibiotics and other auxiliary therapeutic measures are prescribed.

Obstructive jaundice may even require surgical intervention - the decision is made in consultation with doctors.

Sometimes, with severe jaundice, activated carbon and glucose are prescribed in addition to treatment: glucose stimulates the liver, activated carbon absorbs harmful substances (including bilirubin).

Phototherapy is a treatment using a blue lamp, under the influence of which bilirubin is processed more quickly by the body

When does jaundice go away?

The time frame for getting rid of jaundice varies depending on the causes of its occurrence and associated factors. For example, in premature babies, jaundice is more difficult, and the yellowness of the integument can persist for up to two weeks. Also, the duration of jaundice can be affected by low lactation and malnutrition at the mother's.

Important! In normally developing, full-term infants, jaundice does not last more than a week. Maximum term– 21 days, after which you should sound the alarm: most likely the baby has not a physiological, but a pathological form of jaundice.

If after 21 days the jaundice does not go away, an examination is prescribed: general analysis blood, the level of bilirubin is determined, an ultrasound of the abdominal organs, Coombs test, etc. are performed.

Consequences of jaundice in newborns

Jaundice caused physiological reasons, goes away naturally and does not cause complications or consequences if measures are taken to eliminate it in a timely manner.

Pathological forms of jaundice can lead to serious complications:

  • Excess bilirubin accumulating in the body leads to toxic poisoning.
  • Bilirubin may begin.
  • There is a delay in neuropsychic development (may appear at an older age).
  • Kernicterus can lead to deafness and mental retardation.
  • Oligophrenia may develop.

The consequences of jaundice can last a lifetime, resulting in weak and impaired liver function.

In most cases, there is no need to worry about jaundice, because it most often goes away on its own and does not harm the child’s body. But if symptoms of pathological forms are observed, then treatment should begin immediately, because the consequences of infantile jaundice can be very unpredictable.

Jaundice of newborns- the appearance of icteric discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes in children in the first days of their life due to a violation bilirubin metabolism. In healthy children, physiological jaundice of newborns occurs due to the immaturity of liver enzyme systems. There are also genetically determined (hereditary) enzymopathies - transient familial hyperbilirubinemia, etc. Jaundice of newborns can also occur due to increased breakdown of red blood cells: congenital (hereditary) hemolytic jaundice of newborns, resulting from changes in red blood cells (microspherocytosis), which are more easily destroyed (Minkowski disease - Shoffar, named after the physiologist O. Minkowski and the French physician A. Shoffard, who described this pathology in 1900), jaundice with massive hemorrhage during childbirth (cephalohematoma, retroperitoneal hematoma, etc.), with acute and chronic infections of bacterial and viral origin , at congenital deficiency the enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, which is involved in the metabolism of bilirubin. This group also includes hemolytic disease of newborns, which occurs when the blood of the mother and fetus is incompatible. Jaundice in newborns may be due to mechanical retention of bile ( congenital atresia biliary tract, tumors of the liver and pancreas, etc.) or damage to the liver parenchyma (hepatitis, cytomegaly, sepsis, syphilis, toxoplasmosis, etc.). Treatment depends on the cause of jaundice. Physiological jaundice of newborns does not require treatment.

Sometimes jaundice of the skin is called icterus (from ikteros - jaundice). Parents often hear from the attending physician that the child’s skin and sclera of the eyes are “icteric,” which means that they are icteric in color. The development of jaundice is associated with increased content in the blood of a special substance from the group of bile pigments, called bilirubin (from bilis - bile and rubin - red). This red bile pigment is the main pigment of bile and a product of hemoglobin metabolism; it is what gives bile its characteristic golden yellow color. After the iron molecule is split off from the hemoglobin molecule, globin (the protein part of the substance) is also split off. Under the influence of oxidizing agents, a number of biochemical reactions occur, as a result of which bilirubin remains, which does not contain protein in its molecule. This bilirubin is called indirect, or free. This fraction of bilirubin enters the blood plasma, “attaches” to the protein albumin and circulates in the blood in this form. Indirect bilirubin is insoluble in water, toxic and does not pass through the renal filter and is not excreted by the kidneys. In the liver cell, two molecules of a substance called glucuronic acid join the indirect bilirubin molecule, and another fraction of bilirubin is formed - direct, or bound, bilirubin. It is non-toxic, dissolves in water, passes through the renal barrier and is excreted in the urine. It is direct bilirubin that penetrates well into tissues and causes icteric staining of the skin, sclera, and mucous membranes.

Physiological jaundice (newborn jaundice)- transient (temporary) conjugation jaundice, which occurs in most healthy newborns in the first days of life, due to the fact that fetal red blood cells contain special kind hemoglobin (hemoglobin F - fetal) and these red blood cells are destroyed after birth. In addition, newborns also have a deficiency of a special protein that ensures the transfer of bilirubin through the membranes of liver cells. Excessive accumulation of bilirubin is facilitated by delayed maturation of liver enzymatic systems involved in the conversion of indirect bilirubin into direct bilirubin. Another factor influencing the rate of bilirubin excretion from the body is the low excretory capacity of the liver in newborns.
Physiological jaundice of newborns manifests itself as yellow discoloration of the skin. on the 3-4th day after birth. The liver and spleen do not enlarge, there are no signs of increased breakdown (hemolysis) of red blood cells and no anemia. As the bilirubin secretion system improves and excess blood cells disappear from the bloodstream, jaundice disappears (usually in 1-2 weeks) and does not cause any harm to the child. For severe jaundice it is sometimes used intravenous infusion glucose solutions, ascorbic acid, phenobarbital, choleretic agents to accelerate the excretion of bilirubin.

Jaundice in premature babies It occurs more often than in full-term babies, it is more pronounced and lasts longer - up to 3-4 weeks. The level of direct bilirubin in this form of jaundice reaches its maximum on the 5-6th day of the child’s life. In case of intense jaundice, additionally use medications and phototherapy (light therapy from a special lamp). Under the influence of light, structural isomerization of bilirubin occurs and the so-called “lumirubin” is formed, which has a different excretion route and quickly penetrates into bile and urine.
The severity of the increase in the level of bilirubin in the blood of premature infants does not depend on body weight at birth, but is directly dependent on the degree of fetal maturity and the presence of maternal diseases during pregnancy.

Hemolytic disease of the newborn, fetal erythroblastosis (erythroblasts are young forms of red blood cells), a disease that manifests itself from the moment of birth or from the first hours of a child’s life, most often when the blood of the mother and fetus is incompatible according to the Rh factor. Hemolytic disease of the newborn manifests itself in edematous form(the most severe), in the icteric form and in the form of congenital anemia. The most common form is the icteric form. Jaundice, often ending fatal, has been known for a long time, but the cause of hemolytic disease of newborns was established only in 1931-1940, when the Austrian doctor K. Landsteiner and American doctor A. Wiener discovered a special substance in the red blood cells of 85% of people, which is also present in all rhesus monkeys and is therefore called the Rh factor.

If a woman whose blood does not contain the Rh factor (Rh negative), pregnancy occurs from Rh positive If the spouse and the fetus inherit the father's Rh-positive blood, the content of Rh antibodies gradually increases in the mother's blood. Penetrating through the placenta into the blood of the fetus, these antibodies destroy the red blood cells of the fetus, and then the red blood cells of the newborn. Hemolytic disease of newborns can also develop due to group incompatibility of the blood of spouses, when the child inherits the father’s blood type; usually in these cases the mother has group I (0), and the child has group II (A) or III (B). If the blood of the mother and child is incompatible according to the Rh factor, hemolytic disease of the newborn is usually observed in children born from the 2nd-3rd and subsequent pregnancies, because The content of Rh antibodies in the mother’s body increases slowly. However, the disease can also develop in a child born from the first pregnancy if the mother received blood transfusions during pregnancy or injected blood intramuscularly without taking into account the Rh factor. Hemolytic disease of newborns develops in an average of 2-5 newborns out of 1000. severe form Previous abortions also contribute to hemolytic disease of newborns. An abortion performed during the first pregnancy already leads to the formation of antibodies and increases the possibility of disease hemolytic disease newborns. The icteric form of hemolytic disease of newborns is characterized by the early appearance of jaundice (in the first hours or first days after birth) with an intense increase in coloring in subsequent days (the so-called physiological jaundice of newborns, observed in healthy children, usually appears on the 3-4th day after birth). Jaundice is caused by the release of bilirubin into the blood plasma, which is formed during the destruction of the baby’s red blood cells. In subsequent days, the child’s condition usually worsens, anemia increases, the child becomes lethargic, sucks poorly, and convulsions may often appear due to damage to the nervous system. Children who have suffered hemolytic disease of newborns in the form of severe jaundice sometimes lag behind in development if not treated sufficiently. In the edematous form (general congenital edema of the fetus), the fetus is often born prematurely, dead, or dies in the first hours of life. The disease manifests itself as swelling of the skin, subcutaneous tissue, accumulation of fluid in the chest and abdominal cavities, enlargement of the liver and spleen, severe anemia. Most light form hemolytic disease of newborns - congenital anemia of newborns is manifested by pallor of the skin in combination with a low amount of hemoglobin and red blood cells, usually proceeds favorably and with timely treatment ends with recovery.

Treatment. For fastest removal from the body of a newborn, toxic products formed during the destruction of red blood cells, and at the same time Rh antibodies, an exchange transfusion is used in the first days after birth (replacing 70-80% of the child’s blood with the blood of a Rh-negative donor), which is sometimes repeated. Prescribed drugs that improve liver function. Usually, during the first 2 weeks, children with hemolytic disease of the newborn are fed expressed milk from another woman, because... It is at this time that mother’s milk contains Rh antibodies that are harmful to the baby. Once the antibodies disappear, they switch to feeding the baby with mother's milk. Children suffering from hemolytic disease of the newborn need careful care and proper feeding.

Prevention. All pregnant women undergo a blood test to identify Rh-negative women, who must be registered at the antenatal clinic. For Rh-negative pregnant women, once a month, and if necessary, more often, Rh antibodies are determined in the blood. It is important to maintain the pregnancy. If there are antibodies in the blood, women are recommended to take longer breaks between pregnancies, because With each subsequent pregnancy, the antibody titer in the blood increases. Every child born from a mother with Rh negative blood, is subject to careful observation and mandatory examination in the first hours of life for the content of bilirubin, Rh factor, and blood group in the blood.

Based on site materials

Jaundice in a newborn is a condition characterized by yellowness of the skin and mucous membranes of recently born babies.

Pigmentation may be an option normal development child, and may indicate the presence of pathology. Doctors will help you distinguish one from the other, but there are some things that parents can also use to know.

Why does a baby develop jaundice?

In itself, coloring of a child’s skin is not a disease, but a symptom. Yellow The baby's skin is given the pigment bilirubin, which is a breakdown product of red blood cells and is formed throughout life.

In adults, it enters the liver and is successfully excreted from the body. With a child the situation is more complicated.

In 70% of cases, jaundice occurs in newborns, the reasons for this prevalence are: the liver does not yet fully cope with its functions. At the same time, the level of bilirubin in the blood of babies is high, since in large quantities The red blood cells that supplied the baby with oxygen in the womb disintegrate.

Thus, three out of four newborns develop jaundice. In most cases, it goes away on its own. one month old child and does not require treatment. Causes of jaundice and high level bilirubin in babies are:

  • multiple pregnancy;
  • smoking, drinking alcohol and certain medications during pregnancy;
  • iodine deficiency in the expectant mother;
  • other complications during the prenatal period;
  • premature birth;
  • drugs received to stimulate labor;
  • Mommy's diabetes.

If the child has jaundice due to insufficient efficient work liver, then it will disappear on its own as soon as all the baby’s organs are sufficiently adapted to life outside the mother’s womb.

However, sometimes jaundice is a symptom of severe pathologies in a child that require immediate medical intervention. This condition is called pathological jaundice and can be caused by the following reasons:

  • conflict between mother and baby based on blood types;
  • incompatibility of mother and child according to the Rh factor;
  • antibiotic therapy for the child;
  • liver problems in the baby;
  • certain genetic diseases;
  • disturbances in hormone synthesis;
  • blockage or damage bile ducts;
  • pancreatic dysfunction.

With pathological jaundice, it is very important not only to reduce bilirubin in the child’s blood, but also to eliminate the cause that caused its increase.

Types of jaundice in newborns

The most important is the classification that distinguishes physiological and pathological jaundice.

How to distinguish physiological jaundice

Physiological jaundice in newborns is diagnosed quite simply; symptoms appear 2-5 days after the baby is born:

  1. Bilirubin increases, the skin acquires a yellowish or dark tint on the face, the whites of the eyes turn yellow, then the pigmentation spreads to the child’s arms and chest.
  2. The tummy, legs and feet of a baby with physiological jaundice are rarely stained.

At the baby's wellness, natural behavior. Feces and urine do not change color. Bilirubin does not exceed 256 µmol/l.

For examples of this type of “jaundice” in newborns, see the photo:

Signs of pathological jaundice

This dangerous condition develops in 70 babies out of 1000. Pathology should be suspected if:

  • the baby “turns yellow” a few hours after birth ( neonatal jaundice in newborns);
  • bilirubin exceeds 256 µmol/l; >>>
  • the baby sleeps a lot, eats poorly, and is difficult to wake up;
  • on the contrary, the child is in constant chaotic movement;
  • change in color of discharge: urine darkens, feces lighten.

If measures are not taken at this stage, bilirubin enters the baby’s nervous system, poisoning it. Bilirubin encephalopathy begins, or kernicterus of newborns. The clinical picture is complemented by the following symptoms:

  • monotonous scream on one note;
  • convulsive syndrome;
  • decrease in pressure;
  • coma.

Kernicterus most often affects premature babies. The fact is that their brain cells have not yet fully formed, and have difficulty resisting the toxic effects of bilirubin.

Among the pathological forms, types of jaundice in newborns are distinguished according to the reason that caused the symptoms. Highlight:

  1. Hemolytic(sometimes called suprahepatic). Hemolytic jaundice in newborns it is associated with blood problems.
  2. Mechanical- associated with problems of the child’s liver, gallbladder, bile ducts.

Obstructive jaundice, in turn, occurs

  • hepatic,
  • subhepatic,
  • suprahepatic.

Hepatic jaundice is associated with disturbances in the functioning of this organ. If there are not enough enzymes to remove bilirubin from the child’s body, then this condition is called conjugation jaundice in newborns. The liver can also be damaged by toxins, viruses, and bacteria.

The causes of the so-called suprahepatic jaundice are problems with the gallbladder, pancreas, and bile ducts.

When does jaundice go away?

Physiological jaundice of newborns begins to subside when the baby is one week old. The signs of the disease completely disappear by the age of one month.

Pathological jaundice as a symptom can be eliminated quite quickly, within a few days. Today there are ways to quickly and safely remove bilirubin from the patient’s body.

It should be remembered that sometimes pathological jaundice and high bilirubin are symptoms of a serious illness, the duration of treatment of which depends on the situation and can be determined by a doctor.

What to do if jaundice persists

It happens that physiological jaundice does not go away by the age of one month. The reasons for this course of the disease are as follows:

  • anemia in the baby (confirmed by a blood test);
  • blockage (or fusion) of the bile ducts, stagnation of bile;
  • galactosemia (this is one of those diseases that are screened for in the maternity hospital);
  • deficiency of thyroid hormone (also checked in the maternity hospital);
  • polycythemia (increased number of red blood cells, monitored by blood test);
  • Breastfeeding jaundice.

If the baby is already a month old and the jaundice still does not go away, you need to consult a doctor. The doctor will be able to exclude serious diagnoses.

Deserves special mention breastfeeding jaundice, which occurs if breast milk contains a lot of pregnanediol (a product of hormonal metabolism).

This substance inhibits the excretion of bilirubin. At the same time, the amount of pigment in the blood does not increase, but gradually decreases. The child is in good health.

In the medical community, you can find two opinions regarding breast milk jaundice:

  1. Some doctors believe that increased level Bilirubin still gives the baby's liver additional stress, so breastfeeding must be stopped.
  2. Representatives of the other camp do not see anything wrong with continuing feeding.

If you are afraid of harming your baby, but still want to continue natural feeding, the following method will suit you. You need to express the milk and heat it in a water bath to a temperature of 70°. >>>

Then cool it and give it to your child. When exposed to temperature, pregnanediol will disintegrate and will have no effect on the rate of bilirubin excretion.

If the baby is diagnosed with jaundice, the mother should find a pediatrician whom she completely trusts and follow all his instructions.

How is jaundice treated?

Most effective method Phototherapy is used to reduce bilirubin in the blood.

The baby is placed under special lamps that operate in the blue spectrum. When exposed to light, bilirubin is transformed into non-toxic lumirubin, which is quickly eliminated from the body.

Phototherapy of newborns with jaundice can be carried out both in the maternity hospital and in a children's hospital.

In large cities, you can rent a lamp for treating jaundice in a child. Therefore, if bilirubin does not go off scale and the baby’s condition does not cause concern, then therapy can be carried out at home.

At the same time, you should not forget to donate blood on time to determine the level of bilirubin.

The lamps are prescribed for 96 hours with breaks for feeding. To protect their eyes, babies are given special bandages or caps.

During phototherapy, the baby loses fluid, so when breastfeeding it is necessary to feed the baby on demand.

Side effects light treatment: skin peeling, frequent stools. These symptoms disappear as soon as treatment is completed. >>>

After the end of phototherapy, choleretic and diuretic drugs are sometimes prescribed to complete the treatment:

  • Hofitol is given to newborns with jaundice in the form of drops, three times a day, mixed with water.
  • Ursosan is given to newborns with jaundice once a day, diluting part of the capsule contents in a small amount of water. Read also: When can you give water to a newborn?>>>
  • It is convenient to give the baby Ursofalk for neonatal jaundice this drug It is better to purchase it in the form of a suspension.

Ursosan and ursofalk reduce bilirubin in the blood within a few days.

  • From homeopathic medicines doctors can recommend Galsten. Galstena for jaundice in newborns is taken in the form of drops, 3 times a day. Before giving the medicine to the baby, the drops are diluted in breast milk.

During treatment severe forms For jaundice, blood transfusions are used. This helps replace most of the red blood cells in the blood and, thereby, reduce bilirubin by half in one procedure.

One transfusion replaces up to 80% of the baby's blood. Taking blood from the mother is not allowed, so another donor is found for the child.

Physiological jaundice goes away on its own and does not require treatment. special treatment. However, the mother can help the baby quickly get rid of excess bilirubin:

  • The best method of prevention is breastfeeding. It is important to put your baby to the breast immediately after birth. Colostrum contains components that stimulate the baby's intestines. Together with meconium (the first stool), bilirubin is removed from the body. Mother's milk is the best remedy for fluid replenishment during phototherapy. >>>
  • Sunbathing. In late spring, summer or warm autumn, you can move the stroller hood while walking so that the sun's rays fall on the baby's face. In winter, you can stand with the baby on the balcony, just make sure that the child does not freeze. Don't let the sun get into your baby's eyes. Vitamin D received by the baby helps remove bilirubin from the body.
  • You should not give your baby glucose solution or rosehip decoction on your own; Only a doctor knows how glucose should be administered for jaundice in newborns.

What consequences can infant jaundice have?

Usually, breastfeeding jaundice and physiological jaundice in newborns have no consequences; when the yellowness of the skin disappears, nothing reminds of the disease.

Recently, neonatologists recognized these conditions as a variant of normal baby development.

The consequences of pathological jaundice depend on the reasons that caused it.

If you start treatment on time and do not deviate from the doctor’s recommendations, then most likely the disease will be completely overcome and will not leave behind any additional diseases.

Untreated or untimely treated jaundice in newborns does not go away without a trace; the consequences can be as follows:

  • greatly increased risk oncological diseases liver in the future;
  • weak immunity in the baby;
  • cirrhosis and other liver diseases.

If the baby has suffered bilirubin encephalopathy, and medical assistance was not provided to him, then the consequences may be partial or total loss hearing, developmental delays, paralysis.

A child with signs of jaundice should be constantly monitored by a doctor so as not to miss the development of severe forms of the disease and to prevent dangerous consequences.

Health to you and your baby!

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