How to use Gamavit for horses. The use of gamavit to improve the performance of sports horses. Indications for use

Current problems in the training of sports horses are to increase their performance and resistance to stress, as well as early detection potential record horses.

To do this, it is necessary to maximally facilitate the horse’s adaptation to the conditions of the training process, to correct it adequately and in a timely manner. physiological state to avoid overtraining, minimize psychological and physiological stress, and thereby provide the animal with conditions for the fullest development of its genetic potential and breed capabilities.

Russian scientists have been conducting research in this direction for a long time, developing an optimal training system taking into account the individual adaptation and other capabilities of the horse. A number of VNIIK works are devoted to the use of non-doping pharmacological agents for these purposes. In our research we adhered to the same principle. The first data on the effect of the drug gamavit on the physiological status of sports horses under training loads showed the promise of its use to improve the performance of horses.

complex drug, containing placenta extract (PAN) as a biogenic stimulant, immunomodulator (sodium nucleinate), 20 amino acids and 17 vitamins, microelements (including iron), developed and produced by Micro-plus JSC at the NIIEM named after. N. F. Gamaleya. According to the literature, placenta extract stimulates many functional functions of the body, has a beneficial effect on the regulatory functions of the central nervous system and processes autonomic innervation, hormonal and secretory activity, condition immune system, as well as hematopoiesis. Sodium nucleinate is an immunomodulator with a wide spectrum of biological activity. It induces a leukocyte reaction, stimulates cells bone marrow, T- and B-lymphocytes, increases the body’s antitoxic resistance. The components of a balanced amino acid-vitamin mixture included in the drug normalize biochemical reactions and actively participate in metabolism.

Vitamins are present in Gamavit in doses an order of magnitude lower than therapeutic ones (the exception is vitamin C, the concentration of which is within therapeutic doses), which made it possible to increase the number of vitamins contained in one injection preparation to 17.

In general, the composition of gamavit allows its use to have a comprehensive and multifaceted effect on the animal’s body, normalizing its biochemical status along with bio- and immunostimulation, increasing the body’s resistance to adverse factors external environment. The drug activates metabolic processes, normalizes the ratio of calcium and phosphorus, reduces the level alkaline phosphatase, increases the bactericidal activity of blood serum. At the same time, the stimulating effect of the drug is combined with providing the body with the necessary substrates and other metabolites (vitamins, amino acids), which makes it possible to stimulate the body without depleting its energy, plastic and other resources.

In our previous experiment with the administration of Gamavit to sports horses, sympathomimetic effects were recorded after its use. Three sport horses were given i.v. saline as a control. 10 minutes after this, the animals were subjected to moderate physical activity, forcing them to trot around the arena on a line for 10 minutes, while determining the length of the run. Before and after it, the animals’ heart rate and respiration rates were recorded, arterial pressure and an electrocardiogram was taken.

After restoring these parameters to the initial level and a short rest, the animals were administered intravenously Gamavit at a dose of 0.05 ml per 1 kg of body weight and after 10 minutes they were forced to run again. Then the above parameters were determined. The use of the drug in animals increased their performance skeletal muscles, due to which they ran a significantly longer distance in the same periods of time.

Indicators of agility of horses of the experimental group


Record agility, with

How much have they improved?

before the start of the experiment

at the end of the first period (with gamavit)

(1.5 months after its cancellation)

for the first period (with gamavit)

for the second period (1.5 months after its cancellation)

for the whole experience

Experienced group

Control group

In horses, there was a greater increase in heart rate, strength, and systolic pressure after exercise, whereas the increase in respiratory rate was lower after exercise. Respiration rate and systolic pressure to the initial level after physical activity recovered faster after the administration of Gamavit.

When analyzing the ECG before and after using Gamavit, no visible changes were found, except for a slight increase in the voltage of the teeth.

When assessing cardiograms using the method of variation pulsometry, the predominance of the influence of the sympathetic nervous system on the myocardium was revealed.

These data allowed us to assume that the use of Gamavit to horses during the period of intensive hippodrome training will lead to an increase in their performance, will allow them to show better results in races, quickly and completely restore strength after training and competitions, and maintain fitness and health for a long time.

In order to confirm this, as well as clarify possible mechanisms effect of the drug, during the summer season of 2002, work was carried out at the Central Moscow Hippodrome (CMH) to study the effect of gamavit on racing horses. For the experiment, 4 horses of trotting breeds (mares) were selected to form the experimental group. Two were administered the drug intramuscularly 8, 6, 4 days before the competition in the morning before training and 20 minutes before the start, 0.1 ml/kg (40 - 50 ml/head) - a total of 4 injections per course, the rest were administered the drug in the same way 6 and 4 days before the competition and 20 minutes before the start (a total of 3 introductions per course).

Each horse received 4 to 6 courses of Gamavit in a row with an interval of 1 to 14 days (depending on the competition schedule). At the same time, they took into account general state body, the activity of horses, their reaction to load during training, performance indicators during races, recovery after load during the use of Gamavit (first period), as well as within 1.5 months after its discontinuation (first period).

The control indicators were the agility and condition of the same horses before the use of Gamavit (data were analyzed from the moment they began testing at the CMI). In addition, the condition of the other 4 mares of the same age group under similar training conditions in the same training department (control group). Before the start of the experiment, during the period of use of Gamavit and a month after its discontinuation, blood was taken from the horses of the experimental group immediately before the load, immediately after the load and after a short rest of the animals. Blood serum from horses was examined for biochemical parameters ( total protein, albumin, glucose, calcium, phosphorus, creatine phosphate kinase) and cortisol content, since the level of production of glucocorticoid hormones (in particular, cortisol) characterizes the breadth of the body’s adaptive capabilities during intense muscular work. Throughout the experiment, the horses were alert and active. Signs of the general tonic effect of the drug appeared within 10 minutes after administration, which is confirmed by data from previous studies. After intensive training and competitions, they showed no signs of stress and overwork, and no deviations from the norm in their health were noted.

Analysis of the performance of horses in the 1600 m race showed that the horses of the experimental group showed the highest of their abilities during the experiment. individual results. One horse set a breed record for mares in this age group. As can be seen from the table, these were precisely the horses that received 4 injections of Gamavit per course.

The increase in agility continued after discontinuation of the drug (during 1.5 months of observation) without a decrease in performance, despite the fact that at this time the horses’ busy performance schedule was maintained (on average 3 times a month).

The control animals also improved their performance, which is natural for young horses during training, but average their maximum agility was significantly lower than that of the experimental group. The average agility in the experimental group at the end of the experiment was 2.9.0±0.94 (n=8), in the control group - 2.12.5+0.25 (n=8). Comparative analysis biochemical parameters of blood serum samples did not show significant differences between samples taken before the start of the experiment, during the use of Gamavit and after the end of the experiment. Thus, the drug practically does not cause changes in homeostasis and depletion of the body’s resources with prolonged use.

It is important to note that the production of cortisol in response to physical activity, on the contrary, changed significantly under the influence of gamavit. It is known that intense muscular work activates the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system (HPA), and more high levels cortisol and other hormones of the adrenal cortex, which mobilize the protein-synthesizing and glycogen-synthesizing capabilities of the body, contribute to more efficient transport of ions through cell membranes, tone up the reaction of cardio-vascular system and increase performance skeletal muscles, which leads to achieving high speed results.

It should be noted that with excessive loads, the ability to synthesize cortisol decreases, the body’s adaptive capabilities decrease, and signs of overtraining appear. After 4 courses of administration of Gamavit, cortisol production in horses in response to physical activity increased significantly, which indicates an expansion of adaptive capabilities and the absence of signs of overtraining of the animal’s body. Thus, activation of the HPA axis, leading to increased cortisol production, may underlie one of the mechanisms of action of gamavit.

Conclusion . Application of 4 courses of Gamavit, each of which consists of 4 intramuscular injections of the drug at a dose of 0.1 ml/kg 8, 6, 4 days before the start and immediately before it can significantly improve sports results racing horses without overworking them and reducing their performance in the future. The effect of the drug - a stable increase in the results of running tests without signs of overtraining - lasts for at least 1.5 months after its discontinuation. The data obtained confirm the prospects and feasibility of using Gamavit in tested doses for sports horses during the training process and competitions to increase their performance and agility, while maintaining high athletic fitness and good health.

Based on materials from the journal “Veterinary Medicine”, No. 5, 2003.

In the conditions of intensive hippodrome training, the issue of maintaining the athletic shape of horses throughout the season, extending the period of maximum performance, fast and full recovery horses after intense exercise. It is equally important that each horse is able to reach its full potential.

Despite wide range vitamin complexes, supplements, stimulants used, analysis of test results shows that with a busy performance schedule, which is common practice, due to inevitable stress and overload, by the middle of the season most horses get tired and no longer improve their personal records. Stress increases, the threat of overexertion arises, and resistance to disease decreases. And there is at least one or two months of performances ahead.

Research conducted in 2000-2004, as well as reviews from a wide range of horsemen and veterinary specialists, showed that injectable drug Gamavit containing PDE, sodium nucleinate and a complex of amino acids, vitamins and salts - effective remedy to improve the performance of horses and speed up recovery after heavy physical exertion.

The first results on trotters in training were obtained in 2002 at the Central Moscow Hippodrome. Four mares of the Oryol trotting breed received the drug in a course of 3 injections per week during the first two months of the summer season. Four horses of similar age and class from the same training department served as controls. All of them carried high training loads and had a busy performance schedule (2-3 times a month).

In the first half of the season, those mares that received Gamavit and those that did not progressed in agility. But from the beginning of August, horses that did not receive Gamavit began to show signs of fatigue and they could no longer set new personal records. Those who received Gamavit in June and July continued to progress over the next two months of the season (in August and September). In September, one of the mares of the experimental group - Mozaika of the Khrenovsky Stud - won the Cyprus prize with a speed of 2.07.6, setting an all-Russian record for Oryol mares (the previous prize record was 2.07.8, held since 1998). The following year she continued to compete successfully (at 4 years old - 2.06.8), after which she went to the stud and in 2005 at the Equiros exhibition she was recognized as the breed record holder.

Another mare, Bakaleya, with a speed of 2.11.3 set a record in the Kama River Prize, which had previously stood for 12 years (2.12.9). In 2004, she also performed successfully, taking prizes.

In 2003, the drug was tested on a group of older American trotters (5-9 years old) who were tested long time, many of them no longer progressed. In 2003, all the stallions that did not receive Gamavit not only did not improve their results, but performed worse than last year, and all horses from the experimental group, despite poor weather throughout the season, were able to improve their results compared to last year (including the 9-year-old stallion Lisbon).

In the same group, the option of reducing the dosage was tested on three-year-old trotters, hoping for a better reaction of the young body. The result turned out to be very encouraging - the black Prestige showed excellent speed of 2.03.6 and after completing the course he continued to perform successfully in Kazan (second place in the Golden Horseshoe of Tatarstan prize). The following year, he also continued his running career, culminating in a victory in the main traditional prize - the Derby at the Central Moscow Hippodrome.

Thus, Gamavit rendered positive influence on the general condition and performance of trotting horses during the period of intensive training. This allowed them to show high athletic results and more fully realize their potential, which contributes to the progress and improvement of the breed. The use of Gamavit had no long-term effects negative consequences and the horses were able to perform successfully and consistently in the next season.

The results obtained indicate the effectiveness of Gamavit and the advisability of its use as a biotonic agent and adaptogen under high training loads and a busy schedule of horse competitions.

Gamavit is indicated for use in preparation for the sports season (with the expectation of completing the course 1-2 weeks before the competition), either at the beginning of the season (to extend the biotonic effect throughout the season), or in the middle or end of the season to extend the period of maximum performance, or for recovery after intense performances. The recommended dose of the drug is 0.05 ml/kg (20-30 ml per horse depending on live weight), 2 times a week.

It has been experimentally established that maximum result benefits from the use of Gamavit can be obtained by using it over a long course (1.5 - 2 months). In this case, the effect of the drug continues for at least one and a half months after the end of the course.

Laboratory studies of the blood of horses treated with Gamavit showed that the drug acts by expanding the body’s adaptive capabilities (improving its own response to stress and high loads). This explains the lack side effects and good performance results of horses in the future.

In 2005, Gamavit underwent an examination at the Anti-Doping Center and, as a result, it was concluded that “the drug does not contain prohibited doping agents and/or their metabolites and can be used in the training and competitive cycles of horse sports training.”

Gamavit - multivitamin complex, which in traditional veterinary medicine is used to normalize the immune system, prevent hypo- and vitamin deficiencies in cats, dogs, rodents, poultry, and agricultural animals (pigs, cows, sheep, horses, goats). The vitamin supplement is also used for rabbits and other types of fur-bearing animals. International generic name- sodium nucleinate and acid hydrolyzate of denatured emulsified placenta.

Vitamins Gamavit are produced in the form of a sterile injection solution, which is clear liquid Red. The veterinary drug is packaged in glass bottles of various volumes (5, 10, 100 ml), which are hermetically sealed with rubber stoppers, over which aluminum caps are screwed. Included with the vitamins is an annotation that indicates the dosage and method of use for various groups animals, birds.

As active ingredients, 1 ml of Gamavit vitamins contains: sodium nucleinate - 0.02 mg, acid hydrolyzate of denatured emulsified placenta (PDE) - 0.50 mg. Excipient - water for injection (1 ml).

According to the instructions, store Gamavit in its original packaging in dark, cool, protected from direct sun rays places at a temperature of 3–22 °C. From the date of release the shelf life is 2 years. After its completion, the product must be disposed of. It is not recommended to use Gamavit if the solution has changed its color, consistency, or contains flakes or foreign impurities.

Before use vitamin complex To avoid complications and side symptoms, we recommend that you carefully read the annotation.

Biochemical properties and pharmacodynamics

Vitamin preparation reduces negative impact stress, restores the body after intense physical activity, improves absorption nutrients, coming with feed. Gamavit prevents the development of hypo- and vitamin deficiencies in young animals and increases weight gain.

The product has pronounced antioxidant activity, neutralizes the negative effects of free radicals, improves metabolic processes in the cellular structures of tissues, internal organs. The drug protects the body of animals and poultry from damage by toxic substances of endo- and exogenous origin. Has a detoxifying, immunomodulatory effect.

Gamavit has a beneficial effect on the endocrine, digestive system, thanks to a unique, balanced biochemical composition. Belongs to the category of low-toxic medicines. Well tolerated by the body of warm-blooded animals. In recommended therapeutic doses it does not have a local irritant, sensitizing, teratogenic or embryotoxic effect.

Indications, instructions for use

In traditional veterinary medicine, Gamavit is indicated for the treatment and prevention of diseases. of various etiologies, genesis. The veterinary drug is indicated for:

Gamavit stimulates, strengthens labor in complicated situations, facilitates the birth process, helps cleanse the uterus of dead, mummified fetuses. Increases the effectiveness of treatment, reduces rehabilitation period after therapeutic therapy, surgical operations. Gamavit relieves shock in animals after severe stress, injuries, contributes to more quick recovery, restoration of the body, accelerates wound healing.

Experts recommend using the veterinary drug before upcoming transportation, exhibitions, and competitions. Horses are given medicine for increased physical activity. Gamavit is especially indicated for weakened, emaciated animals.

For the purpose of prevention, Gamavit is prescribed for chickens, poultry, pigs, sheep, calves to increase the weight gain of young animals. If you give the drug to laying hens, their egg production increases.

Gamavit is intended for subcutaneous, intramuscular, and intravenous administration. For chickens and small animals, the drug can be added to drinking water, mix into feed. For the purpose of prevention, the dosage of Gamavit is 0.1 ml per kilogram of weight. During treatment - 0.5 ml per 1 kg of body weight of the individual.

Dose for dogs:

  1. Preventive - 0.10 ml per 1 kg of animal weight.
  2. Medicinal - 0.30–0.50 ml per kg of weight.
  3. Emergency - 1–2.5 ml per kilogram of body weight of the individual.

The drug can be administered according to different schedules: 1 time, 1–3 times a day, 2–3 times a week.

In case of severe intoxication or poisoning, the drug is administered to animals subcutaneously, intraperitoneally, or intravenously once a day. In this case, the dosage can be exceeded five times.

To eliminate dead fetuses from the uterus, during difficult childbirth, Gamavit is administered to females intramuscularly in a double dosage. For relax birth process, preventing possible postpartum complications the medicine is administered subcutaneously at a dose of 0.05 ml/kg body weight approximately a week before birth, as well as in the preparatory period before mating.

For intoxication, in the treatment of infectious, bacterial, viral diseases treatment course is 5–7 days. The drug is administered intramuscularly, subcutaneously.

Important! To increase the safety of newborn calves, piglets, young animals of other animals, the veterinary drug is administered intramuscularly once a day at a dose of 0.1 ml/kg body weight on the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th and 21st days of life .

For the prevention and treatment of rickets, exhaustion, anemia, dermatitis, hypo- and vitamin deficiencies, Gamavit is used for 30–45 days. The medicine is given three times a week. Administered intramuscularly.

To reduce the effects of stress, Gamavit is given to animals 3–5 days before planned events, as well as for 2–3 days after.

For laying hens, in order to increase egg production, egg weight, to preserve day-old chicks, and to increase weight gain in young broilers, Gamavit is used by watering. To do this, 5 ml of solution is diluted in a liter of water. The drinking bowls are filled based on the bird’s 2-hour water requirement. Drink once a day for 4-5 days in a row. Before using the drug, the bird is limited to access to water for an hour.

The vitamin preparation can be used simultaneously with other pharmacological agents, antibiotics, antimicrobial drugs, sulfonamides, others vitamin supplements.

Contraindications and side symptoms

If the dosages are observed, no side effects were identified after discontinuation of Gamavit. The main thing is not to miss an appointment medicine so as not to reduce its effectiveness.

In case of individual intolerance, upon manifestation allergic reactions, digestive disorders, other side symptoms, Gamavit is no longer given to animals and poultry. To relieve uncharacteristic symptoms, it is prescribed antihistamines, carry out symptomatic treatment.

After using the veterinary drug, meat, milk, and eggs can be eaten without restrictions. Gamavit does not contain toxic components harmful to human health. You can also buy Gamavit forte on sale. Instructions for use will help you calculate correctly the right dosage for birds, animals.

Complex drug, main active ingredients which are denatured emulsified placenta and sodium nucleinate in a physiological balanced water-salt solution also containing amino acids and vitamins. Transparent, red (from light pink to crimson) liquid.


Suitable for all types of small domestic and farm animals. Gamavit normalizes metabolic processes, neutralizes the effects of toxins, has an immunomodulatory effect, promotes weight gain, normalizes the ratio of calcium and phosphorus, has healing effect with pyometra, speeds up labor by stimulating the smooth muscles of the uterus and helps cleanse the uterus of dead fetuses after difficult childbirth.

Indications for use

  • Gamavit is indicated for stimulating growth and development, prevention and treatment of anemia, rickets and other diseases in young farm animals; as well as for stress, exhaustion, dermatitis of various etiologies, hypovitaminosis, toxicosis of pregnancy in adult animals. Used intramuscularly 2-3 times a week for 1-1.5 months.
  • At infectious diseases accompanied by exhaustion, intoxication, dehydration, Gamavit is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly 2 times a day for 3-5 days.
  • In case of severe poisoning, Gamavit is administered once subcutaneously, intravenously (can be in a dropper) or intraperitoneally in a 5-fold dosage.
  • When deworming, Gamavit is used together with anthelmintics to relieve toxicosis and prevent anemia. Administer intramuscularly simultaneously with the drug and every other day.
  • During difficult births, Gamavit is administered intramuscularly in a double dosage to remove dead fetuses.
  • Gamavit combines well with antibiotics, sulfonamides, antiviral drugs(in particular, with Fosprenil).

Dosage and method of administration

For the purpose of prevention, Gamavit is used at the rate of 0.1-0.15 ml per kg of animal body weight.

Detailed information on the use of Gamavit for the prevention and treatment of farm animals is available at

Gamavit. Gamavit (Aminovit-SM) is a complex immunostimulating drug for injection. Contains placenta extract, sodium nucleinate, amino acids, vitamins. By appearance The drug is a clear, red liquid.

Has a powerful effect restorative effect, is extremely effective in preparing animals for exhibitions and long trips, for recovery after antibiotic therapy and surgery. It goes well with antibiotics, anthelmintics (relieves intoxication after their use) and antiviral drugs.

Used to increase resistance to sports stress, prevent overtraining and prolong the period of maximum performance of horses. Gamavit acts on the body as a whole, activating its own response to adverse effects (illness or stress), without causing addiction or toxic effects, without increasing the load on the liver and other organs. In this case, there is no depletion of the body's resources, since the stimulating effect of the drug is combined with the supporting effect - providing the body with vitamins, amino acids, and mineral salts.

Gamavit passed the examination at the Anti-Doping Center and received the conclusion that “it does not contain prohibited doping agents and/or their metabolites and can be used in the training and competitive cycle of sports training for horses.”

As a supporting agent, the drug is very effective against bacterial and viral diseases accompanied by intoxication, dehydration, exhaustion (protein deficiency), as well as piroplasmosis. Gamavit is indicated as an auxiliary drug for dermatitis of various etiologies, including dermatophytoses and dermatomycosis, accelerating recovery by 2-2.5 times.

Gamavit is indicated for intoxication; it has proven itself as a means of preventing diseases in young animals; for anemia, hypovitaminosis, toxicosis of pregnancy and general exhaustion in adult animals; it promotes weight gain. When applied three times in piglets (together with fosprenil or maxidin), mortality is sharply reduced and a weight gain of more than 20% is observed.

physiologically balanced multicomponent mixture of amino acids, vitamins, derivatives nucleic acids and microelements (iron). Contains a biogenic stimulant - placenta extract and an immunomodulator - sodium nucleinate. Optimizes water-mineral and other types of metabolism in the body, replenishes vitamin and protein deficiencies, relieves intoxication, activates the work of intracellular enzymes, normalizes cellular composition and biochemical blood parameters. Has an immuno- and biostimulating effect. Results of application: improvement of safety and weight gain in newborns and young animals; increasing the survival rate of weakened (with deworming and poisoning; with feeding disorders, vitamin deficiencies and malnutrition; with infections, immunodeficiencies, anemia) animals; stimulation of natural resistance and increasing the body's resistance; increased performance, adaptation to stress; in gynecological and surgical practice

Dosage and method of application:
Prophylactically, the drug is used 0.25-1 ml per kg of body weight intravenously. It can also be used in combination - subcutaneously (from 0.5 to 2 ml) and intravenously (from 0.5 to 10 ml). At the same time, practice has shown that a noticeable improvement physical condition horses are usually noted after 2-3 weeks of using Gamavit, and a steady increase in performance is noted after 1-1.5 months of a continuous course.

In other cases:

  • For the prevention and treatment of rickets (additional administration of vitamin D is not required), anemia and other diseases in young farm animals; as well as for stress, exhaustion, dermatitis of various etiologies, hypovitaminosis, toxicosis of pregnancy in adult animals. Used intramuscularly 2-3 times a week for 1-1.5 months.
  • For infectious diseases accompanied by exhaustion, intoxication, dehydration, Gamavit is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly 2 times a day for 3-5 days.
  • In case of severe poisoning, Gamavit is administered once subcutaneously, intravenously (can be in a dropper) or intraperitoneally in a 5-fold dosage.
  • When deworming, gamavit is used together with anthelmintics to relieve toxicosis and prevent anemia. Administer intramuscularly simultaneously with the drug and every other day.
  • During difficult births, gamavit is administered intramuscularly in a double dosage to remove dead fetuses.
  • For exacerbation of chronic bronchopulmonary diseases (bronchitis, emphysema, etc.) 25-50 ml/person for 5 days. For full recovery it is necessary to repeat the course 1-2 more times in 10-14 days.
  • Foals of the first year of life in autumn period We recommend Fosprenil 0.05 ml/kg and Gamavit 0.1 ml/kg once 1-2 times a month, if necessary, a longer course is possible
  • To prevent transport stress during transportation - Gamavit 0.05 ml/kg 1-3 hours before loading, or 3-6 injections with an interval of 48 hours (before, during and after transportation).

Contraindications: Side effects and complications after using Gamavit were not established/

Manufacturers: Micro Plus

Storage of the drug:

Store the drug at a temperature of 4°C to 25°C, avoid freezing. Shelf life – 1 year from the date of manufacture. The drug in bottles with damaged integrity, if there is cloudiness or change in color, if there are foreign impurities, if the expiration date has expired or if storage and transportation conditions have been violated, it is not suitable for use.
The drug is packaged in 2, 5, 6, 10, 50, 100 or 450 ml in sterile neutral glass bottles, sealed with rubber stoppers and rolled with aluminum caps. Other packaging is allowed, agreed upon in accordance with the established procedure.

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