Basal temperature chart for a 26-day cycle. Basal temperature and menstrual cycle. Basal temperature during ovulation

Just 15 years ago, BT measurement was considered one of the main diagnostic methods female assessments reproductive health. After all basal temperature a non-pregnant woman is fundamentally different from the BT of a “pregnant” girl. "Healthy" temperature graph- not at all like a girl with “female-related” problems.

Now this method has given way to other, more modern and accurate diagnostic methods. Gynecologists prefer to prescribe ultrasound and hormonal tests for patients. However, the BT method can still tell a lot both to the girl herself and her doctor.

  • unsuccessful attempts to conceive a child throughout long period time;
  • suspicion of violation hormonal balance and changes in the menstrual cycle;
  • probable infertility of one of the partners;
  • calculation using a graph of the most auspicious days for conception, when ovulation occurs (the release of an egg ready for fertilization from a mature follicle);
  • control over the processes occurring in a woman’s body;
  • diagnosis of anovulatory cycles.

BT is measured in morning hours, after a full night's rest (when healthy sleep lasted at least 6-7 hours), in a state of complete rest and without getting out of bed. As a rule, the most accurate results can be obtained if you measure your basal temperature using a regular mercury thermometer in the rectal passage, but experts also do not deny the information content of measurements obtained by measuring indicators in oral cavity or vagina.

Based on the results of which a special schedule is drawn up. Only a qualified specialist can give a competent assessment of the basal temperature chart. However, the girl herself can understand a lot.

Cycle phases on the chart

The normal monthly cycle of a woman who is not pregnant consists of two main periods: the follicular and luteal phases. In the first phase of the cycle, which begins with the onset of menstruation, the woman’s body actively synthesizes estrogen hormones, which have a positive effect on the maturation of the egg and the proliferation of the uterine endothelium. This period is characterized by consistently low BT indicators on the graphs, and therefore is called hypothermic.

About in the middle monthly cycle The egg matures in the follicle. Its release from the ovary or ovulation is accompanied by a change in the woman’s hormonal levels, after which progesterone normally begins to be produced - main hormone pregnancy. It's biological active substance, influencing the thermoregulation centers in the brain, provokes an increase in temperature indicators by approximately 0.4-0.6 degrees. If fertilization does not occur, progesterone levels begin to decrease, menstruation begins and the body again enters the follicular phase of the cycle.

Temperature norm

Basal temperature in the absence of pregnancy has its own characteristics, which are clearly visible on correctly drawn graphs of the period without conception. The norm is when in the first phase the temperature ranges from 36.3 to 36.6, and in the second it increases by about 0.4-0.6 and is already 36.9-37.1 degrees and higher.

So, what should be the basal temperature for non-pregnant women? The following features are typical for a non-pregnant basal temperature chart:

  • decrease in BT with the onset of menstruation to a level of 36.3-36.5;
  • stable level of basal temperature throughout the follicular phase;
  • an increase in BT levels approximately two weeks before the expected menstruation;
  • the presence of ovulation relapse or a decrease in basal temperature by 0.1 before the release of the reproductive gamete from the ovary;
  • increase in indicators during ovulation to 36.9-37.1;
  • the temperature difference between the two phases should not exceed 0.4-0.5;
  • decrease in temperature level to 36.7-36.8 one or two days before the start of menstruation.

Naturally, the graph of basal temperature in the absence of pregnancy differs in many ways from the curves obtained as a result of measuring BT in women who are already carrying a baby.

The main feature of schedules without pregnancy is a decrease in temperature levels in the last few days of the cycle, that is, a decrease in progesterone activity. In addition, the basal temperature, if there is no pregnancy (unlike the indicators of women expecting a child), has a two-level appearance, falling in the middle of the cycle and a gradual rise in the temperature curve in its second period.

Deviations from the norm

Each woman normally experiences menstrual cycles without the release of a mature egg, which are called anovulatory, approximately twice a year. On such charts, the line is constantly at the same level, without dips or sharp rises. Anovulatory cycles are characterized by the following features:

  • absence of a difference in basal temperature in the middle of the cycle on the graphs. The situation when is confirmation of the absence of ovulation;
  • in the second phase, no increase in temperature level is recorded, since pregnancy does not form, synthesizing progesterone.

Basal temperature charts will allow you to suspect some diseases of the female genital area. Temperature jumps above 37.0 in the first phase of the cycle indicate the development inflammatory process in the ovaries or uterus. And if there is a lack of hormones, a relative increase in it will be recorded in the first period of the cycle and a decrease in the second.

However, it is important to remember that any deviations from the norm on the graph are just a reason to contact a specialist. Temperature measurement itself is only an auxiliary, and not the main diagnostic method. Perhaps your fears are completely unfounded. Much more reliable lab tests, ultrasound and other studies that your doctor will prescribe.

One of the simple and accessible methods of monitoring the onset of pregnancy and the course of its first, most important weeks is measuring basal temperatures. Measurements are taken daily and recorded on a chart, which provides the pregnant woman and her doctor with the necessary information.

Basal temperature during pregnancy

What should be the basal temperature during pregnancy?

Only a careful and conscientious measurement of body temperature in the rectum, and analysis of the data, allows us to find out what the basal temperature is during pregnancy. It is important to remember that obtaining basal temperature data is different from conventional thermometry (measuring body temperature). It is possible to find out the norms of basal temperature during pregnancy through its usual measurement - in the morning, immediately after sleep, without getting out of bed, with a thermometer special for this purpose. To obtain reliable data, it is important not to toss and turn or move much during the measurement procedure. The obtained figures are entered into the monthly temperature chart.

The basal temperature chart and changes in it can not only indicate the very fact of pregnancy progression, but also help in diagnosing various kinds deviations in the development of the embryo from the very beginning. It is difficult to unequivocally answer the question of how many degrees the basal temperature should be during pregnancy. Doctors themselves say that the fact of pregnancy can be confirmed when its values ​​increase above 37.0-37.5 ° C in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, without decreasing it on the days of expected menstrual bleeding. But there are no standard numbers - ranges up to 38.0°C are acceptable due to the active production of progesterone. And do not worry if the basal temperature during pregnancy before the delay increases by 0.4-0.7 ° C from the norms that were on the previous charts.

If the changes in the chart you are keeping are not very pronounced, you should once again check with your doctor what your normal basal temperature should be during pregnancy. This will help you analyze charts more correctly and not worry unnecessarily.

How does basal temperature change during pregnancy?

In general, you need to measure your basal temperature both during and outside of pregnancy only in the morning, after at least four hours good sleep. Only under such conditions can the true (basal) temperature be obtained.

Such a concept as basal temperature during the day during pregnancy is not correct - these measurements will not be reliable. Body temperature, both outside and inside it, is strongly influenced by both external factors- measuring temperature, humidity, food and drink, and internal phenomena. And its fluctuations will be a very unstable and unremarkable constant.

What is the basal temperature of pregnant women in the evening?

It is incorrect to measure basal temperature in the evening; basal temperature in the evening during pregnancy will certainly be elevated due to physical activity and increased hormone levels.

What is the basal temperature of pregnant women during the day?

Just like in the evening, in daytime no measurements are taken. It is important to remember that basal temperature during the day during pregnancy will also be inaccurate and non-indicative, increased due to external influences. The true temperature will only be morning data obtained immediately after waking up in a state of complete rest, without even getting up to go to the toilet or tossing and turning. Any physical activity and external factors can influence the indicators and distort the results.

What does an increase in basal temperature during pregnancy indicate?

With the onset of pregnancy, basal temperature readings should change compared to the non-pregnant schedule. In a normal menstrual cycle, after ovulation, the temperature graph points upward, after which the values ​​decrease towards the beginning of a new menstrual cycle. Compared to this graph, basal temperature during pregnancy is increased due to constant increase the level of progesterone produced by the corpus luteum (the area of ​​the ovary where the egg matures). The corpus luteum is active until about 15-16 weeks of pregnancy, and then its functions are taken over by the already formed placenta. And therefore, you need to know according to the schedule - when the basal temperature rises during pregnancy. This should be observed from the moment of implantation, on days 7-10 from ovulation and elevated temperature must be stably maintained at a given level. On average, this should be a value of at least 37.1-37.4 ° C, although there may be more pronounced temperature increases - individual fluctuations.

But does the basal temperature always increase in pregnant women according to the graph, or can it be more? low temperature? At normal course pregnancy and the absence of pathologies in the fetus, the basal temperature should be elevated. A decrease in temperature or its sharp fluctuations may indicate problems.

A healthy woman resorts to measurements most often because of the desire to conceive a child. BT during pregnancy differs significantly from the indications that are observed in other periods of life. If there are appropriate BT indications, which are inherent in pregnancy, then we can talk about a successful conception. BT also becomes interesting in each period of gestation - from 1 to 40 weeks.

Basal temperature data is taken in three places:

  1. In the mouth.
  2. In the rectum (rectally).
  3. In the vagina.

The most accurate readings are temperatures measured in the rectum. They are reduced in the first phase, that is, to 37°C. They range from 36.2 to 36.9 degrees, which is individual. The most important thing is that the BT readings in the second phase (the release of the egg in the fallopian tubes, that is, after ovulation) were higher than the previous ones by at least 0.4°C. This “morning” temperature persists until the onset of menstruation:

  • 1-2 days before menstruation, BT drops.
  • On the day of menstruation it increases.

Basal temperature is strictly controlled by the level of hormones produced by the body. During pregnancy in the second phase, the temperature gradually increases or is already high until menstruation is missed or even more. This speaks of high level progesterone and estrogen, which regulate the process of maintaining pregnancy.

Based on basal temperature, you can calculate days favorable for conception, as well as periods when you don’t have to worry about the safety of sex. This is also regulated by hormone levels. Basal temperature also helps to identify various abnormalities in reproductive function. For example, at 3 and 4 weeks of pregnancy (according to obstetric indications) the temperature must be more than 37°C.

If there is a delay, however basal rate falls, this indicates a negative process of conception (pregnancy is not observed).

How to measure?

Basal temperature is an easily changing thing. A woman must follow the rules of her measurement to get the correct data. These rules are the same for all women: both pregnant and non-pregnant.

You should use one thermometer, which can be mercury (preferably) or digital. It is inserted into the rectum 2-3 cm and held for 5-7 minutes. Measurements are taken strictly at the same time (the run-up can be up to 30-60 minutes maximum). Everything happens in the morning, when the woman has just woken up and has not yet gotten out of bed.

Other rules for drawing up a BT schedule are:

  • Measurements are taken over 4 consecutive menstrual cycles for a more reliable picture.
  • Measurements are taken after waking up from sleep, which should last at least 5 hours. In the morning, a woman should, without getting out of bed or stretching, take a thermometer and measure her temperature.
  • While the temperature is being measured, you should lie still.
  • All data is recorded in a notebook, where the date and exact data about the BT are indicated. At the same time, notes are recorded regarding what distorted the BT readings, for example, alcohol consumption or medicines the day before.

Basal temperature is not taken during the daytime. Only in the morning is it reliable. With activity and movement, body temperature rises, which distorts the readings.

BT distortion can be affected by:

  1. Alcohol consumption.
  2. Sexual contact the day before.
  3. Diseases in which the general body temperature rises.

During pregnancy, it should be taken into account that BT is within normal limits for 2 weeks after conception. Then they arise hormonal changes, which distort the data. At week 9, BT will not be of much interest than at week 1 or 2. However, if the doctor has prescribed it to be measured, then his recommendations should be followed.

Diagnosis in the early stages

During pregnancy, BT remains high until pregnancy delay and beyond. Diagnostics on early stages produced after conception in the first weeks. The temperature rises to 37 and above (by 0.4-0.5 degrees) and on the day of the delay it will rise by another 0.2-0.3. However, everything is individual: in some women the temperature may not rise above 37°C.

The BT schedule will sometimes behave strangely during the first week. For example, on the 6th day the basal temperature may drop, which does not indicate pathologies. Sometimes this occurs after ovulation on days 7-10, which indicates implantation retraction, which may be accompanied by bleeding.

The next day or 2 after the drop, the temperature rises again to a high level. Such changes in the second phase may indicate fertilization.

Other signs of pregnancy may include following cases(if there was no short-term temperature jump in the second phase):

  • Increased BT is observed for 3 days or longer than in previous cycles.
  • High BT lasts at least 18 days - a sure indicator of pregnancy.
  • A third upward jump in temperature is observed, dividing the graph into 3 phases.

Low BT during pregnancy

You should pay attention to what the basal temperature is when pregnancy occurs. Her normal indicator is 37.1-37.4°C. However, sometimes lower temperatures can be observed. Low BT is not an alarming sign during pregnancy, but you should pay attention to it.

Gynecologists often advise measuring BT throughout the first trimester. This occurs in cases where a woman has previously had miscarriages, threatened miscarriage, or fading pregnancy. Low temperature in the first trimester may indicate:

  • Lack of progesterone, which regulates normal gestation.
  • Threat of spontaneous abortion.
  • Freezing of the fetus.

A sharp drop in basal levels below 37 degrees may indicate insufficient progesterone production. IN in this case Seeing a doctor should be mandatory, especially if other alarming signs arise:

  1. Pain in the lower abdomen.
  2. Increased uterine tone.
  3. Bleeding.

You should not panic that BT has dropped to 36.9°C if there are no discomfort, abdominal pain, bleeding. This is not considered normal, but may play a role individual characteristics female body. You should be examined by a doctor so as not to worry about low BT.

If BT drops to 36°C, this is an abnormal sign. Here, fetal freezing or spontaneous termination of pregnancy may occur. In any case, you should consult a doctor urgently.

It is also necessary to make a visit to the gynecologist if BT drops to 36.8 degrees or below and lasts for a long time. This may require testing for hormone levels. However, if low BT appears only once, then you should not worry. This could be an error in measurements or a temporary change in the condition of the female body.

What does increased BT mean?

A high BT should also attract attention. What is she talking about? increased performance? If long time temperature is 38°C, then you should use medical assistance, since we can talk about inflammatory processes in the body or ectopic pregnancy(BT may be normal in this case).

Slightly elevated BT (37.7-38°C) is normal occurrence, which may indicate the individual characteristics of the organism.

We should not forget about the various factors that influence BT measurements. If a woman is taking medication, she sex life, moves after waking up, then the indicators will be different, which is natural.

A slightly elevated BT is quite normal if the woman feels well and nothing bothers her, and her hormone levels remain normal.

Internal BT at various stages of pregnancy

Changes to the internal BT should be considered various stages pregnancy:

  • The 3rd week corresponds to the 1st embryonic week. At this stage, BT shows 37-37.5-37.7 degrees and slightly higher. A mark below 37°C indicates deviations and the threat of termination of pregnancy.
  • The 4th week is marked by BT indicators in the range of 37.1-37.3°C, the maximum limit is 38°C. More high performance indicate infectious or inflammatory processes.
  • The 5th week should be stable within 37.1-37.7 degrees. If it repeatedly increases or decreases, then you should pay attention to other signs: nagging pain, hardening of the abdomen, softening of the mammary glands, etc.
  • Week 6 remains the same: 37.1-37.7°C. If the temperature increases or decreases significantly, then we may be talking about fetal death.
  • The 7th-8th weeks are marked by BT indicators within the range of no lower than 37.1-37.3 and no higher than 38 degrees. In case of abnormal indicators, you should undergo additional diagnostics health (ultrasound). By the end of this period, the fetus becomes less susceptible various factors, however, it is better to continue to maintain a BT schedule.
  • The 9-10th week should maintain the previous indicators within the range of more than 37 and below 38 degrees. Otherwise, the help of a doctor is recommended.
  • The 11th week is marked by a slight decrease in BT to 37-37.2°C. If the temperature remains high, then you should contact a gynecologist.
  • The 12th week is determined by BT levels of 37-37.8, maximum 38 degrees. Ideal values ​​are 37.6-37.7°C.

In the following weeks, the BT level remains within normal limits - around 36.6-36.8 degrees. Too high or too low BT indicates hormonal disorders, threat of miscarriage and other pathologies. At the 40th week, BT increases to 37.4 degrees or more (by 0.5-0.8°C). Some women also experience a high fever before giving birth.


Basal temperature helps in solving many problems, including throughout pregnancy. It’s not enough just to conceive, you also need to carry it to term, which is 40 long weeks. A lot can happen during this period. For a favorable prognosis, it is necessary to measure BT throughout pregnancy in order to note deviations from the norm and seek help in time.

The accuracy of the diagnosis of ovulation depends on the correctness of the measurements. This means the quality of determining the period when pregnancy is possible. Let's look at how to correctly measure basal temperature.

BT is measured immediately after sleep, without getting out of bed. Important condition correct measurements - do not make any movements, do not stand on your feet, do not lift your body to a vertical position.

Any movement activates blood flow and raises the temperature inside the body. That is why the basal temperature in the evening is higher.

It is necessary to measure the minimum temperature, which is formed only due to work internal organs, without muscles. Therefore, you need to measure your basal temperature immediately after waking up, before going to the toilet and washing your face.

It is important to meet the following conditions:

  • The duration of the previous sleep should be more than 6 hours.
  • At least 3 hours should pass between getting up to go to the toilet at night and measuring BT. That is, if you got up to go to the toilet at 5 a.m., then at 7 a.m. the measurements will be unreliable.
  • There should be no sexual intercourse before the measurement. The minimum time between sex and BT measurement is 8 hours.
  • To compile correct schedule it is necessary to measure the temperature at the same time (at 7-00, or at 7-30, or at 6-40 - depending on your mode).
  • The duration of the measurement is from 5 to 7 minutes.
  • The depth of the thermometer in the anus is 2-3 cm.

It is important to note that the temperature indicator is influenced by the following factors:

  • ill health digestive organs(intestinal disorders, inflammation of the pancreas, liver);
  • lack of sleep;
  • alcohol taken the day before;
  • mental overload, nervous experiences, stress.

The listed factors violate the accuracy of measurements and reduce the reliability of the graph. Vertical position body (sitting, standing) causes a rush of blood to the pelvic organs, which increases the internal body temperature and makes measurements unreliable.

Measurement methodology and BT indicators

For correct measurements, a thermometer is inserted into any open cavity. human body(mouth, vagina, anus). According to the method developed by Professor of Medicine Marshall (1953), basal temperature (BT) is measured in the rectum (through the anus). This is often done when the temperature needs to be measured. infant. There is no way to hold the thermometer under the arm, so it is inserted into the butt.

For women, measuring the temperature in the anus or vagina allows you to determine fluctuations in tenths of a degree. They are the ones who show a noticeable jump in the basal rate during ovulation.

What are measured indicators used for?

The method of measuring basal temperature was developed to diagnose egg ovulation. Ovulation is the release of an egg from the membrane (follicle), which occurs after its maturation. The egg is released into fallopian tube and moves towards the uterus. These changes are accompanied by an increase of tenths of a degree. The basal temperature before ovulation first decreases slightly, and then rises sharply. From the moment the egg is released, conception becomes possible.

Daily measurement of basal temperature allows you to determine the day of ovulation. Which, in turn, allows you to take measures to prevent pregnancy (if it is unwanted) or, conversely, try to get pregnant on these days.

The measured data is entered into a table and a graph is drawn. In addition, the table records additional factors, which may affect the accuracy of diagnosis (presence of colds, infections, headaches).

The graph looks like a broken line. At the beginning of the cycle, in the first three to four days, the indicator is at the level of 36.8 - 37.0 ºC (it can fluctuate by 0.1 - 0.2º).

Want something interesting?

After menstruation, the degrees drop to the very low level- 36.5 - 36.8ºC. This is the temperature required for the maturation of the egg.

The ripening time takes up to 14 days, so in the next ten days of the month the graph will fluctuate around the same indicator - from 36.6 ºC, up or down by 0.1-0.2º.

In the middle of the cycle (1 day before ovulation), the degree decreases (by 2 - 0.3º), after which it rises sharply by 0.3 - 0.6º and reaches 37ºC or higher.

Basal temperature during ovulation

BT at the time of ovulation is a slight decrease before the jump to 37º. By the way, it is on this day that the maximum probability of conception is 33%. Therefore, if you are not planning a pregnancy, then limit sexual contacts or protect your sex (with a condom or other suitable contraception).

Basal temperature after ovulation is a rise to the upper level (with slight fluctuations at the top of the graph).

The further BT schedule depends on whether pregnancy has occurred or the body is preparing for menstruation. If pregnancy has taken place, then the basal rate remains at a high level. A woman’s body produces progesterone, which maintains high BT values.

If conception does not occur, hormonal background returns to normal, the indicator decreases. This happens a week before menstruation (BT decreases by 0.3 - 0.6º).

This graph of basal temperature during ovulation is typical for a healthy woman. In case of any disturbances (in the genital area or in other organs), the normal broken graphics are confused, the jump becomes less obvious. Then biological method contraception based on measuring the basal rate turns out to be ineffective.

Pregnancy can occur despite the apparent absence of a temperature jump.

The full cycle of BT changes over the course of a month makes it possible to diagnose the causes of infertility and other disorders in the functioning of the genital organs. Most common cause female infertility is the absence of ovulation. Measuring BT allows you to find out whether an egg is released and on which days of the cycle it is easier to get pregnant.

In addition, BT signals the presence of inflammation in other organs. This available method allows you to simply, independently and completely free of charge examine yourself to identify hidden pathologies.

Days of safe sex and desired conception

Monthly BT measurements allow you to create a typical temperature change graph. According to the chart, you can predict with great accuracy the days when conception is possible and the days when conception is impossible under any circumstances. This information can be used as a warning unwanted pregnancy, and for conceiving the desired baby. Let's look at when conception is possible and how to use the method as contraception.

BBT measurement is called biological contraception. This is the most safe method birth control. How is it used?

The days of probable conception are the two days immediately after the release of the egg from the follicle (ovulation). And also two to three days before ovulation.

These days the egg is not yet capable of fertilization. But sperm can remain viable for two days. Therefore, entering the uterus through the vagina, they stay in it for several days and fertilize the egg immediately after its release and the follicle. So by the days possible conception two to three days are added before ovulation.

The period of ovulation and the days before it (about 5-7 days in total) are called fetal periods. If you are not planning a pregnancy, then abstain from sex or protect yourself with a condom (or other contraception). If you are planning a baby, then have sex the day before ovulation or directly on the day the egg is released. How to determine the release of an egg, what basal temperature should be measured in the vagina during ovulation?

According to the schedule, the day of ovulation is a slight decrease in degrees, and the following days are an upward jump in the indicator. It is these two days that should be considered “dangerous” (for those who oppose pregnancy) or fertile (for those who want to expect a baby).

The period after ovulation is called absolute infertility. The lifespan of an egg after the ovary is 24 hours. An unfertilized egg is destroyed within 24 hours, and the likelihood of getting pregnant two days after ovulation is close to zero.

Interesting to know: According to some studies, Y-sperm (those that conceive a boy) are the most active.

They move faster and are the first to fertilize the egg on the day of ovulation. However, X sperm (conceive a girl) are more resilient. Therefore, if sexual intercourse took place several days before ovulation, it is the X sperm that survive to meet the egg. These data make it possible to plan the sex of the child with a certain degree of probability.

The above distribution of days for periods of possible and impossible conception is not true for all women. The protection system only works if your periods are stable, like clockwork. For everyone else this method ineffective.

What is the basal temperature during pregnancy: norm and deviations

Any changes in the average BT indicator are a consequence of hormonal changes. All vital processes in a woman’s body are initiated by hormonal transformations. Therefore, pregnancy is accompanied by changes in BT.

Basal temperature during pregnancy remains high (above 37.2ºC). The presence of high BT is ensured by the hormone progesterone. It is intensively produced in the first four months of gestation. Therefore, the BT rate is increased during this period. Afterwards, progesterone levels decrease, and along with it, basal temperature decreases. Therefore, after 20 weeks of pregnancy there is no point in measuring its value.

Basal temperature at early stages pregnancy is the first sign by which one can judge that conception has taken place even before the delay of menstruation. However, this sign is ambiguous. Maintaining the degree indicator at a high level accompanies inflammatory diseases, physical exercise, taking certain medications. Therefore, the test will definitely tell you about the onset of pregnancy. And indirectly - high BT.

How to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy

We focus on two main conditions:

  • BT is measured without getting out of bed. To correctly measure basal temperature, the thermometer should be left on the table next to the bed, where it can be easily reached with your hand, without turning your body over in bed.
  • BT is measured at the same time in the morning (with a difference of no more than 15 minutes).

You should not take your temperature during the day. Basal temperature during the day will not show all the important changes inside the body. Only daily morning measurements will reflect your actual hormone levels.

BT schedule during pregnancy: what to fear

The graph of basal temperature during pregnancy looks like a broken line, which fluctuates around +37.4ºC by 0.1-0.2ºC. A drop in value below 37ºC indicates that the amount of progesterone in the body has decreased. This means the possibility of a miscarriage, a threat of failure, or a frozen pregnancy. Required urgent consultation doctor

However, this diagnosis is ambiguous. Perhaps overwork has taken its toll, or you have heard too many stories about problematic childbirth. Any stress, overload and anxiety reduce the level of BT and lower the amount of hormones. Try to get back to normal and leave your nerves for later.

The highest BT value during pregnancy can reach +38ºC. If your BT level is higher, you should consult a doctor. This indicator often accompanies internal infections, inflammation.

Interesting to know: too high BT may be a consequence of incorrect measurements. For example, if you walk around the room to take a thermometer from the closet and only then measure the temperature, the reading will be above 38ºC, although the woman’s body will be healthy.

I wonder what should be the basal temperature before menstruation? And why is this indicator important?

Measuring BT before and during menstruation allows you to determine the presence inflammatory diseases. If the temperature during menstruation jumps above 38ºC, it means that there is a hidden source of inflammation inside.

  • Basal temperature before menstruation- high. During menstruation, progesterone levels decrease, so the basal rate decreases. With more high values(37.8ºC on the first day of menstruation) it drops to 37.1ºC (by the fourth and fifth days of menstruation).
  • Basal temperature during menstruation is the average value between high temperature the previous period and a low value after menstruation. During menstruation, BT remains around 37ºC or slightly lower.
  • Basal temperature after menstruation- this is the lowest indicator of the cycle (not counting the day of ovulation, when the indicator further decreases by a few tenths of a degree).

Why do you need to know what your basal temperature is before your period? Measurements required for early diagnosis pregnancy. If you have had sex without a contraceptive, you can determine if you are pregnant even before your period is missed. For this purpose, BT is measured. If the basal rate does not decrease, it means you are pregnant.

Nature gives us opportunities and gifts. You don’t have to use dubious hormonal-based contraception or refuse a condom if you are sure that ovulation has already ended.

Pregnancy is a period when the expectant mother monitors her health with special care. After all, now she worries not only about herself, but also about the life that arose inside her body.

It is very important not to worry about anything, because unnecessary worry will not bring any benefit. There are some methods, such as measuring basal temperature, that can help you monitor your health status on an ongoing basis.

This technique helps to identify some dangerous symptoms. By reacting in time, the expectant mother will be able to protect her unborn baby. If any deviation from the norm is observed, you should urgently seek help from a doctor.

What is BT?

It is usually abbreviated as BT, less commonly rectal temperature. As the name suggests, it is not measured in a standard way- armpits. There are several measurement options - in the mouth, in the vagina and in the rectum. It is often used to track ovulation when a woman wants to become pregnant.

Ordinary menstrual cycle more often it shows up to 37 Celsius, but exactly until the moment ovulation begins - then the temperature increases by 0.4 Celsius. After this, or within 1-2 days, it decreases again. But if this does not happen, then, most likely, pregnancy has occurred.

How long should you be during pregnancy? And how long should it last?

Each organism is individual, but normally it is 37.1 – 37.3, which is exactly what the temperature is during ovulation and remains the same if pregnancy occurs. It is worth remembering that the borderline norm is 37.0. If there is a deviation of 0.8 degrees in any direction, this is a reason to go to the doctor, or at least you should consult a doctor.

As for how long it lasts, the answer is clear - from the beginning of pregnancy and the first few months while the girl is carrying the fetus.

Why measure BT?

There are two reasons for this - to monitor the health of the mother and child, as well as to plan pregnancy.

The first reason, as mentioned above, helps to understand whether everything is in order with your health. And the second reason helps to calculate ovulation. When a woman wants to give birth to a child, she needs to determine when ovulation occurs. When there is an increase in BT, this is a sign that it has arrived, and now there is the greatest chance of getting pregnant.

How to measure it during pregnancy?

Be sure to take the measurement in the morning, immediately after sleep, when the body is still at rest. Important point– it is advisable to get full sleep, at least six hours. It can be measured in any way, but rectal is considered the most reliable. Measurement in this way should be carried out for at least three to four minutes.

Oral and vaginal measurement methods are also suitable, but the time increases to five minutes. Any thermometer will do - both a regular mercury thermometer and an electronic one. It is advisable to take measurements every day and mark them in a notebook or a special chart - this makes it easier to track the dynamics. The procedure must be carried out at the same time each time, the permissible time difference is thirty minutes.

Some factors, such as illness, stress, travel, consumption of alcohol-containing products and even certain medications, can affect the accuracy of the result. You should also not use contraceptives if you are measuring your rectal temperature.

Normal after conception

Each organism is individual. This can be proven by a simple fact - some people have a normal (non-rectal) temperature of 36.6, while others have a normal temperature of 37 and even higher. At the same time, two types of people feel excellent and do not get sick.

So when measuring BT - everything depends on the specific organism. However, you should know the generally accepted and most common norms - from 37 to 37.3. The temperature rises as a special hormone, progesterone, begins to be produced in large quantities. This happens to protect the fetus.

There were cases when a woman had a rectal temperature of 38, but she was not sick and everything was fine with the fetus. Such cases are very rare; usually, if the temperature is already above 37.3 or below 37, it is wiser to consult a doctor.

Determining pregnancy by basal temperature

Most likely, a woman is pregnant if the following symptoms are observed:

  • The temperature is elevated three days after the end of ovulation.
  • If, with a normal two-phase schedule, the girl observes another jump in temperature (this condition is not considered mandatory).
  • Phase corpus luteum does not stop for 18 days - that is, the temperature is elevated all this time.

Daily fluctuations in BT

As usual, you need to take your temperature immediately after sleep, at the same time. The fact is that factors such as light physical activity, food, and even clothing can affect the result. It is normal when it rises above 37.3 during the day (not in the morning) - however, the reason for such an increase is precisely the factors described earlier.

Therefore, there is no point in measuring it during the day or even in the evening - you will not understand whether the fluctuations are caused by the normal load on the body or whether there is a reason to worry. Just imagine, in the early stages in the evening, BT can increase by 1 degree! Morning results are the most reliable, so mark them.


If there is a situation with an increase in body temperature during pregnancy, inflammatory or infectious processes. But this is only if the increase was recorded correctly, that is, in the morning. Termination of pregnancy in this case is unlikely, but it cannot be discounted.

Regarding ectopic pregnancy, it may not necessarily cause an increase in rectal temperature. Usually it is within normal limits. If this type of pregnancy occurs, the woman may feel severe pain in the abdomen, bleeding may even occur. In this case, you cannot delay; you should call an ambulance.

A fall

This also happens. Its fall, especially sharp, should be alarming. This means that there is insufficient production of hormones. This clearly indicates that the body is unable to maintain female body during pregnancy.

If, along with a decrease in rectal temperature, you notice symptoms such as abdominal pain, bleeding, prolonged uterine tone, then consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

A frozen pregnancy usually shows a result below 37, but even in this case you should not panic, but contact a medical facility.

When and how to measure?

In the morning, without getting out of bed, in a state of rest and minimal activity. To do this, you need to take a thermometer and place it two centimeters into the vagina or rectum. You need to hold the thermometer for three to five minutes.

It is necessary to measure BT each time using the same method, that is, choose one - rectal or place the thermometer in the vagina. The thermometer cannot be changed either, nor can the measurement time - if you decide to measure at 8.00 in the morning, then continue in the same spirit. Fluctuations can be up to thirty minutes in both directions.

To carry out the procedure as accurately as possible, here are a few rules that must be followed:

  • Do the procedure in horizontal position and in no other way, don’t even turn on your side, much less squat.
  • Required good sleep- from five hours.
  • It is advisable not to have sex while you are monitoring temperature changes. Or at least maintain a gap of half a day between measurement and sexual intercourse.
  • You should not take medications - they both lower and increase BT. It’s worse when they raise it - yours may be below normal, and you will think that she is fine.
  • Have breakfast only after the procedure.
  • Try not to get sick - even a sore throat can distort your readings.

Why do you need a schedule?

If the expectant mother wants to seriously monitor this indicator, then she cannot do without a chart. Various circumstances can affect rectal temperature, especially in the first months of pregnancy.

Typically, fluctuations on the chart look like this:

  1. On the day of conception - from 36.4 to 36.7.
  2. The next three to four days there is an increase of 0.1, that is, it can reach 37 degrees.
  3. The value may remain the same for the next two to three days.
  4. On the day of implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterine mucosa, it decreases to 36.5-36.6 degrees.
  5. The next three the day goes by smooth increase and is achieved from 36.7 to 37.
  6. The next fourteen days the value ranges from 36.7 to 31.1. It is important to monitor whether it has dropped below the value it was during ovulation.

It is important to indicate in the chart not only the numbers, but also the possible circumstances that influenced them - illness, stress, admission medical supplies etc. The attending physician should know about them.

How to correctly draw up and decipher a schedule: a detailed guide

You can draw it yourself, or find it on the Internet and print it. Include the following notes in your schedule:

"Pregnant" charts

You can’t measure everything with just a graph; discrepancies are acceptable. U different women different indicators happen. For example, some people do not observe implantation retraction, or there are several of them at once.

It happens that the temperature rises sharply, or, conversely, gradually. Sometimes it does not rise above 37. All the described options are determined by doctors as the norm.

Is it possible to determine pregnancy with a thermometer without a chart?

You can, but to do this you need to follow the rules:

  • In the evening, shake the thermometer and place it nearby, but not under the pillow. The main thing is that it is convenient for you to get it without using sudden movements;
  • In the morning, without eating, and without even getting up, use a thermometer. Choose either the rectal method or place the thermometer in the vagina. It should be placed two centimeters;
  • Wait three to five minutes;
  • If the reading is above 37, you are probably pregnant.

But you can’t count on accuracy; an increase can signal an inflammatory process, infection, hormonal imbalance or ordinary stress.

Factors influencing performance

To get a reliable result, exclude the following situations:

  • Taking medications;
  • Use of contraception (oral or IUD);
  • Banal lack of sleep;
  • Consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • Sex less than six hours before measurement;
  • Overwork;
  • Any illness;
  • The usual temperature is elevated.

Do I need to be monitored during pregnancy?

It makes sense to do this during the first months. It remains elevated until the twentieth week after conception. Usually, not only gynecologists, but even endocrinologists vote for the control of BT.

By measuring BT, you can notice deviations in time and react to them. Low readings may indicate a threat of miscarriage. Therefore, the answer is clear - it is advisable to control it. However, this is not the only way diagnostics of the condition expectant mother and her child.

At different stages of pregnancy

Let's consider the basal temperature at various stages of pregnancy:

  • Week 3 corresponds to the 1st embryonic week. BT shows from 37 to 37.7 and slightly higher. A mark below indicates deviations and the danger of miscarriage.
  • H. 4 ranging from 37.1 to 37.3°, maximum - 38. If higher, then it may be an infection.
  • N. 5 is stable from 37.1 to 37.7. If she “jumps,” then pay attention to other signs: nagging pain, hardening of the abdomen, softening of the mammary glands, etc.
  • N. 6 maintains the same results: from 37.1 to 37.7. If it rises or falls significantly, fetal death is possible.
  • N. 7-8 from 37.1-37.3 (not lower) and not higher than 38. For non-standard indicators, undergo additional health diagnostics (ultrasound).
  • N. 9-10 - as during weeks 7-8, but more than 37 and below 38. If this is not the case, consult a doctor.
  • N. 11 decrease from 37 to 37.2. If it continues to be high, then consult a gynecologist.
  • H. 12 from 37 to 37.8, but not higher than 38. Ideal are from 37.6-37.7°.

Recent weeks show from 36.6 to 36.8. At the fortieth week it rises to 37.4 and can rise immediately before childbirth.

Deviation from the norm

If it deviates from the norm, then this is either ovulation or pregnancy. During pregnancy, the doctor often recommends measuring it to eliminate the risk. This method is especially often recommended for those who have previously experienced a miscarriage or problems during pregnancy.

Why is she too tall?

This may be due to an infection, due to an inflammatory process, or even an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, you need to monitor some other signs: does your stomach hurt, what color is the discharge (normally transparent). If you observe them, you need to do an ultrasound.

Possible threat of interruption

This is signaled by a decrease in BT. The decrease occurs due to a lack of progesterone production. If the result falls below 37, you also experience abdominal pain and discharge Brown, you need to urgently seek help.

Frozen pregnancy

Unfortunately, in this case the fetus will have to be removed; it threatens the woman’s life. It doesn’t always go away on its own, so you will have to seek medical help.

Other signs indicating fetal fading are the absence of toxicosis, the mammary glands no longer enlarge.

Does low BT occur during normal pregnancy?

It’s difficult to talk about norms - they are always conditional. Low temperature does not always prevent pregnancy; women give birth healthy babies and their lives are not in danger. In addition, there may be such an option - during ovulation, just before conception, the temperature was 36.4, so it is unlikely that it will reach 37 over the next two weeks.

However, if there are such signs - pain or opaque discharge - you need to go to the doctor.

Basal temperature of a healthy woman

The norm is not lower than 36.2, but not higher than 37.2. Before ovulation, the temperature drops, during which it rises - this way the most likely moment for conception is determined. After conception, it practically does not decrease.

Signs of probable infertility according to schedule

This is indicated by the following:

  • The average of the second phase of the cycle (after the temperature rises) exceeds average the first phase by less than 0.4 degrees.
  • In the second phase of the cycle, the temperature drops (it is below 37).
  • The rise in temperature in the middle of the cycle continues for more than three to four days.
  • The second phase is short (less than eight days).

Schedule for ovulation stimulation

With, especially clomiphene (clostilbegit) and using, in the second phase of MC, the rectal temperature graph usually becomes “normal”. Two-phase, with a pronounced phase transition, with a fairly high temperature in the second, with characteristic “stages” (the temperature rises twice) and a slight drop.

If the stimulation schedule is disrupted and deviates from the norm, this may indicate an incorrect selection of the drug dose.

An increase in the first phase upon stimulation with clomiphene also occurs with individual sensitivity to the drug.

When to contact a gynecologist?

If you are seriously monitoring your BT and see a problem for two cycles in a row, consult your doctor. However, he should not prescribe drugs based on the schedule alone; you should be referred for other types of examinations. Pay attention to these factors:

  • Novulatory charts.
  • Constant delays in the cycle, but pregnancy does not occur.
  • Late ovulation and you don't get pregnant for a couple of cycles.
  • Controversial indicators with unclear ovulation.
  • Graphs with high temperature or low temperature throughout the cycle.
  • If the second phase is short (less than 10 days).
  • High rates in the second phase of the cycle for more than 18 days, while there are no periods and pregnancy has not occurred.
  • Bleeding or heavy discharge in the middle of the cycle.
  • Heavy discharge during menstruation that lasts more than 5 days.
  • Graphs with the temperature difference in the first and second phases less than 0.4.
  • Cycles less than 21 days or more than 35.
  • Schedules with clearly defined ovulation, regular sexual intercourse during ovulation, but the woman does not become pregnant for several cycles in a row.

BT as a method of contraception

You can use it because highest probability that a woman will become pregnant - during ovulation and two days after it. And since this method can be calculated this period, then it can serve as a method of contraception.

Should you trust this method?

It can be used like additional method pregnancy control and planning. However, you cannot rely on it alone, since modern methods diagnostics are more accurate. But as an additional measure, measuring BBT is a great idea.

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