How to get rid of fever in a minute. Is Paracetamol safe at high temperatures? Enemas against high fever

Sharp rise temperature may not always be a reason to panic and call an ambulance, but when temperature 39 in an adult, what to do you won’t understand right away. You can really call an ambulance; such indicators are a sufficient reason for the team to arrive quickly enough.

How and why does the temperature rise?

The body reacts to any external influences and changes in the internal environment:

  • The thermoregulation center is located in the brain;
  • It is affected by prostaglandins synthesized from fatty acids;
  • The appearance of these substances indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the body;
  • The original value is changed normal temperature in the center of thermoregulation and the body makes every effort to maintain an elevated temperature;
  • After elimination pathological process in the body, biochemical blood parameters return to normal, and the center in the brain sets the cherished 36.6 degrees.

On the one side, elevated temperature helps fight infection. All living organisms have a certain optimum, a small range of indicators within which these same organisms can exist.

For some pathogenic bacteria deviation from the optimal numbers by a few degrees is already fatal. There is only one problem - a person is also a living organism and the blood temperature limits are strictly standardized. Overwhelming majority will not be able to survive temperatures of 42 degrees Celsius.

How to reduce a high temperature at home?

If a person’s temperature suddenly rises to critical levels, call an ambulance:

  1. She will arrive within an hour;
  2. The patient will be given a couple of injections so that as quickly as possible bring down the temperature;
  3. After this, they will offer to hospitalize you in a hospital;
  4. Most likely they will take you to the nearest infectious diseases department, you need to be prepared for this;
  5. The medical institution will conduct all the necessary studies and make a final diagnosis;
  6. After completing the course of treatment, you will be discharged from the department and your sick leave will be closed.

It sounds quite simple, but it is not always possible to seek qualified help or spend a week on recovery. The position is not the most sensible, but it has a right to exist.

If necessary as quickly as possible bring down the temperature, it is better to resort to medications:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs- a whole class of antipyretic tablets that can be bought at any pharmacy without a prescription;
  • Paracetamol refers to NSAIDs, the effect is achieved by inhibiting the synthesis of prostaglandins;
  • differs in that it is prescribed even to children. In terms of minimal side effects and contraindications, this is an ideal option;
  • Analgin- the most powerful and popular drug for lowering fever that can only be obtained without a prescription.

Folk remedies for lowering fever

If the patient is fundamentally against all this “chemistry”, you can resort to folk remedies:

  1. Make the person drink as much as possible to recover water balance. When the temperature rises, the body loses water too quickly, and the decrease in water leads to an increase in temperature. A vicious circle that needs to be broken;
  2. Reduce the room temperature to 20 degrees. This is quite enough for normal life, according to all hygienic standards. But at the same time, a heated case will transfer heat to a colder environment much faster;
  3. If it is possible to humidify the air to 60%, do it;
  4. Rubbing with cool water will help have a reflex effect on superficial vessels;
  5. Alcohol and vodka rubdowns and compresses are effective;
  6. If the patient is wrapped up, he should be “uncovered” and allowed to lie in this state, even after wiping. It may not be pleasant due to the cold, but the temperature is guaranteed to drop.

How to bring down a child's temperature of 39?

With children everything is always more complicated. At elevated temperature There can be two completely different types of fever:

In parallel with this, the cause of the disease will be determined in order to prescribe antiviral or antibacterial treatment.

The child has a red throat and fever

A high temperature indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the body. Most likely we are talking about infections. The presence of redness indicates that inflammatory process localized precisely in the pharynx:

  • Given the high body temperature, it could even be the flu if the virus entered the body through the throat;
  • The problem may be a sore throat, which gives complications to all systems, including the cardiovascular;
  • An equally formidable disease, scarlet fever, is not detected so often, but can cause a sad outcome.

If you see a child with a red throat and a high fever, consult a doctor as soon as possible. You should not try to help yourself if you are infected with the same swine flu pneumonia can develop within 24 hours. Within 24 hours after the start, the baby will need artificial ventilation , if everything goes a little wrong.

For young children, especially those with a high temperature, an ambulance will arrive immediately. In some regions, there are enough children's teams, but most likely you will be visited by an adult therapist or an ordinary paramedic. So you shouldn’t refuse hospitalization; pediatricians know their job better when dealing with infections.

How to deal with fever?

When an adult has a high temperature, do not immediately panic:

  • See what's in home medicine cabinet. Will do paracetamol, analgin or .
  • Find vinegar, vodka or alcohol in the kitchen. Dilute and make a compress or rub;
  • After this, the patient must leave in an “opened” state, even if he starts complaining about the cold;
  • Better indoors lower the temperature up to 20 degrees, and increase humidity to 60%;
  • Don't forget about drinking plenty of fluids.

But it is best to immediately call specialists who will lower the temperature and make a preliminary diagnosis.

Afterwards it will be necessary to take action, but before the ambulance arrives, it is better not to lower the temperature on your own.

Video: what should an adult do at a temperature of 39?

In this video, doctor Elena Malykh will tell you how to bring down the temperature of 39 degrees in an adult (not a child), what remedies and medicines are the most effective:

Probably every person at least once in his life has encountered a condition when the body aches, the head hurts, the blood pressure rises, gastrointestinal tract works with periodic disorders, general weakness and malaise overcomes, and constantly throws me into heat, then into cold. The above are not flu symptoms, food poisoning and other ailments, but the consequences of elevated body temperature. Naturally, all these signs will not necessarily be observed at once (although this is possible), and, often, only some of them occur. Why does an increase in temperature have such an impact on the state of the body? The fact is that, as the most recent studies have shown, when the temperature changes by at least 1°C, the physical and chemical processes in it change by 30-40%.

And since the body is a single unit that works smoothly and harmoniously, biological system, then such strong fluctuations are reflected in it in the most unpredictable way. The symptoms listed above may also occur.

What are the temperature indicators? human body Are they considered normal? It is generally accepted that they should be strictly 36.6°C. However, modern science exposes this opinion to justified criticism. She already absolutely knows (this is a proven fact) that normal indicators are in the range from 36.4 to 37.5°C. Since each person is an individual, and each organism has its own physiological characteristics, the difference can be more than 1°C, as we can see.

So, if you measured these indicators in yourself, or in a child, someone close to you, and so on, and you saw numbers on the thermometer above 36.6, do not rush to panic, grab pills or call an ambulance. It is quite possible that this is your normal “working” temperature.

This is important and interesting. Body temperature depends not only on whether a person is sick or healthy. It changes throughout the day (in the morning, as a rule, its indicators are lower than during the day and even more so in the evening), depending on physical activity (at rest it is significantly lower than during active muscular activity), and can fluctuate with changes emotional state, there are even different indicators in people with different types temperament (melancholic people can rarely “boast” of indicators above 36.6-36.7, while choleric people, on the contrary, often note that these figures are above 37).

For reference. Body temperature 37-38°C is called subfebrile. From 38 to 39 degrees - febrile (as it is also called - moderately elevated). But high temperature (ranges from 39 degrees to 41) is called pyretic.

Sometimes you really need to do this. One could add: “ soon as possible.” But the fact is that an excessively rapid change in one direction or another also negatively affects the well-being and condition of the body.

Traditional, classical medicine uses various pharmaceuticals, produced in the form of tablets, suspensions, suppositories, injection liquids, and so on, to reduce temperature.

The most popular substances included in most antipyretics: paracetamol, ibuprofen, analgin.

But is it always worth calling doctors? This reasonable solution. However, in some cases, you can get by with folk remedies, or lower the temperature at home by buying everything you need at the pharmacy.

For adults, fever does not pose as great a danger as for children, however, even they can sometimes experience convulsions, clouding of consciousness, delirium, and so on. Therefore, if the temperature is very high, it is definitely better to bring it down.

What temperature should be lowered

Doctors are of the opinion (again, based on physiological characteristics human body), that a fever up to 38 degrees should not be touched at all.

Firstly, in the absence concomitant diseases, including the cardiovascular and nervous systems, it does not pose a great potential danger.

Secondly, at this temperature, most pathogenic microorganisms die, which are often its cause, since temperature is the body’s natural reaction to an “invasion.”

But indicators from 38 and above may already require some correction. In children, especially infants, they may have a slightly lower threshold: for example, 37.5. But, in such cases, it is best to contact a specialist with the appropriate qualifications, namely a pediatrician.

How to lower an adult's temperature

As already noted, you can use either pharmaceutical products or turn to recipes traditional medicine. The most commonly used pharmaceutical preparations are tablets and capsules.

As a rule, 1 tablet of ibuprofen, paracetamol or analgin is enough for the fever to subside. You should choose a drug after carefully analyzing the symptoms of the disease and finding out its causes, and use it based on the recommendations of a doctor, pharmacist, or, at a minimum, having carefully studied the instructions for its use.

If the fever remains stable for more than 3 days, you should still go to the doctor. In cases where the condition cannot be normalized on its own, or in a medical institution, with the help of tablets, capsules, suppositories, they often resort to more radical, but proven and reliable methods: injections. At home, with our own on our own, it is unlikely that you will be able to get an injection. But if you have experience in this matter, then this option is also possible.

At home, you can lower your temperature using antipyretic teas. As a rule, these are herbal and fruit teas. Since at a temperature the main thing is to drink more (drink plenty). Drink tea every hour, this will reduce your temperature faster.

Delicious berry teas. Make yourself tea from raspberries, viburnum, cranberries, or regular tea with lemon and honey. Prepare fruit or dried fruit compote.

Lime tea. You can use linden; decoctions and infusions of dry linden blossom help reduce high fever. (2 tablespoons of linden blossom per 500 ml of water).

Chamomile. Chamomile has anti-inflammatory properties and can be brewed and used in complex treatment high temperature. 1 tbsp. spoon of herb in a glass of boiling water, leave and drink.

Rosehip infusion. If possible, you can prepare an infusion of rosehip; this drink saturates the body with vitamin C and reduces temperature; it is indicated for colds. Add a handful of rose hips to a thermos and fill it with boiling water. Leave in a closed thermos for 2-3 hours, ideally 6-8 hours. Strain and drink as tea with sugar or honey.

Vinegar. At very high temperatures, you can use rubbing the body with vinegar; our grandmothers used it and always successfully. Dilute in 5 tbsp. spoons of water 1 tbsp. spoon of 9% vinegar and wipe the baby’s body with a piece of cotton cloth.

Bed rest. Limit your movement, go to bed, it is important to lie in bed wearing cotton clothes.

Food. As for food, it could be chicken broth or chicken soup, you can substitute vegetable soup. Don't forget to drink plenty of fluids, which is a great way to reduce fever at home.

Dream. Create comfortable sleeping conditions and ventilate the room. Remember best medicine this is a dream. Sleep will restore your strength, especially if you drink antipyretic tea and sweat before going to bed.

All of these drugs can be used in addition to medications intended to reduce fever.

How to reduce a child's temperature

There is no need to panic when you have a fever; the most important thing is to know how to bring down a high temperature at home. As for children, you should be even more careful and prudent. Medical intervention is indicated in many cases. But the vast majority of parents practice the use of antipyretic pharmaceuticals at home. The most widely known: “Nurofen”, “Efferalgan”, “Panadol”.

It happens that a child at a temperature of 37.5 degrees does not feel very well, there is lethargy and fatigue. And sometimes at a temperature of 38 degrees the child plays and behaves normally.

Do not allow the temperature to rise if the child is several months old, if previously there were convulsions at high temperatures, as well as in children with diseases of cardio-vascular system.

Vinegar compresses

Some parents resort to using vinegar compresses. Eat different opinions on this occasion. The main advantage of this method: it allows you to quickly normalize body temperature practically naturally, that is, using heat transfer.

Dilute in 5 tbsp. spoons of water 1 tbsp. spoon of 9% vinegar and wipe the baby’s body with a piece of cotton cloth.

Vinegar dilates blood vessels upon contact with skin. At the same time, it quickly evaporates from the surface of the body. And, as is known from the laws of physics: evaporation is always accompanied by a loss of heat from the surface from which it occurs. Consequently, if we are talking about the body, then it cools down and the temperature drops.

Linden, raspberry, viburnum

They have pronounced, powerful diaphoretic properties. They can be consumed in the form of tea. At the same time, these components have a good effect both individually and together. Sweating is accompanied by evaporation of moisture; the mechanism for reducing temperature is described above.


Coltsfoot is a plant known to many. But not everyone knows that it has not only anti-cold effect, expectorant and anti-inflammatory, and antipyretic, including. For children, tea made from it with the addition of honey is an excellent remedy.


At a fever (if there are no allergies and the child’s age allows), you can give your baby citrus fruits: tangerines, oranges, grapefruits), as well as raspberries and currants.

Drink plenty of fluids

Drink plenty of fluids, minimum physical activity, Lightweight clothing, Fresh air. It is very important. A significant increase in temperature can be prevented, and then you will not have to deal with it. How to do it? Drink, drink and drink again. Water, the teas listed above, and so on.

If the body has enough fluid, it will be much easier for it to carry out thermoregulation. Physical activity - increased temperature. IN in this case, it's useless.

Clothing made from natural fabrics will not retain heat and interfere with heat transfer. Ventilation using the lungs is one of the ways of natural thermoregulation. If the air that enters them is fresh (but not cold, optimal: 18-22 degrees), this will also help prevent a febrile state.

What not to do when you have a fever

You know how to bring down a high fever at home, now let’s talk about what you can’t do and take when you have a fever, because it’s important to know.

The factors listed above may be triggers for high fever. What should you not do when you have a fever or to prevent it? First of all, allow their influence.

→It is also forbidden to apply any hot compresses, steam your feet, or take a very warm bath. Sometimes mustard plasters are also prohibited.

→Contact with very cold environments and objects should also be avoided, as vasospasm may occur and sharp jump temperature towards its increase.

And one more thing: with white fever, when the temperature rises, and medicines and folk remedies are powerless, it is better not to delay calling a doctor.

How to make tea to reduce fever

Making tea based on temperature is simple.

For example: you can take Linden blossom and raspberries (dried fruits, leaves, or jam) in equal proportions. Place in a teapot, pour boiling water over it and leave for at least 10-20 minutes. Add honey.

Drink warm, 0.5-1 cup, for children - about 100 milliliters. In the same way, you can prepare tea from coltsfoot, poplar buds, pine buds and raspberry roots. Be healthy!

If you have your own proven means to reduce the temperature, share below in the comments. We will be grateful to you.

For each person, normal temperature readings may differ: some feel good at 36.6, while others feel comfortable at 37.0. If there is an infection or disease, the body tries to cope with the pathogen on its own, which leads to fever. This process brings discomfort and weakness, and therefore patients try to fight the disease on their own. For many topical issues is - how to bring down a temperature of 38, is it necessary to lower it at all? Next, we consider effective ways to reduce thermometer readings and improve well-being.

Is it necessary to lower the temperature to 38?

Disputes about what indicators it is worth lowering the temperature have been going on for several decades among medical workers. Some doctors are sure that at 38.0 the body is able to fight the virus and disease on its own and there is no point in artificially lowering the temperature. Others argue that such indicators have a negative impact on the general condition, internal organs, so you definitely need to bring it down and prevent an even greater increase.

In order to understand these nuances in detail, you should understand what leads to an increase in temperature:

  • If there is an infection, the body begins to actively fight it. An increase in temperature is evidence that the body is resisting the pathogen and is trying to cope with the irritant on its own.
  • During the fight, the production of interferon begins, a substance that helps destroy harmful cells. If a person has good immunity, the body will be able to cope with the disease and high temperature on its own.
  • If, with a minimal increase in temperature of a few degrees, you immediately take antipyretics, the production of interferon decreases sharply and the body is unable to fight the disease on its own. Sometimes there are cases when a person does not tolerate a temperature of 38, so it must be brought down to as soon as possible.

In what cases should the temperature be reduced to 38:

  • In the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • If seizures occur (or have previously occurred).
  • If an increase in thermometer readings is accompanied by severe headaches, nausea, and vomiting.
  • The temperature does not drop for a long time and does not rise higher either.

How to quickly bring down a fever using folk remedies?

In order to bring down a temperature of 38 degrees or more, they are often used traditional methods, the effectiveness of which has been proven by many. The main ways are: drinking teas that provoke increased sweating; wraps, rubdowns, compresses. The main advantages of such funds are:

  • Availability (many components and products are available in every home or their cost is minimal in a pharmacy).
  • Can be used by adults and children.
  • Harmlessness - methods of traditional medicine for correct use, the procedures have no contraindications or side effects.

Sweatshop teas

One of effective ways To combat illness and fever is to take diaphoretic teas. Drinking plenty of fluids has a beneficial effect on the body, removing toxic substances through sweat. Let's look at the most popular ones, effective recipes diaphoretic teas that can be used by children or adults to reduce fever:

  • With viburnum. In the fall, you need to prepare the berries: grind them with sugar and put them in a glass container in the refrigerator. During illness, dilute a few teaspoons in a cup warm water and have a drink. Kalina is natural antibiotic, it not only helps lower body temperature, but also helps to overcome the virus that caused the disease.
  • With rose hips. Place a small handful of berries in a thermos, pour boiling water over them, let it brew until the fruits open up. best qualities. It is better to brew it overnight, then the tea will be ready in the morning. If desired, or to add flavor, you should add a spoonful of honey.

Compresses and wraps

Wraps or compresses will help bring the temperature down to 38 degrees. Despite the simplicity of the procedures, they provide positive impact on the patient and help reduce fever. In order to carry out the wrap, you must perform the following actions:

  • Prepare a fabric, it is advisable to choose a cotton one that can be used to completely wrap a person, it could be, for example, a sheet, a towel or just a large piece.
  • Prepare water at room temperature in a basin (an infusion of yarrow can be used to achieve maximum effect).
  • Soak a cloth in the liquid, wrap it around the patient and leave for a few minutes.
  • Remove the cloth, dry the patient, and if the temperature persists and the patient is very hot, the wrap should be repeated.

For compresses, a decoction of mint and yarrow can be used, and the procedure should be carried out as follows:

  • Prepare an infusion for the compress: pour water into an enamel container and add mint or yarrow (2 tablespoons). Place the dishes on water bath and heat for 10-20 minutes, stirring occasionally with a spoon.
  • Cool the broth to room temperature and strain.
  • Prepare gauze for a compress by cutting it into small pieces and folding it 3-5 times.
  • Soak gauze in the broth and apply to the wrists, forehead, groin folds, and temples. It is worth updating the compresses every ten minutes until the condition is completely normalized.

Rubbing with vinegar

Rubbing with vinegar helps fight the heat, but in no case is it recommended to use the essence or product in its pure form. For adults, it is worth diluting vinegar in a 1:1 ratio with water at room temperature, and for children, the concentration of vinegar should be several times less. Rubbing leads to cooling of the body, which occurs as a result of evaporation of moisture and energy transfer of heat. Some secrets of using the rubbing method to normalize body temperature:

  • Be sure to first dilute the vinegar to the required concentration.
  • Rubbing is used to bring down the temperature of 38 and above.
  • To quickly reduce fever, it is necessary to wipe the places where large blood vessels are located close to the surface of the skin: in the bend of the elbow and knee, neck, armpits, groin.
  • After applying the solution, do not cover the area with clothing or a blanket.

What medications help reduce fever in an adult?

Often patients are not helped by traditional medicine or alternative methods reduce fever, so the only way out bringing down the temperature is a trick medications. The most effective and fast-acting medications are paracetamol (15 mg/1 kg) or ibuprofen (10 mg/1 kg). Different forms of release provide the opportunity for each person to choose a convenient option:

  • Tablets, capsules - a very convenient form, fast action: “Analgin”, “Paracetamol”, “Ibuprofen”, “Aspirin” (Acetylsalicylic acid), “Movalis” and others.
  • Rectal suppositories– an ideal option to bring down a fever for a patient who has nausea, vomiting and taking the medicine orally cannot have the desired effect. Known drugs is: “Effergalan”, “Cefekon”, “Imet”, others.
  • Injections – quick and effective way bring down the temperature, give an intramuscular injection of analgin, papaverine and diphenhydramine in the same proportion. It is worth resorting to this method in extreme cases when the patient's condition is severe or the fever negatively affects general health.

Effective antipyretics for children

For parents, the question often becomes relevant: how to bring down a high temperature in a child. To combat fever, medications based on paracetamol are used; others are less common active ingredients. Medicines are available in the following forms:

  • Tablets and capsules are a convenient way to take a drug to reduce fever, which acts very quickly. But this form of release is not always appropriate for children: firstly, children rarely can or want to take the medicine, and secondly, sometimes taking the medicine causes stomach pain, cramps (especially if the person has not eaten for a long time) or due to vomiting the tablet is not taken. It may be absorbed normally and not have time to have the expected effect.
  • Candles for rectal use. This method is ideal for babies who are difficult to get to take a pill. In addition, it does not irritate the walls of the stomach. small child. Parents often use the following suppositories: “Cefekon”, “Efferalgan”.
  • Syrups are an ideal option for relieving fever in children. Such drugs have a sweet, pleasant taste, thanks to which children agree to take the medicine with pleasure. Suspensions that parents choose more often: “Nise”, “Paracetamol”, “Panadol”, “Ibufen” and others.

If a child has a fever of 38 for no reason and there are no obvious symptoms colds, you must call a doctor at home for a thorough examination and under no circumstances self-medicate. Before the doctor arrives and prescribes treatment, compresses and rubbing can be used, drinking plenty of fluids is encouraged, and maintaining a comfortable air temperature and humidity. If the weather is warm, dry, doctors recommend walking with a temperature of 38.

How to reduce fever during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, girls are advised to take paracetamol to reduce their temperature. This tool very effective, helps to get rid of fever in the shortest possible time and maintain normal levels for a long time. In addition, this drug has an analgesic effect, which has a beneficial effect on the general well-being and condition of the pregnant woman. A variety of teas are great help, for example, raspberry, linden or viburnum.

How can you lower a nursing mother's temperature?

Elevated temperature is dangerous for nursing mothers, as it can lead to lactostasis. It is worth bringing down the temperature as soon as possible; different methods can be used for this:

  • Taking medications: Ibuprofen and Paracetamol can be used during lactation.
  • Warm herbal teas. Linden is very useful, for the preparation of which you need to pour boiling water over dry linden flowers and let it brew for half an hour. Drink a small cup three times a day. In addition to helping fight fever, drinking this will help preserve milk and increase its quantity.
  • Rubbing the weak vinegar solution It helps to bring down the temperature well without harm to the mother, the feeding process, or the child.

U healthy person body temperature indicators can fluctuate in the range from 36.5ºС to 37ºС.

Body temperature reflects the body's heat balance, depending on the amount of heat produced by various organs and on heat exchange skin with the external environment.

An increase in temperature clearly indicates pathological abnormalities in organism.

And reaching a temperature of up to 39ºC requires looking for Urgent measures how to knock it down at home.

Temperature 39ºC: possible causes

Elevated temperature is a kind of protective reaction of the human immune system. When any pathogenic particles enter the body by any means, the immune abilities are activated, as a result of which the production of specific proteins - pyrogens - begins. These particles are trigger, contributing to an increase in temperature.

At the same time, the body actively synthesizes antibodies, as well as interferon, which helps cope with pathogenic strangers. And the higher the body temperature rises, the more interferon production is observed.

Such processes in the body can be accompanied by deterioration in well-being, headache, drowsiness, weakness, as well as characteristic symptoms, inherent in the disease that provoked an increase in temperature.

But when the temperature reaches 39ºC and above, negative processes begin to occur, affecting nervous system. Too high a fever provokes dehydration, circulatory problems, and decreased blood pressure, as well as malfunctions of some organs. Therefore, if the temperature rises significantly to 39ºC, you should try to urgently bring it down at home.

The temperature may rise due to various infectious, immune, inflammatory diseases:

1. Respiratory viral infections when infected:



1. Rhinovirus infections:


Neuritis and meningitis.

Otitis and sinusitis.

2. Adenoviral diseases in the form of:

Rhinitis and laryngitis;

Colds and sore throats;

Bronchitis and pharyngitis.

3. For chronic mental disorders.

4. After intense sports or physical activity in hot climates.

5. During exacerbations of chronic inflammatory diseases:

Inflammation of the ovaries;


Inflammation of the gums.

6. When infectious diseases urinary organs.

7. Due to infectious lesion Gastrointestinal tract.

8. In case of blood poisoning, as well as after post-operative or post-traumatic infection.

9. During activity activation thyroid gland, autoimmune processes.

10. For tuberculosis, malaria.

11. When oncological pathologies.

Real reasons the temperature rise is quite high. To find out the true origin of the body’s pathological reaction, you need to see a doctor and undergo a thorough examination.

How to bring down a temperature of 39ºC at home: medications

The presence of elevated temperature indicates an active fight of the body against various infections, which after 38ºC degrees begin to die intensively. Therefore, doctors recommend not lowering this temperature.

However, when critical indicators of 39Cº are reached, you need to act quickly and try to bring this temperature down to at home by any means.

All antipyretic medications are made on the basis of active ingredients:


Acetylsalicylic acid;


Metamizole sodium.

Each of these components has basic and accompanying therapeutic effects, but at the same time side effects, and certain contraindications.

Preparations containing paracetamol in the form of Ibuklin, Coldakt, Panoxen, Theraflu, Tylenol, Coldrex, Efferalgan, Panadol, Rinza should be taken no more than 4 times a day in a dosage appropriate to age. These remedies help relieve fever and pain. It should be borne in mind that paracetamol has a negative effect on liver function. And in case of overdose, severe allergic reactions can occur.

To reduce the temperature with the help of ibuprofen, use Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Novigan up to 4 times a day. A single dosage should not exceed 400 mg. Medicines in this group are considered the safest of antipyretic medications. In addition, they are able to cope with pain and inflammatory reactions.

Using acetyl salicylic acid in the form of Aspirin, Askofen, Acetylsalicylic acid, Citropak, Citramon, it must be taken into account that these drugs affect the cardiovascular, digestive, and respiratory system. It is prohibited to use drugs from this group to lower the temperature in children under 12 years of age.

Metamizole sodium is contained in Analgin, Baralgin, Brala, Trialgin, Revalgin. These medications can cope well with pain, but antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties are observed to a small extent. Most often, these drugs are given by injection. Since serious allergic consequences may occur after taking them, for self-treatment They are not recommended without medical supervision.

When choosing an antipyretic drug, it is better to give preference to single-component drugs. When combining several medications, pay attention to the composition. IN various drugs may contain the same active substance, that at simultaneous administration will lead to an overdose.

If vomiting occurs at elevated temperatures, it is better to use suppositories. For children, syrups are produced, as well as suppositories containing paracetamol or ibuprofen.

How to bring down a temperature of 39ºC at home - folk remedies

There are many effective ways to bring down a temperature of 39ºC at home using improvised means and methods. Sometimes they work much more effectively than any antipyretic drugs. Besides traditional methods have no adverse negative side effects.

Rubdowns, compresses:

1. You can use regular cool water. Applying a dampened cloth to your temples, forehead, elbows, and wrists for a few minutes can help enhance heat transfer.

2. For rubbing, you can add vinegar to the water. This solution is used to wipe the entire body, including the face. Special attention should be given to places with large blood vessels such as the axillary areas, elbow and popliteal folds, and neck. After wiping the patient with the solution, there is no need to immediately wrap him up. The body should give off heat, which will help reduce the temperature.

3. You can use juice or decoction made from green grapes for rubbing. This method is approved for treating even small children.

4. To prepare compresses, you can use raw potatoes. You need to grate it and pour about a spoonful of vinegar into the pulp. The resulting raw materials are laid out on gauze and used as a compress.

5. Cabbage lowers the temperature quite well. For this fresh leaves You need to remove them from the cabbage, rinse them, and mash them slightly so that they release the juice. The prepared leaves are applied to the forehead and chest.

A warm shower will also help to cope with the temperature. Only the water should be pleasant to the body, and not scalding cold or hot.

Enemas are good for lowering the temperature. This method can be used to treat very young children. It is not recommended to use clean water for enema. It is better to use chamomile decoction or saline solution.

As a medicine, you can give a patient with a fever a spoonful of a mixture prepared from half a glass of honey, grated apple and onion.

Teas prepared with raspberries, honeysuckle, wild strawberries, and viburnum have an antipyretic effect.

You can also use diaphoretic drinks, for which herbs in the form of St. John's wort, linden blossom, oregano, thyme, as well as mint leaves and birch buds are suitable. These components are also used to prepare alcohol tinctures, which are given by the spoonful to a patient with a very high temperature.

Temperature 39ºC: what can you eat and drink?

The water regime at high temperatures plays a therapeutic role. Heat contributes to dehydration of the body. Therefore, you need to try to drink as many different liquids as possible. If it works, then the patient is given drinks at night.

Preference is given herbal teas, prepared from plants with antipyretic and diaphoretic effects.

You can give the patient decoctions of dried fruits, fruit drinks, compotes, fresh juices, milk.

You need to be careful with milk during high temperatures. On the one hand, it helps some patients cope with fever and alleviate the condition, but on the other hand, it can provoke fermentation in the intestines of others, which is extremely undesirable during this period.

Any liquid should be at room temperature. It is not advisable to drink hot or too cold drinks during this period.

When fighting infection or inflammation, as evidenced by a high temperature, the body significantly loses its protective abilities. You can maintain your strength with proper nutrition. Under no circumstances should you fast during illness. If there is no desire to eat at all, which is often observed in children, there is no need to forcefully feed the patient. It is better to focus on drinking and giving plenty of fruits and vegetables, especially those containing vitamin C, which will help cope with the disease.

However, a plentiful, heavy diet with the inclusion of fatty, spicy foods in the diet during this period is undesirable. Digesting such food takes a lot of energy, and the temperature rises even higher. natural reasons.

Preference should be given to light soups, cereals, low-fat protein products in the form of meat, fish, and fermented milk dishes.

If the temperature of 39ºC is not reduced at home by any means, and the patient experiences convulsions, severe headaches, loss of consciousness, severe vomiting, it’s better not to continue homework healing procedures, and urgently call an ambulance.

During a sore throat, flu, or acute respiratory viral infection, you often have to deal with high fever. Unfortunately, the effect of antipyretics is not always enough for the period indicated in the annotation, and by taking the medicine more often, you risk getting unwanted side effects or even being poisoned by the drug. Children should be especially careful when taking antipyretics: children are extremely sensitive to an overdose of drugs. In addition, there are situations when it is impossible to take an antipyretic drug: if there is allergic reactions and other contraindications to it; Without the right drug at home, when you are alone with your child and there is no one to send to the pharmacy, and it may take an unknown amount of time before the ambulance arrives.

However, there are ways to reduce body temperature without using medicines- this is rubbing, applying ice, a cool cleansing enema, extended drinking regime, natural (herbal) antipyretics.


Rubbing is elementary, but at the same time very effective procedure, allowing you to lower the temperature by a couple of degrees. Wiping is carried out with water at room temperature (22–25 °C) for children; for adults, use the coldest possible water (as cold as the patient can withstand).

The patient is stripped naked and the skin of the face, torso, and limbs is wiped with a sponge or cotton cloth soaked in water and slightly wrung out. At the same time, droplets of moisture should remain on the skin, which are allowed to dry on their own. Evaporating water causes cooling of the skin with a subsequent decrease in temperature.

To speed up evaporation and be more effective, you can add a couple of drops of table vinegar to the water (you cannot use concentrated essence!) or take vodka (for children, dilute it half and half with water). In children under 1 year of age, it is preferable to use clean water - the baby’s skin is extremely sensitive, has a high absorbency, and rubbing the baby with water and vinegar or vodka can cause a slight burn or poisoning.

Quite often you hear recommendations for wiping and even dousing a child in hot weather with ice-cold water (from the refrigerator or with pieces of ice). Indeed, with this method the temperature decreases faster. But try to wipe yourself with water at a temperature below 15 °C - the sensation is not pleasant. You can imagine what it will be like for a sick baby when you touch his hot skin with an icy sponge. As a result, in best case scenario you will get hysterical, at worst you will provoke febrile seizures due to shock and a sharp change in local temperature.

From my experience, wiping down with room temperature water is enough to reduce the fever by a degree or two for about an hour or so. If wiping is carried out in combination with other measures (soldering, applying ice), it is quite possible to do without antipyretic drugs for 3-4 hours.

Please note: if the child is not shivering, hyperthermia is accompanied by a feeling of heat, the face and torso are red, hot to the touch - there is no need to dress him, let the baby wear only panties, and lie in bed without a blanket. Parents, fearing that their sick child will catch a cold, often wrap him up, preventing the temperature from dropping.

Applying ice

Applying ice can be used as independent method combat hyperthermia, or can be combined with rubdown. Impaled in small pieces(up to 2-3 cm in diameter, can be smaller) ice is folded into a plastic bag and applied to the skin in the areas of projection of large vessels - popliteal fossa, inguinal folds, axillary areas, to the forehead. To protect the skin from local hypothermia, apply an ice bag through a cotton napkin or waffle towel. The procedure should not last more than 5 minutes; after 10–15 minutes, applying ice can be repeated.

Cool cleansing enema

A cool enema will help reduce body temperature during hyperthermia.

For a cleansing enema, cool water should be used - at a temperature of 15 to 20 °C. More cold water can cause shock, and warm water will simply be absorbed in the intestines and will not have an antipyretic effect.

In children of different ages cleansing enemas performed in different volumes:

  • for a newborn – no more than 30 ml;
  • for a baby up to six months – 50 ml, from 6 months to a year – 100 ml; from 1 year to 3 years – 200 ml;
  • from 3 to 6 years – 300 ml;
  • children over 6 years old – 500 ml;
  • over the age of 14 years, a standard Esmarch mug No. 2 with a volume of 1.5 liters is used.

Contraindications to physical cooling methods

It should be noted that the use physical methods cooling (rubbing, ice, enema) has limitations and contraindications. They cannot be used in the following situations:

  1. With cold hyperthermia, when along with a high temperature there is a subjective feeling of cold, chills, the child’s palms and feet are cold to the touch, have a bluish color, the skin takes on a marbled color (pinkish-bluish peculiar stains on pale skin). Cold and more malignant hyperthermia develops due to spasm blood vessels limbs, as a result, heat exchange between the skin and environment, so wiping will not only not give the desired effect, but may worsen the baby’s condition. If there is cold hyperthermia and there are no antipyretic drugs at home, it is better to call an ambulance, and before it arrives, it is recommended to wrap the child in a blanket or a warm blanket(take the baby in your arms to calm him down), apply a hot heating pad to the legs and arms, give him hot tea.
  2. In children under the age of 1 year, with heart defects, a tendency to seizures - such children are always best treated in a hospital setting. But if it turns out that before the ambulance arrives you need to bring down a very high temperature, and there is nothing else to use, careful, gradual wiping with water at room temperature is allowed.

Extended drinking regime

Drinking plenty of fluids replenishes fluids lost through sweat and breathing in the heat, improves general state, actively removes toxins. It is impossible to achieve a significant reduction in temperature by drinking water alone, but it must be used. To avoid vomiting, give the child liquid to drink in small sips, at intervals (one sip every 2-3 minutes).

Drinks containing vitamin C are well suited - rosehip decoction, tea with lemon, currant jam, gooseberry jam, cranberry juice, Orange juice. The drink should be slightly warm (30–40 °C) for severe hyperthermia and hot for chills.

Antipyretics (antipyretics) of natural origin

Currants are a natural antipyretic (that is, they help reduce body temperature during hyperthermia).

These include plants and fruits that can fight heat due to their properties. First of all, a number of plants contain salicylic acid - the same one from which aspirin is made, only natural. These are the well-known raspberries, strawberries, red and black currants, cherries, oranges, prunes. Use these berries in any available form - adding to tea with jam, making fruit drinks or juices.

The second group includes plants with a diaphoretic effect. Sweat, appearing on the skin, naturally cools it and the temperature decreases. Linden blossom, oregano, calendula, have a good diaphoretic effect. Birch buds. A decoction or tea is made from them. To prepare the decoction, pour 2 tablespoons of plant material into a glass of boiling water and leave in a water bath or in a thermos for 2 hours. The decoction is added to the child’s drink 2-3 teaspoons 3-4 times a day. You can simply brew tea by mixing dried herbs with tea leaves in a 1:1 ratio.

Another great antipyretic natural origin- This is honey containing salicylic acid and at the same time having a diaphoretic effect. An additional advantage natural honey is its antiviral and antibacterial activity, the ability to strengthen the immune system.

Any natural antipyretics should be used very carefully in children - they are all highly allergenic products. If you haven’t given your child honey before (raspberry, linden, etc.), then you shouldn’t try it during illness.

All the described measures in no way exclude contacting a doctor. In order to avoid disastrous consequences, you should not experiment on your own child, bringing down the temperature that has risen for some unknown reason. Reducing fever without the use of drugs is recommended as an emergency measure (when there is nothing else to use) or as an alternative to antipyretics for persistent hyperthermia that is difficult to respond to drugs, when the child has already been examined by a doctor and basic treatment appointed.

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